Re: [CMLHope] Thanks!

2016-02-10 Thread 'Icandoallttc' via CMLHope
Forgot to say my back has been hurting for about 2 weeks. Been putting heat on it. Still taking 15 meg ponatinib daily. Seems to be working. Prayers every one. B My Motto: Faith and Pills❤️ With 💗Jeanie 🐟🐟18,s Chi Dx 1/2004. CML Leukemia Started Gleevec 2/2004 Started Tasigna 9/2009 Started S

Re: [CMLHope] Thanks!

2016-02-10 Thread 'Icandoallttc' via CMLHope
Hi to all and hope every one is good tonight. Would love to hear from you John. I decided to research the word Chi as it seemed very interesting. In Chinese culture it means energy force and it is a foot in Chinese measurement. It is also a Surname. The most interesting thing I found was that

Re: [CMLHope] Thanks!

2016-02-09 Thread peg
Hi Marty, I am well familiar with the Chai symbol, I have many on necklaces left to me by my mother. This symbol and what it stands for is an important part of our heritage, my family being immigrants from Russia, Prussia and Poland prior to the holocaust. My mother was a life warrior in her own

Re: [CMLHope] Thanks!

2016-02-08 Thread Marty Gartenberg
Hi Peg, Let me tell you a story about 18's which is actually represented by Chi which also means life. One person that I once helped a long time ago, and it has been such a long time ago that I just can't remember her name, but if she sees this now then hopefully she will get in touch with me. Sh

Re: [CMLHope] Thanks!

2016-02-08 Thread Marty Gartenberg
Hi Peg, Let me tell you a story about 18's which is actually represented by Chi which also means life. One person that I once helped a long time ago, and it has been such a long time ago that I just can't remember her name, but if she sees this now then hopefully she will get in touch with me. Sh

[CMLHope] Thanks!

2016-02-08 Thread peg
Thanks everyone, you are all still as inspiring and encouraging as you were for me in the beginning. And was no mystery to me why there are so many people signing off with 18's is respect for your unwavering strength and support! Today IS the day we stop waiting for the sto

Re: [CMLHope] Thanks

2015-08-23 Thread sherri swanson
Joyce, I know what you mean about looking ahead. Better to be prepared. I'm glad you are happy with Dr. Talpaz. I too am happy with my oncologist. I've been with him for for 14 years. I sure hope he doesn't plan on retiring any time soon. LOL Although, the practice has some great Doctors in and at

Re: [CMLHope] Thanks

2015-08-23 Thread Joyce Mesnarich
Sherri, Thank you for the information about the Chicago CML specialist. But it is just about as far for us to fly to Chicago as to Ann Arbor. We are very happy with Dr Talpaz..just looking ahead to the time when either our health or our finances prevent us from the travel. Joyce

Re: [CMLHope] Thanks

2015-08-22 Thread Myvety2k via CMLHope
Sherri, I started seeing Dr. Tallman in Jan of 1999 and up to when he left I now see Dr. Altman she replaced him and she's up to date on Gleevec and CML. I fly in once a year to see her the first week of June then I get my blood work here in Fort Myers, FL. and have the results faxed to he

Re: [CMLHope] Thanks

2015-08-22 Thread sherri swanson
Hi Joyce, I just saw that you go to Ann Arbor to see Dr. Talpaz for your husband and live in Southern Illinois. Have you checked out the CML specialist that replaced Dr. Tallman at Northwestern in Chicago? I have not seen her, but my oncologist has hinted that he will send me to her should I need

Re: [CMLHope] Thanks

2015-08-21 Thread Joyce Mesnarich
Susieq So sorry to hear about your experiences on FB. I agree: hope is good, but not fasle hope. I certainly hope you don't leave us here on CML Hope. You are a valued member/contributor. What part of MO are you from? We live in Southern IL and are also enjoying the fall-like weather. Do

Re: [CMLHope] Thanks

2015-08-21 Thread 'Icandoallttc' via CMLHope
Hi susieq and so glad to hear from you. Sorry about your facebook experience. We are living proof that there is no cure as of yet and that we are warriors. I have had three tkis fail me as you know. I did go into blast at one time. I seem to be tolerating ponatinib fairly well. I have lost a

Re: [CMLHope] Thanks

2015-08-21 Thread Myvety2k via CMLHope
Suzieq, Nice to hear from you and glad that your doing well. I do miss Springfield, MO. the lakes, mountains, etc. But then I do like being here in Southwest Florida. Everything is green all year long but one thing I can't stand and they love me lot's are the no-see-em's. Why are they on

[CMLHope] Thanks

2015-08-21 Thread Suzieq
Hello to all...just wanted to say that it's good to hear from y'all from time to time. I decided to leave the two Facebook groups a couple of days ago. I hated to do it because I thought it was good for the new ones being dx'ed to have the help of those of us who have been around awhile. :

[CMLHope] Thanks for all of the "suggestions"

2013-09-22 Thread
Thank you to all of you that helped me feel better about which dose of Sprycel I should increase to; it seems that we are all in agreement! I finally made the decision: Back on Sprycel and the dosage: Happy National CM

[CMLHope] Thanks for sharing all your stories

2012-11-05 Thread ICANDOALLTTC
Yahooo for all the CML Warriors. Thanks to everyone for sharing their stories with us. Great blessing to all I am sure. Jeanie<3 In a message dated 11/4/2012 9:34:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: I too am a patient at siteman with both dr. Khoury and Cashen

[CMLHope] Thanks

2010-07-25 Thread T
Thanks all for your time in responding to my question regarding meds. I appreciate your experience and your time. Best Teresa in SF, CA -- [CMLHope] A support group of - You received this message because you are subscribed to th

[CMLHope] Thanks to All

2009-04-13 Thread boopshin
I wish to thank all of you who responded to my email concerning my onc putting me on a gleevec "vacation". I was unable to thank you before this. GOD Bless all of you.  Bev --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ [CMLHope] A support group of -

[CMLHope] Thanks again

2008-12-03 Thread JudyPrusky, Calgary
By gosh I'm going to try the tea tree oil. As I spent most of the night trying to will away the itch, I'm game to try anything. I'm also relieved to know that others have the "no can see" itch. Have a great day everyone. Hugs, Judy P Hugs, Judy P. in Calgary

[CMLHope] Thanks Greenie, Patrick et al

2008-12-02 Thread JudyPrusky, Calgary
I hope I didn't miss anyone in thanking you for tips on the "itch". I have plastered on Benedryl and it tames the itch slightly. I've used so many things that don't work at all. I think I'm going to have to "will away" the itch. I see a determatologist next week so we'll see what he has to off

[CMLHope] Thanks

2008-08-22 Thread Laquita
Dear fellow list members, Thanks for the many birthday messages that I received. I had a lovely birthday week. Cards and calls from relatives . Then Robert's girl friend came from New Orleans with pralines, birthday cake and other gifts. We were all having a great time as my husband is

[CMLHope] Thanks for your responses

2008-07-13 Thread Donna
I want to thank all of you that responded to my post about Jim's FISH test results. I am so dumb about some of these things. I plan to respond to each of you personally in the next few days. I am doing some checking and will put a call into Jim's dr. tomorrow. Thanks again. Donna, wife of Jim

[CMLHope] Thanks to all here's a poem you might like DON'T QUIT thanks for your prayers

2007-10-14 Thread ICANDOALLTTC
Hi there and thanks for that update for that wonderful and knowledgeable report. That was great! It makes me feel a lot better. Do you have any idea what might be making those platelets go up? The Onc is baffled and that's why the testing. It's funny, my cbcs are perfect except for those plat

[CMLHope] thanks for the encouraging words and question on blood test?

2007-08-12 Thread ICANDOALLTTC
Hi all and Blessings, Thanks for the encouraging words we all really need that. I had my first visit to a blood lab Thurs. I was use to having my blood tested at my Onc office and getting the results right then. The lab was a disappointment to me for sure. My Onc ordered a cbc and pcr. The nurse

[CMLHope] Thanks Richard

2006-09-14 Thread JudyPrusky, Calgary
Hi Richard - thanks for your comments. I remember you have come off of Gleevec at times. I would still be scared spitless if that happened to me and I had to come off for any length of time more than a month. I know everyone's systems react differently and who knows, maybe I would remain in rem

[CMLHope] Thanks Katy and everyone else. Also please read this and give me your opinion

2006-07-26 Thread Terry Dailey
    Thanks Katy I have to tell you I thought it was just,    Well I wanted to share with you all what happened to me today when I went to see my doctor. First off I live two hours away from the office and the car I have, the air conditioning doesn't work, and because some punks stole it an

[CMLHope] thanks

2006-06-22 Thread Sandy Johnson
Thank you every one for your response about Randy's blood work.This group always reassures me and makes me feel much better.I get over anxious about things that I just don't have a complete understanding of. I am so grateful that through all of this,Randy really does feel pretty well,He gets tired,