Re: Debian encouraging use of 4096 bit RSA keys

2010-09-15 Thread Werner Koch
On Tue, 14 Sep 2010 17:01, said:

> I'd appreciate some input from this list about the Debian bias towards 4096
> RSA main keys, instead of DSA2 (3072-bit) keys.  Is it justified?

We have made RSA the default in GnuPG for three reasons: First, DSA >
1024 is only supported by more recent versions of OpenPGP
implementations whereas RSA is supported for 10 years now with any sane
key size.  Second, we want to support SHA2 et al as soon as possible;
this is not possible with DSA-1024.  Third, DSA signing is fast
(DSA-3072 is about 7 times faster than RSA-4096) however verification is
much slower (~15 times).  Given that for most use cases verification is
the most prominent operation (think only of checking hundreds of key
signatures per key), this is for what we want to optimize.

OTOH, DSA vs. RSA is not the real question.  I have not seen a threat
model for DD keys.  I would claim that the best way to attack Debian's
code signing is to take over a developer's box and make use of his/her
key [1].  With ~ 1000 developers and thus at least this number of boxes and
keys this is a by far an easier way for malice actions than even to
think about how to break RSA-2048.  I doubt that this situation will
change in the next 10 years.

> These keys are used as KSK, as gpg will happily attach subkeys to them
> for the grunt work...

Right, but than you should take the primary key offline or put it on a
smart card - this removes the option to attack the primary key on the
developer's box.  And if one of the subkeys has been compromised it is
very easy to replace that subkey.  



[1] An even easier way is to subvert the upstream source.

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Re: questions about RNGs and FIPS 140

2010-08-27 Thread Werner Koch
On Wed, 25 Aug 2010 22:37,

> 1) Is Linux /dev/{u,}random FIPS 140 certified?

I am nor sure whether it is already certified.  However a FIPS mode was
added to Linux featuring an FIPS approved ANSI X9.31 PRNG instead of the
/dev/random.  /dev/random is still used for initial seeding.



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Re: X.509 certificate overview + status

2009-03-03 Thread Werner Koch
On Mon,  2 Mar 2009 17:35, said:

> Ubuntu comes with dumpasn1.  There are also quite a few libraries.

You may also import the certificate into GnuPG ("gpgsm --import foo")
and run "gpgsm --dump-cert" to get a human readable printout.  Example:

$ gpgsm --dump-cert 0x39F4F81B
   ID: 0x39F4F81B
  S/N: 01D8
   Issuer: CN=12R-CA 1:PN,O=Bundesnetzagentur,C=DE
  Subject: CN=TeleSec PKS SigG CA 17:PN,O=Deutsche Telekom AG,C=DE
 sha1_fpr: 13:0C:16:2D:91:68:7C:E0:AE:95:6F:11:08:34:3A:26:39:F4:F8:1B
  md5_fpr: D7:2B:65:D3:E6:5C:54:DB:B7:4A:47:49:6E:CF:36:F1
   certid: D6C0C14EE753E3D147C0827A4C8D579F130DEFD4.01D8
  keygrip: EC4EC0D13B47680C28869929D76B3357838CEC11
notBefore: 2007-11-08 09:22:57
 notAfter: 2012-01-01 12:00:00
 hashAlgo: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.13 (sha512WithRSAEncryption)
  keyType: 2048 bit RSA
subjKeyId: 57A001BB58498529AEE9DFAD6810FA056F5F3A9B
authKeyId: [none] 04DE9D7FDF437289BA694901F4E84928DE02196F
 keyUsage: certSign
  extKeyUsage: [none]
  chainLength: 0
   issuer: none
 authInfo: (ocsp)
 subjInfo: [none]
 extn: (qcStatements)  [12 octets]
 extn: (authorityInfoAccess)  [62 octets]
 extn: (validityModel)  [14 octets]

CERTID and KEYGRIP are GnuPG specific.



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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-30 Thread Werner Koch
On Wed, 28 May 2008 10:34, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

> Yes. Still, some people are using fopen/fread to access /dev/random, which 
> does pre-fetching on most implementations I saw, so using open/read is 
> preferred for using /dev/random.

It is not an implementaion issue but a requirement of the C standard.
To avoid buffering use

   setvbuf (fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

right after the fopen.



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Re: TLS-SRP & TLS-PSK support in browsers (Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-10 Thread Werner Koch
On Thu,  7 Feb 2008 16:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

> I don't have any idea why or why not, but all they can release now is
> source code with #ifdef openssl >= 0.9.9  ... do PSK stuff ... #endif,

The last time I checked the Mozilla code they used their own crypto
stuff.  When did they switched to OpenSSL and how do they solve the
GPL/OpenSSL license incompatibility?



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Re: Fixing SSL

2008-01-31 Thread Werner Koch
On Thu, 31 Jan 2008 03:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

> If you want a "public" example of client certificate usage:
> (You need a (free) client certificate from to be able to 
> access 

Which has the problem that you may use any certifcate you ever created
wit to log in.  Even certificates created for demo purposes
with published private keys.  That was the case up until a year ago; I
don't know whether this has been changed.  I was a bit surprised about
such a security flaw.



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Re: More on in-memory zeroisation

2007-12-14 Thread Werner Koch
On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 21:11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

>   volatile char buf[SIZE];
>   /* ... do stuff with buf ... */
>   memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));

This has the little disadvantage that you need to check the attributes
of BUF first and that you can't immediately see what the memset is used
for.  For a long time we use the macros below to document the intention
and to make sure that the compiler does not do any harm:

  /* To avoid that a compiler optimizes certain memset calls away, these
 macros may be used instead. */
  #define wipememory2(_ptr,_set,_len) do { \
volatile char *_vptr=(volatile char *)(_ptr); \
size_t _vlen=(_len); \
while(_vlen) { *_vptr=(_set); _vptr++; _vlen--; } \
} while(0)
  #define wipememory(_ptr,_len) wipememory2(_ptr,0,_len)



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Re: GnuTLS (libgrypt really) and Postfix

2006-02-15 Thread Werner Koch
On Tue, 14 Feb 2006 15:53:39 -0500, John Denker said:

> It is straightforward but laborious to simulate exception-throwing
> in C:
> extern int errno;
> /* try some stuff */
> if (errno) return; /* return immediately on any error */

Except that this does not work.  ERRNO gets set by most calls only on
error so if everything went fine in the "try ssome stuff" you get
random results.



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Re: GnuTLS (libgrypt really) and Postfix

2006-02-15 Thread Werner Koch
On Tue, 14 Feb 2006 13:00:33 -0500, Steven M Bellovin said:

> Let me suggest a C-compatible possibility: pass an extra parameter to 
> the library routines, specifying a procedure to call if serious errors 
> occur.  If that pointer is null, the library can abort.

I agree.  However the case at hand is a bit different.  I can't
imagine how any application or upper layer will be able to recover
from that error (ENOENT when opening /dev/random).  Okay, the special
file might just be missing and a mknod would fix that ;-).  Is it the
duty of an application to fix an incomplete installation - how long
shall this be taken - this is not the Unix philosophy.



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Re: GnuTLS (libgrypt really) and Postfix

2006-02-14 Thread Werner Koch
On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 03:07:26 -0500, John Denker said:

> That might lead to an argument in favor of exceptions instead of error
> codes, along the following lines:
>  -- Naive code doesn't catch the exception.  However (unlike returned
>   error codes) this does not cause the exception to be lost.
>  -- The exception percolates up the call-tree until it is caught by
>   some non-naive code (if any).
>  -- If all the code is naive, then the uncaught exception terminates
>   the process ... to the delight of the "exit on error" faction.
>   However (!!!) unlike a plain old exit, throwing an exception leaves
>   the door open for non-naive code to implement a nuanced response to
>   the exceptional condition.

Actually the plain C similar thing is done for an internal error:
SIGABRT is raised and the top level code (or in theory any layer in
between) may catch it and try to continue.  Okay, this won't work in
practise because signal handling between independent developed code
(libraries) is guaranteed not to work correctly. 

And yes, we need to discuss whether whether a failed open should abort
or exit.  As of now it does an exit and not an abort() but I won't
insist on this.

> Again, enough false dichotomies already!  Just because error codes are
> open to abuse doesn't mean exiting is the correct thing to do.

For Libgcrypt's usage patterns I am still convinced that it is the
right decision.



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Re: GnuTLS (libgrypt really) and Postfix

2006-02-14 Thread Werner Koch
On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 11:29:00 +0100, Simon Josefsson said:

> That /dev/random doesn't exist seem like a quite possible state to me.

Running Linux this is not possible because /dev/random is guarenteed
to be available.

> Further, a library is not in a good position to report errors.  A
> users will sit there wondering why Postfix, or some other complex

I don't know where Postfix dumps the error messages from Libcrypt:

  fd = open( name, O_RDONLY );
  if( fd == -1 )
log_fatal ("can't open %s: %s\n", name, strerror(errno) );

I guess you need to blame postfix for this.

> recommendation to avoid GnuTLS because libgcrypt calls exit suggest
> that the Postfix developers didn't care to investigate how to use
> GnuTLS and libgcrypt properly.  So I don't think there is any real

So may I conclude that it is actually Good Thing that in this case
libgcrypt refrained from continuing to preserve the caller from false

> I'd say that the most flexible approach for a library is to write
> thread-safe code that doesn't need access to mutexes to work properly.

Yes.  We discussed this already at length at more appropriate places.

> That seem like a poor argument to me.  It may be valid for embedded
> devices, but for most desktop PCs, Linux should provide a useful
> /dev/urandom.

I can only tell what Ted told me years ago.



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Re: GnuTLS (libgrypt really) and Postfix

2006-02-14 Thread Werner Koch
On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 23:57:42 -, Dave Korn said:

>   :-) Then what was EINVAL invented for?

[ Then for what was assert invented for? ]

>   Really it's never ok for anything, not even games, and any program that 
> fails to check error return values is simply not properly coded, full stop.

I agree. But the reality is not that of the text books.

>   But abort()-ing in a library is also a big problem, because it
> takes control away from the main executable.  That can be a massive
> security vulnerability on Windows.  If you can get a SYSTEM-level
> service that

Huh? According to ISO C and POSIX abort raises SIGABRT and the default
action is abnormal *process termination* - if your view is that
process termination takes away control from the main executable I
wonder how a file can control a process (unless the kernels plays
nasty games with on demand paging).

To my limited Windows experience abort() does terminate the process. I
have ported quite some Unix applications nativly to Windows and never
got in semantic problems you describe.  Anyway, Windows is strange
(atexit lists per DLL and such) but Libgcrypt is not really supported

> ... receive request from client
> ... fail to service it because libgcrypt returns errors..
>  return error to caller

> ... rather than for it to abort.

Being in an insane state libgcrypt can't assure that this main loop
will continue to run - the stack might already be corrupted.  We don't
know and thus assert(!"fubar").

>   I'm afraid I consider it instead a weakness in your API design that you 
> have no way to indicate an error return from a function that may fail.

By design there can't be any error.  If there is an error something
really strange has occured, like improper chrooting.

>   Perhaps libgcrypt could call abort in debug builds and return error codes 
> in production builds?

Your joking right? I am usually quite sure that no attacker has made
it to one of the machines used for debugging. Outside in the Internet
wilderness I should then switch off all protection?  That is like
wearing a hard hat in bed and take it off at the construction site.



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Re: GnuTLS (libgrypt really) and Postfix

2006-02-14 Thread Werner Koch
On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 19:33:07 -0800 (PST), David Wagner said:

> Of course, it would be better for a crypto library to document this
> assumption explicitly than to leave it up to users to discover it the
> hard way, but I would not agree with the suggestion that this "exit before

Actually libgcrypt exactly does this.  I have not looked at the
postfix code under question but it sounds like stderr has beend duped
to /dev/null and no log handler has been registered (e.g. to divert
logging to syslog).



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Re: GnuTLS (libgrypt really) and Postfix

2006-02-12 Thread Werner Koch
On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 13:46:05 -0500, John Denker said:

> That is a remarkably unprofessional suggestion.  I hope the people
> who write software for autopilots, pacemakers, antilock brakes,
> etc. do not follow this suggestion.

Thus my remark about a independend failsafe system.

I strongly hope that for life critical systems nobody even things
about throwing in a bunch of general purpose libraries and declares
the task as done.  Fortunately these systems have resource constraints
so that such a solution won't come to mind anyway.

> First of all, "impossible" is the wrong word.  If the condition

s,impossible,not foreseen/tested/coded by the developer,

> previous tick's tasks are finished.  What do you do, exit?  If

Yes.  And one of the concurrent running system will take over. In
1969 this system used to be Armstrong, though.

> There are other stories like this, including funny (?) stories of
> what happens if exceptions are not handled so well.

Terminating a process is a well handled exception.  Think of hardware
failure; continue while knowing that tehre is something really weird
going on??

> More generally:  library routines should never exit.  They almost

If you are thinking of exit please mentally translate this to assert.
Still believing one should never call assert(0) in a library?

>   Nitpickers note:  I can imagine a situation where the stack is so
>   messed up that you can't thrown an exception or even return from

Die as soon as you can; kill (getpid(),SIGKILL) might even be
justified in such a situation.  Try to make an attackers life as hard
as possible.  Yes, for life critical systems an attack scenario might
be different to judge and thus the design needs to be different.

Obviously I agree with Ben that that there is no way to know the
current state if something went wrong in unexpected ways.



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Re: GnuTLS (libgrypt really) and Postfix

2006-02-12 Thread Werner Koch
On Sat, 11 Feb 2006 12:36:52 +0100, Simon Josefsson said:

>   1) It invoke exit, as you have noticed.  While this only happen
>  in extreme and fatal situations, and not during runtime,
>  it is not that serious.  Yet, I agree it is poor design to
>  do this in a library.

I disagree strongly here.  Any code which detects an impossible state
or an error clearly due to a programming error by the caller should
die as soon as possible.  If you try to resolve the problem by working
around it will increase code complexity and thus error won't be
detected.  (Some systems might provide a failsafe mechanism at a top
layer; e.g. by voting between independed developed code).

Sure, for many APIs it is posssible to return an error code but this
requires that the caller properly checks error codes.  We have all seen
too many cases were return values are not checked and the process goes
ahead assuming that everything went well - this might be okay for games
but definitely not for cryptographic applications.

Libgcrypt tries to minimize these coding errors; for example there are
no error returns for the RNG - if one calls for 16 bytes of random one
can be sure that the buffer is filled with 16 bytes of random.  Now,
if the environemnt is not okay and Libgcrypt can't produce that random
- what shall we do else than abort the process.  This way the errors
will be detected before major harm might occur.

It is the same rationale why defining NDEBUG in production code is a
Bad Thing.

>   2) If used in a threaded environment, it wants to have access to
>  thread primitives.  The primary reason was for RNG pool locking
>  (where it is critical), but I think the primitives are now used
>  in other places too.  GnuTLS is thread agnostic, so it can't
>  initialize libgcrypt properly.

Against our advise Nikos rejected to implement a proper
initialization.  Libraries and threading is actually a deep problem.
It usually works well on GNU/Linux systems but this is more of
coincidence than by design.  We did quite some research on this and
experimented with different ways of automagically initializing the
thread primitives correctly; they all fail either at runtime or create
headaches when trying to write proper build rules.  The current
approach is by far the most flexible and safest.  But yes, the fact
that one library needs an initialization can't be hidden from the
application even if the application is using the lib only indirectly

Background: The problem stems from the fact that there are more than
one thread implementations available and used.  Mixing them in one
process cries for problems.  There are quite a couple of libs taking
the putatively easy approach of using pthreads.  Applications using
another thread implementaion (e.g. Pth to make auditing possible) will
then sooner or later run into grave problems.

> list.  I think the Linux /dev/urandom implementation is sub-optimal.

This is known since Ted Ts'o wrote /dev/random and justified by
requirement of the Linux hackers to keep the memory use by a minimal
Linux build low. 



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Re: long-term GPG signing key

2006-01-17 Thread Werner Koch
On Thu, 12 Jan 2006 00:48:05 -0600, Travis H said:

> All it really does is crudely limit the quantity of data sent under
> that key, which is little to none anyway.

And it has the advantage that people will stop sending encrypted mail
to this key after the expiration date.  Comes handy if you forgot your
passphrase or lost physical access to the key.



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Re: X.509 / PKI, PGP, and IBE Secure Email Technologies

2005-12-14 Thread Werner Koch
On Mon, 12 Dec 2005 10:59:05 -0600, Travis H said:

> Not to side track the discussion, but frequently I've heard PKI
> compared to PGP's model.  Isn't PGP's trust model the same as everyone
> being their own CA?

You need to clarify the trust model.  The OpenPGP standard does not
define any trust model at all.  The standard merely defines fatures
useful to implement a trust model.

AFAIK, PGP provides two different trust models; with GnuPG you may
also select between 4 trust models.  However this is implementation
specific and not part of the standard. 

The "classic" web of trust is just the commonly used one.  It is a
pity that many commonly used mail programs don't even make use of any
real trust model but use the "always" trust model.

The newer trust model "pgp" makes use of the advanced OpenPGP features
and allows implementing a hierarchical model very similar to the X.509
one.  In fact it is a superset of the X.509 model.



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Re: ECC patents?

2005-09-13 Thread Werner Koch
On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 11:58:14 +0300 (IDT), Alexander Klimov said:

> There is also work on ECC for gnupg

Yes, there exists an implementation for an ECC implementation for
GnuPG.  The problem is that OpenPGP does not define ECC and thus it
does not make much sense to have it there. 

We have not worked on the Libgcrypt integration of that code because
there is not much need for ECC in general.  The costs advantage of ECC
smartcards is shrinking more and more and thus why should we bother to
implement the host part of ECC just for fun and try convincing the
OpenPGP WG to add ECC.



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Re: Fwd: Tor security advisory: DH handshake flaw

2005-09-02 Thread Werner Koch
On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 15:04:43 +0200, Simon Josefsson said:

> If you control the random number generator, you control which
> Miller-Rabin bases that are used too.

Oh well, if you are able to do this you have far easier ways of
compromising the security.  Tricking the RNG to issue the same number
to requests for the secret exponent of an DSA sign operation seems to
be easier.

> Designing this fake random number generator is not trivial, and must
> likely be done separately for each crypto library that is used.  If
> software only used prime numbers that came with a prime certificate,
> you combat this attack.

Here it would be easier to add a backdoor to the prime certificate
check than to implement a fake RNG.



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Re: Fwd: Tor security advisory: DH handshake flaw

2005-08-31 Thread Werner Koch
On Mon, 29 Aug 2005 17:32:47 +0200, Simon Josefsson said:

> which are Fermat pseudoprime in every base.  Some applications,
> e.g. Libgcrypt used by GnuPG, use Fermat tests, so if you have control
> of the random number generator, I believe you could make GnuPG believe
> it has found a prime when it only found a Carmichael number.

5 Rabin-Miller tests using random bases are run after a passed Fermat



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Re: SSL/TLS passive sniffing

2005-01-06 Thread Werner Koch
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005 08:49:36 +0800, Enzo Michelangeli said:

>> That's basically what /dev/urandom does, no?  (Except that it has the
>> undesirable side-effect of depleting the entropy estimate maintained
>> inside the kernel.)

> This "entropy depletion" issue keeps coming up every now and then, but I
> still don't understand how it is supposed to happen. If the PRNG uses a

It is a practical issue: Using /dev/urandom to avoid waiting for a
blocked /dev/random will let other processes wait infinitely on a
blocked /dev/random.

The Linux implementation of /dev/urandom is identical to /dev/random
but instead of blocking, (as /dev/random does on a low entropy
estimation) it continues to give output by falling back to a PRNG mode
of operation.

For services with a high demand of random it is probably better to
employ its own PRNG and reseed it from /dev/random from time to time.



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Re: pci hardware for secure crypto storage (OpenSSL/OpenBSD)

2004-09-16 Thread Werner Koch
On Wed, 15 Sep 2004 16:30:54 +0100, Ian Grigg said:

> There is a device that is similar to those characteristics:

The advantage of the OpenPGP card is that is is a specification that
it is open and ready for everyone to implement.  No proprietary
strings attached as usual in the smartcard business.  So go write an
application according to the specs and it will, run with any card
compliant with the spec.  Any vendor may implement this spec on his
card.  Whether you do this on a slow 4 Euro chip or a fast 8 Euro chip
or on an iButton is up to you.  Our card is just one implementation of
the spec using an expensive chip.


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Re: Problems with GPG El Gamal signing keys?

2004-01-09 Thread Werner Koch
On Mon, 1 Dec 2003 11:20:10 -0800, Anton Stiglic said:

> From: "Ralf Senderek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Maybe we can learn that code re-use is tricky in cryptography:  indeed, if
> the signing function and encryption function did not use the same gen_k
> function, the author of the code would have done the optimization that

But duplicates the lines of code and thus introduces another source of
errors.  Its aghrd to tell what ebtter.  Given that the algorithms for
signing and encryption are really different (compared to RSA) it might
have been better to use separate source files for ElGamal-signing and
ElGamal-encryption and don't view them as similar.

> g = 2 is safe but insecure for signatures...  It's just simpler to have two
> distinct pairs of keys.

Sure, that's what OpenPGP strongly suggests.  However ElGamal signing
stems from a time before OpenPGP when I tried to replace RSA by
ElGamal and keeping most of the PGP2 format (rfc1991) in place.

> By the way, is the paper by Phong Q. Nguyen describing the vulnerability
> available somewhere?  Or maybe someone could describe the cryptanalysis

I don't know, please ask him.  Phong dot Nguyen at


Werner Koch  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The GnuPG Experts
Free Software Foundation Europe

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Re: Problems with GPG El Gamal signing keys?

2004-01-09 Thread Werner Koch
On Thu, 27 Nov 2003 11:30:45 -0500, Ian Grigg said:

>> such keys to give them extra time to revoke the keys.  However one
>> addresss was from and actually a mail-news gateway ...

> Was said key was being used to sign messages of some
> authentication importance?

I don't know.

> art.  Werner, if you come across any cases where
> people are incovenienced beyond the normal key &
> code replacement issues, I'd hope you can share the
> anecdotes with us (suitably anonymised as appropriate)?

Regarding this ElGamal sign bug, the only thing I heard of were a very
few Debian developers who lost all their key signatures and have to
start again gathering new signatures from their co-Debian developers.
However there was no anger about this it sounds more like, "oops, I
shoot myself into my foot with my self-build secure thing".


Werner Koch  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The GnuPG Experts
Free Software Foundation Europe

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Re: Problems with GPG El Gamal signing keys?

2003-11-27 Thread Werner Koch
On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 18:24:12 -0500, Perry E Metzger said:

> Some notes have been floating around claiming that there are bugs in
> GPG's use of El Gamal keys. For example, see:

Yes, that is true.  The message was intended for the known owners of
such keys to give them extra time to revoke the keys.  However one
addresss was from and actually a mail-news gateway ...

Yes, yes, I should have removed ElGamal signing key support back in
1998 when there was no more need for it.  I recall that some folks
begged me not to do that and I took the wrong decision.


Werner Koch  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The GnuPG Experts
Free Software Foundation Europe

The Cryptography Mailing List
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2003-10-21 Thread Werner Koch
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 15:02:14 +1300, Peter Gutmann said:

> Are there any known servers online that offer X.509 (or PGP) mechanisms in
> their handshake?  Both and VanDyke are commercial offerings so it's
> not possible to look at the source code to see what they do, and I'm not sure

Joel N. Weber II developed PGP patches for OpenSSH:

and I am pretty sure that he has a server up somewhere. 


Werner Koch  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The GnuPG Experts
Free Software Foundation Europe

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Draft Edition of LibTomMath book

2003-06-27 Thread Werner Koch
On Fri, 27 Jun 2003 14:02:30 +1200, Peter Gutmann said:

> the GMP source code to know what it does (GMP is a special case, being a
> general bignum library but with an implicit acknowledgement that it's going to
> end up used for crypto as well, although there are some missing primitives

Does the proprietary SSH still use GMP?  I know no other major crypto
apps using GMP for big number math.  A problem with GMP is that it
heavily uses alloca() and thus it is not that hard to find traces of
secrets in the core.



Werner Koch  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The GnuPG Experts
Free Software Foundation Europe

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: The meat with multiple PGP subkeys

2003-06-18 Thread Werner Koch
On Tue, 17 Jun 2003 23:42:13 +0200, martin f krafft said:

> an unusable public key. It only seems to work if they use modern
> software and obtain my key from or the

You may also want to use  These are servers running
software not eating keys.

> - What is the problem with multiple subkeys?

pksd used to have only a simple hack to support *one* subkey but bo
revocation for them etc.  If they encounter a key with an "unknown"
structre they start to eat packets or swap them around.

Updated pksd versions are much better and won't eat them anymore.
However due to the syncronisation they can't do much about already
garbled keys except for removing invalid parts.

> - Are they in accordance with the RFC (2440)?


> - Are others experiencing these problems, and how do you deal with
>   them?

I have these problems for may years now and as a workaround I use the
X-Request-PGP header to point to a valid source of my key.

> - Is there a solution in the works?

There is a couple of new keyserver software actually in use but not
yet widespread enough. is a goog start.

> - If not, has anyone already thought about how to solve this mess?

All keyserver operators should update to the new pksd or even better
use one of the modern servers.



Werner Koch  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The GnuPG Experts
Free Software Foundation Europe

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Nullsoft's WASTE communication system

2003-06-08 Thread Werner Koch
On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 19:52:28 -0700, Kevin Elliott said:

> Out of curiosity, how does the performance of AES compare to Blowfish
> (seeing as how performance would be the obvious advantage of Blowfish

Encrypt/decrypt time for Libgcrypt:

-- --- --- --- ---
3DES1120ms  1130ms  1140ms  1170ms  1200ms  1190ms  1410ms  1400ms
BLOWFISH 350ms   340ms   370ms   380ms   430ms   430ms   630ms   630ms
AES  290ms   310ms   340ms   360ms   410ms   410ms   620ms   620ms
AES256   400ms   410ms   440ms   470ms   510ms   510ms   730ms   720ms

> over 3DES)?  Also are there any patent/license constraints on AES (the

There are no constraints on AES usage.



Werner Koch  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The GnuPG Experts
Free Software Foundation Europe

The Cryptography Mailing List
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