Re: Use of io!

2013-05-29 Thread dennis zhuang
Yep,wrap code that has side effects, prevent it to be evaluated in STM transaction. 2013/5/30 Maik Schünemann > I think It stops other code to wrap around the code with the explicit io! > call. > Its declarative way of saying: I am doing io! DONT USE me inside a dosync. > > > On Thu, May 30, 20

sorted-map-by issue?

2013-06-06 Thread dennis zhuang
user=> (sorted-map-by (constantly 1) :b 1 :a 2) {:b 1, :a 2} user=> (:a (sorted-map-by (constantly 1) :b 1 :a 2)) nil user=> (keys (sorted-map-by (constantly 1) :b 1 :a 2)) (:b :a) user=> (count (sorted-map-by (constantly 1) :b 1 :a 2)) 2 user=> (:a (sorted-map-by (constantly 1) :b 1 :a 2)) nil It

Re: sorted-map-by issue?

2013-06-06 Thread dennis zhuang
(:a (sorted-map-by #(if (= %1 %2) 0 1) :b 1 :a 2)) 2 user=> (:b (sorted-map-by #(if (= %1 %2) 0 1) :b 1 :a 2)) 1 2013/6/6 dennis zhuang > user=> (sorted-map-by (constantly 1) :b 1 :a 2) > {:b 1, :a 2} > user=> (:a (sorted-map-by (constantly 1) :b 1 :a 2)) > nil > user=&

Re: sorted-map-by issue?

2013-06-06 Thread dennis zhuang
come after :z, and later that :z should come after :a. No sorted tree can > hope to return correct results given such an inconsistent comparator. > > More examples and discussion at the link below, if you are interested: > > >

{ANN} A clojure macro and ruby script to profile clojure program.

2013-06-08 Thread dennis zhuang
A macro named `p` to log data, and a ruby script to parse log file,and it will give the statistics result of a clojure program: Parsing log file test.log ... Prowl profile results: Labels: Label:logic count:1 Method: method2mean: 10.81 min: 10.81

{ANN} clj-xmemacched release 0.2.2

2013-06-24 Thread dennis zhuang
An opensource memcached client for clojure wrapping xmemcached.It released 0.2.2, added 'clj-json-transcoder' that encode/decode values using -- 庄晓丹 xzhu...@a

Re: reset! and merge for (transient {})

2013-07-02 Thread dennis zhuang
Maybe he means clear? 2013/7/2 Jim > No merge will not work with transients because it uses conj instead of > conj! > If you absolutely have to do this define your own 'merge!' that uses conj!. > > I'm not sure what you mean by reset! for transients...reset! is an > operation on reference types

Re: reset! and merge for (transient {})

2013-07-02 Thread dennis zhuang
Clear the collection. user=> (doc empty) - clojure.core/empty ([coll]) Returns an empty collection of the same category as coll, or nil nil 2013/7/2 Jim > what is 'clear' ? cannot find it anywhere... > > Jim > > > > On 02/07/13 12:

Re: core.async

2013-07-06 Thread dennis zhuang
It's so cool,great job! But i don't find any way to do io blocking operations such as in 'go'. Is there a roadmap to make alts! working with java NIO selector that waits on socket channels? Then we can read/write data with socket/file channel in go without blocking. Thanks,it's really a

{{ANN} clj-xmemcached release 0.2.3

2013-07-19 Thread dennis zhuang
An opensource memcached client for clojure,it wraps xmemcached. 0.2.3 releases, main highlights: 1.Supports delete with CAS value in binary protocol ;;delete with CAS (xm/delete "num" (:cas (gets "num"))) 2.Supports lighweight distribution lock with try-lock macro: (def counter (ato

Re: Can we please deprecate the :use directive ?

2013-07-24 Thread dennis zhuang
I am using ':use' for my own namespaces.I know it's discouraged, but if i can control my own code,why not? Compiler can give me warnings and i process all warnings carefully. 2013/7/25 Steven Degutis > If our votes count for anything, then I'd like to add +1 for getting rid > of :use, and stro

Re: Entwined STM V1.0

2013-08-18 Thread dennis zhuang
That's really cool. Do you have any performance benchmark between TransactionalMap and java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap? When should i use these collections instead of java.util.concurrent.* collections? 2013/8/18 Ivan Koblik > Hi All, > > Almost 4 years ago I developed STM with semant

{ANN} clj-archaius releases: wrapper for netflix archaius

2015-07-02 Thread dennis zhuang
Hi,all I create a new project that wraps netflix archaius library for configuration management. It's really simple to use in your project,i hope it can help someone that is using

{ANN} clj.qrgen and securen-rand : generate QRCode and secure random in clojure

2014-06-22 Thread dennis zhuang
*clj.qrgen*: Generate QRCode in clojure: (as-file (from "hello world")) *secure-rand*: Secure version for clojure.core/rand etc. (ns test (:refer-clojure :exclude [rand rand-int rand-nth]) (:use [secure-ra

CtorReader bug?

2014-08-16 Thread dennis zhuang
user=> #java.lang.String["hello world"] "hello world" user=> #java.lang.String[(byte-array) "utf8"] IllegalArgumentException No matching ctor found for class java.lang.String clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeConstructor ( It seems that the CtorReader

Re: CtorReader bug?

2014-08-16 Thread dennis zhuang
Sorry,the error example must be: user=> #java.lang.String[(byte-array 10) "utf8"] IllegalArgumentException No matching ctor found for class java.lang.String clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeConstructor ( 2014-08-16 19:59 GMT+08:00 dennis zhuang : > user=>

Re: CtorReader bug?

2014-08-16 Thread dennis zhuang
Got it. Thanks for your quick reply. 2014-08-16 20:14 GMT+08:00 Nicola Mometto : > It's by design, see the section on ctor literals > > > "The elements in the vector part are passed unevaluated to the relevant > constructor." >

Re: Supplied-p parameter in clojure similar to lisp lambda lists

2014-08-17 Thread dennis zhuang
I think that adding a :p option to destructuring would be great: (let [ {:keys [a b c] :p {a a-p}} params] (if a-p (println a) (println "a is not exists."))) 2014-08-17 20:05 GMT+08:00 Dave Tenny : > Well, it took me a while to perhaps get what you were telling me here.

Re: Supplied-p parameter in clojure similar to lisp lambda lists

2014-08-18 Thread dennis zhuang
I created a ticket 2014-08-18 11:02 GMT+08:00 dennis zhuang : > I think that adding a :p option to destructuring would be great: > > (let [ {:keys [a b c] :p {a a-p}} params] > (if a-p > (println a) > (printl

Re: Supplied-p parameter in clojure similar to lisp lambda lists

2014-08-18 Thread dennis zhuang
ature is necessary, since all you need to do to > emulate it is a > (:baz all-keys) to know if the user explicitly specified it. I.e. I think > the capability is already present in adequate form but the documentation on > map destructuring could be improved. > > > > > On

Re: Clojure production environment

2014-08-20 Thread dennis zhuang
jetty + lein jar + lein libdir,and used fabric to deploy applications.Uses nginx as load balancer. 2014-08-20 16:55 GMT+08:00 Max Penet : > For "web stuff" we use jetty (9) apps as uberjar, behind nginx, deployed > and C&C via ansible, hosted on DigitalOcean as well. > Ansible is super easy to

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.7.0-alpha2

2014-09-11 Thread dennis zhuang
May be the LongAdder in Java8 can beat AtomicLong :D 2014-09-11 17:30 GMT+08:00 Linus Ericsson : > The volatile construct seems very useful in some particular cases! I have > been missing "ugly-mutab

{ANN} defun: A beautiful macro to define clojure functions with pattern match.

2014-09-13 Thread dennis zhuang
Hi , i am pleased to introduce defun : a beautiful macro to define clojure functions with pattern match. Some examples: (defun say-hi ([:dennis] "Hi,good morning, dennis.") ([:catty] "Hi, catty, what time is it?") ([:green] "Hi,green, what a good day

Re: {ANN} defun: A beautiful macro to define clojure functions with pattern match.

2014-09-14 Thread dennis zhuang
Released 0.1.0-RC, defun collect :arglists metadata, another recursive function example: (defun accum ([0 ret] ret) ([n ret] (recur (dec n) (+ n ret))) ([n] (recur n 0))) (accum 100) ;; the result is 5050 2014-09-14 14:46 GMT+08:00 dennis zhuang : > > Hi

Re: {ANN} defun: A beautiful macro to define clojure functions with pattern match.

2014-09-14 Thread dennis zhuang
Hi Herwig Actually,defun just define a variadic arguments function,so it doesn't have different arities. And when using defun macro ,it walk through the body forms, find 'recur' forms and replace them with (recur (vector ...arguments)) instead. A macroexpand-1 result of accum: (macroexpand-1

Re: {ANN} defun: A beautiful macro to define clojure functions with pattern match.

2014-09-14 Thread dennis zhuang
GMT+08:00 dennis zhuang : > Hi Herwig > > Actually,defun just define a variadic arguments function,so it doesn't > have different arities. And when using defun macro ,it walk through the > body forms, find 'recur' forms and replace them with (recur (vector > ...argu

Re: keywords

2014-09-15 Thread dennis zhuang
Clojure's keyword is using a soft reference cache, they would be garbage collected when used memory reaches threshold. 2014-09-15 18:36 GMT+08:00 Paweł Sabat : > Hi. > > How many :keywords can I create in Clojure? Is there any limited > number of them? I know of such limitation of Erlang's atom

Re: How do I track down a painfully long pause in a small web app?

2014-09-24 Thread dennis zhuang
You can use jstat -gcutil 2000 to print the GC statistics every 2 seconds, It the long pause is from GC, the columns FGCT/FGC values would be large. If you think it's a swap issue, you may want to use vmstat 1 1 wa

Re: [ANN] Monroe 0.1.0 - nrepl client for Emacs

2014-09-24 Thread dennis zhuang
Looks great.But it doesn't support code completion? 2014-09-25 0:50 GMT+08:00 Sanel Zukan : > Hi everyone, > > Here is initial release for Monroe, a > new Clojure nREPL client for Emacs. The main idea behind Monroe is to be > simple, easy to install (just put it

Re: {ANN} defun: A beautiful macro to define clojure functions with pattern match.

2014-09-26 Thread dennis zhuang
I will add supporting for clojurescript this weekend.Thanks for your suggestion. 2014-09-26 1:09 GMT+08:00 Ivan L : > Is this clojurescript ready? This looks amazing, I would also love to > have it in core. > > On Sunday, September 14, 2014 2:47:28 AM UTC-4, dennis wrote: >> >> >> Hi , i am plea

{ANN}} Carmine-sentinel: connect redis by sentinel, make carmine to support sentinel.

2016-10-13 Thread dennis zhuang
Hi, all I wrote a library to make carmine support redis sentinel : Someone may want to try it if you are interested. It's a beta release, feedback is welcome. -- 庄晓丹 Email:

Re: {ANN}} Carmine-sentinel: connect redis by sentinel, make carmine to support sentinel.

2016-10-16 Thread dennis zhuang
lave? true}) (defmacro wcars* [& body] `(cs/wcar slave-conn ~@body)) (wcars* (car/set "key" 1)) ;; ExceptionInfo READONLY You can't write against a read only slave More info please visit 2016-10-13 19:43 GMT+08:00 dennis zhuang : >

Re: Java object in eval

2017-03-30 Thread dennis zhuang
You should quote the binding vector: (let [v '[D (LocalDate/of 2017 03 30)] f '(.getYear D)] (eval `(let ~v ~f))) 2017-03-30 16:04 GMT+08:00 'Burt' via Clojure : > Hi, > > I want to pass Java objects to a piece of code via let and then get it > evaluated with eval. > > An minimal examp

Re: Clojure rookie vs parsing

2017-08-15 Thread dennis zhuang
In my experience, instaparse + defun is a good choice. 2017-08-15 22:02 GMT+08:00 Gary Trakhman : > I enjoyed working with clj-antlr recently, it's a wrapper over a java > library, but gives you a fast feedback loop wit

Re: Starting Clojure again

2017-09-06 Thread dennis zhuang
1.Maybe you can use :pre metadata: (defn create-pin ([] (create-pin 8)) ([n] {:pre [(<= n 16) (>= n 4)]} (let [chars (map char (range (int \0) (inc (int \9] (reduce str (repeatedly n #(rand-nth chars)) (create-pin 3) AssertionError Assert failed: (>= n 4) user/cr

Re: The performance of plain map vs. defrecord

2017-10-08 Thread dennis zhuang
First, the alphabet-macro is wrong, it should use name instead of str in comp: user=> (macroexpand-1 '(alphabet-macro)) (do (clojure.core/defrecord Alphabet [:a :b :c :d :e :f :g :h :i :j :k :l :m :n :o :p :q :r :s :t :u :w :v :x :y :z]) (def dummy-record (Alphabet. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1

Re: The performance of plain map vs. defrecord

2017-10-09 Thread dennis zhuang
In fact they are symbols, but print as keywords: user=> (symbol ":a") :a user=> (symbol? (symbol (str :a))) true 2017-10-09 16:26 GMT+08:00 Peter Hull : > Slightly off-topic, but why doesn't using the 'incorrect' alphabet-macro > give an error? If I try and define a Record with keyword keys it

Re: [ANN] faster-multimethods

2017-10-12 Thread dennis zhuang
why not merge it to clojure.core multimethods? I think it's a valuable work, you can create a patch to make clojure better. See 2017-10-13 8:13 GMT+08:00 John Alan McDonald : > Beta release (0.1.0) of faster-multimethods, which brings multimethod > loo

Re: [ANN] sniper, emacs assistant for deleting dead code

2015-07-29 Thread dennis zhuang
Cool work. But missing installation or user guide in I don't know how to use it in my project. I want to try it. 2015-07-30 13:26 GMT+08:00 benedek fazekas : > hi, > > I wonder if you tried clj-refactor which has find usages listing all the > usages of your symbol *and* its definitio

{{ANN}} clj-rate-limiter: rate limiter for clojure backed by memory or redis.

2015-08-17 Thread dennis zhuang
clj-rate-limiter is a rate limiter for clojure,that supports a rolling window, either in-memory or backed by redis. Hope it can help someone. -- 庄晓丹 Site: Twitter: @

Re: numbers, why?

2015-09-04 Thread dennis zhuang
Because the literal is readed as BigInt: user=> (class 6546546546546546546850348954895480584039545804 ) clojure.lang.BigInt 2015-09-04 22:48 GMT+08:00 Ali M : > why? > > > user=> (+ 6546546546546546546850348954895480584039545804 > 7548979534287548957345843954749357348757897) > 65540955260808340

Re: Just found out about Elixirs function argument pattern matching...

2015-09-07 Thread dennis zhuang
Thanks for your benchmark. I will upgrade all the dependencies and release 0.2.0 We are using defun with instparse in a DSL implementation, the performance is acceptable, but the code is much more readable. 2015-09-06 4:33 GMT+08:00 Rob Lally : > Out of interest, I ran the benchmarks as is,

Re: Bug in DynamicClassLoader?

2015-09-16 Thread dennis zhuang
I don't think it's a bug. Indeed, the class loader will invoke loadClass, and the loadClass method will checking the parent class loader for the requested class, if it is not found,then invoke findClass of current class loader implementation to find the requested class as describe in loadClass java

Re: Calling object members with symbols

2015-10-18 Thread dennis zhuang
You may have to use macro: user=> (defmacro invoke [obj sym] `(. ~obj ~sym)) #'user/invoke user=> (invoke 1 toString) "1" 2015-10-19 6:54 GMT+08:00 Timur : > Hi all, > > Is there anyway to call an object member using its symbol? > > For instance we have an object o, we get the symbol of a method

Re: Calling object members with symbols

2015-10-18 Thread dennis zhuang
In such case you have to use `eval`, another post!topic/clojure/YJNRnGXLr2I 2015-10-19 9:10 GMT+08:00 James Reeves : > On 18 October 2015 at 23:54, Timur wrote: > >> Hi all, >> >> Is there anyway to call an object member using its symbol? >> >> For instance we

{{ANN}} defun 0.3.0-alapha: supports clojurescript

2015-10-24 Thread dennis zhuang
defun is a macro to define clojure functions with parameter pattern matching just like erlang or elixir based on core.match. Thanks to sander dijkhuis , it supports clojurescript right now. You c

Re: how to speedup lein uberjar?

2015-10-27 Thread dennis zhuang
Recommend to use libdir plugin: Run lein libdir to copy all the dependencies to lib directory, and just run lein jar to package the project. Then you can rsync or copy the project jar with all dependent jars instead of compiling all dependent namespaces tha

Re: Largest Clojure codebases?

2015-11-15 Thread dennis zhuang
I use cloc( to counting the LOC of our projects, it's total about 41025 lines of Clojure code. 2015-11-16 7:22 GMT+08:00 Colin Yates : > Exactly this. I couldn’t find a reliable way of counting LOC but my > (Clojure/ClojureSciprt) src tree (excluding test) in th

Re: Locking non-local variable inside macro

2015-11-15 Thread dennis zhuang
I think the reason is in macroexpand-1 result: user=> (macroexpand-1 '(mac1 1)) (clojure.core/locking # 1) It's not a valid form to be read and eval by clojure reader,the object form can't be parsed. If define obj to be a map {}, it works fine: user=> (def obj {}) #'user/obj user=> (mac1 1) 1 u

Re: which GC optimizations work better with Clojure?

2016-04-29 Thread dennis zhuang
It depends. CMS or G1 would be better in common cases as you said, clojure runtime has many short-lived objects. We are using G1 in your production. But sometimes you would prefer system throughput rather than GC pause time, you may try Parallel GC. 2016-04-29 19:02 GMT+08:00 Camilo Roca : > > Fo

Re: apply madness

2016-05-12 Thread dennis zhuang
A try: (let [raw (list :a 1 :b 2 :c 3)] (->> raw (partition 2) (filter #(even? (second %))) (map vec) (into {}) (merge {:raw raw}))) => {:b 2, :raw (:a 1 :b 2 :c 3)} 2016-05-12 15:46 GMT+08:00 hiskennyness : > This does what I want but feels nooby-ish, as

Re: Clojure performance question

2014-03-01 Thread dennis zhuang
The "String a=i+"another word";" is also compiled into using StringBuilder, see the byte code by javap -v: Code: stack=5, locals=5, args_size=1 0: invokestatic #2 // Method java/lang/System.nanoTime:()J 3: lstore_1 4: iconst_0 5: isto

Re: Clojure performance question

2014-03-01 Thread dennis zhuang
I forgot to note hat i test the java sample and clojure sample code with the same jvm options '-server'. 2014-03-01 20:03 GMT+08:00 dennis zhuang : > The "String a=i+"another word";" is also compiled into using > StringBuilder, see the byte code by ja

Re: Clojure performance question

2014-03-01 Thread dennis zhuang
erformance. 2014-03-01 20:07 GMT+08:00 dennis zhuang : > I forgot to note hat i test the java sample and clojure sample code with > the same jvm options '-server'. > > > > 2014-03-01 20:03 GMT+08:00 dennis zhuang : > > The "String a=i+"another word&quo

Re: Clojure performance question

2014-03-01 Thread dennis zhuang
D etc) and some CHECKCAST (cast type) instruments. 2014-03-01 21:00 GMT+08:00 Jozef Wagner : > Clojure math functions compile down to the same JVM 'instruction' as from > java. See > > > > On Sat, Mar 1,

Re: [ANN] core.rrb-vector 0.0.11 -- Clojure 1.6 compatibility and bug fixes

2014-03-30 Thread dennis zhuang
I can't find any performance benchmark in the home page.Any links?Thanks. 2014-03-31 2:01 GMT+08:00 Michał Marczyk : > Hi, > > I am pleased to announce the 0.0.11 release of core.rrb-vector, a > Clojure Contrib library extending the Clojure vector API with > logarithmic-time concatenation and s

{{ANN} clj-xmemcached release 0.2.4

2014-04-27 Thread dennis zhuang
An opensource memcached client for clojure,it wraps xmemcached. 0.2.4 releases, main highlights: - Upgrade xmemcached to 2.0.0, 10% performance improved for text protocol and fixed some issues. - Added nippy-transcod

Re: Effective Clojure book?

2014-06-04 Thread dennis zhuang
《The joy of clojure》 ? 2014-06-05 9:30 GMT+08:00 Mike Fikes : > Are there any books yet that prescribe best practices for Clojure, à la > Meyers or Bloch? > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google > Groups "Clojure" group. > To post to this group, send email to

Re: How to reflect on super class fields?

2013-10-19 Thread dennis zhuang
There is an option :ancestors for reflect: (reflect 3 :ancestors true) Options: :ancestors in addition to the keys described above, also include an :ancestors key with the entire set of ancestors, and add all ancestor members to

Re: get fn and not-found

2013-10-27 Thread dennis zhuang
The function's arguments will be evaluated before calling it. So the (my-foo) will be called before 'get'. 2013/10/28 Ryan > Hello, > > I am trying to understanding why is this happening: > > > (defn my-foo [] (println "Why do I get printed?")) >> #'sandbox4724/my-foo >> > (get {:b 1} :b (my-f

Re: How to indent clojure code in Emacs

2014-01-03 Thread dennis zhuang
use the 'indent-region' function.You can define a function to indent the whole buffer: (defun indent-buffer () "Indent whole buffer" (interactive) (indent-region (point-min) (point-max)) (message "format successfully")) Then bind the function to a key, i bound it to F7 for me: (global-s

Re: JAVA_OPTS not accessible in my Clojure project

2014-01-12 Thread dennis zhuang
Tried System/getenv ? 2014/1/12 aidy lewis > Hi Phil, > > M-x cider-jack-in, but the JAVA_OPT properties are also nil if I do a lein > run. > > Thanks > > Aidy > > > On 12 January 2014 05:25, Matching Socks wrote: > >> How did you start the Emacs Cider REPL? >> >> -- >> -- >> You received thi

Re: Imported Java lib can't find classes compiled on the fly

2013-03-17 Thread dennis zhuang
You can make the clojure class loader by yourself: (import '(clojure.lang RT)) (def class-loader (RT/makeClassLoader)) user=> (.loadClass class-loader "user.Foo") user.Foo 2013/3/17 vemv > Most definitely :) But that something is hard/confusing should'nt be > enough reason to give up. > > >

Re: Laziness in filter

2013-03-17 Thread dennis zhuang
Yep,it's chunked sequence,just like batch processing. You can use the seq1 function in fogus blog. 2013/3/17 Evan Mezeske > I'd guess that what you're seeing is related to chunked sequences: > . > > > On Sunday, March 17, 2013

Re: Do you know which language the clojure is written by?

2013-04-22 Thread dennis zhuang
Java. But there is some clojure version written in ruby,python,c# and javascript. 2013/4/22 > Hi, > Do you know which language the clojure is written by? > > -- > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google > Groups "Clojure" group. > To post to this group, send ema

{ANN} clojure-control 0.2.4 is out

2012-02-13 Thread dennis zhuang
Hi,all Clojure-control is a clojure DSL for system admin and deployment with many remote machines via ssh,and i have checked out a branch to make it work with clojure 1.3 now. At last, control 0.2.4 works well with clojure 1.3,and 0.2.3 works well with clojure 1.2: :dev-dependenci

Re: Problem with amap over byte arrays

2012-02-16 Thread dennis zhuang
Because bit-xor returns a integer,so you have to cast it to byte: (amap ^bytes an-array idx ret (byte (bit-xor (byte 0) (aget ^bytes an-array idx 2012/2/17 Andreas Kostler > Hi all, > I'm experiencing the following problem: > > (def an-array (byte-array 200 (byte 1))) > (amap

{ANN} Clojure-Control 0.3.0 is out

2012-02-18 Thread dennis zhuang
Hi,all Clojure-control is a clojure DSL for system admin and deployment with many remote machines via ssh. I am pleased to annoucment that clojure-control 0.3.0 is out.It adds some powerful features in this release ,includes: - ssh and sc

Re: Parallel SSH and system monitoring in Clojure

2012-03-15 Thread dennis zhuang
There is a clojure-control: 2012/3/16 Chris McBride > Hi, > > I releases two simple clojure libraries to help running commands > via SSH on multiple servers. Hopefully someone will find it useful. > > >

{ANN}Clojure-Control 0.3.2 is out

2012-03-24 Thread dennis zhuang
Hi,all I am pleased to announce that clojure-control 0.3.2 is out.Clojure-control is a clojure DSL for system admin and deployment with many remote machines via ssh.Please see Main highlights in 0.3.2: 1.You can include other clusters in defclust

Re: Clojure Toolbox

2012-03-24 Thread dennis zhuang
Another link 2012/3/24 Rostislav Svoboda > A nice list of tools and libraries I stumbled upon. Enjoy! > > > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google > Groups "Clojure" group. > To post to this group, s

Re: seeking a lazy way to interleave a constant

2012-04-09 Thread dennis zhuang
D o you want this? user=> (def x (interleave (iterate inc 1) (repeat 0))) #'user/x user=> (take 10 x) (1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0) 2012/4/10 Andrew > Given a lazy sequence of numbers is there a way to interleave a constant > and get another lazy sequence? Say the first sequence is 1 2 3 4 ... I'd > lik

Re: Inconsistent refs within an STM transaction.

2012-04-16 Thread dennis zhuang
Hi Transaction "read point" is changed every time when transaction is started or retried.So the result is all right.If you want the ref1 cloud not be modified by other transactions ,you can use "ensure": (defn deref-delay-deref [ref1 ref2 delay] (.start (Thread.

Re: question about partial

2012-04-16 Thread dennis zhuang
user=> (defn f[x y] (+ x y)) #'user/f user=> (-> 3 ((partial f 2))) 5 It must works :). Please notice the extra parentheses. 2012/4/17 larry > > > On Monday, April 16, 2012 10:02:48 AM UTC-7, Cedric Greevey wrote: >> >> (-> 3 ((partial f 2))) should also work. >> > > > I just wrote that it DOES

Re: Inconsistent refs within an STM transaction.

2012-04-16 Thread dennis zhuang
Hi, I know your meaning.But it is real that the read transaction is restarted,you can observer it by stm-profile: (.start (Thread. #(do (Thread/sleep 1) (prn (ref-stats r1) (Thread/sleep 2000) r1 statistics: {:de

Re: Inconsistent refs within an STM transaction.

2012-04-16 Thread dennis zhuang
ppy that that's the case then an update to that point #1 > on is probably in order, because that's not how it reads > at the moment at least in my understanding. > > thanks for your time. > > Neale > {t: @sw1nn <!/sw1nn>,

{ANN} Clojure-Control 0.3.3 release

2012-04-30 Thread dennis zhuang
Clojure-control: a clojure DSL for system admin and deployment with many remote machines via ssh Usage: *Release 0.3.3* - New function (set-options! key value) to set global options,include keys :ssh-options,:scp-options,:rsync-options and :user for

Re: {ANN} Clojure-control 0.3.4 released

2012-05-10 Thread dennis zhuang
*A new release 0.3.5:* --Now you can run a task with user@host rather than a pre-defined cluster by: lein control run user@host task args *Upgrade:* lein plugin install control 0.3.5 2012/5/10 dennis zhuang > Clojure-control: a clojure DSL for system admin and deployment with m

Re: {ANN} Clojure-control 0.3.4 released

2012-05-10 Thread dennis zhuang
I am sorry, 0.3.5 will break the example with only :clients in cluster. I've push 0.3.6 to clojars, upgrade control by: lein plugin install control 0.3.6 Sorry for this issue,thanks. 2012/5/11 Rostislav Svoboda > I took the steps from your and it seems like something's > missing :(

{ANN} clj.monitor: monitoring applications in clojure

2012-05-12 Thread dennis zhuang
Hi,all I've implemented a simple DSL for monitoring apps in clojure based on SSH. Usage: An example: (defcluster mysql :clients [{:user "deploy" :host ""}]) (defmonitor mysql-monitor ;;Tasks to monitor mysql,we just

Re: Buggy FP behavior with Clojure 1.3

2012-06-25 Thread dennis zhuang
user=> Double/MAX_VALUE 1.7976931348623157E308 2012/6/26 Sean Corfield > On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 9:19 PM, Cedric Greevey > wrote: > > user=> 1e309 > > Infinity > > FWIW, on 1.4.0 I get: > > user=> 1e309 > CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve > symbol: Infinity in thi

Re: Buggy FP behavior with Clojure 1.3

2012-06-25 Thread dennis zhuang
Added a postfix "M" to make the number as BigDecimal or "N" as a BigInteger: user=> 1e308M 1E+308M user=> (class 1e308M) java.math.BigDecimal user=> (* 10.0 1e108M) 1.0E109 2012/6/26 Cedric Greevey > On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 1:11 AM, Sean Corfield > wrote: > > On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 9:19 PM, C

Re: Why :inline have to define the function twice?

2012-07-16 Thread dennis zhuang
t you're asking for, a way to define an :inline > function without repetition. > > --Aaron > > On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 10:43 PM, dennis zhuang wrote: > >> Inline a function in clojure is easy,just define a :inline form to meta >> map and it will be inlined i

Re: Why :inline have to define the function twice?

2012-07-16 Thread dennis zhuang
Thanks. Yeath,i know the defline macro,and it is the best way to define inline function.I got your point,thanks. 2012/7/17 Aaron Cohen > On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 11:26 AM, dennis zhuang > wrote: > > > > Yes, thank you for your reply,i total agree with you about why we need

{ANN} ring.velocity: render apache velocity templates for ring in clojure.

2012-07-17 Thread dennis zhuang
Hi,all Apache velocity is a great java template engine used widely. I want to use it in clojure with compojure and ring framework,so i've created this project---ring.velocity. Home: Getting started: Adds dependency in

Re: {ANN} ring.velocity: render apache velocity templates for ring in clojure.

2012-07-17 Thread dennis zhuang
A little error in getting started missing :age (render "test.vm" :name "dennis" :age 29) 2012/7/17 dennis zhuang > Hi,all > > Apache velocity <>is a great java template > engine used widely. I want to use it in clojure with

Re: {ANN} ring.velocity: render apache velocity templates for ring in clojure.

2012-07-17 Thread dennis zhuang
其实就是几行代码封装下,我觉的velocity比什么enlive好用多了。 2012/7/18 Shen, Feng > 不错不错。 > velocity 在java中用得较广。 > 这样为potential 的 clojure用户铺了一下道路。 > > 沈锋 > 美味书签 <> > > > > On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 12:00 AM, dennis zhuang wrote: > >> A

{ANN} clojure-control 0.4.1 released.

2012-07-17 Thread dennis zhuang
Clojure-control is a clojure tool library to execute user defined tasks on remote machines grouped into cluster just like fabric in python or node-control in node.js. *Home*: Control 0.4.1 released,it ha

Re: {ANN} clojure-control 0.4.1 released.

2012-07-17 Thread dennis zhuang
I am sorry,i don't know pallet,any links? thanks. 2012/7/18 Murtaza Husain > > Hi, > > How is this different from pallet ? > > Thanks, > Murtaza > > > On Wednesday, July 18, 2012 10:52:57 AM UTC+5:30, dennis wrote: >> >> Clojure-control is a >> clo

Re: {ANN} clojure-control 0.4.1 released.

2012-07-18 Thread dennis zhuang
I see,thanks. Pallet is more powerful than clojure-control.It seems that it contains many features for cloud service rather than just a deployment tool. And clojure-control is just a deployment tool like fabric in python for many machines using SSH,it can reuse tasks and clusters,and have a simpl

Re: why does Clojure need to cache keywords?

2012-07-18 Thread dennis zhuang
Compare keywords can be very fast. 在 2012-7-18 PM4:51,"jaime" 写道: > Hello, > > When I read the source code keyword, say, (V1.3), I found > that when we "intern" a keyword, (if I understand it correctly) it uses > a cache for keywords: > =

Re: why does Clojure need to cache keywords?

2012-07-18 Thread dennis zhuang
I think this cache is just the same with String.intern method in java,it just want to reduce the cost (memory & cpu) of producing keywords frequently especial when using them with map structure. 2012/7/18 jaime > I doubt because keyword will use its internal Symbol object to compare > with each

Re: {ANN} ring.velocity: render apache velocity templates for ring in clojure.

2012-07-19 Thread dennis zhuang
转向了Mustache。 >> >> 沈锋 >> 美味书签 >> >> >> >> On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 11:59 AM, dennis zhuang > <>> wrote: >> >> 其实就是几行代码封装下,**我觉的velocity比什么enlive好用多了。 >> >> 2012/7/18 Shen, Fen

Re: [ANN] Okku 0.1.0 - Akka interface for Clojure

2012-07-21 Thread dennis zhuang
Great work.Thanks. 2012/7/20 Gary Verhaegen > Okku is a thin wrapper around the Akka library that makes it easy to > use it from Clojure. The Actor model can be considered a nice > alternative for concurrent programming, but it really shines when you > want to distribute your application - it re

Re: [ANN] Okku 0.1.0 - Akka interface for Clojure

2012-07-21 Thread dennis zhuang
I try to run okku-pi,but it could not find okku 0.1.1-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.clojure.gaverhae:okku:jar:0.1.1-SNAPSHOT in clojars ( Should i use 0.1.0? 2012/7/21 dennis zhuang > Great work.Thanks. > > 2012/7/20 Gary Verhaegen > >&

Re: Why does (conj (transient {}) {}) fail with CCE?

2012-08-09 Thread dennis zhuang
you must use conj! instead of conj. 在 2012-8-9 PM8:49,"Jacek Laskowski" 写道: > Hi, > > I've been digging into the sources of Clojure and found frequencies. > There's the transient function and I thought I'd use it with a map and > conj. Why does this fail? > > user=> (conj {} {:y 1}) > {:y 1} > use

Re: Question about doseq

2012-10-30 Thread dennis zhuang
Please use prn insteadof println. By default, pr and prn print in a way that objects can be read by the reader,but print and println produce output for human consumption. 2012/10/31 arekanderu > Hello all, > > I have the following code: > > (def my-hash {"1" {:a-key {:value "a value"} :another-k

Re: A memcached client for clojure wrapping xmemcached

2011-10-29 Thread dennis zhuang
An example with more detail is on 2011/10/29 dennis > Hi,all > > I wrote a memcached client for clojure wrapping xmemcached.Xmemcached > is an opensource high performance memcached client for java. > > It's name is clj-

Re: converting a string to a list

2012-01-14 Thread dennis zhuang
You can do this > ((comp #(map str %) seq) "abcdef") ("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f") 2012/1/15 Bruce Durling > Sam, > > Strings can be turned into sequences with seq. > > > (seq "foo") > (\f \o \o) > > The backslashes are because f o and o are character literals. > > cheers, > Bruce > > On Sat, Jan 14

Re: A STM profile tool

2012-01-16 Thread dennis zhuang
hi,all I've upgraded the version to 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT. And added a new function ref-stats to get the statistics information of a reference.For example: =>(use'stm) =>(def a (ref 1)) =>(def b (ref 2)) =>(dotimes [_ 100] (future (dosync (alter a + 1) (alter b - 1 =>@a 101 =>@b -98 =>(stm-stats) {

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