Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-20 Thread Michael Spacefalcon
Nick  wrote:

> Interesting results:
> [...]
> +COPS: (1,"T-Mobile ","T-Mobile","310260")
> OK
> [...]
> If I'm not mistaken the above means that only T-Mobile is found.  

Yes, it does.  310260 aka T-Mobile USA is the only thing your FR can
hear in the PCS1900 band.  Because your FR is the 900/1800/1900 MHz
version (like mine), there is no reliable way to tell if any GSM
services exist in the USA-secondary band at 850 MHz.

If you feel adventurous, you can go to ebay and get one of those Mot
C139 phones I mentioned earlier - it's an ultra-basic candybar
dumbphone that was made either EU-only or US-only, each version
supporting the low and high bands for its region, so the US version
supports both 1900 and 850 MHz.

> Which I'm guessing implies that AT&T have decided to turn off GSM 
> here. Which would be ... annoying.

Given that T-Mobile still provides GSM1900 coverage in your area (and
with good signal strength too, as far as I could tell from your
previous captured modem output), it seems to me that the proper thing
for you to do would be to close the feedback loop by promptly canceling
your AT&T service subscription, and making sure to tell their customer
service exactly why you are no longer interested in their 3G-only
services which do no good for freedom lovers like us.

I've been a T-Mobile customer since 2003, and I've been quite happy
with their service and plans.  The latter have been greatly simplified
when, because they only care about selling data and give voice calls
away for free, they eliminated all counting of minutes and SMS texts,
and set their lowest-end, most basic plan at $50/month for unlimited
calls, unlimited SMS and unlimited 2G data as in GPRS - i.e., their
lowest-end plan gives us unlimited, all-you-can-eat use of everything
that our FreeCalypso phones/modems are capable of using.  (CSD calls,
which work very nicely, at least in SoCal, are part of the unlimited
calls deal too!)

More recently I have heard that some T-Mobile MVNOs apparently offer
the exact same thing for less per month: that MetroPCS I mentioned
earlier say they only charge $30/month, and their description sounds
like the exact same thing that costs $50/month directly from T-Mobile.
In my own case I'm not interested in switching because my plan is not
just for me, but covers all of my family members too, and I'm a
strong follower of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" - but for someone
new who does not already have service with T-Mobile, looking into
these MVNOs would probably be a good idea.

After I send off this post, I'll make a quick trip to that MetroPCS
store I mentioned earlier, I'll bring my FR with me for testing, and
I'll ask them about Boston area.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-20 Thread Nick
Quoth Michael Spacefalcon: 
> Because I am the kind of guy who finds it easier to write his own
> program than to learn how to use one that already exists, I've been
> using my own ad hack tool called engcons to talk AT commands to the
> modem in my Neo FR.  The engcons.c source is appended at the end of
> this post; you'll need to compile and run it on your FR.  Use it like
> this:
> # stop QtMoko
> /etc/init.d/qtmoko-neo stop
> # power-cycle the modem
> echo 0 > /sys/bus/platform/devices/gta02-pm-gsm.0/power_on
> echo 1 > /sys/bus/platform/devices/gta02-pm-gsm.0/power_on
> # run engcons to talk AT commands
> engcons /dev/ttySAC0 r115200
> Once you do the above, you should be in a state where you can type AT
> commands and see the expected responses.  Try AT+CGMI, AT+CGMM, AT+CGMR,
> AT+CFUN=1, AT+COPS and AT+COPS=?, and post the results you get.

OK, I compiled engcons.c on my FR. It took a bit of doing, 'cos the 
uSD reader is broken, so I am very space-limited (so apt-get doesn't 
work), but eventually I got gcc & libc6-dev installed with dpkg.

Interesting results:

root@neo:~# ./engcons /dev/ttySAC0 r115200
Starting session
AT-Command Interpreter ready
+CGMI: FIC/OpenMoko
+CGMM: "Neo1973 GTA01/GTA02 Embedded GSM Modem"
+CGMR: "GSM: gsm_ac_gp_fd_pu_em_cph_ds_vc_cal35_ri_36_amd8_ts0-Moko11"
+COPS: (1,"T-Mobile ","T-Mobile","310260")

In a different session I ran AT+COPS, but it never seemed to return, so
I cycled the modem power and started again, and AT+COPS=? returned.

If I'm not mistaken the above means that only T-Mobile is found.  
Which I'm guessing implies that AT&T have decided to turn off GSM 
here. Which would be ... annoying.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-19 Thread Michael Spacefalcon
Nick  wrote:

> In the meantime, I tried running the AT commands with socat, but 
> didn't get very far.

I've never used socat (I use my own tool, see below), so I don't have
much to comment on that part, but the transcript you've posted shows
that you managed to catch some of the modem's output while it was being
driven by QtMoko (perhaps stopping QtMoko doesn't power the modem off),
and this output contains a smoking gun:

> +CREG: 3

The +CREG unsolicited response from the modem indicates its registration
status, and looking up the meaning of status code 3 in GSM spec 07.07
tells us that it means "registration denied" - aha!  So the GSM radio
signal *is* present, but when your FR tries to register to the network
it hears, the network actively denies that registration!  Two
possibilities come to mind:

Possibility 1: AT&T GSM service went away (either a deliberate service
shutdown, or the tower simply went down for some random reason or
another, and they are in no hurry to fix it because it's 2G which is
only used by outlaws and freedom lovers like us), but T-Mobile GSM is
still present; your FR tries to register with the T-Mobile network,
but the latter rejects the AT&T SIM.

Possibility 2: AT&T GSM service is still there, and your FR is trying
to register to it because it's got an AT&T SIM, but AT&T has decided
to reject your FR for some truly nefarious reason, such as an IMEI ban
against an entire range of devices they don't like - I've read stories
on the web about AT&T specifically pulling such BS.

See below on my proposed method for distinguishing between these two

> %CSQ:  18, 99, 2

%CSQ is TI's non-standard extended version of the standard +CSQ command
and unsolicited response; the standard +CSQ response gives two numbers,
while %CSQ adds a third.  I don't fully understand the meaning of the
3rd number yet, but we can ignore it for now.  99 in the 2nd number
position is a placeholder meaning that the modem has no BER information,
but the 1st number is the RSSI: received signal strength indicator.
Numbers like 18 or 15 seen further in your transcript look good to me.

> +CIEV: 1, 3

Yet another way by which TI's modem implementation returns the RSSI,

> The commands 'AT+COPS=?', 'ATE1', 'AT+CFUN=1', 'AT+CGMI' were 
> entered by me. I'm guessing I should have seen at least a 'OK' or 
> 'ERROR' message, so maybe I'm using socat incorrectly?

Because I am the kind of guy who finds it easier to write his own
program than to learn how to use one that already exists, I've been
using my own ad hack tool called engcons to talk AT commands to the
modem in my Neo FR.  The engcons.c source is appended at the end of
this post; you'll need to compile and run it on your FR.  Use it like

# stop QtMoko
/etc/init.d/qtmoko-neo stop
# power-cycle the modem
echo 0 > /sys/bus/platform/devices/gta02-pm-gsm.0/power_on
echo 1 > /sys/bus/platform/devices/gta02-pm-gsm.0/power_on
# run engcons to talk AT commands
engcons /dev/ttySAC0 r115200

Once you do the above, you should be in a state where you can type AT
commands and see the expected responses.  Try AT+CGMI, AT+CGMM, AT+CGMR,
AT+CFUN=1, AT+COPS and AT+COPS=?, and post the results you get.


engcons.c source follows; this ad hack program was originally written
for some completely different purposes and thus contains a bunch of
crud that will make no sense, but I just reused what I already had

 * This utility is used at Harhan Engineering Co. to connect to
 * the console ports of various targets in the lab.  Most of the latter
 * are either MicroVAXen or our own designs inspired by the VAX/MicroVAX
 * console, and this program has a few nifty features specifically
 * intended for those consoles.
 * Beyond simple pass-thru of bytes in both directions, the following
 * features are provided:
 *   - logging
 *   - ^P sends a break
 *   - binary upload via X command
 *   - changing console baud rate on HEC MC68302 targets (not in this version)
 * This is the POSIX termios version of the program; the original version
 * was for 4.3BSD UNIX.
 * Author: Michael Sokolov, Harhan Engineering Co.


extern int errno;

int mypid;
int tfd;
FILE *tfdF;

struct termios saved_termios, my_termios, target_termios;

int kbd_eol_state = 1;
FILE *logF;

static struct speedtab {
int num;
speed_t code;
} speed_table[] = {
{300, B300},
{1200, B1200},
{2400, B2400},
{4800, B4800},
{9600, B9600},
{19200, B19200},
{38400, B38400},
{57600, B57600},
{115200, B115200},
{0, 0}};

main(argc, argv)
char **argv;
int zero = 0;
struct speedtab *spd;
int speed, rtscts = 0;
char *cp;

if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s tty [baud]\n", a

Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-19 Thread Nick
Alright, I'll go to a T-Mobile shop (or reseller) in the next few 
days to get a test SIM.

In the meantime, I tried running the AT commands with socat, but 
didn't get very far. Maybe I'm using socat incorrectly - I haven't 
done it before, so forgive my ignorance. Following is the transcript 
from my console session (done over ssh from my laptop):

root@neo:~# socat - file:/dev/ttySAC0,crtscts,crnl
+CREG: 3
%CSQ:  18, 99, 2
+CIEV: 1, 3
%CSQ:  15, 99, 1
+CIEV: 1, 2

The commands 'AT+COPS=?', 'ATE1', 'AT+CFUN=1', 'AT+CGMI' were 
entered by me. I'm guessing I should have seen at least a 'OK' or 
'ERROR' message, so maybe I'm using socat incorrectly?

I don't have a 3G USB modem, unfortunately.

I'm pretty surprised that the carriers are decommissioning 2G in the 
USA. Crazy bastards.

Thanks for your continued help.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-19 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Mon 19 May 2014 20:08:36 Michael Spacefalcon wrote:
> - full name in quotes
> - short name in quotes
> - the true numeric ID sent by the cell network (the decoded names in
>   the previous two fields come from a look-up table in the modem fw);
Nope they shouldn't, that LUT-name is a 3rd way to get the plaintext of 
carrier as long as network fails to transmit full and short name OTA (AFAIK).
And in userspace of GTA02 there's usually yet another LUT for a 4th way to get 
the name ;-)
SIM also might provide a name, so that would be a 5th way.

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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-19 Thread Michael Spacefalcon
There is one more way to test/observe what 2G and 3G services and
carriers are available at a given location: by giving that AT+COPS=?
query command to a 3G USB modem stick that speaks AT commands.  I've
got a Huawei E303 (South American Claro branding), it is supported by
recent versions of the usb_modeswitch package, which puts it into AT
command speaking mode, and one can then run a terminal program on the
/dev/gsmmodem symlink it generates.  Giving this modem an AT+COPS=?
query returns the list of carriers that looks like this:



The 5 fields in each parenthesized entry mean:

- state: 2 means currently selected, 1 not selected;
- full name in quotes
- short name in quotes
- the true numeric ID sent by the cell network (the decoded names in
  the previous two fields come from a look-up table in the modem fw);
- 3G-added field not in the GSM 07.07 spec: 2 means 3G, 0 means 2G.

The example output above is from a location that has both T-Mobile and
AT&T service, both 2G and 3G, but T-Mobile 3G in this location is on a
frequency this modem doesn't support, hence it doesn't show up in the
list.  The modem has a T-Mobile SIM in it, hence in the shown example
it is registered on T-Mobile 2G instead of AT&T 3G.

To Nick - if you happen to have one of these 3G USB modem sticks or
are able to borrow one, you should try it at the location where you
are having FR woes and see what it shows.

Andrew Schenck  wrote:

> I can verify that SimpleMobile is a T-Mobile MVNO, but I thought 
> MetroPCS was Sprint.

Perhaps it differs by region.  Recently a new MetroPCS retail outlet
opened in a strip mall near me, I went in there to mess with their
minds a little (I was bored), and they told me they were a T-Mobile


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-19 Thread Andrew Schenck

On 5/19/2014 12:28 PM, Michael Spacefalcon wrote:

joerg Reisenweber  wrote:

I may end up doing that, but there isn't a T-Mobile store very
conveniently located for me,

I've heard that MetroPCS and Simple Mobile are T-Mobile resellers.
If you spot either of these two in your area, try going in there and
asking for a test SIM.
I can verify that SimpleMobile is a T-Mobile MVNO, but I thought 
MetroPCS was Sprint.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-19 Thread Michael Spacefalcon
joerg Reisenweber  wrote:

> Please consider that - it seems / I heard - several 850/900 and 1800/1900
> cells are getting reassigned in USA from GSM to UMTS or even LTE during last
> year. Ongoing.

Yes, I heard that too.  Dunno about Boston area, as I'm nowhere near
there, but at least in my roaming area in SoCal I have not lost any
T-Mobile GSM1900 coverage yet.  Yet..

I do have to agree that the problem Nick is having (FR working like a
charm for 2 months, then all of a sudden, bam, getting no coverage)
sounds very suspiciously like the result of GSM cell shutdown, rather
than anything being wrong with the FR.  That is the reason I keep asking
Nick to try a T-Mobile SIM in his area - while both carriers have the
same GSM killing agenda in the long run, it is rather unlikely that
both of them would kill GSM in one specific spot at *exactly* the same

Open letter to FBI/NSA/etc: you guys might want to consider paying
T-Mobile to retain some minimal GSM coverage in Southern California,
just enough for one (1) user, so you can continue tracking my
approximate location.  For as long as I have working GSM (and you know
I almost never turn my phone off, so my sweetie can call me any time),
you can easily track my location with cell-site granularity, and if
you care to do some actual work (call me to cause my phone to transmit
continuously, then bring out your DF gear), you can pin-point where I
am even more precisely than that.  But I will never, ever, ever use a
3G phone, as a firm matter of principle, so if usable GSM service goes
away in my neck of the woods, then I won't have a cellphone at all: of
any kind, period, and then you will have no idea where I am at any
given moment.  Just some food for thought.

Nick  wrote:

> Yeah, I'm here for 6 months. It's a good place :)

6 months from now, or from your arrival however many months ago?  Just
trying to figure out what the time window is for possibly catching you
in Boston area. :)

> No, it has worked fine (well, in fact) for the past couple of 
> months, so it definitely *can* work here.

Hence my worry about you possibly being the first victim of GSM
shutdown by evil greedy carriers who only care about selling data,
rather than traditional call minutes.

> I may end up doing that, but there isn't a T-Mobile store very 
> conveniently located for me,

I've heard that MetroPCS and Simple Mobile are T-Mobile resellers.
If you spot either of these two in your area, try going in there and
asking for a test SIM.

> so I'll at least try some fun logging of AT commands first.

When the modem is working normally, the AT+COPS=? command gives a
listing of all available carriers, so one can see what's available
beyond the specific SIM you've got.  But for some reason that command
only works after I issue a plain AT+COPS first, which is the command
to register to the default operator.  I don't know what will happen if
one issues AT+COPS and that operation fails: will AT+COPS=? work or
not?  I also have not yet studied the relevant part of the firmware
source, so I don't know whether the behaviour I see in this area is a
bug in need of fixing, or if there is some good reason it works this

One can also use the cell_log utility from OsmocomBB to list all
available GSM cells and their owners without having any SIM at all
(and without registering to any of these detected networks), but
because OsmocomBB is dominated by EUnians (not one soul from North
America in that gang), getting cell_log to work in the PCS band was an
incredible pita.  At least I did it on a dumbphone (Pirelli DP-L10);
trying to do it on a Neo would be even more pain..

> Similarly, let me know if you come to Boston. :)

See my question above as to the time window of your presence there.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-19 Thread joerg Reisenweber
Please consider that - it seems / I heard - several 850/900 and 1800/1900 
cells are getting reassigned in USA from GSM to UMTS or even LTE during last 
year. Ongoing.

good luck!

On Mon 19 May 2014 08:27:15 Nick wrote:
> Quoth Michael Spacefalcon:
> > Nick  wrote:
> > > The phone that works is 3G, and it doesn't seem to have a 'force 2G'
> > > option anywhere.
> > 
> > The option in question often goes by different names: it may also be
> > named "network type" or "network selection" etc, with the choices
> > being GSM or WCDMA or both.  Try selecting GSM if you can find the
> > elusive option.
> Hmm, I didn't see anything like that even, but I'll take another
> look tonight.
> > > I'm in the Greater Boston area,
> > 
> > Ahh - I didn't realize you were still here in the States - I remember
> > you asking on this list a few months ago about GSM frequency bands in
> > USA, with the intention of traveling to Boston area, but it was back
> > in February, so I thought the trip was over and you were back home in
> > the UK.
> Yeah, I'm here for 6 months. It's a good place :)
> > How long ago have you arrived in Boston?  Is the FR-not-working
> > problem something that happened upon arrival in USA, or has it been
> > working for you for a while in this part of the world?
> No, it has worked fine (well, in fact) for the past couple of
> months, so it definitely *can* work here.
> > Ahh, so you decided to be adventurous and use AT&T instead of the more
> > tried & tested T-Mobile.  Before we spend an inordinate amount of
> > effort figuring out why your FR doesn't work on AT&T in Boston,
> > perhaps you could try a T-Mobile SIM card just as a quick test?  If
> > you don't have one, just go into any T-Mobile store and ask them to
> > borrow a SIM for a few minutes to test in your phone while inside
> > their store.
> I may end up doing that, but there isn't a T-Mobile store very
> conveniently located for me, so I'll at least try some fun logging
> of AT commands first.
> > Also if there is any chance you might visit California before you go
> > back to the UK, we could meet up and do some GSM hacking together. :)
> Aah, that would be nice, but no, I don't think I'm going to get to
> the west coast this trip. It sounds like something well worth doing,
> and someday I'll make it there. I'll let you know if my plans change
> and I end up in California. Similarly, let me know if you come to
> Boston. :)
> > > Basically because I just want a dumbphone that works, really, so
> > > tend towards laziness regarding my phone nowadays.
> > 
> > If you are using your FR as an oversized dumbphone, have you considered
> > using a real dumbphone instead?  You might want to grab a Mot C139 on
> > ebay while they are still available - it is one of the models which I
> > am using for FreeCalypso firmware bring-up (along with the Neo FR and
> > Pirelli DP-L10) before building my own dumbphone hardware, and it has
> > the advantage of being a very simple dumbphone with full schematics
> > available (unlike the Pirelli).
> Hmm... I'll consider it...
> Thanks, and expect some nice AT output later.
> Nick
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
/\   - against proprietary attachments
(alas the above page got scrapped due to resignation(!!), so here some 
supplementary links:) (German)

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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-19 Thread Nick
Quoth Michael Spacefalcon:
> Nick  wrote:
> > The phone that works is 3G, and it doesn't seem to have a 'force 2G' 
> > option anywhere.
> The option in question often goes by different names: it may also be
> named "network type" or "network selection" etc, with the choices
> being GSM or WCDMA or both.  Try selecting GSM if you can find the
> elusive option.

Hmm, I didn't see anything like that even, but I'll take another 
look tonight.

> > I'm in the Greater Boston area,
> Ahh - I didn't realize you were still here in the States - I remember
> you asking on this list a few months ago about GSM frequency bands in
> USA, with the intention of traveling to Boston area, but it was back
> in February, so I thought the trip was over and you were back home in
> the UK.

Yeah, I'm here for 6 months. It's a good place :)

> How long ago have you arrived in Boston?  Is the FR-not-working
> problem something that happened upon arrival in USA, or has it been
> working for you for a while in this part of the world?

No, it has worked fine (well, in fact) for the past couple of 
months, so it definitely *can* work here.

> Ahh, so you decided to be adventurous and use AT&T instead of the more
> tried & tested T-Mobile.  Before we spend an inordinate amount of
> effort figuring out why your FR doesn't work on AT&T in Boston,
> perhaps you could try a T-Mobile SIM card just as a quick test?  If
> you don't have one, just go into any T-Mobile store and ask them to
> borrow a SIM for a few minutes to test in your phone while inside
> their store.

I may end up doing that, but there isn't a T-Mobile store very 
conveniently located for me, so I'll at least try some fun logging 
of AT commands first.
> Also if there is any chance you might visit California before you go
> back to the UK, we could meet up and do some GSM hacking together. :)

Aah, that would be nice, but no, I don't think I'm going to get to 
the west coast this trip. It sounds like something well worth doing, 
and someday I'll make it there. I'll let you know if my plans change 
and I end up in California. Similarly, let me know if you come to 
Boston. :)

> > Basically because I just want a dumbphone that works, really, so 
> > tend towards laziness regarding my phone nowadays.
> If you are using your FR as an oversized dumbphone, have you considered
> using a real dumbphone instead?  You might want to grab a Mot C139 on
> ebay while they are still available - it is one of the models which I
> am using for FreeCalypso firmware bring-up (along with the Neo FR and
> Pirelli DP-L10) before building my own dumbphone hardware, and it has
> the advantage of being a very simple dumbphone with full schematics
> available (unlike the Pirelli).

Hmm... I'll consider it...

Thanks, and expect some nice AT output later.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-18 Thread Michael Spacefalcon
Nick  wrote:

> The phone that works is 3G, and it doesn't seem to have a 'force 2G' 
> option anywhere.

The option in question often goes by different names: it may also be
named "network type" or "network selection" etc, with the choices
being GSM or WCDMA or both.  Try selecting GSM if you can find the
elusive option.

> I'm in the Greater Boston area,

Ahh - I didn't realize you were still here in the States - I remember
you asking on this list a few months ago about GSM frequency bands in
USA, with the intention of traveling to Boston area, but it was back
in February, so I thought the trip was over and you were back home in
the UK.

How long ago have you arrived in Boston?  Is the FR-not-working
problem something that happened upon arrival in USA, or has it been
working for you for a while in this part of the world?

> so I can't imagine 
> the phone company could just have turned off 2G here yet; there are 
> too many subscribers around.
> [...]
> As I said, I'm in the USA now, and I'm on ATT, FWIW.

Ahh, so you decided to be adventurous and use AT&T instead of the more
tried & tested T-Mobile.  Before we spend an inordinate amount of
effort figuring out why your FR doesn't work on AT&T in Boston,
perhaps you could try a T-Mobile SIM card just as a quick test?  If
you don't have one, just go into any T-Mobile store and ask them to
borrow a SIM for a few minutes to test in your phone while inside
their store.

Also if there is any chance you might visit California before you go
back to the UK, we could meet up and do some GSM hacking together. :)

> Basically because I just want a dumbphone that works, really, so 
> tend towards laziness regarding my phone nowadays.

If you are using your FR as an oversized dumbphone, have you considered
using a real dumbphone instead?  You might want to grab a Mot C139 on
ebay while they are still available - it is one of the models which I
am using for FreeCalypso firmware bring-up (along with the Neo FR and
Pirelli DP-L10) before building my own dumbphone hardware, and it has
the advantage of being a very simple dumbphone with full schematics
available (unlike the Pirelli).

That Linux application processor on the Neo really adds a lot of extra
complexity into the mix, and I find true dumbphones to be much easier
to work with, as in hack, troubleshoot and actually use on an everyday


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-18 Thread Nick
Quoth Michael Spacefalcon:
> Nick  wrote: 
> > I tried the SIM in another phone and it does work, and another SIM 
> > in this one does not (both the same network).
> OK, good observation.  The problem is now narrowed down to the FR,
> rather than network coverage in your area, your service subscription
> or the SIM issued for it.
> There is one more thing we need to check before proceeding further,
> though.  That other phone you used to confirm your SIMs as good, what
> kind of phone is it?  Is it 2G or 3G?  If the latter, please look
> through its menus and see if there is an option to force 2G mode.
> The reason for this exploration is to eliminate the possibility that
> GSM (aka 2G) service in your geographical area stopped working,
> knocking out Free Firmware phones while closed proprietary Apple/
> Samsung/GTA04/etc still work on UMTS..

The phone that works is 3G, and it doesn't seem to have a 'force 2G' 
option anywhere. I'm in the Greater Boston area, so I can't imagine 
the phone company could just have turned off 2G here yet; there are 
too many subscribers around.

> Assuming that your email TLD matches your location, you are doing this
> in the UK, right?  Do you know if your service provider operates a
> 900 MHz GSM network, a 1800 MHz one, or both?

As I said, I'm in the USA now, and I'm on ATT, FWIW.

> > Revision is:
> > GSM: gsm_ac_gp_fd_pu_em_cph_ds_vc_cal35_ri_36_amd8_ts0-Moko11
> > So Moko11, I guess ;)
> Any particular reason you have not yet upgraded to leo2moko-r1 aka
> moko12?  While it is very unlikely that performing this fw update will
> fix the problem, running fw with a published Corresponding Source and
> a linker map listing will likely be a prerequisite for some of the
> more advanced troubleshooting steps, so you might as well do it now..

The only reason is laziness. I like following your work very much, 
and am glad you're doing it, and planned to upgrade eventually.

I might as well do it now indeed... Will do so tomorrow, when I 
debug this further.

> > >
> > [...]
> > That's a good idea. I'm hitting a snag before I get very far, 
> > though. Namely that I don't know which process is in charge of the 
> > GSM, so which one to kill to stop the phone accessing.
> According to this web page:
> the command you need is:
> /etc/init.d/qtmoko-neo stop
> (Whether the intent is to talk manual AT commands to the modem or to
>  reflash it, the step of stopping QtMoko should be the same.)

Ah great, thanks, that sounds like just the ticket.

> > lsof would probably tell me, but I can't install it because it's 
> > tough to get the wifi to work (which I generally don't care about).  
> Huh?  WiFi?  While you do need an ssh connection into the Neo, why
> does it have to be WiFi?  Doesn't QtMoko support eth-over-usb
> networking like the others?

It does, I expect, I just haven't set it up to do that yet.  
Basically because I just want a dumbphone that works, really, so 
tend towards laziness regarding my phone nowadays.

> HTH,

It certainly does, thanks, I'll report back tomorrow.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-18 Thread Michael Spacefalcon
Nick  wrote:

> I tried the SIM in another phone and it does work, and another SIM 
> in this one does not (both the same network).

OK, good observation.  The problem is now narrowed down to the FR,
rather than network coverage in your area, your service subscription
or the SIM issued for it.

There is one more thing we need to check before proceeding further,
though.  That other phone you used to confirm your SIMs as good, what
kind of phone is it?  Is it 2G or 3G?  If the latter, please look
through its menus and see if there is an option to force 2G mode.
The reason for this exploration is to eliminate the possibility that
GSM (aka 2G) service in your geographical area stopped working,
knocking out Free Firmware phones while closed proprietary Apple/
Samsung/GTA04/etc still work on UMTS..

(In the event that some part of the world with a nonzero population of
 Free Firmware phone users does kill its GSM service, there are two
 possible ways for us to react to that development: either try to
 liberate one of the newer 3G+ phones/modems, or build our own GSM 2G
 network for our own use.  If/when this situation ever occurs in my
 part of the world, I will do the latter, as I consider GSM/2G to be
 superior to 3G crap both technically and morally.)

Assuming that your email TLD matches your location, you are doing this
in the UK, right?  Do you know if your service provider operates a
900 MHz GSM network, a 1800 MHz one, or both?

> Revision is:
> GSM: gsm_ac_gp_fd_pu_em_cph_ds_vc_cal35_ri_36_amd8_ts0-Moko11
> So Moko11, I guess ;)

Any particular reason you have not yet upgraded to leo2moko-r1 aka
moko12?  While it is very unlikely that performing this fw update will
fix the problem, running fw with a published Corresponding Source and
a linker map listing will likely be a prerequisite for some of the
more advanced troubleshooting steps, so you might as well do it now..

> >
> [...]
> That's a good idea. I'm hitting a snag before I get very far, 
> though. Namely that I don't know which process is in charge of the 
> GSM, so which one to kill to stop the phone accessing.

According to this web page:

the command you need is:

/etc/init.d/qtmoko-neo stop

(Whether the intent is to talk manual AT commands to the modem or to
 reflash it, the step of stopping QtMoko should be the same.)

> lsof would probably tell me, but I can't install it because it's 
> tough to get the wifi to work (which I generally don't care about).  

Huh?  WiFi?  While you do need an ssh connection into the Neo, why
does it have to be WiFi?  Doesn't QtMoko support eth-over-usb
networking like the others?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-18 Thread Nick
Apologies for not replying sooner. Thanks for the replies.

I tried the SIM in another phone and it does work, and another SIM 
in this one does not (both the same network).

Quoth Michael Spacefalcon:
> What modem firmware version is this?

Revision is:
GSM: gsm_ac_gp_fd_pu_em_cph_ds_vc_cal35_ri_36_amd8_ts0-Moko11

So Moko11, I guess ;)

> Since the GSM modem is no longer an impenetrable black box, you could
> try debugging the apparently misbehaving modem using standard Free
> Software debugging methods: study the source and the documentation,
> and make use of the modem debug interface accessible via the headset
> jack.
> Start by taking QtMoko high-level software out of the equation and
> talking AT commands directly to the modem:
> Try the AT commands shown on that wiki page, and tell us the results.
> That right there might spot an issue.

That's a good idea. I'm hitting a snag before I get very far, 
though. Namely that I don't know which process is in charge of the 
GSM, so which one to kill to stop the phone accessing.

lsof would probably tell me, but I can't install it because it's 
tough to get the wifi to work (which I generally don't care about).  
Can somebody who knows QtMoko advise which process to kill?  There 
is no gsmd, as suggested on the OM wiki.



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-17 Thread Ed Kapitein

On 05/17/14 04:25, Nick wrote:

Hi all,

I haven't been using my phone much recently, but it's always been
reasonably reliable when I have. Today I turned it on, and all day
it has just said "searching for network". I haven't moved, and I'm
in an urban enough place that I don't think it's plausible for a
tower to have gone down or something.

I'm not sure where to go or what to look for to debug this. I've
restarted the phone multiple times without success.

Any advice?



Hi Nick,

You could try to put the FR SIM in a known good working phone and see if 
that one does register.
If not, then either the SIM is dead, or no longer registered with the 
And then you could put the SIM from the working phone in the FR to see 
if that fixes the problem.

Kind regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-16 Thread Michael Spacefalcon
Nick  wrote:

> I haven't been using my phone much recently, but it's always been 
> reasonably reliable when I have. Today I turned it on, and all day 
> it has just said "searching for network".
> [...]
> I'm not sure where to go or what to look for to debug this. I've 
> restarted the phone multiple times without success.

What modem firmware version is this?

> Any advice?

Since the GSM modem is no longer an impenetrable black box, you could
try debugging the apparently misbehaving modem using standard Free
Software debugging methods: study the source and the documentation,
and make use of the modem debug interface accessible via the headset

Start by taking QtMoko high-level software out of the equation and
talking AT commands directly to the modem:

Try the AT commands shown on that wiki page, and tell us the results.
That right there might spot an issue.

If the modem behavior at the AT command level is that of failing to
register for no good reason, the next debugging step would be to look
at the debug trace output.  Get a debug cable, if you haven't already:

Put the debug serial channel on the headset jack with this command:

echo 1 > /sys/bus/platform/devices/gta02-pm-gsm.0/download

Make sure the audio is routed to your Neo's earpiece speaker and not
the loudspeaker, to avoid damaging the latter or your ears.  Plug the
debug serial cable into the headset jack, and plug the other end into
your PC or other host computer running GNU/Linux or some other Unix.
Run the rvtdump utility from the FreeCalypso suite, e.g.,

rvtdump -l logfile /dev/ttyUSB0

With the serial cable connected, rvtdump running on the other end, and
1 written into that /sys/.../download node, power up the modem.  You
should get a bunch of debug output; tell us what you see.  (The -l
option will save this output into a log file, with a timestamp prepended
to each line.)  You should get more interested debug output when you
issue AT+CFUN=1 and AT+COPS commands which start the actual GSM
operation; tell us what you see at those steps as well.

If the above steps don't reveal anything amiss, next debugging steps
would be to examine firmware state variables in memory with fc-tmsh
and/or send special commands (called "system primitives", enabling more
verbose traces and other debug functions) to the running fw with g23sh,
both of which are FreeCalypso tools operating via the debug interface
(called RVTMUX) presented on that headset jack.  If you are running a
firmware version such as leo2moko for which we have a linker map file,
we can examine every single variable that fw maintains, and the
"system primitives" provided by the GPF component (Condat's Generic
Protocol stack Framework) allows us to capture and examine every
primitive exchanged between GSM protocol stack layers: e.g., we could
see the exchange between L1 and L2, or between RR and MM, etc.

But let's see if you can manage the simpler steps above before I go
into details of what you should peek and poke with fc-tmsh and g23sh
tools - getting the simpler rvtdump working would be a prerequisite
for the more advanced tools anyway.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-16 Thread Andrew Schenck
Nah, that was just a guess that the SIM wasn't seated properly.  If you 
haven't used the SIM in months the carrier may have de-registered it.  
Other than that Radek might know a way of getting more debugging output.


On 5/16/2014 7:52 PM, Nick wrote:

Quoth Andrew Schenck:

Does the info in System Info -> Modem and SIM look reasonable?

It does, yes, to my untrained eye; no "not found" or anything like
that. Is there anything specific I should be looking for?


Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-16 Thread Nick
Quoth Andrew Schenck:
> Does the info in System Info -> Modem and SIM look reasonable?

It does, yes, to my untrained eye; no "not found" or anything like 
that. Is there anything specific I should be looking for?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] GSM not turning on / registering

2014-05-16 Thread Andrew Schenck

Does the info in System Info -> Modem and SIM look reasonable?


On 5/16/2014 7:25 PM, Nick wrote:

Hi all,

I haven't been using my phone much recently, but it's always been
reasonably reliable when I have. Today I turned it on, and all day
it has just said "searching for network". I haven't moved, and I'm
in an urban enough place that I don't think it's plausible for a
tower to have gone down or something.

I'm not sure where to go or what to look for to debug this. I've
restarted the phone multiple times without success.

Any advice?



Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list