Re: Query about hash function capability

2005-08-05 Thread Jerrold Leichter
| Hi all,
| My question relates to hash functions in general and not specifically
| cryptographic hashes. I was wondering if there exists a group of hash
| function(s) that will return an identical result for sequentially
| similar yet rotate/shift wise dissimilar input:
| ie: input1 : abcdefg -> h(abcdefg) = 123
| input2 : gabcdef -> h(gabcdef) = 123
| input3 : fgabcde -> h(fgabcde) = 123
| Here a,b,c,d,e,f,g represent symbols (ie: groups of bits with equivalent
| group sizes etc...)
| I know that one simple hash method would be to add the symbols
| together, but the results would also be equivalent if say the symbols
| were in any order, also collisions would occur with other totally
| dissimilar sequences that happen to have the same sum as the sequence.
| Is there anything out there research/papers etc, or is this a meaningless
| avenue of enquiry?
| any help would be very much appreciated.
Rotate the input string until it has the smallest possible value among all 
possible rotations.  "Possible rotations" are those that you want to consider 
equivalent under the hash - if you want just "ab" and "ba" as ASCII strings to 
be equivalent, then allow only rotations in units of bytes.  If you also want 
0xc2c4 - the result of rotating that pair of bytes left by one bit - to be 
equivalent, include bit rotations in the "possible rotations".  Finally, hash 
using any standard algorithm.  (What this is doing is partitioning the set of 
inputs into equivalence classes - where two inputs are in the same equivalence 
class if they are intended to hash to the same value - and then replacing the 
input string by a unique representative of the equivalence class.  You can 
define equivalence classes any way you like, as long as you can compute a 
unique representative.  For example, a hash that ignores upper/lower case
distinctions is trivially realized by replacing all letters in the input with 
their lower-case equivalents.  That just chooses the all-lower-case version as 
the representative of the set of "case-equivalent" versions of the string.

-- Jerry

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Re: Query about hash function capability

2005-08-05 Thread Jason Holt

On Thu, 4 Aug 2005, Arash Partow wrote:

ie: input1 : abcdefg -> h(abcdefg) = 123
   input2 : gabcdef -> h(gabcdef) = 123
   input3 : fgabcde -> h(fgabcde) = 123

I don't have a formal reference for you, but this seems intuitively correct to 
me: put the strings in a canonical form so that all equivalent strings reduce 
to the same string, then hash conventionally.  Eg., for rotation, the 
canonical form of a string is the rotation which gives the smallest value when 
the string is considered a binary number.  In other words, alphabetize all the 
rotations and then take the first one.


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Re: Query about hash function capability

2005-08-04 Thread Ian Clelland

On Aug 3, 2005, at 7:55 PM, Arash Partow wrote:

My question relates to hash functions in general and not specifically
cryptographic hashes. I was wondering if there exists a group of hash
function(s) that will return an identical result for sequentially
similar yet rotate/shift wise dissimilar input:

ie: input1 : abcdefg -> h(abcdefg) = 123
input2 : gabcdef -> h(gabcdef) = 123
input3 : fgabcde -> h(fgabcde) = 123

Here a,b,c,d,e,f,g represent symbols (ie: groups of bits with 

group sizes etc...)

Why not just include a canonicalization step at the beginning of the
hash that is designed to ignore rotation?

For example, if you can define an ordering on the set of possible 
inputs to the hash, then you can rotate any input to the point where it 
is the "smallest" (or "largest") that it can be, and then hash *that* 

Ian Clelland

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Re: Query about hash function capability

2005-08-04 Thread Alexander Klimov
On Thu, 4 Aug 2005, Arash Partow wrote:
> My question relates to hash functions in general and not specifically
> cryptographic hashes. I was wondering if there exists a group of hash
> function(s) that will return an identical result for sequentially
> similar yet rotate/shift wise dissimilar input:
> ie: input1 : abcdefg -> h(abcdefg) = 123
>  input2 : gabcdef -> h(gabcdef) = 123
>  input3 : fgabcde -> h(fgabcde) = 123
> Here a,b,c,d,e,f,g represent symbols (ie: groups of bits with equivalent
> group sizes etc...)
> I know that one simple hash method would be to add the symbols
> together, but the results would also be equivalent if say the symbols
> were in any order, also collisions would occur with other totally
> dissimilar sequences that happen to have the same sum as the sequence.
> Is there anything out there research/papers etc, or is this a meaningless
> avenue of enquiry?

Just sort all the rotations and use some known hash for the smallest.
For example, if you start with abcab you sort abcab, babca, ababc,
cabab, and bcaba, and calculate SHA1(ababc).

BTW: this rotate-and-sort technique is actually used for data
compression -- search for `Burrows-Wheeler Transform' if you are


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RE: Query about hash function capability

2005-08-04 Thread Dean, James
Sort the letters then apply any hash. 

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Re: Query about hash function capability

2005-08-04 Thread Victor Duchovni
On Thu, Aug 04, 2005 at 12:55:51PM +1000, Arash Partow wrote:

> Hi all,
> My question relates to hash functions in general and not specifically
> cryptographic hashes. I was wondering if there exists a group of hash
> function(s) that will return an identical result for sequentially
> similar yet rotate/shift wise dissimilar input:
> ie: input1 : abcdefg -> h(abcdefg) = 123
> input2 : gabcdef -> h(gabcdef) = 123
> input3 : fgabcde -> h(fgabcde) = 123

Sure, just pick the lexicographically first cycle and hash
that. This is an invariant of all cyclic permutations of the

epermut -> h(epermut) 
ermutep -> h(epermut)
muteper -> h(epermut)
permute -> h(epermut)
rmutepe -> h(epermut)
tepermu -> h(epermut)
uteperm -> h(epermut)

More generally given any automorphism group on the input strings, hashing
the lexicographically smallest member of the orbit of an input string
under the group gives a hash that is invariant under the group operation.


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Query about hash function capability

2005-08-04 Thread Arash Partow

Hi all,

My question relates to hash functions in general and not specifically
cryptographic hashes. I was wondering if there exists a group of hash
function(s) that will return an identical result for sequentially
similar yet rotate/shift wise dissimilar input:

ie: input1 : abcdefg -> h(abcdefg) = 123
input2 : gabcdef -> h(gabcdef) = 123
input3 : fgabcde -> h(fgabcde) = 123

Here a,b,c,d,e,f,g represent symbols (ie: groups of bits with equivalent
group sizes etc...)

I know that one simple hash method would be to add the symbols
together, but the results would also be equivalent if say the symbols
were in any order, also collisions would occur with other totally
dissimilar sequences that happen to have the same sum as the sequence.

Is there anything out there research/papers etc, or is this a meaningless
avenue of enquiry?

any help would be very much appreciated.

Arash Partow
Be one who knows what they don't know,
Instead of being one who knows not what they don't know,
Thinking they know everything about all things.

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