Re: [cifs-discuss] idmap and SFU

2010-05-27 Thread Michael Anderson

Quoting Jordan Brown

Michael Anderson wrote:

Aha! After 'c)' above, things are looking better:


when I copy a file from the CIFS share to the windows desktop, the   
user's unix GID disappears from the permissions, and the 'SYSTEM'   
group appears instead.

I believe that most Windows copy programs do not attempt to preserve the ACL.

If create a file on Windows, there exist windows permissions for   
the user and SYSTEM, the unix group is 'nobody', and the unix owner  
 is no longer owner, but a generic user with certain ACL rights to   
the file and can read, write, but not delete files. So the perms   
look like this on opensolaris:

# ls -vl created_on_windows.txt
--+  1 vuser1 2147524611   0 Mai 26 00:03   


You might want to add ad to your /etc/nsswitch.conf passwd and group
lines, so that ls -l can show you the Windows users and groups instead
of the big numbers like 2147524611.  See ad(5).

Ah, yes, right.

You might try
   $ idmap show -cv gid:2147524611 winname
to confirm what the group setting is on that file.  (Probably the
answer is Domain Users.)

Right again.

I suppose I have to walk the share with inheritable 'owner@'   
permissions, or something like that?

That might help ls -l produce good-looking permission values.  It also
depends on what semantics you want:  do you want the access control to
apply to the current owner of the file (which is usual UNIX behavior)
or do you want it to apply to some specific user (which is usual
Windows behavior)?

There are two recent CRs that are relevant to this behavior:

6899409 Preserve owner@/group@ across SMB

UNIX has a concept of an access control entry (the rwx-- bits in
traditional UNIX) that applies to the current owner of a file, whoever
that might be.  Windows doesn't have this concept.  Before build 132,
for Windows purposes we would translate the owner permissions into an
access control entry that specified the current owner of the file.
That looked pretty much right, but caused a problem:  if the Windows
system wrote that access control list back to the server, the effect
would be to change that access control entry from the current owner
to some specific user, changing its semantics.  (Automatically
converting it back to a current owner entry would cause a similar
problem.)  Starting in build 132, we report a special Current owner
user to Windows, so that the semantics are preserved when the Windows
system makes changes.  (Similar comments apply to current group.)

6923083 ZFS/NFS/SMB ACL interoperability changes

In ZFS, all access control is through access control lists.  There are
no traditional UNIX permissions stored; UNIX permissions are
synthesized when needed by processing the access control lists.  Before
build 139, that algorithm considered only current owner and current
group entries when synthesizing traditional UNIX permissions.  That
often resulted in permissions that looked like - even when
the owner of the file had full access, because that access was granted
explicitly to that user rather than to the current owner.  Starting
in build 139, access control entries that refer specifically to the
user who happens to own the file are also considered.  Note:  Since the
actual access control checks use the access control list, these bad
permissions reports largely did not affect access; they just worried
humans looking at them.  (Again, similar comments apply to current

Note that these two can combine to turn a current owner access
control entry into a specific-user entry, and thus yield a -
permission list.

But how do I make newly created files belong to the unix primary group?

To which UNIX primary group do you refer?

They probably belong to the Windows primary group of the Windows user.

Perhaps you want them to belong to the UNIX primary group of the UNIX user?


That is:

If you have
- a UNIX user UU, whose primary group is UG1
- a Windows user WU, whose primary group is WG
- WU is mapped to UU
- WG is mapped to UG2

Before build 137, if WU creates a file, we consider the user and group
separately, mapping WU to UU and WG to UG2.  The file thus ends up with
owner=UU and group=UG2.

That's not unreasonable, but it's probably not what a UNIX-centric user
expects, because it's not what you would have gotten if UU created the
file.  CR 6906874 Automatic primary group mapping based on user
mapping, delivered in build 137, changes this behavior.  With the new
behavior, for the 

Re: [cifs-discuss] idmap and SFU

2010-05-27 Thread Jordan Brown

Michael Anderson wrote:

Quoting Jordan Brown

If you have
- a UNIX user UU, whose primary group is UG1
- a Windows user WU, whose primary group is WG
- WU is mapped to UU
- WG is mapped to UG2

Before build 137, if WU creates a file, we consider the user and group
separately, mapping WU to UU and WG to UG2.  The file thus ends up with
owner=UU and group=UG2. [...]
[our users] are used to newly created files belonging to the primary 
unix group of the unix user, regardless of whether they created on 
windows or unix. They also expect to see the permissions of the mapped 
unix user when they do a ls -l in Unix. That is when 
creates a file on windows, he expects to see something like:

-rwxr-  1 vuser1 Gvuser1

on his NFS mount.

If I understand correctly, these behaviors have been incorporated into 
the newest builds.

Yes.  In the meantime, it *may* be practical for you to work around this 
issue by tightly synchronizing your UNIX and Windows groups and group 

Refer back to my explanation above for the algorithm your version of the 
software is using.

You have a Windows user (WU) mapped to a UNIX user 
vuser1 (UU).
Windows user has Domain (WG) set as the 
primary group.

UNIX user vuser1 has Gvuser1 ( UG1) set as the primary group.
Domain does not have a mapping to a UNIX group.

Net, you end up with the group setting for newly created files being 

You could:
- Create a Windows group (WG).
- Select as the primary group for (WU).
- Map the Windows group to the UNIX group Gvuser1 

If you did this, the software that you are running would pick up's Windows primary group,, map it to the 
equivalent UNIX group, Gvuser1, and use that as the default group 
setting for newly created files.  Both paths to determining the UNIX 
group to use would lead to Gvuser1, and the net effect would be what you 
are expecting.

cifs-discuss mailing list

Re: [cifs-discuss] idmap and SFU

2010-05-26 Thread Jordan Brown

Michael Anderson wrote:

Aha! After 'c)' above, things are looking better:


when I copy a file from the CIFS share to the windows desktop, the 
user's unix GID disappears from the permissions, and the 'SYSTEM' 
group appears instead.

I believe that most Windows copy programs do not attempt to preserve the 

If create a file on Windows, there exist windows permissions for the 
user and SYSTEM, the unix group is 'nobody', and the unix owner is no 
longer owner, but a generic user with certain ACL rights to the file 
and can read, write, but not delete files. So the perms look like this 
on opensolaris:

# ls -vl created_on_windows.txt
--+  1 vuser1 2147524611   0 Mai 26 00:03 



You might want to add ad to your /etc/nsswitch.conf passwd and group 
lines, so that ls -l can show you the Windows users and groups instead 
of the big numbers like 2147524611.  See ad(5).

You might try
   $ idmap show -cv gid:2147524611 winname
to confirm what the group setting is on that file.  (Probably the answer 
is Domain Users.)

I suppose I have to walk the share with inheritable 'owner@' 
permissions, or something like that?

That might help ls -l produce good-looking permission values.  It also 
depends on what semantics you want:  do you want the access control to 
apply to the current owner of the file (which is usual UNIX behavior) or 
do you want it to apply to some specific user (which is usual Windows 

There are two recent CRs that are relevant to this behavior:

6899409 Preserve owner@/group@ across SMB

UNIX has a concept of an access control entry (the rwx-- bits in 
traditional UNIX) that applies to the current owner of a file, whoever 
that might be.  Windows doesn't have this concept.  Before build 132, 
for Windows purposes we would translate the owner permissions into an 
access control entry that specified the current owner of the file.  That 
looked pretty much right, but caused a problem:  if the Windows system 
wrote that access control list back to the server, the effect would be 
to change that access control entry from the current owner to some 
specific user, changing its semantics.  (Automatically converting it 
back to a current owner entry would cause a similar problem.)  
Starting in build 132, we report a special Current owner user to 
Windows, so that the semantics are preserved when the Windows system 
makes changes.  (Similar comments apply to current group.)

6923083 ZFS/NFS/SMB ACL interoperability changes

In ZFS, all access control is through access control lists.  There are 
no traditional UNIX permissions stored; UNIX permissions are synthesized 
when needed by processing the access control lists.  Before build 139, 
that algorithm considered only current owner and current group 
entries when synthesizing traditional UNIX permissions.  That often 
resulted in permissions that looked like - even when the owner 
of the file had full access, because that access was granted explicitly 
to that user rather than to the current owner.  Starting in build 139, 
access control entries that refer specifically to the user who happens 
to own the file are also considered.  Note:  Since the actual access 
control checks use the access control list, these bad permissions 
reports largely did not affect access; they just worried humans looking 
at them.  (Again, similar comments apply to current group.)

Note that these two can combine to turn a current owner access control 
entry into a specific-user entry, and thus yield a - 
permission list.

But how do I make newly created files belong to the unix primary group?

To which UNIX primary group do you refer?

They probably belong to the Windows primary group of the Windows user.

Perhaps you want them to belong to the UNIX primary group of the UNIX user?

That is:

If you have
- a UNIX user UU, whose primary group is UG1
- a Windows user WU, whose primary group is WG
- WU is mapped to UU
- WG is mapped to UG2

Before build 137, if WU creates a file, we consider the user and group 
separately, mapping WU to UU and WG to UG2.  The file thus ends up with 
owner=UU and group=UG2.

That's not unreasonable, but it's probably not what a UNIX-centric user 
expects, because it's not what you would have gotten if UU created the 
file.  CR 6906874 Automatic primary group mapping based on user 
mapping, delivered in build 137, changes this behavior.  With the new 
behavior, for the purposes of the group setting of newly created files 

Re: [cifs-discuss] idmap and SFU

2010-05-26 Thread Jordan Brown

Jordan Brown wrote:

6923083 ZFS/NFS/SMB ACL interoperability changes

In ZFS, all access control is through access control lists.  There are 
no traditional UNIX permissions stored; UNIX permissions are 
synthesized when needed by processing the access control lists.  
Before build 139, that algorithm considered only current owner and 
current group entries when synthesizing traditional UNIX 
permissions.  That often resulted in permissions that looked like 
- even when the owner of the file had full access, because 
that access was granted explicitly to that user rather than to the 
current owner.  Starting in build 139, access control entries that 
refer specifically to the user who happens to own the file are also 
considered.  Note:  Since the actual access control checks use the 
access control list, these bad permissions reports largely did not 
affect access; they just worried humans looking at them.  (Again, 
similar comments apply to current group.)

I should note that that CR addressed a number of improvements in the 
treatment of ACLs; this is only one of the things that it changed.

cifs-discuss mailing list

Re: [cifs-discuss] idmap and SFU

2010-05-25 Thread Jordan Brown

Michael Anderson wrote:

Here's a query that may help to illuminate matters.  You have to run it
as root so that it can use your system's credentials.  This is roughly
the query that the mapping code uses; if it doesn't retrieve the
appropriate attributes then mapping isn't going to work.

|# ldapsearch -R -h yourGCserver -p 3268 -s subtree -b '' -o
mech=gssapi -o authzid='' '(sAMAccountName=vuser1)'|

# exte.comd LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base  with scope subtree
# filter: (sAMAccountName=vuser1)
# requesting: ALL

# vuser1, Users,
dn: CN=vuser1,CN=Users,DC=domain,
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
cn: vuser1
givenName: vuser1
distinguishedName: CN=vuser1,CN=Users,DC=domain,
instanceType: 4
whenCreated: 20091215103053.0Z
whenChanged: 20100510065727.0Z
displayName: vuser1
uSNCreated: 1122529
uSNChanged: 1352342
name: vuser1
objectGUID:: LtWX7JjtpUO3s3EVCIg1sg==
userAccountControl: 512
primaryGroupID: 513
objectSid:: AQUAAAUVlY9rWhrl0jyBPJSISQUAAA==
sAMAccountName: vuser1
sAMAccountType: 805306368
objectCategory: CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,
msSFU30Name: vuser1
msSFU30UidNumber: 100029

So that's what that looks like. Should be enough, at least for uid 
resolution, or?

Is that the output from the ldapsearch command that I gave, or from some 
other tool?  It is important, for instance, that the ldapsearch is 
connecting to port 3268 (the GC port) rather than to 389 (the DC/LDAP port).

Yes, it was a transcription error. But my experiments have stopped 
working. This was after I deleted /var/idmap/db and restarted idmapd. 
I also replicated msSFU30Name to the GC. Now I get:

# idmap get-namemap winuser:mand
Querying DNS for SRV RRs named '_ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs' for ''
Found 600 IN SRV [0][100]

No namemap found in AD.

Here you are looking at user mand, where you were previously looking at 
vuser1.  I assume that's both have msSFU30Name populated?

I assume also that you have anonymized some of this output, replacing 
your actual domain with


OK, I've done a bunch of experimentation and I may have some answers.

I can't immediately explain why get-namemap used to work for you and now 

I have found two bugs in directory-based name mapping that might, either 
alone or together, explain your problems.

6954913 Mapping to ephemeral followed by directory-based name mapping 
does not use directory data
6954902 mapping to unknown type does not use directory-based mapping 

6954913 makes it so that changes to the directory-based name mapping 
configuration and the directory data that it uses may not be picked up 
by the mapping process.  Largely, once the configuration and directory 
data have been changed and the system rebooted, this shouldn't be a 
problem, however...

6954902 makes it so that an attempt to map a Windows identity to an 
unknown UNIX type will erroneously ignore directory-based mapping data, 
which can also trigger 6954913.  This should be fairly rare, since 
mapping to an unknown UNIX type is used only rarely.  The only two cases 
that I know of are certain SMB ACL operations and idmap show with no 
target type.

I'm working on both of those, but it will be a while before any change 
is available externally.  In the meantime, you can work around most of 
the problems by:

1)  After you make changes to the directory-based name mapping 
configuration, and after you make changes to the mapping data in the 
directory, clear the idmap cache.  There are about four ways to do this:

   a)  idmap flush -a is the best answer, if you have a recent enough
system that it's available.
   b) Reboot the system
   c) svcadm disable idmap, then rm /var/run/idmap/idmap.db,
  then svcadm enable idmap
   d) /lib/svc/bin/sqlite /var/run/idmap/idmap.db
   sqlite delete from idmap_cache;
   sqlite delete from name_cache;
   sqlite ^D
   Please note that (a) is the long-term answer; the others rely on
   implementation details that are subject to change.
2)  When you experiment with idmap show, always specify a target 
type.  That is, instead of saying idmap show -c, say 
idmap show -c uid or idmap show -c 

cifs-discuss mailing list

Re: [cifs-discuss] idmap and SFU

2010-05-25 Thread Michael Anderson

Quoting Jordan Brown

Michael Anderson wrote:

Here's a query that may help to illuminate matters.  You have to run it
as root so that it can use your system's credentials.  This is roughly
the query that the mapping code uses; if it doesn't retrieve the
appropriate attributes then mapping isn't going to work.

|# ldapsearch -R -h yourGCserver -p 3268 -s subtree -b '' -o
mech=gssapi -o authzid='' '(sAMAccountName=vuser1)'|

# exte.comd LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base  with scope subtree
# filter: (sAMAccountName=vuser1)
# requesting: ALL

# vuser1, Users,
dn: CN=vuser1,CN=Users,DC=domain,
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
cn: vuser1
givenName: vuser1
distinguishedName: CN=vuser1,CN=Users,DC=domain,
instanceType: 4
whenCreated: 20091215103053.0Z
whenChanged: 20100510065727.0Z
displayName: vuser1
uSNCreated: 1122529
uSNChanged: 1352342
name: vuser1
objectGUID:: LtWX7JjtpUO3s3EVCIg1sg==
userAccountControl: 512
primaryGroupID: 513
objectSid:: AQUAAAUVlY9rWhrl0jyBPJSISQUAAA==
sAMAccountName: vuser1
sAMAccountType: 805306368
objectCategory: CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,
msSFU30Name: vuser1
msSFU30UidNumber: 100029

So that's what that looks like. Should be enough, at least for uid   
resolution, or?

Is that the output from the ldapsearch command that I gave, or from
some other tool?  It is important, for instance, that the ldapsearch is
connecting to port 3268 (the GC port) rather than to 389 (the DC/LDAP

Yes, it is. A query on port 389 returns several other msSFU30  
attributes in addition to those replicated in the GC.

Yes, it was a transcription error. But my experiments have stopped   
working. This was after I deleted /var/idmap/db and restarted   
idmapd. I also replicated msSFU30Name to the GC. Now I get:

# idmap get-namemap winuser:mand
Querying DNS for SRV RRs named '_ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs' for ''
Found 600 IN SRV [0][100]

   No namemap found in AD.

Here you are looking at user mand, where you were previously looking at
vuser1.  I assume that's both have msSFU30Name populated?


I assume also that you have anonymized some of this output, replacing
your actual domain with



OK, I've done a bunch of experimentation and I may have some answers.

I can't immediately explain why get-namemap used to work for you and
now doesn't.

After setting up from scratch again, get-namemap works again. I would  
attribute this analomy to some fat-fingered typing error of mine along  
the way somewhere.

I have found two bugs in directory-based name mapping that might,
either alone or together, explain your problems.

6954913 Mapping to ephemeral followed by directory-based name mapping
does not use directory data
6954902 mapping to unknown type does not use directory-based mapping

6954913 makes it so that changes to the directory-based name mapping
configuration and the directory data that it uses may not be picked up
by the mapping process.  Largely, once the configuration and directory
data have been changed and the system rebooted, this shouldn't be a
problem, however...

6954902 makes it so that an attempt to map a Windows identity to an
unknown UNIX type will erroneously ignore directory-based mapping data,
which can also trigger 6954913.  This should be fairly rare, since
mapping to an unknown UNIX type is used only rarely.  The only two
cases that I know of are certain SMB ACL operations and idmap show
with no target type.

I'm working on both of those, but it will be a while before any change
is available externally.  In the meantime, you can work around most of
the problems by:

1)  After you make changes to the directory-based name mapping
configuration, and after you make changes to the mapping data in the
directory, clear the idmap cache.  There are about four ways to do this:
   a)  idmap flush -a is the best answer, if you have a recent enough
system that it's available.
   b) Reboot the system
   c) svcadm disable idmap, then rm /var/run/idmap/idmap.db,
  then svcadm enable idmap
   d) /lib/svc/bin/sqlite /var/run/idmap/idmap.db
   sqlite delete from idmap_cache;
   sqlite delete from name_cache;
   sqlite ^D
   Please note that (a) is the long-term answer; the others rely on
   implementation details that are subject to change.
2)  When you experiment with idmap show, always specify a target
type.  That is, instead of saying idmap show -c, say
idmap show -c uid or idmap show -c

Aha! After 'c)' above, things are looking better:

# idmap show -cv uid - uid:100029
Source: New
Method: AD Directory
DN: CN=vuser1,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com

Re: [cifs-discuss] idmap and SFU

2010-05-21 Thread Jordan Brown

Michael Anderson wrote:
So, this means that the entries are being found in the directory, but 
for some reason aren't being or can't be used for mapping - is that 

get-namemap and set-namemap operate on the real data stored on the 
Domain Controllers, while normal mapping operations operate get their 
information from a subset stored on the Global Catalog servers.  My 
guess is that the attributes were not being propagated to the GC.

I believe that the problem is that msSFU30Name isn't exported to the
Global Catalog, and the directory-based name mapping stuff requires
that the data be visible in the Global Catalog.

Here's an article that says how to make an attribute visible in the
Global Catalog:;EN-US;248717

Hmm, I tried that, but it didn't seem to help.

It might take a while for the GC to get updated.  I don't know how that 
mechanism works, but I believe they are separate databases and so I 
doubt that changing the setting for an attribute has immediate effect.

I'm wondering if I should extend the AD schema as described in the 
CIFS docs. Although it would seem redundant, since the desired data is 
already in the SFU extensions.

I would hope that you could use the existing fields.

Note that you might be able to use sAMAccountName, which is already 
propagated to the GC.  sAMAccountName is shown in the UI as Pre-Windows 
2000 logon name, and I believe is always a copy of the msSFU30Name.

Thanks for all the assistance. Very helpful.

Sorry I can't be more definitive.

Here's a query that may help to illuminate matters.  You have to run it 
as root so that it can use your system's credentials.  This is roughly 
the query that the mapping code uses; if it doesn't retrieve the 
appropriate attributes then mapping isn't going to work.

|# ldapsearch -R -h yourGCserver -p 3268 -s subtree -b '' -o 
mech=gssapi -o authzid='' '(sAMAccountName=vuser1)'

BTW, I just noticed something in a previous message:

svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop 
config/ds_name_mapping_enabled=boolean: true
svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop 
svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop config/ad_unixuser_attr=astring: 

First, I assume that the last command should be setting 
ad_unixgroup_attr, not ad_unixuser_attr.  I assume that's simply a 
transcription error, since your experiments seem to work.

Second, setting ad_unixgroup_attr to msSFU30GidNumber will *not* work. 
This mechanism needs an attribute that contains a group *name*, not a 
group *number*.  Of course it would be easy to allow it to accept 
either, but it doesn't currently.

That doesn't explain your problems with mapping vuser1, though.

cifs-discuss mailing list

Re: [cifs-discuss] idmap and SFU

2010-05-21 Thread Michael Anderson

Quoting Jordan Brown

Michael Anderson wrote:
So, this means that the entries are being found in the directory,   
but for some reason aren't being or can't be used for mapping - is   
that correct?

get-namemap and set-namemap operate on the real data stored on the
Domain Controllers, while normal mapping operations operate get their
information from a subset stored on the Global Catalog servers.  My
guess is that the attributes were not being propagated to the GC.

I believe that the problem is that msSFU30Name isn't exported to the
Global Catalog, and the directory-based name mapping stuff requires
that the data be visible in the Global Catalog.

Here's an article that says how to make an attribute visible in the
Global Catalog:;EN-US;248717

Hmm, I tried that, but it didn't seem to help.

It might take a while for the GC to get updated.  I don't know how that
mechanism works, but I believe they are separate databases and so I
doubt that changing the setting for an attribute has immediate effect.

I'm wondering if I should extend the AD schema as described in the   
CIFS docs. Although it would seem redundant, since the desired data  
 is already in the SFU extensions.

I would hope that you could use the existing fields.

Note that you might be able to use sAMAccountName, which is already
propagated to the GC.  sAMAccountName is shown in the UI as
Pre-Windows 2000 logon name, and I believe is always a copy of the

Thanks for all the assistance. Very helpful.

Sorry I can't be more definitive.

Here's a query that may help to illuminate matters.  You have to run it
as root so that it can use your system's credentials.  This is roughly
the query that the mapping code uses; if it doesn't retrieve the
appropriate attributes then mapping isn't going to work.

|# ldapsearch -R -h yourGCserver -p 3268 -s subtree -b '' -o
mech=gssapi -o authzid='' '(sAMAccountName=vuser1)'

# exte.comd LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base  with scope subtree
# filter: (sAMAccountName=vuser1)
# requesting: ALL

# vuser1, Users,
dn: CN=vuser1,CN=Users,DC=domain,
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
cn: vuser1
givenName: vuser1
distinguishedName: CN=vuser1,CN=Users,DC=domain,
instanceType: 4
whenCreated: 20091215103053.0Z
whenChanged: 20100510065727.0Z
displayName: vuser1
uSNCreated: 1122529
uSNChanged: 1352342
name: vuser1
objectGUID:: LtWX7JjtpUO3s3EVCIg1sg==
userAccountControl: 512
primaryGroupID: 513
objectSid:: AQUAAAUVlY9rWhrl0jyBPJSISQUAAA==
sAMAccountName: vuser1
sAMAccountType: 805306368
objectCategory: CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,
msSFU30Name: vuser1
msSFU30UidNumber: 100029

So that's what that looks like. Should be enough, at least for uid  
resolution, or?

BTW, I just noticed something in a previous message:

svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop   
config/ds_name_mapping_enabled=boolean: true
svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop   
svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop   
config/ad_unixuser_attr=astring: msSFU30GidNumber

First, I assume that the last command should be setting
ad_unixgroup_attr, not ad_unixuser_attr.  I assume that's simply a
transcription error, since your experiments seem to work.

Yes, it was a transcription error. But my experiments have stopped  
working. This was after I deleted /var/idmap/db and restarted idmapd.  
I also replicated msSFU30Name to the GC. Now I get:

# idmap get-namemap winuser:mand
Querying DNS for SRV RRs named '_ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs' for ''
Found 600 IN SRV [0][100]
No namemap found in AD.

This is how idmapd is configured:

# svccfg -s idmap listprop
config  application
config/list_size_limit  count0
config/stabilityastring  Unstable
config/value_authorization  astring  solaris.smf.value.idmap
config/machine_sid  astring   

config/ds_name_mapping_enabled  boolean  true
config/ad_unixname_attr astring  msSFU30Name
config/ad_unixgroup_attrastring  msSFU30GidNumber
config/domain_name  astring
rpcbind dependency
rpcbind/entitiesfmri svc:/network/rpc/bind
rpcbind/groupingastring  require_all
rpcbind/restart_on  astring  restart
rpcbind/typeastring  service
filesystem-minimal  dependency
filesystem-minimal/entities fmri svc:/system/filesystem/minimal
filesystem-minimal/grouping astring  require_all
filesystem-minimal/restart_on   astring  error
filesystem-minimal/type astring  service
general framework

Re: [cifs-discuss] idmap and SFU

2010-05-20 Thread Michael Anderson

Quoting Jordan Brown

Michael Anderson wrote:

We're migrating from a BSD Samba/NFS server to OpenSolaris CIFS/NFS,
using a W2k3 AD Server with MS SFU for auth and user database.

What build are you running?

# uname -a
SunOS opensolaris-svn 5.11 snv_111b i86pc i386 i86pc


SunOS nexenta2 5.11 NexentaOS_134b i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris

Both have showed the same behavior with regard to id-mapping.

Setting up LDAP with the SFU attributes works fine for NFS, but I cannot
figure out the CIFS side of things. I thought that something like:

svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop
config/ds_name_mapping_enabled=boolean: true
svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop config/ad_unixuser_attr=astring:
svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop config/ad_unixgroup_attr=astring:

would work but, but it does not.

What's interesting, is that:

svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop  
config/ds_name_mapping_enabled=boolean: true
svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop  
svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop config/ad_unixuser_attr=astring:  

Seems to work one way:

# idmap get-namemap winuser:vuser1
Querying DNS for SRV RRs named '_ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs' for ''
Found 600 IN SRV [0][100]
AD namemaps for winuser:vuser1
-   unixuser:vuser1
-   unixgroup:215


# idmap get-namemap wingroup:vmware
Querying DNS for SRV RRs named '_ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs' for ''
Found 600 IN SRV [0][100]
AD namemaps for wingroup:vmware
-   unixuser:vmware
-   unixgroup:11000


# idmap get-namemap unixuser:vuser1
Native ldap namemaps aren't active.
Failed to get namemap info (Invalid argument).

Shouldn't that be resolvable in AD?


# idmap show winuser:vuser1
winuser:vuser1 - uid:2147491841

returns an epemeral uid.


I would indeed expect that to work, but I can't say that I've tried it.
 The first thing that comes to mind as a possible problem is case
sensitivity issues; when I look at my IDMU-based entries msSFU30Name is
in mixed case, and that wouldn't tend to play nice with UNIX name

Name-based mapping works, at least for uids, but would be too   
cumbersome to maintain in our environment.

Has anybody gotten AD idmapping working with SFU?

Recent emphasis has been on IDMU support using the UID/GID supplied by
IDMU.  (It might work for SFU too, but that wasn't a goal and hasn't
been tested.)  That was delivered in build 124.

I'm pretty sure people have made the ds_name_mapping_enabled support
work with SFU, but that mostly predates my tenure as custodian of idmap.

Michael Anderson
IT Services  Support

elego Software Solutions GmbH
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25
Building 12.3 (BIG) room 227
13355 Berlin, Germany

phone +49 30 23 45 86 96  michael.anderson at
fax   +49 30 23 45 86 95

Geschaeftsfuehrer: Olaf Wagner, Sitz Berlin
Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB 77719, USt-IdNr: DE163214194

cifs-discuss mailing list

Re: [cifs-discuss] idmap and SFU

2010-05-20 Thread Sri
I am getting the same error. Configuring idmap to use AD does not seem be in 
used by idmap.

The ephermal ID you are getting in idmap show is probably a residue from before 
the AD is configured. Once you remove the /var/idmap/idmap.db and restart it, 
you would not receive these any more. 

When I am accessing the CIFS from a windows box, idmap is not able to get the 
info from the AD, even though it gets it when doing a get-namemap
This message posted from
cifs-discuss mailing list

Re: [cifs-discuss] idmap and SFU

2010-05-20 Thread Jordan Brown

Michael Anderson wrote:

What's interesting, is that:

svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop 
config/ds_name_mapping_enabled=boolean: true
svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop 
svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop config/ad_unixuser_attr=astring: 

Seems to work one way:

# idmap get-namemap winuser:vuser1
Querying DNS for SRV RRs named '_ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs' for ''
Found 600 IN SRV [0][100]

AD namemaps for winuser:vuser1


# idmap get-namemap wingroup:vmware
Querying DNS for SRV RRs named '_ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs' for ''
Found 600 IN SRV [0][100]

AD namemaps for wingroup:vmware


# idmap get-namemap unixuser:vuser1
Native ldap namemaps aren't active.
Failed to get namemap info (Invalid argument).

Shouldn't that be resolvable in AD?

OK, first:  get-namemap and set-namemap don't actually do mapping.  They 
get and set directory-based mapping data.  That's only one input to the 
mapping process.  To actually test the mappings you need idmap show.

Second:  Again, they don't do mapping.  For AD mode, there are 
UNIX-name entries in the AD record, and those entries are used for both 
directions.  Get-namemap on a Windows name retrieves the UNIX entries in 
a specified AD record.  On the other hand, for Native LDAP mode there 
are Windows-name entries in a generic LDAP record, and get-namemap on a 
UNIX name retrieves those entries.


# idmap show winuser:vuser1
winuser:vuser1 - uid:2147491841

returns an epemeral uid.


So mapping isn't working.

I believe that the problem is that msSFU30Name isn't exported to the 
Global Catalog, and the directory-based name mapping stuff requires that 
the data be visible in the Global Catalog.

Here's an article that says how to make an attribute visible in the 
Global Catalog:;EN-US;248717
cifs-discuss mailing list

Re: [cifs-discuss] idmap and SFU

2010-05-19 Thread Jordan Brown

Michael Anderson wrote:

We're migrating from a BSD Samba/NFS server to OpenSolaris CIFS/NFS,
using a W2k3 AD Server with MS SFU for auth and user database.

What build are you running?

Setting up LDAP with the SFU attributes works fine for NFS, but I cannot
figure out the CIFS side of things. I thought that something like:

svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop
config/ds_name_mapping_enabled=boolean: true
svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop config/ad_unixuser_attr=astring:
svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop config/ad_unixgroup_attr=astring:

would work but, but it does not.

I would indeed expect that to work, but I can't say that I've tried it.  
The first thing that comes to mind as a possible problem is case 
sensitivity issues; when I look at my IDMU-based entries msSFU30Name is 
in mixed case, and that wouldn't tend to play nice with UNIX name services.

Name-based mapping works, at least for uids, but would be too 
cumbersome to maintain in our environment.

Has anybody gotten AD idmapping working with SFU?

Recent emphasis has been on IDMU support using the UID/GID supplied by 
IDMU.  (It might work for SFU too, but that wasn't a goal and hasn't 
been tested.)  That was delivered in build 124.

I'm pretty sure people have made the ds_name_mapping_enabled support 
work with SFU, but that mostly predates my tenure as custodian of idmap.

cifs-discuss mailing list