Re: Financial identity is *dangerous*? (was re: Fake companies, real money)

2004-11-01 Thread Ian Grigg

> Ian Grigg wrote:
>> It should be obvious.  But it's not.  A few billions
>> of investment in smart cards says that it is anything
>> but obvious.
> That assumes that the goal of smartcards is to increase security instead
> of to decrease liability.

On whether the goal of smart cards is to reduce

a)  Not with any systems I was familiar:  the major Dutch
systems were defensive, oriented to filling the space
that was potentially threatened by other parties.  The
trials were goaled to increase security, which they did
not by using smart cards, but by eliminating cash, which
had created an unacceptable risk of serious theft in
unattended petrol stations.  The same happened with UK
phone cards...  I'm unfamiliar with Mondex or the Belgium/
Proton based motives, but their structures indicate that
liability was not a question uppermost on their minds.

b)  Liability reduction cannot be a goal.  If it was, then
one could achieve the goal completely - eliminate liability -
by not doing the project.  Instead, liability and/or
reduction of same is a _limitation_ on the goal of the

c)  Whether liability reduction entered into any smart
card system as a limitation on their goals is a little
uncertain.  I would say no, as all the systems were
early stage in the institutional model;  in which case
there was little or no liability.  Instead, the only
drivers in that vague area would have been future
running costs reduction, which would have included well
considered security models, and partially considered
user support models, to reduce over all costs.  Including
all forms of risks, of course.

d)  Liability reduction generally comes into play when a
system is mature and/or regulatory issues come into play.
That is, liability reduction is something often seen when
the desire is to avoid surprises, and to avoid any costs
cropping up that weren't well built into the costs model.
I.e., the risk models used by credit card operators are
one example, and the customer agreement models (or whatever
they are called) used by CAs are another example of liability

e) Perversely, banks practice liability increase as well as
reduction.  In fact, a pure banking model is about the risk
of a loan, and they specialise in measuring and managing
the risk of that loan.  But, as we are talking about payment
systems, and loans are banking, and banking is not payment
systems, that would be a change in business, so out of
scope of the original topic.

f)  And, of course, all institutions will practice liability
increase if they can turn it into a barrier to entry, that
is, cartelise the industry so as to block new entrants.  See
the eMoney directive for the European barrier to entry, which
was effectively coordinated by the Bundesbank on behalf of
the banks, and resulted in the "like a bank, but not a bank,
and as costly as a bank" approach to digital cash.

All of which might or might not hit the target of liability
as you wrote it?


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Re: AES Modes

2004-11-01 Thread David A. McGrew
On Oct 13, 2004, at 10:59 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On the IEEE 802 standards track, CCM and GCM have traction. CCM has 
in 802.11 for a while and the 802.16-2004 was published last week,
supplanting the broken DES-CBC mode with AES-CCM. For wireless 
systems, we
know and like CCM and it's going to take a lot to oust it.

I'm aware of a handful of other wireless protocols in development that
appear to be all headed the CCM way.
GCM proposed for 802.1ae linksec. This is the 'fast' mode for wired 

For packetised traffic below 1Gbps, CCM works just great. The CTR and 
parts of CCM run in parallel in hardware, making the basic latency = 1 
(which is 11 clocks in a simple implementation). With a bit of HW loop
unrolling and pipelining, I can do CCM upto several gigabits.

CCM nicely matches the structure of packets. Namely
1) Get header -> Process additional authenticated data
2) Get payload -> Process MAC and encryption in parallel.
So it is not a bear to implement in a typical communications datapath 
where things are presented to you in this order.

GCM allows block level parallelism up to a point.
I'm not sure what you mean here.  Is there some limitation that you 
have in mind?

Hence enabling me to put
lots of parallel AES blocks on a chip and go at multi gigabits without
breaking a sweat. It does however have all that Galois arithmetic to do
per block, which increases the path depth a bit.
There is however a fundamental speed problem with packet oriented AES
based modes. The parallelism you can achieve on things like GCM 
that you have multiple blocks to run in parallel. If I get a large 
of small packets, each < 128 bits long, then there's nothing to do in
parallel at the block level and so my speed limit is determined by how
fast I can run 11 rounds of AES.
I'm not quite sure what you mean here, but GCM can be implemented with 
a single AES pipeline and a single GF(2^128) multiplier such that data 
from multiple packets can be in the pipeline at the same time.  In 
fact, this was a design requirement for GCM; the other authenticated 
encryption modes lack this property and their performance suffers for 
it when used for packet encryption at high data rates.  There is an 
analysis of this issue in Section 3.1. of that includes a comparison between 
GCM, CWC, and OCB.  Here is the result: GCM is the only authenticated 
encryption mode that doesn't stall its AES pipeline each time a new 
packet comes in, and this enables it to go twice as fast as CWC and 
three times as fast as OCB on Internet data, in the case in which a 
single AES pipeline is used.  (Other modes aren't in the contest, since 
they use chaining.)

This may come to bite us in the future and when we start having to 
data pushing the terabits, we either need larger packets or something
different in the crypto. One way is to protect over large packet
aggregates, but no 802 level protocol is set up to support it. Stream
ciphers look attractive here, we can make them go *really* fast in
CTR and GCM can be fully pipelined; I'm not sure what a stream cipher 
could do that would be better.  I guess one potential improvement would 
be lower latency due to reduced pipeline depth.  But I don't understand 
where a stream cipher would get the increase in data throughput that 
you're alluding to.

Best regards,
Another frustrating aspect of the current crop of modes is frame
expansion. Throwing in an 8 byte nonce and an 8 byte ICV per packet is 
heavy overhead. Deriving nonces from the protocol state is generally 
wise since the frame counts are either non existant (802.3, 802.11) or 
secured (802.16).

In the coming years, I would like to see link protocols (I.E. 802.*) 
link security down to the PHY, to protect management and data traffic
equally, to secure the protocol state as well as data and so to reduce
packet overhead. I would also like to see the standardized crypto and
protocols be structured to work over larger aggregates of packets,
protecting the structure of transmission as well as the content and
allowing much greater levels of parallelism in the HW implementations.

Obviously, none of this is very relevant above layer 2.
From: Ian Grigg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Oct 10, 2004 11:11 AM
To: Metzdowd Crypto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: AES Modes

I'm looking for basic mode to encrypt blocks (using AES)
of about 1k in length, +/- an order of magnitude.  Looking
at the above table (2nd link) there are oodles of proposed

It would be nice to have a mode that didn't also require
a separate MAC operation - I get the impression that
this is behind some of the proposals?
I think CCM is just about perfect for this goal.  The MAC isn't free, 
it's integrated into the chaining mode.  There are also some patented
modes that provide a MAC for almost no extra computation(OCB, IACBC), 
some proposed modes t

US deploys anti-satelite equipment

2004-11-01 Thread Perry E. Metzger

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- The U.S. Air Force quietly has put into
service a new weapon designed to jam enemy satellite communications, a
significant step toward U.S. control of space.


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Trio try for better mobile security

2004-11-01 Thread R.A. Hettinga

 Trio try for better mobile security

The Trusted Mobile Platform from Intel, IBM and NTT DoCoMo aims to make
mobiles a better bet for secure networking
Daniel Robinson, IT Week 01 Nov 2004

Intel, IBM and mobile communications company NTT DoCoMo last week announced
a set of security specifications for mobile client devices. They said the
aim is to create a secure architecture for future wireless data services.

The Trusted Mobile Platform specification, available via the link below,
defines a set of hardware and software components plus communication
protocols that can be used to build devices with various levels of
security. It is intended to be an open standard, according to NTT DoCoMo
chief executive Takanori Utano.

The specification defines three classes of trusted mobile device (TMD),
ranging from handsets with no hardware security features to those that
include a trusted platform module (TPM) to handle cryptography functions
and hardware-enforced separation between trusted and untrusted applications
and their data. It also defines a set of protocols that allow a TMD to
communicate with other platforms more securely

The partnership brings together Intel's expertise in silicon and wireless
devices, IBM's experience of business security and NTT DoCoMo's knowledge
of security in wireless networks, the companies said.

"This collaboration enhances handheld architectures to provide the trusted
capabilities vital for widespread adoption of mobile commerce and
enterprise usage," said Intel vice-president Sean Maloney.

Chip designer ARM already includes technology called TrustZone in its
latest processor cores to provide separation between secure and non-secure
code. Although Intel uses ARM technology in its XScale mobile chips, the
company has not disclosed whether the Trusted Mobile Platform supports
technologies such as TrustZone.

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Re: Financial identity is *dangerous*? (was re: Fake companies, real money)

2004-11-01 Thread Ben Laurie
Ian Grigg wrote:

Alan Barrett wrote:
On Sat, 23 Oct 2004, Aaron Whitehouse wrote:
Oh, and make it small enough to fit in the pocket,
put a display *and* a keypad on it, and tell the
user not to lose it.

How much difference is there, practically, between this and using a 
smartcard credit card in an external reader with a keypad? Aside from 
the weight of the 'computer' in your pocket...

The risks of using *somebody else's keypad* to type passwords or
instructions to your smartcard, or using *somebody else's display* to
view output that is intended to be private, should be obvious.

It should be obvious.  But it's not.  A few billions
of investment in smart cards says that it is anything
but obvious.
That assumes that the goal of smartcards is to increase security instead 
of to decrease liability.

ApacheCon! 13-17 November!
"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff
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Re: [off-topic, but not by ukcrypto standards] ukcrypto-moderated pre-moderators needed

2004-11-01 Thread Ben Laurie
Peter Fairbrother wrote:
Ben Laurie wrote:

OK, since my previous attempt to create a lower volume
ukcrypto-like-thing failed, I have concluded that the only way to handle
the problem is to produce a moderated version of ukcrypto. I know for
sure there's demand for this, but I also know that the volume is too
high for traditional moderation methods (at least too high for _me_ to
use traditional moderation).

I have a question. What do you think is on topic?
The original charter, as I understand it, was to discuss UK legislation
relating to cryptography - which is fine, but very little is happening in
that area right now, and there would be virtually no posts.
I would include privacy and anonymity as well as cryptography. I'm open 
to persuasion for other topics.

Killing time isn't one of them.
ApacheCon! 13-17 November!
"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff
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[off-topic, but not by ukcrypto standards] ukcrypto-moderated pre-moderators needed

2004-11-01 Thread Ben Laurie
OK, since my previous attempt to create a lower volume 
ukcrypto-like-thing failed, I have concluded that the only way to handle 
the problem is to produce a moderated version of ukcrypto. I know for 
sure there's demand for this, but I also know that the volume is too 
high for traditional moderation methods (at least too high for _me_ to 
use traditional moderation).

So, I'm going to try doing this a different way. What I want is 
volunteers who will undertake to, when it is convenient, sift through 
the currently unsifted-through postings to ukcrypto and choose 
candidates for moderation (and rejection). This will be done via an IMAP 
server, so volunteers need to have an email client that is capable of 
handling shared IMAP folders without frying its brains. If potential 
volunteers are in doubt as to whether they qualify, get in touch and 
we'll figure it out.

To explain a little more clearly what is entailed... there will be a 
folder with a copy of all ukcrypto mail in it. Volunteers will examine 
this and, for each message, do one of three things:

a) Leave it where it is (when in doubt)
b) Move it to a "rejected" folder
c) Move it to a "premoderation" folder
I will then do final moderation on the contents of the premoderation 
folder (to be clear: I'll also do premoderation, just like everyone else).

The idea behind this is that the load will be spread over the 
volunteers, so each one will only have to deal with a fraction of the 
total volume, _and_ moderation will be done in a convenient and familiar 
fashion, with threading and all that good stuff.

I'm copying this to Perry's list because I'm sure there are people who 
might like to read the output of this process (and might, therefore, 
volunteer as premoderators), but are not on ukcrypto because of the 
volume. Please feel free to forward this to other lists/individuals that 
might be interested.

Pre-moderators, please apply directly to me.
Discussion/questions can go wherever you prefer.
ApacheCon! 13-17 November!
"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff
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Adding reliability and trust to smartcards

2004-11-01 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
IST Results -   Adding reliability and trust to smartcards
of course ... reliability and trust is more than just the smartcards ... it 
assurance and trust related to the smartcard infrastructre ... not just the 
cards themselves.

recent posting on eal5 evaluation, somewhat related EAL5
other parts of the thread EAL5 EAL5
semi-related posts about infrastructure Financial identity is 
*dangerous*? (was re: Fake companies, real money) Financial identity is 
*dangerous*? (was re: Fake companies, real money)

Anne & Lynn Wheeler
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Re: Financial identity is *dangerous*? (was re: Fake companies, real money)

2004-11-01 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

At 10:29
AM 10/28/2004, James A. Donald wrote:
Is there a phone that is
programmable enough to store secrets 
on and sign and decrypt stuff?
The ideal crypto device would be programmed by burning new 
proms, thus enabling easy reprogramming, while making it 
resistant to trojans and viruses. 
there are a couple different trust relationships ... the issue of the
user trusting the keyboard/terminal ... and the issue of the relying
party trusting the keyboard/terminal.
The FINREAD terminal ... misc. (EU) finread references:
supposedly is certified as an stand-alone external keypad and display
that can't (very difficult) in being hacked. the financial scenario is
that the display can be trusted to display the amount being approved 
the user puts in his card and enters their pin/password. The pin-pad is
certified as not being subject to virus keyloggers (that you might find
if a PC keyboard was being used). 
For the relying party (say an online financial institution) ... the user
putting their card into the reader ... and the card generating some
unique value ... would indicate to the relying party "something you
have" authentication. The user entering a PIN can both indicate
"something you know" authentication as well as implying that
the user aggrees/approves with the value in the display.
Note that the implied agreement/approval ... in not just dependent on the
user entering the PIN ... but also on the certification of the terminal
... that the terminal doesn't accept the PIN until after the certified
terminal displays the correct value (i.e. there is a certified business
process sequence).
The entering of the PIN can also involving transmitting some form of the
PIN to the relying party ... and/or the PIN is passed to the
smartcard/chip ... and the chip is known to only operate in the
appropriate manner when the correct PIN is entered. In this later case,
the relying party doesn't actually have knowledge of the "something
you know" authentication  but the relying party can infer it
based on knowing the certified business process operation of all of the
Lets say the unique value provided by the smartcard is some form of
digital signature ... and the relying party infers from the correct
digitial signature "something you have" authentication. There
is still the trust issue between the relying party and the terminal used
by the user  which may also require that the (certified eu finread)
terminal also performs a digital signature  in order for the relying
party to be able to trust that it really was a terminal of specific
characteristics ... as opposed to some counterfeit or lower-trusted
There is still the issue of the user trusting such a terminal. If the
terminal belongs to the user  in the user physical home space 
then there isn't as much of a trust issue regarding the user trusting the
The problem arises for the user if they are faced with using a terminal
in some random, unsecured location some place in the world. Even in the
situation where a relying party receives a valid transaction with a valid
digital signature from a certified, known finread terminal ... there are
still a number of MITM attacks on finread terminals that might be located
in unsecured locations (various kinds of overlays and/or intermediate
boxes capable of performing keylogging and/or modified display
The personal cellphone and/or PDA ... with user "owned" display
and key entry  is a countermeasure to various kinds of MITM attacks
on terminals in public &/or unsecured locations
(user has no way of easily proofing that they aren't faced with some form
of compromised terminal environment).

Anne & Lynn Wheeler

RE: Financial identity is *dangerous*? (was re: Fake companies, real money)

2004-11-01 Thread Trei, Peter
James A. Donald wrote:

> R.A. Hettinga wrote:
> > [The mobile phone is] certainly getting to be like Chaum's
> > ideal crypto device. You own it, it has its own I/O, and it
> > never leaves your sight.
> Is there a phone that is programmable enough to store secrets 
> on and sign and decrypt stuff?

I've been programming phones and PDAs for several years.
They are certainly powerful enough for symmetric operations.
Some at the higher end can to public key operations at a
reasonable speed. The lower end ones can't. Try taking a
look at the new Treos, the newer PocketPC devices, and
phones such as the Motorola A760.

> The ideal crypto device would be programmed by burning new 
> proms, thus enabling easy reprogramming, while making it 
> resistant to trojans and viruses. 

Some of the devices partition their storage, with portions
that are easily modified, and portions which are more
secure. The carriers generally want to prevent users from
modifying the SW in ways which could enable fraud or damage
the network, yet allow downloads of games, apps, etc.


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[ISN] Secret Service busts online organized crime ring

2004-11-01 Thread R.A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 03:31:38 -0500 (CDT)
From: InfoSec News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ISN] Secret Service busts online organized crime ring
List-Id: InfoSec News 
List-Subscribe: ,

Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED],10801,97017,00.html

By Dan Verton
OCTOBER 28, 2004

In what it called an "Information Age undercover investigation," the
U.S. Secret Service today announced that it has arrested 28 people
from eight U.S. states and six countries allegedly involved in a
global organized cybercrime ring.

Charges filed against the suspects include identity theft, computer
fraud, credit card fraud and conspiracy.

The investigation, code-named Operation Firewall, resulted in what the
Secret Service described as a significant disruption of organized
criminal activity online that was targeting the financial
infrastructure of the U.S. The suspects are alleged to have
collectively trafficked in at least 1.7 million stolen credit card

Financial institutions have estimated their losses associated with the
suspects targeted by the investigation to be more than $4.3 million.

"Led by the Secret Service Newark Field Office, investigators from
nearly 30 domestic and foreign Secret Service offices and their global
law enforcement counterparts have prevented potentially hundreds of
millions of dollars in loss to the financial and hi-tech communities,"
Secret Service Director W. Ralph Basham said in a statement. "These
suspects targeted the personal and financial information of ordinary
citizens, as well as the confidential and proprietary information of
companies engaged in e-commerce."

Operation Firewall began in July 2003 and quickly evolved into a
transnational investigation of global credit card fraud and online
identity theft. The underground criminal groups have been identified
as Shadowcrew, Carderplanet and Darkprofits. The organizations
operated Web sites used to traffic counterfeit credit cards and false
identification information and documents. The groups allegedly used
the sites to share information on how to commit fraud and sold the
stolen information and the tools needed to commit such crimes.

International law enforcement organizations that took part in the
investigation and arrests included the U.K.'s National Hi-Tech Crimes
Unit, the Vancouver Police Department's Financial Crimes Section, the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Europol.

Officials in Bulgaria, Belarus, Poland, Sweden, the Netherlands and
Ukraine also were involved.

Open Source Vulnerability Database (OSVDB) Everything is Vulnerable -

--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Re: Financial identity is *dangerous*? (was re: Fake companies, real money)

2004-11-01 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Thu, Oct 28, 2004 at 09:29:21AM -0700, James A. Donald wrote:

> Is there a phone that is programmable enough to store secrets 
> on and sign and decrypt stuff?

Er, it has been a while since you bought a new mobile, right?
About all of them have several MBytes memory, and run Java. Some Motorolas
run Linux. The better smart phones are pretty beefy PDAs.
> The ideal crypto device would be programmed by burning new 
> proms, thus enabling easy reprogramming, while making it 
> resistant to trojans and viruses. 

The problem with modern mobiles that their security is of the cargo
cult/snake oil variety. Only a question of time before the first MMS worm
wipes out all Nokias, or something.

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07078, 11.61144
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: PGP signature

"Scan design called portal for hackers"

2004-11-01 Thread David Honig

EETimes 25 Oct 04 has an article about how 
the testing structures on ICs makes them 
vulnerable to attacks.  The basic idea is
that to test a chip, you need to see inside
it; this can also reveal crypto details 
(e.g., keys) which compromise the chip.  

This has been known to us with an interest
in both crypto and IC design for some time,
but its nice to see it exposed in the public
lit.  There are methods that avoid this,
such as BIST, but they are less popular.

36 Laurelwood Dr
Irvine CA 92620-1299

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"Don't 'sir' me, young man, you have no idea who you're dealing with"
Tommy Lee Jones, MIB

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Re: MCI set to offer secure two-way messaging with strong encryption

2004-11-01 Thread Dan Veeneman
At 01:16 PM 10/28/04, you wrote:
> MCI Inc. will offer secure two-way messaging through its SkyTel
> Communications subsidiary next month, encrypting wireless text
> with the Advanced Encryption Algorithm.
This service has been available to U.S. Government customers
for at least seven years, albeit not always with AES.  SkyTel
was keenly aware that capturing and decoding their paging
traffic was well within the means of even casual hobbyists.
Note that they don't say it's "end to end" encryption:
> Messages are encrypted between the device and an encryption server
> at SkyTel's secure network operations center.
And presumably wiretappable there.
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Re: Financial identity is *dangerous*? (was re: Fake companies, real money)

2004-11-01 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 9:29 AM -0700 10/28/04, James A. Donald wrote:
>Is there a phone that is programmable enough to store secrets
>on and sign and decrypt stuff?

I think we're getting there. We're going to need a, heh, killer ap, for it,
of course.



R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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