IBM Lost Tape(s)

2007-06-09 Thread John Ioannidis

Apparently, last February IBM lost some tapes with employee data.
Yesterday, I received a notification from them, which I scanned and put
 (slightly redacted) in for
your amusement.

Now, I haven't worked for IBM in a long time, and since then I have
moved about a dozen times.  I'm pretty sure quite a few people are in
that situation. I wonder how much it cost them to find current addresses
for everybody so we could be notified.


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luks disk encryption benchmarks

2007-06-09 Thread Travis H.
I just did some performance testing on a file server (debian 4.0) and
thought I'd share the figures, both raw and using the luks
cryptosystem described here:

Here's the specs:

AMD Athlon 64 x2 3600+ (1800MHz)
Asus M2N32WS motherboard
3ware 9650SE SATA RAID controller (PCI Express) in PCI Express x16 slot
4 Seagate SATA-II 500GB 7200 RPM drives with NCQ in RAID 10 configuration
16kB stripe size
Debian 4.0 stable (etch)

# time dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1024k count=1000
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
1048576000 bytes (1.0 GB) copied, 23.0923 seconds, 45.4 MB/s

sys 0m4.508s

Now here demonstrates the luks cryptsetup overhead:

# time dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/bulk bs=1024k count=1000
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
1048576000 bytes (1.0 GB) copied, 31.0872 seconds, 33.7 MB/s

sys 0m14.053s

So, with write-caching disabled, performance is fairly close.

Then I enabled write-caching and got this:

# time dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1024k count=1000
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
1048576000 bytes (1.0 GB) copied, 3.08291 seconds, 340 MB/s

sys 0m1.996s

That seems to reflect that it isn't really going to disk.
I'm surprised the controller has that much RAM on it,
really... so I ran this:

# time dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1024k count=4000
4000+0 records in
4000+0 records out
4194304000 bytes (4.2 GB) copied, 81.0223 seconds, 51.8 MB/s

sys 0m19.197s

Now here's the overhead with encryption:

# time dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/bulk bs=1024k count=4000
4000+0 records in
4000+0 records out
4194304000 bytes (4.2 GB) copied, 151.202 seconds, 27.7 MB/s

sys 1m29.318s

Based on this, it looks like one of two things is happening:

Write cache is 2GB and encryption cancels it out
Encryption reduces bandwidth by about a factor of 2 with write-caching enabled.

Now, for these filesystem tests I just used the default ext3... it does use
a journal, which will slow down writes, but this should give ballpark figures:

Here are the filesystem-level benchmarks without encryption (using LVM to make 
the filesystem 4G or so):

Version  1.03   --Sequential Output-- --Sequential Input- --Random-
-Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--
MachineSize K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec %CP
machine4G 54305  96 84213  14 37749   8 52767  94 119217  13 436.6  
--Sequential Create-- Random Create
-Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete--
  files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP
 16  5175  99 + +++ + +++  5131  99 + +++ 14419  99

Here's the filesystem-level performance with encryption (again, with LVM on top 
of the encryption, file system 10G):

Version  1.03   --Sequential Output-- --Sequential Input- --Random-
-Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--
MachineSize K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec %CP
machine4G 36692  98 79380  71 28544   6 50631  91 74157   9 464.5   0
--Sequential Create-- Random Create
-Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete--
  files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP
 16  5344  99 + +++ + +++  5261  99 + +++ 16060  99

This presents a more interesting picture; it appears that for work on
actual files, the overhead is pretty modest... with all but
character-at-a-time input, it's not worth worrying about.

My hunch is that over NFS, even with gigabit ethernet, there will be no 
difference between encrypted and non-encrypted storage.
``To know love, be like the running brook, which though deaf,
sings its melody for others to hear.'' -- Master Po, "Kung Fu"> -><-
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Description: PGP signature

Why self describing data formats:

2007-06-09 Thread James A. Donald
Many protocols use some form of self describing data format, for example 
ASN.1, XML, S expressions, and bencoding.


Presumably both ends of the conversation have negotiated what protocol 
version they are using (and if they have not, you have big problems) and 
when they receive data, they need to get the data they expect.  If they 
are looking for list of integer pairs, and they get a integer string 
pairs, then having them correctly identified as strings is not going to 
help much.

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Security In Storage Workshop- Extended Deadline

2007-06-09 Thread James Hughes

Call for papers, submission deadline now June 15th.

The 4th International Security In Storage Workshop will be held  
September 27, 2007 (Thursday) at Paradise Point Resort and Spa in San  
Diego, California, USA. The workshop is co-located with the 24th IEEE  
Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST2007).

Papers related to securing storage and circumventing secure storage  
are welcome. This includes databases, file systems, removable media,  
embedded systems, cell phones, etc.

For more information, and submissions, see

and the call for papers is at

Please feel free to forward this email to other lists.

Jim Hughes
Program Chair
SISW 2007

Re: A crazy thought?

2007-06-09 Thread Allen

Jim Dixon wrote:


The CA certifies that X is your public key.  


Who is you? That is the real question. To leave CAs out for the 
moment, imagine J. Doe and J. Doe, two different people, each put 
a public key on a server and you get a message created with a 
private key. You get the public key and validate it comes from 
one of the two J. Does. The question is who is the "real" J. Doe? 
Is one real and the other a repudiated key? Is one real and the 
other is trying to "steal" the identity of the other? Or is it 
simply that there are, indeed, two people with the same name?

Adding a CA merely adds one layer of obfuscation and opportunity 
for false certification.

If the CA starts handing out false public keys - which is the worst
that it could do, right? - it will find itself instantly distrusted.
Everybody in the world will be able to see that the CA used its private
key to sign a false statement.  

Will they? What evidence do you have that "proves" the 
certificate is bogus? Say that the person who is having his 
identity stolen for whatever purpose discovers that there is a 
second certificate with his name on it but a different public 
key, what can he do, yell loudly, "No, I'm the real me!" How do 
we know that it isn't someone who is trying to muddy the waters 
and that the certificate holder is the real person?

The offended party need only put the
false declaration up on the Web.

How many "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" cases would have to happen 
before we wouldn't trust *any* public key to represent who we 
think it does?

How will dissident groups keep from getting compromised when 
fighting oppression?



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Re: A crazy thought?

2007-06-09 Thread Jim Dixon
On Sat, 26 May 2007, Allen wrote:

> Validating a digital signature requires getting the public key from
> some source, like a CA, or a publicly accessible database and
> decrypting the signature to validate that the private key associated
> with the public key created the digital signature, or "open message."


> Which lead me to the thought of trust in the repository for the
> public key. Here in the USA, there is a long history of behind the
> scenes "cooperation" by various large companies with the forces of
> the law, like the wiretap in the A&TT wire room, etc.
> What is to prevent this from happening at a CA and it not being
> known for a lengthy period of time? Jurors have been suborned for
> political reasons, why not CAs? Would you, could you trust a CA
> based in a country with a low ethics standard or a low regard for
> human rights?

The CA certifies that X is your public key.  It doesn't know what your
private key is.

If the CA starts handing out false public keys - which is the worst
that it could do, right? - it will find itself instantly distrusted.
Everybody in the world will be able to see that the CA used its private
key to sign a false statement.  The offended party need only put the
false declaration up on the Web.

Jim Dixon  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  cellphone 415 / 570 3608

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RE: A crazy thought?

2007-06-09 Thread Bowness, Piers
On Sat 5/26/2007 at 8:59 PM Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Validating a digital signature requires getting the public key from
> some source, like a CA, or a publicly accessible database and
> decrypting the signature to validate that the private key associated
> with the public key created the digital signature, or "open message."
No. Usually the signer's certificate is included with the message so you
don't go anywhere to get Alice's certificate, but you verify it against
a trusted root. 
> Which lead me to the thought of trust in the repository for the
> public key. Here in the USA, there is a long history of behind the
> scenes "cooperation" by various large companies with the forces of
> the law, like the wiretap in the A&TT wire room, etc.

>From my perspective, the primary attack vector here is the Trusted Root
CA list. If you can get the recipient to accept a new root, the forgery
is pretty simple. If the end-user fails to validate the Trusted Root CA
list and examine the certificate signature chain, then any trusted root
CA could issue a cert with any "Subject" making any claim. And yes,
being in the security business, I do check the certificate chain for my
bank's on-line service before logging on. (I've also complained to them
when they re-used a certificate from one host for another.)

> What is to prevent this from happening at a CA and it not being
> known for a lengthy period of time? Jurors have been suborned for
> political reasons, why not CAs? Would you, could you trust a CA
> based in a country with a low ethics standard or a low regard for
> human rights?

To some extent, CA's are all about policy. What steps were required to
obtain a certificate? These vary from "I had control of an e-mail
account at the time of certificate issuance." to "I've had my lawyer
present a notarized copy of my letters of incorporation and 2 years of
public financial statements". To me it's simple: Don't trust the root CA
if you don't trust them to enforce their policies. Verisign has built a
small business on this premise.


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Re: 307 digit number factored

2007-06-09 Thread Florian Weimer
* Victor Duchovni:

>> But no one is issuing certificates which are suitable for use with
>> SMTP (in the sense that the CA provides a security benefit).  As far
>> as I know, there isn't even a way to store mail routing information in
>> X.509 certificates.
> There is no need to store routing information:
> The short summary is that full security is only available when the
> receiving MX hosts have certs that match the recipient domain,

Which runs into the same problem as HTTP because the set of recipient
domain names is not known at the time the TLS handshake occurs.

> or the sender is willing to manually (in his MTA configuration) bind
> the recipient domain to the subject names (or in 2.5 fingerprints)
> of the appropriate MX hosts.

And if you use fingerprints, there is no need for PKI.  And in my
experience, PKI doesn't buy you that much if you need to configure
per-client privileges and things like that.  Using the DN instead of a
fingerprint doesn't seem to be worth the trouble.

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Re: A crazy thought?

2007-06-09 Thread Allen

Two birds with one shot. :)

Ali, Saqib wrote:

I am not sure what you are trying to achieve. The CA never has your
private key. They are just signing a X.509 certificate that holds your
public key. This way they are vouching that that you own the public.
Even if you subpoena a CA they won't be able to decrypt any
information encrypted with your public key.

So having a separation-of-duty is not providing any additional security.

Can you please elaborate on you are trying to achieve?

I never said that the CA had your private key, only that they 
could validate an open message came from whomever held the 
private key associated with a given public key.

I like going back to historical instances to illustrate issues 
because people can read about them from second sources and 
perhaps get clues about the issue they might not of otherwise.

In this case I'll refer to a commonly acknowledged observation 
that the biggest financial backer of the Communist Party, USA, in 
the 1950s was the FBI. Another instance of a similar sort is that 
in many cases during the anti-Vietnam war years, the people 
advocating violent actions turned out to be paid agents of the 
FBI and other government agencies.

And a third scenario to consider is the capture of German spies 
by the British and them using them to send both bogus and real 
intelligence back to their masters.

PKI and other similar structures are an attempt to maintain 
confidentiality between two parties that are not present in the 
same room while at the same time assure each other that they are 
indeed talking to who they think they are.

In the case of the FBI agents they were not talking to whom they 
though they were. With the German spies, they were, but the spies 
had been suborned with threats of the noose if they did not comply.

Same problem, two different expressions. How do you trust who you 
are talking to is the person they represent themselves as? It is 
almost a side issue whether anyone else is privy to the contents 
of the conversation, important to prevent misuse and fraud by 
others, but not central to the first point: Identification.

In a private e-mail a suggestion was made that it might be 
possible for a CA to issue a second certificate alleging it to be 
yours but in fact it belonged to someone else. In this case which 
is the real you as represented by the conflicting certificates?

Then Ian G wrote:


As a side note, outside the cryptography layer, there are legal, 
contractual, customary defences against the attacks that you outline.

Ah, yes, the rule of law. Well, I think we've seen enough with 
the Real Innocence Project validating that people are put to 
death with customary "legal" processes and that Guantanamo Bay 
exists to say that if the law is your only protection you need 
help in a big way if someone gets a burr up their butt about you.

My goal in this discussion examine how we can keep the underlying 
issues clear and utilize tools, like cryptography, to assist us 
in achieving well founded trust relationships.



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Re: A crazy thought?

2007-06-09 Thread Ali, Saqib


I am not sure what you are trying to achieve. The CA never has your
private key. They are just signing a X.509 certificate that holds your
public key. This way they are vouching that that you own the public.
Even if you subpoena a CA they won't be able to decrypt any
information encrypted with your public key.

So having a separation-of-duty is not providing any additional security.

Can you please elaborate on you are trying to achieve?


On 5/26/07, Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Gang,

In a class I was in today a statement was made that there is no way
that anyone could present someone else's digital signature as their
own because no one has has their private key to sign it with. This
was in the context of a CA certificate which had it inside. I tried
to suggest that there might be scenarios that could accomplish this
but was told "impossible." Not being totally clear on all the
methods that bind the digital signature to an identity I let it be;
however, the "impossible" mantra got me to thinking about it and
wondering what vectors might make this possible.

Validating a digital signature requires getting the public key from
some source, like a CA, or a publicly accessible database and
decrypting the signature to validate that the private key associated
with the public key created the digital signature, or "open message."

Which lead me to the thought of trust in the repository for the
public key. Here in the USA, there is a long history of behind the
scenes "cooperation" by various large companies with the forces of
the law, like the wiretap in the A&TT wire room, etc.

What is to prevent this from happening at a CA and it not being
known for a lengthy period of time? Jurors have been suborned for
political reasons, why not CAs? Would you, could you trust a CA
based in a country with a low ethics standard or a low regard for
human rights?

Which lead me to the thought that if it is possible, what could be
done to reduce the risk of it happening?

It occurred to me that perhaps some variation of "separation of
duties" like two CAs located in different political environments
might be used to accomplish this by having each cross-signing the
certificate so that the compromise of one CA would trigger an
invalid certificate. This might work if the compromise of the CA
happened *after* the original certificate was issued, but what if
the compromise was long standing? Is there any way to accomplish this?


Best to all,


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Re: A crazy thought?

2007-06-09 Thread Ian G

Allen wrote:

Which lead me to the thought that if it is possible, what could be done 
to reduce the risk of it happening?

It occurred to me that perhaps some variation of "separation of duties" 
like two CAs located in different political environments might be used 
to accomplish this by having each cross-signing the certificate so that 
the compromise of one CA would trigger an invalid certificate. This 
might work if the compromise of the CA happened *after* the original 
certificate was issued, but what if the compromise was long standing? Is 
there any way to accomplish this?

What you are suggesting is called Web of Trust (WoT). 
That's what the PGP world does, more or less, and I gather 
that the SPKI concept includes it, too.

However, x.509 does not support it.  There is no easy way to 
add multiple signatures to an x.509 certificate without 
running into support problems (that is, of course you can 
hack it in, but browsers won't understand it, and developers 
won't support you).

(Anecdote 1:  I pushed all of the Ricardo financial 
transaction stuff over to x.509 for a time in 1998, but when 
I discovered the lack of multiple sigs, and a few other 
things, I was forced to go back to PGP.  Unfortunately, 
finance is fundamentally web of trust, and hierarchical PKI 
concepts such as coded into x.509, etc, will not work in 
that environment.)

(Anecdote 2: over at CAcert they attempt to graft a web of 
trust on to the PKI, and they sort of succeed.  But the 
result is not truly WoT, it is a hybrid, in that there is 
still only one sig on the cert, and we are back to the 
scenario that you suggest.  Disclosure:  I have something to 
do with CAcert...)

So as a practical matter, that which is known as x.509 PKI 
cannot do this.  For this reason, some critics have 
relabeled the CAs as Centralised Vulnerability Parties 
(CVPs) instead of the more familiar Trusted Third Parties 

As a side note, outside the cryptography layer, there are 
legal, contractual, customary defences against the attacks 
that you outline.


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The need for off-line communication [was: Re: 307 digit number factored]

2007-06-09 Thread StealthMonger
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> ... [lengthy discussion about why on-line communication is better
> than off-line for strangers becoming introduced to one another] ...

That may well be, but no claim was made that off-line communication is
as efficient as on-line for introducing and certifying strangers to
one another.  It was only claimed that players who have to remain
geographically hidden would lose their protection if deprived of
off-line communication.  This is because in the on-line, low-latency
case, an attacker can locate the end-points through traffic analysis.
Only off-line does the option exist of untraceable traffic mixing such
as remailer chains.

This subject is on-topic here because cryptography is an indispensable
ingredient of these untraceable traffic mixes.

 -- StealthMonger
   stealthmail: Scripts to hide whether you're doing email, or when,
   or with whom.

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proceedings from ECRYPT Hash Workshop 2007

2007-06-09 Thread vlastimil . klima
The workshop was very interesting. Will the presentations or papers be
avalilable on the web soon?

Vlastimil Klima

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LA Times: US funds super wiretap system for Mexico

2007-06-09 Thread John Gilmore,0,7011563.story?coll=la-home-center

Mexico to boost tapping of phones and e-mail with U.S. aid
Calderon is seeking to expand monitoring of drug gangs; Washington also may 
have access to the data.
By Sam Enriquez, Times Staff Writer
May 25, 2007

MEXICO CITY - Mexico is expanding its ability to tap telephone calls and e-mail 
using money from the U.S. government, a move that underlines how the country's 
conservative government is increasingly willing to cooperate with the United 
States on law enforcement.

The expansion comes as President Felipe Calderon is pushing to amend the 
Mexican Constitution to allow officials to tap phones without a judge's 
approval in some cases. Calderon argues that the government needs the authority 
to combat drug gangs, which have killed hundreds of people this year.

Mexican authorities for years have been able to wiretap most telephone 
conversations and tap into e-mail, but the new $3-million Communications 
Intercept System being installed by Mexico's Federal Investigative Agency will 
expand their reach.

The system will allow authorities to track cellphone users as they travel, 
according to contract specifications. It includes extensive storage capacity 
and will allow authorities to identify callers by voice. The system, scheduled 
to begin operation this month, was paid for by the U.S. State Department and 
sold by Verint Systems Inc., a politically well-connected firm based in 
Melville, N.Y., that specializes in electronic surveillance.

Although information about the system is publicly available, the matter has 
drawn little attention so far in the United States or Mexico. The modernization 
program is described in U.S. government documents, including the contract 
specifications, reviewed by The Times.

They suggest that Washington could have access to information derived from the 
surveillance. Officials of both governments declined to comment on that 

"It is a government of Mexico operation funded by the U.S.," said Susan 
Pittman, of the State Department's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law 
Enforcement Affairs. Queries should be directed to the Mexican government, she 

Calderon's office declined to comment.

But the contract specifications say the system is designed to allow both 
governments to "disseminate timely and accurate, actionable information to each 
country's respective federal, state, local, private and international partners."

Calderon has been lobbying for more authority to use electronic surveillance 
against drug violence, which has threatened his ability to govern. Despite 
federal troops posted in nine Mexican states, the violence continues as rival 
smugglers fight over shipping routes to the U.S.-Mexico border, as well as for 
control of Mexican port cities and inland marijuana and poppy growing regions.

Nonetheless, the prospect of U.S. involvement in surveillance could be 
extremely sensitive in Mexico, where the United States historically has been 
viewed by many as a bullying and intrusive neighbor. U.S. government agents 
working in Mexico maintain a low profile to spare their government hosts any 
political fallout.

It's unclear how broad a net the new surveillance system will cast: Mexicans 
speak regularly by phone, for example, with millions of relatives living in the 
U.S. Those conversations appear to be fair game for both governments.

Legal experts say that prosecutors with access to Mexican wiretaps could use 
the information in U.S. courts. U.S. Supreme Court decisions have held that 4th 
Amendment protections against illegal wiretaps do not apply outside the United 
States, particularly if the surveillance is conducted by another country, 
Georgetown University law professor David Cole said.

Mexico's telecommunications monopoly, Telmex, controlled by Carlos Slim Helu, 
the world's second-wealthiest individual, has not received official notice of 
the new system, which will intercept its electronic signals, a spokeswoman said 
this week.

"Telmex is a firm that always complies with laws and rules set by the Mexican 
government," she said.

Calderon recently asked Mexico's Congress to amend the country's constitution 
and allow federal prosecutors free rein to conduct searches and secretly record 
conversations among people suspected of what the government defines as serious 

His proposal would eliminate the current legal requirement that prosecutors 
gain approval from a judge before installing any wiretap, the vetting process 
that will for now govern use of the new system's intercepts. Calderon says the 
legal changes are needed to turn the tide in the battle against the drug gangs.

"The purpose is to create swift investigative measures against organized 
crime," Calderon wrote senators when introducing his proposed constitutional 
amendments in March. "At times, turning to judicial authorities hinders or 

Re: 307 digit number factored

2007-06-09 Thread Thor Lancelot Simon
On Thu, May 24, 2007 at 01:01:03PM -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> Even for https, it costs no more to type in "2048" than "1024" into
> your cert generation app the next time a cert expires. The only
> potential cost is if you're so close to the performance line that
> slower RSA ops will cause you pain -- otherwise, it is pretty much
> costless. For average people's web servers most of the time,
> connections are sufficiently infrequent and RSA operations are "fast
> enough" that it makes no observable difference.

I don't buy it.  I build HTTP load balancers for a living, and for
basically all of our customers who use our HTTPS accelleration at all,
the cost of 1024-bit RSA is already, by a hefty margin, with hardware
assist, the limiting factor for performance.  Look at the specs on
some of the common accelelrator families sometime: 2048 bit is going to
be quite a bit worse.

Busy web sites that rely on HTTPS are going to pay a fairly heavy price
for using longer keys, and not just in cycles: the few hardware solutions
still on the market that can stash keys in secure storage, of course, can
stash exactly half as many 2048-bit keys as 1024-bit ones.  Users who care
about HTTPS performance aren't as rare, I think, as you think.

What's more frustrating is the slow rate at which accellerator vendors
have moved ECC products towards market.  That's not going to help with
adoption any.

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Re: A crazy thought?

2007-06-09 Thread Udhay Shankar N

At 06:28 AM 5/27/2007, Allen wrote:

Validating a digital signature requires getting the public key from 
some source, like a CA, or a publicly accessible database and 
decrypting the signature to validate that the private key associated 
with the public key created the digital signature, or "open message."

Which lead me to the thought of trust in the repository for the 
public key. Here in the USA, there is a long history of behind the 
scenes "cooperation" by various large companies with the forces of 
the law, like the wiretap in the A&TT wire room, etc.

What is to prevent this from happening at a CA and it not being 
known for a lengthy period of time? Jurors have been suborned for 
political reasons, why not CAs? Would you, could you trust a CA 
based in a country with a low ethics standard or a low regard for human rights?

Which lead me to the thought that if it is possible, what could be 
done to reduce the risk of it happening?

This (if I'm understanding you correctly) is exactly the thing that 
the web of trust [1] is intended to address. One issue with the web 
of trust is how to bootstrap it. My understanding is that in the case 
of PGP, this was handled by Zimmermann publishing his public key in 
the (dead-trees) version of his book.



((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ ((

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Free Rootkit with Every New Intel Machine

2007-06-09 Thread Peter Gutmann
(Forwarded with permission from a NZ security mailing list, some portions

-- Snip --

[...] a register article saying Intel released its new platform Centrino Pro
which includes Intel Active Management 2.5. An article with some more info is

It got me interested, so I started taking a look around. Intel has some good
info here:

And for all of you in the Web 2.0 generation with short attention spans for
reading the doc, here is video that explains it all, I found myself getting
more and more concerned the further it went:

Essentially, all new Intel machines (and a number of current Intel servers)
come with free hardware rootkit functionality, which is operational and
accessible when the machine is powered off, and in the case of laptops, even
when they are unplugged and powered off.

There is the mention of code signing, TLS and PKI magic to allay your security
concerns however...

There are a few new things with this that go beyond generic remote IP KVM:

- NIC based TCP/IP filters configurable remotely
- Handy magic bypass for TCP/IP filters [1]
- Remote BIOS updates over the network
- Remote IDE redirection, as in boot off CDROM over the network
- Persistent storage even if you change hard disks
- It doesn't appear to have a method for disabling it (well, I can't find
  anything about it, seems crazy if there isn't)
- Built-in, on chip. I can understand a decent size company wanting IP-KVM.
  But I don't want my personal laptop with IP-KVM.
- Authentication can be done on Kerberos. We're talking AD.
- Built in web interface on every machine (port 16994)
- handy well documented SDK for building whatever you need to interact with
- ...

This is clearly an awesome management tool. Being able to update your
antivirus while your machine is disconnected from the network is helpful.
Being able to id all your assets even though they are powered off is great. My
concerns are around doomsday scenarios like the below:

Worm is released that gets a domain admin account, worm sets up floppy booting
across the network, floppy is boot-and-nuke [2]. Worm reboots every server in
the company and securely wipes them with single pass. Worm then updates bios
on every machine to broken state, enables TCP/IP filters to prevent the NIC
from being used to talk to the OS ever again, then disables the AMT.

Note, this is OS agnostic, will take out your OSX, Windows and Linux boxen.
The hardware would probably be rendered useless, barring opening up the box
and flipping some jumpers or replacing something. A smart user noticing the
reboot and noticing the disk was being wiped (assuming you didn't change dban
to say "now making your computer faster by optimizing the cache flux
capacitor") would have to unplug power and network to stop it, which is harder
if you're a laptop user with wireless.

While parts of this are possible now, its just not nearly as powerful or

[1] TCP-over-Serial-over-LAN

-- Snip --

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Re: A crazy thought?

2007-06-09 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

Allen wrote:

Hi Gang,

In a class I was in today a statement was made that there is no way that 
anyone could present someone else's digital signature as their own 
because no one has has their private key to sign it with. This was in 
the context of a CA certificate which had it inside. I tried to suggest 
that there might be scenarios that could accomplish this but was told 
"impossible." Not being totally clear on all the methods that bind the 
digital signature to an identity I let it be; however, the "impossible" 
mantra got me to thinking about it and wondering what vectors might make 
this possible.

CAs are certification authorities ... they certify some information they
have checked and issue digital certificates that represent that checking
... somewhat analogous to physical licenses, credentials, certificates.

most certification authorities aren't the authoritative agency for the
information that they certify ... for the most part they are simply
certifying that they have checked the information with whatever authoritative
agency is responsible for that information.

in that sense they are somewhat like notary ... i.e. if somebody has
done some identity theft and managed to obtain a valid driver's license
... the notary isn't held responsible ... they just notarize that
they checked a valid drivers license.

this is somewhat the catch-22 scenario in recent posts for ssl domain
name certification authorities

where they are in something of a situation because big part of the
original justification for ssl domain name certificates involved
integrity issues with the domain name infrastructure ... however,
the domain name infrastructure is also the authoritative agency for
domain name owner information, which the ssl domain name certification
authority is dependent on as part of the integrity for certifying
ssl domain name information. Fixing integrity issues in the domain
name infrastructure ... improves the probability that correct
ssl domain name certification is being performed ... but fixing
integrity issues in the domain name infrastructure can also drastically
reduce justification for having ssl domain name certificates.

recent posts 307 digit number factored 307 digit number factored dnssec? dnssec? 307 digit number factored 307 digit number factored 307 digit number factored

in some cases, there is the possibility that the excessive attention
to the details of the cryptographic operations is pure obfuscation
that the rest of the end-to-end business processes may purely be
built on a house of cards.

for additional drift, some recent posts in related thread on digital certificates 
in another fora (including some possible infrastructure vulnerabilities

and systemic risks) John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, 
dies John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies Re: John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies Re: John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies Re: John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies Re: John W. Backus, 82, Fortran 
developer, dies

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Re: A crazy thought?

2007-06-09 Thread Dave Howe
Allen wrote:
> Hi Gang,
> In a class I was in today a statement was made that there is no way that 
> anyone could present someone else's digital signature as their own because no
> one has has their private key to sign it with. This was in the context of a
> CA certificate which had it inside. I tried to suggest that there might be
> scenarios that could accomplish this but was told "impossible." Not being
> totally clear on all the methods that bind the digital signature to an
> identity I let it be; however, the "impossible" mantra got me to thinking
> about it and wondering what vectors might make this possible.

Awareness of the failure models of various PKI solutions is an important part of
using and designing uses for them. There are many, many failure models for the
current x509/Certification Authority model used by ssl.

(everyone already familiar with the failure modes should probably hit "next
message" now, unless they want to double check I am not giving out bad advice;
this email is going to get rather long :)

Consider the following steps. I will predefine three actors here -
[SITE] which for email is the *recipient*, for web traffic is the server owner.
[USER] which is the mail sender and/or site user - originator of protected data.
[CA] which is the certificate authority

1. [CA] generates and stores securely a private key

  This is a once-in-a-decade event, but even so, there are failure modes. One
  possible mode is to use political pressure (or just bad coding) to force one
  of the two primes used in RSA to be either fixed or from a very small subset
  of possible primes (aka "canned primes"). As you can imagine, finding the
  private key becomes near trivial if you know one of the two primes in
  advance... We can move onto the security of the key later.

2. [CA] generates and stores a public certificate using the private key

  This at least is without any real issues (except security of the private key
  of course). In practice, this would be the same operation as (1) but need not

3. [CA] transmits the public key verifiably to the end recipients

  This is actually more complex than it sounds - I would guess 99% of the keys
  everyone has on their machine (if not 100%) were supplied to them with the
  browser, or in the case of IE, preinstalled on the machine. The vast majority
  of users have no idea how to even display those keys, never mind check them.

  To verify, ask yourself this question. For each web browser or email package
  installed to your machine,

  a) Where are root keys stored?
  b) How do I view them?
  c) Where is the public key or hash I should check?
  d) where do I obtain a known-good copy of that so I can verify it?

  The answers to some of those might surprise you (for instance, IE stores its
  root certs unprotected in the registry, and your AD administrator can override
  them at will; IE keys are used by almost everything supplied by microsoft,
  including execution digital signatures and email - Outlook or OE). All are
  trivially over-ridable by an attacker with write access to your machine.

4. [SITE] Generates and stores securely a private key

  Pretty much the same provisos apply here as did for the CA. Do you know and
  can you trust your key generation software? IIS for instance relies on a tool
  supplied my microsoft for the purpose; Apache usually suggests OpenSSL, email
  clients usually use their associated web browser for an interactive generation
  of both key and CSR while connected to the CA's website. However as another
  exercise - for each, where (and how) is the private key stored and protected?

5. [SITE] Generates and forwards to the CA a certificate signing request (CSR)

  Modulo the usual private key concerns, this is usually trouble-free (and
  again, is usually a combined step with key generation)

6. [CA] Receives and (for a payment) signs the CSR with its private key.

  This is where things get interesting. The certificate generated at this stage
  may or may not use exact copies of the data in the CSR; It may or may not be
  signed directly by the CA master key (for many CA's, their master key is kept
  offline in a bank vault and used to sign an intermediate key which is used for
  actual CSRs. In fact, it may sign *multiple* intermediate keys, for a number
  of good reasons (which we won't go into at this stage) but which also
  introduce another possible attack vector for a TLA with the power to force a
  CA of his choice (or someone with access to a private key there) to do
  selected tasks.

  Several potential attacks require that this transmission to the CA be
  intercepted and fulfilled by someone other than the CA themselves.
  Conventional wisdom says that there is little or no risk caused by site
  certificate substitution, and to a great extent this is correct - other than
  the possible forcing of the symmetric encryption method to one breakable by
  the TLA, there is little or no benefit to such a s