Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-21 Thread Paul Wise
On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 1:32 PM, Spacefalcon the Outlaw wrote:


What is it about GSM that would make you move across the world just to use it?

Do your family and friends feel the same way about GSM?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-21 Thread Spacefalcon the Outlaw
Paul Wise  wrote:

> In 2017, AT&T will be shutting down their GSM network in the USA in
> favour of 3G/4G.

If AT&T likes losing customers, it's their choice.  I use T-Mobile
(satisfied customer since 2003 with just one short break before I
entered the libre phone scene in 2011), and I saw somewhere that
although they are reducing GSM/2G capacity, they will leave a tiny
sliver around.  A tiny sliver is all I need.

> Macau is planning to shut down their GSM services in
> June 2015.

Yeah, I saw that news a while back and crossed Macau off the list of
places I would ever want to live or do business in.

> I would hazard a guess that GSM will be shut down worldwide
> at some point, probably sooner in the USA. So eventually GTA02 and
> Calypo will be less useful for communication as they would need an
> external device or some method of device-to-device communication like
> the Serval Mesh. What is your plan for the transition away from GSM?

The plan is simple: if GSM service in my current neck of the woods
gets shut down, move to some tiny island banana republic where getting
a "spectrum license" to operate my own GSM cell just for my family's
own use would be as simple and inexpensive as befriending/bribing the
local drug czar who is the de facto owner of the island.


Openmoko community mailing list

Please keep the discussions on this list on a positive note

2015-04-21 Thread Brian
Hi All,

It's been a very long time since I've used my Freerunner as phone. I
still have it and it still works of course. It would be nice if when I
did get new emails in my inbox from this list they didn't rehash old
arguments that detract from what OM originally stood for.

I had a lot of fun using mine and I'd hate for anyone to research the
hardware only to find the mailing list had devolved into a troll
succeeding in reeling in a catch. I'm happy to hear about new
developments without any drama thanks and I expect that anyone else
that has a serious interest in the software or hardware will feel the


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-21 Thread Paul Wise
On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 5:28 AM, Spacefalcon the Outlaw wrote:

> I do have a mobile phone for communicating with my family and friends

In 2017, AT&T will be shutting down their GSM network in the USA in
favour of 3G/4G. Macau is planning to shut down their GSM services in
June 2015. I would hazard a guess that GSM will be shut down worldwide
at some point, probably sooner in the USA. So eventually GTA02 and
Calypo will be less useful for communication as they would need an
external device or some method of device-to-device communication like
the Serval Mesh. What is your plan for the transition away from GSM?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-21 Thread Spacefalcon the Outlaw
Bob Ham  wrote:

> > Because I use one to stay in touch with the people who matter in my
> > life
> What would be the consequences if you didn't have a mobile phone to do
> that?

I do have a mobile phone for communicating with my family and friends
etc, and have had one continuously since 2003.  However, all of these
phones I've been using run firmware for which I have no source (and
given their age and the ephemeral nature of proprietary sw, I consider
it highly likely that no one else in the entire world has it either,
i.e., it's lost, gone to the great bit bucket in the sky), and this
lack of firmware source code prevents me from being able to fix
functional bugs or modify the UI design to my own personal taste.

I consider this status quo to be a very poor state of affairs, and
because I just happen to have the right knowledge and skills (and
since the fall of 2013, the necessary starting materials) to improve
the situation, I choose to work on the latter.

> True.  However, there's a very big difference between deriving
> satisfaction from doing worthwhile work and being pathologically
> dependant on it.  I don't know any other free software developers who
> threaten to murder those who get in the way of their work.  It looks
> like for you, the work isn't done just for satisfaction, it looks like a
> need.

The need I had at that time has been satisfied, hence there is nothing
relevant to the present in need of discussion here.  Nothing to see
here, move along.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-21 Thread Bob Ham
On Tue, 2015-04-21 at 17:11 +, Spacefalcon the Outlaw wrote:
> Bob Ham  wrote:
> > Why is your wellness dependant on a phone?
> Because I use one to stay in touch with the people who matter in my
> life

What would be the consequences if you didn't have a mobile phone to do

> It is also a well-known fact that most free software developers derive
> great personal satisfaction from doing something that benefits a
> larger community

True.  However, there's a very big difference between deriving
satisfaction from doing worthwhile work and being pathologically
dependant on it.  I don't know any other free software developers who
threaten to murder those who get in the way of their work.  It looks
like for you, the work isn't done just for satisfaction, it looks like a

On Sat, 2015-04-18 at 17:41 +, Spacefalcon the Outlaw wrote:
> I do not owe any apology to a bunch of sadists
> who got some kind of sexual gratification out of watching my life
> wither away (for a full 2 years!)

How did your life wither away?  What happened?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-21 Thread Spacefalcon the Outlaw
Bob Ham  wrote:

> Why is your wellness dependant on a phone?

Because I use one to stay in touch with the people who matter in my
life, and I need this essential communication device to be free from
closed black-box firmware.

It is also a well-known fact that most free software developers derive
great personal satisfaction from doing something that benefits a
larger community, and my projects are no different in this regard.  I
consider it a very worthy use of my life to work on building a
freedom-enabling and freedom-respecting personal communication device
which many people will greatly appreciate having in their hands,
pockets and purses - even if you specifically are not one of those


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-21 Thread Bob Ham
On Tue, 2015-04-21 at 15:38 +, Spacefalcon the Outlaw wrote:

> > I wish you healing and wellness.
> Those will happen automatically as soon as I have a phone in my purse
> that runs my own firmware.

Why is your wellness dependant on a phone?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-21 Thread mail
>> Lets not forget - just one man working doggedly on the only project that 
>> offers any possibility of a cell phone running firmware that offers the four 
>> freedoms.


A fine project I have no doubt, but it's not aimed at producing firmware for an 
end-user phone.

I believe it's fair to say it's a hacking/investigative tool, but I'm happy to 
be corrected by anyone that actually uses or works on it. I appreciated the 
information on the unlock cable that they provide:-

David Matthews

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-21 Thread Spacefalcon the Outlaw
Joshua Judson Rosen  wrote:

> OsmocomBB?

Unfortunately they seem to have absolutely no interest in producing a
phone (or firmware for a phone) which an end user could carry in her
purse.  Their software absolutely requires the phone to be tethered to
a PC at all times (instead of running the GSM protocol stack on the
baseband processor where it is supposed to run, they run it on the PC
instead), and if the phone gets unplugged for even a moment, it
immediately loses its ability to receive incoming calls and SMS.

Furthermore, the state of OsmocomBB today (for normal GSM usage, NOT
hacking) is exactly the same today as it was in late 2010 or early 2011:
zero progress made in 4 years.  It is very unfortunate indeed: the
people behind OsmocomBB know GSM far better than I do, and I am fairly
sure that they are very capable of making their GPLed GSM stack work
on a phone in a practically usable manner if they wanted to.  But
apparently they have no interest in such a project, and I don't have
any supernatural powers to make them work on something they are not
interested in.

Therefore, I am doing the only thing that *is* within my power and
which *will* result in a practically usable phone running source-
enabled firmware: working on my own alternative non-OsmocomBB
implementation, called FreeCalypso.

Bob Ham  wrote:

> They didn't put you through torture, you put yourself through it.  You
> continue to do that now, in different ways.

Just out of curiosity, how do you think I am "torturing" myself now?

> The person who you most need to apologise to is yourself.

For what?  For wanting to have a phone that doesn't suck?  For wanting
to have a phone such that if something doesn't work because of a bug
in the firmware, I can fix it myself instead of throwing it out and
getting a new one in a vain hope that it will work better?  I don't
see any wrongdoing in having such a desire or in working toward its
satisfaction - hence I don't see what I should be apologizing to
myself for.

> I wish you healing and wellness.

Those will happen automatically as soon as I have a phone in my purse
that runs my own firmware.  I am actively working toward the latter,
and don't need anything from you.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-21 Thread Bob Ham
On Sat, 2015-04-18 at 21:32 +, Spacefalcon the Outlaw wrote:
> I am not
> asking you to publicly apologize for the 2 years of mental TORTURE you
> put me through

They didn't put you through torture, you put yourself through it.  You
continue to do that now, in different ways.

The person who you most need to apologise to is yourself.  I wish you
healing and wellness.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-21 Thread Joshua Judson Rosen
On 04/18/2015 08:30 AM, wrote:
>> I'm impressed by‎ your dedication and detail, and I partly enjoy reading 
>> your updates
> +1 but s/partly/entirely [although I also didn't enjoy reading threats :-)]
> Lets not forget - just one man working doggedly on the only project that 
> offers any possibility of a cell phone running firmware that offers the four 
> freedoms.


Openmoko community mailing list