Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-08-15 Thread Francis Kayiwa

I am not sure if this was suggested. I used this Perl project a while back

It seems to meet all your needs.


Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-08-12 Thread Jonathan Rochkind
In addition to initial productivity, maintainability and enhanceability, 
including by future people who won't be you, is a huge consideration.

A framework can probably either help or hurt that too, depending on how 
good it is.


Tim Spalding wrote:

Casey: "I think it's extremely hard to appreciate both the advantages
and disadvantages of a framework if you haven't done a bunch of stuff
both with and without one.  ...  Tim can be at least as productive
writing PHP by hand as I can using Django, but most of us can't be
Tim.  Most of us need to exploit every unfair advantage and shortcut
we can find."

I won't disagree with Casey. We see it from different angles, but
Casey has more experience at both "ends" of the problem, and an
informed, balancing approach is best anyway. Much depends on exactly
what you're doing and what resources you can call on—not to mention
what you're used to. Mutatis mutandis you're trading application speed
and for coding speed, with arguments on both sides as far as
scalability. Since application speed is just not an issue for most of
what most people do these days, gaining developer-coding speed is a
good trade.

I see errors in both directions. There are some CRUD pieces to
LibraryThing that took *way* too much time to do because we did them
all by hand. Casey's introduction of a Django framework there was very
smart. At the same time, I think Twitter got stuck in RoR. When a web
application is so extremely simple--it does basically one thing!--you
might as well write that as "close to the machine" as possible.



Jonathan Rochkind
Digital Services Software Engineer
The Sheridan Libraries
Johns Hopkins University
rochkind (at)

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-08-12 Thread Ross Singer
On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 7:02 PM, Tim Spalding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I see errors in both directions. There are some CRUD pieces to
> LibraryThing that took *way* too much time to do because we did them
> all by hand. Casey's introduction of a Django framework there was very
> smart. At the same time, I think Twitter got stuck in RoR. When a web
> application is so extremely simple--it does basically one thing!--you
> might as well write that as "close to the machine" as possible.

To be fair, Twitter's problem is less the fault of RoR and more the
result of poor database design/planning.  I'm no Rails apologist
(after all, as we all know, it's a ghetto - it, like every other
stack, has its pluses and minuses), but the beating and FUD Ruby on
Rails has received thanks to Twitter's Fail Whale is largely
undeserved.  Would it be more stable if it was some
Spring/Hibernate/JSF application?  Who knows, but it's doubtful.  If
the problem really *was* all with ActiveRecord and not with their
underlying database architecture, their problems should be easily
solved (with the word "easy" meaning "easier than the drubbing they've
received from their critics") by exposing their DB with another stack
and porting their models over to ActiveResource.

So, really, these are two completely separate issues.

**Full disclosure -- I am an unabashedly Ruby-centric developer,
although generally avoid Rails.

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-08-11 Thread kgs
> > Define "understand SQL".  I can't help but be concerned about the adage
> > "knows just enough to be dangerous".  I've seen some systems brought to
> > their knees in terms of performance as a result of a couple of poorly
> > constructed queries.

The irony is that it's easy to do this in some simplified SQL database
interfaces. (I know, I've done it.) Having gone through the
baby-interface-graduate-to-real-thing process, all I can say for the
starter interfaces is that they make it a tinier bit easier to construct
some very basic queries, but quickly get frustrating, particularly if
you're trying to figure out *why* you brought a system (even a test
system) to its knees. These systems are generally bespoke, so you can't
crack open a book to understand their special dumbed-down language. 

The junior interface I worked with several years ago had a free-entry
box where developers pasted free-form queries more advanced than the
guided interface could support. I learned a lot from reading those
queries and tweaking them to do new things (with a copy of that fat
MySQL book in my lap as I worked). Even if I brought the (test) system
to its knees, at least I had the means to reverse-engineer my error.

Karen G. Schneider

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-08-11 Thread Tim Spalding
Casey: "I think it's extremely hard to appreciate both the advantages
and disadvantages of a framework if you haven't done a bunch of stuff
both with and without one.  ...  Tim can be at least as productive
writing PHP by hand as I can using Django, but most of us can't be
Tim.  Most of us need to exploit every unfair advantage and shortcut
we can find."

I won't disagree with Casey. We see it from different angles, but
Casey has more experience at both "ends" of the problem, and an
informed, balancing approach is best anyway. Much depends on exactly
what you're doing and what resources you can call on—not to mention
what you're used to. Mutatis mutandis you're trading application speed
and for coding speed, with arguments on both sides as far as
scalability. Since application speed is just not an issue for most of
what most people do these days, gaining developer-coding speed is a
good trade.

I see errors in both directions. There are some CRUD pieces to
LibraryThing that took *way* too much time to do because we did them
all by hand. Casey's introduction of a Django framework there was very
smart. At the same time, I think Twitter got stuck in RoR. When a web
application is so extremely simple--it does basically one thing!--you
might as well write that as "close to the machine" as possible.


Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-08-10 Thread Alex Dolski
Despite their repeated pleadings, I just can't afford to let my 
colleagues learn SQL, Tim. I have to take every opportunity to hide the 
knowledge from them. I've found that developing simple, easy-to-use 
front-ends to complex internal systems here in the library is a good way 
to keep them dumb and happy. These library school loans are not going to 
pay off themselves, so I figure as long as I can shroud the command-line 
utopia from their sight, I'll be relatively safe. Once they start 
picking up on the joy of SQL -- and I pray that day never comes -- I 
will be out on the street.


Tim Spalding wrote:

That reminds me of a better idea. Let's keep a real understanding of
computers from "less-techy colleagues" at the library. That way no
messy learning or understanding will take place, and we'll always be

Then we could start wearing white colors...


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Alex Dolski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That reminds me of an idea for a photo sharing website I had, tentatively
called LeftOutrJoinr. It would be like Flickr, but instead of pictures
everywhere, visitors would be given a command line into which they would be
able to enter their own SQL queries to call up photos to appear on the page
via AJAX. I see it becoming quite popular among 3-5 people.


Tim Spalding wrote:

I'd consider teaching them how to use SQL directly.

I've done it at LibraryThing. I take employees from the simplest
SELECTs all the way to a people-who-have-X-also-have-Y self-join in
one long hands-on lesson. It doubles as a sort of test, and I've even
used it in hiring. LibraryThing's two full-time librarians got there
with flying colors; I've had programmers who stumbled. (Not
surprisingly they didn't work out.) Once someone understands SQL
itself, you can throw a helper, like PMA, at them too.

I think there's a real opportunity for empowerment here. Teach a man
to SELECT and he'll never have to, um, fish again.


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 9:58 AM, Tim McGeary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I use Webmin.
It gives me a GUI for all of my vital sysadmin needs that I can't
how to do at the shell.

It has a MySQL GUI interface that works very well.  And you can setup
accounts to have access to certain parts of Webmin, like just MySQL.

Easy RPM install, and inside Webmin is an app to upgrade itself.  Can
install Perl modules, edit your php.ini file, etc.


Tim McGeary
Senior Systems Specialist
Lehigh University
Google Talk: timmcgeary
Yahoo IM: timmcgeary

Ken Irwin wrote:

Hi folks,

I have some straightforward MySQL data tables that I would like to be
editable by some of my less-techy colleagues. I tend to think of
as a perfectly serviceable and reasonably interface for updating
tables, but I'm told that it's kind of intimidating to the uninitiated.

Are there alternatives that are meant for non-admin-types? I'd want
something with read/write permissions, but that could be targeted at
just a
few tables, wouldn't have any of the more potent tools (drop, empty,
In the ideal world, I might like something that would prevent users from
doing things like accidentally changing primary key data and things like

I've thought about writing something, but I suspect that would be
reinventing the wheel. Any ideas?


Alex A. Dolski
Web & Digitization Application Developer
Lied Library, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 457041
Las Vegas, NV 89154-7041
(702) 895-2225 (phone) / (702) 895-2280 (fax)

Alex A. Dolski
Web & Digitization Application Developer
Lied Library, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 457041
Las Vegas, NV 89154-7041
(702) 895-2225 (phone) / (702) 895-2280 (fax)

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-08-10 Thread Tim Spalding
That's definitely true. One cartesian query can ruin your day...

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 1:22 PM, John Fereira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tim Spalding wrote:
>> I'd consider teaching them how to use SQL directly.
>> I've done it at LibraryThing. I take employees from the simplest
>> SELECTs all the way to a people-who-have-X-also-have-Y self-join in
>> one long hands-on lesson. It doubles as a sort of test, and I've even
>> used it in hiring. LibraryThing's two full-time librarians got there
>> with flying colors; I've had programmers who stumbled. (Not
>> surprisingly they didn't work out.) Once someone understands SQL
>> itself, you can throw a helper, like PMA, at them too.
>> I think there's a real opportunity for empowerment here. Teach a man
>> to SELECT and he'll never have to, um, fish again.
> Define "understand SQL".  I can't help but be concerned about the adage
> "knows just enough to be dangerous".  I've seen some systems brought to
> their knees in terms of performance as a result of a couple of poorly
> constructed queries.

Check out my library at

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-08-10 Thread Walter Lewis

John Fereira wrote:

Tim Spalding wrote:

I think there's a real opportunity for empowerment here. Teach a man
to SELECT and he'll never have to, um, fish again.
Define "understand SQL".  I can't help but be concerned about the 
adage "knows just enough to be dangerous".  I've seen some systems 
brought to their knees in terms of performance as a result of a couple 
of poorly constructed queries.
Not to mention the different variations, depending on SQL dialect,  on 
"DELETE * FROM Title" or "DELETE Title" or ...  :)

   ... some of them by folks who should know better

Walter Lewis
 who appreciates databases with transactional point in time restores

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-08-10 Thread Susan Rector
We use an ODBC link as we can control the rights at the MySQL level like 
Tobin mentions below


Tobin Cataldo wrote:
We have been using MS Access linked through MyODBC. The user's rights 
are according to the permissions in the MySQL user table.


Ken Irwin wrote:

Hi folks,

I have some straightforward MySQL data tables that I would like to be 
editable by some of my less-techy colleagues. I tend to think of 
phpMyAdmin as a perfectly serviceable and reasonably interface for 
updating database tables, but I'm told that it's kind of intimidating 
to the uninitiated.

Are there alternatives that are meant for non-admin-types? I'd want 
something with read/write permissions, but that could be targeted at 
just a few tables, wouldn't have any of the more potent tools (drop, 
empty, etc.). In the ideal world, I might like something that would 
prevent users from doing things like accidentally changing primary 
key data and things like that.

I've thought about writing something, but I suspect that would be 
reinventing the wheel. Any ideas?


Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-08-10 Thread Tim Spalding
It bears repeating that many library standards, notably MARC, are
essentially non-relational and non-normalized. Fully normalized
relational databases aren't an obvious idea if you're never been
exposed to them—and something like a religious revelation once you
have. Whether or not SQL is a useful skill for librarians and library
staff, the meme is worth spreading. Maybe we could put it in the


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 1:53 PM, Eric Lease Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 30, 2008, at 1:47 PM, Cloutman, David wrote:
>> Perhaps you should put together some MySQL training materials for
>> librarians. A webinar, perhaps. I'd love it if my colleagues had those
>> skills. I don't think there is that much interest, but I could be wrong.
>> There are at least 101 ways enterprise level database skills could be
>> put to work in my library. I'm pretty sick of our core technical
>> solutions being Excel spreadsheets and the occasional Access database.
>> Blech.
> Tell me about it, and besides, basic SQL is not any more difficult than CCL.
> SELECT this FROM that WHERE field LIKE "%foo%"  Moreover, IMHO, relational
> databases are the technological bread & butter of librarianship these days.
> Blissful ignorance does the profession little good.
> --
> Eric Lease Morgan
> Hesburgh Libraries, University of Notre Dame

Check out my library at

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-08-10 Thread Casey Durfee
I think it's extremely hard to appreciate both the advantages and
disadvantages of a framework if you haven't done a bunch of stuff both with
and without one.  If you want to be a great developer you do need to know
how to do stuff at a low level, no question.  But for most developers and
most projects, I strongly believe you're better off using a framework even
if you are an expert.  Tim can be at least as productive writing PHP by hand
as I can using Django, but most of us can't be Tim.  Most of us need to
exploit every unfair advantage and shortcut we can find.

For a beginner/intermediate developer, not having to know or think too much
about SQL is a huge advantage, conceptually and practically.  It can
actually lead to *better* code.  You can be totally ignorant of SQL
injection issues and be just fine using Rails or Django.  That's certainly
not true if you're working at a lower level -- where you have to be both an
expert and very careful not to make a mistake.  And I'm unconvinced writing
SQL by hand teaches you about the limitations of MySQL any better than using
a framework -- writing SQL by hand does not automatically make you a good
database administrator.  (Heck, being a good DBA does not automatically make
you a good MySQL administrator).  In some cases if you're not an expert the
net result of doing it by hand may actually be worse, as I'm willing to bet
that the person that wrote the framework's database interface knows all
about the limitations of MySQL, and its code has been tested in the real
world by thousands of users.  It's all about getting people smarter than you
to write and test as much code as possible for you.

When there are performance issues, the process of dealing with them is
pretty much the same both ways -- look at the queries being run and figure
out where the troublesome spots are and optimize them.  A framework can
actually make that easier rather than harder -- you can log all the SQL run
on a page and how long it took by changing one config file and go from

But concentrating too heavily on the SQL/ORM aspect misses all the other
things that frameworks do.  Even if you are a database expert, you should
still use a framework most of the time in my book.  Nobody can be an expert
on everything.  You shouldn't have to be an expert on XSS, CSRF or SQL
injection to be protected against them.  You shouldn't have to be an expert
on character sets and encodings to have your app handle them right.  You
shouldn't have to start from scratch to add standard boilerplate stuff like
an admin interface or RSS or comments or internationalization to your

I'm not saying you shouldn't be wary of the things that a framework (or any
tool) hides from you, of course.  But in my experience the things that a
framework will save you from (like getting hacked because you forgot to
sanitize some input data in one tiny little place) far outweigh the
downsides, and the time you save by doing as little from scratch as possible
can be spent becoming a MySQL guru if and when you need to.  Or you can bail
on MySQL if it becomes a problem and switch to a better DBMS.  You can do
that without changing any of your code if you use a good framework because
the database layer is totally abstracted.  I wish we could do that at

But to answer the original question, I'd recommend Django.  Using Django to
supply a simple CRUD interface by no means rules out doing the interesting
part of the project however you want to [1].  We have stuff at LibraryThing
where the front end is PHP (written by hand) and the back end/admin
interface is Django.  It works great.  And Django (especially with the newly
revamped admin code) provides a far better and more powerful admin interface
than CodeIgniter or others, in my book.



On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 8:07 AM, Tim Spalding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This gets religious quickly, but, in my experience, programmers who
learn on a framework miss out on their understanding of database
necessities. They may not matter much when you have a low-traffic,
low-content situation, but as your traffic and data grow you're going
to want an understanding of how MySQL optimizes queries, what's
expensive and what's not, and so forth. Although anyone can learn
anything, experience is the best teacher, and, in my experience,
frameworks encourage you to avoid that experience.

For example, the Ruby programmers I've worked with have been unaware
that MySQL only uses one index per table per select, causing them to
index far more than they need, how joins work across different MySQL
data types, the advantages of ganging your inserts together, etc. This
stuff adds up fast.

Of course, the same arguments could be leveled against PHP in favor of
C, against C in favor of assembly, etc.. Abstraction always has merits
and demerits.


Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-08-10 Thread Tim Shearer

Hi All,

It ain't free, but there's a lovely client for mysql called navicat 
( that we've been using.  And even though I *can* 
do command line queries, gotta say I love pulling lines between tables to 
set them up.  It's not too expensive and I find that for light to medium 
weight stuff it's fun and easy to use.


On Wed, 30 Jul 2008, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:

On Jul 30, 2008, at 1:47 PM, Cloutman, David wrote:

Perhaps you should put together some MySQL training materials for
librarians. A webinar, perhaps. I'd love it if my colleagues had those
skills. I don't think there is that much interest, but I could be wrong.
There are at least 101 ways enterprise level database skills could be
put to work in my library. I'm pretty sick of our core technical
solutions being Excel spreadsheets and the occasional Access database.

Tell me about it, and besides, basic SQL is not any more difficult than CCL. 
SELECT this FROM that WHERE field LIKE "%foo%"  Moreover, IMHO, relational 
databases are the technological bread & butter of librarianship these days. 
Blissful ignorance does the profession little good.

Eric Lease Morgan
Hesburgh Libraries, University of Notre Dame

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-08-10 Thread jkielas
Sounds like you have what you need, but if you don't want to deal with a 
framework, you might look into phpmyedit. It's a small program that you 
can attach to a table for quick and configurable CRUD functionality for 
the data in the table. It has a utility that generates the basic code 
you need and you can tweak it from there. I've found it useful on a 
number of projects.


Ken Irwin wrote:

Shawn Boyette ☠ wrote:
I don't think he was asking about *programmers* creating or modifying 

It's true -- I just want a simple little data entry tool (which I've 
got now! That was easy.)

I've been doing all of my development by hand, without the luxury of 
frameworks, not out of any programmerly virtue, but just out of 
simplicity -- ie, I've not taken the time to learn about frameworks. 
It sure would be nice to take the time at some point, and I'll keep 
Tim's injunctions about abstraction in mind when I do.

*thanks and joy*

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 11:07 AM, Tim Spalding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

This gets religious quickly, but, in my experience, programmers who
learn on a framework miss out on their understanding of database
necessities. They may not matter much when you have a low-traffic,
low-content situation, but as your traffic and data grow you're going
to want an understanding of how MySQL optimizes queries, what's
expensive and what's not, and so forth. Although anyone can learn
anything, experience is the best teacher, and, in my experience,
frameworks encourage you to avoid that experience.

For example, the Ruby programmers I've worked with have been unaware
that MySQL only uses one index per table per select, causing them to
index far more than they need, how joins work across different MySQL
data types, the advantages of ganging your inserts together, etc. This
stuff adds up fast.

Of course, the same arguments could be leveled against PHP in favor of
C, against C in favor of assembly, etc.. Abstraction always has merits
and demerits.


Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-08-10 Thread andrew . hankinson
The Django framework's Administration interface is pretty good for doing
quick database work, and it's highly customizable.  It also does very basic
database introspection on existing databases to help get you set up.

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 11:28 AM, Ken Irwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Shawn Boyette ☠ wrote:
>> I don't think he was asking about *programmers* creating or modifying
>> *schema*.
> It's true -- I just want a simple little data entry tool (which I've got
> now! That was easy.)
> I've been doing all of my development by hand, without the luxury of
> frameworks, not out of any programmerly virtue, but just out of simplicity
> -- ie, I've not taken the time to learn about frameworks. It sure would be
> nice to take the time at some point, and I'll keep Tim's injunctions about
> abstraction in mind when I do.
> *thanks and joy*
> Ken
>  On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 11:07 AM, Tim Spalding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> This gets religious quickly, but, in my experience, programmers who
>>> learn on a framework miss out on their understanding of database
>>> necessities. They may not matter much when you have a low-traffic,
>>> low-content situation, but as your traffic and data grow you're going
>>> to want an understanding of how MySQL optimizes queries, what's
>>> expensive and what's not, and so forth. Although anyone can learn
>>> anything, experience is the best teacher, and, in my experience,
>>> frameworks encourage you to avoid that experience.
>>> For example, the Ruby programmers I've worked with have been unaware
>>> that MySQL only uses one index per table per select, causing them to
>>> index far more than they need, how joins work across different MySQL
>>> data types, the advantages of ganging your inserts together, etc. This
>>> stuff adds up fast.
>>> Of course, the same arguments could be leveled against PHP in favor of
>>> C, against C in favor of assembly, etc.. Abstraction always has merits
>>> and demerits.
>>> Tim
> --
> Ken Irwin
> Reference Librarian
> Thomas Library, Wittenberg University

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-08-10 Thread Joe Hourcle

On Wed, 30 Jul 2008, Tim Spalding wrote:

I'd consider teaching them how to use SQL directly.

I've done it at LibraryThing. I take employees from the simplest
SELECTs all the way to a people-who-have-X-also-have-Y self-join in
one long hands-on lesson. It doubles as a sort of test, and I've even
used it in hiring. LibraryThing's two full-time librarians got there
with flying colors; I've had programmers who stumbled. (Not
surprisingly they didn't work out.) Once someone understands SQL
itself, you can throw a helper, like PMA, at them too.

I think there's a real opportunity for empowerment here. Teach a man
to SELECT and he'll never have to, um, fish again.

This might be okay with SELECT*, but I'm not so sure about giving users 
unfamiliar with SQL access to DELETE and UPDATE, which seemed to be part 
of the original request.  All it takes is one user forgetting a WHERE 
clause or mixing up a column as part of a <> condition, and the UPDATE 
corrupts the whole system.

Hell, I've even done it myself.

And I've found out the hard way that using MS Access to access MySQL via 
ODBC that the 'queries' are NOT materialized views, as I had been informed 
by my boss, and had to recover from the previous night's backup and 
manually apply all of that day's records.


* SELECT isn't always safe, either.  When they're badly written (use the 
wrong indices or the wrong type of join) they can start causing 
performance issues for everything else using the database as they consume 
cpu and memory or cause unnecessary disk IO.

Joe Hourcle

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-07-31 Thread John Fereira

Tim Spalding wrote:

I'd consider teaching them how to use SQL directly.

I've done it at LibraryThing. I take employees from the simplest
SELECTs all the way to a people-who-have-X-also-have-Y self-join in
one long hands-on lesson. It doubles as a sort of test, and I've even
used it in hiring. LibraryThing's two full-time librarians got there
with flying colors; I've had programmers who stumbled. (Not
surprisingly they didn't work out.) Once someone understands SQL
itself, you can throw a helper, like PMA, at them too.

I think there's a real opportunity for empowerment here. Teach a man
to SELECT and he'll never have to, um, fish again.
Define "understand SQL".  I can't help but be concerned about the adage 
"knows just enough to be dangerous".  I've seen some systems brought to 
their knees in terms of performance as a result of a couple of poorly 
constructed queries.

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-07-30 Thread Eric Lease Morgan

On Jul 30, 2008, at 1:47 PM, Cloutman, David wrote:

Perhaps you should put together some MySQL training materials for
librarians. A webinar, perhaps. I'd love it if my colleagues had those
skills. I don't think there is that much interest, but I could be  

There are at least 101 ways enterprise level database skills could be
put to work in my library. I'm pretty sick of our core technical
solutions being Excel spreadsheets and the occasional Access database.

Tell me about it, and besides, basic SQL is not any more difficult  
than CCL. SELECT this FROM that WHERE field LIKE "%foo%"  Moreover,  
IMHO, relational databases are the technological bread & butter of  
librarianship these days. Blissful ignorance does the profession  
little good.

Eric Lease Morgan
Hesburgh Libraries, University of Notre Dame

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-07-30 Thread Cloutman, David
Perhaps you should put together some MySQL training materials for
librarians. A webinar, perhaps. I'd love it if my colleagues had those
skills. I don't think there is that much interest, but I could be wrong.
There are at least 101 ways enterprise level database skills could be
put to work in my library. I'm pretty sick of our core technical
solutions being Excel spreadsheets and the occasional Access database.

- David

David Cloutman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Electronic Services Librarian
Marin County Free Library 

-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Tim Spalding
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 8:49 AM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than

That reminds me of a better idea. Let's keep a real understanding of
computers from "less-techy colleagues" at the library. That way no
messy learning or understanding will take place, and we'll always be

Then we could start wearing white colors...


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Alex Dolski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> That reminds me of an idea for a photo sharing website I had,
> called LeftOutrJoinr. It would be like Flickr, but instead of pictures
> everywhere, visitors would be given a command line into which they
would be
> able to enter their own SQL queries to call up photos to appear on the
> via AJAX. I see it becoming quite popular among 3-5 people.
> Alex
> Tim Spalding wrote:
>> I'd consider teaching them how to use SQL directly.
>> I've done it at LibraryThing. I take employees from the simplest
>> SELECTs all the way to a people-who-have-X-also-have-Y self-join in
>> one long hands-on lesson. It doubles as a sort of test, and I've even
>> used it in hiring. LibraryThing's two full-time librarians got there
>> with flying colors; I've had programmers who stumbled. (Not
>> surprisingly they didn't work out.) Once someone understands SQL
>> itself, you can throw a helper, like PMA, at them too.
>> I think there's a real opportunity for empowerment here. Teach a man
>> to SELECT and he'll never have to, um, fish again.
>> Tim
>> On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 9:58 AM, Tim McGeary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I use Webmin.
>>> It gives me a GUI for all of my vital sysadmin needs that I can't
>>> remember
>>> how to do at the shell.
>>> It has a MySQL GUI interface that works very well.  And you can
>>> user
>>> accounts to have access to certain parts of Webmin, like just MySQL.
>>> Easy RPM install, and inside Webmin is an app to upgrade itself.
>>> also
>>> install Perl modules, edit your php.ini file, etc.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Tim
>>> Tim McGeary
>>> Senior Systems Specialist
>>> Lehigh University
>>> 610-758-4998
>>> Google Talk: timmcgeary
>>> Yahoo IM: timmcgeary
>>> Ken Irwin wrote:
>>>> Hi folks,
>>>> I have some straightforward MySQL data tables that I would like to
>>>> editable by some of my less-techy colleagues. I tend to think of
>>>> phpMyAdmin
>>>> as a perfectly serviceable and reasonably interface for updating
>>>> database
>>>> tables, but I'm told that it's kind of intimidating to the
>>>> Are there alternatives that are meant for non-admin-types? I'd want
>>>> something with read/write permissions, but that could be targeted
>>>> just a
>>>> few tables, wouldn't have any of the more potent tools (drop,
>>>> etc.).
>>>> In the ideal world, I might like something that would prevent users
>>>> doing things like accidentally changing primary key data and things
>>>> that.
>>>> I've thought about writing something, but I suspect that would be
>>>> reinventing the wheel. Any ideas?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Ken
> --
> Alex A. Dolski
> Web & Digitization Application Developer
> Lied Library, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
> 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 457041
> Las Vegas, NV 89154-7041
> (702) 895-2225 (phone) / (702) 895-2280 (fax)

Check out my library at

Email Disclaimer:

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-07-30 Thread Cloutman, David
Yes, I understand what you're saying, but for this case, leveraging a
framework fixes the problem at hand, which is I feel trumps the
religious debate. 

Personally, I am weary of frameworks for many of the reasons you just
listened. I think if you are interested in using a particular framework,
you should learn the programming language that the framework is written
in first. If you plan to use Struts, write a Web app in Java without
struts first. If you use Symfony, be fluent in PHP first. As for Rails,
I content that there are more people who work in Rails than actually
know how to code Ruby, which may be that platform's downfall.

But doing CRUD manually in PHP is boring and time consuming, and
frequently you're not learning anything. I find it takes 2-10 hours per
table, depending on the dependencies. If you aren't really worried about
highly specialized interfaces or performance issues, I say, "Get er

David Cloutman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Electronic Services Librarian
Marin County Free Library 

-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Tim Spalding
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 8:07 AM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than

This gets religious quickly, but, in my experience, programmers who
learn on a framework miss out on their understanding of database
necessities. They may not matter much when you have a low-traffic,
low-content situation, but as your traffic and data grow you're going
to want an understanding of how MySQL optimizes queries, what's
expensive and what's not, and so forth. Although anyone can learn
anything, experience is the best teacher, and, in my experience,
frameworks encourage you to avoid that experience.

For example, the Ruby programmers I've worked with have been unaware
that MySQL only uses one index per table per select, causing them to
index far more than they need, how joins work across different MySQL
data types, the advantages of ganging your inserts together, etc. This
stuff adds up fast.

Of course, the same arguments could be leveled against PHP in favor of
C, against C in favor of assembly, etc.. Abstraction always has merits
and demerits.


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 10:46 AM, Cloutman, David
> This is why most Web applications have to implement CRUD interfaces.
PHP is definitely for the uninitiated.
> Along the lines of CodeIgnitor, I would suggest using another
framework Symfony. It's a very powerful, yet easy to learn framework,
and it will autogenerate the CRUD for you. Really, some framework is
probably the way to go for this, regardless of which you choose.
> - David
> -Original Message-
> From: Code for Libraries on behalf of Ken Irwin
> Sent: Wed 7/30/2008 6:35 AM
> Subject: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?
> Hi folks,
> I have some straightforward MySQL data tables that I would like to be
> editable by some of my less-techy colleagues. I tend to think of
> phpMyAdmin as a perfectly serviceable and reasonably interface for
> updating database tables, but I'm told that it's kind of intimidating
> the uninitiated.
> Are there alternatives that are meant for non-admin-types? I'd want
> something with read/write permissions, but that could be targeted at
> just a few tables, wouldn't have any of the more potent tools (drop,
> empty, etc.). In the ideal world, I might like something that would
> prevent users from doing things like accidentally changing primary key
> data and things like that.
> I've thought about writing something, but I suspect that would be
> reinventing the wheel. Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Ken
> --
> Ken Irwin
> Reference Librarian
> Thomas Library, Wittenberg University
> Email Disclaimer:

Check out my library at

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-07-30 Thread Tim Spalding
That reminds me of a better idea. Let's keep a real understanding of
computers from "less-techy colleagues" at the library. That way no
messy learning or understanding will take place, and we'll always be

Then we could start wearing white colors...


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Alex Dolski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That reminds me of an idea for a photo sharing website I had, tentatively
> called LeftOutrJoinr. It would be like Flickr, but instead of pictures
> everywhere, visitors would be given a command line into which they would be
> able to enter their own SQL queries to call up photos to appear on the page
> via AJAX. I see it becoming quite popular among 3-5 people.
> Alex
> Tim Spalding wrote:
>> I'd consider teaching them how to use SQL directly.
>> I've done it at LibraryThing. I take employees from the simplest
>> SELECTs all the way to a people-who-have-X-also-have-Y self-join in
>> one long hands-on lesson. It doubles as a sort of test, and I've even
>> used it in hiring. LibraryThing's two full-time librarians got there
>> with flying colors; I've had programmers who stumbled. (Not
>> surprisingly they didn't work out.) Once someone understands SQL
>> itself, you can throw a helper, like PMA, at them too.
>> I think there's a real opportunity for empowerment here. Teach a man
>> to SELECT and he'll never have to, um, fish again.
>> Tim
>> On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 9:58 AM, Tim McGeary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I use Webmin.
>>> It gives me a GUI for all of my vital sysadmin needs that I can't
>>> remember
>>> how to do at the shell.
>>> It has a MySQL GUI interface that works very well.  And you can setup
>>> user
>>> accounts to have access to certain parts of Webmin, like just MySQL.
>>> Easy RPM install, and inside Webmin is an app to upgrade itself.  Can
>>> also
>>> install Perl modules, edit your php.ini file, etc.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Tim
>>> Tim McGeary
>>> Senior Systems Specialist
>>> Lehigh University
>>> 610-758-4998
>>> Google Talk: timmcgeary
>>> Yahoo IM: timmcgeary
>>> Ken Irwin wrote:

 Hi folks,

 I have some straightforward MySQL data tables that I would like to be
 editable by some of my less-techy colleagues. I tend to think of
 as a perfectly serviceable and reasonably interface for updating
 tables, but I'm told that it's kind of intimidating to the uninitiated.

 Are there alternatives that are meant for non-admin-types? I'd want
 something with read/write permissions, but that could be targeted at
 just a
 few tables, wouldn't have any of the more potent tools (drop, empty,
 In the ideal world, I might like something that would prevent users from
 doing things like accidentally changing primary key data and things like

 I've thought about writing something, but I suspect that would be
 reinventing the wheel. Any ideas?


> --
> Alex A. Dolski
> Web & Digitization Application Developer
> Lied Library, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
> 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 457041
> Las Vegas, NV 89154-7041
> (702) 895-2225 (phone) / (702) 895-2280 (fax)

Check out my library at

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-07-30 Thread Alex Dolski
That reminds me of an idea for a photo sharing website I had, 
tentatively called LeftOutrJoinr. It would be like Flickr, but instead 
of pictures everywhere, visitors would be given a command line into 
which they would be able to enter their own SQL queries to call up 
photos to appear on the page via AJAX. I see it becoming quite popular 
among 3-5 people.


Tim Spalding wrote:

I'd consider teaching them how to use SQL directly.

I've done it at LibraryThing. I take employees from the simplest
SELECTs all the way to a people-who-have-X-also-have-Y self-join in
one long hands-on lesson. It doubles as a sort of test, and I've even
used it in hiring. LibraryThing's two full-time librarians got there
with flying colors; I've had programmers who stumbled. (Not
surprisingly they didn't work out.) Once someone understands SQL
itself, you can throw a helper, like PMA, at them too.

I think there's a real opportunity for empowerment here. Teach a man
to SELECT and he'll never have to, um, fish again.


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 9:58 AM, Tim McGeary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I use Webmin.
It gives me a GUI for all of my vital sysadmin needs that I can't remember
how to do at the shell.

It has a MySQL GUI interface that works very well.  And you can setup user
accounts to have access to certain parts of Webmin, like just MySQL.

Easy RPM install, and inside Webmin is an app to upgrade itself.  Can also
install Perl modules, edit your php.ini file, etc.


Tim McGeary
Senior Systems Specialist
Lehigh University
Google Talk: timmcgeary
Yahoo IM: timmcgeary

Ken Irwin wrote:

Hi folks,

I have some straightforward MySQL data tables that I would like to be
editable by some of my less-techy colleagues. I tend to think of phpMyAdmin
as a perfectly serviceable and reasonably interface for updating database
tables, but I'm told that it's kind of intimidating to the uninitiated.

Are there alternatives that are meant for non-admin-types? I'd want
something with read/write permissions, but that could be targeted at just a
few tables, wouldn't have any of the more potent tools (drop, empty, etc.).
In the ideal world, I might like something that would prevent users from
doing things like accidentally changing primary key data and things like

I've thought about writing something, but I suspect that would be
reinventing the wheel. Any ideas?


Alex A. Dolski
Web & Digitization Application Developer
Lied Library, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 457041
Las Vegas, NV 89154-7041
(702) 895-2225 (phone) / (702) 895-2280 (fax)

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-07-30 Thread Ken Irwin

Shawn Boyette ☠ wrote:

I don't think he was asking about *programmers* creating or modifying *schema*.

It's true -- I just want a simple little data entry tool (which I've got 
now! That was easy.)

I've been doing all of my development by hand, without the luxury of 
frameworks, not out of any programmerly virtue, but just out of 
simplicity -- ie, I've not taken the time to learn about frameworks. It 
sure would be nice to take the time at some point, and I'll keep Tim's 
injunctions about abstraction in mind when I do.

*thanks and joy*

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 11:07 AM, Tim Spalding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This gets religious quickly, but, in my experience, programmers who
learn on a framework miss out on their understanding of database
necessities. They may not matter much when you have a low-traffic,
low-content situation, but as your traffic and data grow you're going
to want an understanding of how MySQL optimizes queries, what's
expensive and what's not, and so forth. Although anyone can learn
anything, experience is the best teacher, and, in my experience,
frameworks encourage you to avoid that experience.

For example, the Ruby programmers I've worked with have been unaware
that MySQL only uses one index per table per select, causing them to
index far more than they need, how joins work across different MySQL
data types, the advantages of ganging your inserts together, etc. This
stuff adds up fast.

Of course, the same arguments could be leveled against PHP in favor of
C, against C in favor of assembly, etc.. Abstraction always has merits
and demerits.


Ken Irwin
Reference Librarian
Thomas Library, Wittenberg University

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-07-30 Thread Shawn Boyette ☠
I don't think he was asking about *programmers* creating or modifying *schema*.

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 11:07 AM, Tim Spalding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This gets religious quickly, but, in my experience, programmers who
> learn on a framework miss out on their understanding of database
> necessities. They may not matter much when you have a low-traffic,
> low-content situation, but as your traffic and data grow you're going
> to want an understanding of how MySQL optimizes queries, what's
> expensive and what's not, and so forth. Although anyone can learn
> anything, experience is the best teacher, and, in my experience,
> frameworks encourage you to avoid that experience.
> For example, the Ruby programmers I've worked with have been unaware
> that MySQL only uses one index per table per select, causing them to
> index far more than they need, how joins work across different MySQL
> data types, the advantages of ganging your inserts together, etc. This
> stuff adds up fast.
> Of course, the same arguments could be leveled against PHP in favor of
> C, against C in favor of assembly, etc.. Abstraction always has merits
> and demerits.
> Tim
> On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 10:46 AM, Cloutman, David
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> This is why most Web applications have to implement CRUD interfaces. PHP is 
>> definitely for the uninitiated.
>> Along the lines of CodeIgnitor, I would suggest using another framework 
>> Symfony. It's a very powerful, yet easy to learn framework, and it will 
>> autogenerate the CRUD for you. Really, some framework is probably the way to 
>> go for this, regardless of which you choose.
>> - David
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Code for Libraries on behalf of Ken Irwin
>> Sent: Wed 7/30/2008 6:35 AM
>> Subject: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?
>> Hi folks,
>> I have some straightforward MySQL data tables that I would like to be
>> editable by some of my less-techy colleagues. I tend to think of
>> phpMyAdmin as a perfectly serviceable and reasonably interface for
>> updating database tables, but I'm told that it's kind of intimidating to
>> the uninitiated.
>> Are there alternatives that are meant for non-admin-types? I'd want
>> something with read/write permissions, but that could be targeted at
>> just a few tables, wouldn't have any of the more potent tools (drop,
>> empty, etc.). In the ideal world, I might like something that would
>> prevent users from doing things like accidentally changing primary key
>> data and things like that.
>> I've thought about writing something, but I suspect that would be
>> reinventing the wheel. Any ideas?
>> Thanks,
>> Ken
>> --
>> Ken Irwin
>> Reference Librarian
>> Thomas Library, Wittenberg University
>> Email Disclaimer:
> --
> Check out my library at

Shawn Boyette

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-07-30 Thread Tim Spalding
This gets religious quickly, but, in my experience, programmers who
learn on a framework miss out on their understanding of database
necessities. They may not matter much when you have a low-traffic,
low-content situation, but as your traffic and data grow you're going
to want an understanding of how MySQL optimizes queries, what's
expensive and what's not, and so forth. Although anyone can learn
anything, experience is the best teacher, and, in my experience,
frameworks encourage you to avoid that experience.

For example, the Ruby programmers I've worked with have been unaware
that MySQL only uses one index per table per select, causing them to
index far more than they need, how joins work across different MySQL
data types, the advantages of ganging your inserts together, etc. This
stuff adds up fast.

Of course, the same arguments could be leveled against PHP in favor of
C, against C in favor of assembly, etc.. Abstraction always has merits
and demerits.


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 10:46 AM, Cloutman, David
> This is why most Web applications have to implement CRUD interfaces. PHP is 
> definitely for the uninitiated.
> Along the lines of CodeIgnitor, I would suggest using another framework 
> Symfony. It's a very powerful, yet easy to learn framework, and it will 
> autogenerate the CRUD for you. Really, some framework is probably the way to 
> go for this, regardless of which you choose.
> - David
> -Original Message-
> From: Code for Libraries on behalf of Ken Irwin
> Sent: Wed 7/30/2008 6:35 AM
> Subject: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?
> Hi folks,
> I have some straightforward MySQL data tables that I would like to be
> editable by some of my less-techy colleagues. I tend to think of
> phpMyAdmin as a perfectly serviceable and reasonably interface for
> updating database tables, but I'm told that it's kind of intimidating to
> the uninitiated.
> Are there alternatives that are meant for non-admin-types? I'd want
> something with read/write permissions, but that could be targeted at
> just a few tables, wouldn't have any of the more potent tools (drop,
> empty, etc.). In the ideal world, I might like something that would
> prevent users from doing things like accidentally changing primary key
> data and things like that.
> I've thought about writing something, but I suspect that would be
> reinventing the wheel. Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Ken
> --
> Ken Irwin
> Reference Librarian
> Thomas Library, Wittenberg University
> Email Disclaimer:

Check out my library at

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-07-30 Thread Ken Irwin
Thanks for all the database suggestions. The Scaffolding function Sean 
suggested is more perfect than I dreamed possible.
One day I'd probably benefit from learning the whole CodeIgniter 
framework; for now, this function will do just what I need.

Thanks so much!

Sean Hannan wrote:

I was in a similar situation and I just used CodeIgniter's scaffolding 
( ) feature to allow 
my users to add/edit data.  It's pretty safe, and it looks neat and clean, too.

Sean Hannan
Web Developer, Sheridan Libraries
Johns Hopkins University
Ken Irwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/30/08 9:35 AM >>> 

Hi folks,

I have some straightforward MySQL data tables that I would like to be 
editable by some of my less- techy colleagues. I tend to think of 
phpMyAdmin as a perfectly serviceable and reasonably interface for 
updating database tables, but I'm told that it's kind of intimidating to 
the uninitiated.

Are there alternatives that are meant for non- admin- types? I'd want 
something with read/write permissions, but that could be targeted at 
just a few tables, wouldn't have any of the more potent tools (drop, 
empty, etc.). In the ideal world, I might like something that would 
prevent users from doing things like accidentally changing primary key 
data and things like that.

I've thought about writing something, but I suspect that would be 
reinventing the wheel. Any ideas?


Ken Irwin

Reference Librarian
Thomas Library, Wittenberg University

Ken Irwin
Reference Librarian
Thomas Library, Wittenberg University

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-07-30 Thread Cloutman, David
This is why most Web applications have to implement CRUD interfaces. PHP is 
definitely for the uninitiated.

Along the lines of CodeIgnitor, I would suggest using another framework 
Symfony. It's a very powerful, yet easy to learn framework, and it will 
autogenerate the CRUD for you. Really, some framework is probably the way to go 
for this, regardless of which you choose.

- David

-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries on behalf of Ken Irwin
Sent: Wed 7/30/2008 6:35 AM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?
Hi folks,

I have some straightforward MySQL data tables that I would like to be 
editable by some of my less-techy colleagues. I tend to think of 
phpMyAdmin as a perfectly serviceable and reasonably interface for 
updating database tables, but I'm told that it's kind of intimidating to 
the uninitiated.

Are there alternatives that are meant for non-admin-types? I'd want 
something with read/write permissions, but that could be targeted at 
just a few tables, wouldn't have any of the more potent tools (drop, 
empty, etc.). In the ideal world, I might like something that would 
prevent users from doing things like accidentally changing primary key 
data and things like that.

I've thought about writing something, but I suspect that would be 
reinventing the wheel. Any ideas?


Ken Irwin
Reference Librarian
Thomas Library, Wittenberg University

Email Disclaimer:

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-07-30 Thread Tim Spalding
I'd consider teaching them how to use SQL directly.

I've done it at LibraryThing. I take employees from the simplest
SELECTs all the way to a people-who-have-X-also-have-Y self-join in
one long hands-on lesson. It doubles as a sort of test, and I've even
used it in hiring. LibraryThing's two full-time librarians got there
with flying colors; I've had programmers who stumbled. (Not
surprisingly they didn't work out.) Once someone understands SQL
itself, you can throw a helper, like PMA, at them too.

I think there's a real opportunity for empowerment here. Teach a man
to SELECT and he'll never have to, um, fish again.


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 9:58 AM, Tim McGeary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I use Webmin.
> It gives me a GUI for all of my vital sysadmin needs that I can't remember
> how to do at the shell.
> It has a MySQL GUI interface that works very well.  And you can setup user
> accounts to have access to certain parts of Webmin, like just MySQL.
> Easy RPM install, and inside Webmin is an app to upgrade itself.  Can also
> install Perl modules, edit your php.ini file, etc.
> Cheers,
> Tim
> Tim McGeary
> Senior Systems Specialist
> Lehigh University
> 610-758-4998
> Google Talk: timmcgeary
> Yahoo IM: timmcgeary
> Ken Irwin wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I have some straightforward MySQL data tables that I would like to be
>> editable by some of my less-techy colleagues. I tend to think of phpMyAdmin
>> as a perfectly serviceable and reasonably interface for updating database
>> tables, but I'm told that it's kind of intimidating to the uninitiated.
>> Are there alternatives that are meant for non-admin-types? I'd want
>> something with read/write permissions, but that could be targeted at just a
>> few tables, wouldn't have any of the more potent tools (drop, empty, etc.).
>> In the ideal world, I might like something that would prevent users from
>> doing things like accidentally changing primary key data and things like
>> that.
>> I've thought about writing something, but I suspect that would be
>> reinventing the wheel. Any ideas?
>> Thanks,
>> Ken

Check out my library at

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-07-30 Thread Gavin Spomer
Safe? H. I'll have to check it out.

- Gavin

>>> Sean Hannan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/30/08 6:46 AM >>>
I was in a similar situation and I just used CodeIgniter's scaffolding 
( ) feature to allow 
my users to add/edit data.  It's pretty safe, and it looks neat and clean, too.

Sean Hannan
Web Developer, Sheridan Libraries
Johns Hopkins University

Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-07-30 Thread Tim McGeary

I use Webmin.
It gives me a GUI for all of my vital sysadmin needs that I can't 
remember how to do at the shell.

It has a MySQL GUI interface that works very well.  And you can setup 
user accounts to have access to certain parts of Webmin, like just MySQL.

Easy RPM install, and inside Webmin is an app to upgrade itself.  Can 
also install Perl modules, edit your php.ini file, etc.


Tim McGeary
Senior Systems Specialist
Lehigh University
Google Talk: timmcgeary
Yahoo IM: timmcgeary

Ken Irwin wrote:

Hi folks,

I have some straightforward MySQL data tables that I would like to be 
editable by some of my less-techy colleagues. I tend to think of 
phpMyAdmin as a perfectly serviceable and reasonably interface for 
updating database tables, but I'm told that it's kind of intimidating to 
the uninitiated.

Are there alternatives that are meant for non-admin-types? I'd want 
something with read/write permissions, but that could be targeted at 
just a few tables, wouldn't have any of the more potent tools (drop, 
empty, etc.). In the ideal world, I might like something that would 
prevent users from doing things like accidentally changing primary key 
data and things like that.

I've thought about writing something, but I suspect that would be 
reinventing the wheel. Any ideas?


Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-07-30 Thread Tobin Cataldo
We have been using MS Access linked through MyODBC. The user's rights 
are according to the permissions in the MySQL user table.


Ken Irwin wrote:

Hi folks,

I have some straightforward MySQL data tables that I would like to be 
editable by some of my less-techy colleagues. I tend to think of 
phpMyAdmin as a perfectly serviceable and reasonably interface for 
updating database tables, but I'm told that it's kind of intimidating 
to the uninitiated.

Are there alternatives that are meant for non-admin-types? I'd want 
something with read/write permissions, but that could be targeted at 
just a few tables, wouldn't have any of the more potent tools (drop, 
empty, etc.). In the ideal world, I might like something that would 
prevent users from doing things like accidentally changing primary key 
data and things like that.

I've thought about writing something, but I suspect that would be 
reinventing the wheel. Any ideas?


Re: [CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-07-30 Thread Sean Hannan
I was in a similar situation and I just used CodeIgniter's scaffolding 
( ) feature to allow 
my users to add/edit data.  It's pretty safe, and it looks neat and clean, too.

Sean Hannan
Web Developer, Sheridan Libraries
Johns Hopkins University
>>> Ken Irwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/30/08 9:35 AM >>> 
Hi folks,

I have some straightforward MySQL data tables that I would like to be 
editable by some of my less- techy colleagues. I tend to think of 
phpMyAdmin as a perfectly serviceable and reasonably interface for 
updating database tables, but I'm told that it's kind of intimidating to 
the uninitiated.

Are there alternatives that are meant for non- admin- types? I'd want 
something with read/write permissions, but that could be targeted at 
just a few tables, wouldn't have any of the more potent tools (drop, 
empty, etc.). In the ideal world, I might like something that would 
prevent users from doing things like accidentally changing primary key 
data and things like that.

I've thought about writing something, but I suspect that would be 
reinventing the wheel. Any ideas?


Ken Irwin
Reference Librarian
Thomas Library, Wittenberg University

[CODE4LIB] what's friendlier & less powerful than phpMyAdmin?

2008-07-30 Thread Ken Irwin

Hi folks,

I have some straightforward MySQL data tables that I would like to be 
editable by some of my less-techy colleagues. I tend to think of 
phpMyAdmin as a perfectly serviceable and reasonably interface for 
updating database tables, but I'm told that it's kind of intimidating to 
the uninitiated.

Are there alternatives that are meant for non-admin-types? I'd want 
something with read/write permissions, but that could be targeted at 
just a few tables, wouldn't have any of the more potent tools (drop, 
empty, etc.). In the ideal world, I might like something that would 
prevent users from doing things like accidentally changing primary key 
data and things like that.

I've thought about writing something, but I suspect that would be 
reinventing the wheel. Any ideas?


Ken Irwin
Reference Librarian
Thomas Library, Wittenberg University