[CTRL] Why some of us fear Clinton?

1999-07-23 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-


Why some of us
fear Clinton?
By JR Nyquist

© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

The Bible teaches us to love our enemies and to hate no one. This is a very
noble way to live, though few of us attain such grace. Perhaps the reason so
few of us can love our enemies has to do with the link between hate and
fear. If someone makes us afraid, we eventually come to hate that person.
And, however brave some of us are, fear sometimes gets the better of us.
It has sometimes been remarked that the so-called "far right" is irrational
in its hatred of Bill Clinton. Many liberal media types think the
impeachment of President Clinton was a mean-spirited, hate-inspired attack
on a poor sick guy who suffers from a sexual addiction. Some leftists are
especially baffled, because they don't see anything special about Clinton
that is particularly threatening or dangerous.

Well, it is time someone explained the right's fear of Bill Clinton. For if
any of us hate Bill Clinton -- and certainly we shouldn't hate anyone, as
the Bible says -- it is fear, at bottom, that inspires us. This is not a
proud acknowledgement, but an honest one. Some of us really do fear Clinton.
We experience his term in office as a dangerous time, as a time in which
American institutions are exposed to corruption and degradation. It is a
time when freedom is imperiled at home and national security is weakened

I can hear my friends on the left chuckling at all this. Such nonsense, they
say to themselves. Such right wing paranoia. But wait. Stop. Let me explain,
by way of comparison, where the so-called "extreme right" is coming from.

What if you were Jewish. Imagine how you would feel if America elected a
president who, as a college student, had worked for a Nazi front
organization, then made a trip to Hitler's Berlin (about which he is not
very forthcoming). Imagine, also, that he married someone with ties to
numerous anti-Semitic organizations, someone who idolizes Mussolini and

How would you feel?

I first heard of Bill Clinton 16 years ago. Here is how it happened. I was
getting a teaching credential, and one of my classes was on adolescent
psychology. The professor in this course, who was a very admirable teacher,
seemed to favor me. One day, after class, she invited me to a 7 p.m. meeting
at the Science Lecture Hall. At the time I didn't know she was a Marxist,
and I didn't know the meeting would be political. She said that if I cared
about education in the state of California I would attend. Having the night
off from work I decided on going, partly owing to curiosity. Well, I
couldn't have been more surprised if it had been a coven of witches.
Arriving early at the Science Lecture Hall, I found communist literature --
books and pamphlets -- stacked on tables in the lobby.

A visiting professor was the speaker. He gave a rousing talk on overthrowing
the "dictatorship of the bourgeoisie" in America. How would this be
accomplished? By taking over the Democratic Party through its left wing. The
speaker said it was possible to elect a stealth socialist president, who
would effect a peaceful transition to socialism during the next great
economic down-turn. Capitalism would be unmasked as a bankrupt system. The
people would then support a new socialist system. All businesses would be
nationalized by the government and run like the Post Office. This socialist
president, said the speaker, could be elected in either 1988 or 1992. The
only problem was that of timing. When would the next major economic downturn

Some days later I went to visit my professor at her office hours. We talked
about the speaker and the book he had written. We talked about Marxism and
the idea of changing the system. Then, suddenly, my professor said: "We have
such high hopes for this young Arkansas governor, Bill Clinton."

That was the first time I heard Bill Clinton's name.

But it wasn't the first time I'd heard this idea of taking over the left
wing of the Democratic Party and electing a stealth socialist president. I'd
first heard that idea in 1981, when I was a senior at the University of
California. The left wing activist, Derek Shearer, came to speak on the
subject of "economic democracy." Two radical friends of mine dragged me to
hear him, though I had my heart set on a game of chess that day. So I went
to listen to Shearer's talk, and I sat there in the front row, concentrating
on his theory of "economic democracy," thinking to myself: This is just like

After Shearer finished speaking I went up and asked him, point blank. "Mr.
Shearer, what is the difference between Marxism and "economic democracy"? He
looked at me a bit suspiciously for a second, then he said, "I probably
shouldn't say this, but there is no difference."

I had a long discussion with Shearer about why he 

[CTRL] From: DR. LEN HOROWITZ: A Special Invitation

1999-07-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 14:43:47 +
From: Dr. Len Horowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Special Invitation:

Dr. Len Horowitz, a respected author and featured speaker at the
upcoming Preparedness Expo in Seattle, cordially invites you to
listen to him discuss and defend his new book, "Healing Codes for
the Biological Apocalypse," on "The Laura Lee Show," on both
radio and the Internet, on Saturday Night/Sunday Morning, July
31/Aug. 1.

"A Talk Show for the Intellectually Daring," Laura Lee will be
analizing and challenging the information and theories advanced
by Dr. Horowitz as detailed in his new book, including the
revelation of 3,000 year old Bible codes that Dr. Horowitz
concludes are related to "creation, destruction, and miracles."
"This knowledge," Dr. Horowitz says, "is vitally important for
personal and global healing."

Laura Lee's show is webcast every Saturday night at
www.lauralee.com. Her mission is to "seek input on those age-old
questions: who are we, where did we come from, where are we
going?" She interviews researchers in fields spanning "ancient
mysteries to . . . new science . . . to usher in an expanding
worldview." Dr. Horowitz will be touching on all of these topics
including the likelihood that the ancient musical Bible tones
revealed in "Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse," will
be sung by a gathering critical mass of 144,000 "humble servants
of God" to miraculously produce 1,000 years of world peace--the
Messianic Age--as is prophesied.

The show promises to be fascinating as well as uplifting.

To join the live webcast, that may also be listened to at:


Click the "Webcast" button off Laura Lee's front page at:

http://www.lauralee.com, or go to



   Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Orthodox Jewish Mules

1999-07-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Feds: Ecstasy Ring Used Hasidim

.c The Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) - Federal agents say they busted an international drug ring
that used conservatively dressed Hasidic Jews as couriers for Ecstasy pills.

Seven men were indicted this week in a scheme that relied on the Orthodox
Jews' demure look - black hats, dark suits and sidecurls - to deflect
suspicion at customs checkpoints, agents said.

The Jewish couriers were told they were carrying diamonds and promised a free
trip to Europe and about $1,500 if they agreed to retrieve packages in
Brussels, Frankfurt and other cities.

But authorities say the couriers ignored obvious signs that the shipments
consisted of 30,000 to 45,000 pills destined for sale in New York City and
Miami Beach.

One Hasidic defendant, Simcha Roth, 18, was arrested at his parents' home
Wednesday and charged with recruiting fellow Hasids as drug couriers in his
hometown of Monsey, N.Y., and Brooklyn. He was being held without bail after
pleading innocent to drug conspiracy and distribution charges.

``He's an 18-year-old from a good family and is anxious to do the right
thing,'' Nick DeFeis, Roth's attorney, said Thursday.

Roth's alleged role is a new twist on a burgeoning trade in Ecstasy, a
synthetic drug popular in dance clubs. In the past nine months, more than 1
million pills were seized from smugglers at Kennedy Airport.

The pills - which combine the effects of hallucinogens and stimulants -
typically are made in Amsterdam, Netherlands, for 50 cents to $2 apiece, then
sold for $25 to $30, authorities said.

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[CTRL] Anti-Pedophile Agency Full of (Guess)

1999-07-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Swiss Group Admits Abuse of Orphans

LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) - A Swiss charity that campaigns against the
sexual exploitation of children said Thursday it had unwittingly employed two
pedophiles at an orphanage in Ethiopia.

In 1995 a Canadian teacher was caught sexually abusing children at the Terre
des Hommes orphanage in the northern town of Jari, said Helene Sulzer, the
group's spokeswoman, confirming a report in the London daily The Guardian.

He was fired on the spot. But two years later, a Terre des Hommes worker from
Britain, who had caught the first offender, was himself caught abusing

The group brought him back to Switzerland, where he admitted the offense and
was fired, Sulzer said.

Terre des Hommes did not try to prosecute the British worker, who wasn't
identified, because the situation was ``extremely delicate'' and the first
priority was to remove him from the children in his care, Sulzer said.

She said the case had been passed on to British investigators.

The Jari orphanage was founded 25 years ago on property donated by the late
Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie.

Terre des Hommes, a respected organization in Switzerland, works on behalf of
vulnerable children in developing countries and has mounted campaigns against
pedophilia and child pornography.

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[CTRL] N. Korea + China vs. Taiwan

1999-07-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

N. Korea Supports Chinese Policy

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - North Korea threw its support behind its ally China
today in the current flare-up of tensions over Taiwan, accusing the island
government of following a separatist policy.

North Korea's ruling communist party compared Taiwan with its own bitter
rival, South Korea, saying both talk about unification while pursuing a
policy that increases the divide.

The ``separatist policy'' of Taiwan ``cuts right across the Chinese people's
desire for reunification and the reunification principles,'' said Rodong
Sinmun, an organ of the ruling Workers' Party.

Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui outraged China by saying early this month
that Taiwan wants to deal with China on a ``special state-to-state'' basis.

China saw the remarks as a move toward a declaration of independence - and
war. Beijing views Taiwan as a breakaway province that must be reunited with
the mainland eventually. The sides split amid civil war in 1949, but both say
they eventually want reunification.

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[CTRL] Trouble on Temple Mount

1999-07-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Muslims Close Al Aqsa Mosque

.c The Associated Press

JERUSALEM (AP) - Muslim clergymen closed Islam's third holiest shrine
Thursday after Jewish extremists called for the expulsion of Muslims from the
hill that once held the ancient Jewish Temple, Judaism's most sacred site.

Israeli police arrested three members of the outlawed anti-Arab Kach group
early Thursday after they distributed leaflets near the Al Aqsa Mosque
compound, calling on Jews to ``expel the strangers from the Temple Mount.''
The three were later released.

Police issued statements published in Palestinian newspapers Thursday
promising that Jewish extremists would not be allowed into the mosque area.
Police apparently hoped to prevent possible Palestinian demonstrations.

Gates to the compound known to Muslims as Haram as-Sharif, or Noble
Sanctuary, were shut this afternoon. The mosque area is located on the site
of the second Jewish Temple, which was destroyed by the Romans in A.D. 70

Israel is in overall control of Jerusalem, including the holy sites. Under
arrangements dating back to Israel's capture of the area in the 1967 Mideast
war, the Waqf, the Muslim religious council, administers the mosque area.

Jerusalem police commander Yair Yitzhaki expressed displeasure with the Waqf
decision to close the compound. The Waqf issued no statement, but the
compound was likely to reopen by Friday noon, the most important Muslim
prayer session of the week and the time the sanctuary attracts the largest
crowds .

Some Jewish extremist groups believe the Al Aqsa and Dome of the Rock mosques
should be razed to make way for the rebuilding of the Temple. But most
observant Jews believe the structure will be built only with divine

As part of a semiannual tradition, one extremist group, the Temple Mount
Faithful, made an attempt Thursday to enter the gates of the compound on the
Ninth of Av, the day marking the destruction of the two ancient temples.

Police blocked the 30 demonstrators, including a few American Christian
evangelists, who chanted mournful prayers and waved Israeli flags.

``I am here to bless Israel and to support it,'' said Miriam Lee of Buena
Vista, Ga. ``According to the Scriptures, this mount is Jewish land.''

Some evangelical Christians believe the rebuilding of the Temple will hasten
the Second Coming of Christ.

Yitzhaki said the police decided not to let the group onto the Temple Mount
after the Kach members distributed the leaflets.

Jews are allowed to visit the compound and pray, but only silently and in
small groups.

The Haram as-Sharif hill overlooks the Western Wall, the holiest site to Jews
and the last remnant of the Second Temple compound. Dozens were killed in
Israeli-Palestinian clashes in the area in 1990 and 1996 as part of disputes
over the holy sites.

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[CTRL] Your Taxes at Work: $1 Million A Day WASTED by VA

1999-07-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Report: VA Wastes $1 Million a Day

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - Stuck with old, decrepit hospitals and serving a declining
population, the Department of Veterans Affairs is wasting up to $1 million a
day on unneeded medical facilities, congressional investigators report.

The General Accounting Office report was highly critical of the VA's proposal
to fix the system, contending vested interests that might balk at closing
facilities would be given too much control.

Among these groups, the GAO said in a report obtained Wednesday, are medical
schools, unions, veterans' organizations and state veterans agencies. They
will be part of local committees that would, under current plans, choose
their own leadership rather than allowing the VA to run the process, the
investigators reported.

For instance, medical schools might be reluctant to change long-standing
business relationships with veterans hospitals, and unions could be reluctant
to support staffing reductions, said the report, obtained by The Associated

The GAO, Congress' investigative agency, suggested using full-time VA
planners or consultants with ``no vested interests in the geographic area''
to recommend changes in facilities, in consultation with the other groups.

The VA health care system's past experience suggests that the system now
contemplated ``could result in a protracted decision-making process that
continues the expenditure of scarce resources on unneeded buildings'' -
already totaling up to $1 million a day, said the report, by Stephen P.
Backhus, the GAO's veterans' health care export.

Backhus' report said the interest groups involved in the restructuring ``may
have vested interests in maintaining the status quo.'' He added, ``In our
view, this arrangement could lead to conflict among the various stakeholders
sitting on the committees if they attempt to protect their interests at the
expense of the overall process.''

Veterans Affairs spokeswoman Laurie Trantner said in response, ``We recognize
that the current health care delivery costs money and there's a potential for
savings. We are working cooperatively with the (congressional) committees to
reach a solution that will benefit veterans.''

She said committees to be formed to help change the system ``will balance
local interests and national priorities that will serve local veterans'

The report was prepared for Rep. Terry Everett, R-Ala., chairman of the House
Veterans Affairs subcommittee on oversight and investigations. He said the
agency must address ``findings that one in four veterans' health care
dollars'' is spent on operating and maintaining facilities that include
``empty old buildings and 5 million square feet of vacant space.''

He said experts have described the VA health care system as ``archaic,
decrepit, dysfunctional and inefficient.''

The backdrop for the wasted spending is a VA hospital system that dropped
from 49,000 patients a day in 1989 to 21,000 in 1998, with nearly half the
decline occurring in the past three years.

The use of VA hospitals is further expected to ``decline significantly over
the next 20 years,'' as the veteran population drops from the current 25
million to an estimated 16 million by 2020, said the report.

The GAO gave the VA credit for beginning, in 1995, to transform itself from a
hospital operator to a health care provider that relies on community-based
medical and residential facilities and outpatient services.

At the same time, the report said that over the next two decades, most VA
health care buildings will approach or pass their useful life expectancy.
More than 40 percent have already operated for more than 50 years, including
almost 200 built before 1900.

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[CTRL] Turkey Gets New Economic Minister

1999-07-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "[Suicide victim] Ulugbay faced criticism for accepting IMF loan
conditions for unpopular deficit-cutting measures, such as increasing the
retirement age."

 (The IMF dictates SOCIAL policy in return for money to "beneficiary"
nations.  Speaking of making deals with the Devil ...)

Turkey Names Economy Minister

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) - Turkey appointed Recep Onal, a lawmaker from the prime
minister's leftist party, as its new economy minister today. He replaces
Hikmet Ulugbay, who resigned after attempting suicide earlier this month.

Ulugbay shot himself July 7 after reports surfaced of insider trading in the
stock market. He was released from a hospital a week later and resigned

Ulugbay was said to be upset over the alleged leak of a confidential
International Monetary Fund document, which reportedly led to stock
manipulation and insider trading. He was also facing criticism for accepting
IMF loan conditions for unpopular deficit-cutting measures, such as
increasing the retirement age.

Onal is a member of Bulent Ecevit's Democratic Left Party.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Chief Justice Celebrates Days of Slavery

1999-07-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Chief Justice Offends Some Lawyers

WASHINGTON (AP) - Chief Justice William Rehnquist led a sing-along of
``Dixie'' at a recent conference in Virginia, upsetting lawyers who view the
song as a nostalgic appeal to the days of slavery.

Some black lawyers said they avoided last month's 4th Circuit Judicial
Conference because of their distaste for ``Dixie,'' which was included in a
song book distributed for the event and has been sung before.

The songs are mostly American standards, including ``America the Beautiful''
and ``Anchors Aweigh.'' The evening typically ends with ``The Battle Hymn of
the Republic'' and ``Dixie,'' a Confederate marching song.

``Dixie'' is offensive to blacks, said Brent O.E. Clinkscale, a black
attorney. ``I think it's nostalgic for slavery,'' he said.

Rehnquist, 74, declined to comment on the controversy.

Defenders of ``Dixie'' say the song is a piece of Americana that is
appropriate for a mostly Southern conference. The 4th Circuit event is for
lawyers and judges from Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina and
South Carolina.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Suburbs No Escape

1999-07-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Report: Urban Issues Affect Suburbs

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - Social and health concerns once centered in America's
cities are surfacing in suburbia, according to a report that says the lines
between urban and suburban areas is blurring.

Cities and their outskirts are reporting similar rates of violent crime, the
National Public Health and Hospital Institute said in the report released

Outlying areas also are experiencing a rise in teen-age pregnancy and the
numbers of dangerously small newborns, and are beginning to confront the
problems of providing health care to the poor.

``The findings raise questions about the wisdom of policy initiatives that
are based on outdated assumptions - that cities are dangerous enclaves with
intractable social problems while suburbs are America's Pleasantvilles,''
Dennis Andrulis, the author of the report, said referring to
``Pleasantville,'' a movie partly set in the idealized life of postwar

The report compiles information on poverty, crime, disease and health care in
the nation's 100 largest cities, their counties and their larger metropolitan
areas for the years 1980 to 1996.

Among the findings in the report:

Cities in the Northeast had lower increases in low-birth weight infants than
surrounding suburbs between 1985 and 1995 - 11 percent and 13 percent,
respectively. Births to teen-age mothers in these cities decreased more than
7 percent while their suburbs experienced almost a 3 percent increase during
the same 10-year period.

Blacks, Hispanics and foreign-born populations increasingly are settling in
the suburbs. Forty-six urban counties and only 10 cities had an increase in
black residents between 1980 and 1990. In the counties surrounding the 25
largest cities, the Hispanic population rose an average of 46 percent in the
10-year period.

From 1990 to 1996, one-third of the largest cities led their counties in
violent crime rate declines. Cities with the highest crime rates in the 1980s
showed the greatest reduction in crime rates through 1996. The 25 largest
cities collectively experienced an 11 percent decline between 1990 and 1996
while the rate in surrounding cities increased 1 percent.

The number of suburban or county public hospitals, which traditionally have
provided the most health care to the poor, declined 43 percent between 1990
and 1996.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] KLA and Albanian Sponsors Have Well Documented Roots in The Heroin Trade

1999-07-23 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-


The following Article by Michael C. Ruppert confirms much of what has been
said in previous Newsletters on the Kosovo crisis and aggression against

KLA and Albanian Sponsors Have Well Documented Roots in The Heroin Trade
The Drug Trade Is Entrenched in NATO Politics
An exceptional record of respected media sources from the U.S. and Europe
have documented that the Kosovo Liberation Army and their Albanian sponsors
are heroin-financed organized crime groups struggling to dominate the flow
of Middle Eastern heroin into Europe and even the Eastern United States.

The Christian Science Monitor reported on Oct. 20, 1994: "Disrupted by the
Yugoslav conflict, drug trafficking across the Balkans is making a comeback
as Albanian mafia barons carve out a new smuggling route to Western Europe,
bypassing the peninsula's war zones, according to United Nations and other
narcotics experts." To document the increase in traffic through the Albanian
Kosovar region The Monitor continued, "For example, just 14 pounds of hard
drugs were seized by Hungarian police in 1990, but by August this year
[1994] the figure had risen to 1,304 pounds."

In describing the then evolving trade, which was coming to be dominated by
Kosovar Albanians The Monitor added, "But European police chiefs fear the
conduit will strengthen Kosovo Albanian drug syndicates -- some of the most
powerful on the continent -- whose tentacles have stretched as far as the
East coast of the United States...

"From their base in Velki Trnovac in southern Serbia, dubbed the 'Medellin
of the Balkans,' Albanian mafia chiefs oversee their European drug operation
and are suspected of masterminding the new Balkan route."

Colombia in the Balkans
The highly respected Jane's Intelligence Review from Great Britain went much
deeper in predicting the coming crisis in a February 1, 1995 article
entitled The Balkan Medellin. Three paragraphs from that article are so
compelling we reprint them here in their entirety.

"The Albanian-dominated region of western Macedonia accounts for a
disproportionate share of Macedonia's (FYROM) shrinking GDP. This situation
has strengthened Albanophobic sentiments among the ethnic Macedonian
majority, especially as a great deal of revenue is thought to derive from
Albanian narco-terrorism as well as associated gun-running and cross-border
smuggling to and from Albania, Bulgaria and the Kosovo province of Serbia.
Although its extent and forms remain in dispute, this rising Albanian
economic power is helping to turn the Balkans into a hub of criminality.

"Previously transported to Western Europe through former Yugoslavia, heroin
from Turkey, the Transcaucus and points further east is now being
increasingly routed to Italy via the Black Sea, Albania, Bulgaria and
Macedonia. This is a development that has strengthened the Albanian mafia
which is now thought to control 70% of the illegal heroin market in Germany
and Switzerland. Closely allied to the powerful Sicilian mafia, the Albanian
associates have also greatly benefited from the presence of large numbers of
mainly Kosovar Albanians in a number of western European countries;
Switzerland alone now has over 100,000 ethnic Albanian residents. As well as
providing a perfect cover for Albanian criminals, this diaspora is also a
useful source of income for racketeers . . .

"If left unchecked, this growing Albanian narco-terrorism could lead to a
Colombian syndrome in the Southern Balkans, or the emergence of a situation
in which the Albanian mafia becomes powerful enough to control one or more
states in the region. In practical terms, this will involve either Albania
or Macedonia, or both. Politically, this is now being done by channeling
growing foreign exchange (forex) profits from narco-terrorism into local
governments and political parties. In Albania, the ruling Democratic Party
(DP) led by President Sali Berisha is now widely suspected of tacitly
tolerating and even directly profiting from drug-trafficking for wider
politico-economic reasons, namely the financing of secessionist political
parties and other groupings in Kosovo and Macedonia."

These four-year-old evaluations, along with an abundance of other evidence
of Albanian-Kosovar mafia expansion paint a whole new picture of what is
really happening in Kosovo. Clearly Serbia is legitimately defending itself
from an organized crime syndicate taking control of one of its provinces.

How powerful is the Albanian mafia? Well, as far back as 1985 it was
powerful enough to frighten New York U.S. attorney Rudy Giulliani who,
according to a Wall Street Journal story dated September 9, was receiving
special personal protection after prosecuting a heroin case in New York City
connected to a ring of powerful Albanian traffickers.

The Journal wrote, "But it is drug trafficking that has gained Albanian
organized crime the most notoriety. Some Albanians, according to federal
Drug Enforcement 

[CTRL] Big Bang machine could destroy Earth

1999-07-23 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Ready for blastoff: a Brookhaven engineer puts finishing touches to the ion

Big Bang machine could destroy Earth
by Jonathan Leake
Science Editor

A NUCLEAR accelerator designed to replicate the Big Bang is under
investigation by international physicists because of fears that it might
cause "perturbations of the universe" that could destroy the Earth. One
theory even suggests that it could create a black hole.
Brookhaven National Laboratories (BNL), one of the American government's
foremost research bodies, has spent eight years building its Relativistic
Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) on Long Island in New York state. A successful
test-firing was held on Friday and the first nuclear collisions will take
place in the autumn, building up to full power around the time of the

Last week, however, John Marburger, Brookhaven's director, set up a
committee of physicists to investigate whether the project could go
disastrously wrong. It followed warnings by other physicists that there was
a tiny but real risk that the machine, the most powerful of its kind in the
world, had the power to create "strangelets" - a new type of matter made up
of sub-atomic particles called "strange quarks".

The committee is to examine the possibility that, once formed, strangelets
might start an uncontrollable chain reaction that could convert anything
they touched into more strange matter. The committee will also consider an
alternative, although less likely, possibility that the colliding particles
could achieve such a high density that they would form a mini black hole. In
space, black holes are believed to generate intense gravitational fields
that suck in all surrounding matter. The creation of one on Earth could be

Professor Bob Jaffe, director of the Centre for Theoretical Physics at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who is on the committee, said he
believed the risk was tiny but could not be ruled out. "There have been
fears that strange matter could alter the structure of anything nearby. The
risk is exceedingly small but the probability of something unusual happening
is not zero."

Construction of the £350m RHIC machine started eight years ago and is almost
complete. On Friday scientists sent the first beam of particles around the
machine - but without attempting any collisions.

Inside the collider, atoms of gold will be stripped of their outer electrons
and pumped into one of two 2.4-mile circular tubes where powerful magnets
will accelerate them to 99.9% of the speed of light.

The ions in the two tubes will travel in opposite directions to increase the
power of the collisions. When they smash into each other, at one of several
intersections between the tubes, they will generate minuscule fireballs of
superdense matter with temperatures of about a trillion degrees - 10,000
times hotter than the sun. Such conditions are thought not to have existed -
except possibly in the heart of some dense stars - since the Big Bang that
formed the universe between 12 billion and 15 billion years ago.

Under such conditions atomic nuclei "evaporate" into a plasma of even
smaller particles called quarks and gluons. Theoretical and experimental
evidence predicts that such a plasma would then emit a shower of other,
different particles as it cooled down.

Among the particles predicted to appear during this cooling are strange
quarks. These have been detected in other accelerators but always attached
to other particles. RHIC, the most powerful such machine yet built, has the
ability to create solitary strange quarks for the first time since the
universe began.

BNL confirmed that there had been discussion over the possibility of
"perturbations in the universe". Thomas Ludlam, associate project director
of RHIC, said that the committee would hold its first meeting shortly.

John Nelson, professor of nuclear physics at Birmingham University who is
leading the British scientific team at RHIC, said the chances of an accident
were infinitesimally small - but Brookhaven had a duty to assess them. "The
big question is whether the planet will disappear in the twinkling of an
eye. It is astonishingly unlikely that there is any risk - but I could not
prove it," he said.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


[CTRL] Wright Patterson AFB : What's Going On There?

1999-07-23 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

This is a little old but it is handy to know where all the ufo centres are.

Wright Patterson AFB : What's Going On There?

Captain Edward Ruppelt while head of the U.S. Air Force's Air Technical
Intelligence Center (ATIC) "Project Bluebook", was stationed at
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

Some believe Wright-Patterson to be a 24 hour Top Secret UFO monitoring and
research station.

After the July 2, 1947 crash of a UFO at Roswell, New Mexico, the wreckage
of the craft was loaded onto a B-29 and shipped directly to Wright-Patterson
AFB in Dayton, Ohio.

Wright Field (as it was formerly known) was the headquarters for the Air
Materiel Command (AMC). General Nathan Twining was the Commanding General of
the AMC back in 1947. He is also implicated as being one of the original
"MJ-12" members.

Gun camera film taken from F-86A Sabre jets in 1953-54 was later taken to
Wright-Patterson AFB for evaluation.

Colonel John Burnett was the Air Attache to the Foreign Technology Division
at Wright-Pat in 1965 and met with a Captain Bruce Cathie, a New Zealand
airline pilot who related to Burnett that he had discovered evidence for a
"worldwide grid system used by UFOs". Burnett revealed to Cathie that
intensive UFO research was going on there. In Cathie's second book he says
the following..."The scientific laboratory there, set up for the purpose,
was described as a complex of buildings covering a large area and staffed by
many of the world's top scientists. Experimental work was carried out
twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year.

The crash of a 100ft in diameter saucer with 16 dead aliens aboard near
Aztec, New Mexico in 1948, had its remains sent to Wright-Pat shortly

In a book by Jean-Charles Fumoux in 1981 entitled "Preuves Scientifiques
OVNI", the author relates how Leon B. Visse, an alleged expert on histons
(elements connected with cellular genetic material) was invited in 1959 to a
military compound at Wright-Patterson AFB, where he was asked to perform an
experiment on the histonic weight of particular cells. Visse was later taken
into a special room where he viewed two humanoid corpses.

Leonard Stringfield contacted a former Navy test pilot known as "P.J.", who
related the story of him and several other Navy pilots coming across a
saucer-shaped aircraft which was being guarded at Wright-Patterson AFB back
in April/1962. He was puzzled by the seeming lack of security since the
object was not located in the test facility of the AFB.

Tommy Blann, a researcher, interviewed a Colonel "X" who said, "In the
earlier years they had taken some bodies to this base, but later it depended
on where they were found. They had a hell of a time setting up procedures
for this operation, as well as getting craft out of the area without it
being observed. Usually this was done at nighttime." Colonel"X" also told
Blann that he believed that in more recent years the bodies were flown
outside the U.S. to a secret naval installation on an island in the Pacific.

Senator Barry Goldwater was denied access into a building at Wright
Patterson AFB because it was classified above Top Secret. Goldwater did say
that he understood that a plan was underway to release all or part of this
material sometime in the future... although he didn't know what it was, he
did say that he was aware of the rumours.

* Note: The above was taken from Timothy Good's 1988 UFO Book entitled
"Above Top Secret".

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Re: [CTRL] JFK Jr - Laser Blinded in the Night ?

1999-07-23 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 22 Jul 1999, Bill Kingsbury wrote:

 A reporter witnessed a 'big white flash in the sky'
 at the time of the crash.  This is the clue...

Can you -- or ANYONE -- give a citation for this assertion that ANYONE,
whether a reporter or not, saw a 'big white flash in the sky at the time
of the crash'...

I've seen this assertion in various emails for a couple of days now, but
no one ever gives the name of the reporter, what news outlet reported
this, WHEN they reported, etc.

I find it very suspicious...first, that a reporter would conveniently be
in the area to witness this, and yet no one else in the area seems to
have noticed it

One would think that the Martha's Vineyard air control personnel would
have taken notice of a bright flash, especially when Kennedy's plane
didn't land

No, the ONLY account of a witness that was reported on in the first
hours, reported live on MSNBC between 10:30 and 11am EDT on Saturday
morning, and also recounted in the New York Times, is of a man who was
out fishing that night, who reported seeing the lights on the plane,
which appeared to be flying at about 40 feet above the water; if his
account is accurate, it would seem that Kennedy, if he DID nosedive as
later reports spun the version of what possibly happened, he seems to
have recovered, albeit at an abnormally low altitude.  According to the
witness, the plane was circling and approaching the Martha's Vineyard
airport from a direction which the witness claimed was common for pilots
who missed their first approach to the landing strip...

MSNBC went on to state that this witness then said that both the lights
and the sounds of the engine (which to the witness said did not sound in
trouble) 'disappeared without a sound'no explosion, no blinding
flash, not even the sound of a splash into the water...it was just there
one second, and not there the next...

Whatever THAT might imply, the fact remains that his account remains the
earliest reported account -- reported in at least TWO media outlets -- of
someone who WAS in a position to be an eyewitness...and his version is
the exact opposite of a 'blinding flash in the sky'

So I'd like some confirmation of where this 'blinding flash' version of
events came from, what media outlets have reported it, and more
revealing, WHO the reporter is who 'just happened' to be in the area, and
who the reporter works for.

Blinding by Incindiary Flash Warhead ?

 or Military- Laser Ocular Disintegrator ?

 or Montauk Particle Beam Weapon ?

A kid with a laserlight keychain, fooling around?

If Kennedy was blinded by either of the things you mention above, why
didn't he radio the airport that he was having trouble?  Or his wife or

When the supposed evidence is CRITICALLY analyzed, we really don't have
PROOF that they even made it to Martha's Vineyard...what we DO have is
the airport, claiming almost 12 hours after the search for the plane
commenced, to have been in contact with him shortly before he was due to
land.  If this is true, why did they let the searchers roam far and wide
during the first 12 hours of the search -- as you remember, Saturday
morning and well into Satruday afternoon, we were being told that

But then suddenly the Martha's Vineyard airport 'remembers' they talked
to Kennedy when he was only a few miles out from the island...why then
didn't they alert the authorities to that 'fact' early on?

You may also remember that most of Saturday we were told Kennedy's plane
was of the type where it wouldn't record on radar, and hence there were
no records of where exactly it travelled on it's way to Cape Cod...this
was also mentioned as a reason searchers didn't know where exactly to
look for the plane

And yet suddenly we were told not only WAS the plane recorded on the MV
airport's radar, but 2 others, allowing a 'triangulation' that not only
pinpointed the plane -- actually, what can be said with any validity is
that the radar recorded A plane, PRESUMED to be Kennedy's -- but it's
supposed rate of descent

(remember, the eyewitness report which is the earliest substantiated
report, does NOT mention the plane in a nosedive, but flying parallel
with the ocean, albeit only 40 feet up...)

So the FACT remains that for at least the first 12 hours of the search on
Sunday, searchers were diverted AWAY from Martha's Vineyard...

Which leaves us with only two options:  either the Martha's Vineyard
airport is lying when it says it talked to Kennedy shortly before he told
them he was going to land there; or they deliberately withheld that
information for 12 hours from the search and rescue parties.  Either
option is 'troubling', to say the least.

And now, conveniently, the bodies have been buried at sea, preempting any
researchers/investigators from possibly exhuming the bodies at a later
date for further investigation...

 The bodies are cremated --

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Officials Want New Forfeiture Bill

1999-07-23 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

The real reason behind this last grab at forfeiture laws,
and you are going to see a lot of this now, with a lot of
heavy money behind it, is because George Bush Jr is doing
the same thing his brother did in Florida.  First the
endorsement of the Wealthy Elite through huge
contributions.  Then the corruption and outright purchase of
most law enforcement by promising extreme job security and
profits to everybody involved.  This is easy to do because
all he has to do is quote his fathers track record.  No one
elses methods worked as well as George Bush Sr's methods for
exploding the law enforcement/prison industry.  He had the
cia behind him.  They control the war on drugs from both
sides, both legal and illegal. No conspiracy this is just
history.  The clincher here in Florida was the fundamental
Billy Graham Crusade and the promise that no matter how bad
it got, Jesus would be there, in the personna of the Bush
Family, to help the people.  They are tied into a ministry
network of tax exempt businesses that is very similar to
mafia organization.  The powers that are are beginning to
perpetrate their psycho control on the mass through
enforcement of simple FEAR and it works!  They have tried
and proven methods.  The cops are loathe to lose any hold
because it weakens their long term peositions.  They have
mega moneys behind them because, as they see it, all they
have to do is  keep it going and the money will make George
Bush President.
 That is to be the message of the next election.  Don't
try to beat money!  It can't work.  IF there is an
electronic corruption, a votescam, and I believe there is
because I worked at Clintons campaign 1996 (The Year Of The
Knife) and saw a lot, then they don't need all this
showmanship and money power EXCEPT TO A SIGNAL TO THE
CAN BEAT MONEY.  The Bush family truly is Evil Incarnate,
and America has become their prey.
They are getting ready to make examples of some high profile
marijuana cases by railroading them through a corrupt
justice system and undermining the peoples confidence or
ability to act.
 George Bush jr is making it like he is the last and
only hope of the Law Enforcement Industry.  Very Sick
Thing.  They are nazis pure and simple.


  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 7/21/99 6:47:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The nation's top law enforcement agencies pressed their
   effort to kill legislation that would curb the federal government's ability
   to confiscate private property by telling senators Wednesday that it would
   weaken their ability to fight crime.

 Of course we all know that the real reason they want more forfeiture is that
 they are greedy bastards who use the money to finance their reckless
 disregard of constitutional protection and due process.

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 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] JFK Jr -- the bodies

1999-07-23 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

 The bodies are cremated --

WHOSE bodies?  This is the first I've heard of cremation...I heard that
they were buried at sea, I didn't hear that they were cremated...if
they were cremated, there would be no reason to 'bury them at sea',
altho the families may have wished to have a ceremony of scattering the
ashes at sea.  No, it's my understanding that the bodies were NOT
cremated, and that 3 coffins were dumped overboard...

Perhaps with bodies in them, perhaps not...at this point, we can only
take the version we are being spoon fed...which, based on the
discrepancies of what is being claimed regarding Kennedy talking to the
MV airport before landing, must be taken with a grain of salt

The PUBLIC has not seen the wreckage, nor have we seen the bodies...we
have only been TOLD that they were found...

CNN also reported yesterday afternoon that "at the family's request, NO
This was allegedly to keep the pictures from being published in the
tabloids or on the Internet.

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Re: [CTRL] Your Taxes at Work: $1 Million A Day WASTED by VA

1999-07-23 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/23/1999 5:02:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 WASHINGTON (AP) - Stuck with old, decrepit hospitals and serving a
 population, the Department of Veterans Affairs is wasting up to $1 million a
 day on unneeded medical facilities, congressional investigators report. 

Nothing boils our current congress and military leaders like the idea of
fulfilling the promises made to the nation's veterans after WWII.  Now is a
good time to start pulling the few benefits that remain.  The veterans are
beginning to die off in ever increasing numbers (especially those most
grievously in need of Veterans' hospitals) which means the voter base is
shifting.   Now is the time to cry about how much their care has wasted
precious dollars that could go into congressional pork barrels.

Congress could have made the Veterans' hospitals the caregivers for the
thousands of retired military members who have been denied the lifetime
health care that was promised to retirees and their dependents in place of a
decent wage.  I recall the words very well.  "It's true the military doesn't
pay as much as the civilian sector does, but just consider that you will have
commissary and exchange benefits and free medical care for you and your
dependents as long as you live."
They chose instead to tell military retirees that this had only been a policy
not a law, therefore they could take a hike.

This sudden discovery that Veterans' hospitals (which do not treat retirees
and their dependents) are a waste of money has been expected.  Other
veterans' benefits have been dump already.  In fact, for all practical
purposes, the veterans' have been dumped--the retirees too.

Watch carefully all you young prospective cannon fodder.  When your
government calls you to fight, it will tell just as many lies and lose
interest in you and your welfare just as quickly.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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Re: [CTRL] Chief Justice Celebrates Days of Slavery

1999-07-23 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/23/1999 5:11:02 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 ``Dixie'' is offensive to blacks, said Brent O.E. Clinkscale, a black
 attorney. ``I think it's nostalgic for slavery,'' he said.

 Rehnquist, 74, declined to comment on the controversy. 

The last thing old "Innocence is No Bar to Carrying Out a Conviction"
Rehnquist cares about is being offensive to blacks or anyone else for that
matter.  The man is a disgrace to the Judiciary.  Prudy

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Fwd: Democrats should be very afraid of GB2

1999-07-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Status: U
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 21:33:58 -0700
From: marco capelli frucht [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ati
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Williams Institute [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Democrats should be very afraid of GB2

Hi Michael,
I could have sent you the whole page, but I know how long it takes
you to load in graphics and the cost, etc.
So here's the text.
The page if you care to go to it is at:


Democrats should be very afraid of GB2

MILWAUKEE -- Democrats should be afraid, very afraid, of George W. Bush.

Yes, of course, there are plenty of reasons why the front-runner in
every poll leading up to
the 2000 presidential campaign might yet lose.

Yes, with barely a single term as governor of Texas to his credit, the
great Republican
hope is less qualified to occupy the Oval Office even than Ronald

Yes, the Texas governor's "compassionate conservatism'' is every bit as
vague as the
"putting people first'' line peddled by Bill Clinton in 1992.

Yes, Bush has been sucking up dubious money faster than Al Gore at a
Buddhist temple.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, there are plenty of arguments for dismissing GB2 as
little more than a
famous name in an ill-fitting suit.

But Democrats who think they will retain the presidency by dismissing
GB2 as a
manufactured candidate who can't get the taste of the silver spoon out
of his mouth are in
for a rude awakening.

GB2, who made his first Wisconsin campaign stops here on Wednesday,
proved himself to
be the ablest first-time presidential candidate to work this state since
Bill Clinton in 1991.
Indeed, while Republicans like Bush campaign official Jim Klauser
grumble at the notion,
comparisons between GB2 and the current chief executive are entirely

Like Clinton, GB2 eschews coherent ideological statements in favor of
platitudes, and, also
like Clinton, the Texan makes the formula palatable by peppering his
speech with lines
like, "The next president must close the gap of hope,'' and promising to
unleash "a quiet
river of goodness and kindness that cuts through stone.''

By fuzzing the political margins, GB2 is turning the 2000 presidential
race into a
personality contest. And that's a race he can win.

The GOP front-runner shares Clinton's ability to connect with people
instantly. Equally at
ease speaking Spanish with kids at the Bruce Guadalupe Community School
in south
Milwaukee and talking politics with the state's wealthiest Republicans
at the Midwest
Express Center downtown, GB2 is no standard-issue GOP pol.

When GB2 meets people, he grabs their hand, leans in almost too close
and fixes them
with eye contact of a quality that some married couples never achieve.
GB2 lingers, he
asks questions, smiles easily and gently calls the people with whom he
has gathered to
follow their better instincts.

When GB2 talks about "responsibility'' -- as GOP presidential candidates
do with tiresome
frequency -- he is not merely picking on welfare moms, he is also
telling right-wing
Republicans to get a life.

Standing amid a group of GOP legislators, he threw his arm around the
shoulder of state
Rep. Bonnie Ladwig, R-Racine, the source of some of the Legislature's
loopiest proposals.
Still on a high from his visit to the Guadalupe School, GB2 told the
group that Wisconsin
Republicans should do more to reach out to Milwaukee's burgeoning Latino

In particular, he said Republicans must jettison divisive proposals such
as "English-only''
legislation. "English-only basically says to Latinos you don't count.
It's insulting,'' said
GB2, who has given portions of his two gubernatorial inaugural addresses
in Spanish.

It is doubtful that GB2 knew that Ladwig was chief sponsor of the
"English-only'' bill currently languishing in the Legislature. But the
Racine County
Republican could not have missed the fact that her brand of
compassionless conservatism
won't find much sympathy in a GB2 GOP.

That may disappoint Ladwig, but it ought to terrify Democrats.

For the past decade, the Democratic Party has counted on the Republicans
to nominate
inept and inarticulate presidential candidates who are hobbled by an
inability to credibly
distance themselves from the hate-mongering of the radical right.

If Democrats think GB2 is a Y2K version of his father or Bob Dole, they
are in for the
biggest political surprise since Republicans laughed off Bill Clinton as
"the corrupt
governor of a small Southern state.''

John Nichols is the editorial page editor of The Capital Times.

   Recent columns by John Nichols

[CTRL] Fwd: The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue #100

1999-07-23 Thread Kris Millegan

  The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue #100 - July 23, 1999
   A Publication of the Drug Reform Coordination Network


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 this list, visit http://www.drcnetorg/signup.html.)

This issue can be also be read on our web site at


1. 100 ISSUES LATER...

2. DC Appropriations Bill Moves Forward -- Medical Marijuana
   Vote May Be Counted, Syringe Exchange May Be Re-funded

3. Senate Holds First Hearing on Civil Forfeiture Reform

4. Fuel to the Fire:  Drug Czar Proposes Billion More for
   Andean Drug War, Mostly Colombia

5. Florida Drug Czar Killer Fungus Plan Worries Experts

6. Speaker Lashes Out at Drug War at Mormon Symposium

7. News Briefs

8. EDITORIAL:  And The Winner Is...

1. 100 ISSUES LATER...

On July 3, 1997, DRCNet launched The Week Online, the
nation's only weekly news magazine dedicated to original
coverage of the drug war and drug policy reform.  The
movement has come a long way in the short time since that
first issue; nine more reform-oriented voter initiatives
have been approved in the United States, harm reduction --
and drug policy reform generally -- continue to gain
mainstream acceptance around the globe, two US governors,
along with numerous prominent citizens and the editorial
boards of a growing number of the nation's largest
newspapers have called for a reexamination of the drug war;
African-American leaders have come to the fore to openly
oppose mandatory minimum sentencing, racial profiling, the
number of young Black males in prison and official foot-
dragging on syringe exchange -- drug war issues all; and
factions of the US government have displayed their concern
over the growing movement to end the drug war by redoubling
efforts to demonize, harass and slander the advocates of

Over the past two years, DRCNet has grown as well.  Back in
July of '97, DRCNet's staff consisted of Dave and Adam,
working out of a room in the offices of the Drug Policy
Foundation (to whom we are indebted for their continued
support).  Today we have a full-time staff of four, (Karynn
and Kris have both been here for over a year) with two part-
time -- but vitally important -- staff-members (Nissim and
Jane) and a growing internship program that has brought us
Taylor, Peter and Will.  We have been in our own office here
in Dupont Circle for more than a year and a half, and we
even have a laser printer!

The most important indicator of our growth, however, is you.
Issue #1 of The Week Online arrived by email to just over
2,000 subscribers.  Issue #100 has been sent out to a
subscription list of more than 11,000.  And many of you (you
know who you are) regularly re-post, re-print and forward
all or part of each issue to countless others.  We thank

But the real reason for this work is far more important.  It
is the hundreds of thousands of Americans who sit today
behind bars for non-violent drug offenses.  It is America's
children, who have easy access to dangerous substances in
the unregulated black market.  It is the Constitution of the
United States, which has been chiseled away by years of
"drug war exceptions," and it is the future of this nation
and a world awash in a violent and insidiously corrupting
industry which buys off governments, finances despots and
terrorists, and makes a mockery of the rule of law and the
ideals of freedom, liberty and personal responsibility.

We thank you all for being part of the solution, and we hope
that in the time it takes to produce the next hundred issues
of The Week Online, you too will redouble your commitment to
ending America's longest war.  It is a war not on drugs but
on people, and families, and principles.  It is within our
power to end this war, and as the leading edge of the
growing resistance, it is our responsibility to do so.  The
future is truly in our hands.  Let us shape it wisely,

 - The staff of DRCNet

2. DC Appropriations Bill Moves Forward -- Medical Marijuana
   Vote May Be Counted, Syringe Exchange May Be Re-funded


Opponents of "social riders" attached by Congress to last
year's DC spending bill celebrated two victories this week
in the House Appropriations Committee.  During debate in the
committee over this year's DC Appropriations Act,

[CTRL] King Dollar?

1999-07-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

a friend.

David Tice
The Prudent Bear

King Dollar?

July 21, 1999

After last week’s powerful advance, and extraordinary buyers’ panic
throughout the technology sector, it certainly appears that a break has
developed in speculative psychology. So far this week, the Dow has declined
about 2% and the SP 500 almost 3%. The Transports and Utilities have bucked
the trend, gaining 1%. Many large-caps have outperformed the indices, with
the Morgan Stanley Cyclical and Morgan Stanley Consumer indices both
dropping about 1%. The Russell 2000 has shed almost 2%. The tech sector,
after an historic speculative run, has given up some gains. So far this
week, the NASDAQ 100 has declined 4%, the Morgan Stanley High Tech index 5%,
and the semiconductor stocks 6%. Year-to-date gains, however, remain
astonishing at 29%, 34% and 41%. The Internet stocks have actually held up
relatively well, with The Street.com Internet index declining 3% this week.
Financial stocks have been under pressure with the SP Bank index and
Bloomberg Wall Street index both dropping 3%. Interestingly, this selling
has occurred despite very strong earnings reports and a stable bond market.
The poor performance within the financial sector, however, does appear
related to a sharp sell-off in the dollar. Certainly, we view the dollar as
a critical factor in the US bubble.

For the past six weeks, the Bank of Japan has been intervening repeatedly in
currency markets to support the value of the dollar. Estimates have the BOJ
spending $25 billion in this effort. Despite this, today the dollar closed
at 118 yen, down from 121 at the end of June and about 140 yen this time
last year. We have, of course, often referred to the weak dollar as an
ominous signal that all was not right in the US financial system.

Now, a sharply weaker dollar against the Euro and Swiss Franc make this week
look like an important inflection point for the greenback. Monday was a key
day in the currencies with the dollar trading below 118 yen, clobbered for a
more than 2% decline. The dollar also reversed sharply and lost considerable
ground against the Euro and Swiss Franc. Monday morning business headlines
had talk of the Euro trading at par with the dollar. This afternoon, the
Euro is above 105, 4% above Monday’s lows. The Swiss Franc has also rallied
about 3% against the dollar this week. Are fundamentals beginning to shine

In regard to fundamentals, yesterday’s trade data was simply atrocious. With
expectations for a trade deficit of $19.2 billion, the actual number came in
at $21.3, 40% greater than last May’s deficit. For comparison, the trade gap
was $14 billion in May of 1998 and $8 billion in May of 1997. From two years
ago, goods exports have declined 2% to $56 billion, while goods imports have
increased 14% to $86 billion. Clearly, our trade position is deteriorating
rapidly, no matter how you look at it. Since January, higher usage and
higher prices has led to a 66% increase in imports of "energy-related
petroleum. " Orders for Japanese microchip-making equipment rose 34%,
year-over-year. Year to date, automobile imports have increased 17% and
consumer goods 8%. By country, our imports from Canada, our largest trading
partner, rose almost 10%, from Mexico 11%, China 12%, France 10%, Germany
8%, United Kingdom 9%, and Korea 19%. This certainly provides some
explanation as to why these economies are doing better.

Our country’s export situation, however, continues to look bleak.
Year-over-year, exports to Western Europe have declined about 2%, while
exports to Eastern Europe collapsed 44%. Exports to Japan are 10% below last
year and Hong Kong 20%. The recovering economy in Korea was noticeable,
however, with a big jump of American imports. Closer to home, prospects in
Latin America look particularly poor. The recession-battered economy in
Brazil imported 16% less US goods, Argentina 19%, and Colombia 30%.
Yesterday, Argentina’s Economic Minister estimated that the country’s
industrial production in June was 10% below last year. Today, a leading
economic consulting firm stated that Argentine industrial production
continues to decline, with June levels 14% below last year.

Interestingly, it was not that many months ago that conventional thinking in
the markets and economic community had it as an economic truth that
Argentina’s currency board was a savior, ensuring financial and economic
stability. Well, now Argentina is a basket case and some are beginning to
call for a repudiation of the currency board so the Argentine central bank
can begin "printing money". Wow, what a difference a few months makes.
Today, the piece, written back in January by Lawrence Kudlow, "King Dollar
Smartest Way to Rule Latin America" seems a bit off the mark. Basically, his
argument had the dollar as "King" of the world and all countries had to do
to prosper was either have a currency board tied to the dollar, like
Argentina, or simply dollarize.

[CTRL] InterPol report: JFK, Jr. was assassinated (fwd) -- Critique from Sprunt (fwd)

1999-07-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 10:24:14 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: InterPol report:  JFK,
 Jr. was assassinated (fwd)  -- Critique from Sprunt

This should be fun -- please see some comments from me below
within brackets.

(Actually, reading the stuff below was beyond fun -- it was a
total hoot!  Unless the writer of the original piece below was
trying to be something other than humorous, he's a total

Corrections/clairifications to any of my comments below by those
truly in the know are welcomed. . .

Warm regards,
Hugh Sprunt

 Nature -- Suspect.
 Repeat -- Suspect.
 Case review -- Final -- notwithstanding review.
 Request open Status pending Final.

 Eyes Only -- Chief Bureaus.

 Subject, John F. Kennedy, Jr., left Essex County Airport,
 Caldwell, N.J., at 8:38 P.M. Friday, July 16, 1999 in a Piper
 Saratoga II TC.

[This is the Turbocharged version of the Saratoga.  Right or
wrong, the media accounts which are sufficiently specific refer
to the aircraft as an HP model (perhaps this marketing term by
Piper is the basis for the media comments about the plane being a
hot fast aircraft.  HP apparently means High Performance and
refers to the fact that this model has better performance than
the model with fixed landing gear.  The HP model apparently has a
tricycle landing gear but NOT a turbocharged engine a higher
cruise speed at altitude and a higher range of altitutdes can be
reached.  In each case, turbo or non-turbo, the engine is a 300
HP Continental six cylinder piston engine so far as I know.]

 Aircraft was built in 1995, purchased last year
 by subject. It has been reported to have been in excellent
 condition -- simple and comfortable to fly. Subject did NOT file
 a flight plan (?) and it is suspected he altered his route.

[At this report in such an analysis we would be told the original
route and the alteration, the reason why K would have thought the
alteration would have the result he intended, and the reason why
it did not.]

 strongly suspect this to be true because subject KNEW he was
 under surveillance.

[So why didn't K tell the NYPD, etc., that he was being stalked
-- don't you think he would have gotten a substantial reaction?
If K could tell he was under surveillance, don't you think the
police could spot the same surveillance (not to meniton any PIs K
could have hired.]

 Visibility was eight (8) miles -- I say again -- visibility was
 eight (8) miles. Media reports of "hazy" or "foggy" conditions
 are untrue.

[Interesting statement, but it can be tested via a few phone
calls and faxes. Even if visibility was eight miles (which it
certainly could have been), the writer of our "report" here
apparently does not realize that eight miles visibilty is
materially restricted visibility -- the light 170 feet above the
beach at Gay's head (marine navigation light) can be seen 20
miles away at night under typical conditions of good visibility.]

 Subject's flight path took him over the Connecticut shore. After
 passing over the south-Western tip of Rhode Island aircraft
 banked and began its approach to Martha's Vineyard Airport at
 9:26 P.M. Subject was expected at airport by no later than 10:00

[If he altered his route as stated above, why did he take one of
the standard VFR routes to MV from his departure point -- hug the
north shore of LI sound until the point one turns right for the
short flight over Rhode Island Sound to MV.  Also, One would not
turn over the southwestern tip of Rhode Island to head to MV --
one would do that only if one were headed for Block Island.  One
would instead normally make the right turn in the vicinity of
Newport, RI.  Perhaps the writer means his reference to a turn to
the right over the SW corner of RI to be understood as the
"altered route" he previously referred to?]

 At 9:39 P.M. JFK radioed the Martha's Vineyard Airport
 giving his location. Subject was completely calm, giving no
 indication of any difficulties, stating that he was making his
 final approach,

[This shows the writer's lack of familiarity with aviation terms
-- one does not begin one's "final approach" this far from the
airport WITH a series of turns still to be made to line up with
the landing runway.  "Final Approach"  or "Final" is the last
segment of an approach to a runway -- the stright segment lined
up with the runway.  The other components (not all flown in one
approach usually) are the crosswind leg, the downwind leg, the
base leg, and (finally) the final approach leg.]

 no more than 10 miles from the shore, and 13
 miles from the airport. Subject then began his (final)

[Another give-away -- one does not get cute in reports of the
nature this one claims to be.]

 Subject was at 5,600 feet when he headed out over the ocean. When
 he radioed at 9:39 P.M., 17-18 miles West of Martha's Vineyard,
 he was at 2,500 feet.

[If this were a real report as claimed and I was this 

[CTRL] Environmental Issues

1999-07-23 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From TheIndependent (UK)


 THE ECOLOGICAL time bomb is ticking. Nobody knows when or how it
 will explode.

 For the moment, the visible effects are almost routine. In recent
 weeks many people in the Serbian town of Pancevo have come out in
 red blotches and blisters, after lying in the grass for a few
 minutes, for example, or after picking vegetables. Theoretically
 it could be just a common batch of allergies. But, says Zoran
 Nedic, dermatologist and secretary of the health committee in
 Pancevo, "I've never seen anything on this scale."

 The number of skin problems has doubled in recent weeks. Dr Nedic
 sees this as the tip of the iceberg.

 A United Nations mission, led by the former Finnish environment
 minister Pekka Haavisto, has been in Pancevo this week to assess
 the potentially devastating scale of the problem. Everybody in
 Pancevo, a town of 150,000, shares the fear of what they describe
 as the ekologicheska katastrofa - Nato bombing of the town has
 unleashed a poisonous cocktail of thousands of tons of toxic
 chemicals into the water, air and soil.

 The fertiliser factory was bombed, releasing huge amounts of
 ammonia into the air and into the Danube. The oil refinery was
 repeatedly bombed: 20,000 tons of crude oil were burnt up in one
 bombardment alone, and a cloud of black smoke hung in the air for
 10 days. The petrochemicals factory was bombed: 1,400 tons of
 ethylene dichloride poured into the Danube, and high
 concentrations of vinyl chloride, the main constituent of PVC,
 were released into the atmosphere at more than 10,000 times the
 permitted level.

 And so it goes on. The official list of environmental damage runs
 to six closely typed pages, from the first bombing raid, on 24
 March, to the last, on 8 June.

 Each of these events separately would, in ordinary times, set
 environmental alarm bells ringing. When combined in a multiple
 cataclysm - in the early hours of 18 April, several factories
 were bombed within a few minutes of each other - the effects are

 As Dr Nedic points out: "Never in history have a petrochemicals
 factory, an oil refinery and a fertiliser factory all been on
 fire during a single day." He predicts that cancer rates will be
 "sharply up" in the years to come.

 Dr Sava Stajic, of the Pancevo Society against Cancer, notes that
 cancer levels were already higher than average in the area
 because of the industrial pollution from the factories in
 previous years.

 But he, too, argues that there will be an "epidemic increase"
 because of the hundreds of thousands of tons of "highly toxic and
 carcinogenic chemicals" that have been released - including
 uncertain quantities of chlorine, mercury, hydrocarbons, ammonia,
 nitrogen and sulphur oxides, phosphorous compounds and hydrogen
 halides. It is a case of "name a toxic chemical, and it is on the

 The mayor of Pancevo, Srdjan Mikovic, deeply resents Nato's
 willingness to bomb the town without consideration for the
 effects - what he describes as "a serious intention to kill the
 town". He and the city council represent the anti-Milosevic
 opposition. But he argues that the destructive bombing of the
 town has done much to destroy pro-Western feeling.

 He points to a cupboard where he has stowed the British and
 American flags that he used to keep on his desk.

 "We received their ambassadors here. We never dreamed that these
 countries might bomb us."

 Certainly there can be no chance to plead ignorance of the
 implications. Many factories were built and installed by Western
 companies. After the fires, "black rain" fell on Pancevo and the
 surrounding area, covering plants with a slimy layer. There was
 an official warning against eating vegetables fresh and without
 careful washing. But most fear that the longer- term effects will
 be much more drastic than the problems of coping with greasy
 lettuce. The Danube may have been affected downstream into
 Romania. Crop changes in the surrounding area seem inevitable.

 The black jokes abound. How do children in Pancevo count to 30?
 By counting on the fingers of both hands.

 Dr Nedic argues that talk of biological change is more than just
 fantasy. "A lot of the chemicals released are not just
 carcinogens but can also cause mutation," he said.

 Timothy Garden, Review, page 4

 Chinese Embassy Attack Was CIA Error

 THE CHINESE embassy in Belgrade that was erroneously bombed
 during Nato's Kosovo operation was the only target of the
 conflict that was nominated by the Central Intelligence Service,
 it was revealed yesterday. Testifying before Congress about the
 most diplomatically costly mistake of the war, the head of the
 CIA, George Tenet, said that the building was thought to house a
 Yugoslav arms agency.

 The error was ascribed to a failure in updating by the Pentagon's
 mapping agency. However, Mr Tenet said 

[CTRL] Myth-tifying

1999-07-23 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


 Friday, July 23, 1999

 Coverage a Senseless Tragedy in Itself
 By HOWARD ROSENBERG, Times Television Critic

 Picture: If you dare to raise questions about any of this,
 you're immediately branded a heartless, soulless, mindless
 cretin. However . . .  Now that John F. Kennedy Jr. and his
 wife and sister-in-law have been buried at sea on live
 television--delivered there Thursday like heads of state and
 eulogized by somber celebrity anchors against a medley of chopper
 pictures from the heavens and file footage of a toddling
 John-John--doesn't this set a precedent?  The thunderous
 homage to the late Princess Diana notwithstanding, these are
 really uncharted waters.  It's a grim thought, and of course,
 here's hoping it doesn't happen. But holy hypothetical! What if
 Ron Reagan Jr.--son and namesake of another beloved
 president--should die as prematurely as John F. Kennedy Jr., and
 his family would want to have him buried at sea too?  Would
 this spectacle recur? Would we go through this again . . . and
 again, with the cameras, commentators and choppers on call as the
 occasion demands? Or would the media say no, because the Reagan
 family's record of suffering doesn't match the Kennedys?  In
 other words, this is all a bit crazy and hysterical, don't you
 think? To say nothing of manipulative.  Television had
 already explored to the hilt the Kennedys' perilous, oft-lethal
 encounters with flying. Now, on to something else.  The sea.
  "And John Kennedy Jr. goes down to the sea for the last
 time," concluded a Thursday profile on CNN set to melancholy
 music. To music.  Because their staffs have to shut their
 yaps once in a while, some of the networks on Thursday also reran
 an audiotape of John F. Kennedy Sr.'s monologue about humankind
 coming from the sea and "going back from whence we came." In case
 you didn't catch the irony--the adult son's death and burial now
 giving meaning to the father's words--MSNBC delivered it with a
 sledgehammer by simultaneously showing grainy footage of
 2-year-old John-John at the wheel of a boat.  If only some of
 these TV people would go back from whence they came, for this was
 one more cheap emotional whirlpool in a sea of them.  Moments
 later, ever-present New York Daily News columnist Mike Barnicle,
 a neighbor and friend of the Kennedys--as many reporting and
 commenting on this story on TV appear to be--said he was sure
 that JFK Jr.'s uncle, Sen. Edward Kennedy, the senator from
 Massachusetts, could "hear his family's history on the wind."
 That is if he could hear anything above the roar of inflated
 rhetoric.  And you wonder why they call the Kennedys mythic.
  The facts are that John F. Kennedy Jr., his wife, Carolyn,
 and her sister, Lauren Bessette, died tragically, delivering an
 unthinkable blow to their families and causing much of the nation
 to feel very sad about the loss of this trio of beautiful,
 accomplished 30-somethings.  It's the shameless litter of the
 surrounding coverage that's so maddening.  That includes TV
 reporters repeatedly asking the obligatory question: "Who will
 carry the Kennedy banner now?" As if JFK Jr. had done that. And
 as if his uncle's senatorial career were chopped liver.  It
 also includes TV dwelling on long lines of bouquet-bearing
 mourners sadly queuing up in long lines outside Kennedy's
 residence in New York's TriBeCa district. As if they represented
 mainstream America.  On Thursday, CNN read the signs some had
 brought with them, including: "John-John, God has voted you
 president in heaven." Now there's perspective.  You look at
 these long faces and see, in essence, the same worshipful
 pilgrims who travel annually to Elvis Presley's Graceland mansion
 in Memphis to tearfully light candles on the anniversary of his
 death. The same ones who continue to hang out at the graves of
 James Dean and Marilyn Monroe. The ones who stand outside and
 shout at stars arriving for the Emmy and Oscar ceremonies. The
 ones who because of some internal void find meaning and personal
 expression only through the lives of celebrities, instead of
 living fully themselves.  If Kennedy was as grounded and
 straight-thinking as many now say he was, he would have despised
 all of this. That includes the relentless fawning over his image.
  CNN's star reporter, Christiane Amanpour, who also works for
 CBS, was on "60 Minutes" Sunday, being interviewed by Mike
 Wallace about her close friendship with JFK Jr. since college.
 And her easy, relaxed way of recalling him as someone she adored,
 without elevating him to divinity, was not only full of intimate
 insights, but also departed refreshingly from the swollen
 verbiage of many other newscasters.  Yet her appearance also
 symbolized a media phenomenon of the last couple of decades that
 may explain some of TV's detail-by-detail obsession 

Re: [CTRL] FWD: MRC's Bozell on Patients Bill of Rights

1999-07-23 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Yes and it is filth and it is disgusting.  It is
Psychological Warfare pure and simple.  Look at it, know it
for that, and its very easy to see.  Concerted Efforts at
Mind Control.

"A.C. Szul Jr." wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 FYI, interesting observations by Media Research Center's Chair, Brent
 Bozell, on TV/media coverage of PBR. No wonder there are folks out there
 complaining about HMOs, especially after they're fed such filth by the
 major news networks. [Isn't it something like 70% of folks who get their

 news from the evening news broadcasts?]
 MRC [http://www.mediaresearch.org/] is a media watchdog group.

   *Touting A "Patients' Bill Of Rights"
   By L. Brent Bozell III
   July 22, 1999
   The first fight in any political debate is over semantics. Who
 could be against the "Clean
   Air Act"? Who could oppose controlling "assault weapons"? The
 "right to choose"? The
   800-pound gorilla in the semantics debate is, of course, the
 "objective" press. The
   media have the power to make or break the slogans partisans use.
   It is common practice for the liberal press to attach the word
 "so-called" to GOP
   initiatives. When the Contract with America became the "so-called
 Contract with
   America" in news reports, its proponents were placed squarely on
 the defensive. So
   prevalent is the "so-called" curse that the media now attach it
 to organizations
   themselves, thus bringing doubt to bear not on the issues, but on
 the participants. When
   Dan Rather files a story about the "so-called Christian
 Coalition," it's a clear message to
   the viewer not to believe the group, period.
   The Democrats, on the other hand, have no such problem. Whatever
 they say, and
   however they put it, is accepted immediately. The latest semantic
 manipulation in the
   Democrats' favor is the "patients' bill of rights." The vast
 majority of press reports from
   the Senate debate on regulating health maintenance organizations
 refer without quotes to
   a "bill of rights," which offers "protections" for patients and
 doctors against mean,
   cost-cutting HMO bureaucrats. The Democrats are the champions of
   wonderful-sounding idea and the Republicans who oppose it, are
 well, monsters. So the
   Republicans have (again) knuckled under with a watered-down
 version, since who
   would want to be against "rights" or "protections"? In USA Today,
 reporter William
   Welch began: "Senate Republicans, ending a week of bitter
 partisan debate late
   Thursday, approved a limited set of federal rights for patients
 in managed care health
   Reporters ought to be dropping "so-called" into sentences like
 this. First, what are
   patients' rights? To hear the typical Democrat talk, a patient
 has the right to walk into a
   hospital and order whatever procedure he wants, and cost is no
   The "patients' bill of rights" is a completely perverse abuse of
 terminology, a direct
   opposite to our classic understanding of individual rights,
 specifically the right to
   property. What the Democrats are supporting here is their classic
 understanding of an
   "entitlement," something that everybody should have no matter how
 much everybody
   "else" pays. If Republicans weren't duck-and-cover types, they'd
 call this the "patients'
   bill of entitlements." And if the media weren't so blinded by
 their support of the
   Democrats, it might occur to them, too.
   The media also tell us that this "bill of rights" is being
 advocated by "consumer groups,"
   while those who oppose it are simply bought and paid for by the
 insurance industry.
   Now consider these "consumer groups." Many of these groups, like
 Families USA, are
   strident left-wing advocacy groups who would love to see
 Canadian-style single-payer
   health care installed in the United States. Do they favor
 "consumers" or some hidden
   Question: If insurance groups are protecting their profits and
 "buying" politicians, then
   who's "buying" the Democrats? You'll never see the press
 investigate that one.
   Reporters are not explaining how the Democrats' push for a right
 to sue HMOs is a
   favor to one of their biggest donor groups, the trial lawyers.
 Somehow, the trial lawyers'
   push for expensive litigation puts them among the "consumer
 groups," too.
   By contrast, note how quickly CBS reporter Bob Schieffer puts the
 Republicans in
   someone's pocket: "Pushed by the big insurance companies, the
 Republican majority
   stuck together as expected and killed the Democrats' HMO reform
 plan, plank by
   plank. On near party line votes, Republicans killed the
 Democratic proposal to give
   doctors, not insurance companies, the final say on treatment."

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Fwd WW: The Tyranny of Political Correctness -fcfnnn072299

1999-07-23 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Paganism is preferred over Christianity.Is this bad,
considering what the present system has given us in this oh
so Christian World?

Tenorlove wrote:

 Note: forwarded message attached.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com


 Subject: Fwd WW: The Tyranny of Political Correctness - fcfnnn072299
 Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 17:23:09 EDT

 Forwarded by The Word Warriorette
 "Will forward - You decide"
 07-22-99 04:04 PM
 God save the Republic and the Constitution of the united States of America!
 Free Congress Foundation's

 July 22, 1999

 The Free Congress Commentary

 The Tyranny of Political Correctness
 by: William S. Lind

 America today is increasingly a conquered nation. What has conquered us?
 An ideology --specifically, the hideous ideology known as Political
 Correctness, which is really Marxism translated from economic into
 cultural terms.

 What is ideology?  In philosopher's terms, it is a "construct": a system
 of ideas, derived from one or another theory, that purports to explain
 reality.  In fact, reality is inevitably more complex than the theory
 can explain, with the result that reality and theory clash.
 Here is where the difficulty arises.  In science, when reality and
 theory clash, the theory is revised.  But in politics, such revision is
 considered heresy by the ideologues (In Marxism, "revisionist" was a
 nasty insult). In their view, the theory is incapable of error.
 Therefore, reality must be denied, and suppressed.  Anyone who
 recognizes it must be silenced, and punished.  The result, as we have
 seen in Germany, in Russia and elsewhere, is the end of freedom and the
 growth of tyranny.

 In terms of the clash between theory and reality, Political Correctness
 is an extreme ideology, because it is an ideology of total inversion.
 Beliefs and social relationships are not merely changed, but turned
 upside down.  The old sins, such as sex outside marriage, become
 virtues, while the old virtues, such as disapproval of homosexuality,
 become sins.  Women are elevated over men, some (not all) racial
 minorities over whites, the sexually deviant over the sexually normal,
 the young over the old.  Art is intended alienate, not to beautify.
 Paganism is preferred over Christianity.

 The more violently an ideology conflicts with reality, the more
 tyrannical it must become.  The tyranny of Political Correctness is
 already seen on many a college campus, where any professor or student
 who dares question, finds himself in serious trouble. Any public figure
 who contradicts its dictates must offer a groveling apology or be cast
 into outer darkness, exiled from the public square.

 Why can't more Americans see what is happening?  In part, because of the
 way Political Correctness operates, through psychological conditioning.
 In part, because it is happening without mobs of workers in the streets
 carrying hammers and sickles or troops of goose-stepping Brownshirts.
 In large part, Americans cannot see it because they know "it can't
 happen here." Only it is happening here.

 The great question confronting Americans as the 21st century opens is
 whether we will have to go through the full totalitarian experience, as
 Germany and Russia did.  The form, of course, will be different, but the
 reality is always the same: thought control, with dissenters facing
 prison or worse.  That is, in the end, what so-called "hate-crimes" are
 about: the criminalizing of political thoughts that dare defy Political
 Correctness.  Sad to say, Ronald Reagan was wrong; it's not morning in
 America.  It is twilight, and the night may be a long one.

 Bill Lind is director of the Free Congress Foundation's Center for
 Cultural Conservatism.

 Contact: Bill Lind @ Free Congress Foundation  202.546.3000

 Visit Our Website at www.FreeCongress.org.
 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT SOURCE:  Paul Weyrich, the President of Free
 Congress Foundation and longtime political activist, declared that Grass
 Roots activists should apply techniques successfully used by their
 adversaries.  "Be tough, Be respectfully militant.  You must make it crystal
 clear that you will settle for nothing less than what is rightfully yours.
 Congress does not respond to reason, truth, fact or science.  They only react
 to those who will potentially cause them a problem.  Be their worst
 nightmare, make them have dreams about what you say.  Make them beg for
  Join Lisa Dean and Paul Weyrich Friday nights at 7 pm Eastern as they
 continue the tradition of exposing the people that threaten your liberty.
 Listen live at

Re: [CTRL] Wright Patterson AFB : What's Going On There?

1999-07-23 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Omni Magazine once hypothesized that this technology was
going to be released as a show of power in order to create a
world religion.  It would take that.  You see all the
factions lining themselves up now, and of course the Jesus
freaks want full control and mean to have it.  Ah, but there
truly are many definitions of God.

Nicky Molloy wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 This is a little old but it is handy to know where all the ufo centres are.

 Wright Patterson AFB : What's Going On There?

 Captain Edward Ruppelt while head of the U.S. Air Force's Air Technical
 Intelligence Center (ATIC) "Project Bluebook", was stationed at
 Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

 Some believe Wright-Patterson to be a 24 hour Top Secret UFO monitoring and
 research station.

 After the July 2, 1947 crash of a UFO at Roswell, New Mexico, the wreckage
 of the craft was loaded onto a B-29 and shipped directly to Wright-Patterson
 AFB in Dayton, Ohio.

 Wright Field (as it was formerly known) was the headquarters for the Air
 Materiel Command (AMC). General Nathan Twining was the Commanding General of
 the AMC back in 1947. He is also implicated as being one of the original
 "MJ-12" members.

 Gun camera film taken from F-86A Sabre jets in 1953-54 was later taken to
 Wright-Patterson AFB for evaluation.

 Colonel John Burnett was the Air Attache to the Foreign Technology Division
 at Wright-Pat in 1965 and met with a Captain Bruce Cathie, a New Zealand
 airline pilot who related to Burnett that he had discovered evidence for a
 "worldwide grid system used by UFOs". Burnett revealed to Cathie that
 intensive UFO research was going on there. In Cathie's second book he says
 the following..."The scientific laboratory there, set up for the purpose,
 was described as a complex of buildings covering a large area and staffed by
 many of the world's top scientists. Experimental work was carried out
 twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year.

 The crash of a 100ft in diameter saucer with 16 dead aliens aboard near
 Aztec, New Mexico in 1948, had its remains sent to Wright-Pat shortly

 In a book by Jean-Charles Fumoux in 1981 entitled "Preuves Scientifiques
 OVNI", the author relates how Leon B. Visse, an alleged expert on histons
 (elements connected with cellular genetic material) was invited in 1959 to a
 military compound at Wright-Patterson AFB, where he was asked to perform an
 experiment on the histonic weight of particular cells. Visse was later taken
 into a special room where he viewed two humanoid corpses.

 Leonard Stringfield contacted a former Navy test pilot known as "P.J.", who
 related the story of him and several other Navy pilots coming across a
 saucer-shaped aircraft which was being guarded at Wright-Patterson AFB back
 in April/1962. He was puzzled by the seeming lack of security since the
 object was not located in the test facility of the AFB.

 Tommy Blann, a researcher, interviewed a Colonel "X" who said, "In the
 earlier years they had taken some bodies to this base, but later it depended
 on where they were found. They had a hell of a time setting up procedures
 for this operation, as well as getting craft out of the area without it
 being observed. Usually this was done at nighttime." Colonel"X" also told
 Blann that he believed that in more recent years the bodies were flown
 outside the U.S. to a secret naval installation on an island in the Pacific.

 Senator Barry Goldwater was denied access into a building at Wright
 Patterson AFB because it was classified above Top Secret. Goldwater did say
 that he understood that a plan was underway to release all or part of this
 material sometime in the future... although he didn't know what it was, he
 did say that he was aware of the rumours.

 * Note: The above was taken from Timothy Good's 1988 UFO Book entitled
 "Above Top Secret".

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[CTRL] Reform Party Convention C-SPAN2 7PM ET

1999-07-23 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-

We are pleased to inform you that "LIVE" coverage will be available for the
3rd National Convention of the RPUSA . Be sure to watch your local news and
newspapers. All major networks will be in attendance as well as
international media.

CSPAN will cover the speeches Friday evening July 23rd and Saturday evening
July 24th between 7 and 9 Eastern. The Sunday Election might also be covered
live. Check the CSPAN schedule.

1999 National Reform Party Convention
Reform Party
Dearborn, Michigan (United States)
ID: 150955 - 07/23/1999 - 19:00:00 - 2:00 - No Sale

Ventura, Jesse, Governor, Ref.-MN



Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday - hiatus

1999-07-23 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990723a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

SkeptiNews will be suspended for a week and a half while the listowner/
editor has a complete implant replacement/reprogramming/upgrade.  I'm
getting rid of these cheap Vegan implants, getting a bright new shiny
set of the best from Altair; and the OS is being upgraded from In98 to
In2000, for more assured master-control and cleaner retransmission of
monitored signals.  I urge all my implanted colleagues to undergo the
same procedure - you'll be glad you did, and so will you alien masters.
In fact, they'll probably insist on it.  Go quietly.  Resistance is
futile.  I am Flatulus of Borg - pull my finger.  bzzt  Damn implant...
- - - - - - - - - -
On a more serious note: Just down the road from my hilltop aerie is
a fascinating nursery, California Carnivores, the only public-access
nursery devoted to carnivorous plants.  CC has the world's largest
display of carnivores.  [Nope, I have no financial interest in CC.]

CC grows their own stock, is behind efforts to save endangered species
and their habitats, backs cloning developments, and has a great book 
website dealing with these treasures.  Venus fly-traps, pitcher plants,
sundews, etc - sure, they're cute, macabre, endangered - but they are
also GREAT for non-toxic insect control.  If you have flies, hornets,
any indoor infestation of unwanted flying arthropods [and/or their
predators], easy-to-grow carnivores may be exactly what you need.

But don't believe me; check out: http://www.californiacarnivores.com

If you're in Northern California, stop in for a visit.  They're right
next to a great winery, Mark West Vineyards, on Trenton-Healdsburg
Road off River Road west of US-101 north of Santa Rosa.  Come on out,
see the carnivores, taste some wonderful wine; then continue north
another couple miles to the Ya-Ka-Ama [yah kah ah-MA] Native American
Nursery, on the site of a former CIA/NSA monitoring post, just above
a nude beach on the Russian River.  It's a great place to have your
implants serviced, too.  You'll be glad you did.

PS - There are fine places nearby to cut crop circles. Bring your scythe.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] * http://www.sonic.net/~ric * ICQ# 19633976 *
* (sorry, I can't answer all email - but thanks for your feedback)
* SkeptiChat archives: http://www.sonic.net/~ric/sc/files.htm *
* Fringe * Science * Faith * Sex/Drugs * UFO/PSI/Y2K * Conspiracy *

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Chief Justice Celebrates Days of Slavery

1999-07-23 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

Interestingly, Dixie was probably written by a black man. It was also said
to have been one of Lincoln's favorite songs and one that he had played
after the war ended.

Howard Davis

Subject: [CTRL] Chief Justice Celebrates Days of Slavery
Date: Fri, Jul 23, 1999, 5:10 AM

  -Caveat Lector-

 Chief Justice Offends Some Lawyers

 WASHINGTON (AP) - Chief Justice William Rehnquist led a sing-along of
 ``Dixie'' at a recent conference in Virginia, upsetting lawyers who view the
 song as a nostalgic appeal to the days of slavery.

 Some black lawyers said they avoided last month's 4th Circuit Judicial
 Conference because of their distaste for ``Dixie,'' which was included in a
 song book distributed for the event and has been sung before.

 The songs are mostly American standards, including ``America the Beautiful''
 and ``Anchors Aweigh.'' The evening typically ends with ``The Battle Hymn of
 the Republic'' and ``Dixie,'' a Confederate marching song.

 ``Dixie'' is offensive to blacks, said Brent O.E. Clinkscale, a black
 attorney. ``I think it's nostalgic for slavery,'' he said.

 Rehnquist, 74, declined to comment on the controversy.

 Defenders of ``Dixie'' say the song is a piece of Americana that is
 appropriate for a mostly Southern conference. The 4th Circuit event is for
 lawyers and judges from Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina and
 South Carolina.

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substanceónot soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Pentagon DISCLAIMER-Tricare: ..homosexuality is OK.

1999-07-23 Thread Bard

 -Caveat Lector-


The Pentagon has wrapped a disclaimer around a Defense Department-sponsored
health advice line that includes a telephone message that says homosexuality
is OK.

The message, put out by Tricare, the armed forces health care provider,
stirred objections from some military people, who did not like its
homosexual advocacy. They also said the message was inconsistent with the
military's ban on open homosexuality in the ranks and presented contested
theories as fact.

Now, Sue Bailey, assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, has
issued a memo to the executive director of Tricare.

"I direct that the following disclaimer regarding the health care
information line in Tricare region 1 be incorporated into the audio tape and
printed materials provided to enrollees who have access to commercially
acquired health care information line."

The disclaimer states: "No health consumer information provided through the
advice line takes precedence over established Department of Defense or
military department policies."


The Military Health System Web Site is the Official Web Presence of the
Office of
the Assistant Secretary of Defense(Health Affairs) and the TRICARE
Management Activity



Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Trouble on Temple Mount

1999-07-23 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Isn't this mentioned in the book of Revelations?


 Subject: [CTRL] Trouble on Temple Mount
 Date: Friday, July 23, 1999 2:58 AM

  -Caveat Lector-

 Muslims Close Al Aqsa Mosque

 .c The Associated Press

 JERUSALEM (AP) - Muslim clergymen closed Islam's third holiest shrine
 Thursday after Jewish extremists called for the expulsion of Muslims from
 hill that once held the ancient Jewish Temple, Judaism's most sacred

 Israeli police arrested three members of the outlawed anti-Arab Kach
 early Thursday after they distributed leaflets near the Al Aqsa Mosque
 compound, calling on Jews to ``expel the strangers from the Temple
 The three were later released.

 Police issued statements published in Palestinian newspapers Thursday
 promising that Jewish extremists would not be allowed into the mosque
 Police apparently hoped to prevent possible Palestinian demonstrations.

 Gates to the compound known to Muslims as Haram as-Sharif, or Noble
 Sanctuary, were shut this afternoon. The mosque area is located on the
 of the second Jewish Temple, which was destroyed by the Romans in A.D. 70

 Israel is in overall control of Jerusalem, including the holy sites.
 arrangements dating back to Israel's capture of the area in the 1967
 war, the Waqf, the Muslim religious council, administers the mosque area.

 Jerusalem police commander Yair Yitzhaki expressed displeasure with the
 decision to close the compound. The Waqf issued no statement, but the
 compound was likely to reopen by Friday noon, the most important Muslim
 prayer session of the week and the time the sanctuary attracts the
 crowds .

 Some Jewish extremist groups believe the Al Aqsa and Dome of the Rock
 should be razed to make way for the rebuilding of the Temple. But most
 observant Jews believe the structure will be built only with divine

 As part of a semiannual tradition, one extremist group, the Temple Mount
 Faithful, made an attempt Thursday to enter the gates of the compound on
 Ninth of Av, the day marking the destruction of the two ancient temples.

 Police blocked the 30 demonstrators, including a few American Christian
 evangelists, who chanted mournful prayers and waved Israeli flags.

 ``I am here to bless Israel and to support it,'' said Miriam Lee of Buena
 Vista, Ga. ``According to the Scriptures, this mount is Jewish land.''

 Some evangelical Christians believe the rebuilding of the Temple will
 the Second Coming of Christ.

 Yitzhaki said the police decided not to let the group onto the Temple
 after the Kach members distributed the leaflets.

 Jews are allowed to visit the compound and pray, but only silently and in
 small groups.

 The Haram as-Sharif hill overlooks the Western Wall, the holiest site to
 and the last remnant of the Second Temple compound. Dozens were killed in
 Israeli-Palestinian clashes in the area in 1990 and 1996 as part of
 over the holy sites.

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] Pentagon DISCLAIMER-Tricare: ..homosexuality is OK.

1999-07-23 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Homosexuality is the organism Human shutting itself down,
because the individual parts are too naive and childlike to
understand when to stop  or control their own expansion.
See it, and witness the Builder, and Fear the Builder,
because it means business, and its purpose WILL NOT be
perverted.  You have the church STILL saying no birth
control and the upper 1% of the animals human running things
for their benefit alone, and all the problems boil down
to the fact that we cannot come to grips with our own
growth.  Overpopulation is not based on available land, it
is based on people per sq mile.  Many experiments have been
done whereby animal species are allowed to procreate blindly
in a fixed space with plenty of food and water.  The first
thing that usually occurs is homosexuality.  The second, or
alternative, is cannibalism.  The population has been
allowed to burgeon so that we are that much more easily
preyed upon.

Bard wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-


 The Pentagon has wrapped a disclaimer around a Defense Department-sponsored
 health advice line that includes a telephone message that says homosexuality
 is OK.

 The message, put out by Tricare, the armed forces health care provider,
 stirred objections from some military people, who did not like its
 homosexual advocacy. They also said the message was inconsistent with the
 military's ban on open homosexuality in the ranks and presented contested
 theories as fact.

 Now, Sue Bailey, assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, has
 issued a memo to the executive director of Tricare.

 "I direct that the following disclaimer regarding the health care
 information line in Tricare region 1 be incorporated into the audio tape and
 printed materials provided to enrollees who have access to commercially
 acquired health care information line."

 The disclaimer states: "No health consumer information provided through the
 advice line takes precedence over established Department of Defense or
 military department policies."


 The Military Health System Web Site is the Official Web Presence of the
 Office of
 the Assistant Secretary of Defense(Health Affairs) and the TRICARE
 Management Activity



 Visit me at:
 The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

 Federal Government defined:
 a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] IUFO: Asset forfeitures - piracy (fwd)

1999-07-23 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

You know the old saying: Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts,

On 23 Jul 99, at 14:22, Zombie Cow wrote:

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 00:27:07 -0600
 Subject: Asset forfeitures - piracy

 Are asset forfeitures penalty -- or piracy?
 By Frank J. Murray

 [Editors Note: This is a law that should be repealed immediately!]

 Cops and prosecutors call it punishing the crooks when and where
 they'll feel it most.

 Lots of other people, honest and law-abiding, call it police piracy.

 What they're talking about is assets forfeiture, and the practice has left
 so many horror stories in its wake that dedicated anti-crime lawmakers,
 Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, are joining a
 growing movement to clean up the official abuses.

 Most forfeitures -- by which the government seizes property that
 officers merely suspect was used in a crime or bought with the loot
 --never reach the point of criminal charges. Up to 80 percent never
 go to court.

 Seized properties range from a doctor's savings to a private prison
 in Louisiana with all 400 inmates, a Houston hotel, a 4,346-acre
 Florida ranch, a church's Spanish-language radio station and
 Hollywood Madam Heidi Fleiss' $550,000 Beverly Hills mansion.

 Rep. Henry J. Hyde of Illinois, chairman of the House Judiciary
 Committee, a Republican and a conservative, cited these and other
 abuses in his testimony to a Senate Judiciary subcommittee on
 criminal justice and oversight in behalf of modifying a 1974 law.

 Mr. Hyde told the senators it's difficult for him to accept that a law
 that permits and in fact encourages violations of the rights of innocent
 citizens could go unchallenged. He entreated the senators to accept the
 tough reform legislation he steered to overwhelming bipartisan acceptance
 in the House last month.

 The attentive subcommittee members agreed with Mr. Hyde's
 contention the law needs reforming. But they seemed to agree with
 Deputy Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. and other witnesses
 who testified yesterday that Mr. Hyde's reforms would cripple the

 The law was designed as a weapon in the war on drugs to collect
 fancy cars, yachts, airplanes, houses and huge caches of cash. An
 owner trying to get back property must prove his innocence
 instead of the government proving guilt, which to many Americans
 seems to turn the constitutional guarantee of due process on its
 head. Fewer than 2,500 of the 30,000 property seizures each year
 are even challenged in court.

 When the more common civil seizures are challenged, courts
 routinely acknowledge that constitutional "due process" clauses
 forbid inordinate delay and demand advance notice and a hearing,
 except when immediate or "exigent" circumstances apply. This
 usually means taking on faith the word of the prosecutors.

 A few such seizures have been overturned on "due process"
 grounds, but, more commonly, appeals courts accept a
 government claim of emergency or rule prosecutors' omissions
 aren't serious enough to require returning seized property.

 On other constitutional grounds federal courts have ruled:

 Forfeiture is not "double jeopardy" because it is not

 "punishment." The Supreme Court said in a different

 case, however, that seizures of property out of

 proportion to the offense violate Eighth Amendment

 guarantees against "excessive fines [or] punishment."

 The Sixth Amendment right to counsel does not bar

 seizure of an attorney fee.

 The Fifth Amendment right to compensation for

 "takings" doesn't require paying interest when property

 wrongfully seized is returned after a long court fight.

 A search and seizure that violates the Fourth

 Amendment on criminal matters doesn't negate civil

 seizure of criminal profits.

 The Hyde legislation, passed overwhelmingly by the House, would
 drastically shift the balance by requiring return of property without the
 victim's having to post a bond, appoint lawyers for those who can't pay
 and place the burden of proof on the government.

 The Justice Department concedes it should accept the burden of
 proof if the law is rewritten, but the department doesn't want the
 law touched because it will make the job of Justice Department
 lawyers more difficult.

 Critics of the present system say it is rife with conflicts of interest,

 including millions of dollars in rewards for tipsters, and gives local and
 federal officials a motive to split property among themselves.

 The value of 24,903 seized assets now held by the federal
 government exceeds $1 billion, including $349 million in cash.
 State and local seizures often wind up in federal hands to be
 divvied up with local officials.

 The Kafka-like stories that impressed the House came from such
 unlikely people as Nashville gardener Willie Jones, a Malibu

[CTRL] Fwd: Farmland Urges Congressional Support of China 'Normal...

1999-07-23 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 7/23/99 3:42:41 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Farmland Urges Congressional Support of China 'Normal...
 Date:  7/23/99 3:42:41 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Farmland Urges Congressional Support of China 'Normal Trade Relations

  KANSAS CITY, Mo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 23, 1999--Farmland Industries,
Inc. today called on Congress to support continuation of Normal Trade
Relations (NTR) with China in a vote scheduled in the U.S. House of
Representatives on Tuesday, July 27.

  "Approving extension of normal trade relations with China is one small
step that Congress can take to assure that American farmers, who are already
under great financial strain, don't suffer further from lost access to this
important market," H.D. "Harry" Cleberg, president and chief executive
officer of Farmland Industries, Inc., said in a statement issued by the
Kansas City-based farmer cooperative.

  "Feeding a growing world population is central to the economic health
of American agriculture, and China -- now our nation's sixth largest trading
partner -- is the most important growth market for U.S. agricultural exports
in the new century," Cleberg said.

  "As home to one in every five people in the world, China will account
for more than one-third of the near-term future growth in farm exports, but
only if we maintain and strengthen trade relations between our countries," he

  China's economy is one of the fastest growing in the world. The
country's boom has led to an improvement in nutrition as the population's
living standards have grown. And, according to Cleberg, as the country has
grown more prosperous, people are adding more meat protein to their diet,
creating additional export opportunities for U.S. farmers to help meet that
growing demand.

  China has 20 percent of the world's people, but only six percent of the
arable land. "The Chinese must import food to meet demand and if the U.S.
doesn't seek that market, the rest of the world certainly will," Cleberg said.

  Normal trade relations status, previously referred to as "most- favored
nation" provides trade parity among countries. The United States grants
normal trade relations to every nation that is a member of the World Trade
Organization. Because China is not yet a WTO member, it does not receive this
status automatically. The President signs a waiver each year granting China
normal trade relations. The House vote is on President Clinton's one-year

  Farmland Industries is the largest farmer-owned cooperative in North
America with 1998 company sales of $8.8 billion in all 50 states and 90
countries. When including Farmland's share of the sales of its affiliated
businesses, sales were $11.9 billion. Focused on meeting the needs of its
600,000 farmer-owners in the United States, Canada and Mexico, Farmland is a
highly diversified company with major business lines in crop production and
crop protection products, livestock feeds, petroleum, grain processing and
marketing, and the processing and marketing of pork, beef and catfish


 Farmland Industries, Inc.

 Sherlyn Manson, 816/459-6230

 To edit your profile, go to keyword A
 For all of today's news, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:News"News/A. 

Farmland Urges Congressional Support of China 'Normal Trade Relations

 KANSAS CITY, Mo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 23, 1999--Farmland Industries,
Inc. today called on Congress to support continuation of Normal Trade
Relations (NTR) with China in a vote scheduled in the U.S. House of
Representatives on Tuesday, July 27.

 "Approving extension of normal trade relations with China is one small
step that Congress can take to assure that American farmers, who are already
under great financial strain, don't suffer further from lost access to this
important market," H.D. "Harry" Cleberg, president and chief executive
officer of Farmland Industries, Inc., said in a statement issued by the
Kansas City-based farmer cooperative.

 "Feeding a growing world population is central to the economic health of
American agriculture, and China -- now our nation's sixth largest trading
partner -- is the most important growth market for U.S. agricultural exports
in the new century," Cleberg said.

 "As home to one in every five people in the world, China will account
for more than one-third of the near-term future growth in farm exports, but
only if we maintain and strengthen trade relations between our countries," he

 China's economy is one of the fastest growing in the world. The
country's boom has led to an improvement in nutrition as the population's
living standards have grown. And, according to Cleberg, as the country has
grown more prosperous, people are adding more meat protein to their diet,
creating additional export opportunities for U.S. farmers to help meet that


1999-07-23 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Original Message-
From: Alan DeWalton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, 24 July 1999 8:43

Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 11:09:17 +
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Here is the UPI article which states that JFK Jr. WAS IN CONTACT with
flight controllers at Martha's vineyard Airport at 9:39 Friday evening,
July 16. The UPI article ALSO states that both WCVB-TV in Boston AND ABC
News reported the same CRUCIAL information.

Additionally this radio contact by Kennedy has subsequently been
confirmed through direct contact with airport personnel.

This extremely significant information is what is now MISSING from EVERY
SINGLE account of the event now being spewed by the robots in gutless,
miserable cloned mass media outlets.


As I've stated time and again this crucial information PROVES that
seconds BEFORE Kennedy's plane went into a headlong dive there was not
the SLIGHTEST indication of the much-regurgitated garbage that pilot
error and/or mechanical malfunction (other than outright sabotage of a
critical component of the aircraft) were responsible for this headlong,
full-on nosedive to certain oblivion.

NEITHER such fictional pilot error NOR any standard mechanical
malfunction could POSSIBLY result in this craft dropping like a rock.

Kennedy was at that moment engaged in no unusual or troublesome

He knew EXACTLY where he was not only in relation to the coastline but
also to the airport--10 miles from the coast and 13 miles from the

What's more, we have received additional confirmation from residents of
the Connecticut shore and Martha's Vineyard that visibility was
EXCELLENT in the area at this time--from 10 to 12 miles at least. In
such conditions it's ludicrous to think the Kennedy would not been able
to have seen at LEAST the GLOW from the many lights in the
well-populated Martha's Vineyard area at the distance he was, and thus
have been thoroughly able to distinguish direction in all senses of the
word (altitude).

The ongoing disinformation about poor visibility being the reason such
an inexperienced pilot (which he was NOT!) would get completely
discombobulated and fly into the sea is completely unfounded in fact.
The guy was hardly hundreds of miles out over the middle of
the Atlantic. Why then would he decide to land in the sea if he knew
where he was in relation to the land? Please... spare me.

Here is the pertinent text from about halfway through the UPI article.
This is the TRUTH... BEFORE the spin-doctors and manipulators got to work.

"At 9:39 p.m. Friday, Kennedy radioed the airport and said he was 13
  miles from the airport and 10 miles from the coast, according to
WCVB-TV news in Boston. He reportedly said he was making his final

"Moments later, radar operated by the Federal Aviation Administration
  showed the plane went into a dive and dropped 1,200 feet in just 12
  seconds, according to ABC News.

"In his final approach message, WCVB-TV said Kennedy told controllers
  at the airport that he planned to drop off his wife's sister and then
  take off again between 11 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. for Hyannis Airport."

Other CRUCIAL information which has now been removed from all official
accounts is the fact that a NUMBER of witnesses on the beach at Martha's
Vineyard that evening INCLUDING a Vineyard Gazette reporter saw an
AIRBORNE explosion at this same time right in that area of the sky where
Kennedy was flying. I quote here the relevant text from the UPI article.

"A reporter for the Vineyard Gazette newspaper told WCVB-TV in Boston
that he was out walking Friday night about the time of the crash and saw
"big white flash in the sky" off Philbin Beach."

A report from about 3 PM on Saturday by Shephard Smith of FOX-TV named
another one of these witnesses--in fact a guest at the scheduled wedding
JFK. Jr. was due to attend AND a friend of Smith's producer at Fox.

Every single flight instructor Kennedy ever had as well as other
first-hand witnesses describe Kennedy as an extremely cautious and
safety minded pilot. He also had HUNDREDS of 

Re: [CTRL] JFK Jr - Laser Blinded in the Night ?

1999-07-23 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

At 08:48 AM 7-23-1999 -0400, June wrote:

On Thu, 22 Jul 1999, Bill Kingsbury wrote:

 A reporter witnessed a 'big white flash in the sky'
 at the time of the crash.  This is the clue...

Can you -- or ANYONE -- give a citation for this assertion that ANYONE,
whether a reporter or not, saw a 'big white flash in the sky at the time
of the crash'...

I've seen this assertion in various emails for a couple of days now, but
no one ever gives the name of the reporter, what news outlet reported
this, WHEN they reported, etc.

  The reporter's name was apparently
  never given to the public :
  see paragraph 32, below :

  " A reporter for the Vineyard Gazette newspaper told WCVB-TV
  in Boston that he was out walking Friday night about the
  time of the crash and saw "big white flash in the sky" off
  Philbin Beach. "

  You could ask Vineyard Gazette :

 phone:  508-627-4311
 mail:   P.O. Box 66, Edgartown, MA 02539

  the original source article :


  Hopes fade for missing Kennedy plane

  Sunday, 18 July 1999 2:08 (GMT)
  UPI Focus

  AQUINNAH, Mass., July 17 (UPI) - After a daylong unsuccessful
  search for a missing single-engine plane piloted by John F.
  Kennedy Jr., the National Transportation Safety Board is
  launching an investigation into the aircraft's disappearance.

  An official statement tonight says an NTSB team has been
  dispatched to Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts as the Coast
  Guard continues to coordinate "aggressive search-and-rescue

  As daylight faded, Air Force helicopters returned to Otis
  Air Force Base, to resume the search Sunday morning.

  Hopes faded today as bits of debris from the Piper Saratoga
  were recovered and a piece of luggage was positively
  identified as belonging to Lauren Bessette, Kennedy's
  sister-in-law.  Kennedy's wife, 33-year-old Carolyn Bessette,
  was also traveling with him.

  The luggage, along with what appeared to be an airplane tire,
  washed up on Philbin Beach on Martha's Vineyard, and Lauren
  Bessette's name was on the tag of a black suitcase, said
  First District Coast Guard spokesman Lt. Gary Jones.

  Jones said other debris -- a head rest and carpeting that
  appeared to be from the plane -- were found this afternoon
  floating in the water about 100 yards from nearby Gay Head

  Kennedy and the Bessette sisters were traveling from
  Caldwell, New Jersey, to Hyannis Port for the wedding of
  Mark Bailey and Rory Kennedy, the last unmarried daughter
  of Ethel Kennedy and the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

  The event was postponed, and what should have been a joyous
  gathering of the clan turned into a grim vigil as members
  of the Kennedy family waited anxiously at their storied
  oceanfront compound for word on the fate of the three.

  An outdoor family mass was held, presided over by three
  Roman Catholic priests, as Mrs. Kennedy, other family
  members and around 275 guests gathered to pray.

  Among those present were Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass.,
  former U.S. Rep. Joseph Kennedy, Rory's older brother and
  JFK Jr.'s cousin, and U.S. Housing Secretary Andrew Cuomo,
  who is married to Kerry Kennedy.

  John Kennedy's older sister, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg,
  was away on a rafting trip and had not planned to attend
  the wedding.

  Sen. Kennedy's son, Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I., was also
  away in California and immediately flew back to Boston,
  according to media reports.

  Family spokesman Brian O'Connor said the family was initially
  hopeful that the three would be found alive.

  But he said the mood at the compound turned somber when
  debris, apparently from the plane, began washing up on
  the western end of Martha's Vineyard.

  There was no immediate comment from any of the family members.

  Before the effort was scaled back at sunset, Rear Adm.
  Richard M. Larrabee told journalists the Coast Guard was
  still in a search-and-rescue mode.  But the dispatch of
  federal investigators suggests authorities are now presuming
  the plane has crashed.

  Coast Guard cutters equipped with high-powered lights will
  continue to search the sea south of Martha's Vineyard
  throughout the night.

  Earlier in the day, the Civil Air Patrol withdrew from the
  search 15 aircraft that were combing a 15-by-15-mile grid
  from Long Island to Martha's Vineyard after debris and
  luggage washed ashore on Philbin Beach.

  Jones said the Coast Guard was notified about the missing
  plane at around 3 a.m. EDT, and the search started

  About 15 Coast Guard and Air Force aircraft and some 150
  personnel joined in the search.

  Kennedy, a licensed private pilot, was expected to arrive at

[CTRL] More military police powers?

1999-07-23 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

More military police powers?
Defense bill seeks
to end prior restrictions

By Jon E. Dougherty
© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

Under the auspices of combating illegal drugs, guarding borders and
preventing terrorism, new provisions in the House and Senate Defense
Appropriations Bills seek to increase the use of the U.S. military in
domestic law enforcement.
According to sources, the bill would end the requirement for local law
agencies to reimburse the federal government for any local use of military
equipment, as well as enable the Department of Defense to deploy military
troops in cases of anticipated or actual terrorist attacks.

Dave Kopel of the Independence Institute said both houses of Congress
contained provisions and amendments that would, if passed, "set precedents
for years to come."

For example, one provision would remove the requirement for local law
enforcement agencies to reimburse the DOD for use of military resources, at
the discretion of the Secretary of Defense.

"That is currently the main practical check on the use of military equipment
by local police," Kopel told WorldNetDaily. He added that he is worried
about an overall growth in the federal government's "tendency to militarize
local police officers."

Kopel said the precedent for government's current fixation on more dramatic
use of the military as law enforcement personnel has its roots in Waco,
Texas. There, in 1993, some 83 members of a religious group known as the
Branch Davidians and their leader, David Koresh, died when a fire engulfed
their community, allegedly because armored military vehicles ignited
kerosene lanterns when making a forced entry.

Since then, Kopel said, the federal government has been "eroding the
protections contained in the Posse Comitatus Act" -- a law that prevents
most uses of the military in civilian law enforcement application. In the
past, he added, most of the amendments to the original law had been based on
bogus drug issues.

Tim Lynch, a spokesman for The CATO Institute, confirmed the provision, and
told WorldNetDaily he believes it is a precursor to end the strict
limitations on civilian law enforcement use of military assets and
personnel. He added that the measure had not yet passed into law, but said
he fears "it is a certainty."

"Not too many people are talking about it, not many are objecting to it and
it looks like it's just going to sail through," he said. "That concerns us."

Lynch said it was "odd" that this measure was added to a defense
appropriations bill that would include "the last six months of this year."

"Our fear is that, OK, when next year comes along, will this protection go
away altogether," he said. "We definitely don't want to see that."

On another front, Kopel told WorldNetDaily the House of Representatives
voted in June to allow the military to "directly take over border patrol

The measure, which was originally introduced as H.R. 628 by Ohio Democrat
James Traficant in February, is now being considered as part of the total
Defense Authorization Bill for FY 2000. Mr. Traficant's office did not
return phone calls to WorldNetDaily.

However, a spokesman for Rep. Floyd Spence, R-S.C., Chairman of the House
Armed Services Committee, confirmed Mr. Traficant's legislation was passed
by the House and is currently being considered in a joint House-Senate
conference committee.

"The (Traficant) amendment passed by a margin of 242-181," the spokesman

Specifically, the Traficant amendment would amend Title 10, United States
Code, to authorize the Secretary of Defense to assign members of the Armed
Forces, "under certain circumstances and subject to certain conditions, to
assist the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the United States
Customs Service in the performance of border protection functions."

If passed the measure would allow military personnel to assist the Border
Patrol in curbing illegal immigration by "preventing entry into the U.S."
The bill also gives the military the authority to prevent entry of "drug
traffickers and terrorists," and would allow military inspections of "cargo,
vehicles, and aircraft at points of entry into the U.S."

Gregory Nojeim, Legislative Counsel for the Washington, D.C., chapter of the
ACLU, said the sum total of the new military roles in civilian law
enforcement would eventually destroy "what was left of" the Posse Comitatus

"These provisions ... will blow a hole in Posse Comitatus large enough to
drive a thousand tanks onto our city streets," he told WorldNetDaily.

Nojeim said he is most concerned about language in the bill that gives much
more arbitrary judgement on the potential conditions in which the military
could be used in the hands of the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General
and the Secretary of the Treasury.

For example, Section 1067 of S. 1059, the Senate version of the
appropriations bill, 

[CTRL] Skolnick's Article Pt.1

1999-07-23 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 23 Jul 1999 06:52:59 +0100
From:   Ashley Rye [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:IUFO: Skolnick's Article Pt.1
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 What Happened To
   America's Golden Boy?
  By Sherman H. Skolnick [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Golden Boy Pt 2
  Golden Boy Pt 3

   On his third birthday, he stood and saluted. Do three year
   olds understand great turning points in history? He stood
   there as the flag-draped coffin of his father was slowly
   drawn past. His only son watching the funeral of John F.
   Kennedy, assassinated 35th president of the United States. He
   knew as he grew up that it was his mother's wish that for
   their safety, no statements be made by them contradicting the
   big lie of the government, that a "lone assassin" blew out
   the brains of his father, right in front of numerous
   witnesses. Thereafter, dozens, if not hundreds of material
   witnesses were themselves murdered, such as the CIA patsy,
   Lee Harvey Oswald, and Oswald's murderer, Jack Ruby, and a
   long list.

   John F. Kennedy,Jr. knew that dark forces opposed the
   terrible truth. His father was ouraged on going along with a
   disaster shortly after taking office. The Bay of Pigs fiasco,
   April,1961. President Kennedy fired Director of Central
   Intelligence Allen Dulles who reportedly muttered under his
   breath to JFK, "Traitor". Was there justification for
   political murder and if so, when,if ever, will the high-level
   forces go "public"? The President vowed to splinter the CIA
   into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the wind.

   Too many assassination researchers are busy writing and
   selling books with conspiracy theories, and videos of the
   same, or setting up paid lectures and seminars, to go beyond
   describing what took place in Dealey Plaza. As a
   non-commercial assassination researcher, when I come to some
   political assassination seminars I am appalled how I am
   treated by supposed friends and acquaintances. They hoot and
   heckle me when I try to ask a question beyond which way the
   bullets went in Dealey Plaza. When I discuss the rationale of
   the ultra-rich for this bloody deed:

   1. Such as John F. Kennedy and his friend, Dr. Martin Luther
   King, Jr., were closet communists, at least the FBI Director
   J. Edgar Hoover and various Directors of CIA believed that.

   2. Although Kennedy once explained he was only nominally a
   Catholic, there were the controllers of America, if not the
   world, who believed the U.S. should not have a Catholic
   President. That has been the prevailing view from the
   downfall of Al Smith as presidential candidate in the 1920s
   to this very day. And the same forces opposed Jews on the
   U.S. Supreme Court and the two that did somehow get on the
   high court after World War Two who were removed. Justice Abe
   Fortas was removed by a trumped up scandal. Justice Arthur
   Goldberg was arm-twisted into resigning from the high court
   and serving instead on the United Nations. They were
   perceived as making too "liberal" decisions for the common

   3. Those who call the shots, who govern us NOT by the consent
   of the governed, were and are afraid of the Vatican
   connection. Such thinking was involved in blaming certain
   factions centuries ago for the Gunpowder Plot in England and
   the period of great bloodshed with Oliver Cromwell.

   4. The strongest justification for blowing out Kennedy's
   brains in an open car was that his his charm and language, he
   was causing a bad psychological view to sweep the great
   unwashed of America: that the era of the common man has
   arrived, a dangerous and seditious idea to those who rule by
   deceit and trickery while promising ordinary people a
   so-called "Bill of Rights". Some loudmouths proclaim a new
   "Bill of Rights" is needed to smash the "Bill of Wrongs". In
   federal courts, long-dominated from the early years of this
   nation by multi-millionaire banker-judges, the U.S.
   Constitution too often is a mirage and a dead letter.
   Americans of European lineage say, it 

[CTRL] Skolnick's article Pt.3

1999-07-23 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 23 Jul 1999 06:54:44 +0100
From:   Ashley Rye [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:IUFO: Skolnick's article Pt.3
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


What Happened To America's
Golden Boy?
  By Sherman H. Skolnick [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Golden Boy Pt 1
  Golden Boy Pt 2

   It may take weeks if not months, before the possibility of
   foul play is clear in the demise of John F. Kennedy, Jr. The
   government authorities, of course, like in the case of TWA
   Flight 800, exactly three years previous, are disregarding
   the statements of credible witnesses, such as, that a white
   flash was seen near where Junior's plane was presumed to be
   and that some kind of a projectile streamed up to the plane.
   The disappearance or concealment of pertinent records are
   also to be considered. A few seconds after he identified
   himself to the tower of the airfield where he intended to
   land, his plane dropped in excess of 6 thousand feet per
   minute. Did something hit his plane after positive
   identification once he went on the radio with his ID? Weather
   radar reports for the time and zone reportedly have
   disappeared as have satellite imaging for that time and zone
   of the East coast.

   The super-secret National Reconnaissance Office, NRO, is in
   charge of satellites. A key figure in their imaging program,
   Daniel Potter, was murdered in an unsolved crime, March,
   1998. Why? He reportedly was going to go public with images
   showing that the already dead body of Clinton White House
   Deputy Counsel, Vincent W. Foster, Jr., was moved from near
   the White House and planted next to a cannon in the Civil
   War-era zone called Fort Marcy Park,Virginia. That would
   contradict the official government big lie that he committed
   suicide in that park. The murder of Potter, of course, wa a
   warning to knowledgeable satellite folks to SHUT UP.

   AMONG THE MOTIVES FOR FOUL PLAY: 1. John F. Kennedy, Jr.,
   unlike other members of his family was unscarred by scandal.
   He planned to reveal a well-kept secret that on or about
   August 1, 1999, he was to announce he was running for
   president, as a traditional Democrat or in view of the
   distrust of both parties, to run as a independent on a third
   party ticket. Gore's people had asked him if he would run as
   second fiddle on the Gore presidential ticket. He said he
   originally thought to run against Hillary Clinton for U.S.
   Senator from New York but decided instead to run for
   President. So the secret somehow got out and the Bush family
   found out. As we showed in earlier stories, the Bush family
   had an interest to clear off the field of competitors, by the
   attempted assassination over Chicago of Gore[7/9/99] and
   apparently succeeding with Junior[7/16/99].

   2. Kennedy had been the publisher of George Magazine. Despite
   having a circulation base of 400,000, it was not getting a
   good buck for its advertisements. The parent firm of George
   Magazine is Hachette, a French firm that also owns several
   other magazines in the U.S. One of the largest owners of
   Hachette has been Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi strongman. Saddam
   is also the major owner of the French firm Matra, that owns
   and operates the baggage and passenger system at O'Hare
   International Airport, Chicago, called the "people mover
   system". The city official in charge of the airport showed no
   concern of this when we interviewed her on tape. So what is
   all this talk about safeguards against "airport terrorism"
   and all thatwhen a media-described so-called "terrorist"
   is the owner of the key system at one of the nation's largest

   3. Confidants of Junior were aware of his plan, after the
   expected reported close-up of George Magazine, to finger a
   dirty deal he knew about between George Herbert Walker Bush,
   once U.S. president, and Saddam Hussein. Some of the details
   of that:

   During the period of "Desert Shield", prior to the actual
   shooting by the U.S. in the Persian Gulf, started an
   important yet unpublicized case 

[CTRL] Skolnick's article Pt.2

1999-07-23 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 23 Jul 1999 06:53:50 +0100
From:   Ashley Rye [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:IUFO: Skolnick's article Pt.2
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


What Happened To America's
Golden Boy?
  By Sherman H. Skolnick [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Golden Boy Pt 1
  Golden Boy Pt 3

   The Plot Against Albert Gore, Jr, and John F. Kennedy, Jr.

   History will probably record that there were two important
   Fridays in July, 1999. Here are some details necessary to
   understand the subject matter:

   1. Not widely understood by many, the former U.S. President
   George Herbert Walker Bush has been closely aligned in
   espionage and finance with William Rockefeller Clinton. In
   other articles, I havve raised the issue that Clinton is the
   illegitimate great grandson of John D. Rockefeller, founder
   of what some call the infamous Standard Oil Trust.

   From time to time, Clinton has visited at George's compound
   in Kennebunkport, Maine. The two of them, jointly with Ollie
   North, were instrumental in the CIA's operations in the
   southern states. Such as, guns to the Contras in Nicaragua,
   and return flights of dope and other contraband through CIA's
   operations at the small airport in western Arkansas, at Mena.
   The ethnic Chinese, the Riady family, reportedly bought the
   tiny First National Bank of Mena, for the purpose s of
   laundering the proceeds from the dope traffic up through the
   markets in Chicago. A transit point was reportedly Garfield
   Ridge Trust  Savings Bank, a small closely held enterprise
   owned by apparent criminals in the Bankruptcy Court rackets
   in Chicago, jointly with Cong. Dan Rostenkowski and one of
   Hillary Clinton's brothers. Now a defrocked lawmaker and
   ex-convict, Rosty as he is called was instrumental in doing
   tax-evasion favors for the money laundry underworld in the
   Chicago markets as well as part of the aid to Bill, George,
   and Ollie. According to published accounts, two of Rosty's
   daughters have been well-paid employes on the Chicago
   exchanges but reportedly seldom seen on duty there.

   Few have raised the questions: Their great fortune reportedly
   based on worldwide dope traffic and such, big banking through
   their Lippo Group, why did the Riadys buy a tiny bank in
   forested western Arkansas?

   2. Joining this operation in 1991 was Chicagoan RAHM EMANUEL,
   an adjunct to covert operations of the American CIA. Trained
   in espionage and bloody tricks reportedly in Israel, Rahm was
   no stranger to political assassinations. His father was
   ostensibly part of the team that assassinated in 1948, UN
   Advisor from Sweden, Count Bernadotte, in the Palestine
   Partition controvery that led up to the formation of the
   State of Israel. Rahm moved to Arkansas for the 1992
   Presidential election. He was reputedly an expert in raising
   campaign funds by extortion and blackmail. He helped
   jump-start Clinton's presidential campaign with 3 millions
   dollars that Rahm quickly obtained from a corrupt deal.
   Calling him a fixer, the Chicago Tribune refers in their
   Sunday Magazine 11/23/97, page 34 to the three million
   dollars without calling it as it was, corrupt. This was
   linked by our documents and research as follows: 58.4 million
   dollars was parked by a federal agency with Household
   International and Household Bank. The operation was the
   successor and alter ego of the defunct CIA proprietary, Nugan
   Hand Bank. [As to Nugan Hand and CIA, see: "The Crimes of
   Patriots" by Jonathan Kwitny.] General counsel of Nugan Hand
   was former Director of Central Intelligence William Colby,
   also having the same position, unlisted, with Household. Many
   related details and operations led to the murder of Colby in
   1996 disguised as a "boating accident". Colby was assisting a
   small group of admirals and generals, which I have written
   about exclusively that have vainly sought since 1995, under
   the Military Code, to arrest Commander-in-Chief Clinto for
   treason with the Red Chinese.

   The funds were parked to make good the 


1999-07-23 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Upon being told about the OKC bombing, on the day it
happened, and on the anniversary of waco, I told the person
who informed me, my brother, I thought it was a staged
event.  He was horrified.  People DIED! He said.   You don't
know your government very well do you? I said. I elucidated
Official rationale being that they are saving 1 with
each single death.  And lets face it, if you had to make
that choice what would you do?  Although I believe their
reasoning is convoluted and profit driven, more than
humanitarian.  The only thing that has kept things going
THIS far is the lock on our minds through bad information,
controlled media, and the people at the top, real and
remorseless killers (They did not get there by being nice)
will do anything possible to keep that advantage intact.
 There seems to be a thread of these "Anniversary"
happenings since 1992 or so, and the ensuing drama, to those
trained or accustomed to look for it, is just blatant and
base distraction.  While the public is thus distracted, you
should see what is going on in the background!  There are
revelations being made daily during these times of crisis
that NEVER EVER stand a chance of making mainstream, or so
it is hoped by the true power mongers, but their whole
structure is weakening, and though the birth has been
difficult, each subsequent horrifying episode weakens the
hold of media on the people, and enforces the power of the
Truth.  One thing is sure.  Things in general are no where
near what they seem to be.

Nicky Molloy wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: Alan DeWalton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Saturday, 24 July 1999 8:43

 Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 11:09:17 +
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Jul 23 11:37:50 1999
 Received: from [] by hotmail.com (2.1) with ESMTP id
 MHotMailB962017D0036D820F3A7CCBD0C19F2780; Fri Jul 23 11:37:50 1999
 Received: from iname.com (pm25-1-lay-a21.mcn.org [])by
 mail.mcn.org (8.9.0/8.9.3) with ESMTP id LAA00226;Fri, 23 Jul 1999 11:12:20
 -0700 (PDT)
 Organization: NewsHawk
 X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.51 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
 X-Accept-Language: en
 X-Priority: 1 (Highest)
 Here is the UPI article which states that JFK Jr. WAS IN CONTACT with
 flight controllers at Martha's vineyard Airport at 9:39 Friday evening,
 July 16. The UPI article ALSO states that both WCVB-TV in Boston AND ABC
 News reported the same CRUCIAL information.
 Additionally this radio contact by Kennedy has subsequently been
 confirmed through direct contact with airport personnel.
 This extremely significant information is what is now MISSING from EVERY
 SINGLE account of the event now being spewed by the robots in gutless,
 miserable cloned mass media outlets.
 As I've stated time and again this crucial information PROVES that
 seconds BEFORE Kennedy's plane went into a headlong dive there was not
 the SLIGHTEST indication of the much-regurgitated garbage that pilot
 error and/or mechanical malfunction (other than outright sabotage of a
 critical component of the aircraft) were responsible for this headlong,
 full-on nosedive to certain oblivion.
 NEITHER such fictional pilot error NOR any standard mechanical
 malfunction could POSSIBLY result in this craft dropping like a rock.
 Kennedy was at that moment engaged in no unusual or troublesome
 He knew EXACTLY where he was not only in relation to the coastline but
 also to the airport--10 miles from the coast and 13 miles from the
 What's more, we have received additional confirmation from residents of
 the Connecticut shore and Martha's Vineyard that visibility was
 EXCELLENT in the area at this time--from 10 to 12 miles at least. In
 such conditions it's ludicrous to think the Kennedy would not been able
 to have seen at LEAST the GLOW from the many lights in the
 well-populated Martha's Vineyard area at the distance he was, and thus
 have been thoroughly able to distinguish direction in all senses of the
 word (altitude).
 The ongoing disinformation about poor visibility being the reason such
 an inexperienced pilot (which he was NOT!) would get completely
 discombobulated and fly into the sea is completely unfounded in fact.
 The guy was hardly hundreds of miles out over the middle of
 the Atlantic. Why then would he decide to land in the sea if he knew
 where he was in relation to the land? Please... spare me.
 Here is the pertinent text from about halfway through the 

[CTRL] Skolnick's article Pt.3 (resend)

1999-07-23 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

(The third part was cut off in transmission for some reason. --SW)

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 23 Jul 1999 06:54:44 +0100
From:   Ashley Rye [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:IUFO: Skolnick's article Pt.3
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


What Happened To America's
Golden Boy?
  By Sherman H. Skolnick [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Golden Boy Pt 1
  Golden Boy Pt 2

   It may take weeks if not months, before the possibility of
   foul play is clear in the demise of John F. Kennedy, Jr. The
   government authorities, of course, like in the case of TWA
   Flight 800, exactly three years previous, are disregarding
   the statements of credible witnesses, such as, that a white
   flash was seen near where Junior's plane was presumed to be
   and that some kind of a projectile streamed up to the plane.
   The disappearance or concealment of pertinent records are
   also to be considered. A few seconds after he identified
   himself to the tower of the airfield where he intended to
   land, his plane dropped in excess of 6 thousand feet per
   minute. Did something hit his plane after positive
   identification once he went on the radio with his ID? Weather
   radar reports for the time and zone reportedly have
   disappeared as have satellite imaging for that time and zone
   of the East coast.

   The super-secret National Reconnaissance Office, NRO, is in
   charge of satellites. A key figure in their imaging program,
   Daniel Potter, was murdered in an unsolved crime, March,
   1998. Why? He reportedly was going to go public with images
   showing that the already dead body of Clinton White House
   Deputy Counsel, Vincent W. Foster, Jr., was moved from near
   the White House and planted next to a cannon in the Civil
   War-era zone called Fort Marcy Park,Virginia. That would
   contradict the official government big lie that he committed
   suicide in that park. The murder of Potter, of course, was a
   warning to knowledgeable satellite folks to SHUT UP.

   AMONG THE MOTIVES FOR FOUL PLAY: 1. John F. Kennedy, Jr.,
   unlike other members of his family was unscarred by scandal.
   He planned to reveal a well-kept secret that on or about
   August 1, 1999, he was to announce he was running for
   president, as a traditional Democrat or in view of the
   distrust of both parties, to run as a independent on a third
   party ticket. Gore's people had asked him if he would run as
   second fiddle on the Gore presidential ticket. He said he
   originally thought to run against Hillary Clinton for U.S.
   Senator from New York but decided instead to run for
   President. So the secret somehow got out and the Bush family
   found out. As we showed in earlier stories, the Bush family
   had an interest to clear off the field of competitors, by the
   attempted assassination over Chicago of Gore[7/9/99] and
   apparently succeeding with Junior[7/16/99].

   2. Kennedy had been the publisher of George Magazine. Despite
   having a circulation base of 400,000, it was not getting a
   good buck for its advertisements. The parent firm of George
   Magazine is Hachette, a French firm that also owns several
   other magazines in the U.S. One of the largest owners of
   Hachette has been Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi strongman. Saddam
   is also the major owner of the French firm Matra, that owns
   and operates the baggage and passenger system at O'Hare
   International Airport, Chicago, called the "people mover
   system". The city official in charge of the airport showed no
   concern of this when we interviewed her on tape. So what is
   all this talk about safeguards against "airport terrorism"
   and all thatwhen a media-described so-called "terrorist"
   is the owner of the key system at one of the nation's largest

   3. Confidants of Junior were aware of his plan, after the
   expected reported close-up of George Magazine, to finger a
   dirty deal he knew about between George Herbert Walker Bush,
   once U.S. president, and Saddam Hussein. Some of the details
   of that:

   During the period of "Desert Shield", prior to the actual
   shooting by the U.S. in 


1999-07-23 Thread Steve Wingate
 -Caveat Lector-
(This article mentions the name of the reporter from Boston who saw the bright flash in the sky at about the same time that JFK, Jr.'s plane disappeared from radar. --SW)

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 22 Jul 1999 16:52:40 -0400
From:   Jamie Shafer [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  [CIA-DRUGS] JFK JR

[ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]

From: Jamie Shafer [EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Craige McMillan

A convenient death

"Motive causing the commission of the crime
is ofttimes helpful in tracking the fugitive.
Motive may be said to include the elements of
gain, sex, revenge, anger, homicidal mania,
and sex perversion. 'Cherchez la femme' --
'Seek the woman' -- is an axiom that has been
followed successfully in tracking criminals in many
cases. Many acts of criminals before and after the
commission of a crime, as well as in supplying the
motive for a crime, have been done at the urge of
or on account of a woman." -- Modern Criminal
Investigation, by Dr. Harry Soderman and John J.
O'Connell, Funk and Wagnalls, 1935, p.35.

By any account, John F. Kennedy Jr. possessed the
necessary name recognition -- the political capital of
our day -- to mount a serious race for high-level
political office. Media reports following his demise in
a small plane crash indicate that he had already made
"discrete inquiries" regarding that possibility.

In an age devoid of popular leaders, one could safely
suggest that JFK Jr. would have been an electoral
"shoo-in" for any number of offices. Maybe even for the
U.S. Senate seat in New York State: the subject of his
discrete inquiries.

Air travel has most assuredly changed the way we live.
It has also changed the way we die. Nearly a dozen years
ago, on July 16, 1987, a low-level CIA operative
involved in arming the Nicaraguan Contras, climbed into
a small plane with a Jewish man he knew as Max Weber. "I
don't trust these little airplanes, I'm sorry it's, how
do you say, a phobia," Weber told Terry Reed
(Compromised: Clinton, Bush, and the CIA, by Terry Reed
and John Cummings, S.P.I. books, New York, 1994).

Mr. Reed's account of how the CIA's aircraft returning
from Nicaragua began carrying drugs into Mena, Ark., is
a fascinating excursion, but it's not our destination
today. Yet even as Congress was revving up to impeach
Ronald Reagan for the scandal that Reed asserts George
Bush was running, and then-Gov. Bill Clinton skimming
profits from, Max Weber offered this observation:

We don't think your country has a democracy
any longer. ... We think your country has had a
very quiet, internal coup. Look at the evidence,
it's all there (p.359).

As the pair discussed that evidence, the impending
death of Soviet communism, and the geo-political
balance of power, Weber offered:

Think about China. ... Who will replace the
USSR as the power base of all of Asia if Russia
collapses? China will (p.360).

Their conversation at 13,000 feet was the last the two
men ever had with one another. They landed safely that
day. But one week after the election of President George
Bush in November of 1988, Max Weber -- also known as
Amiram Nir, the Israeli Prime Minister's advisor on
combating terrorism -- died over Mexico in a crash
aboard one of the "little airplanes" he so feared.

One never knows, of course. Accidents happen.
Equipment malfunctions. Pilots make mistakes. But
more sinister things also happen. Explosives are
sometimes planted on aircraft. Luggage can house a
bomb. Instruments and fuel can be tampered with.
Missiles home in on their targets.

JFK Jr. radioed the airport at Martha's Vineyard at 9:39
p.m. on Friday, July 16, for his final approach. He told
the control tower operator that he was 13 miles from the
airport and ten miles from the coast. Triangulation
would give a rough location of the aircraft. "Moments
later, radar operated by the Federal Aviation
Administration showed the plane went into a dive and
dropped 1,200 feet in just 12 seconds," ABC news

"A reporter for the Vineyard Gazette newspaper told
WCVB-TV in Boston that he was out walking Friday night
about the time of the crash and saw a 'big white flash
in the sky' off Philbin Beach," UPI reported. Visibility
was eight miles, adequate for landing visually. But, as
JFK Jr. himself reported, he was 10 miles from the coast
-- too distant for the reporter's unaided eyesight to
recognize more than a "big white flash in the sky."

UPI said that "Kennedy did not file a flight plan." Like
his inquiries into the U.S. Senate race in New York, it
seems JFK Jr. liked to keep his whereabouts discrete.
Pity, that like the American B-52 pilots who
triangulated themselves for the North Vietnamese
communists with their call signs and landmarks during
the war, and never made it home, JFK Jr. didn't fly
quite far 

Re: [CTRL] Will K Family reimburse Taxpayers?

1999-07-23 Thread Dale Mattice

 -Caveat Lector-

You're disgusting.
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Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Will K Family reimburse Taxpayers?

1999-07-23 Thread Yardbird

 -Caveat Lector-

At least I haven't been stricken with kennediine spongiform
encephalopathy; otherwise known as Mad Kennedy Disease (it has a tendency
to cause the driving skills to become impaired and it's my guess JFKjr was
suffering from the aforementioned illness when the US beef industry had
him murdered to prevent the as-yet-suppressed fact that America's prince
was infected through the eating of contaminated meat). Ask yourself this:
Why are no photos being taken at the autopsy? To protect the family's
privacy or to prevent the expose of a disease-addled brain? And is he
being buried at sea for same or to prevent the spread of MKD to the
greater public?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-07-23 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 23 Jul 1999, Steve Wingate wrote:
(This article mentions the name of the reporter from Boston who saw the
bright flash in the sky at about the same time that JFK, Jr.'s plane
disappeared from radar. --SW)


I only saw reference once again to the nameless Martha's Vineyard Gazette
reporter who a Boston TV station claims stated he saw a bright flash...

  "A reporter for the Vineyard Gazette newspaper told
  WCVB-TV in Boston that he was out walking Friday night
  about the time of the crash and saw a 'big white flash
  in the sky' off Philbin Beach," UPI reported. Visibility
  was eight miles, adequate for landing visually. But, as
  JFK Jr. himself reported, he was 10 miles from the coast
  -- too distant for the reporter's unaided eyesight to
  recognize more than a "big white flash in the sky."

This is just a rehash of what was posted earlierand still
unsubstantiated, since we are still not given the reporter's name.

And as time goes on, it seems even more suspicious that we're hearing
about this 3rd hand, via UPI, instead of via the reporter/Vineyard
Gazette or even via WCVB-TV

In a court of law this would be considered hearsay, and so inadmissable
as evidence...

June ;-)


So many things you want to see
And as you ask I'll set you free
But as you fly
You'll touch the sky
And touch the heart
Within me

  Fly away.

-- Bob Childs
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: (en) Daily Bleed: 7/23 Thoreau, Revolutionary Congress, Berkman/Frick, G...

1999-07-23 Thread William Shannon

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

1540 - Beheading of Thomas Cromwell. He was a bit hacked off...
1620 - Wee Hours?: RNI, Brooklyn pirate radio station, begins
broadcasting at 1620 AM. ( . . . )

1637 - Stool Pigeon?: Jenny Geddes throws a stool at the Dean of
St. Giles Church in Edinburgh, in protest against the new Prayer-
book of King Charles I.

1846 - Protesting slavery  U.S. involvement in the Mexican War,
Henry David Thoreau refuses to pay his $1 poll tax  is put in
jail ( . . . )

1881 - London socialist life is enlivened by the International
Revolutionary Congress. Many advanced parties  groups formed
outside of the Marxist-dominated International  felt the need to
meet  discuss ideas  action. Long reports may be found in the
"Revolte" ( . . . )

1888 - Detective writer Raymond Chandler lives (1888-1959),
Chicago. Fine writer of class-conscious detective fiction.

Kenneth Rexroth on Chandler  Hammett:

"The secret of this kind of writing is that it isn't buying
anything  it isn't selling anything.”

1892 - Alexander Berkman attempts to assassinate the despised
Henry Clay Frick ( . . . )

1927 - The anarchosyndikalistische "Gegenkultur" forms a network
of the most diffuse currents  unions ( . . . ) FAUD ( . . . )

1934 - US: Sacramento, California cops arrest 22 farmworkers.

1940 - John Nichols, lives. Author ( . . . ) The Milagro Beanfield War.

1944 - Max Nettlau (1865-1944) dies of stomach cancer in
Amsterdam ( . . . )

1967 - Start of  Detroit upheavals, seven days of social unrest,
fighting with cops, anti-business  anti-government actions ( . . . )

1968 - Police kill seven in standoff with black nationalists in
Cleveland, Ohio ( . . . )

1968 - Student demonstrations for university  political reforms.
They continue for the next three days,  on July 26 (anniversary
of the Castro takeover in Cuba) demonstrate in support of the
Castro regime, in Mexico City. ( . . . )

1973 - International Court grants injunction against French
nuclear testing after petition by Australia  New Zealand.

1980 - Terrorist?: Billy Carter, brother of Beloved  Respected
Comrade Leader Peanut Farmer Jimmy Carter, admits to being paid
by Libya.

1980 - Mollie Steimer (1897-1980) dies, at her home in
Cuernavaca, Mexico. Russian-American-Jewish-Mexican anarchist 
labor agitator ( . . . )

1983 - Poland: Martial law lifted. "Anarchy will not return,"
says the communist Beloved  Respected Comrade Leader dictator.

1983 - Canada: Mass protest of U.S. cruise missile tests in
Canadian subarctic, Cold Lake, Alberta.

1987 - John Poindexter is reported to have used the phrase "I
can't recall," or some variation thereof, 184 times during his
five days of testimony.

1990 - Joe Turner jazz pianist, dies at 82 of arrest.

1998 - Korea: Following government repression  massive job
dismissals, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU)
launches a general strike ( . . . )

"Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you
put in."

---Tom Lehrer, mathematician/philosopher

anti-copyright 1999
Dave Brown
Entries excerpted / abbreviated from today's Daily Bleed...
("History Granny forgot to tell you!").

Unexpurgated version: http://www.eskimo.com/~recall/bleed/0723.htm

Updated  emailed daily; archived / accessible for everyday
of the year: http://www.eskimo.com/~recall/bleed/calmast.htm
What happened on your birthday? You do have one?

Contact us to subscribe to the full daily updated mailings directly.

"Free thought, necessarily involving freedom of speech  press, I may
tersely define thus: no opinion a law -- no opinion a crime."

   ---Alexander Berkman

The A-Infos News Service

WWW: http://www.ainfos.ca/
INFO: http://www.ainfos.ca/org

[CTRL] Fwd: ACLU ACTION UPDATE; Protect Your Data Privacy!

1999-07-23 Thread William Shannon

TO:  ACLU Action Network
FR:  Bob Kearney, ACLU Field Director
DT: June 18, 1999

After months of much talk and little action, Congress will soon vote on
several critical privacy issues.  As you will see below, we are closely
monitoring developments on the  protection of financial and medical records
and the security of information we give to obtain a driver's license.

1. Financial Records Privacy

Public outrage at the erosion of data privacy has reached new highs. Yet at
this very moment, Congress is poised to miss an opportunity to improve the
privacy of our financial records!

On July 1st, the House of Representatives passed HR 10, a financial
services bill that fails to adequately protect financial privacy.  At the
same time the bill removes the legal walls that currently separate banks,
securities firms and insurance companies, it fails to replace those walls
with privacy protections to allow people to control the flow of personal
information they submit to their bank or insurance company.

This bill must be reconciled with a Senate version of the legislation.
Please urge your members of Congress to push for real protections before it
is too late!

TAKE ACTION!  See the list of protections that the ACLU is recommending to
Congress, and send a FREE FAX that you can personalize to your member of
Congress, from our action alert at:


2. Medical Privacy

Also contained in HR 10 is an amendment offered by Congressman Grag Ganske
(R-IA) that purports to protect medical privacy. But this provision
includes a laundry list of exceptions that will leave patients with
virtually no protections for their medical records. In fact, the Ganske
amendment actually offers weaker protections for medical records than
current law!

TAKE ACTION! Join the ACLU, the American Association of Retired Persons and
more than 40 physicians' and patients' groups in opposing this provision.
Tell Congress to reject this last minute attempt by the insurance industry
to end-run the August 1999 deadline for new privacy rules.  Our action
alert with talking points and a FREE FAX you can send to Congress opposing
this bill are on the ACLU website at:


3.  Drivers' Information

Alarmed by recent stories of the misuse of drivers' information, Sen.
Richard Shelby (R-AL) included  privacy protection language in this year's
federal transportation spending legislation (S. 1143).  Section 339 of the
bill would return to drivers control over the personal information they
disclose to get a driver's license. It would prohibit the federal
government from giving highway money to states that peddle drivers' images
and personal information without the consent of the driver. Law enforcement
agencies would be exempt from the provision.

Shelby's initiative has prompted an intense lobbying campaign by the Direct
Marketing Association, which wants the language seriously weakened or
removed entirely. The Shelby measure can be preserved only through an
equally intense wave of public protest, raising the visibility of this
issue among Senators who may soon be voting on the bill.

TAKE ACTION!  Our action alert and letter to congress can be found on the
website at:


You are currently subscribed to action as: [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
To unsubscribe, forward this message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* Some email programs allow you to click on a web address and
automatically go to the site. Others, like AOL, do not. If you use an email program 
does not provide for clickable web addresses, copy the URL and paste it
into your web browser.

Re: [CTRL] JFK Jr - Laser Blinded in the Night ?

1999-07-23 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 23 Jul 1999, Bill Kingsbury wrote:

I've seen this assertion in various emails for a couple of days now, but
no one ever gives the name of the reporter, what news outlet reported
this, WHEN they reported, etc.

  The reporter's name was apparently
  never given to the public :


  You could ask Vineyard Gazette :

 phone:  508-627-4311
 mail:   P.O. Box 66, Edgartown, MA 02539

_I_ am not the one disseminating hearsay as gospel truth.

It should be those who are desseminating this story regarding the
supposed flash seen by the supposed reporter who should be calling the
Gazette to find out the name of this reporter, and perhaps get a FIRST
HAND account of what he claims he saw, instead of depending on 3rd hand
hearsay that would be inadmissable as evidence in a court of law

  Jamie Gaspar, spokesman for Martha's Vineyard Airport,
  told UPI that "someone was at the airport to pick up the
  passengers on the plane, but it never arrived."

Again, why wasn't the alert raised THEN?

I find it very suspicious...first, that a reporter would conveniently be
in the area to witness this, and yet no one else in the area seems to
have noticed it

  "Reportedly," at least four other people also DID notice;
  they "SAW and HEARD an explosion in the air" :

Reported by whom?  Why don't we have the NAMES of these 4 people?  Why
haven't we seen them on the media, giving their version of what they
claim to have seen...

Again, these supposed witnesses are only told about in what can be
described as second-hand, if not third-hand, accounts -- legally,
hearsay, and would be inadmissable as evidence in a court of law.

  Several local news reports

Where we are conveniently never given the names of these media outlets...

 initially (reported) that several people

Who are conveniently never named.


One would think that the Martha's Vineyard air control personnel would
have taken notice of a bright flash, especially when Kennedy's plane
didn't land

  The airport may not be near that part of the island...

The island's not all that big...and one would think the air control tower
would have a 360 degree view

Also doesn't explain why the one verified witness, who HAS been named
(altho I don't have the New York TImes article at hand), saw no flash but
DID report seeing the plane disappear without a sound...

  Was the fisherman near Philbin Beach, or on the other side of
  the island ?

He apparantly was near enough to the airport to state the plane was
coming from a direction commonly used by pilots who missed their first
approach and circle around to make another approach...he saw the plane
after it was finishing a curved direction and straightened out, and it
was shortly thereafter that he says that it 'disappeared'...

So one would presume he was fairly close to the airport if the plane's
direction straightened out in anticipation of making a 2nd landing

Did he specify the exact time of his sighting ?

I believe he stated it was around 9:40, but the NYT article would have
the details...unfortunately, I'm currently without a web browser, so I
don't know if they have it online or not...

But this is moot, if the report of a flash is blatant disinformation, and
never happened...

  Did he see a different plane - and not the Kennedy plane?
  Without time and location specifics, this report is not useful.

He was in the vacinity of the airport at the general time Kennedy was due
to land.

That doesn't prove that the plane he saw was Kennedy's, but his account
remains the one that has the most validity, because it was reported on in
the first hours of the search and rescue and his name is given in the NYT

So his is a firsthand account, which WOULD be admissable as evidence in a
court of law, while the flash of light version is inadmissable hearsay...

  The currently- alleged crash site, and radar results, indicate
  Kennedy NEVER reached the island, and therefore the reports of
  appearing to "circle for a second landing attempt" may possibly
  be either bogus, or referring to a different plane.

Or perhaps the alleged crash site and radar results are what are indeed
'bogus'...after all, it took them a day and a half to come up with this
radar which they're presenting to the public as 'this shows Kennedy's
plane'...no, it is radar of A plane, possibly Kennedy's, possibly someone
else's, possibly radar tapes created from whole cloth...

What they can't explain away is that if they had these radar tapes
Saturday morning, why were we being told at that time that searchers had
no idea WHERE Kennedy went down, and so were conducting a search that
included all of Long Island Sound, and the Atlantic south of Long Island
ranging westwards back to NJ?

  Also, perhaps the "circling plane" was an "attack craft"
  (possibly a Piper Saratoga, also) -- which was 

[CTRL] Magical Oily NATOical Tour/Expedition - MONTE

1999-07-23 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


 "Kosovo may become a next step in the evolution of a new European
 or even international order" Michael Lemmon, US Ambassador to
 Armenia, April 1999.

 It would have been unthinkable even a year ago to imagine the
 NATO alliance calling the shots in the former Soviet Union. But
 that may very well soon be the case. The Caucasus region seems to
 be bubbling up with many of the ingredients which led to the
 Kosovo conflict – plus oil.

 This report consist of the following three chapters:


 Armenia and Karabakh

 Georgia and Abkhazia

 First published: 19 June 1999

 The publications of the British Helsinki Human Rights Group do
 not express a corporate view. The Group is, however, grateful to
 the authors of its reports. Any views or recommendations
 expressed in the Group's reports are those of their authors


 It would have been unthinkable even a year ago to imagine the
 NATO alliance calling the shots in the former Soviet Union. But
 that may very well soon be the case. The Caucasus region seems to
 be bubbling up with many of the ingredients which led to the
 Kosovo conflict – plus oil. From the early 1990s, Western
 businessmen led by the US have invested billions of dollars in
 oil and gas exploration projects in the Caspian Sea and Central
 Asia. However, the way these resources reach Western markets has
 still not been satisfactorily solved.

 As well as the decrepit state of post-Soviet infrastructure,
 there are unresolved political problems in the Caucasus region.
 Separatist movements in Georgia and a dispute between Armenia and
 Azerbaijan over the status of the break-away region of
 Nagorno-Karabakh have made the choice of a route for pipelines to
 carry oil and gas to Western markets extremely problematic. Even
 though American relations with Iran have thawed somewhat
 recently, an Iranian route is still regarded as taboo by

 At the moment oil reaches the West via the Baku-Novorossiysk
 pipeline in Russia and the Baku- Supsa route via Georgia. But
 these are not ideal solutions: an explosion ruptured the
 Novorossiysk pipeline on 14th June and it was closed down. Supsa
 is a small-scale operation and can only cope with c.10% of
 expected capacity at the moment. The plan to construct a pipeline
 to pump oil from Baku to the Turkish port of Ceyhan in Turkey has
 hit many obstacles, including money.

 One reason why these projects are so unsatisfactory and why the
 costing is even more prohibitive than it need be is that they
 have to give Armenia a wide berth. Unlike the other Caucasian
 republics, Armenia has shown no desire to join NATO (apart from
 some participation in partnership for peace projects). It houses
 several large Russian military bases and recently updated its
 missile systems and took delivery of advanced jet fighters. It is
 widely accepted that Armenia came out of the war with
 neighbouring Azerbaijan in 1994 as the victor because it was
 supported by the Russians. Since then Armenia has been Russia’s
 closest military ally in the region.

 Neighbouring Georgia and Azerbaijan have followed a very
 different path. With Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Moldova they have
 opted out of the CIS security pact and formed a joint security
 alliance known as GUUAM. GUUAM’s founding charter pledges
 military cooperation within the group and also with NATO. At the
 same time both Azerbaijan and Georgia have taken steps to bring
 themselves closer to NATO itself. On 30th May Georgia became an
 associated member of the NATO parliamentary assembly and on 31st
 May Azerbaijan gained the less prestigious position of observer
 status. Azerbaijan has been asking for NATO membership for some
 time and some commentators say that a US military presence in
 Azerbaijan is inevitable.

 On 14th June, 1999 fighting broke our between the forces of the
 breakaway republic of Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan for the
 first time since 1997. Each side blamed the other and, indeed,
 the incident may be no more than one of many skirmishes that have
 occurred since a cease-fire in 1994. Meanwhile, in early June
 Georgian and Abkhaz officials met in Istanbul to try to find a
 way out of the impasse that has existed there since 1993. There
 are signs that attempts may be underway to solve the smouldering
 problems of the Caucasus region once and for all – the US
 ambassador at large and special advisor to the Secretary of State
 for the newly independent states, Stephen Sestanovich, visited
 the Caucasus in May to set out the US’s position. But, while
 Georgia and Azerbaijan may be amenable to the West’s
 blandishments how can Armenia be brought on board without
 creating a confrontation with Russia?

 Armenia and Karabakh

 Negotiations over the status of Nagorno-Karabakh have been held
 sporadically since 1994 under the aegis of the OSCE’s Minsk
 process. Co-chaired by 


1999-07-23 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Amadeux +ADw-Amadeux+AEA-NWO.org+AD4-
Date: Friday, July 23, 1999 3:53 PM


Here is the UPI article which states that JFK Jr. WAS IN CONTACT with
flight controllers at Martha's vineyard Airport at 9:39 Friday evening,
July 16. The UPI article ALSO states that both WCVB-TV in Boston AND ABC
News reported the same CRUCIAL information.

Additionally this radio contact by Kennedy has subsequently been
confirmed through direct contact with airport personnel.

This extremely significant information is what is now MISSING from EVERY
SINGLE account of the event now being spewed by the robots in gutless,
miserable cloned mass media outlets.


As I've stated time and again this crucial information PROVES that
seconds BEFORE Kennedy's plane went into a headlong dive there was not
the SLIGHTEST indication of the much-regurgitated garbage that pilot
error and/or mechanical malfunction (other than outright sabotage of a
critical component of the aircraft) were responsible for this headlong,
full-on nosedive to certain oblivion.

NEITHER such fictional pilot error NOR any standard mechanical
malfunction could POSSIBLY result in this craft dropping like a rock.

Kennedy was at that moment engaged in no unusual or troublesome

He knew EXACTLY where he was not only in relation to the coastline but
also to the airport--10 miles from the coast and 13 miles from the

What's more, we have received additional confirmation from residents of
the Connecticut shore and Martha's Vineyard that visibility was
EXCELLENT in the area at this time--from 10 to 12 miles at least. In
such conditions it's ludicrous to think the Kennedy would not been able
to have seen at LEAST the GLOW from the many lights in the
well-populated Martha's Vineyard area at the distance he was, and thus
have been thoroughly able to distinguish direction in all senses of the
word (altitude).

The ongoing disinformation about poor visibility being the reason such
an inexperienced pilot (which he was NOT+ACE-) would get completely
discombobulated and fly into the sea is completely unfounded in fact.
The guy was hardly hundreds of miles out over the middle of
the Atlantic. Why then would he decide to land in the sea if he knew
where he was in relation to the land? Please... spare me.

Here is the pertinent text from about halfway through the UPI article.
This is the TRUTH... BEFORE the spin-doctors and manipulators got to work.

+ACI-At 9:39 p.m. Friday, Kennedy radioed the airport and said he was 13
miles from the airport and 10 miles from the coast, according to
WCVB-TV news in Boston. He reportedly said he was making his final approach.

+ACI-Moments later, radar operated by the Federal Aviation Administration
showed the plane went into a dive and dropped 1,200 feet in just 12
seconds, according to ABC News.

+ACI-In his final approach message, WCVB-TV said Kennedy told controllers
at the airport that he planned to drop off his wife's sister and then
take off again between 11 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. for Hyannis Airport.+ACI-

Other CRUCIAL information which has now been removed from all official
accounts is the fact that a NUMBER of witnesses on the beach at Martha's
Vineyard that evening INCLUDING a Vineyard Gazette reporter saw an
AIRBORNE explosion at this same time right in that area of the sky where
Kennedy was flying. I quote here the relevant text from the UPI article.

+ACI-A reporter for the Vineyard Gazette newspaper told WCVB-TV in Boston
that he was out walking Friday night about the time of the crash and saw
+ACI-big white flash in the sky+ACI- off Philbin Beach.+ACI-

A report from about 3 PM on Saturday by Shephard Smith of FOX-TV named
another one of these witnesses--in fact a guest at the scheduled wedding
JFK. Jr. was due to attend AND a friend of Smith's producer at Fox.

Every single flight instructor Kennedy ever had as well as other
first-hand witnesses describe Kennedy as an extremely cautious and
safety minded pilot. He also had HUNDREDS of hours of experience, NOT
one hundred.

For example here's a quote from a CNN article in which a FEDERAL PILOT
EXAMINER who TESTED Kennedy's flying skills describes his abilities.

ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) --
A federal pilot examiner who tested John F. Kennedy Jr.'s flying skills
said he was an +ACI-excellent pilot,+ACI- a newspaper reported Sunday

...+ACI-He was an excellent pilot,+ACI- John McColgan of Vero Beach, Florida,
told the Orlando Sentinel. +ACI-I put him through the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fwd WW: The New World Army Evolves by Daniel D. New

1999-07-23 Thread Tenorlove

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Forwarded by The Word Warriorette
"Will forward - You decide"
07-23-99 04:35 PM
God save the Republic and the Constitution of the united States of America!

Kosovo:  The New World Army Evolves
Daniel D. New

Based upon the precedent of Macedonia, and the lack of Congressional 
backbone to stop the placement of American troops under foreign officers, 
the New World Army is becoming a reality.

When Army Specialist Michael New refused to wear a United Nations uniform 
and serve under a general from Finland, his attorneys pointed out that the 
precedent would lead to more deployments based upon the Globalist Agenda of 
George Bush and Bill Clinton.

The House of Representatives, perhaps because they are closer to the pulse 
of the People, actually passed legislation in 1996 to forbid the forced 
deployment of American troops under the United Nations.  (HR2540, Tom 
DeLay).  The bill never came out of Senate committee.  But time has passed 
and like our society at large, the attention span of Congress is short and 
there are matters more pressing.

In 1812-14 we fought a war with Great Britain over the issue of His 
Majesty's Ships pressing American citizens into service in the Royal 
Navy.  We considered our citizenship as sacred, and as an issue of 
sovereignty.  We argued, at the point of cannon and sword, that no nation 
could impress the citizens of another nation into service against their 
will  that such was a return to feudalism.  Washington was burned, but we 
won the war and sovereignty was maintained.  For a while.

How ironic that in Kosovo, American citizens will be forced to serve under 
British soldiers, against their will, this time ordered there by an 
American President!

At issue is not the quality of the British officer in question.  He's no 
doubt a gentleman and a fine officer.  The entire issue is whether it is 
legal, whether it is lawful, and if so, whether American citizens are no 
longer sovereigns.  Is the "Grand Experiment" in self government 
expired?  Many say this is the end of the Republic, and they may well be 

When Americans are forced to bear arms in a conflict not their own, they 
are turned into involuntary mercenaries.  No semantic smokescreen can make 
it anything else.

When a soldier accepts extra pay for the hazardous duty of serving a 
foreign power, under foreign officers, he becomes a voluntary 
mercenary.  Let's start calling a spade a spade.

When Congress abrogates its responsibility to control the military 
involvement of this country, as clearly stated in the Constitution, it has 
thrown in the towel and is no longer functioning as intended by the 
Framers.  Only Congress can declare war.  George Bush broke the law, but 
appealed to what he maintained was a higher law  the United Nations  when 
he illegally defended Kuwait.  At least he acted under color of law.

Bill Clinton has built upon the Bush legacy of internationalization of our 
military by telling Congress AND the United Nations that he will do as he 
pleases, that he does not need either of them, and Madelaine Albright has 
the temerity to boldly proclaim the grand lie that the President is acting 
with Constitutional authority.

The only authority he has, if any, for these acts of treason must be found 
in Presidential Decision Directive #25, a top-secret document that even 
your Congressman is not allowed to read!  This is the document whereby the 
president has authorized himself (!) to ignore Congress, ignore the 
Constitution, and to place our soldiers wherever he feels they are most 

Bill Clinton is a rogue head of state.  He is acting without any authority 
whatsoever.  He is committing impeachable offenses at an ever-increasing 
pace, now that the Senate has capitulated and strangled on phony polls and 
public opinion rather than their sworn constitutional duty.  The age-old 
struggle of Rex Lex has once again prevailed over Lex Rex.  ("The King is 
over the Law" vs. "The Law is over the King.")

Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the 
governed.  (Have you heard this somewhere before?)  Whenever any government 
becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter 
or abolish it.

DK:  Word Warriorette comments, if any appear here.  DK
A HREF="http://in-search-of.org/"Click here to Email US Representatives  
US Senators and White House
If hyperlink doesn't work, type in -- http://in-search-of.org/
If you wish to subscribe to The Word Warriorette's free 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fwd WW: Stealth Legislation passed in Secret. How they do it.

1999-07-23 Thread Tenorlove

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Forwarded by The Word Warriorette
"Will forward - You decide"
07-23-99 06:33 PM
God save the Republic and the Constitution of the united States of America!
Food for thought...

Amerika, Amerika
by Claire Wolfe

Let me run by you a brief list of items that are "the law" in America today.
As you read, consider what all these have in common.
1. A national database of employed people.
2. 100 pages of new "health care crimes," for which the penalty is (among
other things) seizure of assets from both doctors and patients.
3. Confiscation of assets from any American who establishes foreign
4. The largest gun confiscation act in U.S. history - which is also an
unconstitutional ex postfacto law and the first law ever to remove people's
constitutional rights for committing a misdemeanor.
5. A law banning guns in ill-defined school zones; random roadblocks may be
used for enforcement; gun-bearing residents could become federal criminals
just by stepping outside their doors or getting into vehicles.
6. Increased funding for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, an
agency infamous for its brutality, dishonesty and ineptitude.
7. A law enabling the executive branch to declare various groups "Terrorists"
- without stating any reason and without the possibility of appeal.  Once a
group has been so declared, its mailing and membership lists must be turned
over to the government.
8. A law authorizing secret trials with secret evidence for certain classes 
of people.
9. A law requiring that all states begin issuing drivers licenses carrying
Social Security numbers and "security features" (such as magnetically coded
fingerprints and personal records) by October 1, 2000.  By October 1, 2006,
"Neither the Social Security Administration or the Passport Office or any
other Federal agency or any State or local government agency may accept for
any evidentiary purpose a State driver's license or identification document
in a form other than [one issued with a verified Social Security number and
'security features']."
10. And my personal favorite - a national database, now being constructed,
that will contain every exchange and observation that takes place in your
doctor's office.  This includes records of your prescriptions, your
hemorrhoids and your mental illness.  It also includes - by law - any
statements you make ("Doc, I'm worried my kid may be on drugs  Doc, I've
been so stressed out lately I feel about ready to go postal.")  and any
observations your doctor makes about your mental or physical condition,
whether accurate or not, whether made with your knowledge or not.  For the
time being, there will be zero (count 'em, zero) privacy safeguards on this
data.  But don't worry, your government will protect you with some undefined
"privacy standards" in a few years.
All of the above items are the law of the land.  Federal law.  What else do
they have in common?
Well, when I ask this question to audiences, I usually get the answer,
"They're all unconstitutional."
My favorite answer came from an eloquent college student who blurted,
"They all SUUUCK!"  Also true.
But the saddest and most telling answer is: They were all the product of the
104th Congress.  Every one of the horrors above was imposed upon you by the
Congress of the Republican- Revolution -- the Congress that pledged to "get
government off your back."

All of the above became law by being buried in larger bills.  In many cases,
they are hidden sneak attacks upon individual liberties that were neither
debated on the floor of Congress nor reported in the media.  For instance,
three of the most horrific items (the health care database, asset
confiscation for foreign residency and the 100 pages of health care crimes)
were hidden in the Kennedy-Kassebaum Health Insurance Portability and

Accountability Act of 1996 (HR 3103).
You didn't hear about them at the time because the media was too busy 
celebrating this moderate, compromise bill that "simply" ensured that no 
American would ever lose insurance coverage due to a job change or a 
Pre-existing condition.
Your legislator may not have heard about them, either.  Because he or she
didn't care enough to do so.  The fact is, most legislators don't even read
the laws they inflict upon the public.  They read the title of the bill
(which may be something like "The Save the Sweet Widdle Babies from Gun
Violence by Drooling Drug Fiends Act of 1984").  They read summaries, which
are often prepared by the very agencies or groups pushing the bill.  And they
vote according to various deals or pressures.
It also sometimes happens that the most horrible provisions are sneaked into
bills during conference committee negotiations, 

[CTRL] China's Beachhead at Panama Canal (fwd)

1999-07-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

August 16, 1999

China's Beachhead at Panama Canal

By J. Michael Waller

Reporting from Balboa, Insight uncovers
China's most recent political and
economic maneuverings to obtain
effective control of the Panama Canal as
the U.S. leaves.

  At the Panama Canal's only Pacific port a
  dozen huge construction cranes work
massive new containerized-cargo facilities behind
mounds of sand and concrete. Workmen clad in
orange uniforms emblazoned with "Panama Ports
Company" -- the innocuous English-language name
in a near century-old bastion of U.S. maritime
might -- operate the cranes and earthmovers
alongside what once was the U.S. military's
Southern Command headquarters known as
SOUTHCOM. But the construction crews don't
work for the Americans anymore. The Panama
Ports Company is controlled by Communist
. . . . As U.S. forces pull out of Panama under the
Carter-Torrijos treaties of 1977, Beijing's agents
are moving in. And the Clinton administration is
looking the other way, scrapping a 1995 plan to
explore a continued U.S. military presence.
. . . . By all indications, China and its People's
Liberation Army, or PLA, are building a
beachhead to control the Panama Canal. Under the
terms of a controversial lease, Panama gave Hong
Kong-based Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. the right to
build new port facilities in Balboa, the canal's only
Pacific port, and a major Atlantic port in Cristobal,
and to run them up to the next half-century. As
Beijing increased its economic muscle in the
country, Panama's politicians gave Hutchison
Whampoa the right to control anchorages on both
ends of the canal, to hire new pilots to guide ships
through the waterway, to block all passage that
interferes with the company's business, to take
control of key public roads near the canal and to
have right of first refusal for control of some
former U.S. military bases.
. . . . "By most accounts, an unfair and corrupt
contractual bidding process, which was protested
by the U.S. ambassador to Panama, enabled the
Chinese Hutchison Whampoa company to
outmaneuver American and Japanese companies
for the long-term lease on the canal ports,"
according to Al Santoli, an aide to Republican
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of California. Santoli has
traveled the perimeter of the Pacific monitoring
Chinese maritime encroachments from the
Philippines to Panama.
. . . . U.S. Ambassador to Panama William Hughes
nearly was declared persona non grata for
protesting the Hutchison deal when it was exposed
three years ago, a U.S. official tells Insight.
President Clinton responded by appointing Robert
Pastor, an architect of the 1977 canal giveaway and
an advocate for left-wing revolutionary causes, to
replace Hughes. Senate Foreign Relations
Committee Chairman Jesse Helms of North
Carolina, one of the few lawmakers watching the
Panama powder keg, blocked the nomination.
. . . . The Chinese company has exclusive rights to
the ports on both ends of the canal. Ironically, in
1996 Panama asked a Seattle-based company to
withdraw its successful bid for Cristobal on the
grounds that the U.S. firm would have a
monopoly, in light of its existing business in
Balboa. The following year, Panama awarded both
Cristobal and Balboa to Hutchison Whampoa.
Between the ports lies the shortest land route for
containerized cargo to be sent between the Atlantic
and the Pacific from and to ships too large to
cross the canal.
. . . . Beijing is in Panama for the long haul.
Hutchison Whampoa has the right to extend its
leases until the year 2047 or to transfer them to a
third party. Already a Chinese corporation called
Great Wall Panama has secured a lease as long as
60 years for an export zone on the bank of the
canal on the Atlantic side.
. . . . "I have a sense that the U.S. is edgy about
Hutchison Whampoa," former Panamanian vice
president Guillermo "Billy" Ford tells Insight. But
Washington has done little to pressure the corrupt


1999-07-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 19:23:36 -0400 (EDT)
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian (Todd Andrews) Douglas)

Hey all.  This was released today.  **PLEASE** pass this on to everyone you
can.  I no longer have access to the groups out there, and have no way to
easily distribute it beyond this list.

Thanks!  Brian

For immediate release.  Copyright removed.  Please feel free to distribute.

DENVER - (C)1999 - RISKERS/NUFOIA (The National UFO Information Archive) has
been officially dissolved and dispanded effective today, July 23, 1999.
This decision came after many tough decisions were resolved earlier in the

Until the domain name RISKERS.ORG expires, the site will continue to
redirect to The Black Vault (http://www.blackvault.com), a similar site in
content run by John Greenwald Jr.  At that time, Mr. greenwald will have the
choice of renewing the domain with the InterNIC (National Internic Council)
or simply letting it expire.

"It is sad to give it up after nearly six years, but the time has come..."
stated Brian Douglas aka Todd Andrews, one of the original founders of the
group.  "...it was a tough decision, but with things like the ACC situation,
we realized that the Internet was not a valuable medium for this type of
infomration." continued Douglas.

As of noon today MDT, RISKERS.ORG directed to it's new home at

   Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] JFK Jr - Laser Blinded in the Night ?

1999-07-23 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

At 09:05 PM 7-23-1999 -0400, you wrote:

  Kennedy would have been disoriented -- obviously he lost
  control of the airplane --

Only to you.  To the rest of us who are assessing what the authorities
are spoon feeding the public, it is NOT obvious what exactly happened.

   He never "lost control of the airplane"...?

   Even if it was blown to bits, he did lose control of it.

  Also, radios can be jammed.

But not selectively...jamming would have affected ALL radio communication
in the area, which would have readily been noticeable to an island

Yes.  Radio frequencies can be selectively jammed.
And if done from a nearby pursuit craft (as was posited),
no one else would likely have noticed unless they were
monitoring the same frequency.

"If" there was jamming, yes, the airport WAS listening on
that frequency -- but would they admit now they had heard
radio jamming, after failing to report this missing plane
-- OR, after having been told to "say no more" about what,
in fact, they did attempt to report ?

Also, "if" there was jamming, effected from a nearby
pursuit craft, they could have used technology that
entirely cancels a carrier frequency, thus allowing
practically no signal or noise to escape...

But, perhaps more likely, they could have used an
"EMP cannon" to fry all of the electronics on board
Kennedy's plane (including the radio and ignition).

Then an "altitude or barometric pressure triggered"
bomb could well have finished the job -- "if" this
was an "engineered demolition."

When the supposed evidence is CRITICALLY analyzed, we really don't
have PROOF that they even made it to Martha's Vineyard...

  That's what the official reports are now indicating

And you obviously unquestioningly accept everything officials tell you.

You must also then believe in the unfailing validity of the Warren
Commission Report...

? What are you smoking ?

You know next to nothing about what I accept or believe.

If you notice, I was stating your deduction was in
agreement with the (then) current "official story."

No more, no less.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Catholic Pedophile Priests: The Effect on U.S. Society

1999-07-23 Thread Smart News

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Here are some statistics I have found on pedophilia  in various religious
LINKUP also has conferences and a newsletter.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick


Catholic Pedophile Priests:
The Effect on U.S. Society

By Tom Economus

Current estimates of Roman Catholic priests in the U.S.= 49,000 to 50,000

Estimates of pedophile priests = 3,000 (6.1%) to 8,000 (16.3%)

188 Dioceses in the U.S. Divide 3,000 by 188 = 16 perpetrators per diocese
Divide 8,000 by 188 = 42 perpetrators per diocese

Current experts claim a pedophile could abuse 200-265 children in a lifetime.
200 x 16 perps/diocese = 3,200 victims/diocese
200 x 42 perps/diocese = 8,400 victims/diocese
3,200 victims/diocese x 188 dioceses = 601,600 victims in U.S.
8,400 victims/diocese x 188 dioceses = 1,579,200 victims in U.S.

Average American family consists of 4-6 people
(3,200 victims/diocese) 601,600 victims x 4 family members = 2,406,400
indirect victims
60l,000 victims x 6 family members = 3,609,600 indirect victims
(8,400 victims/diocese) 1,579,200 x 4 family members = 6,316,800 indirect
1,579,200 x 6 family members = 9,475,200 indirect victims

These numbers are a reflection of immediate family only and do not reflect
the indirect victims within the parishes that are affected.

188 Bishops are responsible for the pain of at least 601,600 direct victims
and as many as 9,475,200 indirect victims — a total of as many as 10,076,800
people. Clearly, something is wrong.

Additional information:

Using the higher estimates of pedophile priests (8,000) and numbers of
victims (265), the results are even more astonishing — giving a possible
maximum of 2,092,440 direct victims and as many as 12,554,640 indirect
victims for a total of 14,647,080. For comparative purposes, using the lower
numbers the number of direct victims and survivors alone could populate a
city larger than Boston. Using the higher numbers, it would be the fourth
largest city in the U.S.— one between the size of Houston and Chicago.

•The Wisconsin Psychological Association's survey found offenders distributed
among the following professions: Psychiatrists 34%, Psychologists 19%, Social
Workers 13%, Clergy 11%, Physicians 6%, Marriage Counselors 4%, and Others
14%. •The Center for Domestic Violence found that 12.6% of clergy said they
had sex with church members. 47% of clergy women were harassed by clergy
colleagues. •The Presbyterian Church stated that 10-23% of clergy have
"inappropriate sexual behavior or contact" with clergy and employees. •The
United Methodist research (1990) showed 38.6% of Ministers had sexual contact
with church members and that 77% of church workers experienced some type of
sexual harassment. •The United Church of Christ found that 48% of the women
in the work place have been sexually harassed by male clergy. •The Southern
Baptists claim 14.1% of their clergy have sexually abused members.

In the Roman Catholic Church there are over 800 priests that have been
removed from ministry as a result of allegations against them. We also know
of 1,400 insurance claims on the books and that the Church has paid out over
$500 million in liability with an estimated $500 million pending. One noted
expert claims that there are over 5,000 priests with some type of allegation
against them. If this is true, then there are at least 1,000,000 direct
victims of clergy sexual abuse and between 4-6 million indirect victims in
the U.S.

Our institutional churches, who have proclaimed themselves to be the moral
backbone of society, have failed all of us. We need to continue to bring them
to moral and civil accountability. I think we might want to pray for them as

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-07-23 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-



   We are the casualties, no one tells you about us
   You'll hear stories, but you have to live to believe
   We're the bodies piled up by the roadside
   You'll smell us burning, it'll give you bad dreams

   Don't run away, we're a cautionary tale
   Walk softly and take heed
   Don't offer us your sympathy
   You don't know what we need

   We're the lost and the forsaken
   Screaming just to hear a voice
   A sound to fill the empty spaces
   A hand to hold and still the shaking

   We're the spineless, the skinless and the broken
   You'll be a crutch 'cause we can't stand on our own
   You'll gather round us to comfort and heal us
   But the nature of our pain will remain unknown

   Don't come to me for happiness
   I'm an open pit and you will just fall in
   Don't ask me what my problem is
   I wouldn't know where to begin

   We're the lost and the forsaken
   Screaming just to hear a voice
   A sound to fill the empty spaces
   A hand to hold and still the shaking
   We're the wasted and the weary
   Giving up and falling down
   We're the needy, sick for your love

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] JFK Jr - Laser Blinded in the Night ?

1999-07-23 Thread Bob Stokes

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-07-23 21:05:45 EDT, you write:

   Also, radios can be jammed.

 But not selectively...jamming would have affected ALL radio communication
 in the area, which would have readily been noticeable to an island

 Jamming is much easier when you only have to jam one frequency, even two
frequencies are easy to jam, but jamming the full spectrum is extremely hard
since it requires much more power, which is very expensive ... to buy a
transmitter of that type and to find power for it.  I have never seen a full
spectrum jammer for sale, as far as I know only the military uses them.  If
someone was to know the transmit frequency of his radio, they could jam it by
keying their transmitter and putting a 3Kc signal on it with a cheap
oscillator, no one in the area would be able to distinguish what was being
transmitted from the plane.  Also, retuning to a new transmit frequency would
take time, much more than 12 seconds. They would also be able to jam the
planes receive frequency in the same manner, making it so the plane could not
receive any communications without retuning to a different frequency.

Bob Stokes

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] China's Beachhead at Panama Canal (fwd)

1999-07-23 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

On 23 Jul 99, at 20:07, MICHAEL SPITZER quoted:

 China's Beachhead at Panama Canal

The Elite need a new enemy, and they have created one as planned. It has
taken many years, but the replacement of the Soviet Union is ready.

You will no doubt as taxpayers be asked to finance a new buildup of arms
to help the defense contractors who have been floundering lately. But not to
worry. Your new enemy, courtesy of Bill Klinton and his benefactors, is
ready to take leadership under the watchful eye of the Rockefellers and
other international 'leaders'. (reptilian chamilians). You will no doubt be glad
to help them with your hard-earned tax dollars (otherwise know as debt
instruments owed to the 'Federal' Reserve. You will now doubt be begging
the US to "do something". Good luck, and Have a Nice Day!

I have said enough for a lifetime. I'll be leaving this planet for a while. Good
bye and GOOD LUCK!!!


Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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