[Coworking] Re: Lighting your space (Alex Hillman?)

2018-03-02 Thread Angel Kwiatkowski
+7 on the track lighting hack. I REALLY hate track lighting because it's 
always beaming into my brain. We used a version of track lighting at 
Bandwidth and immediately turned all the bulbs to face up and out towards 
the walls. It's such a great method to get lots of light reflecting off of 
stuff without it searing your retinas.

On Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 4:29:01 PM UTC-7, Jen Luby wrote:
> Hey all, my landlord is asking for a lighting plan so he can get a sense 
> of budget for the buildout...but this is not my forte. What kind of lights 
> do you guys use in a) open work areas and b) private offices? Currently 
> there are a ton of track lights installed (it's a former gallery space) but 
> from what I've read those can cast unpleasant shadows.
> (Alex, I put you in the subject because I think you worked on this for 
> Indy Hall, although I didn't find any previous posts about. My apologies if 
> I'm wrong.)
> Thanks!
> Jen Luby
> Dayhouse Coworking
> Highland Park, IL

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[Coworking] Re: Member access when ownership/management is not there

2018-03-02 Thread Melanie Ollenberg
Hi there! 

Congratulations are in order!

We built our coworking space in Toronto knowing we would not have an onsite 
person for at least the first few years, for the same reasons. We use a key 
box entry system, and all members need to greet their clients at the door 
because it stays locked. We do random and planned visits to the space, and 
installed a camera that we can view remotely if we get a call that there's 
an issue. 

At our first location, we were able to set up the buzzer system to our cell 
phones, so my business partner and I could buzz Members in remotely - it 
worked great, but we had to live with our phones possibly ringing at any 
time so that was a bit much. 

Many Members have asked to have a reception, and we let them know the cost 
per year and how that would break down in terms of a hike in their 
Membership fees per month. Then they nod, and say they can do without. Note 
the community decision, and it demonstrates you've been transparent, and 
that the decision not to have a reception was a community one.

Another option that some of our Members have raised, is having a volunteer 
rotation for the reception desk duties. People seem to stop at the 
understanding that not everybody will offer this, and it would need to be 
coordinated by a volunteer as well. Nobody steps forward, so we go on 
another day without a rotating volunteer team working as reception. Again, 
turning it back to the community is helpful. 

We are in Toronto at a prime location, so rent is pretty high. We've asked 
our Members if they'd like to move to something a bit lower end / middle of 
the line, and they love the space so much they are willing to stay at this 
location without a reception, rather than move someplace else with one.

I suppose they key is to figure out WHY you need one, and if it's really 
important. With today's tech, most of us are very reachable and able to be 
of assistance no matter where we are!

Hope that's helpful ;)

Inner Arts Collective
Toronto, ON

On Friday, February 23, 2018 at 10:30:35 AM UTC-5, Kevin Haggerty wrote:
> Hey guys!
> So, Cowork Gloucester VA is rolling along, and we're doing great so far 
> (open since November and have 3 private offices leased, 1 dedicated desk, 2 
> part-time members, and 6 community members). However, we're still very 
> green and have a lot to learn. 
> The main thing I am hoping you can give me feedback on is the issue of 
> member access when you or a community manager is not on-site.
> Because we're so new and don't really have capital behind us, we haven't 
> been able to (and still cannot) afford hiring anyone to be a receptionist 
> or community manager. This leaves me to have to be there pretty much every 
> day from 9 to 5.
> We allow our Private Office members to have the keypad combo and to come 
> and go as they please, 24/7. Even that is somewhat of a risk, but we felt 
> like we needed to limit liability in not giving that same unfettered access 
> to the lower rungs of membership.
> Are we being overcautious? Is there another way we could/should approach 
> this? How do you handle it at your space?
> Thanks in advance!

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