[CODE4LIB] Drummers?

2013-02-21 Thread Joseph Lucia
Please pardon the list-jacking and cross-posting.

Marc Fields & Bad Data is planning a performance at the ACRL Conference in 
Indianapolis, at the Lyrasis Reception on the evening of April 11th. The band 
is comprised of library-connected musicians.

We've had some changes in ensemble membership since the showing during the 2011 
Philadelphia ACRL conference. We are currently seeking a drummer / 
percussionist (and possibly a keyboard player) for the Indy show.

Contact me directly for details if you're able (e.g. you actually play the 
drums & are going to Indy for ACRL) & are interested in being part of this. I 
guarantee fun for all.

Joe Lucia
University Librarian
Villanova University

[CODE4LIB] Marc Fields & Bad Data

2012-02-02 Thread Joseph Lucia
Please pardon my list-jacking for an off-topic solicitation. But read on if you 
work in a library setting and are also a musician. And please share this 
message with your colleagues & extended professional network.

Marc Fields & Bad Data is a "floating members" ensemble of librarian musicians 
who perform in an eclectic array of styles from folk & bluegrass to blues, 
straight ahead jazz, & old time & original rock.

We played at an ACRL reception sponsored by Lyrasis at the Philadelphia 
conference last year.  We will be taking the show on the road again next year 
for ACRL in Indianapolis and we will possibly be playing a Mid-Atlantic warm-up 
gig or two before that.

We're looking for some new members to fill gaps, especially a keyboard player, 
but we are open to all comers who are reasonably competent players comfortable 
enough to perform with confidence in front of a good sized audience. Though I 
emphasized keyboard, if you fiddle or pluck (or play the squeezebox) with any 
degree of skill, feel free to step forward. We're also interested in anyone who 
can sing in tune and on time, harmony or lead. Horn players are a bit more of a 
challenge, though if we get a few volunteers for those instruments we might be 
able to throw together some charts for a brass thing. We have a strong sax 
player already who is our main jazz guy.

A couple of links to some original library-themed tunes from last year's ACRL 
gig are below.  The audio's not great because it comes from a little camera 
mic, but you'll get the idea. Please contact me directly if you're interested 
in putting your hat in the ring for the next Marc Fields extravaganza. You 
won't regret it -- a great time was had by all last time around.

VuFind Blues: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yemQ-NBb0SI
Paper Jam (excerpt): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z9BWoctv6w
245 (MARC Tags Rule): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnvwdHuDp68

Joe Lucia
University Librarian
Villanova University

[CODE4LIB] VuFind musical amusement

2011-04-15 Thread Joseph Lucia
Since I announced the Marc Fields & Bad Data performances at ACRL on these 
lists, though I'd share with a YouTube video of a performance from that show 
that is at least indirectly related to the topics here. It's a little number I 
wrote about VuFind ("VuFind Blues"), which when it was initially rolled out was 
universally despised by the librarians at Villanova. Yes, that situation has 
changed, and the song in fact addresses the more positive outcome in its latest 
incarnation, as performed here.  Hope you enjoy it.  Happy Friday!


Joe Lucia
University Librarian
Villanova University


2011-03-18 Thread Joseph Lucia
Pardon the cross-posting. If you're coming to ACRL in Philadelphia, you might 
want to check out the link below that describes an entertaining event during 
the conference:


Joe Lucia
University Librarian
Villanova University

[CODE4LIB] Event @ ACRL in Philadelphia

2011-02-07 Thread Joseph Lucia
Please pardon the cross-posting. I am organizing an evening of musical 
performances during the ACRL Conference in Philadelphia at the end of March. 
The event will be held in conjunction with a Lyrasis reception, from 8-11 p.m. 
on Thursday March 31 at a downtown hotel.  The performers are going by the name 
of Marc Fields & Bad Data.

At present we have a solid group of about 12 people lined up to be part of the 
event, with the ensemble configured in various ways through the evening, 
starting with acoustic material (folk & bluegrass) in the opening set, and 
moving through rock, R&B, and other styles (possibly including a few jazz 
standards) in two additional sets through the evening.

We expect to have a loose (possibly very loose) horn section as part of the R&B 
set. We are still looking for instrumentalists and singers.

We are holding a rehearsal weekend in the Phila area March 12-13 but if you are 
reasonable accomplished as a performer and can provide specifics on what you 
could contribute (including song titles, preferred sample arrangement, and your 
performance key if you are a singer) we might be able to get you on the set 
list even if you can't make the rehearsal. At this moment, for our planned firs 
set, we especially need a penny-whistle player and someone who could play 
bluegrass / traditional style fiddle. But we're open to anything.

Reply directly to me if your interested in being part of this. it is going to 
be a blast.

Joe Lucia
University Librarian
Villanova University


2010-11-02 Thread Joseph Lucia
Pardon the off-topic cross-posting. I am working to organize a musical event at 
the upcoming ACRL biennial meeting in Philadelphia, in a downtown venue near 
the convention on Thursday or Friday evening.  I have already recruited 4 other 
librarian / library-employed musicians. I'm trying to put together a rock / pop 
/ blues / R&B ensemble and we are especially in need of keyboards, maybe horns, 
and some singers at this point. But we are still open to any and all 
suggestions. The overarching theme of the event will be "Marc Fields & Bad 
Data, performing tunes from the Great Librarian Songbook" but we're still open 
for sub-themes & suggestions. 

If you have even modest musical chops, are interested in being part of 
something that will surely be memorable (in a bad or good way I'm not yet sure) 
and could make it to a rehearsal weekend in the Philadelphia area in February, 
please let me know. It's your chance to get down with your bad self and really 
rock the bun-loving set! Sorry about that.  Reply directly to me if you want 
more info or want to volunteer as a performer.

Joe Lucia
University Librarian
Villanova University

[CODE4LIB] VuFind 2.0 Roadmap

2010-10-08 Thread Joseph Lucia
  Pardon the cross posting of this initial announcement -- but it's a good way 
to call this to the attention of the library technology community.

  In mid-September, Villanova University hosted a VuFind 2.0 Summit, to 
facilitate developer and implementer community involvement in establishing the 
vision and setting the agenda for the continued growth and enhancement of our 
open source library discovery tool. At the bottom of this message you will find 
a document that fully articulates  our shared vision and our specific 
technology plan.  We believe that this represents an exciting and important 
step forward for VuFind.  Follow-up announcements about specific actions to 
implement this plan will be made on the VuFind discussion lists and on 

Joe Lucia
University Librarian
Villanova University

VuFind 2.0:
An Organizational & Software Roadmap
October 8, 2010

Since the release of its source-code by Villanova University, VuFind has 
emerged as a best-of-breed example of the “next generation” discovery portals. 
It has a rapidly growing community spread across academic, public, national, 
and special libraries in over 12 countries. With the release of version 1.0 in 
July 2010, VuFind is a stable, market-leading alternative for library resource 
 On September 15-16, 2010, a cohort of VuFind developers and 
implementers from around the world met at the Villanova University Conference 
Center to share ideas and to define priorities for the next stage in the VuFind 
project. Our two days of meetings and conversations identified many 
opportunities for action, clustered in two distinct categories. Firstly, we 
addressed issues of project structure, administration, and governance. 
Secondly, we outlined a series of technical goals and functional enhancements 
for version 2.0 of the software. In each case, we have defined a list of 
Action plans for project organization and software enhancement will be refined 
and finalized by the community during the remainder of 2010.

Roadmap for Governance, Community Development, & Project Management
 Until this moment, the VuFind community has been a loosely affiliated 
group working in innovative libraries around the world. While the project has a 
number of committed senior technologists moving development forward, it has 
lacked both a clear project management framework and a defined administrative 
structure. Looking to the future, it becomes clear that substantial initiative 
and discipline in governance and project management is required to make VuFind 
an even better discovery layer.
 A clear governance and project management structure will also make 
VuFind more appealing as a software option for library administrators and 
front-line professional staff who are interested in project stability and 
effective application support. Equally important, libraries that have adopted 
VuFind will have a direct path to affiliating with the project and to providing 
it with formal support.

VuFind Governance Agenda

1.Formally shelter the project within a non-profit organization such as the 
Software Freedom Conservancy (or other appropriate partner) to provide a 
conduit for project funding and institutional support.

2.Develop and promulgate to administrators an official means for project 
participation and partnership to encourage endorsement and understanding of 
VuFind as a community-driven strategic initiative for libraries.

3.Create a framework for direct input to project direction by establishing 
institutional “voting rights” based on in-kind (e.g. staff time) and financial 
support for application development.

4.Establish a strategic directions forum for library deans, directors and 
other administrators whose organizations have formally affiliated with and 
provide support for VuFind.

VuFind Community Development Agenda

1.Develop a statement of principles, goals and shared interests that 
situates VuFind in relation to similar projects such as XC, Blacklight, Social 
OPAC, and SolrMARC and share those with key constituents of those application 

2.Engage project sponsors of related initiatives in an ongoing dialog 
regarding collaboration and continued support for common frameworks to maximize 
effectiveness of the library open source community in enhancing resource 

3.Establish a Librarians / End-users VuFind Forum and hold meetings 
facilitated by VuFind project leaders (developers, administrators from 
officially affiliated institutions) at American Library Association annual 
conferences and other relevant professional meetings.

4.Initiate a formal contact with the UK-based JISC consortium for 
discussion of shared interests and possible collaborative projects.

5.Establish a “Join the VuFind Community” Web page that describes 

[CODE4LIB] VUFind 2.0 Meeting Dates

2010-06-25 Thread Joseph Lucia
VUFind, NGC, Code4Lib Communities: 

A couple of weeks back, I sent an announcement to the VUFind discussion lists 
about a VUFind 2.0 meeting -- most of the text of that original message is 

I've heard from a bunch of you and there seems to be good interest and ability 
to attend this meeting. We have now settled on the dates of Sept. 15-16, 2010, 
so mark your calendars. We'll try to use the full day of the 15th and meet 
until at least mid-afternoon from on the 16th -- leaving some the option of 
traveling home on the 16th. Because we'll start early on the 15th, arrival by 
the evening of the 14th is recommended.

The meeting will be at Villanova and we will be arranging for accommodations & 
meals on or near campus, with a possible foray into Philadelphia for a group 
dinner on the 15th.  A number of our developers from outside the U.S. are 
planning to attend, with some subvention from our Mellon funds.  We are 
incredibly excited to have the chance to get VUFinders (and NGCers) from the 
around the world together in person. This meeting could be a great launching 
pad for the next phase of innovation in our evolving software.  And also a 
chance for the community to build some deeper interpersonal connections, or at 
least to put faces to names.

As planning moves forward, I will be working with Demian Katz & others to 
develop a more detailed agenda for the gathering.  If you have thoughts on how 
best to use our time, please share them with me.  I want to leave some openness 
to harvest whatever energy and inspiration surfaces while we're together but I 
also want a plan for more structured activities in case we need some direction. 
More details will be forthcoming soon as they take shape

   I will be (and may have already been) in touch with a number of you from 
beyond the U.S. who are planning to attend.  You'll be flying into Philadelphia 
and we'll get you from the airport to the hotel & the meeting site. For 
international travelers who are getting some support from us to attend, you'll 
be working with the university's travel agent to get the arrangements ironed 

   I am psyched that we are going to make this happen. It's our chance to add a 
little more adrenalin to an already vital development community.  Stay well 

Original Message:

  We are planning to host a face-to-face VUFind 2.0 meet-up at Villanova 
University in late summer to discuss ideas, possibilities, priorities, and 
development paths for VUFind 2.0.  By that time, the official 1.0 release (no 
longer a mere "release candidate") will be in the field and we will be ready to 
talk seriously about what a 2.0 project might embrace.

   We have some Mellon Foundation funds to subsidize participation by key 
developers and VUFind constituents in this meet-up.  My hope is that this will 
be a rather loosely structured event occurring over 2 days that will funnel 
down from visionary "blue sky" and vision-seeting at the start, to clustering 
and prioritizing of ideas based on what's most practical & valuable, 
culminating if we're lucky, perhaps, in some quick prototyping and 
demonstration as the final activity.  But that is not set in stone. We can also 
incorporate informal talks about local implementations, things already in 
development in local settings, and challenges in continuing to advance VUFind. 
We'll do what might work best for the group that gathers.

If you are interested in attending but would require travel budget 
assistance to do so, please get in touch with me directly via e-mail.  If you 
would like to attend and would be able to do so without a subsidy, it would be 
useful to know that as well.  In other words, please send me a quick e-mail if 
you're interested in coming to this event. We will probably also try to set up 
some channel for remote participation for at least part of the time for those 
who can't make it to the F2F meeting. 

Joe Lucia
University Librarian
Villanova University

[CODE4LIB] Job Announcement: Villanova Web Specialist

2010-04-19 Thread Joseph Lucia
  Pardon cross-posting.  The Villanova University Library is continuing to 
search for a Senior Web Specialist for Library and Scholarly Applications.  A 
position summary is below. Full position information is available online at:


All applications must be submitted online.

Senior Web Specialist for Library and Scholarly Applications

Position Summary: Supports design and development of online environment for 
Villanova's 21st century library. In collaboration with Library Technology 
Development Team and the library director, responsible for identifying, 
exploring, planning, & managing implementation of new methods, tools and 
resources to extend and enhance digitally delivered library services, including 
applications that extend the library's reach on the social Web. Applies 
evolving user-centered design principles to all aspects (visual, information 
architecture, site structure, navigational features etc.) of the library Web 
environment. Supports new initiatives in the digital scholarship arena, 
including implementation and support for online publishing tools and associated 
services. Supports & collaborates with the Digital Library Team Leader to 
refine and extend power & functionality of the Villanova University Digital 
Library. Collaborates with the Systems Support Librarians to plan and manage 
the transition of library management systems to state-of-the- art open source 
technologies. Advocates for and advances the library technology agenda on the 
local, regional, and national levels by means of cooperative projects and 
inter-library collaboration. Convenes and coordinates activities of 
cross-functional teams for project implementation. Works with library director, 
library technology staff, and Unit to develop and revise mid- and long-term 
library technology plans. Collaborates with Instructional Design librarian and 
Center for Instructional Technology to integrate new library technologies into 
library educational services. Collaborates with Library Assessment Team to 
measure success of new technology projects.

Joe Lucia
University Librarian
Villanova University

[CODE4LIB] Job Announcement: Villanova University

2010-02-22 Thread Joseph Lucia
Please forgive cross posting of this message.  We have a great opportunity for 
a Web specialist at Villanova.  Online applications only will be accepted, at 
the address below. Posting will remain active until the position is filled. To 
apply go to the Villanova University   HR site at:


Senior Web Specialist for Library & Scholarly Applications
Falvey Memorial Library
Villanova University
Position  Summary:
Supports design and development of online environment for Villanova's 21st 
century library. In collaboration with Library Technology Development Team and 
the library director, responsible for identifying, exploring, planning, & 
managing implementation of new methods, tools and resources to extend and 
enhance digitally delivered library services, including applications that 
extend the library's reach on the social Web. Applies evolving user-centered 
design principles to all aspects (visual, information architecture, site 
structure, navigational features etc.) of the library Web environment. Supports 
new initiatives in the digital scholarship arena, including implementation and 
support for online publishing tools and associated services. Supports & 
collaborates with the Digital Library Team Leader to refine and extend power & 
functionality of the Villanova University Digital Library. Collaborates with 
the Systems Support Librarians to plan and manage the transition of library 
management systems to state-of-the- art open source technologies. Advocates for 
and advances the library technology agenda on the local, regional, and national 
levels by means of cooperative projects and inter-library collaboration. 
Convenes and coordinates activities of cross-functional teams for project 
implementation. Works with library director, library technology staff, and Unit 
to develop and revise mid- and long-term library technology plans. Collaborates 
with Instructional Design librarian and Center for Instructional Technology to 
integrate new library technologies into library educational services. 
Collaborates with Library Assessment Team to measure success of new technology 
Major Activities:

·  Works individually and collaboratively to establish priorities, develop 
plans, design and enhance interfaces, and develop and implement features and 
services for the continuous improvement of the library online environment, 
including site strategy, site design, site infrastructure and maintenance 
support, usability analysis, and coordination of content management and 
implementation activities (with the Library Web Team).

·  Implements and enhances systems and service infrastructure for the 
support of digital scholarship at Villanova, including applications to 
facilitate new modes of e-publishing.

·  Collaborates with Systems Support librarian, library staff teams and 
working groups, and the library.

·  Provides ongoing interface design and development support for Villanova 
University Digital Library initiatives, as a member of the Digital Library Team.

·  Library Liaison Team & user assistance duties as assigned, based on 
educational background and areas of special competence.
Undergraduate degree in Web design or in a related discipline required.

Masters degree information architecture, information science, Web publishing or 
digital media required.

Three to five years of progressively responsible experience developing and 
implementing technology projects in a collaborative, team-based, goal-oriented 
environment, with a preference for such experience in an academic library or 
academic publishing setting.
Demonstrated experience with Web design as indicated by a portfolio of 
user-oriented Web designs completed and implemented in real-world contexts.

Knowledge required:
Knowledge of Web development tools and technologies, including style sheets, 
XML, HTML editing (hand coded and via common editing applications such as 
DreamWeaver and FrontPage) & Javascript;
Knowledge of image editing with tools such as Photoshop and Illustrator;
Knowledge of common Web scripting frameworks;
Familiarity with Java or other similar object-oriented programming language
Familiarity with SQL, database systems, and basic principles of database design
Broad awareness of Web security technologies (SSL, certificates, public keys) 
and user authentication environments such as LDAP, Active Directory and NDS
Broad awareness of “portal” and Intranet functionality
Understanding of Web search engines, the structure of the contemporary 
information environment and the unique function of academic libraries in that 
Understanding of the academic and organizational cultures of higher education 
Joe Lucia
University Librarian
Villanova University

[CODE4LIB] Job Opportunity at Villanova University

2009-03-04 Thread Joseph Lucia
Pardon cross-posting.  We have a good position open in the library at Villanova 
right now.  Details below.

Position Description:

Library Technology Development Specialist

Responsible for designing, developing, testing and deploying new technology 
methods, tools and resources to extend and enhance digitally-mediated or 
digitally-delivered library services, including but not limited to Web 
interfaces, digital reference and research assistance, digitization and digital 
library development, institutional repository services, "portalization" and 
personalization of library resources, the integration of handheld devices into 
the library service environment, Web content management, collaboration 
software, staff Intranet services, online knowledge base development, and 
related areas. Contributes code, conducts quality assurance on code contributed 
by other developers, and helps facilitate the evolutions of the VuFind open 
source resource discovery software. Participates in the implementation and 
enhancement of an open source library management (enterprise) system. 
Contributes to the development of instructional support applications for 
library digital resources. Participates in ongoing environmental scanning for 
emerging applications and technology opportunities in an academic library 
context. Contributes to tactical and strategic technology planning for library 
environment. Collaborates with Instructional Design librarian and Center for 
Instructional Technology to integrate new library technologies into library 
educational services. Collaborates with Library Assessment Team to measure 
success of new technology projects.

Minimum Qualifications:

Undergraduate degree in computer science, information systems or a related 
field required.

3 years of professional experience developing and implementing technology 
projects in a collaborative, team-based, goal-oriented environment, preferably 
in an academic library or similar setting.

Working knowledge of Web development tools and technologies, including PHP, 
ASP,Net, Java Enterprise Edition, HTML and CSS, XML, XSLT and XQuery.

Fluency with common open source system stacks, specifically, the Linux / Apache 
/ MySQL / Perl & PHP (LAMP) framework.

Working knowledge of common Web scripting resources, such as Javascript and AJAX

Understanding of Web search engines, the structure of the contemporary 
information environment and the unique function of academic libraries in that 

If you are interested, application information is available online at:


Joe Lucia
University Librarian
Villanova University


2008-12-10 Thread Joseph Lucia
  I haven't seen this announced here yet, so I'm passing it along.  VuFind won 
a 2008 Mellon Award for Technology Collaboration, which was presented at the 
Coalition for Networked Information Fall Task Force Meeting in Washington, D.C. 
on Monday.  A link to the Mellon Foundation press release is below.  We are 


Joe Lucia
University Librarian
Villanova University

[CODE4LIB] Villanova: Position Announcement

2008-05-27 Thread Joseph Lucia
Please forgive the cross-posting. Below is a recent job announcement from 
Villanova University.  Applications will be accepted until the position is 

This is a great opportunity to become a member of Team VuFind!

Library Software Development Specialist
  Falvey Library
  Villanova University
This position reports to the Technology Management Team and is responsible for 
designing, developing, testing and deploying new technology methods, tools and 
resources to extend and enhance digitally-mediated or digitally-delivered 
library services, including but not limited to, Web interfaces, digital 
reference and research assistance, digitization and digital library 
development, institutional repository services, "portalization" and 
personalization of library resources, the integration of handheld devices into 
the library service environment, Web content management, collaboration 
software, staff Intranet services, online knowledge base development, and 
related areas.  This person will also serve as trainer and mentor to librarians 
and other library staff involved in new technology initiatives, with an 
emphasis on skill transfer, skill development, and the expansion of the 
library's technology base in support of continuously improving digital services 
for library users.
Requirements include:  Bachelor's degree in computer science, information 
systems or a related field required; 1 year of professional experience 
developing and implementing technology projects in a collaborative, team-based, 
goal-oriented environment; ability to work independently on programming and 
technology implementation projects; ability to listen to and act upon the needs 
and suggestions of others, in support of user-oriented systems design and 
development; excellent analytical skills to support problem solving, systems 
analysis, software functional specification, and debugging; ability to juggle 
multiple competing priorities; excellent writing skills for the preparation of 
clear, user-oriented documentation; capacity for higher-level strategic 
analysis of technology trends; working knowledge of PC and Unix-based computing 
platforms and operating systems; working knowledge of web development tools and 
technologies, including PHP, ASP, .Net, Java, HTML and CSS, AJAX, XML, XSLT and 
XQuery; working knowledge of Unix server administration and related scripting 
languages; working knowledge of SQL, database systems, and basic principles of 
database design.

You may email resumes, but please include a cover letter, resume and references 
in only one attachment.  Please submit resumes to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], or fax to (610) 519-6667.  Please send 
only one resume.  Please include salary requirements in your cover letter.

For further information, call Barbara Kearns at ext. 9-4235.
Villanova University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages the 
recruitment and retention of qualified candidates for all positions.  As a 
federal contractor, Villanova University has an
Affirmative Action Plan which is overseen by the University's Affirmative 
Action Officer in the Center for Multicultural Affairs.  The University 
encourages members of all diverse groups to seek employment with the University 
through the Human Resources Department.

Joe Lucia
University Librarian
Villanova University

[CODE4LIB] VuFind Interest Group Meeting at ALA

2008-01-09 Thread Joseph Lucia
   Pardon the cross-posting.   I want to announce this one more time so you can 
add it to your calendar before heading to Philadelphia -- if you're coming.

  At the upcoming ALA Mid-winter meeting in Philadelphia, Villanova University 
library staff will be hosting a VuFind Interest Group 
meeting.  The meeting will occur on Saturday, January 12 from 10:30 a.m. to 
Noon in the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 308.

   Anyone interested in learning more about the VuFind project is welcome to 
attend.  Topics to be addressed will include:

the current development roadmap;
prospects for extension and/or integration of VuFind into other library open 
source environments;
implementation and support options; and
general issues related to the features & underpinnings of the software.

   The Villanova VuFind development team (Andrew Nagy & Chris Barr) will be 
present for a candid discussion about how we can grow partnerships and scale up 
this project.  We are interested not only in VuFind as such but also in the 
larger question of how to catalyze open source growth and success and the 
library space.

We will also be hosting VuFind demos throughout the conference at the 
PALINET Booth in the exhibit hall.  PALINET is now a 
provider of implementation and support services for libraries interested in 
VuFind but that lack the technical resources to take on such a project without 
additional help.

We hope to see many of you there!

Joe Lucia
University Librarian
Villanova University

[CODE4LIB] VuFind Interest Group Meeting at ALA

2007-12-19 Thread Joseph Lucia
  Pardon the cross-posting.

  At the upcoming ALA Mid-winter meeting in Philadelphia, Villanova University 
library staff will be hosting a VuFind Interest Group 
meeting.  The meeting will occur on Saturday, January 12 from 10:30 a.m. to 
Noon in the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 308.

   Anyone interested in learning more about the VuFind project is welcome to 
attend.  Topics to be addressed will include:

the current development roadmap;
prospects for extension and/or integration of VuFind into other library open 
source environments;
implementation and support options; and
general issues related to the features & underpinnings of the software.

   The Villanova VuFind development team (Andrew Nagy & Chris Barr) will be 
present for a candid discussion about how we can grow partnerships and scale up 
this project.  We are interested not only in VuFind as such but also in the 
larger question of how to catalyze open source growth and success and the 
library space.

We will also be hosting VuFind demos throughout the conference at the 
PALINET Booth in the exhibit hall.  PALINET is now a 
provider of implementation and support services for libraries interested in 
VuFind but that lack the technical resources to take on such a project without 
additional help.

We hope to see many of you there!

Joe Lucia
University Librarian
Villanova University

Re: [CODE4LIB] [Fwd: [NGC4LIB] A Thought Experiment]

2007-11-09 Thread Joseph Lucia
At the recent OCLC Members Council meeting there was some strong support voiced 
from the floor during OCLC management's general presentation for such an API, 
but it is not clear where OCLC stands on the matter. The answers from OCLC 
officers about this were hedgy, though they hinted at some sort of development 
in progress.  Others may know more.   They (OCLC) are clearly focused on the 
market position of WorldCat Local and a robust and extensive API might undercut 
that -- but probably only with one market sector.  We need to keep pressing the 

Joe Lucia
University Librarian
Villanova University

-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Roy Tennant
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2007 2:11 PM
To: CODE4LIB@listserv.nd.edu
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] [Fwd: [NGC4LIB] A Thought Experiment]

I agree with Jonathan's points below, and would suggest that a robust enough
WorldCat API should be sufficient to allow any library that has the desire
and the capacity to integrate everything available there with whatever else
they wish.

On 11/9/07 9:42 AM, "Jonathan Rochkind" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Good points.
> "If I wanted a drop-in in one-size solution for resource discovery, from
> a "corporate" supplier, for instance, I'd have to say that WorldCat
> local looks pretty darn interesting. But the kind of locally-iterable,
> modular, extensible toolkit that I think positions libraries well for
> experimentation and innovation."
> There's another important reason this "kind of locally-iterable modular
> extensible toolkit" is absolutely vital, in addition to "positioning
> libraries well for experimentation and innovation." It's because we
> absolutely need to functionally integrate our various _different_
> products from differnet vendors. Even if you go with WorldCat Local, you
> still have many products from other vendors that you'd really like it to
> integrate with (both on the end-user-interface, and on the backend staff
> metadata control and other interfaces).  The path to accomplishing this
> is with that kind of "modular extensible toolkit"---dropping in an
> ostensible "one-size solution" often only creates more problems with
> lack of integration.
> We want "loosely coupled", but we're currently often stuck with "not
> coupled at all", which causes no end of problems.
> Jonathan
> Joe Lucia wrote:
