Re: [CTRL] CNN: Statement by Condit regarding the Modesto Bee editorial

2001-08-13 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- I think this guy is on drugs; note on several occasions it was reported Chandra mentioned that he did not smoke or drink.and I find it difficult to believe he was not on something and had been for a long long time. Hells Angels if this be true he rode with them, introduced in

[CTRL] Fwd: JTF.ORG: How Communists Became Zionists

2001-08-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

[CTRL] Isaeli's Poisoned Water? Now A shortage and water as weapon?

2001-08-12 Thread Aleisha Saba
This is interesting item; but, is it ture? It was written by orthodox Jews opposed to Zionist Occupation of Israel. It is worth reading for the more one goes into this Nazi thing and keep thinking of European Ashke-nazi jews one must wonder, who are the Zionists, really. So two rabbis were cau

[CTRL] Cattle Mutilation - Is it Ritual Symbolic Murder

2001-08-12 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- The cattle mutiliations seem to be part of a ritual symbolic murderthis item here shows identical ritual as done in USA, to the removal of the ear, etc. Which hints, to me a secret society with political motivation...for look too how the English slaughtered all those

[CTRL] Fwd: Anti-Semitic Motifs in the Ideology of Hizballah and Hamas

2001-08-09 Thread Aleisha Saba
Interesting item: However, once I ran into a lot of Iranians carrying big signs Kill the Ayatollah - they were very dark skinned, but not black - but looked black and their eyes were set and fixed. They walked the streets in Columbus, Ohio during Iranian crisis and hostage sudd

Re: [CTRL] US War Crimes In Iraq

2001-08-09 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Have a feeling that there are those who would poison the wells in Israel and it would seem to me this would be a very great worry. Too bad the Palestinians do not "go for the heads" and take out Sharon - Netanyahus son, is asking for exemption from the military and it would seem

Re: [CTRL] FC: Danish police break "Safeguard" encryption program in tax case (fwd)

2001-08-09 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- As I understand it after hundreds of years they have no broken the Ogham Code - Oh those English.A little slow on the take here.";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagan

[CTRL] Vatican Speaks Out against Holocoaust

2001-08-09 Thread Aleisha Saba
Amelia - Always the enemy within and in the old hyms such treason to the Church are revealed. Always liked this old one attached herewith for within the pale of the Church you find many deceivers and as Hughey Long said "fascists in disguise" and ultimate goal is to DESTROY THE CHURCH AND POPE IS

[CTRL] Fwd: USS Liberty - The Real CIA Story

2001-08-09 Thread Aleisha Saba
___ __ / |/ / /___/ / /_ //M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S / /|_/ / /_/_ / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East /_/ /_/ /___/ /_/ \\©http://www.MiddleEast.Org News, Information, & Analysis Th

[CTRL] Fwd: USSLiberty - Abandoned At Sea and At Home Because?

2001-08-09 Thread Aleisha Saba
___ __ / |/ / /___/ / /_ //M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S / /|_/ / /_/_ / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East /_/ /_/ /___/ /_/ \\©http://www.MiddleEast.Org News, Information, & Analysis Th

[CTRL] Fwd: How do presidential pardons work?

2001-08-09 Thread Aleisha Saba
Interesting item but considering Hilliary took $600,000 and Clintons brothers and Hilliary's family took money which amounted to bribes for presidential pardons, etc., where does line between bribery and pardon and racketeering begin and end? Justice is not for sale - but I wonder, about equal p

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Vidal casts McVeigh as a hero

2001-08-08 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- McVeigh used perfect grammar? He ended a sentence with a preposition - when we were little anyone who ended a sentence with a preposition was an outcase for 30 minutes in a corner. He ended a sentence with "with". Such a crime - in my family it would have been worse than the fe

[CTRL] Fwd: Lawyers May Reveal Secrets of Clients, Bar Group Rules

2001-08-08 Thread Aleisha Saba
'When I read this I thought of Gary Condit stopping a story re "intellectual property rights"so he must be going to write a book, and Chandra if she is still alive, is out there writing a book and if she is, she will have a best seller.intellectual property rights. So all these lawyer

[CTRL] Fwd: Scandal of HIV blood sold as safe by South Africans [Free Republic]

2001-08-08 Thread Aleisha Saba
Somehow I missed this story when it came out, but then this land of Rhodes Round Table - wonder if the advent of AIDS was discussed at some of the oh so secret meetings? How to control population, or how to genocide people around the world. Remember this so called "Rhodes Scholar" Clinton first

[CTRL] Fwd: Anti-U.N. Petitions Flood Capitol

2001-08-08 Thread Aleisha Saba
Well the times they are a changing... Always wondered by nobody has parked a fertilizer truck in front of the UN? They are conspicuous by their mere presense? Note JFK, RFK, JFK, Jr, and Reagan and Wallace and others all were either assassinated or nearly assassinated...conspicious by

[CTRL] A California Congressman Speaks Out......Did News Media Report on it

2001-08-08 Thread Aleisha Saba
For the individual who wanted to know why Clinton is not a true Rhodes Scholar the following shoud provide some enlightenment. This Congressman had Clinton's number long ago, and this was read into the record. How to take over a country? First you set aside certain individuals as the "chosen o

[CTRL] Is This Why Bill Clinton May Have Been Asked to Leave Oxford

2001-08-08 Thread Aleisha Saba
For Clinton is not considered a Rhodes Scholar as he did not even finish his term. So little Chandra is being forgotten - but it would seem Condit and Clinton love to portray the role of a Don Juan when in essense, it would seem they were just sexual predators who seem to have more in common with

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Assist...!?!

2001-08-07 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- 'One of those men, think name was Ray and the other a Danny Arc or something like that; one had eaten the chicken sandwich...the name games. Believe Manchester's book and Bishop's book had names but at the time I wondered about them Manchester and Bishop both refer to th

Re: [CTRL] Teenage Girls Hip On Racy Lingerie

2001-08-07 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Little 17 year old summed it up well - trashy. Pierced eyes, lips, tongues, ears, etc, etc etc, and Dennis Rodman? Why what more would a young girl want? Lex Wexner an alleged homosexual who finally got married seemed obsessed with women's underwearVictoria's Secret was the

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Green Beret

2001-08-07 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Ah yes, he went to England - and to Russia too - remember? Our Manchurian Candidate was put in the wings long long ago - then sent to Holy Land of England by Fulbright - Rhodes Scholar, an honor again he did not win through his intellect. He like Powell and a few others includi

[CTRL] Fwd: Green Beret

2001-08-07 Thread Aleisha Saba
Thought I would send this for list - in the 60 period late sixty period - this was one of my favorite songs - we had lots of pilots living in our own and some of the families lost a father. Barry Sadler was married into the Moore family - once he was on a football field and protestors booed this

[CTRL] Fwd: I Saw The Light

2001-08-06 Thread Aleisha Saba
I dedicate this song to Joshua2, or Mr. Schwartz. Mrs. Goldberg

[CTRL] Fwd: Heat-Related Illnesses - September 1, 1998 - American Academy of Family Physicians

2001-08-06 Thread Aleisha Saba
Two more children left in an automobile in Santa Monica area 1 and 3, died as temperatures reached 108 degrees, though weather outside not quite 90.Left in car by mother for two or three hours - one wonders the problem here - drunk or something? Then a Viking football player from Ohio, died

[CTRL] Fwd: Rosie O’Donnell talks about her depression

2001-08-06 Thread Aleisha Saba
So now its poor, for Rosie has been depressed since she was 18 and on medication now for two years..thought they did a background check before they turned over little children to "depressed" lesbians but then, nobody ever checked out the alcoholic Paul Pouondstone, lesbian, Rosie's playmate d

Re: [CTRL] U.S. Aid To Israel Violates 1st Amendment

2001-08-06 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Its about time somebody got into this. We bought big guns and planes for Israel and in return they bombed the great ship USS Liberty killing 34 men and wounding 171 others - and it was of couse an accident, and this is why for 45 minutes the napalmed this ship and bombed it in a

[CTRL] Fwd: BBC News | BUSINESS | US lay-offs hit record high

2001-08-06 Thread Aleisha Saba
Interesting item.the new black Mayor of Columbus, Ohio is now considering opening the town day and night - 24 hours a day, in an attempt to lure people back to this once great City. Soon no doubt, well put it this way - two big stadiums the taxpayers were smart enought to vote out so were fun

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Foot and mouth UK

2001-08-06 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well Amelia today in France the eating of horse meat is very popular and where are all these animal lovers now? Why are horses victims of HIV/AIDS - this was in one report and it is said horse flies can carry this flies go after cattle as well, I presume but y

[CTRL] Fwd: Authorities debate closer look at Condit’s role

2001-08-06 Thread Aleisha Saba
So Charles Manson still lives as do his little playmates - two of whom, one had father at Pentagon, and the other had father at NASA and while in prison, Manson played with Jimmy Carter's nephew - and all the time - well little Squeaky Frome still on the outside wrote Manson to say Hi, I know how

[CTRL] Path of the Rose......

2001-08-05 Thread Aleisha Saba
Interesting item; long, very long but a good one if there is anyone interested who has never read same. Keep in mind Hitler claimed the Rosicrucians were British Secret Service, and Sirhan Bishara Sirhan had joined the San Jose Rosicrucians which Mayor Yordy claimed to be communists - Pattie Hear

[CTRL] Now a Word from Abe Foxman of the Anti Defamation League.

2001-08-05 Thread Aleisha Saba
Now this is how Abe Foxman earns his money? Knocking the Baptists? Gary Condit is a Baptist? This Baptist Preacher knocks Jews, Christians, Fags, and Blacks.he does not knock Zionists or Arabs and since he does not knock arabs, he cannot be antisemite? This site under subject matter has a

[CTRL] Joshua says Israelies sophisticaed, educated and not trailer trash?

2001-08-05 Thread Aleisha Saba
Well Joshua, you little twerp nobody - take that ADL shit and shove it. Now even though you closed the Case on the USS Liberty I am sending this beautiful web site for your consideration. Under the subject line is a beautiful Military Site with lots of information submitted by TRUE BLUE AMERICAN

Re: [CTRL] Christian group enters Palestinian village to shieldpeople fromIsraelis (fwd)

2001-08-05 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Hey Joshua - how you doing asshole.. Saba Order of the Lily";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These

Re: [CTRL] Sharon in Festive Mood

2001-08-05 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Hey Yardbird - he would kill the messenger for giving report ...for who has believed this report? Well most people who read it would consider it typical Sharon garbage. Mass murderers are like that - but Yardbird, you are being blamed for writing the story? Now if I had wr

[CTRL] Fwd: Egypt In The "Era of Thieves"

2001-08-05 Thread Aleisha Saba
Egypt in "Era of Thieves" - they got to be kidding. What we called "archeology discoveries" others might call grave robbing but oh the hidden treasures we found and the things that were stashed away and where you find gold, you find uranium in same straing - like Desert Fox (take us the littl

[CTRL] Part of the Plague?

2001-08-05 Thread Aleisha Saba
Revenge of a sort - look at the horrific punishment to be inflicted by a plague? This verse note how the kids dress today - rings and things, body adorned with so much metal they probably set off every alarm at an airport should they have to pass through a metal detector? Willow - another poison

Re: [CTRL] Konformist: Viruses as global population control?

2001-08-05 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Worse yet - I have some information of which most people are not aware - but "willow" used in certain herbal "remedies" can cause thinning of the hair? Now the men will love to hear that and where does willow track - why to the commn aspirin as once was. Do not have time to res

[CTRL] Fwd: Song of Songs (No. 145)

2001-08-04 Thread Aleisha Saba

[CTRL] Holy Joe and Manchurian Candidate worried about "industry" in America

2001-08-04 Thread Aleisha Saba
Well a few words from Manchuian Candidate John McCain (with his connections to organized crime) and Holy Joe Lieberman (boy that Bronfman sure got around for this poor kid whose father drove a bakery truck went to Yale)and such is the way with 5 and 6 point gangs . It seems Holy Joe is

2001-08-04 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Okay Om K. Saba";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with

Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel

2001-08-04 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- No Ashley, it was Gideon the hit and run assassin, who stood every man in his place? Love the title of your little argument here - I can smell you from here. Saba";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchan

[CTRL] Fwd: The Enquirer - Peter Bronson - January 12, 1997

2001-08-03 Thread Aleisha Saba
Interesting item from the Cincinnati Enquirer (years ago I nearly took a job there but decided to stay in college); however, in this story you see how Larry Flynt the blackmailer operates - and how Larry Flynt was arrested for act of sodomy in public place. This man Flynt received a nice letter f

[CTRL] Fwd: ADL: Portrait of A Hate Group

2001-08-03 Thread Aleisha Saba
The Larry Flynt connection to the ADL and remember Marc Rich and the money they took for the pardon - bribe money for Clinton. Truth be known, little Chandra might have been paid by the likes of a Flynt to get Condit for this is part of a master plan to bring down any prominent govenment elect

Re: [CTRL] LaRouche- Mideast War Alert

2001-08-03 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Joshua - go back to your little Marxist ADL friends, and tell them Saba send you . Saba";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—no

Re: [CTRL] Feds back off anonymous tip on Levy

2001-08-03 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Feds have a leak for all this information to get out and these "souces said"... Yes I meant "amnesia" June - this item with the police and this chauffer/bodyguard with the big beer belly pumping big weights on TV with the massage table in view - made me wonder. This item his

Re: [CTRL] The ADL pushes "tolerance"? Why I'm leaving after 25 years

2001-08-02 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Should be obvious by now the ADL works with Mossad and KGB.same tactics for instance the Walker spies why for them the KGB organized a KKK - these were the famous family of Navy spies. Then we had this Hannsen who worked for KGB while sitting in FBI office with Louis Free

[CTRL] Sorry Wrong Party

2001-08-02 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Sent in error a personal letter to list. Amelia and are are getting similar letters from a south bell account number and this literature is so obscene - it merited my reporting same. Account is from Spunky@southbell and is active account - it is being checked out. It seems when

[CTRL] Fwd: Yahoo! Groups workersliberty Messages Message 189 of 225

2001-08-02 Thread Aleisha Saba
I wondered about the name too and when I checked it hit me, I do not know your last name either. So this guy southbell said had overflowing mailbox when I sent reply. Am going to send you some letters I sent out - this Ashley Abraham is June without a doubt, and called me trailer trash - sound f

Re: [CTRL] Feds back off anonymous tip on Levy

2001-08-02 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Ordinary street crimes usually produce a body; someone has taken great pain to dispose of this body - unless Chandra will return with severe case of anemia. For instance on TV an elderly lady, someone who sounded very old, called to say that if Chandra is in hiding and playing g

Re: [CTRL] LaRouche- Mideast War Alert

2001-08-02 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- And further Ashley, you piece of shit - the reference to trailer trash - did you know there are people on list who live in trailers? Go get another name..your pedigree is showing.";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion &

Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel

2001-08-02 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- After reading this shit put out by Ashley, it makes one wonder if we did not fight on the wrong side in WWII - many people thought we did. It took von Braun to get us to the moon while moslems, JEWS, and christians still worship pieces of rock in the holy land but the Israelies b

Re: [CTRL] LaRouche- Mideast War Alert

2001-08-02 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Oh really - check out any reference book and semites are also pure black Ethiopians - for why do you think semites are semites - it is a mixture with Ethiopian blood is it not in the holy land where true semits are well like Prince Faisal, darker, brown eyed - but he knew a pig fr

Re: [CTRL] Truly Embedded Chips

2001-08-01 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well somebody already saw throuogh this tattooing and ear, eyelid, nose, body piercing - it is all a conditioning process and always has been. Like accupuncture - when Nixon discovered accupuncture he presented it to the USA as a Chinese gift. But interested in this thing, I loo

Re: [CTRL] LaRouche- Mideast War Alert

2001-08-01 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Bill, Does this mean LaRouche is anti Arab and anti Jewish? This anti-semite crap has gone far enough; European Jews are anti semite. By the way a friend of my sister gave over $250,000 to LaRouch over the years for she liked him so much. Her husband was anti communist, form

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Employers Maintaining Vigilance in the Face of Layoff Rage

2001-08-01 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- The Union to which I referred with UAW was the CFR controlled government union AFSCME, a corrupt Union and corrupt people in many cases steal, and steal from their own membes. The most corrupt Union is the USA, is this ASCME.thieves and gypsies.";>www.ct

[CTRL] Fwd: Two charged with stealing celebrity ID's off Net

2001-08-01 Thread Aleisha Saba
Forwarded by Amelia and we wondered - Mike Pugliese does that name ring a bell so maybe is one on CTRL and SNET list? Thought this item rather humorous. Saba MIKE PUGLIESE - you still here? Two charged with stealing celebrity ID's off Net Two Brooklyn men have been charged with using the In

[CTRL] Fwd: Employers Maintaining Vigilance in the Face of Layoff Rage

2001-08-01 Thread Aleisha Saba
Interesting item here - the way these tyrants dismiss someone with police escorts and refusal to permit them to re-entry sure backfired in this case. Stop and think - these stupid morons took this man's job, treated him like a criminal, and gave those laid off police escorts off the job, like big

Re: [CTRL] Duh.

2001-07-31 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Like Hollywood - one nose at one time fit all? Even Marilyn Monroe had a nose job, Barbara Streisand could not but she still sings with nasal twang, Zsa Za Gabor - etc. Even Elizabeth Taylor when very young had nose job.these noses when new, often look like little pig snouts

Re: [CTRL] Myths of a "Palestinian Homeland"

2001-07-31 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- In my one older bible, published by Oxford Press, SS Teachers Edition - word Palestina means Land of Strangers. What is there is the bible about a man who soays "I am a stranger in my own land"... This bible is 1875 or so and my late 1700 bible, has no map of palestine but m

Re: [CTRL] In Praise of Sex Tourism

2001-07-31 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- The most disgusting thing I have seen on television lately, the Invasion of the Bed Bugs. It seems our motesl and hotels - and alleged nice motels and hotels, the mattresses in said motels have become infested with "bed bugs". And the cause given? Multicultural occupants .

Re: [CTRL] Palestine ( sic )on the rack.

2001-07-31 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Israelis have little neutron back pack bombs, but then so does Sadaam Hussein who rides big white horse too... Why are the women uniting - christian, jew, and moslem women, saying they want to be friends and will not make their sisters, their enemies> Only outside in Holy La


2001-07-31 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- This is interesting item; however, a flaw maybe done in haste, re Mahoney being an intern . Mahoney was not an intern but a manager of the Starbucks where she and her fellow employees were murdered - one victim shot 5 times which I thought unusual. There was an informer to thes

[CTRL] Jimmy Hoffa Is Alive and Well

2001-07-31 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- The son, that is - and like father, like is obvious by now that Jimmy Hoffa . did not accept Clinton's invitation to join this WTO.note Clinton seems oh so at home, in Harlemn - but wait until those Black Panther's really oranize. Seems the creators have lost touc

[CTRL] Fwd: Palestinians Imprisoned By Arafat - both literally and figuratively

2001-07-31 Thread Aleisha Saba
___ __ / |/ / /___/ / /_ //M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S / /|_/ / /_/_ / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East /_/ /_/ /___/ /_/ \\©http://www.MiddleEast.Org News, Information, & Analysis Th

[CTRL] Fwd: SCENE IV. London. The Temple-garden.

2001-07-30 Thread Aleisha Saba
Geoffrey Plantagenet was my ancestor - and the Fitzgeralds, of courseroses, always roses.remember in Dallas John F. Kennedy lie in a bed of red roses.Mrs. Kennedy had been given red roses, and Mrs. Johnson, white roses and she thought "red roses, why red roses".for at the Dallas Tr

Re: [CTRL] Where does Bush"s tax break really come from"

2001-07-30 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- You cannot tax, a tax? A tax refund or rebate is still a tax refund.. Once I got in trouble with IRS for on the form it said to deduct any taxes, etc., so I deducted the taxes I paid to the feds. They told me I could not do that; but I did. Since that time, they changed th

[CTRL] Greatest Story Ever Told Written by a Jew.........

2001-07-30 Thread Aleisha Saba
So the subject was roses.for your enlightenment and edification, as to why Saba questions the activities of the Zionists and now the attempt to rewrie the bible and Shakespeare, and yes even the great Magna Carta for they each wrote of the "jews" stories which ADL does not like - so can't put

Re: [CTRL] Cleaning for the Redeemer

2001-07-30 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Oh knock of the hate jews crap Joshua2...gloat over people being killed? Israel wants to go to war let them go to war and get it the hell over. Look at the billions of dollars the USA has sent to Israel and see how our kindness and yes CHARITY has been returned - the USS Lib

[CTRL] Fwd: American Study: Israel would be unable to repel all-out Arab attack

2001-07-30 Thread Aleisha Saba
Now did it take a study to figure this one out; the Israeli's would have us fighting for them. Israel will soft peddle the crap now that the Yanks are not going to save their asses..too long we have sat in the wings ignoring their spies in our White House, the Pollard case, the USS Liberty -

[CTRL] Fwd: Clash on holy site contained in Israel

2001-07-29 Thread Aleisha Saba
Is it really true that Sadaam Hussein is on the way riding a big white horse? This one guy sized up the situation in this article when he said the Israelis were just a bunch of bullies. Welly Bully for Sadaam Hussein and the Iraqis for the cavalry is on its way? If he is succesful in this, he m

Re: [CTRL] The Case Of The Missing H-Bomb

2001-07-29 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- And the Feds are worried about fish kills? And Mosquitos loaded with West Nile Virus - 1 in 10 million little tiny mosquitos with virus bombs? Stop he world I want off. Saba";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informa

Re: [CTRL] Cleaning for the Redeemer

2001-07-29 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Remember the best propaganda is truth? When one is about to tell a big lie and sworn in under oath, be as truthful as possible. And this one Arab said "when one is about to tell a great truth - keep one foot in the stirrup. As for Joshua, his truth is his own truth; to be he i

Re: [CTRL] The Pariahs

2001-07-29 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- So now I know what this ZOG really is and so do the people here, the women, brave enough to take on the bastards. Saba";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds ar

Re: [CTRL] Cleaning for the Redeemer

2001-07-29 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Its the Oil, Andrew - the oil. And those Arabs have mined all those oil fields and if the Israelis dare to try to take them, they will blow them up and off the face of the earth for it is the oil God gave to Ishmael when he promised to make him a great kingdom, which he did. St

[CTRL] Fwd: Creeping Temple and Creeping Embassy

2001-07-29 Thread Aleisha Saba
This item more than hints that our Congress has been a pawn and cat's paw for the Zionist movement. Consider the Mossad tapping the telephone of the President of the United States, using a prostitute, for that is what Monica Lewinsky really was, to perform this illegal tapping and was anything e

[CTRL] Masonic Blunders

2001-07-29 Thread Aleisha Saba
DO-GOODERS! by: Thurman D. Bevlin P.M. (Secretary of Turkey Creek Lodge No. 248 F. & A.M.,Turkey Creek, FL) There is the incident of the Irish cop who stopped a car full of Shriners for speeding. When he was that, they were wearing fezes he said, "Oh! Your Shriners are you. Then I will let you

[CTRL] UK and Magna Carta

2001-07-28 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well it appears the Magna Carta is about to be trod upon in England - when you read this original document, you see why without a doubt who is behind this latest attempt to destroy English Speaking people in general - by pushing this "multicultural" system, whereby immigrants will

Re: [CTRL] No Place for Non-Jews in Israel

2001-07-28 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Hey Yardbird - the ADL found another stooge";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matter

Re: [CTRL] "Quiet Assassination" Victim Buried

2001-07-28 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Oh you are so right Ashley it goes back to the Son of God being nailed to a cross... Well we do not intend to be nailed again - only today our men carry great big guns and have all kinds of nice things.. As Clinton said after Waco - let them get the first shotokay t

Re: [CTRL] The Day of Wrath

2001-07-28 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- You know Yardbird this is how Hitler did it; this comical little man made up to look like Charlie Chaplin who maybe was a part of the conspiracy - like reading the bible, one can read it in the eyes of a catholic, or a protestant, or a jew, or a contract killer and hiti man? The K

Re: [CTRL] Waterbury (CT) Mayor Faces Sex Charges

2001-07-28 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well Yardbird have you heard of this Gay Pride Group now - along with Black Gay Pride/Lesbians, Inc., have as their symbol a big Teddy Bear? Remember fat Rosie O'Donnell on Sesame Street associating with the babies Big Bird and Cookie Monster and all the little fantasy creatures..

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Bible Gateway Song of Solomon 3 :: NIV

2001-07-28 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Not that I give a good god damned but Joshua2 is a Marxist, and his goal from his own letters - set a target and focus all your hatred on it. Joshua or is it Bill Schwartz, spies on militias and is really a big time ADL supporter. So Ashley and Joshua should get along very well

[CTRL] Fwd: Today's Headlines from Saturday, July 28, 2001

2001-07-28 Thread Aleisha Saba
Now if this teacher had been armed, maybe the State could have been saved a lot of money. Note he shot his teacher he loved so much right between the eyes.maybe we need more vigilante's patrolling the streets and schools - volunteers, to protect our teachers and children?Maybe the KKK Need

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Bible Gateway Song of Solomon 3 :: NIV

2001-07-28 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- You must know quite a bit about this stuff Andrew but then being in UK, they were our teachers - right? Timothy McVeigh left messages in a Gideon Bible - certain passages circled - someone got the message here by the way, and covered it. Anything to destroy the Arab like US Libe

[CTRL] Fwd: Bible Gateway Song of Solomon 3 :: NIV

2001-07-27 Thread Aleisha Saba
So did a Watchman on the Wall take Chandra on a long ride - this secret masonic stuff is something else - For your thoughts - but look out for the thorns. Somehow Roses and Garbage Dumpsters to me, do not mix. Song of Solomon 3 :: New International Version (NIV) Song of Solomon 3 The Rose of

[CTRL] Fwd: Bible Tutor - books - Song of Solomon

2001-07-27 Thread Aleisha Saba
Always liked this Song of Solomon - the laborer in the vineyard - the I am the Rose of Sharon and Lily of the Valley, rosicrucian and masonc stuff - lips that are asleep made to speak equates in my imagination to hypnotic drugs and trance states and he call to Come Back Little Sheba.and most o

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Condit submits to fourth interview

2001-07-27 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- I wonder, the more you think of this story Condit having his driver take him to a mailbox miles away to dispose of a watch box? And was the watch in it? Note - On April 22 it had been Condit's birthday; and I wonder did Chandra buy him a present; did Condit buy Chandra the gold

[CTRL] Fwd: Condit submits to fourth interview

2001-07-27 Thread Aleisha Saba
At the end of this article, it reports EBay took information off their site because Condit's office had complained "it violated" Condit's "intellectual property rights". Really? This man has now attained "celebrity" status another title conferred upon some for sinking so far to the bottom of t

[CTRL] Fwd: Twisting Arafat Until He Is Dead Or Gone

2001-07-27 Thread Aleisha Saba
Now surely they must do a little twisting of the peaceful man Sharon? Miracles do happen though - like the snow in July, in Saudi Arabia - I would have sent myself a hologram picture of God in the sky in Jerusalem - shouting out of the clouds "Arafat, Arafat, Arafat - Its time to go: and a hand w


2001-07-26 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- This is the time frame where Govenor of Ohio it was reported, when Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio sold ARCO (Atlantic Richfield Oil) land worth 3 million dollars for $300,000..for a research center. >From information I had a generator and transmitter for this program were placed in


2001-07-26 Thread Aleisha Saba
Interesting item with mention of course of J.J Cafaro - this man has contributed somuch to the Democrat Party but Gore got beat - maybe he will spend some time in the slammer. This oh so casual reference to murder but at lest with Traficant - we know with whom we are dealing and I prefer him to a

Re: [CTRL] "Quiet Assassination" Victim Buried

2001-07-26 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- So we see here why it is important to disarm America? Murdering kids but then when you consider the Psalm of the Zionists - and observe daily murders committed by abortionists - bashing in babies heads - doesn't seem everybody gets the message. No wonder the Tarot Cards made a

[CTRL] Fwd: - PAC Contributions to Gary A. Condit (D-Calif)

2001-07-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

[CTRL] Fwd: Campaign Cash Fuels Effort to Slip Caribbean Trade Measure into Spending Bill

2001-07-26 Thread Aleisha Saba
More on Sara Lee contributions - lots of big bucks shelled out by this firm giving appearance of a "shake down"? But then the price of justice runs very high these days.. Speaking of these campaign funds - is this where Gary Condit took $2,500 to buy the bracelet for Chandra Levy and this oh so

[CTRL] Sara Lee fined $200,000 - 21 dead

2001-07-26 Thread Aleisha Saba
BOSTON, MA - JUNE 19, 2000 - Ralph Nader joined by Susan Sarandon, Phil Donahue and others filed suit in Federal District Court in Boston today challenging Federal Election Commission regulations which allow corporations to sponsor Presidential debates. By allowing the expenditures, the Federa

[CTRL] Fwd: iraq

2001-07-25 Thread Aleisha Saba
Iraq - one of the richest counries on earth when it comes to natural resources - interesting item here. Nice item here on same. All that oil; Sadaam offered us cheap oil and we said no out of principle? Who is kidding who? Saba

[CTRL] The Bible Calendar Code

2001-07-25 Thread Aleisha Saba
And it is not his terrible numerical thing this Washington Post Reporter used for that code was nothing new and simply does not exist. So this calendar code used by the Nazis at Spandau - this has to be it. Biblical understanding of the weather always amazed me - those that seed the clouds reap t

[CTRL] Fwd: Plum Island Animal Disease Center, USDA

2001-07-25 Thread Aleisha Saba
Well with hoof and mouth disease and mad cow disease, it is nice to know we still have Plum Island who attempts to avoid problems now plaguing England. I reproduce this item for your convenience, but you may wish to pull up under subject matter. Sarah Lee is having problems; no doubt some sabot

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: HOTT - OKC Bombing: The Plot Thickens and William Cooper

2001-07-25 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well all I know is this - Government causes the people to be executed; and, people, cause the Government to be executed. So anytime we do not like government - hey is the world population again - the 6 Billion against this 3 or 400? I like those odds, for even if and when the d

[CTRL] Fwd: Whither Arafat? Arafat Says "Invasion" Coming

2001-07-25 Thread Aleisha Saba
Wither Arafat? If they don't know how the hell should we know. This is war and invasion coming Invasion coming - they are already there so how much is this going to cost us? What they need - more police not soldiers to patrol local the heavy stuff for the war for this invasi

Re: [CTRL] [Weather Modification?!?] Reu: Enclave Hit by Freak Heatwaves; ABCNews: Snow Falls in Saudi Arabia

2001-07-25 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well as I have stated previously, when I stood at my mailbox in a foot of snow, with thunder and lightning overhead and my roses were still blooming, it occured to me "do you suppose someone is messing with the weather" but when it 105 degrees in 1986, this was when I got just pla

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