Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-03 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

StealthMonger wrote:

They can't be as "anonymous as cash" if the party being dealt with can
be identified.  And the party can be identified if the transaction is
"online, real-time".  Even if other clues are erased, there's still
traffic analysis in this case.

What the offline paradigm has going for it is the possibility of true,
untraceable anonymity through the use of anonymizing remailers and
related technologies.


most people who heard the statement, understood that.

i think that possibly 2nd level detail was that they didn't want
PII easily associated by casual merchant. Initial response was to remove
name from payment cards & magstripes. This also precluded
merchants from requesting other forms of identification to
see if the names matched the name on the payment card.
The implication being that the payment infrastructure would
have to come up with other mechanisms to improve
the infrastructure integrity.

The offline payment paradigms ... while touting "true"
anonymity were actually primarily justified based on
other factors.

We had been asked to design and cost the dataprocessing
supporting US deployments of some of the "offline" products
(that were being used in Europe). Along the way, we did
some business process and revenue analysis and realized
that the primary motivation behind these system deployments
was the float.

About the same time that there was the EU about the
privacy of electronic retail payments ... there was also
a statement by the EU (and some of the country central
banks) that the offline products would be allowed to
keep the float for a short grace period  to help in
the funding of the infrastructure deployment ... but
after the grace period ... the operators would have to
start paying interest on the balance held in the "offline"
instruments (eliminating float from the equation).
After that, much of the interest in the offline
deployments drifted away.

In that time frame we had also done design, implementation
and deployment of a payment transaction infrastructure
supporting target marketing ... recent reference Diversity

support was for a small pilot of 60mil accounts and
1.5million transaction/day ... but capable of scaling
up to 20-30 times that amount. There was significant
attention paid to privacy issues and it was subject
to quarterly auditing by some dozen or so privacy
organizations. there had to be a large amount
of sensitive treatment of the information along
the lines of what HIPAA specifies for health information.


 Previously identifiable data that have been deidentified and for
 which a code or other link no longer exists. An investigator would
 not be able to link anonymized information back to a specific
 individual. [HIPAA] (see also anonymous, coded, directly
 identifiable, indirectly identifiable)

as part of co-authoring x9.99 financial privacy standard, one
of the things we created was a privacy merged glossory and
taxonomy ... including GLBA, HIPAA, and EU-DPD references
some notes:

in our work on x9.59 financial transaction standard

we made the statement that it was privacy agnostic ... since
the transactions were tied to accounts ... but then whether or
not the accounts were tied to individuals was outside the x9.59

As a total aside ... as part of the Digicash liquidation,
we were brought in to evaluate the patent portfolio.

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Re: Gutmann Soundwave Therapy

2008-02-03 Thread Eric Rescorla
At Sun, 03 Feb 2008 12:51:25 +1000,
James A. Donald wrote:
>  --
> Ivan Krstic' wrote:
>  > The wider point of Peter's writeup -- and of the
>  > therapy -- is that developers working on security
>  > tools should _know_ they're working in a notoriously,
>  > infamously hard field where the odds are
>  > _overwhelmingly_ against them if they choose to
>  > engineer new solutions.
> That point is of course true.  But the developers wanted
> to transport IP and UDP.  Peter should have known that
> SSL is incapable of transporting IP and UDP, because it
> will introduce large, unpredictable, and variable
> delays.
> If, for example, VOIP goes over SSL, the speakers would
> become entirely unintelligible.

For those who haven't already made up their minds, the situation with
VoIP and TCP (SSL doesn't really change the situation) is actually a
bit more complicated than this.

1. VoIP over TCP
If you have a reasonably fast loss-free channel (this isn't that
uncommon) then it doesn't actually make an enormous amount of
difference whether you're running TCP or UDP, especially if you're
running a high-bandwidth codec like G.711. It helps to turn off the
Nagle algorithm, of course, since it reduces the amount of buffering
in the sending TCP stack.

That said, any significant amount of packet loss does tend to create
some pretty significant artifacts, since you need to stall the
receiving TCP while you wait for the retransmit.  So, as a practical
matter nearly all interactive VoIP systems use UDP and some kind of
packet loss concealment (interpolation, etc.).

That's not to say that SSL/TLS is totally innocent here. The designers
of SSL/TLS *could* have chosen to design a protocol which would work
over datagram transport as well as stream transport, but they didn't.
DTLS (RFC 4347) is such a protocol. That said, if you compare DTLS to
TLS, there is a small amount of additional complexity in DTLS, so it's
arguable that it was a good design choice to go for the sweet spot of
stream transport, since that's what SSL was really intended for.

2. VoIP over DTLS
As Perry indicated in another message, you can certainly run VoIP
over DTLS, which removes the buffering and retransmit issues 
James is alluding to. Similarly, you could run VoIP over IPsec
(AH/ESP). However, for performance reasons, this is not the favored
approach inside IETF.

The relevant issue here is packet size. Say you're running a 
low bandwidth codec like G.729 at 8 kbps. If you're operating at
the commonly used 50 pps, then each packet is 160 bits == 20 bytes.
The total overhead of the IP, UDP, and RTP headers is 40 bytes,
so you're sending 60 byte packets. 

- If you use DTLS with AES in CBC mode, you have the 4 byte DTLS
  header, plus a 16 byte IV, plus 10 bytes of MAC (in truncated MAC
  mode), plus 2 bytes of padding to bring you up to the AES block
  boundary: DTLS adds 32 bytes of overhead, increasing packet
  size by over 50%. The IPsec situation is similar.

- If you use CTR mode and use the RTP header to form the initial
  CTR state, you can remove all the overhead but the MAC itself,
  reducing the overhead down to 10 bytes with only 17% packet
  expansion (this is how SRTP works)

Note that some (but not all) of the gain from SRTP can be obtained
by swapping CTR for CBC. But you're still getting an advantage
from being willing to overload the RTP header and that's harder
to optimize out (though Nagendra Modadugu and I spent some time
thinking about this).

I don't propose to get into an extended debate about whether it is
better to use SRTP or to use generic DTLS. That debate has already
happened in IETF and SRTP is what the VoIP vendors are doing. However,
the good news here is that you can use DTLS to key SRTP
(draft-ietf-avt-dtls-srtp), so there's no need to invent a new
key management scheme.


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Re: Gutmann Soundwave Therapy

2008-02-03 Thread Perry E. Metzger

"James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> That point is of course true.  But the developers wanted
> to transport IP and UDP.  Peter should have known that
> SSL is incapable of transporting IP and UDP, because it
> will introduce large, unpredictable, and variable
> delays.
> If, for example, VOIP goes over SSL, the speakers would
> become entirely unintelligible.

That's just plain factually wrong. DTLS does fine for that purpose. At
the point where you are sending datagrams with voice data, you're just
doing conventional crypto over a fixed length packet each time, and
those algorithms are quite deterministic.

Indeed, DTLS was designed specifically for such applications.


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TCP, SSL, SSH, TLS, HTTP and other tools of mass...

2008-02-03 Thread Allen

The title on this post is not fair, I agree. The real question I
want to ask is, "Do we ever get it *right* the first time?"

Let's step outside cryptography to look at a possible answer and
avoid the traps inherent in discussing current politics.

From 1908 to 1927 more than 15 million Model Ts were built.

The Model T got a bunch of things right. Availability, mileage
that we are only now exceeding in a mass way, simplicity. It only
took oatmeal, chewing gum and bailing wire to keep it running.
;-> And it managed all this when roads were hardly more than
muddy ruts.

The use of vanadium steel was one of the key right things as well
 and is part of the reason why many still are running.

And it got a bunch of things wrong, not always on purpose, but
rather that they had not had enough experience to understand
*what* was wrong. My dad told me that learning to drive one was
more than a bit of a challenge given the hodge podge of controls
and they way they interacted. If I recall correctly second gear
and the emergency brake were controlled by the same lever to the
left of the driver.

One of the other things to remember that it cost $850 in 1908 and
about $300 by 1927. Figuring inflation into the price and it
probably only cost $150 or less in 1908 dollars

A lot of this is like early computer interconnects and their
controls. Think back 19 years and what was it like? My memory is
that it was a lot like the early days of cars before the Model T.

All the discussion about the weaknesses and strengths of the
various controls seems a lot like car manufacturing before the
Model T.

So, if history tends to repeat itself, I'd expect a Model T to be
about where we are now, and we should start planning for its
replacement. If we learn from the history of the evolution of the
car we might be able to avoid some of the pitfalls of Edsels,
tailfins and other geegaws. But don't bet on it or hold your breath.

So, back to the core question, did we get the Internet and its
controls right the first time? Nope. Will we get it right the
second time? Nope. Will we ever get it right? Nope.

My feeling is that all the discussions about the limitations or
advantages of what we have right now in terms of controls takes
our eyes off of change, for change *will* happen whether we like
it or not. And not all of it will be for the better as we have
seen with recent events around identity theft, phishing, XSS,
etc. And, of course, the big fish swallowing the littler fish,
making for a mono culture very prone to an unexpected disease.

We might be able to reduce the missteps if we concentrate on
keeping what works and only fiddling with that which is weak.

Hope ever, hope on.



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Interesting editorial comment on "security" vs. privacy

2008-02-03 Thread Udhay Shankar N

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Re: TLS-SRP & TLS-PSK support in browsers (Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-03 Thread Alex Alten

At 09:34 PM 2/1/2008 +0100, Ian G wrote:

* Browser vendors don't employ security people as we know them on this 
mailgroup, they employ cryptoplumbers. Completely different layer.  These 
people are mostly good (and often very good) at fixing security bugs.  We 
thank them for that!  But they are completely at sea when it comes to 
systemic security failings or designing new systems.

An excellent observation Ian!!

I too have run into this mindset at enterprises with inhouse security teams 
(mostly in Silicon Valley).  They focus on the nuts and bolts like 
producing/using cryptographic libaries, fixing security bugs in code or 
configuring network appliances to stop intrusions.  But it is really hard 
to find any of them with decent experience or knowledge at the overall 
software/hardware/people system design level. They are often very smart and 
educated engineers. I find that there's this "mindless" focus on using 
groups of "security" standards, e.g PKI / LDAP / SSL type of combinations, 
etc.  The DoD contractor firms seem to be a little bit better at 
recognizing the system level aspects of security, although they too are 
often blinded by the emphasis on "COTS" security products.

- Alex

Alex Alten

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Re: Gutmann Soundwave Therapy

2008-02-03 Thread James A. Donald

Ivan Krstic' wrote:
> The wider point of Peter's writeup -- and of the
> therapy -- is that developers working on security
> tools should _know_ they're working in a notoriously,
> infamously hard field where the odds are
> _overwhelmingly_ against them if they choose to
> engineer new solutions.

That point is of course true.  But the developers wanted
to transport IP and UDP.  Peter should have known that
SSL is incapable of transporting IP and UDP, because it
will introduce large, unpredictable, and variable

If, for example, VOIP goes over SSL, the speakers would
become entirely unintelligible.

So yes, the developers were incompetent in that they
badly underestimated the difficulty of the task.  And
Peter was incompetent in thinking that one layer of a
solution for a particular problem can be plucked out of
that environment, an environment where it works very
badly, and plonked into another, very different,

Not only do new solutions generally not work, but
existing solutions generally work badly, and are
commonly inapplicable outside their particular special

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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-03 Thread StealthMonger
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> write:

> one of my favorite exchanges from the mid-90s was somebody claiming
> that adding digital certificates to the electronic payment
> transaction infrastructure would bring it into the modern age.  my
> response was that it actually would regress the infrastructure at
> least a couple decades to the time when online, real-time
> transactions weren't being done.  The online, real-time transaction
> provides much higher quality and useful information than a stale,
> static digital certificate (with an offline paradigm from before
> modern communication).  Having an available repository about the
> party being dealt with ... including things like timely, aggregated
> information (recent transactions) is significantly mover valuable
> than the stale, static digital certificate environment (the only
> thing that it has going for it, is it is better than nothing in the
> oldtime offline environment).

> [...]

> EU had also made a statement in the mid-90s that electronic retail
> payments should be as anonymous as cash.

They can't be as "anonymous as cash" if the party being dealt with can
be identified.  And the party can be identified if the transaction is
"online, real-time".  Even if other clues are erased, there's still
traffic analysis in this case.

What the offline paradigm has going for it is the possibility of true,
untraceable anonymity through the use of anonymizing remailers and
related technologies.

 -- StealthMonger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   stealthmail: Scripts to hide whether you're doing email, or when,
   or with whom.

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Re: questions on RFC2631 and DH key agreement

2008-02-03 Thread ' =JeffH '
I'd scrawled..
> Other than for b perhaps wanting to verify the correctness of { p, q, g, 
> j } ("group parameter validation"), is there any reason to send q ? 

> I would actually recommend sending all the public data. This does not take
> significant additional space and allows more verification to be performed.

That's what I thought. 

BTW, I'm not myself working on something employing a DH exchange -- I'm 
analyzing/reviewing something that does.

> I would also suggest looking at what exactly the goal is. As written this
> provides no authentication just privacy, 

Indeed, b could be any entity because it isn't proving possession of any 
known-only-to-it information.

> and if b uses the same private key
> to generate multiple yb the value of b['s private key?] will slowly leak.

Yep, I suspected that too. Thanks.

So, another question or two: 

If a purportedly "secure" protocol employing a nominal DH exchange in order to 
establish a shared secret key between a requester and responder, employs 
widely known published (on the web) fixed values for g ("2") and p (a 
purportedly prime 1040 bit number) for many of it's implementations and 
runtime invocations, what are the risks its designers are assuming with 
respect to the resultant properties of ZZ?

I suspect that many implementations will simply use the equivalent of whatever 
rand() function is available to get the bits for their private keys directly, 
and will likely not reallocate private keys unless the implementation or 
machine are restarted. So if the random number generator has known flaws, then 
there may be some predictability in both the public keys and in ZZ, yes? 
Additionally there's the previously noted issue with the values of static 
private keys slowly leaking.

thanks again,


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Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken

2008-02-03 Thread Nicolas Williams
On Thu, Jan 31, 2008 at 11:12:45PM -0500, Victor Duchovni wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 01, 2008 at 01:15:09PM +1300, Peter Gutmann wrote:
> > If anyone's interested, I did an analysis of this sort of thing in an
> > unpublished draft "Performance Characteristics of Application-level Security
> > Protocols",  It
> > compares (among other things) the cost in RTT of several variations of SSL 
> > and
> > SSH.  It's not the TCP RTTs that hurt, it's all the handshaking that takes
> > place during the crypto connect.  SSH is particularly bad in this regard.
> Thanks, an excellent reference! Section 6.2 is most enlightening, we were
> already considering adopting HPN fixes in the internal OpenSSH deployment,
> this provides solid material to motivate the work...

To be fair, the "handbrake" in SFTP isn't -- the clients and servers
should be using async I/O and support interleaving the transfers of many
files concurrently, which should allow the peers to exchange data as
fast as it can be read from disk.

The same is true of NFS, and keep in mind that SFTP is more of a remote
filesystem protocol than a file transfer protocol.

But nobody writes archivers that work asynchronously (or which are
threaded, since, e.g., close(2) has no async equivalent, and is required
to be synchronous in the NFS case).  And nobody writes SFTP clients and
server that work asynchronously.  But, we could, and we should.

And the handbrake in the SSHv2 connection protocol has its rationale as
well (namely to allow interactive sessions to be responsive).  As
described in Peter's paper, it can be turned off, effectively.  It's
most useful when mixing interactive sessions and X11 display forwarding
(and port forwarding which don't involve bulk data transfers).  It's
most useless when doing bulk transfers.  So use separate connections for
bulk transfers.


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