Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-10 Thread Onen
Thomas Landspurg wrote:
>   Again , and clarifiacation:
>  ObenBMap have in fact less than 82963 cells (the 'trusted' cells),
> the others are coming from OpenCellId! ;)
>  OpenCellID: 433 574 cells
>  CellHunter:  148 943 cells
>  OpenBMap:  82 963 cells
>  (sorry for talking the risk of being the 'bad' guy agin, but at the
> end that's a little bit annoying)

No problem. This is absolutely correct. Stating facts never hurts :-)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-10 Thread Onen
Leonti Bielski wrote:
> So how good or bad the data from Cellhunter project?

Please see the nice work from Christian Gagneraud in the archive about 
comparison of what's get logged/stored by CH, OBM and OCI


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-10 Thread Onen
Hi Thomas,

Thomas Landspurg wrote:
>   Hello Risto,
>   Here is a few facts from such FAQ:

Not all accurate, though.

>  Most of the cells from OpenBMap are coming from OpenCellID (the
> 'untrusted ones')

Absolutely correct. Number is on your side.

>  One of the main difference from the three is that only OpenCellID
> provides a complete access to the data and the measures.

Does cellhunter not provide access to all the collected data?

OpenBmap has on his main page the link to download all the data files, 
exactly as sent by the users. This is a fact you may have checked 
easily, or asked.

For me the main difference between the projects, is that openBmap is 
focusing on the quality of the data.

>  OpenCellId added a "CVS uploader" to import bulk CSV data files
> mainly to be compatible with the OpenBMap logger. I just don't have
> any OpenMoko phone to test it.

Do you mean cellhunter?

>   I've been out of the mailing list from some time because I am not
> involved in the OpenMoko community (I am more involved in J2ME and
> others platforms), but I would be happy to reactivate the integration
> effort. 

Yes, glad you came back after I contacted you about three weeks ago, in 
order to reopen the dialog.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-10 Thread Onen

Risto H. Kurppa wrote:
> AFAIK, OpenBmap is told to import data from other projects

We have imported the opencellid data once, to bring right now better 
coverage to the users. But this is supposed to be temporary. The target 
being to have only openBmap data or data from projects which share the 
level of quality we aim at.

> AFAIK, OpenBmap was started because of different views about important
> data to collect between OpenCellID and OpenBMap devels.

Yes, we want the data to be of the best possible quality. This implies 
logging more details. And we try to make the clients sticking to this.

> 1) if OpenBMap imports from other projects, why it's missing the 7milj
> cellhunter cells?

There are not 7 M cells. 140K or so I think. And at the time of the last 
import, no cellhunter data had made their way to opencellid database 
yet. But it was planned by cellhunter, thus we did not want to have to 
import them, and have to solve the conflicts when importing opencellid 
(embedding cellhunter data).

> 2) AFAIK There are no tools to benefit from the collected data yet

I am working on a D-Bus service giving your location on your phone, 
note/net-book using an embedded database. Help is welcome :-)

> 3) Can't see a OpenCellID client for Freerunner

Opencellid said there is... I think he referred to cellhunter, because 
cellhunter said he would upload the data from his project to opencellid 
on a regular basis.

> I earlier tried CellHunter, didn't work. For me OpenBmap is just
> easiest to use. 

Partly thanks to your feedback that I have tried to take into account. 
Thanks for this!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-06 Thread Thomas Landspurg
  Thanks for the information, I'll subscribe to it.

2009/9/6 Risto H. Kurppa :
> Btw you all three (openbmap, cellhunter, opencellid) devels are warmly
> welcome to join FOSS-GPS -mailing list
> ( - I'd like to see
> discussion about the algorithms you use to calculate the position of
> the cells. It must be something else than just the average... As a
> used I'd like to know it but also I think there's some optimization to
> be done in the field. If OpenBMap uses also speed & GPS precision
> information & alt in the calculation, I'd like to see the algorithm..
> r
> --
> | risto h. kurppa
> | risto at kurppa dot fi
> |
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-06 Thread Thomas Landspurg
  Hello Risto,

 note that strengh is already part of the opencellid api.

  As I've pointed out once, the problem is not all client have access
to these data. So do we add all possible fields in the database? Out
of the 45 millions of measures, only several millions might have all
these data.
  My suggestion, implemented today in the opencellid api is the
following: add the missing informaiton in the extraInfo field, as
  For instance, extraInfo="speed=123,alt=12,hdop=12,vdop=6" etc.
This is already used by some tools for instance the cellhunter
importer put the team name as "gteam=" value.
  Then, the algorithm to define the cell might use these extra info.

  The bad thing is that it would by quite difficult to do query on
this extra things. I do not thing that it's the biggest issue. The
other problem might be that we need to find a common naming for all
possible new fields and ensure validity. For instance, use alt and not
altitude, etc One possible option is to add hese as extra possible
parameters so it will be checked, but store them as value/pair.
  Other fields could be added also, to store for instance user agent
instead of software version for others type of platforms, or accuracy
but not defined in hdop/vdop value but in others type (see JSR179 or
Android API).

  Any opininon on this.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-06 Thread Alex (Maxious) Sadleir
On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 8:49 PM, Risto H. Kurppa wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 1:32 PM, Alex (Maxious) Sadleir 
> wrote:
>> I looked at "common api to submit cells" and found that the openmoko
>> OBM logger app was missing *one* field (arfcn) that cellhunter api
>> wanted. Both being opensource, here's my hackish solution to patch the
>> OBM logger to write that field and a python script to submit records
>> produced by that patched OBM to cellhunter. You have to run this after
>> collecting the logs but before you move them to the Processed Logs
>> folder in OBM. So I do it before I do Upload in the OBM logger app.
>> YMMV, hopefully the real logger app developers can work something out
>> between themselves.
> Nice hack!
> Do you have any idea what's arfcn - how do you generate it? If you can
> generate it after the data's collected, couldn't it be created
> server-side (to me it sound's redundant information if it's generated
> from other data).
"ARFCN (Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number) specifies a pair of
physical radio carriers and channels used for transmission and
reception on the Um Interface in GSM cellular networks, one for the
uplink signal and one for the downlink signal."
So it's data to be collected from the cell station rather than
something that could be generated/assumed/estimated. Without seeing
the cellhunter location algorithm, I don't know how it helps location
calculation either... but if the other two DB don't store it, then it
can't be that important, right? ;)

> And I don't support the idea of one client uploading to several
> databases, the databases should do the syncing..
Well I was having to run the loggers in parallel anyway but it's
easier to get one working consistently rather than two... and I prefer
the way the OBM logger is designed anyway :)
DB sync is where it should be though. I've uploaded different areas to
either cellhunter or OBM so it would be good to get them combined

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-06 Thread Risto H. Kurppa
On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 1:32 PM, Alex (Maxious) Sadleir wrote:
> I looked at "common api to submit cells" and found that the openmoko
> OBM logger app was missing *one* field (arfcn) that cellhunter api
> wanted. Both being opensource, here's my hackish solution to patch the
> OBM logger to write that field and a python script to submit records
> produced by that patched OBM to cellhunter. You have to run this after
> collecting the logs but before you move them to the Processed Logs
> folder in OBM. So I do it before I do Upload in the OBM logger app.
> YMMV, hopefully the real logger app developers can work something out
> between themselves.

Nice hack!

Do you have any idea what's arfcn - how do you generate it? If you can
generate it after the data's collected, couldn't it be created
server-side (to me it sound's redundant information if it's generated
from other data).

And I don't support the idea of one client uploading to several
databases, the databases should do the syncing..


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-06 Thread Alex (Maxious) Sadleir
On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 7:55 PM, Risto H. Kurppa wrote:

> Ok, downloaded the cellhunter database, this is what it stores:
> provider        cell_mcc        cell_mnc        cell_la cell_id cell_arfcn    
>   signal  gps_time        gps_lat gps_long        gps_alt gname   local_time  
>     cell_type
> IL ORANGE       425     1       3AFC    A2F9    92      19      1252151461    
>   32.3668973      34.8627705      17.44   Baruch  1252185642      
> old_oldgps_near
> IL ORANGE       425     1       3AFC    7D54    630     6       1252151461    
>   32.3668973      34.8627705      17.44   Baruch  1252185370      
> old_oldgps_near
> IL ORANGE       425     1       1D60    79CD    107     17      1252151461    
>   32.3668973      34.8627705      17.44   Baruch  1252185368      new_gps
> altitude is stored, good
> speed missing, bad
> hdop/vdop/pdop missing
> heading missing (ok, I can't right now see how to use it but why not
> to store it, it might become useful in the future..)
> cell arfcn, no idea what's that..
> So anyway also cellhunter could add some fields here and as it's on
> Freerunner only, it shouldn't be too hard to also add the support to
> the client.

I looked at "common api to submit cells" and found that the openmoko
OBM logger app was missing *one* field (arfcn) that cellhunter api
wanted. Both being opensource, here's my hackish solution to patch the
OBM logger to write that field and a python script to submit records
produced by that patched OBM to cellhunter. You have to run this after
collecting the logs but before you move them to the Processed Logs
folder in OBM. So I do it before I do Upload in the OBM logger app.
YMMV, hopefully the real logger app developers can work something out
between themselves.
from xml.dom import minidom
import os,dbus,urllib
OBMhunter submitter 0.1.0  
Submits appropriate openBMap xml logs to cellhunter DB.

Patch the openBMap logger library:
patch <

Change the group name (gname), group password (gpass) and device id (a 
random number - check .cellhunter.conf if you want to be consistent) if
you want your results to count for a group's score. Otherwise leave 
defaults to remain anonymous.

Then just run the OBM logger as usual but you have to run this script after 
collecting the logs
but before you move them to the Processed Logs folder in OBM. So I do it before 
I do Upload in 
the OBM logger app.

bus = dbus.SystemBus()
ogsmd_obj = bus.get_object( "org.freesmartphone.ogsmd", 
"/org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device" )
ogsmd_network_iface = dbus.Interface( ogsmd_obj, 
"org.freesmartphone.GSM.Network" )
data = ogsmd_network_iface.GetStatus()
provider = urllib.quote(data['provider'])

for fname in dirList:
print "Processing " + fname
dom = minidom.parse(path + fname)
for scannode in dom.getElementsByTagName("scan"):
for gpsnode in scannode.getElementsByTagName("gps"):
time = int(gpsnode.getAttribute("time"))
lat  = float(gpsnode.getAttribute("lat"))
long = float(gpsnode.getAttribute("lng"))
alt  = float(gpsnode.getAttribute("alt"))
for child in scannode.childNodes:
if "gsm" in child.tagName:
cell_mcc   = int(child.getAttribute("mcc"))
cell_mnc   = int(child.getAttribute("mnc"))
cell_la= int(child.getAttribute("lac"))
cell_id= int(child.getAttribute("id"))
if (child.getAttribute("rxlev") != "") & 
(child.getAttribute("arfcn") != ""):
signal = 
cell_arfcn = 
serving= 1 if (child.tagName == 
"gsmserving") else 0
URL = 
 " %(provider, 

os.system('wget --user-agent "OBMhunter 
0.1.0 offline " -q --output-document=- \"' + URL + 
print "\n"
Description: Binary data
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-06 Thread Risto H. Kurppa
Btw you all three (openbmap, cellhunter, opencellid) devels are warmly
welcome to join FOSS-GPS -mailing list
( - I'd like to see
discussion about the algorithms you use to calculate the position of
the cells. It must be something else than just the average... As a
used I'd like to know it but also I think there's some optimization to
be done in the field. If OpenBMap uses also speed & GPS precision
information & alt in the calculation, I'd like to see the algorithm..


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-06 Thread Risto H. Kurppa
On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 12:43 PM, Risto H. Kurppa wrote:
> OpenBmap stores this data:
> * mcc
> * mnc
> * lon
> * lat
> * alt
> * heading
> * speed
> * hdop
> * vdop
> * pdop
> * swid: software id of the logger
> * swver: software version of the logger
> * lac: decimal value
> * id: decimal value of the cell id
> * ss: signal strength in dBm
> * rxlev: optional
> * ta: timing advance, optional
> * speed: in km/h
> OpenCellID stores these (source:
> mcc: mobile country code(decimal)
> mnc: mobile network code(decimal)
> lac: locale area code (in decimal)
> cellid: value of the cell id (in decimal)
> measured_at (optionnal) the time of the measure...
> lat:latitude when the measure has been taken
> lon:longitude when the measure has been taken

Ok, downloaded the cellhunter database, this is what it stores:

providercell_mcccell_mnccell_la cell_id cell_arfcn  
signal  gps_timegps_lat gps_longgps_alt gname   local_time  
IL ORANGE   425 1   3AFCA2F992  19  1252151461  
32.3668973  34.8627705  17.44   Baruch  1252185642  old_oldgps_near
IL ORANGE   425 1   3AFC7D54630 6   1252151461  
32.3668973  34.8627705  17.44   Baruch  1252185370  old_oldgps_near
IL ORANGE   425 1   1D6079CD107 17  1252151461  
32.3668973  34.8627705  17.44   Baruch  1252185368  new_gps

altitude is stored, good
speed missing, bad
hdop/vdop/pdop missing
heading missing (ok, I can't right now see how to use it but why not
to store it, it might become useful in the future..)
cell arfcn, no idea what's that..

So anyway also cellhunter could add some fields here and as it's on
Freerunner only, it shouldn't be too hard to also add the support to
the client.


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-06 Thread Risto H. Kurppa
On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Thomas
Landspurg wrote:
>  That's exactly the objective.There is a clear difference and
> complementarity between a general purpose database and the
> "CellsHunter" game for instance. The good news is that we are
> progressing well with CellsHunter to integrate their database.

I think this should be something done ~weekly; syncing the databases.

>  I still hope to convince OpenBMap to don't recreate another database
> focused on OpenMoko but use and improve a general purpose project.

I can't see why openbmap would focus on OpenMoko more than any other
projects. They talk about Windows Mobile and Freerunner on the front

> I
> am sure that that's the spirit of Onen, but it seems that we had some
> communication issue that I should be solved soon.

I don't know about your issues, just don't let it effect your
co-operation. If you think it's good to work together, do it.

>  The final benefit, at the end, is to provide the best not in only in
> term of coverage but also in terms of accuracy database.

OpenBmap stores this data:

* mcc
* mnc
* lon
* lat
* alt
* heading
* speed
* hdop
* vdop
* pdop
* swid: software id of the logger
* swver: software version of the logger
* lac: decimal value
* id: decimal value of the cell id
* ss: signal strength in dBm
* rxlev: optional
* ta: timing advance, optional
* speed: in km/h

OpenCellID stores these (source:

mcc: mobile country code(decimal)
mnc: mobile network code(decimal)
lac: locale area code (in decimal)
cellid: value of the cell id (in decimal)
measured_at (optionnal) the time of the measure...
lat:latitude when the measure has been taken
lon:longitude when the measure has been taken

CellHunter seems to be the app-specific you were talking about. Didn't
find specs to tell what data it sends (didn't check the source).

I think alt, speed and GPS precision etc information can be useful in
calculating the position of the cells.

>  As a reminder, we are open to any suggestion on how to imprement the
> API, features, missing fields, etc.

Please add sopport for at least alt, speed, heading, hdop, vdop, pdop,
signal strength. If the projects plan to share their data, all
projects should gather the same (full!) data of the cells to reach the
highest possible precision. Coverage is something you'll be able to
reach by everyone focusing on their own projects AND sharing the data.

I must say I like opencellID API: it has clear addresses how to
put/get cell information or GPS location. THis is something where
openbmap is behind.
And if OpenCellID has a nice api, it's good, but if I see that it
doesn't use speed nor hdop/vdop/alt in calculating the location I
trust openbmap more - but it's lacking the proper API.

-> work for both of you to do. Focus on it, not in rhetorics &
communication issues. Just make your project better than the other one
is and share the data. It's the best for the community!


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-06 Thread Thomas Landspurg
  Hello Risto,

 That's exactly the objective.There is a clear difference and
complementarity between a general purpose database and the
"CellsHunter" game for instance. The good news is that we are
progressing well with CellsHunter to integrate their database.
Currently the integration has been done once but I hope to integrate
this much easily soon...
  I still hope to convince OpenBMap to don't recreate another database
focused on OpenMoko but use and improve a general purpose project. I
am sure that that's the spirit of Onen, but it seems that we had some
communication issue that I should be solved soon.
  The final benefit, at the end, is to provide the best not in only in
term of coverage but also in terms of accuracy database.

  As a reminder, we are open to any suggestion on how to imprement the
API, features, missing fields, etc.

2009/9/3 Risto H. Kurppa :
> I have no idea what's going on between you people but:
> Now that I had a little thought, I really don't care how many copies
> of the database we have. All I care about is that
> a) there's a way to use the data (=a client capable to locate me based
> on the GSM cells around me)
> b) the client uses the database with most cells.
> -> as long as all three projects have proper API's to import/export
> data and they do it from the other 2 projects things work.
> It kind of makes sense if the projects use different ways to collect
> the data. One has it as a competition, one uses some clients to
> collect the data, another uses other clients and projects. And in the
> end they all benefit from the work of others.
> Just some points for you to discuss:
> a) common api or data format to import/export
> b) common api to submit cells
> r - goes out to find some cells
> (no, not really, I'll watch an episode of CSI :)
> --
> | risto h. kurppa
> | risto at kurppa dot fi
> |
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-06 Thread Thomas Landspurg
  Great, good to know that you are back. So I would like to be sure
that you received my latest emails / linked in invitation/facebook
inviation in order to make sure that we still can continue to discuss!

2009/9/3 Onen :
> Hi,
> I was away from my computer, I try to go now through my emails...
> Thomas Landspurg wrote:
>>   Guys, I start to be a little bit deseperate by these discussions
>>   I have some point of disagreement,
> Please tell.
>  but I would like first to stay
>> polite
> You imply you think you have good reasons not to. I think you should simply
> tell what you think.
>  and discuss with the OpenBMap guy. Does somebody knows where he
>> disappear?
> !!!
> I am trying to contact him since more than a week without
>> success
> I find very ironic that you find more than a week thaat long.
> Onen


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-03 Thread Risto H. Kurppa
I have no idea what's going on between you people but:

Now that I had a little thought, I really don't care how many copies
of the database we have. All I care about is that

a) there's a way to use the data (=a client capable to locate me based
on the GSM cells around me)
b) the client uses the database with most cells.

-> as long as all three projects have proper API's to import/export
data and they do it from the other 2 projects things work.

It kind of makes sense if the projects use different ways to collect
the data. One has it as a competition, one uses some clients to
collect the data, another uses other clients and projects. And in the
end they all benefit from the work of others.

Just some points for you to discuss:
a) common api or data format to import/export
b) common api to submit cells

r - goes out to find some cells

(no, not really, I'll watch an episode of CSI :)

| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-03 Thread Onen

I was away from my computer, I try to go now through my emails...

Thomas Landspurg wrote:
>Guys, I start to be a little bit deseperate by these discussions
>I have some point of disagreement,

Please tell.

  but I would like first to stay
> polite

You imply you think you have good reasons not to. I think you should 
simply tell what you think.

  and discuss with the OpenBMap guy. Does somebody knows where he
> disappear? 


I am trying to contact him since more than a week without
> success

I find very ironic that you find more than a week thaat long.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-03 Thread Sebastian Krzyszkowiak
On 9/3/09, Thomas Landspurg  wrote:
>Guys, I start to be a little bit deseperate by these discussions
>I have some point of disagreement, but I would like first to stay
> polite and discuss with the OpenBMap guy. Does somebody knows where he
> disappear? I am trying to contact him since more than a week without
> success

He just returned (few minutes ago). He explained on IRC that he was
offline thanks to his new internet provider :P

Sebastian Krzyszkowiak

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-03 Thread Yorick Moko
he used to be on  #openmoko-cdevel (nick: OnenBmap)
but I haven't seen him in a long time
maybe somebody there knows more about it

On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 11:40 AM, Thomas Landspurg

>   Guys, I start to be a little bit deseperate by these discussions
>   I have some point of disagreement, but I would like first to stay
> polite and discuss with the OpenBMap guy. Does somebody knows where he
> disappear? I am trying to contact him since more than a week without
> success
> 2009/9/3 Risto H. Kurppa :
> > On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 10:35 AM, Yorick Moko
> wrote:
> >> this is how I see it, from an end-user point-of-view:
> >>
> >> openBmap has the most cells
> >> openBmap maps the most information
> >>
> >> all I want is as much cells as possible
> >> AND
> >> know that I'm logging everything that increases the quality of the data
> >> (AFAIK cellhunter logs less information)
> >>
> >> openBmap does the trick for both of them
> >
> > +1
> >
> > (and I also know that onen/openBmap is working on software to do the
> > location based on GPS cells)
> >
> > But if the projects want to co-operate and use same databases I'm
> > thumbs up for it!
> >
> >
> > r
> >
> > --
> > | risto h. kurppa
> > | risto at kurppa dot fi
> > |
> >
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> 8Motions
> Founder/CTO
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-03 Thread Thomas Landspurg
   Guys, I start to be a little bit deseperate by these discussions

   I have some point of disagreement, but I would like first to stay
polite and discuss with the OpenBMap guy. Does somebody knows where he
disappear? I am trying to contact him since more than a week without

2009/9/3 Risto H. Kurppa :
> On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 10:35 AM, Yorick Moko wrote:
>> this is how I see it, from an end-user point-of-view:
>> openBmap has the most cells
>> openBmap maps the most information
>> all I want is as much cells as possible
>> AND
>> know that I'm logging everything that increases the quality of the data
>> (AFAIK cellhunter logs less information)
>> openBmap does the trick for both of them
> +1
> (and I also know that onen/openBmap is working on software to do the
> location based on GPS cells)
> But if the projects want to co-operate and use same databases I'm
> thumbs up for it!
> r
> --
> | risto h. kurppa
> | risto at kurppa dot fi
> |
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-03 Thread Risto H. Kurppa
On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 10:35 AM, Yorick Moko wrote:
> this is how I see it, from an end-user point-of-view:
> openBmap has the most cells
> openBmap maps the most information
> all I want is as much cells as possible
> know that I'm logging everything that increases the quality of the data
> (AFAIK cellhunter logs less information)
> openBmap does the trick for both of them


(and I also know that onen/openBmap is working on software to do the
location based on GPS cells)

But if the projects want to co-operate and use same databases I'm
thumbs up for it!


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-03 Thread Yorick Moko
On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:18 AM, Risto H. Kurppa  wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 1:28 AM, Thomas
> Landspurg wrote:
> >  Again , and clarifiacation:
> >
> >  ObenBMap have in fact less than 82963 cells (the 'trusted' cells),
> > the others are coming from OpenCellId! ;)
> Yes, I knew that OBM had imported from OCI but to me the only thing
> that matters is how many cells a service has to be used to calculate
> the locations of cells, no matter where's the data from. The more data
> a service has, the more reliable & usable it is for a user (if there
> were applications capable of using any of the services to do the
> location). So if all three services would sync their info daily/weekly
> with having some of their own extra fields I'd be happy as they all
> would benefit from each other and they all would have the same sources
> to do the locationing the only difference being the algorithms. Yes of
> course it'd be a waste of work to maintain three databases.. but isn't
> that the case now anyway?
> >  I would be fine also to reintegrate cells from CellsHunter into
> OpenCellID too
> Is there something that stops you from doing so?
> r
> this is how I see it, from an end-user point-of-view:

openBmap has the most cells
openBmap maps the most information

all I want is as much cells as possible
know that I'm logging everything that increases the quality of the data
(AFAIK cellhunter logs less information)

openBmap does the trick for both of them

this is of course a personal opinion

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-02 Thread Risto H. Kurppa
On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 1:28 AM, Thomas
Landspurg wrote:
>  Again , and clarifiacation:
>  ObenBMap have in fact less than 82963 cells (the 'trusted' cells),
> the others are coming from OpenCellId! ;)

Yes, I knew that OBM had imported from OCI but to me the only thing
that matters is how many cells a service has to be used to calculate
the locations of cells, no matter where's the data from. The more data
a service has, the more reliable & usable it is for a user (if there
were applications capable of using any of the services to do the
location). So if all three services would sync their info daily/weekly
with having some of their own extra fields I'd be happy as they all
would benefit from each other and they all would have the same sources
to do the locationing the only difference being the algorithms. Yes of
course it'd be a waste of work to maintain three databases.. but isn't
that the case now anyway?

>  I would be fine also to reintegrate cells from CellsHunter into OpenCellID 
> too

Is there something that stops you from doing so?


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-02 Thread Thomas Landspurg
  Again , and clarifiacation:

 ObenBMap have in fact less than 82963 cells (the 'trusted' cells),
the others are coming from OpenCellId! ;)

 OpenCellID: 433 574 cells
 CellHunter:  148 943 cells
 OpenBMap:  82 963 cells

 (sorry for talking the risk of being the 'bad' guy agin, but at the
end that's a little bit annoying)

  I would be fine also to reintegrate cells from CellsHunter into OpenCellID too

2009/9/3 Risto H. Kurppa :
> About the amount of cells, could someone explain me how many cells
> (with some kind of location information) cellhunter knows:
> explained here:
> 7milj (don't know where I got it from.. sorry for misleading..) is the
> number of ALL submits but to me it looks like that the no of cells is
> around 141371 (NCG) + 7572 (OCnG) = 148 943 cells. The rest are just
> more gps information for a single cell. Am I wrong?
> So to recap:
> OpenBMap: 479740 cells (of which 82963 are 'trusted')
> OpenCellID: 433574 cells
> CellHunter: 148 943 cells
> r
> --
> | risto h. kurppa
> | risto at kurppa dot fi
> |
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-02 Thread Risto H. Kurppa
About the amount of cells, could someone explain me how many cells
(with some kind of location information) cellhunter knows:
explained here:

7milj (don't know where I got it from.. sorry for misleading..) is the
number of ALL submits but to me it looks like that the no of cells is
around 141371 (NCG) + 7572 (OCnG) = 148 943 cells. The rest are just
more gps information for a single cell. Am I wrong?

So to recap:
OpenBMap: 479740 cells (of which 82963 are 'trusted')
OpenCellID: 433574 cells
CellHunter: 148 943 cells


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-02 Thread Sebastian Krzyszkowiak
On 9/2/09, Leonti Bielski  wrote:
> So how good or bad the data from Cellhunter project?
> For me it is a lot of fun to compete collecting cells. If it misses
> some data - let's just add more info about cells if necessary so then
> obm could import new data and everyone would be happy.
> Leonti
> Leonti
> On 9/2/09, Thomas Landspurg  wrote:
>>   Hello Risto,
>>   Here is a few facts from such FAQ:
>>  Most of the cells from OpenBMap are coming from OpenCellID (the
>> 'untrusted ones')
>>  One of the main difference from the three is that only OpenCellID
>> provides a complete access to the data and the measures.
>>  OpenCellId added a "CVS uploader" to import bulk CSV data files
>> mainly to be compatible with the OpenBMap logger. I just don't have
>> any OpenMoko phone to test it.
>>   I've been out of the mailing list from some time because I am not
>> involved in the OpenMoko community (I am more involved in J2ME and
>> others platforms), but I would be happy to reactivate the integration
>> effort. Since the beginning, OpenCellID was focused on collecting the
>> data and not writing clients for all platforms. I would be happy to
>> support the OpenBMap client and do some modifications if needed.
>>   Regarding CellHunter, I would ba happy also to work on an
>> integration. We had some early discussion, but I'll try to reactivate
>> them.
>>   Regards,
>> 2009/9/2 Risto H. Kurppa :
>>> On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 2:47 AM, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra
>>> wrote:
 How does CellHunter compare with OpenBMap ?
>>> I think someone could write a wiki page about this and include it in
>>> FAQ's
>>> :)
>>> CellHunter: 7milj cells, clients:
>>> and (and repositories?)
>>> OpenBMap: 479584 cells of which 82842 are 'trusted'*, client:
>>> (and repositories)
>>> OpenCellID: 433459 cells, clients:
>>> * trusted means it's collected via OpenBMap project, not imported from
>>> other projects.
>>> AFAIK, CellHunter is a competition (teams/individuals against each
>>> other) on collecting cells as OpenBmap&OpenCellID - well, you just
>>> collect the cells.
>>> AFAIK, OpenBmap is told to import data from other projects
>>> AFAIK, OpenBmap was started because of different views about important
>>> data to collect between OpenCellID and OpenBMap devels.
>>> To me the whole thing is a big mess. Do we really need three projects.
>>> Let me bet, they all are now working on tools to use their own data to
>>> find the position of a phone, right?
>>> 1) if OpenBMap imports from other projects, why it's missing the 7milj
>>> cellhunter cells?
>>> 2) AFAIK There are no tools to benefit from the collected data yet
>>> 3) Can't see a OpenCellID client for Freerunner
>>> I earlier tried CellHunter, didn't work. For me OpenBmap is just
>>> easiest to use. Which doesn't necessarily make it the best one of
>>> these three to contribute to. They call the diversity a richness of
>>> Open Source. Can't really see it here.
>>> r

When I tried Cellhunter (in early stage of its development), it didn't
feel so bullet-proof and stable, and I noticed I was collecting points
for invalid data which happened sometimes. And when moving, clicking
"update" constanly was giving me always 1 point more, and offline mode
wasn't so usable, so I had to colllect cells during GPRS connection,
which wasn't so stable these days. Maybe it changed now (well, i would
be supriced if it didn't :P), but openBmap client, data and website
just feel better, and most of important FSO and SHR devs are using
openBmap to collect cells - that's good enough recomendation to me ;)

Sebastian Krzyszkowiak

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-02 Thread Petr Vanek
>So how good or bad the data from Cellhunter project?
>For me it is a lot of fun to compete collecting cells. If it misses
>some data - let's just add more info about cells if necessary so then
>obm could import new data and everyone would be happy.

yes, it is lots of fun :) , the website is down now, what team do you
kick for? :))


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-02 Thread Leonti Bielski
So how good or bad the data from Cellhunter project?
For me it is a lot of fun to compete collecting cells. If it misses
some data - let's just add more info about cells if necessary so then
obm could import new data and everyone would be happy.



On 9/2/09, Thomas Landspurg  wrote:
>   Hello Risto,
>   Here is a few facts from such FAQ:
>  Most of the cells from OpenBMap are coming from OpenCellID (the
> 'untrusted ones')
>  One of the main difference from the three is that only OpenCellID
> provides a complete access to the data and the measures.
>  OpenCellId added a "CVS uploader" to import bulk CSV data files
> mainly to be compatible with the OpenBMap logger. I just don't have
> any OpenMoko phone to test it.
>   I've been out of the mailing list from some time because I am not
> involved in the OpenMoko community (I am more involved in J2ME and
> others platforms), but I would be happy to reactivate the integration
> effort. Since the beginning, OpenCellID was focused on collecting the
> data and not writing clients for all platforms. I would be happy to
> support the OpenBMap client and do some modifications if needed.
>   Regarding CellHunter, I would ba happy also to work on an
> integration. We had some early discussion, but I'll try to reactivate
> them.
>   Regards,
> 2009/9/2 Risto H. Kurppa :
>> On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 2:47 AM, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra
>> wrote:
>>> How does CellHunter compare with OpenBMap ?
>> I think someone could write a wiki page about this and include it in FAQ's
>> :)
>> CellHunter: 7milj cells, clients:
>> and (and repositories?)
>> OpenBMap: 479584 cells of which 82842 are 'trusted'*, client:
>> (and repositories)
>> OpenCellID: 433459 cells, clients:
>> * trusted means it's collected via OpenBMap project, not imported from
>> other projects.
>> AFAIK, CellHunter is a competition (teams/individuals against each
>> other) on collecting cells as OpenBmap&OpenCellID - well, you just
>> collect the cells.
>> AFAIK, OpenBmap is told to import data from other projects
>> AFAIK, OpenBmap was started because of different views about important
>> data to collect between OpenCellID and OpenBMap devels.
>> To me the whole thing is a big mess. Do we really need three projects.
>> Let me bet, they all are now working on tools to use their own data to
>> find the position of a phone, right?
>> 1) if OpenBMap imports from other projects, why it's missing the 7milj
>> cellhunter cells?
>> 2) AFAIK There are no tools to benefit from the collected data yet
>> 3) Can't see a OpenCellID client for Freerunner
>> I earlier tried CellHunter, didn't work. For me OpenBmap is just
>> easiest to use. Which doesn't necessarily make it the best one of
>> these three to contribute to. They call the diversity a richness of
>> Open Source. Can't really see it here.
>> r
>> --
>> | risto h. kurppa
>> | risto at kurppa dot fi
>> |
>> ___
>> Openmoko community mailing list
> --
> 8Motions
> Founder/CTO
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-02 Thread Thomas Landspurg
  Hello Risto,

  Here is a few facts from such FAQ:

 Most of the cells from OpenBMap are coming from OpenCellID (the
'untrusted ones')

 One of the main difference from the three is that only OpenCellID
provides a complete access to the data and the measures.

 OpenCellId added a "CVS uploader" to import bulk CSV data files
mainly to be compatible with the OpenBMap logger. I just don't have
any OpenMoko phone to test it.

  I've been out of the mailing list from some time because I am not
involved in the OpenMoko community (I am more involved in J2ME and
others platforms), but I would be happy to reactivate the integration
effort. Since the beginning, OpenCellID was focused on collecting the
data and not writing clients for all platforms. I would be happy to
support the OpenBMap client and do some modifications if needed.
  Regarding CellHunter, I would ba happy also to work on an
integration. We had some early discussion, but I'll try to reactivate

2009/9/2 Risto H. Kurppa :
> On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 2:47 AM, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
>> How does CellHunter compare with OpenBMap ?
> I think someone could write a wiki page about this and include it in FAQ's :)
> CellHunter: 7milj cells, clients:
> and (and repositories?)
> OpenBMap: 479584 cells of which 82842 are 'trusted'*, client:
> (and repositories)
> OpenCellID: 433459 cells, clients:
> * trusted means it's collected via OpenBMap project, not imported from
> other projects.
> AFAIK, CellHunter is a competition (teams/individuals against each
> other) on collecting cells as OpenBmap&OpenCellID - well, you just
> collect the cells.
> AFAIK, OpenBmap is told to import data from other projects
> AFAIK, OpenBmap was started because of different views about important
> data to collect between OpenCellID and OpenBMap devels.
> To me the whole thing is a big mess. Do we really need three projects.
> Let me bet, they all are now working on tools to use their own data to
> find the position of a phone, right?
> 1) if OpenBMap imports from other projects, why it's missing the 7milj
> cellhunter cells?
> 2) AFAIK There are no tools to benefit from the collected data yet
> 3) Can't see a OpenCellID client for Freerunner
> I earlier tried CellHunter, didn't work. For me OpenBmap is just
> easiest to use. Which doesn't necessarily make it the best one of
> these three to contribute to. They call the diversity a richness of
> Open Source. Can't really see it here.
> r
> --
> | risto h. kurppa
> | risto at kurppa dot fi
> |
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list


Openmoko community mailing list

cellhunter - openbmap - opencellid revisited... (was Re: CellHunter is moving to a new server)

2009-09-01 Thread Risto H. Kurppa
On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 2:47 AM, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
> How does CellHunter compare with OpenBMap ?

I think someone could write a wiki page about this and include it in FAQ's :)

CellHunter: 7milj cells, clients:
and (and repositories?)
OpenBMap: 479584 cells of which 82842 are 'trusted'*, client: (and repositories)
OpenCellID: 433459 cells, clients:

* trusted means it's collected via OpenBMap project, not imported from
other projects.

AFAIK, CellHunter is a competition (teams/individuals against each
other) on collecting cells as OpenBmap&OpenCellID - well, you just
collect the cells.
AFAIK, OpenBmap is told to import data from other projects
AFAIK, OpenBmap was started because of different views about important
data to collect between OpenCellID and OpenBMap devels.

To me the whole thing is a big mess. Do we really need three projects.
Let me bet, they all are now working on tools to use their own data to
find the position of a phone, right?

1) if OpenBMap imports from other projects, why it's missing the 7milj
cellhunter cells?
2) AFAIK There are no tools to benefit from the collected data yet
3) Can't see a OpenCellID client for Freerunner

I earlier tried CellHunter, didn't work. For me OpenBmap is just
easiest to use. Which doesn't necessarily make it the best one of
these three to contribute to. They call the diversity a richness of
Open Source. Can't really see it here.


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi

Openmoko community mailing list