Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-11-08 Thread Mikera
In my moments of insanity / hammock time I've toyed with making a typed 
variant of Clojure. Somewhat inspired by core.typed, but I feel that to be 
effective a type system needs to be deeply integrated with the compiler and 
standard library, not just a standalone tool.

Types would themselves be an abstraction, supporting the following 
- Intersection with another type (N or And)
- Union with another type (U or Or)
- Checking is a type is a subclass of another type (extends?)
- Checking if a value conforms to the type (instance?)

Abstractions themselves would be possible to define as types, so you could 
have the Seqable type:

(defabstraction Seqable )

(defn process-sequence [^Seqable s]
  (let [things (seq s)]   ;; guaranteed to work by type system

Java classes would conform to the Type abstraction, so you can still use 
Clojure-style Java type hints for interop.

Anything passed to a typed parameter would be verified to be either:
- A valid subtype, in which case everything is OK
- Something that cannot be a valid subtype, in which case you get a 
compiler error
- A potentially valid value (either untyped or an intersecting type), in 
which case a runtime check is inserted (and maybe an optional warning...)

Types could be parameterised, so you can have types like:

(ListOf Integer)
(Nullable String)
(ArrayOfShape [10 10])
(ExactValue "Foo")
(Or String Integer)

Occurrence typing would mean that stuff like the following is valid:

(defn foo [^(Nullable (Or String Integer)) x]
 (nil? x) 
 (Integer? x) (+ x 5)   ;; valid addition, can prove it is an 
 (String? x) (.charAt x 0);; no type hint required, can prove it 
must be a non-null string

Since branching on type is a common idiom, it would also support type-based 
overloading of functions:

(defn foo
  ([^Null x] )
  ([^Integer x] )
  ([^String x] ))

Untyped code would look still look like regular Clojure. Types would always 
be optional.

On Sunday, 6 November 2016 07:14:39 UTC+8, Didier wrote:
> Spectrum ( seems quite interesting. I 
> haven't tried spec yet, but form quick glance, it looks just as annoying as 
> typed clojure to use.
> I think I'm imagining something simpler though. Say a system that just 
> used already existing Clojure type hints, and performed compile time checks 
> about to whatever level is possible given the provided annotation.
> So say I did:
> (def ^int something "test")
> This would fail at compile time.
> Similarly:
> (def ^String something "test")
> (inc something)
> It would fail at compile time.
> Or:
> (defn inc2 [^Long a]
>   (inc (inc a)))
> (inc2 1.80)
> Would also fail.
> And hopefully this:
> (defn ^Long inc2 [^Long a]
>   (inc (inc a)))
> (def temp ["test", 2.48])
> (map inc2 temp)
> Would also fail. Because the type checker would infer that the vector has 
> String or Double as type, and inc2 expects none of these.
> Or:
> (conj ["a", "b"] "c")
> would still work.
> (conj ^Vec ["a", "b"] 10)
> would fail.
> Now I don't know, maybe this is too simple, not really useful, or maybe 
> its non trivial to implement. But I feel just small type checks like that 
> could be useful, and they wouldn't be too burdening.
> On Saturday, 15 October 2016 15:14:08 UTC-7, Didier wrote:
>> I know a lot of people like to say how unhelpful Java like static typing 
>> is, and only more powerful type systems of the ML family add value, but 
>> I've been wondering recently if for Clojure it wouldn't make more sense to 
>> simply extend the type hints to enable an optional Java like static typing 
>> schemI the.
>> It is my understanding that ML style static typing is incredibly 
>> difficult to add properly and without compromise to a dynamic language. 
>> That doing so limits the scope of type inference, rendering the task of 
>> adding type info more tedious then in ML languages themselves.
>> ML style static typing provide enhanced safety grantees, but seem to add 
>> too much complexity to Clojure to be practical. What about a Java like 
>> static typing scheme though?
>> I haven't found in practice that the safety of Clojure was an issue, as 
>> the REPL workflow tend to promote quite a lot of testing. So I'm not too 
>> worried about needing the state of the art of provable correctness for my 
>> programs. What has been a biggest cause of issue to me was refactoring and 
>> shared code base across a team. Those last two use cases are actually 
>> pretty well handled by Java like static type checking. Is it a powerful 
>> type checker, not really, but it enables most trivial type errors to be 
>> caught early, and it allows easier integration points for other devs to 
>> follow, as well as documentation for functions, better tools support and 
>> easier refactoring, while also enabling performance optimizations.
>> I have limited 

Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-11-05 Thread Didier
Spectrum ( seems quite interesting. I 
haven't tried spec yet, but form quick glance, it looks just as annoying as 
typed clojure to use.

I think I'm imagining something simpler though. Say a system that just used 
already existing Clojure type hints, and performed compile time checks 
about to whatever level is possible given the provided annotation.

So say I did:

(def ^int something "test")

This would fail at compile time.


(def ^String something "test")
(inc something)

It would fail at compile time.


(defn inc2 [^Long a]
  (inc (inc a)))
(inc2 1.80)

Would also fail.

And hopefully this:

(defn ^Long inc2 [^Long a]
  (inc (inc a)))
(def temp ["test", 2.48])
(map inc2 temp)

Would also fail. Because the type checker would infer that the vector has 
String or Double as type, and inc2 expects none of these.


(conj ["a", "b"] "c")

would still work.

(conj ^Vec ["a", "b"] 10)

would fail.

Now I don't know, maybe this is too simple, not really useful, or maybe its 
non trivial to implement. But I feel just small type checks like that could 
be useful, and they wouldn't be too burdening.

On Saturday, 15 October 2016 15:14:08 UTC-7, Didier wrote:
> I know a lot of people like to say how unhelpful Java like static typing 
> is, and only more powerful type systems of the ML family add value, but 
> I've been wondering recently if for Clojure it wouldn't make more sense to 
> simply extend the type hints to enable an optional Java like static typing 
> schemI the.
> It is my understanding that ML style static typing is incredibly difficult 
> to add properly and without compromise to a dynamic language. That doing so 
> limits the scope of type inference, rendering the task of adding type info 
> more tedious then in ML languages themselves.
> ML style static typing provide enhanced safety grantees, but seem to add 
> too much complexity to Clojure to be practical. What about a Java like 
> static typing scheme though?
> I haven't found in practice that the safety of Clojure was an issue, as 
> the REPL workflow tend to promote quite a lot of testing. So I'm not too 
> worried about needing the state of the art of provable correctness for my 
> programs. What has been a biggest cause of issue to me was refactoring and 
> shared code base across a team. Those last two use cases are actually 
> pretty well handled by Java like static type checking. Is it a powerful 
> type checker, not really, but it enables most trivial type errors to be 
> caught early, and it allows easier integration points for other devs to 
> follow, as well as documentation for functions, better tools support and 
> easier refactoring, while also enabling performance optimizations.
> I have limited knowledge in typing systems, and have no idea how easy it 
> is to implement them, but as a user of Clojure, I feel like I would find an 
> optional Java like static typing a great addition, one that I am more 
> willing to use and benefit from then Typed Clojure's more complex ML style 
> type checking.
> What do other think?
> Can anyone with better knowledge tell me if this would be feasible or if 
> adding such gradual typing system is effectively as hard as adding ML style 
> type checking?

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Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-23 Thread Timothy Baldridge
>> but I might end up needing users with e.g. genuine Norwegian addresses.

I think that's an interesting point, and it's a problem I've encountered
several times myself. However I think it can be solved several ways.

1) If your validation function "norwegian-addr?" is a simple predicate,
then the answer is actually pretty trivial, you can create a generator for
that predicate. There are some test.check generators for arbitrary regexes,
and those can be composed.

2) If your validation function hits a database of know addresses, then you
have another possibility: generate your test data from the accepted data
set. I've taken this approach on several projects. I have a database of
known Product IDs, and I query that when creating my test.check generators.

3) If your validation function hits a database you can also generate that
database from test.check. A "is-valid-addr?" function that takes a database
should be generic enough to query for any address that exists in a DB. So
generate your DB with data from test.check, then generate the inputs to
your functions, then let it run.

#3 here is especially powerful. When we talk about creating generators for
"domain objects", it should be recognized that the domain itself could be
generated by test.check.

On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 3:38 AM, Erik Assum  wrote:

> Colin,
> I think the points you bring up here are very interesting, and reflect
> ideas that I have not yet been able to formulate.
> I certainly would think there is enough "stuff" in here for a talk, and
> also some ideas into how to grnerative test "bread and butter" code, as can
> I, and if so, how, generative-test my REST-api. Can I do it in some more
> meaningful way than just checking for a non 5xx status code?  How do I
> property base test my functions which take my domain "objects". Do I have
> to write generators for them, and am I then ending up in the same pain as I
> do writing mocks in Java? I know that I can compose generators, but I might
> end up needing users with e.g. genuine Norwegian addresses.
> These are my questions wrt generative testing in my world.
> Erik.
> --
> i farta
> Den 22. okt. 2016 kl. 23.48 skrev Colin Fleming <
> Yes, that is a major selling point. Generative testing is really cool, and
> you should definitely not be disheartened - it's a tool like any other,
> with its strong points and weak points (like static typing, too). It's
> definitely not universally applicable, and even more than standard testing,
> it requires you to write your code keeping in mind how you will test it. It
> happens that in my case I believe that static typing is a better fit, but
> that doesn't mean that it won't work well for your use case. You should
> definitely be excited to try it and see - if it works well in your case,
> it's pretty magical.
> The limitation in my case is that generative testing works best when
> testing pure functions. Because so much of my system involves calls out to
> a huge mutable blob of Java, it doesn't work well for me.
> i actually don't have a lot of experience with generative testing, but
> here are two examples from the little experience I have, one which worked
> well and one which didn't.
> The one that worked well was testing a binary object serialiser. This was
> in Java several years ago, so a lot of the complexity in my code was
> writing generators - spec (via test.check) really helps with this and it
> would be relatively trivial to achieve nowadays what took me a long time
> back then. But once I had a generator which generated random objects, I
> then just ran a bunch of tests which generated an object, serialised it,
> deserialised the resulting bytes, and checked that the deserialised object
> was equal to the original one. It was really useful, and caught a whole lot
> of edge case bugs I would never have caught otherwise. Things to note are
> that the serialisation and deserialisation are pure functions, and the
> success condition is very easy to define.
> One that I have not yet found a good way to test generatively is the
> paredit code in Cursive, which occasionally suffers from edge case bugs.
> I'd also like to test code refactorings. However here, the generation is
> much much harder (I'd have to generate valid code in some way) and then I'd
> have to randomly refactor it and somehow check that the refactored version
> is equivalent. Here both the generation and the success condition are
> extremely hard to define, and the risk is that in your success condition
> you really just end up reimplementing your original algorithm and then what
> you're testing is actually that those two algorithms are the same, not
> necessarily that they do what you expect. I was lucky enough to talk at
> length to Thomas Arts at Curry On last year and I asked him about this. He
> had done something similar for Erlang code, and had a very complicated code
> generator. They generated 

Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-23 Thread Erik Assum

I think the points you bring up here are very interesting, and reflect ideas 
that I have not yet been able to formulate. 

I certainly would think there is enough "stuff" in here for a talk, and also 
some ideas into how to grnerative test "bread and butter" code, as can I, and 
if so, how, generative-test my REST-api. Can I do it in some more meaningful 
way than just checking for a non 5xx status code?  How do I property base test 
my functions which take my domain "objects". Do I have to write generators for 
them, and am I then ending up in the same pain as I do writing mocks in Java? I 
know that I can compose generators, but I might end up needing users with e.g. 
genuine Norwegian addresses. 

These are my questions wrt generative testing in my world. 

i farta

> Den 22. okt. 2016 kl. 23.48 skrev Colin Fleming :
> Yes, that is a major selling point. Generative testing is really cool, and 
> you should definitely not be disheartened - it's a tool like any other, with 
> its strong points and weak points (like static typing, too). It's definitely 
> not universally applicable, and even more than standard testing, it requires 
> you to write your code keeping in mind how you will test it. It happens that 
> in my case I believe that static typing is a better fit, but that doesn't 
> mean that it won't work well for your use case. You should definitely be 
> excited to try it and see - if it works well in your case, it's pretty 
> magical.
> The limitation in my case is that generative testing works best when testing 
> pure functions. Because so much of my system involves calls out to a huge 
> mutable blob of Java, it doesn't work well for me. 
> i actually don't have a lot of experience with generative testing, but here 
> are two examples from the little experience I have, one which worked well and 
> one which didn't. 
> The one that worked well was testing a binary object serialiser. This was in 
> Java several years ago, so a lot of the complexity in my code was writing 
> generators - spec (via test.check) really helps with this and it would be 
> relatively trivial to achieve nowadays what took me a long time back then. 
> But once I had a generator which generated random objects, I then just ran a 
> bunch of tests which generated an object, serialised it, deserialised the 
> resulting bytes, and checked that the deserialised object was equal to the 
> original one. It was really useful, and caught a whole lot of edge case bugs 
> I would never have caught otherwise. Things to note are that the 
> serialisation and deserialisation are pure functions, and the success 
> condition is very easy to define.
> One that I have not yet found a good way to test generatively is the paredit 
> code in Cursive, which occasionally suffers from edge case bugs. I'd also 
> like to test code refactorings. However here, the generation is much much 
> harder (I'd have to generate valid code in some way) and then I'd have to 
> randomly refactor it and somehow check that the refactored version is 
> equivalent. Here both the generation and the success condition are extremely 
> hard to define, and the risk is that in your success condition you really 
> just end up reimplementing your original algorithm and then what you're 
> testing is actually that those two algorithms are the same, not necessarily 
> that they do what you expect. I was lucky enough to talk at length to Thomas 
> Arts at Curry On last year and I asked him about this. He had done something 
> similar for Erlang code, and had a very complicated code generator. They 
> generated code that produced some output, then randomly refactored it, 
> compiled both versions, ran them both and checked that the output was the 
> same. His conclusion was that in that case, the tests weren't worth it - they 
> took forever to run and were very brittle.
>> On 22 October 2016 at 02:54, Daniel  wrote:
>> > In this sort of situation, a static type system which provides universal 
>> > guarantees (this value can never be null) is more useful than a contract 
>> > system (no null values have been seen yet for the test inputs you've 
>> > tried). There's simply no way I can test all combinations, or reproduce 
>> > all combinations that users might have running.
>> Isn't a major selling point of generative testing was that it creates loads 
>> of unique cases you can't invent on your own?
>> You don't trust it to do that? Is that from personal experience?  Genuinely 
>> curious because I am a little excited about using it in a project at work 
>> but this is disheartening.
>> --
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Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-22 Thread Colin Fleming
Yes, that is a major selling point. Generative testing is really cool, and
you should definitely not be disheartened - it's a tool like any other,
with its strong points and weak points (like static typing, too). It's
definitely not universally applicable, and even more than standard testing,
it requires you to write your code keeping in mind how you will test it. It
happens that in my case I believe that static typing is a better fit, but
that doesn't mean that it won't work well for your use case. You should
definitely be excited to try it and see - if it works well in your case,
it's pretty magical.

The limitation in my case is that generative testing works best when
testing pure functions. Because so much of my system involves calls out to
a huge mutable blob of Java, it doesn't work well for me.

i actually don't have a lot of experience with generative testing, but here
are two examples from the little experience I have, one which worked well
and one which didn't.

The one that worked well was testing a binary object serialiser. This was
in Java several years ago, so a lot of the complexity in my code was
writing generators - spec (via test.check) really helps with this and it
would be relatively trivial to achieve nowadays what took me a long time
back then. But once I had a generator which generated random objects, I
then just ran a bunch of tests which generated an object, serialised it,
deserialised the resulting bytes, and checked that the deserialised object
was equal to the original one. It was really useful, and caught a whole lot
of edge case bugs I would never have caught otherwise. Things to note are
that the serialisation and deserialisation are pure functions, and the
success condition is very easy to define.

One that I have not yet found a good way to test generatively is the
paredit code in Cursive, which occasionally suffers from edge case bugs.
I'd also like to test code refactorings. However here, the generation is
much much harder (I'd have to generate valid code in some way) and then I'd
have to randomly refactor it and somehow check that the refactored version
is equivalent. Here both the generation and the success condition are
extremely hard to define, and the risk is that in your success condition
you really just end up reimplementing your original algorithm and then what
you're testing is actually that those two algorithms are the same, not
necessarily that they do what you expect. I was lucky enough to talk at
length to Thomas Arts at Curry On last year and I asked him about this. He
had done something similar for Erlang code, and had a very complicated code
generator. They generated code that produced some output, then randomly
refactored it, compiled both versions, ran them both and checked that the
output was the same. His conclusion was that in that case, the tests
weren't worth it - they took forever to run and were very brittle.

On 22 October 2016 at 02:54, Daniel  wrote:

> > In this sort of situation, a static type system which provides universal
> guarantees (this value can never be null) is more useful than a contract
> system (no null values have been seen yet for the test inputs you've
> tried). There's simply no way I can test all combinations, or reproduce all
> combinations that users might have running.
> Isn't a major selling point of generative testing was that it creates
> loads of unique cases you can't invent on your own?
> You don't trust it to do that? Is that from personal experience?
> Genuinely curious because I am a little excited about using it in a project
> at work but this is disheartening.
> --
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Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-22 Thread Colin Yates
Generative testing is great but defining the contract gets more
complex the further away from a 'unit' you get. It is easy to define
extensive generators for (defn length [s]). It is a much bigger
problem to generate extensive inputs for every call-site of (length)
and then every call-site of the call-site of (length) and so on.

This is not a problem limited to clojure.spec, it is a limitation to
any example based testing, and in that sense, a helpful simplifying
lie is to think of generative testing as example based testing on

Type systems work across the code base as a whole and are therefore
(in another helpful simplifying lie) more extensive.

The other consideration is that type systems limit the
'specifications' you can give it, clojure.spec specifications can be
as rich as your code and are therefore unbounded.

Don't get me wrong, I am just starting to get into clojure.spec and I
too am very excited, but given the specs are effectively unbounded, it
isn't going to catch all the errors that types are. However, BECAUSE
it is unbounded it can be far more powerful.

Just my 2p (and I haven't had any coffee yet so the above might be
complete drivel).

On 22 October 2016 at 02:00, Daniel  wrote:
>> In this sort of situation, a static type system which provides universal 
>> guarantees (this value can never be null) is more useful than a contract 
>> system (no null values have been seen yet for the test inputs you've tried). 
>> There's simply no way I can test all combinations, or reproduce all 
>> combinations that users might have running.
> Isn't a major selling point of generative testing to create loads of unique 
> cases you can't invent on your own?
> You don't trust it to do that? Is that from personal experience?  Genuinely 
> curious because I am a little excited about using it in a project at work but 
> this is disheartening.
> --
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Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-21 Thread Daniel
> In this sort of situation, a static type system which provides universal 
> guarantees (this value can never be null) is more useful than a contract 
> system (no null values have been seen yet for the test inputs you've tried). 
> There's simply no way I can test all combinations, or reproduce all 
> combinations that users might have running.

Isn't a major selling point of generative testing to create loads of unique 
cases you can't invent on your own?

You don't trust it to do that? Is that from personal experience?  Genuinely 
curious because I am a little excited about using it in a project at work but 
this is disheartening.

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Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-21 Thread Daniel
> In this sort of situation, a static type system which provides universal 
> guarantees (this value can never be null) is more useful than a contract 
> system (no null values have been seen yet for the test inputs you've tried). 
> There's simply no way I can test all combinations, or reproduce all 
> combinations that users might have running.

Isn't a major selling point of generative testing was that it creates loads of 
unique cases you can't invent on your own?

You don't trust it to do that? Is that from personal experience?  Genuinely 
curious because I am a little excited about using it in a project at work but 
this is disheartening.

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Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-21 Thread Antonin Hildebrand
You could travel to the future and use ClojureScript with Kotlin as 
compilation target and a version of clojure.spec which resolves a subset of 
known constructs to Kotlin type annotations at compile-time :-p

Actually that idea of having a library of compile-time-recognizable spec 
constructs (like nil? string? or instance? predicates) is something I would 
like to see in ClojureScript today. It would generate type annotations for 
Closure Compiler to catch some class of simple bugs at compile time. But 
this is off-topic for this thread...

On Friday, October 21, 2016 at 7:41:31 PM UTC+2, Colin Fleming wrote:
> I tried it a couple of years ago, and my impressions were more or less the 
> same as CircleCI's here 
> . I found 
> the type annotation burden much higher than using a typed language such as 
> Kotlin, the type checking was very slow and the boundary between typed and 
> untyped code was really onerous. Ambrose has done some great work recently 
> though, so I should check it out again. However my general feeling is that 
> retrofitting something like Typed Clojure onto an existing language is 
> always going to be more difficult and fraught with problems than having a 
> language which was designed with the types in mind in the first place.
> Another possibility which I haven't had time to explore properly is Allen 
> Rohner's spectrum .
> Honestly, the easiest solution to my problem is probably just to use 
> Kotlin, which was designed by JetBrains for almost exactly my use case, has 
> great IDE support, and has a lot of smart people working full-time on it. 
> However that has a couple of problems: 1) it would make me sad and 2) I 
> would no longer be dogfooding Cursive all the time, which is a valuable 
> source of finding bugs during development. But at least I'd be spending all 
> my time on developing Cursive features, and not chasing NPEs or 
> investigating all this.
> On 21 October 2016 at 19:20, Josh Tilles  > wrote:
>> Out of curiosity, did you try Typed Clojure? It certainly has its rough 
>> edges, but you sound willing to bear the burden of annotating code with 
>> types (at the top-level, at least) and I *think* its treatment of Java 
>> interop does what you want: unless instructed otherwise, the typechecker 
>> assumes that arguments to Java methods must not be nil and that any Java 
>> method may return nil.
>> On Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 8:39:04 AM UTC-4, Colin Fleming wrote:
>>> I recently spent a bunch of time researching exactly this. My motivation 
>>> was that my main project, Cursive, suffers from a ton of NPEs which I find 
>>> very difficult to manage. I wanted to see how difficult it would be to have 
>>> a typed Clojure-like thing, using something similar to Kotlin's type 
>>> system. Kotlin uses a type system which is similar to Java and has Java 
>>> interop as a primary goal, which I would also need since Java interop is 
>>> essential to me. It fixes a bunch of flaws in the Java type system and adds 
>>> new features like nullable types, which I now find it difficult to live 
>>> without.
>>> Before anyone asks, spec is not useful for me because it relies heavily 
>>> on generative testing to increase your confidence in your functions. I 
>>> can't use generative testing because my application is tied to a large Java 
>>> codebase which I cannot model to any useful degree. Essentially, spec 
>>> recommends runtime tests at the boundary of your system, and nearly my 
>>> entire system is interop boundary. I'm not interested in runtime checks 
>>> except where absolutely necessary - Kotlin does this for me transparently, 
>>> spec doesn't. 
>>> Here's a short list of my findings. I'm happy to expand on any of these 
>>> points if anyone is curious. It bears repeating - Java interop is 
>>> non-negotiable for me, and that makes a lot of this harder than it would be 
>>> otherwise.
>>> Disclaimer: I'm no programming language expert. This was hard for me, 
>>> and a surprising amount of it was new to me. I'd appreciate any corrections 
>>> or clarifications.
>>>1. Type systems are hard. I for one didn't appreciate the complexity 
>>>that goes into making them easy to use. Don't be fooled by the 20-line 
>>>implementations of Hindley-Milner.
>>>2. In particular, generics are very hard, and variance for generic 
>>>objects (i.e. the intersection of generic objects and OO) is the source 
>>> of 
>>>much difficulty.
>>>3. Type systems are split into two main camps - nominal typing (like 
>>>Java, where the types are identified by names) and structural typing, 
>>> where 
>>>the type of an object is defined by it's "shape", like Go's interfaces.
>>>4. One of the major benefits of Clojure is its heterogeneous 
>>>collections, a.k.a. "just use a map". This is very 

Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-21 Thread Colin Yates
Ironically I ran into an issue where I was receiving "" instead of nil
which caused some interesting behaviour.

For those who find these things interesting, this was for capturing
criteria in the UI which was sent to the server to filter. The
behaviour was:

 - form is nil, server ignores the query
 - enter some text, server sends the top N matching records
 - delete the text, you get the first top N records

I am sure you have guessed, but the cause was HTML input fields start
off as nil, enter something and then delete it and you get an empty
"". The server was checking (not (nil? criteria)) rather than (seq
criteria)there is a reason (seq ) is idiomatic :-).

On 21 October 2016 at 19:39, Sean Corfield  wrote:
> On 10/21/16, 10:40 AM, "Colin Fleming"  of> wrote:
>> Honestly, the easiest solution to my problem is probably just to use
>> Kotlin, which was
>> designed by JetBrains for almost exactly my use case, has great IDE
>> support, and has
>> a lot of smart people working full-time on it.
> And, to be fair, Kotlin has as a design goal to help address Java’s NPE
> issue. Whereas Clojure has, as part of its design, idiomatic nil-punning. If
> you’re doing a lot of Java interop, Kotlin is going to be a better fit.
> As for Typed Clojure, we’ve tried it a few times and the problems cited by
> CircleCI and by yourself are why we’ve given up on it each time. I will say,
> in Typed Clojure’s defense, that it gets better and better each time I try
> it so it’s definitely going in the right direction – but it is a very hard
> problem to solve!
> Pretty much the only time I ever see NPEs is when my Clojure code touches
> Java interop. And, yes, that can mean numeric ops (since those are
> implemented directly in Java) and string manipulation (again, implemented on
> top of Java).
> As an experiment, I tried a version of clojure.string where nil was always
> treated as “” and it does indeed avoid the NPEs but it comes at a
> performance cost (calling str or adding nil conditions). In the domain in
> which I work, nil -> “” is pretty much universally the right thing so it’s a
> cost we’re considering swallowing, for the extra simplicity it would bring
> to our code (i.e., creating a drop-in replacement of clojure.string that
> implements all of the functions with added str calls as needed – many can be
> handled mechanically).
> We don’t do much numeric work so we don’t hit NPEs in that Java interop
> boundary very often. There tho’ there is almost no argument that nil -> 0
> would be the “right thing” so suffering NPEs instead of some
> NonNumericArgumentException thing isn’t such a horrible trade off.
> Sean Corfield -- (970) FOR-SEAN -- (904) 302-SEAN
> An Architect's View --
> "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> -- Margaret Atwood
> On 10/21/16, 10:40 AM, "Colin Fleming"  of> wrote:
> I tried it a couple of years ago, and my impressions were more or less the
> same as CircleCI's here. I found the type annotation burden much higher than
> using a typed language such as Kotlin, the type checking was very slow and
> the boundary between typed and untyped code was really onerous. Ambrose has
> done some great work recently though, so I should check it out again.
> However my general feeling is that retrofitting something like Typed Clojure
> onto an existing language is always going to be more difficult and fraught
> with problems than having a language which was designed with the types in
> mind in the first place.
> Another possibility which I haven't had time to explore properly is Allen
> Rohner's spectrum.
> Honestly, the easiest solution to my problem is probably just to use Kotlin,
> which was designed by JetBrains for almost exactly my use case, has great
> IDE support, and has a lot of smart people working full-time on it. However
> that has a couple of problems: 1) it would make me sad and 2) I would no
> longer be dogfooding Cursive all the time, which is a valuable source of
> finding bugs during development. But at least I'd be spending all my time on
> developing Cursive features, and not chasing NPEs or investigating all this.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Clojure" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your
> first post.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> For more options, visit this group at
> ---
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Clojure" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 

Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-21 Thread Sean Corfield
On 10/21/16, 10:40 AM, "Colin Fleming"  wrote:

> Honestly, the easiest solution to my problem is probably just to use Kotlin, 
> which was

> designed by JetBrains for almost exactly my use case, has great IDE support, 
> and has

> a lot of smart people working full-time on it.


And, to be fair, Kotlin has as a design goal to help address Java’s NPE issue. 
Whereas Clojure has, as part of its design, idiomatic nil-punning. If you’re 
doing a lot of Java interop, Kotlin is going to be a better fit.


As for Typed Clojure, we’ve tried it a few times and the problems cited by 
CircleCI and by yourself are why we’ve given up on it each time. I will say, in 
Typed Clojure’s defense, that it gets better and better each time I try it so 
it’s definitely going in the right direction – but it is a very hard problem to 


Pretty much the only time I ever see NPEs is when my Clojure code touches Java 
interop. And, yes, that can mean numeric ops (since those are implemented 
directly in Java) and string manipulation (again, implemented on top of Java).


As an experiment, I tried a version of clojure.string where nil was always 
treated as “” and it does indeed avoid the NPEs but it comes at a performance 
cost (calling str or adding nil conditions). In the domain in which I work, nil 
-> “” is pretty much universally the right thing so it’s a cost we’re 
considering swallowing, for the extra simplicity it would bring to our code 
(i.e., creating a drop-in replacement of clojure.string that implements all of 
the functions with added str calls as needed – many can be handled 


We don’t do much numeric work so we don’t hit NPEs in that Java interop 
boundary very often. There tho’ there is almost no argument that nil -> 0 would 
be the “right thing” so suffering NPEs instead of some 
NonNumericArgumentException thing isn’t such a horrible trade off.


Sean Corfield -- (970) FOR-SEAN -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood


On 10/21/16, 10:40 AM, "Colin Fleming"  wrote:


I tried it a couple of years ago, and my impressions were more or less the same 
as CircleCI's here. I found the type annotation burden much higher than using a 
typed language such as Kotlin, the type checking was very slow and the boundary 
between typed and untyped code was really onerous. Ambrose has done some great 
work recently though, so I should check it out again. However my general 
feeling is that retrofitting something like Typed Clojure onto an existing 
language is always going to be more difficult and fraught with problems than 
having a language which was designed with the types in mind in the first place.


Another possibility which I haven't had time to explore properly is Allen 
Rohner's spectrum.


Honestly, the easiest solution to my problem is probably just to use Kotlin, 
which was designed by JetBrains for almost exactly my use case, has great IDE 
support, and has a lot of smart people working full-time on it. However that 
has a couple of problems: 1) it would make me sad and 2) I would no longer be 
dogfooding Cursive all the time, which is a valuable source of finding bugs 
during development. But at least I'd be spending all my time on developing 
Cursive features, and not chasing NPEs or investigating all this.



You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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first post.
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For more options, visit this group at
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Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-21 Thread Colin Fleming
Absolutely, both that and the dogfooding are compelling arguments :-)

On 21 October 2016 at 20:04, Colin Yates  wrote:

> "making me sad" is unsustainable - problem solving with 1s and 0s is
> hard enough as it is without using demotivating tools :-).
> On 21 October 2016 at 18:40, Colin Fleming 
> wrote:
> > I tried it a couple of years ago, and my impressions were more or less
> the
> > same as CircleCI's here. I found the type annotation burden much higher
> than
> > using a typed language such as Kotlin, the type checking was very slow
> and
> > the boundary between typed and untyped code was really onerous. Ambrose
> has
> > done some great work recently though, so I should check it out again.
> > However my general feeling is that retrofitting something like Typed
> Clojure
> > onto an existing language is always going to be more difficult and
> fraught
> > with problems than having a language which was designed with the types in
> > mind in the first place.
> >
> > Another possibility which I haven't had time to explore properly is Allen
> > Rohner's spectrum.
> >
> > Honestly, the easiest solution to my problem is probably just to use
> Kotlin,
> > which was designed by JetBrains for almost exactly my use case, has great
> > IDE support, and has a lot of smart people working full-time on it.
> However
> > that has a couple of problems: 1) it would make me sad and 2) I would no
> > longer be dogfooding Cursive all the time, which is a valuable source of
> > finding bugs during development. But at least I'd be spending all my
> time on
> > developing Cursive features, and not chasing NPEs or investigating all
> this.
> >
> > On 21 October 2016 at 19:20, Josh Tilles 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Out of curiosity, did you try Typed Clojure? It certainly has its rough
> >> edges, but you sound willing to bear the burden of annotating code with
> >> types (at the top-level, at least) and I think its treatment of Java
> interop
> >> does what you want: unless instructed otherwise, the typechecker assumes
> >> that arguments to Java methods must not be nil and that any Java method
> may
> >> return nil.
> >>
> >> On Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 8:39:04 AM UTC-4, Colin Fleming wrote:
> >>>
> >>> I recently spent a bunch of time researching exactly this. My
> motivation
> >>> was that my main project, Cursive, suffers from a ton of NPEs which I
> find
> >>> very difficult to manage. I wanted to see how difficult it would be to
> have
> >>> a typed Clojure-like thing, using something similar to Kotlin's type
> system.
> >>> Kotlin uses a type system which is similar to Java and has Java
> interop as a
> >>> primary goal, which I would also need since Java interop is essential
> to me.
> >>> It fixes a bunch of flaws in the Java type system and adds new
> features like
> >>> nullable types, which I now find it difficult to live without.
> >>>
> >>> Before anyone asks, spec is not useful for me because it relies heavily
> >>> on generative testing to increase your confidence in your functions. I
> can't
> >>> use generative testing because my application is tied to a large Java
> >>> codebase which I cannot model to any useful degree. Essentially, spec
> >>> recommends runtime tests at the boundary of your system, and nearly my
> >>> entire system is interop boundary. I'm not interested in runtime checks
> >>> except where absolutely necessary - Kotlin does this for me
> transparently,
> >>> spec doesn't.
> >>>
> >>> Here's a short list of my findings. I'm happy to expand on any of these
> >>> points if anyone is curious. It bears repeating - Java interop is
> >>> non-negotiable for me, and that makes a lot of this harder than it
> would be
> >>> otherwise.
> >>>
> >>> Disclaimer: I'm no programming language expert. This was hard for me,
> and
> >>> a surprising amount of it was new to me. I'd appreciate any
> corrections or
> >>> clarifications.
> >>>
> >>> Type systems are hard. I for one didn't appreciate the complexity that
> >>> goes into making them easy to use. Don't be fooled by the 20-line
> >>> implementations of Hindley-Milner.
> >>> In particular, generics are very hard, and variance for generic objects
> >>> (i.e. the intersection of generic objects and OO) is the source of much
> >>> difficulty.
> >>> Type systems are split into two main camps - nominal typing (like Java,
> >>> where the types are identified by names) and structural typing, where
> the
> >>> type of an object is defined by it's "shape", like Go's interfaces.
> >>> One of the major benefits of Clojure is its heterogeneous collections,
> >>> a.k.a. "just use a map". This is very difficult to maintain in a
> type-safe
> >>> manner without losing most of the benefit.
> >>> There are two main things I was interested in from a type system - type
> >>> checking (i.e. making sure that your program's types are correct) and
> type
> >>> inference (working out what 

Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-21 Thread Colin Yates
"making me sad" is unsustainable - problem solving with 1s and 0s is
hard enough as it is without using demotivating tools :-).

On 21 October 2016 at 18:40, Colin Fleming  wrote:
> I tried it a couple of years ago, and my impressions were more or less the
> same as CircleCI's here. I found the type annotation burden much higher than
> using a typed language such as Kotlin, the type checking was very slow and
> the boundary between typed and untyped code was really onerous. Ambrose has
> done some great work recently though, so I should check it out again.
> However my general feeling is that retrofitting something like Typed Clojure
> onto an existing language is always going to be more difficult and fraught
> with problems than having a language which was designed with the types in
> mind in the first place.
> Another possibility which I haven't had time to explore properly is Allen
> Rohner's spectrum.
> Honestly, the easiest solution to my problem is probably just to use Kotlin,
> which was designed by JetBrains for almost exactly my use case, has great
> IDE support, and has a lot of smart people working full-time on it. However
> that has a couple of problems: 1) it would make me sad and 2) I would no
> longer be dogfooding Cursive all the time, which is a valuable source of
> finding bugs during development. But at least I'd be spending all my time on
> developing Cursive features, and not chasing NPEs or investigating all this.
> On 21 October 2016 at 19:20, Josh Tilles  wrote:
>> Out of curiosity, did you try Typed Clojure? It certainly has its rough
>> edges, but you sound willing to bear the burden of annotating code with
>> types (at the top-level, at least) and I think its treatment of Java interop
>> does what you want: unless instructed otherwise, the typechecker assumes
>> that arguments to Java methods must not be nil and that any Java method may
>> return nil.
>> On Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 8:39:04 AM UTC-4, Colin Fleming wrote:
>>> I recently spent a bunch of time researching exactly this. My motivation
>>> was that my main project, Cursive, suffers from a ton of NPEs which I find
>>> very difficult to manage. I wanted to see how difficult it would be to have
>>> a typed Clojure-like thing, using something similar to Kotlin's type system.
>>> Kotlin uses a type system which is similar to Java and has Java interop as a
>>> primary goal, which I would also need since Java interop is essential to me.
>>> It fixes a bunch of flaws in the Java type system and adds new features like
>>> nullable types, which I now find it difficult to live without.
>>> Before anyone asks, spec is not useful for me because it relies heavily
>>> on generative testing to increase your confidence in your functions. I can't
>>> use generative testing because my application is tied to a large Java
>>> codebase which I cannot model to any useful degree. Essentially, spec
>>> recommends runtime tests at the boundary of your system, and nearly my
>>> entire system is interop boundary. I'm not interested in runtime checks
>>> except where absolutely necessary - Kotlin does this for me transparently,
>>> spec doesn't.
>>> Here's a short list of my findings. I'm happy to expand on any of these
>>> points if anyone is curious. It bears repeating - Java interop is
>>> non-negotiable for me, and that makes a lot of this harder than it would be
>>> otherwise.
>>> Disclaimer: I'm no programming language expert. This was hard for me, and
>>> a surprising amount of it was new to me. I'd appreciate any corrections or
>>> clarifications.
>>> Type systems are hard. I for one didn't appreciate the complexity that
>>> goes into making them easy to use. Don't be fooled by the 20-line
>>> implementations of Hindley-Milner.
>>> In particular, generics are very hard, and variance for generic objects
>>> (i.e. the intersection of generic objects and OO) is the source of much
>>> difficulty.
>>> Type systems are split into two main camps - nominal typing (like Java,
>>> where the types are identified by names) and structural typing, where the
>>> type of an object is defined by it's "shape", like Go's interfaces.
>>> One of the major benefits of Clojure is its heterogeneous collections,
>>> a.k.a. "just use a map". This is very difficult to maintain in a type-safe
>>> manner without losing most of the benefit.
>>> There are two main things I was interested in from a type system - type
>>> checking (i.e. making sure that your program's types are correct) and type
>>> inference (working out what the types of things are from the code, so you
>>> don't have to annotate everything). Type checking is relatively
>>> straightforward, but type inference can be very hard indeed.
>>> Much of the complication comes from the need to interop with Java.
>>> ML-style interface essentially doesn't work if you want to maintain
>>> compatibility with Java since it 

Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-21 Thread Colin Fleming
I tried it a couple of years ago, and my impressions were more or less the
same as CircleCI's here
. I found
the type annotation burden much higher than using a typed language such as
Kotlin, the type checking was very slow and the boundary between typed and
untyped code was really onerous. Ambrose has done some great work recently
though, so I should check it out again. However my general feeling is that
retrofitting something like Typed Clojure onto an existing language is
always going to be more difficult and fraught with problems than having a
language which was designed with the types in mind in the first place.

Another possibility which I haven't had time to explore properly is Allen
Rohner's spectrum .

Honestly, the easiest solution to my problem is probably just to use
Kotlin, which was designed by JetBrains for almost exactly my use case, has
great IDE support, and has a lot of smart people working full-time on it.
However that has a couple of problems: 1) it would make me sad and 2) I
would no longer be dogfooding Cursive all the time, which is a valuable
source of finding bugs during development. But at least I'd be spending all
my time on developing Cursive features, and not chasing NPEs or
investigating all this.

On 21 October 2016 at 19:20, Josh Tilles  wrote:

> Out of curiosity, did you try Typed Clojure? It certainly has its rough
> edges, but you sound willing to bear the burden of annotating code with
> types (at the top-level, at least) and I *think* its treatment of Java
> interop does what you want: unless instructed otherwise, the typechecker
> assumes that arguments to Java methods must not be nil and that any Java
> method may return nil.
> On Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 8:39:04 AM UTC-4, Colin Fleming wrote:
>> I recently spent a bunch of time researching exactly this. My motivation
>> was that my main project, Cursive, suffers from a ton of NPEs which I find
>> very difficult to manage. I wanted to see how difficult it would be to have
>> a typed Clojure-like thing, using something similar to Kotlin's type
>> system. Kotlin uses a type system which is similar to Java and has Java
>> interop as a primary goal, which I would also need since Java interop is
>> essential to me. It fixes a bunch of flaws in the Java type system and adds
>> new features like nullable types, which I now find it difficult to live
>> without.
>> Before anyone asks, spec is not useful for me because it relies heavily
>> on generative testing to increase your confidence in your functions. I
>> can't use generative testing because my application is tied to a large Java
>> codebase which I cannot model to any useful degree. Essentially, spec
>> recommends runtime tests at the boundary of your system, and nearly my
>> entire system is interop boundary. I'm not interested in runtime checks
>> except where absolutely necessary - Kotlin does this for me transparently,
>> spec doesn't.
>> Here's a short list of my findings. I'm happy to expand on any of these
>> points if anyone is curious. It bears repeating - Java interop is
>> non-negotiable for me, and that makes a lot of this harder than it would be
>> otherwise.
>> Disclaimer: I'm no programming language expert. This was hard for me, and
>> a surprising amount of it was new to me. I'd appreciate any corrections or
>> clarifications.
>>1. Type systems are hard. I for one didn't appreciate the complexity
>>that goes into making them easy to use. Don't be fooled by the 20-line
>>implementations of Hindley-Milner.
>>2. In particular, generics are very hard, and variance for generic
>>objects (i.e. the intersection of generic objects and OO) is the source of
>>much difficulty.
>>3. Type systems are split into two main camps - nominal typing (like
>>Java, where the types are identified by names) and structural typing, 
>> where
>>the type of an object is defined by it's "shape", like Go's interfaces.
>>4. One of the major benefits of Clojure is its heterogeneous
>>collections, a.k.a. "just use a map". This is very difficult to maintain 
>> in
>>a type-safe manner without losing most of the benefit.
>>5. There are two main things I was interested in from a type system -
>>type checking (i.e. making sure that your program's types are correct) and
>>type inference (working out what the types of things are from the code, so
>>you don't have to annotate everything). Type checking is relatively
>>straightforward, but type inference can be very hard indeed.
>>6. Much of the complication comes from the need to interop with Java.
>>ML-style interface essentially doesn't work if you want to maintain
>>compatibility with Java since it cannot be interfaced in a useful way with
>>nominal OO systems. In particular, method overriding is basically

Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-21 Thread Josh Tilles
Out of curiosity, did you try Typed Clojure? It certainly has its rough 
edges, but you sound willing to bear the burden of annotating code with 
types (at the top-level, at least) and I *think* its treatment of Java 
interop does what you want: unless instructed otherwise, the typechecker 
assumes that arguments to Java methods must not be nil and that any Java 
method may return nil.

On Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 8:39:04 AM UTC-4, Colin Fleming wrote:
> I recently spent a bunch of time researching exactly this. My motivation 
> was that my main project, Cursive, suffers from a ton of NPEs which I find 
> very difficult to manage. I wanted to see how difficult it would be to have 
> a typed Clojure-like thing, using something similar to Kotlin's type 
> system. Kotlin uses a type system which is similar to Java and has Java 
> interop as a primary goal, which I would also need since Java interop is 
> essential to me. It fixes a bunch of flaws in the Java type system and adds 
> new features like nullable types, which I now find it difficult to live 
> without.
> Before anyone asks, spec is not useful for me because it relies heavily on 
> generative testing to increase your confidence in your functions. I can't 
> use generative testing because my application is tied to a large Java 
> codebase which I cannot model to any useful degree. Essentially, spec 
> recommends runtime tests at the boundary of your system, and nearly my 
> entire system is interop boundary. I'm not interested in runtime checks 
> except where absolutely necessary - Kotlin does this for me transparently, 
> spec doesn't. 
> Here's a short list of my findings. I'm happy to expand on any of these 
> points if anyone is curious. It bears repeating - Java interop is 
> non-negotiable for me, and that makes a lot of this harder than it would be 
> otherwise.
> Disclaimer: I'm no programming language expert. This was hard for me, and 
> a surprising amount of it was new to me. I'd appreciate any corrections or 
> clarifications.
>1. Type systems are hard. I for one didn't appreciate the complexity 
>that goes into making them easy to use. Don't be fooled by the 20-line 
>implementations of Hindley-Milner.
>2. In particular, generics are very hard, and variance for generic 
>objects (i.e. the intersection of generic objects and OO) is the source of 
>much difficulty.
>3. Type systems are split into two main camps - nominal typing (like 
>Java, where the types are identified by names) and structural typing, 
> where 
>the type of an object is defined by it's "shape", like Go's interfaces.
>4. One of the major benefits of Clojure is its heterogeneous 
>collections, a.k.a. "just use a map". This is very difficult to maintain 
> in 
>a type-safe manner without losing most of the benefit.
>5. There are two main things I was interested in from a type system - 
>type checking (i.e. making sure that your program's types are correct) and 
>type inference (working out what the types of things are from the code, so 
>you don't have to annotate everything). Type checking is relatively 
>straightforward, but type inference can be very hard indeed.
>6. Much of the complication comes from the need to interop with Java. 
>ML-style interface essentially doesn't work if you want to maintain 
>compatibility with Java since it cannot be interfaced in a useful way with 
>nominal OO systems. In particular, method overriding is basically 
>impossible to represent.
>7. #6 implies that you cannot have a language with good Java interop 
>*and* global type inference, i.e. you will definitely be annotating 
>your function parameter types, and your function return types. I'm ok with 
>this since IMO it's a good practice anyway.
>8. Once you start thinking about the fact that you no longer have 
>heterogeneous collections, and start thinking about what the alternatives 
>would look like, you start to realise that you'd end up with basically the 
>ML family style of data types - homogeneous collections, typed tuples and 
>ADTs. I'm actually ok with that too, since they're a very nice set of 
>primitives and I think they probably represent 95% of how people use 
>Clojure's collections anyway.
>9. Structural typing seems like it might be a good fit for something 
>like Clojure's maps. However, mixing structural and nominal typing 
>*and* OO seems to be the path to madness.
> I think that's it. This is still a project I'd like to tinker with at some 
> point, but I think it's fair to say that I dramatically underestimated the 
> amount of work a useful Java-compatible type system would be. I still think 
> it seems like a nice point in the language design space though, which is 
> curiously unfilled on the JVM (some of you may have noticed that I 
> basically want F# with nullable types).
> Cheers,
> Colin

Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-21 Thread Colin Fleming
Sure, I'm not arguing that all large projects suffer from this, and I'm not
entirely sure why Cursive does so badly. But the argument I often see
online is the opposite - that Clojure codebases never suffer from this, and
if they do then it must be because of interop, or the application must be
strange in some way. I think this sort of argument is equally disingenuous,
and like I say, I've heard numerous anecdotes to the contrary.

One theory about why Cursive is particularly prone to this that I forgot to
mention - Cursive *is* unusual in that it is run on users' desktops. When
writing, for example, a web application, assuming you're validating your
input you have a reasonable handle on the expected space of inputs, and you
can test various combinations of your application state. For Cursive, that
is much harder - I currently support 6 versions of the underlying IntelliJ
platform, and they run on 3 operating systems. There are two
main IntelliJ configurations (Ultimate and Community). These variations are
actually surprisingly stable and don't tend to create a lot of problems,
but users can also have any combination of plugins installed, and they can
sometimes interact in surprising ways - I've had bugs logged against
Cursive that have turned out to be bugs in the Scala plugin, and vice
versa. Plugins can hook into all sorts of different IDE functionality at
different levels and this can interact in strange ways. I've had a lot of
bugs of this sort, and it's plausible that many of the bugs that are
currently unresolved are a result of this in some way.

In this sort of situation, a static type system which provides universal
guarantees (this value can never be null) is more useful than a contract
system (no null values have been seen yet for the test inputs you've
tried). There's simply no way I can test all combinations, or reproduce all
combinations that users might have running. While the spec'ed core
definitely sounds like something I should try, it will still only work for
the combinations that I actually test unless I leave it running in
production builds.

On 21 October 2016 at 17:51, Alex Miller  wrote:

> Just as a counter-anecdote, I have worked on large Clojure codebases (both
> ones I developed and ones I was unfamiliar with), including ones that
> interfaced with existing Java codebases, and have not experienced this
> problem to the degree you describe Colin. So while I believe these problems
> exist, I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that they must.
> FYI, I've found that when working with a partially instrumented spec'ed
> clojure.core, that unexpected nil colls (and colls containing nil) are
> reported earlier and better (because they occur at the point they are
> introduced rather than later and several layers down in some RT method).
> On Friday, October 21, 2016 at 10:15:23 AM UTC-5, Colin Fleming wrote:
>> This is a discussion that I've had a couple of times. I don't think that
>> interop is the main factor here, I think it's more that I'm programming
>> against a large codebase I don't understand well (I can't since it's around
>> 4 million LOC). I suspect that if I were programming against a large
>> undocumented Clojure codebase I'd have similar problems, or worse.
>> Note that Java interop often gets the blame here, but it's worth pointing
>> out that in Clojure everything is Java interop in the end. (+ 1 x) or
>> (str/trim x) will give you an NPE as easily as in Java if you pass nil in
>> x. And even if Java interop *is* the root cause of the problem,
>> supposedly interop is idiomatic in Clojure, and interfacing with existing
>> Java systems is a key use case for continuing Clojure adoption. I don't
>> think that the type of application that Cursive is is as much of an outlier
>> as people think - anyone integrating with an existing system will probably
>> face similar problems. Indeed, after my previous conversations, several
>> people contacted me to say that their experience matched mine in similar
>> systems.
>> People have also asked me about whether nil punning helps. In my
>> experience, it allows for some elegant code but it has a really terrible
>> tendency to mask bugs and push them much further into the system than would
>> otherwise be the case. It would be nice to be able to say that I'm
>> expecting a collection to be non-nil, and to get an NPE at the point of the
>> collection call if it's nil due to a bug, rather than just silently
>> returning nil and continuing.
>> Also, when tracking down an NPE from a bug report, if there are
>> collection methods in the stack trace I now have to consider (at least) 3
>> cases: the collection is unexpectedly nil, the collection is unexpectedly
>> empty, or the collection unexpectedly contains a nil value. This greatly
>> increases the space of problems that I have to consider as possibilities
>> when trying to work out what's going on.
>> On 21 October 2016 at 05:39, 

Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-21 Thread Alex Miller
Just as a counter-anecdote, I have worked on large Clojure codebases (both 
ones I developed and ones I was unfamiliar with), including ones that 
interfaced with existing Java codebases, and have not experienced this 
problem to the degree you describe Colin. So while I believe these problems 
exist, I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that they must.

FYI, I've found that when working with a partially instrumented spec'ed 
clojure.core, that unexpected nil colls (and colls containing nil) are 
reported earlier and better (because they occur at the point they are 
introduced rather than later and several layers down in some RT method).

On Friday, October 21, 2016 at 10:15:23 AM UTC-5, Colin Fleming wrote:
> This is a discussion that I've had a couple of times. I don't think that 
> interop is the main factor here, I think it's more that I'm programming 
> against a large codebase I don't understand well (I can't since it's around 
> 4 million LOC). I suspect that if I were programming against a large 
> undocumented Clojure codebase I'd have similar problems, or worse. 
> Note that Java interop often gets the blame here, but it's worth pointing 
> out that in Clojure everything is Java interop in the end. (+ 1 x) or 
> (str/trim x) will give you an NPE as easily as in Java if you pass nil in 
> x. And even if Java interop *is* the root cause of the problem, 
> supposedly interop is idiomatic in Clojure, and interfacing with existing 
> Java systems is a key use case for continuing Clojure adoption. I don't 
> think that the type of application that Cursive is is as much of an outlier 
> as people think - anyone integrating with an existing system will probably 
> face similar problems. Indeed, after my previous conversations, several 
> people contacted me to say that their experience matched mine in similar 
> systems.
> People have also asked me about whether nil punning helps. In my 
> experience, it allows for some elegant code but it has a really terrible 
> tendency to mask bugs and push them much further into the system than would 
> otherwise be the case. It would be nice to be able to say that I'm 
> expecting a collection to be non-nil, and to get an NPE at the point of the 
> collection call if it's nil due to a bug, rather than just silently 
> returning nil and continuing. 
> Also, when tracking down an NPE from a bug report, if there are collection 
> methods in the stack trace I now have to consider (at least) 3 cases: the 
> collection is unexpectedly nil, the collection is unexpectedly empty, or 
> the collection unexpectedly contains a nil value. This greatly increases 
> the space of problems that I have to consider as possibilities when trying 
> to work out what's going on.
> On 21 October 2016 at 05:39, Daniel  wrote:
>> Just curious... What do you think the primary contributing factor is for 
>> Cursive's NPEs? Java interop?
>> --
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Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-21 Thread Colin Fleming
This is a discussion that I've had a couple of times. I don't think that
interop is the main factor here, I think it's more that I'm programming
against a large codebase I don't understand well (I can't since it's around
4 million LOC). I suspect that if I were programming against a large
undocumented Clojure codebase I'd have similar problems, or worse.

Note that Java interop often gets the blame here, but it's worth pointing
out that in Clojure everything is Java interop in the end. (+ 1 x) or
(str/trim x) will give you an NPE as easily as in Java if you pass nil in
x. And even if Java interop *is* the root cause of the problem, supposedly
interop is idiomatic in Clojure, and interfacing with existing Java systems
is a key use case for continuing Clojure adoption. I don't think that the
type of application that Cursive is is as much of an outlier as people
think - anyone integrating with an existing system will probably face
similar problems. Indeed, after my previous conversations, several people
contacted me to say that their experience matched mine in similar systems.

People have also asked me about whether nil punning helps. In my
experience, it allows for some elegant code but it has a really terrible
tendency to mask bugs and push them much further into the system than would
otherwise be the case. It would be nice to be able to say that I'm
expecting a collection to be non-nil, and to get an NPE at the point of the
collection call if it's nil due to a bug, rather than just silently
returning nil and continuing.

Also, when tracking down an NPE from a bug report, if there are collection
methods in the stack trace I now have to consider (at least) 3 cases: the
collection is unexpectedly nil, the collection is unexpectedly empty, or
the collection unexpectedly contains a nil value. This greatly increases
the space of problems that I have to consider as possibilities when trying
to work out what's going on.

On 21 October 2016 at 05:39, Daniel  wrote:

> Just curious... What do you think the primary contributing factor is for
> Cursive's NPEs? Java interop?
> --
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Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-20 Thread Daniel
Just curious... What do you think the primary contributing factor is for 
Cursive's NPEs? Java interop?

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Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-20 Thread Colin Fleming
I recently spent a bunch of time researching exactly this. My motivation
was that my main project, Cursive, suffers from a ton of NPEs which I find
very difficult to manage. I wanted to see how difficult it would be to have
a typed Clojure-like thing, using something similar to Kotlin's type
system. Kotlin uses a type system which is similar to Java and has Java
interop as a primary goal, which I would also need since Java interop is
essential to me. It fixes a bunch of flaws in the Java type system and adds
new features like nullable types, which I now find it difficult to live

Before anyone asks, spec is not useful for me because it relies heavily on
generative testing to increase your confidence in your functions. I can't
use generative testing because my application is tied to a large Java
codebase which I cannot model to any useful degree. Essentially, spec
recommends runtime tests at the boundary of your system, and nearly my
entire system is interop boundary. I'm not interested in runtime checks
except where absolutely necessary - Kotlin does this for me transparently,
spec doesn't.

Here's a short list of my findings. I'm happy to expand on any of these
points if anyone is curious. It bears repeating - Java interop is
non-negotiable for me, and that makes a lot of this harder than it would be

Disclaimer: I'm no programming language expert. This was hard for me, and a
surprising amount of it was new to me. I'd appreciate any corrections or

   1. Type systems are hard. I for one didn't appreciate the complexity
   that goes into making them easy to use. Don't be fooled by the 20-line
   implementations of Hindley-Milner.
   2. In particular, generics are very hard, and variance for generic
   objects (i.e. the intersection of generic objects and OO) is the source of
   much difficulty.
   3. Type systems are split into two main camps - nominal typing (like
   Java, where the types are identified by names) and structural typing, where
   the type of an object is defined by it's "shape", like Go's interfaces.
   4. One of the major benefits of Clojure is its heterogeneous
   collections, a.k.a. "just use a map". This is very difficult to maintain in
   a type-safe manner without losing most of the benefit.
   5. There are two main things I was interested in from a type system -
   type checking (i.e. making sure that your program's types are correct) and
   type inference (working out what the types of things are from the code, so
   you don't have to annotate everything). Type checking is relatively
   straightforward, but type inference can be very hard indeed.
   6. Much of the complication comes from the need to interop with Java.
   ML-style interface essentially doesn't work if you want to maintain
   compatibility with Java since it cannot be interfaced in a useful way with
   nominal OO systems. In particular, method overriding is basically
   impossible to represent.
   7. #6 implies that you cannot have a language with good Java interop
   *and* global type inference, i.e. you will definitely be annotating your
   function parameter types, and your function return types. I'm ok with this
   since IMO it's a good practice anyway.
   8. Once you start thinking about the fact that you no longer have
   heterogeneous collections, and start thinking about what the alternatives
   would look like, you start to realise that you'd end up with basically the
   ML family style of data types - homogeneous collections, typed tuples and
   ADTs. I'm actually ok with that too, since they're a very nice set of
   primitives and I think they probably represent 95% of how people use
   Clojure's collections anyway.
   9. Structural typing seems like it might be a good fit for something
   like Clojure's maps. However, mixing structural and nominal typing *and*
   OO seems to be the path to madness.

I think that's it. This is still a project I'd like to tinker with at some
point, but I think it's fair to say that I dramatically underestimated the
amount of work a useful Java-compatible type system would be. I still think
it seems like a nice point in the language design space though, which is
curiously unfilled on the JVM (some of you may have noticed that I
basically want F# with nullable types).


On 16 October 2016 at 00:14, Didier  wrote:

> I know a lot of people like to say how unhelpful Java like static typing
> is, and only more powerful type systems of the ML family add value, but
> I've been wondering recently if for Clojure it wouldn't make more sense to
> simply extend the type hints to enable an optional Java like static typing
> scheme.
> It is my understanding that ML style static typing is incredibly difficult
> to add properly and without compromise to a dynamic language. That doing so
> limits the scope of type inference, rendering the task of adding type info
> more tedious then in ML languages themselves.
> ML 

Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-17 Thread Colin Yates
Thanks Sean.

On 17 October 2016 at 19:21, Sean Corfield  wrote:
> We have 1.9 Alpha 13 in production.
> We’ve had nearly all the 1.9 Alpha builds in production. After all, right now 
> 1.9 = 1.8 plus clojure.spec with some minor additions to clojure.core (new 
> predicates).
> Sean Corfield -- (970) FOR-SEAN -- (904) 302-SEAN
> An Architect's View --
> "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> -- Margaret Atwood
> On 10/17/16, 10:47 AM, "Colin Yates"> wrote:
> I have finally found time to watch Stu's video. It was very useful
> introducing clojure.spec (even if I thought he over-egged the pudding
> somewhat ;-)).
> I know there is a back port, but are there any other strategies of
> using this on 1.9 and building against 1.8? I was thinking of building
> a tower of yaks such that a lein 1.9 profile included a src directory
> which had all of the spec declarations in which the 1.8 profile used
> in production excluded. I am hesitant to rely on 1.9 at the moment -
> how stable have others found it?
> --
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Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-17 Thread Sean Corfield
We have 1.9 Alpha 13 in production.

We’ve had nearly all the 1.9 Alpha builds in production. After all, right now 
1.9 = 1.8 plus clojure.spec with some minor additions to clojure.core (new 

Sean Corfield -- (970) FOR-SEAN -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

On 10/17/16, 10:47 AM, "Colin Yates"  wrote:

I have finally found time to watch Stu's video. It was very useful
introducing clojure.spec (even if I thought he over-egged the pudding
somewhat ;-)).

I know there is a back port, but are there any other strategies of
using this on 1.9 and building against 1.8? I was thinking of building
a tower of yaks such that a lein 1.9 profile included a src directory
which had all of the spec declarations in which the 1.8 profile used
in production excluded. I am hesitant to rely on 1.9 at the moment -
how stable have others found it?

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Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-17 Thread Colin Yates
I have finally found time to watch Stu's video. It was very useful
introducing clojure.spec (even if I thought he over-egged the pudding
somewhat ;-)).

I know there is a back port, but are there any other strategies of
using this on 1.9 and building against 1.8? I was thinking of building
a tower of yaks such that a lein 1.9 profile included a src directory
which had all of the spec declarations in which the 1.8 profile used
in production excluded. I am hesitant to rely on 1.9 at the moment -
how stable have others found it?

On 17 October 2016 at 13:08, Timothy Baldridge  wrote:
> I highly recommend this talk on Spec by Stu Halloway. Spec is a new feature
> coming in Clojure 1.9, and this talk goes into the pros/cons of static
> typing and tests and shows how there can be a better way.
> On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 5:58 PM, Alan Thompson  wrote:
>> Be sure to check out Plumatic Schema (previously Prismatic Schema) if you
>> haven't already.  There is also a good Clojure Conj video from 2013.
>> Alan
>> On Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 3:14 PM, Didier  wrote:
>>> I know a lot of people like to say how unhelpful Java like static typing
>>> is, and only more powerful type systems of the ML family add value, but I've
>>> been wondering recently if for Clojure it wouldn't make more sense to simply
>>> extend the type hints to enable an optional Java like static typing scheme.
>>> It is my understanding that ML style static typing is incredibly
>>> difficult to add properly and without compromise to a dynamic language. That
>>> doing so limits the scope of type inference, rendering the task of adding
>>> type info more tedious then in ML languages themselves.
>>> ML style static typing provide enhanced safety grantees, but seem to add
>>> too much complexity to Clojure to be practical. What about a Java like
>>> static typing scheme though?
>>> I haven't found in practice that the safety of Clojure was an issue, as
>>> the REPL workflow tend to promote quite a lot of testing. So I'm not too
>>> worried about needing the state of the art of provable correctness for my
>>> programs. What has been a biggest cause of issue to me was refactoring and
>>> shared code base across a team. Those last two use cases are actually pretty
>>> well handled by Java like static type checking. Is it a powerful type
>>> checker, not really, but it enables most trivial type errors to be caught
>>> early, and it allows easier integration points for other devs to follow, as
>>> well as documentation for functions, better tools support and easier
>>> refactoring, while also enabling performance optimizations.
>>> I have limited knowledge in typing systems, and have no idea how easy it
>>> is to implement them, but as a user of Clojure, I feel like I would find an
>>> optional Java like static typing a great addition, one that I am more
>>> willing to use and benefit from then Typed Clojure's more complex ML style
>>> type checking.
>>> What do other think?
>>> Can anyone with better knowledge tell me if this would be feasible or if
>>> adding such gradual typing system is effectively as hard as adding ML style
>>> type checking?
>>> --
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>>> your first post.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at
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>> --
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> --
> “One of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that–lacking
> zero–they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C
> programs.”
> (Robert Firth)
> --
> You received 

Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-17 Thread Stephen Lester
Hi there!

There is an 'optional type system' for Clojure in 'core.typed':

But it also seems like others who were using such a type system have
stepped away from it:

On 10/15/2016 03:14 PM, Didier wrote:
> I know a lot of people like to say how unhelpful Java like static
> typing is, and only more powerful type systems of the ML family add
> value, but I've been wondering recently if for Clojure it wouldn't
> make more sense to simply extend the type hints to enable an optional
> Java like static typing scheme.
> It is my understanding that ML style static typing is incredibly
> difficult to add properly and without compromise to a dynamic
> language. That doing so limits the scope of type inference, rendering
> the task of adding type info more tedious then in ML languages themselves.
> ML style static typing provide enhanced safety grantees, but seem to
> add too much complexity to Clojure to be practical. What about a Java
> like static typing scheme though?
> I haven't found in practice that the safety of Clojure was an issue,
> as the REPL workflow tend to promote quite a lot of testing. So I'm
> not too worried about needing the state of the art of provable
> correctness for my programs. What has been a biggest cause of issue to
> me was refactoring and shared code base across a team. Those last two
> use cases are actually pretty well handled by Java like static type
> checking. Is it a powerful type checker, not really, but it enables
> most trivial type errors to be caught early, and it allows easier
> integration points for other devs to follow, as well as documentation
> for functions, better tools support and easier refactoring, while also
> enabling performance optimizations.
> I have limited knowledge in typing systems, and have no idea how easy
> it is to implement them, but as a user of Clojure, I feel like I would
> find an optional Java like static typing a great addition, one that I
> am more willing to use and benefit from then Typed Clojure's more
> complex ML style type checking.
> What do other think?
> Can anyone with better knowledge tell me if this would be feasible or
> if adding such gradual typing system is effectively as hard as adding
> ML style type checking?
> -- 
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Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-17 Thread Timothy Baldridge
I highly recommend this talk on Spec by Stu Halloway. Spec is a new feature
coming in Clojure 1.9, and this talk goes into the pros/cons of static
typing and tests and shows how there can be a better way.

On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 5:58 PM, Alan Thompson  wrote:

> Be sure to check out Plumatic Schema 
> (previously Prismatic Schema) if you haven't already.  There is also a good 
> Clojure
> Conj video  from 2013.
> Alan
> On Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 3:14 PM, Didier  wrote:
>> I know a lot of people like to say how unhelpful Java like static typing
>> is, and only more powerful type systems of the ML family add value, but
>> I've been wondering recently if for Clojure it wouldn't make more sense to
>> simply extend the type hints to enable an optional Java like static typing
>> scheme.
>> It is my understanding that ML style static typing is incredibly
>> difficult to add properly and without compromise to a dynamic language.
>> That doing so limits the scope of type inference, rendering the task of
>> adding type info more tedious then in ML languages themselves.
>> ML style static typing provide enhanced safety grantees, but seem to add
>> too much complexity to Clojure to be practical. What about a Java like
>> static typing scheme though?
>> I haven't found in practice that the safety of Clojure was an issue, as
>> the REPL workflow tend to promote quite a lot of testing. So I'm not too
>> worried about needing the state of the art of provable correctness for my
>> programs. What has been a biggest cause of issue to me was refactoring and
>> shared code base across a team. Those last two use cases are actually
>> pretty well handled by Java like static type checking. Is it a powerful
>> type checker, not really, but it enables most trivial type errors to be
>> caught early, and it allows easier integration points for other devs to
>> follow, as well as documentation for functions, better tools support and
>> easier refactoring, while also enabling performance optimizations.
>> I have limited knowledge in typing systems, and have no idea how easy it
>> is to implement them, but as a user of Clojure, I feel like I would find an
>> optional Java like static typing a great addition, one that I am more
>> willing to use and benefit from then Typed Clojure's more complex ML style
>> type checking.
>> What do other think?
>> Can anyone with better knowledge tell me if this would be feasible or if
>> adding such gradual typing system is effectively as hard as adding ML style
>> type checking?
>> --
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“One of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that–lacking
zero–they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C
(Robert Firth)

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Re: Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-16 Thread Alan Thompson
Be sure to check out Plumatic Schema 
(previously Prismatic Schema) if you haven't already.  There is also a
good Clojure
Conj video  from 2013.

On Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 3:14 PM, Didier  wrote:

> I know a lot of people like to say how unhelpful Java like static typing
> is, and only more powerful type systems of the ML family add value, but
> I've been wondering recently if for Clojure it wouldn't make more sense to
> simply extend the type hints to enable an optional Java like static typing
> scheme.
> It is my understanding that ML style static typing is incredibly difficult
> to add properly and without compromise to a dynamic language. That doing so
> limits the scope of type inference, rendering the task of adding type info
> more tedious then in ML languages themselves.
> ML style static typing provide enhanced safety grantees, but seem to add
> too much complexity to Clojure to be practical. What about a Java like
> static typing scheme though?
> I haven't found in practice that the safety of Clojure was an issue, as
> the REPL workflow tend to promote quite a lot of testing. So I'm not too
> worried about needing the state of the art of provable correctness for my
> programs. What has been a biggest cause of issue to me was refactoring and
> shared code base across a team. Those last two use cases are actually
> pretty well handled by Java like static type checking. Is it a powerful
> type checker, not really, but it enables most trivial type errors to be
> caught early, and it allows easier integration points for other devs to
> follow, as well as documentation for functions, better tools support and
> easier refactoring, while also enabling performance optimizations.
> I have limited knowledge in typing systems, and have no idea how easy it
> is to implement them, but as a user of Clojure, I feel like I would find an
> optional Java like static typing a great addition, one that I am more
> willing to use and benefit from then Typed Clojure's more complex ML style
> type checking.
> What do other think?
> Can anyone with better knowledge tell me if this would be feasible or if
> adding such gradual typing system is effectively as hard as adding ML style
> type checking?
> --
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Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-15 Thread A. Levy
Have you heard of Typed Clojure? (

It is an optional, gradual type system for Clojure. Does it offer enough to be 
useful or are you looking for something different?

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Java like static typing for Clojure?

2016-10-15 Thread Didier
I know a lot of people like to say how unhelpful Java like static typing 
is, and only more powerful type systems of the ML family add value, but 
I've been wondering recently if for Clojure it wouldn't make more sense to 
simply extend the type hints to enable an optional Java like static typing 

It is my understanding that ML style static typing is incredibly difficult 
to add properly and without compromise to a dynamic language. That doing so 
limits the scope of type inference, rendering the task of adding type info 
more tedious then in ML languages themselves.

ML style static typing provide enhanced safety grantees, but seem to add 
too much complexity to Clojure to be practical. What about a Java like 
static typing scheme though?

I haven't found in practice that the safety of Clojure was an issue, as the 
REPL workflow tend to promote quite a lot of testing. So I'm not too 
worried about needing the state of the art of provable correctness for my 
programs. What has been a biggest cause of issue to me was refactoring and 
shared code base across a team. Those last two use cases are actually 
pretty well handled by Java like static type checking. Is it a powerful 
type checker, not really, but it enables most trivial type errors to be 
caught early, and it allows easier integration points for other devs to 
follow, as well as documentation for functions, better tools support and 
easier refactoring, while also enabling performance optimizations.

I have limited knowledge in typing systems, and have no idea how easy it is 
to implement them, but as a user of Clojure, I feel like I would find an 
optional Java like static typing a great addition, one that I am more 
willing to use and benefit from then Typed Clojure's more complex ML style 
type checking.

What do other think?
Can anyone with better knowledge tell me if this would be feasible or if 
adding such gradual typing system is effectively as hard as adding ML style 
type checking?

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