Re: Hamiltonian path as protection against DoS.

2006-10-03 Thread James A. Donald

Florian Weimer wrote:
> How do Hamiltonian paths protect against the H.R.4411
> attack?

H.R.4411 is not a DoS attack.

> (Part of the DoS problem online casinos face is that
> due to their activity, which was illegal before, they
> are extremely reluctant to approach law enforcement
> about this matter.)

I was unaware that law enforcement does anything about
DoS attacks.

 James A. Donald

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Re: Hamiltonian path as protection against DOS.

2006-10-03 Thread Florian Weimer
* James A. Donald:

> DOS is now a major problem - every business, online
> games, money movers, banks, porno sites, casinos, now
> comes under DOS attack from extortionists.

How do Hamiltonian paths protect against the H.R.4411 attack?

(Part of the DoS problem online casinos face is that due to their
activity, which was illegal before, they are extremely reluctant to
approach law enforcement about this matter.)

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Re: Hamiltonian path as protection against DOS.

2006-08-27 Thread Travis H.

What is the complexity class for Eulerian paths/trails?

Wikipedia doesn't say.
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Re: Hamiltonian path as protection against DOS.

2006-08-20 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

James A. Donald wrote:

This is obviously the right way to do it - the current
system has security and checking boundaries in the wrong
place, as well as being unnecessarily verbose.

Yet the plan never went anywhere.  What happened?

There is a gap between communications that are highly
efficient with TCP, and communications that are highly
efficient with UDP.  Brief transactions (which must be
reliable and two way, but are brief, are not efficient
with either one.

Indeed, ideally we would have one protocol that rapidly
starts to approximate TCP behavior with communications
that for which TCP is good (transferring large files)
and that approximates UDP with communications for which
UDP is good.

ref: Hamiltonian path as 
protection against DOS

so much of postings at

talks about attempting to standardize xtp as HSP (high-speed protocol) 
in ansi x3s3.3 (and iso chartered organization) ... which was under 
mandate that no standardization work could be done on networking 
protocol that was in violation of the OSI model. turns out xtp/hsp 
violated OSI model in at least three different ways.

xtp implementation was an adjunct to the tcp/ip (typically kernel) 
protocol stack.

I've often commented that both SSL and VPN were successful because they 
added security layer w/o requiring changes to the (kernel) tcp/ip 
protocol stack.

A person that we had worked with quite a bit introduced something (that 
since become to be called VPN) in gateway working group at the '94 san 
jose IETF meeting. my view was that it caused quite a bit of 
consternation in the ipsec crowd ... which were working on 
implementation that had hits to the underlying tcp/ip stack. VPN got a 
lot a lot of immediate uptake because it added security w/o requiring 
hits to the protocol stack in the end-nodes. The ipsec crowd somewhat 
reconciled VPN by starting to call it lightweight ipsec ... and some 
number of others then started called (regular) ipsec, heavyweight ipsec.

original (lightweight ipsec) vpn resulted in some peculiarities  
being a countermeasure to internet anarchy by being a boundary router 
between corporate intranets tunneled thru the internet ... w/o requiring 
changes to the end-points. part of the issue was that some of the router 
vendors had sufficient extra processing capacity to do the necessary vpn 
crypto and some didn't. so two months after the san jose ietf meeting 
... you saw some router vendors announcing VPN "products" that were 
actually just add-on of traditional hardware link encryptor boxes.

so i've frequently claimed that ssl got market traction in much the same 
way that vpn got market traction ... by providing a solution that 
avoided hits to the (kernel) tcp/ip protocol stacks (modulo some really 
emergency server fixes at some high-end websites to handle the finwait 
list handling problem).

requiring coordinated (most frequently kernel) tcp/ip protocol stack 
upgrades for all (or majority of the) machines in the world, is a uptake 
inhibitor. ssl wasn't necessarily the optimal networking solution ... 
but it did have the minimum impact on existing deployed infrastructure.

in any case, some of the xtp features are starting to appear in some of 
the real-time streaming extensions ... like one of my favorites ... 
rate-based pacing (which i was forced to implement in high-speed 
backbones in the mid-80s)

many of the online xtp resources have since gone 404 ... however there 
still are a few around,2542,t=XTP&i=55105,00.asp

HTTP1.1 attempted to amortize multiple HTTP interactions across a single 
tcp session (attempting to mitigate the overhead of reliable session 
protocol for something that was frequently very transaction oriented). 
again w/o requiring hits to the underlying protocol stack.

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Re: Hamiltonian path as protection against DOS.

2006-08-20 Thread James A. Donald

Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
> so a real SSL simplification, when the client contacts
> the domain name infrastructure to do the domain name
> to ip-address translation, the domain name
> infrastructure can piggy-back the public key and any
> necessary ssl options on the ip-address reply.
> the client then composes a XTP transaction (has
> minimum 3-packet exchange for reliable operation) that
> has an "SSL" packet structure. the client generates a
> random transaction key, encrypts the communication
> with the random generated key and encrypts the random
> key with the server's public key ... and sends it off
> the encrypted random key and the encrypted
> communication.

This is obviously the right way to do it - the current
system has security and checking boundaries in the wrong
place, as well as being unnecessarily verbose.

Yet the plan never went anywhere.  What happened?

There is a gap between communications that are highly
efficient with TCP, and communications that are highly
efficient with UDP.  Brief transactions (which must be
reliable and two way, but are brief, are not efficient
with either one.

Indeed, ideally we would have one protocol that rapidly
starts to approximate TCP behavior with communications
that for which TCP is good (transferring large files)
and that approximates UDP with communications for which
UDP is good.

 James A. Donald

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Re: Hamiltonian path as protection against DOS.

2006-08-20 Thread James A. Donald

Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
> as an aside, i've pointed out before that in the
> mid-90s that as webserver activity was increasing ...
> a lot of platforms experienced severe throughput
> degradation with HTTP transaction protocol use of TCP.
> Most platforms had a highly inefficient session close
> implementation around checking of the FINWAIT list ...
> the assumption as that most session activity had
> relatively infrequent session open/close activity. The
> HTTP transaction activity violated those TCP activity
> assumptions ... and for a period of time you found
> platforms spending over 95percent of their processor
> utilization dealing with the FINWAIT list.

Has this been entirely fixed, or is some substantial
degree of inefficiency inherent in the TCP protocol if
one uses it in a manner that tends to approximate  UDP.
(Lots of brief connections that are predominantly one

The keep-alive extension to the HTTP protocol was
intended to make HTTP activity more TCP like.

 James A. Donald

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Re: Hamiltonian path as protection against DOS.

2006-08-20 Thread James A. Donald

alan wrote:
> But if the packets are forged, wouldn't that turn it
> into a different kind of DOS?
> If I can get you to blacklist Alice by sending n
> forged attack packages, then my DOS succeeded, if my
> goal is to deny a connection between you and Alice.

The goals is usually to shut down a money making
service, in order to extort protection payments from
them.  Shutting off a few clients is not a goal.

The photuris protocol that Bill Stewart mentioned does
an initial exchange wherein the server sends some random
bytes to the client, and the client must respond with
those random bytes before the server does any work at
all.  This means that the adversary cannot easily and
cost effectively impersonate Alice's IP, for large
numbers of Alices, unless they have upstream control of
the server's pipe - which would require them to  be
physically rather close to the server, and if they are
physically rather close then the owner of the server can
find them and go after them with an axe handle, reducing
the problem to the previously solved problem of
protecting property rights in physical space.

 James A. Donald

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Re: Hamiltonian path as protection against DOS.

2006-08-20 Thread alan

On Tue, 15 Aug 2006, Bill Stewart wrote:

Crypto is usually about economics and scalability.

If you're doing this for DOS/DDOS prevention,
you don't need the NP-completeness perfection you get from
Hamiltonian paths or similar problems - SHA is fine,
or any other hash that's quick to verify and
hard to reverse.  Even MD5 is probably still ok...
Calculating any of the hashes probably takes less time than
handling the packets does.

It's almost certainly better for you if they harass you by
sending you bogus SHA pieces that you can process quickly
than bogus DH pieces that take you a while,
and if it's not too distributed an attack,
you can also blacklist senders IP addresses.

But if the packets are forged, wouldn't that turn it into a different kind 
of DOS?

If I can get you to blacklist Alice by sending n forged attack packages, 
then my DOS succeeded, if my goal is to deny a connection between you and 

"I want to live just long enough to see them cut off Darl's head and
 stick it on a pike as a reminder to the next ten generations that some
 things come at too high a price. I would look up into his beady eyes and
 wave, like this... (*wave*!). Can your associates arrange that for me,
 Mr. McBride?"
  - Vir "Flounder" Kotto, Sr. VP, IBM Empire.

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Re: Hamiltonian path as protection against DOS.

2006-08-20 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

mikeiscool wrote:

Could this sort of system be something that is implemented way before
a HTTP connection even starts?

Say, implemented by OS vendors or API vendors of sockets. That is to
say, when you open a socket connection for the first time, for certain
protocols, you need to pay this fee. The socket lib would be adjusted
to do it, and then you are good to go.

It would mean that other services get the benefit of protection. But
is there legimate need to connect to many, or one, host many thousands
of times? I'd guess there is.

Take the discussed handshakes. Could something be incorporated there?

Maybe there could be a new low level protocol, kind of like SSL, but
less cost involved ... then you could tell your server to operate in
that mode only...

it can be considered from the standpoint of a lot of SSL is transaction 

you start with reliable TCP session support ... which has a minimum of 
7-packet exchange. then you encapsulate all the HTTPS hand-shaking ... 
which eventually possibly reduces to doing a transaction packet exchange 
(as opposed to really requiring full session semantics).

in the late 80s, there was work on reliable XTP, a transaction oriented 
protocol that supported reliable internet with a minimum of 3-packet 
exchange (disclaimer, my wife and I were on the XTP technical advisory 

so a lot of the SSL stuff around ssl server certificates is validating 
that the server you think you are talking to is actually the server you 
are talking to  by checking the domain name from the URL that you 
supposedly typed in against the domain name in the ssl server 
certificate. a big vulnerability was created when a lot of the merchant 
servers ... that were the original prime target for ssl server 
certificates ... backed way from using SSL for the whole web experience 
and reduced it to just the payment transaction. the problem then was 
that the supposedly typed in URL came from a button provided by the 
server ... and not actually typed in by the client. the ssl server 
process then became checking the domain name in the URL provided by the 
server against the domain name in the certificate provided by the server 
(totally subverting original security assumptions). lots of past 
collected posts mentioning ssl server certificate infrastructure

So the next part was that somebody applies for a SSL server certificate 
 which basically involves the certification authority checking the 
applicant provided information against what is on file with the domain 
name infrastructure. there was some integrity issues with this 
information being hijacked/changed ... so the certification authority 
industry was backing a proposal that domain name owners register a 
public key (with the domain name infrastructure) along with the other 
information. Then all future communication would be digitally signed

(as countermeasure to various hijacking vulnerabilities).

the issue then is that certification authorities can also request that 
ssl server certificate applications also be digitally signed. the 
certification authorities, then can validate the digital signature with 
the onfile domain name infrastructure (turning a time-consuming, 
error-prone, and expensive identification process into a much simpler, 
less-expensive and efficient authentication process)

note that the existing infrastructure has the trust root with the 
information on file with the domain name infrastructure (that has to be 
cross-checked for identification purposes). the change to registering a 
public key retains the domain name infrastructure as the trust root (but 
changing from an expensive identification operation to a much simpler

authentication operation).

so a real SSL simplification, when the client contacts the domain name 
infrastructure to do the domain name to ip-address translation, the 
domain name infrastructure can piggy-back the public key and any 
necessary ssl options on the ip-address reply.

the client then composes a XTP transaction (has minimum 3-packet 
exchange for reliable operation) that has an "SSL" packet structure. the 
client generates a random transaction key, encrypts the communication 
with the random generated key and encrypts the random key with the 
server's public key ... and sends it off the encrypted random key and 
the encrypted communication.

for purely transaction operation, there is minimum (XTP) 3-packet 
exchange between client and server. however, if more data is involved, 
then as many packets as necessary are transmitted. I've suggested this 
design numerous times in the past.

as an aside, i've pointed out before that in the mid-90s that as 
webserver activity was increasing ... a lot of platforms experienced 
severe throughput degradation with HTTP transaction protocol use of TCP. 
Most platforms had a highly inefficient session close imp

Re: Hamiltonian path as protection against DOS.

2006-08-16 Thread Bill Stewart

Crypto is usually about economics and scalability.

If you're doing this for DOS/DDOS prevention,
you don't need the NP-completeness perfection you get from
Hamiltonian paths or similar problems - SHA is fine,
or any other hash that's quick to verify and
hard to reverse.  Even MD5 is probably still ok...
Calculating any of the hashes probably takes less time than
handling the packets does.

It's almost certainly better for you if they harass you by
sending you bogus SHA pieces that you can process quickly
than bogus DH pieces that take you a while,
and if it's not too distributed an attack,
you can also blacklist senders IP addresses.

At present I'm skeptical about the need for
that kind of protection - a simple UDP or TCP handshake
and maybe a Photuris cookie are enough to
take care of most forgery attacks
and let you blacklist hostile senders.
But malware writers are tenacious bastards,
and perhaps there are or will be applications where
this sort of protection could be useful -
merely insisting that attackers use _your_ protocol
is probably enough to cut down on 99.99% of attacks
unless you get the protocol widely adopted.

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Re: Hamiltonian path as protection against DOS.

2006-08-16 Thread mikeiscool

Could this sort of system be something that is implemented way before
a HTTP connection even starts?

Say, implemented by OS vendors or API vendors of sockets. That is to
say, when you open a socket connection for the first time, for certain
protocols, you need to pay this fee. The socket lib would be adjusted
to do it, and then you are good to go.

It would mean that other services get the benefit of protection. But
is there legimate need to connect to many, or one, host many thousands
of times? I'd guess there is.

Take the discussed handshakes. Could something be incorporated there?

Maybe there could be a new low level protocol, kind of like SSL, but
less cost involved ... then you could tell your server to operate in
that mode only...

-- mic

On 8/16/06, Bill Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Crypto is usually about economics and scalability.

If you're doing this for DOS/DDOS prevention,
you don't need the NP-completeness perfection you get from
Hamiltonian paths or similar problems - SHA is fine,
or any other hash that's quick to verify and
hard to reverse.  Even MD5 is probably still ok...
Calculating any of the hashes probably takes less time than
handling the packets does.

It's almost certainly better for you if they harass you by
sending you bogus SHA pieces that you can process quickly
than bogus DH pieces that take you a while,
and if it's not too distributed an attack,
you can also blacklist senders IP addresses.

At present I'm skeptical about the need for
that kind of protection - a simple UDP or TCP handshake
and maybe a Photuris cookie are enough to
take care of most forgery attacks
and let you blacklist hostile senders.
But malware writers are tenacious bastards,
and perhaps there are or will be applications where
this sort of protection could be useful -
merely insisting that attackers use _your_ protocol
is probably enough to cut down on 99.99% of attacks
unless you get the protocol widely adopted.

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Re: Hamiltonian path as protection against DOS.

2006-08-14 Thread Adam Back
On Mon, Aug 14, 2006 at 12:23:03PM +1000, mikeiscool wrote:
> But you're imaging an attack with a distributed bot net DDoS'ing you,
> correct? Couldn't they then also use their botnet to process the
> messages faster then normally? They already have the computering
> power. Just a minor addon to the bot client app.

If you're using a hashcash token which takes 20 seconds of your CPU,
it'll slow the spammer down if they owned node has broadband.

(Think about 5k message size, multiple Bcc recipients etc; the spammer
of an owned botnet node can send multple many per second if hashcash
reduces the number of messages that can be sent by a factor of 100,
thats a good thing.)

Whether its enough of a slow down is an open question -- but I think
its difficult to imagine a security protocol that prevent spam with
the attacker owning some big proportion of nodes.


> Or if it is many requests from one or thousands of clients, can you
> not, per host, ask them to use a cached version? Per X timeout.
> Of course, you can't do this with SSL, though.

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Re: Hamiltonian path as protection against DOS.

2006-08-14 Thread mikeiscool

But you're imaging an attack with a distributed bot net DDoS'ing you,
correct? Couldn't they then also use their botnet to process the
messages faster then normally? They already have the computering
power. Just a minor addon to the bot client app.

Or if it is many requests from one or thousands of clients, can you
not, per host, ask them to use a cached version? Per X timeout.

Of course, you can't do this with SSL, though.

-- mic

On 8/14/06, James A. Donald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

DOS is now a major problem - every business, online
games, money movers, banks, porno sites, casinos, now
comes under DOS attack from extortionists.

Before one does any potentially expensive operations,
for example constructing a shared transitory secret with
DH, or even setting up a connection, one would like to
make the client pay a significant computational cost,
preferably with one and half round trips of UDP

To do this the server should send the client some random
bytes, and require the client to respond with something
costly to construct from those random bytes, but trivial
to verify.

Commonly we use SHA - client responds with some bytes
that when hashed with the server's bytes, produces a
hash of special form.  A single SHA operation likely
costs two to four microseconds when efficiently done. If
SHA is hard to reverse, client has to try bytes at
random until it comes up with something that just
happens to have the special form.

But SHA was not really designed for this purpose.
Further, there is no strong theory justifying SHA.  It
would be nice to do this with a Hamiltonian path.   But
Hamiltonian paths are tricky - it is not trivial to
produce graphs of known difficulty.  Ideally one would
like to efficiently produce small Hamiltonian problems
that are known to have a solution, and known to be hard
on average.

Has some work been done on this problem?  Are there
standard algorithms, or better, standard code, that I
can copy?  On the other hand, if we try to do something
clever, we are likely to exceed a few microseconds,
which defeats the purpose.  While Hamiltonian path
problems are more elegant, and directly appropriate to
the problem, SHA is hard to beat.

  James A. Donald

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Hamiltonian path as protection against DOS.

2006-08-13 Thread James A. Donald

DOS is now a major problem - every business, online
games, money movers, banks, porno sites, casinos, now
comes under DOS attack from extortionists.

Before one does any potentially expensive operations,
for example constructing a shared transitory secret with
DH, or even setting up a connection, one would like to
make the client pay a significant computational cost,
preferably with one and half round trips of UDP

To do this the server should send the client some random
bytes, and require the client to respond with something
costly to construct from those random bytes, but trivial
to verify.

Commonly we use SHA - client responds with some bytes
that when hashed with the server's bytes, produces a
hash of special form.  A single SHA operation likely
costs two to four microseconds when efficiently done. If
SHA is hard to reverse, client has to try bytes at
random until it comes up with something that just
happens to have the special form.

But SHA was not really designed for this purpose.
Further, there is no strong theory justifying SHA.  It
would be nice to do this with a Hamiltonian path.   But
Hamiltonian paths are tricky - it is not trivial to
produce graphs of known difficulty.  Ideally one would
like to efficiently produce small Hamiltonian problems
that are known to have a solution, and known to be hard
on average.

Has some work been done on this problem?  Are there
standard algorithms, or better, standard code, that I
can copy?  On the other hand, if we try to do something
clever, we are likely to exceed a few microseconds,
which defeats the purpose.  While Hamiltonian path
problems are more elegant, and directly appropriate to
the problem, SHA is hard to beat.

 James A. Donald

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