Re: [CGUYS] the moon

2009-09-12 Thread Eric S. Sande
Like what? I'm not trying to be a smart-ass, it's a serious question. I've 
>yet to read about any really important research that is going on in the 
>space station and that couldn't be done any other


Microgravity offers real advanages in alloy and semiconductor
maufacturing, also pharmaceuticals.  We now know how to construct
large structures in orbit and maintain a long term presence in space.

Energy is unlimited and free.  Four nations/national consortia can boost
cargo into orbit and to the station assuming JAXA's HTV is successful.

I see the potential as enormous.  But we have to be there to realize it.

The ISS is a good start.  If we look at it as a platform for the assembly
of space-only ships, and as a fuel transfer point, we could explore the
L4 and L5 Lagrangian points.  The moon is probably not a good idea
if we can't prove the presence of water.

Robots aren't smart enough to do it all, and if we look at this new
frontier as a government monopoly we are shortchanging ourselves.

Just my opinion.

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Re: [CGUYS] the moon

2009-09-12 Thread Chris Dunford
> >>> According to physicist Dr. Robert Park of UMd and the American
> >>> Physical Society:
> >
> > You beat me to it. I was just about to post this. If, God forbid, a
> > terrorist someday forces me to put on a Terps sweatshirt, I will be
> > able to resist giving up the goods by telling myself that I'm wearing
> > it in support of Bob Park.
> You a physicist or a Park fan--or both?
> I've subscribed to WN for about 10 years. You?

Just a Park fan. He is one studly scientist. :)

Six or seven years, I guess.

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Re: [CGUYS] the moon

2009-09-12 Thread b_s-wilk

Chris Dunford  escribió:

According to physicist Dr. Robert Park of UMd and the American
Physical Society:

You beat me to it. I was just about to post this. If, God forbid, a
terrorist someday forces me to put on a Terps sweatshirt, I will be
able to resist giving up the goods by telling myself that I'm wearing
it in support of Bob Park.

You a physicist or a Park fan--or both?

I've subscribed to WN for about 10 years. You?

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Re: [CGUYS] the moon

2009-09-12 Thread Chris Dunford
> > Like what? I'm not trying to be a smart-ass, it's a serious
> > question. I've yet to read about any really important research that
> > is going on in the space station and that couldn't be done any
> > other way.
> Isn't this just another socialist boondoggle? Should not space be
> left for the likes of Disney, Virgin, Microsoft, and the Sirius
> Cybernetic Company?

Yes. In fact, as a committed liberal I should be in favor of expanding our 
communist/fascist regime to the moon and Mars. We're all about control, you 

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Re: [CGUYS] the moon

2009-09-12 Thread Chris Dunford
> According to physicist Dr. Robert Park
> of UMd and the American Physical Society:

You beat me to it. I was just about to post this. If, God forbid, a terrorist 
someday forces me to put on a Terps sweatshirt, I will be able to resist giving 
up the goods by telling myself that I'm wearing it in support of Bob Park.

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Re: [CGUYS] the moon

2009-09-12 Thread TPiwowar

On Sep 12, 2009, at 7:13 AM Sep 12, Chris Dunford wrote:
Like what? I'm not trying to be a smart-ass, it's a serious  
question. I've yet to read about any really important research that  
is going on in the space station and that couldn't be done any  
other way.

Isn't this just another socialist boondoggle? Should not space be  
left for the likes of Disney, Virgin, Microsoft, and the Sirius  
Cybernetic Company?

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Re: [CGUYS] the moon

2009-09-12 Thread b_s-wilk

Yeh ... and the US announced something er other about wanting to shut
the Space Station down in 2015 ... a mere years after completion so
we can pay for manned missions going back to the moon or to Mars or
just wandering around out in space...Why would that be? ...Anybody
notice a striking commonality between developing brand new manned
space missions/military hardware, starting new wars, and keeping our
current insurance companies in charge of our national health?
...Could it possibly be cost-plus unregulated pricing and profits in
a time when most all other American business is sucking wind/getting
clobbered by the foreign competition?.

The Augustine Commission is assessing the status of NASA's human 
spaceflight program; Norman Augustine was president of Lockheed Marting 
and former Secretary of the Army. According to physicist Dr. Robert Park 
of UMd and the American Physical Society:

"...The Coalition for Space Exploration issued a statement on Wednesday
praising the Augustine Commission. That's a very bad sign. The Coalition is
a space-industry lobby; it pushes for space exploration by humans, ruling
out the universe beyond Mars. That is totally inappropriate for the modern
space age, but it costs a lot more, and spending more is what the Coalition
for Space Exploration is about..."

The space shuttle Discovery landed last night in California. One of the 
astronauts was required to be carried out on a stretcher because of the 
physical toll of being in space for two months. Imagine how bad the 
astronauts' physical conditions will be when the are sent on a two year 
trip to Mars. We're not ready for long-distance human travel beyond 
Earth and the moon. Robots are. They're cheaper, stronger, more 
effective, don't need food or companionship, don't need the COLBERT 
treadmill, do their work, follow directions.

Money can be spent more effectively developing and improving technology 
and medical/physical outcomes before considering human space travel to 
another planet. It's not time, yet. Plan ahead--do it right.

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[CGUYS] Verizon Webmail Security

2009-09-12 Thread Alvin Auerbach

I was using Verizon webmail today to adjust my account and subaccounts.

All of the pages except one were unsecured, http pages. On the one  
page which was https, when I clicked submit, Safari came back and said  
this is an unsecured transmission.

I discussed this with a Verizon fios tech support person, and although  
she helped me with other matters, she said that no one in tech support  
knows anything about how or why Verizon web mail pages are set up the  
way that they are.

What's going on here? Why aren't the webmail pages secure? Why is the  
one page that's supposed to be secure, rated insecure by Safari?


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Re: [CGUYS] Word/Excel merge problem

2009-09-12 Thread Stephen Brownfield

   Thanks, I'll download the converter.  I was able to do the merge 
after saving it as CSV file  (per Tony's advice).

Thanks again,


t.piwowar wrote:
Office 2008 uses a very different file format than previous versions. 
There is a converter 

Simpler would be saving the Excel file as tab delimited or CSV if you 
don't mind stripping out formatting.

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Re: [CGUYS] Word/Excel merge problem

2009-09-12 Thread Stephen Brownfield

Thanks, but I had already done that.  Tony's advice to save 
it as a .csv worked.

Thanks for trying


Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

Have you tried saving it in an older format for import?


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Re: [CGUYS] Word/Excel merge problem

2009-09-12 Thread Stephen Brownfield

I saved it as a .csv  file and it worked fine.  I had the 
labels printed up by 12:30!



Tony B wrote:

First thing that comes to mind: Try exporting it to a .csv (or
something) and merging that. Or have her send you a .csv.

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Re: [CGUYS] the moon

2009-09-12 Thread Chris Dunford
> OK, the orbit is too low, but it's an asset to be leveraged.
> We may not have the technology or the will for a manned Mars
> landing, but just having a 24x7x365.25 platform is good.
> There are a lot of worthwhile exploration opportunities.

Like what? I'm not trying to be a smart-ass, it's a serious question. I've yet 
to read about any really important research that is going on in the space 
station and that couldn't be done any other

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Re: [CGUYS] the moon

2009-09-12 Thread Eric S. Sande

We don't own it. I think it's called the  ISS for a reason. Hell, the
Russians are broke and seem to be docking  there more often 
then we are.

Yes, but as long as Russia is the gas station for western Europe
believe me they aren't broke.  We (the US) paid for Zarya because
we could get it cheap as we didn't want to pay for Lockheed to
build it.

ALL of the the significant pieces of the ISS were paid for by the
US taxpayer, in terms of lift costs (the shuttle program).

That's OK, we can afford it.  And there isn't anything wrong with
leveraging our technology for the benefit of mankind.

Our butts are going to be in a bad situation when we close down
the shuttle and the only manned transport option is Soyuz.  We
forced them into the TMA design because the TM design was not
to NASA standards.  And they'll want payback on that. 

This is ALL politics.

We can't get Ares/Orion off the pad fast enough, at this point.

And at that, it's only a rough parity of an existing known reliable

This would be a good time to look at extending the shuttle
program, I know it's past its prime and it has all ready killed fourteen
astronauts and two vehicles.  And it's expensive as hell.

But it is the only man-rated (hah) vehicle we have right now. But
we know how to run it.  I mean we have 3 out of 5 still flying.

Things like the ISS and human spaceflight don't come cheap.

This is what JFK called "...the things that are hard..."

But I seriously doubt that anybody whose name is on this list,

would argue that that it wasn't worthwhile.


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