Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-03-15 Thread Ben Laurie

Philipp Gühring wrote:
I had the feeling that Microsoft wants to abandon the usage of client 
certificates completely, and move the people to CardSpace instead.
But how do you sign your emails with CardSpace? CardSpace only does the 
realtime authentication part of the market ...

It's not rocket science. You have a public/private keypair. You can sign 
emails. For example, import your cardspace key into PGP.


There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-22 Thread Peter Gutmann
Thierry Moreau [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

At first, it seems neat. But then, looking at how it works in practice: the
client receives an e-mail notification soliciting him to click on a HTML link
and then enroll for a security certificate, the client is solicited exactly
like a phishing criminal would do,

Correction, exactly like phishing criminals are actively doing right now
(hat tip to Don Jackson of SecureWorks who's investigated and documented this
practice).  Given the almost complete failure of client certs in the
marketplace, I found it most amusing that the current active users of client
certs are phishers.  It reminded me of spammers and SPF.

   Title:   Sender driven certification enrollment system
   Document Type and Number:  United States Patent 6651166
   Link to this page:

   Filing Date: 04/09/1998
   Publication Date: 11/18/2003

Thus postdating Microsoft's CertEnroll/Certenr3/Xenroll ActiveX control by
several years.  The only difference here is that the user generates the cert
directly rather than involving a CA.


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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-21 Thread Thierry Moreau

Leichter, Jerry wrote:

While trying to find something else, I came across the following

Title:   Sender driven certification enrollment system
Document Type and Number:  United States Patent 6651166
Link to this page:
A sender driven certificate enrollment system and methods of its
use are provided, in which a sender controls the generation of a
digital certificate that is used to encrypt and send a document
to a recipient in a secure manner. The sender compares
previously stored recipient information to gathered information
from the recipient. If the information matches, the sender
transfers key generation software to the recipient, which
produces the digital certificate, comprising a public and
private key pair. The sender can then use the public key to
encrypt and send the document to the recipient, wherein the
recipient can use the matching private key to decrypt the

Some feedback on the above security certificate issuance process.

At first, it seems neat. But then, looking at how it works in practice:

the client receives an e-mail notification soliciting him to click on a
HTML link and then enroll for a security certificate,

the client is solicited exactly like a phishing criminal would do, and

a java software utility downloaded from the web should not be allowed to
modify security-critical parameters on the local machine.

According to my records, this issuance process is nonetheless
representative of research directions for user enrollment, i.e. there
aren't too many other documented processes in this area.



- Thierry Moreau

CONNOTECH Experts-conseils inc.
9130 Place de Montgolfier
Montreal, Qc
Canada   H2M 2A1

Tel.: (514)385-5691
Fax:  (514)385-5900

web site:

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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-14 Thread Bill Squier

On Feb 11, 2008, at 8:28 AM, Philipp Gühring wrote:

I had the feeling that Microsoft wants to abandon the usage of client
certificates completely, and move the people to CardSpace instead.
But how do you sign your emails with CardSpace? CardSpace only does  

realtime authentication part of the market ...

We (Morgan Stanley) were able to pressure them into a rapid fix, and  
they have committed to delivering it in SP1.  Keep your fingers crossed.

If anyone needs more information how to upgrade your Web-based CA  
for IE7:

Step (2), On Vista you have to add this website to the list of  
trusted sites in the internet-settings. can be quite unpalatable.   
Depending on your customers' situations, an alternative might be more  
palatable: Generate the key and deliver a PKCS#12.

This depends on whether you believe in the non-repudiation fairy or  
not -- or more accurately, whether you're already assuming the  
repudiation risk.


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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-14 Thread RL 'Bob' Morgan

Imagine if a website could instruct your browser to transparently 
generate a public/private keypair for use with that website only and 
send the public key to that website.  Then, any time that the user 
returns to that website, the browser would automatically use that 
private key to authenticate itself.  For instance, might 
instruct my browser to create one private key for use with *; 
later, could instruct my browser to create a private key 
for use with *  By associating the private key with a 
specific DNS domain (just as cookies are), this means that the privacy 
implications of client authentication would be comparable to the privacy 
implications of cookies.  Also, in this scheme, there wouldn't be any 
need to have your public key signed by a CA; the site only needs to know 
your public key (e.g., your browser could send self-signed certs), which 
eliminates the dependence upon the third-party CAs. Any thoughts on 

You don't have to imagine this.  It is exactly how Infocard (the generic 
name of the technology of which Microsoft's CardSpace is one 
implementation of one component) works in its most common mode (the 
personal or self-issued card).  It has lots of other benefits as well even 
in this mode (user-managed attributes, graphical UI) as well as other 
modes to support identity providers (managed cards).

Lest you think that this is Microsoft-only, be assured that there is a 
large community building implementations for many other platforms and 
systems.  OSIS ( is the prime venue for people 
to work on interoperability across the spectrum of implementations. 
There's a big interop event coming up at the RSA conference in April.

If you'd like to help make your scenario a pervasive reality, check it 

 - RL Bob

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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-14 Thread RL 'Bob' Morgan

Is anyone aware of any third-party usability studies on CardSpace, 
OpenID, ...?).

I'm not.  It would be a good opportunity for security usability 
researchers to contribute though.

[0] I'm not sure whether putting CardSpace and Liberty in such close
   proximity in the above line was a good idea.  If your monitor starts
   smoking due to the friction generated, please cutpaste one of the two

Actually lots of Liberty and WS/Infocard/etc people are working on interop 
scenarios, see:

 - RL Bob

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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-13 Thread Philipp Gühring

 Microsoft broke this in IE7... It is no longer possible to generate and
 enroll a client cert from a CA not on the trusted root list. So private
 label CAs can no longer enroll client certs. We have requested a fix,
 so this may come in the future, but the damage is already done...

 Also the IE7 browser APIs for this are completely different and rather
 minimally documented. The interfaces are not portable between browsers,
 ... It's a mess.

I can fully confirm this.

Microsoft claimed that they had to rewrite the API to make it more secure, but 
I only found one small security-relevant weakness that they fixed, the others 
are still there. (And even that fix wouldn´t have justified a rewrite of the 
API for websites. They could have kept the frontend-API compatible in my 

I had the feeling that Microsoft wants to abandon the usage of client 
certificates completely, and move the people to CardSpace instead.
But how do you sign your emails with CardSpace? CardSpace only does the 
realtime authentication part of the market ...

If anyone needs more information how to upgrade your Web-based CA for IE7:

Best regards,
Philipp Gühring

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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-10 Thread Leichter, Jerry
| By the way, it seems like one thing that might help with client certs
| is if they were treated a bit like cookies.  Today, a website can set
| a cookie in your browser, and that cookie will be returned every time
| you later visit that website.  This all happens automatically.  Imagine
| if a website could instruct your browser to transparently generate a
| public/private keypair for use with that website only and send the
| public key to that website.  Then, any time that the user returns to
| that website, the browser would automatically use that private key to
| authenticate itself.  For instance, might instruct my browser
| to create one private key for use with *; later,
| could instruct my browser to create a private key for
| use with *  By associating the private key with a specific
| DNS domain (just as cookies are), this means that the privacy
| implications of client authentication would be comparable to the
| privacy implications of cookies.  Also, in this scheme, there wouldn't
| be any need to have your public key signed by a CA; the site only needs
| to know your public key (e.g., your browser could send self-signed
| certs), which eliminates the dependence upon the third-party CAs.
| Any thoughts on this?
While trying to find something else, I came across the following

Title:   Sender driven certification enrollment system
Document Type and Number:  United States Patent 6651166
Link to this page:
A sender driven certificate enrollment system and methods of its
use are provided, in which a sender controls the generation of a
digital certificate that is used to encrypt and send a document
to a recipient in a secure manner. The sender compares
previously stored recipient information to gathered information
from the recipient. If the information matches, the sender
transfers key generation software to the recipient, which
produces the digital certificate, comprising a public and
private key pair. The sender can then use the public key to
encrypt and send the document to the recipient, wherein the
recipient can use the matching private key to decrypt the

This was work done a Xerox.  I was trying to find a different report
at Xerox in response to Peter Gutmann's comment that certificate aren't
used because they are impractical/unusable.  Parc has done some wonderful
work on deal with those problems.  See:

Not Internet scale, but in an enterprise, it should work.

-- Jerry

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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-10 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler

re: Fixing SSL

so lots of the AADS

scenarios are that every place a password might appear, have
a public key instead.

for various of the cookie authentication operations ... also
think kerberos tickets. recent reference Kerberized authorization service

part of the scenario for cookie/ticket encryption ... involving
servers, is brute force attack on the server secret key. the cookie
instead of all encrypted data ... has some sort of client registration
value ... analogous to an account number or userid. the cookie caries the
registration value followed by the server encrypted data.  the
encryption part uses a derived key ... formed by combination of the
server's secret key and the client's registration value. these derived
key scenarios are also found in transit system operation (both
magstripe and memory chip) as well as financial transactions.

the issue then is initial registration ... the part where the user
chooses their userid (and/or the client registration value is
otherwise selected) and supplies a password (but in this case a public
key). m'soft and others have been using CAPTCHA to weed-out the
non-humans, but this has come under attacks. reference to recent news
items Spammer' bot cracks Microsoft's 

the ticket/cookie carries the clients public key (and whatever other
characteristics) ... which then can be used by the server(s) to
perform dynamic authentication (digital signing of some server
supplied, random data, countermeasure to replay attacks). this is in
lieu of server having to maintain the client account record ... ala a
RADIUS scenario where public key has been registered in lieu of a
password (some sort of online access to RADIUS account
records). various RADIUS public key in lieu of password postings:

the ticket/cookie scenario (with derived key encryption) is cross
between dynamic server-side account record data (say RADIUS
repository) and stale, static digital certificate scenario. as in the
transit gate operation, the ticket/cookie could also be retrieved,
decrypted, updated, re-encrypted, and returned as part of the
operation. initial server hand-shakes can include server sending some
random challenge data. The client returns the digital signature
and their previously obtained cookie. in the straight RADIUS public
key handshake scenario, just the digital signature and client
userid/account-number is returned since the rest of the cookie/ticket
equivalent info is online in the RADIUS account repository.

The straight RADIUS scenario would be to combine the server-side
random challenge data and combine it with the client registration
value (account number, userid) and whatever else the client-side
digital signing requires ... and return the userid/account-number
any other data and digital signature (i.e. server-side has to be
able to reconstruct what the client actually digitally signed
as part of verifying the digital signature). In the straight RADIUS
scenario, the public key (and any associated permissions, authorization,
etc) is obtained from the RADIUS repository. In cookie/ticket
scenario, it is obtained from the cookie/ticket appended to the

The business process still has the initial registration phase
... where the original cookie is created (or in the RADIUS
scenario, where the userid definitiion is initially created) and the
public key is supplied (in lieu of a password).

This is also effectively the original certificateless pk-init scenario
for kerberos (aka public key in lieu of password)

The cookie scenario is standard client/server ... attempting
to eliminate the server having to retain the account
record on behalf of every client (as in either the RADIUS
and/or KERBEROS scenario). Encrypting of the cookie data
is standard ... although transit systems and financial transactions
have gone to derived key for the situation ... as countermeasure
to brute force attack on the infrastructure secret key.

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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-09 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler

David Wagner wrote:

I'd be interested in hearing your take on why SSL client certs aren't
widely adopted.  It seems like they could potentially help with the
phishing problem (at least, the problem of theft of web authenticators
-- it obviously won't help with theft of SSNs).  If users don't know
the authentication secret, they can't reveal it.  The nice thing about
using client certs instead of passwords is that users don't know the
private key -- only the browser knows the secret key.

The standard concerns I've heard are: (a) SSL client supports aren't
supported very well by some browsers; (b) this doesn't handle the
mobility problem, where the user wants to log in from multiple different
browsers.  So you'd need a different mechanism for initially registering
the user's browser.

By the way, it seems like one thing that might help with client certs
is if they were treated a bit like cookies.  Today, a website can set
a cookie in your browser, and that cookie will be returned every time
you later visit that website.  This all happens automatically.  Imagine
if a website could instruct your browser to transparently generate a
public/private keypair for use with that website only and send the
public key to that website.  Then, any time that the user returns to
that website, the browser would automatically use that private key to
authenticate itself.  For instance, might instruct my browser
to create one private key for use with *; later, could instruct my browser to create a private key for
use with *  By associating the private key with a specific
DNS domain (just as cookies are), this means that the privacy
implications of client authentication would be comparable to the
privacy implications of cookies.  Also, in this scheme, there wouldn't
be any need to have your public key signed by a CA; the site only needs
to know your public key (e.g., your browser could send self-signed
certs), which eliminates the dependence upon the third-party CAs.
Any thoughts on this?

and certificateless public key

we referred to the scenario as person-centric ... as a contrast
to institutional-centric oriented implementations.

past posts in this thread: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch 
Transport Card Broken) Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch 
Transport Card Broken) Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch 
Transport Card Broken)

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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-09 Thread Taral
On 2/9/08, David Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 By the way, it seems like one thing that might help with client certs
 is if they were treated a bit like cookies.

I don't see how this helps with phishing. Phishers will just go after
the password or other secrets used to authenticate a new system or a
system that has lost its cert.

Please let me know if there's any further trouble I can give you.
-- Unknown

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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-09 Thread Victor Duchovni
On Sat, Feb 09, 2008 at 05:04:28PM -0800, David Wagner wrote:

 By the way, it seems like one thing that might help with client certs
 is if they were treated a bit like cookies.  Today, a website can set
 a cookie in your browser, and that cookie will be returned every time
 you later visit that website.  This all happens automatically.  Imagine
 if a website could instruct your browser to transparently generate a
 public/private keypair for use with that website only and send the
 public key to that website.  Then, any time that the user returns to
 that website, the browser would automatically use that private key to
 authenticate itself.  For instance, might instruct my browser
 to create one private key for use with *; later, could instruct my browser to create a private key for
 use with *

Microsoft broke this in IE7... It is no longer possible to generate and
enroll a client cert from a CA not on the trusted root list. So private
label CAs can no longer enroll client certs. We have requested a fix,
so this may come in the future, but the damage is already done...

Also the IE7 browser APIs for this are completely different and rather
minimally documented. The interfaces are not portable between browsers,
... It's a mess.


 /\ ASCII RIBBON  NOTICE: If received in error,
 \ / CAMPAIGN Victor Duchovni  please destroy and notify
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 / \ HTML MAILMorgan Stanley   confidentiality or privilege,
   and use is prohibited.

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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-06 Thread John Levine
They can't be as anonymous as cash if the party being dealt with
can be identified.  And the party can be identified if the
transaction is online, real-time.  Even if other clues are erased,
there's still traffic analysis in this case.

If I show up at a store and pay cash for something every week, they
can still do traffic analysis on me (oh him, he's a regular
customer) unless I go out of my way to obscure my routine like asking
other people to buy stuff for me.

It's not clear to me what the object of this argument is.  Yes, the
harder you work, the more difficult you can make it for other people
to tie your transactions to you.  This shouldn't be news to anyone.


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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-06 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler

a recent reference

Research unmasks anonymity networks
Research unmasks anonymity networks
Research unmasks anonymity networks;1270745171;fp;4194304;fpid;1
Paper Outlines Methods for Beating Anonymity Technology

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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-03 Thread StealthMonger
Anne  Lynn Wheeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] write:

 one of my favorite exchanges from the mid-90s was somebody claiming
 that adding digital certificates to the electronic payment
 transaction infrastructure would bring it into the modern age.  my
 response was that it actually would regress the infrastructure at
 least a couple decades to the time when online, real-time
 transactions weren't being done.  The online, real-time transaction
 provides much higher quality and useful information than a stale,
 static digital certificate (with an offline paradigm from before
 modern communication).  Having an available repository about the
 party being dealt with ... including things like timely, aggregated
 information (recent transactions) is significantly mover valuable
 than the stale, static digital certificate environment (the only
 thing that it has going for it, is it is better than nothing in the
 oldtime offline environment).


 EU had also made a statement in the mid-90s that electronic retail
 payments should be as anonymous as cash.

They can't be as anonymous as cash if the party being dealt with can
be identified.  And the party can be identified if the transaction is
online, real-time.  Even if other clues are erased, there's still
traffic analysis in this case.

What the offline paradigm has going for it is the possibility of true,
untraceable anonymity through the use of anonymizing remailers and
related technologies.

 -- StealthMonger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   stealthmail: Scripts to hide whether you're doing email, or when,
   or with whom.

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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-03 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler

StealthMonger wrote:

They can't be as anonymous as cash if the party being dealt with can
be identified.  And the party can be identified if the transaction is
online, real-time.  Even if other clues are erased, there's still
traffic analysis in this case.

What the offline paradigm has going for it is the possibility of true,
untraceable anonymity through the use of anonymizing remailers and
related technologies.


most people who heard the statement, understood that.

i think that possibly 2nd level detail was that they didn't want
PII easily associated by casual merchant. Initial response was to remove
name from payment cards  magstripes. This also precluded
merchants from requesting other forms of identification to
see if the names matched the name on the payment card.
The implication being that the payment infrastructure would
have to come up with other mechanisms to improve
the infrastructure integrity.

The offline payment paradigms ... while touting true
anonymity were actually primarily justified based on
other factors.

We had been asked to design and cost the dataprocessing
supporting US deployments of some of the offline products
(that were being used in Europe). Along the way, we did
some business process and revenue analysis and realized
that the primary motivation behind these system deployments
was the float.

About the same time that there was the EU about the
privacy of electronic retail payments ... there was also
a statement by the EU (and some of the country central
banks) that the offline products would be allowed to
keep the float for a short grace period  to help in
the funding of the infrastructure deployment ... but
after the grace period ... the operators would have to
start paying interest on the balance held in the offline
instruments (eliminating float from the equation).
After that, much of the interest in the offline
deployments drifted away.

In that time frame we had also done design, implementation
and deployment of a payment transaction infrastructure
supporting target marketing ... recent reference Diversity

support was for a small pilot of 60mil accounts and
1.5million transaction/day ... but capable of scaling
up to 20-30 times that amount. There was significant
attention paid to privacy issues and it was subject
to quarterly auditing by some dozen or so privacy
organizations. there had to be a large amount
of sensitive treatment of the information along
the lines of what HIPAA specifies for health information.


 Previously identifiable data that have been deidentified and for
 which a code or other link no longer exists. An investigator would
 not be able to link anonymized information back to a specific
 individual. [HIPAA] (see also anonymous, coded, directly
 identifiable, indirectly identifiable)

as part of co-authoring x9.99 financial privacy standard, one
of the things we created was a privacy merged glossory and
taxonomy ... including GLBA, HIPAA, and EU-DPD references
some notes:

in our work on x9.59 financial transaction standard

we made the statement that it was privacy agnostic ... since
the transactions were tied to accounts ... but then whether or
not the accounts were tied to individuals was outside the x9.59

As a total aside ... as part of the Digicash liquidation,
we were brought in to evaluate the patent portfolio.

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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-01 Thread Dan Kaminsky

 (as if anyone uses client certificates anyway)? 

 Guess why so few people are using it ...
 If it were secure, more people would be able to use it.

People don't use it because the workload of getting signed up is vastly
beyond their skillset, and the user experience using the things is
pretty bad too.
 And there are hundreds of internal systems I heard of that are using client 
 certificates in reality every day.
There's always a few people using a technology.  It's certainly a
nonplayer out there.  Probably more servers out there authing with
Digest, honestly.
 Validated email addresses for spamming. Spear-phishing perhaps, ...

 There are CA´s on this planet that put things like social security numbers 
 into certificates.

Who?  Seriously, that's pretty significant, I'd like to know who does this.
 Where does the SSL specification say that certificates shouldn´t contain 
 sensitive information? I am missing that detail in the security consideration 
 section of the RFC.
The word public in Public Key isn't exactly subtle.

 Do we have any more ideas how we can get this flaw fixed before it starts 
 hurting too much?
Make it really easy to use some future version of SSL client certs, and
quietly add the property you seek.  Ease of use drives technology
adoption; making the tech actually work is astonishingly secondary.

Heh, you asked :)
 We have an issue here. And the issue isn´t going to go away, until we 
 deprecate SSL/TLS, or it gets solved.
To be clear, we'd *have* an issue, if any serious number of people used
SSL client certs. I think you have a point that if SSL client certs
become very popular going forward, then every website you go to will
quietly grab your identity through their ad banners. 
 * We fix SSL  
 Does anyone have a solution for SSL/TLS available that we could propose on 
 TLS list? 
 If not: Can anyone with enough protocol design experience please develop it?
What solution could there be?  You're actually going to SSL to the
banner ad network, and you're going to give them your client cert.
 * We deprecate SSL for client certificate authentication.
 We write in the RFC that people MUST NOT use SSL for client authentication.
 (Perhaps we get away by pretending that client certificates accidently 
 into the specification.)
People by in large do not use SSL client cert authentication.  This is
problematic, as there's some very nice cryptographic aspects of the system.
 * We switch from TLS to hmmm ... perhaps SSH, which has fixed the problem 
 Hmm, there we would have to write all the glue RFCs like HTTP over SSH 
 again ...
I used to code for SSH.  SSL is an entire top-to-bottom stack, replete
with a deep PKI infrastructure.  SSH?  Tunneling transport, barely even

 Try to send a DVD iso image (4GB) over a SSL or SSH encrypted link with bit 
 errors every 1 bits with a client software like scp that cannot resume 
 downloads. I gave up after 5 tries that all broke down in average after 1 GB.
 (In that case it was a hardware (bad cable) initiated denial of service 
 attack ;-)
The problem here isn't checksums.  SSH is notoriously buggy when packets
are dropped.  I think there are certain windows in which OpenSSH assumes
it will get a response.  If it doesn't, it just dies.  So, outages more
than a few hundred milliseconds have a small percentage chance of
causing the session to permanently stall.

Corrupted MAC on input -- this is a decent sign of corruption at the
app layer.

Did you really try this with OpenSSL?  I've had much better luck there.

 If the link layer gives you 1/256, and the TCP layer gives you 1/65536, and 
 the SSL layer demands 0/16777216, then end up with 1/16777216 too much.

Actually, 256*65536 = 1677216 :)  In actuality, you have both IP and TCP
checksums.  So you get 8 bits from link, 16 bits from IP, and 16 bits
from TCP.  A random corrupt packet has about 2^40 odds of getting through.

Of course, one real problem is that the checksum algorithms don't
exactly distribute noise randomly, and noise is not random.  Still,
corruption doesn't start being a problem until you get some pretty
serious amounts of transfer.  (Interestingly, I've been looking at IPsec
lately, not for encryption, but for better checksumming.)

 Best regards,
 Philipp Gühring

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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-01 Thread Ian G

Eric Rescorla wrote:

(as if anyone uses client certificates anyway)? 

Guess why so few people are using it ...
If it were secure, more people would be able to use it.

No, if it were *convenient* people would use it. I know of absolutely
zero evidence (nor have you presented any) that people choose not
to use certs because of this kind of privacy issue--but I know
of plenty that they find getting certs way too inconvenient.

In a CA I have something to do with, I'm observing a site 
that just started experimenting with client certs (100 
users, will reach 1000, maybe more).

When we discovered that the certificate includes PII 
(personally identifying information) and the website stores 
additional PII, the service was directed to drop all 
additional PII, and some thought was put into the in-cert PII.

Current view is that the service must engage the user in a 
contract to accept the storing of that in-cert PII, 
otherwise it must not store the info in the cert (which 
means no identity, no persistence, and no point to the 
client certs).

Writing contracts and securing agreement of course is a 
barrier, a burden.  If this were a general requirement, then 
this would be enough (imho) to not recommend client certs, 
because contracts need lawyers, they cost real money, they 
don't solve the problem, and not recommending them is 
likewise unacceptable.

(Then, as you say, there are convenience issues.)

This is an experiment to force client certs to be used, so 
they are plugging on.  It's a CA so it is trying to prove 
that there is value in these things.

So... there are two slight variations that could be 
employed.  Firstly, all data placed in the cert could be 
declared public in advance, and then no contract is required 
to use it in a context that is compatible with public data. 
 That is, the question of the contract is pushed to the CA/CPS.

(You mentioned that the premise is that it is all public 

Another variation is to switch to username + password, of 
course, in which case the username is freely given and 
expected to be stored (certs being more or less invisible to 
users, so we can presume no such).

(definately open to other ideas...)

The PII equation is particularly daunting, echoing Lynn's 
early '90s experiences.  I am told (but haven't really 
verified) that the certificate serial number is PII and 
therefore falls under the full weight of privacy law  regs 
... this may sound ludicrous, but privacy and security are 
different fields with different logics.  If that is true, 
the liability is far too high for something that should be 
private, but is already public by dint of its exposure in 
certificates.  Privacy liabilities are sky-high in some 
places, and not only that, they are incalculable, 
unknowable, and vary with the person you are talking to.

So a superficial conclusion would be don't use client 
certificates because of the privacy issues although the 
issues are somewhat more complex than PII revealed in SSL 
key exchange.

As I say, they'll plug on, as they need to prove that the 
cert is worth issuing.  It's a data point, no more, and it 
doesn't exactly answer your spec above.  But I'm having fun 
observing them trying to prove that client certs are worth 
any amount of effort.


PS: normal disclosures of interest + conflicts, included.

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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-02-01 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler

Ian G wrote:
The PII equation is particularly daunting, echoing Lynn's early '90s 
experiences.  I am told (but haven't really verified) that the 
certificate serial number is PII and therefore falls under the full 
weight of privacy law  regs ... this may sound ludicrous, but privacy 
and security are different fields with different logics.  If that is 
true, the liability is far too high for something that should be 
private, but is already public by dint of its exposure in 
certificates.  Privacy liabilities are sky-high in some places, and 
not only that, they are incalculable, unknowable, and vary with the 
person you are talking to.

So a superficial conclusion would be don't use client certificates 
because of the privacy issues although the issues are somewhat more 
complex than PII revealed in SSL key exchange.

As I say, they'll plug on, as they need to prove that the cert is 
worth issuing.  It's a data point, no more, and it doesn't exactly 
answer your spec above.  But I'm having fun observing them trying to 
prove that client certs are worth any amount of effort.
the problem that digital certificates were suppose to address was first 
time communication
between strangers ... the electronic analogy of the letters of 
credit/introduction from
sailing ship days. this harks back to the offline email days of the 
early 80s ... dial-up
electronic post-office, exchange email, hangup, and now authenticate 
first-time email

from total stranger.

the design point assumptions are invalidated if the relying party has 
their own
repository of information about the party being dealt with (and therefor 
included that party's public key) and/or has online, timely electronic 
access to

such information.

one of my favorite exchanges from the mid-90s was somebody claiming that
adding digital certificates to the electronic payment transaction 

would bring it into the modern age. my response was that it actually would
regress the infrastructure at least a couple decades to the time when
online, real-time transactions weren't being done. The online, real-time
transaction provides much higher quality and useful information than
a stale, static digital certificate (with an offline paradigm from before
modern communication). Having an available repository about the party
being dealt with ... including things like timely, aggregated information
(recent transactions) is significantly mover valuable than the stale,
static digital certificate environment (the only thing that it has going
for it, is it is better than nothing in the oldtime offline environment).

misc. past posts referencing certificate-less public key operation

for some real topic drift ... i've mentioned x9.59 financial
standard protocol that can use digital signatures for
authentication w/o requiring digital certificates

part of the issue included that digital certificates
(even relying party only digital certificates) can
add a factor of one hundred times payload bloat
to a typical payment transaction

however, we were also got involved in co-authoring
the x9.99 privacy standard ... as part of that we had
to look at a number of things, HIPAA, GLBA ... as
well as EU-DPD. as part of that we had also done
a privacy merged taxonomy and glossary ... some

EU had also made a statement in the mid-90s that
electronic retail payments should be as anonymous
as cash. The dominant use of SSL in the world
today is electronic commerce between a consumer
and a merchant. Passing a client certificate (with
PII information) within an encrypted SSL channel
to a merchant ... still exposes the information to
the merchant ... also violating making purchases
as anonymous as cash.

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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-01-31 Thread Dave Howe

Philipp Gühring wrote:

I once implemented SSL over GSM data channel (without PPP and without
TCP), and discovered that SSL needs better integrity protection than
raw GSM delivers. (I am quite sure that´s why people normally run PPP
over GSM channels ...) SSH has the same problems. It also assumes an
active attack in case of integrity problems of the lower layer, and
terminates the connection.

TBH I can't see the problem - the unix philosophy of doing one thing
well, and chaining simple tools to make complex ones, works well here.

we have:

TCP - well understood, has crude integrity and reliability checks built
in, works reasonably well at converting a bunch of packets leaving and
arriving via your network connection into something vaguely like a
stream point-to-point connection. Provided by every ISP across the
planet, problems at this level can be handed off to experienced network
engineers who will at least understand the problem.

SSL - Cludge thrown together by a browser manufacturer, probably to
create a market for a bunch of companies who generated two prime numbers
and now sell the answers to simple math queries involving the numbers.
However, works reasonably well, has some crude authentication of the
server built in (via the aformentioned bunch of companies) which at
least limits potential hackers to those whose money the bunch of
companies will accept ;)
  Again, works well in its domain, but requires a reasonably reliable
channel to talk over, and a message to carry. Effectively turns an
unencrypted channel into an encrypted one, Would work as well over a
serial link as a tcp link (modulo the domain name check in the cert)

HTTP - pretty basic file transfer protocol, with limited scope for
negotiation, but designed largely to move text files from a server to a
client. requires transport, can use tcp, ssl-over-tcp, serial, whatever
your server will listen on and your client request on.

add them together and you get HTTPS. leave out the SSL, and you get HTTP
as-normally-spoke, so the SSL and HTTP are pretty much drop in modules.
you could define HTTPG (HTTP over a security protocol other than SSL)
and if a browser could support it, both TCP and HTTP would still be
happy. you could also define HTTPS-over-adis-lamp and provided the
operators were sufficiently accurate, securely download your web page
from a server on a nearby hilltop after dark by replacing the TCP layer :)

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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-01-31 Thread James A. Donald

Eric Rescorla wrote:
 Huh? What are you claiming the problem with sending
 client certificates in plaintext is (as if anyone uses
 client certificates anyway)?

Well that is one problem - no one uses them, and no one
should use them, while PKI was designed under the
assumption that everyone would be using them.

Another problem is that in practice the system merely
ensures you are getting the purported domain name. Since
we are overwhelmed by a multitude of irrelevant and
confusing domain names, this is not much help. Further,
I frequently get the warning that the certificate does
not agree with the domain name when I know well that I
am communicating with the intended entity - frequent
misconfiguration results in false warnings, which I am
thus trained to ignore, rendering the system entirely

Since we rely on passwords, social security numbers, and
so forth, shared secrets, people are trained to give
away secrets to purported authority, which creates the
phishing hazard. We need to fix both problems.

Of course, if the phishing hazard was fixed, we would
still have the malware hazard, but we now know how to
fix the malware hazard.

We should fix both problems, rather than using one as an
excuse for not fixing the other.  We need to fix the
network assuming the node is going to be made safe, and
fix the node assuming the network is going to be made

 Does anyone have an idea how we can fix this flaw
 within SSL/TLS within a reasonable timeframe, so that
 it can be implemented and shipped by the vendors in
 this century?

Eric Rescorla wrote:
 This gets discussed on the TLS mailing list
 occasionally, but the arguments for making this change
 aren't very convincing. If you have an actual credible
 security argument you should post it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't think that is a useful discussion forum.  The
IETF is moribund, paralyzed and increasingly irrelevant.
If the internet is to be fixed, the fixes have to bypass
the IETF.

When one has a large group, group dynamics can make the
large group a little bit smarter than its smartest
members, but more commonly, make it a lot dumber than
its dumbest members.  If the IETF was capable of
handling, or even noticing, the crisis that we in then
we would not be in this crisis.

To fix the phishing problem, we need to
cryptographically secure relationships, rather than
attempting to cryptographically secure true names, and
to greatly reduce reliance on revealing shared secrets.
It should be unusual and disturbing to reveal shared
secrets, rather than routine, and it should only be done
with humans, not machines.

1.  As with Skype to Skype IM, the fact that you can
receive a message from what purports to be an entity
with which you have a relationship, should be compelling
evidence that it really is that entity, the entity to
which you have given a petname on your contacts list.
Thus phishing is hard to initiate.  As with Skype, what
we seek to secure is petnames, not true names.  We want
to secure the bookmark list, and the list that comes up
in a Google search.  We want to secure that when you
click on a the top entry of the Google list, you are
contacting the intended entity.

2.  As with Skype to Skype IM, this should be symmetric.
If you respond to a message from your bank, or initiate
a message to your bank, you should not have to reveal
some shared secrets to prove an existing relationship
before getting on with your task. Thus phishing should
fail to catch any phish.

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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-01-31 Thread Philipp Gühring

 Huh? What are you claiming the problem with sending client certificates
 in plaintext is 

* It´s a privacy problem
* It´s a security problem for people with a security policy that requires the 
their identities to be kept secret, and only to be used to authenticate to 
the particular server they need
* It´s an availability problem for people that need high-security 
authentication mechanisms, combined with high-privacy demands
* It´s a identity theft problem in case the certificate contains personal data 
that can be used for identity theft

Quoted from Lynns email:
i.e. the x.509 identity digital certificates from the early 90s, were 
more and more overloaded with personal information ... and by the
mid-90s, lots of institutions were starting to realize all that personal
information represented significant privacy and liability issues ... and
the RPO digital certificates were born.

* It´s a liability issue

(Lynn, can you go into more details here? On the other hand, I would say it´s 
self-explaining ...)

 (as if anyone uses client certificates anyway)? 

Guess why so few people are using it ...
If it were secure, more people would be able to use it.

If you want a public example of client certificate usage:
(You need a (free) client certificate from to be able to access 
this page)

There are ISPs out there who provide internet access based on client 
certificates, authenticated in HTTPS sessions

Creative Commons is running a registry for digital works, based on authors 
client certificate authentication:

The Austrian governmental inhabitant register is using client certificates for 
about 10,000 users all around Austria since 2001. (If I remember the details 

And there are hundreds of internal systems I heard of that are using client 
certificates in reality every day.

 That the phisher gets to see the client's identity?

Validated email addresses for spamming. Spear-phishing perhaps, ...

 So what? 

Why doesn´t SSH leak the client identity in plaintext?

The problem isn´t a key-agreement problem. The problem is a 
client-authentication problem. 

 It doesn't let them impersonate the client to anyone. 

It does let them impersonate the client to anyone who doesn´t care about the 
public key. (There are applications that just use the DN+Issuer information 
that they normally extract out of the certificates, ...)
But impersonation is just one threat out of the huge SSL/TLS threat-model.

 shouldn't contain sensitive information anyway.

There are CA´s on this planet that put things like social security numbers 
into certificates.

(I guess those CA´s would say that SSL shouldn´t leak certificates in 
plaintext anyway.) Shovling around responsibility won´t help us. Let´s fix 
the problems. (Yes, we are already trying to get those CA´s to stop doing 
that ... but it´s a bit like asking credit card companies to not print those 
sensitive creditcard numbers on those credit cards ...)

And there are a lot of people who would be interested to use certificates for 
more applications than pure identity. (which aren´t necessarily sensitive, 
but they are personal related data)

Where does the SSL specification say that certificates shouldn´t contain 
sensitive information? I am missing that detail in the security consideration 
section of the RFC.

There is a market demand for using sensitive information in certificates, 
dating back to the mid 90's (according to Lynn), and showing itself in 
various forms like Stefan Brands credentials, Attribute Certificates, and 
even the OACerts by Jiangtao Li and Ninghui Li. 
I have been talking to many people about client certificates and client 
authentication, and a lot of them are interested in using client certificates 
for authentication, and also to add other attributes to the certificates.

  We have the paradox situation that I have to tell people that they should
  use HTTPS with server-certificates and username+password inside the HTTPS
  session, because that´s more secure than client certificates ...

 No it isn't more secure.

Using username+password inside HTTPS does not leak the client´s identity in 
cleartext on the line. (If I am wrong and HTTPS leaks usernames sent as HTTP 
Forms or with HTTP Basic Authentication, please tell me)

  Does anyone have an idea how we can fix this flaw within SSL/TLS within a
  reasonable timeframe, so that it can be implemented and shipped by the
  vendors in this century?

Do we have any more ideas how we can get this flaw fixed before it starts 
hurting too much?

 This gets discussed on the TLS mailing list occasionally, but the
 arguments for making this change aren't very convincing.

Yes, there are regularly people popping up there that need it, but they always 
get ignored there, it seems.

I think we have the boiling frog problem here. (Frog not recognizing 

Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-01-31 Thread Thierry Moreau

Philipp Gühring wrote:


SSL key distribution and management is horribly broken,
with the result that everyone winds up using plaintext
when they should not.

Yes, sending client certificates in plaintext while claiming that SSL/TLS is 
secure doesn´t work in a world of phishing and identity theft anymore.

We have the paradox situation that I have to tell people that they should use 
HTTPS with server-certificates and username+password inside the HTTPS 
session, because that´s more secure than client certificates ...

Does anyone have an idea how we can fix this flaw within SSL/TLS within a 
reasonable timeframe, so that it can be implemented and shipped by the 
vendors in this century?

(I don´t think that starting from scratch and replacing SSL makes much sense, 
since it´s just one huge flaw ...)

If I recall correctly, SSL was designed chronologically after ISO OSI 
Network-Layer Security Protocol (yes, the official WAN was actually X.25 
at one point) or Transport Layer Security Protocol, both in their 
connection-oriented flavor, which used ideas originating from DecNET 
designs (researcher names Tardo, Alagappan; I once had a patent number 
in this thread of protocol engineering, but I lost it). Anyway, the key 
point in these visionary ideas is that the D-H exchange occurs *before* 
the exchange of security certificates. This provided the traffic-flow 
confidentiality that becomes desirable to protect privacy these days.

So, you got your fix with OSI NLSP or TLSP, you just have to overcome 
the *power of the installed base*!



- Thierry Moreau

CONNOTECH Experts-conseils inc.
9130 Place de Montgolfier
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Canada   H2M 2A1

Tel.: (514)385-5691
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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-01-31 Thread Eric Rescorla
At Thu, 31 Jan 2008 03:04:00 +0100,
Philipp Gühring wrote:
  Huh? What are you claiming the problem with sending client certificates
  in plaintext is 
 * It´s a privacy problem
 * It´s a security problem for people with a security policy that requires the 
 their identities to be kept secret, and only to be used to authenticate to 
 the particular server they need
 * It´s an availability problem for people that need high-security 
 authentication mechanisms, combined with high-privacy demands
 * It´s a identity theft problem in case the certificate contains personal 
 that can be used for identity theft

I don't find this at all convincing. There are a variety of different
threat vectors here:

1. Phishing.
2. Pharming (DNS spoofing).
3. Passive attacks.

In the case of phishing, the fact that the client sends its certificates
in the clear is totally irrelevant, since the client would simply send
its identity encrypted under the server's certificate. The only
fix for this alleged privacy leak in the phishing context is for
the client to refuse to deliver his certificate to anyone but people
who present valid certs that he otherwise trusts.

Now, this is potentially an attack if the attacker is passive but
on-path, either via pharming or via subverting some router, but
I'm unaware of any evidence that this is used as a certificate
disclosure attack vector.

  (as if anyone uses client certificates anyway)? 
 Guess why so few people are using it ...
 If it were secure, more people would be able to use it.

No, if it were *convenient* people would use it. I know of absolutely
zero evidence (nor have you presented any) that people choose not
to use certs because of this kind of privacy issue--but I know
of plenty that they find getting certs way too inconvenient.

  That the phisher gets to see the client's identity?
 Validated email addresses for spamming. Spear-phishing perhaps, ...

Validated email addresses are not exactly hard to obtain.

  It doesn't let them impersonate the client to anyone. 
 It does let them impersonate the client to anyone who doesn´t care about the 
 public key. (There are applications that just use the DN+Issuer information 
 that they normally extract out of the certificates, ...)

If those applications do not force the client to do proof of possession
of the private key, then they are fatally broken. It's not our job
to fix them.

   We have the paradox situation that I have to tell people that they should
   use HTTPS with server-certificates and username+password inside the HTTPS
   session, because that´s more secure than client certificates ...
  No it isn't more secure.
 Using username+password inside HTTPS does not leak the client´s identity in 
 cleartext on the line. (If I am wrong and HTTPS leaks usernames sent as HTTP 
 Forms or with HTTP Basic Authentication, please tell me)

No, it just leaks the password to the phishing server. Yeah, that's totally
a lot better.

  This gets discussed on the TLS mailing list occasionally, but the
  arguments for making this change aren't very convincing.
 Yes, there are regularly people popping up there that need it, but they 
 get ignored there, it seems.

Because the arguments they present are handwavy and unconvincing, just like

  If you have 
  an actual credible security argument you should post it to
 Do you think the the security arguments I summed up above qualify on the tls 

It's an open list. Feel free to make these arguments.

 Should I go into more detail? Present practical examples?

I would certainly find practical examples more convincing than the ones
you've presented.

 I see several possible options:
 * We fix SSL  
 Does anyone have a solution for SSL/TLS available that we could propose on 
 TLS list? 
 If not: Can anyone with enough protocol design experience please develop it?

There's already a solution: double handshake. You do an ordinary
handshake with server auth only and then you do a second handshake
with client auth. This hides the certificate perfectly well.  Yes, you
have to do two private key ops on the server, but if this issue is as
important as you say, this is a tradeoff you should be happy to make.
I've pointed this out on the TLS mailing list a number of times, but
maybe you missed it.

 * We change the rules of the market, and tell the people that they MUST NOT 
 ask for additional data in their certificates anymore

Fundamentally, this *is* the fix. Even if SSL guaranteeed that nobody
but the person you were handshaking with got the certificate, this
is still incredibly brittle because any random server can ask you
for your cert and users can't be trusted not to hand them over.
The basic premise of certs is that they're public info. If you
want to carry private data around in them then you should encrypt
that data.

   TCP could need some stronger integrity protection. 8 Bits of checksum

RE: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-01-31 Thread Jim Cheesman
To add to the examples Philipp has mentioned, I've been closely involved in
the design and implementation of a number of projects for the Spanish
government using SSL + client certificates; indeed, the new Spanish ID card
includes two certificates, one for authentication and the other for digital

There are some examples of services using SSL+client certs at:

Jim Cheesman

-Mensaje original-
En nombre de Philipp Gühring
Enviado el: jueves, 31 de enero de 2008 3:04
Para: Eric Rescorla
CC: Cryptography; Rasika Dayarathna
Asunto: Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)


 Huh? What are you claiming the problem with sending client certificates
 in plaintext is 

* It´s a privacy problem
* It´s a security problem for people with a security policy that requires
their identities to be kept secret, and only to be used to authenticate to 
the particular server they need
* It´s an availability problem for people that need high-security 
authentication mechanisms, combined with high-privacy demands
* It´s a identity theft problem in case the certificate contains personal
that can be used for identity theft

Quoted from Lynns email:
i.e. the x.509 identity digital certificates from the early 90s, were 
more and more overloaded with personal information ... and by the
mid-90s, lots of institutions were starting to realize all that personal
information represented significant privacy and liability issues ... and
the RPO digital certificates were born.

* It´s a liability issue

(Lynn, can you go into more details here? On the other hand, I would say
self-explaining ...)

 (as if anyone uses client certificates anyway)? 

Guess why so few people are using it ...
If it were secure, more people would be able to use it.

If you want a public example of client certificate usage:
(You need a (free) client certificate from to be able to
this page)

There are ISPs out there who provide internet access based on client 
certificates, authenticated in HTTPS sessions

Creative Commons is running a registry for digital works, based on authors 
client certificate authentication:

The Austrian governmental inhabitant register is using client certificates
about 10,000 users all around Austria since 2001. (If I remember the details


And there are hundreds of internal systems I heard of that are using client 
certificates in reality every day.

 That the phisher gets to see the client's identity?

Validated email addresses for spamming. Spear-phishing perhaps, ...

 So what? 

Why doesn´t SSH leak the client identity in plaintext?

The problem isn´t a key-agreement problem. The problem is a 
client-authentication problem. 

 It doesn't let them impersonate the client to anyone. 

It does let them impersonate the client to anyone who doesn´t care about the

public key. (There are applications that just use the DN+Issuer information 
that they normally extract out of the certificates, ...)
But impersonation is just one threat out of the huge SSL/TLS threat-model.

 shouldn't contain sensitive information anyway.

There are CA´s on this planet that put things like social security numbers 
into certificates.

(I guess those CA´s would say that SSL shouldn´t leak certificates in 
plaintext anyway.) Shovling around responsibility won´t help us. Let´s fix 
the problems. (Yes, we are already trying to get those CA´s to stop doing 
that ... but it´s a bit like asking credit card companies to not print those

sensitive creditcard numbers on those credit cards ...)

And there are a lot of people who would be interested to use certificates
more applications than pure identity. (which aren´t necessarily sensitive, 
but they are personal related data)

Where does the SSL specification say that certificates shouldn´t contain 
sensitive information? I am missing that detail in the security
section of the RFC.

There is a market demand for using sensitive information in certificates, 
dating back to the mid 90's (according to Lynn), and showing itself in 
various forms like Stefan Brands credentials, Attribute Certificates, and 
even the OACerts by Jiangtao Li and Ninghui Li. 
I have been talking to many people about client certificates and client 
authentication, and a lot of them are interested in using client
for authentication, and also to add other attributes to the certificates.

  We have the paradox situation that I have to tell people that they
  use HTTPS with server-certificates and username+password inside the
  session, because that´s more secure than client certificates ...

 No it isn't more secure.

Using username+password inside HTTPS does not leak the client

Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-01-30 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler

Philipp Gühring wrote:

Yes, sending client certificates in plaintext while claiming that SSL/TLS is
secure doesn´t work in a world of phishing and identity theft anymore.

We have the paradox situation that I have to tell people that they should use
HTTPS with server-certificates and username+password inside the HTTPS
session, because that´s more secure than client certificates ...

Does anyone have an idea how we can fix this flaw within SSL/TLS within a
reasonable timeframe, so that it can be implemented and shipped by the
vendors in this century?

(I don´t think that starting from scratch and replacing SSL makes much sense,
since it´s just one huge flaw ...)


re: Dutch Transport Card Broken Dutch Transport Card Broken

aka ... that was part of the relying-party-only certificates from the 

i.e. the x.509 identity digital certificates from the early 90s, were 

more and more overloaded with personal information ... and by the
mid-90s, lots of institutions were starting to realize all that personal
information represented significant privacy and liability issues ... and
the RPO digital certificates were born.

However, it was trivial to demonstrate that (for all those business 

that the digital certificates were redundant and superfluous (however, there
was some amount of industry brain washing that digital certificates were
mandatory ... especially if digital signatures was used ... even if they
served no useful purpose).

this also showed up in work on pk-init for kerberos supporting digital
signature authentication ... and got into the confused mess with redundant
and superfluous digital certificates

and similarly digital signatures for radius

(between kerberos and radius, they represent possibly the majority
of authentication in the world today)

part of the confusion regarding the necessity for digital certificates
could be seen in the X9F financial standards work ... the appending
of even a relying-party-only digital certificate (lacking any personal
information) could represent a factor of 100 times payload bloat

for a nominal electronic payment transactions (and also 100 times
processing bloat). as a result, there was some standardization
effort looking at compressed (relying party only) digital certificates
(even tho they were serving no useful purpose), attempting to
get the payload bloat down to possibly only 5-10 times (instead
of 100 times). I took the opportunity to demonstrate that it
would be logically possible to compress such digital certificates
to zero bytes ... totally eliminating the payload bloat. then rather
than advocating the elimination of totally useless, redundant
and superfluous digital certificates

there could be an infrastructure that mandated zero-byte
digital certificates appended to every transaction.

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Re: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-01-30 Thread Eric Rescorla
At Wed, 30 Jan 2008 17:59:51 -,
Dave Korn wrote:
 On 30 January 2008 17:03, Eric Rescorla wrote:
  We really do need to reinvent and replace SSL/TCP,
  though doing it right is a hard problem that takes more
  than morning coffee.
  TCP could need some stronger integrity protection. 8 Bits of checksum isn´t
  enough in reality. (1 out of 256 broken packets gets injected into your TCP
  stream)  Does IPv6 have a stronger TCP?
  Whether this is true or not depends critically on the base rate
  of errors in packets delivered to TCP by the IP layer, since
  the rate of errors delivered to SSL is 1/256th of those delivered
  to the TCP layer. 
   Out of curiosity, what kind of TCP are you guys using that has 8-bit

You're right. It's 16 bit, isn't it. I plead it being early in 
the morning. I think my point now applies even moreso :)

  Since link layer checksums are very common,
  as a practical matter errored packets getting delivered to protocols
  above TCP is quite rare.
   Is it not also worth mentioning that TCP has some added degree of protection
 in that if the ACK sequence num isn't right, the packet is likely to be
 dropped (or just break the stream altogether by desynchronising the seqnums)?

Right, so this now depends on the error model...


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RE: Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken)

2008-01-30 Thread Dave Korn
On 30 January 2008 17:03, Eric Rescorla wrote:

 We really do need to reinvent and replace SSL/TCP,
 though doing it right is a hard problem that takes more
 than morning coffee.
 TCP could need some stronger integrity protection. 8 Bits of checksum isn´t
 enough in reality. (1 out of 256 broken packets gets injected into your TCP
 stream)  Does IPv6 have a stronger TCP?
 Whether this is true or not depends critically on the base rate
 of errors in packets delivered to TCP by the IP layer, since
 the rate of errors delivered to SSL is 1/256th of those delivered
 to the TCP layer. 

  Out of curiosity, what kind of TCP are you guys using that has 8-bit

 Since link layer checksums are very common,
 as a practical matter errored packets getting delivered to protocols
 above TCP is quite rare.

  Is it not also worth mentioning that TCP has some added degree of protection
in that if the ACK sequence num isn't right, the packet is likely to be
dropped (or just break the stream altogether by desynchronising the seqnums)?

Can't think of a witty .sigline today

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