Re: Windows guru requested - Securing Windows

2006-06-07 Thread Ivan Krstic
Peter Fairbrother wrote:
> Bot from CD, create a memory FS, union mount it to the main windows fat-32
> FS, with the fat-32 fs mounted read-only, boot Windows? That way any changes
> to the files would be wiped out when the power was switched off, and the
> fat-32 fs would remain untouched.

I don't quite understand this. The concept of mounting a FS is an OS
operation, so to say "mount the FS read-only and then boot the OS" is
nonsensical. If taking the Linux live CD route isn't acceptable, your
best bet would be to start looking at something like BartPE:

You might want to contact Bart directly
( and ask him for advice on how to proceed.

Ivan Krstic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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Re: Status of SRP

2006-06-07 Thread James A. Donald

Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
> part of x9.59 retail payment standard requires the
> transaction to be authenticated. another part of the
> x9.59 retail payment standard requires that the
> account number in x9.59 retail payments can't be used
> in non-authenticated transactions. it as been
> recognized for a long time that a major source of
> account financial fraud  has been the data breaches

Have any merchants adopted the X9.59 standard?

Is it in fact possible for a merchant to today take
orders over X9.59?

 James A. Donald

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Re: Status of attacks on AES?

2006-06-07 Thread Marcos el Ruptor

Right. But can you explain *why* you strongly believe in it?

In the last 10 years it never failed to tell the difference between good and 
bad ciphers. The only thing that makes it controversial is its ability to 
detect flaws in ciphers believed to be strong simply because no attacks 
against them are found yet.

We do not believe in the approach "if no one broke it in N years, then 
accept it as secure until they do" alone. We believe in combining it with 
studying algebraic structure of the resulting functions from every angle 
with automated tools, and if they display obvious sparsity or patterns in 
the distribution of monomials of any algebraic degree, or if the size/output 
or size/security proportions are too low, or if too many rounds are required 
for a change to make those functions different in a way indistinguishable 
from random (slow avalanche of change as we see it), the cipher should be 
discarded even if no one can find a way to break it.

Here's an example: replace XOR with ADD in RC5 and try to attack it by any 
means other than the Mod N attack found years after RC5... But our tests 
immediately show that the cipher is easily breakable. They also immediately 
show weakness of the first two bytes in RC4 and breakability of such ciphers 
as A5, LILI, etc. The list can go on and on. Often there is no explanation 
for years until an attack is found, but our tests help us detect presence of 
flaws in seemingly strong ciphers in a matter of minutes. I personally do 
not bother analysing ciphers that fail our tests - someone else will break 
them sooner or later anyway. I immediately discard them as breakable and 
concentrate on the hard ones to see if the cipher structure needs to be 
addressed. But if the cipher doesn't have any odd components that it relies 
on and that can be attacked individually and if its proportions are chosen 
correctly, I accept it as secure.

The fact that Rijndael fails our tests so terribly prohibits me personally 
from trusting it even though no attack breaking it has been published. I 
would use Twofish or RC6 instead. Passing our tests combined with years of 
public scrutiny makes me believe that Twofish and RC6 can be trusted. 
Rijndael cannot.


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Windows guru requested - Securing Windows

2006-06-07 Thread Peter Fairbrother
Today the UK Home Office announced the public consultation on the Code of
Practice of Part 3 of RIPA. This is the first stage of the process by which
it can be brought into force. Part III of RIPA is the
law passed 6 years ago but not yet brought into force.

With the advent of GAK in the UK looking more and more likely, I am ramping
up the m-o-o-t project ( , but the website is
woefully out-of-date and the final form of the project may be rather
different to that described therein), which has been dormant for some time.

m-o-o-t's goal is to provide even the dumbest luser with the tools to avoid
and evade demands for keys in such a way that it is very hard for them to
mess up and to anything insecurely.

This will be either for free or at very low cost (might do something with a
USB stick which the user would have to buy, but not from us - software will
be free).

In a preliminary search for alternatives, I am seeking an answer to this
question. I know very little about Windows beyond that many people use it
and that source is not available, so be gentle with me please.

In an attempt to partially secure Windows for temporary use, ie when it's
being temporarily used in "secure mode", and to prevent data being stored in
softwarekeylogger, temp and swap files, would something like the following
be possible?

Bot from CD, create a memory FS, union mount it to the main windows fat-32
FS, with the fat-32 fs mounted read-only, boot Windows? That way any changes
to the files would be wiped out when the power was switched off, and the
fat-32 fs would remain untouched.

Mount a steganographic FS read/write on eg a USB key (or a different
partition) on / with a hard-to-guess name. Secret files should be saved to
this fs.


Peter Fairbrother

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Re: Status of SRP

2006-06-07 Thread Ka-Ping Yee
On Wed, 7 Jun 2006, John Brazel wrote:
> What we really need is something similar to the built-in "remember
> my password" functionality of current web browsers: the browser keeps
> track of a login/password/certified (ie TLS certificate-backed) DNS name
> tuple...
> The downside, of course, is that:
> a) It wouldn't handle password changing,
> b) Some people use the same login and password *everywhere*,
> c) Once you change browsers or computers, all bets are off (because the
> new browser doesn't know anything about which passwords you use where).

If you haven't looked at this yet, i think you'll find it interesting:

These design ideas are intended to address exactly the things you've
just mentioned.

-- ?!ng

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RE: U. Washington Crypto Course Available Online For Free

2006-06-07 Thread Andrew Tucker

No cryptographers at UW?  I think Neil Koblitz would disagree with that:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John R. Black
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 7:35 PM
Subject: Re: U. Washington Crypto Course Available Online For Free

On Tue, Jun 06, 2006 at 01:57:25AM -0700, Udhay Shankar N wrote:
It is taught by good people, but I find it a bit strange they are all
Microsoft employees.  This is perhaps because U. Wash doesn't have any

That changes in the fall: they hired an excellent young cryptographer
named Yoshi Kohno.

Prof. John R. Black
Computer Science 430 UCB
University of Colorado Office:
Boulder, CO  80309  USA   Fax:

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Re: UK Detects Chip-And-PIN Security Flaw

2006-06-07 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

re: Status of SRP UK Detects Chip-And-PIN 
Security Flaw Google Architecture

as i mentioned, the x9a10 financial standards working group had been 
given the requirement to preserve the integrity of the financial 
infrastructure for all retail payments  this included at least all 
kinds of internet, all kinds of POS, and all kinds of payments (debit, 
credit, stored-value, etc).

part of the resulting x9.59 financial standard was transaction 
authentication. session authentication had been looked at, and it was 
felt (compared to transaction authentication) it was much more 
vulnerable to end-point threats, mitm threats, as well as insider threats.

from at least some retailers comments that chip&pin wasn't appropriate 
for internet transactions ... it might be implied that chip&pin does 
session-like (as opposed to transaction) authentication ... regardless 
of whether it is SDA or DDA (possibly making it vulnerable to some of 
the end-point threats, mitm threats, and/or insider threats considered 
by the x9a10 financial standard effort).

UK Detects Chip-And-PIN Security Flaw

using the x9.59 transaction authentication paradigm, i had started on 
the aads chips strawman.

at the NISSC conference in 98, i had quiped that I was going to take a 
mil-spec security token, cost reduce it by two orders of magnitude while 
increasing its security. in a chip&pin reference this met having a chip 
doing "DDA" at higher integrity than the chip&pin DDA chip ... but at 
lower cost than the chip&pin SDA chip. The aads chip strawman also 
needed to be able to do x9.59 transaction authentication within iso14443 
contactless power profile and within the transit industry turnstyle 
timing requirements. a number of aads strawman chips were demonstrated 
in dec. 1999 at the world-wide retail banking show in miami, 
authenticating a variety of different kinds of financial and 
non-financial transactions.

i gave a presentation on assurance at the 2001 intel developer's forum 
(in the tpm track). I happened to quip during the presentation that it 
was nice to see that the TPM chip design had started to look more and 
more like the aads chip strawman over the previous year or so. the guy 
leading the TPM chip effort was in the front row and quiped back that it 
was because i didn't have a committee of 200 people helping me with my 

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UK Detects Chip-And-PIN Security Flaw

2006-06-07 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

UK Detects Chip-And-PIN SecurityFlaw

APACS says the security lapse came to light in a recent study of the 
authentication technology used in the UK's new "chip-and-PIN" card system.

... snip ...

this was documented as the "yes card" in 2002 regarding chip&pin 
rollouts that had been done in the 99-2002 time-frame

since the "yes card" vulnerability is an attack against the pos terminal 
(not the card) ... and since the vulnerability is part of the standard 
... even if all new cards were rolled w/o the "fix" ... the 
infrastructure might still be vulnerable if POS terminals could be 
convinced to communicate using the vulnerable standard (this is somewhat 
analogous to attacker attacking protocols and convincing parties to 
downgrade to lower encryption).

misc. posts discussing the "yes card" vulnerability as well as 
mentioning possible man-in-the-middle attack against the fix for "yes 
card" vulnerability. WYTM? A combined EMV and ID card Single Identity. Was: PKI 
International Consortium Article on passwords in Wired 
News RPOW - Reusable Proofs of Work FraudWatch - Chip&Pin, a new 
tenner (USD10) FraudWatch - Chip&Pin, a new 
tenner (USD10) Meccano Trojans coming to a 
desktop near you Meccano Trojans coming to a 
desktop near you FraudWatch - Chip&Pin, a new 
tenner (USD10) FraudWatch - Chip&Pin, a new 
tenner (USD10) FraudWatch - Chip&Pin, a new 
tenner (USD10) Court rules email addresses 
are not signatures, and signs death warrant for Digital Signatures News and Views - Mozo, 
Elliptics, eBay + fraud, naïve use of TLS and/or tokens Security Soap Opera - 
(Central) banks don't (want to) know, MS prefers Brand X, airlines 
selling your identity, first transaction trojan Petrol firm suspends chip-and-pin Petrol firm suspends chip-and-pin Chip-and-Pin terminals were 
replaced by "repairworkers"? Petrol firm suspends chip-and-pin Spring is here - that means 
Pressed Flowers Security of Oyster Cards command line switches [Re: 
[REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic constants] US fiscal policy (Was: Bob 
Bemer, Computer Pioneer,Father of ASCII,Invento US fiscal policy (Was: Bob 
Bemer, Computer Pioneer,Father of ASCII,Invento US fiscal policy (Was: Bob 
Bemer, Computer Pioneer,Father of ASCII,Invento A quote from Crypto-Gram Methods of payment Methods of payment AMD to leave x86 behind? Caller ID "spoofing" When *not* to sign an e-mail 
message? Passwords for bank sites - 
change or not? Google Architecture

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Re: Status of SRP

2006-06-07 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

James A. Donald wrote:

The concept of trusted computing is an attempt to
address this problem - each application has exclusive
access to certain data, a trusted path to interact with
the user, and the ability to prove to servers what code
is being executed on the client. 

so they aren't exactly unrelated.

re: Status of SRP Status of SRP Status of SRP Status of SRP

the financial standards x9a10 working group had been given the 
requirement to preserve the integrity for all retail payments. the 
result was the x9.59 payment standards for all retail payments.

part of x9.59 retail payment standard requires the transaction to be 
authenticated. another part of the x9.59 retail payment standard 
requires that the account number in x9.59 retail payments can't be used 
in non-authenticated transactions. it as been recognized for a long time 
that a major source of account financial fraud  has been the data breaches

and resulting fraudulent use of account numbers ... this is somewhat my 
old posting on security proportional to risk

in effect, account numbers have been overloaded. on one hand, knowledge 
of account numbers have been sufficient for doing fraudulent 
transactions. as a result they have to be treated as shared secrets, 
kept confidential and never divulged. on the other hand, account numbers 
are required in a large number of business process as the fundamental 
cornerstone for transaction execution ... and are required to be widely 
available. as a result of these totally opposing requirements, i've 
periodically observed that the planet could be buried under miles of 
cryptography used in hiding account number, and it would still be unable 
to prevent leakage of account numbers. the x9.59 business rule 
recognizes this and changes the paradigm, eliminating the severe 
financial fraud vulnerability associated with divulging account numbers

(and/or data breaches involving account numbers).

another part of x9.59, in addition to providing for transaction digital 
signature as part of transaction authentication (and trying to close 
some of the barn door with the overloaded requirements placed on account 
numbers) was allowing for a second digital signature by the environment 
that the transaction originated in. this would provide the relying party 
additional information for performing risk assessment related to 
authorizing the transaction.

so later when this software company wanted to come up with something for 
content providers, they hired the chair of the x9a10 financial standards 
working group to move to redmond to be director of development.

for other drift on trusted computing ... there are capability based 
operating systems ... current example is capros ... which was spawned 
from eros, which was sort of spawned from keykos, which was spawned from 
gnosis ... recent post mentioning some capros, eros, keykos, gnosis, et 
all (and other related lore regarding secure and/or capability-based 
operating systems ... going back to deployments by commercial 
time-sharing service bureaus in the late 60s and their connections to 
some of the current efforts ... as well as connections to what i was

doing as an undergraduate in the 60s)

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Re: U. Washington Crypto Course Available Online For Free

2006-06-07 Thread Greg Rose

At 20:34  -0600 2006/06/06, John R. Black wrote:

On Tue, Jun 06, 2006 at 01:57:25AM -0700, Udhay Shankar N wrote:

It is taught by good people, but I find it a bit strange they are all
Microsoft employees.  This is perhaps because U. Wash doesn't have any

I hardly think that you can discount the skills of Josh Beneloh and 
Brian LaMacchia.

That changes in the fall: they hired an excellent young cryptographer
named Yoshi Kohno.

Damn, I was trying to hire Yoshi...


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RE: Status of attacks on AES?

2006-06-07 Thread Whyte, William

> Good, bad, right, wrong, correct, incorrect, meaningful, meaningless... Who 
> knows? Don't ask us. We are simply trying to contribute something new that 
> we strongly believe in

Right. But can you explain *why* you strongly believe in it?


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Re: Status of SRP

2006-06-07 Thread John Brazel

Jeffrey Altman wrote:

Solving the phishing problem requires changes on many levels:

(1) Some form of secure chrome for browsers must be deployed where
the security either comes from a "trusted desktop" or by per-user
customizations that significantly decrease the chances that the
attacker can fake the web site experience.  (Prevent the attacker
from replicating the browser frame, toolbars, lock icons,
certificate dialogs, etc.)

(2) Reducing the number of accounts and passwords (or other identifiers)
that end users need to remember.  With a separate identifier for
each and every web site it is no surprise that my extended family
can never remember what was used at each site.   Therefore, it is
not much of a surprise when a site says that the authentication

(3) Secure mechanisms must be developed for handling enrollment and
password changing.

  What we really need is something similar to the built-in "remember
my password" functionality of current web browsers: the browser keeps
track of a login/password/certified (ie TLS certificate-backed) DNS name
tuple, and if it ever spots the user entering said login/password into a
different website, brings up some form of dialog alerting the user to a
potential phishing attack.

The downside, of course, is that:

a) It wouldn't handle password changing,
b) Some people use the same login and password *everywhere*,
c) Once you change browsers or computers, all bets are off (because the
new browser doesn't know anything about which passwords you use where).


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