Re: I'm trying to make proper urls, but I seem to be failing at it.

2014-03-11 Thread Jarrod Swart
No edit button so I have to post again, that first example should end with 
;; (make-profile-url John Smith) = /John-Smith

And to reiterate you decide what your url will look like in your template:

a href=;View John Smith's Profile/a
a href=;View John Smith's Profile/a
a href=;View John Smith's Profile/a

Then compojure + your route handler respond to the browser requesting the 

;; obviously this is ALL just psedo code of the important elements to give 
you an idea
(GET /:username [username] (view-profile-page username)) ;; this route 
definition will handle any of the above links

;; assume you chose the last link type, in stack-overflow style. this means 
username from the route is john-smith
(defn view-profile-page [username]
  (let [user (db/get-user-by-username username)]
(render-template user)))

(defn get-user-by-username [username]
  (let [no-dash (clojure.string/replace username #-  ) ;; munge 
username to match what is in DB
 capitalized (capitalize-words no-dash)]
(select-user-by-name capitalized)))

So as you can see whatever link or browser request is called, compojure 
grabs that url param and passes it in.  You then modify that param to fit 
what you expect and look it up in your DB.  You were essentially working 
backwards I think.

Hope that helps!

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Good quick reference screencasts

2014-03-11 Thread The Dude (Abides)
Found a good set of screencasts as quick references for functions, 
namespaces, collections, destructuring, sequences and conditional flow. 
Quick 1 to 2 min screencasts on each:

And the more advanced for concurrency:

The other really good resource I found so far as a beginner is:

And of course clojure-docs, the clojure cheat sheet and the doc function in 
the repl. 

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ANN Langohr 2.7.1 is released

2014-03-11 Thread Michael Klishin
Langohr [1] is a small, feature complete Clojure client for RabbitMQ.

Release notes:


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Re: [ANN] 1st public release of geometry toolkit (CLJ CLJS)

2014-03-11 Thread Kuba Roth
Hey, Karsten great stuff and congrats! 

I haven't been following toxic closely for quite some time, sadly but does that 
mean it's been discontinued completely and you are working in clojure full 
time? :)

What's your impression on working with big code base as above library in 
clojure vs java? Does clojure scales well? I'm particularly interested in 
functional vs OO approach and If any performance critical stuff was done in 
java? If you could share some thoughts would be great. 


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Re: [ANN] 1st public release of geometry toolkit (CLJ CLJS)

2014-03-11 Thread Baishampayan Ghose
Brilliant work. Major kudos for writing a literate program. ~BG

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 3:02 AM, Karsten Schmidt wrote:
 It is my absolute pleasure to finally announce the first public
 release of the 2d/3d geometry library/toolkit:

 Having worked on this regularly since late 2011 as successor of my
 Java-based project, the new project has already
 undergone three complete overhauls as I've been improving my grasp of
 Clojure. The project currently consists of 26 namespaces and 6500+
 lines of code.

 You can find all existing details, sources  initial examples at:

 Leiningen coords: [ 0.2.0] (available from Clojars)

 This project is part of a bigger  rapidly growing collection of
 Clojure libraries targeted at the wider computational/generative
 design context. All libraries in the collection are (will be)
 developed in a literal programming format to also encourage their use
 in teaching contexts and generally try to improve the state of
 documentation  managing source code. Clojure with its focus on
 isolated functionality is particular nice to work with in this sense
 and Org-mode has completely transformed my way of working.

 Since this is only the 1st release and I've planned a few more
 (potentially) breaking API changes I cannot currently accept major
 pull requests until the API is more solid (and once I'm less up
 against deadlines). In general though, I hope this project has a wide
 enough scope  license to encourage further communal development.

 Lastly, if you're not too allergic to strong German accents, you can
 also watch (and follow along) a little live coding session I've done
 with Paul Kinlan @ Google Developers Live last month:

 Happy coding! :)

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Baishampayan Ghose
b.ghose at

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Re: [ANN] Stasis - not another static site framework

2014-03-11 Thread Christian Johansen
I just posted a quite long and detailed post/tutorial on using Stasis for 
static web sites, including integration testing of all pages, link checker 

The post also shows off using Optimus for asset optimization, and Enlive 
and Hiccup for markup generation/manipulation.


kl. 11:16:48 UTC+1 torsdag 23. januar 2014 skrev Magnar Sveen følgende:


 A Clojure library of tools for developing static web sites.
 static site framework? Why?

 Well, that's exactly it. I didn't want to use a framework. I don't like 
 the restrained feeling I get when using them. I prefer coding things over 
 messing around with configuration files.

 I want to

- code my own pages
- set up my own configuration
- choose my own templating library
- create my own damn stylesheets

 *Statis offers a few functions that are pretty useful when creating static 
 web sites.*

 No more. There are no batteries included.

 If you want a framework that makes it really quick and easy to create a 
 blog, you should take a look at these:

- misaki is a Jekyll inspired 
static site generator in Clojure.
- Madness is a static site 
generator, based on Enlive and Bootstrap.
- Static is a simple static site 
generator written in Clojure.
- Ecstatic creates static web pages and 
blog posts from Hiccup templates and Markdown.
- incise is an extensible static 
site generator written in Clojure.

 They generally come with a folder where you put your blog posts in some 
 templating language, and a set of configuration options about how to set up 
 your blog. They often generate code for you to tweak.

 The core of Stasis is two functions: serve-pages and export-pages. Both 
 take a map from path to contents:

 (def pages {/index.html h1Welcome!/h1})

 The basic use case is to serve these live on a local server while 
 developing - and then exporting them as static pages to deploy on some 
 live pages locally

 Stasis can create a Ring handler to serve your pages.

 (ns example
   (:require [stasis.core :as stasis]))
 (def app (stasis/serve-pages pages))

 Like with any Ring app, you point to your app in project.clj:

 :ring {:handler example/app}

 and start it with lein ring server-headless.
 the pages

 To export, just give Stasis some pages and a target directory:

 (defn export []
   (stasis/export-pages pages target-dir))

 When you've got this function, you can create an alias for leiningen:

 :aliases {build-site [run -m example/export]}

 and run lein build-site on the command line. No need for a lein plugin. 

 The static page that prompted me to write Stasis is currently closed 
 source, but I'm in the process of turning my 4 other static sites over. The 
 simplest, and first to be done, is:

- (source)

Uses Enlive for templating, and 
Optimus for frontend optimization.

 I'm also working on the Emacs Rocks! webpage, 
 where I'll use hiccup instead of Enlive. it 

 It's still on a 0.x release, but I feel the API has jelled enough now to 
 open source it. I don't expect any major changes at this point. I'll likely 
 push it to 1.0 at the end of the month.,
 why not use one of the existing frameworks?

 I think the existing frameworks are great if they fit your style. Stasis 
 imposes no styles. There are very few decisions made for you - no markdown 
 vs asciidoc, no enlive vs hiccup. No configuration options. You have to 
 make them.

 So, yeah ... I think Stasis would be a great starting point if you want to 
 create the 6th static site framework to go in that list at the top. :-)

 - Magnar

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Quil for ClojureScript

2014-03-11 Thread Divyansh Prakash

I am a Java developer, and the author of 
a 2D Game Engine (with custom inbuilt physics) that I wrote some 2 years 
I stumbled across Clojure while trying to solve one of the *many* threading 
issues I seemed to have with swing.

I have been Lisping ever since. Check 

The point is: I like designing high-level APIs, and have a fairly good 
understanding of Clojure (and working on it). I have worked with 
graphics-processing before, and would like to work on the ClojureScript 
port for Quil as a project for GSoC 2014.

I have been busy with college all this while, but I'll start working on it 
Will keep you posted.

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Re: [soft/philosophical] event handers in cljs

2014-03-11 Thread François Rey

On 10/03/14 15:37, juan.facorro wrote:
I have taken this approach as well, but I can can't seem to find a 
good answer to this question: When you create a bunch of elements with 
their corresponding channels to handle certain events, how do you 
handle the closing of those channels and the termination of the 
related *go* blocks once you remove the elements?

I'm not a specialist of core.async (so anyone please correct me if I'm 
wrong) but here's what I understand.

Go blocks aggregate into FSMs which can be garbage collected 
like any other objects. When parked go blocks are queued into the 
channel. So what it comes down to is being mindful of where you keep 
references to channels. More precisely, don't hold a reference to the 
channel beyond the scope of its producers and its reading go blocks. 
That probably means locality of readers (go blocks) is often preferable 
to a longer-lived go block. I guess it's the same mindfulness that goes 
on when keeping references to call-back handlers.

See also this discussion:!topic/clojure/_KzEoq0XcHQ

From Timothy you'll read that go block are garbage collected:
When go's are parked, they are put into a queue on the channel, thus 
when the channel is unreachable (besides inside the go block) both are 
collected, and the thread of execution is effectively terminated.

From Brandon Bloom you'll read that:
Querying the state of a channel at worst leads to race conditions and 
at best leads to bad design.
You're only supposed to close a channel from the producer side. So if 
you're the only writer, then you know if you've closed the channel or 
not. If there are multiple writers, then need to be coordinated in 
some way. Typically, they would alt! against reading from a control 
channel and writing to the output channel. When you get a shutdown 
signal from the control channel, you stop writing.

It is a programming error to write a message to a closed channel. 
close is not a resource cleanup operation, it is a control signal. 
It flows in the same direction as the messages sent on the channel 
itself. If the receiver were allowed to close the channel, then the 
sender would have no way of avoiding a closed/write race condition.

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Re: [soft/philosophical] event handers in cljs

2014-03-11 Thread juan.facorro
Hi François,

That makes sense. I think I had read that discussion a while ago but hadn't 
really grokked it.



On Tuesday, March 11, 2014 10:42:04 AM UTC-3, François Rey wrote:

  On 10/03/14 15:37, juan.facorro wrote:
 I have taken this approach as well, but I can can't seem to find a good 
 answer to this question: When you create a bunch of elements with their 
 corresponding channels to handle certain events, how do you handle the 
 closing of those channels and the termination of the related *go* blocks 
 once you remove the elements?

 I'm not a specialist of core.async (so anyone please correct me if I'm 
 wrong) but here's what I understand.

 Go blocks aggregate into FSMs which can be garbage 
  any other objects. When parked go blocks are queued into the channel. 
 So what it comes down to is being mindful of where you keep references to 
 channels. More precisely, don't hold a reference to the channel beyond the 
 scope of its producers and its reading go blocks. That probably means 
 locality of readers (go blocks) is often preferable to a longer-lived go 
 block. I guess it's the same mindfulness that goes on when keeping 
 references to call-back handlers.

 See also this discussion:!topic/clojure/_KzEoq0XcHQ

 From Timothy you'll read that go block are garbage collected:

 When go's are parked, they are put into a queue on the channel, thus when 
 the channel is unreachable (besides inside the go block) both are 
 collected, and the thread of execution is effectively terminated.

 From Brandon Bloom you'll read that:

 Querying the state of a channel at worst leads to race conditions and at 
 best leads to bad design.
 You're only supposed to close a channel from the producer side. So if 
 you're the only writer, then you know if you've closed the channel or not. 
 If there are multiple writers, then need to be coordinated in some way. 
 Typically, they would alt! against reading from a control channel and 
 writing to the output channel. When you get a shutdown signal from the 
 control channel, you stop writing.
 It is a programming error to write a message to a closed channel. close 
 is not a resource cleanup operation, it is a control signal. It flows in 
 the same direction as the messages sent on the channel itself. If the 
 receiver were allowed to close the channel, then the sender would have no 
 way of avoiding a closed/write race condition.


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Re: [ANN] Jig

2014-03-11 Thread Joachim De Beule
Dear Malcolm.

I'm still having trouble seeing the intended flow, and I have the feeling 
I'm missing something. 

My first question is why I would create two separate components C and A, 
instead of just having one component A that both installs a channel in the 
system map and starts a thread for pushing updates to it when the external 
resource changes? 

More importantly, it's not clear to me what should happen with the updates 
that are sent over the channel. To make things concrete let's say the 
resource is a configuration file specifying how to access an external 
database (url, login and credentials, ...). In order to access the 
database, I create a database component D providing public functions 
(fetch-data ...) and (store-data ...) etc. These functions need access to 
an up-to-date db-spec or connection, which in turn depends on the config 
values sent over the configuration update channel. 

Now I see three possibilities:

1) Component D subscribes to the config update channel and keeps a private 
state containing an up-to-date db-spec which in turn is accessed by the 
public fetch and store functions

I don't think this is the way to go because I thought the whole purpose was 
to keep all state in a single place (i.e. system)? This brings me to 
possibility 2:

2) Component D, upon receiving a config update, updates the system global 
var root, and the fetch and store functions in turn access the global 
system to get an up-to-date db-spec
I thought this was the way to go, but I'm confused since the system is 
defined in the user namespace which is not supposed to exist in production?

3) Component D does not subscribe to the config update channel. Instead 
components that want to access the database should themselves subscribe to 
the config update channel and provide the store and fetch functions with an 
up-to-date db-spec.  

But then I feel that this simply pushes the problem one level up and that 
the db component does sufficiently encapsulate all the internals of 
accessing the database and maintaining an up-to-date connection etc.?

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Re: [ANN] Jig

2014-03-11 Thread Joachim De Beule
update: I made mistake at the end of my previous post: I mean that the db 
component does NOT sufficiently encapsulate the internals of course...

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[ANN] Clojure 1.6.0-RC1

2014-03-11 Thread Alex Miller
Clojure 1.6.0-RC1 is now available.

Try it via
- Download:
- Leiningen: [org.clojure/clojure 1.6.0-RC1]

See the full change log here:

Clojure 1.6.0-RC1 has the following changes since 1.6.0-beta2:

- [CLJ-1365] Add type hints for new collection hash functions
- [CLJ-944] Compiler gives constant collections types which mismatch
their runtime

Please give it a try and let us know your feedback!

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Re: [ANN] Kria, an async driver for Riak 2

2014-03-11 Thread David James
I started Kria in January I think. It has tests, and I use in for
(currently small) but real projects. It works great so far for me. I'd
appreciate it if you try it out.

On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 9:24 PM, dgrnbrg wrote:

 This is really exciting! One question I have is how mature is Kria? Given
 that riak 2 isn't yet out, I'm still curious as to what kinds of
 testing/burn in you've done?

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core.async is very slow for some cases, what to do?

2014-03-11 Thread Эльдар Габдуллин
Each go block is executed via thread pool. On a channel side, producers and 
consumers are also decoupled.
Such decoupling costs around 10-20 us per async operation. For the cases 
when your async
values are immediately available (e.g. from cache), or when you designed an 
API just because your operations may block for a long but not necessary do, 
those are huge numbers.

For example, I recently worked on a dependency injection 
container which 
supports async computations.
Asynchrony in one place means that all you API will be async everywhere. 
Natural way to go with implementation is to just
wrap everything in a go block. However, after doing that I found that 
container became 50 times slower. 5 us overhead for a
typical task turned into 250 us.

As a solution I forked core.async 
and replaced channels with lightweight promises and removed thread pool 
dispatch from
everywhere. Now async container implementation is only 5 times slower than 
its sync version, which is probably acceptable.

I'd like to hear what others think about this issue, especially members of 
the core team. 

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Re: core.async is very slow for some cases, what to do?

2014-03-11 Thread Ben Mabey
I've also ran into situations as well where the context switching of the 
thread pool is prohibitive. I swapped out the thread pool with a single 
threaded executor and saw a big speed improvement.  The downside is that 
you can not specify what thread pool a go block should be ran on.  This 
means I had to hack the global thread pool like so:

;; hack for using a single thread
(in-ns 'clojure.core.async.impl.exec.threadpool)

(defonce thread-factory (conc/counted-thread-factory 
clj-sim-dispatch-%d false))

(defn sim-executor []
  (Executors/newFixedThreadPool 1 thread-factory))

(defonce single-tp (sim-executor))
(def the-executor single-tp)

(in-ns 'my-ns)

I'd be curious to see if this hack gives you similar performance 
benefits as your promise fork.  It would be nice if you could pass in an 
executor to a go-block  to override the default global one to 
accommodate these different use cases.  This would be similar to how you 
can now control the executors for futures.


On 3/11/14, 11:39 AM, Эльдар Габдуллин wrote:
Each go block is executed via thread pool. On a channel side, 
producers and consumers are also decoupled.
Such decoupling costs around 10-20 us per async operation. For the 
cases when your async
values are immediately available (e.g. from cache), or when you 
designed an async
API just because your operations may block for a long but not 
necessary do, those are huge numbers.

For example, I recently worked on a dependency injection container which supports async computations.
Asynchrony in one place means that all you API will be async 
everywhere. Natural way to go with implementation is to just
wrap everything in a go block. However, after doing that I found that 
container became 50 times slower. 5 us overhead for a

typical task turned into 250 us.

As a solution I forked core.async and replaced 
channels with lightweight promises and removed thread pool dispatch from
everywhere. Now async container implementation is only 5 times slower 
than its sync version, which is probably acceptable.

I'd like to hear what others think about this issue, especially 
members of the core team.

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Re: core.async is very slow for some cases, what to do?

2014-03-11 Thread Timothy Baldridge
You can take the CSP out of core.async, but then it really isn't the same
thing. Your version with promises still allows for async, but in the
process removes most of the benefits of CSP.

Timothy Baldridge

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 12:29 PM, Ben Mabey wrote:

  I've also ran into situations as well where the context switching of the
 thread pool is prohibitive. I swapped out the thread pool with a single
 threaded executor and saw a big speed improvement.  The downside is that
 you can not specify what thread pool a go block should be ran on.  This
 means I had to hack the global thread pool like so:

 ;; hack for using a single thread
 (in-ns 'clojure.core.async.impl.exec.threadpool)

 (defonce thread-factory (conc/counted-thread-factory clj-sim-dispatch-%d

 (defn sim-executor []
   (Executors/newFixedThreadPool 1 thread-factory))

 (defonce single-tp (sim-executor))
 (def the-executor single-tp)

 (in-ns 'my-ns)

 I'd be curious to see if this hack gives you similar performance benefits
 as your promise fork.  It would be nice if you could pass in an executor to
 a go-block  to override the default global one to accommodate these
 different use cases.  This would be similar to how you can now control the
 executors for futures.


 On 3/11/14, 11:39 AM, Эльдар Габдуллин wrote:

 Each go block is executed via thread pool. On a channel side, producers
 and consumers are also decoupled.
 Such decoupling costs around 10-20 us per async operation. For the cases
 when your async
 values are immediately available (e.g. from cache), or when you designed
 an async
 API just because your operations may block for a long but not necessary
 do, those are huge numbers.

  For example, I recently worked on a dependency injection 
 container which
 supports async computations.
 Asynchrony in one place means that all you API will be async everywhere.
 Natural way to go with implementation is to just
 wrap everything in a go block. However, after doing that I found that
 container became 50 times slower. 5 us overhead for a
 typical task turned into 250 us.

  As a solution I forked core.async
 and replaced channels with lightweight promises and removed thread pool
 dispatch from
 everywhere. Now async container implementation is only 5 times slower than
 its sync version, which is probably acceptable.

  I'd like to hear what others think about this issue, especially members
 of the core team.

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“One of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that–lacking
zero–they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C
(Robert Firth)

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Re: Clojure Jruby (Ruby on Rails) Interop

2014-03-11 Thread Ramon Long

Have you looked at hosting your JVM-based solution with Clojure and jRuby 
on Heroku?


On Thursday, October 24, 2013 9:59:56 PM UTC-4, rdelcueto wrote:

 Thanks for your response Jim.
 Is there any alternative solution to Openshift that supports the TB and 
 Immutant combo, that you recommend?

 On Thursday, October 24, 2013 8:47:14 PM UTC-5, Jim Crossley wrote:

 Unfortunately not, Rodrigo. Frankly, TorqueBox on OpenShift is not a very 
 happy experience, mostly due to bundler and very limited resources on the 
 free OpenShift gears. Until we get those issues worked out, I don't want to 
 encourage anyone to combine TB and Immutant on OpenShift.

 Also, we're kinda in a wait-and-see mode while the OpenShift guys 
 integrate Docker, as container images should be a lot easier to work with 
 than cartridges.

 So you're ahead of us at the moment. We expect to catch up, just not sure 


 On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 8:45 PM, rdelcueto wrote:

 Dear Jim,

 I just began playing with Immutant and TorqueBox.
 I realized the polyglot-openshift-quickstart* @ *GitHub is marked as 
 obsolete. I found links to newer versions of immutant-quickstart and 
 torquebox-quickstart, though as separate applications.
 Is there documentation or a tutorial on how to get TorqueBox and 
 Immutant merged into a single OpenShift application, ala lein immutant 
 overlay torquebox?


 On Monday, September 9, 2013 11:14:54 AM UTC-5, Jim Crossley wrote:

 Hi Rodrigo,

 I'm one of the developers of TorqueBox and Immutant. Your email 
 prompted me to re-watch a screencast [1] I made in March showing how to 
 them together. I realized things have changed a little since then, so I 
 added a few annotations to the video highlighting the differences. 
 Hopefully enough to get you up and experimenting.

 As you've probably figured out, both TorqueBox and Immutant are 
 integrated stacks, bundling some commodity services that most non-trivial 
 applications need, e.g. scheduling, caching, and messaging. The intent of 
 any integrated platform is to relieve administration burden. But that only 
 works for you if the inherent choices within that stack fit the needs of 
 your app. We think/hope default Immutant configuration and abstractions 
 (e.g. queues, topics, request/respond) offers a good balance to fit a wide 
 variety of apps.

 If simple integration between Ruby and Clojure apps is your chief goal, 
 I think Immutant/TorqueBox is compelling, but I'm biased. I would 
 definitely recommend using some sort of messaging broker, though, i.e. 
 don't mix Clojure and Ruby in the same source file or project.

 Performance and security concerns are so application-specific I hate to 
 make any generic statements about them other than, be fast and secure. 

 But do feel free to bother us in #torquebox or #immutant on freenode 
 with any questions about your particular app/needs.



 On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 10:25 PM, rdelcueto wrote:

  Hi everyone,
 I'm about to start working on building a site for a startup company.

 We are a small team, and currently they've been coding the site using 
 RoR (Ruby on Rails). I was thinking Clojure might be better suited for 
 task, specially because we'll need to implement a backend which is 
 scalable and secure, but also we'll need flexibility, which I think the 
 framework won't shine at all.

 At our team, we are two coders, non of us are proficient in Web 
 Developing, and we have little experience with RoR, and I thought (I'm 
 sure) maybe investing time learning Clojure will provide us with better 


 While searching for alternative solutions, I stumbled upon the 
 Flightcaster case, we're they are using RoR to implement the site's 
 frontend and Clojure for the system backend. I thought this was a very 
 elegant solution, using each tool for what it's good at. Plus this way we 
 can reuse what they've already implemented.

 I found a way to do this is by using Torquebox and Immutant, and using 
 the messaging systems to communicate between Jruby and Clojure. Still I 
 have no idea of how this works, and the performance and security 
 implications it brings to the table. I found little information on the 

 I would appreciate if anyone could provide guidance, examples or 
 documentation on the subject.

 Any reference to open source projects which use this hybrid language 
 solutions on the JVM would be great to have.

 Is this the best way to solve the RoR interactions? Is there any other 

 Thanks in advance and best regards,


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Re: core.async is very slow for some cases, what to do?

2014-03-11 Thread Ghadi Shayban
Comparing CSP and promises is apples-to-oranges.  I'd love to see a minimal 
sample of problematic code.

On Tuesday, March 11, 2014 1:39:54 PM UTC-4, Эльдар Габдуллин wrote:

 Each go block is executed via thread pool. On a channel side, producers 
 and consumers are also decoupled.
 Such decoupling costs around 10-20 us per async operation. For the cases 
 when your async
 values are immediately available (e.g. from cache), or when you designed 
 an async
 API just because your operations may block for a long but not necessary 
 do, those are huge numbers.

 For example, I recently worked on a dependency injection 
 container which 
 supports async computations.
 Asynchrony in one place means that all you API will be async everywhere. 
 Natural way to go with implementation is to just
 wrap everything in a go block. However, after doing that I found that 
 container became 50 times slower. 5 us overhead for a
 typical task turned into 250 us.

 As a solution I forked core.async 
 and replaced channels with lightweight promises and removed thread pool 
 dispatch from
 everywhere. Now async container implementation is only 5 times slower than 
 its sync version, which is probably acceptable.

 I'd like to hear what others think about this issue, especially members of 
 the core team. 

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Re: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: More than one matching method found: submit - when letting an ExecutorService

2014-03-11 Thread Alex Miller
In the let case, the *pool* will be tagged with the proper type so the 
ambiguity is detected.

In the def case, the *pool* will be seen as an object and the compiler is 
just deferring to reflection at runtime to figure it out. If you turn on 
*warn-on-reflection*, you'll see a reflection warning in this case. 
Reflection is just picking the first one that matches in that case. If you 
type hinted the def case, you'd see the same error.

On Saturday, July 16, 2011 6:13:11 AM UTC-5, Alf wrote:

 Hi guys. Experimenting a bit with code from The joy of Clojure, and
 I ran into a little problem. Trying to run this in the REPL gives the
 following error:

 user= (import [java.util.concurrent Executors])

 user= (let [*pool* (Executors/newFixedThreadPool (+ 2
 (.availableProcessors (Runtime/getRuntime]
   (defn dothreads! [f  {thread-count :threads
  exec-count :times
  :or {thread-count 1 exec-count 1}}]
 (dotimes [t thread-count]
   (.submit *pool* #(dotimes [_ exec-count] (f))
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: More than one matching method
 found: submit (NO_SOURCE_FILE:7)

 However if I define pool as a Var it seems to work fine:

 user= (import '(java.util.concurrent Executors))

 user= (def *pool* (Executors/newFixedThreadPool
  (+ 2 (.availableProcessors (Runtime/getRuntime)

 user= (defn dothreads! [f  {thread-count :threads
exec-count :times
:or {thread-count 1 exec-count 1}}]
   (dotimes [t thread-count]
 (.submit *pool* #(dotimes [_ exec-count] (f)


 ExecutorService has three submit methods, and two with one parameter,
 a Runnable and a Callable. Since Clojure functions are both, I
 understand the compiler error, but why does it work when *pool* is a

 The let version works when I cast the function to Runnable or
 Callable, just wondering why there is a difference.


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Re: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: More than one matching method found: submit - when letting an ExecutorService

2014-03-11 Thread Alex Miller
Sorry for the deep storage reply - this was just referenced from a ticket 
and I didn't realize it was super old. :) 

On Tuesday, March 11, 2014 3:44:36 PM UTC-5, Alex Miller wrote:

 In the let case, the *pool* will be tagged with the proper type so the 
 ambiguity is detected.

 In the def case, the *pool* will be seen as an object and the compiler is 
 just deferring to reflection at runtime to figure it out. If you turn on 
 *warn-on-reflection*, you'll see a reflection warning in this case. 
 Reflection is just picking the first one that matches in that case. If you 
 type hinted the def case, you'd see the same error.

 On Saturday, July 16, 2011 6:13:11 AM UTC-5, Alf wrote:

 Hi guys. Experimenting a bit with code from The joy of Clojure, and
 I ran into a little problem. Trying to run this in the REPL gives the
 following error:

 user= (import [java.util.concurrent Executors])

 user= (let [*pool* (Executors/newFixedThreadPool (+ 2
 (.availableProcessors (Runtime/getRuntime]
   (defn dothreads! [f  {thread-count :threads
  exec-count :times
  :or {thread-count 1 exec-count 1}}]
 (dotimes [t thread-count]
   (.submit *pool* #(dotimes [_ exec-count] (f))
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: More than one matching method
 found: submit (NO_SOURCE_FILE:7)

 However if I define pool as a Var it seems to work fine:

 user= (import '(java.util.concurrent Executors))

 user= (def *pool* (Executors/newFixedThreadPool
  (+ 2 (.availableProcessors (Runtime/getRuntime)

 user= (defn dothreads! [f  {thread-count :threads
exec-count :times
:or {thread-count 1 exec-count 1}}]
   (dotimes [t thread-count]
 (.submit *pool* #(dotimes [_ exec-count] (f)


 ExecutorService has three submit methods, and two with one parameter,
 a Runnable and a Callable. Since Clojure functions are both, I
 understand the compiler error, but why does it work when *pool* is a

 The let version works when I cast the function to Runnable or
 Callable, just wondering why there is a difference.


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ANN Elastisch 2.0.0-beta1 is released

2014-03-11 Thread Michael Klishin
Elastisch [1] is a small, feature complete Clojure client for ElasticSearch
that provides both HTTP and native transports.

2.0 focuses on compatibility with and support for the new features in
ElasticSearch 1.0.

Release notes:


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Help a Startup use Clojure!

2014-03-11 Thread Jarrod Swart
I'm about to be an early employee at a small startup.  

I will be the first technical hire and am a competent but not 
extraordinarily experienced developer. The founders know this and hired me 
based on soft as well as technical skills.  

I don't want to be the first technical employee and make a poor technology 
choice that chains this startup from the beginning.

My goal is to convince the CEO and other early stage executives of the 
benefits of using Clojure in place of PHP.  All the early founders have 
worked in places that use PHP, and I have worked as a PHP developer with 
some of them at other companies.  For the past year I have used Clojure in 
my personal projects and am comfortable with the language.

I expect the following objections:

* What is the talent pool like (for Clojure) and can we outsource less 
important tasks to other developers.
* What advantages does this technology offer over something like PHP (from 
a business perspective)?
* How will you cope with technical challenges?

I have my own opinions but I would love to hear the feedback of others.  If 
you have good counter arguments to these or other objections you have heard 
in the past I would like to hear those.  If you have been in my position I 
would love to hear about that experience as well.

Also consider that these people are technical but not programmers.  Any 
benefits have to make sense from a business perspective as well.

Thank you for your help!

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Re: Help a Startup use Clojure!

2014-03-11 Thread Gary Trakhman
Some Observations:
We took on a relatively inexperienced java developer, threw her into emacs,
gave her 'Joy of Clojure', and she was able to make contributions within a
month or two.

It doesn't have to be Clojure-everything, maybe PHP would be a great fit
for the front-end web/templating based on the experience pool, and Clojure
could be used for backend web services where it can give the most bang for
the buck.

Clojure also means 'the JVM', so you open yourself up to that talent pool
and large array of solutions: hadoop, storm, for example.  Depending on
your use-cases, you might need this flexibility eventually.  Having
deployment and dev experience on this platform from the get-go means you'll
be ready when you need it.

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 5:09 PM, Jarrod Swart wrote:

 I'm about to be an early employee at a small startup.

 I will be the first technical hire and am a competent but not
 extraordinarily experienced developer. The founders know this and hired me
 based on soft as well as technical skills.

 I don't want to be the first technical employee and make a poor technology
 choice that chains this startup from the beginning.

 My goal is to convince the CEO and other early stage executives of the
 benefits of using Clojure in place of PHP.  All the early founders have
 worked in places that use PHP, and I have worked as a PHP developer with
 some of them at other companies.  For the past year I have used Clojure in
 my personal projects and am comfortable with the language.

 I expect the following objections:

 * What is the talent pool like (for Clojure) and can we outsource less
 important tasks to other developers.
 * What advantages does this technology offer over something like PHP (from
 a business perspective)?
 * How will you cope with technical challenges?

 I have my own opinions but I would love to hear the feedback of others.
  If you have good counter arguments to these or other objections you have
 heard in the past I would like to hear those.  If you have been in my
 position I would love to hear about that experience as well.

 Also consider that these people are technical but not programmers.  Any
 benefits have to make sense from a business perspective as well.

 Thank you for your help!

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Re: Help a Startup use Clojure!

2014-03-11 Thread Jarrod Swart

Thanks for your observations.  I agree it doesn't necessarily have to be 
all or nothing.  I'm hoping to get as much as possible insight before I 
present to the founders.

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Re: Help a Startup use Clojure!

2014-03-11 Thread Christopher Poile
The book Clojure 
 a chapter (19) dedicated to your very question. I think the most 
important piece of advice is Be Prudent by choosing where Clojure fits 
and by starting slow. Try to find small self-contained problems and solve 
them. This will demonstrate the language's usefulness far better than any 
logical argument could.

On Tuesday, March 11, 2014 3:31:43 PM UTC-6, Jarrod Swart wrote:


 Thanks for your observations.  I agree it doesn't necessarily have to be 
 all or nothing.  I'm hoping to get as much as possible insight before I 
 present to the founders.

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Re: Help a Startup use Clojure!

2014-03-11 Thread Jarrod Swart

Absolutely I agree.  I enjoyed that book very much.

I think I misstated my question a bit in that I don't need to be convinced 
of the value, but rather how best to relay Clojure's benefits to 
non-technical business types.

Thanks for your input.

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Question about importing java classes to Clojure

2014-03-11 Thread Brandon Barret

 Hello all, 
 I am working on a program that needs to list all the files in a directory. 
I have read that Clojure doesn't yet have great support for this kind of 
task, and that it is better to import to your namespace in 
order to use some of it's methods. Every time I have done this in Eclipse, 
I get the same error: 

No matching field found: getName for class java.lang.String (files.clj:0)

My question: Is this a me problem, perhaps a syntax error, a java 
problem, or a Clojure problem? I have used java for quite a while, and 
think that I am importing the class correctly:

(import ', or should I just be using in this case.

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Re: Help a Startup use Clojure!

2014-03-11 Thread Sean Corfield
On Mar 11, 2014, at 2:09 PM, Jarrod Swart wrote:
 My goal is to convince the CEO and other early stage executives of the 
 benefits of using Clojure in place of PHP.  All the early founders have 
 worked in places that use PHP, and I have worked as a PHP developer with some 
 of them at other companies.  For the past year I have used Clojure in my 
 personal projects and am comfortable with the language.

I'll play devil's advocate here (as someone who's gone up in front of those 
lovely VC folks when trying to get a startup off the ground)...

What are you building?

Why do _you_ think Clojure is a better choice than PHP?

 * What is the talent pool like (for Clojure) and can we outsource less 
 important tasks to other developers.

The talent pool for Clojure is much smaller than the talent pool for PHP. On 
the plus side, I'd expect competent Clojure developers to be, on average, much 
better developers than competent PHP developers. Outsourcing may be much 
harder and/or much more expensive for Clojure than PHP.

 * What advantages does this technology offer over something like PHP (from a 
 business perspective)?

The scalability of the JVM and the huge ecosystem of Java and JVM languages and 
libraries. But PHP developers will likely be much cheaper and just as plentiful 
(as Java/JVM developers - and far more plentiful than Clojure developers). And 
unless you happen to hit it enormously big, scalability may not be a real 
problem for you (and Facebook is a poster child for scalable PHP even tho' 
they've done a lot of weird stuff to get it there).

If you're building an extensive web site / web application, PHP has much more 
maturity in that area and has well-established frameworks and content 
management systems, and a huge pool of (average to cheap) talent available.

If I was your CEO or another early stage executive, I'd be pretty skeptical of 
using something as left field as Clojure for web development. If your core 
business is big data or AI or something else that relies on complex data / 
structure analysis, I'd be more sympathetic. Or if most of the core early team 
were already experienced with Clojure. But in the early stage, you'll need to 
move fast, pivot early and often, and be prepared to throw away a lot of demo / 
prototype code so picking something you're all comfortable with might well be a 
better business choice than some cool tech you might all like to use.

Sean Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

Perfection is the enemy of the good.
-- Gustave Flaubert, French realist novelist (1821-1880)

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Re: Question about importing java classes to Clojure

2014-03-11 Thread Sean Corfield
Hard to tell what your problem is with so little information to go on.

Here's the code we use to get a directory listing:

(defn- wildcard-filter
  Given a regex, return a FilenameFilter that matches.
(accept [_ dir name] (not (nil? (re-find re name))

(defn directory-list
  Given a directory and a regex, return a sorted seq of matching filenames.
  [dir re]
  (sort (.list ( dir) (wildcard-filter re

On Mar 11, 2014, at 3:28 PM, Brandon Barret wrote:

  Hello all, 
  I am working on a program that needs to list all the files in a directory. I 
 have read that Clojure doesn't yet have great support for this kind of task, 
 and that it is better to import to your namespace in order to 
 use some of it's methods. Every time I have done this in Eclipse, I get the 
 same error: 
 No matching field found: getName for class java.lang.String (files.clj:0)
 My question: Is this a me problem, perhaps a syntax error, a java problem, 
 or a Clojure problem? I have used java for quite a while, and think that I am 
 importing the class correctly:
 (import ', or should I just be using 
 in this case.

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Re: Question about importing java classes to Clojure

2014-03-11 Thread Moritz Ulrich

Brandon Barret writes:

  Hello all, 
  I am working on a program that needs to list all the files in a directory. 
 I have read that Clojure doesn't yet have great support for this kind of 
 task, and that it is better to import to your namespace in 
 order to use some of it's methods. Every time I have done this in Eclipse, 
 I get the same error: 

 No matching field found: getName for class java.lang.String (files.clj:0)

 My question: Is this a me problem, perhaps a syntax error, a java 
 problem, or a Clojure problem? I have used java for quite a while, and 
 think that I am importing the class correctly:

 (import ', or should I just be using in this case.

Do you want to *recursively* list all files in the directory? If so,
take a look at `file-seq':

Passed a pointing to a directory, it gives you a sequence
of file objects in it and all its subdirectories.

To get a list of all files ending in .jar in the current directory:

(filter #(.endsWith (str %) .jar) (file-seq ( .)))

Moritz Ulrich

Description: PGP signature

Re: Question about importing java classes to Clojure

2014-03-11 Thread Jarrod Swart
Hey Brandon,

I had a really simple blog post about reading a directory of files that I 
never published, I updated it and hopefully it can help:


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Re: Help a Startup use Clojure!

2014-03-11 Thread Jarrod Swart

Thanks for the reply and insight.  I completely agree on your points.  

We will be in a 12 week accelerator program so it is quite possible that 
this code  business could fail.  Our work is likely going to be more 
back-end API centric as a point of integration for other businesses rather 
than our own mega-app.

I feel competent in my skill-set and due to learning Clojure the past year 
I've improved overall.  I think speed of development would likely be the 
same or faster in Clojure.  Writing a form, evaling for correctness and 
then moving on is far superior to the PHP equivalent.

The only places I feel uneasy are in the deployment arena because with PHP 
it's usually just: scp files to server  write a cron.  Clojure gets a bit 
more involved and I sometimes feel that learning JVM idioms of Unix 
equivalents can be lackluster.  For example I'm still unsure of the best 
way to do scheduled jobs in a Clojure app.

I appreciate your input.

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Re: Help a Startup use Clojure!

2014-03-11 Thread Jarrod Swart

Oops I didn't realize you were asking these questions:

   - What are you building? 
  - An application for businesses to help leverage the power of crowds 
  in non-traditional crowdsource environments.  
  - The main use-case for many will be that of integration with-in 
  their own applications and I suspect the application will be more API 
  App centric.  Sorry for being vague but I'm still learning too.  I will 
  know more for sure when I actually have the meeting with the founders.
   - Why do _you_ think Clojure is a better choice than PHP? 
   - Due to the limited number of developers (just me initially) I think 
  Clojure presents a tool chain that is familiar and fast.  Dynamic 
  programming in a highly iterative development environment means that I 
  solve challenges that the business will face rather than challenges 
  presented by the programming language.
 - Clojure is to programming what Lean\Agility are to business 
 - Wanting to work with a set of tools also goes a long way toward 
 dealing with the other hardships of an early stage company.  If I'm 
 less money and failure is a big part of the equation I want to enjoy 
 I'm doing.  I think future hires would agree.
  - The heavy amounts of text we will deal with is much easier to 
  handle with the JVM than with PHP.  PHP support for UTF-* is fairly bad 
  (compared to Golang or Clojure) and I have had enough personal trouble 
  - Again though we are not Big Data the first processing bottleneck 
  will likely be dealing with large quantities of text.  This is something 
  that Clojure and the JVM have a lot more options for dealing with.
  - The JVM platform means that when it comes time to optimize for 
  performance we have options rather than an app rewrite.

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Re: Question about importing java classes to Clojure

2014-03-11 Thread Brandon Barret


 Thanks! I have heard of fs. Since I am new to Clojure, I was resistant to 
try it, but am going to look into it more tonight. Thanks!


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Re: Question about importing java classes to Clojure

2014-03-11 Thread Jarrod Swart
No problem, happy to help.  Here is one way you might write the above with 
fs.  I didn't check this I just typed it out so there may be a few tiny 

(defn jar? [filename]
  (if (= (fs/extension filename) jar)

(defn list-paths [path-str]
  (println Files in  path-str)
  (let [listing (fs/glob path-str)]
(doseq [l listing]
  (if (fs/directory? l)
(print directory:  l)
(print -  l))
  (println (if jar? w n))

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expectations 2.0 has been released

2014-03-11 Thread Jay Fields
expectations is a minimilist's unit testing framework



some large changes that will hopefully result in even more concise and
maintainable tests.

feedback always welcome.


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Re: Question about importing java classes to Clojure

2014-03-11 Thread Brandon Barret


 I am getting closer. Sorry about that. Here is my (rudimentary) code. My 
goal is to print the contents of a directory, and from that, print one of 
two things based on the results ( an if/then, if you will). I am running 
into a few problems though. 

 (defn list-paths [directory]
  (println Files in  (.getName directory))
  (doseq [f (.listFiles directory)]
(if (.isDirectory f)
  (print directory:  )
  (print - ))
(println (.getName f)
  (fn clj-check [directory]
(if (.contains directory .jar)
(println (n
 (list-paths (File. home/documents/something)  ---run it here

My problems are twofold. When I run the function using the home folder for 
Eclipse, I get the directory output just fine, but in my second 
inner-function, I only get references to a location in memory when it is 
run, not the strings I want to print. Also, the directories work fine with 
my local IDE paths, but I cannot access anything else on my computer. I 
think I am missing something on both counts? 

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2014-03-11 Thread sonic pan
试了  java -cp resources -jar xxx.jar 貌似不能覆盖

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Re: Question about importing java classes to Clojure

2014-03-11 Thread James Reeves
On 12 March 2014 00:06, Brandon Barret wrote:

  (defn list-paths [directory]
   (println Files in  (.getName directory))
   (doseq [f (.listFiles directory)]
 (if (.isDirectory f)
   (print directory:  )
   (print - ))
 (println (.getName f)
   (fn clj-check [directory]
 (if (.contains directory .jar)
 (println (n

  (list-paths (File. home/documents/something)  ---run it here

 My problems are twofold. When I run the function using the home folder for
 Eclipse, I get the directory output just fine, but in my second
 inner-function, I only get references to a location in memory when it is
 run, not the strings I want to print.

That's because you're defining an anonymous function, and then trying to
print that function, instead of running it. From your code I'm not really
sure what you're trying to do.

 Also, the directories work fine with my local IDE paths, but I cannot
 access anything else on my computer. I think I am missing something on both

You have home/documents/something, which is a relative path. Have you
tried passing in an absolute path, i.e. with a preceding /?

- James

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Re: 求教:使用uberjar后,如何能覆盖

2014-03-11 Thread Sun Ning

试试启动参数 -Dlog4j.configuration 什么的呢,你可以搜一下

On Tue 11 Mar 2014 11:16:13 PM CST, sonic pan wrote:

试了  java -cp resources -jar xxx.jar 貌似不能覆盖

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Re: expectations 2.0 has been released

2014-03-11 Thread Sean Corfield
Looks great Jay - as you know I'm a big fan of Expectations.

One big issue I see here is that by removing 'given' you've made adoption of 
2.0 a bit all or nothing: to use 2.0, I must update our entire test base to 
rewrite all 'given' tests using the new syntax.

Is there an intermediate version that has both 'given' _and_ the new syntax so 
folks can migrate piecemeal?


On Mar 11, 2014, at 6:28 PM, Jay Fields wrote:

 expectations is a minimilist's unit testing framework
 some large changes that will hopefully result in even more concise and
 maintainable tests.
 feedback always welcome.

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Re: Clojure Jruby (Ruby on Rails) Interop

2014-03-11 Thread rdelcueto
Hey Ramon,

Back when I started coding my project ~6 months ago, I couldn't run 
Torquebox successfully in Heroku nor Openshift. I read about the Torquebox 
Lite project, but you loose most of the Torquebox magic.

I know now, you can get the full Torquebox stack - {Stomp server  
Clustering} running on Heroku, but I wouldn't know how big can they scale, 
since the dyno/gear RAM is quite limited. From experience, I've experience 
that Torquebox with background jobs and messaging queues, can be quite RAM 
demanding on my development environment, I wouldn't know how it performs on 
a Heroku dyno. I also read tons of issues regarding Heroku's intelligent 
routing, back when I was looking for a hosting solution. So I finally opted 
for a VPS solution, which does need extra setup (compared to Heroku 
deployment), but having the extra CPU power +RAM, and running Torquebox 
with all it's bells and whistles running, was well worth loosing Heroku's 

- Rodrigo

On Tuesday, March 11, 2014 12:26:55 PM UTC-6, Ramon Long wrote:


 Have you looked at hosting your JVM-based solution with Clojure and jRuby 
 on Heroku?


 On Thursday, October 24, 2013 9:59:56 PM UTC-4, rdelcueto wrote:

 Thanks for your response Jim.
 Is there any alternative solution to Openshift that supports the TB and 
 Immutant combo, that you recommend?

 On Thursday, October 24, 2013 8:47:14 PM UTC-5, Jim Crossley wrote:

 Unfortunately not, Rodrigo. Frankly, TorqueBox on OpenShift is not a 
 very happy experience, mostly due to bundler and very limited resources on 
 the free OpenShift gears. Until we get those issues worked out, I don't 
 want to encourage anyone to combine TB and Immutant on OpenShift.

 Also, we're kinda in a wait-and-see mode while the OpenShift guys 
 integrate Docker, as container images should be a lot easier to work with 
 than cartridges.

 So you're ahead of us at the moment. We expect to catch up, just not 
 sure when.


 On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 8:45 PM, rdelcueto wrote:

 Dear Jim,

 I just began playing with Immutant and TorqueBox.
 I realized the polyglot-openshift-quickstart* @ *GitHub is marked as 
 obsolete. I found links to newer versions of immutant-quickstart and 
 torquebox-quickstart, though as separate applications.
 Is there documentation or a tutorial on how to get TorqueBox and 
 Immutant merged into a single OpenShift application, ala lein immutant 
 overlay torquebox?


 On Monday, September 9, 2013 11:14:54 AM UTC-5, Jim Crossley wrote:

 Hi Rodrigo,

 I'm one of the developers of TorqueBox and Immutant. Your email 
 prompted me to re-watch a screencast [1] I made in March showing how to 
 them together. I realized things have changed a little since then, so I 
 added a few annotations to the video highlighting the differences. 
 Hopefully enough to get you up and experimenting.

 As you've probably figured out, both TorqueBox and Immutant are 
 integrated stacks, bundling some commodity services that most non-trivial 
 applications need, e.g. scheduling, caching, and messaging. The intent of 
 any integrated platform is to relieve administration burden. But that 
 works for you if the inherent choices within that stack fit the needs of 
 your app. We think/hope default Immutant configuration and abstractions 
 (e.g. queues, topics, request/respond) offers a good balance to fit a 
 variety of apps.

 If simple integration between Ruby and Clojure apps is your chief 
 goal, I think Immutant/TorqueBox is compelling, but I'm biased. I would 
 definitely recommend using some sort of messaging broker, though, i.e. 
 don't mix Clojure and Ruby in the same source file or project.

 Performance and security concerns are so application-specific I hate 
 to make any generic statements about them other than, be fast and 

 But do feel free to bother us in #torquebox or #immutant on freenode 
 with any questions about your particular app/needs.



 On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 10:25 PM, rdelcueto wrote:

  Hi everyone,
 I'm about to start working on building a site for a startup company.

 We are a small team, and currently they've been coding the site using 
 RoR (Ruby on Rails). I was thinking Clojure might be better suited for 
 task, specially because we'll need to implement a backend which is 
 scalable and secure, but also we'll need flexibility, which I think the 
 framework won't shine at all.

 At our team, we are two coders, non of us are proficient in Web 
 Developing, and we have little experience with RoR, and I thought (I'm 
 sure) maybe investing time learning Clojure will provide us with better 


 While searching for alternative solutions, I stumbled upon the 
 Flightcaster case, we're they are using RoR to implement the site's 
 frontend and Clojure for the system