Re: [Shr-User] Quick e-mail poll: Still using your Freerunner?

2009-12-30 Thread Ali
On Tue, 2009-12-29 at 22:30 +0200, Risto H. Kurppa wrote:
> Do you use FR as your daily/primary phone?
> Do you use FR as your primary PDA?
> What distribution you run most of the time?
> If you don't use FR as your daily phone/PDA, what phone did you change
> over to, and why?
> Thank you :)
> r

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Launcher Release svn r89

2009-12-07 Thread Ali
On Sun, 2009-12-06 at 17:42 -0800, c_c wrote:
> Hi,
>   Try this.
> shr-launcher_local-r0.4_armv4t.ipk 
All working perfect! Thank you. 

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Launcher Release svn r89

2009-12-06 Thread Ali
On Sat, 2009-12-05 at 10:04 -0800, c_c wrote:
> Hi,
>   Here's the latest release of launcher to work on shr-u. Enjoy!
> shr-launcher_local-r0.4_armv4t.ipk 
> ...

On shr-u with latest opkg update/upgrade there are a bunch of new
libraries. After symlinking the ones launcher looks for, launcher runs
for a few secs (usually untill updating sms data) then segfaults :(

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] triangle icon on shelf (top bar)

2009-11-30 Thread Ali
On Mon, 2009-11-30 at 15:27 -0800, Brolin Empey wrote:
> Hello World,
> I am using QtMoko v14 on a US FreeRunner (rev A6).  Ever since I
> switched from Speak Out Wireless to Fido, QtEI shows a triangle icon
> on the shelf (top bar).  This triangle icon did not appear when I used
> Speak Out Wireless.  I Googled for “qtopia phone triangle icon” and
> found an IRC log (search for “triangle”) claiming the triangle icon
> means roaming.  Is this true?  If yes, how can I be roaming when I am
> (AFAIK) in my home area?  I live and work in Delta, British Columbia,
> Canada.
> Thanks,
> Brolin
 Hey Brolin! I have the same issue, also with Fido. For reference, I am
located in Vancouver BC. It's been like this with even the earlier
versions of qtopia. My cell bill never shows roaming time, so it's not
as if i'm charged for it. I've wanted to get on the phone with Fido and
see if it's their end, but haven't made time (i hate talking to tech
support). I recall seeing this in *every* stack since I got the
freerunner launch week. Even on the current SHR, under modem info in
settings, it shows roaming. Seeing as how it only showed up after you
switched to Fido and seeing as how almost no one else complained it
leads me to believe it's a Fido problem. 

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [qtmoko] tar and tbz

2009-10-18 Thread Ali
On Sun, 2009-10-18 at 22:40 -0200, Tiago Bortoletto Vaz wrote:
> Hi Ali,

> apt-get install bzip2 :)
> Regards,
lol, so obvious :( but I'm surprised it's not in debian by default.
Ubuntu spoiled me (I think it's installed by default on it). 

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Desktop based on openbox and idesk

2009-10-18 Thread Ali
On Sun, 2009-10-18 at 13:52 +0200, Matthias Huber wrote:
> Dear List,
> today i released a minimalistic, simplified Desktop Handler based on 
> openbox and idesk on the wiki:
> Try it if you want and give me feedback!
very sweet, I love the unique look. One thing that really bugged me;
ever since I got my very first cell phone I stopped wearing watches,
opting to grab my phone and look at the time there instead. Comming out
of suspend, unlocking, hitting shr-settings and date/time takes way too
long just to see the time. Screen space at the bottom is taken so two
1. BATT and NET could be replaced with small icons and that would make
room for the time on the right- but the bottom may still look crampped
2. Maybe have the time go down vertically on the right side of the
screen. Ghetto diagram for clarity:
(icon) (icon) (icon) (icon)
(icon) H
(icon) H
(icon) :   
BATT: x% -  NET: x%M
oh, and wtf is with the messaging app having an icon that says news?
Seems more suited for an rss aggregator. Great otherwise, illume never
did it for me- maybe it was that iphoney look. 

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sync Calendar with evolution

2009-10-18 Thread Ali
On Sun, 2009-10-18 at 20:41 +0200, Michael Pilgermann wrote:
> Ali,
> I filed a feature request for that on PISI
> (
> ...
thank you for doing that, hopefully someone will take care of it, if not
at least it's there.
> I am really short in time these days; that will be better from December
> onwards; I will have a deeper look then.
> best regards
> Michael
> PS: I have almost finished syncml support for PISI ... but - not before
> December again ...
looking forward to it! Free time is hard to come by; if you (or the PISI
team) want to delegate any non-programming related tasks to me, I would
be happy to lend a hand where I can.

Openmoko community mailing list

[qtmoko] tar and tbz

2009-10-18 Thread Ali
Hey list, I'm on qtmoko trying to extract minimoko to the usd card. I
scp'd the tbz file to the card and attempt to tar xvjf minimoko.tbz and
neo:/media/mmcblk0p2# tar xvjf minimoko.tbz 
tar: bzip2: Cannot exec: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

same error even if i put the full file location. anyone having the same
issue on regular debian? I got around it by extracting on my box and
scp'ing but that's very undesirable. Is it just an outdated version of
tar? Or am I using the wrong flags?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v14

2009-10-17 Thread Ali
On Sat, 2009-10-17 at 11:33 +0200, Petr Vanek wrote:
> thank you Radek.
> now, if i have FR with hw fix of bug # 1024, what would i have to change
> to get the Calypso to sleep deeply? Cannot see anything on the
should contain:
change to either auto or always. Pretty sure these were the two options
though I can't remember if qtmoko did auto... always should turn it on
though. If you search the list, I'm pretty sure it was mentioned a while

Openmoko community mailing list

Sync Calendar with evolution

2009-10-16 Thread Ali
Hi, is anyone working on an opensync plugin for qtmoko? I'm really
starting to miss the ability to sync my calendar automatically- and I
love qtmoko. I guess I could install evolution on the phone but that's
way overkill and will probably bring my phone to a crawl. That being
said, at this point I don't care which distro I have to use to sync, I
just want it to happen.

I've heared of a program called Pisi, will it sync directly with
evolution on my desktop, or do I have to use google calendar as a middle

Long question short, what are the distros/programs I can use to sync my
calendar in evolution to the freerunner, preferably without using the

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko v11

2009-09-20 Thread Ali
On Sat, 2009-09-19 at 22:08 -0700, Jim Morris wrote:
> Excellent,Thanks Radek.
> Seems to work ok so far.
> Is there a better web browser though? The one in the menu still gets killed 
> when I try to load say 
>, and just shows a blank screen. The fonts 
> are so small on most 
> other sites it is impossible to read without a magnifying glass :)
> I think this one was a demo they put there to show webkit in action.
> Thanks
> Jim
I wouldn't mind it gone from the distro I think it sucks. Remember
  qtmoko is on debian so everything in debian is available to us.
  apt-get install iceweasel (firefox with free graphics) but that's overkill 
(and slow) on a phone. Try midori, I
 think it's a little bloated for the freerunner, but it does the job.
Dillo[1] is my favourite but I can't seem to find it in the repos- even
the old version based on gtk was really fast. Dillo2 uses fltk2- it's
damn fast and fairly pretty. [1] Also has an opk that you may be able to
extract and execute, but I haven't had the chance to test it out


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OT: Where can I meet a female companion with similar interests and personality /in person/?

2009-09-16 Thread Ali
On Thu, 2009-09-10 at 13:12 -0700, Brolin Empey wrote:
> Hello list,
> Like most of the members of this list (AFAICT from the first names I
> recognise as sex/gender-specific), I am male.  I am 22 and still live

I feel ya buddy. I'm born and raised in Vancouver and have had some of
your problems on top of others. I'm fairly geeky, and have the same
interests as you do (like everything from xkcd to the scene stuff-
except maybe the computer music though electronic music one of my
favourite genres. we'de make good buddies). I haven't had the best of
luck with women, I'm fairly picky as it seems you are too. It's not easy
finding women who share our interests, but there are things that have
definitely helped in my life that I'm sure will be beneficial to you. 

First off, there is some general reading. A book called The Game by Neil
Straus is an excellent starting point. Start digging into the pickup
artist communities works- Mystery Method, David Deangelo, Zan (Vancouver
guy too). These guys were all terrible with women at some point in their
lives (or so they claim, most seem genuine though others are dubious)
and they share what turned them around. There are many other names and
good works, I'll be happy to give you more details if you want it. Do
not take everything they say seriously, but they have lots of tips and
analysis that can greatly aide you in social interaction. Read these
books with an open mind, but I can tell you that they make sweeping
generalizations about women that are not necessarily true for all of
them. Mystery method will explain in great deal how to hold a
conversation with a random person, it won't do everything but it
essentially teaches how to converse. Give it a read, take what parts of
his style you like, leave the parts you do not want to use but at least
give it a shot.

The times women have fallen for me, I have been confident, energetic and
chatty. Never in my life has a women been attracted to me when I was
tired (or just quite), un-assured, and dull. The other thing that killed
my relationships earlier on was neediness. Being needy can kill any
attraction *so* fast. This may not be a reflection on women, but rather
the type of woman that I attract. It can be difficult to gain confidence
and be energetic when you've spent most of your life being the exact
opposite, but these are traits that come through self improvement. I
would highly recommend Toastmasters for public speaking. This is an
indirect way to shoot up your confidence- and you'll come out a great
public speaker.

Believe it or not, there are geek hangouts in Vancouver. Start
volunteering and hanging out at Free Geek. They do ethical computer
recycling (Commercial and Hastings area, for lots
of info). There are like 1500 people in their volunteer database, and
lots of girl geeks who volunteer (lots on a relative scale, obviously
there are more males there at any given time). I've seen some attractive
women at Van HackSpace, though I haven't been to too many events, I've heard The Hackery is pretty
fun too, how many women show up i'm not too sure, but I've heard girl
geeks chill there. I don't know if you've done any post-secondary
studies, but UBC and SFU are hotbeds for girl geeks. If you want to do
the club thing, go to pit night at UBC's Pit Pub and start talking to
random girls, girl geeks come in all shapes and sizes- some of them club
too! Otherwise check out the more geek oriented events like the Computer
Club. Since you like biking, start hanging out with the bike community.
I'm not really a part of it, but I know on good authority girl geeks are
part of it. Critical Mass takes place, I think the first Friday of the
month, lots of geeky girls there. There's quite a few events that I
can't think of off the top of my head, send me an e-mail and I'll keep
you posted on what's going on in Vancouver. 

Know what you want in a partner. From reading your post it seems you
want a long term relationship, but be aware of what you are actually
looking for. If you just want to fuck, stop caring about interests and
start hitting clubs, raves, random venues. Sexual attraction and having
things in common are not mutually exclusive. You like computer music and
there is a pretty decent electronic scene in Vancouver, you just have to
know where to look. Yes, there are women who will have sex with you,
even casual sex, despite any problems you think you might have. Know
that drugs are usually a part of this scene and if you're not
comfortable with that, it's going to seriously limit your fun. This is
not for everybody and maybe you'll venture there in time.

The last thing I can think of right now, and it is key, you *have* to
talk to women. The only way you're going to find a girl with similar
interests, besides blind luck or a friend who happens to know a women
exactly like you, is by talking to lots of random girls. By random, i
don't mean at the club 

Re: [SHR] kernel config and how to build modules

2009-09-16 Thread Ali
On Thu, 2009-09-17 at 06:21 +0200, Radek Polak wrote:
> Ping... or is it secret information?
> Radek
lol, try posting on shr-devel. 

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Litemoko, new window environment

2009-08-29 Thread Ali
On Sat, 2009-08-29 at 23:07 +0200, Michal Brzozowski wrote:
> Out of curiosity, did anyone try it? I've used it for the past 2
> weeks, and it works flawlessly. Fast, simple, and the apps run
> fullscreen. Just what I needed, but maybe I'm in minority :-)
I installed the package, made a .Xsession file in ~/ but could not get
icewm to launch. This is on shr unstable 0808 full glibc ipk (the one
recommended at #openmoko). I'de love to give it a try but haven't had
too much time to figure out whats wrong. Clearly it worked for you, are
you launching ice with .xsession? Or firing it up manually? 

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko images V8

2009-08-27 Thread Ali
On Fri, 2009-08-28 at 01:08 +0200, Radek Polak wrote:
> Hi all,
> i am just uploading new QtMoko debian images. You can download as
> usually from
> MD5 sums:
> 278aeb4017784040a6edca9b0545cdcf  qtmoko-debian-v8.jffs2
> a6325d44c2677a2f3ebf37469a9eba48  qtmoko-debian-v8.tar.gz
> 76b2307a64f34a69d45af38bc4dd8aec  uImage-v8.bin
> Changes from previous version:
> * UI is much faster (by fixing bug with opened accelerators.)
> * Bluetooth works again (thanks to Bartłomiej Zimoń)
> * Upgraded kernel to latest andy-tracking
> * Fixed small font size in X
> * Fixed AUX to work again when QX ends up
> * Fixed compiling on newer gcc
> * Added support of uploading screenshots to
> * QtMaze - updated to version 1.1 (various fixes, new level added)
> * Fixes in package manager
> * Howto for building debian based rootfs is now in GIT [1]
> As for the speed, this image is finally fast and responsive and i think
> it's very usable. This time I will leave testing on you - hopefully
> nothing nasty crept in.
> Btw if you wonder where are V7 images - they do not exist :)
> Credits to everybody who helped with this release.
> So enjoy, tell me how you like it and if something does not work.
> Cheers
> Radek
> [1]
Very cool that the UI is now faster! Look forward to trying it out. btw,
qtmoko is my favourite distro by far, very usable phone features and all
of debian! 

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [litephone] entering numbers during a call

2009-08-18 Thread Ali
On Wed, 2009-08-19 at 00:59 +0200, Michal Brzozowski wrote:

> Are you sure you have the git version installed? 
> When I had 0.0.1-r3 installed, and I tried installing the git one,
> opkg kept 0.0.1-r3 saying it's the newest version. I failed to notice
> this line at first, so I've used the older version for a while,
> thinking it's the new one. It's a wild guess though.

lol, you were right! I feel like such a retard, since I've pointed this out to 
others myself (not for this package). I saw "installed on root and up to date, 
didn't realize it was an error, but it was very obvious. This is what happens 
when you go three weeks without using it ;) (damn buzzfix) Thanks for the help 
guys and sorry for buggin you with something so benign :( But it all works 
great now! My next task: find out why icewm  fails to fire up :)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [litephone] entering numbers during a call

2009-08-18 Thread Ali
On Tue, 2009-08-18 at 22:01 +0200, Christian Rüb wrote:
> Just tried it with litephone integrated numpad and it worked (checked my 
> account balance using IVR).
> I just packaged latest version from git which includes bug fixes (e.g. call 
> log) and UI improvements (messages).
> current version is: 0.0+git55+09876ba843d6a731c72ed2134c82bfc8f7945d5e-r2
> If you have still problems, please also provide your version.
> Cheers,
>  Christian
Hate to do this to you but it *still* doesn't work here :( I saw that
version on  a couple days ago
and it's dated aug 16, the one dated aug 18th is git62. I tried both and
still can't send dtmf tones for some reason :( Even had a friend tell me
he couldn't here a thing when I pressed the keypad numbers. Would it be
worth it to compile myself? Any suggestions about things I can try? I
love this phone app and would much prefer to use it over the default

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [litephone] entering numbers during a call

2009-08-16 Thread Ali
On Sun, 2009-08-16 at 10:59 +0200, Christian Rüb wrote:
> I made a new ipk based on above commit [1] (litephone_0.0+git52+e6f7...). 
> Ali, can you please check if it works for you now?
> Cheers,
>  Christian
> [1]
Hey, thanks for the quick reply, fix, and ipk, but it is still not
working. How does one bring up the keypad during a call in litephone? I
click the phone icon, key in the number and the screen changes to active
call: (number) with the vol up and down icons to the right. I press the
phone icon again to go to the only keypad i've seen in litephone and
pressing the keys there does not send the tones. For the hell of it i
pressed call after keying in my pin, and it just attempts to make
another call as expected. Am I doing something wrong? Does it work for
you guys?

Openmoko community mailing list

[litephone] entering numbers during a call

2009-08-15 Thread Ali
I finally got a chance to test the app and I love it! But one problem is
a blocker for me. I can't check my voice mail as I can't enter the pin
after making a call (the pin to my voice mail box) :( Is the
functionality in already and i'm just missing it? If not, any plans for
that to be in?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Can my FreeRunner remind me to shut it down if it is still running at 22:00?

2009-07-27 Thread Ali

> When did this change, the last I knew, other wise when I bought it, the wiki 
> said that it doesn't charge while it is off.
It always charged while off-just at 100MA, which takes fucking forever.
So charging, but barely. I can confirm this from having a flat battery
within the first day of using my freerunner (first shipment), and
plugging it in to the charger to charge enough capacity to boot. Care to
direct me to the wiki page that stated the incorrect info? (we can also
check the hist on the page to see when/if it was changed). 

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] New debian images

2009-06-13 Thread Ali
On Sat, 2009-06-13 at 09:57 +0200, Radek Polak wrote:
> Just one question is open for me. I see that libmad is now build by
> default, but i am not sure if it is ok to distribute such images
> because of patent issues. That's why also why i distribute qmplayer
> without mplayer binary. So i can either remove libmad before i make
> new release (no problem for me) - or is there any better way how to
> handle this patent crap stuff?

I say build it in (I don't think we can do mp3 ringtones easily without
it... or does qmplayer take care of that too)? Worse case scenario
Thompson or whichever jerk owns the patent sends a takedown notice and
you go back to leaving it out. If you insist everything is 100% legal, may be able to help us out. It may even
count as legit legal advice. If you don't feel like talking to them, I
can do it on your/qt* behalf.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Bittorrentclient

2009-06-12 Thread Ali

On Fri, 2009-06-12 at 11:41 +0200, Georg Haas wrote:
> Hello,
> do you know an Bittorrentclient for the Freerunner who works under SHR-
> testing?
> Sorry, my english is bad.
> Georg Haas
I know transmission works on debian. You can get the source and
compile/install yourself or alien the .deb to tar.gz (or opk if it
supports it). Not sure how well the latter will work though. I read on
the ml a few times that opk and deb are pretty similar so it shouldn't
be an issue. Give it a shot and see how it goes! I don't know why you'de
want to grab a torrent on your phone though, i prefer to ssh into my box
at home and get it to download. Good luck. And if you manage to create a
working ipk, even just with alien, i'de appreciate it if you could post
it somewhere :)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] New debian images

2009-06-10 Thread Ali
Very cool, but without apt it's kinda useless :( I saw on the site that
if we mount the apt directories to the sd card it will be fine, so which
directories does apt use? I browsed through the apt howto but I don't
think they mention all the directories used by apt or at least it's not
on one page. Also, I didn't see libmad as a plugin, so no out of box mp3
support? Does this mean I still have to compile it in myself? Or because
it's debian can I apt-get it and have qte play them?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: root almighty

2009-05-20 Thread Ali
On Wed, 2009-05-20 at 17:26 +0700, Max wrote:
> ...Personally I prefer to use things that are free (as in Freedom - English
> people should really invent separate words for freedom's and freebeer's
> free - wwe have it in Russian and it makes life a lot easier :)
It's in English. The word is "liberty." As in, "I have the liberty to
drink in my home." My favourite term is FLOSS. Almighty  Wikipedia has
an article,  

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: root almighty

2009-05-19 Thread Ali
On Tue, 2009-05-19 at 15:30 +0700, Max wrote:
> ... If I wanted some proprietary staff on my
> phone ...
Sorry, no gsm for you. The modem's firmware is proprietary. Anyone who
hasn't read the leaked ti calypso documentation want to write a free

Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko on FLOSS weekly

2009-05-18 Thread Ali
I haven't seen anything on the list about this yet, but FLOSS weekly
interviewed Sean Moss-Pultz, and Christopher Hall 

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 11

2009-05-04 Thread Ali
Hi, fyi,
in the script is broken as you are missing the 2. The correct link is  

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Looking for a app similar to the Dog Whistle for the iPhone

2009-04-23 Thread Ali
On Thu, 2009-04-23 at 11:08 -0400, Adam Jimerson wrote:
> I am looking for a app like the Dog Whistle for the iPhone that allows
> you to set a pitch and it plays a note at the pitch, I looked in
> and in the application page in the wiki and didn't see one
> like that and was wondering if there is one or if it would be a great
> suggestion for a app for a developer to make?
If you are using debian or a derivative I'm sure there is something, how
well the gui will work on the phone is anyone's guess. You could always
use audacity, but that's overkill.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: letter of recomendation

2009-04-23 Thread Ali
On Thu, 2009-04-23 at 10:29 +0300, Risto H. Kurppa wrote:
> Hmm.. suppose this was not planned to be posted to community mailing list..?
> r
Did you stop to think that maybe this was a coded message for
terrorists? Just sayin. 

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Why enlightenment?

2009-04-18 Thread Ali
On Sun, 2009-04-19 at 11:28 +1000, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> so what other choices do you have if you have eliminated qt for license
> reasons and you think gtk is just not up to snuff and is unlikely to get there
> easily without major breaks?
I've been a fan of fltk for a little while now (have only written the
most basic things with it and that was 3-4 years ago), what are your
opinions of it in regards to the neo? It's very fast and light, I think
Dillo is written in fltk and it's lightning fast with a small footprint.
What do you guys think about a stack (on top of debian for convenience)
that uses flwm and everything else in fltk?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Draft of 16th community update

2009-04-14 Thread Ali
Has qtmoko, qtei, or latest and greatest made it on the community
updates yet? If not I can add a little blurb about each.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QT Moko] MP3 support

2009-04-12 Thread Ali
On Sun, 2009-04-12 at 08:51 +0200, Radek Polak wrote:
> ...

> My idea is to compile with libmad and before making the image remove the
> from the image. Then when user wants to play first mp3 he
> would be asked to download it from internet.
> Is this legally ok?
> Radek
That's a good question, after all if the user can't use the mp3s, where
is the issue? may be able to help out.
They offer legal advice (presumably free) to those involved in FOSS and
even have an IRC channel on freenode. It would be interesting to know
exactly what the mp3 patents cover. The other option is hosting a fork
in a country that doesn't recognize patents or just doesn't care about
the usa. Anyone have a server in Iran or Venezuela? I think India
doesn't recognize software patents either and that country is fairly

Openmoko community mailing list

[QT Moko] MP3 support

2009-04-11 Thread Ali
Hey, is libmad compiled into qt moko? If not, is there another way to
get mp3 support without compiling, perhaps as a deb? A quick browse of
the git repo didn't show any libmad in /src/module_media.pri so i'm
assuming qtmoko can't play mp3s. 

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Navit is not finding current position

2009-04-11 Thread Ali
On Sat, 2009-04-11 at 21:27 +0100, Tilman Baumann wrote:

> Com on. People who don't understad what this command does should not  
> use a developer phone or should not tinker with it.
I could argue otherwise. They can always learn what the commands do as
they start to need them. Maybe their point in grabbing this phone was so
they could learn linux commands (a natural consequence of tinkering) or
maybe they really like the idea of having source. Everyone has to start
somewhere, and I think it's good that he's willing to learn. Using this
phone is like linux about 10 years ago. Lots of shit doesn't work great
out of the box but improvements happen so fast one always wants to stay
close to bleeding edge everything. Tinkering is how one learns and what
makes this phone fun (for me anyway). In fact, tinkering is what
separates most of us from our fellow proprietary software users. He may
not be a power user yet, but that comes in time. Only other thing I have
to say, don't be afraid to break anything software: a change can almost
always be undone or lead you to fix the problem, and worse case scenario
just re-flash the image. Except maybe those fluid commands for flashing
the modem firmware, be more careful with those. 

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] Report on 4.4.3 src on FSO

2009-02-22 Thread Ali
Very nice! Ever since I saw it on mwester's page i've been wanting to do
this, but ran into an error and haven't had know how/time to
investigate. I love the pim features of qt extended but the lack of
packages make it quite boring. Is it possible to run an xserver
simultaneously so I can run other applications than qt ones? I would
really appreciate a jffs2 image of the rootfs. Mwester has stuff at but I think it's somewhat old
now and it didn't work when I last tried it.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: No Sound on calls

2009-02-02 Thread Ali
I meant the second latest one posted on
which is uImage-moredrivers-GTA02_andy-tracking_f2d78193eae5dccd.bin

On Sun, 2009-02-01 at 19:27 +0200, Timo Jyrinki wrote:
> Do you mean second latest commit in openmoko git or some Debian
> repository kernel? Which commit exactly? I'd like to test out 2.6.29
> but the sound problem is preventing it currently.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: No Sound on calls

2009-01-31 Thread Ali
This happened to me using the latest andy tracking kernel
uImage-moredrivers-GTA02_andy-tracking_2763b78dd365a140.bin on Debian.
Also the phone would attempt to suspend but fail. After I switched back
to the second latest one all was well.
On Sat, 2009-01-31 at 13:36 +0100, Eildert Groeneveld wrote:
> dear List
> as of lately, the FR has no sound when making phone calls which may
> be considered a slight disadvantage.
> Wenn called the FR rings nicely but then everything is dead: no sound.
> Likewise, when calling someone, nothing can be heard, not the ringing 
> and after the connection is established also not the opposite.
> Oddly, the happens with the current FSO and hackable1
> any idea?
> greetings
> Eildert
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list


2008-12-17 Thread imran ali
any body know the solution of this problem.
while i am installing Qemu on ubuntu 8.04 i am
getting below erro.

make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/openmoko/build/qemu/arm-softmmu'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/openmoko/build/qemu'
[ -e images/openmoko ] || mkdir -p images/openmoko
ln -sf `pwd`/openmoko/trunk/src/host/qemu-neo1973/openmoko/env
( cd images && ../openmoko/trunk/src/host/qemu-neo1973/openmoko/ )
Retrieving available builds list...
Kernel is... not found
make: *** [download-images] Error 255

Er. syed imran ali
mob: 91-9963062704
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FreeRunner Happiness

2008-12-13 Thread Ali
On Sat, 2008-12-13 at 00:36 -0800, Sargun Dhillon wrote:
> Seconded.
> Anyways, onto the bad: I have avoided the GSM buzz bug, #666, etc...
> The only bugs I have experienced are the SDHC card failure (Stupid,
> crappy glamo, we really should bitch out Smedia..., see below for
> contact info), and the GSM echo. I gotta say, well done. Keep it
> coming.
> Smedia's addresses:
> 8F., No.1, Jinshan 7th St., Hsinchu City, Taiwan
> Tel: +886-3-6661166
> Fax: +886-3-5670055
> Addr :9F,No.233-1, Baociao Rd.,Sindian City, Taipei County 23145.Taiwan.
> Tel: +886-2-2918-9958
> Fax: +886-2-2918-9975
> E-mail addresses:

I really like this idea. I know we can contact Openmoko and sign the NDA
to get the data sheet, but it seems to negate the point of free software
for me (everything being open and developing as a community). Here Wolfgang
Spraul feels promises were broken in regards to opening documentation-
so our letters of complaint would be valid. If enough pissed off people
write in, would they open up the specs? 

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [android] Unable to read long SMS messages

2008-12-08 Thread imran ali
hey, i tried to install on my freeRunner, but
after installing it is not woking,
if any one know the correct binary for android then kindly send
link, or process!
thanks and regard

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 6:12 PM, Andy Kilner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, I've been using android on my freerunner for a few days now, the
> original image and the latest image and both seem to have a problem
> displaying SMS messages that go over a few words.
> Has anyone else experienced this problem, or do most of you just avoid
> txting?  I'm afraid it's an essential requirement of my phone almost more so
> than being able to place and receive calls.
> I've had a quick poke about on the adb shell but
> data/data/ appears to
> be empty.  Can anyone point me in the direction of where SMS's are stored,
> unfortunately it doesn't look like it's going to be all that simple.
> The phone also refuses to send SMS messages, if I attempt to do so the gsm
> connection is dropped and sometimes it can be a pain in the arse getting it
> back.
> All in all though, (IMHO) Android is looking the more promising and I'd
> like to stick with it.
> Cheers
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Openmoko community mailing list