Re: [css-d] rollover with images

2006-01-26 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 26, 2006, at 3:06 PM, Mike Tuller wrote:

> /* My Story  Menu*/
> .mystory_menu
> {
>   background: url("../images/mystory-current.png");
> }
> .mystory_menu a
> {
>   background: url("../images/mystory.png");
> }
> It always shows the -current images, even if there is an  tag.


Try adding .mystory_menu a { display: block; }.  You might also need  
to fiddle with the dimensions to get it to fill the entire , but  
that should get the background to show up.

Good luck!

Matthew Levine (
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Re: [css-d] Is redefining a property within CSS appropriate?

2006-01-24 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 24, 2006, at 4:27 PM, Peach Lynda L CTR USAF 96 CG/SCTA wrote:

> I thought it would make more sense to define all the borders then set
> the border-top to none.
> Now it works -- but my question are -- Is redefining as I have done
> above valid CSS? And is it -appropriate- CSS?


I agree -- I think it does make more sense to define it your way.

What you've done is certainly *valid*. The validator just issues a  
*warning* to let you know that you might have unintentionally  
overridden a property.  No worries though: I think it's completely  

Matthew Levine (
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Re: [css-d] how to vertically align text?

2006-01-24 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 24, 2006, at 3:30 PM, Francesco wrote:

> The text inside the LI appears lower slightly lower
> (almost subscripted) to the custom image.  We usd to
> fix such things with vertical-align: middle; before
> CSS.  How is this corrected now?


This is often a headache for me, too. I'd play around with the  
padding, height, line-height, and vertical-align of the list items.   
However, I usually resort to adding a few rows of transparent pixels  
to the top of my bullet images.

Matthew Levine (
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Re: [css-d] Calling a class within a class

2006-01-23 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 23, 2006, at 4:37 PM, Paul Kahl wrote:

> Is it possilble to do something like this:
> .clsBold {font-weight: bold;}
> .clsItalic {font-style: italic;}
> .clsRed {color: #F00;}
> .clsTitleDiv {clsBold; clsItalic; clsRed;}
> In other words, can I call a previously defined class inside  
> another class,
> in some fashion, thus saving me time and code?
> I already know that I can stack classes inside a tag in this  
> fashion: [div
> class="clsX clsY clsZ"][/div]. That's not really what I'm looking  
> for. I'm
> looking for something that is handled purely inside the stylesheet.  
> I'm
> hoping there's a greater way to do re-usability.
> ~Paul Kahl


I'm afraid that you can't define blocks of CSS rules the way you  
described above.  The closest thing would be more along these lines:

   .clsBold, .clsTitleDiv { font-weight: bold; }
   .clsItalic, .clsTitleDiv { font-style: italic; }
   .clsRed, .clsTitleDiv { color: #F00; }

In this case, you get .clsTitleDiv sharing the same declarations as  
above without a separate rule. In general, however, I'd advise  
against spreading out a definition of a class like this unless it  
makes sense for it to inherit from multiple (mostly orthogonal) rules.

As far as reusability goes in general, just make sure to keep your  
classes meaningful ("error" instead of "clsRed", for instance) and  
use a consistent style throughout your markup, and your CSS should be  
svelte.  I rarely find that I'm repeating myself in CSS, other than  
perhaps reusing color values (across borders, backgrounds, and actual  
text color) and occasionally sizes.  For these things, CSS-SSC might  
be a good tool if you're concerned about the way repetition can  
impact maintainability:

Matthew Levine, (
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Re: [css-d] using display:table-cell blows up in IE

2006-01-22 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 22, 2006, at 4:33 PM, John Haas wrote:

> I finally figured out how to achieve the look of what used to be  
> floated divs, centered in a page (when I don't know the width of  
> the parent div).
> Right now, I'm using a wrapper div with a display:table and an  
> inner wrapper div with a display:table-row.  The colored boxes for  
> the movie campaigns are set to display:table-cell.
> However, in IE, this displays all the campaign divs one on top of  
> the other, as opposed to the intended horizontal layout.

Hrmmm -- you mentioned you don't know the width of the parent div;  
but I assume you know the width of the centered div.

Is there a reason you're not using the following:

   Some content...

   #centered { width: 600px; margin: 0 auto; }

This will work regardless of the width of the parent element, or even  
if there is no parent element.

Matthew Levine (
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Re: [css-d] Collumn Divider for Liquid Multi-column Layout, any Column Longest

2006-01-20 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 20, 2006, at 11:19 AM, Dagmar Noll wrote:

> Hey folks. My brain is hurting. Can someone nudge me along a bit (at
> this point, if it is hopeless, I wouldn't mind being put out of my
> misery either)?
> I am trying to have a line along the left nav extend to the base of  
> the
> content. It works just as I'd like it on this page:

I'd recommend checking out the One True Layout -- it allows you to  
get equal-height columns using s for layout.

The basic concept is that you add padding to the bottom of the column  
elements, but a negative margin to the container:


   #container { margin-bottom: -1000em; overflow: hidden; }
   .column { padding-bottom: 1000em; }

This will let you add a border to the left column that will extend to  
the bottom of the page, no matter which column is tallest.   
Unfortunately, there's a bug with Opera 8.5's overflow: hidden, but  
you can work around this (see the URL above) or trust Opera users to  
upgrade to 9.0.

Matthew Levine (
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Re: [css-d] Spacing/text size question

2006-01-16 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 16, 2006, at 4:07 PM, Amal Bala wrote:

> I have achieved my goal of controlling text size (and thus spacing) in
> Internet Explorer, but when I visited my site on a Mac, which uses
> Safari as the browser, I realized the spacing and sizing get
> distorted. In other words, the style sheet seems not to work at all.
> Is there something special I need to do so the style sheet works on
> Mac browsers as well as PCs?

Hi Amal,

There's nothing special you need to do to support Safari, Firefox,  
Opera (usually), and so forth.  In general, each of these browsers  
provideds good support for the W3C standards for HTML and CSS.  It's  
IE that provides pretty poor support, so we usually have to modify  
our stylesheets to account for IE's quirks.

As you continue to develop your CSS skills, I'd actually recommend  
starting by developing on Firefox, since it should respond  
predictably to your changes, and then work around IE's quirks.

As for font sizing, I should preface my remarks by saying that fonts  
are always going to be different between browsers and platforms. You  
shouldn't expect pixel-perfect accuracy, but should design so that  
your site looks good and won't break in a variety of situations.  Dan  
Cederholm's book "Bulletproof Web Design" has some great information  
on this.

I took a look at your site, and saw that you're using points for font  
sizing.  Points are great for print, but they're pretty lousy for web  
design. Pixels are a bit better, but you can't resize pixels with IE,  
so visitors reading the text are out of luck.  Relative units (small,  
medium, large; ems, and percentages) are usually the way to go.

I'd suggest setting a base font size for your document like this:

   body { font-size: small; }

And then modifying the elements using ems or percentages, like this:

   h2 { font-size: 1.5em; }
   h2 { font-size: 150%; }

Hope that helps!

Matthew Levine (
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Re: [css-d] Overiding text size.

2006-01-16 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 16, 2006, at 12:09 PM, Anastasios Angelidis wrote:

> When the size of test is set through a style sheet it canot be  
> overiden
> by the browser's setting or is there a way?

Text size can be overridden by the browser a number of ways:

1) Using an "Increase/Decrease Font Size" command, or switching from  
medium to large/small on IE.
2) Changing the default font size in browser preferences.
3) Configuring your browser to use a default stylesheet.

However, when font-size is set in absolute units (pixels, or even - 
shudder- points), as opposed to relative units (percentages or ems),  
IE has trouble resizing them.  As a result, it is usually suggested  
that you avoid absolute units for accessibility reasons.

Matthew Levine (
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Re: [css-d] target attribute of anchor

2006-01-15 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 15, 2006, at 1:19 PM, Francesco wrote:

> Has the target attribute of the anchor tag been
> deprecated?  If so, how are we now supposed to specify
> a target window?


There are two primary uses for targets: frames and popups.

Many people (myself included) are of the opinion that frames are  
generally unfriendly to your visitors.  HTML, CSS and Javascript have  
evolved to the point that Almost anything that you can do with frames  
you can also do in a single document.  For these solutions, the  
target attribute just isn't necessary.  However, if you absolutely  
require frames, you can use a FRAMESET doctype declaration, which  
will still validate with the (deprecated) target attribute.

There are some cases in which opening new windows (for which targets  
are also used) is a good idea.  The example that springs to mind is  
Amazon's now-standards "What's This?" link, which brings up a helpful  
explanation in a small popup. For this, a bit of unobtrusive  
Javascript is almost definitely the best way to go, so target is  
again unnecessary.

Matthew Levine (
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Re: [css-d] stuck on the last bits of validation.

2006-01-14 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 14, 2006, at 8:06 PM, Tina Clarke wrote:

> Ah the schoolboy humour
> It's the nut behind the wheel that does the job and yes I'm not  
> that good at
> it .. it's merely my hobby  and I'm just a housewife, so who cares?

I hope you didn't read my comment about FrontPage as a judgement on  
you or users of FrontPage in general -- that's just not the case.  
Like the forthcoming iWeb, I think these tools are great for the  
democratization of the web, despite the fact that they produce less- 
than-admirable HTML and CSS.  I would, however, love to see better  
standards support in the future.

> Why is it ,it's always men making the usual 'FrontPage put down'?  
> Oh.. yeah
> ... 'my car is bigger, sorry better than your car' syndrome ... so  
> why you guys do that another lightbulb moment.

Molly and Meryl are both women: it's not about gender or  
competitiveness, it's about pride in our craft and the medium we  
love.  And if you're helping people improve their pages, regardless  
of what tool they're making them with, you're doing a Good Thing too,  
and you have my support.

I'll just have to be better about framing my offhand remarks in the  
future :)

Matthew Levine (
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Re: [css-d] stuck on the last bits of validation.

2006-01-14 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 14, 2006, at 5:19 PM, Tina Clarke wrote:

> I have validated as much as I am able with this site
> I can't understand what is wrong with the margins .. or even where  
> they are
> for the two errors...


The errors are coming from inline CSS, embedded in style attributes  
within the HTML itself.

The offending lines look like this:

   style="margin-top: 3"

The problem with these declarations are that you need to specify the  
units of the margins, i.e.:

   style="margin-top: 3px"

That should do the trick.

I'll refrain from the obligatory comment on the irony of using valid  
CSS with a page that showcases FrontPage tips...


Good luck!

Matthew Levine (
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Re: [css-d] Spread words evenly.

2006-01-10 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 10, 2006, at 6:02 PM, Daniel Liljeberg wrote:

> I have a string of words like this.
> Foo1 Foo2 Foo3 Foo4
> How do I do to place them evenly within a div?
> I tried to do something like this and thought that MIGHT place the  
> spans
> like I wanted them to.
> Foo1Foo2.
> But as you can guess. No go :P
> So, any ideas?


I'd mark up these words as a list and float the list items.  Here's  
what it would look like:




   ul.even-words {
 margin: 0;
 padding: 0;
 list-style: none;

   ul.even-words li {
 margin: 0;
 padding: 0;
 float: left;
 width: 25%;

Be aware of a couple of issues with this method.

First, you might run in to rounding problems with IE, so it'll  
probably a good idea to decrease the width to something more like 24.9%.

Second, since you're floating the list, you'll need to clear the  
floats to preserve your layout. If it makes sense to clear the  
element directly after this list, do that (you might also want to  
float the ul in this case, if you need it to be tall enough to  
contain the floats; i.e. if it's background is important).   
Otherwise, you might want to auto-clear the ul.  You can do it with  
this code:

   .even-words:after {
 content: "";
 display: block;
 height: 0;
 clear: both;
 visibility: hidden;

   * html .even-words {
 height: 1%;

This will make the  act as a normal block-level element; no need  
to worry about its floating contents.

Hope that helps!

Matthew Levine (

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Re: [css-d] default margins

2006-01-10 Thread Matthew Levine

On Jan 10, 2006, at 2:43 PM, Torp wrote:

> This works. So by adding the #col2 rule the specifity gets higher?  
> Almost a hack...

I wouldn't quite call it a hack; it's not exploiting any browser  
problems like the "* html" hack.  It's just making use of normal  
specificity rules from the CSS spec:

Specificity is a great tool I use constantly in my work.

Glad it helped out!

Matthew Levine (
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Re: [css-d] default margins

2006-01-10 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 10, 2006, at 9:39 AM, Torp wrote:

> Without css a  gets a blank line before and after
> 1) even when there is an image
> 2) except when the  is on top.
> But when changing the margins with css, these two behaviours are gone.
> Is there a workaround for this?

The reason (1) and (2) happen is because, with most browsers, there's  
a default style rule that behaves like this:

p { margin: 1em 0; }

So  will always have a single line-height margin on top and on  
bottom, regardless of contents (images, texts, input elements,  

If "the  is on top", I'm not sure exactly what you mean by this.   
On top of what?

My best guess is that you mean on top of another . In this case,  
the vertical margins collapse, which means that the space between the  
two  tags (or any other elements with vertical margins) will be  
the greater of the two margins, not the sum of the two margins. For  
two unstyled  tags, that means there will only be 1em of space  
between them, not 2em (as it would be if you added the margins).

As for workarounds, I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to  
accomplish. The effects you describe are margins -- but you want to  
apply different margins?

If you want to preserve this exactly behavior, make sure that your  
vertical margins are 1em. You can set the horizontal margins to  
whatever else you want.

I hope that helps. Send out a clarification of the effect you're  
trying to achieve (or a link), and I'll try to do a better job of  
explaining it :)

Matthew Levine (
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Re: [css-d] Link states getting confused

2006-01-09 Thread Matthew Levine

On Jan 9, 2006, at 10:57 AM, Bart Hook wrote:

> The states of my links seem to be getting "confused". They all end up
> looking like the footer links. Any idea why this may be happening?  
> Any help
> is greatly appreciated.
> Here is the CSS:
> .footer a:link, a:visited {
> color: #ff;
> text-decoration: none;
> }
> .footer a:hover, a:active {
> color: #ff;
> text-decoration: underline;
> }


The problem is with the last two declarations. After the comma, it's  
an entirely new selector -- the a:visited selector doesn't know that  
it's supposed to come under the .footer. Same with a:active. A  
visited link will always look like what you intend to be a footer  
visited link.

Here's how the declarations should read:

   .footer a:link, .footer a:visited {
   color: #ff;
   text-decoration: none;

   .footer a:hover, .footer a:active {
   color: #ff;
   text-decoration: underline;

That should do the trick.

Good luck!

Matthew Levine (
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Re: [css-d] perspective diff in firefox/ie

2006-01-08 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 8, 2006, at 1:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Just wondering - although sites looks the same in both Firefox and IE,
> IE displays everything slightly larger, very slight.  Is that  
> normal for
> the web browser?  If I were to adjust text slightly smaller for IE,  
> they
> are similar.

I've noticed the same thing. It's normal. In general, pixel-perfect  
fidelity between browsers or platforms is impossible to achieve --  
but if you've got everything else looking the same, as you say, then  
you're in good shape.

The key is to avoid making anything depended on a precise font width.  
For a whole book on make sure your website behaves well under adverse  
conditions, check out Dan Cederholm's excellent "Bulletproof Websites".

> Other question - I am using the CSS dropdown menu from an Eric Meyer
> book.  Works wonderfully in Firefox & IE. (with ie I use the
> file), but not Konqueror.  With Konqueror's limited use,
> should I be concerned and is there a fix?

I'm not sure which one you're referring to in particular, but the  
answer is usually "check your browser stats". Unless you're getting a  
significant number of visitors using Konqueror, it shouldn't be a  
problem. The same goes for Safari, Opera, IE5.5, IEMac, etc (although  
supporting Opera and Safari usually aren't too much, if any, extra  

Matthew Levine (

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Re: [css-d] Full Page Height

2006-01-08 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 8, 2006, at 3:22 PM, - Eli - wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to convert this page - - that
> uses frames into one that doesn't use frames. The difficult part is
> that the middle section with the content is resizeable dependent upon
> the height of the browser window, so that there is never a scroll-bar
> anywhere else except in the content pane itself. I tried to replicate
> with with CSS, but was unable to do so correctly. I would post the
> code that I have so far, but I don't know the proper method to do so.
> I don't think pasting all the code here would work. I'll try a file
> attachment, though.
> Thanks,
> - Eli

You want to use the "overflow: auto" property on the middle content.  
That will get it to scroll when it overflows. To force the container  
to be exactly  the height of the window, my initial impulse would be  
to use absolute positioning with "top: 1em" and "bottom: 1em" (to  
give it a little padding).  However, I believe there are some browser  
problems that crop up with this approach (although it's been awhile  
since I've tried).

You can use the "incredibly tall but clipped" concept on the  
container from the One True Layout (http:// It  
would look something like this:

#main { padding-bottom: 1001em; }
body { overflow: hidden; margin-bottom: -1000em; }

Hope that helps.  Good luck!

Matthew Levine (

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Re: [css-d] Boxy in Foxy...

2006-01-07 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 7, 2006, at 10:11 PM, Joe Friend wrote:

> I'm missing something.  I know it, but I can't find
> it.  Need another set of eyes. It's one of those 'it
> works in IE but not Firefox' sort of issues but I only
> use Firefox so it's bugging me.
> I'm having a DIV in a DIV issue where the parent is
> not resizing to the contents of the container.  Here
> is the link: if
> anyone feels like popping their eyes over to it.  I
> tried the validator, went through the archives here,
> read a bunch of Eric's articles- no dice.
> Thanks, in advance, for any replies.

Hi Joe.

It looks like you're floating both the children of #middlebox. If an  
item is floated, it's non-floating container should *not*  
automatically expand to contain it. IE does this, but it's a bug.   
Firefox is exhibiting the proper behavior, which is giving the  
container the minimum height you assigned it.

There are a couple of ways to fix this.

First, you could float the #middlebox. Floating elements WILL expand  
to the height of their floated contents. You just need to make sure  
that the footer has clear: both on it.

Second, you could auto-clear the #middlebox. This is a bit of a hack,  
but the formula is straightforward:

   #middlebox:after {
 content: "";
 display: block;
 height: 0;
 clear: both;
 visibility: hidden;

   * html #middlebox { height: 1%; } /* For IE */

Hope this helps.  Good luck!

Matthew Levine (
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Re: [css-d] Site check Please

2006-01-07 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 7, 2006, at 6:45 PM, Sam Leathers wrote:

> Hey everyone. I finally got a chance to work on my own site, and I  
> think
> it's pretty good, but I'd like the experts opinions on if theres
> anything I should change either for aesthetics or accessibility. the
> site is

Your markup is very clean; well done on that count.

As far as markup and accessibility a couple things jump out at me:

1) You've definitely got a good handle on image replacement. In the  
case of the "picture", however, I'd recommend using an  tag  
instead for three reasons:
   - Since it's an actual image, it would make more semantic sense to  
use an  tag instead of a div.
   - Browsers without images or CSS support won't see anything; they  
should see "Sam Leathers Computer Services". You can accomplish this  
either with the "alt" tag on an image, or by placing the text inside  
the div and adding "text-indent: -1em" property.
   - An image tag would be easier to wrap in an anchor to link to the  
homepage (a good usability practice).

2) I'd consider adding some :hover effects to your links. From an  
accessibility perspective, it's a good visual cue that you're  
correctly targeting the link, particularly for users with limited  
vision or mobility who might otherwise have trouble telling when  
they're able to click.

Matthew Levine ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: [css-d] CSS newbie books

2006-01-06 Thread Matthew Levine
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ghvyghvy
> Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 8:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: [css-d] CSS newbie books
> I joined this group and I daily receive messages. I am a newbie to  
> CSS.
> I would like to learn CSS. Please give me a set of books with  
> authors so
> that I can learn from start in a step by step way. I know HTML  
> (almost).
> I need to learn CSS now. Please advice.

I'd recommend the Definitive Guide to CSS, by Eric Meyer (you can't  
go wrong with Eric Meyer). I haven't read all the way through it, but  
it's aimed towards those learning CSS: (CSS: The Definitive Guide)

However, I have read his excellent New Riders books, for when you've  
got the basics down. He walks you through dozens of projects, with  
practical examples, advice, and tips throughout: (Eric Meyer on CSS) (More Eric Meyer on CSS)

Good luck!

- Matthew Levine (
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Re: [css-d] Button Style

2006-01-06 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 6, 2006, at 1:12 PM, Conyers, Dwayne, Mr [C] wrote:

> I have a style that makes a hyperlink look like a button -- but  
> have been
> using JavaScript onFocus() and onBlur() to affect button like behavior
> (i.e., a depressed and raised state).  I would like to do this with  
> CSS and
> would appreciate advice.
> The current CSS is:
> a.button:link, a.button:visited, a.button:hover
> {
>   text-decoration:none; font-variant: small-caps; border-style:
> outset; border-width: 2; padding-left: 2; padding-right: 2; padding- 
> top: 0;
> padding-bottom: 0; background-color: #C0C0C0
> }
> a.button:active, a.button:focus
> {
>   text-decoration:none; font-variant: small-caps; border-style: inset;
> border-width: 2; padding-left: 2; padding-right: 2; padding-top: 0;
> padding-bottom: 0; background-color: #C0C0C0
> }


If you want the button to look depressed when the user clicks a link,  
it looks like you're on the right track.  The :active pseudo-selector  
will pick out links that are currently being clicked, no Javascript  
necessary. Your CSS works fine for me.  I simplified it a a bit,  
taking advantage of inheritance:

   a.button {
 text-decoration: none;
 font-variant: small-caps;
 border: 2px outset #999;
 padding: 0 2px;
 background-color: #C0C0C0;

   a.button:active {
 border-style: inset;

I put an example online here:

The effect works in Safari and Firefox; I didn't test elsewhere. If  
there's a problem with another browser, it's most likely due to lack  
of support for inset and outset borders, in which case you could set  
the colors explicitly to achieve the same effect.

Matthew Levine (
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Re: [css-d] move scrollbar to far right

2006-01-06 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 6, 2006, at 11:59 AM, Tim Robertson wrote:

> Hi,
> I have created a CSS page with 3 main sections a little header,
> content, footer with white space around them all.
> I have managed to make it so the header & footer remain static, but
> the content scrolls if necessary.  (so far it works on Mac IE 5.2,
> Firefox 1.0.6 and Safari 2.0.2
> The problem is the scrollbar for the content appears just within the
> content area itself, I would like to have it so it appears on the far
> right as a full, normal vertical scrollbar, any suggestions?
> A link to an example is at:
> Thanks for any input
> Tim

Hi Tim.

I think the solution is to use position: fixed on the header and  
footer. As you may well know, this works fine in Safari, Firefox and  
Opera, but (as usual) IE doesn't support position: fixed.

However, you can trick IE into simulating position: fixed by  
absolutely positioning them with respect to the html element and then  
moving the scrolling mechanism to the body element.

I believe the code goes something like this:

   /* Move the scrolling mechanism for IE */
   * html { overflow: hidden; }
   * body { height: 100%; overflow: auto; }

   /* Set the positions */
   #header { position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; }
   #footer { position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; }

   /* Fixed position for standards-compliant browsers */
   html > #header { position: fixed; }
   html > #footer { position: fixed; }

Check out this article on tagsoup for more info:

Good luck!

- Matthew Levine (
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] CSS and RSS Feeds

2006-01-06 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 6, 2006, at 11:01 AM, Ionize wrote:

> I have a couple of questions if you folks out there don't mind  
> answering.
> 1: Can CSS be used to contain an RSS Feed, what i mean by this is  
> that if
> you create a  container and insert the RSS code in there will  
> it be
> bound by the rules placed on it by the style sheet, not so much in a
> formatting type of way but in more of a size way.
> 2: With the background-image for individual divs can sepearte  
> images be used
> in each and every div?
> 3: How do you replace url's with images?
> 4: Not sure about asking this question here, but in the css zen garden
> files, any text content within a div is encolsed by  tags. Can
> somebody explain this?
> Sorry if these are silly questions, but the only way I will learn  
> is by
> asking heehee.

Not at all, Dave; that's what this list is for.

As for your answers:

1) Since RSS code isn't actual HTML, it will probably just display as  
a string of plain text, which won't be very readable at all. I  
believe you could use XSLT to transform the RSS into HTML, so it will  
then behave properly, but I'm afraid I don't know too much about that.

2) You can use as many different background images you like in  
separate divs. A common arrangement is like this:


   And the CSS:

   #center-column { background: url("center-image.png"); }
   #left-column { background: url("left-image.png"); }
   #right-column { background: url("right-image.png"); }

   Repeat for as many different divs as you need.

3) I like to use the text-indent method. HTML:

Come on in!


#my-link {
  display: block;
  text-indent: -1em;
  width: 120px; /* width of image */
  height: 90px; /* height of image */

4) When Dave Shea put the Zen garden together, he wanted to put as  
many hooks for CSS in as possible to allow maximum style flexibility  
with a single HTML file. That's the reason for the extraneous markup,  
like the spans inside the divs and the extra divs at the bottom.  
These basically just give the designers an extra element to work with  
when they're writing their style sheets.  I wouldn't recommend using  
 inside  in all of your work, though :)

Matthew Levine ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Layout Consultation/Analysis

2006-01-06 Thread Matthew Levine
On Jan 6, 2006, at 10:14 AM, Thomas Hall wrote:

> Group,
> I have been asked to recode an existing site for seo purposes -
> <>
> As you
> can see in the code it is not properly structured using a plethora  
> of tables
> and inline styling. After poking around the site a bit you can see  
> it is a
> pretty elaborate site but the layout seems consistent from page to  
> page.
> That being said I am curious to know what type of  layout you  
> see from
> looking at it. I see a header section across the top, a nav section  
> on the
> left, and a main content section. This would be a 2-column layout  
> with a
> header and a footer no?

Hi, Thomas.

It looks to me like this layout is the infamous Holy Grail of CSS --  
the three column layout with fixed sidebars and a liquid center.

There are a number of techniques for achieving this effect:

One True Layout: 

Sheriar Designs:

Glish (although this version lacks full-width footers):

I also happen to be working on a version of this layout that achieves  
the same effect with more flexibility and less markup. I'm preparing  
it for publication now, but if you're interested in an advance copy  
please contact me privately.

Matthew Levine ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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