Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: If you treasure your internet... a must read

2006-08-23 Thread Arlene Johnson
Sure. This is what Bush wants. Are we going to stand by and see it come to 
fruition? This is one of the ways in which Bush differs from the Illuminati; he 
wants the US to control the internet; the Illuminati want the UN to control it. 
Who should control it?

WE should that's who. We are the ones who are using it now, so we should 
control it, not the NSA or any other entity. Bush is controlling the Congress. 
Who do you think caused the anthrax attack on the Congress some time back? 
Bush, of course, so as to intimidate Congress. So who should be out of office? 
Bush, of course, and Cheney too for that matter.

If enough of the American people demanded that Congress initated impeachment 
proceedings, then we'd be able to get rid of Bush.


Arlene Johnson

-Original Message-
>From: kayforpeace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Aug 22, 2006 12:28 AM
>Subject: [cia-drugs] Fwd:  If you treasure your internet... a must read
>"Lured by huge checks handed out by the country's top lobbyists, 
>members of
>Congress could soon strike a blow against Internet freedom as they 
>seek to
>resolve the hot-button controversy over preserving 'network 
>neutrality.' The
>telecommunications reform bill...sets the stage for the privatized,
>consolidated and unregulated communications system that is at the 
>core of
>the phone and cable lobbies' political agenda," says Jeffrey Chester.
>"Terra, terra, terra!" but "where's the beef?"
>By Bev Conover
>Online Journal Editor & Publisher
>Aug 14, 2006, 00:43
> Clair Pellar may have gone to that big Wendy's hamburger joint in 
>the sky,
>but the question that brought her 15 minutes of fame is more 
>relevant today
>with each "terror" scare: Where's the beef?
>The latest "terror plot" is the most preposterous of all. Yet, the 
>media have taken to it like flies to honey while the sheeple are 
>dumping all
>their liquids and gels into airport trash bins for the "privilege" of
>boarding an airliner, after waiting in interminable queues to be 
>searched and groped by perverse airport security personnel.
>Imagine, we're being told that "terrorists" were plotting to blow up
>airliners by mixing liquid chemicals in the planes' bathroom 
>cubicles, then
>detonating them, therefore, travelers will not be allowed to bring 
>liquids -- with a few exceptions and at the discretion of the 
>security personnel -- gels or toothpaste aboard the planes.
>Instead, the potentially explosive stuff must be dumped in trash 
>bins right
>in the airport terminals. Got it? You are to dump and pour your 
>liquids and
>gels into trash bins, allowing the possibly deadly stuff to mix and 
>go BOOM
>right in the terminal. It's for your own safety. Right? Perhaps you 
>consider that in the Bush-Blair-neocons' bizarro world it is less 
>messy to
>blow you and the terminal up, rather than have all this debris 
>raining down
>from the sky. Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, however, 
>plans to
>give 11 boxes of unopened, potentially explosive, items to the city's
>homeless shelters. Homeless population control?
>You would think this would have raised some suspicions among
>passengers-in-waiting and the corporate media. But no. Not a peep. 
>not by the media and the passengers they chose to quote or put on 
>the air.
>Okay, there haven't been any explosions in the terminals. But George 
>W. and
>Poodle Blair must be laughing themselves silly over the stupidity of 
>"keep us safe at any price" crowd. You can visualize
>*Saturday Night Live* Bush impersonator Will Ferrell gleefully 
>"Terra, terra, terra!"
>This latest absurdity, allegedly hatched by Blair and his cohorts, 
>have us believe that a bunch of guys (the number of which keep 
>none of whom had airline tickets, some of whom had no passports and 
>none of
>whom had whatever substances to make their bombs, were going to blow 
>up 10
>airliners. Despite that, according to the Brits, the Bushies 
>messed them up by insisting the would-be perpetrators be grabbed now,
>despite the absence of hard evidence, making it nigh on to 
>impossible under
>UK courts

[cia-drugs] Fwd: If you treasure your internet... a must read

2006-08-22 Thread kayforpeace

"Lured by huge checks handed out by the country's top lobbyists, 
members of
Congress could soon strike a blow against Internet freedom as they 
seek to
resolve the hot-button controversy over preserving 'network 
neutrality.' The
telecommunications reform bill...sets the stage for the privatized,
consolidated and unregulated communications system that is at the 
core of
the phone and cable lobbies' political agenda," says Jeffrey Chester.

"Terra, terra, terra!" but "where's the beef?"
By Bev Conover
Online Journal Editor & Publisher

Aug 14, 2006, 00:43

 Clair Pellar may have gone to that big Wendy's hamburger joint in 
the sky,
but the question that brought her 15 minutes of fame is more 
relevant today
with each "terror" scare: Where's the beef?

The latest "terror plot" is the most preposterous of all. Yet, the 
media have taken to it like flies to honey while the sheeple are 
dumping all
their liquids and gels into airport trash bins for the "privilege" of
boarding an airliner, after waiting in interminable queues to be 
searched and groped by perverse airport security personnel.

Imagine, we're being told that "terrorists" were plotting to blow up
airliners by mixing liquid chemicals in the planes' bathroom 
cubicles, then
detonating them, therefore, travelers will not be allowed to bring 
liquids -- with a few exceptions and at the discretion of the 
security personnel -- gels or toothpaste aboard the planes.

Instead, the potentially explosive stuff must be dumped in trash 
bins right
in the airport terminals. Got it? You are to dump and pour your 
liquids and
gels into trash bins, allowing the possibly deadly stuff to mix and 
right in the terminal. It's for your own safety. Right? Perhaps you 
consider that in the Bush-Blair-neocons' bizarro world it is less 
messy to
blow you and the terminal up, rather than have all this debris 
raining down
from the sky. Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, however, 
plans to
give 11 boxes of unopened, potentially explosive, items to the city's
homeless shelters. Homeless population control?

You would think this would have raised some suspicions among
passengers-in-waiting and the corporate media. But no. Not a peep. 
not by the media and the passengers they chose to quote or put on 
the air.

Okay, there haven't been any explosions in the terminals. But George 
W. and
Poodle Blair must be laughing themselves silly over the stupidity of 
"keep us safe at any price" crowd. You can visualize

*Saturday Night Live* Bush impersonator Will Ferrell gleefully 
"Terra, terra, terra!"

This latest absurdity, allegedly hatched by Blair and his cohorts, 
have us believe that a bunch of guys (the number of which keep 
none of whom had airline tickets, some of whom had no passports and 
none of
whom had whatever substances to make their bombs, were going to blow 
up 10
airliners. Despite that, according to the Brits, the Bushies 
messed them up by insisting the would-be perpetrators be grabbed now,
despite the absence of hard evidence, making it nigh on to 
impossible under
UK courts' evidentiary rules to convict the alleged 
wannabe "terrorists."

But does any of this bother the corporate media that regurgitates ad 
whatever "officials" (unnamed, of course) tell them? Have they all 
lobotomized so that they are incapable of asking, "Where's the beef?"

Of course, it wouldn't occur to them that these "terror" alerts are 
out whenever Bush and Blair need to divert attention from their 
current evil
or their evil yet to come. Skepticism requires critical thinking and 
ability to connect the dots -- none of which the corporate media 
most of whom also have erased the word alleged from their 
vocabularies, are
capable of doing.

So to pile on, knowing there will be no questions asked by the media
regurgitators, Blair and his home secretary, John Reid, have flipped 
another fear card -- just in case the current one blows up, so to 
speak, in
their faces. Why there are 24 more "conspiracy plots" under 
surveillance in
the UK. Does this mean that Bush, who has vowed to preemptively 
"terr'ists" wherever they are, is going to have to do a "shock & 
awe" number
on the British Isles?

Imagine what would have happened if they had thought of the
"terrorist-terrorism" angle some 60 years ago, instead of 
the "godless
Communist" one that vaporized with the fall of the Soviet Union. By 
every nation that didn't bow down to the fascist powers would be 
As for any real terrorists who may be out there, they don't have to 
blow up
anything. All they have to do is gather in Internet chat rooms, 
shoot off
their mouths, then sit back and enjoy watching us lose more freedom 
in the
name of "security." H