Re: Status of SRP

2006-06-02 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

Florian Weimer wrote:

If you've deployed two-factor authentication (like German banks did in
the late 80s/early 90s), the relevant attacks do involve compromised
customer PCs. 8-( Just because you can't solve it with your technology
doesn't mean you can pretend the attacks don't happen.

EU finread terminal was countermeasure to (widely held impression that) 
PCs are extremely vulnerable to compromise.

card authentication required pin entry to work ... and finread terminal 
had its own PIN-pad distinct the vulnerable PC keyboard. orientation was 
towards transaction authentication ... with the finread terminal also 
having its own display of what was being authentication. the transaction 
authentication orientation was countermeasure to session authentication 
orientation where PC compromises could operate within the boundaries of 
any authenticated session.

part of thread in sci.crypt mentioning finread terminal as 
countermeasure to (widely held view of) the ease of PC compromises Keylogger resistance Keylogger resistance

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Re: Status of SRP

2006-06-02 Thread Travis H.

On 5/30/06, Derek Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Quoting "James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The obvious solution to the phishing crisis is the widespread
> deployment of SRP, but this does not seem to happening.  SASL-SRP was
> recently dropped.  What is the problem?


Seconded.  When I was doing some software development, we investigated
strong password solutions, and to my knowledge they were all under the
shadow of patents.

In the end, it didn't matter, since I was using it in a distributed
IDS system, and users weren't necessarily going to be present, even at
boot.  For machine-to-machine authentication, they're irrelevant
(assuming a good source of unpredictability).  For everything but
first-time authentication between the browser and the site, and key
changes, they can be ignored in favor of cached keys (a la ssh) if you
can design a UI that presents them in an easy-to-understand manner.

Rumor has it that Vista will send every URL visited to Microsoft for
vetting against a blacklist ostensibly to protect users against
phishing*, which I suppose trades one problem for another, although
for most people's concerns it's probably a win, since they're running
a MS product in the first place.  It can allegedly be turned off.

[*] When it was announced that the low-cost Asian version of Windows
would only be able to run a limited number of programs at once (I
think it was four), MS's PR department described the limit as being
there to "reduce confusion".  That's either insulting to all Asian's
intelligence, or everyone's, depending on how credulous you are.  I
wonder how much they get paid to come up with things like that.
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Re: Status of opportunistic encryption

2006-06-02 Thread James A. Donald

James A. Donald:
> > My understanding is that SSH when using GSS KEX does
> > not cache the keys, which strikes me as a amazingly
> > stupid idea,

Victor Duchovni
> No, that's the whole point. What works for the
> individual administering 10 machines, does not scale
> to organizations with hundres of administrators
> managing tens of thousands of machines. With KEX you
> trust Kerberos, not your key store.

 In an organization with hundreds of administrators
managing tens of thousand of machines, what goes wrong
with trusting your key store?  And who administers
Kerberos?  Don't they have a problem with tens of
thousands of machines?

> Workable DNS-SEC exists, what lacks now is the will
> and political muscle to make it happen.

I was unaware of this.  So I googled for DNSSEC. Reading
the DNSSEC documents I found
: : "In order to support the larger DNS message
: : sizes that result from adding the DNSSEC RRs,
: : DNSSEC also requires EDNS0 support ([RFC
: : 671]). "


: : "its authentication keys can be authenticated
: : by some trusted means out of band from the
: : DNS protocol."

This does not sound workable to me.

 James A. Donald

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Re: Status of SRP

2006-06-02 Thread James A. Donald

Ka-Ping Yee wrote:
> Passpet's strategy is to customize a button that you
> click.  We are used to recognizing toolbar buttons by
> their appearance, so it seems plausible that if the
> button has a custom per-user icon, users are unlikely
> to click on a spoofed button with the wrong icon.
> Unlike other schemes, such as special-looking windows
> or a custom image shown with the login form, this
> strategy requires the user to directly interact with
> the customized UI element.
> The effectiveness of Passpet's approach is only
> hypothesized; it has never been formally tested, so i
> can't claim it works better.
>> Cannot find a web page that presents passpet.
> See >
> ishing/

This seems like a highly effective cure for phishing,
and one that can be implemented on the individual level
- and unlike my proposed solution, your solution does
not require competent web masters, who tend to be in
short supply.  When do you hope to release an actual
working passpet?

 James A. Donald

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Re: Status of SRP

2006-06-02 Thread James A. Donald

Ka-Ping Yee wrote:
> Passpet's strategy is to customize a button that you
> click.  We are used to recognizing toolbar buttons by
> their appearance, so it seems plausible that if the
> button has a custom per-user icon, users are unlikely
> to click on a spoofed button with the wrong icon.
> Unlike other schemes, such as special-looking windows
> or a custom image shown with the login form, this
> strategy requires the user to directly interact with
> the customized UI element.

This seems like a promising tactic, since a first step
in any process is "look for the button".  If user does
not see the button, will be troubled, will stop and

Any customization is an effective anti phishing measure:
Observe that eBay resists phishing by starting its
emails by addressing each user by logon name, and Amazon
resists phishing by extensively customizing its web page
to each user - by supplying non cryptographic evidence
of an existing relationship.

 James A. Donald

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Re: Status of SRP

2006-06-02 Thread Ka-Ping Yee
On Thu, 1 Jun 2006, Florian Weimer wrote:
> > That is an all purpose argument that is deployed
> > selectively against some measures and not others.
> If you've deployed two-factor authentication (like German banks did in
> the late 80s/early 90s), the relevant attacks do involve compromised
> customer PCs. 8-( Just because you can't solve it with your technology
> doesn't mean you can pretend the attacks don't happen.

You're both right.  The problem is that we are talking about
solutions but haven't yet agreed on a threat model to discuss.

-- ?!ng

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Trusted path (was: status of SRP)

2006-06-02 Thread Ka-Ping Yee
On Thu, 1 Jun 2006, James A. Donald wrote:
> Florian Weimer wrote:
>  > There is no way to force an end user to enter a
>  > password only over SRP.
> Phishing relies on the login page looking familiar.  If
> SRP is in the browser chrome, and looks strikingly
> different from any web page, the login page will not
> look familiar.

I think you might be overestimating the attentiveness and
discrimination abilities of most people.  A scheme that
makes a real login form *technically* discriminable from a
fake login form (i.e. there is some rule you can follow that
will give you 100% accuracy as to which is which, such as
"check for presence of the taskbar") will not necessarily
achieve a 100% fraud prevention rate because the rule will
not always be followed.

Different kinds of discrimination will yield different rates
of success.  Some rules are more difficult to follow than
others; some rules are easier to forget than others.  Depending
on the scheme, even a highly technical user such as you or me
might fail to notice a spoof when we're in a hurry to complete
the transaction or we're distracted by other things.

This is the trusted-path problem.  Some examples of proposed
solutions to trusted-path are:

- Dim the entire screen.
- Use special window borders.
- Use flashing window borders.
- Use specially shaped windows.
- Attach a warning label to all untrusted windows.
- Display a customized word or name.
- Display a customized image.
- Overlay a semitransparent customized image.
- Require the user to press a secure attention key.
- Require the user to click a customized button.

I'm interested in people's thoughts on what works better or
might work better.  (Feel free to add to the list.)

-- ?!ng

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Re: Status of SRP

2006-06-02 Thread Lance James
Here's where SRP fails:

1) SSL is built into the browser - doesn't stop phishers
2) Chrome or no chrome good luck getting it in there and having every
user understand it.
3) Traditional phishing works, but if you force them to change, the
malware propagation will only be higher than it is now, and I can give
you the numbers on how much data is stolen with malware (over 2 million
credit cards have been acquired since January via trojan software - how
do I know this, I monitor their blind drops constantly and one group's
daily take is over 150 megs of credentials on average.

SRP suffers from a rollback attack, chrome or no chrome - humans don't
know enough about this, and if the phisher does:

"Hi, we're having a problem with your account system as our SRP database
was corrupted, please login through the webpage to verify your
information and reset your SRP account to working order".

Surprisingly, many would fall for this.

My 2 cents.


James A. Donald wrote:
> --
> James A. Donald wrote:
> > > The obvious solution to the phishing crisis is the
> > > widespread deployment of SRP
> Lance James
> > I disagree here, I don't think this will stop phishing
> > for many reasons. Please explain how it would. It will
> > stop "man-in-the-middle" attacks on the protocol, but
> > phishers aren't attacking the protocols themselves.
> To be useful, SRP has to be in the browser chrome.
> Consider a typical e-gold phish
> : :You have just made a request to transfer all
> : :the funds in your account.  Please click here
> : : and login to cancel
> : :this request if it was made by someone other
> : :than yourself
> Assume e-gold was using SRP login.  The user would
> attempt to login to through SRP, and the
> login would fail.
> > It's still single-auth and I can still obtain the user
> > password via phishing.
> How?
> SRP never reveals the login.  It is zero knowledge.
> Instead, both parties prove to each other than they know
> the secret, without revealing the secret.
> The only way you can phish the user is to get him to not
> use SRP.  But if he is attempting to use SRP he is not
> typing the password into a web page, but into client
> software running on his own machine, which is going to
> look visibly different from any web page.
> --digsig
>  James A. Donald
>  6YeGpsZR+nOTh/cGwvITnSR3TdzclVpR0+pr3YYQdkG
>  bhZzlPU6DtnwH9s5+PxwPlwhgvD/8iFEI9LcuRXA
>  4x54cCglld16xbMxUa/22CBHVIxtb7yqM78rQ9Ul1

Best Regards,
Lance James
Secure Science Corporation
Author of 'Phishing Exposed'
* New IntelliFound Service 2 weeks free  *
* Real-Time Identity Surveillance Service*
*  *

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Re: Status of opportunistic encryption

2006-06-02 Thread kent crispin
On Thu, Jun 01, 2006 at 01:47:06PM +1200, Peter Gutmann wrote:
> Grab OpenVPN (which is what OpenSWAN should be), install, point it at the
> target system, and you have opportunistic encryption.

Forgive my doltishness, but could you expand on that just a bit, please (or
point at the right place in the docs)? I've used openvpn to set up dedicated
tunnels, but it isn't immediately obvious to me how it would be configured to
do opportunistic encryption.

Kent Crispin 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]p: +1 310 823 9358  f: +1 310 823 8649

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Re: Status of SRP

2006-06-02 Thread Jeffrey Altman
James A. Donald wrote:
> The obvious solution to the phishing crisis is the widespread deployment
> of SRP, but this does not seem to happening.  SASL-SRP was recently
> dropped.  What is the problem?

Unfortunately, SRP is not the solution to the phishing problem.
The phishing problem is made up of many subtle sub-problems involving
the ease of spoofing a web site and the challenges involved in securing
the enrollment and password change mechanisms.  SRP would allow a client
to know that a service is in fact the correct service when the
authentication succeeds.  However, it would not help in the situation
when the authentication fails.  This could be because the user is not
sure of what the password is or even sure which account name was being

Solving the phishing problem requires changes on many levels:

(1) Some form of secure chrome for browsers must be deployed where
the security either comes from a "trusted desktop" or by per-user
customizations that significantly decrease the chances that the
attacker can fake the web site experience.  (Prevent the attacker
from replicating the browser frame, toolbars, lock icons,
certificate dialogs, etc.)

(2) Reducing the number of accounts and passwords (or other identifiers)
that end users need to remember.  With a separate identifier for
each and every web site it is no surprise that my extended family
can never remember what was used at each site.   Therefore, it is
not much of a surprise when a site says that the authentication

(3) Secure mechanisms must be developed for handling enrollment and
password changing.

Only then can we truly address the phishing problem.

Jeffrey Altman

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