Re: Scare tactic?

2007-09-23 Thread Ian G

Ivan Krsti? wrote:

On Sep 19, 2007, at 5:01 PM, Nash Foster wrote:

Any actual cryptographers care to comment on this? I don't feel
qualified to judge.

If the affected software is doing DH with a malicious/compromised peer, 
the peer can make it arrive at a predictable secret -- which would be 
known to some passive listener. But hey, if the peer is malicious or 
compromised to begin with, it could just as well do DH normally and 
explicitly send the secret to the listener when it's done. Not much to 
see here.

I agree that this is minutia, but there is a difference.  If 
the peer can arrange the key to be some predictable secret, 
it can do so without revealing itself.  Eve is happy.  If 
however it has to leak the key some other way, it needs some 
covert channel.  This channel is the sort of thing that 
security reviews might more easily stumble over.  E.g., IDS 
guy asking why these strange packets emanate from the crypto 

Which is to say, it's worth closing off this particular form 
of attack if it can be done without undue cost.  When I did 
a key exchange last in a protocol design, I attempted to 
address it by inserting some hashing steps.


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Re: Scare tactic?

2007-09-21 Thread Ben Laurie
Damien Miller wrote:
> OTOH Racoon/ipsec-tools would benefit from the extra sanity checks
> that Ben Laurie added to OpenSSL for the 0.9.8a release[3], assuming
> it was compiled against that version or later.

I have to say that Nick Mathewson should get all the credit for this, I
was merely a facilitator.



> [3]


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Re: Scare tactic?

2007-09-21 Thread Peter Gutmann
Nate Lawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>All this attack allows is for one side of a DH exchange to intentionally
>downgrade the security,

You've forgotten Hanlon's razor, "Never attribute to malice that which can be
adequately explained by stupidity".  So the comment should really be:

  All this attack allows is for one side of a DH exchange to inadvertently
  downgrade the security,

This sort of thing has happened several times in the past (with RSA, not DH in
this case), one example being the CA-issued exponent-one certs that I
mentioned previously, the other being an implementation that shall go unnamed
that sent out plaintext because the developers didn't do key paramter
validation.  So the problem isn't a deliberate attack, it's screwups by people
implementing or deploying the crypto.


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Re: Scare tactic?

2007-09-21 Thread Damien Miller
On Wed, 19 Sep 2007, Nash Foster wrote:

> Any actual cryptographers care to comment on this? I don't feel
> qualified to judge.

I "discovered" this minor weakness in most of the open source IPSec
implementations in May of last year (identical checks for degenerate
exponents are actually recommended in RFC2142 section 

It didn't seem like this weakness could be used for much - an evil IKE
endpoint could use it to force disclosure of symmetrically encrypted
exchanges that were keyed from DH, but such an endpoint has a myriad 
of other ways they could disclose this same information. Protocols that
do not perform authentication after DH (e.g. Tor) get bit much harder

Anyway, I fixed OpenBSD's isakmpd[1], tighened the checks in OpenSSH[2]
and reported the problem to the security contacts of ipsec-tools/racoon
and openswan (two other open source IKE implementations).

Racoon and openswan never bothered bother to fix it despite me sending a
patch for racoon at least.  I recall a rather bizarre conversation with
an openswan developer who said he would only accept a patch if I wrote
him a testcase to go with it.

OTOH Racoon/ipsec-tools would benefit from the extra sanity checks
that Ben Laurie added to OpenSSL for the 0.9.8a release[3], assuming
it was compiled against that version or later.



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Re: Scare tactic?

2007-09-21 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Sidney Markowitz wrote, On 21/9/07 8:24 AM:
> Ben Laurie wrote, On 21/9/07 1:34 AM:
>> "Entity i cannot be coerced into sharing a key with entity j without i’s
>> knowledge, ie, when i believes the key is shared with some entity l != j."
> The "without i's knowledge" part is critical to the argument, as the
> author is assuming that entity i is monitoring all of entity j's
> channels of communication

Curse this non-standard notation! I of course meant "entity l"
everywhere I said "entity j" to keep with the original author's
nomenclature. Whatever happened to Alice, Bob, and Eve?

 -- Sidney Markowitz

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Re: Scare tactic?

2007-09-21 Thread lists

Ivan Krstic

> ... But hey, if the peer is malicious or compromised to begin with,
> it could just as well do DH normally and explicitly send the secret
> to the listener when it's done. Not much to see here.

But it gets more interesting if the endpoints are not completely and
solely controlled by Alice and Bob.  Suppose the computers and communication
link are protected from tampering but that interfering with the power supply
sometimes produces a DH private key of 0.

What about a (covert and deniable) contribution to a project?
Underhanded prime selection appears in the ElGamal-RSA discussion
by Piper and Stephens in ISBN 0-19-853691-7.  

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Re: Scare tactic?

2007-09-20 Thread Sidney Markowitz
Ben Laurie wrote, On 21/9/07 1:34 AM:
> It seems to me that the requirement cited:
> "Entity i cannot be coerced into sharing a key with entity j without i’s
> knowledge, ie, when i believes the key is shared with some entity l != j."

The "without i's knowledge" part is critical to the argument, as the
author is assuming that entity i is monitoring all of entity j's
channels of communication and either entity j has no communication of
any kind outside of that used for the DH protocol with entity i, or else
entity i would be able to recognize whether any other communication with
anyone is a revelation of the secret session key that entity i is
sharing with entity j.

Note that entity i would even have to be sure that entity j is not using
any side channels such as variations in the timing of response packets
during the subsequent encrypted session to communicate with a colluding
passive attacker who is eavesdropping.

That is an awfully impractical constraint on the threat model, which
makes this issue moot in practice.

 Sidney Markowitz

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Re: Scare tactic?

2007-09-20 Thread Nate Lawson
Peter Gutmann wrote:
> "Nash Foster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Any actual cryptographers care to comment on this? I don't feel qualified to
>> judge.
> It's quite possible that many implementations do this.  When the Mozilla folks
> changed their code a year or two back to reject RSA keys with an exponent of
> one (which in itself means that they'd been accepting those keys for years), a
> number of certs broke because CAs were issuing exponent-one keys, which in
> turn means that many other implementations that never complained about these
> certs were freely accepting them.  Windows CryptoAPI, for example, still
> allows exponent-one keys as a by-design feature to allow the export of
> "wrapped" keys in plaintext form.  So it's quite believable that a number of
> DH implementations allow bad key parameter values, and that this has been
> going on for years.
> (Even the level of validation discussed on the web page doesn't help entirely,
> FIPS 186 provides extra parameters that you can use for checking the key
> (p,q,g) while the still widely-used PKCS #3 doesn't (p,g), so even just using
> PKCS #3 rather than FIPS 186 is a problem).

I wrote a series of articles on the problem of not verifying padding
with small-exponent RSA.  In the conclusion, it listed a number of
well-known attacks against other public key systems, including small
subgroup confinement.

The author of the Mu article does not list all the verification steps
needed, and even seems to infer that the values g and p are negotiated
between the two parties.  This would be a bad idea, versus choosing a
set of values that were pre-verified.

This type of attack was even discussed in the realm of IPSEC back in 1997:

All this attack allows is for one side of a DH exchange to intentionally
downgrade the security, but there's no reason one of them couldn't just
publish the "secure" derived value AFTER completing the entire exchange.
 Or, publish their secret exponent.

If this is not authenticated DH, then you have other problems.


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Re: Scare tactic?

2007-09-20 Thread Ben Laurie
Nash Foster wrote:
> Any actual cryptographers care to comment on this? I don't feel
> qualified to judge.

It seems to me that the requirement cited:

"Entity i cannot be coerced into sharing a key with entity j without i’s
knowledge, ie, when i believes the key is shared with some entity l != j."

is generally impossible to achieve in practice. Which is lucky:
otherwise DRM would work.

To address their particular complaint, one of the two parties must
cooperate with the passive attacker to cause key leakage. If they are
prepared to cooperate then they can leak the key anyway, and no amount
of testing of public keys will prevent this.




"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
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Re: Scare tactic?

2007-09-20 Thread Ivan Krstić

On Sep 19, 2007, at 5:01 PM, Nash Foster wrote:

Any actual cryptographers care to comment on this? I don't feel
qualified to judge.

If the affected software is doing DH with a malicious/compromised  
peer, the peer can make it arrive at a predictable secret -- which  
would be known to some passive listener. But hey, if the peer is  
malicious or compromised to begin with, it could just as well do DH  
normally and explicitly send the secret to the listener when it's  
done. Not much to see here.

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
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RE: Scare tactic?

2007-09-20 Thread Dave Korn
On 19 September 2007 22:01, Nash Foster wrote:

> Any actual cryptographers care to comment on this? 


> I don't feel qualified to judge.

  Nor do I, but I'll have a go anyway.  Any errors are all my own work.  AIUI,
the weakness is that if you control one end of the DH exchange, you can force
a weak key to be selected for the subsequent encrypted exchange that an
external observer can easily guess.  I would summarize the main findings as:

  "If you are one participant in a DH key exchange, it is possible for you to
reveal the agreed-upon shared secret".

  "If you pwn an IKE server, you can decrypt and read all the traffic it is
exchanging with peers.  The clients of that server won't know that it's giving
up all their data".

  Whether you do it by forcing the implementation to choose a weak key, or by
just revealing the information that in each situation you already have under
your control, seems to me like a mere technicality.  I can't envisage any
situation under which this would actually *increase* your exposure.  However
it is an implementation flaw and should be addressed just for the sake of
tying up loose ends and doing things properly.

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Re: Scare tactic?

2007-09-20 Thread Alexander Klimov
On Wed, 19 Sep 2007, Nash Foster wrote:
> Any actual cryptographers care to comment on this? I don't feel
> qualified to judge.

>> Not a single IKE implementation [...] were validating the
>> Diffie-Hellman public keys that I sent.

There are many ways to use DH key-agreement. The one described
on the page is as follows: both A and B generate random values,
exponentiate, exchange results, and derive the same value. In
this case there is no point validating the `public key'
A receives from B: if B colludes with an attacker (and generates
the key belonging to a small subgroup), then B can as well tell
the final secret to the attacker.

The attack would make sense if it allows B to learn a long-term
secret of A, but if the `private keys' are randomly generated on
each exchange, then this problem does not exist.


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Re: Scare tactic?

2007-09-20 Thread Victor Duchovni
On Wed, Sep 19, 2007 at 02:01:13PM -0700, Nash Foster wrote:

> Any actual cryptographers care to comment on this? I don't feel
> qualified to judge.

I am not a cryptographer, but the article appears silly.

First the verification algorithm as stated is wrong:

* Verify that 2 <= K_a <= p - 2
* Verify that (K_a)^g = 1 (mod p)

The first condition is correct, but the second is not, that "g" should
be a "q", where "q" is a large prime divisor of "p-1" and "g" is chosen
so that the order of "g" mod "p" is "q". The correct second test just
verifies that K_a is an element of order q (true for all non-trivial
powers of g).

Even with the verification algorithm K_a can still be equal to a small
power of "g", which the passive eavesdropper can quickly brute-force.

In fact the entire threat model is broken, because if Alice wants Eve to
be able to crack Alice's key exchange with Bob, Alice can just send Eve
her secret exponent. Why waste time with weak exponents that Bob may be
able to detect if he so choses?

So verification of the peer exponent has nothing to do with Allice
colluding with passive eavesdroppers.

Rather the issue is small-subgroup attacks, which are of interest
in some cases (and not applicable in others).

Have not looked at IKE closely enough to comment on whether small
subgroups are a concern in that context.


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Re: Scare tactic?

2007-09-20 Thread Peter Gutmann
"Nash Foster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Any actual cryptographers care to comment on this? I don't feel qualified to

It's quite possible that many implementations do this.  When the Mozilla folks
changed their code a year or two back to reject RSA keys with an exponent of
one (which in itself means that they'd been accepting those keys for years), a
number of certs broke because CAs were issuing exponent-one keys, which in
turn means that many other implementations that never complained about these
certs were freely accepting them.  Windows CryptoAPI, for example, still
allows exponent-one keys as a by-design feature to allow the export of
"wrapped" keys in plaintext form.  So it's quite believable that a number of
DH implementations allow bad key parameter values, and that this has been
going on for years.

(Even the level of validation discussed on the web page doesn't help entirely,
FIPS 186 provides extra parameters that you can use for checking the key
(p,q,g) while the still widely-used PKCS #3 doesn't (p,g), so even just using
PKCS #3 rather than FIPS 186 is a problem).


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Re: Scare tactic?

2007-09-20 Thread Taral
On 9/19/07, Nash Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any actual cryptographers care to comment on this? I don't feel
> qualified to judge.

It's a real (old) vulnerability in DH, but I don't think it applies
here. If you want to expose the cleartext of your IPsec traffic, you
can just send a copy to the observer.

It makes mitm easier on unauthenticated links, but that's not a new
exposure of any kind.

>From the article:

There are a number of real-world scenarios where an unknown
key-share completely undermines the legitimacy of networking
infrastructure which is designed to provide high security.

Funny how they didn't provide any details.

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Scare tactic?

2007-09-19 Thread Nash Foster

Any actual cryptographers care to comment on this? I don't feel
qualified to judge.


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