Re: [Cryptography] Good private email

2013-08-27 Thread The Doctor
Hash: SHA1

On 08/27/2013 02:32 AM, Sebastian Krahmer wrote:

> Now, thats an interesting point! Once all email is encrypted, how
> many mail providers would be interested in offering free service at
> all,

Another question might be, how many e-mail services would pull a
Hushmail (i.e., tout transparent encryption after it leaves the
browser (but is actually backdoored))?  How many people /who are not
us/ cared when that happened?

> and whats their business model then?

How brisk a business do the freemium mail providers do?  One gig for
free, fifty for $xus/month?

> Is it still valuable enough to sell the graph of connects?

Intel agencies have an interest in social graphs, which implies that
the data is valuable to some people who are not intel agencies, so why
not sell that data?  I read an article yesterday about a company that
mines Facebook and sells the data to insurance companies and suchlike
for making service and rate determinations, so it is possible that
this is already happening under a different context.

- -- 
The Doctor [412/724/301/703] [ZS]
Developer, Project Byzantium:

PGP: 0x807B17C1 / 7960 1CDC 85C9 0B63 8D9F  DD89 3BD8 FF2B 807B 17C1

"Only shallow people know themselves." --Oscar Wilde

Version: GnuPG v2.0.20 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Good private email

2013-08-26 Thread Sebastian Krahmer
On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 07:12:21AM -0400, Richard Salz wrote:

> I don't think you need all that much to get good secure private email.
>  You need a client that can make PEM pretty seamless; reduce it to a
> button that says "encrypt when possible."  You need the client to be
> able to generate a keypair, upload the public half, and pull down
> (seamlessly) recipient public keys.  You need a server to store and
> return those keys. You need an installed base to kickstart the network
> effect.
> Who has that?  Apple certainly; Microsoft could; Google perhaps
> (although not reading email is against their business model). Maybe
> even the FB API.

Now, thats an interesting point! Once all email is encrypted, how many
mail providers would be interested in offering free service at all,
and whats their business model then?
Is it still valuable enough to sell the graph of connects?



~ perl
~ $_='print"\$_=\47$_\47;eval"';eval
~ - SuSE Security Team

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Good private email

2013-08-26 Thread Jerry Leichter

On Aug 26, 2013, at 2:54 PM, Ray Dillinger  wrote:

> On 08/26/2013 10:39 AM, Jerry Leichter wrote:
>> On Aug 26, 2013, at 1:16 PM, Ray Dillinger  wrote:
>>> Even a tiny one-percent-of-a-penny payment
>>> that is negligible between established correspondents or even on most email
>>> lists would break a spammer.
>> This (and variants, like a direct proof-of-work requirement) has been 
>> proposed
>> time and again in the past.  It's never worked, and it can't work, because 
>> the
>> spammers don't use their own identities or infrastructure - they use botnets.
>> They don't care what it costs (in work or dollars or Bitcoins) to send their
>> message, because they aren't going to pay it - the machine they've taken over
>> is going to pay.
> Possible, but Doubtful.  The bitcoin "wallet" is extraordinarily secure
> as software goes
You're arguing about the security of the wrong component.  The user runs some 
program that can send mail.  *You* have required that it have the ability to 
access the user's Bitcoin wallet.  At best, if everything about the wallet is 
implemented correctly, that just means the spammer has to slip-stream in a 
bunch of messages along with messages the user is already sending - while the 
sending is being done, there's a window during with the wallet has to be open, 
and you can't restrict it *too* much or the interface becomes annoying (how 
many times do you want to type your passphrase while sending a bunch of replies 
to different recipients in different domains?).

Keep in mind that individual spammer bot's don't have to send a very high 
volume of mail; in fact, they don't *want* to as that trips too many alarms in 
too many places.  They want to look like the person whose machine they have 
control of - and they want that machine to look the same as it always has to 
the user. The line between me sending n messages a day, and me sending (say) 3n 
messages a day, over many "me" instances, is enough to keep the spam masters 
going - but without a really intrusive interface it's hard to see how you're 
going to stop that.  If you manage such an interface, the spammers will adjust 
(as they have many time before) and maybe go after high-volume mailers - who 
will have to have a high-threshold interface from their mail agent to their 
Bitcoin wallets, and cannot rely on a user regularly typing a passphrase.

Somewhere or another on the net, there's a document that's intended to be sent 
in response to someone with a brilliant idea for finally ending spam - showing 
how what they thought of has not only be thought of before, but was actually 
tried and didn't work.  I can't seem to find it again, but the last time I read 
it, I found it quite convincing.  There's no one golden solution to the spam 
problem; there's just the ongoing, boring, back and forth of attack and 
defense.  (Actually, relative to a number of years back, spam doesn't seem to 
be all that bad - see Perry's and my messages on a parallel thread about our 
own experiences.)  (And if you find a contradiction between my claim that we 
should be able to build a provably secure system, and this claim that there's 
no final solution to spam:  The difference between the problems is that "spam 
or ham" is ultimately a *human* decision which we're trying to model.  Some 
spam these days is sophisticated enough that even humans aren'
 t sure!  That's by its nature a problem that will never have a completely 
automated solution - well, maybe not until we can through close-to-human-level 
AI at it.)

-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Good private email

2013-08-26 Thread Ray Dillinger

On 08/26/2013 10:39 AM, Jerry Leichter wrote:

On Aug 26, 2013, at 1:16 PM, Ray Dillinger  wrote:

Even a tiny one-percent-of-a-penny payment
that is negligible between established correspondents or even on most email
lists would break a spammer.

This (and variants, like a direct proof-of-work requirement) has been proposed
time and again in the past.  It's never worked, and it can't work, because the
spammers don't use their own identities or infrastructure - they use botnets.
They don't care what it costs (in work or dollars or Bitcoins) to send their
message, because they aren't going to pay it - the machine they've taken over
is going to pay.

Possible, but Doubtful.  The bitcoin "wallet" is extraordinarily secure
as software goes. Once you've chosen a keyphrase, It NEVER gets saved in
decrypted form to the disk, and even in the client software, cannot be
decrypted except by explicit command and will not remain in memory for more
than a few seconds in decrypted form. Furthermore, the client software
does not invoke other programs (like Word or other scriptable attack
vectors) under any circumstances.  Furthermore any "extensions" like
clickable URLs in messages or javascript execution etc or other methods
by which external possibly non-secure applications could start up with
information from inside the client would be soundly rejected as
untrustworthy extensions.  People design for and demand an altogether
different level of security when you're talking about their own money,
and handle the "complexities" of key management with no difficulty.

In short, no possibly naive user could convince the developers to do
the stupid things that email clients do for coolness or convenience in
the context of a financial client.

If there were a vulnerability or exploit discovered that allowed a spammer
to take control of a bitcoin account, it would be regarded as a MAJOR
DISASTER by the community and prompt a fix within minutes, not hours
days or months as is the case with "mere" email clients.

Consider that *every* *last* *developer* stands to lose at least
thousands or tens of thousands of dollars of real, personally owned
money if confidence in the network falters.  In some cases literally
millions.  This is not some hypothetical loss to "the company" that
they can be ordered to do by some boss even though they think it's
a bad idea, nor some hobby that they can allow to fall by the wayside;
these people are deeply and very literally invested in the security
of the code, and flatly will refuse to do anything that might
compromise it.

If some company did issue a client with security holes, the usual
shrink-wrap "not liable" crap would be completely unacceptable, the
lawsuit exposure would be somewhere in the trillions of dollars,
and the legal costs to even try to defend a mealymouthed claim of
"not liable because of our shrink wrap license" from the resulting
firestorm would probably break the company.  There are *dozens*
of serious, litigous, investors who hold millions of dollars in
bitcoin these days, including, among others, the Winkelvoss
brothers who spent ten years or more pursuing their infamous
Facebook lawsuit.  Even if you win that legal fight you're going
to lose.

The fact that the client is also highly usable is an excellent example
of interface design.


The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Good private email

2013-08-26 Thread Richard Salz
> This is everything *but* PRISM-proof

I wasn't trying to be PRISM proof, hence my subject line.  The client
and keyserver could help thwart traffic analysis by returning a few
"extra" keys on each request. The client then sends a structure
message to some of those keys that the receiving client recognizes and

>  and your directory server containing public keys could very well be forced
> by a law enforcement agency ( in the best case scenario because it could
> also be the mafia) to answer the fbi/mafia public key on any request made to

So what? Your content might get sent to the wrong person, but that can
be avoided with that old PKI favorite, out of band verification.  If
it's necessary.

> [bitcoin] has the user base

No it doesn't.  Not by orders of magnitude compared to the few I
mentioned. Nor does it have a mail client last I checked.  (I guess
Chrome doesn't either, but that could be fixed with a couple of quick,
and silent, updates.)

> you just described PGP universal

I never said it was new.  The combination of size of the populace
using an out of the box mail client that has this happen seamlessly,
however, would be new.

> Traffic analysis is the problem

Do you really think that for most people on the planet, that it is?

Hey folks, go off and design your perfect secure system. Build a
prototype or alpha-test even. And then watch while the millions of
people who could benefit from private email, and the few who could use
it as an infrastructure to build more services, ignore you.  Sigh.

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Good private email

2013-08-26 Thread Jerry Leichter
On Aug 26, 2013, at 1:16 PM, Ray Dillinger  wrote:
Minor point in an otherwise interesting message:
> Even a tiny one-percent-of-a-penny payment
> that is negligible between established correspondents or even on most email
> lists would break a spammer.  Also, you can set your client to automatically
> return the payment (when you read a message and don't mark it as spam) or
> just leave it as a balance that you'll return when you reply.
This (and variants, like a direct proof-of-work requirement) has been proposed 
time and again in the past.  It's never worked, and it can't work, because the 
spammers don't use their own identities or infrastructure - they use botnets.  
They don't care what it costs (in work or dollars or Bitcoins) to send their 
message, because they aren't going to pay it - the machine they've taken over 
is going to pay.

Granted, today most machines don't provide access to Bitcoins.  But assuming 
your idea catches on, they will.  Once a box has a legitimate capability to 
send some form of mail, it can be subverted to send mail of that form that the 
owner of that box didn't intend.  As long as endpoints can be "pwned", nothing 
about those endpoints can be trusted
-- Jerry

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Good private email

2013-08-26 Thread Ray Dillinger

On 08/26/2013 04:12 AM, Richard Salz wrote:

> You need the client to be

able to generate a keypair, upload the public half, and pull down
(seamlessly) recipient public keys.  You need a server to store and
return those keys. You need an installed base to kickstart the network

Who has that?

I know who has that - in spades!

The bitcoin network is a public transaction record of bitcoin transfers.
The individual accounts are not quite fully anonymous to a determined
observer, but nothing we've discussed here would be more anonymous.

Anyway, a bitcoin client already generates key pairs, and every transaction
stores them in the database.  The database is distributed to all "full node"
clients, and kept (reasonably) secure using Nakamoto's proof-of-work protocol
for the byzantine-generals problem.  The maintainers of the database have a
vested (monetary) interest in keeping the database secure.

Anyway, each "address" is a relatively short high-entropy string (ECC
crypto) -- and each client already has an "address book" of public
"addresses" (public keys where people can be sent bitcoin payments --
or private messages) and "accounts" (private keys which represent
bitcoin that can be sent).  In addition, you can ask the client to
generate a new "address" (keypair) for you at any moment.  The private
key goes into your "accounts" as an account with zero balance (and no
message history) and a new public key for you goes into your "addresses"
as a place where you can receive payments (and messages).

There are smartphone clients that don't maintain the full database, but
which do maintain the address book, accounts, and address-generation bits
for you.  There are already solutions for transferring public keys
directly between smartphones via bluetooth, which is a convenient channel
outside the sphere of Internet eavesdropping.  And there is already
software that can preprint N business cards (with or without your name/etc
on them) that all have different "addresses" on them, so you can hand them
out to anyone whom you think may have a reason to send you money (or
messages), one address per person.

In practice, people need to key in an address for someone once if they
are handed a card.  Keying it is about the same difficulty as a VIN
number on an auto insurance form.  Subsequent new addresses for the same
person can be sent in a message encrypted, along with any bitcoin
transaction, and automatically replace the address you already have
associated with that account for your next payment (or message).  If
Alice doesn't have preprinted cards, she has her smartphone and it can
generate an address for her on demand -- She will have to read it off
her smartphone screen if she wants to scribble it on a napkin.

If we build further email infrastructure on top of this, A side effect of
this is that every user has a choice about whether or not s/he will accept
messages without payments.  You can require someone to make a bitcoin
payment to send you an email.  Even a tiny one-percent-of-a-penny payment
that is negligible between established correspondents or even on most email
lists would break a spammer.  Also, you can set your client to automatically
return the payment (when you read a message and don't mark it as spam) or
just leave it as a balance that you'll return when you reply.

In short, a private email client can be built directly on top of the
bitcoin network.  In practice, I think it would be useful mainly for
maintaining the distribution and updating of keys, rather than for
messages per se, because the amount of "extra" data you can send along
with a bitcoin transaction is quite small (3k?  I think?).  Anyway, it
couldn't handle file attachments etc.


The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Good private email

2013-08-26 Thread Tamzen Cannoy
Hash: SHA1

On Aug 26, 2013, at 4:12 AM, Richard Salz  wrote:

> I don't think you need all that much to get good secure private email.
> You need a client that can make PEM pretty seamless; reduce it to a
> button that says "encrypt when possible."  You need the client to be
> able to generate a keypair, upload the public half, and pull down
> (seamlessly) recipient public keys.  You need a server to store and
> return those keys. You need an installed base to kickstart the network
> effect.

Repeat after men. "Encryption is not the problem."

What you described is pretty much PGP Universal. Traffic analysis is the 
problem. Individual computers can be tracked thru the internets with mere 
timing signatures on the packets given off by their clocks. Watch this. And 
that was academic research 7 years ago. You think things haven't progressed 
since then?


Version: PGP Universal 3.2.0 (Build 1672)
Charset: us-ascii

The cryptography mailing list

Re: [Cryptography] Good private email

2013-08-26 Thread Alexandre Anzala-Yamajako
This is everything *but* PRISM-proof : it doesn t solve the metadata issue
and your directory server containing public keys could very well be forced
by a law enforcement agency ( in the best case scenario because it could
also be the mafia) to answer the fbi/mafia public key on any request made
to it.

On Monday, August 26, 2013, Richard Salz wrote:

> I don't think you need all that much to get good secure private email.
>  You need a client that can make PEM pretty seamless; reduce it to a
> button that says "encrypt when possible."  You need the client to be
> able to generate a keypair, upload the public half, and pull down
> (seamlessly) recipient public keys.  You need a server to store and
> return those keys. You need an installed base to kickstart the network
> effect.
> Who has that?  Apple certainly; Microsoft could; Google perhaps
> (although not reading email is against their business model). Maybe
> even the FB API.
> It's not perfect -- seems to me the biggest weakness is (a) the client
> could double-encrypt for TLA's to read, or (b) it could give you the
> wrong key so your mail only goes to the bad guy -- but it's a hell of
> a lot better than we have now and I'd say it's more than good enough.
> Thoughts?
> ___
> The cryptography mailing list

Alexandre Anzala-Yamajako
The cryptography mailing list