Re: CSPRNG algorithms

2009-05-01 Thread William Soley

On Mar 13, 2009, at 12:16 PM, Travis wrote:

[...] would people like to help me create one by
emailing me references to extant PRNG definitions?

This paper describes the architecture of a prototype I built at Sun  
back in 1995 for a random number generating service that ran in user  
land.  It went through a couple revisions, and eventually got ported  
to the kernel in Solaris 10.

The revisions since the paper were fairly minor: using a bigger  
entropy pool, improving the entropy estimation algorithm, and  
tweaking the bleed function.  I am not sure what changes were made  
when it was ported to the kernel as I was not directly involved.   
Unfortunately, the details of the revisions are only documented in  
the source code.

Kind regards,


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Re: SHA-1 collisions now at 2^{52}?

2009-05-01 Thread Victor Duchovni
On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 11:07:31PM -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

> Greg Rose  writes:
> >> This is a very important result. The need to transition from SHA-1
> >> is no longer theoretical.
> >
> > It already wasn't theoretical... if you know what I mean. The writing
> > has been on the wall since Wang's attacks four years ago.
> Sure, but this should light a fire under people for things like TLS 1.2.

Perhaps, though the MAC in TLS cipher-suites needs just 2nd pre-image
resistance, not collision resistance. The collision resistance is more
relevant to X.509 authentication, and even there only when CA practices
are sub-optimal.

Yes, by all means, new hash functions, but lets not over-emphasize the
magnitude of the problem. This is not a SHA-1 pandemic...


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Re: CSPRNG algorithms

2009-05-01 Thread John Levine
>I have never seen a good catalog of computationally-strong
>pseudo-random number generators.

Chapter 3 of Knuth's TAOCP is all about pseudo-random number
generators, starting with a fine example of the wrong way to do it.
My copy is several thousand miles away but my recollection is that his
main advice was to stick to linear congruential PRNGs, perhaps with a
buffered postpass to scramble up the order or the results.

It's certainly a good place to start.


[Moderator's note: none of the generators in TAOCP are cryptographically
strong. They are fine for Monte Carlo simulations and such. --Perry]
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Re: full-disk subversion standards released

2009-05-01 Thread Darren J Moffat

Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:

No, no there's not.  In fact, I solicited information here about crypto
accellerators with onboard persistent key memory ("secure key storage")
about two years ago and got basically no responses except pointers to
the same old, discontinued or obsolete products I was trying to replace.

I wouldn't normally play marketeer but since you asked did you look at 
this product ?   Either way I'd be interested in your view on it.

Please ignore the "sslaccel" in the URL this card doesn't know anything 
about SSL it is a pure Crypto accelerator and keystore with a FIPS 140-2 
@ Level certification.  Support on Solaris, OpenSolaris, RHEL 5 and SuSE 10.

It has the ability to have centralised key management and shared 
keystores (within and across machines).

It even has Eliptic Curve support available.

Darren J Moffat

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Re: full-disk subversion standards released

2009-05-01 Thread Darren J Moffat

Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:

To the extent of my knowledge there are currently _no_ generally
available, general-purpose crypto accellerator chip-level products with
onboard key storage or key wrapping support, with the exception of parts
first sold more than 5 years ago and being shipped now from old stock.

CA-6000 supports on board key storage and key wrapping.  It even 
supports the NIST AES Keywrap algorithm.

This card is certainly newer than 5 years old, in fact when we first 
released it we had some deployment issues because we had created a PCIe 
only card and several customers wanted to put on in machines that didn't 
have PCIe capability.

Darren J Moffat

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Re: full-disk subversion standards released

2009-05-01 Thread Darren J Moffat

Peter Gutmann wrote:

(Does anyone know of any studies that have been done to find out how prevalent
this is for servers?  I can see why you'd need to do it for software-only
implementations in order to survive restarts, but what about hardware-assisted
TLS?  Is there anything like a study showing that for a random sampling of x
web servers, y stored the keys unprotected?  Are you counting things like
Windows' DPAPI, which any IIS setup should use, as "protected" or

We recently had some discussion about this inside Sun.  Not just for TLS 
but for IKE as well.

Until very recently our IKE daemon required the PKCS#11 PIN to be on 
disk (readable only by root) even if you were using sensitive and non 
extractable keys in a hardware keystore.   We changed that to provide an 
admin command to interactively load the key.   However we know that this 
won't actually be used on the server side in many case, and not in a 
cluster (the Solaris/OpenSolaris IKE and IPsec is cluster capable).

For Web servers the situation was similar, either the naked private key 
was on disk or the PKCS#11 PIN that allowed access to it was.

I solicited information here about crypto accellerators with onboard
persistent key memory ("secure key storage") about two years ago and got
basically no responses except pointers to the same old, discontinued or
obsolete products I was trying to replace.

I was hoping someone else would leap in about now and question this, but I
guess I'll have to do it... maybe we have a different definition of what's
required here, but AFAIK there's an awful lot of this kind of hardware
floating around out there, admittedly it's all built around older crypto
devices like Broadcom 582x's and Cavium's Nitrox (because there hasn't been
any real need to come up with replacements) but I didn't think there'd be much
problem with finding the necessary hardware, unless you've got some particular
requirement that rules a lot of it out.

The Sun CA-6000 card I just pointed to in my other email is such a card 
it uses Broadcom 582x.

Darren J Moffat

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Re: CSPRNG algorithms

2009-05-01 Thread Jonathan Thornburg
On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 3:16 AM, Travis
> I have never seen a good catalog of computationally-strong
> pseudo-random number generators.  It seems that everyone tries to roll
> their own in whatever application they are using, and I bet there's a
> lot of waste and inefficiency and re-inventing the wheel involved.
> If this true, or is there a survey somewhere?  If not, would people
> like to help me create one by emailing me references to extant PRNG
> definitions?

There's a nice survey, with some advice on how to construct a "good"
PRNG, at
  J. Kelsey, B. Schneier, D. Wagner, and C. Hall
  "Cryptanalytic Attacks on Pseudorandom Number Generators"
  Fast Software Encryption, Fifth International Workshop Proceedings
(March 1998), Springer-Verlag, 1998, pp. 168-188.

  ABSTRACT: In this paper we discuss PRNGs: the mechanisms used by
  real-world secure systems to generate cryptographic keys,
  initialization vectors, "random" nonces, and other values assumed
  to be random. We argue that PRNGs are their own unique type of
  cryptographic primitive, and should be analyzed as such. We propose
  a model for PRNGs, discuss possible attacks against this model,
  and demonstrate the applicability of this model (and our attacks)
  to four real-world PRNGs. We close with a discussion of lessons
  learned about PRNG design and use, and a few open questions.

The authors' reputations suggest their advice is probably excellent...


-- "Jonathan Thornburg [remove -animal to reply]" 

   Dept of Astronomy, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
   "C++ is to programming as sex is to reproduction. Better ways might
technically exist but they're not nearly as much fun." -- Nikolai Irgens

Response to "The Strange Rise and Fall of Hardware Disk Encryption"

2009-05-01 Thread Ali, Saqib
Here is a response to Jon Callas'  "The Strange Rise and Fall of
Hardware Disk Encryption"[1]:


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Re: Fully Homomorphic Encryption Using Ideal Lattices

2009-05-01 Thread Taral
On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 5:06 PM, R.A. Hettinga  wrote:
>> Title: Fully Homomorphic Encryption Using Ideal Lattices
>> Speaker: Craig Gentry, Stanford University
>> Time/Place: 11 am, 18 March, Wozniak Lounge
>> [Ed. note: 4th floor, Soda Hall, UC Berkeley]

This looks fascinating, but isn't local to me. Does anyone know of a paper?

"Please let me know if there's any further trouble I can give you."
-- Unknown

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Re: [tahoe-dev] SHA-1 broken! (was: Request for hash-dependency in Tahoe security.)

2009-05-01 Thread Ray Dillinger
On Thu, 2009-04-30 at 13:56 +0200, Eugen Leitl wrote:

> >

> Wow!  These slides say that they discovered a way to find collisions  
> in SHA-1 at a cost of only 2^52 computations.  If this turns out to  
> be right (and the authors are respected cryptographers -- the kind of  
> people who really hate to be wrong about something like this) then it  
> is very exciting! 

I cannot derive a realistic threat model from the very general
statements in the slides. 

In the case of, for example, the Debian organization, which uses SHA-1 
keys to check in code so that it's always clear with a distributed 
network of developers who made what changes, What threats must they 
now guard against and what corrective measures ought they take?

Can a third-party attacker now forge someone's signature and check in 
code containing a backdoor under someone else's key?  Such code could 
be loaded on a "poisoned" server, downloaded, and executed on millions
of target machines with devastating effect and no way to catch the 

Can a rogue developer now construct a valid code vector B, having 
the same signature as some of his own (other) code A, thus bypassing
the signature check and inserting a backdoor?  The scenario is the 
same with a "poisoned" server but, once detected, the attacker would 
be identifiable.

Is it the case that a constructed hash collision between A and B 
can be done by a third party but would be highly unlikely to contain 
any executable or sensible code at all?  In this case the threat 
is serious, but mainly limited to vandalism rather than exploits.

Is it the case that a constructed hash collision between A and B 
can only be done by the developer of both A and B, but would be 
highly unlikely to contain any executable or sensible code at all?  
In this case the threat is very minor, because the identity of the 
"vandal" would be instantly apparent.


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Re: [tahoe-dev] SHA-1 broken!

2009-05-01 Thread Perry E. Metzger

Ray Dillinger  writes:
> I cannot derive a realistic threat model from the very general
> statements in the slides. 

(BTW, you mean threat, not threat *model*, in this instance.)

As just one obvious example of a realistic threat, consider that there
are CAs that will happily sell you certificates that use SHA-1.

Various clever forgery attacks have been used against certs that use
MD5, see:

Those attacks can now be extended to SHA-1 pretty easily. It might
require a bit of compute infrastructure -- say a lot of FPGAs and a
bunch of cleverness -- to turn out certs quickly, but it can be
done. Given that there are lots of high value certs out there of this
form, this is rather dangerous.

For example, Verisign has lots of cert infrastructure right now that
uses SHA-1. Imagine if I now use the above described attack and start
forging certs that look to all the world like they're from Verisign and
claim that I'm a major bank, or to forge a CA that then forges certs
that claim I'm a major bank. "Ooops!"

> In the case of, for example, the Debian organization, which uses SHA-1 
> keys to check in code so that it's always clear with a distributed 
> network of developers who made what changes, What threats must they 
> now guard against and what corrective measures ought they take?

One can easily imagine a forgery attack right now where someone
presented you with one piece of code which you sign and then made use of
a different piece of code with the exact same SHA-1 which you didn't
intend to sign. I don't know if Debian's specific processes are
vulnerable or not to various clever attacks -- it would require a lot of
thinking even if I was familiar enough with them, and I'm not.

So, use something other than SHA-1 -- SHA-256 at least. Don't panic,
don't flail around like a headless chicken, but do move away with all
deliberate speed.

> Can a third-party attacker now forge someone's signature and check in 
> code containing a backdoor under someone else's key?

Perhaps, if they're clever enough. The most obvious attacks require
preimage weaknesses, and those aren't known yet. However clever people
can find ways to get around this -- see the "Rogue CA" attack -- and
cause havoc.

> Is it the case that a constructed hash collision between A and B 
> can be done by a third party but would be highly unlikely to contain 
> any executable or sensible code at all?

See the "Rogue CA attack" -- by being clever enough, one can almost
certainly produce two executables with the same SHA-1 hash. They would
need some sort of area that varied, but that's not too hard -- ELF note
sections, data segments regions that contain some blob of data you don't
care about, etc., are all fine possibilities.

So, don't use SHA-1 if you can help it. This is not to say that all uses
are unsafe. There is also no need to panic. However, it is clearly not a
good idea to continue using it.

Perry E.

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Re: [tahoe-dev] SHA-1 broken!

2009-05-01 Thread Perry E. Metzger

"Perry E. Metzger"  writes:
> For example, Verisign has lots of cert infrastructure right now that
> uses SHA-1. Imagine if I now use the above described attack and start
> forging certs that look to all the world like they're from Verisign and
> claim that I'm a major bank, or to forge a CA that then forges certs
> that claim I'm a major bank. "Ooops!"

Eric Rescorla correctly points out to me that Verisign randomizes SNs so
it would be hard to attack them that way, but I'm sure not everyone
who is in the root cert list in IE or Firefox does.

It also is not going to be trivial to do this -- but it is now in the
realm of possibility.


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