ADMIN: end of bitcoin discussion for now

2008-11-18 Thread Perry E. Metzger

I'd like to call an end to the bitcoin e-cash discussion for now -- a
lot of discussion is happening that would be better accomplished by
people writing papers at the moment rather than rehashing things back
and forth. Maybe later on when Satoshi (or someone else) writes
something detailed up and posts it we could have another round of this.


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Re: Bitcoin P2P e-cash paper

2008-11-18 Thread James A. Donald

Nicolas Williams wrote:
> How do identities help?  It's supposed to be anonymous
> cash, right?

Actually no.  It is however supposed to be pseudonymous,
so dinging someone's reputation still does not help

> And say you identify a double spender after the fact,
> then what?  Perhaps you're looking at a disposable ID.
> Or perhaps you can't chase them down.
> Double spend detection needs to be real-time or near
> real-time.

Near real time means we have to use UDP or equivalent,
rather than TCP or equivalent, and we have to establish
an approximate consensus, not necessarily the final
consensus, not necessarily exact agreement, but close to
it, in a reasonably small number of round trips.

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Re: Bitcoin P2P e-cash paper

2008-11-18 Thread James A. Donald

Ray Dillinger wrote:
> Okay I'm going to summarize this protocol as I
> understand it.
> I'm filling in some operational details that aren't in
> the paper by supplementing what you wrote with what my
> own "design sense" tells me are critical missing bits
> or "obvious" methodologies for use.

There are a number of significantly different ways this
could be implemented.  I have been working on my own
version based on Patricia hash trees, (not yet ready to
post, will post in a week or so) with the consensus
generation being a generalization of file sharing using
Merkle hash trees. Patricia hash trees where the high
order part of the Patricia key represents the high order
part of the time can be used to share data that evolves
in time.  The algorithm, if implemented by honest
correctly functioning peers, regularly generates
consensus hashes of the recent past - thereby addressing
the problem I have been complaining about - that we have
a mechanism to protect against consensus distortion by
dishonest or malfunctioning peers, which is useless
absent a definition of consensus generation by honest
and correctly functioning peers.

> First, people spend computer power creating a pool of
> coins to use as money.  Each coin is a proof-of-work
> meeting whatever criteria were in effect for money at
> the time it was created.  The time of creation (and
> therefore the criteria) is checkable later because
> people can see the emergence of this particular coin
> in the transaction chain and track it through all its
> "consensus view" spends.  (more later on coin creation
> tied to adding a link).
> When a coin is spent, the buyer and seller digitally
> sign a (blinded) transaction record, and broadcast it
> to a bunch of nodes whose purpose is keeping track of
> consensus regarding coin ownership.

I don't think your blinding works.

If there is a public record of who owns what coin, we
have to generate a  public diff on changes in that
record, so the record will show that a coin belonged to
X, and soon thereafter belonged to Y.  I don't think
blinding can be made to work.  We can blind the
transaction details easily enough, by only making hashes
of the details public, (X paid Y for
49vR7xmwYcKXt9zwPJ943h9bHKC2pG68m) but that X paid Y is
going to be fairly obvious.

If when Joe spends a coin to me, then I have to have the
ability to ask "Does Joe rightfully own this coin", then
it is difficult to see how this can be implemented in a
distributed protocol without giving people the ability
to trawl through data detecting that Joe paid me.

To maintain a consensus on who owns what coins, who owns
what coins has to be public.

We can build a privacy layer on top of this - account
money and chaumian money based on bitgold coins, much as
the pre 1915 US banking system layered account money and
bank notes on top of gold coins, and indeed we have to
build a layer on top to bring the transaction cost down
to the level that supports agents performing micro
transactions, as needed for bandwidth control, file
sharing, and charging non white listed people to send us

So the entities on the public record are entities
functioning like pre 1915 banks - let us call them
binks, for post 1934 banks no longer function like that.

> But if they recieve a _longer_ chain while working,
> they immediately check all the transactions in the new
> links to make sure it contains no double spends and
> that the "work factors" of all new links are
> appropriate.

I am troubled that this involves frequent
retransmissions of data that is already mostly known.
Consensus and widely distributed beliefs about bitgold
ownership already involves significant cost.  Further,
each transmission of data is subject to data loss, which
can result in thrashing, with the risk that the
generation of consensus may slow below the rate of new
transactions.  We already have problems getting the cost
down to levels that support micro transactions by
software agents, which is the big unserved market -
bandwidth control, file sharing, and charging non white
listed people to send us communications.

To work as useful project, has to be as efficient as it
can be - hence my plan to use a Patricia hash tree
because it identifies and locate small discrepancies
between peers that are mostly in agreement already,
without them needing to transmit their complete data.

We also want to avoid very long hash chains that have to
be frequently checked in order to validate things.  Any
time a hash chain can potentially become enormously long
over time, we need to ensure that no one ever has to
rewalk the full length.  Chains that need to be
re-walked can only be permitted to grow as the log of
the total number of transactions - if they grow as the
log of the transactions in any one time period plus the
total number of time periods, we have a problem.

> Biggest Technical Problem:
> Is there a mechanism to make sure that the "chain"
> does not consist solely of 

Re: Bitcoin P2P e-cash paper

2008-11-18 Thread Nicolas Williams
On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 11:04:21PM -0800, Ray Dillinger wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-11-15 at 12:43 +0800, Satoshi Nakamoto wrote:
> > > If someone double spends, then the transaction record 
> > > can be unblinded revealing the identity of the cheater. 
> > 
> > Identities are not used, and there's no reliance on recourse.  It's all 
> > prevention.
> Okay, that's surprising.  If you're not using buyer/seller 
> identities, then you are not checking that a spend is being made 
> by someone who actually is the owner of (on record as having 
> recieved) the coin being spent.  

How do identities help?  It's supposed to be anonymous cash, right?  And
say you identify a double spender after the fact, then what?  Perhaps
you're looking at a disposable ID.  Or perhaps you can't chase them

Double spend detection needs to be real-time or near real-time.


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