Re: How do copy:/past: messages get sent to NSDocument?

2008-02-25 Thread I. Savant
Does anyone know where this is documented, so I can see exactly which events get forwarded to the document and under which circumstances? No, nobody's discovered how this works yet. It's a deep, impenetrable mystery, a black art the depths of which not even Apple fully grasps. Of course I'm

Re: Drawing to a PDF image representation

2008-02-25 Thread I. Savant
How do I draw NSBezierPaths to my pdf representation? Give this a thorough read. It answers your question completely, though you'll need to read most of (if not all) of this

Re: Animated button

2008-02-26 Thread I. Savant
I've tried with a animated gif, unfortunately when pressed it doesn't start the animation. That's because NSButtonCell really doesn't have the ability to animate an image on its own. The simplest setup is to use NSTimer to periodically 'advance' the frame of your animation by setting a new

Re: Animated button

2008-02-27 Thread I. Savant
The Core Animation Programming guide has some sample code that might be of value: It's a great example, Douglas, but I think the OP needs to

Re: Recent Archives

2008-02-27 Thread I. Savant
On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 2:14 PM, I. Savant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: similarly, typing cocoa-dev archives produces relevant links. Sorry, that was unclear: I meant typing ... into google. -- I.S. ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev

Re: Handling mouse click event on a NSButton

2008-03-02 Thread I. Savant
But setAction expectes just a selector as parameter, so it seams to me that a lot of information about the method to be called is missing. AFAIK a selector just identifies the name of the method, but the class to which it bellongs to is missing and also the pointer to it's instance and the

Re: Handling mouse click event on a NSButton

2008-03-02 Thread I . Savant
I'm using Cocoa from Pascal using PasCocoa ( ), so I can't use objective-c language constructions and need to get this working with just objective-c runtime headers. I tryed to see the assembly for @selector(something:); but it isn't promissing. It

Re: Paste (without a bonus space) in a Cocoa NSText

2008-03-03 Thread I. Savant
I didn't see anything easy documented to override or control this behavior, although perhaps I just overlooked them. What techniques have people used to improve this behavior in cocoa based code-editors? -smartInsertDeleteEnabled: / -setSmartInsertDeleteEnabled: -- I.S.

Re: Core Data, SQLite, and Housekeeping

2008-03-05 Thread I. Savant
I don't know the answer; but it probably doesn't vacuum at every save. Vacuuming can be quite slow if the database is at all large, especially if there's already a lot of disk I/O going on. (The vacuum algorithm has to read and write every page of the database.) That certainly makes

Re: Core Data, SQLite, and Housekeeping

2008-03-05 Thread I. Savant
If you have any performance data showing problems with internal db fragmentation (i.e. sqlite3 dbname 'vacuum' fixes it, but cp doesn't), we'd love to hear about it. Thanks, Ben, for this informative response. So what you're saying, in summary is: 1 - Vacuuming on every save is

Re: Core Data, SQLite, and Housekeeping

2008-03-05 Thread I. Savant
Mail [which does not use CoreData, btw] might not have enabled auto_vacuum. IIRC, there were bugs in auto_vacuum in the version of sqlite that shipped in Tiger. I thought I remembered reading that Mail does not use Core Data. It does, however, use SQLite and auto_vacuum is a problem

Re: Using an auto incremented NSNumber as attribute in a NSManagedObject

2008-03-06 Thread I. Savant
- (void)awakeFromInsert { static int tempID = 1; [super awakeFromInsert]; self.employeeID = [NSNumber numberWithInt:tempID++]; } What do you think will happen when the application is quit, then run the next time? How will it remember the last tempID? -- I.S.

Re: Using an auto incremented NSNumber as attribute in a NSManagedObject

2008-03-06 Thread I. Savant
Where would be the ideal spot to place this fetch request? -applicationDidFinishLaunching: ...? -- I.S. ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the

Re: Google Map embedded in an iPhone application

2008-03-10 Thread I. Savant
I know it is not the right list to post question about iPhone dev Then don't post your question here. The rules really are that simple (and quite explicit). Behave. -- I.S. ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post

Re: [Moderator] iPhone discussion here - RETRACTION

2008-03-10 Thread I. Savant
While I was told to allow discussion here, I've now been told that discussion should not be allowed here. Oh, that's just MEAN! Somewhere in Cupertino, somebody's standing next to the big NDA switch in the iPhone room, giggling maniacally as they flip it on-off- on-off-... :-D --

Re: Mute System

2008-03-12 Thread I. Savant
On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 2:49 PM, Herr Thomas Bartelmess [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi everyone, does somebody know, what i have to do to control the system Aduio Volume (mute, increase, decrease). I searched a lot, but without result A quick Google search revealed this AppleScript: set

Re: Mute System

2008-03-13 Thread I. Savant
On Mar 13, 2008, at 12:10 AM, Christopher Nebel wrote: Uh, yeah. We consider using AppleScript from an otherwise Objective- C app for anything other than user-supplied scripts to be bad form, because it's wildly inefficient. In particular, you shouldn't use it just because you can't find

Re: Sorting arrays with strings

2008-03-15 Thread I. Savant
is there a way to make an array with objects such as text-12. txt, text-3.txt, text6.txt, text654.txt be sorted like text-3.txt, text-12.txt, text6.txt, text654.txt If you understand what I mean. -- I.S.

Re: OT: Cocoa classes in Vancouver, Canada

2008-03-18 Thread I. Savant
The course Programming with Cocoa frameworks on Mac OS X and for iPhone starts on March 25 at 6:30pm. I'm curious about your iPhone content. Do you cover the iPhone SDK or are you merely referring to the fact that learning XCode / IB / Objective-C 2.0 / Cocoa in general prepares you for

Re: OT: Cocoa classes in Vancouver, Canada

2008-03-18 Thread I. Savant
The answer is in the requirement to have ADC online membership and to download iPhone SDK, which will automatically promote you to iPhone developer too. That's not necessarily the case. Again, I'm not trying to be difficult, but you haven't addressed Apple's permission. The typical

Re: Custom interface

2008-04-01 Thread I. Savant
Honestly I think most people don't appreciate how much stuff you get for free in Cocoa, but you learn pretty fast when you get to reimplement it yourself! :) True, but there are many legitimate reasons not to use a standard UI. FrontRow is a prime example of this. A kiosk application

Re: core data - beyond the simple example

2008-04-04 Thread I. Savant
Just think of something along the lines of @interface MyObject : NSObject { NSString *name; NSString *color; } In this case, as I said, just do it the easier way first so you understand what's involved. Then if you want a 'subview as a cell in a table',

Re: core data - beyond the simple example

2008-04-04 Thread I. Savant
I'll give that a go, thanks. May I ask why NSImageCell? Actually, that was an incomplete thought. Using an NSImageCell would negate the need to subclass anything. You could just drag one into the appropriate column in Interface Builder, then bind the column to your color property. You can

Re: core data - beyond the simple example

2008-04-04 Thread I. Savant
On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 3:39 PM, Torsten Curdt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: OK predicate filter I got working - sort of. I've bound the predicate in the AppDelegate to the NSArrayController. When I start up the application it filters just fine. I've also got the add and remove actions bound

Re: core data - beyond the simple example

2008-04-04 Thread I. Savant
I already have implemented KVC according to ... you didn't include the actual implementation in your code listing, so we're forced to take your word for it. Therefore, I conclude that your assertion is false. ;-) Post your code so list members can verify. The day's over for me and I face a

Re: Place NSView into NSView

2008-04-05 Thread I. Savant
Is there a way to place one NSView into another NSView? This is what I have. Read the documentation: Pay particular attention to the Working with the View Hierarchy section.

Re: Place NSView into NSView

2008-04-05 Thread I. Savant
Of course my response was incomplete, sorry. I meant to add this: Pay particular attention to the Working with the View Hierarchy section. // Set viewB's frame to the desired rect, then ... [viewA addSubview:viewB]; ADDING: Think also about what coordinate system you're using when

Re: Place NSView into NSView

2008-04-05 Thread I. Savant
And I'll add to your addition that [secondView display] isn't likely to be the correct way to get the view to draw. In that context, it should be [secondView setNeedsDisplay:YES]. Or, rather, since it's going to display anyway (just having being added to a view hierarchy), the call can be

Re: Returning a value from a function

2008-04-08 Thread I. Savant
On Apr 8, 2008, at 4:52 AM, Bryan Henry wrote: Also, according to your code at the bottom here, you want to return a value from a METHOD not a function. That's splitting hairs just a little. No, it's precisely accurate. While the meaning is clear in this case, failure to use proper

Re: Core Data with NSArrayController Confusion

2008-04-08 Thread I. Savant
Adding a cell, in addition to creating a new Cell entity, also has to do some custom tasks on initialization. Each cell has a one-to-one relationship with another managed object (Scene), so the scene object needs to be created and inserted in to the MOM when the cell is created. This is

Re: Core Data with NSArrayController Confusion

2008-04-08 Thread I. Savant
On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 2:45 PM, Michael Burns [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: My only question with that is that I will need to fetch all existing cells, and I as I understood it this was something that was not to be done in awakeFromInsert. Is that something I dreamed up? If that's a rule

Re: Core Data with NSArrayController Confusion

2008-04-08 Thread I. Savant
On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 3:34 PM, Michael Burns [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Interestingly enough, I started looking back to figure out where I had read that and realized it had come up in a thread I started back in September ( The

Re: what is the proper place to store application settings

2008-04-09 Thread I. Savant
On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 2:41 PM, Jeff LaMarche [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm assuming that these will change, but should not be changed by the user, correct? It seems to me that you'd want to avoid compiling them into your classes using #define, I think a property list included as bundle

Re: what is the proper place to store application settings

2008-04-09 Thread I. Savant
On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 3:44 PM, Jeff LaMarche [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Actually, I agree... if this is a configuration parameter that he wants the user to be able to set. Since he was talking about using preprocessor directives, I made the assumption that this was not supposed to be

Re: Multiple NSViews

2008-04-11 Thread I. Savant
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Lorenzo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have defined an NSView info view on IB. This view contains several NSTextFields. Now I want to programmatically create copies of this view and attach them to the objects on my window. So if on my window I have 10 objects, I

Re: Core Data and the Document Dirty indicator

2008-04-11 Thread I. Savant
When a Core Data document is opened initialization adds an entity for the basic 'All' smart group. This object is assigned to an in memory store (rather than to the persistent document) - I have checked and the 'All' item doesn't appear in the saved data. ... but a context has changed.

Re: hooking into another app

2008-04-14 Thread I. Savant
On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 10:00 AM, Thomas Davie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Someone may correct me if I'm wrong, but that sounds a lot like something that has been very very deliberately left out of any API... See the many discussions regarding input managers. I want to write an app that I'd

Re: hooking into another app

2008-04-14 Thread I. Savant
I want to write an app that I'd like to have hook into a text box in Safari and log your IDs, passwords, and bank account status. Well, password fields are special and are 'resistant' to key logging, but you don't have to 'hook into' any apps to log the rest. You don't even need an

Re: hooking into another app

2008-04-14 Thread I. Savant
On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 10:26 AM, Don Arnel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:! Alright. Now how about we take a few deep breaths, switch to decaf, and try our social interaction again. This time without the attitude, please. Re-read my message. If it was unclear, what I want to do is be

Re: hooking into another app

2008-04-14 Thread I. Savant
On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 12:56 PM, Don Arnel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sorry if that came across as having attitude, but I was a little miffed at being accused of having intentions to steal passwords or account information by writing a key logger. I see no 'accusation' in this thread. Chill

Re: hooking into another app

2008-04-14 Thread I. Savant
They are in the process of doing just that, I think you'll find. It's just that, rather than removing them instantly, they've been deprecated and replaced with an alternative and more secure mechanism (Input Servers, if I remember rightly). In some future version of Mac OS X, I think you

Re: hooking into another app

2008-04-14 Thread I. Savant
On Apr 14, 2008, at 8:27 PM, Matt Burnett wrote: The OS is all ready wide open to this sort of attack. Criticizing the OP for asking for this feature illustrates the false sense of security Mac users have simply because there isnt a spyware problem... yet. Apple allows you to hook

Re: hooking into another app

2008-04-15 Thread I. Savant
Though the link was funny, I'll ignore the flamebait and answer the technical aspect of this post: You yourself said that the OS is resistant against this sort of attack in the following quotes: Well, password fields are special and are 'resistant' to key logging, but you don't have

Re: is this badly written code?

2008-04-15 Thread I. Savant
I'm not going to argue with you because I think you've given some pretty good advice here. I'm a fan of white space in my code as well, and though there are some stylistic differences between us, I concur with the basic concepts you laid out. I just thought a caveat might be in order on #4

Re: is this badly written code?

2008-04-15 Thread I. Savant
Mr. IS: *Mister* Idiot Savant? I like that. ;-) My apologies. I have no desire to divert the list to some off-topic subject. I'm not a moderator. Scott (Anguish) may have a different opinion and his is what counts. It pains me, because I think it is a good debate but one that will

Re: is this badly written code?

2008-04-15 Thread I. Savant
Idiot is fine. ;-) I hope that minor, gentle banter of this sort is never considered off-topic. It's what glues a community together... For the record, I think banter is safe, so long as it's accompanied by relevance. Agreed 100% on the 'community glue' sentiment. Most of us really

Re: Memory leak when re-alloc Methods

2008-04-15 Thread I. Savant
I have a nasty leak problem when i realloc several methods of the main class of my app. Without seeing your code, all I can suggest is making sure you've followed these rules: -- I.S.

Re: [OT: security] smbclient

2008-04-15 Thread I. Savant
Stuart: [sorry to post here, but I don't know what other list might be better/more appropriate] This list is for Cocoa developers to talk about software development. Not only do we know nothing about your computer's configuration or your network environment, but it has positively nothing to

Re: Different ways of application installation

2008-04-18 Thread I. Savant
I have build cocoa application. I am finding out as many ways as possible of application installation which can be done either locally or remotely. Can you please list all those ways? Have a look at this document:

Re: Different ways of application installation

2008-04-18 Thread I. Savant
Remotely means pushing software packages to clients on a network. Not understood meaning of An installer that pulls its payload from a remote server. That's considerably more complicated than a simple client-side install by dragging an application to a folder. :-) I wonder if you realize

Re: Different ways of application installation

2008-04-18 Thread I. Savant
On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 10:56 AM, parag vibhute [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I don't know much about Mac OS X Server, but does it have this type of remote installation without requiring ARD? This is definitely off-topic for this list. You'll want to take these types of questions to a more

Re: Authenticatiion tool

2008-04-18 Thread I. Savant
In my case I want to save my chat session in an html file which when double clicked will open the file in the browser and will show all the chat messages with their respective images of the people who are sending the messages. How can I do this? One more thing my application is not

Re: Trying to calculate a running total using Core Data

2008-04-21 Thread I. Savant
First issue I see is how you can know what transaction objects occur prior to any given object. I don't think you can rely on objects being retrieved in any specific order that your data model doesn't enforce. You're correct - you can't rely on the order in which instances are fetched.

Re: Trying to calculate a running total using Core Data

2008-04-21 Thread I. Savant
... of course, even if you use a predicate to specify a date range, the transaction order still doesn't matter. I digress. Sorry - this is confusing. I meant to delete this paragraph after I realized that the OP is talking about a running balance after each transaction, rather than the

Re: Copying contents of an NSString to the Clipboard

2008-04-21 Thread I. Savant
I've studied the pasteboard docs, and wonder if there is a simple way to copy the contents of an NSString to the general clipboard. In AS or AS Studio it's just set the clipboard to variable. Is there such a convenience method in Cocoa? Study the docs again, the answers are there if you've

Re: NSCollectionView and CoreData question

2008-04-22 Thread I. Savant
What I currently have is a core data store that holds information I want to display in an NSCollectionView. What I'm wondering is whether there is a way to get this accomplished and if so how? Yes, as described in the NSCollectionView documentation and the Leopard release notes. Hint:

Re: NSCollectionView and CoreData question

2008-04-22 Thread I. Savant
Having set the 'content' binding to the arrangedObjects key in IB didn't produce a result though doing it programmatically has. Not sure why this would be. It depends. Since you have provided neither the exact bindings settings you're using nor the code you used to establish the binding

Re: [Ann] DMG Canvas

2008-04-22 Thread I. Savant
* Because the user then has to unmount the disk image after copying the app; and because way too many naive users don't understand what a disk image is, and run the app right from the DMG, which works fine until the next time they reboot or log in ... and then suddenly OMG all the apps I

Re: Font-related crash in drawing method on PowerPC machines

2008-04-22 Thread I. Savant
I'm running into an odd crasher on PowerPC machines. I have a custom NSView called TYCurrentDayView that draws an nsmutableattributedstring on top of a gradient. On a few instances, I will receive the following crash: I haven't looked at this in detail and don't know if this has

Re: starting...

2008-04-25 Thread I. Savant
I´m a new developer in iphone´s world, develop in actionScript (flash OOP) and build adGames and python too. The iPhone SDK is under non-disclosure agreement as you should know if you've downloaded it. It cannot be discussed publicly. -- I.S. ___

Re: [Moderator] Re: starting...

2008-04-25 Thread I. Savant
On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 1:17 PM, Roland King [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: is there a list in apple somewhere which is restricted to people who are registered developers where this SDK can be discussed? Nope. Apple still has not provided any forum in which NDA-covered material / technologies can

Re: NSAlert

2008-04-25 Thread I. Savant
I cannot find out how to refer to the window of my single window program in the method: beginSheetModalForWindow Some help would be appreciated! Where (in what object) is this code located? That'd probably be a good place to add an IBOutlet to your window (and connect it in Interface

Re: iphone document syncing

2008-04-25 Thread I. Savant
Once again, the iPhone SDK is under a non-disclosure agreement, which you should know if you've downloaded it. It cannot be discussed publicly. -- I.S. On Apr 25, 2008, at 5:24 PM, Mark Manes wrote: Greetings, I do not know if others have come up with a reasonable solution for

Re: Initial value of on/off buttons

2008-04-25 Thread I. Savant
On Apr 25, 2008, at 7:37 PM, Yann Disser wrote: Are you binding via an NSObjectController? No, should I? Yes (or one of its subclasses). You have to make sure everyone is on the same page as mindless corporate and government automatons are wont to say. In Cocoa, this is done easiest

Re: edit file

2008-04-25 Thread I. Savant
How exactly would I go about replacing the DefaultDesktop.jpg image in core services with a objective c cocoa app. I'm just starting with cocoa, so any help is greatly appreciated. You'd want to write an application that uses AuthServices to obtain permission to use NSFileManager to back

Re: Why is my NSTableView empty?

2008-04-28 Thread I. Savant
and I'm trying to display all last names in the table. - I created NSArrayController ABPeople and set content to my delagate, key path: peeps This is imprecise - if there is a problem with this, we won't know to tell you about it without the specifics of how this works in your

Re: Why is my NSTableView empty?

2008-04-28 Thread I. Savant
I did drop content binding for table and checked that lastName was a typo. I created a textfield and did set it up to: binding: ABPeople controller key: arrangedObjects model:@count and got correct 388 count of ppl in AB. So is it the same result as last time (you get the right

Re: Failure on unarchiving a NSBezierPath

2008-04-28 Thread I. Savant
You know what? I don't think you've ever said that you know that view.drawing != nil. Check that. Though NSArchiver says this scenario would produce an exception, NSKeyedArchiver does not seem to do the same (the documentation doesn't say what will happen and a quick test with an

Re: Using AppleScript Scripts in Cocoa Applications - TN2084 error or just me?

2008-04-28 Thread I. Savant
On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 12:40 PM, Mohsan Khan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I tried to run the code in my main method which worked well, but not in my AppController.m - does it matter? What Jean-Daniel was asking is what is the specific signal that was sent when the app crashed? EXC_BAD_ACCESS or

Re: Zip Files in Objective-C?

2008-04-28 Thread I. Savant
Actually, I know it was not optional on 10.4, and I think it might not have been optional on 10.3. Anybody here remember for sure??? It was still optional on 10.3; I had a 10.3 app that relied on the BSD subsystem and at first did not realize it was an optional part of the install (or that

Re: Why is my NSTableView empty?

2008-04-28 Thread I. Savant
it's not getting called at all. Is it because my method is defined in category? As I wrote already, I'm able to call my methods from gdb so my category is up and running NSLog(@%@, [[[ppl arrangedObjects] objectAtIndex:0] lastName]); as opposed to Value

Re: How can i connect to database?

2008-04-29 Thread I. Savant
I'm working in xcode3.0 in leopard machine in cocoa application and using objective c.How can i connect to database in my cocoa application?And how can i make final exe of my project? If you're at the stage where you're still learning how to create a final build of your application or

Re: Counting instances in Core Data

2008-04-29 Thread I. Savant
Execute a fetch for the entity in which you're interested, and count the returned array. My question is: what is the most efficient fetch to pose given that every fetch is IO. Yes. A given entity might have a lot of records so an array COULD be an unnecessarily

Re: Binding a popup button's selected index to a model integer

2008-04-29 Thread I. Savant
I would appreciate some guidance in getting a popup button to use its selectedIndex to set an integer in my model. Am I correct in assuming you want your popup to represent the -gameType of the selected item in the array controller? If so, the best thing to do is to create an

Re: Counting instances in Core Data

2008-04-29 Thread I. Savant
My question is: what is the most efficient fetch to pose given that every fetch is IO. Yes. Sorry, I thought this was is this the most efficient ... Meaning: mmalc's response of Execute a fetch for the entity in which you're interested, and count the returned array. is the most

Re: How to programmatically create an NSObjectController in Entity mode?

2008-04-29 Thread I. Savant
What is the correct way to programmatically creates these things? I believe you've gotten it all right, but the document says of the 'automatically prepares content' flag: If flag is YES and a managed object context is set, the initial content is fetched from the managed object context using

Re: Counting instances in Core Data

2008-04-29 Thread I. Savant
In Tiger that was the best means available, but if you're targeting Leopard there is a better option available: Create your fetch request to fetch all instances of a given entity and execute the fetch with countForFetchRequest:error: which will simply return the number of instances/rows

Re: how do I post my queries and see them published?

2008-04-30 Thread I. Savant
On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 10:42 AM, yogesh kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: how do I post my queries and see them published? You just did. -- I.S. ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator

Re: Graphics seen when volume is modified.

2008-05-02 Thread I. Savant
Any info about the box or code that emulates this would be useful, There's no public API, but there's this: -- I.S. ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin

Re: account preferences

2008-05-04 Thread I. Savant
I assume this should be possible with Core Data ...but there are different types of accounts in the list of accounts. So the UI needs to change depending on what type of account has been selected. Any pointers on how to accomplish this? This could be solved with Cocoa Bindings and one

Re: -draggingEntered: never gets called [solved?]

2008-05-06 Thread I. Savant
With help from Stéphane Sudre, I found that calling -registerForDraggedTypes: somewhere outside the destination's -init: method solves the issue. Can anyone shed light on why this would be? I've never personally experienced the problem you're describing, but if you're literally calling this

Re: -draggingEntered: never gets called [solved?]

2008-05-06 Thread I. Savant
On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 10:44 AM, Michael Gardner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: My actual init method has a different signature, and calls -initWithFrame: on its superclass. I was trying to abstract away extra details, but I shouldn't have made it look like an actual method signature. Sorry about

Re: -draggingEntered: never gets called [solved?]

2008-05-06 Thread I. Savant
On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Michael Gardner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Upon further investigation, I've found that if I call -registerForDraggedTypes: before adding the view to its parent window with -setContentView:, I never get the -draggingEntered: messages. If I do so afterwards,

Re: Cocoa UI Question

2008-05-06 Thread I. Savant
My question is: what is the proper method for the user to specify measure this disk and append to the current graph? I've thought of double clicking, or drag and drop. Both cases feel a little strange to me so I'm wondering what others think. First, I think other forums/lists have been

Re: NSCollectionView animation complaint

2008-05-06 Thread I. Savant
If I have two items in my NSCollectionView and I remove the first item, the animation causes the second item to slide underneath the first item which then pops out of existence revealing the second item underneath. It would look better if the animation caused the second item to slide over the

Re: self registering NSValueTransformer and bindings

2008-05-07 Thread I. Savant
I have a self registering NSValueTransformer that requires a binding. Did you mean it's required for use in a binding? @interface MyValueTransformer : NSValueTransformer { IBOutlet NSTabView *tabView; } That's probably not going to work out ... (see below) // from

Re: self registering NSValueTransformer and bindings

2008-05-08 Thread I. Savant
Well, maybe it's language barrier as a non-native speaker ...but in order for the transformer to do its job it requires a reference to the NSTabView to be set. And I was trying to inject that reference through a binding. That's what I wanted to say. Perhaps, but for clarity, in the

Re: Cocoa coding style (was Re: Did I reinvent the wheel?)

2008-05-09 Thread I. Savant
A few observations about Chris's advice: Points 1 2 are a bit pedantic. In no way is that meant disrespectfully (in fact I respect Chris), but style is a matter of opinion. That opinion is dictated by whatever lead developer of whatever job you hold says it is. If you're lucky, you're

Re: Core Data: How to Observe dirty State?

2008-05-10 Thread I. Savant
Does anyone know how to watch for the dirty state of an NSManagedObjectContext (if that's where it is applicable)? I imagine the same way that NSPersistentDocument can do it, if that is feasible. NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification

Re: Core Data: How to Observe dirty State?

2008-05-11 Thread I. Savant
I would also expect that you can observe your NSManagedObjectContext's hasChanges property using KVO. No, you can not:

Re: Bypassing Interface Builder

2008-05-14 Thread I. Savant
I am reading my cocoa book and online tutorials atm. But one ting that totally irks me atm is using interface builder to create objects and instantiate them. Why? This is the way it's done in the Cocoa world unless you have a very good reason not to. You can either get used to it or you

Re: Bypassing Interface Builder

2008-05-14 Thread I. Savant
On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 11:35 AM, colo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hmmm. The letting it create the files in the nib file sounds fine for me. But what about the linking and configuring? It's just all reflected in code correct? The dragging a pipe to one object to the other that just all shows

Re: Bypassing Interface Builder

2008-05-14 Thread I. Savant
The issue could also be addressed from the other direction. How far behind the scenes do you want to go? Should one program only with structs and C functions because polymorphism and dynamic binding do things for you behind the scenes? I had started to say much the sam thing (only was

Re: Bypassing Interface Builder

2008-05-14 Thread I. Savant
On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 11:53 AM, colo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I guess it's just all of the Ruby and Rails and CSS that gets in my way of thinking. Yes. ;-) Common apps that use tables and shelves like Mail or other todo apps are not on my target and frankly may never be, so the

Re: Bypassing Interface Builder

2008-05-14 Thread I. Savant
Hmmm. The letting it create the files in the nib file sounds fine for me. But what about the linking and configuring? It's just all reflected in code correct? The dragging a pipe to one object to the other that just all shows up in the .m right? So that part can just be bypassed and

Re: Bypassing Interface Builder

2008-05-14 Thread I. Savant
Graham, your responses were very well-put. I had to step away from this thread to meet some deadlines today and I'm glad to see where it's gone for the most part. I rushed to the defense of IB because, for what it is intended, it really is a powerful and useful tool. Unnecessary

Re: Bypassing Interface Builder

2008-05-14 Thread I. Savant
On this topic, when I drag an object out of the Library and set its class, IB sets the label of the object to the Class Name. Since this is an instance of the class, and not the Class Object itself, why is the name capitalized? It's just a convenient label. If you have two

Re: Bypassing Interface Builder

2008-05-14 Thread I. Savant
On May 14, 2008, at 8:45 PM, Graham Cox wrote: It depends. It's the file's (nib's) owner. If you are talking about MainMenu.nib, its owner is the application instance. For typical document nibs, it's the NSDocument instance. For others, it's whatever you pass as owner in the NSBundle class

Re: Bypassing Interface Builder

2008-05-14 Thread I. Savant
On May 14, 2008, at 8:51 PM, I. Savant wrote: And if I want to refer by name to that instance in my code, what is the name of the instance? Nothing. That is, not until you add an IBOutlet in whatever class you want to connect to that instance. Let me clarify this a bit further

Re: Bypassing Interface Builder

2008-05-14 Thread I. Savant
On May 14, 2008, at 9:06 PM, Andy Lee wrote: It can be a little tricky to find, though. That's only if you're searching myopically for that one answer. If, on the other hand, you read the conceptual documentation all the way through as you're meant to, you should definitely come across

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