Re: OT: Where can I meet a female companion with similar interests and personality /in person/?

2009-09-10 Thread roguemoko
On 11/09/2009 3:20 PM, wrote:
>> Keep beeing happy and stay behind your computer.
>> Thats what I should have done from the beginning.
> Undoubtly a computer is a better person to live with.
> Be prepared to turn mad around the age of 30, though.

Or inversely go insane from having so little free time to dedicate to 
your passion. Don't forget to add another maintenance checklist to 
action daily! :)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OT: Where can I meet a female companion with similar interests and personality /in person/?

2009-09-10 Thread roguemoko
Hi Brolin,

I commend you for your openness and courage for putting yourself out 
there like you have. I've known a few guys with your particular traits 
and I sympathise. I imagine it would be very difficult to find your 
place communally, a lot of people don't understand how over-thought and 
considered every social interaction is for someone such as yourself. The 
guys I have known have found it very difficult to interpret body 
language which can scare off a lot of people, they've needed people who 
understand and are willing to educate them or at least tell them when 
something may be to their detriment. Most people won't say a thing, 
endure, then run a mile.

Although it is possible there may be someone on this list who can aide 
you in your search, I'd suggest seeking out a support service with like 
minded people. Typing "aspergers support forum mailing list" into google 
reveals there are a few, though I can't vouch for any of them.

I wish you all the best, I believe there is someone, and a place, for 

Good luck mate.


On 11/09/2009 6:12 AM, Brolin Empey wrote:
> Hello list,
> Like most of the members of this list (AFAICT from the first names I
> recognise as sex/gender-specific), I am male.  I am 22 and still live
> with my parents.  I have never lived away from my parents.  I am
> planning to hire a support worker to help me live away from my parents
> (I have another meeting later today) because I continue to indefinitely
> defer trying to live away from my parents.  I named my form of
> procrastination “priority inversion” because what is, in practical
> terms, my lowest priority, becomes my highest priority.  For example, I
> choose to spend my free time playing with my computers, including my
> FreeRunner, instead of learning about human biology and/or nutrition,
> which will affect me every day of my life, and at least trying to live
> away from my parents.  When I say I play with my computers, I do not
> mean gaming:  I almost never play games anymore.  Even when I decide I
> want to play a game again, I spend all of my time reading about games,
> viewing screenshots and videos, and trying to decide which of the
> endless games I should play (or rather, obtain if I do not already have
> a copy and make work on my PC) instead of actually playing a game.  I
> feel like I am always overwhelmed and/or overloaded with information and
> stimulation in the Too Much Information Age.  I always feel like the NET
> Effect is that there is Never Enough Time because time flies faster than
> ever because I am always overthinking, overwhelmed with overchoice,
> etc.  I recognise my mind is a word and pattern recognition engine,
> which is constantly adding new stimulations/experiences to its
> database.  I have Asperger’s Syndrome, but can function much better, at
> least in terms of interacting with people in person, than when I was in
> high school, for example.  I used to often feel like I had social
> anxiety disorder because I would get so anxious and/or worried even when
> calling someone on the phone (on my parents’s landline because I did not
> have a cell phone until 2008) that I could not speak clearly enough for
> the person on the other end to understand me, so I would always have to
> repeat myself at least once for every turn of the conversation.  I am a
> purist and have been called the most pedantic person in the world by
> Jamie Zawinski, of Lucid Emacs/XEmacs and Netscape/Mozilla fame. :)
> Imprecise usage and redundancy bothers me even if know what is meant
> from the context.  For example, I am bothered by people mentioning a
> “standard” transmission in a vehicle (it is a manual transmission.
> Standard depends on the vehicle.  Automatic is standard for some
> vehicles.), calling an LCD monitor (a flat /panel/) a “flat screen”
> (high-end CRTs have flat glass too!), common redundancies, such as PIN
> number, ATM machine, LCD display, people who assume all cars use crappy
> gasoline engines and use fuel-specific terms, such as gas station (it is
> a service station), gas tank (it is a fuel tank), gas pedal (it is an
> accellerator), gas pump (I have used a diesel pump at Shell that told me
> to “select octane” instead of “select ctane” (sp?) or “select fuel
> grade”.  My car has a diesel, not gasoline, engine.  I have been highly
> influenced by my father, Brian Empey.  Brian is a Professional Engineer
> (Electrical Engineering).  He founded Technical Solutions Inc. (Techsol)
> in 1996 with his second wife (my step-mom), Karen Empey (nee
> Schellenberg).  Techsol is an embedded computer hardware company
> specialising in Linux on ARM architecture.  I am very fortunate to be
> able to work at Techsol.  I am a Linux + Windows System
> Administrator/Web master/IT person/general computer person.  I think my
> responsibiles are more important than my title(s).  I know I am very
> dependent on my parents, but at least I own my own car (which I bought
> from my dad), 

Re: FR Battery fell into water, is it still useable?

2009-08-11 Thread roguemoko
On 12/08/2009 4:30 AM, Erik Geiger wrote:
> Am Tuesday 11 August 2009 17:24:57 schrieb Mikhail Umorin:
>> It was fresh (tap) water. I pulled it out within 1 min.
>> Has it been damaged (did it retain its capacity and won't damage the FR)?
> My wife washed one of my batteries with my trousers in the washing maschine
> and it still works excellent.

I left my FR on top of my outdoor reptile enclosure overnight while it 
rained ... heavily. When I picked it up water literally poured out of it.

Except for a millimeter of unresponsive touchscreen and some corrosion 
on the FR's battery contacts, it still operates fine :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: The University of São Paulo's intent to join Openmoko development

2009-07-14 Thread roguemoko
On 15/07/2009 7:39 AM, Michal Brzozowski wrote:
> Could you clarify a bit what exactly is the goal of this effort? Is it
> just designing a line of "open hardware" mobile devices (that's what it
> sounds like), and selling them to manufacturers?  Or do they also want
> to help improve the software, like kernel, fso, x11 drivers, etc for the
> Neo?
> My feeling is that the GTA02 device itself is in pretty good shape
> compared to the software it runs. So how will the community benefit from
> a GTA03?

I think the short answer is; the software will continue to move forward 
with or without the help of an external entity. The resources for 
continuing the hardware advancement are limited and any assistance is 
better than none. This opportunity seems to surpass the 'better than 
none' category :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: why openmoko is so slow? Is it a joke?

2009-07-14 Thread roguemoko
On 15/07/2009 5:32 AM, Joerg Lippmann wrote:
[... snip info about possible future development ...]
> When will that be? When the device is completely obsolete?

That's up to individual perspective. I've been playing with openwrt and 
embedded devices for a while and all purchases made well over 5 years 
ago are still in productive use.

If you consider the FR to be an advanced embedded device with a stack of 
features crammed into a tiny package then you are likely to find a use 
for it, for a long time to come.

Considering it a phone and only a phone is to your own detriment. If you 
have been on the list for as long as you say you've been waiting for it 
to be a phone, you would have been aware of people seeking compensation. 
Unfortunately your time to speak up has passed.

I consider it the first step to an open hardware phone platform and one 
hell of an embedded device. A lot of it's current use is about 
persistence and imagination. I do however still disagree with the 
original marketing of the FR and believe it was misleading. That has 
been hashed over enough with refunds/compensation sought and issued to 
relevant parties ... eventually.

> Sorry, but after a year of waiting I still have an expensive brick that I can
> neither use as a proper phone (speaker still WAY to low, too unstable, too
> slow, too battery-hungry) nor as a PDA (no usable software available). So I
> really regret my decision to buy it. But then again, it was touted as a real
> phone for end-users back then and being a happy Linux-User for 14 years, I
> thought that I could live with some minor flaws...
> I'm really for the idea of freeing the phone (thats why I bought one), free
> hardware and the community. And I really loved to see this effort to succeed.
> But I came to realize that I start to hate this sluggish, instable device
> without good software. I cannot help it. I haven't found a single distro that
> works well out of the box. The best ones so far were QTopia/QTe and Android.
> And neither are really community efforts. So I consider my personal experiment
> (buying a community-driven phone for 300 EUR) as failed. Sorry.

It's unfortunate but you're not unique. It's again down to perspective. 
If your intention had been to aide the cause for long term success with 
the acceptance of possible short term failings as a useful phone then 
you would possibly be succeeding (who knows just yet). All of us had the 
choice of taking a risk and investing in an ideal ... or not. As far as 
linux based phones go there are plenty of 'safe' options. OM wasn't 
exactly a recognised brand with existing functional phones, despite 
misleading marketing. Anyone who believed the hype failed to research 
the device properly.

Out of curiosity ... and no I'm not putting my hand up, is there a wiki 
page we can point people to that addresses this age old discussion? A 
'why is the FR not what I expect?' page or something? :) Links to what 
it actually is/is not and where it's heading would be good. Even though 
most of us are aware of the answers it would save continual threaded 
discussion about 'expected' failings. It would also be useful to shut 
someone down with a link when they are obviously trolling/flaming.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: The University of São Paulo's intent to join Openmoko development

2009-07-13 Thread roguemoko
On 14/07/2009 1:28 PM, Jon 'maddog' Hall wrote:
> Brenda,
>> I am sorry to make you guys uncomfortable.
> While Paul was right about the convention, and following convention may
> make it easier to read your email in the future, I (for one) was able to
> determine what you meant.
>> I am really sorry for that.
> If that is the worst thing you ever do, you will certainly have a
> wonderful life.
> Thank you for the email.

I concur, though I may have been mildly confused for a few seconds, 
which is quite within my comfort zone :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: How to get buzz fix in Australia

2009-06-17 Thread roguemoko
On 17/06/2009 10:28 PM, Chris Samuel wrote:
> I guess the first question to ask yourself is "do I have the buzz problem" ?

Yeah I'll second that. For the period mine was in active use I never 
once had the issue. I'm on vodafone btw.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Avoid duplicates on ML

2009-06-16 Thread roguemoko
On 17/06/2009 3:49 PM, Evgeniy Karyakin wrote:
>> To avoid getting duplicates (when a person sends a mail To or Cc you
>> and the list at the same time) one just needs to set his personal
>> preferences (and for most ML it's default to avoid duplicates), for
>> mailman it's described in [1].
>> [1]
> More offtopic: how about not to start new thread with every mail
> from you? For reading this ML I use GMail web interface and ~95% of
> messages from you are shown as new threads despite that messages are
> obviously replies (contain other's quotations with multiple levels).
> Just a question/advice.

This isn't the case under thunderbird. Assuming you still have the 
referenced emails this _shouldn't_ be the case. I've noticed some 
programs are better than others at tracking a thread.

Of course I'm not saying this isn't happening to you, just that it 
doesn't happen here. I am a little surprised it breaks under gmail, 
though if somebody said they were using outlook web access I wouldn't 
batter an eyelid.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR-U] Perma-block a Number

2009-06-15 Thread roguemoko
On 16/06/2009 7:09 AM, The Digital Pioneer wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 3:35 PM, arne anka  > wrote:
> no "," but "%" as separator:
> logger.debug ("INCOMING CALLER: %s" % info.get( "peer", "" ))
>   from what i see.
> Ehhh, you sure about that? That doesn't look right, and I copied the
> pattern set by another line already in the file:
> logger.error( "error from channel to %s = %s", request, response )

That may be out of context, variable substitution may take place else 
where. 'request' and 'response' are most likely printed/used as is.

Test it for yourself :) ...

# string formatting
string1 = raw_input( "Enter string1: " )
string2 = raw_input( "Enter string2: " )
print "string1 is %s, string2 is %s" % (string1, string2)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Fundamental Qi question

2009-06-07 Thread roguemoko
On 6/06/2009 6:26 PM, arne anka wrote:
> stop answering to me at all!

 From one dolt to another, stop trying to convert threads with your own 
agenda and answer the original frakkin question, or ask your own ... or 
stay silent and this won't happen.

You have some worthwhile input when you stay in context, I know you're 
not as dumb as you appear at this moment, I wouldn't have had a go at 
your otherwise.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Fundamental Qi question

2009-06-06 Thread roguemoko
On 3/06/2009 6:32 PM, arne anka wrote:
>> Oh did I say that questioning Qi was spreading FUD and mail congestion?
> that's how i understood it.

Well you'd be wrong again. There's an old saying about assumptions but 
I'll leave that up to you to research, or you could just take a stab at 
it as you seem to have quite a knack for that.

>> My apologies. I'll rephrase. Criticising features you know nothing about
>> in a thread about a question you contributed nothing to is spreading FUD
>> and causing mail congestion.
> what exactly is your problem?
>   from the information i gathered over time from this list i deduced qi was
> aimed at reading the kernel from /boot, not from the nand partition.
> together with "qi does not understand jffs2" i simply infered it would not
> work with flash at all.

No, you implied it was useless ... ending in something like 'imho'.

> turns out, that was wrong.
> now i see, that indeed qi with flash has at least ... limited usability,
> because obviously due to jffs2 support (however that is possible, since
> jffs2 is the first fs of the freerunner) that file appending boot options
> can not be read.
> paul answered in a totally inappropriate way and you continue that way
> down.
> if all you want to say is "i am great! i loathe you inferior creature" --
> you did it.
> as long you have nothing to contribute in terms of usefull information you
> can shut up now.

Hah, what a hypocrite. Useless contribution is your forte! Mate, get a 
clue. I've seen you try and shut threads down in their infancy before 
the poster has received their desired outcome on more than one occasion. 
I don't purport to be better than anyone, to the contrary, I merely like 
to point out when someone is being a complete knob.

There's another old saying ... 'practice what you preach' ... look it up.



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Fundamental Qi question

2009-06-02 Thread roguemoko
On 2/06/2009 11:19 PM, arne anka wrote:
> how does one add additional kernel arguments, which according to the wiki
> is done by creating a file /boot/append-GTA0[123]?
> oops, sorry. i forgot, questioning qi is spreading fud and causing mail
> congestion ...

Oh did I say that questioning Qi was spreading FUD and mail congestion? 
My apologies. I'll rephrase. Criticising features you know nothing about 
in a thread about a question you contributed nothing to is spreading FUD 
and causing mail congestion. There we go, back in your box.

You're a feisty one aren't you? Rhetorical btw.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Fundamental Qi question

2009-06-01 Thread roguemoko
On 1/06/2009 9:14 PM, arne anka wrote:
>> No, Qi doesn't support jffs2.
> bummer.
> how's that -- it makes qi unusable for everybody using the internal flash
> as "primary device" and forces to boot from sd card.
> not sensible imo.

I booted from flash and SD card for quite some time. Your information is 
wrong and does not contribute to this thread in any way. Unless you have 
tested this, you are just spreading FUD and creating unnecessary email 
congestion ;)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Visit at Openmoko

2009-05-26 Thread roguemoko
On 26/05/2009 5:38 AM, Werner Almesberger wrote:
> Sven Klomp wrote:
>> When I arrived, the whole office was empty. [...]
> I'd say your timing was perfect. Your eyes did not betray you, but
> it's still too early to draw too many conclusions from what you saw.

I have to admit it's a little funny that the one customer who bothers to 
rock up, does so right at the 'perfect' time :)

People, this project has always been fueled by passion, I doubt any of 
the effects are anything other than long term. Just keep doing what you 
are doing, nothing is going to change over night. You should know that 
by now ;)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Ain't it funny..

2009-05-12 Thread roguemoko
On 12/05/2009 8:42 PM, David Garabana Barro wrote:
> You're right on this one too. I bought it knowing it was not still an usabe
> phone, and I didn't care about it

Neither did I :)

I'm a big believer in putting one's self into other peoples shoes. Open 
source, and the bigger picture, freedom of speech, involves many people 
of varied backgrounds with many varied ranges of opinion. There are 
people within these ... er hmmm ... communities, who value their own 
stance above others, which impedes advancement and resolution of 
existing issues.

My situation was/is the same as yours. I only support Dale because I'm 
willing to see his perspective and I believe he made valid attempts to 
assist with making the FR a usable phone, despite the fact he should not 
have had to.

Just because some people on here preach for open source, doesn't make 
them right, no matter how much they respond negatively to Dale, who mind 
you, has not targeted them directly. This is a 'product' with a 
'business model' after all.

Once this immaturity passes, I'm really hoping that minimally Openmoko 
has been, or will be the start of something big. I believe this is just 
a passing phase and people need to lighten up and realise that all 
opinions are valid. If they're not inline with yours just stfu and let 
the relevant people involved deal with it. Constructive criticism and 
contribution is always good but if your intention is to try and shut the 
other person down, well, that's called inflammation and it only prolongs 
the pain. I've witnessed this especially in Dales case.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Ain't it funny..

2009-05-12 Thread roguemoko
On 12/05/2009 10:39 PM, Steve Mosher wrote:
>Well, you are assuming facts not in evidence. Dale's case is somewhat
> special.

You're right and I don't purport to be in possession of all the facts. 
The 9 months for which he had the device in his possession, in my eyes, 
signify his willingness to accept the interim short-comings of the 
device, something he obviously feels penalised for.

Don't get me wrong Steve, I have the utmost respect for you, you've done 
a great job handling everything that has occurred. I know I'd hate to 
have to deal with what you have and I doubt I'd do it with such finesse.

I still consider my purchase an investment in the future consolidation 
of information and communication, with respect to standards and 
standards adherence. Maybe not in my lifetime but we have to start 

Best regards,


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Ain't it funny..

2009-05-11 Thread roguemoko
On 8/05/2009 6:58 PM, David Garabana Barro wrote:
> Some time ago, I have recommended several friends*NOT*  to buy a Freerunner,
> because software was not ready. It was a great toy for me, but my friends
> would get desperated. I think it's being open minded (and being a good
> friend;)
> If someone feels raped, he can press charges to OM. But complaining on a
> community mailing list won't solve his problems. Don't you think?

Way to chime in at the tail end. It's obvious with Dale's recent emails 
that he's frustrated that nobody was listening or taking him seriously.

I witnessed his contributions and willingness to provide feedback, where 
he was met with semantics and useless responses that then pushed him to 
publicise his opinion and his situation. All still very obvious if you 
have paid any attention.

You're love for your device and your 'opinion' in no way solves the 
problem that he had no outlet for recouping on a falsely advertised 
device. Our laws entitle us to have our money refunded in such a 
situation but this does not transcend international borders.

I'd like to know where it is exactly you'd voice your dissent in such a 
situation. I'm sure Dale can present you with an audit trail of emails, 
trac tickets and the like, long before any of this actually started 

To top it off, I reckon Dale would have assimilated (now that's a nasty 
word over here) had Lorn admitted to the failings of QTE and been 
willing to agree that people have differing opinions on the software's 
'usefulness', none of this would have ever happened.

The one thing that should never occurred, and I imagine there are a few 
people that agree here, is that the FR should never have been advertised 
as a phone. Potential to become a phone maybe. This marketing oversight 
would have saved a lot of trouble and time.
I say oversight because the people who are supporting openmoko really 
don't care whether it's a phone out of the box or not.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko and LCD TV

2009-05-07 Thread roguemoko
On 8/05/2009 1:36 AM, Joerg Reisenweber wrote:
> Am Mi  6. Mai 2009 schrieb
>> Although they become redundant pretty quick in our circles, they are
>> great for the non-technical. I just wish they would support some viable
>> way of upgrading/flashing to support more codecs. I don't think I'll be
>> seeing an rs232 port an LCD TV anytime soon :)
> 32LG3000
> • 32“ (81cm) Bildschirmdiagonale
> • Bildschirmgröße 708 x 398mm im 16:9 Format
> • 1.366 x 768 Pixel Auflösung, 8 bit Farbauflösung
> • Spitzenhelligkeit 500cd/m² / Kontrastverhältnis 15.000:1 (dynamisch)
> • Film Mode (3:2 / 2:2 Pull Down), Just Scan, Eye Care, Fresh White
> • HDMI Deep-Color-Technologie
> • 1 DVB-T-&  analoger Hyperband-Tuner mit 8-Tage DVB-T EPG
> • Eingangssignale: VGA-SXGA, PAL / SECAM / NTSC, SDTV&  HDTV (480i, 480p,
> 576i, 576p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p mit 30fps, 60fps, 24fps und 50fps)
> • Invisible Speaker System
> • Clear-Voice-Technologie für kristallklaren Sound
> • SRS TruSurround XT Soundoptimierung
> • Expert Mode, ISF ready, AV Mode
> • Eingänge: PC, RS-232C, PC Audio, 2 Scart (1 x RGB), Video, S-Video, 3 HDMI
> ^^^  +USB (Service)
>   (1.3) mit HDCP und
> SIMPLINK, Komponente (YUV), Kopfhöreranschluss
> • Gehäusefarbe: Pianolackdesign
> • + 20° drehbarer Standfuß
> • HD ready

Well there you go :) ... maybe I just didn't look properly, I probably 
do have one ;)

One of my media players supports upgrading via rs232 but I've yet to 
find an image and a documented method of upgrade. So despite them 
existing, I'm not holding my breath for an upgrade path that consumers 
are able to perform. I imagine this would be brand specific however. Or 
maybe you just have to take it to an authorised service centre ... or 
maybe it's just there in case they decide at some point it might be 
useful to support their consumers. I've yet to put more than a passing 
thought into it ... but it's good to know some manufacturers are leaving 
the option open :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: PS3 Linux [was - Re: OpenMoko and LCD TV]

2009-05-06 Thread roguemoko
On 6/05/2009 6:39 PM, Yorick Moko wrote:
> have you tried pairing yourn FR to the ps3
> to use it as a controller/keyboard/music(or picture)streamer/whatever ?

Since I left my FR out in the rain, I haven't done much with it.

Surprisingly, it still works ... but the touch area of the shelf doesn't 
function. So I can boot, take a call but as soon as I load an app I 
can't go back etc. I've been meaning to throw the debian sd card back in 
but haven't had the motivation, although debian may allow me to get 
around, it's not like it's going to fix the problem with that region of 
the touchscreen. There's also some wierd, faint, background effects 
going on. They have that wierd mirror/3d effect happening :)

Have to admit I'm rather impressed it even still works at all.

Unfortunately I've had to move on, at least until I can figure out 
another use for it, other than a phone. Not that I can't think of 
anything but my life is pretty device saturated at the moment and the 
touchscreen issue limits it's use.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: PS3 Linux [was - Re: OpenMoko and LCD TV]

2009-05-05 Thread roguemoko
On 6/05/2009 1:53 PM, The Digital Pioneer wrote:
> Yeah, I know the PS3 has very little RAM, but it's extremely fast RAM is
> it not? I've also been told 3D isn't working... Do you have any idea
> if/when it will? And how's the actual system speed? You've got 8 threads
> available to you, do you not? Two PPU threads, and 6 SPU? I know one SPU
> is kept disabled, and another is reserved for the PS3 OS. Still, 8
> threads at 3.2GHz each should be blazing fast. But that's all theory.

To be honest I haven't really got dirty on the command line yet, I was 
more interested in out-of-the-box functionality in-so-far as the 
distro's X capabilities were concerned.

As I said before, 3D acceleration is not available at this time, this is 
something I believe they imposed so that PS2 emulation is not possible. 
It's always possible that it will become available but I've not heard of 
anything yet.

Utilising the vram as swap effectively adds ram. So general performance 
is fine. It's when you do something gpu intensive that the cpus load up 
and the system slows down significantly. Openoffice and printing work 
fine though :)

So as for the specifics, I can't say much. I haven't looked at the 
available CPUs but gkrellm was only reporting 2 at the time. If I get a 
chance I might delve deeper and revisit this thread but no promises :)

I get the impression, though this is speculative, that YDL utilises more 
of the system. Or maybe it just does it better. Either way the 
experience is more polished.


Openmoko community mailing list

PS3 Linux [was - Re: OpenMoko and LCD TV]

2009-05-05 Thread roguemoko
On 6/05/2009 12:31 PM, The Digital Pioneer wrote:
> Maybe boot Linux on it from a USB CD drive? :P

That'd be nice but I suspect I'm limited to umass attach/detach, fs 
indexing and the like, not boot related features. Even if possible, I 
doubt it would be worth my time with so many other resources available 
to me. I can get a portable media player with USB/DVD made by maya for 
AU$25 here. It's about the only gift I give to people these days and 
makes sharing media with the non-technical all that more accessible :)

> Do you run Linux on your PS3? I'm thinking about getting one sometime,
> and I'm trying to determine what my options of Linux are on one.

Yeah I do. Xubuntu is way too slow, although once you map the GPU's vram 
as prioritised swap it's acceptable ... it's a bit of a hack though.

YDL functions a lot better primarily due to there distro being more 
focused on the PS3. 3D acceleration doesn't exist (hence the mapping of 
vram) and there's a limit of around 250MB of available RAM ... so either 
option is going to be less than impressive. It's a bit like OM in that 
respect :) ... you get used to it :)

Standard 2D apps function fine, just don't expect perfect streaming from 

In saying all that, I've found that running linux, although good, is 
kind of redundant from the media/connected to TV perspective. It'll be 
great if we ever get 3D acceleration but as is, I can do it all from the 
PS3's gameOS. Once you come to grips with the controls ... and hook up a 
wireless mouse and keyboard, it does pretty much everything. Oh, and you 
are limited to a 10GB partition for linux :S

I run mediatomb from a xen NetBSD domu and have been able to play all 
files except MKV and VBR encoded AVIs via the PS3's gameOS. The former 
simply needs to be remuxed with an mpeg2 header (less than a minute) and 
the later just needs the mp3 stream to be reencoded as CBR (a minute or 
two per standard episode ... virtualdub batch encoding works a treat 
here, though I should prolly find a unix alternative). If you run a 
centralised download server like mldonkey, coupled with mediatomb, you 
can watch downloads as they arrive, meaning you never have to touch a 
file to determine if you are going to keep it. I love that.

If it wasn't a domu and it was a dedicated media backend, mediatomb 
allows for on the fly transcoding, though you are presented with some 
limitations in that scenario.

Honestly the best AU$600 I've spent on a computer system, for all that 
it entails. Possibly the cheapest computer I've bought since the late 
90's. I couldn't recommend a PS3 highly enough.

I haven't tested this yet but apparently being able to run linux makes 
it a tax write off aswell from a home office perspective :)

I could probably go on but I'll leave at, it's a must have geek 
accessory. I spend so little time hunched over an actual PC now, it's great!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko and LCD TV

2009-05-05 Thread roguemoko
On 6/05/2009 11:05 AM, The Digital Pioneer wrote:
> They run Linux on TVs now?? What kind of processing is a TV doing that
> needs an OS overseeing it?

I haven't read the previous posts but nearly all late model flat panels 
I've dealt with have some sort of divx/mpeg4 compatible media player 
built in with USB access. My 2yr old TCL LCD 40" has one. It works great 
although some slowdown on intense scenes. I haven't touched it since I 
got my PS3 :) ... actually, I haven't watched anything not originating 
from my PS3 since I got it :)

Although they become redundant pretty quick in our circles, they are 
great for the non-technical. I just wish they would support some viable 
way of upgrading/flashing to support more codecs. I don't think I'll be 
seeing an rs232 port an LCD TV anytime soon :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: how do i turn the phone off?

2009-03-31 Thread roguemoko
clare johnstone wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 1:34 AM,   wrote:
>> clare johnstone wrote:
> ...
>>> I do however, especially with the GTA01, always remove the battery at
>>> this stage,
>>> and only replace it when I want to restart.
>> Just hold in the aux button when you insert the battery.
>> Sarton
> Oh! what makes you say that? and with such confidence too :)

The follow up issue appears to be that it restarts when the battery is 
removed and replaced. Holding the aux button accesses the NOR u-boot 
allowing you to shutdown or boot, whichever you prefer.

As for the gta01, this may not be the case ...

Confident? well I've done it more than 100 times ;) ... I'm just one of 
the lucky ones that still has their case clips intact, otherwise 'remove 
cover' may not necessarily be a prerequisite :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: how do i turn the phone off?

2009-03-30 Thread roguemoko
clare johnstone wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 3:41 AM, The Digital Pioneer
>  wrote:
>> Yes, mine does to. But you cannot deny that, with exception to the case of
>> another power source, the phone DID indeed turn off. :)
> No, Sorry the mail went before I finished,  but I am glad someone else
> gets the same.
> I do however, especially with the GTA01, always remove the battery at
> this stage,
> and only replace it when I want to restart.

Just hold in the aux button when you insert the battery.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] some things

2009-03-17 Thread roguemoko
Dale Maggee wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I'd suggest you filter out this conversation if you're not interested.
> This discussion *is* actually leading somewhere, though: Lorn is
> digging a deeper and deeper hole for himself.

And I'm amazed he hasn't just given up and said something like "OK, 
you're right but I'm not going to do anything about it".
If not only for appearances! To debates someone's opinion, especially 
when you _know_ their position is firm, is just ludicrous and even more 
so when the case put forward is completely valid.

Besides contributing to a conversation no company in their right mind 
would approve of.

Speaking of which, you mustn't work for Hutchison ... or you would have 
run into plenty of Lorns by now :).

If you do, you're a rare one.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] some things

2009-03-16 Thread roguemoko
I had to chime in one more time.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 08:40:03PM +1000, Lorn Potter wrote:
> On 16/03/2009, at 6:38 PM, Dale Maggee wrote:
> [snip BS]

Dale may have been direct in his oppinion of you but he included
everything you deemed constructive.

> > PREDICTION: Lorn won't reply cuz I pwned him so hard he has to go to
> > perth to look for his dignity.
> I think your spell checker is failing, because you use nonsensical  
> words and misspellings.

But the correct answer is:

Dale, there _are_ concerns with the input method, they could definitely
be better, but I'm not the one who will address your concerns (and
nobody ever will?).

Thank you for using QTE.

BTW. I use mutt ... is there a spell checker? Never bothered looking :)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] some things

2009-03-16 Thread roguemoko
On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 07:27:57PM +1100, Dale Maggee wrote:
> > boot again, it been drying for a day, I'll leave it for a week and see 
> > what happens. If it fails to boot, I'm buying an iphone.
> Thanks for your support. It is clearly completely unacceptable to
> sidestep the issues and focus on semantics. burying your head in the
> sand doesn't make problems go away.

It's funny but I think I'm one of few people who will actually get out of
your mails what you are trying to get across, though you are clearly at
the end of a major bout of frustration, which I can't blame you for :)
You actually remind me of my father, that kind of wit and intellect
makes him a rather good businessman (and very high paid one at a very
large telco).

I too don't understand why some devs aren't willing to take a completely
presented and well constructed criticism, and admit that more could be done
(or redone). I don't think that anyone who has replied has understood that
prior to the use of colourful language, there was no acceptance of your
criticism or your opinion. Luckily, this is more a qte thing within the
OM world. All others have at least attempted to accomodate more useful
features, or ways of implementing additional features.

In some ways I'm tempted to think there was or is intent there. But
that would be their prerogative I suppose, which then comes back to
what is actually disclosed.

> That's bad news on the FR, although personally I wouldn't be too upset -
> you'll now be able to get a real, usable phone. And Personally I'd
> recommend blackberry's products over an iphone.

Hah! you are my father! hehe ...besides him owning every incantation,
I think it's actually a telco thing, they like their blackberries.

And I wasn't upset, funnily enough, it wasn't like actually losing a
phone, with the whole 5 contacts I bothered to store from the last flash.

I would buy a blackberry but:
1). I couldn't tell my dad ever!
2). I'm a gamer and love my toys.

Actually, 3). I can't help spending money on things that might do more
than they are suppose to :)

Some things turn out to do less, or other tasks entirely! ;)

> > If you think he is wrong, it takes a simple email to
> > ask the people and gain a consensus.
> Exactly. but we all know this isn't going to happen - how idiotic would
> you feel when the public survey agrees 98% to 2% that your input methods
> are absolute shit, especially after you've spent an afternoon defending
> your retarded position?

If nothing, I've been having a good ol' chuckle, prolly cause my phone
is dead, but it is good to see a passionate aussie on an open source
maillinglist :)

Doubt I'll be posting again on this list any time soon 
(but fingers crossed and hopefully I'm still welcome hehe).

Take it easy mate.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtExtended] some things

2009-03-16 Thread roguemoko
Dale Maggee wrote:
<_insert previous email here_>

With optimism, I have to say qte is rather polished and shows what 
potential can be gleamed from the FR in certain areas.

Optimism aside, I have to agree with Dale on pretty much every point. 
Although 2008.x is actually quite usable at the moment, comparatively.

Lorn, Dale did get personal towards the end but I agree with him in that 
any rational person would admit or agree that improvements need to be 
made. Ignoring, sidestepping and belittling his opinion is only going to 
cause frustration. If you think he is wrong, it takes a simple email to 
ask the people and gain a consensus.

Meanwhile, my FR is currently water logged from a surprise downpour (yay 
for Melbourne, if we're not burning we're drowning). I doubt it will 
boot again, it been drying for a day, I'll leave it for a week and see 
what happens. If it fails to boot, I'm buying an iphone.

I've never ever owned anything apple so don't start ;) I used to play 
logo on a IIe though :)

Looking at the bluish corrosion on the battery terminals ... err ... 
yeah, I think it's gone. It was an abysmal phone but I still feel like 
I've lost a sheep from the flock  or a gnu from the hurd :)

The Australian component is diminishing quickly :(


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Freerunner freely runs Gentoo

2009-03-03 Thread roguemoko
David Reyes Samblas Martinez wrote:
> I have started to mess with GNU/Linux with Gentoo, then I acomodate
> myself to Debian and Ubuntu but Gentoo  always had place in my
> heart... I will give it a try as soon as I can.
> Really awesome and brave work guys.

I'm waiting for the NetBSD+pkgsrc annoucement :)

That infrastructure just begs to be ported. Of all the cross compiling 
I've done, nothing has been as simple as NetBSD and pkgsrc.

Want to build binaries for amd64 on i386? Just add -m amd64 to the same 
command you would normally use natively or just set a few env vars.

I know it's lacking a lot of software within this space but the benefits 
to both communities would be huge.

I can't quite see it ever happening though :(


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [2008.12] Enlightenment doesn't want to run anymore

2009-02-24 Thread roguemoko
Flyin_bbb8 wrote:
> here's the original mail " i installed were pythm , mplayer then i 
> uninstalled them, after a reboot the screen shows
> "starting atd daemon:atd."  last thing and nothing after, i tried 
> running /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm start, and looked at log in /tmp/x.log
> #  RUN INIT: /usr/bin/enlightenment_init '/usr/share/enlightenment/
> data/init/illume_init.edj' '1' '0' 'Enlightenment' '0.16.999.050'
> #  Segmentation fault
> #  ESTART: 1.77762 [0.95707] - test file format support
> #  run-parts: /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90xXWindowManager exited with code 1011
> and no i only added angstrom repo to install mplayer then removed it , i 
> wonder what 1011 exit code means?
> # run-parts: /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90xXWindowManager exited with code 1011

Unfortunately I don't have the time to trace your error. This is 
probably a question only a dev could answer or someone with intimate 
knowledge of rc components.

My best guess would be that either your config is causing a problem 
(something along the lines of rm -r ~/.e may fix ... or maybe more 
xserver specific configs) or something from angstrom was pulled in and 
not removed or overwritten. If you are getting a segfault then the 
latter is probably more likely.

In the end, when playing with repositories outside the control of OM, 
you have to be prepared to reflash or delve deep to clean up the mess, 
if one occurs.

Good luck!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: (Qi) Qi or bust, or: what do I do wrong?

2009-02-24 Thread roguemoko
Paul wrote:
> wrote:
>>> When I feel adventurous again (and I have more time again), I may play 
>>> with it some more.
>> Well when you do, remove your SD card first. I'm almost positive you 
>> would have at least been able to boot otherwise.
>> ...
>> My problem can be fixed with a few text files though :)
> My problem was fixed by putting u-boot back. :-)

Of course :) ... TBH I prefer u-boot, mainly because I know how to 
customise it and tri-boot with ease :)

> But thank you for the tips, I can use them next time I feel up to Qi!

I think Qi will be great once I've decided on a specific distro and I 
don't have the requirement of needing to select a different one on a 
regular basis. The boot speed is negligible when you have to keep 
removing the battery due to the wrong kernel loading :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [2008.12] Enlightenment doesn't want to run anymore

2009-02-24 Thread roguemoko
Flyin_bbb8 wrote:
> no one has any idea what the segfault could be caused from?

I haven't seen the original mail but it's most likely a botched 
update/missing library or incompatible library/binary. Make sure you're 
not mixing repos and/or stick to a stable branch.

Reflash is all I can suggest.

Good luck.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: (Qi) Qi or bust, or: what do I do wrong?

2009-02-23 Thread roguemoko
Carl Lobo wrote:
>>  From what you have said, it sounds like Qi is having issues probing the
>> SD card and isn't moving on to the flashed kernel. This is one reason I
>> don't use Qi. I can't quite get the timing right for skipping partitions
>>  and nearly always forget to even try.
> I use the NOR (AUX + Power) boot to boot the NAND and Qi to boot the
> SD card. Useful workaround for people that can't get the timing right
> ;)

Actually, that's what I do presently :)

The only problem I see with that is, any u-boot facilities that have 
been added since are gone. How this effects operation I'm unsure. I'm 
yet to have any real issues with using it this way.

I think power management and other tweaks may be effected but it has yet 
to cause me any dramas ...


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Need help flashing my freerunner for the first time

2009-02-23 Thread roguemoko
Adam Jimerson wrote:
> I got it to show up and I started to back it up but the phone shut off 
> for being in NOR boot for about 30 minutes, the Freerunner is the only 
> USB device connected to my computer and I did try other ports before 
> getting it to work.

I think this can be distro related as I've never had issues, even with 
many devices connected to usb. I use archlinux.

When you say 'backup', if you mean you were backing up the existing 
flash then I wouldn't bother, especially if it's not working properly 

Flashing the FR should only take ~10min. The u-boot timeout only applies 
when idle, so make sure your battery is well charged.

When I have had issues, it has related to the usb cable, so maybe try 
another. Also, it may be worth identifying the ID of the FR and 
submitting it to dfu-util.

Outside of that, maybe try a different version of dfu-util.

Good luck.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: (Qi) Qi or bust, or: what do I do wrong?

2009-02-23 Thread roguemoko
Paul wrote:
> Richard Guest wrote:
>> What do you have on the SD card?
>> Qi tries to boot kernels from the the first three partitions on SD 
>> first...
> On the SD-card there's not much. A few directories with small stuff.
> I read on the wiki that Qi first tries to boot from the first 3 
> partitions on the card and after that from flash memory. It's the latter 
> that does not seem to work quite that well, at least on my FR.
> When I feel adventurous again (and I have more time again), I may play 
> with it some more.

Well when you do, remove your SD card first. I'm almost positive you 
would have at least been able to boot otherwise.

When you have it booting with no SD card, then try adding the card etc.

 From what you have said, it sounds like Qi is having issues probing the 
SD card and isn't moving on to the flashed kernel. This is one reason I 
don't use Qi. I can't quite get the timing right for skipping partitions 
  and nearly always forget to even try.

My problem can be fixed with a few text files though :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: after Qi no USB in Nor questions - solved

2009-02-16 Thread roguemoko
C R McClenaghan wrote:
> Seems my problem may be VMWare Fusion. My host for Openmoko work is  
> Ubuntu (currently 8.10) as a vm on my MacBook Pro running Leopard  
> 10.5.6. Returning to the pure Leopard environment I'm able to use  
> OpenMoko Flasher and it dfu-util to access the USB port. I'm guessing  
> either something in Ubuntu 8.10 and/or VMWare is causing the DFU  
> capability to be corrupted and therefore not work, although as late as  
> December it seemed to work just fine.
> So, I've upgrade both my distributions and bootloader and seem to have  
> no problem at this point other than the slowness of flashing.

I was going to say it would most likely be something in the path of 
communication. I've seen almost an identical error and changing the usb 
cable fixed it :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Don't like unsolicited calls?

2009-02-02 Thread roguemoko
Crane, Matthew wrote:
> The auto-detect routines that make a human or answering machine 
> determination before switching to an operator seem to fail consistently 
> when answering with my openmoko phone.   I'd rather they didn't call at 
> all, but at least when they do you don't have to listen to a sales 
> pitch.  A very good thing for sure.
> Has anyone else noticed this?

Surely that's a feature? :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Questions about the usability of GTA02

2009-02-02 Thread roguemoko
Tschaka wrote:
> and especially thanks to sarton, who was not only telling me to get this
> phone or not, but also gave a somewhat realistic opinion on some doubts and
> things that won't work up to now or for rather unadvanced users. 
> You somehow made me not wanting the FR as my first phone, but as a second
> phone + testing plattform with which i could have fun, as long as this isn't
> my only phone in certain circumstances.

My pleasure. I think this is the best state of mind for a current 
freerunner owner as it will be more likely you will contribute and 
understand the issues rather than feel they are something preventing you 
from getting on with life :) ... I think it's best to fit the FR in 
where it's best suited at this point in time rather than trying to make 
it a replacement for anything. Or even better, make it something unique.

It's good to see someone understand the situation and be optimistic. 
That's what is needed most.

In saying that, I do use mine as my daily phone, usually with great 
success. I'm a lazy, VPNed to the hilt sys admin. If the FR can't manage 
to take a call while I'm at the cafe I'm not fussed ;) ... it can 
actually be an awesome excuse ... hehe


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Questions about the usability of GTA02

2009-02-01 Thread roguemoko
Gothnet wrote:
> Rask Ingemann Lambertsen wrote:
>> Why? What is it that you expect the Neo Freerunner to do that the other
>> handheld devices out there won't? You will have noticed that pretty much
>> all
>> the unhappy users are those expecting the Neo Freerunner to be just
>> another
>> well polished smartphone. If you buy a Neo Freerunner, do it for the right
>> reasons so you avoid disappointment.
> I take issue with that a bit.

Maybe it's better stated as "The people who expected reliable basic 
functionality as a phone" were disappointed. You can surely obtain it, 
but just don't expect it.

I think the main point was to make sure it meets your extended needs as 
a mobile device, just not as a phone. The phone part seems to be further 
down the track for 'out-of-the-box' functionality.

I don't think we should dance around the learning curve, especially when 
someone says they are relatively new to linux. We can all debate the 
phone capabilities and reliability but in the end, some people are going 
to have as much success using the freerunner as a phone as they have 
their desktop with comparable hardware. I think for now, we should make 
it blatantly obvious that this is first and foremost, at this point in 
time, a portable linux computer and there is firmware yet to be 
developed to take full advantage of the freerunner as a reliable phone 
(TBA). Third party firmware should not be taken into consideration when 
pitching the device as a phone, that should be something the user 
explores once OM can completely support their own device.

Currently there are very few users, we are all QA/devs/coders/hobbyists. 
I do become a user now an then between battery removals :)

Saying anything less is a little deceptive with regards to sales. Saying 
anything more can get a little convoluted to the non-technical or linux 

Don't get me wrong, I love my freerunner ... I really wish I could pimp 
it as a phone rather than just exclaiming "look! it works!" ... when 
quite often I realise I'm wrong ... after hitting answer 50 times and 
yelling at it to shutup :)

There really are some moments I can't help but giggle about ... but 
that's me and I know I have a wierd sense of humour :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Questions about the usability of GTA02

2009-01-31 Thread roguemoko
Tschaka wrote:
> Long story short, i don't want to get disappointed buying a neo. I mean,
> fancy features, software and such is nice to have, but if fundamental things
> won't work (acceptable), I and many others won't support Openmoko on the
> long term, means replacing the Neo with a later release of Openmoko in 1,2
> or 3 years. 

Long story short, with the level of analysis you've put into your 
requirements, I doubt the FR is going to meet them. I use mine as a 
daily phone, has battery life somewhere in the days but I don't use mine 
for much when it's not hooked up to usb.

If you want a linux development platform that's portable and has phone 
hardware in it, then the FR is great. Anything outside of that is TBA, 
if to exist at all.

Make sure you buy the FR if you are willing to carry a second phone. You 
may not need to but from experience, customising an FR can take a while. 
You don't want to get into a situation where you can only make a phone 
call when you flash the phone back to some previous distro or find the 
_other_ micro sd card.

Normally I'd say go for it ... but you are obviously concerned and I 
doubt the FR can meet that level of expectation ... currently.

Good luck :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Spam

2009-01-30 Thread roguemoko
Stroller wrote:
> On 28 Jan 2009, at 09:56, Jan Henkins wrote:
>> ...
>> There is another situation that I find to be a worry: In order to send
>> mail to this list you have to have a registered address.
>> ... but it could have been anybody else who have sent an email to the
>> list. Looking in the list archives I can see that not enough is  
>> being done
>> to obscure sender addresses. Currently the only thing that is being  
>> done
>> is to replace the "@" with a "at". So ""
>> would become "dorian at". Sweet! Armed with wget to leech  
>> all the
>> archives, a few text tools (grep, Perl, Python, etc) and I can build  
>> up a
>> list of addresses (almost 100% confirmed working addresses) that  
>> could be
>> used for various spamming activities. A list of active addresses is  
>> worth
>> money too! ;-) So what I suggest is that the list administrators  
>> obfuscate
>> list members' addresses even more. MailMan's Pipermail archiver can do
>> this if properly set up.
> Surely the traditional mailing list problem remains - subscribers to  
> the list will still receive messages with the full from address  
> intact. Or do you intend to obfuscate that, too? Surely a spammer can  
> just subscribe to the list to obtain all our addresses?
> Obfuscating email addresses on the web archive is, IMO, no substitute  
> for sensible policies (greylisting, RBL, SFF?) at your incoming mail  
> server.
> Stroller.

I think all are good ideas so far, with the problem at hand, SPF deals 
specifically with the relaying and reception of forged emails. Although 
the most relevant solution, there's still a lot of people not using it 
so success varies and it also forces some requirements on the users of 
the domain. Being 'open' pioneers, it's be nice to have.

 From experience, greylisting, helo and RBL rejections are equal to, if 
not at some points greater than, the amount of flagged spam I recieve. 
They're also the kind of techniques that subtly force other admins to 
fix their servers. Any issues I've had have been outweighed by the benefit.

I see the web side of things more about being considerate, not so much 
an obligation. If it was a forum I'd care but I completely agree with 
Stroller. Short of removing the addresses from the emails, I can't 
imagine much else you could do (and I'm not suggesting that btw ;).


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Spam

2009-01-27 Thread roguemoko
Paul Boddie wrote:
> To avoid some problems with forged mail, I recommend setting up an SPF policy 
> record:
> See the "Deploying SPF" part of that page and the associated setup wizard.
> When I looked at's DNS records, I couldn't find any evidence of 
> SPF policies, so perhaps someone should look into it. And everyone else who 
> isn't publishing SPF policies for their domain should consider doing so, 
> too - it's a pain to get a deluge of spam backscatter in one's inbox, but you 
> can prevent it from happening.

This should especially be done by mailing list servers and more so in 
openmoko's case as the contact with openmoko personnel and developers is 
pretty crucial.

Preventing your own people from being impersonated and forged mails 
being relayed via your own list seems common sense to some of us, or at 
least me :)

As the from address is maintained when sending to this particular list, 
I guess it's not even necessary for them to be checking records, so long 
as they publish some that we can check ... though they should be doing both.

The only problem with implementing this now would be the multiple 
sending servers required to be added to the records or the set up of 
auth smtp (with increased BW usage) and then the requirement for email users to adhere to the set up. Doable but not exactly 


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: read-only?!?

2008-12-27 Thread roguemoko
Alex Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Andy Green wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Somebody in the thread at some point said:
>> | Andy Green wrote:
>> |> Aah didn't I read that this new rootfs does not remount / -orw... as a
>> |> workaround you aren't meant to use ro on the kernel commandline...
>> |> that'll be it then.
>> |>
>> |> - -Andy
>> |>
>> | I'm stuck with this also...
>> |
>> | Has a bug been logged?
>> | Will a new kernel be released or are we stuck tweaking u-boot parms?
>> This is not a kernel issue, it's something to fix in the rootfs,
>> otherwise you have to solve it by changing U-Boot env.
> Ok... I'll put my manager hat back on...
> Has a bug been logged?
> Will a new FILESYSTEM be released or are we stuck tweaking u-boot parms?

Good question. Anyone got a url to query existing problem reports? I 
would have expected it to be on the wiki in a really obvious place.

Errr ... u-boot or fstab? I wasn't aware of u-boot overriding standard 
boot configuration files ... but I could be wrong. I 'imagine' you 
merely need mount the fs and modify fstab.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: 2008.12 illume theme

2008-12-27 Thread roguemoko
William Kenworthy wrote:
> Does settings work after changing engines? - known bug with testing.

Assuming you mean is 'settings' able to launch and am I able to set 
things like suspend, brightness etc, then yes, it does work.

The only problems I've had with testing and illume is the top shelf 
slides out a little rough (every time) and installing pidgin produced a 
desktop icon with no image and it wouldn't launch.

Everything else is a lot better since I last had a chance to play. The 
low battery notification is cool :)

Tangogps is also a lot less glitchy. All in all, pretty usable at the 
moment, very impressed :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Trying to get support for some Neo setup problems...

2008-12-16 Thread roguemoko
Konstantin wrote:
> schrieb:
>>> [  204.715000] PM:Removing info for No Bus:vcs2
>>> [  204.72] PM:Removing info for No Bus:vcsa2
>>> Essentially the Neo is now a brick. I'm wondering where to go from
>>> here. I have installed 2008 version of the s/w on the phone.
>> Unfortunately without the exact steps you took to get into this 
>> situation, we're unable to determine the correct steps to get you out.
>> The most generic answers would be:
>> 1). Reflash with your preferred distribution.
>> 2). Boot from SD Card, access the flash memory and correct your mistake.
>> Although I'm not sure if '2)' is possible as I've never tried. I've only 
>> ever come in from the other direction (modify SD from flash).
>> Potentially, if it is simply the x server not starting, you may still be 
>> able to ssh in via usb and correct your mistake.
> I *might* just have the same problem. I tried opkg-upgrading my FDOM 
> (OM2008.9)
> to testing, and now booting stops with the same messages the original poster 
> has
> seen, plus the same vor vcs1 and vcsa1. Haven't found a way to fix this,
> unfortunately, as ssh doesn't seem to be running. The kernel however is still
> alive, responds to pings and prints out information about the changed power
> state when plugging in the charger or the usb cable.

It's really hard to say. I know first hand that an opkg upgrade to 
testing can cause this. The original poster was having other issues 
aswell however.

I'd say if your problems aren't intermittent then you may just have a 
bad upgrade. I'm tempted to think the dropbear problem is back aswell, 
as I overwrote all config files, the default a while back prevented ssh 
access except for localhost? or something silly. I remember having to 
modify the startup script via the om terminal app. Either way, I think 
using a testing image before opkg upgrading via testing is probably a 
better option. I haven't tried the FDOM script ... at all ... or FDOM 
for that matter ... but I imagine it would apply to testing?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Trying to get support for some Neo setup problems...

2008-12-16 Thread roguemoko
john dowd wrote:
> My point is that without modifying files on my Neo, it starts to
> behave differently.
> I have even more strange behaviour to report. After several reboot
> attempts (but no modifications to the Neo) it suddenly booted properly
> and I was up and running again. This was true for the last few hours.
> Now, it just started to behave badly once again. I am still testing my
> Access Point and the Neo gets "booted" quite a few times. its plugged
> into the power supply. Since I want the Neo to come up on its own I
> don't use the power switch/Gui to turn it off. I bring up a terminal
> and type in "reboot".

Ah ... are you running from SD Card already or from flash?

This sort of behaviour is typical of unsupported SD Cards. If you are 
running from SD, what size is it? There are some tricks to get some 
cards working but I have had success with all 2GB cards.

If you are running from nand, all I could suggest is a u-boot upgrade. 
Outside of that maybe there are hardware issues?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Trying to get support for some Neo setup problems...

2008-12-15 Thread roguemoko
Hi John,

dowd wrote:
> I hope someone here can direct me to the correct forum for this.
> I have a Neo (No SIMM card in it!!) and I had the wifi access to my
> Access Point all configured. I was trying to configure this to be
> automated at startup of the Neo and had no problems. Then, I just
> rebooted the Neo (I had changed something on my Access Point, not the
> Neo) and the Neo stopped being able to boot successfully. I get the
> following lines on the screen after it has just stopped booting:
> [  204.715000] PM:Removing info for No Bus:vcs2
> [  204.72] PM:Removing info for No Bus:vcsa2
> Essentially the Neo is now a brick. I'm wondering where to go from
> here. I have installed 2008 version of the s/w on the phone.

Unfortunately without the exact steps you took to get into this 
situation, we're unable to determine the correct steps to get you out.

The most generic answers would be:

1). Reflash with your preferred distribution.
2). Boot from SD Card, access the flash memory and correct your mistake.

Although I'm not sure if '2)' is possible as I've never tried. I've only 
ever come in from the other direction (modify SD from flash).

Potentially, if it is simply the x server not starting, you may still be 
able to ssh in via usb and correct your mistake.

Good luck!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Funding Global Domination Mk II "The Console"

2008-12-11 Thread roguemoko
(My apologies if this is a duplicate, I used a different sender address 
and it seems to have been greylisted or blocked or something)

Hey Stroller,

Stroller wrote:
 > On 10 Dec 2008, at 01:02, wrote:
 >> Stroller wrote:
 >>> For me, personally, a fully open-source ADSL router would be more
 >>> compelling. Whilst you can do just about anything you want with
 >>> iptables, most of us need a separate ADSL box of some sort [1]. Given
 >>> any arbitrary ADSL router I'm sure I could find something about it I
 >>> don't quite like, for some certain obscure configuration. The Wanadoo
 >>> Livebox has, for instance, a USB port, which would allow you to run a
 >>> print server on it or BitTorrent to an external hard-drive (like the
 >>> Asus WL-700gE). But you can't because it's bleedin' closed.
 >> Out of curiosity, what's the main benefit in having a hackable ADSL
 >> router? Outside of consolidating router and modem?
 > Consolidating router & modem is good enough for me.
 > :)
 > I don't want the extra box cluttering up my trendy designer apartment
 > *cough*.

~1"x4"x2" is hardly taking up a lot of space. One unit, two units, the
corner of my apartment wouldn't look discernably different either way.

 >> I've always bridged and considered an ADSL modem to be a transparent
 >> device whilst using OpenWRT on routers to perform all required
 >> networking and authentication.
 > I've never done that - it'll be the approach I take when I go ADSL2
 > (hopefully soon), but wasn't the obvious way to do things when I got
 > my last router (perhaps as much as 6 years ago, now).
 > I have to say, I don't entirely trust a cheap ADSL modem used in this
 > way. I kinda feel that it adds another level of potential confusion &
 > troubleshooting for me, as an administrator. There's a problem with
 > incoming packets being dropped - is it in the modem or the router? And
 > the ADSL router must, as things stand, be closed source.
 > I certainly see this as "flawed" compared to having the one device
 > doing the whole job. And from a hardware point of view you're doubling
 > everything in having separate ethernet router & ADSL "modem" - I put
 > the last in quotes because all the external ethernet ADSL modems I've
 > seen contain enough hardware to do routing, they just have a crippled
 > firmware.

I agree for the most part and I'd definitely be happy to see an ADSL
modem that _is_ open. From experience, even the cheapest modems have
performed almost flawlessy when bridged. What problems I've encountered
have nearly always been telco related. I admit that access to the modem
at a lower level may enable me to diagnose this properly or harvest more
detailed statistics but as it stands, aliasing a static IP on the wan
interface to allow me to ssh and map the web management interface port
locally does all I need, including rebooting the modem and/or router.

Another 'from experience', a lot of ADSL/wireless/router combo units
have been prone to heat issues due to the number of heat generating
components. Although strapping a fan to the top has fixed the problem,
I've avoided them as much as possible since. This may not be as much of
a concern now with current offerings.

 >> Now if Openmoko were to create an OpenWRT compatible router with
 >> stupid
 >> amounts of storage space, awesome wireless range, a screaming CPU ...
 > I'm not an expert on home ethernet routers - from my naive point of
 > view there's little very new about that.

OK, well ... from the home router consumer perspective, there'd be
little benefit. But when you're knocking up wirless hotspots and
multi-site VPNs, obtaining a consistent unit from a supplier can be a
pain. Currently units vary greatly betwen models and even minor
revisions. It's not uncommon to have to break warranty on day one by
flashing the firmware or replacing the wireless module with something
more linux appropriate. Without building your own, this is unavoidable.

 >> ... currently consumer routers
 >> (I use the Asus WL-500GP and WL-500W) are less than optimal, but do
 >> the
 >> job.
 > Out of curiosity, could you give me a quick run-down of their failings?

Warranty for intended use is the main one. Storage space would be
second, with CPU speed coming third. Ideally, hardware that is based
more around supported linux drivers would be good.

Storage space quickly runs low when the maximum out there tends to be
32MB. I have a habit of using things that require quite a few libraries.
tcpdump, nmap, openvpn and various other facilities. If you expand on
that with asterix, transparent proxying, qos, smb redirection, blah blah
... then an external drives becomes mandatory.

With all that processing (specifically asterix), a faster CPU would be
useful, the WRTs tend to handle 4 simultaneous calls OK.

Currently I tend to stick with ASUS, the wl-500w with three antenna
seems to deliver at this point. I still have to switch out the broadcom
module f

Re: Proposal for new mailing list was: Re: Get rid of the Buzz Re: [Android] Converting a brick into a phone

2008-12-11 Thread roguemoko
Stroller wrote:
> On 10 Dec 2008, at 19:22, Michel wrote:
>> ...
>> You just state what I already stated, that there is an "unofficial"  
>> fix
>> but not an official one, so I have been reading the archives.
>> I say in my e-mail "Yes there are several soldering hacks around, but
>> not one is official."
>> And I know that OM will come with a warranty statement only when the  
>> fix
>> becomes official. I would just like that the optimization team (or the
>> resources provided to them) get focused towards getting the FreeRunner
>> to do what it should do from the moment it leaves the factory,  
>> placing a
>> normal phone call.
>> It was my response to the whole distro/android discussion that the  
>> focus
>> should be on getting a working phone part, the software already has
>> proven itself on that front, now it's time for the hardware.
> I propose a new mailing list for this kinds of discussion:

Hehe ... that's the > /dev/null one right ;)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: current testing repos - endless upgrade?

2008-12-11 Thread roguemoko
Hi Tony,

Tony Berth wrote:
> Dear Group,
> if I 'opkg upgrade' once, shouldn't do the same when I reboot and try to 
> upgarde one more time? Why does opkg keep 'upgrading'?

Probably because it's updating dropbear and you aren't using screen or 
nohup. Try 'nohup opkg install dropbear' first, then upgrade .. .then 
see if it keeps upgrading.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Funding Global Domination Mk II "The Console"

2008-12-09 Thread roguemoko
Sam Kuper wrote:
> 2008/12/10 <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> Potentially there could be some affiliation as I don't believe
> there is any specific 'OpenWRT' router. Mm the OpenmokoWRT *drool*
> I may be veering OT here, but Buffalo sell/sold a router with DDWRT 
> pre-loaded.

There are a few 'preloaded' openwrt based routers and derivitives. There 
is no official router however and certainly none with persistent system 
time that I know of :)

Also, I'd say that openwrt or ddwrt was chosen to aquire an existing 
user base and to keep costs low while releasing a product capable of 
being configured by the least technical of end consumers.

I'd be more inclined to want something that I can customise and rebrand, 
rather than something already branded, or requiring me to rip out what 
is already in place for something else. I'd be willing to bet the 
specifications are similar to existing consumer routers that can already 
run openwrt aswell.

It is possible to create your own router with a routerboard ... but 
that's the space I'm suggesting to occupy, forget the software 
functionality (something om is pretty good at :P ... sorry ... bit 
harsh). It's more or less about choosing the best parts and hardware 
layout and config than it is about preloading openwrt. Sound familiar? :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Newbie: Converting a brick to a phone

2008-12-09 Thread roguemoko
KaZeR wrote:
> I tested SHR yesterday. It gives a very good impression : the gui is very
> slick (especially when you like E) but i had no sound at all.. Am i the only
> one? No ringtone, no sound when tring to call my voice mail, no alarm..

I've been out of the loop for a while but check your kernel sound 
modules are loading (lsmod|grep snd). This has been a prob on more than 
one distribution. You may have to issue a moddep or you may not actually 
have the required modules.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Funding Global Domination Mk II "The Console"

2008-12-09 Thread roguemoko
Stroller wrote:
> For me, personally, a fully open-source ADSL router would be more  
> compelling. Whilst you can do just about anything you want with  
> iptables, most of us need a separate ADSL box of some sort [1]. Given  
> any arbitrary ADSL router I'm sure I could find something about it I  
> don't quite like, for some certain obscure configuration. The Wanadoo  
> Livebox has, for instance, a USB port, which would allow you to run a  
> print server on it or BitTorrent to an external hard-drive (like the  
> Asus WL-700gE). But you can't because it's bleedin' closed.

Out of curiosity, what's the main benefit in having a hackable ADSL 
router? Outside of consolidating router and modem?

I've always bridged and considered an ADSL modem to be a transparent 
device whilst using OpenWRT on routers to perform all required 
networking and authentication. OpenWRT supports a lot of hardware, with 
quite a few sporting USB. Webcams, printservers, fileservers (nfs or 
external hdd) and a lot more is possible. There's even people using usb 
modems controlled by the router (possibly 3G wirless or like but I 
didn't read too deep).

Unless there is something at the lower level that can be altered  ... 
maybe to facilitate QOS and latency etc ... I can't see any benefit.

Now if Openmoko were to create an OpenWRT compatible router with stupid 
amounts of storage space, awesome wireless range, a screaming CPU and 
the ability to have persistent system time across reboots (syncing to 
internal ntp for openvpn to even start is kinda annoying and external 
syncing is not 100%)... I'd buy that :) ... currently consumer routers 
(I use the Asus WL-500GP and WL-500W) are less than optimal, but do the 
job. Potentially there could be some affiliation as I don't believe 
there is any specific 'OpenWRT' router. Mm the OpenmokoWRT *drool*


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: netfix testers?

2008-10-19 Thread roguemoko
Joel Newkirk wrote:
> I've posted a tarball of my networking fixes to
>, and a writeup on it at
> for anyone interested. Wiki
> seemed inappropriate (at least at this time), and the writeup is too long
> to post on the ML, IMHO.

Awesome. I'll upgrade/backup/test at my earliest convenience (prolly a 
couple of days at this point).

I'll let you know how I go.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [2008.09] resolv.conf

2008-10-14 Thread roguemoko
On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 12:07:17AM -0400, Joel Newkirk wrote:
> It starts with dnscache.  Postinst in dnscache ipk removes the symlink
> /etc/resolv.conf and replaces it with a real file, pointing always at
> nameserver  (what I had going already)
> On my Ubuntu desktop, there's a possibly-useful file:
> /etc/resolvconf/update.d/dnscache - its purpose is to alter
> /etc/dsncachce/root/servers/@ (the list of servers dnscache is to query for
> anything uncached) automatically whenever resolvconf is triggered.  This
> would be the way to hook in if resolvconf were working on the Freerunner as
> intended, which currently appears not to be the case.
> Alternately (or additionally), /etc/network/if-up.d/ and
> /etc/network/if-post-down.d/ allow us to perform the same changes
> automatically whenever an interface is brought up or taken down using ifup
> and ifdown.
> I've altered my /etc/init.d/dnscache script to include a 'refresh' feature,
> that first wipes /etc/dnscache/root/servers/@, then stuffs in any
> non-localhost nameservers presently listed in /etc/resolv.conf, then adds
> any nameservers found in /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf, finishing up with
> any IPs listed in /etc/default/dnscache (default contents IPs),
> wipes /etc/resolv.conf back to localhost only, then finally kicks dnscache
> so it uses the new servers/@ contents.
> Once my freerunner is back in front of me I'll test the init script changes
> - if it works as I hope, I can add a script to the ipk in each of
> /etc/network/if-up.d/ and /etc/network/if-post-down.d/ that simply call
> "/etc/init.d/dnscache refresh", and/or in /etc/resolvconf/update.d/.  That
> makes the whole thing "just work" as a single ipk installing dnscache and
> all the support to override resolvconf AND 'manual' nameserver updates
> implemented by ifup/ifdown. If resolvconf is discarded it will work fine,
> just need added logic in the postrm script in the dnscache ipk to recognize
> resolvconf's absence and restore a basic /etc/resolv.conf instead of trying
> to restore the symlink.
> BTW: dnscache vs dnsmasq. I'm far more familiar with dnscache, so I'd lean
> toward it for that reason, but additionally dnsmasq incorporates a dhcp
> server - seems a waste for a more-or-less default setup.  If dhcp server on
> the Freerunner is actually desired, it would likely be accompanying support
> for use of the Freerunner as a gateway router, so IMHO dhcp-server can be
> dealt with in that specific context.  (until DJ Bernstein recently recanted
> the license on dnscache/djbdns it wasn't an option, but now distributing
> binaries is permitted)
> Comments?  Suggestions?  Flames?

I've been discussing this with a mate who showed some interest in the

Every time we thought we had something there was a small gotcha,
primarily that the requirement for the dns/metric change stems from 
the aquisition of a dhcp lease and in turn the addition of new routing
and dns info. As the aquisition can occur outside of linkstate, 
meaning the link can be active but no dhcp client associated, actioning
based on interface status didn't seem valid, or at least a little
premature or a little too assuming.

So to us, the primary flag for action was the aquisition of a lease.

Seeing as we are generally dealing with on the fly network association
we didn't bother taking into account static assignment.

We also figured that the general rule of thumb for metric would be:

1 - wired
2 - wireless
3 - vpn/tap/tun

Which should be configurable anyway. Something easy to implement that
can be expanded on is the idea.

With that in mind and without altering udhcpc to populate an alternate
resolv.conf (avoiding modifications to generic network tools completely),
it seems the process should go something like:

* obtain lease
* read resolv.conf
* create lookup (iface, ip, metric, searchdomain, dns1, dns2)
* recreate resolv.conf from lookup and config file
* modify routing table

We avoided dealing with a cache purely because it will generally
conflict with generic dhcpc function, we were trying to wrap rather
than reconfigure. In saying that, a config file could determine
whether is written/rewritten and an alternate resolv.conf
updated. So the caching daemon could be easily incorporated.

Removal from the lookup should possibly be based on linkstate.

As with any detailed process, the hardest part was trying to figure
out just how to start ... where and how to watch for the change and
the most cost effective way. The process is relatively simple.

I don't suppose there is dhcp client dbus integration as standard?

Being notified rather than polling would be good.

Anyway ... that's where we got to. The overall benefit from our
perspective was that we could use something like this on any
*nix-like operating system that we have. Also the typical ifwatchd
and wpa_supplicant delays would not have any effect.

Outside of all that, I know netbsd has had 

Re: [2008.X] Flashing the kernel live

2008-09-25 Thread roguemoko
Nicola Mfb wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 2:24 PM, Jose Luis Perez Diez 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> El Thursday, 25 de September de 2008 12:10:10
> escriure:
> > > Does opkg recognize if the system was booted from flash or
> from the sd
> > > card before update the kernel?
> >
> > Not to my knowledge, I make sure to rm /etc/default/flashkernel
> before
> > an opkg upgrade. It's autocreated after the upgrade so there's
> probably
> > a flag somewhere, I really should find it :)
> When the file isn't found the install process "touch"
> /etc/default/flashkernel creating the file.
> There is a best hack for it from Stefano Cavallari posted in this list
> ( is better
> way just
> do:
> rm /etc/default/flashkernel
> mkdir /etc/default/flashkernel
> Ok this will prevent that if opkg is launched form a system booted on 
> the SD it will not flash the kernel, leaving the flash os ok, but is 
> the SD upgrade safe? or may the upgraded modules not match the SD 
> kernel image?

Depends how you boot. I boot directly (well via symlink) the kernel in 
/boot, so this works fine. If you have a vfat partition then you have to 
copy the kernel over from /boot and rename it. That's why I switched to 
a single ext2 partition, much easier to maintain, especially with 
testing's regular updates.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [2008.X] Flashing the kernel live

2008-09-25 Thread roguemoko
Kelvie Wong wrote:
> On Wednesday, September 24, 2008 23:57:34 Tore Martin Hagen wrote:
> > Sarton O'Brien wrote:
> > > On Wednesday 24 September 2008 19:05:45 Kelvie Wong wrote:
> > >> I was just wondering, is there a way to flash the kernel live 
> (i.e. with
> > >> the software still running)? Is the boot partition (it's on the NAND
> > >> Flash somewhere) something I can just mount and override a file? 
> Or do
> > >> I have to use dd? Or is there some trickery I can do with dfu-util?
> > >
> > > opkg upgrade manages this so I'd say you could ... using a tool 
> like mtd
> > > or such, I really don't how, just that it does :)
> >
> > I don't have my phone right here, but you can do a
> > cat /proc/mtd
> > and it will list out which mtd partition that contains the kernel. Then
> > you do
> > flasheraseall /dev/mtdX
> > cat yourUimage.bin > /dev/mtdX


> Any ideas? Do I need to do something special before I can directly 
> write to /dev/mtd3?
> In the meantime I'm going to just flash in the u-boot...
> -- 
> Kelvie Wong

I've not tried cat before but have used mtd-utils. Sorry, that's what I 
meant before. It's available at least in the testing repo but I've not 
tested on the freerunner. There seems to minor limitations on what some 
of the system tools are capable of, which is pretty typical of embedded 
systems. Maybe the packaged tools will help.

Good luck :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [2008.X] Flashing the kernel live

2008-09-25 Thread roguemoko
Nicola Mfb wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 3:38 AM, Sarton O'Brien 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> [...]
> opkg upgrade manages this so I'd say you could ... using a tool
> like mtd or
> such, I really don't how, just that it does :)
> Does opkg recognize if the system was booted from flash or from the sd 
> card before update the kernel?

Not to my knowledge, I make sure to rm /etc/default/flashkernel before 
an opkg upgrade. It's autocreated after the upgrade so there's probably 
a flag somewhere, I really should find it :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [2008.09] resolv.conf

2008-09-25 Thread roguemoko
Joel Newkirk wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Sep 2008 11:21:08 +1000, "Sarton O'Brien"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thursday 25 September 2008 10:32:00 Joel Newkirk wrote:
>>> On Thu, 25 Sep 2008 02:01:24 +0300, Flyin_bbb8 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> wrote:
>  In 2008.8 resolvconf didn't populate it
> with the nameserver supplied by dhcp when the wifi interface was
>> brought
> up.
> I don't know if this is still the case in 2008.9.
 hmm actually it always filled it in for me from DHCP when connectin to
 using "ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0"  both in 2008.8 and in 2008.9
>>> Both correct, actually, as it DOES fill it in from DHCP (if used)
>>> connecting wifi with 'ifup eth0', but IIRC resolvconf isn't used to do
>> it,
>>> it just overwrites resolv.conf.  The idea behind resolvconf (the bin) is
>>> that IT manages changes to the resolv.conf file, doing things like
>> removing
>>> eth0-related DNS nameservers when eth0 goes down, going back to
>>> usb0-related nameservers automatically.  ifup should feed DNS info to
>>> resolvconf and let it manage.
>>> Right now, I think DNS and default route changes when interfaces change
>>> up/down need some attention from the 'just-works' dept.
>> I still don't quite understand this confusion.
>> udhcpc modifies /var/run/resolv.conf, as do I when needed. Any
> continually
>> changing value/file should reside in volatile, in my opinion.
>> /etc/resolv.conf has, for as long as I've been playing, symlinked to
>> /var/run/resolv.conf.
>> Except for the backend stuff not agreeing on this location, I have no
>> issues,
>> so long as udhcpc is used and an 'ip r d default' is issued prior to
>> invocation.
>> If the plan is that these values will be written to the filesystem, I'd
>> say
>> I'll be modifying mine to the contrary.
>> Sarton
> The program "resolvconf" is intended to work as follows: When an interface
> comes up, resolvconf should be called to "-a" add new nameserver(s)
> associated with the network connection on that interface.  When an
> interface goes down resolvconf should get a "-d" delete nameserver(s) for
> the specified interface.  
> The program resolvconf itself is supposed to make any/all changes to
> resolv.conf (wherever the actual file resides - the debian standard
> location is /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf, actually) NOT the script or
> subsystem or network manager or whatever handles the up/down.  Based on its
> configuration (notably /etc/resolvconf/interface-order - debian location)
> it uses whatever nameserver settings are needed, but remembers the others.
> So for example, usb0 coming up stuffs in as nameserver, but
> does it by executing resolvconf.  Then eth0 comes up and tells resolvconf
> its nameserver(s) - resolvconf decides which to use, likely eth0 will be
> set a higher priority than usb0.  Later eth0 goes down.  Now resolvconf
> automatically restores the nameserver settings from usb0.  (presuming it is
> still up)  If usb0 went down already, but ppp0 over gprs came up in the
> meantime, nameservers for ppp0 go live.

OK, so this resolvconf thing is inherited from debian and has been 
implented obviously without much thought to general functionality. I say 
this in the context of normal (non-debian) services functioning as 
expected when not massaged by resolvconf.

I understand the intention, don't get me wrong, and it is indeed a nice 
idea. But when all people want to do is gain connectivity with their 
chosen method, this resolvconf facility seems to be more of a hinderence 
and is unlike a lot of linux distros. Shouldn't this, at least 
currently, be optional?

If something as fundamental as _core_ network services are going to be 
overlayed with something like this, it should really be working first, 
rather thaan people editing files left and right without understanding why.

This is just what I think, take it as you will. In the end I am the 
master of my device ;)

I've actually just done a bit of research before posting and it 
_appears_ this was implemented with good intention, just without the 
required software support. It seems to be very much of debian origins 
and a little bit of overkill for managing the facilities on the 
freerunner, but that's just my opinion. If I was currently using usb0, 
eth0 and a tun/tap interface simultaneously, that all flapped or had 
dynamic dns requirments (sounds more like a router) it would make sense 
to me. I imagine the end goal is to consolidate gprs and wifi dns but 
currently no resolvconf is going to teach people how to get that going.
When om2008 is mature and these kind of connections can be made easily, 
without much knowledge, this utility would be a godsend ... as it stands 
you currently need basic linux knowledge to understand why things don't 
work and

Re: DeadAccelerometers?

2008-09-21 Thread roguemoko
Joel Newkirk wrote:
> Then I checked again under 2008.9 (fresh flash) at ten minutes uptime,
> after composing this message, and suddenly both are reading dynamic data
> again!!  I'm happy, but now I'm thoroughly confused, and somewhat worried
> as to what could have caused this in the first place...  (as well as
> irritated that I went through 6 complete reflashes before it reached a
> working state again, something like 6 hours wasted and nothing learned)

There seems to be something significant about uptime.  Until the system 
has been running for a while, I receive frequency warnings when running 
top and there is mild instability in certain areas.

Allowing the system to be up for some time seems to rectify all the 
problems I am seeing.

Googling the problem suggests that it may be a linux/arm specific thing.

As far as devices being dead, I wonder if it applies to more than the 
accelerometers ... ie. I've noticed that GPS straight after boot is next 
to useless but half an hour later I'll have no problems.

Out of habit I now leave the phone running as long as possible which 
means these problems are less than tangible ... but they may still exist 
and they may be broader, as I only use certain facilities.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: NeoTool v1.1 is available [OT]

2008-09-17 Thread roguemoko
Dale Maggee wrote:
> [1]
> [2]

Oh ... you're antisol :)

I'm roguetr, nice to see you friend ;)



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FDOM updated

2008-09-14 Thread roguemoko
W.Kenworthy wrote:
> I am using the matching kernel and jffs file and a uboot of almost the
> same day.  Going to try some of the other family members sims and see if
> they make a difference - shouldnt as this one works fine with 2007.2.
> I did see some others say its working for them - so far what seems to be
> happening is that the sim cant connect in time, qpe dies and never comes
> back.
Have you tried asu stable with success?

Going by your other posts, I'd imagine you know what you are doing, so 
good luck ;)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Does the GPS work on opentango.

2008-09-09 Thread roguemoko
Robert William Hutton wrote:
> Orlando wrote:
>> I tried this... 
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# opkg list_installed | grep gpsd
>> gpsd-conf - 2.34-r9 -
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# opkg install gpsd
>> An error ocurred, return value: 2.
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# opkg install gps
>> An error ocurred, return value: 2.
> I think "An error ocurred, return value: 2." roughly translates to "I 
> can't access the packages".  Have you checked that your network 
> connection works?  The usual reason for it not working is an empty 
> /etc/resolv.conf.  First you need to move the symbolic link to the 
> non-existent file out of the way:
> cd /etc
> mv resolv.conf resolv.conf.old
> Then you need to create a new /etc/resolv.conf file and put in some 
> nameserver lines so that DNS resolving works.  You can either install 
> dnsmasq on your desktop computer and then put:
> nameserver
> into your resolv.conf, or you can just copy the contents of the 
> resolv.conf from your desktop to your openmoko.

I'd say you are spot on, there's no connectivity to the internet. I'd 
recommend standard troubleshooting (nslookup/traceroute/ping) but it 
likely to be your resolv.conf.

udhcpc alters /var/run/resolv.conf ... so I wouldn't suggest removing 
the symlink, as a continually changing value should not be written to 
flash. I'd script something up to edit /var/run/resolv.conf or for now 
just change it manually. If you're not network hopping then 
/etc/resolv.conf is a viable alternative but be aware that you will be 
breaking typical embedded system operation, as in, other programs will 
be altering /var/run/resolv.conf when setting the network parameters ... 
well I hope :S


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: I can no longer ssh into my FR via wifi

2008-09-06 Thread roguemoko
William Kenworthy wrote:
> After a recent dropbear update I can no longer ssh into my FR via wifi.
> I still can login via usb0 and outgoing via wifi works fine.  Ive tried
> "ifdown usb0" (not necessary before), but with no change.
> Ive looked for config files and cant see anything relevant.
> Suggestions?

I ran into this problem recently when switching to testing. In 
etc/defaults dropbear is configured to accept connections only from the 
IP address configured on usb0. I commented this line and put *:22.

Hope that helps.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Stable Distro Recommendation for Business trip

2008-09-04 Thread roguemoko
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 04.09.2008, 12:48 +1000 schrieb
>> How's the core functionality looking? Milestone 2 looked great but I had 
>> some real issues doing more than one thing without something locking up 
>> are being troublesome.
> This is 99% the problem of the Zhone UI. I have hardly any resources to
> push this further -- and even if I could, it would need to be actually
> designed from scratch rather than hacked together as it is now.
> I'm afraid we have to wait someone coming up with a solid UI on top of
> this framework -- at least the lower layers we now can rely on.

Your faith in the framework at least sounds positive :) ... I guess I'm 
waiting for the merge then, which I understand is some way off.

It's looking like I'll be needing to tri-boot at this stage ... qtopia 
as phone, om2008 for testing and fso for dev. At least I'll be occupied :)

Thanks for the info.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: RSS feed for changelog of stable in git - Was: Re: which updates for Om 2008.8 ? - Was: Re: Repository and Images

2008-09-03 Thread roguemoko
Olivier Berger wrote:
> Olivier Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Julian Chu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 12:06:07AM +0200, Olivier Berger wrote:
> Is there a changelog of bugs fixed somewhere ?
>>>is the git log helps you?
>> Great.
>> Would it be possible to have GITweb upgraded / patched
>> ( maybe) so
>> that RSS feeds can be output for heads ?
>> Something like
>> would definitely rock... but at the moment it only gives the same
>> thing as;a=rss :(
> I've hacked something quickly (using
> as a base) to produce such an RSS feed :
> Btw, looks like some systematic bug # in the changelog of commits made
> to git would reassure us on the contents of the stable updates ;)
> Any comments welcome.
> Best regards,
Nice :) ... and thanks.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia on Freerunner: Firsts steps of a newbee

2008-09-03 Thread roguemoko
Sven Bretfeld wrote:
>>> Where to store music files so that the
>>> media player recognizes them?
>> /media/card . For me, that was the kernel partition, so I had little space
>> to store songs. I suppose this could be solved editing /etc/fstab.
> Hm ... ls -l /media/card gives several input/output errors on my device.
> So I don't dare to copy files into that directory. 
> Anyway, from where have you got this information? The installed help
> function says much about how to build and play a playlist etc. but
> nothing about how to introduce files to the player. Can a
> documentation be really so poor? I tend to think I'm missing something
> really obvious, which is clear to all others but me. I believe there
> must be some kind of handbook, maybe one that is shipped together with
> a device with a pre-installed Qtopia. But I cannot find anything like
> that.

Welcome to open source :) ... or more to the point, the open source 
edition of Qtopia.

I imagine the full version has smb/cifs and usb mass storage out of the 
box but with this version you have to use you imagination a bit. Being 
linux, transfer methods vary from person to person. I use scp/sftp to 
transfer to /media/card/audio. I have a fat32 formatted, 'known to work' 
sd card installed. I'm not quite sure what's up with yours though.

Once you _have_ got something across, it will automatically appear 
within the media browser. I read /media/card somewhere (I'd bet the 
wiki), transfered, tried and it worked. I imagine most people have a 
similar experience hence no elaboration on how to actually transfer the 
files etc.

For convenience, KDE supports fish:// for drag and drop functionality 
with ssh. I think filezilla supports sftp ... if not, I'm sure there are 
plenty of gui apps available. You'd simply need to connect to your 
phone's IP address.

As someone stated before, the wiki would definately benefit from your 
experience once you figure out the best method, as it's hard for some of 
us to see it from certain perspectives.

Hope that helps.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Stable Distro Recommendation for Business trip

2008-09-03 Thread roguemoko
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 02.09.2008, 22:34 -0400 schrieb Craig B. Allen:
>>> Are you using the testing feed or the unstable feed?
>>>  Unstable is guaranteed to regularly break.
>>>  Testing should break rarely.
>>>  Milestones should not break.
>> Testing, installing image/jffs2.
>> Any predictions for timing of milestone 3?
> Working on it atm. -- expecting a release somewhere between
> friday->sunday this week.

How's the core functionality looking? Milestone 2 looked great but I had 
some real issues doing more than one thing without something locking up 
are being troublesome.

Despite the problems, I really like where FSO is going. I've started 
coding in python for my own projects (not for any particular reason) and 
when FSO is usable, it may provoke me into contributing. I just need 
something that works at least as well as om2008, phone-wise. Looking 
forward to testing milestone 3 regardless.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: specific absorption rate

2008-09-03 Thread roguemoko
Joseph Reeves wrote:
> You can see in the test pics - they hold the bottom of the phone away
> from the jaw - just like in actual use. You'd expect lower results
> from a phone with the antenna down there; the FreeRunner must really
> kick out some juice ;)

Maybe this accounts for the clicking in my jaw of late ;)

I don't think it really matters about placement, although, further from 
your brain is always helpful!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: specific absorption rate

2008-09-03 Thread roguemoko
Cédric Berger wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 01:20, Sarton O'Brien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> That assumes the ear piece is the antenna. Not always the case. In the case 
>> of
>> the FR, I don't know if this is the case or not.
> the GSM antenna for the Neo is at the bottom (under the mic, not the speaker).
> So it is a little less close to your head. And it must also have been
> taken in account in SAR values -radiations are measured in normal
> operations, phone put near the head-

Yes, my understanding is that a headset has always been the primary way 
to reduce exposure. The only time I've heard of a headset acting as an 
antenna is with an am/fm radio.

I was mainly pointing out that I don't know if the FR or any mobile 
in-fact would use the headset as an antenna. I doubt it.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: AT%N0187 openmoko echo patch?

2008-09-01 Thread roguemoko
Cesar Eduardo Barros wrote:
> NeilBrown escreveu:
>> On Mon, September 1, 2008 6:59 pm, Yorick Moko wrote:
>>> On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Lorn Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> wrote:
 They certainly are not in our copy of the calypso spec's that we got
 directly from TI. If it is, I must be missing it, and haven't found it.
>>> Maybe TI just wants their products to suck?
>>> What I mean: is this standard practice in this business? What possible
>>> gain would TI have with not giving you that information?
>> They could avoid having to pay the extra cost of getting a competent and
>> thorough documentation writer?
>> Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by
>> incompetence!!
> You can have other explanations which are neither malice nor incompetence.
> - That command might be broken or incomplete in some way, so it's not 
> documented.
> - That command might be meant for internal debugging only, so it's not 
> documented.
> I came up with these two in less than a minute. We can probably easily 
> think of other valid justifications.

But couldn't both of those have been documented? And if they have not 
been, might be classed as incompetent. They are after all just part of 
the modem instruction set.

To not release the entire lot is a bit lame.

But seriously, who cares, just test what we know and move on. If we find 
out more we'll test that too ... hoorah! if someone wants to pressure 
them then let us know how you go. This mailling list suffers from way 
too much banter clutter. I'm surprised OM get anything done.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Mofi on FR

2008-08-31 Thread roguemoko
Nishit Dave wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 9:40 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > wrote:
> Nishit Dave wrote:
> > Why doesn't somebody fix the charmed file in the repos?  This change
> > has also been recommended in the GPRS with GSM Multiplexing and GUI
> > subsection on the wiki.  What happens in a real-world scenario is
> > people trying to use vi on the phone's tiny screen estate, standing
> > around wifi hotspots, if they know they have to change init() to
> > _init().  Finding line 82 is very difficult unless you are a vi
> > wizard.  The tiny letters on the keyboard (and that's hoping it is
> > raster's kbd, not the original one) make it even worse.
> vi command to locate line 82:
> :82
> Then enter.
> Alakazam! hehe
> Sarton
> Cute!  I only wish I had that information when I was fooling around on 
> the FR looking like the ultimate geek in a public place.  Oh, for the 
> want of a proper text editor...

I understand. There are very few commands that are required in order to 
use vi effectively but I know from experience, I was lucky to have 
learned these very early on in my *nix career.

The best one I find is the ability to suck in output from an external 

!!grep value ./defaults/config

A life saver when you have no copy and paste!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Cpoying image to internal flash

2008-08-31 Thread roguemoko
Alasal wrote:
> Please define almost usable. I use the om2008.8 and I'm happy with it. It has
> some limitations, but I can live with it. But ofcourse if the unstable
> 2008.9 is more stable than om2008.8, I would love to 2008.9.
> So therefor some questions about the usability:
> - Can you connect to wifi, then disconnect, go into suspend, go out of
> suspend and reconnect?
> - Can you go into suspend, go out of suspend and connect the usb and ping to
> it?
> - Does it take also 10 sec before you here the ring of someone calling

Suspend is still broken afaik.

Yes, it still takes some time for the display and ring to actually initiate.

If you use opkg update/upgrade, these issues are likely  to be fixed in 
the future and you can report when they are. Otherwise you will be 
asking this quetion every update, as I would be if I didn't put faith in 
the developers and test their software so I can report success or failure.

The more you use what is being developed, the more you will submit 
information releveant to fixing the problems, rather than asking if they 
are still there.

And it's not simply a matter of picking the working distribution, they 
all seem to have a similar set of core problems, except for maybe 
debian, of which I'm yet to play with. So unless people take the leap of 
faith, these things will only take longer to fix.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OM2008.8, sound not working after resume from suspend

2008-08-31 Thread roguemoko
Nishit Dave wrote:
> Now here's the bottom line: OM should either resolve the 
> suspend-resume-sound issue, or give us a way in which the screen can 
> be both blanked and locked.  The current design 'feature' that a 
> screen-locked phone cannot be blanked is really, well, unfortunate.

Install illume-config-illume from testing or instll rasters image and 
update to asu stable.

Both options will mean you can access the power configuration and enable 
screen blanking and disable suspend. The suspend option will look to be 
enabled in settings but this is wrong. It's actually the screen blanking 
time. I've only tested the raster image.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Cpoying image to internal flash

2008-08-31 Thread roguemoko
Dale Maggee wrote:
> Care to define "almost usable" a little more thoroughly?
> my two major questions being:
> 1. does it register on the GSM network properly? usable as a phone?
> 2. What doesn't work?

I thought this had been answered ...

Everyone's milage varies but  my answers would be:

Yes, Sort of.

But more importantly, it's a lot better than anything else released by 

I'd suggest tracking the bug reports as the _answers_ to at least the 
last question will always be fluid and due to change with any new 
update. If you have specific facilities you need to utilise, I'd suggest 
asking about those facilities rather than 'what doesn't work'. I doubt 
you will ever get a comprehensive answer.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: HAL update, OM2008.8

2008-08-31 Thread roguemoko
Nishit Dave wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 1:06 PM, Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > wrote:
> > Nishit Dave wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> The current upgrade of hal from 0.5.9-r6 to 0.5.11-r0 today through
> >> the official repository led to the following exit message (relating to
> >> haldaemon):
> >> Cannot create link over existing -/etc/resolv.conf-.
> >> which would be the case because of the earlier resolvconf problem
> >> being solved manually by creating a real /etc/resolv.conf file.  Now,
> >> should that file be replaced again with a link, and how?
> >>
> >>
> >
> > Move resolv.conf to /var/run/resolv.conf and then link /etc/resolv.conf
> > to it.
> > maybe.
> >
> Found an update on the wiki:
> NOTE: Solusion: Steps to add missing scripts:
> touch /etc/resolvconf/run/enable-updates
> cd /etc ; rm resolv.conf ; ln -s /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf .
> mkdir /lib/resolvconf/ ; cd /lib/resolvconf/
> wget
> Edit /etc/network/interfaces and remove the lines:
> network 
> gateway 
> If we need to use the usb network more then just locally from the
> computer in the other end of the USB-cable, login with ssh and add
> a default route like this:
> route add default gateway 
> I haven't tried it so far.

That's looking pretty ugly. The way I see it, everything should be 
querying /etc/resolv.conf as per standard with /etc/resolv.conf 
symlinked to volatile so that you're not continually writing to flash.

Anything else just looks ugly and would require some awareness that does 
not exist.

 From what I can tell, this is how it should work. Why other core 
packages are breaking this convention I have no idea. It seems there is 
merely a communication breakdown between devs when it comes to dns 


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Mofi on FR

2008-08-31 Thread roguemoko
Nishit Dave wrote:
> Why doesn't somebody fix the charmed file in the repos?  This change 
> has also been recommended in the GPRS with GSM Multiplexing and GUI 
> subsection on the wiki.  What happens in a real-world scenario is 
> people trying to use vi on the phone's tiny screen estate, standing 
> around wifi hotspots, if they know they have to change init() to 
> _init().  Finding line 82 is very difficult unless you are a vi 
> wizard.  The tiny letters on the keyboard (and that's hoping it is 
> raster's kbd, not the original one) make it even worse.

vi command to locate line 82:


Then enter.

Alakazam! hehe


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Echo issue on OM2008.08 solved

2008-08-31 Thread roguemoko
Geoff Ruscoe wrote:
> Is this installable on 2008.08 w/ upgrades?
> Also I just noticed this says gta01 and I have a freerunner.

Yep, says gta01, just like the one you currently have installed :)

opkg list_installed|grep gta01

Also check out your arch file and configured feeds. There's some 
selective compatibility.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Echo issue on OM2008.08 solved

2008-08-31 Thread roguemoko
Florian Hackenberger wrote:
> On Sunday 31 August 2008, Petr Vanek wrote:
>> I have installed the new file but no help, echo
>> still persists. I got the same error as other people ("Not
>> Downgrading"), so manual replacement of the previous
>> by the new one was necessary. I have also
>> tweaked my alsa settings a bit hoping that in a combination this
>> would be sufficient but it didn't help.
> I tested the patch by confirming that there is an echo by calling the 
> freerunner, then installed the package (--force-downgrade is required), 
> rebooted and placed another call. The echo was gone. Some people 
> however still complain about the echo. It seems to depend on the 
> speaker volume, but I'll investigate a bit further. It's just that my 
> time for working on the phone is very limited. I did the patch 
> (including the test) in about 2 hours and haven't had any time since 
> then. Please be patient and report your experience. I'm pretty 
> confident that we can solve this issue.

I installed the package (raster+om2008-updated) and the echo did 
decrease quite bit. Unfortunately it was still there though, but very faint.

Adjusting my mixer/state settings to those specified in another thread 
removed it completely but other levels were too soft. I think the 
settings were probably compensating too much and could be backed off a bit.

Not sure which levels to alter but it'd probably be a good idea to get 
the guys from the other thread in on this as they are actively modifying 
the values to eliminate the echo. It's looking like a combination might 
be the way.



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: contacts: lookup on incoming call

2008-08-31 Thread roguemoko
Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 05:33:00PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
>>> On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 01:46:48PM +0100, Tom Yates wrote:
 but when i'm in the UK, and a UK call comes in, it shows up as just having 
 a local number (eg 07971 123456).

 these two numbers are functionally the same, but the contacts-lookup that 
 happens won't identify the caller as fred friend unless i edit the 
 contacts entry to say 07971... rather than +447971... .
>>> Simple matching algorithm: match from right to left to numbers on
>>> agenda.
>> Prepend call notification with 'likely to be ...' in the case of 
>> anything but an exact match.
> I find it very hard that in the extremely small database of contacts on
> your phone (it's tiny in terms of databases) that you'll have a fuzzy
> match.
> Specially, because you'll have a big number match.

True. The numbers would have to be from seperate countries to conflict.

Currently it's not even this accurate, the match needs to be exact, so I 
suppose addressing accuracy is kinda moot :)

Sounds like the right way to do it to me.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: contacts: lookup on incoming call

2008-08-31 Thread roguemoko
Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 01:46:48PM +0100, Tom Yates wrote:
>> using ASU (specifically, 20080826-asu-stable-uImage.bin and
>> 20080827-asu-stable-rootfs.jffs2) i have a contacts database full of 
>> friends, imported via vcard, in which almost all the phone numbers are in 
>> internationally-qualified form (eg fred friend, +44 7971 123456).  that 
>> way, i can dial them whatever country i happen to be in.
>> but when i'm in the UK, and a UK call comes in, it shows up as just having 
>> a local number (eg 07971 123456).
>> these two numbers are functionally the same, but the contacts-lookup that 
>> happens won't identify the caller as fred friend unless i edit the 
>> contacts entry to say 07971... rather than +447971... .
> Simple matching algorithm: match from right to left to numbers on
> agenda.
> Rui

Prepend call notification with 'likely to be ...' in the case of 
anything but an exact match.

I think it's best to keep it realistic, in that we can only match what 
we know. Unless you can harvest a country code from the network 
registration to figure out the prefix of numbers displayed in a 'local' 

I'm on the Vodafone network too and store all my numbers in 
international, so don't actually have the problem but I've seen it on 
plenty of other providers.

I guess the only assumption you could really make is that anything 
without a prefix is local ... and therefore should be matched to the 
prefix of the registered network ... or user configurable? A basic 
configurable regex maybe ... so as not to exclude people who get odd 
local prefixes ... though there's probably a limited set that get 
applied globally.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: /etc/opkg

2008-08-29 Thread roguemoko
John Whitmore wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> John Whitmore wrote:
>>> Anyhow my problem is that I really want to understand this directory's 
>>> contents as with so many distributions available and so many different 
>>> repositories It would seem all too easy to mess up my current happy 
>>> position with the default Raster build. I'm not sure about doing a opkg 
>>> update, or upgrade or anything as yet.
>>> If anybody can point me to some useful information that would be great. 
>>> I tried the wiki and man opkg on the FR but that was being optimistic;-)
>> I installed the raster build this morning which included all the 
>> relevant feeds for au stable. I've opkg updated and upraded with no 
>> issues, well, outside the usual glitches you find in om2008.
>> All the repos provided in the image I obtained were for 
>> which is the currently active branch. It appears 
>> the image is only modified in so far as the scripts and configuration so 
>> as long a you don't overwrite configs, everything stays the same. That 
>> may not be true in the future but it seems to be fine now.
>> Just make sure your feeds are for and aren't 
>> pointing to testing and you should be right.
>> In the end, this is an educated guess so YMMV. No one has actually 
>> confirmed any of this since I've been listening in.
>> Sarton
>> ___
>> Openmoko community mailing list
> Thanks for getting back to me on this. I'll maybe try what you suggest 
> but I'd like to understand that directory and it's contents. At present 
> when I did the install I'd about five files in there and apart from the 
> arch I don't know what any are supposed to do. I read a previous email 
> here on Raster's build which said:
>  >2. Add zecke's testing repository : create a /etc/opkg/updates.conf
>  >containing
>  >
>  >src/gz daily-all-updates
>  >
>  >src/gz daily-armv4t-updates
>  >
>  >src/gz daily-neo1973-updates
>  >
>  >src/gz daily-om-gta02-updates
>  >
> I moved all the other files in /etc/opkg to a backup directory and just 
> used the ones mentioned above. Unfortunately none seemed to pull in 
> anything but I'll have to check this again later as my internet 
> connection might have been off. I'll include the au stable and see what 
> that gives me.
> I'll try edit the wiki page with the only information I know which is 
> that the arch file should not be moved ;-)

Sorry, I thought I'd explained sufficiently.

The contents of /etc/opkg should reflect your chosen branch of om2007/2008.

The arch file I believe denotes what is allowed, so you don't install 
incompatible binary files. The rest of the files merely point to a valid 

The only valid openmoko repo for om2008 is on 
You are chasing your tail following the wiki. A lot of the stuff 
mentioned has been deprecated already. Apparently the zecke stuff has 
been merged into ASU and subsequent updates, so there is really only one 
place where the repos reside.

Ideally, you should not be modifying /etc/opkg at all. You simply 
install the latest feeds package which sets it all up for you to 
whatever the currrent repo/repos should be.

Hope that helps. It really is one of the least confusing parts of the 
openmoko distribution :). Any project using ipkg/opkg works in a similar 
fashion (such as openwrt).

Just a note on the raster image, you do need to manually/forcefully 
disable the Qtopia keyboard to stop the default one from randomly 


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: /etc/opkg

2008-08-29 Thread roguemoko
Hi John,

John Whitmore wrote:
> Anyhow my problem is that I really want to understand this directory's 
> contents as with so many distributions available and so many different 
> repositories It would seem all too easy to mess up my current happy 
> position with the default Raster build. I'm not sure about doing a opkg 
> update, or upgrade or anything as yet.
> If anybody can point me to some useful information that would be great. 
> I tried the wiki and man opkg on the FR but that was being optimistic;-)

I installed the raster build this morning which included all the 
relevant feeds for au stable. I've opkg updated and upraded with no 
issues, well, outside the usual glitches you find in om2008.

All the repos provided in the image I obtained were for which is the currently active branch. It appears 
the image is only modified in so far as the scripts and configuration so 
as long a you don't overwrite configs, everything stays the same. That 
may not be true in the future but it seems to be fine now.

Just make sure your feeds are for and aren't 
pointing to testing and you should be right.

In the end, this is an educated guess so YMMV. No one has actually 
confirmed any of this since I've been listening in.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Bug Filing Policy] please read before crate ticket

2008-08-29 Thread roguemoko
regina wrote:
> *# Please Search ticket before Report (maybe already somebody report )*
> *#* *if you are not sure it is a bug or not , please visit here  
> and leave messages

What you need is a full-time faq updater :)

Most of the answers could realistically be the question 'please submit 
patch' though I suppose :)

Good luck!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Echo issue on OM2008.08 potentially solved

2008-08-29 Thread roguemoko
Lorn Potter wrote:
>> Hi Florian,
>> Florian Hackenberger wrote:
>>> I'll cook up a patch to Qtopia-X11, but for the impatient here are some 
>>> instructions for installing gsm0710muxd on Om2008.08 and injecting the 
>> Will this patch make it upstream? 
> It will be in 4.4 yes. I haven't yet put it in 4.3.x snapshots.

Ah, and does this also then apply to om2008 though? Or is this an 
FSO/Qtopia only patch?

I'm still yet to figure out how much of what is adopted where.

Thanks for any info.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Echo issue on OM2008.08 potentially solved

2008-08-29 Thread roguemoko
Hi Florian,

Florian Hackenberger wrote:
> I'll cook up a patch to Qtopia-X11, but for the impatient here are some 
> instructions for installing gsm0710muxd on Om2008.08 and injecting the 

Will this patch make it upstream? I don't quite know the who's who of 
the openmoko world yet.

Thanks for finding something to address the problem at such a low level, 
effort greatly appreciated. It will save us all a lot of extra fiddling 
and you've probably opened the door to more people utilising the facility.

As a curiosity, do you know if the problem is inherent in the chip 
design/gta02 or is this fix possibly covering a misconfiguration 
somewhere? I only ask as it seems the feedback (routing?) is internal 
and I'd expect cancellation techniques would not normally need to be 
employed for the handset scenario.

Thanks again.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sold out ahh

2008-08-27 Thread roguemoko
arne anka wrote:
>> Like I said, no dramas ... I was just hoping I'd get a lanyard, it's in
>> the pictures :(
> could you post a link to that pics?
> i absotively cannot remember any mention of a lanyard ... (except in  
> "lanyard hole")

Low and behold, the contents in the package has changed since the site 
updated, which was after I ordered my phone of course :)

Nah, look, I really don't care, I was just just getting into the whiney 
spirit most have on this mailing list ... but if there's swag to be had? :)

I bought a nintendo ds just so I could flash it, pull it apart and 
replace the cover with a transparent one and then never use it again, 
except to test the odd rom for the youngsters.

I won't go into my playstation 2 mod failures :)

So accessories are the least of my worries!

I'll be on this list a bit, so if you see me complaining, it's highly 
likely it's in jest, or just in the current spirit of the thread (poking 

I'm quite stoked with what was in the package. I'll check for that hole 
and let you know the delivery instructions if it's missing ;)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Sold out ahh

2008-08-27 Thread roguemoko
Yogiz wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Aug 2008 10:30:11 +1000
> "Sarton O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm in Australia and ordered mine from France with no dramas, though,
>> I think customs stole my lanyard :(
> I assume you ordered it from Bearstech.

Yeah, that's them.

> I'm in Estonia. Ordered mine
> in the end of July and got a word that it should arrive on the 16/17th
> august. Since then I've got nothing yet and Sara (the sales manager I
> guess) from Bearstech hasn't replied to my mails for the past week. I
> understand that they may be overwhelmed but I'm getting a little
> worried. If you did order from them, did you get the package right on
> time?

Got the same speel about delivery from Sara but it did arrive pretty 
close to the date via registered mail.

Like I said, no dramas ... I was just hoping I'd get a lanyard, it's in 
the pictures :(

But it's all good  ... I have a dead pixel that I'm definitely not going 
to bother a return for ;) ... I'll find a cheap lanyard and write 
openmoko on it, it'll go with the homebrew theme.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: 2008.8 update

2008-08-26 Thread roguemoko
Alex Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Since I replied to this thread earlier I thought I'd continue! :-)
> I installed to the SD card to avoid blowing away my working 2007 config.
> So far this version is working great, with one exception; DNS does not 
> work out of the box, had to add the open dns hack to 
> /etc/network/interfaces...
> - GSM connected out of the box on the first boot with no changes
> - Wireless connected to my open access point on the first try (but no DNS)
> - Able to send a receive phone calls.
> I've now added the DNS hack and I'm working on updating, installing 
> importing contacts and we'll see how it goes.
> To everyone reading this at, this is a huge improvement! 
> Next time listen to your QA about what a "release" means..   :-)

I just wanted to add that I've also generally had a good experience with 
the update.

There is still a lot of outstanding issues, primarily suspend and audio, 
but overall I'm rather impressed. It's really good to have the status 
icons displaying semi relevant information :)

I haven't played with illume-config yet ... kind of expected an 
application icon so I assume it's a command line thing.

Wifi browsing seems to work ok, though it appears to not support wpa yet.

My opinion, as far as the FR as a phone goes, is that the first thing 
that should be addressed is audio. I imagine down the track that audio 
will be configureable via an interface and all these hours we spend 
tweaking will basicaly amount to nothing once a guru has scripted it all 
up. A hundred updates could be released and if you still don't know how 
to stop your ringtone from distorting and your voice from echoing ... 
then there may aswell have been no updates from a consumer perspective. 
I'm actually kinda surprised that gloss gets addressed before core 
functionality. I'd be happy with audio working and a twm frontend with 
like 4 buttons :) ... but that's me.

My personal opinion on the current focus aside, it's a fairly decent 
update. I can actually use this instead of qtopia (with ring off and 
vibrate on, so people don't look at me funny when a distorted mp3 starts 
playing). I haven't tried the raster images however, I'm thinking I'll 
chuck one on the sd card.


Openmoko community mailing list