Re: Intercepting Microsoft wireless keyboard communications

2007-12-11 Thread ji
How many bits (not just data, also preamble/postamble, sync bits, etc.) 
is the keyboard sending for each keystroke anyway?



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Re: Flaws in OpenSSL FIPS Object Module

2007-12-11 Thread Victor Duchovni
On Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 04:17:38PM -0500, Leichter, Jerry wrote:

> It is, of course, the height of irony that the bug was introduced in the
> very process, and for the very purpose, of attaining FIPS compliance!

But also to be expected, because the feature in question is "unnatural":
the software needs a testable PRNG to pass the compliance tests, and
this means adding code to the PRNG to make it more predictable under
test conditions.

As the tests only test the predictable PRNG, it is easy to not notice
failure to properly re-seed the non-test PRNG. One can't easily test
failure to operate correctly under non-test conditions. And the additional
complexity of the test harness makes such failure more likely.

The interaction of the test harness with the software under study needs
close scrutiny (thorough and likely multiple independent code reviews).

Similar bugs are just as likely in closed-source software and are less
likely to be discovered.


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Re: Intercepting Microsoft wireless keyboard communications

2007-12-11 Thread Leichter, Jerry
On Tue, 11 Dec 2007, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
| On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 13:49:19 +1000
| "James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > Use CFB mode.  That takes care of all the above problems...
| Believe it or not, I thought of CFB...
| Sending keep-alives will do nasties to battery lifetime, I suspect;
| most of the time, you're not typing.  As for CFB -- with a 64-bit
| block cipher (you want them to use DES? they're not going to think of
| anything different), it will take 9 keypresses to flush the buffer.
| With AES (apparently your assumption), it will take 17 keypresses.
| This isn't exactly muggle-friendly.  Just think of the text in the
| instructions...  Redundancy?  I wonder how much is needed to avoid
| problems.  It has to be a divisor of the cipher block size, which more
| or less means 8 extra bits.  How much will that cost in battery life?
Keep-alives are a bad idea.  It's interesting how they keep hitting
limitations of various tecshnologies.  Back in the '70's, I worked on
the design of some protocols to be used by terminals.  In Europe, the
only remote access mechanism you could use was X.25, provided by the
local PTT.  If you had two buildings across the street from each other,
you were legally forbidden from running a wire between them - the PTT
had a monopoly.  An X.25 charges were per packet - a keep-alive would
cost you a fortune.  In fact, sending ACK's could double your costs!

I don't know enough about low-power design to guess where the power
costs actually go.  If there is a significant cost in just starting
the transmitter, then sending two bytes might not use up anything
like twice the energy of sending just one (though it will certainly
use *some* more).

Realistically, some key codes are much, much more frequent than others.
A simple Huffman encoding of the keycodes should let you get an average
message length well below the two bytes that I think are the standard.
(Yes, there are variations due to keyboard usage, but even a fairly
generic encoding should give you reasonable compression.)

No Huffman code is a prefix of another, so you can tell when you've
reached the end of a code.  Then you can use the remaining bits of a
2-byte block for redundancy.  (Of course, some rare keys will require
sending an extra block.)  Just sending as many bits as you can of a
count of messages the keyboard thinks it sent would probably be a pretty
effective check.

These days, you can probably cost-effectively put enough memory
in a keyboard to make this possible.
-- Jerry

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Re: PlayStation 3 predicts next US president

2007-12-11 Thread James A. Donald

Francois Grieu wrote:
>> That's because if Tn is known (including chosen) to
>> "some person", then (due to the weakness in MD5 we
>> are talking about), she can generate Dp and Dp' such
>> that
>>   S( MD5(Tn || Dp || Cp || Cn) ) = S( MD5(Tn || Dp'
>>   || Cp || Cn) )
>> whatever Cp, Cn and S() are.

William Allen Simpson wrote:
> First of all, the weakness in MD5 (computational
> feasibility over time) that "we are talking about" is
> not (yet) a preimage or second preimage attack.
> Please don't extrapolate your argument.

I don't think you know what a preimage or second
preimage attack is.

A preimage attack is a method of finding a document that
hashes to an arbitrary given hash.  A second preimage
attack is a method of finding a document that hashes to
the same hash as arbitrary given document. Your proposed
workaround protocol fails because the adversary can
construct multiple documents containing some arbitrary
text and some chosen text that hash to the same hash -
the fact that some of the arbitrary text comes from the
good guys is irrelevant.  The fact that the bad guys get
to choose some of the text in all of the documents makes
it fail.

> Second of all, you need to read my messages more
> carefully.  No good canonical format allows random
> hidden fields or images.

There is no canonical format that suppresses human
ignorable data, other than plain ascii or suchlike which
is unlikely to be acceptable.  Any format capable of
displaying arbitrary well formatted documents is capable
of containing data that humans are likely to ignore.
What is ignorable is necessarily a human judgment.

A canonical format is in practice going to be PDF or
RTF, which does allow hidden fields and images.
Further, even a visible image can be made to work.
Further, it is quite subtle to decide what constitutes
"hidden" - for example a gently irregular low intensity
background on HTML pages is quite pleasing to the eye,
so surely our format should allow such backgrounds.

Further, what you propose is strengthening the protocol
to work around known weaknesses in MD5.  Whenever we
strengthen a protocol to get around known weaknesses in
an algorithm, we rarely do it right - consider the long
succession of debacles surrounding RC4.  SSH uses RC4
correctly, but consider all the protocols that used it
incorrectly, and then issued incompatible updates to fix
the flaws, updates that were even more flawed than the
protocol they supposedly fixed.

Further, if you want your protocol to work around the
known weaknesses of MD5, "canonicalizing" the document
is not the way to go.

Instead, allow arbitrary documents, but precede them by
salt which is randomly determined after the document is

That will work a lot better than canonicalization, but
it is still a workaround for a known weakness.  Far
better to avoid the weakness.

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Re: PlayStation 3 predicts next US president

2007-12-11 Thread Allen

silky wrote:

On Dec 11, 2007 5:06 AM, Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What puzzles me in all this long and rather arcane discussion is
why isn't the solution of using a double hash - MD5 *and* SHA
whatever. The odds of find a double collision go way up.

Some open source software people are already doing this. I've
played around with the sample files that are out there and find
an easy way to do this but I don't have either the horsepower or
skill to be at all definitive.

My gut tells me that using two processes that use different
algorithms, even though compromised, will raise the bar so high
that it would be secure for a long time.

At my skill level and horsepower I can't find even a single way
to do this with CRC32 and MD5. Granted, that certainly doesn't
mean a whole lot.

Work has actually been done on this exact topic.

One link is here:

I think there may be more; I'm not sure.

Thanks for the pointer. Very interesting and it proves that I 
don't have the horsepower at this point. (Just wait until I build 
that Microwulf! With the new quad core chips I should hit about 
50 GigaFLOPS. And cheeep - less than 4K)

But my real point is that CRC32 while has only 2^16 
possibilities, even SHA 1 with its degraded state has (IIRC) 2^55 
and if we go to SHA 256 it has 2^256 possibilities.

Since MD5 and SHA 256 use two different algorithms the odds of 
creating a double collision are tiny at this point.

So take your enhanced Tripwire like program and have it compute 
two different hashes. Yes, you can create a collision in the MD5, 
but can you also create a simultaneous collision in the SHA 256?

This is my point.



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Re: Intercepting Microsoft wireless keyboard communications

2007-12-11 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 13:49:19 +1000
"James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> > It's moderately complex if you're trying to conserve bandwidth
> > (which translates to power) and preserve a datagram model.  The
> > latter constraint generally rules out stream ciphers; the former
> > rules out things like encrypting the keystroke plus seven random
> > bytes with a 64-bit block cipher.  Power is also an issue if your
> > cipher uses very much CPU time or custom hardware.
> > > I"m sure most readers of this list can propose *some* solution.
> > > It's
> > instructive, though, to consider everything that needs to go into a
> > full system solution, including the ability to resynchronize cipher
> > states and the need to avoid confusing naive users if the cat
> > happened to fall asleep on the space bar while the CPU was turned
> > off.
> Use CFB mode.  That takes care of all the above problems.  You can
> transmit any small bunch of bits, don't need to transmit a complete
> block, and if the keyboard and the receiver get out sync, the
> keyboard's signal will be decrypted as garbage for the first 128
> bits.  If one has the keyboard regularly transmit "no key's pressed"
> from time to time, and if valid key press representations have a
> couple of check bits redundancy, with several keypresses being
> ignored after any invalid key signal, keyboard and receiver will
> synchronize with no fuss.

Believe it or not, I thought of CFB...

Sending keep-alives will do nasties to battery lifetime, I suspect;
most of the time, you're not typing.  As for CFB -- with a 64-bit block
cipher (you want them to use DES? they're not going to think of anything
different), it will take 9 keypresses to flush the buffer.  With AES
(apparently your assumption), it will take 17 keypresses.  This isn't
exactly muggle-friendly.  Just think of the text in the instructions...
Redundancy?  I wonder how much is needed to avoid problems.  It has to
be a divisor of the cipher block size, which more or less means 8 extra
bits.  How much will that cost in battery life?

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: Intercepting Microsoft wireless keyboard communications

2007-12-11 Thread James A. Donald

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

It's moderately complex if you're trying to conserve bandwidth (which
translates to power) and preserve a datagram model.  The latter
constraint generally rules out stream ciphers; the former rules out
things like encrypting the keystroke plus seven random bytes with a
64-bit block cipher.  Power is also an issue if your cipher uses very
much CPU time or custom hardware.

I"m sure most readers of this list can propose *some* solution.  It's
instructive, though, to consider everything that needs to go into a
full system solution, including the ability to resynchronize cipher
states and the need to avoid confusing naive users if the cat happened
to fall asleep on the space bar while the CPU was turned off.

Use CFB mode.  That takes care of all the above problems.  You can 
transmit any small bunch of bits, don't need to transmit a complete 
block, and if the keyboard and the receiver get out sync, the keyboard's 
signal will be decrypted as garbage for the first 128 bits.  If one has 
the keyboard regularly transmit "no key's pressed" from time to time, 
and if valid key press representations have a couple of check bits 
redundancy, with several keypresses being ignored after any invalid key 
signal, keyboard and receiver will synchronize with no fuss.

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Re: PlayStation 3 predicts next US president

2007-12-11 Thread silky
On Dec 11, 2007 5:06 AM, Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What puzzles me in all this long and rather arcane discussion is
> why isn't the solution of using a double hash - MD5 *and* SHA
> whatever. The odds of find a double collision go way up.
> Some open source software people are already doing this. I've
> played around with the sample files that are out there and find
> an easy way to do this but I don't have either the horsepower or
> skill to be at all definitive.
> My gut tells me that using two processes that use different
> algorithms, even though compromised, will raise the bar so high
> that it would be secure for a long time.
> At my skill level and horsepower I can't find even a single way
> to do this with CRC32 and MD5. Granted, that certainly doesn't
> mean a whole lot.

Work has actually been done on this exact topic.

One link is here:

I think there may be more; I'm not sure.

> But to take a real world example, a safety deposit box, the two
> keys have to work together to open the box. It really does not
> matter is one is a Yale and the other a combination, either one
> of which are easily compromised by themselves, but together you
> would have to find both at the same time to open the box, a lot
> tougher problem.
> Best,
> Allen
> Francois Grieu wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >>  Dp := any electronic document submitted by some person, converted to its
> >>canonical form
> >>  Cp := a electronic certificate irrefutably identifying the other person
> >>submitting the document
> >>  Cn := certificate of the notary
> >>  Tn := timestamp of the notary
> >>  S() := signature of the notary
> >>
> >>  S( MD5(Tn || Dp || Cp || Cn) ).
> >
> > In this context, the only thing that guards agains an attack by
> > "some person" is the faint hope that she can't predict the Tn
> > that the notary will use for a Dp that she submits.
> >
> > That's because if Tn is known (including chosen) to "some person",
> > then (due to the weakness in MD5 we are talking about), she can
> > generate Dp and Dp' such that
> >   S( MD5(Tn || Dp || Cp || Cn) ) = S( MD5(Tn || Dp' || Cp || Cn) )
> > whatever Cp, Cn and S() are.
> >
> > If Tn was hashed after Dp rather than before, poof goes security.
> >
> >
> >   Francois Grieu
> >
> > -
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Re: PlayStation 3 predicts next US president

2007-12-11 Thread Allen

William Allen Simpson wrote:

The whole point of a notary is to bind a document to a person.  That the
person submitted two or more different documents at different times is
readily observable.  After all, the notary has the document(s)!

No, the notary does not have the documents *after* they are 
notarized, nor do they keep copies. Having been a notary I know 
this personally. When I stopped being a notary all I had to 
submit to the state was my seal and my record books.

If I had to testify about a document I would only be attesting 
that the person who presented themselves adequately proved, under 
the prudent businessman's standard, that they were the person 
that they said they were and that I saw them sign the document in 
question. That's it. No copies at all. What would anyone have to 
testify about if a legal battle arose after the notary either 
died or stopped being a notary?

Think for a minute about the burden on a notary if they had to 
have a copy of every document they notarized. What a juicy target 
 they would make for thieves and industrial spies. No patent 
paperwork would be safe, no sales contract, no will, or other 
document. Just think how the safe and burglar alarm companies 
would thrive. Now ask yourself how much it costs to notarize a 
document. Would that pay for the copying and storage. I don't 
know what the current fees are in California but 20 years ago 
they were limited to $6.00 per person per document and an extra 
buck for each additional copy done at the same time. My average 
was about $14.00 per session. My insurance was $50/year. Nowhere 
near enough to cover my liability if I was to retain a copy of 
the document.



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Re: Flaws in OpenSSL FIPS Object Module

2007-12-11 Thread Leichter, Jerry
| What does it say about the integrity of the FIPS program, and its CMTL
| evaluation process, when it is left to competitors to point out
| non-compliance of evaluated products -- proprietary or open source --
| to basic architectural requirements of the standard?
I was going to ask the same question.  My answer:  This proves yet again
how far we are from a servicable ability to produce secure software.

Software that's been through the FIPS process has been vetted to the limits
of our current abilities under the constraints of being even vaguely
commercially viable.  OpenSSL is open source software that's been around
for a long time, examined by many, many people.  It had a very rough
journey through the FIPS process, so was presumably checked even more
than software that just breezes through.  Even so ... it had a security
bug.  It's hard to suggest something that could have been done differently
to guarantee that this couldn't happen.  Anyone who might argue - as I'm
sure they will - that this "proves you should use commercial software
rather than OSS if you need security" is speaking nonsense - that's not
at all what this incident is about.

It is, of course, the height of irony that the bug was introduced in the
very process, and for the very purpose, of attaining FIPS compliance!

-- Jerry

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Re: More on in-memory zeroisation

2007-12-11 Thread Leichter, Jerry
| > There was a discussion on this list a year or two back about
| > problems in using memset() to zeroise in-memory data, specifically
| > the fact that optimising compilers would remove a memset() on
| > (apparently) dead data in the belief that it wasn't serving any
| > purpose.
| Then, s/memset(?,0,?)/(memset)(?,0,?)/ to get rid of compiler
| in-lining.
| Ref: ANSI X3.159-1989, section 4.1.6 (Use of C standard library
| functions)
I don't have te C89 spec handy (just the C99 spec, which is laid
out differently), but from what I recall, this construct guarantees
nothing of the sort.

Most standard library functions can be implemented as macros.  Using the
construct (f)(args) guarantees that you get the actual function f,
rather than the macro f.  However, that doesn't say anything about
whether f is actually invoked at run time.  That comes under the "acts
as if" rule:  If the compiler can prove that the state of the C
(notional) virtual machine is the same whether f is actually invoked or
not, it can elide the call.  Nothing says that memset() can't actually
be defined in the appropriate header, as a static (or, in C99, inline)
function.  Then the compiler can look at the implementation and "prove"
that a memset() to a dead variable can be elided

-- Jerry

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Re: Intercepting Microsoft wireless keyboard communications

2007-12-11 Thread Leichter, Jerry
| > Exactly what makes this problem so difficult eludes me, although one
| > suspects that the savage profit margins on consumables like
| > keyboards and mice might have something to do with it.
| > 
| It's moderately complex if you're trying to conserve bandwidth (which
| translates to power) and preserve a datagram model.  The latter
| constraint generally rules out stream ciphers; the former rules out
| things like encrypting the keystroke plus seven random bytes with a
| 64-bit block cipher.  Power is also an issue if your cipher uses very
| much CPU time or custom hardware.
| I"m sure most readers of this list can propose *some* solution.  It's
| instructive, though, to consider everything that needs to go into a
| full system solution, including the ability to resynchronize cipher
| states and the need to avoid confusing naive users if the cat happened
| to fall asleep on the space bar while the CPU was turned off.
Somewhere - perhaps in the Computerworld article - someone mentions that
some devices use Bluetooth, "and are therefore much more secure".

In practice, most Bluetooth devices don't even agree on a non-zero
key when pairing, so just using Bluetooth is no promise of anything.
Does anyone know how good Bluetooth security can potentially be -
and is it practically attainable in the low power/lost message
context that would be needed here?  How are some of the emerging
low-power protocols (e.g., ZigBee) dealing with this?

-- Jerry

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Re: Flaws in OpenSSL FIPS Object Module

2007-12-11 Thread Ed Gerck

Vin McLellan wrote:

What does it say about the integrity of the FIPS program, and its CMTL 
evaluation process, when it is left to competitors to point out 
non-compliance of evaluated products -- proprietary or open source -- to 
basic architectural requirements of the standard?

Enter Reality 2.0. Yesterday, security was based on authority --
on some particular agency or expert. Today, security is /also/ based
on anyone else that can point out non-compliance, and solutions.

The integrity of the FIPS program, and any other evaluation process,
can only increase when [x] are also able (entirely on their own and
not by a mandate) to point out non-compliance of evaluated products
-- proprietary or open source -- to basic architectural requirements
of the standard. Here [x] = competitors, attackers, outside experts,
anyone in general.

Ed Gerck

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Re: Flaws in OpenSSL FIPS Object Module

2007-12-11 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Mon, 10 Dec 2007 11:27:10 -0500
Vin McLellan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What does it say about the integrity of the FIPS program, and its
> CMTL evaluation process, when it is left to competitors to point out
> non-compliance of evaluated products -- proprietary or open source --
> to basic architectural requirements of the standard?
"Integrity" or "ability"?  We all know that finding problems in code or
architecture is *very* hard.  

--Steve Bellovin,

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