Re: how to properly secure non-ssl logins (php + ajax)

2009-02-20 Thread Jeffrey I. Schiller
I think you are close, but are probably doing way too much work.

First let's define a function HMAC_MD. HMAC is defined in RFC2104
and represents the current best current practice for using a hash to
"sign" a data value. It takes:

  result = hmac_md(key, value)

You can use hmac with MD5, SHA1, SHA256... whatever. You will likely
find libraries that already implement this in various languages.

Below "SHA" means SHA1, SHA256, your choice.

We'll assume each user has a password which is stored on the
server. For a bit of extra security I would have the server store it
as a SHA hash of the actual password.)

For authentication you do a challenge response.

   Server Client
nonce   >
<===username, hmac_md(sha(password), nonce)

The trick is to ensure that the nonce is not re-used. There are
several ways to do this. One way is to store it in a table:

  crate table nonces (
   nonce varchar(128),   # Probably enough
   ts  timestamp,
   used Boolean )

When the server gets the reply it looks up the user's "sha(password)"
which is stored in the user account table. It then verifies that the
nonce value is in the nonces table and that used is False. It then
verifies that the timestamp is "fresh" (you can decide this). Upon
use, the nonces table is updated to set used to True. A second login
attempt would require a separate nonce. Once a nonce is no longer
"fresh" it can be purged from the nonces table (so you don't have to
store these forever). Obviously the server computes
hmac_md(sha(password), nonce) and verifies it is the value received
from the client.

There are a copy of gotchas here. The biggest is how you initially
setup the shared secret (aka the password). Without public key
operations there is no good way to create accounts (unless this is
done administratively, effectively "off line"). SSL of course can
solve this (but you don't want to use SSL). You can also attempt to
implement RSA in javascript and PHP (well, I'm sure routines exist for
PHP). You can then download a public key in your javascript code for
account registration. The user's browser can then compute
sha(password) and send it encrypted in the public key (or encrypted in
a data encrypting key which is encrypted in a public key).

I don't know how amenable javascript is to doing RSA. Years ago (when
computers were much slower) I wrote a Java Applet that did RSA in the
applet for account registration at MIT. It wasn't very fast, but it
was good enough for a one-time registration applet. Heh heh, we still
use it today!

Now of course I really cannot end this message without throwing in the
obvious caution that without SSL your authentication is pretty
weak. Even though you have not exposed the user's password, once
logged in PHP uses a session cookie. This cookie, although of limited
lifetime, is now available to the eavesdropper to steak and abuse. I'm
not even sure that PHP ensures that a cookie is coming from the same
IP address it was issued to (and in fact you cannot usually implement
such a restriction because some environments [aka large NATs and other
crud] can result in a legitimate user's traffic coming from different
IP addresses even within the same web session!).

And of course all of your data is also exposed, both for viewing and
for modification in flight.

Last I checked, SSL certificates could be had for the $20/year range,
so I don't see how that is cost prohibitive!

Modern hardware also does SSL pretty darn fast. You really have to
have a very high traffic site before it becomes a problem. There
actually aren't that many high traffic sites out there. Most
organizations may think their sites are high traffic, but they rarely


- "Rene Veerman"  wrote:

> Hi.
> Recently, on both the jQuery(.com) and PHP mailinglists, a question
> has arisen on how to properly secure a login form for a non-ssl
> web-application.  But the replies have been "get ssl".. :(
> I disagree, and think that with a proper layout of authentication
> architecture, one can really secure a login system without having the
> administrative overhead of installing SSL everywhere, and the monetary
> cost for a SSL certificate for each domain.


Jeffrey I. Schiller
MIT Network Manager
Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue  Room W92-190
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
617.253.0161 - Voice

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Re: how to properly secure non-ssl logins (php + ajax)

2009-02-20 Thread Peter Gutmann
Rene Veerman  writes:

>Recently, on both the jQuery(.com) and PHP mailinglists, a question has
>arisen on how to properly secure a login form for a non-ssl web-application.
>But the replies have been "get ssl".. :(
>I disagree, and think that with a proper layout of authentication
>architecture, one can really secure a login system without having the
>administrative overhead of installing SSL everywhere, and the monetary cost
>for a SSL certificate for each domain.
>I'm halfway (or more?) there, i think. For my own CMS, i have taken the
>following approach, which i'd like to hear your improvements on:

Go out and get a copy of "Network Security" by Kaufman, Perlman and Speciner,
this has an entire chapter that discusses this issue, including the pros and
cons of different approaches and all the ways you can get it wrong (oh, and
it's written for a non-security-geek audience).   I think any discussion here
will end up being mostly a rehash of bits of the chapter, their version goes
into much more detail and has diagrams to boot.


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Re: how to properly secure non-ssl logins (php + ajax)

2009-02-20 Thread Joseph Ashwood
- Original Message - 
From: "Rene Veerman" 

Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2009 4:30 AM
Subject: how to properly secure non-ssl logins (php + ajax)

I'm going to edit this, since I assume most of the code is completely 

database stores Hash(password | salt) on server
challenge = Hash(random bits), challenge specifically does NOT change every 

user_hash = Hash( Hash( password | salt) | challenge)

There are so many ways to attack this I'm not sure where to begin:
1) Man-in-the-middle - user <-> Jerk <-> server, Jerk can easily highjack 
the session

2) Fake server sends out known predictable challenges, user is now an oracle
3) hack the real server, retrieve Hash(password| salt) hacker can now log in 
to server FASTER than user
4) hash attacks, you mention specifically that MD5 is available as a hash 
for this, DONT EVER USE MD5

the list continues

Now how to (mostly) fix it:
g, p, q are DSA parameters of sufficient size
Hash is a secure Hash, SHA256 will work, but SHA512 will work faster
database stores g^Hash(password | salt) mod p, call it gUser
Challenge = time | random bits, make it 256 bits, using time reduces the 
number of random bits used

gChallenge = g^Challenge mod p
Signed-gChallenge = cryptographically signed gChallenge | time, this does 
not take a certificate, just a trusted known signature key

Client receives  Signed-gChallenge and salt
Client verifies signature including time on Signed-gChallenge and extracts 

Client computes Y = gChallenge^Hash(password | salt) mod p
Server computes Y = gUser^Challenge mod p

If Y=Y client knows the password. For proof of security, this is signed-half 
ephemeral Diffie-Hellman key agreement with reveal.

1) This does not fix the MITM attack, only an encrypted tunnel can do that, 
so use SSL
2) Fake server only repeat a challenge created by the real server because of 
the signature, but the public key of the signing key needs to be verifiable, 
this is where certificates come in
3) Retrieveing gUser from the database is exactly identical to retrieving a 
Diffie-Hellman public key, no risk, database can be public


Also with SSL you don't need to have a paid for certificate, have a look at for an example.

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Re: Crypto Craft Knowledge

2009-02-20 Thread David Molnar
Stephan Neuhaus wrote:

>> Yes, there's a need for a "crypto practices FAQ" to which one can refer.
> I disagree because you cannot force developers to read (and understand)
> these FAQs.  Instead, there is a need for APIs that are difficult to use
> in an insecure way.  For example, Peter Gutmann's cryptlib makes it
> intentionally hard to get at private key material because of precisely
> this issue.  Also, I believe, cryptlib does not allow RSA in anything
> but ECB mode, because doing so means the developer is seriously on the
> wrong track here.

This is a good point, and it reminds me of this presentation from Rusty
Russell on "levels" of Linux kernel interfaces. See
and following.

The main issue I see is how do you force the developer to adopt your
library and corresponding API? A secondary issue is what do you do if
there isn't a suitable library and API yet available? In cases where you
can't (yet) provide a simple "use cryptlib" response, a crypto practices
FAQ would be helpful for pointing out common problems and explaining
them well.

I've started a wiki in case anyone wants to hack on such a FAQ:

-David Molnar

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: how to properly secure non-ssl logins (php + ajax)

2009-02-20 Thread Alexander Klimov
On Sun, 15 Feb 2009, Rene Veerman wrote:
> Recently, on both the jQuery(.com) and PHP mailinglists, a question has
> arisen on how to properly secure a login form for a non-ssl web-application.
> But the replies have been "get ssl".. :(

Unfortunately, they are right: get SSL.

> If you have a completely alternative way of securing a non-ssl login
> form, i'd like to hear about it too.

I suspect what you have coded is a reinvention of RFC 2617
(implemented, e.g., by mod_auth_digest in Apache).

Depending on your threat model, this can be all you need
(plaintext password is not transmitted, but this does not prevent
local dictionary attacks), but any such scheme fails miserable
against active attacks.


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Re: Crypto Craft Knowledge

2009-02-20 Thread Ben Laurie
Stephan Neuhaus wrote:
> Many mistakes in crypto coding come from the fact that API developers
> have so far very successfully shifted the burden of secure usage to the
> application developer, the API user.  But I believe this hasn't worked
> and needs to be changed.

I totally agree, and this is the thinking behind the Keyczar project

"Cryptography is easy to get wrong. Developers can choose improper
cipher modes, use obsolete algorithms, compose primitives in an unsafe
manner, or fail to anticipate the need for key rotation. Keyczar
abstracts some of these details by choosing safe defaults, automatically
tagging outputs with key version information, and providing a simple
programming interface.

Keyczar is designed to be open, extensible, and cross-platform
compatible. It is not intended to replace existing cryptographic
libraries like OpenSSL, PyCrypto, or the Java JCE, and in fact is built
on these libraries."




"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

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Re: Crypto Craft Knowledge

2009-02-20 Thread James Hughes

On Feb 14, 2009, at 12:54 PM, David Molnar wrote:

Ben Laurie wrote:

[snip discussion of bad crypto implementation practices]

Because he is steeped in the craft
knowledge around crypto. But most developers aren't. Most developers
don't even have the right mindset for secure coding, let alone  
cryptographic coding. So, why on Earth do we expect them to follow  

unwritten rules, many of which are far from obvious even if you
understand the crypto?

Yes, there's a need for a "crypto practices FAQ" to which one can  

In addition to individual education, it'd be helpful to have something
when pointing out common mistakes.

[snip specific discussion]

I find this conversation off the point. Consider other trades like  
woodworking. There is no FAQ that can be created that would be  
applicable to building a picture frame, dining room table or a covered  
bridge. A FAQ for creating a picture frame would be possible, but this  
is not the FAQ that is being discussed.

Crypto protocol failures are not trivial. The recent CBC attack on SSH  
shows that this is the case.
What FAQ would prescribe how not to make this mistake?

There are PhD programs related to this subject. I would argue (and  
actually dovetailing with another thread) that, if one creates a FAQ,  
that it point to well vetted implementations of information delivery  
protocols like SSL and SSH, and that any FAQ regarding the use of  
crypto libraries be that this is dangerous and should only be  
attempted with proper oversight and/or training.

Crypto protocols are not trivial, and suggesting a FAQ would be able  
to take the uninitiated to secure coding is more dangerous than good.

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Contradictory opinion on KMIP

2009-02-20 Thread Arshad Noor

Recently, there was a posting on this forum on the Key
Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) Technical
Committee charter, proposed by a group of storage vendors
(RSA, IBM, HP, et al) at OASIS.  (Unfortunately, I deleted
the posting, so I cannot refer to it directly, but here's
a link to the original posting):

I thought it might be useful to inform readers of this forum
that a contradictory opinion has been submitted to the OASIS
Charter list (by this author) at:

It is fair to warn readers that the contradictory opinion is
not a technical discussion of cryptography, but more a
political fallout in the KM space.  If KM standards are of
interest to readers, they may find the comments at the OASIS
link germane.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

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Re: how to properly secure non-ssl logins (php + ajax)

2009-02-20 Thread Lea Kissner
[Moderator's note: top posting is not considered good form. --Perry]

Hi Rene,

I suspect from reading this quickly that you may not be a cryptographer. I'd
highly suggest that you borrow one for a bit before you go ahead with this.
I'm having a bit of trouble reading exactly what you want to do, but I am
fairly sure that this isn't as secure as you'd like. (Heck, I can probably
help you out with this, but not today because I'm swamped.)


On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 4:30 AM, Rene Veerman  wrote:

> Hi.
> Recently, on both the jQuery(.com) and PHP mailinglists, a question has
> arisen on how to properly secure a login form for a non-ssl web-application.
> But the replies have been "get ssl".. :(
> I disagree, and think that with a proper layout of authentication
> architecture, one can really secure a login system without having the
> administrative overhead of installing SSL everywhere, and the monetary cost
> for a SSL certificate for each domain.
> I wish to code such a solution into a really-free library (so probably LGPL
> or GPL + MIT) over the next 2 to 5 months.
> This library would be a complete SQL, PHP & javascript package (jQuery
> "plugged in"), targetted for the novice programmer.
> I'm halfway (or more?) there, i think.
> For my own CMS, i have taken the following approach, which i'd like to hear
> your improvements on:
> (For onewayHash() i have MD5 and SHA256 implementations in both JS and
> PHP..)
>  SQL:
> create table users (
>  user_id   integer,
>  user_login_name  varchar(250),
>  user_login_hash  varchar(250),
>  user_password_hash   varchar(250),
> other fields
> primary key (user_id)
> );
> create table preferences (
>  pref_system_hash   varchar(250)
> );
>  PHP (pseudo-code) , on system installation:
>   preferences.pref_system_hash = onewayHash ( randomStringLength(100) );
>  PHP , on user-create:
>  users[user_id].user_login_hash = onewayHash(user_login_name +
> preferences.pref_system_hash);
>  users[user_id].user_password_hash = onewayHash ("someGooodPasswordNot" +
> preferences.pref_system_hash);
>  PHP, on request of a login form:
>  challenge = makeNewChallenge ();
>   //checks since when [browser IP] has last received a new challenge,
> if < threshold : make a new challenge. else return old challenge.
>  //a challenge is a random string (+ special chars) pushed through the
> onewayHash function.
>  html = '
>  value="preferences.pref_system_hash">
>   ';
>   sendHTMLtoBrowser (html);
>  Javascript: on page with login form:
>   jQuery('#loginForm').submit (function () {
> var sh = jQuery('#sh')[0]; //same for ch, plain_user, plain_pass,
> all the inputs in the html form.
> user_hash = onewayHash ( onewayHash ( plain_user.value + sh.value )
> + challenge );
> //same for pass_hash basically
> plain_user.value = ''; //clear out the plain text fields so they
> dont get transmitted (same for plain_pass ofcourse)
> jQuery.ajax ( /* submit login form through POST, handle results */
> )
>   }
>  PHP, on receiving the login form data:
>  // walk through all the records in users table, for each, calculate:
> user_hash = onewayHash ( users[user_id].user_login_hash + challenge
> );
> pass_hash = onewayHash ( users[user_id].user_password_hash +
> challenge );
>  // if they match what was sent, then it's the user we're looking for
> with the right password, so their $_SESSION['authenticated_user'] = updated.
> If you have a completely alternative way of securing a non-ssl login form,
> i'd like to hear about it too.
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Shamir secret sharing and information theoretic security

2009-02-20 Thread R.A. Hettinga

Begin forwarded message:

From: Sarad AV 
Date: February 17, 2009 9:51:09 AM EST
Subject: Shamir secret sharing and information theoretic security


I was going through the wikipedia example of shamir secret sharing  
which says it is information theoretically secure.

In the example in that url, they have a polynomial
f(x) = 1234 + 166.x + 94.x^2

they construct 6 points from the polynomial

the secret here is S=1234. The threshold k=3 and the number of  
participants n=6.

If say, first two users collude then
1494 = S + c1 .1 + c2.1
1942 = S + c1 .2 + c2.2

clearly, one can start making inferences about the sizes of the  
unknown co-efficients c1 and c2 and S.

However, it is said in the URL above that Shamir secret is information  
theoretically secure

in the url below they say
"Secret sharing schemes such as Shamir's are information theoretically  
secure (and in fact perfectly secure) in that less than the requisite  
number of shares of the secret provide no information about the secret."

how can that be true? we already are able to make inferences.

Moreover say that, we have 3 planes intersecting at a single point in  
euclidean space, where each plane is a secret share(Blakely's scheme).  
With 2 plane equations, we cannot find the point of intersection but  
we can certainly narrow down to the line where the planes intersect.  
There is information loss about the secret.

from this it appears that Shamir's secret sharing scheme leaks  
information from its shares but why is it then considered information  
theoretically secure?

They do appear to leak information as similar to k-threshold schemes  
using chinese remainder theorem.

what am i missing?


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Re: how to properly secure non-ssl logins (php + ajax)

2009-02-20 Thread Erwan Legrand

> Recently, on both the jQuery(.com) and PHP mailinglists, a question has
> arisen on how to properly secure a login form for a non-ssl web-application.
> But the replies have been "get ssl".. :(

What makes you think these are ill-advised?

> I disagree, and think that with a proper layout of authentication
> architecture, one can really secure a login system without having the
> administrative overhead of installing SSL everywhere, and the monetary cost
> for a SSL certificate for each domain.

Well, it depends on how much security is enough for you. If the
threats you are concerned with encompass the threats mitigated by
SSL/TLS, then you should definitely use TLS. You could arguably use
Kerberos, SSH or IPSEC to achieve the same level of security, but that
would not be handy, since SSL/TLS is what is bundled in web servers
and browsers. Oh, and you don't necessarily have to buy a certificate
to Verisign to use SSL!

The only thing your scheme seems to achieve is protect your password
against eavesdroppers. But then, an eavesdropper could reuse your
cookie to hijack your session. Your protocol does not mitigate such
threats as session hijacking, MITM, phishing, HTTP cache poisoning and
the list goes on. And whatever the shortcomings of TLS might be, it
does mitigate these threats.

Now, if you threat model goes along the lines of :
 * The only asset I want to protect is my password (because I use the
   same password to access critical data hosted on other services!)
 * I don't care whether my session is compromised.
 * I don't care whether my data is captured by an eavesdropper.
Then your scheme might indeed be what you need. I did not give it more
than a quick look though. And I would suggest you reconsider in the
first place the reasons that made you reuse such a precious password.

I hope this last paragraph makes sense and you will forgive my use of sarcasm.
Erwan Legrand

Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability.
   -- E. W. Dijkstra

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Re: how to properly secure non-ssl logins (php + ajax)

2009-02-20 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Feb 15, 2009, at 7:30 AM, Rene Veerman wrote:
Recently, on both the jQuery(.com) and PHP mailinglists, a question  
has arisen on how to properly secure a login form for a non-ssl web- 

What's the threat model?

users[user_id].user_login_hash = onewayHash(user_login_name +  

That you're hashing the username suggests you're worried about  
eavesdroppers identifying the user at login time. But without SSL,  
it'll almost certainly be trivial for an eavesdropper to identify the  
user _after_ they login. What's the threat model?

//checks since when [browser IP] has last received a new challenge,  
if < threshold : make a new challenge. else return old challenge.

It is incorrect to rely on a bijection between IPs and users.


What you're calling a system hash is usually referred to as salt.

// walk through all the records in users table, for each, calculate:

This is a completely broken approach, and prohibitive for applications  
with more than a handful of users.

I suggest you start by trying to write down a clear, brief and  
coherent threat model. Once that's done, you can solicit feedback  
until you're satisfied with the definition of what you're trying to  
build. Once you can focus on implementation, I suggest looking at  
things like bcrypt, PBKDF2, and SRP as background reading.


Ivan Krstić  |

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fyi: Researchers Hack Biometric Faces

2009-02-20 Thread ' =JeffH '
apropos to the biometrics essay in the Jan 2009 crypto-gram:

Researchers Hack Biometric Faces

from the face-off dept. posted by kdawson on 2009-02-18 01:35:00

yahoi sends in news from a week or so back: "Vietnamese researchers have 
cracked the facial recognition technology [1] used for authentication in 
Lenovo, Asus, and Toshiba laptops in lieu of the standard logon/password. The 
researchers were able to easily bypass the biometric authentication system 
built into the laptops by using photos of an authorized user, as well as by 
presenting multiple phony facial images in brute-force attacks. One of the 
researchers will demonstrate the hack at Black Hat DC this week. He says the 
laptop makers should remove the facial biometrics feature from their products 
because the vulnerability of this technology can't be fixed."



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The password-reset paradox

2009-02-20 Thread Peter Gutmann
There are a variety of password cost-estimation surveys floating around that
put the cost of password resets at $100-200 per user per year, depending on
which survey you use (Gartner says so, it must be true).

You can get OTP tokens as little as $5.  Barely anyone uses them.

Can anyone explain why, if the cost of password resets is so high, banks and
the like don't want to spend $5 (plus one-off background infrastructure costs
and whatnot) on a token like this?

(My guess is that the password-reset cost estimates are coming from the same
place as software and music piracy figures, but I'd still be interested in any
information anyone can provide).


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stripping https from pages

2009-02-20 Thread Steven M. Bellovin -- we've
talked about this attack for quite a while; someone has now implemented

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: Shamir secret sharing and information theoretic security

2009-02-20 Thread Jonathan Katz

On Tue, 17 Feb 2009, R.A. Hettinga wrote:


I was going through the wikipedia example of shamir secret sharing which says 
it is information theoretically secure.

The scheme is defined over a finite field *not* over the integers. When 
Shamir's scheme is run over a finite field, it is information 
theoretically secure.

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Re: The password-reset paradox

2009-02-20 Thread Jerry Leichter

On Feb 19, 2009, at 8:36 AM, Peter Gutmann wrote:

There are a variety of password cost-estimation surveys floating  
around that
put the cost of password resets at $100-200 per user per year,  
depending on

which survey you use (Gartner says so, it must be true).

You can get OTP tokens as little as $5.  Barely anyone uses them.

Can anyone explain why, if the cost of password resets is so high,  
banks and
the like don't want to spend $5 (plus one-off background  
infrastructure costs

and whatnot) on a token like this?

(My guess is that the password-reset cost estimates are coming from  
the same
place as software and music piracy figures, but I'd still be  
interested in any

information anyone can provide).
I suspect some very biased analysis.  For example, people who really  
need their passwords reset regularly will probably lose their tokens  
just as regularly.  The cost of replacing one of those is high - not  
for the token itself, but for the administrative costs, which *must*  
be higher than for a password reset since they include all the work in  
a password reset (properly authenticating user/identifying account  
probably contribute the largest costs), plus all the costs of  
physically obtaining, registering, and distributing a replacement  
token - plus any implied costs due to the delays needed to physically  
deliver the token versus the potential for an instantaneous reset.

I suppose the $100-$200 estimate might make sense for an organization  
that actually does password resets in a secure, carefully managed  
fashion.  Frankly ... I, personally, have never seen such an  
organization.  Password resets these days are mainly automated, with  
authentication and identification based on very weak secondary  
security questions.  Even organizations you'd expect to be secure  
"authenticate" password reset requests based entirely on public  
information (e.g., if you know the name and badge number of an  
employee and the right help desk to call, you can get the password  
reset).  New passwords are typically delivered by unsecured email.   
All too many organizations reset to a fixed, known value.

It's quite true that organizations have found the costs of password  
resets to be too high.  What they've generally done is saved money on  
the reset process itself, pushing the cost out into whatever budgets  
will get hit as by the resulting security breaches.

-- Jerry


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Re: The password-reset paradox

2009-02-20 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Fri, 20 Feb 2009 02:36:17 +1300 (Peter Gutmann) wrote:

> There are a variety of password cost-estimation surveys floating
> around that put the cost of password resets at $100-200 per user per
> year, depending on which survey you use (Gartner says so, it must be
> true).
> You can get OTP tokens as little as $5.  Barely anyone uses them.
> Can anyone explain why, if the cost of password resets is so high,
> banks and the like don't want to spend $5 (plus one-off background
> infrastructure costs and whatnot) on a token like this?
Because then you need PIN resets, lost token handling, and "my token
doesn't work and I'm on a trip and my boss will kill me if I don't get
this done" resets.  I've personally had to deal with two of the three,
and it was just as insecure as password resets

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: The password-reset paradox

2009-02-20 Thread James Chacon

On Feb 19, 2009, at 7:36 AM, Peter Gutmann wrote:

There are a variety of password cost-estimation surveys floating  
around that
put the cost of password resets at $100-200 per user per year,  
depending on

which survey you use (Gartner says so, it must be true).

You can get OTP tokens as little as $5.  Barely anyone uses them.

Can anyone explain why, if the cost of password resets is so high,  
banks and
the like don't want to spend $5 (plus one-off background  
infrastructure costs

and whatnot) on a token like this?

(My guess is that the password-reset cost estimates are coming from  
the same
place as software and music piracy figures, but I'd still be  
interested in any

information anyone can provide).

I'd almost guarentee that's the reason. Buying OTP's comes out of  
direct funds right there on the spot whereas "it costs us XXX to reset  
passwords" is a nebulous stat that can likely be written however  
someone wants to read it.

Plus given most OTP's have short expirations to generate rolling  
revenue for the provider (ala SecuriID) it's not a simple cost to  
start down this path for a lot of businesses.


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