Re: Java Floating Points.

2022-04-25 Thread Joseph D. Darcy
In the spirit of repeating previous messages, I again refer interested 
readers to my 2018 email to core-libs-dev which addresses many of the 
technical points being (re)raised here:

Appeal to authority is a commonly used rhetorical technique. A worse 
variant of appeal to authority is when the work being cited does not in 
fact support the argument being put forward. Case point, the document

    "How Java’s Floating-Point Hurts Everyone Everywhere"

originally authored by Prof. Kahan and myself in 1998, does not advocate 
decimal-only computation. The word "decimal" appears exactly zero times 
in the July 30, 2004 version of the document (Prof. Kahan often revises 
and reposts his documents).

In brief, the thesis of the "JavaHURT" paper is that the Java platform 
commits sins of omission by requiring IEEE 754 arithmetic while 
forbidding certain mandatory feature of the IEEE 754 standard and by 
precluding support for the 80-bit floating-point format found on 
contemporary x86 processors. Moral conclusions aside, it is correct that 
the Java platform then, as now, does not natively support those 
mandatory features of IEEE 754 (rounding modes, floating-point exception 
handling) for the built-in floating-point types float and double. No 
other widely used and available programming platform I know of supports 
those features either. In the intervening years, the 80-bit format 
originating with the x87 co-processor has been effectively deprecated by 
both Intel and AMD.

While IEEE 754 is commonly thought of as a hardware standard, the 
designers of the standard intended it to provide a programming platform. 
More recent revisions of IEEE 754 have tried to make this intention clearer.

Without researching the exact JDK where SSE support was first included, 
it was would have been at least 15 years ago, probably more.

The SSE instructions do *not* support decimal floating-point 
computation; they are primarily, but not exclusively, about 32-bit and 
64-bit binary floating-point operations:

The POWER6 chip is one of the few that does have hardware support for 
decimal floating-point, a feature added in the 2008 revision of IEEE 754:

Rather than re-asking core-libs-dev every few days if the the platform 
stewards have suddenly decided to undertake this large, but poorly 
defined effort, I suggest trying you organize like minded parties, 
perhaps including A Z poweruserm at, to yourselves build a 
library/environment/platform with the features you envision to 
concretely demonstrate its benefits.


On 4/21/2022 11:55 PM, sminervini.prism wrote:
To core-libs, OpenJDK, JCP, and all

For the sake of the consequences of the real issues it raises,
I include the rebuttal to Andrew Haley's earlier comments,
and I reiterate that the real need is to improve the Java software
at its roots level, more so.

Andrew Haley said, and we reply:

1) Firstly, it is not possible to change Java's core floating-point
arithmetic in a compatible way. We certainly will not adopt decimal
floating-point for Java's core arithmetic.

While I don't like re-submitting this article, certainly not on this forum,
there has always been this article:

The age of this article does not matter. It is as bearing to action in 2022
as it was then.

-Even without recombiling floating point or StrictMath code, of course it could
be changed, and compatibly. Runtime or compile time switches could be 
Key words could be introduced that may apply at many different levels. Maybe
even annotations could be used for the compiler, which can already apply at
any point that floating point arithmetic and StrictMath methods and fields
may occur. Whevever there is a code space, there could be an annotation
or a keyword. At the class or interface or static block level. At the
variable, data, field and method level. Even at the main method,
Thread level, Runnable or Future level, or even further.

2) Secondly, Java should not be your focus. We will not change Java's
arithmetic in a way that is incompatible with other languages or
which makes Java slower on existing hardware.

-There could be dual mode floating point correction, implemented inside
Java at any level you could like. Dual mode couldn't be incompatible
with anything.

3) You must read and fully understand this before you go any further. It
will require a lot of study:

May the Java Community Process reconsider the present floating point
operations and method calls situation, based on an imperfect
standard and improper workaround, and provide corrected, defaulting

RFR: 8282227: Locale information for nb is not working properly

2022-04-25 Thread Naoto Sato
This was caused by incorporating CLDR v39, which switched the Norwegian locale 
inheritance from `no` -> `nb` to `nb` ->`no` and moved the resources from `nb` 
to `no`, which now contradicts Java's locale fallback. Explicitly inheriting 
`no` from `nb` will fix the issue.


Commit messages:
 - 8282227: Locale information for nb is not working properly

  Stats: 79 lines in 2 files changed: 74 ins; 1 del; 4 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/8394/head:pull/8394


Integrated: JDK-8285614: Fix typo in java.lang.Float

2022-04-25 Thread Joe Darcy
On Mon, 25 Apr 2022 22:22:29 GMT, Joe Darcy  wrote:

> Fix typo introduced in JDK-8261123.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: d435d692
Author:Joe Darcy 
Stats: 1 line in 1 file changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 1 mod

8285614: Fix typo in java.lang.Float

Reviewed-by: naoto, lancea, iris



Re: RFR: JDK-8285614: Fix typo in java.lang.Float

2022-04-25 Thread Iris Clark
On Mon, 25 Apr 2022 22:22:29 GMT, Joe Darcy  wrote:

> Fix typo introduced in JDK-8261123.

Marked as reviewed by iris (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8284642: Unexpected behavior of -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=0 [v3]

2022-04-25 Thread David Holmes
On Mon, 25 Apr 2022 14:26:17 GMT, Harold Seigel  wrote:

>> Please review this small fix for JDK-8284642.  The fix was tested by running 
>> Mach5 tiers 1-2 on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows, and Mach5 tiers 3-5 on Linux 
>> x64.  Additionally, the modified test and the test in the bug report were 
>> run locally.
>> Thanks, Harold
> Harold Seigel has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Fix globals.hpp text

That all looks good to me.



Marked as reviewed by dholmes (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: JDK-8285614: Fix typo in java.lang.Float

2022-04-25 Thread Lance Andersen
On Mon, 25 Apr 2022 22:22:29 GMT, Joe Darcy  wrote:

> Fix typo introduced in JDK-8261123.

Marked as reviewed by lancea (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: JDK-8285614: Fix typo in java.lang.Float

2022-04-25 Thread Naoto Sato
On Mon, 25 Apr 2022 22:22:29 GMT, Joe Darcy  wrote:

> Fix typo introduced in JDK-8261123.

Marked as reviewed by naoto (Reviewer).



RFR: JDK-8285614: Fix typo in java.lang.Float

2022-04-25 Thread Joe Darcy
Fix typo introduced in JDK-8261123.


Commit messages:
 - JDK-8285614: Fix typo in java.lang.Float

  Stats: 1 line in 1 file changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 1 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/8390/head:pull/8390


Re: RFR: 8284161: Implementation of Virtual Threads (Preview) [v5]

2022-04-25 Thread Lance Andersen
On Thu, 21 Apr 2022 11:35:57 GMT, Alan Bateman  wrote:

>> This is the implementation of JEP 425: Virtual Threads (Preview); TBD which 
>> JDK version to target.
>> We will refresh this PR periodically to pick up changes and fixes from the 
>> loom repo.
>> Most of the new mechanisms in the HotSpot VM are disabled by default and 
>> require running with `--enable-preview` to enable.
>> The patch has support for x64 and aarch64 on the usual operating systems 
>> (Linux, macOS, and Windows). There are stubs (calling Unimplemented) for 
>> zero and some of the other ports. Additional ports can be contributed via 
>> PRs against the fibers branch in the loom repo.
>> There are changes in many areas. To reduce notifications/mails, the labels 
>> have been trimmed down for now to hotspot, serviceability and core-libs. 
>> We'll add the complete set of labels when the PR is further along.
>> The changes include a refresh of java.util.concurrent and ForkJoinPool from 
>> Doug Lea's CVS. These changes will probably be proposed and integrated in 
>> advance of this PR.
>> The changes include some non-exposed and low-level infrastructure to support 
>> the (in draft) JEPs for Structured Concurrency and Scope Locals. This is to 
>> make life a bit easier and avoid having to separate VM changes and juggle 
>> branches at this time.
> Alan Bateman has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Refresh

test/jdk/jdk/internal/vm/Continuation/ line 327:

> 325: 
> 326: // @Test
> 327: public void testPinnedNative() {

Are you disabling this test?  if so, you can do `@Test(enabled=false)`



Re: RFR: 8284161: Implementation of Virtual Threads (Preview) [v6]

2022-04-25 Thread Lance Andersen
On Mon, 25 Apr 2022 13:19:49 GMT, Alan Bateman  wrote:

>> This is the implementation of JEP 425: Virtual Threads (Preview); TBD which 
>> JDK version to target.
>> We will refresh this PR periodically to pick up changes and fixes from the 
>> loom repo.
>> Most of the new mechanisms in the HotSpot VM are disabled by default and 
>> require running with `--enable-preview` to enable.
>> The patch has support for x64 and aarch64 on the usual operating systems 
>> (Linux, macOS, and Windows). There are stubs (calling Unimplemented) for 
>> zero and some of the other ports. Additional ports can be contributed via 
>> PRs against the fibers branch in the loom repo.
>> There are changes in many areas. To reduce notifications/mails, the labels 
>> have been trimmed down for now to hotspot, serviceability and core-libs. 
>> We'll add the complete set of labels when the PR is further along.
>> The changes include a refresh of java.util.concurrent and ForkJoinPool from 
>> Doug Lea's CVS. These changes will probably be proposed and integrated in 
>> advance of this PR.
>> The changes include some non-exposed and low-level infrastructure to support 
>> the (in draft) JEPs for Structured Concurrency and Scope Locals. This is to 
>> make life a bit easier and avoid having to separate VM changes and juggle 
>> branches at this time.
> Alan Bateman has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a 
> merge or a rebase. The pull request now contains ten commits:
>  - Refresh cf561073f48fad58e931a5285b92629aa83c9bd1
>  - Merge with jdk-19+19
>  - Refresh
>  - Refresh
>  - Refresh
>  - Refresh
>  - Merge with jdk-19+18
>  - Refresh
>  - Initial push

Test changes look good.  One question/comment below



Re: RFR: JDK-8266431: Dual-Pivot Quicksort improvements (Radix sort) [v12]

2022-04-25 Thread iaroslavski
On Mon, 14 Mar 2022 19:12:29 GMT, iaroslavski  wrote:

>> Sorting:
>> - adopt radix sort for sequential and parallel sorts on 
>> int/long/float/double arrays (almost random and length > 6K)
>> - fix tryMergeRuns() to better handle case when the last run is a single 
>> element
>> - minor javadoc and comment changes
>> Testing:
>> - add new data inputs in tests for sorting
>> - add min/max/infinity values to float/double testing
>> - add tests for radix sort
> iaroslavski has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   JDK-8266431: Dual-Pivot Quicksort improvements (Radix sort)
>   * Improved mixed insertion sort
>   * Optimized insertion sort
>   * Improved merging sort
>   * Optimized soring tests

waiting testing result from Laurent



Withdrawn: 8285255: refine StringLatin1.regionMatchesCI_UTF16

2022-04-25 Thread XenoAmess
On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 21:15:29 GMT, XenoAmess  wrote:

> some thoughts after watching 8285001: Simplify StringLatin1.regionMatches  
> if (Character.toLowerCase(u1) == Character.toLowerCase(u2)) {
> continue;
> }
> should be changed to 
> if (((u1 == c1) ? CharacterDataLatin1.instance.toLowerCase(c1) : 
> c1) == Character.toLowerCase(u2)) {
> continue;
> }
> as:
> 1. c1 is LATIN1, so CharacterDataLatin1.instance.toLowerCase seems faster.
> 2. because c1 is LATIN1, so if u1 != c1, then c1 is already lowercase, and 
> don't need a lowercase cauculation.

This pull request has been closed without being integrated.



Re: RFR: 8285255: refine StringLatin1.regionMatchesCI_UTF16 [v3]

2022-04-25 Thread XenoAmess
On Wed, 20 Apr 2022 21:08:19 GMT, XenoAmess  wrote:

>> some thoughts after watching 8285001: Simplify StringLatin1.regionMatches  
>> if (Character.toLowerCase(u1) == Character.toLowerCase(u2)) {
>> continue;
>> }
>> should be changed to 
>> if (((u1 == c1) ? CharacterDataLatin1.instance.toLowerCase(c1) : 
>> c1) == Character.toLowerCase(u2)) {
>> continue;
>> }
>> as:
>> 1. c1 is LATIN1, so CharacterDataLatin1.instance.toLowerCase seems faster.
>> 2. because c1 is LATIN1, so if u1 != c1, then c1 is already lowercase, and 
>> don't need a lowercase cauculation.
> XenoAmess has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   remove = check

close as not worthy.



Re: RFR: 8285255: refine StringLatin1.regionMatchesCI_UTF16 [v3]

2022-04-25 Thread XenoAmess
On Mon, 25 Apr 2022 15:10:01 GMT, Claes Redestad  wrote:

> Unfortunately this leads to an error for case-insensitive `regionMatches` 
> between a latin-1-string that contains either of `\u00b5` or `\u00ff` (these 
> two code-points have upper case codepoints outside of the latin-1 range) and 
> a UTF-16 string:
> ```
> jshell> "\u00b5".regionMatches(true, 0, "\u0100", 0, 1)
> |  Exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 924 out of 
> bounds for length 256
> |at CharacterDataLatin1.getProperties (
> |at CharacterDataLatin1.toLowerCase (
> |at StringLatin1.regionMatchesCI_UTF16 (
> |at String.regionMatches (
> |at (#4:1)
> ```

@cl4es Yes, you are correct.

And if change it to `CharacterDataLatin1.instance.toLowerCase(u1)`, it would 
strongly harm performance.



Regression after April Java 17 Update (mime types)

2022-04-25 Thread Bernd Eckenfels

We just tried to push out the Java 17 April Update but it failed with some 
incompatible behavior. We found out it is caused due to a new mime-type (and a 
bug in Apache VFS) that JAR files could no longer be opened in an overlay 
(technically a JAR URL suddenly had a mime-type and therefore VFS no longer 
looked at the file extension).

Just wanted to give a heads up in case anybody else has that problem. The 
change 8273655 (a backport 828109) was not mentioned in the 17.0.3 release 
notes (it is also in 11.0.16) from Oracle and Azul - will it show up in the 
OpenJDK announcement?

This specific case is a changed behavior (even when it has rather unexpected 
negative consequences), it would be therefore good to be called out 



Integrated: 8285477: Add a PRECISION public static field to j.l.Float and j.l.Double

2022-04-25 Thread Raffaello Giulietti
On Fri, 22 Apr 2022 14:26:07 GMT, Raffaello Giulietti  

> Add useful constants specified in IEEE 754.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: fb605944
Author:Raffaello Giulietti 
Committer: Joe Darcy 
Stats: 52 lines in 2 files changed: 32 ins; 14 del; 6 mod

8285477: Add a PRECISION public static field to j.l.Float and j.l.Double

Reviewed-by: darcy



Re: RFR: 8283620: System.out does not use the encoding/charset specified in the Javadoc [v2]

2022-04-25 Thread Naoto Sato
On Sat, 23 Apr 2022 05:53:17 GMT, David Holmes  wrote:

>> Naoto Sato has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   Modified the spec for the new system properties.
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ line 774:
>> 772:  * Character encoding name for {@link System#out 
>> System.out}.
>> 773:  * The Java runtime can be started with the system property set 
>> to {@code UTF-8},
>> 774:  * starting it with the property set to another value clears to 
>> undefined behavior.
> _leads_ to undefined behavior

Good catch! Fixed.



Re: RFR: 8283620: System.out does not use the encoding/charset specified in the Javadoc [v3]

2022-04-25 Thread Naoto Sato
> Promoting the internal system properties for `System.out` and `System.err` so 
> that users can override the encoding used for those streams to `UTF-8`, 
> aligning to the `Charset.defaultCharset()`. A CSR has also been drafted.

Naoto Sato has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
commit since the last revision:

  Fixed typos.


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 2 lines in 1 file changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 2 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/8270/head:pull/8270


Re: System.exit deadlock if called within a hook

2022-04-25 Thread David Lloyd
On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 9:25 AM  wrote:
> Ok, you're right that it can raise an exception when the calling thread does 
> not have the security privileges needed. But what if it had them ? Right now 
> the deadlock comes from the fact is doesn't got back to the caller with an 
> exception and doesn't end the current thread. My 1st proposal was to have a 
> way to end the current thread. If you think that is not acceptable and prefer 
> the exception solution, then something like throw new 
> IllegalStateException("Shutdown in progress") which is already used when 
> adding new hooks while shutting down and adjust the System.exit method 
> documentation accordingly (might be dangerous since it "breaks" actual 
> documented and implemented contract, might be too heavy for a change).
> First things first : do you think this is an issue the JVM has to solve 
> (either using a destroy-current-thread solution, or a 
> throw-IllegalStateException one), or do you think this was a hook misuse and 
> maybe would only need maybe a clearer warning in the hooks's documentation, 
> or do you think we keep everything as it is because I should have guessed 
> better reading the actual documentation  ?

If you're asking me personally, I think it would make a lot of sense
to throw IllegalStateException or a new subclass thereof (e.g.
`ExitInProgressException` or something). However, my opinion doesn't
count. I suspect that those whose opinions *do* count will probably
say that this would be too much of a breaking change.

- DML • he/him

Re: RFR: 8285255: refine StringLatin1.regionMatchesCI_UTF16 [v3]

2022-04-25 Thread Claes Redestad
On Wed, 20 Apr 2022 21:08:19 GMT, XenoAmess  wrote:

>> some thoughts after watching 8285001: Simplify StringLatin1.regionMatches  
>> if (Character.toLowerCase(u1) == Character.toLowerCase(u2)) {
>> continue;
>> }
>> should be changed to 
>> if (((u1 == c1) ? CharacterDataLatin1.instance.toLowerCase(c1) : 
>> c1) == Character.toLowerCase(u2)) {
>> continue;
>> }
>> as:
>> 1. c1 is LATIN1, so CharacterDataLatin1.instance.toLowerCase seems faster.
>> 2. because c1 is LATIN1, so if u1 != c1, then c1 is already lowercase, and 
>> don't need a lowercase cauculation.
> XenoAmess has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   remove = check

Unfortunately this leads to an error for case-insensitive `regionMatches` 
between a latin-1-string that contains either of `\u00b5` or `\u00ff` (these 
two code-points have upper case codepoints outside of the latin-1 range) and a 
UTF-16 string:

jshell> "\u00b5".regionMatches(true, 0, "\u0100", 0, 1)
|  Exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 924 out of bounds 
for length 256
|at CharacterDataLatin1.getProperties (
|at CharacterDataLatin1.toLowerCase (
|at StringLatin1.regionMatchesCI_UTF16 (
|at String.regionMatches (
|at (#4:1)



Re: RFR: 8284642: Unexpected behavior of -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=0 [v2]

2022-04-25 Thread Harold Seigel
On Fri, 22 Apr 2022 18:14:27 GMT, Harold Seigel  wrote:

>> Please review this small fix for JDK-8284642.  The fix was tested by running 
>> Mach5 tiers 1-2 on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows, and Mach5 tiers 3-5 on Linux 
>> x64.  Additionally, the modified test and the test in the bug report were 
>> run locally.
>> Thanks, Harold
> Harold Seigel has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   restore source, fix man page

Hi David,  Thanks for looking at this and for the suggested text.  Please 
review this latest commit to fix the text in globals.hpp.
Thanks, Harold



Re: RFR: 8284642: Unexpected behavior of -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=0 [v3]

2022-04-25 Thread Harold Seigel
> Please review this small fix for JDK-8284642.  The fix was tested by running 
> Mach5 tiers 1-2 on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows, and Mach5 tiers 3-5 on Linux 
> x64.  Additionally, the modified test and the test in the bug report were run 
> locally.
> Thanks, Harold

Harold Seigel has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
commit since the last revision:

  Fix globals.hpp text


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 2 lines in 1 file changed: 1 ins; 0 del; 1 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/8222/head:pull/8222


RE: System.exit deadlock if called within a hook

2022-04-25 Thread remi.catherinot
Ok, you're right that it can raise an exception when the calling thread does 
not have the security privileges needed. But what if it had them ? Right now 
the deadlock comes from the fact is doesn't got back to the caller with an 
exception and doesn't end the current thread. My 1st proposal was to have a way 
to end the current thread. If you think that is not acceptable and prefer the 
exception solution, then something like throw new 
IllegalStateException("Shutdown in progress") which is already used when adding 
new hooks while shutting down and adjust the System.exit method documentation 
accordingly (might be dangerous since it "breaks" actual documented and 
implemented contract, might be too heavy for a change).

First things first : do you think this is an issue the JVM has to solve (either 
using a destroy-current-thread solution, or a throw-IllegalStateException one), 
or do you think this was a hook misuse and maybe would only need maybe a 
clearer warning in the hooks's documentation, or do you think we keep 
everything as it is because I should have guessed better reading the actual 
documentation  ?

My demo code is simple, but the environment in which it happened and being able 
to understand the jstack output with lots of frameworks hooking here and there 
plus some uncaught exception hanlders kicking in was really really hard. In my 
case I ended up having a hook to run a delayed Runtime.halt call, which more 
feels like a JVM workaround rather than a framework workaround.


Orange Restricted

-Message d'origine-
De : David Lloyd  
Envoyé : lundi 25 avril 2022 15:41
Cc :
Objet : Re: System.exit deadlock if called within a hook

On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 8:09 AM  wrote:
> because it would still run finally blocks, which cannot happen for no 
> return methods like System.exit and Runtime.halt

FWIW I don't think this is correct. `exit` and `halt` etc. cannot
*return* but they're definitely allowed to throw an exception 
(`SecurityException` is presently specified) and thus are allowed to unwind the 
stack, even through `finally` blocks.

- DML • he/him


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Thank you.

Re: RFR: 8284992: Fix misleading Vector API doc for LSHR operator

2022-04-25 Thread Jie Fu
On Wed, 20 Apr 2022 17:24:56 GMT, Paul Sandoz  wrote:

>> Hi all,
>> The Current Vector API doc for `LSHR` is
>> Produce a>>>(n&(ESIZE*8-1)). Integral only.
>> This is misleading which may lead to bugs for Java developers.
>> This is because for negative byte/short elements, the results computed by 
>> `LSHR` will be different from that of `>>>`.
>> For more details, please see 
>> .
>> After the patch, the doc for `LSHR` is
>> Produce zero-extended right shift of a by (n&(ESIZE*8-1)) bits. Integral 
>> only.
>> Thanks.
>> Best regards,
>> Jie
> We can raise attention to that:
> /** Produce {@code a>>>(n&(ESIZE*8-1))} 
>   * (The operand and result are converted if the operand type is {@code byte} 
> or {@code short}, see below).  Integral only.
>   * ...
>   */

Hi @PaulSandoz ,

I add a piece of notice at the end of the brief description of `LSHR` since not 
everyone would click and see the details without the change.
What do you think?



Re: RFR: 8284779: Test java/util/logging/Logger/logrb/ fails intermittently with vthreads wrapper [v2]

2022-04-25 Thread Alan Bateman
On Mon, 25 Apr 2022 13:56:04 GMT, Daniel Fuchs  wrote:

>> Hi,
>> Please find enclosed a patch to fix a rare intermittent failure that was 
>> detected while testing virtual threads.
>> The issue has nothing to do with virtual threads, the test is simply missing 
>> a reachability fence to make sure that the parent logger is not garbage 
>> collected until its child logger is created.
>> best regards,
>> -- daniel
> Daniel Fuchs has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Update copyright year again

Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).



Re: RFR: 8284779: Test java/util/logging/Logger/logrb/ fails intermittently with vthreads wrapper [v2]

2022-04-25 Thread Alan Bateman
On Mon, 25 Apr 2022 13:52:38 GMT, Daniel Fuchs  wrote:

>> Hi,
>> Please find enclosed a patch to fix a rare intermittent failure that was 
>> detected while testing virtual threads.
>> The issue has nothing to do with virtual threads, the test is simply missing 
>> a reachability fence to make sure that the parent logger is not garbage 
>> collected until its child logger is created.
>> best regards,
>> -- daniel
> Daniel Fuchs has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Update copyright year again

Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).

test/jdk/java/util/logging/Logger/logrb/ line 3:

> 1: /*
> 2:  * Copyright (c) 2013, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights 
> reserved.

I think you meant 2022 :-)



Re: RFR: 8284779: Test java/util/logging/Logger/logrb/ fails intermittently with vthreads wrapper [v2]

2022-04-25 Thread Daniel Fuchs
On Mon, 25 Apr 2022 13:48:47 GMT, Alan Bateman  wrote:

>> Daniel Fuchs has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   Update copyright year again
> test/jdk/java/util/logging/Logger/logrb/ line 3:
>> 1: /*
>> 2:  * Copyright (c) 2013, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights 
>> reserved.
> I think you meant 2022 :-)

How times fly! :-) Thanks for catching.



Re: RFR: 8284779: Test java/util/logging/Logger/logrb/ fails intermittently with vthreads wrapper [v2]

2022-04-25 Thread Daniel Fuchs
> Hi,
> Please find enclosed a patch to fix a rare intermittent failure that was 
> detected while testing virtual threads.
> The issue has nothing to do with virtual threads, the test is simply missing 
> a reachability fence to make sure that the parent logger is not garbage 
> collected until its child logger is created.
> best regards,
> -- daniel

Daniel Fuchs has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
commit since the last revision:

  Update copyright year again


  - all:
  - new:

 - full:
 - incr:

  Stats: 1 line in 1 file changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 1 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/8382/head:pull/8382


Re: System.exit deadlock if called within a hook

2022-04-25 Thread David Lloyd
On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 8:09 AM  wrote:
> because it would still run finally blocks, which cannot happen for no return 
> methods like System.exit and Runtime.halt

FWIW I don't think this is correct. `exit` and `halt` etc. cannot
*return* but they're definitely allowed to throw an exception
(`SecurityException` is presently specified) and thus are allowed to
unwind the stack, even through `finally` blocks.

- DML • he/him

RFR: 8284779: Test java/util/logging/Logger/logrb/ fails intermittently with vthreads wrapper

2022-04-25 Thread Daniel Fuchs

Please find enclosed a patch to fix a rare intermittent failure that was 
detected while testing virtual thread.
The issue has nothing to do with virtual thread, the test is simply missing a 
reachability fence to make sure that the parent logger is not garbage collected 
until its child logger is created.

best regards,

-- daniel


Commit messages:
 - 8284779: Test java/util/logging/Logger/logrb/ 
fails intermittently with vthreads wrapper

  Stats: 7 lines in 1 file changed: 6 ins; 0 del; 1 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/8382/head:pull/8382


Re: RFR: 8285445: cannot open file "NUL:"

2022-04-25 Thread David M . Lloyd
On Sat, 23 Apr 2022 15:24:13 GMT, Alan Bateman  wrote:

> > FWIW we fixed the same problem by simply using `NUL` instead of `NUL:`.
> Hopefully newer code can use OutputStream.nullOutputStream(). It's portable 
> and avoids depending on these legacy Windows specific reserved names.

One possible advantage of having a "real" OS-supported `null` stream (in 
addition to its uses by the process subsystem) is that it could be used to 
efficiently drain bytes from things like sockets and pipes using transfer 
methods, assuming adequate JDK support. On Linux at least, the `splice` syscall 
is able to move bytes between socket and pipe buffers and into file buffers 
without copying them into user space. For `/dev/null` this means the bytes are 
discarded on the kernel side.



Re: RFR: 8284161: Implementation of Virtual Threads (Preview) [v6]

2022-04-25 Thread Alan Bateman
> This is the implementation of JEP 425: Virtual Threads (Preview); TBD which 
> JDK version to target.
> We will refresh this PR periodically to pick up changes and fixes from the 
> loom repo.
> Most of the new mechanisms in the HotSpot VM are disabled by default and 
> require running with `--enable-preview` to enable.
> The patch has support for x64 and aarch64 on the usual operating systems 
> (Linux, macOS, and Windows). There are stubs (calling Unimplemented) for zero 
> and some of the other ports. Additional ports can be contributed via PRs 
> against the fibers branch in the loom repo.
> There are changes in many areas. To reduce notifications/mails, the labels 
> have been trimmed down for now to hotspot, serviceability and core-libs. 
> We'll add the complete set of labels when the PR is further along.
> The changes include a refresh of java.util.concurrent and ForkJoinPool from 
> Doug Lea's CVS. These changes will probably be proposed and integrated in 
> advance of this PR.
> The changes include some non-exposed and low-level infrastructure to support 
> the (in draft) JEPs for Structured Concurrency and Scope Locals. This is to 
> make life a bit easier and avoid having to separate VM changes and juggle 
> branches at this time.

Alan Bateman has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a merge 
or a rebase. The pull request now contains ten commits:

 - Refresh cf561073f48fad58e931a5285b92629aa83c9bd1
 - Merge with jdk-19+19
 - Refresh
 - Refresh
 - Refresh
 - Refresh
 - Merge with jdk-19+18
 - Refresh
 - Initial push


  Stats: 104157 lines in 1144 files changed: 94155 ins; 4291 del; 5711 mod
  Fetch: git fetch pull/8166/head:pull/8166


Re: RFR: 8284161: Implementation of Virtual Threads (Preview) [v5]

2022-04-25 Thread Alan Bateman
On Fri, 22 Apr 2022 02:26:50 GMT, ExE Boss  wrote:

>> Alan Bateman has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   Refresh
> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ line 179:
>> 177: private T get(Thread t) {
>> 178: ThreadLocalMap map = getMap(t);
>> 179: if (map != null && map != ThreadLocalMap.NOT_SUPPORTED) {
> Due to the way `setInitialValue` is implemented, `getMap(t)` will currently 
> be called twice when `ThreadLocal`s are disabled.
> This method should probably be changed so that when `map == 
> ThreadLocalMap.NOT_SUPPORTED`, it simply does:
> return initialValue();
> Suggestion:
> if (map != null) {
> if (map == ThreadLocalMap.NOT_SUPPORTED) {
> return initialValue();
> }

It's benign but what you suggest may be clearer - thanks!

> src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ line 423:
>> 421:  * Construct a new map without a table.
>> 422:  */
>> 423: ThreadLocalMap() {
> It might be possible for this to be `private`:
> Suggestion:
> private ThreadLocalMap() {

Yes, this can be private.



Re: RFR: 8284161: Implementation of Virtual Threads (Preview) [v2]

2022-04-25 Thread Alan Bateman
On Fri, 15 Apr 2022 21:24:58 GMT, Paul Sandoz  wrote:

>> Alan Bateman has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   Refresh
> src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/vm/ line 115:
>> 113: }
>> 114: 
>> 115: private Runnable target;
> Can be final? (Does not appear to be updated by the VM, or via unsafe by some 
> other class)

Yes, it can.



System.exit deadlock if called within a hook

2022-04-25 Thread remi.catherinot

Exemple code to deadlock the JVM. Only Runtime.halt from within the JVM or a 
SIGKILL from outside stops it. Normal kills and Ctrl-C (which is a SIGTERM) 
fail to do so.

public class ExitInHookDemo {
public static void main(String...args) {
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread("hook") 
public void run() { System.exit(1); }

I've tried to more or less do a pure java patch in java.lang.Shutdown but the 
only way to have a real patch would be to have Thread.destroy still there and 
implemented or anything allowing Shutdown to destroy a thread. In essence, 
System.exit is a no return method call. So using Thread.stop which raise a 
ThreadDeath error is not enough (the method go back to the caller with the 
error). Only Thread.destroy has the contract of being a no return call. Yes the 
documentation said it is unsafe because it does not release locks & co, but 
right now that is exactly what is happening, so Thread.destroy limitations are 
acceptable. Throwing something that is not catchable, something legit to throw 
but not legit to catch, even by a catch Throwable, is not enough because it 
would still run finally blocks, which cannot happen for no return methods like 
System.exit and Runtime.halt: try { System.exit(0); /* code that should never 
be reached */ } catch (Throwable t) { /* code that should never be reached */ } 
finally { /* code that should also never be reached */ }

I've searched the known/documented bugs but I either missed the fact it was 
already reported, or I only got entries about removing Thread.destroy.

By the way, I'm not really asking to have Thread.destroy implemented were it is 
currently defined (a public method inside Thread). I mean at least 
java.lang.Shutdown should have a way to destroy Threads, even a private one. 
Threads destroyed that way should make threads stuck joining the destroyed one 
must be released.

I got the bug on java 1.8, oracle and openjdk ones. Not tested it one >=9 ones.

Here is what the approximation of a patch using pure java, but I'm no jdk 
expert and had no access to thread destruction, so it is not perfect. The code 
is from java.lang.Shutdown
static void exit(int status) {
boolean wasRunning = false; // < - - new var
boolean runMoreFinalizers = false;
synchronized (lock) {
switch (state) {
case RUNNING:   /* Initiate shutdown */
state = HOOKS;
wasRunning = true; // < - - first call to System.exit, the 
caller will run all of what is needed -hooks, maybe finalizers, etc.
if (status != 0) runFinalizersOnExit = false; // < - - also 
moved the runFinalizersOnExit block to avoid having it changed/altered by 
several threads trying to exit with different status code
case HOOKS: /* Stall and halt */
if (status != 0) {
/* Halt immediately on nonzero status */
} else {
/* Compatibility with old behavior:
 * Run more finalizers and then halt
runMoreFinalizers = runFinalizersOnExit;
if (!wasRunning) Thread.currentThread().stop(); // < - - should be a 
destroy rather than a stop. This thread is not the 1st who called System.exit, 
and since it should never return, it must die asap. We are outside of the 
synchronized block so if any lock remains acquired by this thread, they are 
acquired by the caller which should have released them before calling exit on 
the 1st place. If the caller called us while having locks, it is a caller bug, 
not a Shutdown.exit one. Current implementation since it never returns (and 
yield the stuck bug I report) also never release any of the locks it has too
// < - - beyond this line nothing has been modified
if (runMoreFinalizers) {
synchronized (Shutdown.class) {
/* Synchronize on the class object, causing any other thread
 * that attempts to initiate shutdown to stall indefinitely



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Re: RFR: 8283620: System.out does not use the encoding/charset specified in the Javadoc [v2]

2022-04-25 Thread Alan Bateman
On Fri, 22 Apr 2022 18:14:18 GMT, Naoto Sato  wrote:

>> Promoting the internal system properties for `System.out` and `System.err` 
>> so that users can override the encoding used for those streams to `UTF-8`, 
>> aligning to the `Charset.defaultCharset()`. A CSR has also been drafted.
> Naoto Sato has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Modified the spec for the new system properties.

Overall I think this looks good, assuming the typo in the spec ("clears" -> 
"leads") is fixed.


Marked as reviewed by alanb (Reviewer).


Re: RFR: 8283620: System.out does not use the encoding/charset specified in the Javadoc [v2]

2022-04-25 Thread Alan Bateman
On Sat, 23 Apr 2022 05:55:15 GMT, David Holmes  wrote:

> I think Alan has a typo: "clears" -> "leads"

Apologies, there was a typo in my comment on the PR. I didn't mean for the word 
"clears" to go into the spec.
