Re: What to do with FreeRunner / Neo 1973?

2010-03-09 Thread Jay Vaughan

On Mar 8, 2010, at 4:35 PM, Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
> Ad hoc works for me.

So how do you use it?  Can you set up a mini-ISP in a cafe and let  
people tether to your GPRS connection easily enough?  I'd really like  
to do this myself with my Freerunner - an impromptu WLAN router - so  
if you care to share the details, it'd be really nice ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Some trickery involved in getting USB Host working on FR?

2010-03-08 Thread Jay Vaughan
> To be able to charge your FR and use usb perepherals at the same time
> you need the "Y-cable". The best option would be to get a suitable USB
> hub and modify it accordingly. For more references see [1] and
> [2]. Switching to host-mode should be easy with any distro, as it's
> done on kernel level and is controlled by two sysfs nodes.

Great - thanks for the information!  I'll go get myself a USB Hub and  
fire up the soldering iron some time this week .. hope I can share  
some progress.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Some trickery involved in getting USB Host working on FR?

2010-03-08 Thread Jay Vaughan

Does anyone have any advice for me on how to get the Freerunner to  
work as a USB Host device?  I'd like to use it as the main PC  
surrounded by USB devices (USBMIDI cable, Powermate) .. is there some  
special cable I need, or is this now all easily handled at the distro  
level somehow, and if so: which distro has the easiest-to-use USB Host  

Sorry for these dumb questions, btw .. I'm just trying to get my  
Freerunner into some useful context in my life, and if I could get it  
set up with USB Host capabilities that'd be pretty good right now ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: What to do with FreeRunner / Neo 1973?

2010-03-07 Thread Jay Vaughan

On Mar 8, 2010, at 1:20 AM, Brolin Empey wrote:
> I vote for QtMoko! :)

Checking it out now!  Thanks for the tip!

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: What to do with FreeRunner / Neo 1973?

2010-03-07 Thread Jay Vaughan

On Mar 8, 2010, at 3:53 AM, Alishams Hassam wrote:
> Overall Qtmoko has my vote too.

Downloading it now .. ;)

> Whatever you decide to try, it's going to be easier to have a  
> bootmenu.
> On your GTA01 i hope you have a debug board or someway to modify the
> bootloader if you throw on QI. Some fellow released a graphical  
> bootmenu
> for it a few weeks back and it makes distro selecting very  
> convienient.
> I've learned to hate U-boot.

Yes, I have the board and will try to put QI on my machines as well ..  
thanks for the tip!

> That should keep you entertained for a while ;)

This is exactly what I'd hoped to hear, and I appreciate the response  
- thank you!  Seems I will have something useful to do with my  
Freerunner after all .. one question: I'd like to set it up as a mini- 
ISP, allowing Wireless/Bluetooth connections to share the Internet  
over the Freerunner - is this possible yet, or is it still pretty much  
a difficult thing to set up?  I've been quite spoiled with my Android  
phone tethering for all my devices - if the Freerunner could do this  
easily enough (is there a GUI?) then I'd have a really interesting  
place to use it ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: What to do with FreeRunner / Neo 1973?

2010-03-07 Thread Jay Vaughan
>> Overall Qtmoko has my vote too. Doesn't crash and all of debian.  
>> V18 has
>> never missed an sms and is the fastest yet, but X applications are
>> unusable.
> Btw the cause is already known and will be fixed for next release.  
> For now you
> can just delete /dev/input/mice before you start X (e.g. add rm -f
> /dev/input/mice it to /etc/rc.local).

Does this just mean there's a bug that prevents X apps from running,  
or is it the case that you can't run X windows apps on Qt?  I don't  
quite understand the situation but the distro itself looks pretty  
interesting ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

What to do with Freerunner / neo1973?

2010-03-07 Thread Jay Vaughan

Well after a year I've finally dug out these two gadgets and am  
wondering .. what to do with them?  Anyone got any tips / tricks /  
suggestions for what to do with these old devices?  I'd really like to  
catch up with you guys that are getting some value out of these  
devices and what you're doing with them .. so how about telling us old- 
timers just waking up what the current 'nicest OS' for the Freerunner  

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: SHR-unstable, GTA01 (neo1973) and GPS?

2009-02-18 Thread Jay Vaughan
>> Do we still need to install the gllin package on neo1973?
> Sure
>> If so, how
>> do I do it 'properly' on SHR-testing?
> Just opkg install it.

okay it doesn't seem to be working for some reason.  the gta01 has sat  
on the window for an hour, no fix .. FR got one in 5 minutes.

> (I have my gllin package always on my SD card)
> Rest should be taken care of by framreworkd.
> Last time I checked, this worked with FSO and SHR.

is there anything special to do with the /etc/init.d/* scripts and  
setup of the /tmp/nmeaP file, like we used to have to do with OM?

> But, as the flash space on GTA01 with SHR is extremely limited, you  
> will
> not be able to install Navit.

i opted for a SD-on-root install, with 4 gigs, so this shouldn't be an  

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Best thing to run on Freerunner and Neo1973 machines today?

2009-02-18 Thread Jay Vaughan
> SHR is nice. Phone and gps works well. Music player can be made to  
> work
> well too. Lots of games and other software is available at

yeah i'm settling on this for gta01 for now .. it looks pretty well.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

SHR-unstable, GTA01 (neo1973) and GPS?

2009-02-18 Thread Jay Vaughan

Well, I got SHR-testing up and running on my neo1973 after many  
recommendations from folks on this list and in the #openmoko channel,  
and so far it looks pretty nice - can make calls and receive them and  
so on, and it doesn't crash too much (after I did an opkg update 
+upgrade), so for now at least the neo1973 seems to be useful for me  
with SHR-testing .. except for one thing: GPS.  Can't seem to get it  

Do we still need to install the gllin package on neo1973?  If so, how  
do I do it 'properly' on SHR-testing?  Any advice on this would be  
appreciated because I'll use the neo1973 as a phone/gps unit if its  
possible for now ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Best thing to run on Freerunner and Neo1973 machines today?

2009-02-18 Thread Jay Vaughan
Hiya gang,

After a few months of ignoring the OpenMoko scene while I concentrated  
on other things (beagleboard/openpandora) I find myself looking at my  
neo1973 and freerunner gear, and thinking "its time to do something  
interesting with these devices again".  But I have no idea what is  
going on with the FR these days ..

So, I turn to you guys: what would you recommend I put on both/either  
of these machines for a bit of fun today? FDOM, SHR, something else?   
In terms of easy-to-get fun factor, what do you guys suggest?

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Android open sourced

2008-10-25 Thread Jay Vaughan
> At last maybe we will get a stable, usable O/S for the Neo (which I  
> have shelved until such a thing
> exists). I was using Qt but QtExtended was a step backwards in  
> stability. I am very happy to see
> Android available for development, I may un-shelve my Neo blow off  
> the dust and help port it!

Yup.  Hooray if we get it working on Freerunner.  Finally something to  
run on Freerunner that might, actually .. work ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [2008.9] Wifi very unreliable

2008-10-02 Thread Jay Vaughan
> As much as I love my FR, I must admit that the whole experience had  
> me thinking lustful thoughts about my wife's iPhone...

I would say just get an iPhone.  I did.  Its much more fun to develop  
for a *platform* rather than a constant dogs-breakfast of disaster.   
Until someone in the Freerunner world turns the thing into a stable  
platform, its just going to go on and on forever with nothing ever  
being fixed, stably, and dependably.

I mean, give me a break.  Its October, and people are *still*  
wrestling with WLAN configuration.  Can you hackers not see how stupid  
it is to be fussing with 'pretty stuff' when the most basic things  
don't even work?

I've given up on Freerunner development.  Until there is a stable  
image that provides an Operating System (what we have now: Inoperable)  
its just not worth the fuss.  The Freerunner project has been  
murdered, in my opinion, by hobby horsing hackers who have nothing but  
hatred for the end users that *could* be using the thing.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Who has multiple devices?

2008-09-15 Thread Jay Vaughan
Wtf .. Please fix the bug! There are plenty of people who might want  
to mass update their freerunner sets..

ibi sum

On Sep 15, 2008, at 17:51, Dale Maggee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Al Johnson wrote:
>> I can't think of a situation where I would accidentally have two  
>> freerunners
>> sitting in uboot. If -l shows more than one suitable device you  
>> could just
>> suggest they remove all but the one that needs programming and try  
>> again.
> Agreed, that seems like the easiest way to manage it, I'll add this  
> for
> the next release of my script.
> Thanks for your info and advice :)
> -Dale
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FDOM (FAT and Dirty Openmoko) Distribution ready to download

2008-09-09 Thread Jay Vaughan
can anyone work out what works and what doesnt?

calls seem to be fine, though i've had a few hangups mid-call already  
alas .. and for the life of me i can't get it to connect to my wifi  
network, which is WEP 128bit HEX .. some voodoo here?

generally a lot more interesting-looking than qtopia, but very thorny  
too, in bits!  how do you quit an app?

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FDOM (FAT and Dirty Openmoko) Distribution ready to download

2008-09-09 Thread Jay Vaughan
> p.s. looks interesting - installing now!

after a long hiatus away from the freerunner hacking for a month or so  
(hey, so i got an iphone, sue me!) i am very glad to see that there  
are folks now sharing booting images!  this is gotta be good for  
freerunner now, which btw i -have- been using as a main cell phone a  
bit more recently as well too (iphone calls are expensive), so there  
is trepidation about taking my - Working Freerunner - and putting some  
random image on it!

but, thats what its for, so .. here goes!! me too :)

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: USB keyboard in hostmode?

2008-08-20 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Do you have a source for this info? The only need for external  
> components that
> I'm aware of is the 15k pulldowns when charging while in host mode.

About two years ago I was working on getting USB Host mode working  
"out of the box" on the GP2X, and I ran into this problem - the  
missing cap/resistor combo meant that the USB Host controller  
interface wasn't able to accurately determine what sort of node it was  
communicating with, and thus the onboard Linux driver tried to treat  
it as a hub node when it was really just a 'terminal' node.  I don't  
have a reference for you on this, just going by memory ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Site reviewing all distros needed? (was: Re: Raster's Image and chatting on the moko!)

2008-08-19 Thread Jay Vaughan
> This really is the intention of that wiki page, but we can't keep up
> with testing each distribution. I will be putting more time into  
> testing
> the different distros.

i think there should be more of a 'news and current details' sort of  
site, more than an authoritative list-of-distro's currently running,  
sort of thing .. sort of active pimpage.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko apps website ?

2008-08-19 Thread Jay Vaughan
> the direct link to the packages. Something like this: 

Yes, this is precisely what I hope to be able to contribute to .. its  
very much needed right now and imho we've got the tools we need to  
gather this information -,,  
projects.*, this mailing list, etc.  If only we had a common, easy to  
use (interface-wise) site that could be used to collect these details  
and make them easier to read ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: USB keyboard in hostmode?

2008-08-19 Thread Jay Vaughan

> Maybe i should test it with a more simple usb keyboard without any  
> extra
> functions.

You should test your USB keyboard with the Freerunner, using a USB  
*HUB* in between, and see if that doesn't fix things.  IFAICT, there  
are details not-yet-well-understood regarding the nature of the  
termination and 'pull-up' resistor normally included on standard USB  
Host ports which may not be included with the Freerunner hardware  
design - meaning a simple female/female convertor isn't going to be  
enough, there will need to be a cap and a resistor included in the  
schematic in order to make the USB Host controller onboard the  
Freerunner believe it is talking to a proper USB hub node.  If this  
isn't there, the controller believes its only got a single device to  
talk with, physically, and in your case this isn't true - you've got  
two devices onboard.  So, you need the cap and resistor, I bet.

Easiest way to get them: put a USB hub in between, and see if that  
makes things better.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: SIP on Debian

2008-08-19 Thread Jay Vaughan
> So some work with the alsa setting and we should have VOIP and maybe
> even some video conferencing.


Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Site reviewing all distros needed? (was: Re: Raster's Image and chatting on the moko!)

2008-08-19 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I would really like to see a site or wiki page where all these (about
> 10) distros would be reviewed and compared every x weeks or so.. One
> could compare the availability of software (gprs, web, gps),
> stability, power saving features, ability to make phone calls and so
> on and maybe also list 'biggest annoyances' that then could hopefully
> be focused on by the developers/community.
> Is there anyone who could do this?

Yeah, this is really needed.  I would be happy to try images and  
report on them every week, I just don't have the time and resources to  
set up a server that would present the details properly, and I  
definitely don't want to bury this in the wiki.  Something like what  
the GP2X scene has in the forms of regular updates and reviews would  
be ideal ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Raster's Image and chatting on the moko!

2008-08-19 Thread Jay Vaughan
>> URL to the image?
> From the linked blog post:

Thanks for that, I didn't get to it yet .. but great that Raster is  
finally putting out the pimped image we all want to see .. ;)

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Raster's Image and chatting on the moko!

2008-08-19 Thread Jay Vaughan

> (Remember, Raster gets all the credit!  I'm just trying to spread the
> good word about the image!)

URL to the image?

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: stupid guy! thinks it's a train wreck!

2008-08-18 Thread Jay Vaughan
> The guy is notorious.

"Just remember to take it for what it is - an open-source development  
platform and project designed to put mobile technology back in the  
hands of the people who use it, not a consumer-ready fashion statement  
meant for every day use. "

What an incredibly short-sited fellow, eh?  Doesn't he know that the  
real hackers are currently banking ca$h selling micro-SD pre-config'ed  
packages, 10 and 20 at a time, to people who are most definitely, in  

oh wait, thats just the edge of it.  never mind.  pay no attention.   
there is no train, and thus no wreck.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: stupid guy! thinks it's a train wreck!

2008-08-18 Thread Jay Vaughan
> The problem of this is: you would have to review them every 1 or 2  
> weeks
> because they change so rapidly.

so?  that'd provide a very lively view of the scene indeed, and i  
think thats needed.

i can't personally set up and run the site myself, or i'd just as well  
do it, but i most certainly would participate in a weblog'y all- 
openmoko-news-and-reviews-all-the-time sort of scene with weekly news  
and updates.  what is hot, what works, what is frustrating, what is  
b0rked, what is fresh, etc.

frankly, what development is happening now is not being blagged enough  

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: stupid guy! thinks it's a train wreck!

2008-08-18 Thread Jay Vaughan
> My thought as I watched it was "which OS should he really be trying  
> out?"

Thats really the million-dollar question.  If only there were a site  
that was dedicated to trying all the possible distributions (what are  
there now, 7 or 8 different things to run on a Freerunner) and make  
solid conclusions so that we could decide without having to go through  
hoops ourselves ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Debian on the FreeRunner -- now official

2008-08-18 Thread Jay Vaughan
> the FSO packaging team of the Debian project[1] is happy to announce
> that we have started to provide installation procedures and packages
> required to have your FreeRunner[2] run Debian-powered.

This is really great news!   Hooray for Debian rescuing us from the  
Freerunner dilemna!

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Temporary testing and development feeds for ASU

2008-08-13 Thread Jay Vaughan
> development/unstable trees:

awesome, i'm going to use this to target some packages in the next 2  
or 3 days ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: 2008.9 - Was Re: Third request: what *is* the warranty on the Freerunner?

2008-08-13 Thread Jay Vaughan
>  Oh come on.  After reading all your (and others') scary messages
> about that, I decided to give it a try.  So I pointed my browser to
>  Half an hour later, I had
> a build in progress.  Most of that half-hour was spent waiting for
> stuff to download, and part of the rest was due to my running the
> whole stuff in a particular isolated environment (cowbuilder chroot,
> for those who care) with its own characteristics (stuff runs as root,
> and I didn't have a home directory).

great that its working for you, looking forward to future news of  
your .ipk URL's ..

>  Of course, the build hasn't completed yet (I have a few *.ipk
> already, but the webpage mentions 5 hours on a computer that's rather
> faster than mine), but if pasting less than 15 commands straight from
> a web page is too high a barrier to entry for prospective developers,
> I doubt they'd be able to accomplish much even if it was a single
> command to run.

since where did i say that i couldn't follow the instructions on the  

the issue is that there is no one stable, common, build system - or  
distribution channel - for developers to pop their stuff into, and  
with the moving targets of 'fso' vs. 'asu' vs 'om2007.2' vs  
'underground' vs '&etc', its a bother.

much more fun, right now, to hack code *on* the machine itself, put up  
with slow (actually not bad considering how much code gets written in  
between compiles) build times, but have a development environment that  
sits on a 512m SD card rather than .. 12 gigs, not counting the VM  
backups i've been doing over 12 months of tracking mokomakefile ..

>  Half an hour.  15 commands to copy and paste.  How much more
> hand-holding does a developer need?

please, do not assume i am a fool unless you would consider like  
countenance.  its not the hand-holding or the trick makefiles.  its  
the dire lack of a dictator to rally around and form a federation ..  
and as a result, actually, building apps for the phone *with* the  
phone is turning out to be, frankly, a lot more workable - and  
lightweight - than over a year of mokomakefile groupthink right about  
now ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: How are kernels and distributions related?

2008-08-13 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Should kernels and distributions be seen as independent (that is,  
> can I update a kernel separately from a distribution, and use one  
> kernel with multiple distributions), or should they be seen as  
> dependent (each distribution should have a separate kernel)?

i think distributions themselves will eventually devolve towards  
bootable one-use applications, managed through hard virtualization.   
there is a lot of fuss and noise about the importance of standardized  
installs for those who just want to press a button and work, but if i  
could deliver a bootable-SD to 1000 customers, i'd have a far easier  
time as a developer, making distributions irrelevant entirely ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: What could be done to improve the OM development process?

2008-08-13 Thread Jay Vaughan

>> silly me believing not understanding irony was an entirely german  
>> disease
>> ...
> He said the intention was basically 'fork early, fork often'.  I  
> simply
> asked 'Why?' He didn't explain the reasoning.

There is no reasoning.  Its a destructive policy, plain and simple.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: What could be done to improve the OM development process?

2008-08-13 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Explain to me the reasoning behind forking the software at this point.
> What does it accomplish, besides paying lip service
> to choice?  I'm thinking of the Bible story of Solomon and the two
> mothers here.  What good is half a baby?  Wait until there's something
> /worth/ forking.
> Can anyone name a product that succeeded by encouraging everyone to  
> fork
> immediately?  I can't think of any examples.  F/OSS gives you the
> /ability/ to fork, but that doesn't
> mean it's always a good idea or a goal in and of itself.  In fact, I
> think the decision to fork is one that should be made with some
> gravity.  There's a whole world between the cathedral and
> the bazaar.

It really boils down to this: encouraging mass forkage in the  
community is a closed-sourcers weapon against the establishment of a  
stable community.  Microsoft - and others who wish to combat the open  
source phenomenon - widely encourage forking as it is a sure-fire way  
to kill public interest in a project.  After all, with too many forks,  
eventually people give up in the confusion.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: opkg upgrade - kernel not updated corectly - Om2008.8

2008-08-13 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I'm hoping that Openmoko build leader will announce a change to this
> policy, but at the moment you cannot get Om2008.08 updates from  
> buildhost.

Who is that, anyway?  Its so confusing.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OpenEinstein Newton emulator - Working?

2008-08-13 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Is there any interest? The large screen seems perfectly suited to a
> Newton Emulator and the Newton UI really is awesome to behold - just
> so intuitive!

Hell yes, count me as interested.  Also, anyone want to get a PalmOS  
emu running?  That'd be wonderful, frankly ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: 2008.9 - Was Re: Third request: what *is* the warranty on the Freerunner?

2008-08-13 Thread Jay Vaughan

>> Please issue it when it's READY and not on 2008.9.9 at 09:09:09
>> just for the fun
>> of it.
> Idea of Open Source projects is to release them before they're ready,
> to let community work on them as well.

That would be fine in our case, *if* we could work on them  
concurrently, but there is so much cruft in dealing with the build  
environment - and too many forks in the details - that it makes it  
very unproductive to try to contribute.

If we could get a list of people who are the *main* developers  
responsible for the contributions in the image, and if those people  
would then tell us other developers, reliably, how to catch up and  
keep up with them with regards to code changes and build environments,  
and if there were a few reliably sync'ed images produced that we 3rd  
party developers could verify our own local results against, this  
situation will change.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko Om 2008.8 Release

2008-08-12 Thread Jay Vaughan

> I'd be fine with a tar.gz - image to put on SD-card. So
> size reduction is not necessarily an issue. Actually I'd
> rather have the complete 2008.08 suite.
> How are other GTA01 users thinc about that?
> Marc

I like the idea too .. and I'm perfectly content with booting my  
neo1973 from SD card ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko Om 2008.8 Release

2008-08-11 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Ship with nothing and everyone put what want
> So nobody can say it is not a complete software :)

Ship with *all* available distributions on the *SD Card*, and include  
a script that lets you copy your desired distribution to flash once  
you've checked them all out ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Moving my 2007.2 to SD to try 2008.8 with fallback solution

2008-08-11 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Will report in case of success.

Great!  It'd be pretty nice if we could come up with an installable  
app that will just do the "Copy from Flash to SD and re-configure to  
boot from SD" process for an end user.  I'd find it quite useful - as  
a matter of fact I prefer to have my entire system on SD rather than  
flash, since I intend to load it to the gills with all possible  
applications I can find!  :)

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Moving my 2007.2 to SD to try 2008.8 with fallback solution

2008-08-10 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I thought of another way to proceed in between, and started to
> document it here :

Great work!  I was going to do something similar to this myself this  
weekend but I'll wait to hear of your results before I do! :)

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: 2008 WTF??

2008-08-10 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I think managing expectations is the crucial part...even slashdot  
> had a pretty lukewarm response to the FR, going by the comments.
> Most of the discussion I've seen around the web seems to focus on  
> the preliminary state of the software rather than then openness of
> the phone.

For sure progress will be made, but for sure we can't make progress if  
we don't confront the problems and communicate about them.  I'm with  
you on the 'go buy an iPhone' response being counter-productive.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Network over USB flaky ? - Re: Booting OM 2008.08 from SD - Re: Openmoko Om 2008.8 Release

2008-08-10 Thread Jay Vaughan

> I guess it's pretty flaky :( But still I see some (slow) progress ;)

It really could be related to the USB ports on your PC .. if for some  
reason your PC is not happy with the power-state changes demanded by  
the Freerunner, then it will reset the USB hard layer, and this has  
the effect that your internal USB GUID changes, confusing the usb- 
ethernet driver, and thus giving you inconsistent services.  If its at  
all possible, try running some sort of USB diagnostic app on your PC  
while this is all going on or check your log files for USB-related  
messages in the meantime ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: 2008 WTF??

2008-08-09 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Well, that's just mean. It's not like they don't listen to the  
> community
> or communicate with it, on ALL levels. But it's not like all community
> ideas can be implemented immideately, and that everyone can be made
> happy. Anarchy doesn't work even in open source.

Well the problem is that the toolchain has such a huge ramp-up to just  
get started that there really isn't much contribution to the mainline  
base packages from the community.

If we look at the major contributions in the form of apps and new  
things coming to the platform lately, we do *not* see a lot of them  
being built using the main OM body of tools - mostly are compiled  
separately, not packaged into .ipk files, or even better: just plain  
ol' python based projects that you hand-install.

There really is *no* momentum behind the OM build system that I see  
right now, in terms of 3rd party developers picking it up and getting  
started with it.  You have to sit through a few days of compiling just  
to catch up with the factory image, and even then there are so many  
forks on the other side of the fence that you'd be lucky to produce a  
md5-compatible image using the current build tools.

> I think 2008.08 is in most ways a step forward. And in the things that
> aren't like that.. sometimes you have to take a half step back to get
> two steps forward. Constructive criticism is the best help one can  
> give,
> but bitching is just stupid.


Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: 2008.08 - First Impressions

2008-08-09 Thread Jay Vaughan
> screen real estate.
> i might be wrong but i imagine "finger friendly" with large buttons  
> and so
> on, taking up a lot of space.

i don't think so, but thats just me.  there is a lot that can be done  
with overlays and sliders and so on that just isn't being done.  but  
enough complaints, off i go to try to do some nice GUI that shows the  
nerds how things are done ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: 2008 WTF??

2008-08-09 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Why the developers are spending time breaking things that were  
> previously
> worked (see ASU keyboard), rather than fixing what's broken and in  
> desperate
> need of fixing, is beyond me.

Yeah I concur with this here, its definitely been a matter of  
patience, watching things go backwards before they apparently .. any  
day now .. go forwards.

> Is it a lack of leadership? For this aggressive undertaking to be
> successful, it needs at least one person to prioritize, delegate,  
> and lead
> the other developers.

Its a bit hippy-dippy, if you want to know my opinion (you probably  
don't), and by that I mean that the punch-bowl is running linux.

> Is there such a person at Openmoko? If not, that's the problem.  
> Having a
> team of developers, without clear leadership, is akin to herding  
> cats :)

I think the best we can hope for is that from the 2008.8 release  
onwards, we'll now start to see the massive progress we've always been  
promised as a result of community contributions.  I suppose its fair  
to say that the majority of the platform-specific 'hard work' has been/ 
is being done by the core OM team, and now its up to us to start  

That said, I have not been able to succesfully complete a 'make  
openmoko-developer-image' for a week, and its been terribly  
frustrating watching all the bloat of OM go by, with little final  
'caught up with the main developers' resuts.  I'm going to give it  
another go, though, so stay tuned ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: 2008.08 - First Impressions

2008-08-09 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Not really, I don't see a need - Installing software is not something
> you're going to be doing five times a day while on the train on the  
> way
> to work.

So?  What if I want to install software at least once or twice a week,  
do I have to have a stylus around all the time?

> Sure, you _might_ use it once a day, but i think for that one
> time you can fumble around and find your stylus. And even if you are
> installing software 5 times a day, on the train and have lost your
> stylus, you can always use your keys ;)

Bah, this is really terrible thinking.  Whats wrong with making a  
purely finger-friendly interface, besides laziness?

Its not the 90's, stylus-based computing is not cool.  The rest of the  
world is going multi-touch, no accessories required.  We ought to at  
least keep up.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Usable Keyboard

2008-08-09 Thread Jay Vaughan
>> he code and are simply configured to be off and/or inaccessible.  
>> unfortunately
> - this is going to have to sit on a backburner and await whatever  
> spare time i
> find for it as i have resigned from openmoko (effective end of  
> august).

Oh dear.  I just won a bet (Raster will leave OpenMoko before the end  
of the year), but I'm not happy about it!

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko Om 2008.8 Release

2008-08-08 Thread Jay Vaughan
> a tar.gz file would be very useful for booting from SD card...

yeah in fact i would favour a less dfu-util'y approach to these public  
releases, and say .. make the boot-from-SD the norm, rather than an  
exception, leaving dfu-.. for 'factory default boot config'.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko Om 2008.8 Release

2008-08-08 Thread Jay Vaughan
> People, please don't forget Neo 1993!

+1 from me ..  i have two neo's, one of them is broken, and i -still-  
hang on to hope that they will be useful somehow ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: ASU 2008.08 image

2008-08-08 Thread Jay Vaughan
> To be fair the wiki points to an equally misleading folder :
> I guess it was all prep work for the release.

Is this the official release location now or what?

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: 2.5mm neo to 3.5mm stereo adaptor

2008-08-08 Thread Jay Vaughan
> imho shipping such an adapter within FR box would be a nice gesture  
> from
> OM -- they chosen an adapter which seems to be not that popular and
> people struggle to choose 'the right one'. I bet if OM bought in
> bulk it would cost them no more than 1$ a piece.

While we're on the subject, a USB Host/Device Y-cable or adapter would  
be good to include as well.  Come to think of it maybe there is a  
market for a 3rd party supplier to put together an accessory kit that  
extends the functionality of the FR beyond 'laser-pointer yielding'  
and into 'USB device medusa' ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FR at

2008-08-07 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Agreed. Why does nobody seem to be addressing/acknowledging this issue
> (or am I just looking in the wrong places)? An April 2008 post on the
> mailing list suggests that SMedia want $15,000 to release the docs  
> under
> NDA to anyone outside of Openmoko employees. If this is the case, and
> nobody is even prepared to address this issue in other ways let alone
> pay for it, then for the foreseeable future it seems that this chip  
> will
> do nothing more than sit there consuming power and the Freerunner will
> be without any form of graphic acceleration.
> It is a crying shame.

The more we moan about it, the more likely it is that someone who has  
signed the NDA will produce a fix.  ;)  Oh no, wait, thats not  
reality, thats me waking up from a dream ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FSO ringtone

2008-08-07 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Yeah, Bubble Bobble works, but my favorite has always been the music
> from R-type... I also loved the music from RoboCop and Maniac Mansion.

Crazy Climber FTW!!

BTW, we need an openmoko-emu-porters list .. ;)

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FR at

2008-08-07 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Yes, but you can use it only if you promise that you will not show to
> others how to use it (NDA)!
> So, for me is like it doesn't exist!

IF only we had OpenGL on the Freerunner by now, imagine the amazing  
apps we could write .. geeze guys, what a big disappointment the Glamo  
is ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FR at

2008-08-06 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Oh... it is stupid, it is not able to prepare me a coffee :)

But is it marketed as a phone or not?  Yes, it is marketed as a  
phone.  Thus, to review it as a phone is only fair.

Otherwise, it should've been marketed as a linux computer with a phone  
peripheral in it ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: 2007.2 Multitap-pad toggle?

2008-08-05 Thread Jay Vaughan

On Aug 5, 2008, at 10:40 PM, Dylan Reilly wrote:

> opkg install 

hrmm ...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# opkg remove matchbox-keyboard-inputmethod matchbox- 
Removing package matchbox-keyboard-inputmethod from root...
Removing package matchbox-keyboard-im from root...
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# opkg remove matchbox-keyboard-applet
Removing package matchbox-keyboard-applet from root...
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# cd /tmp
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/volatile/tmp# mkdir matchbox-keyboard
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/volatile/tmp# cd matchbox-keyboard
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/volatile/tmp/matchbox-keyboard# wget
Connecting to (
keyboard-ipk.tar.bz2 100% ||  
31233  --:--:-- ETA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/volatile/tmp/matchbox-keyboard# tar -jxf keyboard- 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/volatile/tmp/matchbox-keyboard# opkg remove -force- 
depends multita
No packages removed.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/volatile/tmp/matchbox-keyboard# opkg install  
Multiple packages (matchbox-keyboard-inputmethod and matchbox-keyboard- 
inputmethod) providing same name marked HOLD or PREFER.  Using latest.
Multiple packages (matchbox-keyboard-inputmethod and matchbox-keyboard- 
inputmethod) providing same name marked HOLD or PREFER.  Using latest.
Installing matchbox-keyboard-inputmethod (0.0+svnr1910-r10) to root...

Collected errors:
  * Package matchbox-keyboard-inputmethod md5sum mismatch. Either the  
opkg or the package index are corrupt. Try 'opkg update'.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/volatile/tmp/matchbox-keyboard# opkg install  
Multiple packages (matchbox-keyboard-im and matchbox-keyboard-im)  
providing same name marked HOLD or PREFER.  Using latest.
Multiple packages (matchbox-keyboard-im and matchbox-keyboard-im)  
providing same name marked HOLD or PREFER.  Using latest.
Installing matchbox-keyboard-im (0.0+svnr1910-r10) to root...
Collected errors:
  * Package matchbox-keyboard-im md5sum mismatch. Either the opkg or  
the package index are corrupt. Try 'opkg update'.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/volatile/tmp/matchbox-keyboard# opkg install  

Multiple packages (matchbox-keyboard-applet and matchbox-keyboard- 
applet) providing same name marked HOLD or PREFER.  Using latest.
Multiple packages (matchbox-keyboard-applet and matchbox-keyboard- 
applet) providing same name marked HOLD or PREFER.  Using latest.
Installing matchbox-keyboard-applet (0.0+svnr1910-r10) to root...
Collected errors:
  * Package matchbox-keyboard-applet md5sum mismatch. Either the opkg  
or the package index are corrupt. Try 'opkg update'.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/volatile/tmp/matchbox-keyboard# cd ..
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/volatile/tmp# rm -rf matchbox-keyboard
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/volatile/tmp#
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/volatile/tmp#
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/volatile/tmp# opkg install
Multiple packages (matchbox-keyboard-inputmethod and matchbox-keyboard- 
inputmethod) providing same name marked HOLD or PREFER.  Using latest.
Multiple packages (matchbox-keyboard-inputmethod and matchbox-keyboard- 
inputmethod) providing same name marked HOLD or PREFER.  Using latest.
Installing matchbox-keyboard-inputmethod (0.1-finger) to root...
Configuring matchbox-keyboard-inputmethod
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/volatile/tmp#

Collected errors:
  * Package matchbox-keyboard-applet md5sum mismatch. Either the opkg  
or the package index are corrupt. Try 'opkg update'.
  * Package matchbox-keyboard-im md5sum mismatch. Either the opkg or  
the package index are corrupt. Try 'opkg update'.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cpu-speed limitations

2008-08-05 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I don't think that this is necessarily the case.  OM people have  
> lots of
> fish to fry and writing a acceleration code running inside the Glamo
> probably isn't *the* most important thing to be working on.  Getting  
> the
> core kernel, device libraries and some application software working  
> *is* the most important thing.

The thing is though, these sorts of things can be done by people who  
haven't signed an NDA to get access to the docs.  It makes no sense to  
me that the only people who can do something about the pitiable Glamo  
situation are instead worrying about other stuff that the rest of the  
community, unencumbered by NDA's, can handle ..

> I think you might be shooting the wrong people here.  S.Media are the
> 'bad' guys as they won't/can't provide the documentation.  However, if
> this were always the case then maybe the Glamo was a poor choice.
> However, I imagine that it *was* the right decision _at_the_time_ the
> decision was made; everything is clearer with hindsight and everybody
> *thinks* they would've made a better decision.

Sure, sure.  I just wish that the most pressing issues of non- 
operating hardware were being properly addressed.  I don't think its  
cool to buy a phone that has features that go unused, just because  
we've got an NDA situation going on.  We in the Open Source community  
can route around that damage, and it seems the only way to handle that  
right now is if the 'official' folks in OpenMoko address the issue.

It would be a terrible shame if, after all the 'more important work'  
gets done, Glamo gets ignored because 'now its time to build new  
hardware'.  I think it'd be rotten, in fact.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cpu-speed limitations

2008-08-05 Thread Jay Vaughan
> That kind of sucks doesn't it.  That there is a processor on the chip
> that could do, say, scrolling independently of the main processor  
> and we
> aren't allowed to know how to do it.  I'm sure it's a great chip,  
> but if
> we can't drive it in interesting ways:
> a) it means that Glamo doesn't look very good.
> b) developers will think that Glamo isn't very good and will ask for
> something else.
> Does this scenario work well for S Media?

I think the point is this: whoever *has* access to the documentation  
at OpenMoko shouldn't be working on *anything else* except for getting  
the features of this chip available to us in the public sphere. If  
you've got the docs, why work on something that a public community  
member can work on?  Work on the hard stuff - that which we can't get  
the docs for here in the open community - and push the hardware as  
much as possible.. please!

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Third request: what *is* the warranty on the Freerunner?

2008-08-04 Thread Jay Vaughan
> There were a number of sites, like Engadget and a few others, that  
> were
> essentially implying that the Freerunner was ready for general use (as
> opposed to the Neo1973, which was strictly a developer's phone).

well, if you use qtopia, with an eye on the rapid progress, you can at  
least adopt a holding pattern as good things come along.

what i think has happened is, frankly, a bit of a wild hacker mutiny.   
realizing that, once the hardware is actually out there in good  
numbers, the distribution wars are *on8*, be-atches, the openmoko  
'community' went ballistic, and .. yes kids .. its true, there are  
more than one operating systems to run on your freerunner, and frankly  
thats not going to change or 'devolve', its clear.

so tell your iPhone homies :P to them having 'the one "mans" operating  
system', while you have .. so far .. at least 5 or 6 to choose from.

and, thus: the race is on.  who will make the freerunner a trully  
rockin' device?  *all* the bits are there, and frankly, with such a  
big feast, its sure we'll not run out of forks.

> So, I enthusiastically ordered it, only to realize that it's still,  
> very
> much, a developer's phone. And not just a developer's phone, but a  
> *super
> hardcore* developer's phone.

well, i have to admit that i think its high time the back-room 'disk  
image swapping around of' crowd got their thumbs out of their asses  
and started sharing bootable goods, pre-configured and ready to roll,  
but thats just me bein' all 'cyber' about it, alas ..

> I wouldn't mind learning to program for it, but even that's hard to  
> do,
> since there are a handful of competing openmoko software  
> architectures that
> aren't really interoperable.

consider this: there is *nothing* stopping you from spending an hour  
or two for a week, configuring and building your -own- distro, from  
all the parts, slapping a lable on it and installing it on the other 9  
phones you've got in your box.  the only question then, of course,  
would be: who you gonna call?

> Anyway, I guess I'll wait for the software to catch up to the  
> hardware.
> Meanwhile, I'll keep it tucked away in the closet.

i've got mine in my kit, its a very useful linux box to me already,  
only a 9 or so days into the trip, and i must admit its fun to have  
when i need it .. i've got mine set up for the local public funkfeuer  
nodes, just fine, and that means i've got at least a feed or two in  
the park to read, and GPS maps (weather too) as well .. so thats  
nice.  it is actually *quite* a useful system if you pump some time  
into it.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Testing for audio playback

2008-08-04 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Also, I think having the applications disable suspend would be better
> than letting some system-level daemon guess what the appropriate
> behavior is.

I advocate a principled application of the concept of 'init states'  
for the entire system, which deal with the running state of various  
subsystems through the proper use of /etc/init.d/ scripts mapped to  
various power levels ..

If power/suspend has been initiated by the user, then let init start  
and stop and send messages and such, to the appropriate subsystems  
that need it, and leave it at that.  If some daemon pops up and says  
'the user wants init 10', and we've got 'init.d/rc10.d/S,K*' scripts  
that properly do whats required for init 10, then let init 10 be  
"we're at the office, leave us alone".

I know there are all sorts of reasons to abandon init to the wind, but  
since we're already using init to deal with different system states,  
if but with a veritable stinginess, then surely it could be expanded?

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Third request: what *is* the warranty on the Freerunner?

2008-08-04 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Anyway, I'm done complaining. Anyone want to buy a new Freemoko?  
> I'll sell
> it for $350 with free shipping to anywhere in the US :)

my advice is: don't be too quick to get off the train, which is well  
and truly under way, whatever the load .. having a working freerunner  
that kicks ass in 2 weeks time, or having it now: its up to the  
community.  which isn't going to stop, just because people are not  
using the hardware yet ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-08-04 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I have a MIDI keyboard I can bring with me to LinuxWorld, and a USB/ 
> interface.

Well I spent some time hacking on it this weekend and I've gotten a  
basic MIDI parser/librarian/sequencer setup on the Freerunner now ..  
great fun to play back tracks to my 19" rack using the Freerunner!   
But I've got some cleaning up to do and some serious catching up to do  
in the packaging department before I can put this out there for  
general use - right now its quite a bit hacky to get things started.

> If your synth is ready in time I'd love to show it.
> M

It would be nice indeed, but I don't think I'm ready to release yet ..  
I have to get move away from my current hacked-up configuration to a  
cleaner, public-packaged style setup .. and I can't really do that  
with the moving targets of our current images, alas .. but stay tuned,  
because if things go well with this weeks new ASU release, I'll do my  
work all over again and make sure I produce proper packages that will  
work for a majority.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPS application

2008-08-02 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I'd *love* to see a motorbike mount! although it would need to be  
> *very*
> secure, and waterproof
my idea for a general-purpose mount for the freerunner consists of  
your standard clamp - such as used to fix a light to a bicycle - with  
a fat large industrial strength rubber band length, sufficient to pass  
through the loop of the freerunner (lanyard hole), thus giving a  
swivel factor too.

but the problem with this is that we need to have a good way to rotate  
the screen around, of course.  sure would be nice to be able to do  
this with the accelerometers by now, anyway ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPS application (was: Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld)

2008-08-02 Thread Jay Vaughan
> What is the point of having GPS anyway?

Its nice, when you're navigating around an unfamiliar area, to be able  
to have a realtime update of where you are exactly.  Its also fun to  
have a trace of your trip, if you're the kind of person who gets out a  
bit.  Nice in the forests and among nature, for example, to find that  
'magic spot' again ..

> I spend most of my time walking or taking public transport, within a  
> very short radius, in an area I already know very well. I'm just not  
> getting what's cool or exciting about GPS.

GPS is a good reason to get out more.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: 2007.2 Multitap-pad toggle?

2008-08-01 Thread Jay Vaughan
Displayed just fine for me now .. looks good!  I am installing it now ..


On Aug 1, 2008, at 6:04 PM, Dylan Reilly wrote:

> Bah. I suppose I should have tested them first. The screen shot app is
> broken for me and refuses to save valid PNG's. So, no screen shot love
> for now I am afraid.
> On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 11:53 AM, Steven ** <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Those don't display as images...
>> -Steven
>> On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 10:48 AM, Dylan Reilly  
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> ___
>> Openmoko community mailing list
> -- 
> Dylan Maxwell Reilly
> ___________
> Openmoko community mailing list

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: 2007.2 Multitap-pad toggle?

2008-08-01 Thread Jay Vaughan
> FWIW, I have a tweaked version of matchbox keyboard and an
> accompanying layout that is finger capable and still usable in a
> shell. The layout is based upon the iPhone keyboard (do not hate me!)
> because I figured they spent many dollars on getting it right. It's by
> no means perfect but I find it very usable. If that interests anyone,
> I can post is somewhere.

count me as interested!

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-07-31 Thread Jay Vaughan
> 7) Maybe run some simple synth applications on the FR, using the USB  
> host mode to connect it to a MIDI keyboard.

this is what i'm doing this weekend .. ;)

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: numptyphysics ipk

2008-07-31 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Responsibility ;) I did it once. Take it, submit patches. Talk to the
> author :) Have fun. The port is not 'mine'. We should just sync what  
> we do so
> that we don't waste resources by having two people working in  
> parallel fixing
> the smae things twice. But I will not fix things the next two weeks  
> as I am
> on a camp ground.

okay then i'll have a bash at it, then .. i love numptyphysics, its a  
great game, and with fixed to the UI so it works smoother, i think  
it'll be a great 'here let me demo the freerunner' app to tag along ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: numptyphysics ipk

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Point taken. Do you think enough things will be worked out over the  
> next few days such that it can be demoed at LinuxWorld?

I'm not responsible for the numptypyhsics port but what I can tell  
from the source is it should be quite easy to tailor this to the  
OpenMoko dimension ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: numptyphysics ipk

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> then simply vi list.txt whenever I need to know the exact name of  
> anything.

also do 'opkg list_installed >installed.txt' whenever you want to  
check whats onboard your freerunner already - i found its helpful to  
have such a list when you are doing frequent image swaps and upgrades  
and if you do it after a fresh image install, and then again before  
you wipe the image, you can get a diff of only those things you  
personally installed in the meantime.

one thing i'd like for opkg to have is the ability to maintain a  
complete 'set' of installed packages in a database i can put on  
another system and do a 'sync' with ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Which AT&T data plans are compatible?

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> My question, and apologies for not being specific enough, was to allow
> the FR to host a website (maybe just w/ redirects or not) and/or an  
> ftp
> server.
> Being able to ssh into my phone over the public internet and or serve
> content would be phenomenal. Has anyone dug into this?

i have my freerunner connected to my local WLAN and am ssh'ing into it  
that way, instead of using the usb-ether approach, and it works very  
well.  quite fun, in fact, to have it stay in the pocket of my shirt  
and still keep hacking away from the laptop.  as long as you can get  
your freerunner on the WLAN and give it an ip address just like any  
other host, you can get into it.  as far as using it as a web server,  
for sure openembedded has lighthttp and even a pared down (or is it  
bloated, i forget?) apache too, so thats entirely feasible.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Warranty after fix for GTA02 GPS rework for SD card interference issue

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> So, to me, GPS works great now. I had more problems with accuracy of
> my Garmin outdoor device.

on todays drive home i also did a trace - and got wildly sporadic  
results when tangogps had to read maps again off the disk .. i do not  
have the latest kernel, however, as it doesn't appear to have  
propagated to my device yet.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: ppp support not in the kernel?

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> It's one of those lovely situations that someone is not going to be
> happy either way :-)  I have made the patch for this and will send it
> out on kernel list as an RFC.

really, though, root-on-nfs is a common use case for Freerunner?  in  
which case, we may as well add a tftpboot option to the default u-boot  
menu, no?

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: numptyphysics ipk

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Would someone be willing to post a video on YouTube of them playing  
> this game on their Freerunner? When Crayon Physics came out people  
> flipped when they saw it running on a tablet. I think a video on  
> YouTube would help get Openmoko some additional exposure.

Certainly I'd be willing to do a video of it, as it is very addictive  
and I do enjoy playing it, but I think some of the user interface  
glitches need to be fixed first .. it'd make for a smoother demo, and  
we really need to keep in mind in this day of the Jesus Phone, that  
any little nit matters.  We can't demo something where you can't  
select one of the 'go to next level' buttons, for example ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: ppp support not in the kernel?

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I read about it, I am sympathetic to it, give me some time to clear  
> some
> other critical problems.

okay, understood.

> I did wonder if anyone is mounting NFS over it and that is why it is a
> built-in.

i would think that the ability to mount the freerunner as a filesystem  
is a bit more higher priority than supporting the rare cases where  
someone is doing an nfs-root boot, no?

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Warranty after fix for GTA02 GPS rework for SD card interference issue

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> We're not done with what we can do to mitigate it in software.  These
> guys should be in tomorrow's kernel.

okay i'll continue testing and logging in the meantime ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: numptyphysics ipk

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> For usage etc. see the project home page:

Awesome!  Great to see some fun on the Freerunner!

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: ppp support not in the kernel?

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> We must stop bad modules being accepted by the kernel.  If the  
> packaging
> will use the git hash patch in EXTRAVERSION it will be good.

the question i have is this: who is making the decisions about what  
goes into the kernel, modules-wise and built-in wise?

the reason i have this question is that i very badly want to add more  
gadget_* style drivers to the openmoko base, so that we can for  
example use it as a storage device, or ethernet, or audio/midi device,  
or heck .. even as a gadget HID device .. so how do we go about  
arranging things with the 'kernel guy' whoever that is, to allow this  

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Yeah it was a misunderstanding then. That's exactly what I was  
> referring
> to. Too many emails :-)
> Only a joke Jay. Nothing personal.

okay, so please consider this .. i have a customer with the potential  
to place an order for 1,000 phones.  when do you propose i go to them  
and close the deal?

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Yes Jay. That is exactly the goal of this company. Sell 1,000 phones.
> They we all can retire.
>   -Sean

wtf?  you're ridiculing a single order of 1,000 phones being placed at  
one time by an enthusiastic customer?  sheesh.  what sort of CEO are  

*all* orders, large and small, are worth the effort, or is that not  
true?  i suggest you think about this a little.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Which AT&T data plans are compatible?

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I can do that, if my phone is connected to my home wireless network.

Likewise, but it would be nice if we had some dyndns support pre- 
configured so that Freerunners everywhere could function, rightly so,  
as pocket-based web servers.  I love the idea of being able to see,  
physically on the screen, whenever someone is downloading something  
from the webserver in my phone.  This would be *Fantastic* for  
software delivery services for a new realm of independent  
developers .. ;)

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Which AT&T data plans are compatible?

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I'll try to follow some of other people's instructions (they seem to  
> be
> scattered all over the place) and see if I can get it working on  
> AT&T. I've
> never tried this before, but if I should be so lucky, I'll create a
> step-by-step tutorial for others to follow (or maybe write a script to
> automate the process).

I believe SettingsGUI has some features around this issue, so you  
might want to check into that and help out with that if its feasible ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Warranty after fix for GTA02 GPS rework for SD card interference issue

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I would take this to mean that your current location drifts from the
> actual spot to places not quite where you are standing.

Exactly.  I will try to upload some logs (just discovered the /tmp  
change in tangogps, grr.. some test data has been lost) in the next  
few days that demonstrate this factor, just so its clear.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Warranty after fix for GTA02 GPS rework for SD card interference issue

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> (We have external LNA)  It means it can track with a 16dBm reduction  
> in
> GPS signal after it made the satellite acquisitions.  So if you
> understood it will get a fix OK with the software workaround, and we  
> saw
> many people report this, you should expect the tracking phase to work
> better than the acquisition phase since the signal requirement is
> relaxed by 16dBm.

My experience has proven that this is not the case; yes the fix  
happens sooner, but if SD I/O occurs during tracking phase, wild  
errors are still introduced into the GPS signal sufficient to drive us  
off the map.

Just sayin', not trying to stir the pot.  I've been testing this GPS  
fix every day since it arrived, by tracking my progress to work, and  
if I zoom too closely (meaning there is more SD I/O on map refreshes)  
the GPS goes wild.

> That'll be interesting.  But in the real world many thing perturb GPS
> tracking and sophisticated software filters are anyway used to try to
> see through excursions, I guess this will be the case for typical SD
> Card usage pattern here.

My ride to and from work is through a wide open space with no  
obstructions, lots of blue sky, and for sure .. SD I/O still massively  
impacts GPS *accuracy*.  Not just in the acquisition phase, but also  
tracking ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> If you go read Morse Peckham's book
> You will understand how museuems and gallery's function; and, Sean's  
> words
> will strike you more deeply.

Its all well and good when you're dealing with art students, but when  
you hope to sell 1,000 Freerunners as the base hardware platform for a  
multinational operation, it doesn't sell too well.


Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Warranty after fix for GTA02 GPS rework for SD card interference issue

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I haven't had any problems with TTFF since the software update was
> done.  In fact my impression from all the emails on the subject was
> that the software fix was enough.

Try putting tangogps in a configuration where its updating the tiles  
frequently - zoom way in, so that you have a closeup of your map, and  
then walk around a bit.  In between tile updates, GPS will go way  
off the map.  Thats the problem: its a workaround, but not a complete,  
effective fix.  Looks like we have to have the capacitor-fix in place  
to make this work smoothly without further glitches ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPS application (was: Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld)

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Nope. Can't compete against a TomTom or any other commercial Navi. But
> then there is no solution for the Neo: the screen is too small and the
> speaker too weak. Nevertheless it is quite often quite handy.

I'm using it to navigate the streets of Vienna quite happily,  
Marcus .. it took me a bit of effort to get it set up to do so, but  
for the most part it works great.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPS application (was: Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld)

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> planet.osm.bz2 is 4.2 gigs now, but that's why there are 8 gig microSD
> cards I guess.  :-)  Of course being unindexed XML you don't have time
> to parse and render that much data.

Hmm .. that alongside mokopedia, and my 8gig card is *full* to the  
brim . Cool!  :)

Hey - maybe *this* is the killer app that puts moko ahead of the pack  
- a full, open, earth map, combined with the total information of  
mokopedia, *onboard*, being sold as far and as wide as our languages  
will allow .. *VERY* interesting!

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [openmoko-announce] Openmoko on Design

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> About Jay, I apologize if I attached personally it, but he was  
> attaching
> a lot of person of this ML, and it was not too much nice.

I don't believe I attacked any one person specifically, personally,  
but okay .. lets move on.  There is code to be written and new things  
to be talked about.  All griping aside, it sure is fun to have a nice  
open pocket platform to code for, as stormy as this one is ..

> Now I wish you a very nice day, and happy programming ( or  
> experimenting).

Indeed!  Moving on ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [openmoko-announce] Openmoko on Design

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
>   you seem very passionate about your concerns. If you are going to  
> linux
> world I'd be happy to meet and discuss things.
>   Or if you can make a list of specific problems I can try to  
> explain or
> address your concerns.

[reply off-list]

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPS application (was: Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld)

2008-07-29 Thread Jay Vaughan
> @Marcus -  My main job is to sell the Neo ( I work for a  
> distributor) and tangoGPS is the application that impresses my  
> clients (and me) the most (even though we hardly have OSM data for  
> India!). I would love to see it continue to be developed. (Offline  
> maps is something that people have asked me about also. If you have  
> some suggestions about making that possible using OSM data and I am  
> sure you will find a lot of community support to make that happen)

It is very interesting to hear of your travails in India .. here in  
Austria, the map data is available for the most part, and what I have  
done with TangoGPS is navigate all over the areas I need, while  
connected to the Internet, and 'soaked the cache' as much as  
possible.  This is a very rewarding experience, somehow, especially  
with daily updates to my datasets (trace tiles!) .. and it can be used  
in offline mode pretty well, if you give it space.

So I hope you come up with good data for India.  I always wanted to  
have a map of the entire world available in my pocket, so maybe we get  
closer and closer to that .. ;)

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [openmoko-announce] Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I am no one to tell to you how to use your time, but I personally  
> thing
> that continuing to use your time to repeat how many stupid things
> Openmoko do, and complaining how many fanboy there are, is not the  
> best
> way to help this project. Then do you what do you think is better!

I don't think rabid fanboix'ism is going to help the situation.  There  
*are* negatives to whats going on with OpenMoko; perhaps you don't see  
them because you haven't been attempting to write applications for the  
platform, as I have for a year now.

Certainly, unless there is pressure to address the faults in current  
strategy which are making it /so/ /very/ /hard/ for 3rd-party  
developers to ramp up to productivity in promoting, and using, the  
OpenMoko platform, then it won't happen.  OpenMoko *need* to know that  
there is dissatisfaction in the ranks with the way they are dealing  
with these issues - I'm only one of about 15 people who have shared  
the same views as me, and I'm vocal about it because *I care*;  
sycophants and dilettantes are not going to make it easy for them to  
see they are turning developers away, and making it difficult to get  
behind the platform in a big way.

I do believe we can build a great product with OpenMoko.  I just want  
to make sure that the OM community realises that there are issues at  
hand which *must* be addressed if we want to make it as big as we all  
desire.  Certainly the current fractious nature of the distribution,  
the feature regression and creeping bugs are not making it easier.   
Something must change.

> All this in my personal opinion!

Thanks for sharing it in a manner we are all entitled, since this is  
an Open project.  And thank you to all those people who have shared  
their opinions with me privately.  If any of you wish to continue to  
voice an opinion about "Jay Vaughan" and how much time he is wasting,  
please feel free to do so - privately, off-list.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: compiling on the freerunner ( coreutils / git )

2008-07-29 Thread Jay Vaughan
> 3 weeks. so i have to compile everthing directly on the freerunner.
> I know, it's a bit slow  :) .

If you organize your project properly, you won't really be limited by  
slow compile times ..

> btw :  i am using a ASU image, and "opkg list" doesn't come up with
> "git" or "coreutils".

As far as I know there are no packages for either tool - you'll have  
to build them yourself.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [openmoko-announce] Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread Jay Vaughan
>> This does not work.  That is all.
> As Sean already said. You are only speaking for yourself.

I am not alone in my view.

> I am glad that OpenMoko is not just another half-open half-closed  
> effort
> that once thought: "Oh look Linux. It doesn't cost a dime. Let's make
> something that is flashy and blinks and develop it as proprietary as  
> we
> always did."

I'm glad OpenMoko has as many rabid fanboix as other projects, it  
means there is hope yet ..

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-07-29 Thread Jay Vaughan
> they can do their part.

For my part I can help with this - I believe that developer tutorials  
that demonstrate how to operate in these environments and still  
produce a viable result are badly needed, so I am continuing the work  
I started with my DraftNotes last year, and will expand this to include:

1. How to set up a compile-onboard environment that works for new apps  
development, thus avoiding having to do battle with the ugly, ugly, OM  
2. How to pick and choose your toolkits, and what are available.
3. How to target the different images that are out there already,  

> truly open way.  However, if we're to have a benevolent dictatorship,
> then at least we need to know that's what we have.  When people know
> what to expect, they are less likely to get their feelings hurt.

I'm not bothered about hurt feelings, I'm bothered by the prospect  
that my applications won't have any users because the OpenMoko phone  
experience turns people away and so they just buy iPhones instead.   
Like it or not, we *{are}* in the same space as the iPhone, gadget- 
wise, whether we developers agree on the technical details or not:  
teenage girls and their grandmas don't know the difference.

> Again: it's been less than a month that the device has been on  
> sale.  I
> believe the Openmoko team has clearly been working overtime and  
> doing a
> great job at an overwhelming-sized task.  Everyone take a deep breath
> and let's find ways to work together.  (And, please: answers to some  
> key
> questions?)
> Brian

Well done, Brian, on formulating a positive, rational view of the scene.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [openmoko-announce] Openmoko on Design

2008-07-28 Thread Jay Vaughan
>> Jay, your negative posts on this ML do nothing but foster an
>> unpleasant atmosphere
> Actually I disagree a bit here. Jay is not trolling but just saying
> where he's trying to come from.

Thank you Kalle .. no, I'm not trolling, yes I am voicing a strong  
opinion, yes I do think the Freerunner is a cool device to hack on, no  
I don't have any plans to abandon my work, yes I would like it if  
there was a little more spirited organization towards delivering a  
*finished* system that targets users and which developers can stably  

> I'm not saying that everybody should
> immideately agree with him, but this is one of the main points of  
> having
> an open community. There NEEDS to be open criticism and discussion,  
> it's
> not like there's only one truth.

Indeed.  Keep in mind people, the Freerunner is not the only open- 
hardware project out there (Pandora, I've got my eyes on you, baby),  
its just one that has a lot of hype going for it because of the  
general interest (Apple) towards beefier cell phone computing .. how  
many times have I looked at iPhone with hungry eyes, goodness ..

> Trying to silence and belittle people
> who see differently is exactly what should be avoided. Trolling is one
> thing, but I think Linus is a great example. Having strong oppinions  
> and
> stating them can be good, even if I don't always agree, but they're
> never at least unfounded.

Linus is a champion.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [openmoko-announce] Openmoko on Design

2008-07-28 Thread Jay Vaughan
> If you need a benevolent dictator to lead, why not become one  
> yourself?

Because there is one already, he just doesn't have any power to make  
smart design decisions because of some new-age hippy-dippy faff.

> If you need standards why not make them? This is not a responsibility
> of the Openmoko team. They already gave us the damn thing to build it
> all on. This really is the job of the community. Stop whining and  
> start
> doing the job yourself if you want it done. It's no one else's
> responsibility.

I am: building apps (a game, a time tool, a music system), and:  
working on developer tutorials to help my fellows also build apps they  
are interested in.  Stay tuned.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Openmoko on Design

2008-07-28 Thread Jay Vaughan
> And while Openmoko is working on their own framework, I have to agree
> with many other voices: knowing which platform to develop for, as a
> developer myself, is confusing. I don't like the thought of having to
> write multiple versions of an application that caters to GTK and Qt
> separately, although I recall that the FSO framework is trying to  
> bridge
> that gap. But I also don't want to have to market my application as
> "only works on 2007.2/FSO because I use GTK" because that's the  
> route I
> chose to build my app.

More important to note is the hassles involved in *testing* for all  
the differing platforms.

I've got lofty dreams that my applications might actually be worth it  
to someone.  But if I have to support them on all 4 different  
platforms, thats 4 more phones I should buy and set up with the  
different environments .. hmm ..

> Personally, I signed up to help manage the wiki to make it a better
> source of information.

I'm working on developer tutorials.

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [openmoko-announce] Openmoko on Design

2008-07-28 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Jay, your negative posts on this ML do nothing but foster an  
> unpleasant atmosphere. Last I checked, no one put a gun to your head  
> and forced you to buy or design for the FR. If you're tired of  
> waiting for the device to become stable, sell the phone and check  
> back again in about a year.

What part of 'open' don't you get?  Its open.  I can criticise if I  
think its necessary.

> So once again, if you believe your time and money has been wasted on  
> the project, cut your losses now and go. Develop for another device  
> until the neo becomes more palatable to your tastes.

I'm hacking on Freerunner daily.  Its my chosen platform.  When I  
criticise the strategy and the approach being made to establish a  
platform, its because I intend to stick with it.  Wouldn't make sense  

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [openmoko-announce] Openmoko on Design

2008-07-28 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I think my first project will be called MokoBingo! (with the
> exclamation mark!)! It will check the mailing list on a regular basis
> and the Freerunner will make a squeaky noise when any of the
> following terms are encountered:

heh heh .. please do this! :)

Jay Vaughan

Openmoko community mailing list

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