[cobirds] CBR Banding Update 9/23

2011-09-23 Thread julie webber
Hi COBirders! Today's Chico banding summary: Downy Woodpecker: 2 (first of season) Red-shafted Flicker: 1 (not our first Flicker, but our first red-shafted this fall, the other was intergrade) Western Woodpewee: 2 Dusky Flycatcher: 1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet: 2 Townsend's Solitaire: 4 Hermit Thrush:

[cobirds] Prewitt Res, Washington Co

2011-09-23 Thread gent
All, Thanks to Bill Kaempfer for posting earlier. John Vanderpoel and I spent from 8:30 to 11:15 and 12:30 to 2:15 at the Inlet Canal area of Prewitt Reservoir in Washington County. In the afternoon we were joined by Joey Kellner, Dick Schottler and Randy Lentz, which made for a good group. We s

[cobirds] Sabine's juvs, Chatfield Res

2011-09-23 Thread Kayleen A Niyo
Sue Schulman and I birded Chatfield this morning and found 3 juv Sabine's Gulls off the handicapped fishing pier toward the NE. They mostly stayed in the water. There were many boaters and several water skiers raising havoc with all the water birds. Also in the cottonwoods along the south edg

[cobirds] Magnolia Warbler, Ovenbird, CBR Friday

2011-09-23 Thread Steven Brown
Hi COBirders, Of note today at the Chico Basin Ranch RMBO banding station- a new Hatch-year Female Magnolia Warbler, and a new Hatch-year Ovenbird. Other than that there was an influx of Townsend's Solitaires, and more of the usual suspects. Full banding report to follow. No Wood Thrush seen t

[cobirds] Prothonotary Warbler seen @ 3:45, Lairmer county

2011-09-23 Thread Cade Cropper
The Prothonotary warbler is still at Matthews- Reeser sanctuary at Estes Lake. After a long wait I saw it at the eastern most clump of birch where Gary M reported yesterday. SCORE!! Cade Cropper Loveland CO -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Colorado B

[cobirds] GJ Banding Station Update, Week 1

2011-09-23 Thread Amber Carver
After several days brimming with car-related woes, I made it to Grand Junction, and we set up the banding station on Wednesday. We have a large net array with all-new net placements in interesting and potentially productive spots. However, our first short week of banding was very slow. The weath

[cobirds] Rock Wren

2011-09-23 Thread Jennifer Hyypio
This morning my backyard rocks were visited by a Rock Wren doing deep knee bends. Better the wren then the rattlesnake which bit my dog last year. Jennifer Hyypio Roxborough, CO Douglas County May your winds be strong and your thermals high -- You received this message because you are subscrib

[cobirds] American Redstart - BCLP -Jeffco

2011-09-23 Thread mike
This morning at Bear Creek Lake Park (BCLP) had a nice mixed flocks of 10 -20 birds, mostly Yellow-rumped Warblers but with one female American Redstart as well as several Plumbeous Vireos. The birds were seen on the north side of Pelican Point and along the Cottonwood Trail to the cattail

[cobirds] Prewitt Warbler Group Post 9/23

2011-09-23 Thread William H Kaempfer
I just got a call from John Vanderpoel who is with Peter Gent at the Inlet Canal area of Prewitt Reservoir in Washington County. John and Peter found a warbler flock with these species: Canada Black and White Townsend's Tennessee Nashville Orange-crowned Wilson's Yellow-rumped Bill Kaempfer Bo

[cobirds] Prothonotary Warbler - Lake Estes/Larimer and RMBO

2011-09-23 Thread Gary Matthews
Looks like the magic time on Thursday to see the Prothonotary today was 9:30. Three visitors timed it right and arrived soon after we found the bird a little east of where it has most often been seen. It was just about 20 feet beyond where our new sanctuary fence ends in the River Birch on the la

[cobirds] Re: Owl pellets

2011-09-23 Thread Beverly
In response to your request, I remembered I'd seen pellets for sale and googled the request "owl pellets for sale". This is what I got: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sugexp=gsih&cp=15&gs_id=50&xhr=t&q=owl+pellets+for+sale&qe=b3dsIHBlbGxldHMgZm9y&qesig=Jgz8cAbNb9VzqgZfSZHLRg&pkc=AFgZ2tkqGfldFB1y479

[cobirds] Sabine's Gull, Boulder Res., Boulder County 9/22

2011-09-23 Thread Todd Deininger
Last night between 6-7 I watched the gulls roosting in the NW corner of Boulder Res. Besides the numerous Ring-billed Gulls, I spotted two Sabine's Gull, one Franklin's Gull and one Herring Gull. -- Todd Deininger Longmont, CO -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goog

[cobirds] Colorado RBA, Friday September 23, 2011

2011-09-23 Thread Joyce Takamine
compiler:  Joyce Takamine Date:   September 23, 2011 e-mail: rba@cfo-link phone: 303-659-8750 This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Friday, September 23, 2011 updated at 5:00 am, sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.  If you are phoning in a message,