DES FIPS is finally withdrawn.

2005-05-20 Thread Perry E. Metzger

At long last, the DES FIPSes are withdrawn:


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Re: Malaysia car thieves steal finger

2005-05-20 Thread Ian G
On Friday 20 May 2005 19:22, Ben Laurie wrote:
> R.A. Hettinga wrote:
> > Police in Malaysia are hunting for members of a violent gang who chopped
> > off a car owner's finger to get round the vehicle's hi-tech security
> > system.
> Good to know that my "amputationware" meme was not just paranoia.

Photo of an advert that ran in Germany.  You need
German for the words but that's not necessary.

Advances in Financial Cryptography:

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Re: What happened with the session fixation bug?

2005-05-20 Thread Ben Laurie
James A. Donald wrote:
PKI was designed to defeat man in the middle attacks
based on network sniffing, or DNS hijacking, which
turned out to be less of a threat than expected.
However, the session fixation bugs make
https and PKI  worthless against such man in the middle
attacks.  Have these bugs been addressed?
Do they exist? Certainly any session ID I've ever had a hand in has two 
properties that strongly resist session fixation:

a) If a session ID arrives, it should already exist in the database.
b) Session IDs include HMACs.
Session fixation is defeated by either of these. Modulo insider attacks, 
of course. :-)

"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff
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Re: [Lucrative-L] double spends, identity agnosticism, and Lucrative

2005-05-20 Thread Ben Laurie
James A. Donald wrote:
From: "Patrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Lucrative-L] double spends, identity agnosticism, and
Lucrative Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 14:46:48 -0600 Importance: Normal
A quick experiment has confirmed the obvious: when a client
reissues a coin at the mint, both the blinded and its unblinded cousin
are valid instruments to the Lucrative mint.
Example: Alice uses the Mint's API to reissue a one-dollar note,
blinding the coin before getting a signature, and unblinding the
signature afterwards. She's left with both a blinded and a non-blinded
version of the coin. The mint believes they are both valid. Instant,
unlimited inflation.
I believe the solution to this is to have the mint track both
spent coins and issued coins (that is, it automatically cancels coins
it issues, before the client receives them). The client is left with
no choice but to go through a blinding and unblinding process in order
to have a usable coin.
This seems to make identity-agnostic cash difficult or
impossible, at least with Lucrative:, .
Would do if it were true - this is exactly why unblinded lucre coins 
have structure - that is, you can check that they are well-formed by 
doing hash operations on them. Blinded coins will fail these checks.

I forget the exact form of lucre coins (read the paper), but consider 
the construction x || H(x) - clearly only the unblinded version of this 
will have the right form.

"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff
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RE: Garfinkel analysis on Skype withdrawn?

2005-05-20 Thread Smith Gary-GSMITH1

I found Garfinkel's paper here:


Gary Smith

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ian G
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 9:02 AM
Subject: Garfinkel analysis on Skype withdrawn?

Has anyone got a copy of the Skype analysis done by Simson Garfinkel?  It
seems to have disappeared.

 Original Message 
Subject: Simson Garfinkel analyses Skype - Open Society Institute
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 10:32:44 +0200
From: Vito Catozzo

I am Italian, so forgive any possible error or whatever regards the English
language. I read your article on
and I am so interested in reading what Simson Garfinkel has written about
Unfortunately the link you posted in the message is now broken
If you have this article saved on your hard disk could you please send it to

Best regards

Vito Catozzo

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[ADMIN] multi-moderator software?

2005-05-20 Thread Perry E. Metzger

Your humble moderator asks...

Does anyone know of a mailing list system that handles having
multiple, rotating moderators cleanly? I'd like to avoid many-week
delays like the one I've just caused.


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Re: Malaysia car thieves steal finger

2005-05-20 Thread Ben Laurie
R.A. Hettinga wrote:
Police in Malaysia are hunting for members of a violent gang who chopped
off a car owner's finger to get round the vehicle's hi-tech security system.
Good to know that my "amputationware" meme was not just paranoia.
"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff
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New cipher used by iTunes

2005-05-20 Thread Charles M. Hannum
I took a look at the new cipher used in iTunes 4.7, and spent some time 
reducing it.  The algorithm appears to have a similar structure to a 10-round 
Twofish variant with fixed S-boxes, optimized via precomputed tables.  I have 
not fully analyzed what the permutation matrix and polynomial are, though.

There are a couple of strange changes.  E.g., they had put the IV mixing 
between the pre-whitening and post-whitening, but this turned out to 
effectively cancel out and be equivalent to an altered version with a more 
traditional CBC structure.

I'm including the current working implementation, along with some test 
vectors, if anyone else wants to take a look at it.

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Invalid banking cert spooks only one user in 300

2005-05-20 Thread Peter Gutmann
  Invalid banking cert spooks only one user in 300
  Stephen Bell, Computerworld
  16/05/2005 09:19:10

  Up to 300 New Zealand BankDirect customers were presented with a security
  alert when they visited the bank's website earlier this month - and all but
  one dismissed the warning and carried on with their banking.

The rest of the story is at;1998944536;fp;2;fpid;1 or
(PC World Australia or ComputerWorld NZ).  To provide a little more background
information, BankDirect is an online-only offshoot of another bank (ASB)
that's targeted at computer-savvy users who don't need (or want) the expense
of a standard bricks-and-mortar account.  There are no branches, and payment
is done electronically at the point of sale (EFTPOS) and managed via the
Internet or a cellphone, thus the (apparently) low number of accesses - you'd
generally rarely need to access it over the net.

So in other words the number of computer-savvy users who were stopped by an
invalid server cert at a banking site was essentially zero.  To quote the
article again:

  Peter Benson, chief executive of Auckland-based,
  says he is "not at all surprised" at the statistics. "In my experience, the
  single weakest point in the chain of [computer] security is the space
  between the keyboard and the floor."

  A lot more education of users in responding appropriately to security alerts
  is needed, he says.

Looks like we have a long way to go in making effective security usable.  Note
that if the same site had used TLS-PSK
( instead of
straight passwords over TLS, and had this been malicious spoofing instead of
just an accident, none of this would have been possible (TLS-PSK provides
mutual authentication of both parties before any sensitive information is
exchanged, so even if the user ignores the warning, they won't be able to
communicate with a spoofed site).


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1st TIPPI Workshop

2005-05-20 Thread Linda Casals
Trustworthy Interfaces for Passwords and Personal Information 

The following message is being forwarded at the request
of Burt Kaliski, RSA Security and Dan Boneh, Stanford University.

1st TIPPI Workshop
Trustworthy Interfaces for Passwords and Personal Information 
Sponsored by the PORTIA project

Date: June 13th, 2005 

Location: Stanford University, 
Gates Computer Science Building, 
Room B12  


 Burt Kaliski, RSA Security  
 Dan Boneh, Stanford University  

Workshop Purpose 

Despite tremendous advances in computer technology in general and
information security in particular, users still typically provide
personal information and credentials such as passwords the same way
they did 30 years ago: through a text interface that they assume they
can trust.  Today, that trust assumption clearly can no longer be
relied on.

Many security protocols have been proposed to protect credentials and
personal information, but few are used in practice. A major reason is
that the protocols have not been implemented in a way that ensures
that they are actually used. For instance, a rogue Web site can still
just ask the user for her password, regardless of how sophisticated a
protocol the correct site employs.

The purpose of the workshop is to facilitate an effective solution to
these problems by bringing together the designers of the cryptographic
protocols with the implementers of the user interfaces. Ideally, a
user should have confidence that when she provides a password or other
personal information, she can trust the interface she interacts with
to protect her data from misuse - even if an attacker happens to be
the one that asked her to provide it.

In short, our hope is that the workshop will motivate a trend where
trustworthy interfaces for passwords and personal information - TIPPI
- are the typical ones in our industry.

Current confirmed speakers include: 

Todd Inskeep, Bank of America. 
Roots of Trusted Interfaces and the User Experience. 
Dave Jevans, Anti-Phishing Working Group 
Ramesh Kesanupalli, Phoenix Technologies.
Solutions for Secure and Trustworthy Authentication. 
Steve Myers, Indiana University
Delayed Password Disclosure. 


We welcome additional presentations, both long (30 minutes) and short
(10 minutes). If you would like to give a presentation, please send us
a proposed title and abstract by May 15. There will be no proceedings,
but presentations and research papers (if available) will be posted on
the Web.  

More Information: 
For more information, please contact 

Burt Kaliski


Dan Boneh

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Devices detect caches of cash

2005-05-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga


Inventions developed for Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 Posted: 12:43 PM EDT (1643 GMT)  Engineer Dennis
Kunerth uses a device to detect metal components that distinguish U.S.
currency from counterfeit bills, at the Idaho National Laboratory.

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (AP) -- Ah, the smell of money -- there's nothing quite
like it. Some people, in fact, may soon be looking for ways to mask the
special odor.

Drug traffickers who ship profits abroad in suitcases are not apt to be
thrilled with some inventions developed by federal scientists at the Idaho
National Laboratory.

One sniffs the air -- it can pick up a stack of bills from about 10 feet
away -- for currency's chemical signature. Another beams electrons through
packages or luggage to detect trace metals in the green ink.

And a third project, not yet started, would scan serial numbers of
individual bills into a database.

It's unclear whether the legal system would view seized bills found through
the devices as admissible, and privacy advocates fear such inventions would
infringe on civil liberties if adopted.

The cash sniffer is actually a gas chromatograph about the size of a
cordless hand vacuum.

Here's how it works: Take a crisp $20 bill out of your wallet and put it up
to your nose. That sweet, slightly acidic aroma is actually microscopic
molecules of ink and paper landing on the nerve receptors inside your nose.

The device works in nearly the same way, but with much higher sensitivity.
Airborne molecules land on a sensor. If enough molecules are detected, the
device emits an alert.

The lab's lead scientist, Keith Daum, said a trained dog can do the same
thing -- even better -- but not consistently and not over a long period.

The other, about the size of a small airport X-ray scanner, looks for
elemental metals used in the green ink. Radioactive rays strike the metals
and turn into gamma rays, which are then measured by the machine. The more
gamma rays detected, the higher the volume of cash bills.

The machines were developed with funding from Immigration and Customs
Enforcement agency. Its parent, the Department of Homeland Security, is
analyzing them and submitting them to additional testing.

Of course, carrying cash -- even large amounts of it -- is not illegal;
though there is a limit of $10,000 in cash anyone may carry in or out of
the United States.

Still, intercepting large sums of money would at least put a dent in the
drug trade, argued lab spokesman Ethan Huffman.

"Money is always the incentive to bring drugs across the borders," Huffman
said. "If we can devise solutions to aid customs and border patrols in
stopping that, then that limits it."

The third device looks like a typical bill counter used by banks. On the
back of the machine, though, an add-on box about the size of a file folder
reads and stores the serial numbers of every bill it counts.

The machine is of little strategic value by itself. But if it was
distributed worldwide, and if there was a database of serial numbers, it
would become possible to trace money across the globe.

That worries people such as Melissa Ngo of the Washington-based Electronic
Privacy Information Center.

"This is just another step toward a complete lack of anonymity," Ngo said.

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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[Fwd] Advances in Financial Cryptography - "First Issue"

2005-05-20 Thread Ian G

Advances in Financial Cryptography - "First Issue"

  May 11, 2005

I'm proud to announce our "first issue" of Advances in Financial
Cryptography!  These three draft papers are presented, representing a
wide range of potential additions to the literature:

   Daniel Nagy, On Secure Knowledge-Based Authentication
   Adam Shostack, Avoiding Liability:
An Alternative Route to More Secure Products
   Ian Grigg, Pareto-Secure

[snip]...  Click on:

to see the full story.  (You'll have to battle the cert or
drop the https ==> http as I am trying to get SSL going
for the blog).


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2005-05-20 Thread Linda Casals

This message is being forwarded to you on behalf of
Joan Feigenbaum, Yale University, DIMACS Member

Registration now Open!
See Accepted Papers, Workshops, Tutorials, below.

June 5-8, 2005, Vancouver, Canada

Registration is now open for ACM EC-05!  Early registration ends May
16th, so sign up now at:

Since 1999 the ACM Special Interest Group on Electronic Commerce
(SIGECOM) has sponsored the leading scientific conference on advances
in theory, systems, and applications for electronic commerce.  Below
is the schedule for the 4 tutorials, 1 workshop, and 32 papers
accepted for ACM EC-05.  For additional information, please visit:

This year, ACM EC-05 will be held from Sunday, June 5 through
Wednesday, June 8, 2005 at the Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle resort, a
first-class hotel located downtown in the stunning city of Vancouver,
Canada. For more information about the conference surroundings, visit
Vancouver's tourism Web site:


Sun, Jun 5, 2005 - Morning

1) Optimal Mechanism Design without Priors - Jason Hartline
2) Trading Agent Design and Analysis - Michael P. Wellman

Sun, Jun 5, 2005 - Afternoon (two one-hour talks)

1) Polynomial Time Algorithms for Market Equilibria
- Kamal Jain and Vijay Vazirani
2) Algorithms for Combinatorial Auctions and Exchanges
- Tuomas Sandholm


Sun, Jun 5 2005 - All Day

Workshop on Sponsored Search Auctions - David Pennock and Kursad Asdemir
Final program

08:30 - 10:10 Ranking Systems: The PageRank Axioms
  Alon Altman, Moshe Tennenholtz

  Weak monotonicity suffices for truthfulness on convex domains 
  Michael Saks, Lan Yu

  Marginal Contribution Nets: A Compact Representation Scheme for
  Coalitional Games 
  Samuel Ieong, Yoav Shoham

  Cost Sharing in a Job Scheduling Problem Using the Shapley Value 
  Debasis Mishra, Bharath Rangarajan

10:10 - 10:40 BREAK

10:40 - 12:20 Interconnected Communication Networks Provisioned
  Pedro Ferreira, Marvin Sirbu

  Hidden-Action in Multi-Hop Routing
  Michal Feldman, John Chuang, Ion Stoica, Scott Shenker

  Content Availability, Pollution and Poisoning in Peer-to-Peer File
  Sharing Networks 
  Nicolas Christin, Andreas Weigend, John Chuang

  A Price-Anticipating Resource Allocation Mechanism for Distributed
  Shared Clusters 
  Michal Feldman, Kevin Lai, Li Zhang

12:20 - 02:00 LUNCH

02:00 - 03:00 Invited Speaker: Ehud Kalai, Northwestern University

03:00 - 03:30 BREAK

03:30 - 05:10 Nearly Optimal Multi Attribute Auctions
  Amir Ronen, Daniel Lehmann

  Optimal Design of English Auctions with Discrete bid Levels 
  Esther David, Alex Rogers, Nicholas Jennings, Jeremy Schiff, 
Sarit Kraus

  Robust Solutions for Combinatorial Auctions
  Alan Holland, Barry O'Sullivan

  Online Auctions with Re-usable Goods
  Mohammad Taghi Hajiaghayi, Robert D. Kleinberg, Mohammad Mahdian, 
David Parkes


08:30 - 10:10 First-Price Path Auctions
  Nicole Immorlica, David Karger, Evdokia Nikolova, Rahul Sami

  From Optimal Limited to Unlimited Supply Auctions
  Robert McGrew, Jason Hartline

  True Costs of Cheap Labor Are Hard To Measure: Edge Deletion and 
  Payments in Graphs 
  Edith Elkind

  Multi-unit auctions with budget-constrained bidders
  Christian Borgs, Jennifer Chayes, Nicole Immorlica, Mohammad 
Mahdian, Amin Saberi

10:10 - 10:40 BREAK

10:40 - 12:20 Graceful Service Degradation (or, How to Know your
  Payment is Late) 
  Alexandr Andoni, Jessica Staddon

  Privacy-Preserving Credit Checking
  Keith Frikken, Mikhail Atallah, Chen Zhang

  Dynamic and Secure B2B E-contract Update Management
  Samuil Angelov, Sven Till, Paul Grefen

  Secure Distributed Human Computation
  Craig Gentry, Zulfikar Ramzan, Stuart Stubblebine

12:20 - 02:00 LUNCH

02:00 - 03:00 Invited Talk: Jennifer Rexford, Princeton University

03:00 - 03:30 BREAK

03:30 - 05:10 Communication Complexity of Common Voting Protocols

Export controls: US wants to export-license fundamental research again

2005-05-20 Thread John Gilmore
The export control snakes are trying to crawl out of their snakepit
again.  By tiny wording changes, they're trying to overturn the
exemptions that protect First Amendment activity from being restricted
by the export controls.  We have until May 27 to file written

Remember that the government "voluntarily" changed the export controls
after losing the Bernstein case on First Amendment grounds.  Now the
hawks want to change them back.  They've been quietly writing up
"Inspector General" reports for years.  Here's the latest:

Here's the proposed regs:

Send comments to:

  Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (please)
  Subject: RIN 0694-AD29

By replacing an "and" with an "or", they want to require every
university, research lab, and company to be required to segregate
foreign students, researchers, scientists, and staff from the Honest
Amurricans.  This is to keep these evil furriners away from fast
computers, oscilloscopes, and even GPS systems -- even if the
foreigner is doing fundamental research protected by the First
Amendment.  This includes censorship of the *manuals* for anything
export-controlled.  It's the same old definition game they played with
crypto exports: "technology" means anything, and "export" means "let a
foreigner see", therefore the ban on "exporting technology" translates
to: foreigners can't see anything.  Even in this country.

The Commerce Dept. needs to hear, loud and clear, that if the
regulations restrict fundamental research, the REGULATIONS should be
changed, not the fundamental research.  The Inspector General who
recommended that the export controls be tightened needs to be reminded
that he supposedly works for a free country.

I suggest citing the fact that a US appeals court decided that the
export controls were a prior restraint on free expression and violated
the First Amendment when applied to scientists and educators doing
fundamental research (Bernstein v. USDoJ):

(later withdrawn by the court due to Justice Dept. trickery).  A later
appeals court held that the First Amendment protected the publication
of software from the export controls, though it did not decide what
level of scrutiny was appropriate: Junger v. Daley, 209 F.3rd 481 (6th
Cir. 2000):

In the recent shenanigans, Commerce Dept. inspectors visited NIST and
NOAA, and found that even though both agencies are doing "fundamental
research", the inspectors think these agencies should have to
segregate foreign researchers and get "deemed export" licenses for
their research.  They were shocked to discover one German machine tool
at NIST's Manufacturing Engineering Lab, and two fermenters at
universities, that foreigners aren't allowed to have.  They were also
shocked to find that the operating manual for the machine tool was
right there next to the machine!  They suggested that if a foreign
resercher MERELY READ the manual, that an illegal "deemed export"
would have occurred.  Reading NIST's response on PDF pages 55-59 is
very enlightening; the inspectors' report deliberately twists the
situation to make it look far worse than it was.  It reminds me of the
Wen Ho Lee case.

(By the way, the inspectors censored half a sentence from their own
report on PDF page 42, numbered page "32" at the bottom of the page.
The text behind the censorship reads "In addition, the 5-axis machine
tool is located immediately to the right of the entrance to the
machine shop and is not segregated from other equipment."  The report
also included two uncensored color photos of the machine, in case you
were a foreigner wondering how to identify it.  It's so comforting to
know that highly competent security professionals like this are in
charge of censoring all scientific research in the country.)

The inspectors also claim that because the Bush White House forced a
"pre-review" policy on publication of government scientific research
"that might help terrorists", the First Amendment "fundamental
research" definition no longer applies to NIST -- even though the
pre-review has never turned down a paper yet.

The Inspector General's report never once mentions the First Amendment.
E.g. on page 23, it says:

  "The rationale for eliminating foreign nationals with permanent
  resident status from deemed export controls appears to have been that
  persons who hold such status have made a committment to the United
  States and most likely will not return home."

Actually, the issue is that permanent residents have the same
First Amendment rights that citizens do.  This includes freedom of
inquiry (the right to do research) and the right to publish the
results.  These inspectors instead seem to follow the Lt. Calley "burn

What happened with the session fixation bug?

2005-05-20 Thread James A. Donald
PKI was designed to defeat man in the middle attacks
based on network sniffing, or DNS hijacking, which
turned out to be less of a threat than expected.

However, the session fixation bugs make
https and PKI  worthless against such man in the middle
attacks.  Have these bugs been addressed?

 James A. Donald

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[p2p-hackers] ePOST: Secure, Severless Email

2005-05-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 15:09:15 -0500 (CDT)
From: Alan Mislove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [p2p-hackers] ePOST: Secure, Severless Email
Reply-To: "Peer-to-peer development." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

As some of you may know, the FreePastry group at Rice University is
developing ePOST, a secure, decentralized, p2p email system. The service
is provided cooperatively by the user's desktop computers, and ePOST
provides better security and fault tolerance than existing email systems.
Email exchanged between ePOST users is cryptographically sealed and
authenticated and the service remains available even when traditional mail
servers have failed. ePOST gives users plenty of email storage (users can
use as much as they contribute of their own disk space). Moreover, users
don't have to entrust their email to a commercial provider, who may mine
thier data, target them with advertisement or start charging them once
they're hooked. ePOST has been running as the primary email system for
members of our group for over a year.

ePOST works by joining a peer-to-peer network running a personal IMAP and
SMTP server on your desktop, which is only for your email.  ePOST is
backward compatible with existing email systems, and your ePOST email
address works just like a normal email address - you can send and receive
messages from non-ePOST users.   Additionally, you can use your existing
email clients with ePOST, since ePOST provides standard IMAP and POP3

A few of other features of ePOST are:
- support for SSL connections
- a data durability layer called Glacier, providing durability with up to
  60% member node failures
- support for laptops and machines behind NATs
- support for networks with routing anomalies

More information about ePOST is available at

We now welcome additional ePOST users.  If you are interested in seting up
an ePOST account, please follow the installation instructions posted at Most ePOST users have set up mail
forwarding so that a copy of incoming mails are kept on their normal mail
server, in addition to being forwarded to their ePOST account.  We
recommend this setup until ePOST is no longer in beta status, although we
have not found an instance yet where using this backup was necessary to
recover a lost email.

Also, please let us know if you are interested in running a local ePOST
ring at your institution.  Running such a ring allows organizations to
ensure all overlay traffic remains internal to the organization, while
maintaining global connectivity.  More information on running an
organizational ring is available at

We are currently collecting high-level statistics from all of the ePOST
nodes in our deployment for research purposes. These statistics concern
the number of overlay messages sent and the amount of data stored on disk.
We are not recording the plain text of emails, nor are we examining which
users are exchanging emails.  If the collection of statistics would
prevent you from using ePOST, please don't hesitate to contact us, and we
can turn these features off for you.

Thanks again for your help, and don't hesitate to ask us any questions,
comments, or suggestions,

Alan Mislove, Ansley Post, Andreas Haeberlen, and Peter Druschel

p2p-hackers mailing list
Here is a web page listing P2P Conferences:

--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Network World: 10-node Quantum Crypto net under Boston streets

2005-05-20 Thread John Gilmore

Today's focus:  Hooked on photonics

By Amy Schurr

CAMBRIDGE, MASS. - Chip Elliott is every hacker's worst 

Elliott, principal scientist at BBN Technologies, leads a team 
building the world's first continuously operating quantum 
cryptography network, a 12-mile snoop-proof glass loop under the 
streets of Boston and Cambridge.

Quantum cryptography uses single photons of light to distribute 
keys to encrypt and decrypt messages. Because quantum particles 
are changed by any observation or measurement, even the simplest 
attempt at snooping on the network interrupts the flow of data 
and alerts administrators.

While the technology is still in the pilot stage, Elliott 
envisions a day when quantum cryptography will safeguard all 
types of sensitive traffic. "It's not going to overnight replace 
everything we have," he says. But it will be used to augment 
current technologies.

Defense funding

BBN's research is funded by the Pentagon's Defense Advanced 
Research Projects Agency , so it's likely the government would 
be first in line to roll out the super-secure technology. 
Elliott predicts financial firms will deploy quantum 
cryptography within a few years and estimates that businesses in 
general will deploy within five years. The technology also could 
move to the consumer market - for example, in a 
fiber-to-the-home scenario to protect the network between a home 
and service provider.

"People think of quantum cryptography as a distant possibility, 
but [the network] is up and running today underneath Cambridge," 
Elliott says. The team of nine researchers from BBN, four from 
Boston University and two from Harvard University, have put 
together "a set of high-speed, full-featured quantum 
cryptography systems and has woven them together into an 
extremely secure network," he says.

The system is essentially two networks - one for quantum key 
distribution and one that carries the encrypted traffic. And 
although it's probably the world's most secure network, it's not 
protecting any real secrets, at least not yet. For this pilot 
phase, BBN encrypts normal Internet traffic such as Web pages, 
Webcam feeds and e-mail.

The network has 10 nodes. Eight are at BBN's offices in 
Cambridge, one is at Harvard in Cambridge, and another is across 
the Charles River at BU's Photonics Center.

In keeping with the traditional naming convention that IT 
security professionals use, the nodes are named Alice, Bob, Ali, 
Baba, Amanda, Brian, Anna, Boris, Alex and Barb.

For the complete story, please go to: 

To contact: Amy Schurr

Amy Schurr is an editor for Network World's Management 
Strategies and Features sections. If you have any career topics 
you'd like her to cover or want to comment on this newsletter, 
you can reach her at .

Copyright Network World, Inc., 2005

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2005-05-20 Thread Linda Casals

The following message is being forwarded to you at the
request of Rebecca Wright.




Dates: JUNE 7-10, 2005

We invite you to participate in the Third Annual Conference on Applied
Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2005). This international
conference features original research papers on scientific and
technical aspects of cryptology and network security and is the third
in its series. There are two tracks at ACNS: a research-oriented
papers track (that will appear as a Springer's LNCS proceedings
available at the conference) and an industrial/ short papers track
(that will appear as a pre-proceedings and will be available at the
conference as well). The latter has an emphasis on practical
applications. In addition, invited talks by leading experts in the
field, covering various recent developments, will be presented.

It has been quite a while since there was a major full conference
dedicated to cryptography and security in the New York City
Metropolitan Area (a kind of "NewYorCrypt"), and ACNS 2005 is just it!
It will enable an advanced forum on cryptography and security in the
setting of New York City in one of the best time of the year to be in
the the city. This setting should allow the local researchers,
students and industry community easy access to very current issues and
topics, and should attract international participants as well.

The details about the program, the committee, registration details and
additional information is available at:

We believe that members of the scientific and technical industry
community who will participate will enjoy a high level scientific
event in the promising setting of NYC in June.

   John Ioannidis, Angelos Keromytis and Moti Yung
General and Program Chairs, ACNS2005

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calling all French-reading cryptologers - Kerckhoff's 6 principles needs a translation

2005-05-20 Thread Ian G
It's been a year or so since this was raised, perhaps there are
some French reading cryptologers around now?

--  Forwarded Message  --

 Financial Cryptography Update: HCI/security - start with Kerckhoff's 6

  May 01, 2005

It seems that interest in the nexus at HCI (human computer interface)
and security continues to grow.  For my money I'd say we should start
at Kerckhoff's 6 principles.

Now, unfortunately we have only the original paper in French, so we can
only guess at how he derived his 6 principles:

Are there any French crypto readers out there who could have a go at
translating this?  Kerckhoff was a Dutchman, and perhaps this means we
need to find Dutch cryptographers who can understand all his nuances...
 Nudge, nudge...

(Ideally the way to start this, I suspect, is to open up a translation
in a Wiki.  Then, people can debate the various interpretations over an
evolving document.  Just a guess - but are there any infosec wikis out

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Re: [Lucrative-L] double spends, identity agnosticism, and Lucrative

2005-05-20 Thread James A. Donald
> From: "Patrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Lucrative-L] double spends, identity agnosticism, and
> Lucrative Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 14:46:48 -0600 Importance: Normal
>  A quick experiment has confirmed the obvious: when a client
> reissues a coin at the mint, both the blinded and its unblinded cousin
> are valid instruments to the Lucrative mint.
>  Example: Alice uses the Mint's API to reissue a one-dollar note,
> blinding the coin before getting a signature, and unblinding the
> signature afterwards. She's left with both a blinded and a non-blinded
> version of the coin. The mint believes they are both valid. Instant,
> unlimited inflation.
>  I believe the solution to this is to have the mint track both
> spent coins and issued coins (that is, it automatically cancels coins
> it issues, before the client receives them). The client is left with
> no choice but to go through a blinding and unblinding process in order
> to have a usable coin.
>  This seems to make identity-agnostic cash difficult or
> impossible, at least with Lucrative:
> .

Since the patent expires shortly, the legal reason for identity 
agnostic cash has expired.  Today, if you don't want the overheads of 
tracking your customers, the solution is that you can refrain from 
tracking your customers.

Whatever happened to Lucky Green's patent party - I keep sending him 
emails, get no response.

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Export controls kill Virgin SpaceShipTwo

2005-05-20 Thread John Gilmore

First crypto, now space travel.  The lunatics in Washington are
working hard to drive another industry that's critical to US interests

Did they think that after collecting $20M in prepayments from
passengers, Sir Richard Branson would give up, on orders from DC?  No,
he'll clone Rutan's work somewhere else, as best he can, and build a
space industry where it's welcome.  Either that, or Rutan will take
his head and export it to where he can run a business without


  Red Tape For SpaceShipTwo
  by Irene Mona Klotz
  Cape Canaveral (UPI) Apr 26, 2005

  The problem is U.S. export controls issues ...
  "At this point, due to uncertainty about possible licensing
  requirements, we are not able to even view Scaled Composites' designs
  for the commercial space vehicle," Whitehorn said. "After U.S.
  government technology-transfer issues are clarified and addressed if
  deemed necessary, we hope to place a firm order for the spacecraft."

  Despite a price tag of $200,000, about 100 people have signed contracts
  for rides on Virgin Galactic's spaceliner and agreed to pay the money
  upfront, while another 29,000 or so aspiring astronauts have agreed to
  put down deposits of $20,000 each.

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From [IP] i secure cell phone via software

2005-05-20 Thread Trei, Peter
Interesting encrypted VoIP application for
Symbian GSM phones.

Peter Trei

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf
> Of David Farber
> Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 9:58 AM
> To: Ip
> Subject: [IP] i secure cell phone via software

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Spying: Giving Out U.S. Names

2005-05-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga

Spying: Giving Out U.S. Names

May 2 issue - The National Security Agency is not supposed to target
Americans; when a U.S. citizen's name comes up in an NSA "intercept," the
agency routinely minimizes dissemination of the info by masking the name
before it distributes the report to other U.S. agencies. But it's now clear
the agency disseminates thousands of U.S. names. U.N. ambassador nominee
John Bolton told a Senate confirmation hearing he had requested that U.S.
names be unmasked from NSA intercepts on a handful of occasions; the State
Department said he had made 10 such requests since 2001, and that the
department as a whole had made 400 similar requests over the same period.
But evidence is emerging that NSA regularly supplies uncensored intercepts,
including named Americans, to other agencies far more often than even many
top intel officials knew.

According to information obtained by NEWSWEEK, since January 2004 NSA
received-and fulfilled-between 3,000 and 3, 500 requests from other
agencies to supply the names of U.S. citizens and officials (and citizens
of other countries that help NSA eavesdrop around the world, including
Britain, Canada and Australia) that initially were deleted from raw
intercept reports. Sources say the number of names disclosed by NSA to
other agencies during this period is more than 10,000. About one third of
such disclosures were made to officials at the policymaking level; most of
the rest were disclosed to other intel agencies and, perhaps surprisingly,
only a small proportion to law-enforcement agencies. Civil libertarians
expressed dismay at the numbers. An official familiar with NSA procedures
insisted the agency maintains careful logs of all requests for U.S. names
and doles out such info only after agency officials are satisfied "that the
requester needs the information [and that it's] necessary to understand the
foreign intelligence or assess its importance."

-Mark Hosenball

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Three NIST Special Pubs for Review (Forwarded)

2005-05-20 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

--- Forwarded Message

Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 13:29:28 -0400
From: Elaine Barker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Three NIST Special Pubs for Review

There are three NIST Special Publications available for public review and 

SP 800-38B:
As part of NIST's ongoing effort to update and develop modes of operation 
for use with the AES algorithm, NIST intends to recommend either the Galois 
Counter Mode (GCM) or the Carter-Wegman + Counter (CWC) mode. GCM and CWC 
are modes for authenticated encryption with associated data, combining 
Counter mode confidentiality with authentication that is based on a 
universal hash algorithm. Both GCM and CWC are parallelizable. The 
submission documents specifying GCM and CWC are available through the modes 
home page, NIST invites 
comments on these two modes, including comments on intellectual property 
matters, by June 1, 2005, at 

SP 800-57, Parts 1 and 2:
Drafts of NIST Special Publication 800-57 Recommendation for Key 
Management, Parts 1 and 2 are available for public comment at
This Recommendation provides cryptographic key management guidance.

Part 1 provides guidance and best practices for the management of 
cryptographic keying material. Comments will be accepted on Part 1 until 
June 3, 2005. Please send comments to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], with "Comments on SP 800-57, 
Part 1" in the subject line.

Part 2 provides guidance on policy and security planning requirements for 
U.S. government agencies. Reviewers of Part 2 should note that a number of 
the security planning documents referenced in this part of SP 800-57 are 
undergoing review and revision. It is anticipated that Part 2 will be 
updated to reflect these revisions. Comments will be accepted on Part 2 
until May 18, 2005. Please send comments to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], with "Comments on SP 800-57, 
Part 2" in the subject line.

Elaine Barker
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8930
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Phone: 301-975-2911  

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

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[p2p-hackers] Zooko's Triangle in action

2005-05-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 16:26:11 -0700
From: Tyler Close <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [p2p-hackers] Zooko's Triangle in action
Reply-To: Tyler Close <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Peer-to-peer development." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

A number of list members have built, or are building, p2p environments
where files or public keys are referred to by their hash. The common
wisdom seems to be that a petname system, as popularized by Zooko's
Triangle, can be used to make the human interface to this world of
computer/cryptography friendly identifiers. Given that, I thought list
members might be interested in the petname tool Firefox extension. The
petname tool is a fully functional petname system for SSL secured web
sites. It is compatible with existing HTTPS sites, so you can create a
petname for your bank. It really is Zooko's Triangle in action. You
can get it at:


The web-calculus is the union of REST and capability-based security:
p2p-hackers mailing list
Here is a web page listing P2P Conferences:

--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Re: CFP: What the Hack '05 and Blind Signature Expiration Party

2005-05-20 Thread cypherpunk
On 4/8/05, Lucky Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> U.S. Patent 4,759,063 "Blind Signature Systems" will expire on July 19,
> 2005. A Tuesday. Since no patent litigator will consider litigating on a
> Monday morning over patent infringement for a patent that expires the next
> day, it appears safe to say that come the preceding Saturday, technologies
> that make use of this patent can be displayed to the public. That Saturday
> is July  16, 2005.
> It took us 20 long years to get to this date. For those of us that tried to
> use this technology, it was 20 very, very long years. Fortunately, the 20
> years are over. Which is as much reason for celebration as I can imagine.
> The expiration of the Blind Signature patent surely calls for a party. And
> as I promised so many years go, I will take it upon myself to throw that
> party. Anybody that knows what blind signatures are is welcome, no, make
> that implored, to come to the expiration party at my house (or other venue
> if there are too many people for my place) to celebrate the expiration of
> the patent on Saturday, July 16. As for me, I am counting the days. Ping me
> for details.

That's very exciting. Perhaps we could aim for the release of some new
software packages that use the blind signature patent technology. Are
there any applications which have been waiting for this patent to


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Moore says his law won't last

2005-05-20 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

"Something like this cannot continue forever," he said.
"The dimensions are small enough now that we're approaching
the size of atoms and that's a fundamental block. I think
the law has another 10-20 years before fundamental limits
are reached."

This has obvious implications for brute force attacks -- projections
based on Moore's Law are thus much too conservative.

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DTV Content Protection (fwd from

2005-05-20 Thread Eugen Leitl
From: Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DTV Content Protection
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 01:25:17 +0200 (CEST)

DTV Content Protection

Two content protection systems are in use to protect digital television
(DTV) signals on the wires of American home video systems: HDCP and DTCP.
HDCP is used for the most common digital cable connection to HD monitors,
HDMI, which is a variant of DVI.  DTCP is used for digital connections
to video equipment, especially digital VCRs.  It was originally designed
for Firewire (aka iLink, aka IEEE-1394) but has been extended to USB-2
and Bluetooth, with IP in the works.  Apparently monitors with both HDMI
and Firewire connections would have to implement both.

HDCP is described at and DTCP at  The full DTCP spec is still secret unless you
are a licensee and the site has only limited information.

The two systems are very different cryptographically.  HDCP uses a
56-bit keyed stream cipher based on LFSRs.  DTCP uses block ciphers,
either a 56-bit key proprietary block cipher from Hitachi called M6,
or AES with 128-bit keys.  M6 is the default that all devices must
implement.  M6 uses an odd chaining mode called "converted CBC" which
seems to chain the ciphertext into the next block's key material rather
than the plaintext, possibly with an abbreviated key schedule.


Here I want to focus on the key agreement protocol.  Both systems use a
similar approach which has never been formally presented or documented.
For convenience I will call it SKDH, for Symmetric Key Diffie Hellman.
SKDH has some properties of Diffie Hellman key exchange, but it uses
simple addition operations rather than public key functions.  It also has
some properties of identity-based encryption, in that there is a master
key center that issues the private keys to each device.  However it
is not secure against collusion by users who know their private keys,
so would not be suitable for a true IBE system.

DTCP has two key agreement protocols. There is a full protocol which is
EC-DH (elliptic curve Diffie Hellman) and is mandatory for "copy never"
content, ie. pay per view content.  It also specifies a restricted
protocol which is acceptable for "copy once" and "copy no more" content,
that uses the SKDH technique described below.  This will be much cheaper
to implement for manufacturers and is probably used by typical recording

DHCP has just one key agreement protocol and it is of this new type
as well.

SKDH key agreement has not been published but it is presumed that it
works as follows.  There is a secret matrix which is known only to
the agency that issues keys.  Let us call this the Master Matrix, MM.
The system is based on matrix algebra as follows:

Pub1 * MM * Pub2 = shared key.

Pub1 and Pub2 are vectors of 1's and 0's which are the "public keys"
of the two devices, called "key selection vectors" or KSVs.  Each device
is issued such a vector, along with its private keys, which are defined
as follows:

Priv1 = Pub1 * MM

Priv2 = MM * Pub2

Priv1 and Priv2 are vectors of numbers whose size depends on the values
in MM.  Details for the two known implementations are described below.

By associativity, we have:

Pub1 * MM * Pub2 = Priv1 * Pub2 = Pub1 * Priv1 = shared key.

The two parties do a key exchange by giving each other their KSVs,
the public Pub1 and Pub2 values.  Each one then multiples the vector
of 1's and 0's they received from the other side times their vector of
Priv values.  This amounts to simply adding the Priv values selected
by the 1's received from the other side.  Because of the relationship
between the public and private values, this insures that both sides
receive the same shared key.

The analogy to Diffie Hellman which motivated the name SKDH should now
be clear.  Each side receives a public value from the other, combines
it with its own private data, and creates a shared secret.

In HDCP, the MM matrix is 40 by 40, and entries are 56 bits long.  In
DTCP, the MM matrix is 12 by 12, and entries are 64 bits long.

The weakness of this system is that if the the private key vectors are
published, they leak information about the MM matrix.  In principle as
few as 40 private/public key pairs could fully reveal MM in the case of
HDCP, and as few as 12 in the case of DTCP.  This makes the cryptographic
scheme unsuitable for any widespread identity based encryption scheme;
it will only work in a closed system like these, where manufacturers
must take great pains to keep their private keys secret.

Attacks on HDCP

Several attacks have been published and unpublished on HDCP.  The most
famous is from Niels Ferguson, who has announced an attack but will not
publish it for the reasons described at  According to Ferguson:

"HDCP is fatally flawed. My results show that an experienced IT person
can recover the HDCP master key in about 2 weeks using four computers

Re: how email encryption should work

2005-05-20 Thread Bill Stewart
At 07:00 PM 3/28/2005, James A. Donald wrote:
In my blog I post "how email encryption should work"
I see a couple of problems with your proposal.
I'm not sure I like your external trusted mail-server assumptions,
but they're probably good enough for many people,
and other people will have better comments about them.
Your plan is really designed for a small number of addresses per sender,
as opposed to a quasi-infinite set of tagged addresses.
It's becoming pretty common for anti-spam reasons
to give different recipients different mail addresses like
so you can track and whitelist/blacklist people you communicate with,
and some ISPs automagically translate between the two formats.
Building a user interface that does that unobtrusively
is probably a hard problem, or at least not a well-solved one,
and building a cryptosystem that assumes a small number of
addresses per user could make that style of mailer harder.
A good user interface probably has some version of petname support,
though, so there's some commonality with key handling.
On the other hand, if you assume that most people will get domains,
whether 2LD or 3LD or other subdomain,
you could do a model that says that a user gets one key per domain,
so you could think about hanging the keys off DNS.
That may not be the right choice (do you want your email addresses
to be easily correlated, and cracking/stealing one address's key
to reveal the keys you use for everybody else?  Or does the domain
pretty much imply that to the skilled recipient anyway so who cares?)
And of course it gets into the whole squabble about DNSSEC,
and why its deployment failed, and whether it was trying to do
a perfect job and therefore less scalable than a mostly-good-enough job,
or at least into the politics of those questions if not the technology.
The related problem is what to do if you *do* want different keys
for different recipients; you could do that with different subdomains,
or you could do a non-DNS approach.
- Is (sender+recipient+timestamp+message) the right thing to sign?
The Subject: line is in the mail headers, but it's probably
something that should be part of the message.
I'm not sure about some various X-headers.
And of course the From: line includes both the email address
and the sender's name, and the sender's name may be different
for different recipients (in some sense, it may be the
recipient's petname for the sender.)
- Also, if you're attaching a key strictly to the email address,
what happens to old signatures if you move email addresses?
I suppose that's part of the point of getting your own domain name,
so you can avoid having to change contact addresses when you change ISPs,
but if you're using a new email address, how do you forward the signature?
One option is to do what you can do in Crypto Kong,
where you send a message from old-address signed by old-address,
saying that you'll be using new address and new key,
but that seems a bit awkward, since you need a convenient way to
include the new keys for people who whitelist you or who you
only want to send encrypted mail to.
Thanks; Bill Stewart
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Revising the Patriot Act

2005-05-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The New York Times

April 10, 2005

Revising the Patriot Act

When Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who is not exactly a renowned civil
libertarian, says the Patriot Act may need some adjustments, it clearly has
serious problems. The act, which was rushed through Congress after the
Sept. 11 attacks, gives government too much power to invade the privacy of
ordinary Americans and otherwise trample on their rights. Congress, which
is now reviewing the act, should rewrite the parts that violate civil
liberties. But it is important to realize that most of the worst post-Sept.
11 abuses did not stem from the Patriot Act. If Congress wants to restore
the civil liberties Americans have lost in the last three and a half years,
it must also look more broadly at the problems that have emerged from the
war on terror.

After Sept. 11, Congress was in such a rush to pass the Patriot Act that,
disturbingly, many members did not even read it before they voted for it.
Fortunately, Congress made some of the most controversial provisions expire
by the end of 2005. Last week, it began a series of hearings on the act,
focusing on the parts that need to be reauthorized.

The debate over the Patriot Act is too often conducted in bumper stickers,
in part because the details are so arcane. Parts of the law are reasonable
law enforcement measures that have generated little controversy. But other
parts unquestionably go too far, and invite the F.B.I., the C.I.A. and the
White House to spy on Americans, and suppress political dissent, in
unacceptable ways.

Libraries and Medical Records Section 215, often called the "library
provision," is one of the most criticized parts of the act, with good
reason. It allows the government to demand library, medical, and other
records, and makes it a crime for the record holders to reveal that the
request was made. Section 215 is written far too broadly. It lets the
government seize an entire database - all the medical records of a
hospital, all of the files of an immigration group - when it is
investigating a single person. It also is far too invasive; it is hard to
believe the F.B.I. needs to monitor library book circulation. If the
searches are allowed, Section 215 should be tightened to give the
government access only to records of a specific person it has legitimate
reason to believe is involved in terrorism, not an entire database.

The "gag rule" that makes it illegal for the record holder to talk publicly
about the search also is disturbing, because it prevents the public from
knowing if the government is abusing these sweeping powers. If the gag rule
remains, it should be limited, so record holders can speak about the search
after a suitable period of time, or talk about it right away without
revealing who the target was.

Secret Searches Section 213, the "sneak and peek" provision, lets the
government search a person's home and delay telling him about it. These
delayed-notification searches fly in the face of the strong American
tradition that the government must announce when it is entering a home.
Delayed-notification searches were of questionable legality before the
Patriot Act, and Section 213 - which does not expire this year, but is
still generating considerable debate - clearly goes too far. At the very
least, it should apply only to terrorism cases, and not, as it now does, to
all investigations. It should also have clear guidelines for how long
notice can be delayed.

Secret searches are an area where focusing only on the Patriot Act misses
the larger picture of civil liberties violations. There is another law, the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, that allows a worse kind of secret
search - one in which, unlike the delayed notification of Section 213, the
subject may never be told about the search at all.

 One way for Congress to deal with searches under the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act - as well as those under Sections 213 and 215 of the
Patriot Act - is to monitor them closely, which is not being done now.
Congressional staff members with appropriate security clearance should
review all requests for warrants or subpoenas, and should follow up on the
results of the searches. If the F.B.I., C.I.A. or other units of government
are using these tools to spy on Americans without sufficient justification,
Congress needs this information to rein them in.

Information Sharing Giving different units of government more power to
share information about suspected terrorists is a laudable goal, but the
Patriot Act's approach is flawed. It authorizes the F.B.I., the C.I.A., and
even the White House sweeping access to confidential information gathered
about Americans, including telephone and e-mail intercepts. The access is
not limited to officials working on terrorism. And it sweeps in
information, like confidential material acquired by grand juries, that has
always been

U.S. Seeks Access to Bank Records to Deter Terror

2005-05-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The New York Times

April 10, 2005

U.S. Seeks Access to Bank Records to Deter Terror

ASHINGTON, April 9 - The Bush administration is developing a plan to give
the government access to possibly hundreds of millions of international
banking records in an effort to trace and deter terrorist financing, even
as many bankers say they already feel besieged by government antiterrorism
rules that they consider overly burdensome.

 The initiative, as conceived by a working group within the Treasury
Department, would vastly expand the government's database of financial
transactions by gaining access to logs of international wire transfers into
and out of American banks. Such overseas transactions were used by the
Sept. 11 hijackers to wire more than $130,000, officials said, and are
still believed to be vulnerable to terrorist financiers.

 Government officials said in interviews that the effort, which grew out of
a brief, little-noticed provision in the intelligence reform bill passed by
Congress in December, would give them the tools to track leads on specific
suspects and, more broadly, to analyze patterns in terrorist financing and
other financial crimes. They said they were mindful of privacy concerns
that such a system is likely to provoke and wanted to include safeguards to
prevent misuse of what would amount to an enormous cache of financial

The provision authorized the Treasury Department to pursue regulations
requiring financial institutions to turn over "certain cross-border
electronic transmittals of funds" that may be needed in combating money
laundering and terrorist financing.

The plan for tracking overseas wire transfers is likely to intensify
pressure on banks and other financial institutions to comply with the
expanding base of provisions to fight money laundering, industry and
government officials agreed. The government's aggressive tactics since the
attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, have already caused something of a backlash
among banking compliance officers - and even some federal officials, who
say the effort has gone too far in penalizing the financial sector for
lapses and has effectively criminalized what were once seen as technical

The initiative, still in its preliminary stages, reflects heightened
concerns by administration and Congressional officials about the
government's ability to track and disrupt financing for terrorist
operations by Al Qaeda and other groups - an effort identified by President
Bush as a top priority in the campaign against terrorism.

 Terrorist money has been difficult to identify, much less seize, in part
because terror operations are conducted on relative shoestring budgets.
Planning and operations for the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, were believed to
have cost Al Qaeda $400,000 to $500,000, with no unusual transactions
found, according to the 9/11 commission, and the 1998 embassy bombings in
East Africa cost only $10,000.

 While counterterrorism officials have made some inroads in tracking
terrorist money, clear successes have been few and sporadic, experts say,
and a number of recent reports have pointed up concerns about the
government's ability to deter and disrupt such financing.

 "I don't think we really have a full grasp of how to deal with the problem
yet," said Dennis M. Lormel, the former head of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation's terrorism-financing unit, who is now in the private sector.
"The framework is certainly getting better, but in general, we don't have
the full capability yet to get at the money."

The federal government has taken a number of aggressive steps since the
Sept. 11 attacks to disrupt terrorist financing. It has expanded its list
of terrorist-related groups banned from financial dealings with the United
States, it has set up new investigative offices to track terrorist
financing, and it has required more financial data and tighter compliance
from financial industries as part of the antiterrorism law known as the USA
Patriot Act and other measures.

Senior officials throughout the administration have emphasized repeatedly
that they want the financial sector to be a full partner in the stepped-up
efforts to deter terrorist financing.

 But in a letter in January to Treasury Department officials, 52 banking
associations around the country said that a "lack of clarity" by the
government in explaining what is expected of them in complying with
regulations to deter terrorist financing and money laundering has
"complicated, and in some cases undermined" those efforts.

The result, banking officials say, is that many banks, now in a defensive
mode, are sending the government far more reports than ever before on
"suspicious activities" by their customers - and potentially clogging the
system with irrelevant data - for fear of being penalized if they fail to
file the reports as required.

Some smaller c

Garfinkel analysis on Skype withdrawn?

2005-05-20 Thread Ian G
Has anyone got a copy of the Skype analysis done by Simson
Garfinkel?  It seems to have disappeared.
 Original Message 
Subject: Simson Garfinkel analyses Skype - Open Society Institute
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 10:32:44 +0200
From: Vito Catozzo
I am Italian, so forgive any possible error or whatever regards the
English language. I read your article on
and I am so interested in reading what Simson Garfinkel has written
about skype.
Unfortunately the link you posted in the message is now broken
If you have this article saved on your hard disk could you please send it to me?
Best regards
Vito Catozzo
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[Openswan dev] [Announce] ANNOUNCE: Openswan 2.3.1 Released

2005-05-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2005 21:47:55 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Paul Wouters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Openswan dev] [Announce] ANNOUNCE: Openswan 2.3.1 Released

Xelerance has released Openswan 2.3.1


* NAT-T RFC support (mlafon/mcr)
* NAT-T Server Side rewrite - handles rekeying alot better
* NAT-T Client Side rekey bug fixed
* Removed HowTo (obselete)
* IPKG packaging updates
* Log message updates
* dpdaction=restart support
* KLIPS fixes for 2.6
* AES fixes
* Support for 'ip xfrm', so ipsec-tools is no longer required (herbert)

Many fixes have gone into this release, most of them related to NAT-T and
rekeying issues.
KLIPS has now been tested to work with Linux 2.6 kernels for x86_64 as well
as ix86 machines, though there are still problems with module unloading for

As always, please report bugs either on or discuss
matters on our mailinglists at or find some of the
developers on #openswan at
It is available at the usual locations:

And ofcourse it has been added to the yum repository:

name=openswan - Fedora Openswan IPsec packages

Announce mailing list
Dev mailing list

--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Sunday Book Review > Goodbye to Privacy

2005-05-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The New York Times

April 10, 2005

Goodbye to Privacy

By Robert O'Harrow Jr.
 348 pp. The Free Press. $26.

Dispatches From the Secret World of Global Eavesdropping.
By Patrick Radden Keefe.
 300 pp. Random House. $24.95.

YOUR mother's maiden name is not the secret you think it is. That sort of
''personal identifier'' being used by banks, credit agencies, doctors,
insurers and retailers -- supposedly to protect you against the theft of
your identity -- can be found out in a flash from a member of the new
security-industrial complex. There goes the ''personal identifier'' that
you presume a stranger would not know, along with your Social Security
number and soon your face and DNA.

 In the past five years, what most of us only recently thought of as
''nobody's business'' has become the big business of everybody's business.
Perhaps you are one of the 30 million Americans who pay for what you think
is an unlisted telephone number to protect your privacy. But when you order
an item using an 800 number, your own number may become fair game for any
retailer who subscribes to one of the booming corporate data-collection
services. In turn, those services may be -- and some have been --
penetrated by identity thieves.

 The computer's ability to collect an infinity of data about individuals --
tracking every movement and purchase, assembling facts and traits in a
personal dossier, forgetting nothing -- was in place before 9/11. But among
the unremarked casualties of that day was a value that Americans once
treasured: personal privacy.

 The first civil-liberty fire wall to fall was the one within government
that separated the domestic security powers of the F.B.I. from the more
intrusive foreign surveillance powers of the C.I.A. The 9/11 commission
successfully mobilized public opinion to put dot-connection first and
privacy protection last. But the second fire wall crumbled with far less
public notice or approval: that was the separation between law enforcement
recordkeeping and commercial market research. Almost overnight, the law's
suspect list married the corporations' prospect list.

 The hasty, troubling merger of these two increasingly powerful forces
capable of encroaching on the personal freedom of American citizens is the
subject of two new books.

 Robert O'Harrow Jr.'s ''No Place to Hide'' might just do for privacy
protection what Rachel Carson's ''Silent Spring'' did for environmental
protection nearly a half-century ago. The author, a reporter for The
Washington Post, does not write in anger. Sputtering outrage, which
characterizes the writing of many of us in the anti-snooping minority, is
not O'Harrow's style. His is the work of a careful, thorough, enterprising
reporter, possibly the only one assigned to the privacy beat by a major
American newspaper. He has interviewed many of the major, and largely
unknown, players in the world of surveillance and dossier assembly, and
provides extensive source notes in the back of his book. He not only
reports their professions of patriotism and plausible arguments about the
necessity of screening to security, but explains the profitability to
modern business of ''consumer relationship management.''

 ''No Place to Hide'' -- its title taken from George W. Bush's post-9/11
warning to terrorists -- is all the more damning because of its
fair-mindedness. O'Harrow notes that many consumers find it convenient to
be in a marketing dossier that knows their personal preferences, habits,
income, professional and sexual activity, entertainment and travel
interests and foibles. These intimately profiled people are untroubled by
the device placed in the car they rent that records their speed and
location, the keystroke logger that reads the characters they type, the
plastic hotel key that transmits the frequency and time of entries and
exits or the hidden camera that takes their picture at a Super Bowl or
tourist attraction. They fill out cards revealing personal data to get a
warranty, unaware that the warranties are already provided by law. ''Even
as people fret about corporate intrusiveness,'' O'Harrow writes about a
searching survey of subscribers taken by Conde Nast Publications, ''they
often willingly, even eagerly, part with intimate details about their

 Such acquiescence ends -- for a while -- when snoopers get caught spilling
their data to thieves or exposing the extent of their operations. The
industry took some heat when a young New Hampshire woman was murdered by a
stalker who bought her Social Security number and address from an online
information service. But its lobbyists managed to extract the teeth from
Senator Judd Gregg's proposed legislation, and the intercorporate trading
of supposedly confidential Social Security numbers has mushroomed. When an
article in The New York Times by John Marko

[Openswan dev] The IESG: WG Action: Better-Than-Nothing Security (btns)

2005-05-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2005 11:20:04 -0400
From: Michael Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Openswan dev]
The IESG: WG Action: Better-Than-Nothing Security (btns)

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fri Apr  8 11:11:34 2005
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Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2005 10:45:18 -0400
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A new IETF working group has been formed in the Security Area. For additional
information, please contact the Area Directors or the WG Chairs.


Better-Than-Nothing Security (btns)

Current Status: Active Working Group

Pekka Nikander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Love Hornquist Astrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Security Area Director(s):
Russell Housley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Security Area Advisor:

Mailing Lists:
General Discussion: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To Subscribe:

Description of Working Group:
Current Internet Protocol security protocol (IPsec) and Internet Key
Exchange protocol (IKE) present somewhat of an all-or-nothing
alternative; these protocols provide protection from a wide array of
possible threats, but are sometimes not deployed because of the need
for pre-existing credentials. There is significant interest in
providing anonymous (unauthenticated) keying for IPsec to create
security associations
(SAs) with peers who do not possess authentication credentials that
can be validated. Examples of such credentials include self-signed
certificates or "bare" public keys. This mode would protect against
passive attacks but would be vulnerable to active attacks.

The primary purpose of this working group is to specify extensions to
the IPsec architecture, and possibly extensions or profiles of IKE, so
that IPsec will support creation of unauthenticated SAs. The goal of the
resulting RFCs is to enable and encourage simpler and more rapid
deployment of IPsec in contexts where use of unauthenticated SAs is deemed
appropriate, to enable and encourage the use of network security where
it has been difficult to deploy--notably, to enable simpler, more
rapid deployment.

Any IKE and IPsec extensions/profiles developed in this WG MUST NOT
undermine the security facilities already defined for IPsec.
Specifically, the access control facilities that are central to IPsec
must not be degraded when unauthenticated SAs are employed
concurrently with authenticated SAs in the same IPsec implementation.

Two related problems emerged during the discussion of this problem.
First, there is a desire in the KITTEN, RDDP, NFSv4 and potentially
other working groups to make use of unauthenticated IPsec SAs, and
later cryptographically bind these SAs to applications, which perform
their own authentication. The specification of how this binding is
performed for IPsec and the specification of how the binding interacts
with application authentication protocols are out of scope for this
working group. However, interactions between this cryptographic
channel binding and IPsec (e.g., the PAD, SPD, SAD, etc.) are expected
to be similar to those for the unauthenticated mode with no
binding. To avoid duplication of effort, This working group needs to
consider how to support channel bindin

How secure is the ATA encrypted disk?

2005-05-20 Thread James A. Donald
Every ATA disk contains encryption firmware, though not 
all bioses allow you to use it.

There is a master and a user password, 32 bytes each. If 
you set them both to the same value, and that value is a 
strong 32 byte password, then the disk can only be 
booted or accessed by entering that password.

This disk firmware is what password protected laptops 
use.  It exists on most PCs, though most of them have no 
bios firmware to use it.

How strong is this standard - could someone bypass it by 
taking a soldering iron to the disk?  Is the disk
encrypted, or just the datapath to the disk? 

 James A. Donald

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Identity Thieves Organize

2005-05-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The Wall Street Journal

 April 7, 2005

Identity Thieves Organize
Investigators See New Pattern:
 Criminals Team Up to Sell
 Stolen Data Over the Internet

April 7, 2005; Page B1

Recent investigations of online identity-theft rings show a disturbing
pattern emerging, law-enforcement officials say. Large groups of criminals
are banding together to steal financial data from individuals, and then
trade or sell that data on underground Internet sites.

One such case involves Shadowcrew, an online marketplace for stolen
credit-card and debit-card information that U.S. agents shut down. The Web
site, with some 4,000 members, served as the backbone of an extensive
criminal organization that traded at least 1.5 million stolen credit-card
numbers and caused total losses in excess of $4 million, according to an
indictment returned by a federal grand jury in Newark, N.J., in October.

The indictment names 19 individuals for their roles in running what the
Department of Justice calls one of the largest online centers for
trafficking stolen identity information, documents and banking details.


See how members of Shadowcrew allegedly operated0 a secret Web site that
traded stolen credit and debit card information.

As public concern mounts about identity theft, police busts in the U.S.,
Europe and Latin America are shedding light on the increasing
sophistication of the criminals behind such schemes. They are finding
well-run, hierarchical organizations where members coordinate efforts via
the Internet, often using aliases.

Once stolen, the information is advertised and sold on Web sites and
Internet chat rooms specializing in the trafficking of such valuable data.

"They are run like businesses," says Larry Johnson, special agent in charge
of the Secret Service's criminal investigative division, who helped
coordinate the Shadowcrew investigation. Identity theft long predates the
Web, but Mr. Johnson says the Internet helps large groups communicate much
more efficiently and extend their geographical reach.

The rings often are international, including Shadowcrew, which had key
members in several countries.

Identity theft cost consumers and their banks and credit-card companies
about $11.7 billion in losses for the 12 months through April 2004,
estimates Gartner Inc., a Stamford, Conn., technology research firm.
Gartner says it is difficult to know how much of that is attributable to
crimes committed online rather than offline -- such as from stolen purses
or wallets. But banks and law enforcement say that online identity theft is
growing rapidly.

One widespread scam is known as phishing, which uses e-mails designed to
look as if they are from a legitimate bank or retailer to trick consumers
into entering credit card, banking or other sensitive information at fake
Web sites. In a new twist, dubbed pharming, hackers manipulate the settings
on a computer so the user will be redirected to a counterfeit Web site when
attempting to visit a legitimate Web site for service.

Major banks have been frequent targets of such attacks. A recent
legitimate-looking e-mail to customers of HSBC Holdings PLC warned
recipients that there had been several failed attempts to log onto their
online accounts. The e-mail, bearing the HSBC logo, asked recipients to
re-confirm their account information. It pointed customers to a Web site
link beginning with the bank's real address,, and warned that
those who ignored the request would have their account suspended.

HSBC confirms the e-mail was fake but says it doesn't know how much money
the scam may have swindled from customers. Customers who report that their
accounts are missing money often don't know how their account numbers and
passwords were stolen.

A large Brazilian gang allegedly swindled roughly $66 million from
online-banking customers using a computer virus attached to an e-mail that
appeared to be from legitimate banks, says Paulo Quintiliano, head of the
Brazilian federal police's cyber-crime division.

People who clicked on the link in the e-mail downloaded the virus onto
their computers, which then stored the customer's bank details when they
accessed their accounts online at legitimate banking sites. The computer
code then sent the swiped account information and passwords to the hackers.

The gang then used the banking information to transfer money out of
accounts, create fake bank cards and even set up shell companies through
which they channeled the money, says Mr. Quintiliano.

Brazilian federal police have arrested and charged more than 100 members of
the gang over the past 18 months, and a trial is under way.

The market for trading stolen information has grown more sophisticated in
the past year, too, security experts say.

Originally, large volumes of credit-card or bank-account information were
sold in

TSA Slated for Dismantling

2005-05-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The Washington Post
TSA Slated for Dismantling

By Sara Kehaulani Goo
 Washington Post Staff Writer
 Friday, April 8, 2005; Page A01

 The Transportation Security Administration, once the flagship agency in
the nation's $20 billion effort to protect air travelers, is now slated for

 The latest sign came yesterday when the Bush administration asked David M.
Stone, the TSA's director, to step down in June, according to aviation and
government sources. Stone is the third top administrator to leave the
three-year-old agency, which was swiftly created in the chaos and
patriotism following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The TSA absorbed
divisions of other agencies such as Federal Aviation Administration only to
find itself now the victim of a massive reorganization of the Department of
Homeland Security.

 The TSA has been plagued by operational missteps, public relations
blunders and criticism of its performance from both the public and
legislators. Its "No Fly" list has mistakenly snared senators. Its security
screeners have been arrested for stealing from luggage, and its passenger
pat-downs have set off an outcry from women.

Under provisions of President Bush's 2006 budget proposal favored by
Congress, the TSA will lose its signature programs in the reorganization of
Homeland Security. The agency will likely become just manager of airport
security screeners -- a responsibility that itself could diminish as
private screening companies increasingly seek a comeback at U.S. airports.
The agency's very existence, in fact, remains an open question, given that
the legislation creating the Department of Homeland Security contains a
clause permitting the elimination of TSA as "distinct entity" after
November 2004."TSA, at the end of the day, is going to look more like the
Postal Service," said Paul C. Light, a public service professor at New York
University and a Brookings Institution scholar who has tracked the agency
since its birth in February 2002. Light calls the TSA "one of the federal
government's greatest successes of the past half century," and likens it to
the creation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the
late 1950s, which was also born amid great public excitement to serve an
urgent national need.

 But TSA's time in the spotlight is over and it should now step back to
serve a more narrow role, Light said. "It's a labor-intensive delivery
organization that is not going to be making many public policy decisions.
Its basic job is to train and deploy screeners," he said.

Bush administration officials say they don't expect the demise of TSA,
adding they will know little about the future of the agency until new
Homeland Security Sec. Michael Chertoff completes his review of the
department, which will likely prompt a major overhaul.

"TSA has taken significant steps to enhance the nation's transportation and
aviation security over the course of the past two years and TSA continues
to have the confidence, not only of nation's air travelers, but of
departmental leadership, to continue in this important mission," said
Homeland Security spokesman Brian Roehrkasse. "Secretary Chertoff is open
to adjustments in the way that DHS does business but will not advocate for
or against any change until a thorough review of the changes are complete."
The review is expected to be completed in May or June.The government has
pumped more money into airline security than any other Homeland Security
effort. Much of it goes toward salaries for more than 45,000 security
screeners at over 400 airports.Travelers know TSA mostly by its operations
at the airport security checkpoint, a highly public role that magnifies
agency's smallest blunders and often forces it to have to defend itself.

 "Republicans didn't want to create this [bureaucracy] in the first place.
Democrats see security as an easy target. So you don't have anyone to
defend it," said C. Stewart Verdery, Jr., former assistant secretary for
policy and planning at Homeland Security's Border and Transportation
Security directorate, which includes TSA. "If someone sneaks a knife
through an airport, it makes the news. If the Coast Guard misses a drug
boat, no one hears about it."The TSA won early plaudits for swiftly
building the first new federal agency in decades and restoring confidence
in the nation's aviation system. It achieved 51 goals demanded by Congress
under tight deadlines and took over many responsibilities from the Federal
Aviation Administration, including the expansion and operation of
undercover air marshals. At its peak, it had 66,000 federal employees and
met deadlines that were unthinkable by the federal government, installing
luggage scanning technology and hiring a new workforce of airport security
screeners within a year.

 Bit by bit, however, the agency's responsibilities have steadily dwindled
amid a succession 

philosophical cum practical point

2005-05-20 Thread dan

Please critique, if you will, this line of reasoning:

All other things being equal, integrating cryptographic
communication protocols into client-server or peer-to-peer
products with existing end-point vulnerabilities tends
to increase total enterprise vulnerability.

By "all other things being equal" I am trying to
diplomatically reflect my experience to date that
not only is, say, key management hard but ensuring
that overburdened systems administrations staffs
continuously do the right thing with it has near
zero probability.  The SSL experience sort of sets a
lower bound for automaticity and low/no end-user skill
requirement corroborated by Alma Whitten's classic
paper[1] and other similar findings.  In perhaps the
most awkward and commonplace sense, I find myself
dealing with development teams that (rightly) believe
applications of cryptography are well understood but
then make the naive leap that they themselves either
already well understand those applications of
cryptography or that such understanding is an
assignable task to randomly selected team members
irrespective of background.

Perhaps I am only elaborating Spaf's remark[2] about
armored cars by restating it as an operational rule
for when development teams are permitted to add
crypto in their comm protocols -- when they have
damped out their end-user vulnerabilities.

Put one additional way, the guy who adds crypto
to his data stream risks becoming the most critical
server in the data center.


Whitten A & Tygar JD, "Why Johnny Can't Encrypt: A Usability
Evaluation of PGP 5.0," Proceedings of the 8th USENIX Security
Symposium, August 23-36, 1999, Washington, D.C., pp 169-184.

Using encryption on the Internet is the equivalent of arranging
an armoured car to deliver credit card information from someone
living in a cardboard box to someone living on a park bench.
  -- Gene Spafford, Purdue University.

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FBI seeks expanded search powers

2005-05-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga

FBI seeks expanded search powers
 Justice Dept. also wants expiring Patriot Act provisions renewed
NBC News and news services
Updated: 12:16 p.m. ET April 5, 2005

WASHINGTON - FBI Director Robert Mueller on Tuesday asked lawmakers to
expand the bureau's ability to obtain records without first asking a judge,
and he joined Attorney General Alberto Gonzales in seeking that every
temporary provision of the anti-terrorism Patriot Act be renewed.

 "Now is not the time for us to be engaging in unilateral disarmament" on
the legal weapons now available for fighting terrorism, Gonzales, for his
part, told senators.

 He said that some of the most controversial provisions of the Patriot Act
have proven invaluable in fighting terrorism and aiding other
investigations. "It's important that these authorities remain available,"
Gonzales told the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Mueller said sections of the law that allow intelligence and law
enforcement agencies to share information are especially important.

"Experience has taught the FBI that there are no neat dividing lines that
distinguish criminal, terrorist and foreign intelligence activity," Mueller
said in his prepared testimony.

He also asked Congress to expand the FBI's administrative subpoena powers,
which allow the bureau to obtain records without approval or a judge or
grand jury.

"For many years, the FBI has had administrative subpoena authority for
investigations of crimes ranging from drug trafficking to health care fraud
to child exploitation," he stated. "Yet, when it comes to terrorism
investigations, the FBI has no such authority."

15 provisions at stake
The Patriot Act is the post-Sept. 11 law that expanded the government's
surveillance and prosecutorial powers against suspected terrorists, their
associates and financiers. Most of the law is permanent, but 15 provisions
will expire in December unless renewed by Congress.

On the same day Gonzales was speaking to the Senate committee, Sens. Larry
Craig, R-Idaho, and Dick Durbin, D-Ill., planned to reintroduce legislation
designed to curb major parts of the Patriot Act that they say went too far.

"Cooler heads can now see that the Patriot Act went too far, too fast and
that it must be brought back in line with the Constitution," said Gregory
Nojeim, associate director of the American Civil Liberties Union's
Washington legislative office.

The ACLU is part of an unusual coalition of liberal and conservative
groups, including the American Conservative Union, that have come together
in a joint effort to lobby Congress to repeal key provisions of the Patriot

'Library provision' is controversial
Among the controversial provisions is a section permitting secret warrants
for "books, records, papers, documents and other items" from businesses,
hospitals and other organizations.

That section is known as the "library provision" by its critics. While it
does not specifically mention bookstores or libraries, critics say the
government could use it to subpoena library and bookstore records and snoop
into the reading habits of innocent Americans.

Gonzales told lawmakers Tuesday the provision has been used 35 times, but
never to obtain library, bookstore, medical or gun sale records.

But the criticism has led five states and 375 communities in 43 states to
pass anti-Patriot Act resolutions, the ACLU says.

Even some Republicans are concerned. Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen
Specter, R-Pa., has suggested it should be tougher for federal officials to
use that provision.

Gonzales already has agreed to two minor changes to the provision, and was
expected to support giving someone who receives a secret warrant under the
provision the right to consult a lawyer and challenge the warrant in court.
He was expected to also back slightly tightening the standard for issuing

Bigger concerns
Neither change addresses the central concern of opponents, which is that it
allows the government to seize records of people who are not suspected
terrorists or spies.

Critics say the law allows the government to target certain groups, but the
Justice Department counters that no Patriot Act-related civil rights abuses
have been proven.

Just in case, Craig and Durbin want Congress to curb both expiring and
nonexpiring parts of the Patriot Act, including the expiring "library"
provision and "sneak and peek" or delayed notification warrants. Those
warrants - which will not expire in December - allow federal officials to
search suspects' homes without telling them until later.

The Justice Department said federal prosecutors have asked for 155 such
warrants since 2001.

That's just two-tenths of one percent of all search warrants, but their use
is growing. The warrants were sought 47 times between the time the law was
passed and April of 2003. Since then, it's been invoked 108 times.

 Gonzales also notes that the law has been used in non-terr

DIMACS Workshop on Security of Web Services and E-Commerce

2005-05-20 Thread Linda Casals

*Pre-registration deadline: April 28, 2005*

DIMACS Workshop on Security of Web Services and E-Commerce

 May 5 - 6, 2005 
 DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ


  Brian LaMacchia, Microsoft, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Communication
Security and Information Privacy.

 The growth of Web Services, and in particular electronic commerce
activities based on them, is quickly being followed by work on Web
Services security protocols. While core XML security standards like
XMLDSIG, XMLENC and WS-Security have been completed, they only provide
the basic building blocks of authentication, integrity protection and
confidentiality for Web Services. Additional Web Services standards
and protocols are required to provide higher-order operations such as
trust management, delegation, and federation. At the same time, the
sharp rise in "phishing" attacks and other forms of on-line fraud
simply confirms that all our work on security protocols is for naught
if we cannot make it both possible and easy for the average user to
discover when a security property has failed during a
transaction. This workshop aims to explore these areas as well as
other current and future security and privacy challenges for Web
Services applications and e-commerce.

Workshop Program:
This is a preliminary program subject to change.

Thursday, May 5, 2005

 8:00 -  9:00 Breakfast and Registration

 9:00 -  9:15 Welcome & Opening Remarks

 9:15 -  9:45 On the relation between Web Services Security and traditional 
  Eldar Kleiner and A.W. Roscoe, Oxford University Computing 
Laboratory, UK

 9:45 - 10:15 Verification Tools for Web Services Security
  Cédric Fournet, Microsoft Research -- Cambridge, UK

10:15 - 10:30 Break

10:30 - 11:00 Flexible Regulation of Virtual Enterprises
  Naftaly Minsky, Rutgers University

11:00 - 11:30 Negotiated Security and Privacy Policies for Web Services
  George Yee, National Research Council
11:30 - 12:00 Regulating Synchronous Communication, and its Applications to 
  Constantin Serban, Rutgers University

12:00 -  1:30 Lunch

 1:30 -  2:00 Scalable Configuration Management For Secure Web Services 
  Sanjai Narain, Telcordia Technologies, Inc., USA

 2:00 -  2:30 Automating Deployment Configuration of Web Services Security
  J. Micallef, B. Falchuk and C. Chung, Telcordia Technologies, 
Inc., USA

 2:30 -  3:00 Software Based Acceleration Methods for XML Signature
  Youjin Song and Yuliang Zheng, UNC-Charlotte, USA
 3:00 -  3:30 Analysis of aspects of XML & WS-* that make
  hardware optimizations harder or easier
  Eugene Kuznetsov, DataPower Technology, Inc., USA
 3:30 -  3:45 Break
 3:45 -  4:15 XACML and role-based access control
  Jason Crampton, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
 4:15 -  4:45 Use of REL Tokens for Higher-order Operations
  Thomas DeMartini, ContentGuard, USA

 4:45 -  5:15 Electronic Document Authorization: A Case for 
  Practical, Secure Delegation and Authorization
  Young H. Etheridge

Friday, May 6, 2005

 8:00 -  9:00 Breakfast & Registration

 9:00 -  9:30 Towards Decentralized and Secure Electronic Marketplace
  Yingying Chen, Constantin Serban, Wenxuan Zhang and 
  Naftaly Minsky, Rutgers University

 9:30 - 10:00 A Negotiation-based Access Control Model for Web Services
  Elisa Bertino, Purdue University , A. C. Squicciarini and 
  L. Martino, University of Milano, Italy

10:00 - 10:30 Using Certified Policies to Regulate E-Commerce
  Victoria Ungureanu, Rutgers University

10:30 - 10:45 Break

10:45 - 11:15 Active Intermediaries in Web Service and E-Commerce Environments
  John Linn, RSA Laboratories
11:15 - 11:45 Web services and Federated Identity Management
  Birgit Pfitzmann, IBM Zurich Research Lab, Switzerland

11:45 - 12:15 Web Services Architecture and the Old World
  Philip Hallam-Baker

12:15 -  1:45 Lunch

 1:45 -  2:15 On-line Certificate Validation via LDAP Component Matching
  Jong Hyuk Choi, Sang Seok Lim, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, 
  Kurt D. Zeilenga, IBM Linux Technology Center
 2:15 -  2:45 A Convenient Method for Securely Managing Passwords
  Brent Waters, Stanford University, Alex Halderman, and 
  Ed Felten, Princeton University

 2:45 -  3:00 Break
 3:00 -  3:30 Identifying Malicious Web Requests through Changes 

DRM comes to digital cameras: Lexar LockTight

2005-05-20 Thread John Gilmore
Lexar Media has come up with a Compact Flash card that won't actually
work until you do a nonstandard, proprietary handshake with it.  They
worked with a couple of camera makers (and built their own CF reader
and Windows software) to implement it.  Amazingly, it doesn't actually
store the photos encrypted on the flash; it just disables access to
the memory until you do something secret (probably answer a
challenge/response with something that shows you have the same secret
key that those cameras do).  I don't know of anyone competent who's
taken one apart and figured out what the actual security properties

They also have "Active Memory" which appears to be another idea for
what can be done by making a separate memory on the CF card that can't
be accessed by the standard protocols.  Idle hands are the devil's work.
They haven't figured out anything useful for it to do: at the moment
their custom software copies copyright notices off the secret memory
onto the photos, after you transfer them to a PC.  Of course, the 
software could've done that WITHOUT the secret memory, just keeping the
copyright info in a file in the standard flash file system.

What Lexar gets out of it is to charge twice as much for these CF cards,
raising them out of the commodity market.  (Assuming anybody buys.)
They're pitching it to cops, who are spending somebody else's money.


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Microsoft info-cards to use blind signatures?

2005-05-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The Identity Corner
Stephan Brands

A corner on IDs
Postings on anything related to digital identity management.


Microsoft info-cards to use blind signatures?
Posted by Stefan at 10:37 am

 Microsoft yesterday confirmed that it will provide info-card software into
Windows that will "put control of digital IDs into the hands of an
end-user" so that "the end-user will be in full control." Thus far, the
company has revealed no technical details about how info-cards will ensure
the privacy of certified identity assertions as they are being passed
around by their users. Now, I just learned that Microsoft last week has
been granted US patent no. 6,871,276 titled "Controlled-content recoverable
blinded certificates." Since I found out about this patent only half an
hour ago, I cannot yet comment on the novelty of the proposed solution,
other than that it seems to be a minor twist on Chaum's blind signature
patent that was filed in 1983. (The twist seems to be to use the
"decryption" exponent d to encode meaningful attribute information, a
technique that certainly has already been described by Chaum in various of
his post-1983 papers as well as patents; I need to review the entire patent
text first, however, before I can tell with certainty if there is a
significant and "technically non-obvious" difference in the proposed
encoding techniques.) Issues regarding patentability and technical
shortcomings notwithstanding, I am genuinely excited about this
development, if it can be taken as an indication that Microsoft is getting
serious about "privacy by design" for identity management. That is a big
"if," however: indeed, the same Microsoft researcher who came up with the
patent (hello Dan!) was also responsible for Microsoft e-cash patent no.
5,768,385 that was granted in 1998 but was never pursued. (See here for a
brief evaluation of the technical merits of that patent.) I am looking
forward to Microsoft coming forth with some technical details on
info-cards. Kim, can you share with us a few insights on the info-card
privacy design on your personal blog?

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Microsoft Working on New ID System for Windows

2005-05-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga


Microsoft Working on New ID System for Windows
 Tue Mar 29, 2005 01:23 PM ET

 By Reed Stevenson

 SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O: Quote, Profile, Research)
will build software for managing identities into Windows in order to beef
up security by giving users more control over their personal information,
the world's largest software maker said on Tuesday.

 The ID technology called "info-cards" will give users more control over
their own personal information in order to shop and access services online,
said Michael Stephenson, director in Microsoft's Windows Server division.

 Microsoft is currently working on a new Internet Explorer Web browser and
version of Windows, code-named Longhorn, but Stephenson declined to say
whether "info-cards" would be built into the current Windows XP version or

 "We're trying to make the end-user experience as simple as possible,"
Stephenson said, adding that Microsoft's "goal is to make sure that this is
as broadly accessible as possible."

 The initiative is the latest effort by the software giant to improve the
reliability and security of its software. Identity theft has become a
growing concern in the United States as personal data is increasingly used
to make purchases, and log into Web sites for vital information and

 The U.S. government is considering greater regulation of data brokers
following a rash of break-ins and other data losses that have heightened
concern about identity theft -- a crime that costs consumers and businesses
an estimated $50 billion annually.

 The technology proposed by Microsoft is reminiscent of two software tools
detailed by the Redmond, Washington-based company in 2001 called Passport
and Hailstorm.

 Hailstorm was quietly shelved after privacy advocates said it put too much
sensitive information into the hands of a single company and partners
expressed similar reservations.

 Passport, used to provide a single log-in for multiple Web sites and store
basic personal information, did not gain the wide audience that Microsoft
hoped for. Online marketplace eBay Inc. (EBAY.O: Quote, Profile, Research)
, an early Passport adopter, stopped using the service for its users in

 While Microsoft's earlier plans involved the use of centrally stored
information beyond computer desktop, the "info-card" system will keep data
stored on a personal computer, Microsoft said.

 "It's going to put control of digital IDs into the hands of an end-user,
the end-user will be in full control," Stephenson said.

ChoicePoint Inc. (CPS.N: Quote, Profile, Research) , which maintains
personal profiles of nearly every U.S. consumer for companies that need to
conduct credit and security checks, said earlier this year that it
inadvertently gave criminals tens of thousands of consumer records,
sparking fears of widespread identity theft and government probes.

 On Monday, the University of California, Berkeley, said that a laptop
computer containing the names and Social Security numbers of nearly 100,000
graduates, graduate students and applicants, was stolen earlier in March
and that police were investigating the theft.
R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Taking the terror out of terror: Sandia team re-thinks physical security for homeland defense

2005-05-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga
>"Suppose every PDA had a sensor on it," suggests ACG researcher Laura
>McNamara. "We would achieve decentralized surveillance."

>"The goal here is to abolish anonymity, the terrorist's friend," says
>Sandia researcher Peter Chew.

>"We need to help win over the as-yet-undecided populace to the view it is
>their government that is legitimate and not the insurgents," says the
>ACG's David Kitterman.



 March 17, 2005

Taking the terror out of terror: Sandia team re-thinks physical security
for homeland defense

Analysis may lead to less anxiety, more safety

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - Anticipating attacks from terrorists, and hardening
potential targets against them, is a wearying and expensive business that
could be made simpler through a broader view of the opponents' origins,
fears, and ultimate objectives, according to studies by the Advanced
Concepts Group (ACG) of Sandia National Laboratories.

"Right now, there are way too many targets considered and way too many ways
to attack them," says ACG's Curtis Johnson. "Any thinking person can spin
up enemies, threats, and locations it takes billions [of dollars] to fix."

That U.S. response is actually part of the war plan of our opponents,
points out ACG vice president and Sandia Principal Scientist Gerry Yonas.
Yonas reports that an al Quaeda strategy document signed by Shiekh Naji,
dated September 2004, reads: "Force the enemy to guard every building,
train station, and street in order to plant fear in their hearts and
convince Muslims to join and die as martyrs instead of dying as infidels."

 Osama bin Laden put it in this way, according to Yonas: "We are continuing
. . . to make America bleed profusely to the point of bankruptcy . . ."

 The ACG - a technical think tank that influences the direction of
long-term research at Sandia, a National Nuclear Security Administration
laboratory - is in the early stages of developing a conceptual program to
improve America's defenses against terrorism.

 "Something to keep in mind," says Johnson, "is that an attack isn't a goal
in itself but a means to a further end. The terrorist might succeed at some
tactical objective - create terrible destruction and loss of life - yet
still be foiled in achieving his strategic goal of bringing our society to
its knees."

 "There can never be perfect protection," says Yonas. "We can never stop
every conceivable attack. But we live with danger every day in many forms."

"Because their goal is to terrorize us, one point is to take the terror out
of terror," says John Whitley, another ACG group member. "Consider fire: At
one time, fire was a major threat to cities and even burned a number of
them down. Now we have fire engines, water hydrants, fire insurance. We
live with the danger almost without thinking about it. We need to set up
the same kind of standby mechanisms against terrorism, and do so in an
affordable manner."

People in airports voluntarily might carry smart cards if the cards could
be sweetened to perform additional tasks like helping the bearer get
through security, or to the right gate at the right time.

 Mall shoppers might be handed a sensing card that also would help locate a
particular store, a special sale, or find the closest parking space through
cheap distributed-sensor networks.

"Suppose every PDA had a sensor on it," suggests ACG researcher Laura
McNamara. "We would achieve decentralized surveillance." These sensors
could report by radio frequency to a central computer any signal from
contraband biological, chemical, or nuclear material

Danger signals would call forth already-in-place defensive procedures.

"The goal here is to abolish anonymity, the terrorist's friend," says
Sandia researcher Peter Chew. "We're not talking about abolishing privacy -
that's another issue. We're only considering the effect of setting up an
electronic situation where all the people in a mall, subway, or airport
'know' each other - via, say, Bluetooth - as they would have, personally,
in a small town. This would help malls and communities become bad targets."

Other ways to fight terrorism start earlier.

 "The game really starts when the bad guys are getting together to plan
something, not when they show up at your door," says Johnson. "Can you ping
them to get them to reveal their hand, or get them to turn against

Better yet is to bring the battle to the countries from which terrorists
spring, and beat insurgencies before they have a foothold.

"We need to help win over the as-yet-undecided populace to the view it is
their government that is legitimate and not the insurgents," says the ACG's
David Kitterman. Data from Middle East polls suggest, perhaps surprisingly,
that most respondents are favorable to Western values. Turbulent times,
however, put that liking under stress.

A nation's people and media can be won over, says Yonas, 

new result: "anti-colliding" x.509 certificate

2005-05-20 Thread Weger, B.M.M. de
Hi all,

Today I announce the construction of a valid X.509 certificate,
based on the MD5 hash function, that allows two different digital
signatures on the (identical) "to-be-signed" part. This is based
on a new technique of constructing MD5-anti-collisions. For details, 

This type of certificate is called "anti-colliding", as this is 
complementary to a construction, announced one month ago, of 
"colliding x.509 certificates", i.e. two different X.509
certificates with identical signatures, based on MD5-collisions.

Benne de Weger

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Re: aid worker stego

2005-05-20 Thread Dave Howe
Peter Fairbrother wrote:
I don't think there is much danger of severe torture, but I don't think
"innocent-until-proven-guilty" applies either, and suspicion should be
minimised or avoided.
Depends on what you want to avoid.
Best solution for software is dual-use - 7-zip for file encryption, 
standard s/mime capable email software (such as thunderbird or even 
outlook express) for pki. However, encrypted emails are *always* going 
to stick out like a sore thumb if intercepted, and even the output of 
most stego packages will look suspect (unless your aid worker is in the 
habit of sending large numbers of digital photos by email. This could be 
arranged - get him to take new, original photos of what he sees while 
doing his work, use them exactly once for stego, then keep the stegoed 
versions around on the hd so that any comparison later will show the 
"original" version identical to the intercepted email version.

Probably the best overall solution to this would be a bootable mini-cd; 
a mini-linux distro would give a gui, and still leave room for 
conventional encryption packages, stego packages and the user's 
secret/public keyring, leave no trace on the HD at all (no matter how 
good the forensic package), can be hidden in a wallet amongst credit 
cards, and can be distroyed trivially by simply scratching off the 
printed surface with the back of a key or against a rough surface such 
as a wall or stone paving slab (ie, drop it face down, then stand on it 
and move foot back and forth until you have an oblong of worthless 
plastic and a slightly messy walkway)

assuming stego, you could load digicam photos (either via a driver on 
the minicd or via windows, whichever you happen to be using at the time) 
not long after they were taken, for later stego purposes, and the space 
they use on the digicam reused for more photos before the first set were 
used for stego (or again, if in a hurry, just remove and discard the sd 
card from the cam)

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Lauren Kohnfelder's undergraduate thesis on certificates

2005-05-20 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
I found this on Simson Garfinkel's blog (

March 13, 2005 kohnfelder78

I have put Lauren Kohnfelder's 1978 undergraduate thesis
into a single PDF file, OCR'ed it, and put it online (with
his permission).

If you are interested in security and you haven't read this
thesis, you should.  Lauren is the guy who invented digital

Thank you Simson!

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Malaysia car thieves steal finger

2005-05-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga


Thursday, 31 March, 2005, 10:37 GMT 11:37 UK

 Malaysia car thieves steal finger
By Jonathan Kent
 BBC News, Kuala Lumpur

Police in Malaysia are hunting for members of a violent gang who chopped
off a car owner's finger to get round the vehicle's hi-tech security system.

The car, a Mercedes S-class, was protected by a fingerprint recognition system.

 Accountant K Kumaran's ordeal began when he was run down by four men in a
small car as he was about to get into his Mercedes in a Kuala Lumpur suburb.

 The gang, armed with long machetes, demanded the keys to his car.

 It is worth around $75,000 second-hand on the local market, where prices
are high because of import duties.

 Stripped naked

The attackers forced Mr Kumaran to put his finger on the security panel to
start the vehicle, bundled him into the back seat and drove off.

 But having stripped the car, the thieves became frustrated when they
wanted to restart it. They found they again could not bypass the
immobiliser, which needs the owner's fingerprint to disarm it.

 They stripped Mr Kumaran naked and left him by the side of the road - but
not before cutting off the end of his index finger with a machete.

 Police believe the gang is responsible for a series of thefts in the area.

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Finland's issuing of biometric passports delayed

2005-05-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga

Helsingin Sanomat - International Edition

Finland's issuing of biometric passports delayed
 New passports perhaps not issued until turn of the year

 Finland may not be the first EU state after all to introduce the new
passport model containing biometric identification features.
  According to the original plan, the issuing of the new type of
passports was supposed to start already this spring. A Market Court hearing
related to the matter, however, has held up this intention.
  Finnish passport manufacturer Setec has taken the case to court after
the production of the passports was assigned to its Swedish and Dutch
competitors XponCard and SDU.
  According to Setec neither XponCard nor SDU's bids complied with the
rules of the original invitation for tenders.
  The Market Court is soon expected to deliver its ruling on the case.
Setec sales manager Tommi Nordberg believes the Finns will not get their
biometric passports before the turn of the year. Still, Finland will be
among the first European countries to introduce the new passports.
  Project manager Tommi Rakshit from the Ministry of the Interior also
believes that the issuing of the new passports with biometric
identification will be delayed. While waiting for the Market Court ruling
the Ministry has also been forced to rethink its financing for the project.
The passport reform comes at the insistence of the United States. The US
wants all passports issued after October 26th this year by countries whose
citizens can travel stateside without a visa to have a bio-ID of some kind.
  Those with non-biometric passports issued after that date will have
to get a separate US visa to travel to the USA.
  Those travelling with passports issued before the deadline will be
allowed to travel to the United States as long as the passport is valid.
On Wednesday the EU Commission announced that it had asked the United
States for a deferment until August next year before the introduction of
the bio-ID passports.
  The United States is yet to respond to this request.
In the first instance, the new passports would be equipped with a microchip
containing a photograph of the bearer's face stored in electronic form.
  Later on, fingerprint information will be added in the chip.
  The new passports are expected to cost around EUR 10 more than the
existing ones.

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Unsubscribe by sending "unsubscribe cryptography" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] - EU needs more time for biometric passports

2005-05-20 Thread David Chessler
So much for the US government's big rush to get them done this year, to the 
extent that they haven't thought out the implications of the RFID chip 
(although they realize they should call it anything but RFID, because the 
acronym RFID is a magnet for animosity).

EU needs more time for biometric passports
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) — The European Union on Wednesday told the U.S. 
Congress the bloc needed another year to implement new U.S. rules on secure 
biometric passports, which include a computer chip with data such as a 
digital photo of the passport holder.

EU justice and interior ministers had said last year they would meet this 
year's Oct. 26 deadline. But only six of the 25 EU countries Belgium, 
Finland, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, and Sweden will be ready to issue 
biometric passports by that date.

After Oct. 26, citizens from 27 visa-exempt countries will have to apply 
for a visa or have a biometric passport.

The EU's Justice and Home Affairs Commissioner Franco Frattini wrote on 
Wednesday to James Sensenbrenner, head of the U.S. House of 
Representative's Judiciary Committee that although the bloc had made 
substantial progress, it would require more time, until Aug. 28, 2006, to 
introduce the new passports.

"Despite all the progress ... we would urge the Congress to consider a 
second extension of the deadline," Frattini said in the letter. The United 
States had already extended the original Oct. 26, 2004, deadline by a year.

Frattini said the issuing of similar U.S. passports was also experiencing 
"a certain slippage" due to problems in adapting the new technology to 
passports. Japan also will be unable to meet the U.S. deadline, officials said.

So-called biometric features can reduce patterns of fingerprints, irises, 
voices and faces to mathematical algorithms that can be stored on a chip or 
machine-readable strip. EU countries also want to include a fingerprint on 
the chip.

"Despite all the progress made ... in reinforcing the security of passports 
you are surely aware that critical aspects of the biometric technology, 
such as data security and interoperability of reading devices, are still 
being finalized," wrote Frattini.

Frattini said the EU "shares the view of the United States that more secure 
travel documents are an important tool in the fight against international 
crime and terrorism."

The United States is urging European countries to have new biometric travel 
documents in place as part of its tighter border security checks following 
the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

All new U.S. passports issued by the end of 2005 are expected to have a 
chip containing the holders' name, birth date and issuing office, as well 
as a a photo of the holders' face. The photo is the international standard 
for biometrics, but countries are free to add other biometrics, such as 
fingerprints, for greater accuracy.

Also Wednesday, the EU head office released a report on the impact of using 
biometrics, which said more large-scale field trials were needed to ensure 
the new technology worked properly. It also urged governments to ensure 
safeguards for privacy and data protection in the use of biometric data.

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Re: how email encryption should work (and how to get it used...)

2005-05-20 Thread James A. Donald
On 30 Mar 2005 at 13:00, Amir Herzberg wrote:
> A missing element is motivation for getting something 
> like this deployed... I think spam could offer such 
> motivation;

Phishing is costing billions, and is a major obstacle to 
electronic commerce.   In my judgment, fixing phishing 
and facilitating electronic commerce is a good fit to 
the capabilities provided by cryptography.  (Of course a 
large part of spam is phishing and viruses)

> a cryptographic protocol to penalize spammers could be
> one of the most important tools against spam. I've
> presented such a simple crypto protocol (SICS) in
> SCN'04 [available off my site],

And your site is? 

 James A. Donald

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Lamar Alexander: Much as I Hate It, We Need a National ID

2005-05-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The Washington Post
Much as I Hate It, We Need a National ID

By Lamar Alexander

 Wednesday, March 30, 2005; Page A15

 The House recently passed legislation requiring states to turn 190 million
driver's licenses into national ID cards, with state taxpayers paying most
of the cost.

 The first thing wrong here is that the House stuck the ID card proposal on
the appropriations bill that supports troops in Iraq and sent it over to
the Senate. We should not slow down money for our troops while we debate ID

 The second problem is that states not only get to create these ID cards,
they'll likely end up paying the bill. This is one more of the unfunded
federal mandates that we Republicans promised to stop.

 Supporters argue that this is no mandate because states have a choice.
True, states may refuse to conform to the proposed federal standards and
issue licenses to whomever they choose, including illegal immigrants -- but
if they do, that state's licenses will not be accepted for "federal
purposes," such as boarding an airplane. Some choice. What governor will
deny his or her citizens the identification they need to travel by air and
cash Social Security checks, or for "other federal purposes?"

Of course, the ID card may still backfire on Congress. Some feisty governor
may say, "Who are these people in Washington telling us what to do with our
drivers' licenses and making us pay for them, too? California will use its
licenses for certifying drivers, and Congress can create its own ID card
for people who want to fly and do other federally regulated things -- and
if they do not, I will put on the Internet the home telephone numbers of
all the congressmen."

 If just one state refused to do the federal government's ID work, Congress
would be forced to create what it claims to oppose -- a federal ID card for
citizens of that state.

 Finally, if we must have a better ID card for some federal purposes, then
there are better ideas than turning state driver's license examiners into
CIA agents. Congress might create an airline traveler's card. Or there
could be an expanded use of U.S. passports. Since a motive here is to
discourage illegal immigration, probably the most logical idea is to
upgrade the Social Security card, which directly relates to the reason most
immigrants come to the United States: to work.

I have fought government ID cards as long and as hard as anyone. In 1983,
when I was governor of Tennessee, our legislature voted to put photographs
on driver's licenses. Merchants and policemen wanted a state ID card to
discourage check fraud and teenage drinking. I vetoed this photo driver's
license bill twice because I believed driver's licenses should be about
driving and that state ID cards infringed on civil liberties.

 That same year, on a visit to the White House, when a guard asked for my
photo ID, I said, "We don't have them in Tennessee. I vetoed them." The
guard said, "You can't get in without one." The governor of Georgia, who
had his photo ID driver's license, vouched for me. I was admitted to the
White House, the legislature at home overrode my veto and I gave up my
fight against a state ID card.

 For years state driver's licenses have served as de facto national ID
cards. They have been unreliable. All but one of the Sept. 11 terrorists
had a valid driver's license. Even today, when I board an airplane,
security officials look at the front of my driver's license, which expired
in 2000, and rarely turn it over to verify that it has been extended until

 I still detest the idea of a government ID card. South Africa's experience
is a grim reminder of how such documents can be abused. But I'm afraid this
is one of the ways Sept. 11 has changed our lives. Instead of pretending we
are not creating national ID cards when we obviously are, Congress should
carefully create an effective federal document that helps prevent terrorism
-- with as much respect for privacy as possible.

The writer is a Republican senator from Tennessee. He was chairman of the
National Governors Association in 1985-86.

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Re: Secure Science issues preview of their upcoming block cipher

2005-05-20 Thread Tom St Denis
On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 16:06:05 +0100, Ian G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd be interested to hear why he wants to
> "improve" on AES.  The issue with doing that
> is that any marginal improvements he makes
> will have trouble overcoming the costs
> involved with others analysing his work.

Several things

1.  Highlighted [we're talking Feb'04 here] the work I was doing on
FPHTs.  They're much more efficient than an MDS and because of my work
they have known branches.

2.  I also looked into the CS-cipher way of doing things.  I was able
to prove what Vaudenay could only "count" [he never proved the
trail-weight of CS-Cipher] and from that I was able to also prove the
16-point case [e.g. CS^2].

3.  CS^2 is totally meant for a pipeline.  It reuses the round
transform for the key schedule.

So what is CS^2?  It's basically 8 rounds of a 4 layer FPHT with
sboxes mixed in the 2-point transforms.  8*4  == 32 step pipeline. 
The keyschedule essentially is just computed as processing the key one
"layer" ahead of the plaintext.

Load the key in one cycle and the block in the next.  Add some FSM to
determine where the key material comes from for a given stage [e.g.
the fixed sigma function or the key round that is one round ahead].

Why is this cool?

First off, you can get a 2 cycle encrypt.  But that's meaningless
because "cycle" could mean several hundred nanoseconds...   But what
is a "layer"?   a 2-point FPHT [e.g. xors of depth three] and two
parallel sbox applications.  The sboxes are efficiently computable as
well with a xor depth of four [or so].  So effectively a "layer" has a
XOR gate depth of about 8-9 at most.

Second, you can process SIXTEEN different keys at once.  So key
agility is essentially a moot point.

Third, there is no dedicated "key scheduler" like in AES.  You do need
some FSM to select where the round key comes from but that's about it.

Fourth, It resists integration attacks a whole heap better than AES.  

Fifth, it's trivial to prove that classic LC and DC are inapplicable.

Sixth, the sbox was not designed to be too algebraic.  The 4x4 is just
a random 4x4 with max LC/DC resistance for a bijection.  The resulting
8x8 has a decently low LC/DC profile, no fixed points and no points of

Seventh, I wrote it.  Therefore it's cool.


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Re: how email encryption should work (and how to get it used...)

2005-05-20 Thread Amir Herzberg
I think this is a good summary of how it should work, except, that I 
don't think messages should be signed by default, only authenticated 
(MAC). Users should be clearly aware of making a non-repudable statement.

Plus, it may be preferable to use something like to 
ensure authenticated e-mail does not alarm recipient with non-compliant 
e-mail clients.

A missing element is motivation for getting something like this 
deployed... I think spam could offer such motivation; and, I strongly 
believe that a cryptographic protocol to penalize spammers could be one 
of the most important tools against spam. I've presented such a simple 
crypto protocol (SICS) in SCN'04 [available off my site], and now work 
on open-source implementation (with student Jonathan Levi) of an 
improved version (SICSv2...), to be published soon. [I can send draft to 
experts willing to provide feedback...]

Best, Amir Herzberg
James A. Donald wrote:
In my blog I post "how email 
encryption should work"

I would appreciate some analysis of this proposal, which 
I think summarizes a great deal of discussion that I 
have read.

* The user should automagically get his certified 
key when he sets up the email account, without 
having to do anything extra. We should allow him the 
option of doing extra stuff, but the default should 
be do nothing, and the option to do something should 
be labelled with something intimidating like 
“Advanced custom cryptographic key management" so 
that 99% of users never touch it.

* In the default case, the mail client, if there are 
no keys present, logs in to a keyserver using a 
protocol analogous to SPEKE, using by default the 
same password as is used to download mail. That 
server then sends the key for that password and 
email address, and emails a certificate asserting 
that holder of that key can be reached at that email 
address. Each email address, not each user, has a 
unique key, which changes only when and if the user 
changes the password or email address. Unless the 
user wants to deal with “advanced custom options”, 
his “from” address must be the address that the 
client downloads mail from – as it normally is.

* The email client learns correspondent's public 
keys by receiving signed email. It assigns petnames 
on a per-key basis. A petname is also shorthand for 
entering a destination address (Well it is shorthand 
if the user modified it. The default petname is the 
actual address optionally followed by a count.)

* The email client presents two checkboxes, sign and 
encrypt, both of which default to whatever was last 
used for this email address. If several addresses 
are used, it defaults to the strongest that was used 
for any one of them. If the destination address has 
never been used before, then encrypt is checked if 
the keys are known, greyed out if they are unknown. 
Sign is checked by default.

* The signature is in the mail headers, not the 
body, and signs the body, the time sent, the 
sender's address, and the intended recipient's 
address. If the email is encrypted, the signature 
can only be checked by someone who possesses the 
decryption key.

* If the user is completely oblivious to encryption 
and completely ignores those aspects of the program, 
and those he communicates with do likewise, he sends 
his public key all over the place in the headers, 
signs everything he sends, and encrypts any messages 
that are a reply to someone using similar software, 
and neither he nor those he corresponds with notice 
anything different or have to do anything extra – 
other than that when he gets unsigned messages, or 
messages with an key different from the previously 
used key, a warning comes up – an unobtrusive and 
easily ignored warning if he has never received a 
signed message from that source, a considerably 
stronger warning if he has previously received 
signed mail from that source.

 James A. Donald

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