The definition of "National Security" is "You remain ignorant so the 
powers-that-be will get richer because you are (ignorant)."

I coined this. See if it isn't true.


Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author the home of The Journal of History (La verdad 
sobre la democracia)
Click on the icon that says Magazine to access my e-zine.
Password for 2006: message

-----Original Message-----
>From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Aug 2, 2006 4:43 AM
>To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs <>
>Subject: [cia-drugs] Fwd: [CTRL] "Sean" and his Internet Troll Warthogs  ? 
>Begin forwarded message:
>> On Aug 1, 2006, at 10:51 AM, AK wrote:
>>> I am on other lists vexed with multiple anonymo trolls. You have  
>>> to wonder how muc of this is Unc Sam's "information warriors", and  
>>> how much, if at all, sociopathic individuals with an axe to grind...
>>> AK
>>> On 8/1/06, RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> -Caveat Lector-
>>> The sincere Internet troll "Sean McBride" and fellow trolls have been
>>> removed. It take several kinds of trolls to play the "game."
>>> They play a game of sides, dialectics of dissension upon which to
>>> hang their hats of lies.
>>> "Sean" will not allow my posts on his board, even though he mentions
>>> me directly by name.
>>> A full report,  the "Anatomy of a Troll Operation," is being compiled
>>> and posted with in the next couple of days.
>>> Peace,
>>> Kris Millegan
>>> PS. Expect some "noise,"
>>> It's meme warfare
>> Do some study on Berlet,
>> It is spook work.
>> Yes there are kooks, but "leading" the pack is a spook 99 out of 100.
>> I am been out in several fields for several years where you have  
>> survivors (both victims and ex-operators), researchers, social  
>> workers/sociology and other professors, journalists and ? the kooks  
>> and spooks.
>> What is it they say familiarity breeds ? ?
>> For the victims, especially survivors my heart goes out.
>> Blessings,
>> Amen,
>> Well, on to the subject.
>> As you know in this day an age an Interent "persona can be created  
>> rather easily. People are social and generally trusting human beings.
>> Pleasse visit here 
>> Berlet.html and
>> and
>> Do a google in google's "groups" heading for [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
>> and you can see "Sean" developing a compacc 800 and souping up to  
>> be a super information gathering, sorting and retrieval system so  
>> they would have all the latest screeds, boilerplate and real  
>> research at their fingertips  so that "they" can extreme it. It is  
>> "essential that "they" control the extremes, because by that you  
>> control the middle, allows "them" to gather information on players  
>> both sociopaths (you could be useful) and researchers. And the  
>> action disses the real research at the same time. Kudos all-round ?
>> "Sean McBride" is an Internet troll living in a souped-up laptop.
>> I am been studying the most recent event, the footprints in the  
>> silica show foreknowledge of the latest Middle East carnage as  
>> their attack on CIA-Drugs showed foreknowledge on 9/11. At least  
>> foreknowledge of something, whether the actual actions , who knows.  
>> Let us just say that have been pre-positioning them selves and  
>> laying down drama.
>> And I am sure that their are still some operating trolls and some  
>> sleepers on ctrl that may wake-up.
>> "These" guys are truly afraid of consensus understanding of their  
>> many games.
>> Let me just let me post a couple of the footprints of the latest  
>> action.
>> This first comes from "Sean's" political research yahoogroup. And  
>> this is just part of the story, the drama play goes deep, because  
>> they  create their current dynamic positions from past reckoning.
>> Raz is the an other "side" attack troll.
>> Here is some "meat for the pack."
>> Israeli Ops in Internet Forums
>>   Message List
>> Reply | Forward
>> Message #19910 of 20599 < Prev < Prev | Next > Next >
>> Israeli Ops in Internet Forums
>> File this under possibly significant.
>> Some folks here will be aware of some peculiar anomalies and  
>> behavior surrounding cia-drugs in recent years.  In particular, a  
>> certain faction in cia-drugs went to extraordinary lengths to try  
>> to suppress discussion about the role of neoconservatives and the  
>> Israel lobby in the exploitation of 9/11 and the engineering of the  
>> Iraq War.
>> Check this:
>> Some weeks ago a character named Razl Dazl, logging in from  
>> Australia, appeared in the Yahoo group CTRL, spraying obscene and  
>> violent verbal abuse at anyone whom he tagged as an enemy of Israel  
>> (do a search in CTRL to sample his posts).  Razl Dazl has refused  
>> to engage in any reasonable and factual discussion about Mideast  
>> politics, evades all substantive questions that come his way, and  
>> in general closely fits the profile of Jewish extremists and JDL  
>> members who have been disrupting and vandalizing cyberspace for  
>> decades.  Their goal is never to win arguments, but simply to make  
>> all rational argument impossible, to shut down all discussion on  
>> topics they want to censor.
>> I had trouble understanding why the moderator of CTRL allowed this  
>> fanatic to run roughshod over the group, violating the values of  
>> civility and scholarship which the group supposedly encouraged, but  
>> I said nothing.
>> Then came the bombshell a week ago: Razl Dazl let slip that he had  
>> been coordinating his assaults on CTRL members in private email  
>> *with the moderator of the group*.  In other words, the moderator  
>> behind the scenes was encouraging these vicious attacks on critics  
>> of Israel and the Israel lobby.
>> Let that sink in and think about it.
>> Mon Jun 19, 2006 12:55 pm
>> Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> This particular op started over a year ago, very similar to the CIA- 
>> Drugs op, when "Sean" joined then the trolls began to show up with  
>> Raz in March, Eastman in May, abunch in June and a big action right  
>> after the commencement of hostilities. Much will be posted later.  
>> And "guys" if your are thinking of deleting or changing archives  
>> and other materials, I already have copies. Doesn't really take up  
>> too much space.
>> Ok so here is the mentioned email, notice a couple of  
>> misdirections, including one by a "what the f*ck" hard to  
>> understand troll, (that way folks can take away whatever they read.
>> But first this "offending" post by troll raz. First off, they  
>> hadn't been able to engage me yet, especially about list dynamics,  
>> (banning, etc) For list dynamics reflects the list owner, psycho  
>> babble. So, they had Raz pulls a post from another list to make his  
>> comment on.  As folks know, my personal post to any member are very  
>> rare, especially not to some new spittle guy. And they also knew  
>> they couldn't have Raz say he got one from me, because crazy old  
>> guy I am, I would probably ask Raz to produce, etc. And it drags  
>> back the email forgery that was done before.. So the play, is as it  
>> was done.
>> Now, "they" know that I am going to accuse "Sean" of being Chip  
>> Berlet (Because he is). So they pre-empt that charge and try and  
>> make it silly and has always they try and pack many different  
>> options/objectives within each mission. So the crazy , foul- 
>> mouthed, spittle, looney Israeli and anit-Sean guy gets the duty  
>> and in a way that denigrates me. Because what side do they wish me  
>> to be associated with? (psst ? the Jews).
>> Now let's notice what is actually posted --
>> "The Moderator of one list has already e-mailed me off-list, claiming
>> that "Sean McBride" is in fact a well-known IMPOSTOR, and a government
>> agent."
>> Notice, that what "Sean" reports is a lie. Raz wrote the "Moderator  
>> of one list." Raz doesn't actually say the ctrl list.
>> And another misdirection, because most folks aren't going to go  
>> look, they are going to take erudite "Sean's" word for it. And they  
>> lay down another blind past that, which  I will show you later. But  
>> the big misdirection is that "Sean" says "Then came the bombshell a  
>> week ago: Razl Dazl let slip that he had been coordinating his  
>> assaults on CTRL members in private email *with the moderator of  
>> the group*.  In other words, the moderator behind the scenes was  
>> encouraging these vicious attacks on critics of Israel and the  
>> Israel lobby."
>> Well, if you notice the post isn't a week ago but just 4 days ago.
>> Here is raz's troll post:
>> Re: [Conspiracy-Theory] IT IS "BLOCK SENDER" - Anti semite can't tak
>>   Message List
>> Reply | Forward | Delete
>> Message #78803 of 82366 < Prev < Prev | Next > Next >
>> Joni Ferris wrote:
>> > Dick Eastman will spew hatred against Jews/Zionists/Israel but can't
>> > take the HEAT when it is ON HIM!
>> > They only want to spout their propaganda - it is their only way  
>> since
>> > they have NO REAL FACTS!
>> > -- Joni
>> >
>> Hahahaha!!!
>> So absolutely TRUE! Not to mention his drooling, irrational and
>> treasonous hatred of the United States.
>> Or his hate for fellow Americans, Christians and moderate Muslims  
>> alike
>> -and his obvious support for a terrorist Jihad against the West; since
>> he consistently fails to condemn their terror, or their doctrine of
>> annihilation of the West, which he has had plenty of opportunity to do
>> -given Islamic terror occurs on a near-daily basis, but rather, he  
>> seeks
>> to divert blame and attention elsewhere; like the disinformer that he
>> actually is.
>> In preference, he gives succour to the same propaganda sentiments of
>> Islamo-Fascists on these lists, and those in-your-face Nazi's, who  
>> post
>> chapter and verse from Mein Kampf (see archives) here! without ever a
>> word of protest from this phoney, self-claimed "Liberal," and anti-  
>> Free
>> Speech advocate -dopey "DICK!"
>> When again challenged, he begins to froth, and stomp his senile  
>> feet up
>> an down, like the cry-baby neo-Nazi goon that he is!
>> His scrotum-liking yapping poodle, another impostor "Sean McBride" is
>> just as irrational, and just as hilarious and rib-cracking funny to
>> observe -the apoplectic monkey's! hahahaha!
>> "Both" are self-loathing, utterly rabid anti-Semites and American
>> traitors, supporting Islamic Jihad terror against the West and  
>> Americans
>> since they never denounce it, but try and blame the victims,  
>> America and
>> Israel, the core targets of their odious Islamic, neo-Nazi sputum.
>> "One" is an overt neo-Nazi -the "other" behaves like a yapping  
>> Stalinist
>> muppet -who is now better known as "Commissar Poodle" -but for all
>> intents and purposes, they are indistinguishable.
>> The Moderator of one list has already e-mailed me off-list, claiming
>> that "Sean McBride" is in fact a well-known IMPOSTOR, and a government
>> agent.
>> As for brainsick "DICK," -obviously it doesn't take much heat at all;
>> since his pudding-head was already half-baked!
>> Razz
>> Thu Jun 15, 2006 11:15 pm
>> razl dazl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Now for the icing on the cake, kicker ? ta da ? the troll trailer.
>> A couple of things. Now if "Sean" wanted to he could send them righ  
>> to the offending post ? but does not.
>> He could have supplied the direct url or had folks search raz and  
>> the word moderator. But, no, "Sean" fans the bigotry so as to  
>> lessen true logical thought processing.
>> Next, the sometimes relapsing neo-nazi adds some new information.  
>> Without a source, and I have checked Raz doesn't say on ctrl that  
>> he is a writer or works on any magazine. That lie/false meme is  
>> laid down because of these folk's animus towards my friend Duncan  
>> Roads, publisher of Nexus Magazine. I would say more likely that  
>> Razz and Holmgren know each other.  and then who knows what tricks  
>> could be performed at Pine Gap? and then this troll gives my  
>> initials, so that "Sean" doesn't dirty his hands with actually  
>> fingering me. "Sean" is so above the fray with his superior  
>> intellect, don't ya know ?
>> More later,
>> Peace,
>> Kris Millegan
>> "And Rezl Dazl is a pseudonym of somebody publishing a magazine in
>> > Australia?
>> >
>> > But yes, we live in really inquisitorial times, and people  
>> discuss all
>> > kind of tools, how too handle antagonists. I wouldn't say it could
>> > never happen to me.
>> >
>> > And were they a good team, Razl Dazl and K.M.?"
>> Israeli Ops in Internet Forums
>>   Topic List   < Prev Topic  |  Next Topic >
>> Reply | Forward
>> < Prev Message  |  Next Message >
>> Re: [political-research] Re: Israeli Ops in Internet Forums
>> Go to the Yahoo group for CTRL here:
>> Use advanced search on author "razl" and you will turn up over 300  
>> posts.
>> Use advanced search on author "razl" and subject "poodle" and you  
>> will turn up more than a dozen posts which capture his stream of  
>> demented obscenities.
>> Following are some of Razl Dazl's favorite expressions -- he has a  
>> special hatred for Roman Catholics.  He suffers from a mental  
>> disorder, coprolalia, which frequently pops in extremists with his  
>> particular profile:
>> arseholes
>> barking mad
>> boot-licking Evangelicals
>> boy fucker
>> Christo-Fascis*
>> cock sucking moron
>> conspiracism
>> delusional
>> deranged
>> drivel
>> eat their own shit
>> faecal matter
>> faeces
>> feel shit
>> filthy & sadistic Roman Catholic predators
>> infest*
>> Islamaniacs
>> Islamo-Fascists
>> Islamofascists
>> Jew-envy
>> Judeophobes
>> lick the pope's ass
>> lunatic*
>> lying piece of shit
>> lying sack of shit
>> mouldy smegma
>> perfidious Jews
>> play with shit
>> priestcraft
>> privy to
>> racist Judeophobes
>> racist*
>> rancid smegma
>> Roman Catholic priestly vermin
>> sack of shit
>> scrotum licking
>> shit
>> smear shit
>> smegma
>> sphincter
>> sphincter spasm
>> splatter
>> surmise
>> the pope's filthy and vile henchmen
>> throbbing sphincter
>> touch shit
>> LeaNder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I found no Razl Dazl, no Dick Eastman either, is this the kind of
>> exchange you are alluding to:
>> Well as you might imagine the devil is always in the detail
>> NO majority of Germans voted Hitler. In some parts yes, in others
>> no, and in all of Germany they had no majority; the NSDAP needed
>> help to get into power. I am just getting sick of this argument.
>> I mailed the guy this:
>> NO MAJORITY ELECTED THE NAZIS; in some parts yes,
>> Wahlen_Historie/wahlen_historie.html#1933
>> Here for instance 65,3% NSDAP (...)
>> but concerning the whole election, too much yes, but the majority, NO:
>> All of Germany 44,5%
>> I bit simplified here:
>> The engineering of Hitler's 30 January appointment
>> The maverick ex-Centre party leader and ex-chancellor von Papen was
>> the chief engineer for Hitlerism. He squared the Industrial Magnates
>> and business class, squared the Bankers, squared the weapon-hungry
>> Officer class and, through his personal influence with President Paul
>> von Hindenburg, squared the landed Junkers. Von Papen intrigued
>> between Hindenburg's son Oskar and the still despised Adolf Hitler. He
>> then squared the Church through his aristocratic Catholic credentials
>> and Vatican contacts made during his own Chancellorship. Von Papen
>> persuaded Hindenburg to appoint Hitler into the 30 January 1933
>> minority and appointed cabinet with the aim of ensuring that he, von
>> Papen and the vested German political forces, would control Hitler. He
>> is famous for saying that Now we have him where we can control him.
>> Hindenburg accepted this DNVP/Nazi majority and rejected or did not
>> understand the last minute von Schleicher threat of an Army putsch to
>> resolve the crisis. Such a threat would, in fact, have saved the
>> country from Nazism, but it was anathema to the terminating
>> presidential ambition. (See Wheeler-Bennett.)
>> Die Nacht der Langen Messer:
>> We should add that the US specialist were very impressed by Hitler's
>> control of the masses, and early felt this would be something to
>> study. This is not to say anything about now; it's just a little bit
>> of evidence in the long tradition of Machavellism and Poltics:
>> Dr. Henry A. Murray
>> Analysis of the Personality of Adolph Hitler
>> With Predictions of His Future Behavior and Suggestions
>> for Dealing with Him Now and After Germany's Surrender
>> >
>> > Judging by the writing style, I don't think that RD is anyone we
>> know. Judge for yourself by reading some samples of his posts, which
>> peg the meter for demented obscenity.
>> >
>> > LeaNder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > "> Then came the bombshell a week ago: Razl Dazl let slip that he
>> > had been coordinating his assaults on CTRL members in private email
>> > *with the moderator of the group*. In other words, the moderator
>> > behind the scenes was encouraging these vicious attacks on critics
>> > of Israel and the Israel lobby."
>> >
>> > And Rezl Dazl is a pseudonym of somebody publishing a magazine in
>> > Australia?
>> >
>> > But yes, we live in really inquisitorial times, and people  
>> discuss all
>> > kind of tools, how too handle antagonists. I wouldn't say it could
>> > never happen to me.
>> >
>> > And were they a good team, Razl Dazl and K.M.?
>> >
>> > Send a link to your favorite passages.
>> >
>> > -b
>> >
>> > >
>> > > It sunk, and I find it ironic that the same person who claims to
>> > > oppose the suppression of discussion about the "Israel lobby"  
>> on the
>> > > Net, would suppress any opposing views of one the first
>> > > men to state after 911 that, "Israel had nothing to do with 911."
>> > >
>> > > Something for *you* to think about as you *EHEM* "take those old
>> > > records off the shelf."
>> > >
>> > > --- In, Sean McBride
>> > > <smcbride2@> wrote:
>> > > >
>> > > > Israeli Ops in Internet Forums
>> > > >
>> > > > File this under possibly significant.
>> > > >
>> > > > Some folks here will be aware of some peculiar anomalies and
>> > > behavior surrounding cia-drugs in recent years. In particular, a
>> > > certain faction in cia-drugs went to extraordinary lengths to  
>> try to
>> > > suppress discussion about the role of neoconservatives and the
>> > > Israel lobby in the exploitation of 9/11 and the engineering of  
>> the
>> > > Iraq War.
>> > > >
>> > > > Check this:
>> > > >
>> > > > Some weeks ago a character named Razl Dazl, logging in from
>> > > Australia, appeared in the Yahoo group CTRL, spraying obscene and
>> > > violent verbal abuse at anyone whom he tagged as an enemy of  
>> Israel
>> > > (do a search in CTRL to sample his posts). Razl Dazl has  
>> refused to
>> > > engage in any reasonable and factual discussion about Mideast
>> > > politics, evades all substantive questions that come his way,  
>> and in
>> > > general closely fits the profile of Jewish extremists and JDL
>> > > members who have been disrupting and vandalizing cyberspace for
>> > > decades. Their goal is never to win arguments, but simply to make
>> > > all rational argument impossible, to shut down all discussion on
>> > > topics they want to censor.
>> > > >
>> > > > I had trouble understanding why the moderator of CTRL allowed
>> > > this fanatic to run roughshod over the group, violating the values
>> > > of civility and scholarship which the group supposedly encouraged,
>> > > but I said nothing.
>> > > >
>> > > > Then came the bombshell a week ago: Razl Dazl let slip that he
>> > > had been coordinating his assaults on CTRL members in private  
>> email
>> > > *with the moderator of the group*. In other words, the moderator
>> > > behind the scenes was encouraging these vicious attacks on critics
>> > > of Israel and the Israel lobby.
>> > > >
>> > > > Let that sink in and think about it.
>> > > >
>> > >
>> >
>>> ==========
>>> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing  
>>> propagandic
>>> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!   These are
>>> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths,  
>>> mis-
>>> directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different  
>>> groups with
>>> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and  
>>> thought.
>>> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of  
>>> posts, and
>>> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
>>> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
>>> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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