[cia-drugs] Fw: Staged Government Terror Attack

2006-08-28 Thread Arlene Johnson
Anyone who tries to discredit me is not unlike my ex-husband, who I proved is 
an under cover informant for the FBI. So it appears as though this man, Col 
Michael Kelley, CSA, is a black op. How many others are there who are in the 


Arlene Johnson
Click on the icon that says Magazine to access my e-zine.

>-Forwarded Message-
>>From: "Col. Michael Kelley, CSA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Aug 26, 2006 9:04 PM
>>To: Arlene Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Cc: Pearlis Timmerman 
>>Subject: Re: Staged Government Terror Attack
>>You know nothing about me at all, but I can tell easily that you 
>>desperatelyneed psychological help. �Seek it.
>>Now you are blocked.
>>Arlene Johnson wrote:
>>He laughs best who laughs last Michael. And I do laugh when I see someone who 
>>has been privileged to learn the secrets who doesn't then impart them to 
>>others who have been deliberately brainwashed.David Rockefeller actually 
>>thanked our press for keeping the secrets for so long (frankly they still 
>>are) that there would be nothing anyone could to to prevent the NWO from 
>>taking place because it was so far advanced. Let's see how much laughing you 
>>will be doing when America's sovereignty is completely gone and you are 
>>sitting in one of the over 800 concentration camps with your fellow 
>>Americans.I'm Cc Pearlis. She was the one who sent this Email to you, and 
>>when that moronic Heather in Canada lashed out at me, I hit "Respond All" to 
>>try to teach her a thing or two. That's why you went into my Address Book. 
>>You're not there any longer, though, and maybe when Pearlis sees this, you 
>>won't be in her Address Book either.You're the one who's an idiot Michael. 
>>Since you were in the military maybe you recognize the names Lt. Stan Goff 
>>and Major General Smedley Butler. They have more integrity in their baby toes 
>>than you do in your entire body.Arlene JohnsonPatriot American temporarily in 
>>Sweden, an Illuminati nation-Original Message-  From: "Col. Michael 
>>Kelley, CSA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Aug 27, 2006 1:43 AMTo: Arlene Johnson 
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Re: Staged Government Terror AttackBecause some 
>>of the "deepest darkest secrets" you have published I was privyto during my 
>>military career (Hey! �The "Black World!") and I KNOW that youare as full 
>>of "stuffing" as a Christmas turkey.Go tell the nutbars your "truth" and I 
>>will just sit here and continue tolaugh my ass off.Now, please exclude me 
>>from any further transmission of your idiocy by removingmy name from your 
>>mailing list to which I never asked to be added.Arlene Johnson wrote:Would 
>>you care to explain why you said that to me, the woman who has published the 
>>deepest darkest secrets of the US government and several other governments as 
>>well?Peace,Arlene JohnsonPublisher/Authorhttp://www.truedemocracy.net the 
>>home of The Journal of History (La verdad sobre la democracia)To access the 
>>internationally acclaimed e-zine, click on the icon that says 
>>MAGAZINE.-Original Message-  From: "Col. Michael Kelley, CSA" <[EMAIL 
>>PROTECTED]>Sent: Aug 13, 2006 2:16 PMTo: Arlene Johnson <[EMAIL 
>>Pike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ed Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "G.Waleed Kavalec" 
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jim Kirwan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Dr. NabilKukali" 
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Hsing Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Wolfgang Geist <[EMAIL 
>>PROTECTED]>, Wolfram GrXXXtz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mohammed Hegazi <[EMAIL 
>>PROTECTED]>, David Jacobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Alex James <[EMAIL 
>>PROTECTED]>, TC Fitzgerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Lee Franklin <[EMAIL 
>>Rich Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Randy Mott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Joe Oliver 
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, American Patriot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Perna <[EMAIL 
>>PROTECTED]>, PredatorBC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Clayton Purdy <[EMAIL 
>>PROTECTED]>, Jack Lancaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Chris Lund <[EMAIL 
>>PROTECTED]>, Scoop HuffingtonPost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Hutchinson 
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Glenda Jessop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul Dunk <[EMAIL 
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Barry Chamish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Re: Staged 
>>Government Terror AttackYou people are SUCH idiots.Arlene Johnson wrote:Dear 
>>Heather,You just go right on believing you're correct when all the rest of us 
>>prevent what will allow Bush to declare martial law. As a Canadian, you know 
>>a lot more information from your press because it has been one of the best in 
>>the world at disseminating the truth. But even your press lies about 9/11. I 
>>heard it with my own ears when I was driving from Sain

[cia-drugs] Fw: Staged Government Terror Attack

2006-08-13 Thread Arlene Johnson
I have posted this in my Blog, but do you the courtesy of sending it to you for 
your convenience. The words in the subject line are appropos. Please forward 
this to as many people you know as you can. These rats, i.e. the government 
won't be able to carry out this atrocity IF enough people are aware of their 


Arlene Johnson
Blog: http://www.livejournal.com/users/arlenejohnson/
Check out my NEW "Travel" Journal Blog too at 
http://www.arleneljohnson.livejournal.com/ Scroll down to the bottom and then 
scroll up a little bit to begin at the beginning. In 6 parts; basically it's 
complete, however, I will be adding more in days to come, so check back for 
additional postings. I'm still not "home" yet, and until I am, you can expect 
more entries to this journal. "Home is, after all, where the heart is."
>>-Forwarded Message-
>>>Sent: Aug 12, 2006 4:59 AM
>>>To: Arlene Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Subject: Staged Government Terror Attack
>>>   Red Alert For Staged Government Terror Attack
>>>Terror alert a trial balloon for invasion of Iran, World War III 
>>>  Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | August 10 2006
>>>  Today's red level terror alert in symbiosis with escalation of conflict in 
>>> the Middle East is the trial balloon for a massive staged false flag terror 
>>> attack, blamed on Hezbollah or Al-Qaeda, that will light the blue touch 
>>> paper for World War Three.
>>>  Radio host Alex Jones, who predicted a staged attack on the World Trade 
>>> Center involving the use of Osama bin Laden as a fall guy in July 2001, has 
>>> now gone on record with a second prediction that a staged government terror 
>>> attack will occur before the end of October unless a gargantuan effort to 
>>> prevent it is launched. 
>>>  Only through a massively increased counter-propaganda effort on behalf of 
>>> all truth activists can prevent an imminent cataclysmic horror show that 
>>> will make 9/11 look like a walk in the park.
>>>  We have exhaustively documented that criminal elements in control of major 
>>> western governments have carried out terror attacks and deliberately 
>>> manufactured fake alerts for political purposes.
>>>  In 2002, then White House press secretary Ari Fleischer told the 
>>> Washington Times that terror alerts were issued "as a result of all the 
>>> controversy that took place last week," referring to political heat 
>>> bestowed on President Bush when 9/11 prior knowledge evidence first 
>>> surfaced.
>>>  From this point onwards smoking guns of government complicity in 9/11 
>>> became intrinsically linked with fake terror alerts.
>>>  In January of 2003 FBI and CIA whistleblowers told Capitol Hill Blue that 
>>> the White House was scripting phony terror alerts to maintain hysteria, 
>>> upkeep President Bush�s approval ratings and milk extra defense funding. 
>>> The report that five Pakistani men had entered the States via Canada and 
>>> were planning on carrying out a dirty bomb or biological attack was 
>>> completely conjured up by the Bush administration�s black propaganda 
>>> office. New York Harbor was shut down to visibly pump up the fear. One of 
>>> the named suspects, Mohammed Asghar (pictured left), was tracked down to 
>>> Pakistan by the Associated Press. He was a fat guy running a jewellers shop 
>>> and had never even been to America.
>>>  World Net Daily commented,
>>>  �Other sources within the bureau and the Central Intelligence Agency 
>>> said the administration is pressuring intelligence agencies to develop 
>>> "something, anything" to support an array of non-specific terrorism alerts 
>>> issued by the White House and the Department of Homeland Security�CHB 
>>> reported that FBI and CIA sources said a recent White House memo listing 
>>> the war on terrorism as a definitive political advantage and fund-raising 
>>> tool is just one of many documents discussing how to best utilize the 
>>> terrorist threat.�
>>>  Since those early admissions, every single major terror alert that the US, 
>>> UK or Canadian government has issued has proven to be completely fraudulent 
>>> and scripted.
>>>  Two months ago this website, in an article entitled 'Nexus Points Emerge 
>>> For Potential Summer Attack,' predicted that, "Numerous nexus points have 
>>> emerged that suggest major western governments are preparing for a summer 
>>> terror attack that will come close to but not match 9/11 in scale and will 
>>> provide the justification needed for an air strike on Iran before the 
>>> midterm elections in early November."
>>>  Government mouthpieces in the US, UK and Israel are all hyping the 
>>> inevitability of a Hezbollah nuke attack on a major western or Israeli 
>>> city, which will provide the perfect justification for Neo-Fascist 
>>> bloodsuckers to expand the war from Lebanon into Syria and Iran.
>>>  Developments today indicate that the gov