Re: Client Certificate UI for Chrome?

2009-09-09 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Wed, 09 Sep 2009 15:42:34 +1000
"James A. Donald"  wrote:

> Steven Bellovin wrote:
> > Several other people made similar suggestions.  They all boil down
> > to the same thing, IMO -- assume that the user will recognize
> > something distinctive or know to do something special for special
> > sites like banks. 
> Not if he only does it for special sites like banks, but if
> "something special" is pretty widely used, he will notice when things
> are different.

We conducted a small-scale controlled user study -- it didn't work.
> > Peter, I'm not sure what you mean by "good enough to satisfy
> > security geeks" vs. "good enough for most purposes".  I'm not
> > looking for theoretically good enough, for any value of "theory";
> > my metric -- as a card-carrying security geek -- is precisely "good
> > enough for most purposes".  A review of user studies of many
> > different distinctive markers, from yellow URL bars to green
> > partial-URL bars to special pictures to you-name-it shows that
> > users either never notice the *absence* of the distinctive feature
> I never thought that funny colored url bars for banks would help, and 
> ridiculed that suggestion when it was first made, and said it was
> merely an effort to get more money for CAs, and not a serious
> security proposal
> The fact that obviously stupid and ineffectual methods have failed is 
> not evidence that better methods would also fail.
> Seems to me that you are making the argument "We have tried
> everything that might increase CA revenues, and none of it has
> improved user security, so obviously user security cannot be
> improved."
Not quite.  I'm not saying it "cannot be improved".  I'm saying that
controlled studies thus far have demonstrated none of the proposed
methods have worked, against fairly straight-forward new attacks.  And
if we've learned one thing over the last ten years, it's that the
attackers are as good as we are at what they do.  There's money to be
made and the market has worked its wonders: there is a demand for
capable hackers, and they're making enough money to attract good people.

What I am saying is twofold.  First -- when you invent a new scheme,
do a scientific test: does it actually help?  Don't assume that because
pure reason tells you it's a good idea, it actually is in the real
world.  Second -- you may very well be right that tinkering with the
password entry mechanisms cannot succeed, because users are habituated
to many different mechanisms and to login screens that regularly change
because some VP in charge of publicity has decided that the site's web
presence looks old-fashioned and needs to be freshened.  In that case,
we have to look at entirely different approaches.  (How many different
experiments will it take to convince people that you can't make gold by
mixing chemicals together?)

--Steve Bellovin,

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spyware on Blackberries

2009-07-16 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

A BlackBerry update that a United Arab Emirates service provider pushed
out to its customers contains U.S.-made spyware that would allow the
company or others to siphon and read their e-mail and text messages,
according to a researcher who examined it.

The update was billed as a “performance enhancement patch” by the
UAE-based phone and internet service provider Etisalat, which issued
the patch for its 100,000 subscribers.


--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: MD6 withdrawn from SHA-3 competition

2009-07-04 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Thu, 2 Jul 2009 20:51:47 -0700
"Joseph Ashwood"  wrote:

> --
> Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 4:05 PM
> Subject: MD6 withdrawn from SHA-3 competition
> > Also from Bruce Schneier, a report that MD6 was withdrawn from the
> > SHA-3 competition because of performance considerations.
> I find this disappointing. With the rate of destruction of primitives
> in any such competition I would've liked to see them let it stay
> until it is either broken or at least until the second round. A quick
> glance at the SHA-3 zoo and you won't see much left with no attacks.
> It would be different if it was yet another M-D, using AES as a
> foundation, blah, blah, blah, but MD6 is a truly unique and
> interesting design.
> I hope the report is wrong, and in keeping that hope alive, the MD6
> page has no statement about the withdrawl.

The report is quite correct.  Rivest sent a note to NIST's hash forum
mailing list (
announcing the withdrawal.  Since a password is necessary to access the
archives (anti-spam?), I don't want to post the whole note, but Rivest
said that they couldn't improve MD6's performance to meet NIST's
criteria (at least as fast as SHA-2); the designers of MD6 felt that
they could not manage that and still achieve provable resistance to
differential attacks, and they regard the latter as very important.
Here's the essential paragraph:

Thus, while MD6 appears to be a robust and secure cryptographic
hash algorithm, and has much merit for multi-core processors,
our inability to provide a proof of security for a
reduced-round (and possibly tweaked) version of MD6 against
differential attacks suggests that MD6 is not ready for
consideration for the next SHA-3 round.

--Steve Bellovin,

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visualizing modes of operation

2009-05-21 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

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80-bit security? (Was: Re: SHA-1 collisions now at 2^{52}?)

2009-05-07 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 17:44:53 -0700
Jon Callas  wrote:

> The accepted wisdom
> on 80-bit security (which includes SHA-1, 1024-bit RSA and DSA keys,
> and other things) is that it is to be retired by the end of 2010. 

That's an interesting statement from a historical perspective -- is it
true?  And what does that say about our ability to predict the future,
and hence to make reasonable decisions on key length?

See, for example, the 1996 report on key lengths, by Blaze, Diffie,
Rivest, Schneier, Shimomura, Thompson, and Wiener, available at -- was it right?

In 1993, Brickell, Denning, Kent, Maher, and Tuchman's interim report
on Skipjack (I don't believe there was ever a final report) stated that
Skipjack (an 80-bit cipher) was likely to be secure for 30-40 years.
Was it right?

The problem with SHA-1 is not its 80-bit security, but rather that it's
not that strong.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Legalities: NSA outsourcing spying on Americans?

2009-04-30 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
The assertion occasionally comes up that since the NSA cannot legally
eavesdrop on Americans, it outsources to the UK or one of the other
Echelon countries.  It turns out that that's forbidden, too -- see
Section 2.12 of Executive Order 12333

Now, I'm not saying that the government or the NSA always follows the
rules; I'm simply saying that that loophole is pretty obvious and is
(officially, at least) closed.

--Steve Bellovin,

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A reunion at Bletchley Park

2009-04-30 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

--Steve Bellovin,

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Some old works

2009-04-30 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
While poking around Google Books, I stumbled on the following two
references that might be of interest to this list.  The first is cited
by Kahn.

\emph{The Military Telegraph During the Civil War in the United States:
With an Exposition of Ancient and Modern Means of Communication,
and of the Federal and Confederate Cipher Systems ; Also a Running
Account of the War Between the States}
By William Rattle Plum
Published by Jansen, McClurg & Company, 1882

"Secret Writing"
The Century
Published by The Century Co., 1913,M1

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: Judge orders defendant to decrypt PGP-protected laptop

2009-03-04 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Tue, 03 Mar 2009 17:05:32 -0800
John Gilmore  wrote:

> > I would not read too much into this ruling -- I think that this is a
> > special situation, and does not address the more important general
> > issue.  
> > In other cases, where alternative evidence is not available to the
> > government, and where government agents have not already had a look
> > at the contents, the facts (and hence perhaps the ruling) would be
> > different.
> Balls.  This is a straight end-run attempt around the Fifth Amendment.
> The cops initially demanded a court order making him reveal his
> password -- then modified their stance on appeal after they lost.  So
> he can't be forced to reveal it, but "on a technicality" he can be
> forced to produce the same effect as revealing it?  Just how broad is
> this technicality, and how does it get to override a personal
> constitutional right?

Courts very rarely issue broader rulings than they absolutely have to.
*Given the facts of this particular case* -- where Federal agents have
already seen the putatively-illegal images -- it strikes me as unlikely
there will be definitive ruling in either direction.  

Let me refer folks to Orin Kerr's blog on the original ruling: .  I rarely agree with
Kerr; this time, after thinking about it a *lot*, I concluded he was
likely correct.  I suggest that people read his post (including all the
'click here to see more' links, which seem to require (alas)
Javascript) and the precedents cited.  It doesn't mean I agree with all
of those rulings (I don't), or that I think the courts should rule
against Boucher.  What I'm saying is that based on precedent and the
facts of this case, I think they will.

Here's a crucial factual excerpt from Kerr's blog:

The agent came across several files with truly revolting titles
that strongly suggested the files themselves were child
pornography. The files had been opened a few days earlier, but
the agent found that he could not open the file when he tried
to do so. Agents asked Boucher if there was child pornography
in the computer, and Boucher said he wasn't sure; he downloaded
a lot of pornography on to his computer, he said, but he
deleted child pornography when he came across it.

In response to the agents' request, Boucher waived his Miranda
rights and agreed to show the agents where the pornography on
the computer was stored. The agents gave the computer to
Boucher, who navigated through the machine to a part of the
hard drive named "drive Z." The agents then asked Boucher to
step aside and started to look through the computer themselves.
They came across several videos and pictures of child
pornography. Boucher was then arrested, and the agents powered
down the laptop.

Also note this text from the original ruling (at supporting Boucher:

Both parties agree that the contents of the laptop do
not enjoy Fifth Amendment protection as the contents
were voluntarily prepared and are not testimonial. See
id. at 409-10 (holding previously created work
documents not privileged under the Fifth Amendment).
Also, the government concedes that it cannot compel
Boucher to disclose the password to the grand jury
because the disclosure would be testimonial. The
question remains whether entry of the password, giving
the government access to drive Z, would be testimonial
and therefore privileged.

The legal issue is very narrow: is entering the password "testimonial",
and thus protected?  Again: "both parties agree that the contents of the
laptop do not enjoy Fifth Amendment protection as the contents were
voluntarily prepared and are not testimonial."

Beyond that, Boucher waived his Miranda rights in writing and showed the
agent the (I assume) relevant folders.  That, coupled with the
precedents from Fisher, Hubbell, etc., make it likely, in my
non-lawyerly opinion, that the government will prevail. *But* -- I
predict that the ruling will be narrow.  It will not (I suspect and
hope) result in a ruling that the government can always compel the
production of keys.

(Philosophical aside: I've never been happy with the way the Fifth
Amendment has been interpreted.  To me, it's about freedom of
conscience, rather than freedom from bringing punishment upon oneself.
The law supports that in other situations -- the spousal exemption, the
priest-penitent privilege, etc.  This is why grants of immunity and
especially use immunity have always troubled me.  I recognize, though,
that this is not the way the law works.)

So -- I suspect that Boucher is going to lose.  The real question is
whether the ruling will be narrow, based on these facts, or whether
some judge will issue a broad ruling on witholding keys.


Re: Judge orders defendant to decrypt PGP-protected laptop

2009-03-03 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Tue, 03 Mar 2009 13:53:50 -0500
"Perry E. Metzger"  wrote:

> Adam Fields  writes:
> >> Well, it should be clear that any such scheme necessarily will
> >> produce encrypted partitions with less storage capacity than one
> >> with only one set of cleartext. You can't magically store 2N bytes
> >> in an N byte drive -- something has to give. It should therefore
> >> be reasonably obvious from partition sizes that there is something
> >> hidden.
> >
> > I don't see how you could tell the difference between a virtual 40GB
> > encrypted padded partition and 2 virtual 20GB ones.
> The judge doesn't "need" to know the difference to beyond any
> doubt. If the judge thinks you're holding out, you go to jail for
> contempt.
> Geeks expect, far too frequently, that courts operate like Turing
> machines, literally interpreting the laws and accepting the slightest
> legal "hack" unconditionally without human consideration of the impact
> of the interpretation. This is not remotely the case.
> I'll repeat: the law is not like a computer program. Courts operate on
> reasonableness standards and such, not on literal interpretation of
> the law. If it is obvious to you and me that a disk has multiple
> encrypted views, then you can't expect that a court will not be able
> to understand this and take appropriate action, like putting you in a
> cage.
Indeed.  Let me point folks at
-- which was in fact written by a real lawyer, a former prosecutor who
is now a law professor.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: Judge orders defendant to decrypt PGP-protected laptop

2009-03-03 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Tue, 03 Mar 2009 12:26:32 -0500
"Perry E. Metzger"  wrote:

> Quoting:
>A federal judge has ordered a criminal defendant to decrypt his
>hard drive by typing in his PGP passphrase so prosecutors can view
>the unencrypted files, a ruling that raises serious concerns about
>self-incrimination in an electronic age.
I would not read too much into this ruling -- I think that this is a
special situation, and does not address the more important general
issue.  To me, this part is crucial:

Judge Sessions reached his conclusion by citing a Second
Circuit case, U.S. v. Fox, that said the act of producing
documents in response to a subpoena may communicate
incriminating facts in two ways: first, if the government
doesn't know where the incriminating files are, or second, if
turning them over would "implicitly authenticate" them.

Because the Justice Department believes it can link Boucher
with the files through another method, it's agreed not to
formally use the fact of his typing in the passphrase against
him. (The other method appears to be having the ICE agent
testify that certain images were on the laptop when viewed at
the border.)

Sessions wrote: "Boucher's act of producing an unencrypted
version of the Z drive likewise is not necessary to
authenticate it. He has already admitted to possession of the
computer, and provided the government with access to the Z
drive. The government has submitted that it can link Boucher
with the files on his computer without making use of his
production of an unencrypted version of the Z drive, and that
it will not use his act of production as evidence of

In other cases, where alternative evidence is not available to the
government, and where government agents have not already had a look at
the contents, the facts (and hence perhaps the ruling) would be

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: Solving password problems one at a time, Re: The password-reset paradox

2009-03-02 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Sat, 21 Feb 2009 11:33:32 -0800
Ed Gerck  wrote:

> I submit that the most important password problem is not that someone 
> may find it written somewhere. The most important password problem is 
> that people forget it. So, writing it down and taking the easy 
> precaution of not keeping next to the computer solves the most
> important problem with not even a comparably significant downside.

Up to a point.  The "most important password problem" is very much
context-dependent.  I'm not going to forget the unlock password to my
laptop, because I use it many times/day.  I regularly forget my login
password to the CS department's servers because I use it so rarely --
as best I can tell, I haven't used it in at least 15 months, because I
use public key authentication for most functions.  They've installed
some new service that will require it, though, so I suppose I need to
learn it.

However -- if you're talking about garden-variety web passwords, you're
probably correct.  

For your last sentence, see my next response...

> Having automatic, secure, and self-managed password recovery and
> password reset (in case the password cannot be recovered) apps are
> also part of this solution.

Define "automatic" and "secure".  "Self-managed" is context-dependent.
It's true for generic web authentication; it most certainly is not for
more serious ones.  The generic recovery/reset mechanisms have their
own security issues -- how secure is the back-up authentication
systems?  In most cases, the answer is "much less secure than the base
> I see the second most important problem in passwords to be that they 
> usually have low entropy -- ie, passwords are usually easily
> guessable or easy to find in a quick search.

So -- why does that matter?

We've become prisoners of dogma here.  In 1979, Bob Morris and Ken
Thompson showed that passwords were guessable.  In 1979, that was
really novel.  There was a lot of good work done in the next 15 years
on that problem -- Spaf's empirical observations, Klein's '90 paper on
improving password security, Lamport's algorithm that gave rise to
S/Key, my and Mike Merritt's EKE, many others.  Guess what -- we're not
living in that world now.  We have shadow password files on Unix
systems; we have Kerberos; we have SecurID; we have SSL which rules out
the network attacks and eavesdropping that EKE was intended to counter;
etc.  We also have web-based systems whose failure modes are not nearly
the same.  Why do we think that the solutions are the same?  There was
a marvelous paper at Hotsec '07 that I resent simply because the
authors got there before me; I had (somewhat after them) come to the
same conclusions: the defenses we've built up against password failure
since '79 don't the problems of today's world.  We have to recognize
the new problems before we can solve them.  (I *think* that the paper
is at
but I'm on an airplane now and can't check...

> The next two important problems in passwords are absence of mutual 
> authentication (anti-phishing)

Personally, I think this is the biggest problem when it comes to
phishing attacks.

> and absence of two-factor
> authentication.

What problem does two-factor solve?  I agree that it's helpful, but
until we know the threat we can't solve it.
> To solve these three problems, at the same time, we have been 
> experimenting since 2000 with a scheme where the Username/Password
> login is divided in two phases. In different applications in several
> countries over nine years, this has been tested with many hundreds of
> thousands of users and further improved. (you can also test it if you
> want). It has just recently been applied for TLS SMTP authentication
> where both the email address and the user's common name are also
> authenticated (as with X.509/PKI but without the certificates).
> This is how it works, both for the UI and the engine behind it.
> (UI in use since 2000, for web access control and authorization)
> After you enter a usercode in the first screen, you are presented
> with a second screen to enter your password. The usercode is a
> mnemonic 6-character code such as HB75RC (randomly generated, you
> receive from the server upon registration). Your password is freely
> choosen by you upon registration.That second screen also has
> something that you and the correct server know but that you did not
> disclose in the first screen -- we can use a simple three-letter
> combination ABC, for example. You use this to visually authenticate
> the server above the SSL layer. A rogue server would not know this
> combination, which allays spoofing considerations -- if you do not
> see the correct three-letter combination, do not enter your password.

As Peter Gutmann has pointed out, that has succeeded only because it
hasn't been seriously attacked.  Research results show that users are
very easily fooled by "changes" to the server

Re: Security through kittens, was Solving password problems

2009-02-25 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Wed, 25 Feb 2009 10:04:40 -0800
Ray Dillinger  wrote:

> On Wed, 2009-02-25 at 14:53 +, John Levine wrote:
> > You're right, but it's not obvious to me how a site can tell an evil
> > MITM proxy from a benign shared web cache.  The sequence of page
> > accesses would be pretty similar.
> There is no such thing as a "benign" web cache for secure pages.
> If you detect something doing caching of secure pages, you need 
> to shut them off just as much as you need to shut off any other 

It's not caching such pages; it is acting as a TCP relay for the
requests, without access to the keys.  These are utterly necessary for
some firewall architectures, for example, and generally do not represent
a security threat beyond traffic analysis.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: The password-reset paradox

2009-02-20 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Fri, 20 Feb 2009 02:36:17 +1300 (Peter Gutmann) wrote:

> There are a variety of password cost-estimation surveys floating
> around that put the cost of password resets at $100-200 per user per
> year, depending on which survey you use (Gartner says so, it must be
> true).
> You can get OTP tokens as little as $5.  Barely anyone uses them.
> Can anyone explain why, if the cost of password resets is so high,
> banks and the like don't want to spend $5 (plus one-off background
> infrastructure costs and whatnot) on a token like this?
Because then you need PIN resets, lost token handling, and "my token
doesn't work and I'm on a trip and my boss will kill me if I don't get
this done" resets.  I've personally had to deal with two of the three,
and it was just as insecure as password resets

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stripping https from pages

2009-02-20 Thread Steven M. Bellovin -- we've
talked about this attack for quite a while; someone has now implemented

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: Property RIghts in Keys

2009-02-14 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Sat, 14 Feb 2009 11:14:54 +
Nicholas Bohm  wrote:

> In responding to what Steven M. Bellovin wrote about GeoTrust, I
> mentioned the low UK copyright law requirement for creativity.
> As a postscript to that observation, I draw attention to s9(3) of the
> UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988:
> (3) In the case of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work
> which is computer-generated, the author shall be taken to be the
> person by whom the arrangements necessary for the creation of the
> work are undertaken.
> And s178 provides the definition:  "computer-generated", in relation
> to a work, means that the work is generated by computer in
> circumstances such that there is no human author of the work.
> These provisions seem to me to work quite aptly to encompass a
> key-pair.
As best I can tell, the creativity was by the person who wrote their
certificate software...  Besides -- is a certificate a "literary,
dramatic, musical or artistic work"?

In any event, British law doesn't apply; the CPS states that it is to
be interpreted under Virginia, US, law.

--Steve Bellovin,

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NSA offering 'billions' for Skype eavesdrop solution

2009-02-13 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Counter Terror Expo: News of a possible viable business model for P2P
VoIP network Skype emerged today, at the Counter Terror Expo in London.
An industry source disclosed that America's supersecret National
Security Agency (NSA) is offering "billions" to any firm which can
offer reliable eavesdropping on Skype IM and voice traffic.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Property RIghts in Keys

2009-02-12 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
I was reading a CPS from GeoTrust -- 91 pages of legalese! -- and came
across the following statement:

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, GeoTrust's
root public keys and the root Certificates containing them,
including all self-signed certificates, are the property of
GeoTrust.  GeoTrust licenses software and hardware
manufacturers to reproduce such root Certificates to place
copies in trustworthy hardware devices or software.

Under what legal theory might a certificate -- or a key! -- be
considered "property"?  There wouldn't seem to be enough creativity in
a certificate, let alone a key, to qualify for copyright protection.

I won't even comment on the rest of the CPS, not even such gems as
"Subscribers warrant that ... their private key is protected and that
no unauthorized person has ever had access to the Subscriber's private
key."  And just how can I tell that?

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: Proof of Work -> atmospheric carbon

2009-01-31 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Fri, 30 Jan 2009 11:40:12 -0700
Thomas Coppi  wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 2:19 PM, John Levine  wrote:
> > Indeed.  And don't forget that through the magic of botnets, the bad
> > guys have vastly more compute power available than the good guys.
>  Just out of curiosity, does anyone happen to know of any documented
> examples of a botnet being used for something more interesting than
> just sending spam or DDoS?

I asked Rob Thomas of Team Cymru this question (he and they study the
underground).  Here is his answer, posted with permission:

Botnets are routinely used as:

1. Proxies (IRC, HTTP & HTTPS)

2. To recover financial credentials, e.g. paypal, citibank, et al.
   This was the original purpose of the PSNIFF code in some of the early

Here's a code snippet from the now venerable
rBot_rxbot_041504-dcom-priv-OPTIX_MASTERPASSWORD dating back several

[ ... ]

// Scaled down distributed network raw packet sniffer (ala Carnivore)
// When activated, watches for botnet login strings, and
// reports them when found.
// The bots NIC must be configured for promiscuous mode (recieve
// all). Chances are this already done, if not, you can enable it
// by passing the SIO_RCVALL* DWORD option with a value of 1, to
// disable promiscuous mode pass with value 0.
// This won't work on Win9x bots since SIO_RCVALL needs raw
// socket support which only WinNT+ has.

[ ... ]

PSWORDS pswords[]={
[ ... ]

[ ... ]

3. Remember they're called "boats" now, so anything is possible.  Screen
captures are becoming increasingly popular.

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full-disk encryption standards released

2009-01-28 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

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Re: Obama's secure PDA

2009-01-27 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Mon, 26 Jan 2009 02:49:31 -0500
Ivan Krstić  wrote:

> Finally, any idea why the Sectéra is certified up to Top Secret for  
> voice but only up to Secret for e-mail? (That is, what are the  
> differing requirements?)
I actually explained (my take on) that question to my class last week.
Quite simply, voice offers one service -- voice.  Data offers many
services, and hence many venues for data-driven attacks: email (which
includes many MIME types) and probably clicking on URLs, web (which
includes HMTL, gif, jpeg, perhaps png, and almost certainly
Javascript), and perhaps data files including pdf, Word, Powerpoint,
and Excel.  Any one of those data formats is far more complex than even
compressed voice; the union of them makes me surprised it can handle
even Secret data... Note especially that HTML involves IFRAMEs and
third-party images, which means inherent cross-domain issues.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: MD5 considered harmful today, SHA-1 considered harmful tomorrow

2009-01-20 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Mon, 19 Jan 2009 10:45:55 +0100
Bodo Moeller  wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 5:24 PM, Steven M. Bellovin
>  wrote:
> > I've mentioned it before, but I'll point to the paper Eric Rescorla
> > wrote a few years ago:
> > or
> > .  The bottom
> > line: if you're running a public-facing web server, you *can't*
> > offer a SHA-2 certificate because you have no way of knowing if the
> > client supports SHA-2. Fixing that requires a TLS fix; see the
> > above timeline for that.
> The RFC does exit (TLS 1.2 in RFC 5246 from August 2008 makes SHA-256
> mandatory), so you can send a SHA-256 certificate to clients that
> indicate they support TLS 1.2 or later.  You'd still need some other
> certificate for interoperability with clients that don't support
> SHA-256, of course, and you'd be sending that one to clients that do
> support SHA-256 but not TLS 1.2.  (So you'd fall back to SHA-1, which
> is not really a problem when CAs make sure to use the hash algorithm
> in a way that doesn't rely on hash collisions being hard to find,
> which probably is a good idea for *any* hash algorithm.)
So -- who supports TLS 1.2?  (Btw -- note the date of that RFC: August
2008.  That's almost exactly 3 years after ekr and I published our
paper.  Since ekr is co-chair of the TLS working group, we can assume
that that group was aware of the problem.  See what Peter and I said
about how long it takes to get any changes deployed.)

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Re: MD5 considered harmful today, SHA-1 considered harmful tomorrow

2009-01-17 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 16:05:08 +1300 (Peter Gutmann) wrote:

> "Weger, B.M.M. de"  writes:
> >> Bottom line, anyone fielding a SHA-2 cert today is not going=20
> >> to be happy with their costly pile of bits.
> >
> >Will this situation have changed by the end of 2010 (that's next
> >year, by the way), when everybody who takes NIST seriously will have
> >to switch to SHA-2?
> I have a general outline of a timeline for adoption of new crypto
> mechanisms (e.g. OAEP, PSS, that sort of thing, and not specifically
> algorithms) in my Crypto Gardening Guide and Planting Tips,
>, see
> "Question J" about 2/3 of the way down.  It's not meant to be
> definitively accurate for all cases but was created as a rough
> guideline for people proposing to introduce new crypto mechanisms to
> give an idea of how long they should expect to wait to see them
> adopted.
My analysis is similar to Peter's: 2-3 years for an RFC, 2-3 years for
design/code/test, 2 years average delay for the next major release of
Windows which will include it, 5 years for most of the older machines to
die off.  

I've mentioned it before, but I'll point to the paper Eric Rescorla
wrote a few years ago: or .  The bottom line:
if you're running a public-facing web server, you *can't* offer a SHA-2
certificate because you have no way of knowing if the client supports
SHA-2. Fixing that requires a TLS fix; see the above timeline for that.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: feds try to argue touch tone content needs no wiretap order

2009-01-11 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Fri, 09 Jan 2009 20:12:16 -0500
"Perry E. Metzger"  wrote:

> Just about everyone knows that the FBI must obtain a formal
> wiretap order from a judge to listen in on your phone calls
> legally. But the U.S. Department of Justice believes that police
> don't need one if they want to eavesdrop on what touch tones you
> press during the call.
> Those touch tones can be innocuous ("press 0 for an operator"). Or
> they can include personal information including bank account
> numbers, passwords, prescription identification numbers, Social
> Security numbers, credit card numbers, and so on--all of which
> most of us would reasonably view as private and confidential.
> That brings us to New York state, where federal prosecutors have
> been arguing that no wiretap order is necessary. They insist that
> touch tones cannot be "content," a term of art that triggers legal
> protections under the Fourth Amendment.
It's very much worth reading the whole article; the author, Declan
McCullagh, does a good job with the historical background.  I'll add
one more historical tidbit: in the late 1980s, New York courts outlawed
pen register taps, because the same equipment was used to detect touch
tones as was used to record full content, and thus there was no
protection against law enforcement agents exceeding the court's

If I may wax US-legal for a moment...  According to a (U.S.) Supreme
Court decision (Katz v U.S. 389 US 347 (1967)), phone call content is
private, which therefore brings into play the full protection of the
Fourth Amendment -- judges, warrants, probable cause, etc.  However,
under a later ruling (Smith v Maryland 442 US 735 (1979)), the numbers
you call are information that is "given" to the phone company, and
hence is no longer private.  Accordingly, the Fourth Amendment does not
apply, and a much easier-to-get court order is all that's needed,
according to statute.  (I personally regard the reasoning in Smith as
convoluted and tortuous, but there have been several other, similar
rulings: data you voluntarily give to another party is no longer
considered private, so the Fourth Amendment doesn't apply.)

The legitimate (under current law) problem that law enforcement would
like to solve involves things like prepaid calling cards.  Suppose I
use one to call a terrorist friend, via some telco.  The number of the
calling card provider is available to law enforcement, under a pen
register order, per Smith and 18 USC 3121, the relevant legislation.
The telco will help law enforcement get that number.  I next dial my
account number; this is in effect a "conversation" between me and the
calling card provider.  Getting that number requires yet a different
kind of court order, I believe, but I'll skip that one for now.  I next
dial the number of my terrorist friend.  That's the number they now
want -- and per Smith, they're entitled to it, since it's a dialed
number via a telecommunications provider.  There is no doubt they could
go to that provider and ask for such a number.  However, they want to
ask the telco for it -- but the telco doesn't know what is a phone
number, what is an account number, what is a password for an online
bank account, and what is a password for an adult conference bridge.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: very high speed hardware RNG

2008-12-30 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 23:49:06 -0500
Jack Lloyd  wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 08:12:09PM -0500, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> > 
> > Semiconductor laser based RNG with rates in the gigabits per second.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > My take: neat, but not as important as simply including a decent
> > hardware RNG (even a slow one) in all PC chipsets would be.

Of course, every time a manufacturer has tried it, assorted people
(including many on this list) complain that it's been sabotaged by the
NSA or by alien space bats or some such.
> I've been thinking that much better than a chipset addition (which is
> only accessible by the OS kernel in most environments) would be a
> simple ring-3 (or equivalent) accessible instruction that writes 32 or
> 64 bits of randomness from a per-core hardware RNG, something like
> ; write 32 bits of entropy from the hardware RNG to eax register
> rdrandom %eax
> Which would allow user applications to access a good hardware RNG
> directly, in addition to allowing the OS to read bits to seed the
> system PRNG (/dev/random, CryptoGenRandom, or similar)

It's not obvious to me that you're right.  In particular, we need to
consider how such an instruction would interact with a virtual machine
hypervisor.  Is it a bug or a feature that the hypervisor can't
intercept the request?  Remember that reproducibility is often a virtue.
> I think the JVM in particular could benefit from such an extension, as
> the abstractions it puts into place otherwise prevent most of the
> methods one might use to gather high-quality entropy for a PRNG seed.
The JVM could just as easily open /dev/urandom today.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Fw: [saag] Further MD5 breaks: Creating a rogue CA certificate

2008-12-30 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 11:05:28 -0500
From: Russ Housley 
Subject: [saag] Further MD5 breaks: Creating a rogue CA certificate

MD5 considered harmful today
Creating a rogue CA certificate

December 30, 2008

Alexander Sotirov, Marc Stevens,
Jacob Appelbaum, Arjen Lenstra, David Molnar, Dag Arne Osvik, Benne de

We have identified a vulnerability in the Internet Public Key 
Infrastructure (PKI) used to issue digital certificates for secure 
websites. As a proof of concept we executed a practical attack 
scenario and successfully created a rogue Certification Authority 
(CA) certificate trusted by all common web browsers. This certificate 
allows us to impersonate any website on the Internet, including 
banking and e-commerce sites secured using the HTTPS protocol.

Our attack takes advantage of a weakness in the MD5 cryptographic 
hash function that allows the construction of different messages with 
the same MD5 hash. This is known as an MD5 "collision". Previous work 
on MD5 collisions between 2004 and 2007 showed that the use of this 
hash function in digital signatures can lead to theoretical attack 
scenarios. Our current work proves that at least one attack scenario 
can be exploited in practice, thus exposing the security 
infrastructure of the web to realistic threats.

saag mailing list

--Steve Bellovin,

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FBI "code"-cracking contest

2008-12-30 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: two bits of light holiday reading

2008-12-27 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Fri, 26 Dec 2008 01:35:43 -0500
Ivan Krsti__  wrote:

> 2.
> The DC-based Center for Strategic and International Studies recently  
> released a report titled 'Securing Cyberspace for the 44th
> Presidency' written by a number of influential authors:
> Of most interest to this list, the report suggests going on the  
> offensive with regard to identity management, proposing to restrict  
> bonuses and awards of US federal agencies not using strong digital  
> credentials for employees in sufficient numbers (logical pp. 61-65).  
> Maybe, uh, it'll work this time around?

I disagree with a number of recommendations in that report; some of the
ones about identity management are high on my list.  See for my

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: CPRNGs are still an issue.

2008-12-17 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Wed, 17 Dec 2008 13:02:58 -0500
Jerry Leichter  wrote:

> On Dec 16, 2008, at 4:22 PM, Charles Jackson wrote:
> > I probably should not be commenting, not being a real device guy.   
> > But,
> > variations in temperature and time could be expected to change SSD  
> > timing.
> > Temperature changes will probably change the power supply voltages  
> > and shift
> > some of the thresholds in the devices.  Oscillators will drift
> > with changes
> > in temperature and voltage.  Battery voltages tend to go down over  
> > time and
> > up with temperature.  In addition, in some systems the clock  
> > frequency is
> > purposely swept over something like a 0.1% range in order to
> > smooth out the
> > RF emissions from the device.  (This can give a 20 or 30 dB  
> > reduction in
> > peak emissions at a given frequency.  There is, of course, no
> > change in
> > total emissions.)
> >
> > Combine all of these factors, and one can envision the SSD cycles  
> > taking
> > varying numbers of system clock ticks and consequently the low
> > order bits of
> > a counter driven by a system clock would be "random."  However,
> > one would
> > have to test this kind of entropy source carefully and would have
> > to keep
> > track of any changes in the manufacturing processes for both the
> > SSD and the
> > processor chip.
> >
> > Is there anyone out there who knows about device timing that can
> > say more?
> I'm not a device guy either, but I've had reason to learn a bit more  
> about SSD's than is widely understood.
> SSD's are complicated devices.  Deep down, the characteristics of
> the underlying storage are very, very different from those of a
> disk. Layers of sophisticated hardware/firmware intervene to make a
> solid- state memory look like a disk.  To take a very simple
> example:  The smallest unit you can read from/write to solid state
> memory is several times the size of a disk block.  So to allow
> software to continue to read and write individual "disk blocks", you
> have to do a layer of buffering and blocking/deblocking.  A much more
> obscure one is that the throughput of the memory is maximum when you
> are doing either all reads or all writes; anywhere in between slows
> it down.  So higher- performance SSD's play games with what is
> essentially double buffering:  Do all reads against a segment of
> memory, while sending writes to a separate copy as well as a
> look-aside buffer to satisfy reads to data that was recently
> written.  Switch the roles of the two segments "at some point".
But what is the *physical basis* for the randomness? (full text
at explains why hard drive
timings are considered random; are their comparable phenomena for SSDs?
(Of course -- that's a '94 paper; hard drive technology has changed a
lot.  Would they still get the same results?)

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: CPRNGs are still an issue.

2008-12-15 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Sun, 14 Dec 2008 15:40:10 -0800
Bill Frantz  wrote:

> Short of building special random number generation hardware, does
> anyone have any suggestions for additional sources?
In my copious spare time, I've entertained thoughts of writing a FIPS
181 pronounceable password generator for the iPhone, using the
accelerometer for randomness.  The thought of shaking my phone to
produce a password amuses me...

--Steve Bellovin,

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HavenCo and Sealand

2008-11-26 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Slightly off-topic, but a cause celebre on cypherpunks some years ago
-- but HavenCo, which ran a datacenter on the "nation" of Sealand, is
no longer operating there: (pointer via Spaf's

--Steve Bellovin,

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Comment Period for FIPS 186-3: Digital Signature Standard

2008-11-12 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
From: Sara Caswell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Comment Period for FIPS 186-3: Digital Signature Standard
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 14:52:17 -0500
User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080421)

As stated in the Federal Register of November 12, 2008, NIST requests
final comments on FIPS 186-3, the proposed revision of FIPS 186-2, the
Digital Signature Standard. The draft defines methods for digital
signature generation that can be used for the protection of messages,
and for the verification and validation of those digital signatures
using DSA, RSA and ECDSA.

Please submit comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "Comments on Draft
186-3" in the subject line. The comment period closes on December 12,

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NIST Special Publication 800-108 Recommendation for Key Derivation Using Pseudorandom Functions

2008-11-08 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
From: Sara Caswell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: NIST Special Publication 800-108 Recommendation for Key
   Derivation Using Pseudorandom Functions
Date: Fri, 07 Nov 2008 08:57:40-0500

 Dear Colleagues:
NIST Special Publication 800-108 Recommendation for Key Derivation
 Using Pseudorandom Functions is published at

Thank you very much for your valuable comments during public comments

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Fw: SHA-3 lounge

2008-11-01 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 16:38:29 -0400
From: "Jean-Philippe Aumasson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SHA-3 lounge


This is to announce the creation of a "SHA-3 lounge", at


--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: Who cares about side-channel attacks?

2008-10-30 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Wed, 29 Oct 2008 23:41:40 -0500
Thierry Moreau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does SCA protection enter the picture? Marginally at best.
You're forgetting the first questions you need to ask: who are your
enemies, what are you trying to protect, and what can you enemy spend?
And regardless of the answer to the last part, it's safe to assume that
your enemy would prefer to spend as little as possible.  Note that
"spend" includes not just dollars, euros, zorkmids, or linden dollars,
but also reputation if discovered, attack techniques you may or may not
want to reveal, etc.  

So -- why do a side-channel attack involving, say, a million SSL
messages (see, when
that's the sort of thing that will show up in a log file, when you can
send a simple RPC query
( to
learn a private key?

But -- if you're a transit getting ready to deploy fare cards that
depend on a chip being secure, you'd better be very careful about side
channels, because those attacks can be tried offline.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Cryptologic History Symposium: Call for Papers

2008-10-27 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Forwarded with permission.

From: "Sieg, Kent G" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Symposium Call for Papers
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 10:23:50 -0400

Just sending notice of our upcoming Symposium, especially if you can
present or know of a colleague who would like to do so.  Dr. Kent Sieg  

The Center for Cryptologic History announces a call for papers for its
biennial Symposium on Cryptologic History.  The Symposium will occur on
15-16 October 2009 in Laurel, Maryland, at the Johns-Hopkins Applied
Physics Laboratory located in the Baltimore-Washington corridor.  The
theme for the Symposium will be "Global Perspectives on Cryptologic
History".  We will consider all proposals relating to any aspect of
cryptologic history.  The deadline for submission of proposals, to
include a minimum two-page topic prospectus, a brief source list, and a
biography, is 10 January 2009.  Selected presenters will received
notification by 1 March 2009.  For further information, contact Dr.
Kent Sieg, Symposium coordinator, at 301-688-2336 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--Steve Bellovin,

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Rubber-hose cryptanalysis?

2008-10-27 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

--Steve Bellovin,

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Using GPUs to crack crypto

2008-10-24 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Elcomsoft has a product that uses GPUs to do password-cracking on a
variety of media.  They claim a speed-up of up to 67x, depending on the
application being attacked.

(This has led to a variety of stories (see, for example,
claiming that WPA is dead. The correct answer, though, is that
passwords are dead, especially bad ones.)

--Steve Bellovin,

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"unbreakable" quantum crypto cracked by a laser

2008-10-24 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

Not surprisingly, it's attacking the implementation, not the physics --
but of course we use implementations to communicate, rather than

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: Fake popup study

2008-09-24 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Wed, 24 Sep 2008 20:43:53 -0400
"Perry E. Metzger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Steven M. Bellovin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> Human factors haven't received nearly enough attention, and as
> >> long as human factors failings are dismissed as the fault of
> >> "idiot users", they never will.
> >> 
> > Strong agreement.
> I don't disagree that much more needs to be done on human factors. I
> just don't see it as a panacea. 

There are no panaceas in this business.  As I told my class yesterday,
if they learn nothing else they should remember that security is a
systems property, and everything interacts.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: Fake popup study

2008-09-24 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Wed, 24 Sep 2008 18:52:24 -0400
Jim Youll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sep 24, 2008, at 6:39 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> >
> > The whole point of the study (which you feel had an "inappropriate
> > tone") and of such gedankenexperiments is to understand the problem
> > space better.
> Clarification: not the study.
> I believe the article had an inappropriate tone. Calling victims of
> inadequate user interfaces "idiots" is inappropriate and spits in the
> face of the evidence.
> It's still a fact that when a majority of a population of operators
> of any
> equipment is experiencing poor outcomes just using it as normal
> people do, then there is a screaming need to fix that equipment.
Yes.  Don Norman said it quite eloquently at -- "If we assume that
the people who use technology are stupid ("Bubbas") then we will
continue to design poorly conceived equipment, procedures, and
software, thus leading to more and more accidents, all of which can be
blamed upon the hapless users rather than the root cause --
ill-conceived software, ill-conceived procedural requirements,
ill-conceived business practices, and ill-conceived design in general." 
> Human factors haven't received nearly enough attention, and as long as
> human factors failings are dismissed as the fault of "idiot users",
> they never will.
Strong agreement.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: once more, with feeling.

2008-09-21 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 17:18:00 +1200
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Gutmann) wrote:

> - Use TLS-PSK, which performs mutual auth of client and server
> without ever communicating the password.  This vastly complicated
> phishing since the phisher has to prove advance knowledge of your
> credentials in order to obtain your credentials (there are a pile of
> nitpicks that people will come up with for this, I can send you a
> link to a longer writeup that addresses them if you insist, I just
> don't want to type in pages of stuff here).
Once upon a time, this would have been possible, I think.  Today,
though, the problem is the user entering their key in a box that is (a)
not remotely forgeable by a web site that isn't using the browser's
TLS-PSK mechanism; and (b) will *always* be recognized by users, even
dumb ones.  Today, sites want *pretty* login screens, with *friendly*
ways to recover your (or Palin's) password, and not just generic grey
boxes.  Then imagine the phishing page that displays an artistic but
purely imaginary "login" screen, with a message about "NEW!  Better
naviation on our login page!"

If this had been done in the beginning, before users -- and web site
designers, and browser vendors -- were mistrained, it might have
worked.  Now, though?  I'm skeptical.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Origin of the nomenclature "red-black"?

2008-08-30 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Does anyone know where and when the use of "red" (inside networks) and
"black" (outside, encrypted networks for crypto gear) started?  I'm
especially intrigued by the use of "red", since in other military
nomenclature (in the US) blue is the usual color for US and friendly
forces and red is (for obvious geopolitical reasons) the enemy.

One hypothesis I've come up with is that the color was chosen by the
British from the so-called "all-red route" -- the web of underseas
telegraph links that touched only Britain and its colonies.  It was
named for the usual map color of the time (~100 years ago) for the
British empire.  The all-red route gave the British protection against
(some) foreign eavesdropping; it was also useful offensively, since the
1920 Official Secrets Act contained a provision requiring cable
companies to turn over copies of all telegrams to the government.
(Source: "The Invisible Weapon: Telecommunications and International
Politics, 1851-1945", by Daniel R. Headrick, Oxford University Press,

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: road toll transponder hacked

2008-08-28 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Thu, 28 Aug 2008 17:55:57 +0200
Stefan Kelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >> is in operation in entire
> >> Germany. It does OCR on all license plates (also used for police
> >> purposes in realtime, despite initial vigorous denial) but
> >> currently is only used for truck toll.
> >>
> > How well does that actually work?  There were many articles in RISKS
> > Digest about problems with the early deployment.
> That's true wrt to early deployment. Given that the Toll Collect
> system has been up and running since January 2005 it (technically)
> runs surprisingly well. They have improved tremendously and are
> likely to sell their technology to other european countries.
I confess that from a privacy perspective, I'd prefer if it didn't work
that well...


--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: road toll transponder hacked

2008-08-28 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Thu, 28 Aug 2008 10:49:20 +0200
Eugen Leitl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 12:16:23PM -0400, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> > Finally, the transponders may not matter much longer; OCR on license
> > plates is getting that good.  As has already been mentioned, the 407
> > ETR road in Toronto already relies on this to some extent; it won't
> > be too much longer before the human assist is all but unneeded.
> is in operation in entire
> Germany. It does OCR on all license plates (also used for police
> purposes in realtime, despite initial vigorous denial) but currently 
> is only used for truck toll.
How well does that actually work?  There were many articles in RISKS
Digest about problems with the early deployment.

And -- turning the topic back to crypto -- is there a cryptographic
solution to license plates?  Put another way, what are the legitimate
needs of various parties, and can these be satisfied in a
privacy-preserving way?  (Note: I do not regard "put a digital cash
wallet in the transponder" as a solution to the license plate problem,
since it doesn't handle the problem of toll evaders, people who aren't
members of the system, and many other things that license plates are
used for.)

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: Decimal encryption

2008-08-27 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Wed, 27 Aug 2008 09:34:15 -0700
Greg Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, you don't have a 133-bit block cipher lying around? No worries,
> I'll sell you one ;-). 

Also see Debra Cook's PhD dissertation on Elastic Block Ciphers at

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: road toll transponder hacked

2008-08-27 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Wed, 27 Aug 2008 07:10:51 -0400

> Bill Frantz writes, in part:
> -+--
>  | In the San Francisco Bay Area, they are using the transponder codes
>  | to measure how fast traffic is moving from place to place. They
>  | post the times to various destinations on the electric signs when
>  | there are no Amber alerts or other more important things to
>  | display. It is quite convenient, and they promise they don't use it
>  | to track people's trips.
>  |
> Look for general tracking to appear everywhere.
> Fast declining gasoline tax revenues will be
> replaced with per-mile usage fees, i.e., every
> major road becomes a toll road.  Most likely
> first in will be California and/or Oregon.
> The relationship to this list may then be thin
> excepting that the collection and handling of
> such data remains of substantial interest.  Of
> course, everyone who carries a cell phone has
> already decided that convenience trumps security,
> at least the kind of security that says "they
> can't misuse what they ain't got."
There's a limit to how far they can go with that, because of the fear
of people abandoning the transponders.  For example -- they absolutely
will not use it for automated speeding tickets on, say, the NJ
Turnpike, because if they did people would stop using their EZPasses.
Given what a high percentage of drivers use them, especially at rush
hour, they make a significant improvement in throughput and safety at
toll plazas.  On congested roads, throughput is *extremely* important.

As for usage-based driving -- the first question is the political will
to do so.  In NYC, there's been tremendous resistance to things like
tolls over the East River bridges or congestion charges for driving
into much of Manhattan during the business day -- the Mayor tried very
hard, but was unable to push it through the state legislature.  That
said, I've seen some papers on how use of these transponders has
desensitized people towards the actual tolls they pay, and hence to
toll increases.

Finally, the transponders may not matter much longer; OCR on license
plates is getting that good.  As has already been mentioned, the 407
ETR road in Toronto already relies on this to some extent; it won't be
too much longer before the human assist is all but unneeded.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Decimal encryption

2008-08-27 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Wed, 27 Aug 2008 17:05:44 +0200
Philipp G__hring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am searching for symmetric encryption algorithms for decimal
> strings.
> Let's say we have various 40-digit decimal numbers:
> 2349823966232362361233845734628834823823
> 3250920019325023523623692235235728239462
> 0198230198519248209721383748374928601923
> As far as I calculated, a decimal has the equivalent of about 3,3219
> bits, so with 40 digits, we have about 132,877 bits.
> Now I would like to encrypt those numbers in a way that the result is
> a decimal number again (that's one of the basic rules of symmetric
> encryption algorithms as far as I remember).
> Since the 132,877 bits is similar to 128 bit encryption (like eg.
> AES), I would like to use an algorithm with a somewhat comparable
> strength to AES. But the problem is that I have 132,877 bits, not 128
> bits. And I can't cut it off or enhance it, since the result has to
> be a 40 digit decimal number again.
> Does anyone know a an algorithm that has reasonable strength and is
> able to operate on non-binary data? Preferrably on any chosen
> number-base?
Do you want a stream cipher or a block cipher?  For the former, it's
easy.  Use something like rc4, which produces a sequence of keystream
bytes.  Retrieve the low-order N bits from each key stream byte, where N
is large enough for the base you're using.  If the value is greater
than or equal to the base you're using, discard that byte and try
again.  For your example, you'd use the low-order 4 bits, but discard
any bytes whose value is >= 10.  Add this value, discarding the carry,
to the digit to be encrypted.

You're running RC4 at 5/8 efficiency; unless you have a *lot* of data,
that almost certainly doesn't matter.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: "Cube" cryptanalysis?

2008-08-19 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Greg, assorted folks noted, way back when, that Skipjack looked a lot
like a stream cipher.  Might it be vulnerable?

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Fw: NIST Documents Available for Review

2008-08-18 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 10:56:16 -0400
From: Sara Caswell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: NIST Documents Available for Review

NIST revised the first drafts of Special Publication(SP) 800-106,
Randomized Hashing for Digital Signatures, and SP 800-107,
Recommendation for Applications Using Approved Hash Algorithms after
receiving great comments from many public and private individuals and
organizations. The second drafts of these two SPs have been posted at The deadlines for
public comments and the point-of-contact are listed with the documents. 

NIST also would like to announce that FIPS 198-1 has already been
approved and it is posted at

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Judge approves TRO to stop DEFCON presentation

2008-08-10 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Sat, 09 Aug 2008 19:38:45 -0400
Ivan Krsti__ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 09 Aug 2008 17:11:11 -0400, "Perry E. Metzger"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Las Vegas - Three students at the Massachusetts Institute of
> > Technology (MIT) were ordered this morning by a federal court
> > judge to cancel their scheduled presentation about
> > vulnerabilities in Boston's transit fare payment system, violating
> > their First Amendment right to discuss their important research.
And the vulnerability assessment they prepared -- filed by the MBTA in
court, and hence a matter of public record -- is at

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Fw: FIPS 198-1 announcement

2008-07-30 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 12:36:36 -0400
From: Sara Caswell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: FIPS 198-1 announcement

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is pleased to 
announce approval of Federal Information Processing Standard(FIPS) 
Publication 198-1, The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC), a 
revision of FIPS 198. The Federal Register Notice (FRN) of the approval 
is available here. The FIPS specifies a mechanism for message 
authentication using cryptographic hash functions in Federal
information systems.

URL to the Federal Register Notice:

URL to the FIPS Publication 198-1:


--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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"The American Black Chamber"

2008-07-29 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
I was in my local Large Chain Bookstore last night, glancing at the
history and military history sections.  I was rather surprised to see
Yardley's "The American Black Chamber" for sale -- it's a facsimile
edition published by the Naval Institute Press.  It would have been
nice if they'd added a modern preface or afterword; even without that,
it's a good volume to have around.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: how to check if your ISP's DNS servers are safe

2008-07-23 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Tue, 22 Jul 2008 10:21:14 -0400
"Perry E. Metzger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Niels Provos has a web page up with some javascript that automatically
> checks if your DNS caching server has been properly patched or not.
> It is worth telling people to try.
Those who prefer command lines can try 

dig +short TXT

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Kaminsky finds DNS exploit

2008-07-14 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Mon, 14 Jul 2008 16:27:58 +0200
Florian Weimer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On top of that, some operators decided not to offer TCP service at
> all.

Right.  There's a common misconception, on both security and network
operator mailing lists, that DNS servers use TCP only for zone
transfers, and that all such connection requests should be blocked.
See, for example, the NANOG thread starting at

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Kaminsky finds DNS exploit

2008-07-09 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Wed, 09 Jul 2008 11:22:58 +0530
Udhay Shankar N <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think Dan Kaminsky is on this list. Any other tidbits you can add 
> prior to Black Hat?
> Udhay
I'm curious about the details of the attack.  Paul Vixie published the
basic idea in 1995 at Usenix Security
-- in a section titled "What We Cannot Fix", he wrote:

With only 16 bits worth of query ID and 16 bits worth of UDP port
number, it's hard not to be predictable.  A determined attacker
can try all the numbers in a very short time and can use patterns
derived from examination of the freely available BIND code.  Even
if we had a white noise generator to help randomize our numbers,
it's just too easy to try them all.

Obligatory crypto: the ISC web page on the attack notes "DNSSEC is the
only definitive solution for this issue. Understanding that immediate
DNSSEC deployment is not a realistic expectation..."

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Upper limit?

2008-07-05 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Fri, 04 Jul 2008 20:46:13 -0700
Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there an upper limit on the number of RSA Public/Private 1024 bit 
> key pairs possible? If so what is the relationship of the number of 
> 1024 bit to the number of 2048 and 4096 bit key pairs?
There are limits, but they're not particularly important.

I'll oversimplify.  Roughly speaking, a 1024-bit RSA public key is the
product of two 512-bit primes.  According to the Prime Number Theorem,
the number of primes < n is approximately n/log(n).  Actually, what we
need is the number of primes >2^511 and <2^512, but that correction
doesn't make much differences -- work through the math yourself to see
that.  Call the number of such primes P.

Now, we need two such primes.  There are therefore P^2 pairs, more than
2^1000.  The numbers are very much larger for 2048- and 4096-bit keys,
but I'll leave those as an exercise for the reader.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Strength in Complexity?

2008-07-01 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Tue, 01 Jul 2008 12:12:26 -0700
Arshad Noor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The author of an article that appeared in InformationWeek this week
> (June 30, 2008) on Enterprise Key Management Infrastructure (EKMI):
> states the following:
> "There are, of course, obstacles that must still be overcome by EKMI 
> proponents. For example, the proposed components are somewhat simple
> by design, which concerns some encryption purists who prefer more
> complex protocols, on the logic that they're more difficult to break
> into."
> In light of the recent discussions about experts in cryptography,
> I thought I'd ask this forum to comment on the above author's
> statement: is this true?
> Do cryptography experts deliberately choose complexity over simplicity
> when the latter might provide the same strength of protection?  Since
> I do not consider myself a cryptography expert, and have instinctively
> preferred simpler - but strong - technical solutions, have my
> instincts been wrong all along?  TIA.
No, no one competent would deliberately opt for complexity.  However,
there's a quote I've seen attributed to Einstein to remember:
"Everything should be as simple as possible, but no simpler."
Sometimes, extra complexity is due to the need to deflect certain
attacks, such as replays and cut-and-paste.  It's quite possible that
the original, simpler design isn't resistant to some threats, either
because the designers weren't aware of them or because they felt that
they weren't credible in their environment.  Without more details than
are in the article (and I don't have the time or energy to read through
those documents), it's hard to say.  I did see one possible red flag in
the article: "the key server verifies the client request, then
encrypts, digitally signs, and escrows the key in a database".
Escrowed keys are potentially *very* dangerous, but without knowing
just what's being stored and how it's being protected, I can't say more.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Mystery on Fifth Avenue

2008-06-13 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Off-topic, but (a) some crypto stuff, and (b) I think this group will
appreciate it:

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: A call for aid in cracking a 1024-bit malware key

2008-06-11 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 15:58:26 -0400
"Jeffrey I. Schiller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> I bet the malware authors can change keys faster then we can factor
> them...
To put it mildly.  They can can even set up sophisticated structures to
have lots of keys.

Let's put it like this: suppose you wanted to use all of your
cryptographic skills to do such a thing.  Do you think it could be
cracked?  I don't...

Btw -- see for more details.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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A call for aid in cracking a 1024-bit malware key

2008-06-09 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
According to
some new malware is encrypting files with a 1024-bit RSA key.  Victims
are "asked" to pay a random to get their files decrypted.  So -- can
the key be factored?

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Protection mail at rest

2008-06-01 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Fri, 30 May 2008 15:04:34 -0400 (EDT)
"Leichter, Jerry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At one time, mail delivery was done to the end-user's system, and all
> mail was stored there.  These days, most people find it convenient to
> leave their mail on a IMAP server:  It can be accessed from anywhere,
> it can be on a system kept under controlled conditions (unlike a
> laptop), and so on.  In fact, most people these days - even the
> technically savvy - not only leave their mail on an IMAP server,
> but let some provider deal with the headaches of maintaining that
> server.
> So, most people's mail spends most of its life sitting on a disk
> owned, managed, and controlled by some third party, whose
> responsibilities, not to mention abilities, for keeping that stuff
> secure are unclear to say the least.  On top of that, the legal
> protections for data held by a third party are limited.
> We have mechanisms for providing end-to-end encryption of messages.
> Messages sent using, say, S/MIME are encrypted on the IMAP server
> just as they are out on the net.  But this only helps for mail
> exchanged between correspondents who both choose to use it.
> Suppose I ask for a simpler thing:  That my mail, as stored in my
> IMAP server, spends "most of its life" encrypted, inaccessible even
> to whoever has access to the physical media on which the server
> stores its mail.
> Now, this is a funny goal.  If mail arrives unencrypted, anyone with
> access to the data stream can copy it and do what they like.  It will
> inevitably be buffered, even likely stored on a disk, in the raw,
> unencrypted form.  We explicitly leave dealing with this out of the
> equation - only end-to-end encryption can deal with it.
> Here are two ways of implementation something in this direction:
>   1.  Client only.  The client, whenever it sees a new message,
>   (a) downloads it; (b) encrypts it using a secret key;
>   (c) stores the encrypted version back on the server;
>   (d) deletes the unencrypted version.  The client can
>   put the encrypted messages in a different folder, or
>   it can mark them with a header line.
>   2.  Server-assisted.  The client gives the server its public
>   key.  When a message arrives at the server, the
>   server (a) generates a "session" key; (b) encrypts
>   the message using the session key; (c) encrypts
>   the session key with the client's public key;
>   (d) adds a header containing the encrypted session
>   key to the encrypted message; (e) stores the
>   encrypted message.  The necessary work for
>   the client is obvious.
> In each case, one would probably chose some headers to encrypt
> separately - e.g., the subject - so that one could more easily pull
> them out without decrypting the whole message.
> Obviously, approach 2 greatly decreases the time that messages may
> hang around unencrypted; but approach 1 can be implemented without
> any cooperation from the IMAP provider, which allows it to be rolled
> out even for those who use the large providers without having Google
> and Hotmail and Yahoo! buy into it.
There's an option 2b that might be even more practical: an S/MIME or
PGP/MIME forwarder.  That is, have a trusted party receive your mail,
but rather than forwarding it intact encrypt it and then forward it to
your favorite IMAP provider.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: The perils of security tools

2008-05-25 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Sat, 24 May 2008 20:29:51 +0100
Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Of course, we have now persuaded even the most stubborn OS that 
> randomness matters, and most of them make it available, so perhaps
> this concern is moot.
> Though I would be interested to know how well they do it! I did have 
> some input into the design for FreeBSD's, so I know it isn't
> completely awful, but how do other OSes stack up?
I believe that all open source Unix-like systems have /dev/random
and /dev/urandom; Solaris does as well.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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blacklisting the bad ssh keys?

2008-05-22 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Given the published list of bad ssh keys due to the Debian mistake (see, should sshd be
updated to contain a blacklist of those keys?  I suspect that a Bloom
filter would be quite compact and efficient.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Tue, 13 May 2008 23:27:52 +0100
Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >>> Ben: I haven't looked at the actual code in question -- are you
> >>> saying that the *only* way to add more entropy is via this pool of
> >>> uninitialized memory?
> >> No. That would be fantastically stupid.
> >>
> > So why are are the keys so guessable?  Or did they delete other
> > code?
> "However, the Debian maintainers, instead of tracking down the source
> of the uninitialised memory instead chose to remove any possibility
> of adding memory to the pool at all."
Ah -- you wrote "adding memory" rather than "adding entropy", which I
found ambiguous.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Tue, 13 May 2008 23:00:57 +0100
Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> > On Tue, 13 May 2008 14:10:45 +0100
> > Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >> Debian have a stunning example of how blindly fixing "problems"
> >> pointed out by security tools can be disastrous.
> >>
> >> I've blogged about it here:
> >>
> >> Vendors Are Bad For Security
> >>
> >> I?ve ranted about this at length before, I?m sure - even in print,
> >> in O?Reily?s Open Sources 2. But now Debian have proved me right
> >> (again) beyond my wildest expectations. Two years ago,
> >> they ?fixed? a ?problem? in OpenSSL reported by valgrind[1] by
> >> removing any possibility of adding any entropy to OpenSSL?s pool
> >> of randomness[2].
> >>
> >> The result of this is that for the last two years (from Debian?s
> >> ?Edgy? release until now), anyone doing pretty much any crypto on
> >> Debian (and hence Ubuntu) has been using easily guessable keys.
> >> This includes SSH keys, SSL keys and OpenVPN keys.
> >>
> > 
> >> [2] Valgrind tracks the use of uninitialised memory. Usually it is
> >> bad to have any kind of dependency on uninitialised memory, but
> >> OpenSSL happens to include a rare case when its OK, or even a good
> >> idea: its randomness pool. Adding uninitialised memory to it can do
> >> no harm and might do some good, which is why we do it. It does
> >> cause irritating errors from some kinds of debugging tools, though,
> >> including valgrind and Purify. For that reason, we do have a flag
> >> (PURIFY) that removes the offending code. However, the Debian
> >> maintainers, instead of tracking down the source of the
> >> uninitialised memory instead chose to remove any possibility of
> >> adding memory to the pool at all. Clearly they had not understood
> >> the bug before fixing it.
> >>
> > Ben: I haven't looked at the actual code in question -- are you
> > saying that the *only* way to add more entropy is via this pool of
> > uninitialized memory?
> No. That would be fantastically stupid.
So why are are the keys so guessable?  Or did they delete other code?

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Tue, 13 May 2008 14:10:45 +0100
Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Debian have a stunning example of how blindly fixing "problems"
> pointed out by security tools can be disastrous.
> I've blogged about it here:
> Vendors Are Bad For Security
> I?ve ranted about this at length before, I?m sure - even in print, in 
> O?Reily?s Open Sources 2. But now Debian have proved me right (again) 
> beyond my wildest expectations. Two years ago, they ?fixed? a
> ?problem? in OpenSSL reported by valgrind[1] by removing any
> possibility of adding any entropy to OpenSSL?s pool of randomness[2].
> The result of this is that for the last two years (from Debian?s
> ?Edgy? release until now), anyone doing pretty much any crypto on
> Debian (and hence Ubuntu) has been using easily guessable keys. This
> includes SSH keys, SSL keys and OpenVPN keys.

> [2] Valgrind tracks the use of uninitialised memory. Usually it is
> bad to have any kind of dependency on uninitialised memory, but
> OpenSSL happens to include a rare case when its OK, or even a good
> idea: its randomness pool. Adding uninitialised memory to it can do
> no harm and might do some good, which is why we do it. It does cause
> irritating errors from some kinds of debugging tools, though,
> including valgrind and Purify. For that reason, we do have a flag
> (PURIFY) that removes the offending code. However, the Debian
> maintainers, instead of tracking down the source of the uninitialised
> memory instead chose to remove any possibility of adding memory to
> the pool at all. Clearly they had not understood the bug before
> fixing it.
Ben: I haven't looked at the actual code in question -- are you saying
that the *only* way to add more entropy is via this pool of
uninitialized memory?  If so, is there any support in the relevant
standards that dictate that this memory MUST NOT be cleared?  I was
thinking of things like SELinux, which may (or may not) clear memory
areas before handing it to an application.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: [ROS] The perils of security tools

2008-05-22 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Tue, 13 May 2008 12:10:16 -0400
"Jonathan S. Shapiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ben's points are well taken, but there is one *small* piece of this
> where I have some sympathy for the Debian folks:
> > What can we learn from this? Firstly, vendors should not be fixing 
> > problems (or, really, anything) in open source packages by patching
> > them locally - they should contribute their patches upstream to the
> > package maintainers.
> The response times from package maintainers -- even the good ones like
> the OpenSSL team -- are not always fast enough. Sometimes, vendors
> don't have a choice. There is a catch-22 on both sides of this coin.
I was going to post something similar.  I maintain several pkgsrc
packages (; while most upstream maintainers are
happy to receive bug fixes, others range from indifferent to downright
hostile.  For example, I once reported a portability bug to a
developer: POSIX standards *require* that a certain system call reject
out-of-range arguments, and NetBSD enforces that check.  The Linux
kernel (or rather, the kernel of that time; I haven't rechecked lately)
did not.  Fine -- a minor standards issue with Linux.  But the
application I was adding to pkgsrc relied on the Linux behavior and the
developer angrily rejected my fix -- the standard was "stupid", and he
saw no reason to change his code to conform.

Usually, though, indifference is a bigger problem.  The NetBSD internal
developers' mailing list has seen numerous complaints about *major*
package developers ignoring portability and correctness fixes.  If it
isn't Linux and it isn't Windows, it doesn't matter, it seems.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: User interface, security, and "simplicity"

2008-05-06 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Sat, 03 May 2008 19:50:01 -0400
"Perry E. Metzger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Almost exclusively the use for such things is nailing up a tunnel to
> bring someone inside a private network. For that, there is no need for
> per user auth -- the general assumption is that the remote box is a
> single user laptop or something similar anyway. You really just want
> to verify that the remote host has a particular private key, and if it
> does, you nail up a tunnel to it (possibly allocating it a local IP
> address in the process). That solves about 95% of the usage scenarios
> and it requires very little configuration. It also covers virtually
> all use of IPSec I see in the field.
> Again, there are more complex usage scenarios, and it may be more
> complicated to set one of *those* up, but it is a shame that it is
> difficult to do the simple stuff.
So here's an interesting experiment.  Part one: Take a common IPsec
implementation -- Linux, *BSD, Windows, what have you.  Assume this
common scenario: laptop connecting to a corporate server.  Assume a
user authentication credential.  (I'd prefer that that be a public/
private key pair, for many reasons, not the least of which is the bug
in IKEv1 with main mode and shared secrets.)  Do not assume a 1:1 ratio
between laptops and internal IP address, because such servers are
frequently underprovisioned.  Challenge: design -- and implement -- a
*simple* mechanism by which the client user can set up the VPN
connection, both on the client and on the server.  This part can
happen while the client is physically on the corporate net.  Variant A:
the VPN server is a similar box to which the client has login-grade
access. Variant B: the VPN server is something like a restricted-access
Cisco box, in which case a trusted proxy is probably needed.  User
setup should be something like 'configvpn', where I
supply my username and authenticator.  User connection should be
'startvpn' (or, of course, the GUI equivalent); all I
supply is some sort of authenticator.  Administrator setup should be a
list of authorized users, and probably an IP address range to use
(though having the VPN server look like a DHCP relay would be cool).

Experiment part two: implement remote login (or remote IMAP, or remote
Web with per-user privileges, etc.) under similar conditions.  Recall
that being able to do this was a goal of the IPsec working group.

I think that part one is doable, though possibly the existing APIs are
incomplete.  I don't think that part two is doable, and certainly not
with high assurance.  In particular, with TLS the session key can be
negotiated between two user contexts; with IPsec/IKE, it's negotiated
between a user and a system.  (Yes, I'm oversimplifying here.)

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: User interface, security, and "simplicity"

2008-05-06 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Sun, 04 May 2008 11:22:51 +0100
Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> > On Sat, 03 May 2008 17:00:48 -0400
> > "Perry E. Metzger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Gutmann) writes:
> >>>> I am left with the strong suspicion that SSL VPNs are "easier to
> >>>> configure and use" because a large percentage of their user
> >>>> population simply is not very sensitive to how much security is
> >>>> actually provided.
> >>> They're "easier to configure and use" because most users don't
> >>> want to have to rebuild their entire world around PKI just to set
> >>> up a tunnel from A to B.
> >> I'm one of those people who uses OpenVPN instead of IPSEC, and I'm
> >> one of the people who helped create IPSEC.
> >>
> >> Right now, to use SSH to remotely connect to a machine using public
> >> keys, all I have to do is type "ssh-keygen" and copy the locally
> >> generated public key to a remote machine's authorized keys file.
> >> When there is an IPSEC system that is equally easy to use I'll
> >> switch to it.
> >>
> >> Until then, OpenVPN let me get started in about five minutes, and
> >> the fact that it is less than completely secure doesn't matter
> >> much to me as I'm running SSH under it anyway.
> >>
> > There's a technical/philosophical issue lurking here.  We tried to
> > solve it in IPsec; not only do I think we didn't succeed, I'm not at
> > all clear we could or should have succeeded.
> > 
> > IPsec operates at layer 3, where there are (generally) no user
> > contexts.  This makes it difficult to bind IPsec credentials to a
> > user, which means that it inherently can't be as simple to
> > configure as ssh.
> > 
> > Put another way, when you tell an sshd whom you wish to log in as,
> > it consults that user's home directory and finds an authorized_keys
> > file. How can IPsec -- or rather, any key management daemon for
> > IPsec -- do that?  Per-user SPDs?  Is this packet for port 80 for
> > user pat or user chris?
> > 
> > I can envision ways around this (especially if we have an IP address
> > per user of a system -- I've been writing about fine-grained IP
> > address assignment for years), but they're inherently a lot more
> > complex than ssh.
> I don't see why.
> The ssh server determines who the packets are for from information
> sent to it by the ssh client.
> The ssh client knows on whose behalf it is acting by virtue of being 
> invoked by that user (I'll admit this is a simplification of the most 
> general case, but I assert my argument is unaffected), and thus is
> able to include the information when it talks to the server.
> Similarly, the client end of an IPSEC connection knows who opened the 
> connection and could, similarly, convey that information. That data
> may not be available in some OSes by the time it gets to the IPSEC
> stack, but that's a deficiency of the OS, not a fundamental problem.
The problem is more on the server end.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: User interface, security, and "simplicity"

2008-05-03 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Sat, 03 May 2008 17:00:48 -0400
"Perry E. Metzger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Gutmann) writes:
> >>I am left with the strong suspicion that SSL VPNs are "easier to
> >>configure and use" because a large percentage of their user
> >>population simply is not very sensitive to how much security is
> >>actually provided.
> >
> > They're "easier to configure and use" because most users don't want
> > to have to rebuild their entire world around PKI just to set up a
> > tunnel from A to B.
> I'm one of those people who uses OpenVPN instead of IPSEC, and I'm one
> of the people who helped create IPSEC.
> Right now, to use SSH to remotely connect to a machine using public
> keys, all I have to do is type "ssh-keygen" and copy the locally
> generated public key to a remote machine's authorized keys file.
> When there is an IPSEC system that is equally easy to use I'll switch
> to it.
> Until then, OpenVPN let me get started in about five minutes, and the
> fact that it is less than completely secure doesn't matter much to me
> as I'm running SSH under it anyway.
There's a technical/philosophical issue lurking here.  We tried to
solve it in IPsec; not only do I think we didn't succeed, I'm not at
all clear we could or should have succeeded.

IPsec operates at layer 3, where there are (generally) no user
contexts.  This makes it difficult to bind IPsec credentials to a user,
which means that it inherently can't be as simple to configure as ssh.

Put another way, when you tell an sshd whom you wish to log in as, it
consults that user's home directory and finds an authorized_keys file.
How can IPsec -- or rather, any key management daemon for IPsec -- do
that?  Per-user SPDs?  Is this packet for port 80 for user pat or user

I can envision ways around this (especially if we have an IP address
per user of a system -- I've been writing about fine-grained IP address
assignment for years), but they're inherently a lot more complex than

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: SSL and Malicious Hardware/Software

2008-05-03 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Fri, 2 May 2008 08:33:19 +0100
"Arcane Jill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ryan Phillips
> Sent: 28 April 2008 23:13
> To: Cryptography
> Subject: SSL and Malicious Hardware/Software
> > I can't think of a great way of alerting the user,
> I would be alerted immediately, because I'm using the Petname Tool
> Firefox plugin.
> For an unproxied site, I get a small green window with my own choice
> of text in it (e.g. "Gmail" if I'm visiting
> If a proxy were to insert itself in the middle, that window would
> turn yellow, and the message would change to "(untrusted)".
Assorted user studies suggest that most users do not notice the color
of random little windows in their browsers...

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: privacy expectations Was: SSL and Malicious Hardware/Software

2008-04-30 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 12:49:12 +0300 (IDT)
Alexander Klimov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> :
>   Lance Corporal Jennifer Long was issued a government computer
>   to use on a government military network. When she was
>   suspected of violations of the military drug use policies (and
>   of criminal laws related to drug use), Marine Corps criminal
>   investigators reviewed the contents of email messages she sent
>   to another military employee who was likewise using
>   a government issued computer over the same government network.
>   The messages were retrieved from the government mail server
>   and later used against Long. On September 27, 2006, the United
>   States Court of Appeals for the Armed forces had to decide
>   whether Long had any expectation of privacy in these e-mails.
>   The starting point for any analysis is, of course, the DoD
>   policy expressed on its warning banner, which stated quite
>   explicitly:
> [...] All information, including personal information,
> placed on or sent over this system may be monitored. Use of
> this DoD computer system, authorized or unauthorized,
> constitutes consent to monitoring of this system. [...]
>   However, the military court, [...] found that Long did, in
>   fact have some privacy interests in the contents of her
>   communications. It noted that while the government said it
>   could monitor, it rarely did.
The actual opinion is much more nuanced and case-specific.  In the
first place, it demonstrated that the actual culture at that site was
very different.  In particular, the administrator testified that "it
was general policy to avoid examining e-mails and their content
because it was a 'privacy issue'."  The court might well have ruled
differently were that not the case.

Second, the court noted that the suspected misconduct was (a) for
evidence of illegal behavior, and (b) unrelated to workplace misconduct.
And the banner wasn't specific enough: "The banner in the instant case
did not provide Apellee with notice that she had no right of privacy.
Instead, the banner focused on the idea that her use of the system may
be monitored for limited purposes."

In addition, because the employer in this case was the government,
constitutional protections come into play, in a way that would not
apply to a private sector employer.  The reasoning there is complex,
especially since we're talking about the military (and soldiers have
many fewer rights than do civilians), so I won't try to summarize it;
let it suffice to say that generalizing from that case to an ordinary
workplace environment is not simple.

To sum up -- the court ruling in this particular case was very specific
to the facts of the case.  It's far from clear that it's generally

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Declassified NSA publications

2008-04-24 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: 2factor

2008-04-21 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 14:07:49 -0400

> Which seem to be aimed at a drop in replacement for SSL (with a
> working example using Firefox and Apache). They seem to rest on a key
> exchange or agreement based on  a shared secret. 

As opposed to, say, RFC 4279, which is TLS-based.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Still locked up Shannon crypto work?

2008-04-18 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Mon, 07 Apr 2008 08:53:44 -0700
Ed Gerck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Consider Shannon. He didn?t do just information theory. Several
> years before, he did some other good things and some which are still
> locked up in the security of cryptography."
> Shannon's crypto work that is "still [1986] locked up"? This was
> said (*) by Richard W. Hamming on March 7, 1986. Hamming,
> who died when he was almost 83 years old in 1998, was then a
> Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California.
> He was also a retired Bell Labs scientist.
> Does anyone about this or what it could be? Or if Hamming was
> incorrect?
I've heard that there were some patent applications with secrecy
orders. though I thought those were release by the late 1980s.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Hagelin cipher machine for sale on Ebay

2008-03-30 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: How is DNSSEC

2008-03-27 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Fri, 21 Mar 2008 08:52:07 +1000
"James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  From time to time I hear that DNSSEC is working fine, and on
> examining the matter I find it is "working fine" except that 
> Seems to me that if DNSSEC is actually working fine, I should be able
> to provide an authoritative public key for any domain name I control,
> and should be able to obtain such keys for other domain names, and
> use such keys for any purpose, not just those purposes envisaged in
> the DNSSEC specification.  Can I?  It is not apparent to me that I
> can.
You might want to look at RFC 3445 and draft-iab-dns-choices-05.txt.

As for DNSSEC keys -- DNSSEC is for securing the DNS.  Once you've done
that, you can put other records in the DNS, but there are some subtle
points in DNS RR design that should be heeded.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Protection for quasi-offline memory nabbing

2008-03-21 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
I've been thinking about similar issues.  It seems to me that just
destroying the key schedule is a big help -- enough bits will change in
the key that data recovery using just the damaged key is hard, per
comments in the paper itself.

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NSA approves secure smart phone

2008-03-19 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: RNG for Padding

2008-03-15 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Fri, 7 Mar 2008 15:04:49 +0100

> Hi,
> This may be out of the remit of the list, if so a pointer to a more
> appropriate forum would be welcome.
> In Applied Crypto, the use of padding for CBC encryption is suggested
> to be met by ending the data block with a 1 and then all 0s to the end
> of the block size.
> Is this not introducing a risk as you are essentially introducing a
> large amount of guessable plaintext into the ciphertext.
> Is it not wiser to use RNG data as the padding, and using some kind of
> embedded packet size header to tell the system what is padding?
Maybe -- but you probably have enough guessable plaintext elsewhere
that a bit more simply doesn't matter much.  See, for example, my 1997
paper "Probable Plaintext Cryptanalysis of the IP Security Protocols,"

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: cold boot attacks on disk encryption

2008-03-15 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 13:37:20 -0800
"Ali, Saqib" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >  Umm, pardon my bluntness, but what do you think the FDE stores the
> > key in, if not DRAM? The encrypting device controller is a computer
> > system with a CPU and memory. I can easily imagine what you'd need
> > to build to do this to a disk drive. This attack works on anything
> > that has RAM.
> How about TPM? Would this type of attack work on a tamper-resistant
> ver1.2 TPM?


Briefly, there's a bit in the TPM that means "there are keys present;
zero RAM when booting".  This does nothing against the guy with the
Dewar flask of liquid nitrogen, of course.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Toshiba shows 2Mbps hardware RNG

2008-02-15 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 20:38:49 -0800

> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Pat Farrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: 
> > Subject: Re: Toshiba shows 2Mbps hardware RNG
> > Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2008 17:40:19 -0500
> > 
> > 
> > Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Gutmann) writes:
> > >> I've always wondered why RNG speed is such a big deal for
> > >> anything but a few highly specialised applications.
> > >
> > > Perhaps it isn't, but any hardware RNG is probably better than
> > > none for many apps, and they've managed to put the whole thing in
> > > a quite small bit of silicon. The speed is probably icing on the
> > > cake.
> > 
> > One of the benefits of speed is that you can use cleanup code to 
> > control bias. Carl Ellison put some out on his website last century.
> > 
> > 
> It is a HUGE win for designing a crypto system to have a really 
> fast (and good) HW RNG. Being able to generate 10-20,000 AES keys
> per second means that you can engineer things that were impossible
> to do otherwise.  You can generate as many keys as you like, throw
> away keys after one time use, treat them as ephemeral authentication
> keys (say give a few million or so to a user), etc. Or you could 
> hand a sender 10 MBytes (less than a minute to generate), which then
> can be used to create billions of keys (say using Ueli Maurer's 
> Bounded Storage Model).  The sender could then use each key to 
> uniquely encrypt (AES CTR) each message of a series of messages or
> packets to a receiver (AES key setup is fast). No need for an IV or 
> worrying about message ordering (each one has a key id), or even the
> compromise of a key or two.
> Randomness is the most fundamental underpinning of a crypto system
> and having lots of it on demand is really fabulous to have in our 
> system security design tool box.
Leaving aside whether or not your scenarios make sense, why must this
be done via a hardware RNG?

I ran 'openssl speed aes' on a 3.4 Ghz single-core Pentium.  On 16-byte
blocks with AES-128 -- i.e., running AES in counter mode to generate
128-bit keys -- it ran at about 3.4M encryptions/second.  That's more
than two orders of magnitude better than you say is needed.  Why do I
need hardware?

Hardware RNGs are great for producing initial seeds.  They're also
great for producing new randomness to stir into the pot (i.e., via
something like Yarrow).  But they're lousy for ongoing work because
they're relatively low assurance.

As others have noted, software has a big advantage: it's
deterministic.  Once you know its working, you have much higher
assurance that it will continue to work the same way.  (Aside: I know
quite a bit about the problem of certifying complex software.  A
cryptographically strong PRNG doesn't fall into that category if you
have confidence in the algorithm.)  Remember the Clipper chip?
According to Dorothy Denning, the escrowed keys -- that is, the entire
security of the basic scheme -- was generated by several applications of
the Skipjack, the underlying block cipher -- see for details.  (Note:
that statement was later disavowed.  I'm not sure I believe the
disavowal; it looked secure to me.)

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken

2008-02-09 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Thu, 07 Feb 2008 17:37:02 +1300
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Gutmann) wrote:

> The real issues occur in two locations:
> 1. In the browser UI.
> 2. In the server processing, which no longer gets the password via an
> HTTP POST but as a side-effect of the TLS connect.
> (1) is a one-off cost for the browser developers, (2) is a bit more
> complex to estimate because it's on a per-site basis, but in general
> since the raw data (username+pw) is already present it's mostly a
> case of redoing the data flow a bit, and not necessarily rebuilding
> the whole system from scratch.  To give one example, a healthcare
> provider, they currently trigger an SQL query from an HTTP POST that
> looks up the password with the username as key, and the change would
> be to do the same thing at the TLS stage rather than the post-TLS
> HTTP stage.

There's another issue: initial account setup.  People will still need
to rely on certificate-checking for that.  It's a real problem at some
hotspots, where Evil Twin attacks are easy and lots of casual users are
signing up for the first time.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Gutmann Soundwave Therapy

2008-02-06 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 09:33:37 -0500 (EST)
"Leichter, Jerry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The NSA quote someone - Steve Bellovin? - has repeated comes to mind:
> Amateurs talk about algorithms.  Professionals talk about economics.
> Using DTLS for VOIP provides you with an extremely high level of
> security, but costs you 50% packet overhead.  Is that worth it to you?
> It really depends - and making an intelligent choice requires that
> various alternatives along the cost/safety curve actually be
> available.

Some years ago, I did a crypto design for a potential product.  As best
we could figure it, the extra overhead for a standard mechanism versus
a custom one was greater than the profit margin for this product.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken

2008-02-01 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Fri, 01 Feb 2008 13:29:52 +1300
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Gutmann) wrote:

> Actually it doesn't even require X.509 certs.  TLS-SRP and TLS-PSK
> provide mutual authentication of client and server without any use of
> X.509.  The only problem has been getting vendors to support it,
> several smaller implementations support it, it's in the (still
> unreleased) OpenSSL 0.99, and the browser vendors don't seem to be
> interested at all, which is a pity because the mutual auth (the
> server has to prove possession of the shared secret before the client
> can connect) would significantly raise the bar for phishing attacks.
> (Anyone have any clout with Firefox or MS?  Without significant
> browser support it's hard to get any traction, but the browser
> vendors are too busy chasing phantoms like EV certs).
The big issue is prompting the user for a password in a way that no one
will confuse with a web site doing so.  Given all the effort that's
been put into making Javascript more and more powerful, and given
things like picture-in-picture attacks, I'm not optimistic.   It might
have been the right thing, once upon a time, but the horse may be too
far out of the barn by now to make it worthwhile closing the barn door.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken

2008-01-30 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

> Why require contactless in the first place?
> Is swiping one's card, credit-card style too difficult for the average
> user?  I'm thinking two parallel copper traces on the card could be
> used to power it for the duration of the swipe, with power provided
> by the reader.  Why, in a billion-dollar project, one must use COTS
> RFIDs - with their attendant privacy and security problems - is
> beyond me. 
> A little ingenuity would have gone a long way.
OPs deliberately elided.

This posting (and several others in this thread) disturb me.  Folks on
this list and its progenitors have long noted that cryptography is a
matter of economics.  That is, cryptography and security aren't
absolute goals; rather, they're tools for achieving something else.
The obvious answers in this case are "prevent fare fraud" or "make
money", and even those would suffice.  However, there are other issues
less easily monetized, such as "make the trams and buses run

A security system doesn't have to be perfect.  Rather, it has to be
good enough that you save more than you lose via the holes, including
the holes you know about up front.  Spending more than you have to is
simply bad engineering.  Speaking as an engineer, rather than as a
scientist, the real failure mode is too high a net loss.  As a
cryptographer and security guy, I'd rather there were no loss -- but
that's not real.

A transit system has to move people.  For all that the New York City
Metrocard works, it's slower than a contactless wireless system.  How
much longer will it take people to board trams with a stripe reader
than with a contactless smart card?  What is your power budget (which
affects range)?  Even leaving out the effect that delays have on
ridership, a transit system that wants to move N people needs more
units if the latency per rider is above a certain threshold.

Let's take a closer look at the New York system, since it was touted as
superior.  It's optimized for subways, not buses, which has several
implications.  (Subway ridership in New York is twice bus
ridership -- see
First, subway turnstiles are much more easily used as part of an online
system than are bus fare card readers.  The deployment started in 1994,
when cellular data simply wasn't an option, based on cost, bandwidth,
availability, and much more.  Second, on a subway you use your fare
card well in advance of boarding; there is thus little latency effect
on the system.  Third, wireless is *still* faster -- according to some
reports (,
the MTA is considering replacing the current system with a wireless one.

Online systems have another issue: they require constant communication
to a high-availability server.  When that's not an option (i.e., New
York buses, or subway turnstiles when the server is down), the system
has to fall back to some other scheme.  This scheme is more restrictive,
precisely because of the fraud issue.   Back when I was in high school,
some students got bus passes.  I recall a frequent sight: those who had
boarded early moving to the back of the bus and handing their passes to
other students still waiting to board the bus.  Replay worked well
against an overloaded driver...  Metrocards don't have that failure
mode -- but the failure mode they do have is a limitation on how many
times they can be used in a short time interval.  This affects, for
example, a family of five or more trying to travel on a single card,
even on subways.  

How much of this applies to the Dutch farecards?  I have no idea.  But
this group is trying to *engineer* a system without looking at costs
and other constraints.  That leads to security by checklist, an
all-too-common failing.

Systems like this have two primary failure modes -- "failure" in the
sense of losing more money (or time, or what have you) than
anticipated.  First, the designers may not have understood the
available technology and its limitations.  That was certainly the case
with WEP; I suspect it's the case here, but I don't know.  Even so, it
is far from clear that exploitation of the hole will have an economic
impact; that's as much a sociological question as a technical one.
(Maybe the incremental cost per card of better crypto is ?.01.  One
web site I found put tram ridership in Amsterdam at >1,000,000/year
(, which means
that the cost might be ?10,000/year.  How many riders will try to cheat
the system?  Enough that to be an issue?  I don't know -- but that's
precisely my point; I don't know and I doubt very much that most other
posters here know.  That said, I do suspect that stronger crypto would
be economical.)

The second failure mode comes from misunderstanding the threat model.
That's why the old American AMPS cellular phones were subject to
cloning attacks.  It was *not* that the designers d

US reforming export controls

2008-01-29 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
The Bush administration is reforming the way export controls are
administered; see
It's too soon to know if crypto will be affected; certainly, it's
something to watch.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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2008-01-24 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
A knowledgeable colleague (but who is nevertheless not a crypto expert)
thinks he's seen something about Typex (the WW II British rotor
machine) having been cracked.  Does anyone know anything about that?  A
quick Google found nothing of the sort, but did find references showing
that it was used as late as 1970.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: SSL/TLS and port 587

2008-01-23 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Wed, 23 Jan 2008 08:10:01 -0800
Ed Gerck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> > On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 21:49:32 -0800
> > Ed Gerck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> As I commented in the
> >> second paragraph, an attack at the ISP (where SSL/TLS is
> >> of no help) has been the dominant threat -- and that is
> >> why one of the main problems is called "warrantless
> >> wiretapping". Further, because US law does /not/ protect
> >> data at rest, anyone claiming "authorized process" (which
> >> the ISP itself may) can eavesdrop without any required
> >> formality.
> >>
> > Please justify this.  Email stored at the ISP is protected in the
> > U.S. by the Stored Communications Act, 18 USC 2701
> > (  While it's not a
> > well-drafted piece of legislation and has been the subject of much
> > litigation, from the Steve Jackson Games case
> > ( to Warshak v. United States
> > (, I
> > don't see how you can say stored email isn't protected at all.
> As you wrote in your blog, "users really need to read those boring
> [ISP] licenses carefully."
> ISP service terms grant the disclosure right on the basis of
> something broadly called "valid legal process" or any such
> term as defined /by the ISP/. Management access to the account
> (including email data) is a valid legal process (authorized by the
> service terms as a private contract) that can be used without
> any required formality, for example to verify compliance to the
> service terms or something else [1].
> Frequently, "common sense" and "standard use" are used to
> justify such access but, technically, no justification is
> actually needed.
> Further, when an ISP such as google says "Google does not share
> or reveal email content or personal information with third
> parties." one usually forgets that (1) third parties may actually
> mean everyone on the planet but you; (2) third parties also
> have third parties; and (3) #2 is recursive.

You're confusing two concepts.  "Warrants" apply to government
behavior; terming something a "wireless wiretap" carries the clear
implication of government action.  Private action may or may not
violate the wiretap act or the Stored Communications Act, but it has
nothing to do with warrants.
> Mr. Councilman's case and his lawyer's declaration that "Congress
> recognized that any time you store communication, there is an
> inherent loss of privacy" was not in your blog, though. Did I
> miss something?

Since the Councilman case took place several years before I started my
blog, it's hardly surprising that I didn't blog on it.  And it turns out
that Councilman -- see for a
summary -- isn't very interesting any more.  The original district
court ruling, upheld by three judges of the Court of Appeals,
significantly weakened privacy protections for email.  It was indeed an
important and controversial ruling.  However, case was reheard en banc;
the full court ruled that the earlier decisions were incorrect, which
left previous interpretations of the wiretap law intact.  As far as I
can tell, it was never appealed to the Supreme Court.  (The ultimate
outcome, which isn't very interesting to this list, is discussed in

You are, of course, quite correct that ISP terms of service need to be
read carefully.

> Cheers,
> Ed Gerck
> [1] in :
> Of course, the law and common sense dictate some exceptions. These
> exceptions include requests by users that Google's support staff
> access their email messages in order to diagnose problems; when
> Google is required by law to do so; and when we are compelled to
> disclose personal information because we reasonably believe it's
> necessary in order to protect the rights, property or safety of
> Google, its users and the public. For full details, please refer to
> the "When we may disclose your personal information" section of our
> privacy policy. These exceptions are standard across the industry and
> are necessary for email providers to assist their users and to meet
> legal requirements.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: SSL/TLS and port 587

2008-01-23 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 21:49:32 -0800
Ed Gerck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As I commented in the
> second paragraph, an attack at the ISP (where SSL/TLS is
> of no help) has been the dominant threat -- and that is
> why one of the main problems is called "warrantless
> wiretapping". Further, because US law does /not/ protect
> data at rest, anyone claiming "authorized process" (which
> the ISP itself may) can eavesdrop without any required
> formality.
Please justify this.  Email stored at the ISP is protected in the U.S.
by the Stored Communications Act, 18 USC 2701
(  While it's not a
well-drafted piece of legislation and has been the subject of much
litigation, from the Steve Jackson Games case
( to Warshak v. United States
(, I don't
see how you can say stored email isn't protected at all.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: SSL/TLS and port 587

2008-01-23 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 10:38:24 -0800
Ed Gerck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> List,
> I would like to address and request comments on the use of SSL/TLS
> and port 587 for email security.
> The often expressed idea that SSL/TLS and port 587 are somehow able
> to prevent warrantless wiretapping and so on, or protect any private
> communications, is IMO simply not supported by facts.
> Warrantless wiretapping and so on, and private communications
> eavesdropping are done more efficiently and covertly directly at the
> ISPs (hence the name "warrantless wiretapping"), where SSL/TLS
> protection does NOT apply. There is a security gap at every
> negotiated SSL/TLS session.
> It is misleading to claim that port 587 solves the security problem
> of email eavesdropping, and gives people a false sense of security.
> It is worse than using a 56-bit DES key -- the email is in plaintext
> where it is most vulnerable.
This is old news.  But what's your threat model?

Clearly, hop-by-hop encryption, be it port 587 to your ISP's submission
server or pop3s/imaps by the recipient to his/her mail server does
nothing to protect against someone who has hacked the server.  I wrote
about that years ago; see (which
dates to April 1999, under my old AT&T URL), and I don't claim the
insight was novel even then.  Port 587 was defined in RFC 2476, from
1998; it specifically talks about the need for encryption.  SMTP-AUTH is
defined in RFC 2487 (Jan 1999 -- again, before my page), which
specifically warns that TLS protection of the channel isn't sufficient
against some threats.  (Aside: my page was prompted by someone on a
sensitive internal project who asked if he should encrypt his email.
After poking around a bit, I used xmessage to pop up a message on his
screen saying that there wasn't much point to encryption unless he
cleaned up a lot of other security issues...)  But note that the logic
applies about as well to end-to-end encryption, if your attacker can
hack the machine at either end.  By hack I specifically include "black
bag jobs" to plant a keystroke logger or the like.

So -- is encryption, whether hop-by-hop or end-to-end, useless?  No, of
course not.  Encrypting email submission or retrieval is very useful if
you use, say, wireless hotspots.  (Caveats and cautions here are left
as an exercise for the reader.)  End-to-end encryption guards against
rogue administrators of mail servers.  Neither protects against all
threats -- but both have their uses.

"Amateurs talk about algorithms; pros talk about economics."

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Emissions security

2008-01-18 Thread Steven M. Bellovin (for those of you who
don't take TEMPEST seriously)

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: US drafting plan to allow government access to any email or Web search

2008-01-15 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Tue, 15 Jan 2008 08:19:11 -0500
"Perry E. Metzger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The PDF link points to:
> which I'm unable to access at the moment.

I believe the proper URL is
(and as best I can tell, it doesn't require a WSJ subscription for

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Death of antivirus software imminent

2008-01-14 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:32:04 -0800
Alex Alten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Generally any standard encrypted protocols will probably eventually
> have to support some sort of CALEA capability. For example, using a
> Verisign ICA certificate to do MITM of SSL, or possibly requiring
> Ebay to provide some sort of legal access to Skype private keys.  

> >This train left the station a *long* time ago.
> So it's not so clear that the train has even left the station.
You've given a wish list but you haven't explained why you think it
will happen.  The US government walked away from the issue years ago,
when the Clipper chip effort failed.  Even post-9/11, the Bush
administration chose not to revisit the question.

The real issue, though, is technical rather than political will.  CALEA
is a mandate for service providers; key escrow is a requirement on the
targets of the surveillance.  The bad guys won't co-operate...

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: DRM for batteries

2008-01-07 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Sun, 6 Jan 2008 17:23:56 -0800
Jon Callas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Jan 6, 2008, at 9:09 AM, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> > On Sat, 5 Jan 2008 15:28:50 -0800
> > Stephan Somogyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> At 16:38 +1300 04.01.2008, Peter Gutmann wrote:
> >>
> >>> At $1.40 each (at least in sub-1K quantities) you wonder whether
> >>> it's costing them more to add the DRM (spread over all battery
> >>> sales) than any marginal gain in preventing use of third-party
> >>> batteries by a small subset of users.
> >>
> >> I don't think I agree with the "DRM for batteries"
> >> characterization. It's not my data in that battery that they're
> >> preventing me from getting at.
> >
> > Correct.  In a similar case, Lexmark sued a maker of print
> > cartridges under the DMCA.  Lexmark lost in the Court of Appeals
> > and the Supreme Court declined to hear the case.  See
> > and
> >
> >
> Also remember that there is a specific exemption in the DMCA for
> reverse engineering for the purpose of making compatible equipment.
> It is there precisely to protect people like the printer cartridge
> folks. That's why they lost.
> Going back to the '60s, there was the Ampex case, where they made
> compatible tape drives for IBM mainframes. IBM sued, and lost in the
> Supreme Court. This is what gave us the plug-compatible peripheral
> biz. My memories of this say that some judge or other said that
> copyright is not intended to give a monopoly.
> That doesn't mean that other companies can't pull crap and try to sue
> competition away. But they're wrong, and the effect may help the
> little guy, because by now, the big guys ought to be able to pay for
> lawyers smart enough to know the precedent.
It's worth reading the actual opinion of the Appeals Court.  (Legal
note: this opinion is only binding in the Sixth (U.S.) Circuit; the
Supreme Court declined to hear Lexmark's appeal, so no national
precedent was set.)  The Court had many reasons for rejecting the DMCA
part of the argument.  Among other things, they held that the
copyrighted work -- the printer software -- wasn't protected against
copying, and that the purpose of the DMCA was to protect works against
*copying*.  They held that the copyrighted code in question -- the
firmware in the printer -- was "used" by people trying to print things,
rather than by the print cartridge, and that access to the protected
work was gained by buying a printer, not by buying a print cartridge.

There are a lot more nuances than that in the opinion; I suggest that
folks read it.  For now, let it suffice to say that the DMCA bars
circumvention of mechanisms that protect copyrighted material; it does
not bar circumvention of access control mechanisms that protect other
things.  (I also fear that a clever, technically-minded lawyer could
design a print cartridge that would work around the Court's ruling.)

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: DRM for batteries

2008-01-06 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Sat, 5 Jan 2008 15:28:50 -0800
Stephan Somogyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 16:38 +1300 04.01.2008, Peter Gutmann wrote:
> >At $1.40 each (at least in sub-1K quantities) you wonder whether
> >it's costing them more to add the DRM (spread over all battery
> >sales) than any marginal gain in preventing use of third-party
> >batteries by a small subset of users.
> I don't think I agree with the "DRM for batteries" characterization.
> It's not my data in that battery that they're preventing me from
> getting at.

Correct.  In a similar case, Lexmark sued a maker of print cartridges
under the DMCA.  Lexmark lost in the Court of Appeals and the Supreme
Court declined to hear the case.  See and

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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2008-01-06 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Forwarded with permission.

This is part of a discussion of the proposed SHA-3 API for the NIST
competition.  Those interested in discussing it should subscribe to the
list; see for

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2008 10:21:24 -0500
From: "Ronald L. Rivest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SHA-3 API

Dear Larry Bassham --

Since you indicated that you might be producing a revised
API for the SHA-3 submissions, here are some suggestions and
thoughts for your consideration:

(1) Make hashState totally opaque.

 In other words, eliminate the requirement to include
 a field "hashbitlen".  While an implementation presumably
 includes such a field, there is no need that I can see
 for standardizing its name and making it a requirement.

(2) Measure all input to be hashed in bytes, not bits.

 While the theoretical literature on hashing measures
 lengths in bits, in practice all data is an integral
 number of bytes.  That is, theory uses base-2, practice
 uses base-256.  I have never seen an application that
 cared about hashing an input that was not an integral
 number of bytes.

 An application that really needs bit-lengths for hashing
 can apply the "standard" transformation to the data first:
 always append a 1-bit, then enough 0-bits to make the data
 an integral number of bytes.

 I think that using a bit-length convention for the standard
 input will cause errors, as callers are likely to forget
 multiplying the input chunk length by 8.  This will cause
 the wrong result, but it will be undetectable---only 1/8 of
 the data will be hashed.  A security vulnerability will be
 created, as it will no longer be collision-resistant...

 I think the risk of application-level mistakes in this manner
 outweighs the (non-existent) need for bit-lengths on inputs.

(3) Eliminate the "offset" input to the Update function.

 First of all, it is too short, if you are going to admit
 inputs of 2**64 bits.

 But more importantly, there is no understandable need for
 such an input.

 I don't think you are contemplating giving the inputs
 out-of-order.  If this is to support parallel implementations
 somehow, you would need other functions, beyond Update, to
 combine the hash results for various portions of the input.

 Thus, the offset is merely the sum of the previous datalen
 values, and can be kept by the hash function implementation
 internally in hashState.

 Best to eliminate it.

(4) Make datalen a 64-bit input to Update.

 I think you need to "bit the 64-bit bullet" and insist that
 all C implementations support 64-bit data values, particularly
 when you have inputs that may often be larger than 2*32 bits
 (or 2**32 bytes, even).  Your SHA-1 example on page 4 of the
 proposed API breaks for long inputs.

 Having an int parameter here is another place where users may
 have errors, when they don't realize that their inputs may be
 exceeding the int length bound.  We shouldn't build in hazards
 for the unwary into the API.

(5) Make it clear what kinds of "endian-ness" should be supported.

 While the inputs are supplied as byte-strings, implementations
 may immediately copy these over into words for processing.
 What are the possibilities that an implementation needs to
 handle for endian-ness during this copying?  Big/little endian-ness
 within 16/32/64 bit words?

(6) Make it clear that threads are not allowed in reference

 You stated that the standard implementation should not
 make use of available parallelism on the reference platform.

Ron Rivest

 Ronald L. Rivest
 Room 32-G692, Stata Center, MIT, Cambridge MA 02139
 Tel 617-253-5880, Email <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Death of antivirus software imminent

2008-01-03 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Thu, 03 Jan 2008 11:52:21 -0500

> The aspect of this that is directly relevant to this
> list is that while "we" have labored to make network
> comms safe in an unsafe transmission medium, the
> world has now reached the point where the odds favor
> the hypothesis that whomever you are talking to is
> themselves already 0wned, i.e., it does not matter if
> the comms are clean when the opponent already owns
> your counterparty.
Right -- remember Spaf's famous line about how using strong crypto on
the Internet is like using an armored car to carry money between
someone living in a cardboard shack and someone living on a park bench?

Crypto solves certain problems very well.  Against others, it's worse
than useless -- "worse", because it blocks out friendly IDSs as well as
hostile parties.

--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Death of antivirus software imminent

2008-01-03 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Wed, 2 Jan 2008 21:26:47 + (UTC)
Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On the other hand, writing an OS that doesn't get infected in the
> first place is a fundamentally winning battle: OSes are insecure
> because people make mistakes, not because they're fundamentally
> insecurable.
~~20 years ago, after the Internet Worm, I went and reread the Orange
Book.  I concluded, to my horror, that *nothing* in it, including an
A1-rated system, would have stopped the worm from spreading.  Being
rather new to the theoretical security game (though I'd caught my first
hackers around 1971), I asked someone older and wiser.  "Oh, no; a B2
system would have prevented it."  I asked how.  "B2 requires a thorough
search for bugs."

Worms and viruses have essentially nothing to do with the operating
system.  As long as whatever context the vulnerable application is run
in -- the mailer, the browser, the word processor, whatever -- can
write to the network or to a file, the malware can spread.

Another approach is to run such things at a lower privilege level.
(Vista does that with IE7.)  The problem is that you sometimes have to
cross the barrier; that's another way the malware can spread.
> The maddening part is that security as an industry is almost always
> forced to fight on the losing battlefields, even though we've had
> beautiful, efficient, impregnable fortresses available for many
> years.  Any crypto book from 20 years ago can show you how to send an
> unforgeable email or sign a binary, yet these notions still haven't
> widely caught on (and when they have, as in the Xbox, they get
> hijacked for things like DRM and privacy invasion).
Cryptography provides authentication and integrity.  It does not
provide authorization, nor does it provide protection against bugs.
Your suggested approach -- better OS and better crypto -- is exactly
what's failed for the last 25 years.

If you included all applications as part of the OS, you'd be right --
except that it isn't possible to secure such a code base.


--Steve Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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