Re: [COOT] applying link restraints in coot

2022-02-03 Thread Georg Mlynek

Dear Paul, thanks.

I just tried on my linux machine in the lab running kubunutu 20.4 and 
coot 0.9.6

File --> Import CIF dictionary


File --> Open coordinates FTT_MYR-coot-start.pdb

But also here doing Regularize zone the link is not recognized.

(I have also phenix installed on the windows and linux machine. Could it 
be that there is some interference from there?)

Regarding your answer to

And there is no FTT-MYR link in the mon_lib_list.cif


even after importing in coot (attached).

mon_lib_list.cif and all monomer restraints are read-only for Coot.

Ok, so when doing Import CIF dictionary then File- the link is not 
written into the mon_lib_list.cif ?

Where does coot write the link and is it transformed in some way?

I copied the whole text of the Link_FTT_MYR_link.cif into 
mon_lib_list.cif . But this is not solving the issue.

Here is the terminal output when starting coot. The last two lines are 
written out when doing File --> Import CIF dictionary

How can I help?

Many thanks again, for all your effort.

Br, Georg.

C:\WinCoot>title WinCoot

C:\WinCoot>set COOT_PREFIX=C:\WinCoot\

C:\WinCoot>set COOT_GUILE_PREFIX=C:/WinCoot/

C:\WinCoot>set COOT_HOME=C:\WinCoot\

C:\WinCoot>set COOT_BACKUP_DIR=C:\WinCoot\\coot-backup

C:\WinCoot>set COOT_SHARE=C:\WinCoot\\share

C:\WinCoot>if not exist "" (
echo no $CLIBD_MON found trying to setup CCP4
 Call :setup_ccp4
no $CLIBD_MON found trying to setup CCP4

C:\WinCoot>For /F "Skip=1 Tokens=2*" %A In ('Reg Query 
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\CCP4-7"  /V "InstallDir" 2>Nul') Do Set 

C:\WinCoot>Set "CCP4Dir=C:\CCP4-7"

C:\WinCoot>REM find latest dir

C:\WinCoot>FOR /F " tokens=*" %i IN ('dir "C:\CCP4-7\7.*" /b /ad-h /t:c 
/od') DO SET vers=%i

C:\WinCoot>SET vers=7.1

C:\WinCoot>REM setup ccp4

C:\WinCoot>call "C:\CCP4-7\7.1\ccp4.setup.bat"
   CCP4:    C:\CCP4-7\7.1
   CCP4_SCR:    C:\ccp4temp

INFO:: Using Standard CCP4 Refmac dictionary from CLIBD_MON: 

There are 249 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//list/mon_lib_list.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//a/ALA.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//a/ASP.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//a/ASN.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//c/CYS.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//g/GLN.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//g/GLY.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//g/GLU.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//p/PHE.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//h/HIS.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//i/ILE.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//l/LYS.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//l/LEU.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//m/MET.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//m/MSE.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//p/PRO.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//a/ARG.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//s/SER.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//t/THR.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//v/VAL.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//t/TRP.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//t/TYR.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//p/PO4.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//s/SO4.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//g/GOL.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//c/CIT.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//e/EDO.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//a/A.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//c/C.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//g/G.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//u/U.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//d/DA.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//d/DC.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//d/DG.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//d/DT.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//h/HOH.cif
There are 2 data in C:/CCP4-7/7.1/lib/data/monomers//n/NA.cif
Spacegroup: P 1

(coot-bin.exe:1916): Pango-WARNING **: 11:30:24.083: couldn't load font 
"Noto Sans Bold Not-Rotated 10.0615234375", falling back to "Sans Bold 
Not-Rotated 10.0615234375", expect ugly output.

(coot-bin.exe:1916): Pango-WARNING **: 11:30:24.093: couldn't load font 
"Noto Sans Bold Not-Rotated 7.751953125", falling back to "Sans Bold 
Not-Rotated 7.751953125", expect ugly output.

(coot-bin.exe:1916): Pango-WARNING **: 11:30:24.100: couldn't load font 
"Noto Sans Bold Not-Rotated 12", falling back to "Sans Bold Not-Rotated 
12", expect ugly output.

(coot-bin.exe:1916): Pango-WARNING **: 11:30:24.107: couldn't load f

Re: [COOT] applying link restraints in coot

2022-02-02 Thread Paul Emsley

On 02/02/2022 22:44, Georg Mlynek wrote:

Dear Paul, many thanks for answering.

I am using Windows 10 and was running  WinCoot- when I wrote 
the mail and just upgraded to 0.9.7.

OK, sounds good.

Wincoot is located here C:\WinCoot

CCP4 and the mon_lib_list.cif here


And there is no FTT-MYR link in the mon_lib_list.cif


even after importing in coot (attached).

mon_lib_list.cif and all monomer restraints are read-only for Coot.

I guess we have spotted the problem.

have we though? :-)

I also saw in your FTT_MYR-coot-start.pdb there is no LINKR record. I 
thought this is needed?

It isn't, Coot reads LINKR as if it were a LINK. It doesn't write LINKRs.

There was no LINK either. Coot does "link" generation on the fly when 
generating restraints as often LINKs were wrong or missing (at least a 
few years ago that was the case).


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Re: [COOT] applying link restraints in coot

2022-02-02 Thread Paul Emsley

Sorry for the delay.

Better late than never, perhaps?

On 12/01/2022 23:04, Georg Mlynek wrote:

With the help of ccp4 people I created link records to build a large 
ligand from smaller monomers.

One link is FTT-MYR. Cif file attached.

I also put this record in the pdb file

LINKR    O3  FTT E   2 C1  MYR E 3    

and did

Import CIF dictionary in coot with the FTT-MYR.cif

However doing sphere_refine the restraints seem to be not applied, 
because the residues are repelled.

I attach my test molecule. I read in your dictionary and did a 
regularization - it seemed to work fine. (I didn't use sphere refine 
because I didn't have density).

I am using Coot 0.9.7. Why don't you say what you are using?

What am I doing wrong?

Why do I have to import the cif file via File --> Import CIF 
dictionary in coot and can't just past the cif files in 
C:\CCP4-7\7.1\Lib\data\monomers\list ?

Does this link exist in mon_lib_list.cif?

Coot reads mon_lib_list.cif as it starts up.


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Description: application/aportisdoc

[COOT] applying link restraints in coot

2022-01-12 Thread Georg Mlynek

Dear Scientific community, Paul and Bernhard,

With the help of ccp4 people I created link records to build a large 
ligand from smaller monomers.

One link is FTT-MYR. Cif file attached.

I also put this record in the pdb file

LINKR    O3  FTT E   2 C1  MYR E 3    

and did

Import CIF dictionary in coot with the FTT-MYR.cif

However doing sphere_refine the restraints seem to be not applied, 
because the residues are repelled.

What am I doing wrong?

Why do I have to import the cif file via File --> Import CIF dictionary 
in coot and can't just past the cif files in 
C:\CCP4-7\7.1\Lib\data\monomers\list ?

Many thanks and best regards, Georg.

To unsubscribe from the COOT list, click the following link:

This message was issued to members of, a mailing list 
hosted by, terms & conditions are available at
#RDKit_VERSION 2017.03.2   




FTT-MYRFTT   FTTm1   non-polymer MYR   MYRm1   
non-polymer FTT-MYR


FTTm1  delete HO3   . H H 0 
FTTm1  change O3. O O20 

FTTm1  delete O3HO3   single .  
FTTm1  change C3O3single 1.462  

FTTm1  delete C3O3HO3   .  .

FTTm1  delete C2C3O3HO3   . 


MYRm1  delete O2. O OC-1

MYRm1  delete C1O2single .  
MYRm1  change C1O1double 1.203  
MYRm1  change C1C2single 1.503  

MYRm1  delete O1C1O2.  .
MYRm1  delete O2C1C2.  .
MYRm1  change O1C1C2124.7142.71 

MYRm1  delete plan-1 C1 0.020
MYRm1  delete plan-1 C2 0.020
MYRm1  delete plan-1 O1 0.020
MYRm1  delete plan-1 O2 0.020

