Re: Can we copy trust?

2008-06-03 Thread Dave Howe

Ben Laurie wrote:

Ed Gerck wrote:

Ben Laurie wrote:
But doesn't that prove the point? The trust that you consequently 
place in the web server because of the certificate _cannot_ be copied 
to another webserver. That other webserver has to go out and buy its 
own copy, with its own domain name it it.

A copy is something identical. So, in fact you can copy that server 
cert to another server that has the same domain (load balancing), and 
it will work. Web admins do it all the time. The user will not notice 
any difference in how the SSL will work.

Obviously. Clearly I am talking about a server in a different domain.

Up until recently, you could buy a cert for one domain, use *it* to 
issue a cert for another domain, and the major web browsers wouldn't 
kick at the traces provided you sent both certs in the ssl handshake.

Thankfully, they fixed that before *too* many phishers figured it out.

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Re: Protection mail at rest

2008-06-03 Thread Eric Cronin

On Jun 3, 2008, at 11:51 AM, Adam Aviv wrote:

Depending on the level of protection you want, you could just add a
script to your .forward to encrypt your email before delivery using
PGP/GPG. However, this will leave the headers in the clear, so you
will likely want to create an entirely new envelope for the message
with the original message encrypted as the body or an attachment.

Does anybody have a recipe for this first mode handy?  plain text e- 
mails seem simple enough, but there needs to be a bit of MIME  
unwrapping and rewrapping to correctly handle attachments so that the  
client sees/decrypts them correctly I think.  I've searched from time  
to time and never found a good HowTo...


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

ADMIN: What is top posting, and why should you avoid it?

2008-06-03 Thread Perry E. Metzger

A3: Please.
Q3: Should I avoid top posting on this mailing list?

A2: Because, by reversing the order of a conversation, it leaves the
reader without much context, and makes them read a message in an
unnatural order.
Q2: Why is top posting irritating?

A1: It is the practice of putting your reply to a message before the
quoted message, instead of after the (trimmed) message.
Q1: What is top posting?


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ADMIN: end of "Can we copy trust" discussion

2008-06-03 Thread Perry E. Metzger

I don't think anything new is being said in the "Can we copy trust"
discussion, so I'm calling a halt to it.


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Re: Can we copy trust?

2008-06-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 1:05 PM, Ed Gerck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We see that the trust relationship represented by that SSL cert can be
> copied without any loss, as many times as you wish
My understanding is that an SSL certificate is only a method to carry
the assertion that the holder of the private key is the the subject
named in the certificate (with possible limitations on the allowed
uses of the private key). By using the certificate, one does not trust
the subject - one does trust the signer of the certificate as an
entity that verified the subject named in the certificate represents
the actual subject (this is true even for self signed certificates

Copying the SSL certificate does not copy trust but sometimes copying
some certificates do copy trust.

Say Alice browses around the web looking to buy a widget and when her
browser hits a particular HTTPS protected site, it pops up an
"untrusted certificate" warning. Alice goes "" and moves on to
another site. Bob goes to the same site and his browser doesn't pop up
the warning because Microsoft has automatically updated his computer's
trusted CAs list. Bob's browser trusts the site and Bob trusts his
browser so Bob buys the widget. Alice's browser didn't trust the site,
and Alice, being a remarkable woman, actually paid attention to her
browser and moved on. So we see, the "trusted CA" certificates do
carry trust (heck, "trusted" is part of the name), and, when Microsoft
copied the new trusted CA certificate into Bob's computer, Microsoft
managed to copy trust.

IT departments put corporate trusted CA certificates in employees
computers. The US DoD puts their trusted root certificates in DoD
computers. All these actions copy trust with high fidelity. But this
method rings of an edict from on high, "Thou shalt trust ...". These
methods still don't have the:

   // copy Alice's trust in Charlie to Bob
   Copy(Alice[trust-->Charlie], Bob)

capability. The low fidelity ways of Epinions and eBay seem to be the
only examples I can come up with that allow for that type of trust
copying. For example:

   // copy the trust in Charlie a large group of eBayers has to Bob
   MaybeCopy(eBayClaim.LargeGroup[trust-->Charlie], Bob)

The copy may or may not happen depending on Bob's feelings about the
size of the group or the extent of the trust. Of course, the eBayesque
trust copying happen in wetware. To move it to hardware would require
an online protocol and method to register trust. I can see shades of
the old PGP web-of-trust with added subtleties for timeliness and
dispute resolution.
> As to another point of your comment, the problem most people have with PKI
> is not that SSL does not work. SSL does not even need PKI.
I meant SSL as we use it - I believe the vast majority of SSL use
involves a hierarchical PKI. I have rarely seen the use of pre-shared
keys or self-signed certificates (which is technically still a PKI).

-Michael Heyman

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$20 bounty for errors in _Disappearing Cryptography_

2008-06-03 Thread Peter Wayner

I'm working on the third edition of _Disappearing Cryptography_ right  
now. If anyone knows of any technical errors in the second edition,  
I'm willing to pay $20 for the first person to report each technical  

The bounty can't apply to grammatical errors because of the  
complexity of the language. I reserve the right to (1) decide on  
whether something is a legitimate technical error and (2) give out  
more than one award if several people send in the same bug report and  
seem to be genuinely independent. The limit is just meant to stop  
people from minting money.


-Peter Wayner

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Re: Can we copy trust?

2008-06-03 Thread Ed Gerck


You don't have to trust the target site's self assertions about
its own identity because you trust the root to only validate for sites
that are what they claim to be.

From the viewpoint of the user (which is the viewpoint used by 
Kelly), we see that trust can be copied when different users, 
accessing different servers for the same domain, do not know that they 
are using different copies of the /same/ SSL cert. In fact, no copy is 
less of an original than the original itself!

We see that the trust relationship represented by that SSL cert can be 
copied without any loss, as many times as you wish (for the possible 
dismay of the CA). If the CA bit is set, trust can even be transferred 
to multiple domains, and the trust represented by each such SSL cert 
in each domain can be copied without limit as well.

As to another point of your comment, the problem most people have with 
PKI is not that SSL does not work. SSL does not even need PKI.

The problem can be explained in terms of extent of trust. If you don't 
define your extent of trust in a CA, for example in your acceptance 
policy of records signed by certs from a CA, you may run into 
difficulties. The difficulties are /solved/ (within your risk model) 
when you correctly define the extent of trust -- rather than just 
taking a "trust in all matters" attitude.

For example, even though I do not trust a CA's CRLs, I may trust that 
CA to prevent rogue use of its private-key for signing end-user certs. 
This trust, limited by this extent, can be used in automating use of 
certs from that CA -- for example, only accept signatures from 
end-user certs of that CA if the cert is less than 31 days old (or, 15 
days -- whatever your risk model says).

Ed Gerck

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Re: Can we copy trust?

2008-06-03 Thread Ed Gerck

IanG wrote:

Ed Gerck wrote:
When you look at trust in various contexts, you will still find the 
need to receive information from sources OTHER than the source you 
want to trust. You may use these channels under different names, such 
as memory which is a special type of output that serves as input at a 
later point in time.

It is useful and efficient to get trust from third parties, but not 
essential, imho.  If you find yourself meeting someone for the first 
time in random circumstances, you can get to know them over time, and 
trust them, fully 2nd party-wise.

Yes, and the OTHER channels needed for trust are exactly those 
time-defined channels that you set up as you "get to know them over 
time". Each interaction, each phrase, each email exchanged is another 

Still, you can be talking to "Doris" in a p2p interaction over months 
and never realize it's actually Boris. This can happen in personal 
meetings as well, not just online.

The point being that (1) you need those other channels and can 
recognize them even if you are just in a p2p interaction; and (2) be 
careful because whatever channels you have, they will only span a 
certain, limited extent in the interaction that you want to trust, so 
your reliance space must be contained within that extent.

Attempting to cast trust as a aspect of channels is a technological 
approach, and will lead one astray, just as PKI did;  trust is built on 
acts, of humans, and involves parties and events, risks and rewards.  
The channels are incidental.

Shannon's information theory is a general approach that, even though 
it has  limitations as any other model, has allowed researchers to 
deal with both social and technical aspects of trust.

The important point, contrary to what PKI did, is to base the 
technical definition of trust on the social mediation of trust that we 
have learned over thousands of years.

Thus, when we look at linguistics and other areas where we find 
expressions of social experience and communication in a culture, we 
see that the unique, defining aspect of trust is that trust on 
something or someone needs /OTHER/ channels of information (where 
memory is also a channel) than the information channel we want to trust.

This social-linguistic observation transfers directly to the 
definition we can use with information theory for the technical aspect 
of trust, allowing the /same/ model of trust to be used in both 
worlds, as:

"trust is that which is essential to a communication channel but 
cannot be transferred from a source to a destination using that channel".

From this abstract definition, you can instantiate a definition that 
applies to any desired context that you want -- social and/or 
technical -- while assuring that they all have the same model of 
trust. Examples are provided at the top of

As usual, information is defined as: "information is that which is 
transferred from a source to a destination". If the same information 
is already present at the destination, there is no transfer. That's 
why information is surprise; there's no surprise if the information 
already exists at the destination.

You can see this better in the study of negotiation.  It is possible 
using this theory&practice to build trust, or to prove that no trust can 
be achieved.  Negotiation is primarily a paradigm of two parties.

You can use different models. I believe that trust is a more 
fundamental model than negotiation, as we can have trust without 

Ed Gerck

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Re: Can we copy trust?

2008-06-03 Thread Ed Gerck

Ben Laurie wrote:

Obviously. Clearly I am talking about a server in a different domain.

And we (Kelly and I) were talking about copying trust, where a copy is 
(as usual) a reproduction, a replication of an original. If you are 
copying trust from a domain, as represented by a SSL cert signed by a 
trusted CA, it should be a reproduction of /that/ trust  -- not trust 
on a different domain.

If you want to "copy" trust to a different domain, then we need to 
transfer the trust. This is also /possible/, as you know, as long as 
the issuing CA has set the "CA bit" in the SSL certificate. Object 
Signing CA certs must have the Object Signing CA bit set.

In summary, in SSL you can both copy and transfer trust. Without 
further evidence, which can be provided in pvt if desired by anyone, 
(1) SSL is not such only example in the Internet; and (2) we can 
likewise copy and transfer trust in our social interactions, not just 
in our digital interactions.

Ed Gerck

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Re: Fwd: Protection mail at rest

2008-06-03 Thread Adam Aviv
[Moderator's note: Please don't top post. --Perry]

Depending on the level of protection you want, you could just add a
script to your .forward to encrypt your email before delivery using
PGP/GPG. However, this will leave the headers in the clear, so you
will likely want to create an entirely new envelope for the message
with the original message encrypted as the body or an attachment. But
then you will need a thunderbird extension to unwrap the encrypted
original email out of the body, and store the message locally
unencrypted so that you can search.

The problem comes when you start accessing your email from multiple
locations. At one place you have built up a large cache of unencrypted
messages and you can use them in the normal way, but when you access
from another machine or a blackberry, the lack of cache will greatly
hinder your performance. This is the reason we wanted to not only have
the client cache capability to searching, but also a server side
mechanism to compensate when accessing from multiple locations.


On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Nate Lawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greg Black wrote:
>> On 2008-06-02, Adam Aviv wrote:
>>> I recently implemented SSARES directly in python and also added
>>> parallelism to the searching. We can now search the a large inbox
>>> (1000+) messages in about 2-4 minutes.
>> Not to rain on your parade, but 1,000 messages is *not* a large inbox
>> and 2 to 4 minutes is a very long time to wait.  You'd need to make this
>> two orders of magnitude faster before it would have a hope of being
>> interesting.  (And for me, it would have to be at least four orders of
>> magnitude faster before I could consider it to be useful.)
> Thunderbird, at least, downloads imap mail locally for searching.  So all I
> need is the automatic public key encryption on the server side (no
> searching).  Is there such an application already?
> --
> Nate

Adam Aviv
Ph. D. Candidate
Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania

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Re: Fwd: Protection mail at rest

2008-06-03 Thread Nate Lawson

Greg Black wrote:

On 2008-06-02, Adam Aviv wrote:

I recently implemented SSARES directly in python and also added
parallelism to the searching. We can now search the a large inbox
(1000+) messages in about 2-4 minutes.

Not to rain on your parade, but 1,000 messages is *not* a large inbox
and 2 to 4 minutes is a very long time to wait.  You'd need to make this
two orders of magnitude faster before it would have a hope of being
interesting.  (And for me, it would have to be at least four orders of
magnitude faster before I could consider it to be useful.)

Thunderbird, at least, downloads imap mail locally for searching.  So 
all I need is the automatic public key encryption on the server side (no 
searching).  Is there such an application already?


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fyi: Traitor Tracing for Anonymous Attack in AACS Content Protection

2008-06-03 Thread ' =JeffH '
From:"Adam Barth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: TOMORROW 3 Jun - Hongxia Jin - Traitor Tracing for Anonymous Attack in
   AACS Content Protection
Date:Mon, 02 Jun 2008 18:48:48 -0700

Title: Traitor Tracing for Anonymous Attack in AACS Content Protection

Speaker: Hongxia Jin, IBM Almaden


Broadcast encryption and traitor tracing are two active problems in
cryptography community.  In this talk I will give an overview on how
broadcast encryption and traitor tracing can be used for content
protection.  My focus of the talk is on tracing traitors for anonymous
attack. It is a way to trace the source of unauthorized copies of the
content or content encrypting keys when the system is broadcasted.  I
will give the talk in the context of AACS, the new industry content
protection standards for next generation high definition DVDs, It is
the first large-scale commercial deployment of  a traitor tracing
technology.  Along the way we have had to solve both practical and
theoretical problems that had not been apparent in the literature to
date.  In this talk I will focus on addressing some of those problems
in our process of bringing a theoretical solution to practice.

3 Jun (Tuesday) at 1630 hrs
Gates 4B (opposite 490)

Stanford Security Seminar on Google Calendar:
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security-seminar mailing list


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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-06-03 Thread Philipp Gühring

> It is not an implementaion issue but a requirement of the C standard.
> To avoid buffering use
>setvbuf (fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
> right after the fopen.

Ah! Thanks a lot!

Ok, I think that should be written into the man-pages of /dev/random and 
fgetc/fread and other related howtos.

Best regards,
Philipp Gühring

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Re: Can we copy trust?

2008-06-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 12:37 PM, Ed Gerck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the essay "Better Than Free", Kevin Kelly debates which concepts hold
> value online, and how to monetize those values. See
> Kelly's point can be very useful: *When copies are free, you need to sell
> things which can not be copied.*
> The problem that I see and present to this list is when he discusses
> qualities that can't be copied and considers "trust" as something that
> cannot be copied.
Kelly says trust cannot be copied at the top of his missive then
doesn't list it as one of the eight "generatives" (I may be missing
something but I think "generative" is the wrong word for something
that cannot be copied but Kelly makes up his own definition for
"generative" as something generated uniquely in place).
> Well, in the digital economy we had to learn how to copy trust and we did.
> For example, SSL would not work if trust could not be copied.
After this list has destroyed the as implemented SSL model of trust
over and over again, I'd be wary of claiming that SSL allows trust to
be copied.

Even so, SSL doesn't really copy trust, it works by only trusting the
root. You don't have to trust the target site's self assertions about
its own identity because you trust the root to only validate for sites
that are what they claim to be.

On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 3:29 PM, Ed Gerck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A copy is something identical. So, in fact you can copy that server cert to
> another server that has the same domain (load balancing), and it will work.
> Web admins do it all the time. The user will not notice any difference in
> how the SSL will work.
Copying server certificates isn't copying trust either. In this case
all servers with the same certificate are the same entity - at least
to whatever needs to trust it.

This whole thing with SSL and certificates is a red herring when it
comes to copying trust.

When I trust a site, that site doesn't have the trust, I do. To copy
that trust, albeit with low fidelity, I merely have to communicate
that trust to some other person.

There are sites on the net that allow me to communicate my trust to
others. eBay is probably making the most money at it with their seller
reputation system. Sellers with a better reputation will attract more
business and sell quicker and at higher prices. eBay makes more money
when more product moves at higher prices but it cannot inflate
seller's reputations because that would instantly be recognized by
buyers and eBay would become a pariah and some other site would take
over. Other sites like Amazon, Bizrate, and Angie's List provide
similar trust distribution services with different underlying business

This is a trust model that appears to work. If a eBayish/Verisigny
company did an OCSP-like service that returned a current eBay-like
"reputation" number for the trustworthiness of the site in question, I
don't think we would need band aids like PetNames or even a
hierarchical PKI. Sites could just use self-signed certificates with a
field pointing to their reputation responder. Instead of trusted root
certificates, browsers could have trusted reputation responder
certificates. Microsoft would charge reputation responders to include
their certificates, reputation responders would charge companies to
maintain their reputations, everybody would make money. When a
reputation responder goes bad, slashdot would have fun, Microsoft
would pull their cert, there will be some vulnerable users that don't
ever get updated responder certificate lists, and the entities that
had trust housed at the bad responder will have to generate new certs
and rebuild their reputation elsewhere.

This, of course, doesn't have a chance of occuring because SSL works
good enough and people will ignore the bad reputation warnings just
like they ignore SSL warnings now.

-Michael Heyman

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Re: Can we copy trust?

2008-06-03 Thread IanG

Ed Gerck wrote:

Bill Frantz wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Gerck) on Monday, June 2, 2008 wrote:

To trust something, you need to receive information from sources 
OTHER than the source you want to trust, and from as many other 
sources as necessary according to the extent of the trust you want. 
With more trust extent, you are more likely to need more independent 
sources of verification.

In my real-world experience, this way of gaining trust is only
really used for strangers. For people we know, recognition and
memory are more compelling ways of trusting.

Recognition = a channel of information
memory = a channel of information

When you look at trust in various contexts, you will still find the need 
to receive information from sources OTHER than the source you want to 
trust. You may use these channels under different names, such as memory 
which is a special type of output that serves as input at a later point 
in time.

It is useful and efficient to get trust from third parties, 
but not essential, imho.  If you find yourself meeting 
someone for the first time in random circumstances, you can 
get to know them over time, and trust them, fully 2nd 

Trust comes from events of risk and reward, not from 
channels.  It just so happens that the best expressions of 
risk and reward are over independent therefore 3rd party 

The distinguishing aspect between information and trust is this: "trust 
is that which is essential to a communication channel but cannot be 
transferred from a source to a destination using that channel".

Trust is an expression of something you may rely on.  It has 
risks, liabilities, obligations, etc.  Information does not 

In other 
words, self-assertions cannot transfer trust. "Trust me" is, actually, a 
good indication not to trust.

Well.  Actions speak louder than words.  The *act* of a 
third party is to put their own reputation at risk if they 
say "trust this 2nd person."  This works if the two people 
are independent, but not if the two people are dependent (or 
the same).  If they are independent, the costs incur to one 
party and the benefits incur to another party.

So the independent cost of placing the reputation at risk is 
a significant event.  You can rely on someone who will incur 
cost on your behalf.  Saying "trust me" carries no risks 
because the benefits cancel out the risks.

We can use this recognition and memory in the online world as well.
SSH automatically recognizes previously used hosts. Programs such
as the Pet Names Tool 
recognize public keys used by web sites, and provide us with a
human-recognizable name so we can remember our previous
interactions with that web site. Once we can securely recognize a
site, we can form our own trust decisions, without the necessity of
involving third parties.

Yes, where recognition is the OTHER channel that tells you that the 
value (given in the original channel) is correct. Just the value by 
itself is not useful for communicating trust -- you also need something 
else (eg, a digital sig) to provide the OTHER channel of information.

Attempting to cast trust as a aspect of channels is a 
technological approach, and will lead one astray, just as 
PKI did;  trust is built on acts, of humans, and involves 
parties and events, risks and rewards.  The channels are 

You can see this better in the study of negotiation.  It is 
possible using this theory&practice to build trust, or to 
prove that no trust can be achieved.  Negotiation is 
primarily a paradigm of two parties.

(Economists will recognise it as game theory, prisoner's 
dilemma, perhaps agent-principal theory, etc.)

Your comment that someone who says "trust me" is in fact 
signalling that they cannot be trusted ... is more clearly 
explained in negotiation.  Often, someone will state up 
front that they want to find the win-win;  which is a signal 
that they are in the win-lose, because real win-win is about 
actions not words, and words in this case would lead to a 
false sense of security.


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Re: Can we copy trust?

2008-06-03 Thread Ed Gerck

Bill Soley wrote:
I am thinking that trust is a relationship.  "A trusts B".  So if you 
start with "A trusts B" and you do some operation that results in "C 
trusts B" then you have not copied anything because "A trusts B" is not 
equal to "C trusts B".  You can't call that operation a "copy". 

Trust is indeed expressed by relationships. And those relationships 
can be transmitted with proper consideration -- just not in your 
example. In the case of SSL certs, a simple file copy is enough.

Ed Gerck


Did you have a chance yet to read Kelly's paper? In that paper, he is 
looking for stuff that can't be copied -- because he hopes that such 
stuff is scarce and valuable. "When copies are free, you need to sell 
things which can not be copied."

Kelly says that we can't copy trust. So, if I have 100 servers for the 
domain does this mean that I have to buy 100 trusted SSL 
certs from the CA? Or, is any copy of the SSL cert as trustworthy as 
the original?

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Re: Can we copy trust?

2008-06-03 Thread Bill Soley

[Moderator's note: Please do not top post. --Perry]

I am thinking that trust is a relationship.  "A trusts B".  So if you  
start with "A trusts B" and you do some operation that results in "C  
trusts B" then you have not copied anything because "A trusts B" is  
not equal to "C trusts B".  You can't call that operation a "copy".   
I can't think of any scenario where it even makes sense to talk about  
copying trust.  The closest thing I can think of would be a document,  
or record in a database, or a certificate, or similar thing that  
reminds me that "I trust X".  That is consistent with Bill Frantz's  
comment on memory.  (hi Bill)  I can copy the reminder, but that  
doesn't copy the trust.  The trust exists, it seems to me, with or  
without the reminder (even if I have temporarily forgotten about it).

Kind regards,


On Jun 2, 2008, at 6:24 PM, Ed Gerck wrote:

Bill Frantz wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Gerck) on Monday, June 2, 2008 wrote:
To trust something, you need to receive information from sources  
OTHER than the source you want to trust, and from as many other  
sources as necessary according to the extent of the trust you  
want. With more trust extent, you are more likely to need more  
independent sources of verification.

In my real-world experience, this way of gaining trust is only
really used for strangers. For people we know, recognition and
memory are more compelling ways of trusting.

Recognition = a channel of information
memory = a channel of information

When you look at trust in various contexts, you will still find the  
need to receive information from sources OTHER than the source you  
want to trust. You may use these channels under different names,  
such as memory which is a special type of output that serves as  
input at a later point in time.

The distinguishing aspect between information and trust is this:  
"trust is that which is essential to a communication channel but  
cannot be transferred from a source to a destination using that  
channel". In other words, self-assertions cannot transfer trust.  
"Trust me" is, actually, a good indication not to trust.

We can use this recognition and memory in the online world as well.
SSH automatically recognizes previously used hosts. Programs such
as the Pet Names Tool 
recognize public keys used by web sites, and provide us with a
human-recognizable name so we can remember our previous
interactions with that web site. Once we can securely recognize a
site, we can form our own trust decisions, without the necessity of
involving third parties.

Yes, where recognition is the OTHER channel that tells you that the  
value (given in the original channel) is correct. Just the value by  
itself is not useful for communicating trust -- you also need  
something else (eg, a digital sig) to provide the OTHER channel of  

Ed Gerck

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Re: Fwd: Protection mail at rest

2008-06-03 Thread Adam Aviv
I agree with you, that this is not nearly fast enough.

However, this is 10 times faster then our original results, where we
were searching 100 emails in about the same amount of time. With
production code, some more optimization, esp. client side
optimizations (i.e. message caching when possible), and increased
parallelism, it may just be possible to reach the 4x faster searches a
heavy user like yourself would need. I am just not a good enough coder
to write it myself, but I believe that it can be done.


On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 10:42 PM, Greg Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2008-06-02, Adam Aviv wrote:
>> I recently implemented SSARES directly in python and also added
>> parallelism to the searching. We can now search the a large inbox
>> (1000+) messages in about 2-4 minutes.
> Not to rain on your parade, but 1,000 messages is *not* a large inbox
> and 2 to 4 minutes is a very long time to wait.  You'd need to make this
> two orders of magnitude faster before it would have a hope of being
> interesting.  (And for me, it would have to be at least four orders of
> magnitude faster before I could consider it to be useful.)
> Greg

Adam Aviv
Ph. D. Candidate
Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania

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Re: Fwd: Protection mail at rest

2008-06-03 Thread Greg Black
On 2008-06-02, Adam Aviv wrote:

> I recently implemented SSARES directly in python and also added
> parallelism to the searching. We can now search the a large inbox
> (1000+) messages in about 2-4 minutes.

Not to rain on your parade, but 1,000 messages is *not* a large inbox
and 2 to 4 minutes is a very long time to wait.  You'd need to make this
two orders of magnitude faster before it would have a hope of being
interesting.  (And for me, it would have to be at least four orders of
magnitude faster before I could consider it to be useful.)


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Re: Can we copy trust?

2008-06-03 Thread Ben Laurie

Ed Gerck wrote:

Ben Laurie wrote:
But doesn't that prove the point? The trust that you consequently 
place in the web server because of the certificate _cannot_ be copied 
to another webserver. That other webserver has to go out and buy its 
own copy, with its own domain name it it.

A copy is something identical. So, in fact you can copy that server cert 
to another server that has the same domain (load balancing), and it will 
work. Web admins do it all the time. The user will not notice any 
difference in how the SSL will work.

Obviously. Clearly I am talking about a server in a different domain.


"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

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Re: Can we copy trust?

2008-06-03 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

Bill Frantz wrote:

really used for strangers. For people we know, recognition and
memory are more compelling ways of trusting.

We can use this recognition and memory in the online world as well.
SSH automatically recognizes previously used hosts. Programs such
as the Pet Names Tool
recognize public keys used by web sites, and provide us with a
human-recognizable name so we can remember our previous
interactions with that web site. Once we can securely recognize a
site, we can form our own trust decisions, without the necessity of
involving third parties.

that was one of the business case problems early in SSL for
electronic commerce ... namely majority of ecommerce was
with repeat sites ... while design point of digital certificates
is for first time communication between strangers.

the other factor that bounded what merchants would pay
was liability in electronic commerce ... there were already
paying significant interchange fees as part of protecting
the consumer. certification authorities weren't looking
at taking on any of that aspect.

the combination has been pushing digital certificates
into the no-value market segment ... which, in turn,
further limits what would could be charged for.

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