When I first wrote a Clojure web app, I followed a lot of the basic 
tutorials out there, and those tend to create a lot of global vars. So, for 
instance, I used the "defroutes" macro from Compojure, which left me with a 
global "app-routes" var. 

But lately I wanted to switch to a style that would allow me to call a 
"start" function that would reboot my app, so that I could more easily 
re-start from the REPL, without shutting down the JVM and starting over 

So I moved all of my global var stuff inside my start function, like this: 

(defn start [map-of-config]
    (let [port (if (nil? (:port map-of-config))
                 (Integer/parseInt (:port map-of-config)))
          app-routes (routes 
         (ANY "/" [] homepage)
           (GET "/v0.2/token" [] token)
           (GET "/v0.2/errors" [] errors)
     (ANY "/v0.2/:token/:name-of-collection/object-id/:object-id" request 
     (ANY "/v0.2/:token/:name-of-collection/:document-id" request 
     (ANY "/v0.2/:token/:name-of-collection/" request query/fetch)
     (route/resources "/")
     (route/not-found "Page not found. Check the http verb that you used 
(GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and make sure you put a collection name in the 
URL, and possibly also a document ID. Also, all requests should go to an 
URL that starts with /v0.2"))
          app (-> app-routes
  (wrap-json-body {:keywords? true})
jetty (run-jetty app {:port port :join? false :max-threads 5000})]
      ;; we want to reboot this app from the REPL, so the start function 
needs to overwrite "server"
      (println (str "The port number we will listen to: " port))
      (timbre/log :trace (str "The port number we will listen to: " port))
      (swap! server (fn [old-value] jetty)))
    (catch Exception e (println e))))

This does not throw an exception. And, once it is running, if I do this: 

netstat -ntlp | grep LISTEN

then I can see there is suddenly an app listening on port 34000: 

tcp        0      0*               LISTEN 
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN 
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN 
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN 
tcp6       0      0 :::34000                :::*                    LISTEN 
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN 
tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN 

But if I point my browser at this port, I get nothing. I do not get an 
exception, I also see nothing printed at the terminal.

I have gone through and added print statements to all of my middleware, but 
I can not see any of the print statements in the terminal. I am wondering 
if it is possible for a request to come in and get swallowed entirely, 
without even triggering the middleware? 

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