Re: [CTRL] Bush: America Threatened by 'Tens of Thousands of Terrorists'

2002-01-31 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, William Shannon wrote:

 And that's just the Bush family!!


Good one, Bill! Where would this lame duck puppet trotskyite president be
without the war on terror? He'll do everything to keep it going.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Deadly Anthrax Made In Texas!

2002-01-31 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

Investigators trace anthrax that killed 5 people to Texas

Wednesday, January 30, 2002

Federal investigators have found in recent weeks that
the so-called Ames strain was first identified not in
Ames, Iowa, its reputed home, but a thousand miles
south, in Texas.

The strain of the bacteria was found on a dead cow
near the Mexican border in 1981 and the geographic
gaffe was the result of a clerical error by a
scientific researcher.

...the clerical error wound up taking the
investigation on several wrong turns.

The discovery of the true origin of Ames looks like
it gets Iowa off the hook, a senior law enforcement
official said Tuesday.

He said the Ames strain now appeared to be widely
scattered in natural settings. It was found in a dead
goat on a Texas ranch in 1997.

This one is the true Ames, a CIA analyst said of the
Texas germ.

He added that the anthrax that panicked the nation
last fall all came from Texas.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Good Immigration Action Item

2002-01-31 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Here is today's ACTION ITEM:

ISSUE: Congress has reconvened, and the focus will mainly be
on the Senate, where Democratic Majority (or should we say
Plurality?) Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) has stalled the
economic stimulus package, the energy bill, trade promotion
authority, and other key legislation that President Bush and
the GOP have been advocating over the winter recess.

However, notes grassroots activist group,
one of the Senate's first priority of business should be the
Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act (H.R. 3525),
which passed the House shortly before Christmas; unfortunately,
obstructionist Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) then placed a hold on
it in the Senate.

Though this bill falls short of the demand by many Americans
for much stricter immigration measures, H.R. 3525 does reduce
the number of visas issued to foreign visitors from suspect
countries; tightens up the visa process for foreign students;
requires federal agencies to share information in a common
database to help track foreigners and immigrants inside the
U.S.; and boosts hiring and funding for more INS agents and
Customs inspectors.

ACTION ITEM: Please contact Sen. Robert Byrd and demand that
he lift his hold on the bill:

If you prefer to contact Sen. Byrd yourself, here is his

The Honorable Robert Byrd
United States Senate
311 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-4801
Phone: 202-224-3954
Fax: 202-228-0542

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Canadian TV Breaks 9-11 / CIA Complicity Story

2002-01-31 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

Canadian TV Breaks 9-11 / CIA Complicity Story

For four months I've been waiting in vain for the North American media to
pursue questions about the startling events of September 11th. Here's what
I want to know:

The multiple hijackings are unprecedented. The first occurs at 7:45 in the
morning. It's a full hour before the first plane hits the World Trade Center.
But it's an hour and 20 minutes -- and after the second plane hits -- that
the President allegedly becomes informed. Think about that.

Then, he gives no orders. Why? He continues to listen to a student talk about
her pet goat. Why?

It's another 25 minutes until he makes a statement, even as flight 77 is making
a bee-line for Washington, DC.

In the almost two hours of the total drama not a single U.S. Air Force
interceptor turns a wheel until it's too late. Why? Was it total incompetence
on the part of aircrews trained and equipped to scramble in minutes?

Well, unlike the U.S. Air Force, I'll cut to the chase. Simply to ask these
few questions is to find the official narrative frankly implausible. The more
questions you pursue, it becomes more plausible that there's a different
explanation: namely, that elements within the top U.S. military, intelligence
and political leadership -- which are closely intertwined -- are complicit in
what happened on September the 11th.

Why U.S. complicity, you ask?

Well, to stampede public opinion into supporting the so-called war on
terrorism, to justify a war on Afghanistan for a future oil pipeline, the grab
for Middle East oil, big budget increases for the military, and the general
drive for global domination by the American Empire.

I know it sounds incredible.

But here's some historical context from this book, Body of Secrets. Its author
is James Bamford. Bamford until recently was Washington Investigative Producer
for ABC's World News tonight with Peter Jennings. I learned of this book on
ABC's website.

Bamford's information comes from interviews. With, for instance, the former
dean of the U.S. intelligence community. And from government documents. It
takes 80 pages to list Bamford's more than 600 information sources.

Here's the story. It's 1962. John F. Kennedy is U.S. president. Robert McNamara
is Secretary of Defence. And Admiral Lyman Lemnitzer heads the U.S. Joint
Chiefs of Staff. The CIA has failed in its illegal Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.

JFK decides, Bamford writes, to back away from military solutions to the Cuban

But Lemnitzer, the CIA and others at the top remain obsessed with Cuba. Writes
Bamford: As the Kennedy brothers appeared to suddenly 'go soft' on Cuba,
Lemnitzer could see his opportunity to invade - quickly slipping away. -attempts to 
provoke the Cuban public to revolt seemed dead -

Continues Bamford: Lemnitzer and the other chiefs knew there was only one
option left that would ensure their war. They would have to trick the American
public and world opinion -

Lemnitzer comes up with Operation Northwoods.

We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba-casualty lists
in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.

We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other
Florida cities and even in Washington.

An elaborate variation: create an exact duplicate for a civil registered
aircraft- At a designated time the duplicate would be-loaded with-selected
passengers, all boarded under carefully prepared aliases. The actual registered
aircraft would be converted to a drone [a remotely controlled unmanned aircraft]
- the destruction of (that) aircraft will be triggered by radio signal.

The Cubans would be blamed.

Finally, another variation is described by Bamford: On February 20th, 1962
(John) Glenn was to lift off from Cape Canaveral-on his historic journey.
Lemnitzer proposed - that should the rocket explode and kill Glenn, the
objective is to provide irrevocable proof that-the fault lies with (Cuba)-
by manufacturing various pieces of evidence which would prove electronic
interference on the part of the Cubans.

Thus, Bamford notes, as NASA prepared to send the first American into space,
the Joint Chiefs of Staff were preparing to use John Glenn's possible death as
a pretext to launch a war.

The Operation Northwoods plan shows the Pentagon was capable, according to
Bamford, of launching a secret and bloody war of terrorism against their own
country in order to trick the American public into supporting a (war on Cuba).

Can we be sure, therefore, that complicity by the Pentagon in the events of
Sept. 11th is entirely out of the question?

Next week, a more precise look at the events of that fateful day.

And what about bin Laden? I'll have more on him too. And the arrests of people
named as terrorists around the world.


Next, more troubling questions. Part 2 in my series of commentaries about the
events of September 11th.

As you've heard in 

[CTRL] While Conservatives Sleep

2002-01-31 Thread THe eXTReMiST

-Caveat Lector-

While Conservatives Sleep
Are We Suicidal?

By: Todd  Brendan Fahey

Let it be stipulated that what passes for 'conservatism' today has very little to do 
with the genius vision of the Founders of this nation - those brave patriots who 
sacrificed life and property toward the establishment of a Republic based upon the 
doctrine of limited governmental interference into the lives of its citizenry. As a 
chronic peruser of and contributor to various 'conservative' news forae, I am struck 
daily with the acquiescence of modern Republicans, especially, in the face of a 
dismembering of the Bill of Rights - the first ten amendments which are so central to 
the American Success Story. From the FBI's Carnivore and Magic Lantern cyber-snooping 
technology, to the traffic light cameras implanted to record the faces of every 
automobile driver and passenger, to Echelon, a multinational privacy infringement 
project, the 4th amendment guarantee against unreasonable searches and seizures is 
effectively dead, and with nary a whimper from the 'conservative' voting popul
ace. As well, our President and Attorney General are preparing to charge American 
Taliban adherent John Walker Lindh with sedition, instead of the appropriate crime 
of treason, and the decision to do so will not be a simple faux pas: Sedition 
connotes unlawful speech against the Government, whereas Treason is warranted by 
ones actions--the aiding and abetting of an enemy of the State.

There is no doubt, following open confessions on news media channels, that Mr. Walker 
deliberately and cognizantly entered into acts which constitute 'treason;' but a 
'sedition' charge will serve the Government more effectively. Plainly stated: by 
prohibiting certain 'speech,' a chilling effect bodes heavily on the 1st amendment, 
imperiling any who might dare to speak out against those in power. Our current 
Government has, via Carnivore, Magic Lantern, and Echelon [and in making mandatory 
global positional system [GPS] technology in every newly-made cellular phone,] 
implanted mechanisms by which to capture said 'prohibited speech,' and to monitor, 
isolate and capture so-called 'dissenters.'

My criticism of conservatives is launched herein for good reason - chiefly, there are 
but a handful remaining of honorable or semi-honorable Old Left or Left-libertarian 
activists and pundits [if there were ever more than but a handful:] Nat Hentoff, 
Christopher Hitchens and Camille Paglia springing immediately to mind. But the Right, 
as students of the Constitution, should know better.

The Founders of this nation recognized the inherent evil that is, by nature, every 
government; anyone who has read the collected Federalist Papers knows this [and those 
who have not read it, Congresspersons especially, should; in fact, the reading of the 
Federalist Papers and the complete diaries and political writings of our Founders 
should be a stringent requirement for public office.] Our nation was built on the 
notion than humans band together to create Government, and only to protect the rights 
of those whose rights are infringed upon by others; unlike the former USSR, Red China 
or the Articles of the United Nations, our Government grants no rights - it merely 
safeguards the inalienable rights granted us by our Creator. George Washington, a 
fairly strong supporter of central government, wrote that, Government is not reason; 
it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful 
master. Jefferson went much further, exorting ominously, the tree o
f Liberty must, from time to time, be refreshed by the blood of patriots and tyrants. 
Patrick Henry, a philospher/activist dearest to mine own heart, conceded nothing as he 
laid down the gauntlet to King George III and future tyrants, crying, ...give me 
liberty or give me death. Compared to these fearless men, today's conservatives--the 
vast bulk of them--are neuters, eunuchs, piddling running-dogs at the scraps-table of 
American history.

You may expect that I will follow next with an 'anti-War' polemic, as is currently 
fashionable amongst the Right/libertarian axis, but you would be wrong. The al-Qaeda 
should be exterminated, followed swiftly by those who lend to them aid and comfort - 
wherever it may lead. I have no quarrel with the President on this count, and there 
are more pressing concerns, anyway; to wit:

Consider, for instance, the last time you witnessed vigorous opposition to the 
following by the Republican National Committee or on the pages of Front Page Magazine, 
Enter Stage Right, NewsMax, National Review or at and

1. The United Nations: Founded and organized domestically at the Bretton Woods and 
Dumbarton Oakes conferences by known Soviet agents Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, 
Harry Hopkins and Lauchlin Currie - all known to the State Department as Communists, 
but who, nonetheless, continued to operate on U.S. taxpayers' 

[CTRL] The Battle Lines Are Drawn

2002-01-31 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Islam Vs. New World Order:
The Battle Lines Are Drawn

Henry Makow, Ph.D.

Toogood Reports [Wednesday, January 30, 2002; 12:01 a.m. EST]

Take a look at Debka-Net Weekly for a glimpse of the possible next
round in the war on terror. This Israeli-based intelligence
service reported this week that Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Iraq have
quietly entered into mutual defense and trade agreements. Syria and
Yasser Arafat are also partners.

Opposing them, Debka reports Egypt's Mubarak has thrown in with the
US, Israel, Jordan and the EU. Apparently, Arafat has been plotting
against both Mubarak and Jordan's Abdullah. Debka says Israel is
preparing a major offensive against the Palestinians. This could
quickly become a regional war.

Time will tell whether this scenario is Israeli propaganda or not. Certainly George 
Bush has been distancing himself from Yasser Arafat lately and giving Ariel Sharon 
carte blanche. Saudi Arabia has been critical of this
US policy and has hinted at asking American troops to leave. The Palestinian arms ship 
Karine-A demonstrates a direct link between Iran and Palestine. Debka says Saudi 
Arabia paid for the Iranian arms.

If Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia have indeed allied, it is because they perceive they 
are the next targets in the war on terror. The Saudi monarchy may feel it is time to 
get in sync with the anti American feelings of the
ir population. The web site of the Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia () reports 
that 95% of Saudis celebrated the news of September 11 and that Osama bin Laden is a 
hero there.

I have ambivalent feelings about the possible confrontation of the New World Order and 
Islam. On the one hand, I am Jewish and a Zionist. While I do not embrace Israel's 
every deed, I do believe Jews have a right to a hom
eland in Israel. Naturally, I am wary of the nuclear bombs that both Iran and Iraq are 
preparing. Possibly these regimes need to be replaced.

On the other hand, I believe in G-d and in a Divine Plan. Islam is a theocratic 
religion and probably the last obstacle to the barren secular materialist vision 
represented by the New World Order.

To understand the New World Order, I strongly recommend James Perloff's The Shadows of 
Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline. I also recommend 
Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs.

These books argue convincingly that an international Elite, centered in international 
banking, oil, intelligence and foreign services, manipulates world events and is 
responsible for much of our grief. Anyone who is famil
iar with the hidden history of the attacks on the Lusitania in 1915, and on Pearl 
Harbor in 1941 will recognize the fingerprint of the Elite in the attack on the World 
Trade Center. I'm not saying they necessarily did it;
 but they let it happen. These attacks are used to drive decent, peace loving 
Americans into war. War, in turn, is used to enact radical social change, in the 
present case to seize dictatorial powers, increase defense spe
nding, and bring about Elite world government. If this happens, individuals will have 
as much freedom to express their divinity as chickens in a hatchery.

The Council on Foreign Relations, a think tank founded in 1921, is a chief 
instrument of Elite control. According to Perloff, between 1921 and 1988, 14 
secretaries of state, 14 treasury secretaries and 11 defense secret
aries came from the CFR. Today Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice are members. Richard 
Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, two Defense Department drum beaters for expanded war are 
members. Conservative Columnist Charles Krauthammer,
a cheerleader for the war on terror, is a member. Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw and Dan 
Rather are all members.

I am not a member. I cannot tell you exactly why Islam may be taken behind the 
woodshed. But I suspect it has something to do with its resistance to secularization, 
which is seen in its birthrate. As Patrick Buchanan has
pointed out in The Death of the West, the future belongs to people who have children. 
Islam puts great value on family. The birth rate in Afghanistan is 7 per woman. It is 
around 4 in the rest of the Moslem world. It is h
alf that in the US; 1.5 in Canada and Europe. Hence the emphasis on spreading women's 

Another reason is that the Iraq and Iran etc. are too independent. Like Slobodan 
Milosevic of Serbia, they refuse to obey orders and have to be brought into line.

But the agenda may be to wear down BOTH the US and Islam. For example, Perloff 
presents evidence that Vietnam was used to destroy the US's faith in itself. It 
certainly succeeded.

If the above scenario is correct, it should begin to play out almost immediately. As 
usual these days, I hope I'm wrong.

If this line of inquiry is of interest to you, please send feedback. Being a Toogood 
Reports columnist can be pretty lonely!


[CTRL] (Fwd) [PNEWS] RHETORIC: Egyptian Weekly Reproduces Nazi Propag

2002-01-31 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---


Special Dispatch - Egypt/Arab Antisemitism
January 31, 2002 - No. 339

Egyptian Government Weekly Reproduces Nazi Propaganda

An antisemitic Nazi forgery targeting American Jews was reproduced
recently by an Egyptian government weekly.  An article by Salah Al-
Hilmi, titled The Jews are Bloodsuckers and Will Yet Conquer
America, appeared in the Egyptian government weekly Akher Sa'a (1)
and included a photocopy of a forged document that Hilmi claimed is
kept at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia [the chief librarian
the Franklin Institute refuted this claim and stated the Institute
does not posses any such document].(2)

The forged document appeared in a 1935 volume of the German
antisemitic book A Handbook on the Jewish Question. It alleges that
Benjamin Franklin made comments against Jewish immigration to the
United States during a recess in the Constitutional Convention in
Philadelphia in 1789 [the convention was actually held two years
earlier].  Following are excerpts from the Nazi forgery which appeared
in Akher Sa'a:

A great danger threatens the United States of America. This great
danger is the Jew...

For more than 1,700 years they have lamented their sorrowful state,
namely that they have been driven out of their motherland, but,
gentlemen, if the civilized world today should give them back
Palestine, and their property, they would immediately find pressing
reasons why they could not return there. Why? Because they are
vampires, and vampires cannot live on other vampires... They must live
among Christians and others who do not belong to their race.

If they are not excluded from the United States by the Constitution,
within at least 100 years, they shall stream into this country in such
numbers that they shall rule and destroy us and change our form of
government for which we Americans shed our blood and sacrificed our
lives, property, and personal freedom.

If the Jews are not excluded within 200 years, our children will be
working in the fields to feed the Jews while they remain in the
counting houses, gleefully rubbing their hands...


(1) Akher Sa'a (Egypt), January 9, 2002.
(2) In a phone conversation on 1/30/02, the chief librarian
of the Franklin Institute confirmed that the Institute does
not possess any such document.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an
independent, non-profit organization that translates and
analyzes the media of the Middle East.  Copies of articles
and documents cited, as well as background information, are
available on request.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)
P.O. Box 27837, Washington, DC 20038-7837
Phone: (202) 955-9070
Fax: (202) 955-9077

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and

Re: [CTRL] Rosie O'Donnell: Gungrabbing Dike

2002-01-31 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
 Rosie O'Donnell reportedly reveals she's gay (Queer) in autobiography.

Yawn ...

- jt

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Rail Against Econ Forum, Dot-Org

2002-01-31 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from -,1283,50105,00.html?tw=wn20020130

Rail Against Econ Forum, Dot-Org
By Noah Shachtman

2:00 a.m. Jan. 30, 2002 PST

NEW YORK -- As activists gather here for marches and rallies protesting the
meeting of the World Economic Forum, Internet provocateurs are planning a series
of demonstrations of their own online.

Groups including the Electronic Disturbance Theater, RTMark, and Federation of
Random Action are counting on as many as 100,000 people to stage virtual
sit-ins at the websites of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its corporate
members. The idea is to annoy the conglomerates into a dialogue and draw media
attention to concerns about globalization.

But real-world activists, electronic security experts, and hackers are all
unimpressed with the planned actions, calling them kind of passive-aggressive,
pretty lame and the work of cowards and assholes.

Approximately 2,700 tycoons, politicians, union bosses, academics, media bigwigs
and priests from 106 countries will assemble in the ultra-posh Waldorf-Astoria
Hotel for a 5-day powwow on the state of global development. Held for the past
31 years in the Swiss village of Davos, the forum has moved to Manhattan this
year to show solidarity with New Yorkers.

Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Colin Powell, Michael Dell, Afghanistan leader Hamid
Karzai, AFL-CIO president John Sweeney, Slate editor Michael Kinsley, and --
sinisterly enough -- singer Elton John and actor Alex Baldwin all will attend.

A seemingly endless array - -
of interest groups is protesting the meeting in order to influence these
decision makers and to promote their pet causes, from protecting the environment
to freeing jailed reporter Mumia Abu-Jamal to promoting Basque independence to
securing animal rights.

While these groups rally in New York's streets, technology-based organizations
such as RTMark - - are offering online instructions for
such actions as how to disable security cameras.

Online groups are using their own methods to stir up trouble. The Yesmen - - are encouraging Net users to register domains
similar to the WEF's ­-- say, -- and then use the
Yesmen's reamweaver tool to quickly create a parody of the official site.

Ricardo Dominguez, co-founder of the Electronic Disturbance Theater - - (EDT), is asking those visiting his
website to Join your DATA BUTTS with protesters' REAL BUTTS in a Hybrid

The dance begins by downloading the Zapatista Floodnet, a tool that
continuously reloads the website of the WEF - - and
selected corporate members.

Dominguez envisions the effort as a virtual sit-in, similar to a cracker's
attempt to overload a server through a denial-of-service attack but without the
disruptive effects.

It's a series of almost immaterial gestures that represent a mass community in
protest. It's been (likened) to being pecked to death by a duck, Dominguez

The idea is not the destroy or disrupt these (websites). It's to disturb, in
the same way that paper airplanes coming through your window are going to annoy
you, Dominguez continued.

The point is to attract media attention, said University of Pennsylvania
graduate student and EDT sympathizer Sasha Costanza Clark.

That's precisely the problem, according to some anti-WEF activists.

It takes away attention from the less-glamorous, but more-essential activism on
the Web, said Chuck Munson, webmaster for Anti-Capitalist Convergence, an
anarchist group. It's kind of passive-aggressive. It creates a hassle for the
IT staff and sysadmins. But the people running the corporation, they don't know
what's happening.

Dominguez, a New York Internet artist and broadband consultant, has been
spearheading such actions for years. In the 1980s, he led agitprop theater
productions that supported ACT-UP, the AIDS action group, and he wrote treatises
on civil disobedience in cyberspace. When the Zapatista rebels in Chiapas,
Mexico, sent out a worldwide call for support, Dominguez and his Electronic
Disturbance Theater responded -,1283,14931,00.html - with online sit-ins
at the websites for the Pentagon, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and the president
of Mexico.

Such efforts have often rubbed potential EDT sympathizers the wrong way.

I agree with many of their concerns, said Oxblood, a long-time member of the
hacker group Cult of the Dead Cow - . But these
attacks are, in an electronic sense, like shouting down a person's right to free
speech and to access to information.

Computer security consultant Winn Schwartau -,1284,42923,00.html - goes further.

People who participate in the virtual sit-ins are anonymous to the companies

[CTRL] Fwd: Weird Weather Over The Next Few Days

2002-01-31 Thread Saba


Three days ago -  contrails all over the sky above my house Columbus
Area - entire sky full of criss crosses never before so many.

So yesterday it was spring - wore no coat no jacket and today warm - so
see what is happening.   Believe these contrails maybe not all are
definitely part of weather mod program.

Our weather and how it is now described as going to be weird..

Back in 1985 this weatherman wanted all I had on weather modlater
both Senator Metzenbaum and this guy suddenly could do nothing, but the
WBNS weatherman finally toldl me program classified - since 1965.
Channel 4 presume when classified poof.   But later on Doug Adair who is
gone now from show said one day hat well folks - these laser beams shows
someday will be and are used for weather modification - end of blurp
after all the crap I put together.Metzenbaums office (John Maynard -
his father old friend of mine) said he was sorry but the Senator said no
can help.   For I don't think he even knew about it.   But the newspaper
let me have a big space for a letter and I was surrounded by Green House
Theory but the facts were with me.



Weird Weather Over The Next Few Days
COLUMBUS, Ohio, 8:36 p.m. EST January 30, 2002 - A winter storm watch
has been issued for tonight through Thursday morning for a portion of

NBC 4 viewing area.
Crawford, Marion and Morrow counties are affected by the watch,
according to 4 Warn Storm Team chief meteorologist Jym Ganahl.

Ganahl said that the counties affected by the watch will have freezing
rain tonight, but that a warm front moving north from southern Ohio will
keep freezing precipitation away from the rest of Ohio.
Expect a low around 38 degrees and rain showers tonight, Ganahl said.
Ganahl said Ohioans, who live north of Marion, should beware of icy road
conditions this evening.
Because of the warm front, tomorrow's temperatures will be warmer in all
of Ohio, Ganahl said. Columbus will reach temperatures in the low 50s.
Ganahl said that Central Ohio will get 1 inch of rain Thursday and
possibly have thunderstorms move through the area.
Ganahl said that lower temperatures will settle in and that a cold
weekend is in store.
A winter storm watch is issued when severe winter weather is possible,
but not imminent. At the time, there is a potential for significant snow
and/or ice accumulations. Future driving and walking conditions may
become hazardous, so it is important to monitor the latest forecasts.
Current Conditions 39°
HIGH 39°
LOW 23°
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---End Message---
---End Message---

[CTRL] Naming the Real Enemy

2002-01-31 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Naming the Real Enemy
By Alan Caruba: 01.31.02

It's called the Big Picture. In his State of the Union speech,
President Bush named North Korea, Iraq and Iran as an axis of evil
and no one would dispute this. However, there is a larger axis of
evil and its headquarters can be found beside the East River in New
York City. It is the United Nations.

North Korea, Iraq and Iran are all members in good standing of the
United Nations. In fact, of the 189 UN members you can create a
roster of nations where human rights don't exist and the threat to
our national security and that of the world exists on a daily basis.
For an organization created to maintain international peace and
security, it has a long, dismal record of failure.

The one power that has steadfastly moved the world toward any
stability has been the United States and it has done so repeatedly by
committing its armed forces to suppress the evil ambitions of nations
such as those named
 by the President and, previously, by holding firm against the ambitions of the former 
Soviet Union.

Soon President Bush will visit the nation that poses the single greatest threat to the 
United States, the People's Republic of China. Diplomatically, it was not mentioned as 
part of the axis, but it is no secret that Ch
ina has been a major supplier of weapons of mass destruction to Iran, Iraq and even 
our new ally, Pakistan. Red China is also closely allied with North Korea.

While the focus of the President's speech was, understandably, the evil of Islamic 
jihad; the goal of millions of militant Muslims to impose their religion on the world, 
the continued failure to focus on the ever-growing
threat of the United Nations is troubling to those who have watched it impose a vast 
matrix of international treaties, conventions and protocols upon the nations of the 
world. Each one is part of the UN's openly expressed
 intention to become a centralized global government. Can you spell C-o-m-m-u-n-i-s-m?

One can read the game plan in the report of the UN's Commission on Global Governance 
entitled Our Global Neighborhood. The world is being divided into regions where the 
sovereignty of separate governments is being subsu
med. In the process, the individuality of these nations will disappear, along with 
their ability to determine the welfare of their citizens.

The most obvious example of this is the European Union. The EU just issued its own 
currency, eliminating those of France, Germany, Greece, and Italy, among its members. 
It has its own court system and, presumably, soon it
s own military. It is only a matter of time before regionalization is imposed on 
Asian, African, and South American nations. The US will be pressured to become part of 
a region composed of itself, Canada and Mexico. If th
is should happen, you can kiss the Constitution good-bye!

Thus, while it is essential that the United States leads the fight against those 
nations that most clearly threaten our homeland, peace, and progress for their own 
people and neighboring nations, the ultimate threat is po
sed by the United Nations.

Just one example of this is the UN's High Level Panel of Financing
Development that will meet in Monterey, Mexico, March 18 through 22. The Panel's 
report includes recommendations for a World Taxing Authority, global taxes on fossil 
fuels, global taxes on currency exchange, and the conso
lidation of all international finance and development agencies under UN authority. To 
put it another way, this is pure, boldfaced totalitarianism designed to seize control 
of all the money in the world!

When created, the UN's finances were to be paid solely by member's dues. The United 
States pays 22% of the entire operation of the United Nations and, in return, in 
October 2001, the United States lost the seat on the Hum
an Rights Commission that it has held since 1947. Who replaced the United States? One 
of the seven nations the US has designated as a state sponsor of terrorism, Syria!

So, while I support the President's objectives as regards his newly coined axis of 
evil, I support the most important step the United States could take to rid itself of 
the greatest threat to our national sovereignty an
d that of every other nation in the world, withdrawal from the United Nations. When 
that happens, the UN will implode.

Copyright, Alan Caruba, 2002 First North American Serial Rights. All other rights 

Alan Caruba is the founder of The National Anxiety Center, a clearinghouse for 
information about media-driven scare campaigns. The Center maintains an Internet site 

He is also the author of The United Nations Vs. The United States, a pocket guide 
available from the Internet site of The National Anxiety Center.

Permission to reprint/republish granted, as long as you include the name of our site, 
the author, and our URL. All Sierra Times news 

[CTRL] Both saviour and victim

2002-01-31 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-,3858,4344998,00.html

Both saviour and victim

Black Hawk Down creates a new and dangerous myth of American

George Monbiot
Tuesday January 29, 2002
The Guardian

The more powerful a nation becomes, the more it asserts its
victimhood. In contemporary British eyes, the greatest atrocities of
the 18th and 19th centuries were those perpetrated on compatriots in
the Black Hole of Calcutta or during the Indian mutiny and the siege
of Khartoum. The extreme manifestations of the white man's burden,
these events came to symbolise the barbarism and ingratitude of the
savage races the British had sought to rescue from their darkness.

Today the attack on New York is discussed as if it were the worst
thing to have happened to any nation in recent times. Few would deny
that it was a major atrocity, but we are required to offer the
American people a uniqu
e and exclusive sympathy. Now that demand is being extended to earlier American losses.

Black Hawk Down looks set to become one of the bestselling movies of all time. Like 
all the films the British- born director Ridley Scott has made, it is gripping, 
intense and beautifully shot. It is also a stunning misre
presentation of what happened in Somalia.

In 1992 the United States walked into Somalia with good intentions. George Bush senior 
announced that America had come to do God's work in a nation devastated by clan 
warfare and famine. But, as Scott Peterson's firstha
nd account Me Against My Brother shows, the mission was doomed by intelligence 
failures, partisan deployments and, ultimately, the belief that you can bomb a nation 
into peace and prosperity.

Before the US government handed over the administration of Somalia to the United 
Nations in 1993, it had already made several fundamental mistakes. It had backed the 
clan chiefs Mohamed Farah Aideed and Ali Mahdi against
another warlord, shoring up their power just as it had started to collapse. It had 
failed to recognise that the competing clan chiefs were ready to accept large-scale 
disarmament, if it were carried out impartially. Far f
rom resolving the conflict between the clans, the US accidentally enhanced it.

After the handover, the UN's Pakistani peacekeepers tried to seize Aideed's radio 
station, which was broadcasting anti-UN propaganda. The raid was bungled, and 25 of 
the soldiers were killed by Aideed's supporters. A few
days later, Pakistani troops fired on an unarmed crowd, killing women and children. 
The United Nations force, commanded by a US admiral, was drawn into a blood feud with 
Aideed's militia.

As the feud escalated, US special forces were brought in to deal with the man now 
described by American intelligence as the Hitler of Somalia. Aideed, who was 
certainly a ruthless and dangerous man but also just one of
several clan leaders competing for power in the country, was blamed for all Somalia's 
troubles. The UN's peacekeeping mission had been transformed into a partisan war.

The special forces, over-confident and hopelessly ill-informed, raided, in quick 
succession, the headquarters of the UN development programme, the charity World 
Concern and the offices of Médecins sans Frontieres. They ma
naged to capture, among scores of innocent civilians and aid workers, the chief of the 
UN's police force. But farce was soon repeated as tragedy. When some of the most 
senior members of Aideed's clan gathered in a buildin
g in Mogadishu to discuss a peace agreement with the United Nations, the US forces, 
misinformed as ever, blew them up, killing 54 people. Thus they succeeded in making 
enemies of all the Somalis. The special forces were h
arried by gunmen from all sides. In return, US troops in the UN compound began firing 
missiles at residential areas.

So the raid on one of Aideed's buildings on October 3 1993, which led to the 
destruction of two Black Hawk helicopters and the deaths of 18 American soldiers, was 
just another round of America's grudge match with the warl
ord. The troops who captured Aideed's officials were attacked by everyone: gunmen came 
even from the rival militias to avenge the deaths of the civilians the Americans had 
killed. The US special forces, with an understand
able but ruthless regard for their own safety, locked Somali women and children into 
the house in which they were besieged.

Ridley Scott says that he came to the project without politics, which is what people 
often say when they subscribe to the dominant point of view. The story he relates 
(with the help of the US department of defence and the
 former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff) is the story the American people need 
to tell themselves.

The purpose of the raid on October 3, Black Hawk Down suggests, was to prevent 
Aideed's murderous forces from starving Somalia to death. No hint is given of the 
feuding between him and the UN, other than the initial attac
k on the Pakistani peacekeepers. There is no 

[CTRL] Forum: It's the Society, Stupid

2002-01-31 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from -,1283,50094,00.html?tw=wn20020130

Forum: It's the Society, Stupid
By Paulo Rebêlo

2:00 a.m. Jan. 30, 2002 PST

PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil -- While political and business leaders from the world's
richest nations preach the gospel of globalization at this week's World Economic
Forum in New York, a wholly different point of view will be presented in this
southern Brazilian city.

The week-long World Social Forum - , beginning Thursday, was
initiated last year for those who believe that life quality and development
can't be achieved only through economic rules, but mainly through social rules.

Under the auspices of what they call solidarity globalization, WSF organizers
and participants are working toward finding social solutions for some of the
world's most pressing problems, including hunger, poverty and sickness.

During last year's first WSF, all the speeches seemed to center around a feeling
that something is very wrong with the globalization embraced by developed and
rich countries -- a globalization on vivid display during the yearly World
Economic Forum -- since poor nations would only become poorer and more dependent
on the rich.

However, very few solutions were offered last year.

This year, WSF officials will concentrate on potential solutions.

We came because we believe in the possibility of a different world, said
Bernard Cassen, director of Le Monde Diplomatique, and president of Attac - , the Association for the Taxation of Financial
Transactions for the Aid of Citizens.

Among the speakers at the conference are American leftist scholar Noam Chomsky;
Canadian author Naomi Klein; Belgium's Eric Toussaint, director of the committee
for the annulment of the third-world debt; Portugal's Jose Saramago, Nobel Prize
winner for literature; Pakistan's Tariq Ali, editor for the New Left Review;
Indonesia's Dita Sari, defender of Indonesian human rights.

Jose Antonio Ocampo will represent the United Nations. Others scheduled to
attend are French Youth Minister, Marie J. Buffet, and three Nobel Peace Prize
winners: Rigoberta Menchu (Guatemala, 1992); Mairead Corrigan Maguirre (Ireland,
1976); and Adolfo Perez Esquivel (Argentina, 1980). There are also
representatives of the Red Cross and Amnesty International.

Chomsky, who will deliver the keynote speech on Thursday, and Cassen have been
deeply involved in the WSF's organization since its inception.

Seminars and workshops will be divided into four primary topics: Production of
wealth and social reproduction; access to wealth and self-sustenance; civil
society and affirmation of public spaces; and political power and ethics for a
new society.

Issues related to unemployment, labor relations, economical, social and cultural
rights, worldwide taxation, genetically modified crops, prejudice, ecology,
racism, religion and socialism will be discussed in parallel workshops.

We can and we will point solutions for those who need them, said Theresa
Williamson, founder of Catalytic Communities - . She
will coordinate a workshop on Saturday about how to assist communities in
developing their own solutions for local problems.

If credibility is at least partially determined by the number of well-known
thinkers, essayists and political leaders who participate, the WSF is indeed
growing quickly. And along with the influx of brainpower comes a change of focus
from the identifying of problems to actually setting a framework to do something
about them.

I came last year and felt a bit disappointed about the lack of solutions
contrasting to the high amount of critics, but it seems we're having a different
approach now, Williamson said.

In an open letter to U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, the Nobel Prize winners
said: Our fight must be against the silent bomb of hunger, poverty and social
exclusion. In that same letter, they argue against terrorism, but also against
military aggression based in humanity operations.

Of all the speakers and activists expected this week, few are more provocative
than Jose Bove, of France, who was deported from Brazil after an incident last
year but has already been spotted in Porto Alegre this week.

Bove, who defends agricultural causes, organized a group last year that
destroyed a nearby farm growing genetically modified crops of soy on an
experimental basis for Monsanto.

In addition to last year's deportation, he's awaiting trial in France, where
he's accused of promoting riots and attacks at McDonald's restaurants.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by 

[CTRL] Chip could create mass-produced clones

2002-01-31 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from -

Chip could create mass-produced clones

19:00 30 January 02
Sylvia Pagán Westphal

A chip that will automatically create hundreds of cloned embryos at a time is
being developed by a Californian biotech company, New Scientist has learned.

If it lives up to its promise, the chip should help make cloning cheap and easy
enough for companies to mass-produce identical copies of the best milk or meat
producing animals for farmers. It might even be used for cloning human embryos.

The chip automates the laborious process of nuclear transfer, the key step in
cloning. At present it takes hours of painstaking work with a microscope to
remove the nucleus of an egg cell and replace it by fusing the denucleated egg
with another cell.

If somebody's got something like that, obviously it would make everybody's life
easier, says Tanja Dominko of Advanced Cell Technology, the Massachusetts
company that caused a stir late last year when it announced that it had created
cloned human embryos.

Urchin eggs

In animals, cloning is still very wasteful. At best, around half of cloned
embryos develop to the point where they can be implanted, and only a tenth of
these survive to birth. Often more than a hundred nuclear transfers must be
carried out to create a single clone.

Scientists usually start with a batch of 150 eggs, and denucleate them one at a
time before moving on to the next step. That means eggs can be left sitting
around for several hours, a delay that may reduce success rates.

But the nuclear transfer array developed at Aegen Biosciences, by the company's
founders Richard Kuo and Gregory Baxter, could handle hundreds or even thousands
of eggs at once. Kuo says they can routinely denucleate 30 to 50 sea urchin eggs
at a time. They plan to start testing cow eggs in the next few weeks.

The prototype is a thin silicon slice a few centimetres across etched with
hundreds of tiny wells, one for each egg. The trick is to spin the chip in a
centrifuge, forcing the eggs' dense nuclei through a small hole at the bottom of
each well. About 90 per cent of the eggs can be successfully denucleated this
way, Kuo says.

Kuo and Baxter are now working on the next step, which is to fuse a donor cell
with the denucleated egg. A lid with appropriately positioned donor cells will
be placed on top of the eggs. Then they're ready to fuse, says Kuo, although
he won't reveal details of the method. After fusion, eggs that develop far
enough could be implanted manually into an animal's womb as normal.

Too expensive

If it works with cow [eggs], that would be very neat, says Rudolph Jaenisch of
MIT, who studies problems with cloning. But just because it works with sea
urchins doesn't guarantee that it will work with the eggs of other species, he

And Randall Prather of the University of Missouri, whose team recently announced
the cloning of miniature pigs, says the chip won't help solve other problems,
such as ensuring that the eggs you use have been kept in the right conditions.
He thinks it might also be too expensive for many labs.

Kuo admits there is much work still to be done on the chip, but he believes it's
worth the effort. One could submit different batches of eggs to various
treatments, to find out which conditions improve success rates in cloning, he
says. Such studies could also help researchers identify the factors in eggs that
reprogram the added nucleus.

If the chip does improve success rates in animals, it is likely to be used to
create cloned human embryos, where the problem is not dealing with many eggs at
a time but getting hold of sufficient numbers of eggs. Companies such as
Advanced Cell Technology hope to obtain embryonic stem cells from cloned embryos
but have had only limited success.

The chips might also appeal to the mavericks who want to carry out human
reproductive cloning despite all the warnings about the risks. The warnings are
based on the health problems seen in the few clones that do survive, which have
also prompted the FDA to ask companies not to sell food from clones until it has
been proved to be safe.

19:00 30 January 02

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Fwd: Human Flying Bombs (Uri Dan Dennis Eisenberg) - August 1996

2002-01-31 Thread Saba

Note a Suicide Bomber begging for his life?

Note the reference too The Great Satan and then consider it has been
television and Hollywood with the garbage they put out making the
picture reading Americans for the slaughter.

We have been warned?   Oh yes - the ADL warned the FBI how dangerous
Christians, Muslims, and Militias were in this country - but these are
doomsdayers and avengers of blood.

Israel is bringint their war to our shores and after all this is how it
is in the bible - let the Americans see what it is like, their bible
demands Israel be blown to hell and back so they have made us their

Read this letter and note the tone - and the date.   But sit and watch -
cui bono.cui bono like the Twin Towers - cui bono?   Larry
Silverstein with 7 billion dollars in insurance money?   Tax clear?

Who is removing our landmarks.

Did you notice this Wall Street reporter who is missing - he looks like
Tim the Toolman Allen - his wife was on TV laughing and smiling, all
dressed up with makeup so unconcernend.

What was this reporter doing in Pakistan - accused now of being Mossad
Agent?   Wall Street journal investigating terrorism these days and
sends in a jew to this terriory?   Looking for an incident?

This gives the ARMY the opportunity to search and seize and go into
every door in Pakistan - note everytime the USA makes peace and friends
Israel is right there to cause rift like attempting to cause war against
Saudi Arabia?

Its the gold they are after - read this story and then wait and see
America turn into a sick twisted Israel...who thrive and feed on death
while at same time biting American and stabbing in the back/
Remember the USS Liberty?   The LaVon Afair?

Cute stuff here now in Pakistan?It is a scam, a hoax - but this
smiling laughing wife seems to be having a good time as theymake fools
out of the USA and also sitting ducks.

Larry Silverstein with 7 billion dollars tax clear while those in the
Twin Towers like the Murrah Building were sitting ducks?

Who all did not go to work that day in Oklahoma and in Twin Towers for
this death toll keeps going down.

Cui bono - that was Saudi gold at bottom of Twin Towers.


Forwarded from The Jerusalem Post of July 25, 1996
Human Flying Bombs
By Uri Dan  Dennis Eisenberg
The mullahs are using German 'compassion' to ward off US trade sanctions
against Iran for terrorism.
INCREASINGLY the finger of suspicion is being leveled at Iran for an act
of terror which sent a TWA plane crashing into the sea off the coast of
New York last week. The US National Transportation Board sits
tight-lipped. Reluctant to reveal embarrassing details about poor
security arrangements at US airports, it is stalling. Months may pass
before it issues its report on the crash.
The US, Federal Aviation Administration, in turn, gives the impression
that spending millions on costly safety devices to save lives isn't that
important. In a frantic effort to pin the blame on foreigners the FAA
has sent agents to check security at airports in Athens and Tel Aviv. We
suggest they concentrate on airports in the US. In contrast, FBI sources
openly admit that they are actively investigating claims that a bomb
caused the TWA disaster. This follows information from Israeli and
European intelligence sources who suspect that a terrorist bomb caused
that flash in the sky spotted by eyewitnesses seconds before the
Ali Fallahian, Teheran's international terror campaign chief, has
reportedly trained scores of volunteers for his human bombs. Fallahian
was certainly impressed by the way suicide bombers successfully blew up
US and French military targets in Lebanon in 1983. He also saw how
simple it was to use Hamas suicide pawns to kill over 200 bus passengers
and pedestrians in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and other cities earlier this
Three months ago Lebanese-born Hassin Makdad lost both legs, an arm and
one eye when he accidentally blew himself up in a hotel room in east
Jerusalem. In hospital, begging doctors to save his life, he was so
grateful at having recovered consciousness that he began to detail how
Iranian instructors trained him together with an elite group of other
volunteers to become a heroic human flying bomb for Allah.
Armed with a stolen British passport and lethal redex explosive hidden
inside a simple Sony radio given him by Beirut's Iranian embassy he was
told to board a plane to Israel via Zurich. This choice was deliberate.
The Swiss have the tightest security in Europe where Israel-bound planes
are concerned. A guarded bus drives passengers to an isolated building
protected by armed vehicles. They are then taken to the plane together
with their luggage. Ali Fallahian knew that if his plan succeeded in
Zurich it would work anywhere.
Swiss security personnel failed to spot Makdad's radio bomb. Nor was his
false British passport in the name of Andrew Newman picked up by Israeli
border control. The 

[CTRL] Radio Islam: Chapter 5 - Jewish History, Jewish Religion

2002-01-31 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] No Founding Fathers? That's our new history

2002-01-31 Thread Peat
Title: Message
Published 1/28/2002
No Founding Fathers? That's our new history
Ellen Sorokin

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin are not included in 
the revised version of the New Jersey Department of Education history standards 
— a move some critics view as political correctness at its worst.
The Pilgrims and the Mayflower also are excluded, as well as the word "war," 
which has been replaced with "conflict" in lessons about the early settlers, 
colonization and expansion.
Also gone are most references to the inhumane treatment many American 
soldiers endured in wars overseas during the 20th century. However, the 
standards specifically note that students should identify slavery, the Holocaust 
and modern Iraq as examples "in which people have behaved in cruel and inhumane 
The latest revisions to the state standards have disappointed educators 
across the country, who said the board's exclusion of the Founding Fathers' 
names is "political correctness at the end of the nth degree."
"This is what you call a historical irresponsibility," said David Saxe, a 
Penn State University education professor who reviews state history standards 
nationwide for the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation in Washington. The foundation 
gave the New Jersey history standards a failing grade the last time it reviewed 
New Jersey's current history standards, which also exclude most historical 
figures, were approved in 1996. Those standards were revised earlier this month 
and have not yet been approved by the state.
State school officials argue they do not need to list all the well-known 
historical figures — like other states' history or social studies standards do — 
because teachers will know they have to talk about the country's first president 
and the other Founding Fathers when the lesson on American history comes up.
"It's pretty obvious what needs to be taught," said Jay Doolan, the acting 
assistant commissioner of the state's Division of Academic and Career 
State educators said the standards do include a requirement that students 
"recognize the names of some major figures in American history" — a 
generalization that Mr. Saxe said is a "cop out."
"It's unimaginable to us why teachers wouldn't teach students about George 
Washington when they talk about the new nation," Mr. Doolan said. "It's also 
hard to imagine that when our students learn about Thanksgiving, that they won't 
learn about the Pilgrims, who they were and why they came here. ... We don't 
intentionally exclude certain names. But how long should the list of names be? 
Who do we include or not include?"
Some states like Virginia and Indiana also don't include the Pilgrims in 
their standards. In some cases, the Pilgrims are referred to as early settlers, 
early Europeans, European colonizers or newcomers, although most textbooks still 
call them Pilgrims.
"[The word] Pilgrim implies religion," said Brian Jones, vice president for 
Communications and Policy at the Education Leaders Council in Washington. "It's 
getting more difficult to talk about the Bible and the Puritans."
But if the state leaves out specific names and events in its standards, then 
teachers must defer to history textbooks that are written by national and state 
committees, Mr. Saxe argued.
"We're still at the mercy of the textbook, and that defeats the purpose of 
standards," Mr. Saxe said. "This pretty much lets classroom teachers do what 
they want. I have no trouble with that if it's a competent teacher. But what 
about those who are not?"
Mr. Doolan said the state board does not set a state curriculum but rather a 
general guideline, which local school districts then use to come up with their 
own lesson plans.
The state also writes a curriculum framework, which includes a "Suggested 
Topics" section recommending what teachers should teach. The current framework, 
adopted in 1999, suggests that teachers teach about the administrations of 
Washington, John Adams and Jefferson.
The 1999 framework will most likely be revised when the new history standards 
are adopted.
"Our standards have always been fairly general because it's up to the 
districts to follow up on them," Mr. Doolan said. "The districts will take the 
standards and flesh out what contents should be taught."
Although state board officials did not include any Founding Fathers or other 
well-known American figures, they did add, in their first draft, the names of 
slavery opponents Theodore Dwight Weld and Angelina and Sarah Grimke in the 
section about the Civil War and Reconstruction period.
Why include them and not Washington or Jefferson? "We wanted to make sure to 
include those three names because they're not readily known to most and we don't 
know whether the teachers will know to teach them," Mr. Doolan said.
John Fonte, a 


2002-01-31 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Mike Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How about it TENORLOVE.   Is GUNTHER an IMPOSTOR also.

I have no idea. He's on my to study list, but who knows when I'll get
to him.


Do You Yahoo!?
Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Goldstein--the Evil One

2002-01-31 Thread RoadsEnd


George Orwell (1903-1950) - pseudonym of Eric Arthur 

  English novelist, essayist and critic, 
  famous for his novels ANIMAL FARM (1945) and NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR (1949), 
  classics of political satire. The book shows that the destruction of 
  language is part of all other oppression. Although Orwell expressed 
  leftist views, he remained to the end of his life an uncompromising 
  individualist and political idealist. Orwell was called by his 
  contemporaries the conscience of his age. 
  "The essence of being human is that one does 
not seek perfection, than one is sometimes willing to commit sins for 
the sake of loyalty, that one does not push asceticism to the point 
where it makes friendly intercourse impossible, and that one is prepared 
in the end to be defeated and broken up by life, which is the inevitable 
price of fastening one's love upon other human individuals." ( from 
'Reflections on Gandhi', in Shooting an 
Elephant, 1949) 
  George Orwell was born in Motihari, Bengal, India, as the second child 
  of Richard Walmesley Blair and Ida Mabel Limonzin. His father was a civil 
  servant in the opium department and his mother 
  came from a family of old Burma hands. In 1904 
  Orwell moved with his mother and sister to England. He attended Eton, 
  where the old-fashioned British flogging was in use. Orwell published his 
  first writings in college periodicals. During these years Orwell developed 
  his antipathy towards the English class systems. Also Orwell's years at St 
  Cyprian's Preparatory School were not happy. His bitter essay dealing with 
  this period, SUCH, SUCH WERE THE JOYS, was not published until 1968. 
  Orwell failed to win a scholarship to university and in 1922 he went to Burma to serve in the Indian Imperial Police 
  (1922-27) as an assistant superintendent. Like his colleagues, 
  Orwell had native mistresses. Eventually Orwell's mounting dislike of 
  imperialism led to his resignation. His revelations of the behaviour of 
  the colonial officers appeared in SHOOTING AN ELEPHANT (1950) and in his 
  early essay A Hanging (1931). 
  Orwell returned to Europe and lived as a tramp and beggar, working low 
  paid jobs in England and France (1928-29). He had decided in 1928 to 
  become a writer. He had not shown earlier much inclination for writing and 
  his first amateurish efforts arose smiles. A poet friend described him 
  "like a cow with a musket." Orwell's account of his experiences in poverty 
  gave material for DOWN AND OUT IN PARIS AND LONDON (1933). However, the 
  author was never an authentic vagrant, but often showed strange urge for 
  self-punishment. He also has an aunt in Paris. From 1930 Orwell 
  contributed regularly to the New Adelphi and in 1933 he assumed the 
  pseudonym by which he would sign all his publications. Orwell was he name 
  of a small river in East Anglia, and George was definitely a British 
  Christian name. 
  Unable to support himself with his writings, Orwell took up a teaching 
  post at a private school, where he finished his first novel, BURMESE DAYS 
  (1934). In 1936 Orwell married Eileen O'Shaugnessy. KEEP THE ASPIDISTRA 
  FLYING, the story of a young bookseller's assistant, appeared in 1936. 
  From 1936 to 1940 Orwell worked as a shopkeeper in Wallingford, 
  Hertfordshire. In 1936 Orwell was commissioned by the publisher Victor 
  Gollancz to produce a documentary account of unemployment in the North of 
  England for the Left Book Club. The result, THE ROAD TO WIGAN'S PEER, is 
  considered a milestone in modern literary journalism. 
  In the1930s Orwell had adopted socialistic views and travelled to Spain 
  to report on the Civil War. He fought alongside the United Workers Marxist 
  Party militia and was shot through the throat by a Francoist sniper’s 
  bullet. When Stalinists on their own side started to hunt down Anarchists 
  and his friends were thrown into prison, Orwell escaped with his Eileen 
  Blair from the chaos. The war made him a strong 
  opposer of communism and an advocate of the English brand of 
  socialism. Orwell's book on Spain, HOMAGE TO CATALONIA, appeared in 
  1938 after some troubles with its publication. The book was coldly 
  received by left-wing intelligentsia, who considered Communists heroes of 
  the war. In Orwell’s lifetime Homage to Catalonia sold only about 
  fifty copies a year. 
  During World War II Orwell served as a sergeant in the Home Guard and 
  worked as a journalist for the BBC, Observer and Tribune, 
  where he was literary editor from 1943 to 1945. 


2002-01-31 Thread RoadsEnd


To Whom It May Concern:
While in Los Angeles I found an Open court case between Mohamed Al Fayed vs.
Oswald de Winter which is an alias for a man who also used the nickname The
General.  Al Fayed lists several British figures who are probably MI6
agents.  There are several color photographs of Oswald deWinter, this case
and George is Oswald's real name.

Al Fayed has a whole host of lawyers David E. Kendall from D.C. is his main

The third URL is quite informative on Fayed's stance listed below.
Khashoggi links:


Feel free to use material.

Bruce  Campbell Adamson

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Bush irony-buying drugs helps bin Laden

2002-01-31 Thread RoadsEnd


Actually, voting for Bush helped bin Laden and helped proliferate drugs.

Daily News
White House Spends 3.4M for Super Ads

Daily News Washington Bureau


The White House will shell out a record $3.4 million for two Super Bowl
spots that will say buying illegal drugs could help terrorists like Osama
Bin Laden.

The ads are part of a campaign that President Bush launched himself last
month, when he told an anti-drug group: Terrorists use drug profits to fund
their cells to commit acts of murder. If you quit drugs, you join the fight
against terror in America.

In a record single-event advertising buy for the federal government, the
White House drug czar's office is paying $1.7 million each for 30-second
spots that will air Sunday on Fox during the Super Bowl, said a network

The buy has been made, the source said of two 30-second spots airing
during the game between the New England Patriots and the St. Louis Rams.

The feds will get a discount on the $2 million average cost for a 30-second
Super Bowl ad. The Census Bureau set the previous government record during
the 2000 Super Bowl with a single spot for less than $1.5 million, reported
AdAge.Com, which broke the story.

But the drug czar's office - formally called the White House Office of
National Drug Control Policy - has a sweetheart deal with Fox that
guarantees it will get to air matching free spots as public-service
announcements during future sporting events on the network.

There is a match on this deal, the Fox source said. We have NASCAR and we
also have Major League Baseball, including major events like the All-Star
game and the World Series.

Tom Riley, spokesman for the drug czar's office, declined to comment,
saying, We don't talk about any initiatives until they come out. He did
say that in the past, the drug czar has not melded anti-drug and
anti-terrorism messages.

New York ad agency Ogilvy  Mather, which handles buys for the drug czar's
more than $160 million annual ad budget, did not return calls. Award-winning
British director Tony Kaye, who directed the 1998 film American History X,
directed the two Super Bowl spots, AdAge reported.

Original Publication Date: 1/31/02

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Interview with Evo Morales, on hunger strike

2002-01-31 Thread RoadsEnd


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Monitoring Service trial

January 31, 2002
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleagues,

Narco News today publishes an interview with former Bolivian Congressman Evo
Morales, and includes a report from Andean Bureau Chief Luis Gómez on the
mounting constitutional crisis in that country:

The interview appears in English and in Spanish.

Gómez explores the illegality of the actions taken by the Bolivian
government in expelling Morales, the single-largest vote-getting in history,
from the House of Representatives.

Also, in the coming hours we will publish an email exchange with Eduardo
Gamarra of Florida International University and Narco News about our
Bolivian coverage.

from somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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---End Message---

Re: [CTRL] Deadly Anthrax Made In Texas!

2002-01-31 Thread Jim Rarey

This is a classic CIA planted piece of misinformation and misdirection 
intended to deflect attention from the CIA, Ft. Detrick and Battelle 
Memorial Institute (BMI).

Regardless of whether the anthrax should have been called "Ames" or Texas 
strain, the crucial question is who had the capability of producing aerosolized 
concentrations of one trillion spores per gram and who had access to it.

The idea of a (lone) terrorist digging up anthrax from the old cattle 
trails in Texas and Oklahoma and then converting first to powder form and then 
the aerosolized form without access to William Patrick's secret five step 
processes is ludicrous.

This article is the CIA's response to the earlier article quoting Barbara 
Rosenberg as saying the terrorist must be someone who knows William 

- Original Message - 
From: Jei 
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 10:04 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Deadly Anthrax Made In Texas!
-Caveat Lector-Investigators trace anthrax that killed 5 
people to TexasTHE NEW YORK TIMESWednesday, January 30, 
2002Federal investigators have found in recent weeks thatthe 
so-called Ames strain was first identified not inAmes, Iowa, its reputed 
home, but a thousand milessouth, in Texas.The strain of the bacteria 
was found on a dead cownear the Mexican border in 1981 and the 
geographicgaffe was the result of a clerical error by ascientific 
researcherthe clerical error wound up taking theinvestigation on 
several wrong turns.The discovery of the true origin of Ames "looks 
likeit gets Iowa off the hook," a senior law enforcementofficial said 
Tuesday.He said the Ames strain now appeared to be widelyscattered 
in natural settings. It was found in a deadgoat on a Texas ranch in 
1997."This one is the true Ames," a CIA analyst said of theTexas 
germ.He added that the anthrax that panicked the nationlast fall 
"all came from Texas."A HREF=""  
DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange 
list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not 
soap-boxing-please! These aresordid matters and 'conspiracy 
theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright frauds-is 
used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects spread 
throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, CTRLgives no 
endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to readers; be wary 
of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need 
not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat 
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[CTRL] GM Corn Takes Over Mexican Countryside

2002-01-31 Thread Edward Britton

-Caveat Lector-

Source URL unknown:

Mysterious 'Alien' Corn Invades Mexico Countryside


CAPULALPAN, Mexico (Jan. 30) - In this one-telephone village in the hills
of Mexico's Oaxaca state, corn grows out of cracks in the sidewalks, along
roadsides and anywhere else it can find soil.

That may sound like a farmer's utopia, but for people in Capulalpan and a
host of other mountain settlements where corn is a staple of every family's
diet, it is more like an aberration of nature.

Local and foreign scientists have concluded the mysterious, ubiquitous corn
variety is genetically modified, and illegal.

The presence of the modified corn amid local corn varieties is not yet
alarming, but scientists warn it could usurp the hardier Oaxaca corn
quickly unless it is stopped soon.

Transgenic strains were found in 15 of 22 communities in these hills and in
3 to 10 percent of plants in the fields sampled.

''What's frightening is how fast it has spread,'' said Yolanda Lara,
spokeswoman for Oaxaca's non-governmental Rural Development Agency. ''The
government must put a stop to this.''

Mexicans, who see their country as the birthplace of the centuries-old
maize crop, are appalled by the discovery of genetically modified corn in
their most far-flung highlands.

And speculation that the modified corn reached their lands in government
trucks carrying subsidized kernels to community stores has fired that
outrage still further.


Cultivating genetically modified corn has been prohibited in Mexico since
1998, although it is imported from the United States for human consumption.

Village elders for whom corn is a way of life in the Oaxaca highlands first
raised the alarm that a wild strain of corn was invading their native or
so-called ''Creole'' maize.

''This corn is going to waste away our creoles,'' said Lino Martinez, the
81-year-old farmer of a small corn plot in nearby La Trinidad, perched on a
steep mountainside with cornfields snaking up and down its slopes.

In La Trinidad, even the dentist's office has a corn patch for a backyard.

Biologists used DNA-testing on the ''wild'' corn and discovered that it was
genetically modified. The University of California at Berkeley confirmed
local findings in November, prompting demands that the Mexican government
halt imports of transgenic corn.

With the presence of alien corn confirmed, activists are now going after
its presumed source.

Residents in Capulalpan and a string of surrounding villages claim the corn
arrived on government trucks dispensing low-cost basic food items to people
in the area, where almost every house is flanked by a cornfield.

''Wherever those kernels fell, off the backs of the trucks, from bags
carried from the store, the corn would grow,'' said Olga Toro Maldonada,
39, who cultivates corn in her backyard to help feed her six children.

''It even grows out of the concrete.''

She claims the corn has been in the village for several years and is
readily available at the local government store. Locals say the modified
corn kernels are larger, differently colored and don't taste as sweet as
native varieties.


Maldonada began planting the kernels herself three years ago, curious to
see how they would grow. She says at least five other families in
Capulalpan followed suit.

The results were remarkable, at first.

''The first crop was marvelous, yielding two or three head of corn per
plant instead of one,'' said Maldonada as she walked through her tiny corn
patch, pointing out varieties of maize she said were Creole, genetically
modified and mixed.

It takes between four and five head of corn to create one kilogram of maize
for tortillas, the nation's main staple food, so the new corn strain at
first seemed to be a godsend.

But the windfall soured as Maldonada noticed that while the corn grew
anywhere and with very little water, it was highly susceptible to plague
once ripe.

She only stopped harvesting the maize after being told it was genetically
modified and still an unknown quantity in the science world, where the
impact of transgenics on the environment is unclear.

Scientists and environmentalists say they are concerned the transgenic
maize could usurp the Creole variety, which has become largely resistant to
local plagues and diseases.

Officials at the government's basic foods distribution program, Diconsa,
which sells subsidized corn to 23,000 stores nationwide, deny claims they
distribute the corn and say their maize is grown locally or bought from
local distributors.

Diconsa director general Fernando Lopez Toledo told Reuters in a telephone
interview that imported corns are only bought when national production does
not suffice.

Sources in Mexico could not identify U.S. companies exporting the corn,
which is transported in bulk and distributed among Mexican buyers.

Mexico imports some 6 million ton(ne)s of corn each year to make up for

Re: [CTRL] While Conservatives Sleep

2002-01-31 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

what I find amazing is that somehow conservatives are lovers of the
constitution, so by implication liberals' or progressives are not.

people keep spouting this bilge - I guess often enough that everyone just
nods their heads as if it were true.

Free your mind and your ass will follow.
   St George


 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 00:49:33 -0500
 Subject: [CTRL] While Conservatives Sleep

 -Caveat Lector-

 While Conservatives Sleep
 Are We Suicidal?

 By: Todd  Brendan Fahey

 Let it be stipulated that what passes for 'conservatism' today has very little
 to do with the genius vision of the Founders of this nation - those brave
 patriots who sacrificed life and property toward the establishment of a
 Republic based upon the doctrine of limited governmental interference into the
 lives of its citizenry. As a chronic peruser of and contributor to various
 'conservative' news forae, I am struck daily with the acquiescence of modern
 Republicans, especially, in the face of a dismembering of the Bill of Rights -
 the first ten amendments which are so central to the American Success Story.
 From the FBI's Carnivore and Magic Lantern cyber-snooping technology, to the
 traffic light cameras implanted to record the faces of every automobile driver
 and passenger, to Echelon, a multinational privacy infringement project, the
 4th amendment guarantee against unreasonable searches and seizures is
 effectively dead, and with nary a whimper from the 'conservative' voting popul
 ace. As well, our President and Attorney General are preparing to charge
 American Taliban adherent John Walker Lindh with sedition, instead of the
 appropriate crime of treason, and the decision to do so will not be a simple
 faux pas: Sedition connotes unlawful speech against the Government, whereas
 Treason is warranted by ones actions--the aiding and abetting of an enemy of
 the State.

 There is no doubt, following open confessions on news media channels, that Mr.
 Walker deliberately and cognizantly entered into acts which constitute
 'treason;' but a 'sedition' charge will serve the Government more effectively.
 Plainly stated: by prohibiting certain 'speech,' a chilling effect bodes
 heavily on the 1st amendment, imperiling any who might dare to speak out
 against those in power. Our current Government has, via Carnivore, Magic
 Lantern, and Echelon [and in making mandatory global positional system [GPS]
 technology in every newly-made cellular phone,] implanted mechanisms by which
 to capture said 'prohibited speech,' and to monitor, isolate and capture
 so-called 'dissenters.'

 My criticism of conservatives is launched herein for good reason - chiefly,
 there are but a handful remaining of honorable or semi-honorable Old Left or
 Left-libertarian activists and pundits [if there were ever more than but a
 handful:] Nat Hentoff, Christopher Hitchens and Camille Paglia springing
 immediately to mind. But the Right, as students of the Constitution, should
 know better.

 The Founders of this nation recognized the inherent evil that is, by nature,
 every government; anyone who has read the collected Federalist Papers knows
 this [and those who have not read it, Congresspersons especially, should; in
 fact, the reading of the Federalist Papers and the complete diaries and
 political writings of our Founders should be a stringent requirement for
 public office.] Our nation was built on the notion than humans band together
 to create Government, and only to protect the rights of those whose rights are
 infringed upon by others; unlike the former USSR, Red China or the Articles of
 the United Nations, our Government grants no rights - it merely safeguards the
 inalienable rights granted us by our Creator. George Washington, a fairly
 strong supporter of central government, wrote that, Government is not reason;
 it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a
 fearful master. Jefferson went much further, exorting ominously, the tree o
 f Liberty must, from time to time, be refreshed by the blood of patriots and
 tyrants. Patrick Henry, a philospher/activist dearest to mine own heart,
 conceded nothing as he laid down the gauntlet to King George III and future
 tyrants, crying, ...give me liberty or give me death. Compared to these
 fearless men, today's conservatives--the vast bulk of them--are neuters,
 eunuchs, piddling running-dogs at the scraps-table of American history.

 You may expect that I will follow next with an 'anti-War' polemic, as is
 currently fashionable amongst the Right/libertarian axis, but you would be
 wrong. The al-Qaeda should be exterminated, followed swiftly by those who lend
 to them aid and comfort - 

[CTRL] scary - but sometimes the good guy wins

2002-01-31 Thread thew
Title: scary - but sometimes the good guy wins


Beware of the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the
citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double edged
sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind.

And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils
with hate and the mind is closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the
rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry infused with fear and blinded
by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and do it
gladly so.

How do I know? I know for this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.

 Julius Caesar


Re: [CTRL] While Conservatives Sleep

2002-01-31 Thread Edward Britton

-Caveat Lector-

what I find amazing is that somehow conservatives are lovers of the
constitution, so by implication liberals' or progressives are not.

The typical conservative has no more use for the Constitution than the
typical liberal, but at least most conservatives are more honest about
their attempts at subversion.  Both wish to use government as an instrument
of forced plunder--to ensure that their twisted needs are met.  The goals
of each may be different, but the means are the same.

In politics, there are two kinds of people: those who wish to control
others and those who wish to remain free. The only means by which the
former may reign over the latter is by deception and force; by deluding
those who enjoy God-given personal liberty into accepting empty promises of
security, elaborate schemes of dependence and the propaganda of divisiveness.

people keep spouting this bilge - I guess often enough that everyone just
nods their heads as if it were true.

Most people have never even read the Constitution, much less understand
the intent of its framers.

Edward   +

If you have fifty problems and one of them is government, you have only one

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] GM Corn Takes Over Mexican Countryside

2002-01-31 Thread Joe Gillaspie

-Caveat Lector-


 -Caveat Lector-

 Source URL unknown:

 Mysterious 'Alien' Corn Invades Mexico Countryside


 CAPULALPAN, Mexico (Jan. 30) - In this one-telephone village in the hills
 of Mexico's Oaxaca state, corn grows out of cracks in the sidewalks, along
 roadsides and anywhere else it can find soil.

 That may sound like a farmer's utopia, but for people in Capulalpan and a
 host of other mountain settlements where corn is a staple of every family's
 diet, it is more like an aberration of nature.

 Local and foreign scientists have concluded the mysterious, ubiquitous corn
 variety is genetically modified, and illegal.

 The presence of the modified corn amid local corn varieties is not yet
 alarming, but scientists warn it could usurp the hardier Oaxaca corn
 quickly unless it is stopped soon.

 Transgenic strains were found in 15 of 22 communities in these hills and in
 3 to 10 percent of plants in the fields sampled.

 ''What's frightening is how fast it has spread,'' said Yolanda Lara,
 spokeswoman for Oaxaca's non-governmental Rural Development Agency. ''The
 government must put a stop to this.''

 Mexicans, who see their country as the birthplace of the centuries-old
 maize crop, are appalled by the discovery of genetically modified corn in
 their most far-flung highlands.

 And speculation that the modified corn reached their lands in government
 trucks carrying subsidized kernels to community stores has fired that
 outrage still further.


 Cultivating genetically modified corn has been prohibited in Mexico since
 1998, although it is imported from the United States for human consumption.

 Village elders for whom corn is a way of life in the Oaxaca highlands first
 raised the alarm that a wild strain of corn was invading their native or
 so-called ''Creole'' maize.

 ''This corn is going to waste away our creoles,'' said Lino Martinez, the
 81-year-old farmer of a small corn plot in nearby La Trinidad, perched on a
 steep mountainside with cornfields snaking up and down its slopes.

 In La Trinidad, even the dentist's office has a corn patch for a backyard.

 Biologists used DNA-testing on the ''wild'' corn and discovered that it was
 genetically modified. The University of California at Berkeley confirmed
 local findings in November, prompting demands that the Mexican government
 halt imports of transgenic corn.

 With the presence of alien corn confirmed, activists are now going after
 its presumed source.

 Residents in Capulalpan and a string of surrounding villages claim the corn
 arrived on government trucks dispensing low-cost basic food items to people
 in the area, where almost every house is flanked by a cornfield.

 ''Wherever those kernels fell, off the backs of the trucks, from bags
 carried from the store, the corn would grow,'' said Olga Toro Maldonada,
 39, who cultivates corn in her backyard to help feed her six children.

 ''It even grows out of the concrete.''

 She claims the corn has been in the village for several years and is
 readily available at the local government store. Locals say the modified
 corn kernels are larger, differently colored and don't taste as sweet as
 native varieties.


 Maldonada began planting the kernels herself three years ago, curious to
 see how they would grow. She says at least five other families in
 Capulalpan followed suit.

 The results were remarkable, at first.

 ''The first crop was marvelous, yielding two or three head of corn per
 plant instead of one,'' said Maldonada as she walked through her tiny corn
 patch, pointing out varieties of maize she said were Creole, genetically
 modified and mixed.

 It takes between four and five head of corn to create one kilogram of maize
 for tortillas, the nation's main staple food, so the new corn strain at
 first seemed to be a godsend.

 But the windfall soured as Maldonada noticed that while the corn grew
 anywhere and with very little water, it was highly susceptible to plague
 once ripe.

 She only stopped harvesting the maize after being told it was genetically
 modified and still an unknown quantity in the science world, where the
 impact of transgenics on the environment is unclear.

 Scientists and environmentalists say they are concerned the transgenic
 maize could usurp the Creole variety, which has become largely resistant to
 local plagues and diseases.

 Officials at the government's basic foods distribution program, Diconsa,
 which sells subsidized corn to 23,000 stores nationwide, deny claims they
 distribute the corn and say their maize is grown locally or bought from
 local distributors.

 Diconsa director general Fernando Lopez Toledo told Reuters in a telephone
 interview that imported corns are only bought when national production does
 not suffice.

 Sources in Mexico could not identify U.S. companies exporting the corn,
 which is transported in bulk and 

Re: [CTRL] Naming the Real Enemy

2002-01-31 Thread Joe Gillaspie

-Caveat Lector-


 Naming the Real Enemy
 By Alan Caruba: 01.31.02

 It's called the Big Picture. In his State of the Union speech,
 President Bush named North Korea, Iraq and Iran as an axis of evil
 and no one would dispute this. However, there is a larger axis of
 evil and its headquarters can be found beside the East River in New
 York City. It is the United Nations.

 North Korea, Iraq and Iran are all members in good standing of the
 United Nations. In fact, of the 189 UN members you can create a
 roster of nations where human rights don't exist and the threat to
 our national security and that of the world exists on a daily basis.
 For an organization created to maintain international peace and
 security, it has a long, dismal record of failure.

 The one power that has steadfastly moved the world toward any
 stability has been the United States and it has done so repeatedly by
 committing its armed forces to suppress the evil ambitions of nations
 such as those named
  by the President and, previously, by holding firm against the ambitions of the 
former Soviet Union.

 Soon President Bush will visit the nation that poses the single greatest threat to 
the United States, the People's Republic of China. Diplomatically, it was not 
mentioned as part of the axis, but it is no secret that Ch
 ina has been a major supplier of weapons of mass destruction to Iran, Iraq and even 
our new ally, Pakistan. Red China is also closely allied with North Korea.

 While the focus of the President's speech was, understandably, the evil of Islamic 
jihad; the goal of millions of militant Muslims to impose their religion on the 
world, the continued failure to focus on the ever-growing
 threat of the United Nations is troubling to those who have watched it impose a vast 
matrix of international treaties, conventions and protocols upon the nations of the 
world. Each one is part of the UN's openly expressed
  intention to become a centralized global government. Can you spell 

 One can read the game plan in the report of the UN's Commission on Global Governance 
entitled Our Global Neighborhood. The world is being divided into regions where the 
sovereignty of separate governments is being subsu
 med. In the process, the individuality of these nations will disappear, along with 
their ability to determine the welfare of their citizens.

 The most obvious example of this is the European Union. The EU just issued its own 
currency, eliminating those of France, Germany, Greece, and Italy, among its members. 
It has its own court system and, presumably, soon it
 s own military. It is only a matter of time before regionalization is imposed on 
Asian, African, and South American nations. The US will be pressured to become part 
of a region composed of itself, Canada and Mexico. If th
 is should happen, you can kiss the Constitution good-bye!

 Thus, while it is essential that the United States leads the fight against those 
nations that most clearly threaten our homeland, peace, and progress for their own 
people and neighboring nations, the ultimate threat is po
 sed by the United Nations.

 Just one example of this is the UN's High Level Panel of Financing
 Development that will meet in Monterey, Mexico, March 18 through 22. The Panel's 
report includes recommendations for a World Taxing Authority, global taxes on fossil 
fuels, global taxes on currency exchange, and the conso
 lidation of all international finance and development agencies under UN authority. 
To put it another way, this is pure, boldfaced totalitarianism designed to seize 
control of all the money in the world!

 When created, the UN's finances were to be paid solely by member's dues. The United 
States pays 22% of the entire operation of the United Nations and, in return, in 
October 2001, the United States lost the seat on the Hum
 an Rights Commission that it has held since 1947. Who replaced the United States? 
One of the seven nations the US has designated as a state sponsor of terrorism, Syria!

 So, while I support the President's objectives as regards his newly coined axis of 
evil, I support the most important step the United States could take to rid itself 
of the greatest threat to our national sovereignty an
 d that of every other nation in the world, withdrawal from the United Nations. When 
that happens, the UN will implode.

 Copyright, Alan Caruba, 2002 First North American Serial Rights. All other rights 

 Alan Caruba is the founder of The National Anxiety Center, a clearinghouse for 
information about media-driven scare campaigns. The Center maintains an Internet site 

 He is also the author of The United Nations Vs. The United States, a pocket guide 
available from the Internet site of The National Anxiety Center.

 Permission to reprint/republish granted, as long as you include the name of our 
site, the author, and our 

[CTRL] Fwd: 'Mrs. Paine's Garage: And the Murder of John F. Kennedy' by Thomas Mallon

2002-01-31 Thread RoadsEnd


U.S. History 
Lodger'Mrs. Paine's Garage: And the Murder of John F. Kennedy' by 
Thomas Mallon 


Reviewed by George Lardner Jr.Sunday, January 27, 2002; Page BW04 

MRS. PAINE'S GARAGEAnd the Murder of John F. KennedyBy Thomas 
MallonPantheon. 212 pp. $22
When Ruth Paine woke up in her Irving, Tex., home on the morning of Nov. 22, 
1963, her overnight boarder, Lee Harvey Oswald, had gone for the day, leaving an 
empty coffee cup in the kitchen sink. She had been instrumental in getting him a 
job at the Texas School Book Depository, and when she got over her initial shock 
at the mid-day shooting of President John F. Kennedy, she told Oswald's wife, 
Marina, that Lee "would have quite a story to tell" when he got back that night. 

Oswald, of course, never got back to Irving and never told his story. 
Hundreds of books have been written about what did or didn't happen that tragic 
day, and before and after. The Warren Commission concluded that Oswald, acting 
alone, murdered the president. The House Assassinations Committee, relying on 
acoustic evidence that appears to be solid, decided that he "probably" had 
Now Thomas Mallon, an accomplished novelist who has often taken the 
bystanders at American historical events as subjects for his fiction, has 
produced a nonfiction account of the life of Ruth Paine and her dealings with 
the Oswalds before the assassination and the Oswald family thereafter. It is not 
a pretty picture.
In 1963, Ruth Paine, a Quaker uncomfortably transplanted to Texas, was 
looking to improve her Russian. She'd been studying the language for several 
years when she met Lee and Marina Oswald during a party at a friend's apartment 
in Dallas. Oswald was at his pompous best, commanding the spotlight with his 
criticisms of the Soviet Union, but Paine, recently separated from her husband, 
was taken with Marina, a lonely young woman isolated by her husband's refusal to 
let her learn English.
The two women became friends, and when Lee went to New Orleans in late April 
to look for work, Marina moved in with Ruth. Paine never liked Oswald much and 
would have liked him even less if she'd known he regularly battered Marina, once 
so badly that she tried to kill herself. Ruth drove Marina to New Orleans in May 
after Lee found a job, and then back again to Irving in September. Jobless 
again, Lee was unusually helpful in packing Ruth's station wagon. She didn't 
know she was bringing back a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle wrapped in a well-tied 
blanket, a rifle that Marina knew her husband had already used to try to kill 
right-wing Gen. Edwin A. Walker on April 10. It was tucked away in Mrs. Paine's 
garage until the morning of the assassination.
Mallon goes too far in touting Paine as the Warren Commission's "star" and 
"principal witness" when she wasn't even in Dealey Plaza the day Kennedy was 
shot, but her honest and effusive testimony, covering almost 200 pages, makes it 
difficult to dispute his calling her "the most precise and morally interesting 
person" to come before the panel. Painfully candid, she even managed to 
embarrass New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison's minions years later when 
one of them asked her darkly about the Xs in her old Hallmark calendar for 
"Well," Paine, now in her late sixties, says she replied, "most people keep 
track of their menstrual periods. . . . He flushed so red. He was sorry he 
asked, but as far as I was concerned, better to know than to wonder."
The book, while slender, gives us much too much trivia about Ruth Paine and 
her ex-husband, Michael, rambling through tiresome family histories and 
supposing that the reader cares what she thinks these days of "the more violent 
WTO protests" (they "leave her cold"). It comes almost as a relief when Mallon 
embarks on an engaging side tour of the unending, often paranoid Web-site 
battles between "Lone Nutters" who believe in Oswald's exclusive guilt and 
"Conspiracy Theorists" who consider him a victim. Ruth Paine pops up in these 
postings as an FBI informer or a CIA agent, while Michael Paine can find himself 
accused of having been "behind the [grassy] knoll in the parking lot."
Mallon, however, sinks into deep water when he scolds the House 
Assassinations Committee for failing to call Ruth as a witness. Paine herself 
seems to have realized that the committee's staff was satisfied with what she 
told the Warren Commission, but Mallon goes on to accuse the panel of sloppy 
work for relying on old FBI reports that contained minor errors such as 
misstating the name of a college she attended. Such nitpicking is undercut by 
Mallon's failure to spell former Texas governor John Connally's name correctly 
and his mistaken claim that the now defunct Assassination Records Review Board 
"had no investigative powers."
The book also derides the House committee's acoustic 

[CTRL] the propaganda matrix

2002-01-31 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Camera Rage Strikes Hawaii Drivers
New York Times
Mark of the Beast?
World Net Daily
French Prepare Powerful Eye in Sky
Microchip Implants May Save Lives One Day
Big Brother Card Idea Costs Province Big Bucks
Hamilton Spectator
Your Papers Please
Washington Times
National Identification Card 'Chilling' Says State Legislator Group
US Newswire
Digital Angel Watches Over Chosen Subjects
Chicago Tribune
Scanners Offer Neat Way to ID Suspects
Texas Star-Telegram
Democrat Policy Group Recommends 'Smart IDs' For Americans
Big Brother Archive
1984 by George Orwell
Pakistan Denies Bin Laden Visited for Dialysis
Pentagon Plans New Command For U.S.
Washington Post
State Court Backs Police on Searches
L.A Times
NPR Smears Christian Group
World Net Daily
Farmers Will Need 'green licence' to get Subsidies
London Telegraph
Anthrax, Ebola Missing From US Army Ft. Detrick BioWeapons Lab
Hartford Courant
Civilian Inmate Labor Programs
US Army
The George Bush/Tony Blair/Carlyle Group Connection
Moscow Times
Was FBI Early Arrival in Oklahoma City?
World Net Daily
Space Preservation Act of 2001 (Introduced in the House)
HR 2977 IH
Mandates Chemtrail, Weather and Mind Control Operations
War on Terror 'Curbing Human Rights'
Schreyer Calls for Direct Taxation of EU Citizens
EU Observer
The Iowa Channel
Fox News
Thousands of Russian Prisoners are Still Suffering in Gulag Archipelago
London Independent
The End Of The New World Order?
Tim Rifat Leader Raided By 25 Heavily-Armed Agents
ENRON SCANDAL: Was John Clifford Baxter Murdered?
Hector Carreon
Mike Ruppert
Was the US government alerted to the September 11 attack?
Part 3   Part 4
World Socialists
Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics
J. McMichael
Rift Between US Government and US Special Forces - Part 2
Joe Vialls
The New Faisaliah Giant Obelisk - Occult Symbolism?
The Right or the Left, Does it Matter?
Rumor Mill News
Rift Between US Government and US Special Forces
Joe Vialls
China Leads World In GM Crop Cultivation
London Telegraph
Putin Signs Major Russian Arms Modernization Plan
China a Terrorist Threat to U.S., Dissident Wu Warns
Book Says China Involved in 9-11 Attacks
World Net Daily
Seeds of Fire by Gordon Thomas
UPI - 'Seeds Of Fire' By Gordon Thomas Has 'Explosive Implications'
China Assisting Us in War Against US Says Taliban Commander
Hindustan Times
Beijing Produces Videos Glorifying Terrorst Attacks on 'arrogant' US
London Telegraph
China Strengthens Ties with Taliban by Signing Economic Deal
International Herald Tribune
Kim Sells Workers to Gulags in Debt Deal
London Times
The 45 Goals of Communism
Stan Solomon
The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto
Destruction of the Trade Centers:
Occult Symbolism Indicates Enemies Within Our Own Government
Robert Howard
David Icke
Bohemian Grove Intruder says he Feared Human Sacrifices
Santa Rosa Press Democrat
Bohemian Club's Friends, Foes Dismiss Dark Tales
Santa Rosa Press Democrat
Masked Man Enters, Attacks Bohemian Grove
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[CTRL] Destruction of the Trade Centers: Occult Symbolism Indicates Enemies Within Our Own Government

2002-01-31 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Destruction of the Trade Centers:
 Occult Symbolism Indicates Enemies Within Our Own Government

by Robert Howard

Hard Truth/Wake Up America


Albert Pikes Masonic Master Plan

 9/ 11

9+1+1=11Twin Towers =11   Flight

On September 11, (9/11) 2001 the world watched in horror as two planes, one
each crashed into the two World Trade Centers. Moments later one crashes into
part of the Pentagon. What you are about to read is from years of research
from this author and others into the Satanic / Illuminati / Freemason
influence that is in control of these United States as well as other nations
on this Earth. It is this research that has allowed myself as well as others
to recognize this event for what it really is and who's behind it. This
disaster from beginning to end is riddled with several occurrences of the
occult worlds fanaticism with numerology. In this case the numbers are 9, 11
and 77. What is unknown by most is that this isn't the only tragedy that has
the Illuminati's signature as you will soon see. First lets look at the
occults fanaticism with numerology and what these numbers represent. There
are many numbers the occult use but 3,7,9,11,13,18,28,33,39,77 and 666 or any
multiple of these numbers have special meaning to the Freemasons and the

Number 3:

Three (3) is the first sacred number, the first perfect number (Westcott, p.
41). Three represents the Pagan Trinity. (Westcott, p. 37). It is
represented geo-metrically in the triangle, and spiritually as the Third Eye
Of Hinduism. Occultists will multiply and add three to other sacred numbers
to create new numbers. However, they also group threes in two's and threes,
because they believe in the principle of intensification, i.e., that
greater power is achieved when a sacred number is grouped. In the case of
three, greater intensification is achieved when it is shown as 33, or 333.
333 + 333 equals 666. Occultists have used 333 as the hidden symbol by which
they present the more offensive number 666. When the details of an event are
so arranged as to contain certain sacred occult numbers or numeric
combinations, this is literally an occult signature on the event.
Mathematically, 666 can be created when three pairs of threes are added.
Thus, (3+3) + (3+3) + (3+3) = 666. Now, eliminate the parentheses and the
plus sign, and you have 33 space, 33 space, 33, representing the number 666.
Occultists Worship Numbers

Number 6:

Six (6) is the next sacred number, representing the number of the soul of man
(Westcott, p. 66). This shows the omnipotent power of God, as this belief
parallels Revelation 13:18, where God assigns 666 to man and to the beast.
Six is also believed to be all-sufficient. Occultists Worship Numbers

Number 7:

Seven (7) is a sacred number. Van Buren calls 7 one of the most sacred of
all the numbers...the Invisible Centre, the Spirit of everything. (p. 39)
Since multiplication of seven creates an even more powerful sacred number, we
should not be surprised that 3x7, or 21, is considered powerful. Occultists
Worship Numbers

Number 9:

9th Degree Apron of Memphis and Misraim.

Nine (9) is sacred because it is the first cube of an odd number (3), (Van
Buren, p.40-41) The triple nine (999) is utilized to represent 666, because
it is simply the inversion of 666. Occultists Worship Numbers

Royal Arch Masonry is obsessed with bridge symbolism (Princess Diana was
murdered under a covered bridge) to the same extent that the Masonic grade of
Ninth degree is up to it's neck in decapitation ritual. (Masonic
Assassination, by Michael Anthony Hoffman, Library of Congress Cat. Card #

(Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was
given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the
witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the
beast , neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their
foreheads, or in their hands ; and they lived and reigned with Christ a
thousand years

Number 11:

In systems such as Astrology and basic Numerology, eleven is considered to be
a Master Number. Eleven can also represent sin; transgression and peril. Ten
being the perfect number, eleven represents the exceeding of both. It is
interesting to note that eleven when broken down (1+1=2) comprises the Two of
duality. (LUCIFER tried/wanted to be equal to God) Number eleven is a master
vibration and as such should not be reduced to a single number. People with
this number could be both idealistic and visionary, and they are attracted to
the unknown. They can be both unusual, interesting and magnetic personalities.
 Eleven bring the gift of spiritual inheritance, (system of the Anti-Christ)
is gifted as the Light-Bearer. (One of the names of Lucifer) see 

Re: [CTRL] GM Corn Takes Over Mexican Countryside

2002-01-31 Thread Edward Britton

-Caveat Lector-



FYII what?

Edward   +

If you have fifty problems and one of them is government, you have only one

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Human Flying Bombs (Uri Dan Dennis Eisenberg) - August 1996

2002-01-31 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

The more I read this thing the more I rmember the Lavon Affair and the
USS Liberty?

In each instance Israeli/Mossad murdered Americans and got away with it.
The Lavon Affair used Egyptian Jews posing as Muslims to blow up
American movie houses.

Always found it interesting this close relationship Russian Jews (like
say Meyer Lansky of Murder Inc. whose son went to West point) have in
Israel and now Russian has a psychic and oh they are warning American
of disaster.

Remember Jean Dixon warned us - oh she saw blood running down the
forehead of the President elected in 1960 - he had bright blue eyes,
shock of hair, blah blah blah.

Then over andover she marked JFK for murder and then over and over she
marked RFK for murderand that is when I nailed that old BITCH on a
soothsaying and practicing astrology without a license charge and kept
her out of Columbus for 10 years...Donahue once called me from
Cincinnati and wanted me to drop my charge for she was afraid to come to
Ohio - I said NO WAYso instead he went to the Hog Show on the State
Fair Grounds saying I would not dropthe charge.

Now John Fitzgerald Kennedy had GRAY eyes, not blue and there is a big
difference.  It was thougoht Walter Reuther would run that yead, he did
not and later he was in my opinion, murdered and I have his funeral
program and they quote right out of the book of Daniel..

So now Russia again turning loose their soothsayers and astrologers
against the USA - friendly warnings like this ADL seem to pass out for
they warned the FBI and BATF stay home that day in Oklahoma but left the
babies and others to diemaybe like Twin Towers?   Oh so many
warnings the demolition was to begin?

What is this sudden interest and over and over again they tell Americans
our countryis going to be blow to hell and back and people and children
going to die for a hell hole like Israel?See this new Mayor of New
York going to Bush to demand money for New York?   What the hell,
million jobs lost in past few years and people out of work, out industry
gone and the nation turning into cesspool thanks to Hollywood stigma of
Sodom and Gomorrah applied daily in movies and on tv and you know what
happened to Sodom and Gomorrah?

Well then and today, can only be compared to an atomic blast.

These doomdayers - are people so deaf, dumb and blind - eyes that see
not, ears that hear not - these are doomsdayers, avengers of blood
loosed upon us -

And Bush stands there and tells us we are going to live in terror...this
god damned jejwish crap is the problem and always has been the problem -
The Zion Pigs who operate in criminal syndicate - stealing and theft of
America but destroy it firsthey like Silverstein, Wanted Dead or
Alive Preferably Dead - the Twin Towers.7 Billion Dollar Reward
(insurance payolla).

Who is kidding who...take this Old Testament and shove it up their
nose but let us see how the Hidden Ones operate, and their prayer to
God to destroyus and Muslims?   Think not?

Its Herzi who had the favorite psalm where happy he would be when our
little ones heads were dashed against the rocks.sounds like baby
bashing to me for remember Waco, the Lavon Affair, and USS Liberty and
say we do not have this evil empire operating from within   TARGET:
Kill All Arabs and Kill all Christians and Nail those Militia..


Read this garbage and think of the whining jews who create the scenario
for revenge - committing acts of murder then blaming the Arabs and then
praying to their God which is USA - to kill their enemies for
thempicture acts of atrocities now committed in USA he scape goat
for the Israeli Zionist set up and consider this Jewish Mafia Russian
Zionist Jews sitting back and laughing as they kill another Kennedy or
murder another President with this 20 year cycle.

Pictures this old bat Jean Dixon prophesying in God's Name - RUSSIA WILL
BEAT US TO THE MOON.this is psychological warfare, pseudo religions
political propagandists engaged in psychological warfare.

The news media prepares them for the kill, as they did JFK, RFK, Reagan,
Wallace, Princess Diana, and little John John even little John

What was that Walter Lippman wrote on July 9 that day in Pittsburg
surely the democrats will be punished and their offices taken
way..CFR Roundtable Zionist Lippman who gave lippservice - read
109th psalm the vendetta and wonder what type of mentality wrote all
this SHIT and then consider the the Jew Zionists if that
are jews at all, have put the USA and Christians in the Lions Den?

Cut off the funds to Israel - they are paper tigers, glorifying
themselves - they are a fly speck on the map to cause all this mayhem?

We have been WARNED?   Or have we been told, that the USA now Sodom and
Gomorrah is to be blown to hell and back but Israel will be spared, for
we are their suckers, their scape goat - we have been WARNED you know,
like the ADL warned the 

Re: [CTRL] Rosie O'Donnell: Gungrabbing Dike

2002-01-31 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Joshua T if they found out the truth about her little friend Paul
Poundstone who beat the rap in part and found out why the police were
called to O'Donnell's home 3 nights straight for a child was
screaming..this one wasn't even the accident prone child, the one
who knocked out her front teeth (only two years old) and who hit herself
in nose so hard with a toy it was bloodied and needed treatment - and
all the time this sick lesbian lover in the house - now this would make
a great horror story in the making.

A bunch of lesbians like this Paul Poundstone messing with the kids?

At the Gay Price Festival here was this sicko male or whateer,  in a net
shirt fondling this little girl (on so friendly) while the lesbian
mother looked on.

Sodom and Gomorrah?   Well when it came to Rosie this stuff didn't sell
but when she went after those guns, bet K Mart regrets they ever saw
this fat pig.

For you see she was hired by feds for propaganda and Paula Poundstone
and Rosie end up on PBS with the kiddies hours, and along with that
horrible ugly mannish freak who married Rob Reiner - were seen tippy
toeing in the toy stores dressed like little elves?

Little fairies?   Something is happening in America for many people are
not supporting these establishments now who went after their guns and
kids, using the queers to get at the kids.

And it isn't this Buy Christian bunch either.

But then bankruptcy is a way of life for some of these big time


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Restricted Access - Dubya's Gubernatorial Documents

2002-01-31 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from -

Restricted Access

Why are journalists' requests for George W. Bush's gubernatorial documents being
met with lengthy delays?

by George Sanchez Jan. 29, 2002

Dozens of pallets loaded with shrink-wrapped boxes arrived at the George Herbert
Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas on January 2nd, 2001. Inside
the boxes were about 2,000 cubic-feet of files, memos and other paper documents
related to George W. Bush's five years as governor of Texas.

The records arrived at the library as the result of a 1997 state measure signed
into law by then-Governor Bush. Now, the records -- and access to them -- have
become the focus of a growing debate between journalists, archivists and Bush
administration officials.

Texas law mandates that gubernatorial records be placed in a state archive
subject to Texas's stringent Public Information Act. But the 1997 law, the
result of several years of legislative maneuvering, allows for a governor to
pick an alternate archive -- such as the presidential library, which is a
federal institution governed by US information laws.

While few have suggested that Bush decided to send his records to his father's
presidential library in an effort to make them less accessible, that is exactly
what journalists say has occurred.

Last March R.G. Ratcliffe of the Houston Chronicle requested access Bush's
gubernatorial records. Ratcliffe says his request was eventually fulfilled, but
not until four months had passed. Although he says members of the governor's
staff and library officials updated him on his request, Ratcliffe says he never
received a written explanation for the lengthy delay.

Part of the problem initially was when Bush left, he vacuum sealed his records
and sent them to his father's library. The National Archives had nothing to tell
them what was in the records. At the time they were just boxes on pallets, said
Ratcliffe. In the sense that the state law allows the governor to designate a
repository site, most of the time we don't care about the records. This is an
unusual situation as Bush is president; his records are of vital interest to
reporters and to the public.

Bush's personal lawyer, Terri Lacy, said the delays are simply the result of
inadequate planning and an overtaxed library staff.

Any problems relate to the fact that it's difficult to find the paperwork,
Lacy says. Our goal is to get the records as accessible as soon as possible.

Tom Hamburger of the Wall Street Journal says he requested access to
correspondence between Bush and several business leaders, including Charles
Cawley of America Bank, Thomas R. Kuhn of Edison Electric Institute, and Kenneth
Lay of Enron. Hamburger says his request was met with delays caused by
bureaucratic confusion over how the records should be handled.

Christy Hoppe, a staff writer for the Dallas Morning News, requested copies of
all correspondence between Bush and various members of Enron, including Kenneth
Lay, Jeff Skilling, Rick Causey, and Cliff Baxter, from 1996 to 1999. Hoppe's
request, made in December, has yet to be fulfilled and she says she has not
received any explanation in writing.

I don't get any sense of stonewalling, said Hoppe. Frankly, I recognize they
have thousands of boxes that have not been fully catalogued, but they have not
fully followed the letter of the law.

One problem, state officials say, is that it remains unclear which law should

Bush's gubernatorial records are the property of the state of Texas, state
archivists argue, and as such should be subject to state information laws. The
George Bush Presidential Library, where they reside, is a federal institution,
maintained by the National Archives and Records Administration. Library
officials have said they will attempt to comply with US Freedom of Information
regulations, which give them 90 days to respond to requests for documents. They
said they couldn't meet the state's guidelines, which call for a response within
10 days.

Susan Cooper, spokesperson for the archives and records administration, says the
staff at the presidential library is already busy and cannot be expected to
follow state guidelines.

This is an additional burden. This could be a full time job and we don't' have
the provisions to attend to that, Cooper says.

Chris LaPlante, state archivist at the Texas State Library and Archives
Commission, says the confusion over the gubernatorial records is a direct result
of disorganization in the governor's office created by Bush's presidential

Once Bush got into the presidential campaign, some staff (that were) working on
the transfer of files switched over to his campaign. The transfer of records
wasn't paramount in anyone's mind at the time, he says. According to LaPlant,
following the confusion of the election, the gubernatorial records were largely
forgotten, with no agreement about where they would 

Re: [CTRL] No Founding Fathers? That's our new history

2002-01-31 Thread Man on the Run

BF>No wonder people think Left-wing ideology is so stupid. It is
often represented in its "multi-culturalist" form in the media. "Multi-culturalism"
meams Empire. Omitting the Founding Fathers is reactionary philosophy
in Left-wing garb, no matter how anti-racist it may appear. No classical
Marxist or scientific liberal ever would have gone along with such a thing.
They bent over backwards to present their philosophies as "twentieth-century
Americanism". One wonders what Great Foundations have influenced
 When Right-wing ideology is presented in rediculous
form, it inflames the broad people against anyone who talks about national
sovereignty or the Constitution. The same thing happens when Left-wing
ideology is presented in treasonous forms. Legtimate dissent becomes
demonized. If there were a plan to divide America, it could not have
been divised better.

Peat wrote:
Published 1/28/2002
No Founding Fathers? That's our new history
Ellen Sorokin

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin
are not included in the revised version of the New Jersey Department of
Education history standards — a move some critics view as political correctness
at its worst.
The Pilgrims and the Mayflower also are excluded, as well
as the word "war," which has been replaced with "conflict" in lessons about
the early settlers, colonization and expansion.
Also gone are most references to the inhumane treatment
many American soldiers endured in wars overseas during the 20th century.
However, the standards specifically note that students should identify
slavery, the Holocaust and modern Iraq as examples "in which people have
behaved in cruel and inhumane ways."
The latest revisions to the state standards have disappointed
educators across the country, who said the board's exclusion of the Founding
Fathers' names is "political correctness at the end of the nth degree."
"This is what you call a historical irresponsibility,"
said David Saxe, a Penn State University education professor who reviews
state history standards nationwide for the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation
in Washington. The foundation gave the New Jersey history standards a failing
grade the last time it reviewed them.
New Jersey's current history standards, which also exclude
most historical figures, were approved in 1996. Those standards were revised
earlier this month and have not yet been approved by the state.
State school officials argue they do not need to list
all the well-known historical figures — like other states' history or social
studies standards do — because teachers will know they have to talk about
the country's first president and the other Founding Fathers when the lesson
on American history comes up.
"It's pretty obvious what needs to be taught," said Jay
Doolan, the acting assistant commissioner of the state's Division of Academic
and Career Standards.
State educators said the standards do include a requirement
that students "recognize the names of some major figures in American history"
— a generalization that Mr. Saxe said is a "cop out."
"It's unimaginable to us why teachers wouldn't teach students
about George Washington when they talk about the new nation," Mr. Doolan
said. "It's also hard to imagine that when our students learn about Thanksgiving,
that they won't learn about the Pilgrims, who they were and why they came
here. ... We don't intentionally exclude certain names. But how long should
the list of names be? Who do we include or not include?"
Some states like Virginia and Indiana also don't include
the Pilgrims in their standards. In some cases, the Pilgrims are referred
to as early settlers, early Europeans, European colonizers or newcomers,
although most textbooks still call them Pilgrims.
"[The word] Pilgrim implies religion," said Brian Jones,
vice president for Communications and Policy at the Education Leaders Council
in Washington. "It's getting more difficult to talk about the Bible and
the Puritans."
But if the state leaves out specific names and events
in its standards, then teachers must defer to history textbooks that are
written by national and state committees, Mr. Saxe argued.
"We're still at the mercy of the textbook, and that defeats
the purpose of standards," Mr. Saxe said. "This pretty much lets classroom
teachers do what they want. I have no trouble with that if it's a competent
teacher. But what about those who are not?"
Mr. Doolan said the state board does not set a state curriculum
but rather a general guideline, which local school districts then use to
come up with their own lesson plans.
The state also writes a curriculum framework, which includes
a "Suggested Topics" section recommending what teachers should teach. The
current framework, adopted in 1999, suggests that teachers teach about
the administrations of Washington, John Adams and Jefferson.

[CTRL] Antisemitic vs. Prosemitic = ?

2002-01-31 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, Nurev Ind wrote:

 Party of Citizens wrote:

  If chosen ones can coin the neologism, antisemitic can I not coin
  prosemitic? I want to be as approved of by the chosenites as
  possible. Tell me what a good prosemite would be like?

 Michael Hoffman, Bill Shannon, and YOU. Of course.
 Prosemites are racists who hate Jews ( anti-semites ) and pretend that
 they like Arabs, when all they really want is a venue to hate Jews.

 How's that  Doc ?

Chuck U:

That was pretty good. Got me so confused I don't know my prosemites from
my antisemites any more. Must be your superior Chosenite
reasoning. Anyway, send me another gross of bagle holes as they are really
bringing in the shekels up here in the 'true north, strong and free'.

Here is a secondary quote which is easily verified: The latest Council of
Jewish Federations demographic survey ... since 1985, most Jewish
marriages have been intermarriages and the chance that the child of an
intermarried couple will be raised as a Jew is only 28% Now I think that
if you look at conversion alone, any argument of biological-racial
continuity from the Ancient Israelites goes out the window. Other than
this individualistic conversion there were the mass conversions recorded
in history of the Edomites under the Romans and much later, the
Ashkenazi-Khazar conversion. What percentage of today's Jews are
considered to be of Ahkenazi origin according to the Jewish encyclopedias,
Encyclopedia Britannica, etc? What do the geneology/family tree references
tell you? The oldest Jewish family tree from my quick search only goes
back to the 1400's. What do you get? These short family trees are
consistent with continuing conversion. Both ways, as the case of the
famous dancing midget proves.

Alrightee then, so God or G-d if you prefer is not a racist. That's good
news. We all have a chance to be Israelites. Jesus Christ was 100%
explicit: I came only to find the lost sheep of Israel. What part of
only do I not understand? Also He said Hear O' Israel, the Lord our God
is one so forget about any nonsense that the Torah according to Jesus
Christ is polytheistic. Also forget any nonsense that He invented a new
religion or negated the ancient laws from Moses and the Patriarchs prior.
Not one jot or title did He change. Now convince me that Jesus Christ
was not the Torah personified. Try arguments from Schonfeld, The Passover
Plot, Maccoby, The Myth Maker and Cohn, The Trial and Death of
Jesus. Cohn, BTW was President of the Supreme Court of Israel.

Surprise me. Give me an argument I have not heard. So far I can refute all
of them. There is nothing in the Traditional Jewish Prayer Book that I can
find which I disagree with. I don't recall any portion which says whether
the Messiah prayed for is a Messiah of first coming or second coming. Do
you? The De Sola Poole version also says Judaism has never called for an
unreasoning faith and The word Torah means teaching. So present us
with a reasoned teaching that convincingly proves Jesus Christ violated
the Torah. Until then I have to conclude that treatises like those of
Schoenfeld, Maccoby and Cohn are just more bile and bullshit, used to
justify the ongoing campaign of terror, genocide and theft of ancestral
lands inflicted on millions of hapless Palestinians.

If a Semite is a True Israelite, then let's have a look at the best of
the Prosemite arguments. My arguments are derived from a 2,000 year old
biography and historical record. That record also talks about the Whore
of Babylon which is revealed in modern churchianity from the Whitehouse
preachers and tele-evangelists to the Vaticanites. Don't expect these
avatars of the Whore of Babylon to contend for the True Israelite faith.
As Revelation says, liars and cowards have no place in the Kingdom of
Heaven so you are welcome to your one billion plus boot-licking lackies
and male impersonators like the Hagees, Grahams, Robertsons, Falwells etc.

Party of Citizens Inc.
Bagle Hole Distributors

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Antisemitic vs. Prosemitic means ?

2002-01-31 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 1/30/02 8:10:31 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Michael Hoffman, Bill Shannon, and YOU. Of course.
Prosemites are racists who hate Jews ( anti-semites ) and pretend that
they like Arabs, when all they really want is a venue to hate Jews.

As usual you are incorrect Zev.
I don't have any problem with Jewish folk, some of my favorite entertainers are Jewish. My problem, as you well know, is with Zionism. Since you cannot defend the racist practice of Zionism, the criminal behaviour of the Israeli government, the sheer hypocrisy of that state, you namecall, it shows your desperation.


[CTRL] Feds: Fetus Called 'Unborn Child'

2002-01-31 Thread Archibald Bard

Feds: Fetus Called 'Unborn Child' 

By Laura Meckler 
Associated Press Writer 
Thursday, January 31, 2002; 2:02 PM 

WASHINGTON -- A developing fetus may be 
classified as an "unborn child" eligible for government health care, the Bush 
administration said Thursday, giving low-income women access to prenatal care 
and bolstering the arguments of abortion opponents. 

The plan will make a fetus eligible for health care 
under the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Because CHIP is aimed at 
kids, it does not typically cover parents or pregnant women. 

Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson 
cited well-established data on the importance of prenatal care in explaining the 

"Prenatal care for women and their babies is a 
crucial part of the medical care every person should have through the course of 
their life cycle," Thompson said in a statement. "Prenatal services can be a 
vital, lifelong determinant of health, and we should do everything we can to 
make this care available for all pregnant women." 

States, which administer CHIP, would have the 
option of including include fetuses in their programs. Doing so would make the 
mother eligible for prenatal and delivery care. 

Abortion rights supporters complain that there are 
other ways to include coverage for pregnant women in CHIP. They see Thursday's 
action as a backdoor attempt to establish the fetus as a person with legal 
standing, which could make it easier to criminalize abortion. 

"If they're interested in covering pregnant women, 
why don't they talk about pregnant women?" asked Laurie Rubiner of the National 
Partnership for Women and Families. "I just have to believe their hidden agenda 
is to extend personhood to a fetus." 

This plan, she said, "sets legal precedent on its 

States may already cover pregnant women under the 
health program, though they have to get specific permission from HHS since CHIP 
was designed for children, not adults. 

Thompson regularly promotes these waivers. He has 
worked to speed the time it takes for them to be considered by federal 
officials, arguing that waivers are an excellent way of expanding health 
coverage to people without insurance. 

In his statement Thursday, he said automatically 
including the fetus is the quickest way to get prenatal services to the most 

The waiver process "would take longer than 
extending it this way," said HHS spokesman Campbell Gardett. 

Thompson said he also supports legislation pending 
in the Senate that would allow states to automatically add pregnant women to 
CHIP, much as poorer pregnant women are eligible for Medicaid. 

Administration officials said last summer that they 
were considering this policy change. At the time, the National Governors 
Association cautioned HHS that while some states would embrace the new option 
and some would immediately reject it, other states would face divisive battles 
over whether to go along. 

The new policy will not take effect until after it 
is published in the Federal Register and the department considers public 

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[CTRL] The Colder War

2002-01-31 Thread William Shannon

The Colder War. John Pilger writes in The Mirror about the new "red scare." : John Pilger :29 Jan 2002

LAST week, the US government announced that it was building the biggest-ever war machine. Military spending will rise to $379billion, of which $50billion will pay for its "war on terrorism". There will be special funding for new, refined weapons of mass slaughter and for "military operations" - invasions of other countries.

Of all the extraordinary news since September 11, this is the most alarming. It is time to break our silence.

That is to say, it is time for other governments to break their silence, especially the Blair government, whose complicity in the American rampage in Afghanistan has not denied its understanding of the Bush administration's true plans and ambitions.

The recent statements of British Ministers about the "vindication" of the "outstanding success" in Afghanistan would be comical if the price of their "success" had not been paid with the lives of more than 5,000 innocent Afghani civilians and the failure to catch Osama bin Laden and anyone else of importance in the al-Qaeda network.

The Pentagon's release of deliberately provocative pictures of prisoners at Camp X-Ray on Cuba was meant to conceal this failure from the American public, who are being conditioned, along with the rest of us, to accept a permanent war footing similar to the paranoia that sustained and prolonged the Cold War.

The threat of "terrorism", some of it real, most of it invented, is the new Red Scare.

The parallels are striking.

IN AMERICA in the 1950s, the Red Scare was used to justify the growth of war industries, the suspension of democratic rights and the silencing of dissenters.

That is happening now.

Above all, the American industrial-complex has a new enemy with which to justify its gargantuan appetite for public resources - the new military budget is enough to end all primary causes of poverty in the world.

Donald Rumsfeld, the Defence Secretary, says he has told the Pentagon to "think the unthinkable".

Vice President Dick Cheney, the voice of Bush, has said the US is considering military or other action against "40 to 50 countries" and warns that the new war may last 50 years or more.

A Bush adviser, Richard Perle, explained. "(There will be) no stages," he said.
"This is total war. We are fighting a variety of enemies. There are lots of them out there ... If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely, and we don't try to piece together clever diplomacy but just wage a total war, our children will sing great songs about us years from now."

Their words evoke George Orwell's great prophetic work, Nineteen Eighty-Four.
In the novel, three slogans dominate society: war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.

Today's slogan, war on terrorism, also reverses meaning. The war is terrorism.
The next American attack is likely to be against Somalia, a deeply impoverished country in the Horn of Africa.

Washington claims there are al-Qaeda terrorist cells there.

This is almost certainly a fiction spread by Somalia's overbearing neighbour, Ethiopia, in order to ingratiate itself with Washington. Certainly, there are vast oil fields off the coast of Somalia.

For the Americans, there is the added attraction of "settling a score".

In 1993, in the last days of George Bush Senior's presidency, 18 American soldiers were killed in Somalia after the US Marines had invaded to "restore hope", as they put it.

A current Hollywood movie, Black Hawk Down, glamorises and lies about this episode.

It leaves out the fact that the invading Americans left behind between 7,000 and 10,000 Somalis killed.

Like the victims of American bombing in Afghanistan, and Iraq, and Cambodia, and Vietnam and many other stricken countries, the Somalis are unpeople, whose deaths have no political and media value in the West.

WHEN Bush Junior's heroic marines return in their Black Hawk gunships, loaded with technology, looking for "terrorists", their victims will once again be nameless. We can then expect the release of Black Hawk Down II.

Breaking our silence means not allowing the history of our lifetimes to be written this way, with lies and the blood of innocent people. To understand the lie of what Blair/Straw/Hoon call the "outstanding success" in Afghanistan, read the work of the original author of "Total War", a man called Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was President Carter's National Security Adviser and is still a powerful force in Washington.
Brzezinski not long ago revealed that on July 3, 1979, unknown to the American public and Congress, President Jimmy Carter secretly authorised $500million to create an international terrorist movement that would spread Islamic fundamentalism in Central Asia and "destabilise" the Soviet Union.

The CIA called this Operation Cyclone and in the following years poured $4billion into setting up Islamic 

[CTRL] India behind abduction of US journalist Daniel Pearl

2002-01-31 Thread William Shannon

India behind abduction of US journalist Daniel Pearl

By Kamran Khan of The News 
Updated on 2002-01-30 11:13:46

KARACHI JAN 30 (PNS): Pakistani investigators of the Daniel Pearl kidnapping case have discovered that the man who had invited Pearl for a meeting at a downtown Karachi restaurant just before he went missing on Wednesday last made at least six phone calls to two different numbers in New Delhi before he abandoned his mobile phone on Saturday last, informed officials have confirmed here.

The officials said Pakistani intelligence officials and the agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are now making separate efforts to locate the individuals and addresses which were contacted in the Indian capital from Karachi at least 24 hours after Pearl's kidnapping around 7 pm from Village Garden restaurant near Karachi's Avari Towers hotel.

Pakistani investigators have established that fake identity papers under the name of Amir Siddiqi were used to purchase a mobile phone connection from the Mobilink only a week before Pearl's kidnapping. Final calls for the Wednesday appointment with Pearl as well as all post-kidnapping calls to Delhi were made from the same mobile phone connection.

Some Pakistani intelligence officials have long suspected that the agents from Indian intelligence service Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) have penetrated into various jihadi organisations and they were active in frustrating President General Musharraf's drive to turn Pakistan into a modern and moderate Islamic state. A senior Pakistani official, however, said, "it was premature to speculate about an Indian hand in kidnapping, but the government is using its full resources to locate the perpetrators of the crime."

On Sunday, three days after the kidnapping, a previously unknown group called The National Movement for the Restoration of Pakistani Sovereignty sent an e-mail with attached pictures of Daniel Pearl to news organisations in Pakistan and abroad claiming responsibility for his kidnapping. The Organisation claimed that Pearl was a CIA official, a fact vehemently denied by the CIA and the Wall Street Journal, and demanded that all Pakistanis currently detained in the US and the American military base in Cuba be returned to Pakistan. It also echoed an often-repeated Pakistan government demand with the United States to deliver the F-16 fighter aircraft - which have already been paid for by the government of Pakistan. A demand for the release of former Afghanistan ambassador to Pakistan was also put forward by the group which used an address of [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Maybe to mislead the investigators and public opinion the demands have been drafted in a way as if they came from a motivated group within the government," observed a senior police investigator in Karachi.

Before his kidnapping last week, Pearl, the South Asia correspondent of the Wall Street Journal, was investigating the alleged links between a little known radical Islamic group called Jamat Al-Fuqra headed by Sheikh Mubarak Jilani and Richard Reeves who had made an abortive bid to blow up an American airliner which was on way to Boston from Paris last month, Pearl's wife and colleagues informed Pakistani officials.

According to these accounts Pearl was particularly interested in tracing the individuals behind the e-mails that had been sent to and from Richard Reeves before he embarked upon a failed suicide mission from Paris. The e-mail traffic to Reeves had originated from Karachi's internet service provider called Cyber net, but they all originated from various internet cafes in the city.

To investigate the Reeves-Jilani story Pearl was very keen to meet Sheikh Jilani, whose Al-Fuqra was designated as terrorist organisation by the US State Department in 1995, but it was de-listed as a terrorist group in 1999. Al-Fuqra was involved in hate crimes and anti-Hindu violence in the United States. Its activities remained restricted to the United States.

Police officials suspect that Pearl's search for Jilani took a dangerous turn, as his contacts that include two Rawalpindi journalists mistakenly introduced him to the activists of a known Jihadi group, twice designated as a terrorist organisation by the US State Department.

A middle-aged Jihadi group activist identified as Bashir, which, according to the police investigators, was the fake identity of the man who had held an undercover meeting with Pearl at a Rawalpindi hotel room booked under a fake name two weeks ago, is now at the centre of police investigation into the kidnapping case.

After this Rawalpindi meeting during which Bashir promised Pearl a meeting with Sheikh Jilani's principal contact in Karachi, he stayed in touch with Pearl through his mobile phone and an e-mail address identified as: nobadmashi (Urdu for no rascality)

It was on Bashir's recommendation that Pearl set up an appointment with one Amir Siddiqi, 

[CTRL] The Numbing of Americans

2002-01-31 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


An Astonishing Remark
by Sheldon Richman, January 2002

When Attorney General John Ashcroft told the nation, To those who
scare peace- loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message
is this: Your tactics only aid terrorists, he wasn't blazing any new
trails. He was merely doing what despots and would-be despots always
do: attempting to intimidate into silence those who dare to question

Ashcroft's statement is one of the most astounding things to be said
by a U.S. official in many years. To read it carefully — letting its
full message sink in — is to be overtaken by a sense of horror that
is otherwise hard to imagine. Every American should be offended to
hear the government's chief law enforcement officer equate public
expressions of concern about the threats to liberty from drastic
anti-terrorism measures with joining al-Qaeda. Does Ashcroft have
such a low estimate of the American people's intelligence?

Perhaps he needs to become acquainted with Thomas Jefferson. It was Jefferson who 
said, The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain 
ground. That's true in the best of times. It's doubly
 true during war — especially an Orwellian undeclared, open-ended crusade against an 
enemy as nebulous as international terrorism. Ashcroft is a perfect Orwellian 
character. In 1984, Big Brother told his people that fr
eedom is slavery. It follows that slavery is freedom. Ashcroft refuses to concede 
that the Bush administration is seeking to curtail liberty in the least. Those who see 
diminished liberty must be hallucinating, seeing p
hantoms of lost liberty.

So when the president unilaterally abolishes due process for noncitizens, we are only 
imaging an erosion of liberty. And when Congress passes, without even reading, the 
administration's alleged anti-terrorism bill, which
expands the government's powers of surveillance, permits secret searches of homes, and 
weakens judicial oversight of law enforcement, again, we are deluded if we think 
freedom is evaporating. I write alleged anti-terrori
sm bill because the new law does not restrict the expanded powers to suspected 
terrorists, but applies them to any criminal activity. This is a classic power grab 
under the cover of an emergency. September 11 has given p
olicymakers a chance to bring down from the shelf every new police power they have 
wanted for years. They assume no one will question the need for such broad powers, and 
if anyone does, they can shut him up by portraying
him as an ally of the terrorists. The game is rigged in favor of power.

It is no comfort that the erosion of liberty in the name of fighting terrorism has a 
bipartisan cast to it. Democratic Senator Charles Schumer of New York has given his 
blessing to oppressive government with an op-ed in t
he Washington Post titled Big Government Looks Better Now. As Schumer puts it, 
barely concealing his glee, For the foreseeable future, the federal government will 
have to grow... The era of a shrinking federal governme
nt has come to a close. Of course, the senator was trying to enlarge it long before 
September 11.

Schumer insists that only the federal government has the breadth, strength and 
resources to keep us secure. Forgive me for asking, but did we not have a federal 
government on September 11? Was it not in charge of our se
curity on that date? Then what is the senator talking about? And if it isn't impolite 
to ask, just where does the federal government get all those resources? Last time I 
checked, it didn't produce anything. It simply took
 resources from the people who did produce them.

Once we understand that all government possesses is the power of legal plunder our 
whole perspective changes. Schumer insists that the notion of letting a thousand 
different ideas compete and flourish — which works so we
ll to create goods and services — does not work at all in the face of a national 
security emergency. Unity of action and purpose is required, and only the federal 
government can provide it. But he’s got it wrong. Securit
y is a service. Competition and innovation are valuable in the effort to keep 
ourselves safe. The last thing we need is central planning. That’s what we had on 
September 11.

Sheldon Richman is senior fellow at The Future of Freedom Foundation in Fairfax, Va., 
author of Tethered Citizens: Time to Repeal the Welfare State, and editor of Ideas on 
Liberty magazine.

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Re: [CTRL] Antisemitic vs. Prosemitic = ?

2002-01-31 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/31/02 2:31:42 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 If a Semite is a True Israelite, then let's have a look at the best of
 the Prosemite arguments. My arguments are derived from a 2,000 year old
 biography and historical record. That record also talks about the Whore
 of Babylon which is revealed in modern churchianity from the Whitehouse
 preachers and tele-evangelists to the Vaticanites. 

Of course we can always check with Webster regarding this matter.  It goes
like this:

Semite - A member of any of a group of peoples of southwestern Asia chiefly
represented now by the Jews and Arabs, but in ancient times also by the
Babylonians, Assyrians, Aramaeans, Canaanites and Phoenicians.

and Semitic:  1.  of, relating to, or characteristic of the Semites: Jewish
and 2. of, relating to, or constituting a subfamily of the Afro-Asiatic
language family that includes Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic and Ethiopic.

So pro or con, it's not a private club is it?   Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Antisemitic vs. Prosemitic = ?

2002-01-31 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 31 Jan 02, at 16:23, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 So pro or con, it's not a private club is it?

This is another example of quadruple-speak in which a word has been
appropriated (as other areas of influence have as well) to mean
something other than what was originally intended.

I have this problem with English as well, a term that was foisted
upon various groups of people by the Britlanders in their attempts to
homogenise their language amongst their subjects.  Used to be not
so far in the distant past that no other language than English was
permitted in the once-Great Britain, in the now Untied Kingdom.  This
language dictate was an effort to supplant the indigenous Celtic
languages and a means to cause and to effect the subjugation of the
peoples on the Isles.  I think it's been in the last decade and a
half that Welsh and other original languages have been allowed for
something as obvious and innocent as a street sign.

Thus, terms are foisted upon the otherwise unsuspecting language
users with inaccurate definitions and presumed meanings for
unreliable usage.  Whether it is just the word antisemitic or a
whole language, the effect of continued misuse blurs reality.  The
danger lies for those who would abuse this blurring, a danger that
people will eventually learn the real meanings and intentions and
shatter the empowereds' fragile glass bubbles.

As far as our reality is concerned, even Mencken made distinctions
between the American and the English languages.  They are from the
same root -- as are romance languages (Spanish, French, Italian,
e.g.) but they are distinct and different in usage.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Revolushunnairie Georgie

2002-01-31 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


This has its roots in the French Revolution and the imfluence of
emigre's from Eastern Europe



Give war a chance

What we have found in Afghanistan confirms that - far from ending
there - our war against terror is only beginning ... Thousands of
dangerous killers, schooled in the methods of murder, often supported
by outlaw regimes, are now spread throughout the world like ticking
time bombs set to go off without warning.

Thus spake President George W Bush in his State of the Union speech
before the US Congress on Tuesday to sustained applause. And he laid
out the scope of the continuing war; his words are worth citing at
some length:

Our nation will continue to be steadfast, and patient, and
persistent in the pursuit of two great objectives. First, we will
shut down terrorist camps, disrupt terrorist plans, and bring
terrorists to justice. And second, we must prevent the terrorists and
regimes who seek chemical, biological or nuclear weapons from
threatening the United States and the world ...

And we have a great opportunity during this time of war to lead the world toward the 
values that will bring lasting peace. All fathers and mothers, in all societies, want 
their children to be educated and live free from
poverty and violence. No people on Earth yearn to be oppressed, or aspire to servitude 
or eagerly await the midnight knock of the secret police ...

America will lead by defending liberty and justice, because they are right and true 
and unchanging for all people everywhere. No nation owns these aspirations, and no 
nation is exempt from them. We have no intention of i
mposing our culture, but America will always stand firm for the non-negotiable demands 
of human dignity: the rule of law, limits on the power of the state, respect for 
women, private property, free speech, equal justice a
nd religious tolerance ...

America will take the side of brave men and women who advocate these values around 
the world, including the Islamic world, because we have a greater objective than 
eliminating threats and containing resentment. We seek a
 just and peaceful world beyond the war on terror ...

Steadfast in our purpose, we now press on. We have known freedom's price; we have 
shown freedom's power, and in this great conflict, my fellow Americans, we will see 
freedom's victory.

George W has learned from his father's mistake of ending the Gulf War with resounding 
military victory but leaving the culprit, Saddam Hussein, who caused the war by 
invading Kuwait, untouched and free to continue his opp
ressive rule. Unlike George Senior, George W will not stop with victory in 
Afghanistan, but pursue Osama bin Laden and bin Ladenism to the furthest corners of 
the globe. (And he and his domestic political advisers have al
so learnt that popularity gained as the result of military victory can be short-lived 
if the economy falters; hence his speech declared continuing war on terror and war on 
recession in one breath).

But where does this war against terror that is only beginning lead? How will it be 
pursued? When, given its above-defined scope, will it end?

Bush is certainly right in not mistaking military victory over the Taliban for victory 
over bin Laden and his creed. Mullah Omar - though he remains at large - and his 
Taliban regime are politically finished. But Afghanis
tan was only a base of convenience for bin Laden's al-Qaeda, a safe haven and secure 
base of operations and planning while it lasted. It may not be possible re-establish 
such a base elsewhere, but then again, it may not b
e necessary to do so. Thus Bush is also right in calling for relentless pursuit of 
al-Qaeda remnants and related terrorist cells worldwide.

One may also agree - though few nations even among America's allies now do - that it 
is necessary to extend the anti-terrorism campaign to rogue states in possession of 
weapons of mass destruction and with the possible
present or future intent of passing such weapons to terrorist groups.

But it is far from clear what sort of course Bush is charting when he speaks of having 
a great opportunity during this time of war to lead the world toward the values that 
will bring lasting peace, or of taking the sid
e of brave men and women who advocate these values around the world, including the 
Islamic world ... Is the war on terror, already pretty open-ended and - perhaps of 
necessity - without a precise exit strategy, to be con
verted into a war of liberation? Is Bush declaring Leon Trotsky-style permanent 
revolution in which wars afford the opportunity of speeding up the liberation 
process? On Tuesday, did we witness the birth of George W B
ush the revolutionary?

Well, tell us it is so, George! Tell us that the US henceforward will
shun alliances with rotten regimes if somehow that suits the national
interest. Tell us that the very definition of the American national
interest and 

[CTRL] Past is Present

2002-01-31 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From WND

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which
To view this item online, visit

Thursday, January 31, 2002

A new way of remembering
the Shoah

By Fiamma Nirenstein

© 2002

The things that a little girl born after the Shoah knows are different from what other 
girls know. For example, she secretly reads a forbidden book entitled Der gelbe 
Stern – The Yellow Star. That's where she first se
es the naked bodies of men and women and her curiosity about their differences is 
smothered by her curiosity for their horrible deaths mixing together the bodies and 
creating an eternal knot of pain.

A girl like that knows that her grandfather Joseph, born in Baranov, Poland, his wife 
and four daughters, and my father's beloved younger brother Moshe, were all burned 
alive with jets of boiling water at the Sobibor deat
h camp (that's how they did it there). The girl stares straight into Moshe's pale eyes 
in his photos and sees that she looks a great deal like him. Innumerable uncles, aunts 
and other relatives disappeared with him.

From the time she was little, the girl knows that her mother's family, on grandmother 
Rosina Volterra's side, was a family with lots of merry brothers and sisters – and 
that after years of hiding and running away, some ac
quaintances informed on them, and Angiolino and Gastone were swallowed up by 
Auschwitz. When they were children, their mother called them dearest and my 
precious, and then they were turned into Jewish meat for slaught

A Jewish girl also knows that her grandfather, Giuseppe Lattes, once a banker, found 
himself out on the street one day in 1938 after Mussolini passed the racial laws 
against the Jews in Italy. He was forced to sell cards
of colored buttons to notions stores, going from one to another on his scooter. The 
buttons stayed in the house, playthings for the little girl and her sister until the 

A daughter of the Shoah knows that suddenly, one day in 1938, her mother Wanda and her 
aunt Riri were not allowed to go to school – just like that – and no one, not teachers 
or classmates were at all surprised. She knows
that the Lattes family went from one house to another, looking for a hiding place. And 
there weren't many willing to take the risk, actually most weren't. Some even informed 
on them.

But from her grandmother's stories, the girl knows about one marvelous day: the day 
when the Jewish Brigade with the Star of David reached Florence. It came from 
Palestine, then under the British Mandate. Aaron, later kno
wn as Alberto, the man who became the girl's father, was among the soldiers. The 
miracle of love for the life of the Jewish people six million times offended shone in 
the face of that Jewish Israeli soldier.

Years later, my grandmother Rosina took us girls, Fiamma and Susy, by the hand and we 
danced the hora in the hallway under a tapestry where a victorious Queen Esther 
towered over Haman, the Hitler of ancient times. The ho
ra was the dance of the pioneers. My grandmother never thought of herself as a 
Zionist, but she sensed a miracle of resurrection in finally having a nation of our 
own. The real way out of the Holocaust.

So many memories. The memories that this reporter saw in Israel during the years of 
the peace process were the most moving. Then, people could finally cry over the dead 
of the Shoah without distraction and go through anot
her process … that of mourning.

During the Rabin years when negotiations for peace seemed possible, the Jews seemed to 
have finally found a place to land in the stormy port of History. No more deaths, no 
more terrified children and desperate mothers. No
 more Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, or Jewish-Masonic conspiracies and 
plutocracies. No more hooked-nose caricatures clutching sacks of gold, no more dirty 
Jews. Peace was finally coming to the Jews, after 2,
000 years of sighs – from the time of the ancient Roman-inflicted exile, after so much 
persecution, in that country of Jews recognized by the entire world.

But it wasn't true. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion has
returned – distributed at Durban, sold in Arab bookstores and made
into a series on Egyptian TV. The caricatures are back in Arab
papers, showing hooked-nosed Jews grasping at sacks of dollars. Once
again, there are stories of the Jewish lobby and blood dripping from
Israeli hands and mouths.

The call of Islamic fundamentalism to kill Jews – all the Jews,
wherever they are – is also back. And the world has not said one word
to stop it, not even in the face of a general denial of the
Holocaust, defined as just a way of promoting Zionism. Not a cry of
indignation is to be heard.

Not a voice was raised even when Jews were again accused of being
Christ-killers or when promises were made to destroy Israel with an
atomic bomb. Not even after 

[CTRL] How it works: Economics 2002

2002-01-31 Thread Nurev Ind

-Caveat Lector-

You have two cows.
Your lord takes some of the milk,
and screws your pretty daughter.

You have two cows.
The government takes both, hires you to take care of them,
sells you the milk, kills the cows and sells the meat to a
fast food corporation..

You don't have two cows.
You must take care of the government's cows.
The government gives you milk powder.

You have two cows which you bought from a farmer who
was driven off his land by competition with government subsidized
corporate farms.
You hire the desperate farmer for peanuts to work with the cows.
You sell one and buy a bull.
Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows.
You sell the herd to McDonald's, fire the farmer,
and retire on the income. Everyone thinks you're great.
The farmer kills himself.

Corporate Capitalism:
You have two cows. You bought them with a government loan
to study bovine flatulence as an advanced energy source.
You borrow 80% of the forward value of the two cows from
your bank, then buy another cow with 5% down and the rest
financed by the seller on a note callable if your market cap
goes below $20B at a rate 2 times prime. You now sell three
cows to your publicly listed company, using letters of
credit opened by your brother-in-law at a 2nd bank, then
execute a debt/equity swap with an associated general offer
so that you get four cows back, with a tax exemption for
five cows. The milk rights of six cows are transferred via
an intermediary to a Cayman Island company secretly owned by
the majority shareholder who sells the rights to seven cows
back to your listed company. The annual report says the
company owns eight cows, with an option on one more and this
transaction process is upheld by your independent auditor
and no Balance Sheet provided with the press release that
announces that Enron as a major owner of cows  will begin
trading cows via the Internet site COW (cows on web). Furthermore,
you have cornered the market on cow flatulence which you have
agreed to sell to the Governor of California at premium prices. Then
you sell your stock to the dumb greedy middle class and take the money
and run. The rich think you're great. The lawyers think you're
great. Wall Street puts up your picture in it's Secret Hall of Fame.
I am sure you now fully understand how it works.

Economic analysis by
Chuck U. Farley

[Economic systems are ALWAYS established to benefit elites.]

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: 'Mrs. Paine's Garage: And the Murder of John F. Kennedy' by T...

2002-01-31 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/31/02 10:46:54 AM Central Standard Time,

 George Lardner Jr. has covered the Kennedy assassination and its aftermath
  for The Washington Post since November 1963.

   George Lardner Jr. was the last person to see David Ferrie alive.  George
Lardner Jr. reamed Oliver Stone a new one over the movie JFK before it even
came out.  Nothing this man says can be taken seriously.

  I watched the mock trial of Oswald and especially remember the prosecutor
(Vincent Bugliosi) questioning Ruth Paine.  It was hideous and incestuous and
evil.  It was totally creepy - both of them were smiling in their wicked
complicity.  Bugliosi can wax eloquent on Shrub all he wants - he played the
shill for the lone nut bull and he can take a flying leap as far as I'm


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-01-31 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-


Hormone Free Milk and Dairy Labels

Dairies which label their products as hormone free
are misleading consumers. All milk and dairy products
contain hormones, which are naturally required by cows
to produce milk ...

Hormone or Steroid-free Chickens

Some poultry producers claim their chickens are
hormone free or steroid free, which is not
surprising since US authorities have banned the use of
both in all chickens ...

Natural or Organic Foods

Is it really organically grown? Can labels legally
claim that it is healthier, tastier or more
nutritious? Find out more ...

High Protein Health Bars

Labels on Many Protein Bars Are High on Claims, Low on
Facts Say Consumer Groups ...

Arizona Tea's Rx Memory Mind Elixir

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)
issued the following statement concerning the Council
of Better Business Bureau’s request that the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration halt false and misleading
labels for Arizona “Rx Memory Mind Elixir” tea
beverage containing ginkgo biloba ...

Do You Yahoo!?
Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Goetterdaemmerung in Palestine

2002-01-31 Thread William Shannon

Goetterdaemmerung in Palestine
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
January 30, 2002

Jan. 30, 2002 --Someone must stick his neck out, to bring this raging Middle East horror to a close.  At the present moment, the Israeli efforts to eradicate the Palestinians, is the principal detonator for a potential, world-wide, continuing religious and ethnic warfare., a war from which no nation, no person can be safe.

For various reasons, at the present moment, I am elected to say publicly what must be said, loud and clear, if an ongoing, monstrous crime against humanity is to be stopped, as it was not stopped in the comparable case of the Warsaw Ghetto.

Current operations by the Israeli Defense Forces within the territory of the Palestinian Authority, are as exact a copy as history might ever find, of the Nazi operations of April 19-May 16, 1943 against the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto. The facts of the matter are already clear. All that remained to be settled, until now, was whether or not solid proof existed, that the relevant Israeli officials were fully aware of the awesome similarity of their current actions to the events as described in the famous Nuremberg Trial documentation, the "Stroop Report."

According to the documentation referenced here, the Stroop Report, as referenced here, was originally issued by the Nazi Major-General Stroop of police, who was acting as commander of those operations against the Warsaw Ghetto. According to the documentation supplied, the original report was "a seventy-five-page, day-by-day account of the operation, prepared for Himmler, and first displayed by [U.S. Justice Robert] Jackson.  It was entitled 'The Warsaw Ghetto is No More' [Es gibt keinen juedische Wohnbezirk in Warschau mehr!]. [ The special version of that report to which I refer, is to be found in the Mazal Library and Holocaust History Report, available at]

The relevant connections between act and intention, were brought to my attention through a report, entitled "At the gates of Yassergrad," filed by Amir Oren in the January 27 English edition of the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz. From evidence which confirms the essential message of that Ha'aretz account, including the current circulation of referenced Stroop Report, there is no doubt that the Israeli Defense Force command's current actions. express those officials' intention to replicate upon the Palestinian territory effects essentially similar to the April 19 - May 16, 1943 extermination operations against the Warsaw Ghetto. Essentially, only the names of the victims have changed.

This Ha'aretz report is extremely significant in itself.  It reflects a growing expression of the horror sensed by all sane Israelis, of whatever party, at the prospect that Israeli might continue the kinds of crimes being conducted under the umbrella of the Ariel Sharon government. Despite Sharon and the present IDF command, the Jewish tradition is not yet dead in Israel itself.

In such a situation, it would be immoral to take such pathways of discretion as to follow the practice of the typically American common gossip, whose disgusting pretenses at morality would take the form of slyly circulating the rumor that the IDF has expressed such an ongoing intention. Someone must stand up and speak clearly in his own name, saying "I accuse!," pointing directly at the crime and the criminality at issue.  Apparently, so far, the present government of the U.S.A. will not. Apparently, so far, no official spokesmen for either of the two major U.S. political parties will say, "I accuse." Therefore, I must take on that chore.

On Background

We must be clear on this matter. The core of the intention by those circles of the IDF to perpetrate such a crime against humanity, is not an Israeli phenomenon as such. We must recognize that the wildest of the utopian military and other strategic circles in the U.S.A., as typified by the co-thinkers of Zbigniew Brzezinski and Samuel P. Huntington, are, in point of fact, professed universal fascists, whose notions of military policy and affairs are modelled, most immediately, on the precedent of the Nazi Waffen-SS.

However, we must not put the blame on the now safely defunct Waffen-SS itself.  As I have stressed in relevant other locations, all modern fascism and its impact in shaping military policy, is modelled upon the characteristics of the regime of the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and his nephew. As I have documented this point in earlier locations, the original model for fascism, is to be found exactly where Napoleon and his imitators Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler placed them, in the legacy of the Caesars and the Roman legions.

The Roman Praetorian Guard is, together with the model of the Waffen-SS, at the core of Huntington's notorious version of the doctrine whose precise technical name is "universal 

[CTRL] IDF Uses Nazi Warsaw Ghetto Methods

2002-01-31 Thread William Shannon

Israeli IDF Uses
Nazi Warsaw Ghetto Methods
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
January 28, 2002

Jan. 28, 2002 --From Ha'aretz of Jan 25th comes the shocking admission of what I have observed to have been Nazi-style IDF methods against Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians under Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

Under the slug: "At the Gates of Yassergrad," Ha'aretz correspondent's Jan. 25 report cites Israeli military sources for the admission that the IDF has studied the Nazi operations against the Warsaw Ghetto as a model for what the IDF is doing against the Palestinian ghetto today.

The Ha'aretz report speaks for itself. So shall I.

Factually, no relevant observer could have denied the Nazi-like methods of the IDF under Sharon's current government. The significance of the Jan. 25 dispatch, is that no one in Israel, or elsewhere in the world today, could deny this Nazi-like character of the IDF's operations.

How much longer can the U.S. government, or the Lieberman faction of the Democratic Party evade the ugly truth about what is being done to the Palestinians?

[CTRL] Rumsfeld Warns of Potential Deadly Threats Ahead

2002-01-31 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

(If Rumsfeld is predicting vastly more deadly attacks well. I guess
we'd better be prepared.  They wouldn't be Wagging the Enron Dog would they?)

By Robert Burns
AP Military Writer
Thursday, January 31, 2002; 5:36 PM


The United States could face terrorist surprises vastly more deadly than
the Sept. 11 attacks that killed more than 3,000 people, Defense Secretary
Donald H. Rumsfeld said Thursday.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Kidnapped WSJ Reporter Worked For ADL

2002-01-31 Thread William Shannon
Wall Street Journal Reporter Had Been Researching For ADL
His Interviews Formed Basis Of ADL Report, Insiders Claim

1/31/02 1:03:10 PM

LSN StaffIslamabad, Pakistan -- Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl shared information gathered from his
interviews with Sheik Mubarak Ali Shah Gilani with the ADL, who then turned it
over to the Israeli government, according to LSN sources questioned today.

The ADL, which had recently issued a report on the Muslims of Americas, a group
run by Gilani, had gathered the information for that initial report in part
from Pearl's research, sources told LSN. The ADL is known to share information
of that type with the Mossad and the US government as well as the general

The revelation essentially substantiates Muslim militant claims that Pearl was
acting as a spy. Sources tell LSN that information in the ADL report and
statements made by ADL officials about the group could only have been gathered
from Pearl's interviews.

[CTRL] Cliff Baxter Enron's Vince Foster?

2002-01-31 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Subj:[the_octopus] Cliff Baxter Enron's Vince Foster?
Date:   1/30/02 10:05:48 PM Central Standard Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Hawkins)

Damn good reporting right here  And right here on this list we were
as quick as anyone to point out Joye Carter's dubious Wilcher connection,
not to mention what Ridgeway reports here
Mondo Washington
by James Ridgeway

Enron's Vince Foster?
What Cheney's Hiding
State of the Dubya

Don't Ask Texas Coroner
Enron's Vince Foster?
Why would a man who wanted to hire a bodyguard one day kill himself the
next? This is the question that rattles conspiracy theorists in the case
of Cliff Baxter, the Enron whistleblower whose death by gunshot last week
in Sugar Land, Texas, was ruled a suicide. Baxter had been subpoenaed to
testify this week on Capitol Hill. Those who doubt the official line
think he's another Vince Foster, murdered in cold blood to stop him from
spilling the beans on Enron chief Ken Lay and blowing open the whole
scam—offshore accounts, political connections, and all.
Fueled by a report on, skeptics are homing in
on the Harris County coroner, Joye M. Carter, a former D.C. medical
examiner who graduated from Howard and currently is attached to Baylor
and the University of Texas. After performing a court-requested autopsy,
Carter's office declared the former Enron exec had killed himself. While
saying they respected that decision, local police said they intended to
continue investigating.
Carter has had her share of controversy. In 1998, Harris County paid a
former employee in the medical examiner's office $375,000, after a jury
agreed Carter fired her for reporting potentially illegal cover-ups. Then
a federal court awarded another whistleblower $250,000 after she was
fired for reporting that an unlicensed physician had performed autopsies.
In 2000, writes The Houston Chronicle, a Harris County commissioner asked
the county to hire an outside law firm to review Carter's hiring and
firing practices.
Ken Lay's wife, Linda, said on Today that she wished they'd known Baxter
was suffering. We would have gone and been with him, she said. We
would have done anything we could to have helped him, helped his family,
but we had no idea he was in that kind of pain.

Enron Left Trail of Influence
What Cheney's Hiding
In refusing to turn over records from his energy task force, Vice
President Dick Cheney apparently thinks the public can be convinced he
has nothing damaging to conceal. But the smell of involvement by Enron
officials, who discussed policy with Cheney in off-the-record confabs, is
too pungent to ignore. One look at California's energy crisis reveals a
pattern of engagement between the White House and the energy firm.
While Enron is not an important player in producing electricity in
California, it is believed to have a 15 to 20 percent hold on gas sales
there, so it stood to gain from the state's shortage of electricity. The
stage for blackouts was set when the state deregulated electricity in
September 1996. When consumer groups protested this move by pressing for
Proposition 9, aimed at blocking a bailout of utilities' bad debts, the
industry defeated the measure with a $38 million lobbying campaign. Enron
has been a major player in California politics, spending $195,830 on its
issues there in 2000—more than in any other state except Texas, according
to the National Institute on Money in State Politics.
By the spring of 2001, the California energy crisis was in full swing. On
May 7 and 8, the state was hit by a third round of rolling blackouts,
which came to an end when Governor Davis agreed to underwrite the
industry with the largest municipal bond offering in American history.
Then, on May 11, Enron boss Ken Lay visited Los Angeles in support of
deregulation, hosting a dinner with former mayor Richard Riordan, Arnold
Schwarzenegger, and Michael Milken.
Five days later, the Cheney task force issued its report, urging
relaxation of environmental regulations and increased drilling in
protected areas (i.e., the Alaska wildlife refuge). Lay and other Enron
execs were advisors to Cheney's task force and Lay himself met at least
once with the veep. Enron, along with other oil and gas producers, would
benefit from the new policies, because they not only leaned heavily on
drawing electric power from gas-fired plants but also eased the way for
exploration of domestic gas reserves.
So far, the energy crisis has cost California residents $8.5 billion.
That doesn't include $23 billion in government bailouts and an expected
additional $40 billion. As lawmakers debate whether taxpayers should foot
the bill for Enron's collapse, they should consider the extent to which
we've already borne the cost of Enron's follies.

Freshman Prez Flunks Geopolitic
State of the Dubya
An assessment of George Bush's first year as president comes down to 


2002-01-31 Thread Mike Clark

And the FOUR ANGELS were LOOSED which were prepared for an hour 

a day , and a month , and a year for to SLAY the THIRD PART of 

And the NUMBER of the ARMY of the HORSEMEN was TWO HUNDRED 
THOUSAND. And I heard the NUMBER of them.

by these was the THIRD PART of MEN KILLED by the fire , and the smoke 

and the BRIMSTONE.

9 VERSE 13

  -Original Message-From: William Shannon 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 5:35 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [CTRL] IDF Uses Nazi 
  Warsaw Ghetto Methods 
  Israeli IDF Uses Nazi Warsaw Ghetto Methods by 
  Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. January 28, 2002 Jan. 28, 2002 --From 
  Ha'aretz of Jan 25th comes the shocking admission of what I have observed to 
  have been Nazi-style IDF methods against Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians 
  under Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Under the slug: "At the Gates of 
  Yassergrad," Ha'aretz correspondent's Jan. 25 report cites Israeli military 
  sources for the admission that the IDF has studied the Nazi operations against 
  the Warsaw Ghetto as a model for what the IDF is doing against the Palestinian 
  ghetto today. The Ha'aretz report speaks for itself. So shall I. 
  Factually, no relevant observer could have denied the Nazi-like 
  methods of the IDF under Sharon's current government. The significance of the 
  Jan. 25 dispatch, is that no one in Israel, or elsewhere in the world today, 
  could deny this Nazi-like character of the IDF's operations. How much 
  longer can the U.S. government, or the Lieberman faction of the Democratic 
  Party evade the ugly truth about what is being done to the Palestinians? 

[CTRL] Operation Shekhinah, Part One

2002-01-31 Thread William Shannon

Israel Plans Blitzkrieg to Capture Arab Oil Fields
Operation Shekhinah, Part One
Joe Vialls, 30 January 2002 

In early March 2001, a leading European intelligence agency received disturbing news from its most senior and trusted agent in Tel Aviv.  Aware of growing international resistance to its ruthless and murderous suppression of the Palestinians, the Israeli Cabinet had met to discuss the limited ways in which it could proceed with its plans to annex the rest of Palestine, with or without the support of principal ally America, or the “International Community”. At the time, the Israeli Cabinet had no idea that the subject matter of its March meeting would later become one of the prime reasons for the September attack on the World Trade Center. 
The Israeli Cabinet was seriously worried. Despite effective control of the western media by the Jewish-American lobby, risk assessment conducted in Tel Aviv showed there was still a high probability that continued ruthless Israeli activity in Palestine, would lead in turn to increased sanctions by the western nations. Initially the sanctions would take the form of decreased arms shipments to Israel, followed later by increasingly large cuts in overseas financial “aid”, still provided in the main by unwitting American taxpayers. Sooner or later financial aid might dry up completely, but this was not the worst case scenario.
Eventually, if western public opinion became strident enough, America and Europe might feel compelled to impose a complete oil embargo on Israel. With no natural resources of its own, and only limited strategic oil reserves in the country, Israel’s armed forces would grind to a complete standstill in only a few weeks. Aircraft and battle tanks have an almost insatiable thirst for petroleum products, and when those products run out, the aircraft and tanks are no more use to their owners than chunks of aluminum and steel waiting for the recycling smelters. 
Clearly then, the Israeli Cabinet had to find an alternate source of oil, and find it quickly. Moreover, bearing in mind they would no longer be able to pay for the oil because of financial sanctions, the new source would have to be “free”. Back in the sixties, ambitious Israelis had made detailed plans to acquire just such an alternate source of oil by force, but the plans had to be shelved for geopolitical reasons. Those geopolitical restrictions no longer existed in 2001, so the old plans were taken out of storage, dusted off, and renamed Operation Shekhinah. 
Stealing oil reserves from another nation is certainly not an original idea. The closest historical precedent for Operation Shekhinah was probably back in 1941, when Roosevelt imposed a total oil embargo on Japan during the first American “War on Terror”. Seeing conflict as inevitable and recognizing its desperate need for an alternate source of oil, the Japanese responded accordingly, acutely aware that in order to reach and utilize the oil reserves in the Dutch East Indies, it would first have to overwhelm the [then] vastly superior US Navy.  
It was in this context that Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese Combined Fleet, suggested an air attack on the US Pacific Fleet, which had moved from its usual base at San Diego on the American west coast, to a mid-Pacific location at Pearl Harbor in May 1940. Yamamoto's plan was a development of the traditional Japanese defensive strategy. He gambled on a surprise attack to destroy the American naval capability in the Pacific, including its all-important aircraft carriers, and create enough time, perhaps six months, to enable Japan to complete its territorial conquests. 
Simultaneous attacks by the Japanese army on Hong Kong, Malaya, the Philippines, Guam and the Dutch East Indies would capture the strategically important bases and areas rich in raw materials Japan felt was vital for its national survival and would also now be needed to sustain its war with America. The rest, as they say, is history.
Along much the same lines, and for similar strategic reasons in 2001, Israel intended to launch a surprise attack against southern Iraq, capture its southern oil fields, then use the old existing Trans Arabian Pipeline [“Tapline”], to pump the oil back to its own refineries at Haifa. Technical details of the operation will be provided later in this report, and in part two to follow, but first we need to examine the chances of the operation succeeding, and the subsequent reaction of the western nations and Russia.
Back in the sixties, when the operation was first planned by Israel, the British, Russians and Europeans had huge investments in the middle east, so an outraged backlash against Israel would have been immediate, and probably terminal for any ongoing “Jewish State” in Palestine. It was on this basis that the Iraqi plan was shelved and left to 

[CTRL] Blair

2002-01-31 Thread Mermaid

I heard a bit of Duncan~Smith today on TV and there 
was mention of Blair saying the words NEW WORLD ORDER I am trying to find an 
article on Duncan Smiths speech and reply to Mr Blair but im having no luck if 
there are any british people on this list here that can find any article 
pertaining to this please post them...thankyou
the mermaid 

[CTRL] Who is this man?

2002-01-31 Thread Man on the Run

Title: New Page 


Sedang Cinema


No To Silent Death (Leningrad
Science Film Studios)
 Col, 25 mins, 1983.

Poison gas has been touted as the humane
weapon, a statement that many victims of gas would disagree with.
This excellent film shows the history of poison gas since its introduction
during World War I, and outlines the very real threat to the globe posed by
binary weapons (where two relatively harmless substances are mixed in transit to
form a lethal gas); and the problem of the vast number of barrels of these
chemicals in storage possibly developing lethal leakages. Amazing old
footage shown includes stills of medieval wars, and TV footage of recent war manoeuvres.

[CTRL] No really, who is this man?

2002-01-31 Thread Man on the Run

Title: 03: The Emperor's Red Clothes - MERRY Christmas MR. CLINTON

. MERRY Christmas, MR CLINTON. .

Clinton's soviet film premiere

Date: Monday, 20 Dec 1999 09:51:32




would be most appreciative if you could forward any additional info you
might have, such as a URL,
about the 1983 soviet film you found, which apparently enjoyed
Mr. Clinton's participation. The JPEG I received was only in machine language.
you very much in advance. . .

j.Maxwell Legg<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Monday, 20 December 1999 22:48
[prj] Forgive the attachment, but...
this be who I think it is?

there is from the film. . . .

voice on the sound track of this film is very recognizable
Clinton. It's from a film called "No
To Silent Death" and can
found in, (was made in 1983), the "Leningrad People's Library
Science Films". . .
film used old footage and this copy was found by anarchist-
buff and dumpster diver, Bruce Grenville, outside the
Auckland office, of the collapsing Soviet Union. It may
have had a wide audience.

Re: Forgive the attachment, but...

Tuesday, 21 Dec 1999 13:05:46 +1300

"j.Maxwell Legg"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Ekus UN-incorporated


1 , 2

BF>If this is not a joke, please say, what the film is about.
"All I know is that I know nothing"-Socrates. . . .

. Bates,
film was an anti-war, anti-american and anti-fascist
about chemical warfare. .

BF>Anti-war and anti-fascist? Why was the Prez in it then? -:
Just kidding... The President is something of a "Progressive" by
very moderate standards. A COMMUNIST? I do not think so. Rather,
would say that he is a Rockefellerian, who probably opposed the City and
military-industrial complex; "Cold War" agenda. Still, a film made
Moscow. . .That is shocking if true!
"All I know is that I know nothing"-Socrates. . .

ever Real G2 clip.

this clip far and wide; keep it, so we are all safe!

[CTRL] [BCPolitics] Re: [HINDU] New List Annoucement: Building Vegetarian Culture (fwd)

2002-01-31 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

* POC Plans: For BC Election 2005, Political Avatars under
development; For BC Election 2009, Political Avatars run on trial basis;
For Election 2013, Political Avatars with super-human AI online *

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 12:43:40 -0800 (PST)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [BCPolitics] Re: [HINDU] New List Annoucement: Building Vegetarian

Tissue culture technology is working on the generation of all tissues and
organs in vitro. It has had great practical success with skin generation
in vitro as such skin grafts are used in major hospitals. When TCT is able
to grow all foods in vitro, will Hindu ethicists place any restrictions on
any TCT?

On Thu, 31 Jan 2002, Maynard S. Clark wrote:

 A new work list has been built to help vegetarian social scientists, vegetarian 
organizers, and concerned vegetarians around the world focus on the work of building 
the vegetarian future: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The welcoming message of [EMAIL PROTECTED] reads:

 The task of building vegetarian culture has been undertaken throughout the millennia 
by religious and spiritual communities, vegetarians with a worldview, and the 
vegetarian diet is intertwined in their understanding with all their other beliefs.

 Vegetarians today, both religious and secular, intertwine their beliefs, both 
dietary and nondietary.

 Issues in culture building arise constantly whenever there is talk about increasing 
the number of vegetarians.

 But modern social science understandings of culturebuilding OUGHT to give us 
profound insights into the importance of economics, material infrastructure, 
celebration, and intergenerational communication.

 The Building-Vegetarian-Culture list is about deliberately and intelligently 
building vegetarian culture, assessing the current state of our society, and 
addressing gaps, deficiencies, strengths, resources, and opportunities, and 
consciously and effectively constructing the resources and strengths we do not yet 
have and enjoy.

 Let's put out heads in gear together.

 What it is NOT:
 (a)  Now this project is not about RESOURCES as such.  It's about DOING social 
science intentionally.  Perhaps it's a little like raising a child by the book 
(Spock, Dobson, etc.), but we want to discuss issues in this way.  But the resources 
which will inevitably result from the clarification and deeper understanding from our 
engaging in such systematic discourse should eventually be made available on the web 
for social scientists, as well as organizers with some professional expertise.
 (b)  It's also not about our PROMOTING our sites or programs to one another.

 What it IS (again):
 This project is about put our heads together and thinking critically, deliberately, 
intentionally, effectively, and systematically, for the greater development of the 
resources and quality we don't currently have as a community and as a collage of 
subcultures, nor as vegetarian persons together.

 Concrete examples:
 We need retirement communities for vegetarians, and we need curriculum development 
for vegetarian families and young persons.  We need to study our present resources 
and to document where there are gaps, then to find ways to build resources and 
community participation where it currently cannot be found.

 Maynard S. Clark
 Vegetarian Resource Center

 To visit the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list's website and/or to 
subscribe your e-mail address,
 go to:

 Post message:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: 

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According to some 3/4 of British Columbians were Internet users 
by 2001. In 5 years or so, the new EDD, Electronic Direct Democracy will be fully 
developed and the CITIZENS' PARLIAMENT will hold the reins of power daily over the 
Victoria Parliament. The 1996 Recall and Initiative Act enables CITIZENS to recall 
even the Premier.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread 

Re: [CTRL] Antisemitic vs. Prosemitic = ?

2002-01-31 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 1/31/02 2:31:42 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  If a Semite is a True Israelite, then let's have a look at the best of
  the Prosemite arguments. My arguments are derived from a 2,000 year old
  biography and historical record. That record also talks about the Whore
  of Babylon which is revealed in modern churchianity from the Whitehouse
  preachers and tele-evangelists to the Vaticanites. 

 Of course we can always check with Webster regarding this matter.  It goes
 like this:

 Semite - A member of any of a group of peoples of southwestern Asia chiefly
 represented now by the Jews and Arabs, but in ancient times also by the
 Babylonians, Assyrians, Aramaeans, Canaanites and Phoenicians.

 and Semitic:  1.  of, relating to, or characteristic of the Semites: Jewish
 and 2. of, relating to, or constituting a subfamily of the Afro-Asiatic
 language family that includes Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic and Ethiopic.

 So pro or con, it's not a private club is it?   Prudy

Depends on which definition you select.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Eco 2002 - Reply to FU-C

2002-01-31 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

From the Learned Elders of Zion.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 17:21:31 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ROUND_F_U_C_K_E_R_S] Re: [CTRL] How it works: Economics 2002

Eco 2002 the POC Way:

Then we rape the horses (forget the cows, they are losers)
And ride off on the wimmen
-Exact quote from The Three Amigos (except for what's in brackets)


On Thu, 31 Jan 2002, Nurev Ind wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 You have two cows.
 Your lord takes some of the milk,
 and screws your pretty daughter.

 You have two cows.
 The government takes both, hires you to take care of them,
 sells you the milk, kills the cows and sells the meat to a
 fast food corporation..

 You don't have two cows.
 You must take care of the government's cows.
 The government gives you milk powder.

 You have two cows which you bought from a farmer who
 was driven off his land by competition with government subsidized
 corporate farms.
 You hire the desperate farmer for peanuts to work with the cows.
 You sell one and buy a bull.
 Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows.
 You sell the herd to McDonald's, fire the farmer,
 and retire on the income. Everyone thinks you're great.
 The farmer kills himself.

 Corporate Capitalism:
 You have two cows. You bought them with a government loan
 to study bovine flatulence as an advanced energy source.
 You borrow 80% of the forward value of the two cows from
 your bank, then buy another cow with 5% down and the rest
 financed by the seller on a note callable if your market cap
 goes below $20B at a rate 2 times prime. You now sell three
 cows to your publicly listed company, using letters of
 credit opened by your brother-in-law at a 2nd bank, then
 execute a debt/equity swap with an associated general offer
 so that you get four cows back, with a tax exemption for
 five cows. The milk rights of six cows are transferred via
 an intermediary to a Cayman Island company secretly owned by
 the majority shareholder who sells the rights to seven cows
 back to your listed company. The annual report says the
 company owns eight cows, with an option on one more and this
 transaction process is upheld by your independent auditor
 and no Balance Sheet provided with the press release that
 announces that Enron as a major owner of cows  will begin
 trading cows via the Internet site COW (cows on web). Furthermore,
 you have cornered the market on cow flatulence which you have
 agreed to sell to the Governor of California at premium prices. Then
 you sell your stock to the dumb greedy middle class and take the money
 and run. The rich think you're great. The lawyers think you're
 great. Wall Street puts up your picture in it's Secret Hall of Fame.
 I am sure you now fully understand how it works.

 Economic analysis by
 Chuck U. Farley

 [Economic systems are ALWAYS established to benefit elites.]

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
  A HREF=;Archives of

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A Quantum Jump beyond F_U_C_K_E_R_S. This list is the
F*s Manifesto. How to f**k the world around using
the DARPANET. Dumbing Down A Small Planet..
  The American Way..Hee Ha

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[CTRL] Fwd: Who gets the airport security contracts?

2002-01-31 Thread RoadsEnd


The article below indicates that because of 911, 
security companies' revenue willincrease by at least29%. It's 
very important to consider where that money is going.

When we went to England after Christmas, I looked 
at all the uniforms the incompetent security personnel were wearing as they 
detained Les and me for "random searches". There was one lady who went 
through our check-in baggage, who appeared to be of Middle-Eastern origin and 
could hardly speak English. Then there were three black people who did the 
body search when we were randomly selected as we boarded. They ran the 
metal detectors over us and ignored the ballpoint pen Les was carrying. 
They had us take off our shoes, and seemed to be having fun playing a new 
game. I suspect none of these people was adequately trained and were 
probably not making more than $6 an hour. I kept wondering how the 
contract was awarded to their employer and how much the contract paid versus how 
much the contractor had to bear in expenses--significant profit I would 
bet. Oh, the main contractor in Houston's Bush International was 

Los Angeles: 
Huntleigh workers do not earn enough to meet 
a basic family budget. For example, Pre-Board Screeners who check baggage for 
weapons and explosives, typically earn annually from $14,000 in Oakland to 
$19,000 in Los Angeles. Workers do not earn all-important family medical 
benefits, nor do they enjoy a voice at work to make sure passenger and workplace 
safety issues are enforced. This combination of low wages and high stress work 
results in an alarmingly high turnover rate. A U.S. General Accounting Office 
Survey reported a turnover rate among screeners at LAX of 88% annually and at 
Sea-Tac of 140% annually. 

One question on everyone’s mind as we try to comprehend what happened in New 
York and Washington is this: how could two airplanes have been hijacked from 
Logan Airport? Well, I have a partial answer: airport security sucks. Two weeks 
ago, I went to Logan Airport to test airline security. I succeeded in getting my 
cell phone through three gates without inspection. My phone could have been a 
bomb. And I could have brought it on a plane. 

Up until now in the United States, airport security has been handled by the 
airlines themselves, which contract with security services, such as Huntleigh Corporation, the largest airport security provider in 
the country. Huntleigh also happens to be one of three security 
contractors at Sea-Tac Airport. These agencies pay between $6 and $10 per hour, 
in most cases do not provide any benefits, do not support unionization, and 
provide what many employees and critics agree is inadequate training. In most 
other countries, certainly those in Europe and the Middle East which have had 
more immediate experiences with terrorism, airport security is considered a 
matter of national importance. Security personnel are trained professionals, not 
over-worked minimum-wage earners in Captain Kangaroo jackets. 

  ICTS International N.V. (ICTS) 
  implements passenger risk evaluation and classification procedures, known 
  as profiling, mainly for the European operators of major U.S. airlines. 
  ICTS also provides security consulting, training and auditing for airlines 
  and airports and provides other security services. The company provides 
  U.S. airport services such as pre-departure screening, skycaps, wheelchair 
  attendants, agents, guards, janitorial personnel, maintenance, ramp and 
  shuttle services. ICTS serves over 60 airlines and about 100 airports in 
  Europe and North America. ICTS' Risk Analysis through Profiling System 
  (RAPS) was first adopted for use by American Airlines in 1986 and TWA in 
  1987. RAPS later became a source for certain security standards mandated 
  by the United States Federal Aviation Administration for U.S. airline 
  operations. ICTS' profiling procedures are performed by deploying trained 
  security personnel, who interview passengers, inspect their luggage and 
  monitor and restrict access to aircraft and other vulnerable areas. 
  In early January 1999, ICTS acquired 80% of Huntleigh Corp., based 
  in St. Louis, MO, for about $5.9 million. The remaining 20% will be 
  acquired during the ensuing three and a half years, with the 
  purchase price for the remaining equity based on Huntleigh's performance. 
  Huntleigh is a major provider of aviation services in the U.S., serving a 
  wide variety of clients at 46 U.S. airports, including substantially all 
  international aviation gateways in the U.S., with 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-Drugs_TheDarkSide] Murder Spotlights Rise In Satanism.htm

2002-01-31 Thread RoadsEnd

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Title: Murder Spotlights Rise In Satanism
  Murder Spotlights Rise In
  By David Crossland

BOCHUM, Germany (Reuters)
- A bizarre murder by two Devil worshippers has highlighted a rise in
in Germany, where one expert estimates there are up to 7,000 followers,
many of them also adhering to Nazi ideology.

Daniel and Manuela Ruda, a married couple who were being
sentenced on Thursday, confessed to killing a friend with a hammer and
66 knife stabs last July, saying the Devil had ordered them to kill.

Both have severe psychological disorders, psychiatrists
told the court in the western town of Bochum.

Accounts of Manuela's bloodsucking habit and the ritual
in which she and her husband killed their victim -- carving a pentagram,
the sign of the devil, into his chest and leaving a scalpel protruding
from his stomach -- have fascinated Germany and focused attention on

If you study Internet chat pages you can see that
the Rudas enjoy cult status with kids, said Ingolf Christiansen,
author of a book on Satanism and commissioner for ideological issues at
the Lutheran Protestant Church in Hanover.

Christiansen said Satanism was more widespread in Britain
and the United States than in Germany, where he estimates there are between
3,000 and 7,000 followers.

That's a conservative estimate. I see a rising
tendency. The Internet is helping to spread it. It is driven by increasing
brutalization in all areas and a corresponding loss of values.

Satanism -- which has no official structure and means
different things to different people -- typically involves worshipping
Satan, the Devil, and a travesty of Christian practices and symbols.

Many adherents see it as a form of social Darwinism
religious norms and promoting the right of the strong to dominate the

Its practice often involves ceremonies with sex and
to tap dark primal forces. Most Satanists reject moral codes, saying an
individual must determine what is good or bad.

Modern forms of Satanism draw on a host of traditions,
from ancient Egyptian mythology to Celtic cults and Haitian Voodoo.

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[CTRL] Trauma Bonding : The Pull to the Perpetrator

2002-01-31 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-
 Previous Article | Next Article 

Trauma Bonding : The Pull to the Perpetrator

Author: Svali
Published on: October 12, 2000

 Related Subject(s): Ritual abuse victims -- Anecdotes ,  Post-traumatic
stress disorder ,  Ritual abuse victims -- Rehabilitation

** please note: this article discusses perpetration, trauma, and cult
programming. If you are a survivor, do not read if these subjects are
triggering unless with your therapist or a safe person.

I will be writing on an extremely difficult subject, that of trauma bonding,
also known as bonding to the perpetrator. This is difficult to do for several
reasons. As a child, I was in a state of “captivity to my abuser” as
delineated in trauma journals. I was raised in an isolative cult, and bonded
heavily to my primary programmers, both my parents, and the trainers that
worked with me. Then, as an adult, I continued the vicious cycle when I
became a trainer, then a head trainer, and bonded others to me.

Trauma bonding is the issue that is left out of the equation when people ask
“Why do cult members recontact their perps? Why do they keep going back for
more abuse?” Without understanding chronic trauma, and the effects of trauma
bonding, it is impossible to understand the dynamic involved. I will be
sharing in this article both from personal memory of methods used, as well as
sourcing to the literature on the subject. My greatest hope is that by
understanding this often misunderstood subject, that others may be helped to
pull out of its insidious pull.

If a person is unable to escape chronic, traumatic abuse, they will
eventually begin to bond with their perpetrator(s). This has been well
documented in the literature. It will occur because of the dehumanization of
the victim, who may reach a state of feeling that they are “robotized” or
nonfeeling, combined with a disruption in the capacity for intimacy caused by
the trauma.

“ Trauma impels people both to withdraw from close relationships and to seeks
them desperately. The profound disruption in basic trust, the common feelings
of shame, guilt, and inferiority, and the need to avoid reminders of the
trauma that might be found in social life, all foster withdrawal from close
relationships. But the terror of the traumatic event intensifies the need for
protective attachments. The traumatized person therefore frequently
alternates between isolation and anxious clinging to others... “(1)

Many victims of severe and unrelenting trauma, whether domestic violence,
incest, or ritual abuse, will find that they feel anxious when alone, and
fear abandonment and isolation. The over-dependent characteristics are NOT a
personality fault, but a result of the chronic abuse. This is often rooted in
the fact that as a child, the trauma survivor was not only a CAPTIVE to their
abuse, but they depended upon their perpetrator for food, shelter, or other
necessities. In addition, with ritual abuse, a small child will often be
abandoned for periods of time, to increase their dependency upon the very
people who are abusing them. Any two or three year old will be almost
insanely grateful to be rescued from a small box that they have been confined
within for hours, or from the dark confines of a musty basement where they
have been left for a day or two. Even the most abusive perpetrator will then
become the child’s rescuer, which is the foundation of trauma bonding. In
trauma bonding, the person’s abuser will be perceived as the one who delivers
and rescues from the abuse, as well as the tormentor. This creates a
psychological ambivalence that creates dissociation in a young child. The
very helplessness and terror that are instilled by the abuse, cause the child
(or later, the adult) to reach out to the only available hand for relief: the
perpetrator. And the perpetrator WILL rescue and stop the abuse, or take the
child out of the confines of their pain, but for a price: their unrelenting
loyalty and obedience. This is the traumatic underpinning of all cult
programming that I have seen: a combination of abuse and kindness; terror and
rescue; degradation and praise.

This will be reinforced by the perceived power of the perpetrator in the cult
situation: In situations of captivity, the perpetrator becomes the most
powerful person in the life of the victim, and the psychology of the victim
is shaped by the actions and beliefs of the perpetrator. (1)

This is survival at its most basic for the child raised in a cult setting,
since failure to do this will cause further punishment and pain. The child
will have seen people tortured or killed for disobedience, and so, literally,
the perpetrator WILL have the perceived power of life and death over the
child. If the child complies, and is “obedient” to the demands of their
perpetrator and the group, they will be “rewarded”with freedom from
punishment and continued life. The intense coercion to not only 

Re: [CTRL] AF News 1 Feb 02Question

2002-01-31 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/31/02 6:15:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 NORAD maintains the overall responsibility of maintaining air sovereignty
over the continental United States, Alaska, and Canada.  Since the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks, NORAD has significantly increased its readiness with more
than 100 additional fighters available at about 30 locations throughout the
country to respond to threats and requests for assistance from the FAA, USCS
and the Secret Service. 

So who is monitoring and protecting the southern border of the United States?
You know, the gulf coast and the border with Mexico. We, the people, don't
hear much about that area.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] POW vs Detainee?

2002-01-31 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

   POW vs Detainee?
 Thu, 31 Jan 2002 11:07:33 -0500
 James Gregory [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1st National BankCard

Cuba-based captives are not POWs

When my husband, U.S. Marine Col. William R. ''Rich'' Higgins, was
captured by radical
Islamic terrorists in Lebanon in 1988, our country never called him a
''prisoner of war,''
but maintained he was a ''detainee'' (''Terrorism victim remembered,''
Letters, June 19,

I'd like to believe that if those same officials were in the government
today, things might
have been different. Had my late husband been declared a POW, our
country could have
insisted on ''humane treatment and certain accommodations'' ('' 'POW'
has legal rights; a
'detainee' might not,'' News, Tuesday).

I always thought of my husband as a prisoner of war. After all, he met
the ''traditional
definition'' of a POW, according to the unnamed officials quoted in USA
TODAY's article:
He wore a uniform, had a ''recognized hierarchy'' and subscribed ''to
the international
norms of warfare'' -- although as a United Nations peacekeeper, he was

I know that even as he was dying of torture, abandoned by the Red Cross
and the United
Nations, he thought of himself as a POW. I'm also sure he thought his
country did, too.
The terrorists being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are not POWs. Col.
Higgins was.

Robin Higgins
 © Copyright 2001 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc.

Colonel William R. “Rich” Higgins, a United States Marine serving with
United Nations in the Middle East, was captured February 1988, held for
indeterminate time, and murdered sometime before his remains were
home almost four years later, in December 1991.  His friends and family
never get the United States to declare him a Prisoner of War during that
There was never any outrage on the part of the international community
and no
insistence on humane treatment or any other rules of the Geneva

Do you believe that when a man or woman in the uniform of this country
taken by hostile forces because of who the servicemember represents, he
she should be treated by our country as a Prisoner of War?   It is
recognition of
the bond this country has with those who would go into harm’s way for

In the midst of the debate over what to call and how to treat the
criminals being held in Cuba, please let us not forget our own
servicemembers.  Please consider asking the Defense Department and your
elected representatives to declare Colonel William R. Higgins,
posthumously, a
Prisoner of War.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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[CTRL] Fwd: BuzzFlash Interviews Congressman Henry Waxman

2002-01-31 Thread Samantha L.


Title: - BuzzFlash Interviews




Interviews Congressman Henry Waxman
31, 2002

are many Democrats who aren't backing down over the Enron scandal. One 
of our favorites is Congressman Henry Waxman (29th District, CA). Waxman 
is the ranking minority member of the House Government Reform Committee 
and he is fighting for the American public's right to know what happened 
in Enron's secret meetings with Vice President Cheney, and why the Bush 
administration is afraid of the public knowing what was discussed.
Congressman Waxman, we have just a few questions. The General Accounting 
Office is apparently filing suit to obtain information in the Vice President's 
energy panel. What is your reaction? Do you think the suit will be successful?
WAXMAN: I regret the fact that the Vice President feels that the energy 
task force should operate in secrecy. The General Accounting Office has 
made a routine request for information. I think they're entitled to it. 
They've received some information from other administrations that are 
quite similar. And I regret that now the GAO has to file a lawsuit to 
find out what special interest groups, what heavy contributors were saying 
to the energy task force. Who met with the Vice President and what they 
wanted ought to be public information, as far as I'm concerned.
I believe the President said the other day it was his business and the 
Vice President's, and they had a right through executive privilege to 
keep the information private. What is your reaction to the claim of executive 
privilege in regard to this information?
WAXMAN: I don't think they have a claim for executive privilege. I'm 
not even sure that, in the lawsuit, they're going to assert executive 
privilege. If they were talking about discussions they might have had 
with people in the administration or on their own staff, I think they 
have a case to make. What the General Accounting Office, which is the 
nonpartisan watchdog on behalf of Congress, requested was the names of 
the lobbies, outside parties, special interest groups, campaign contributors, 
sent to the task force. It seems to be that this is not a matter of executive 
privilege, but an attempt by the White House to prevent transparency in 
government and to change the balance of power between the executive and 
the legislative branches of government. If they can keep information like 
this secret about a task force that doesn't even involve national security, 
they will have set a precedent that will allow them to claim they have 
a task force on any subject in the future, and operate in secrecy from 
here on out. That means that the Congress can't exercise its oversight 
responsibilities. The public wouldn't have a right to know according to 
the Bush administration. And it would mean a greater concentration of 
power in the hands of the President and the executive branch, which I 
think is in violation of what the founders of this country expected when 
they adopted the Constitution. It was supposed to have checks and balances.
* *
the whole interview here:












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---End Message---

[CTRL] belgium abuse case, priests Boston and Dublin, Bushgate

2002-01-31 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

While the White House insists that details of its talks with Enron officials
remain secret, a memo outlining those discussions reveals the extent to which
the Houston energy giant lobbied to influence government policy.

In the memo, Kenneth Lay, former chief executive of the now-bankrupt energy
giant, urged Cheney to reject price caps on wholesale electricity that Davis
and a host of other state officials desperately wanted.

California Gov. Gray Davis is asking federal energy regulators to
investigate possible price-fixing by Enron during the state's energy crisis.

This may be heavy for survivors of abuse.

Scandal Returns to Belgium Village AP 1/30/02 - SAINTE-ODE, Belgium (AP) --
From homes huddled round the village church,  another dark tale of child sex
has crept out to shock Belgium.  Nineteen people living in and around
Sainte-Ode, a remote village of 2,000,  go on trial Thursday, accused of
having sex with the daughter of a former bar  owner starting from when she
was 12. Less than six years ago, Belgium was traumatized by the case of Marc
Dutroux,  accused of raping and killing young girls in a case that made
international  headlines and held the performance of Belgian police up to
ridicule. The shame was compounded by Dutroux's brief 1998 escape from
custody, for  which he is serving a five-year sentence while awaiting trial.
The nation's unease over Dutroux makes the case before the Correctional
Tribunal in Neufchateau, 15 miles from Sainte-Ode, all the more disturbing.

Experts see familiar pattern in Hub archdiocese scandal -  Analysis/by Jules
Crittenden and Tom Mashberg 1/30/02 - But even as church leaders like Bernard
Cardinal Law were denouncing the fallen priests as aberrations, and promising
to review records and track down any similar cases, he and others had been
working diligently for years to squelch all public knowledge of the church's
shame. Sources now say the Archdiocese of Boston is sitting on records of up
to 50 perverted priests, which it has promised to hand over to civil
authorities. And in the past few days, one by one, new names of pedophile
priests are surfacing from around Massachusetts - priests who say they were
promised their secret would be safe with the church. ``What you're seeing in
Boston fits a pattern of what we've seen in other places,'' said Tom Fox,
publisher of National Catholic Reporter, who has reported on abuse by priests
and followed the issue since 1985. ``What's remarkable is the similarity of
the pattern.  ``There is the cover-up, internal movements of priests,
compassion toward priests and little apparent compassion for victims,'' he
said. ``This is followed by litigation and a flood of publicity. Then you see
forced contrition and a public announcement of new guidelines.''

Church ID's 40 years of alleged pedophile priests - by Tom Mashberg, Jules
Crittenden, Laurel J. Sweet and Robin Washington 1/31/02 - In a stunning move
that has elated victims and is likely to burden law enforcement for months to
come, the Archdiocese of Boston yesterday gave authorities across eastern
Massachusetts the names of dozens of priests dating back 40 years who left
the clergy amid allegations of child molestation.

Roman Catholic Church pays sexual-abuse victims - 1/31/02  - Dublin — The
Roman Catholic Church in Ireland has agreed to a landmark $110-million (U.S)
payment to Irish children sexually abused by its clergy over decades. Sex
abuse campaigners and opposition lawmakers brand the offer as inadequate. The
deal late Wednesday was designed to conclude a 10-year struggle by the church
in this predominantly Catholic nation to overcome sex scandals going back to
the 1940s. More than 20 priests, brothers and nuns have already been
convicted of molesting children, with much of the abuse taking place in
state-funded, church-run schools.




Enron price-fixing probe urged by Gov. Davis
Associated Press
Published 2:57 p.m. PST Thursday, Jan. 31, 2002
California Gov. Gray Davis is asking federal energy regulators to investigate
possible price-fixing by Enron during the state's energy crisis.

Davis sent a letter Thursday to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
following the release of a memo from Enron officials to the White House that
outlines discussions between company officials and the administration's
energy task force headed by Vice President Dick Cheney.

In the memo, Kenneth Lay, former chief executive of the now-bankrupt energy
giant, urged Cheney to reject price caps


2002-01-31 Thread THe eXTReMiST

-Caveat Lector-

Documenting the BIG LIE!

Intro Page:
Main Page:

A president of the United States has just assumed what amounts to dictatorial power.
—William Safire, Republican, New York Times, Seizing dictatorial power, November 15, 

Jesus Christ, The Bible,
The Constitution, the Bill of Rights,
Liberty and Justice for all.
Oh, How  eXTReMe!!!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-01-31 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

to quote the ol' club classic

the house-  the house - the house is on fire -

let the motherfucker burn
-- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -
The police aren't here to create disorder, they are here to preserve

Mayor Richard Daley


 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 22:08:21 -0500
 Subject: [CTRL] SEPT. 9-11 SURPRISE!

 -Caveat Lector-

 Documenting the BIG LIE!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] I Am Not a Terrorist

2002-01-31 Thread THe eXTReMiST

I Am Not a Terrorist
By Ed Lewis

I am not a terrorist. I was born in the Republic of Missouri. This makes
me a citizen of the union of Republics known as the United States of

As a 'by birthright' citizen, I am sovereign. Government is not. It has
no power over me except what it enforces through corrupted peace
officers, legislators, prosecutors, and judges. It forces upon me 'laws'
that are not just, nor within the limits of the Constitution under which
the many Republics united in common need and defence.

I am free as a creation of the Christian God. As such, I am free to
exercise my will in any manner I deem fit as long as I do not interfere
with the rights of another citizen.

Governments are not citizens but are created by citizens to protect these
rights known as unalienable, self-evident rights.

Any who would deprive me of these rights do so in a concerted effort to
displace the Constitution securing those rights. They do so in order to
force acceptance of government demands made upon a people who have not
given them the authority to do so.

As a citizen of this country founded on Christian principles, it is not
only my right, but my self-accepted duty, to voice whenever I detect any
actions by government which exceed the limits of government as granted by
the people in the Constitution for the United States. Government is but a
tool and not to define my rights - as it has no power to do so but
instead, is relegated to only one task - defense all self-evident

It is not the place, nor is it within the authority, of the majority to
determine what my rights are. My rights were given me before my birth at
the instant I began to grow as a human being. No other human may affect
those rights, as those rights existed far in advance of men forming

No government entity, whether legislator, judge, law enforcer of invalid,
null and void laws, or group of citizens may determine any law affecting
me, as all laws that bind me as a human being come from the highest
source possible - my Creator.

I will voice my opinion. I will do whatever is in my power to preserve my
rights. As I preserve my rights, I will be instrumental in preserving the
rights of all people on Earth.

I do not accept - nor will I accept - that any government entity has
power and authority to run my life as it sees fit rather than me living
my own life as I see fit.

I accept that I may be incarcerated, tortured, or even killed in attempts
to force me to the will of the few. But, regardless, it will not change
my love for the freedoms I now know I am to have preserved and the love
of the country that is supposed to be. Such inhumane means will, however,
increase the awareness of many others to the tyranny being forced upon us
by people who are as evil as any who have ever existed.

When enough become awakened to the lack of freedom to which they have
gradually been subject; when enough become irate enough to force
government compliance to its limitations; then the traitorous ones to
liberty and to the union formed by the people, will be forced into
compliance to the sovereign people - or they will be destroyed. Either
way, I will have served my perceived duty as a citizen of the United
States of America.

If these beliefs in the rights of Man granted by God, and in the country
founded on the same, defines me as a terrorist because a few officials
said it does, then I am a terrorist.

If my exercising my rights as a citizen of the United States of America
is taken as acts of terrorism by those changing our governing almost
daily, then I am a terrorist.

If my disdain of government that has far exceeded its authority,
including state and local governments, is taken as an act of terrorism,
then I am a terrorist.

You decide. Am I, in expressing my opinion, a terrorist or am I a better
citizen for having expressed it and exercising my rights in spite of
government threats against others and me who do the same? Which is
indicative of the love of America and freedom - those who wish to
preserve it by word and deed - or those who wish to force compliance to
laws and actions intended only to oppress your rights as a creation of

If the former, then declare yourself a citizen of the United States of
America and not a subject of unconstitutional governments via the many
transgressions and treasons against the people.

If the latter, then just go ahead and put on the ball and chain. Call
them up and get branded as one of their livestock.
You see, the end of liberty has already arrived for

Ed Lewis is a veteran writer, having been published in many online
journals and newspapers. Mr. Lewis, a Missourian dedicated to liberty and
truth, may be reached for comment at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-end article-

Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the
citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a
double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just 

Re: [CTRL] Who is this man?

2002-01-31 Thread Ron Burnett

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] No really, who is this man?

2002-01-31 Thread Ron Burnett

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Coming Soon: Flying Fascism on Your Doorstep

2002-01-31 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 31 Jan 2002 12:54:53 -0500 (EST)
Subject:Re: [energy2000] Re: [ParanoidTimes] Coming Soon: Flying 
Fascism on
Your Doorstep.

Phil here : )

OK, are there any techno wizards on our list that can
figure out any methods of disabling these flying things
while remaining undetected yourself? Something to disrupt
the electronics perhaps seems a good approach...

--- Robert Foster-Upsom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


here is something to think aboutnbsp; BR
nbsp; - Original Message - BR
nbsp; From: Bond BR
nbsp; Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 5:04 AMBR
nbsp; Subject: [ParanoidTimes] Coming Soon: Flying Fascism
on Your Doorstep.BR
nbsp; Coming Soon: Flying Fascism on Your Doorstep.BR
nbsp; by Al MartinBR
nbsp; January 29, 2002BR
nbsp; New high-tech surveillance equipment revealed at the
Redstone Arsenal's Weekly Arms Bazaar promises a dismal
future for freedom-loving people of the world.BR
nbsp; The Friendly Colonel has filed the latest report
from the most recent arms show at the Redstone Arsenal,
which has been shut down and is essentially used for
storage. Housed in this facility are several thousands of
the new modified urban control Humvees, equipped with 14.5
mm cannons as well as many aerials and satellite dishes.
Some are camouflage in color, but most of them are dark
matte gray. They looked like they were painted with a
sealer coat of paint (primer paint), before the final coat
is painted on depending on the theater of operation in
which they will be used.BR
nbsp; Of greater significance was the introduction of the
new DCHD (Domestic Control Hover Drones), which were
displayed and offered for sale. They're about a meter in
diameter and probably weigh about twenty kilograms each. It
looks like a life ring (life preserver) with a motor in the
middle of it.BR
nbsp; The Chinese and Russian arms dealers were interested
in them, and evidently the British Government has been one
of this device's primary buyers. Evidently we're not
selling them to a lot of foreign countries at this time,
but still building inventories for ourselves. Each of these
DCHDs costs $178,000 a copy.BR
nbsp; He met with an Iranian colonel who is some sort of
an engineer, who was trying to explain to him what these
things can do. The Friendly Colonel admitted that he didn't
even know such technology even existed.BR
nbsp; Here are some specs. They can hover to a maximum
ceiling of 500 feet, although they're really meant to hover
about 50 feet off the ground. They not only hover, but they
can go forward and back. Their maximum speed is 50 miles an
hour, and they can stay aloft for up to three hours at a
time. There are counter-rotating rotors in the middle of
the device with what appears to be an engine on top. All of
the internal components appear to be made of some sort of
super-advanced composite, like boron-graphite composite
material that is very, very light, but is also very strong.
The propellers are also made of this same material, and
they weigh practically nothing.BR
nbsp; There are two counter-rotating propellers, two
propellers that rotate counter-synchronously, the way the
Russians used to build turbo-prop airplanes like the
TU-95s. The reason they do it that way is because it gives
a much higher speed, lift and stability.BR
nbsp; They're controlled electronically - either through
satellites or through what they call Fixed or Mobile Relay
Command Centers, built right into the Humvee. They showed
how the two worked together.BR
nbsp; The Friendly Colonel reports that inside this
Humvee, which can control a certain quad of these things,
it looked like the inside of a spaceship. The components
and views screens, which appear to be holographic, and the
technology are simply amazing -- quot;It's like nothing
you ever saw.quot;BR
nbsp; The surveillance drones come in different color
schemes -- a very dark black matte for night use or a
two-tone matte white and sky blue top -- so it's hard to
see them during the day.BR
nbsp; They started one of these hover drones up, and he
said it virtually makes no sound at all. Even if you're ten
feet away, you couldn't hear the thing. That's how quiet
they are.BR
nbsp; They are fitted with what is purported to be one of
the most-advanced micro-cameras ever invented by the US
Government. Through satellites, their transmission
capability is virtually limitless. Satellites can access
its transmissions and give it directions, signals, codes,
and tell it what to do.BR
nbsp; They can be pre-programmed for certain flight paths,
but the computer has the ability to think, so that if it
acquires a target, it can deviate from a flight path. It
also has sensors so it can get out of the way and not run
into a tree or the side of a building. It also has 

[CTRL] Konformist: Fluoride

2002-01-31 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


From Rayelan:

I found the following email very interesting. My community has voted
to flouridate our water supply. The bulletin board where I work is
filled with anonymous posts and articles which are  pro and con water
flouridation. Most people who work with me are college graduates.
Most are anti flouride. The support staff is made up of people who
have little formal education. Some have never finished 8th grade,
most dropped out of high school and later went back for their GED.
All are  minority. The woman who is the head of this department
believes that rich people are anti flouride because they don't want
to spend their money on poor children's cavities!! She is so
convinced of this that she has made posters which say things
like: Rich people condemn poor people to ill health  and she puts
them over the anti-flouride articles.

I find it interesting to see propaganda in action in my community.
The articles that are on the board are well written scholarly pieces,
but now they have Class warfare slogans scrawled on them.

Slogans ALWAYS win out over logic. Soon my water will be flouridated!
The only thing that will prevent it is a budget shortage... which
thankfully, we have at the moment!




Nothing could be further from the truth!

The Flouride Pushers are some of the richest petro-chemical producers
in the world. They produce millions of gallons of deadly flouride
every year. It HAS to be disposed of. It is very expensive to dispose
of flouride, so the manufacturers came up with a scheme to dispose of
their poison AND make a profit. All they had to do is buy a few
advertizing agencies AND a few thousand local politicians who always
need money for their elections!


The Flouride on your toothbrush, in your toothpaste, soft drinks,
canned juices and in your water is POISON! Your city leaders want to
feed your children poison.

It costs TOO much money to dispose of flouride in a safe manner, so
the manufactureres who produce flouride as a by-product,  buy and
bribe politicians. These less than moral politicians pass laws which
force communities to BUY the deadly flouride and put it in your water
for you and your children to drink!

They tell you that you NEED the flouride to keep your children's
teeth fron decaying. They aim their lies at the poorest people in the
communities and tell them that the rich people don't want their
children to be healthy.

The lie is SO see-through! Take the time to SEE the logic!

Rich people won't DRINK flouridated water. They will continue to BUY
their water from companies who supply spring water or purified water.
Some RICH people will even buy machines to TAKE the flouride OUT of
the water they bathe in.

You see... most RICH people KNOW that flouride is poison...  and SOME
rich people don't want POOR people to know it.

Flouride causes many different health problems,  including
osteoporosis -- weak bones -- AND some types of cancer!

While the sell-out politicians are convincing you that your poor
children's teeth will be protected by the use of flouride... they do
NOT tell you that poor Grandma and Grandpa's bones will be eaten away
by flouride, leaving them vulnerable to hip fractures.

Most old people who fall and break their hips die within a short
time, usually from pneumonia. Their systems are not strong enough to
handle a major injury to the body like a broken hip!

The statistics show that there is a rise in hip fractures in areas
that have flouridated water! YOU choose -- your children's teeth or
Grandma's life?

If you want to poison your child by giving him flouride, you can do
that by buying flouridated toothpaste! But... IF you work to help get
flouride in your water, you are condeming Grandma and Grandpa to
early graves! Who do you choose? Your child or your Grandma?

The flouride pushers won't tell you that by adding flouride to water
you are condemning the older people in your community!

Flouride is poison. Those politicians who wrote bills ordered city
water systems to be flouridated should be brought up on charges of
genocide! GENOCIDE? Yes Genocide --

The people they will be damning to ill health, cancer, poor memory,
fragile bones and a list of other health problems, are predominately
FROM the poor communities. In other words, Hispanic and Black! If
this isn't genocide, what is?

If you don't believe me, the following article is a great place to
begin your research. Once you have finished reading it, 

[CTRL] Europe Reacts to the W Crusader (WC)

2002-01-31 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe

Europe reacts nervously to Bush’s State of the Union speech

By Peter Schwarz
1 February 2002

Back to screen version| Send this link by email | Email the author

Much of the initial reaction in the European press to US President
George W. Bush’s State of the Union speech varies between ironical
commentary and more open, although generally restrained, criticism.
While direct attacks on Bush are rare, most commentaries acknowledge
that influential political circles in Europe are deeply disturbed by
the unilateral course made clear in his January 29 speech.

Under the headline “War as the father of all things,” the Süddeutsche
Zeitung deals with the impending visit to Washington of German
Chancellor Gerhard Schröder. “Poor Gerhard Schröder,” the commentator
remarks, “It will
not be easy to be the first European sourpuss to appear before the throne of the 
freshly anointed American Caesar. George Bush has just revelled in the homage awarded 
him by Congress, and sunned himself in the high public
 ratings of the opinion polls—and now comes the German chancellor to recall grimy 
everyday matters: conflicts over steel, Russian debts, the status of prisoners. Oh, 
these burdensome Europeans.”

Otherwise, the newspaper is of the opinion that Bush’s latest martial appearance is 
largely in response to domestic problems: “The president needs this war to push ahead 
with his domestic agenda, which has been postponed
somewhat by the attacks of September 11, but has not gone away. Bush needs this war as 
justification for his budget deficit, which he is bestowing upon the country for the 
first time in years. Bush needs this war as justi
fication for the recession, as well as his answer to the struggle against the economic 
crisis. And Bush needs this war and the popularity it has brought him all the more 
urgently because congressional elections are due th
is year The president needs powerful images to prevent any dimming of 
recollections of the attacks that took place in September.”

The French newspaper Libération sees things in a similar manner and quotes an American 
sociologist to underline the point. “For Glynn Wood, professor of politics at the 
Monterey Institute of International Studies (Califor
nia), the alarmism expressed by Bush has basically the aim of dispelling thoughts of 
domestic concerns: the Enron scandal, the recession, the budget situation... ‘In the 
political history of America it is a classical way
of reacting—by constructing potential threat scenarios in order to divert attention 
from domestic problems,’ he asserted.”

The French newspaper Le Monde emphasises the dangers arising from the warlike posture 
of Bush. With barely disguised sarcasm, an editorial in the paper begins: “The US 
finds itself still at war It was the speech of a
man who claims he must prepare his country for a test equivalent to the struggle 
against communism during the Cold War.”

The newspaper stresses that the struggle against terrorism is a political task and 
goes on to ask: “Is the struggle against terrorism a task for the Pentagon budget, or 
collaboration between police and politicians?” Is it
 a question of purely “military factors?” Finally the paper warns that Bush’s attack 
on North Korea, Iraq and Iran can unleash conflicts with China and Russia: “It is 
sufficient to point out that China and Russia are the
most important exporters of weapons to Iraq, Iran and North Korea.”

The British Financial Times issues an even clearer warning against the break-up of the 
fragile alliances struck in the course of the war against Afghanistan. In an editorial 
comment headlined “Tough talk,” the newspaper s
tates: “Yet it is essential that the US president and commander-in-chief should not 
abandon the moderation and careful diplomacy that have enabled the US-led campaign to 
unite such a broad international coalition behind i
t. There is a danger that his ringing rhetoric about defeating an ‘axis of evil’ will 
divide the alliance, rather than seal a common purpose.”

Regarding Bush’s threats against Iran, Iraq and North Korea, the newspaper comments: 
“Global terrorism and rogue states are very different targets. They all require 
different treatment. North Korea and Iran do not belong
in the same breath as Iraq. To lump them together is simplistic and will alienate new 
allies in Asia, Europe and the Middle East.” The editorial ends with the words: “Mr 
Bush’s first year in office has left him hugely pop
ular. But that should not be a signal to abandon moderation.”

The German Frankfurter Rundschau notes with concern that Bush demonstrates a 
“Reaganite sense of mission” and a turn away from his European allies. “Contrary to 
his speech of September 20, this time the president only mad
e casual reference to the allies. At that time the British prime minister, Tony Blair, 
was sitting in the gallery; this time it was the Afghani interim 

[CTRL] Names Out of the Ghetto

2002-01-31 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Tring to find out some about ghettoes and this is part of

Ashkenazic Family Names: Origin  Development

by Isaac Goldberg  presented to Sisterhood Meeting on 9/16/96

It is safe to say that throughout Jewish history, until the French
Revolution and the  ensuing breakdown of the ghetto walls, most Jews
had no family name as we know the concept. The Mishnah and Talmud
sages were known by their first name ben father's name. So in the
Middle Ages - Judah ben Samuel, ha-Hasid; Baruch ben Samuel , of
Mainz, etc. Ashkenaz is the name applied to the Jewish communities of
Germany, France and Bohemia. Ashkenazi Jewry also included the Jews
of Poland and Russia, most of whom immigrated from Germany. The most
outstanding mark of Ashkenazi Jewry was what is known today as
Yiddish, a language deriving mostly from Middle High German, and
still spoken by some Ashkenazi Jews.

In German Ashkenazi documents, few family names occur. In Hebrew
official documents (such as a 'get' -- divorce); only names used by
Jews among Jews were admissible, i.e. making the get kosher. When
persons having the same Hebrew names ( a strong possibility!) were
involved in the divorce, family names supplemented the Hebrew names.
Accordingly, family names in North European documents are sporadic
before the second half of the 18th c

With the new order, governments (of duchies, petty kingdoms and other political 
entities) were faced with the problem - financial as well as administrative - of 
adding these new citizens to local tax rolls. This created
 a serious name problem. For example, how to handle several households where the heads 
had the same name - Isaac ben Jacob.

It is an irony of Jewish history that Austrian Emperor Joseph II, the son of the arch 
Anti- Semite Maria Theresa, a bigoted and fanatic ruler who couldn't stand Jews, was a 
very tolerant and liberal ruler. He permitted Je
ws to study handicrafts, to engage in agriculture and wholesale commerce, and admitted 
them into the universities and the army. In 1787, he issued an edict ordering the Jews 
of Galicia and Bukovina to adopt permanent fami
ly names, the first such law in Europe. Prussia occupied Warsaw from 1794-1806 and 
imposed German-sounding names on its Polish Jews. Laws ordering Jews to assume fixed 
family names were passed also in Frankfurt, Baden, We
stphalia and others. In 1808, Napoleon decreed a similar requirement for all Jews in 
his empire. In the Russian Empire, the Czar Alexander initiated this policy in 1804, 
finalizing it in 1845. These new regulations were i
ntended to expedite the levying of taxes and the conscription of Jewish soldiers.

For the government officials in charge, the granting and registering of names proved a 
new way of extorting money from Jews. Fine-sounding names derived from flowers and 
gems (Rosenthal, (valley of roses), Lilienthal (val
e of lilies), Edelstein (beautiful stone), Diamant (Diamond), Saphir (Sapphire) came 
at a high price. Those who could not afford to pay were stuck with names like Schmalz 
(grease), Singmirwas (sing me something),Eselkopf
(donkey's head) etc. The policy was to Germanize the names.

Where Jews could manage by some device or other to escape the interference of the 
authorities and choose their own names, they resorted to several methods.

1. Caste or Function

A popular procedure was to draw on their religious caste or function, i.e. Kohen and 
its various forms such as:

Katz (from kohen tzedek)

A popular belief concerned Kohanim and curly-haired people as being quick tempered, 
giving rise to names such as:

Kraushaar (German for curly hair)
Duchin (from dukhening the Yiddish for the Kohanim ritual blessing)

Levi and its various forms:

Segal (an abbreviation for Segan Levi, assistant of the Levites)

Variations of Segal are:


2. Profession

Occupations were an important source for forming new family names:

Cantor, Kantor, and Singer
Fleischer  Fleischmann (butcher)
Beck, Becker, Backer, Baker (baker) -- Pekarsky in Russian is from pekar = baker
Breuer (brewer)
Weber (weaver)
Kramer (merchant)
Wechsler (money changer)
Goldschmidt (goldsmith)
Brenner (distiller)
Gerber (tanner)
Shub, from Shohet-u-Bodek (slaughterer  inspector/tester)
Schechter (ritual slaughterer)
Resnick (Slavic for slaughterer)
Lehrer (teacher)
Schneider for tailor
Saltzmann and Saltman (Spicehandler)
Farber (painter)
Sandler  Schuster (shoemaker)
Fiedler (fiddler), Grajek in Polish, Geiger in German
Gottesdiener (God's server), Hegedus in Hungarian
Wassermann, Watterman (waterman)

3. Patronymics  Matronymics

The simplest way of choosing a family name was to create a patronym by adding the 
suffix -sohn in German, -vitch in Russian. Also -ov, -off, -eff, and -kin to denote 

[CTRL] Welcome to the Garrison States of America

2002-01-31 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Arrival  of the American Garrison State

by Paul Fallavollita

The Pentagon is proposing the creation of a four-star command to
oversee federal troops engaged in homeland defense activity on
American soil. While CINC regional chiefs have long coordinated
deployments overseas, none exist for North America. Soon, however,
the circle will be complete, and the noose will be around our necks.

Supporters defend this proposal as a way to streamline the command
system. We should have learned by now that making government more
efficient and effective only makes it easier for that institution to
transgress against the rights of the people.

Traditionally, Americans have been wary of using the military for
domestic law enforcement. The 1878 Posse Comitatus Act (18 U.S.C.
1385) enshrines this principle into law. Article One, Section Eight,
Clause Twelve of the Constitution attempts to curb the ability of the
executive to wield domestic standing armies, by stipulating that
appropriations for the military cannot be extended at any one time
beyond a two-year period. Few Americans
 stop to think about the Third Amendment, ostensibly still in force, which prohibits 
the government from quartering soldiers in the peoples’ homes. Taken together, these 
laws indicate that the aversion to standing armies
is a well-established and justified part of the American way of life.

The military is not in our homes yet, but they are roaming about the country, and they 
are in our neighborhoods. Delta Force and Night Stalker types have terrorized a number 
of American communities over the years, conduct
ing SWAT-like training with live ammunition near residential areas, including in 
Kingsville, Texas during the 1999 domestic program, Operation Last Dance. Extensive 
sales of military equipment, including armored perso
nnel carriers and concussion grenades, to local and state police departments have also 
taken place.

On another front, a bill re-instituting the draft made its way into Congress just 
before the New Year, HR 3598 IH, the Universal Military Training and Service Act of 
2001. The militarization of American society is appar
ently of greater importance to our leaders than recognizing that the government was 
not granted the authority to conscript citizens into service, especially in light of 
the Thirteenth Amendment’s prohibition of involuntar
y servitude. From a market perspective, even the military should realize that a draft 
would be contrary to its own interests. A draft would cause military pay rates to 
stagnate and even plummet, since Congress would no lo
nger feel pressure to enact pay raises when they can just press more people into 
service. This logic is lost on our leaders, however, as they lay the groundwork for 
the Garrison State.

Since 9/11, our leaders have turned the fear of the American people into a blank check 
to create a global prison camp. Should the reader suspect this an exaggeration, 
consider that we may never see a blatant headline one
morning in the newspaper stating, President Declares Police State, End to 
Constitution. Rather, the only headlines heralding the coming of the American 
Garrison State will be buried deep in the hindmost pages, telling u
s, Pentagon Seeks Creation of Four Star Command for North America. This is 
incrementalism, where our leaders silently slip each puzzle piece into place, one at a 

Incrementalism provides the government with plausible deniability about its end game, 
making it easier for its defenders to characterize libertarian warnings as paranoia. 
Not that this necessarily implies a conscious co
nspiracy at work---it is a well-known feature of any government to expand infinitely, 
however well intentioned this growth might be, unless checked by the vigilance of the 
people. Post 9/11, the vigilance of the people se
ems more scarce than usual, as they rush to cling to a State-provided security blanket.

If you say of the coming Garrison State, it’ll never happen, ask yourself if you can 
be certain of that, since history shows that many unlikely and strange things do 
happen. Ask yourself what President Hillary Rodham Cl
inton might do with her newfound powers in 2008. Recall Lord Acton’s famed quote: 
power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Are you willing to take such 
risks with the precious jewel that is this Republic?

February 1, 2002

Paul Fallavollita [send him mail] holds an M.A. in political science from Purdue 
University. He has written for, EtherZone, Enter Stage Right, 
OpinioNet, Spintech, and The American Partisan.

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[CTRL] Both saviour and victim--Black Hawk Down Comments

2002-01-31 Thread Peat
Title: Message,5673,641145,00.html
Tuesday January 29, 2002
Both saviour and victim
Black Hawk Down creates a new and dangerous myth of American 
nationhood George Monbiot
The more powerful a nation becomes, the more it asserts its victimhood. In 
contemporary British eyes, the greatest atrocities of the 18th and 19th 
centuries were those perpetrated on compatriots in the Black Hole of Calcutta or 
during the Indian mutiny and the siege of Khartoum. The extreme manifestations 
of the white man's burden, these events came to symbolise the barbarism and 
ingratitude of the savage races the British had sought to rescue from their 
Today the attack on New York is discussed as if it were the worst thing to 
have happened to any nation in recent times. Few would deny that it was a major 
atrocity, but we are required to offer the American people a unique and 
exclusive sympathy. Now that demand is being extended to earlier American 
Black Hawk Down looks set to become one of the bestselling movies of all 
time. Like all the films the British-born director Ridley Scott has made, it is 
gripping, intense and beautifully shot. It is also a stunning misrepresentation 
of what happened in Somalia.
In 1992 the United States walked into Somalia with good intentions. George 
Bush senior announced that America had come to do "God's work" in a nation 
devastated by clan warfare and famine. But, as Scott Peterson's firsthand 
account Me Against My Brother shows, the mission was doomed by intelligence 
failures, partisan deployments and, ultimately, the belief that you can bomb a 
nation into peace and prosperity.
Before the US government handed over the administration of Somalia to the 
United Nations in 1993, it had already made several fundamental mistakes. It had 
backed the clan chiefs Mohamed Farah Aideed and Ali Mahdi against another 
warlord, shoring up their power just as it had started to collapse. It had 
failed to recognise that the competing clan chiefs were ready to accept 
large-scale disarmament, if it were carried out impartially. Far from resolving 
the conflict between the clans, the US accidentally enhanced it.
After the handover, the UN's Pakistani peacekeepers tried to seize Aideed's 
radio station, which was broadcasting anti-UN propaganda. The raid was bungled, 
and 25 of the soldiers were killed by Aideed's supporters. A few days later, 
Pakistani troops fired on an unarmed crowd, killing women and children. The 
United Nations force, commanded by a US admiral, was drawn into a blood feud 
with Aideed's militia.
As the feud escalated, US special forces were brought in to deal with the man 
now described by American intelligence as "the Hitler of Somalia". Aideed, who 
was certainly a ruthless and dangerous man but also just one of several clan 
leaders competing for power in the country, was blamed for all Somalia's 
troubles. The UN's peacekeeping mission had been transformed into a partisan 
The special forces, over-confident and hopelessly ill-informed, raided, in 
quick succession, the headquarters of the UN development programme, the charity 
World Concern and the offices of Médecins sans Frontieres. They managed to 
capture, among scores of innocent civilians and aid workers, the chief of the 
UN's police force. But farce was soon repeated as tragedy. When some of the most 
senior members of Aideed's clan gathered in a building in Mogadishu to discuss a 
peace agreement with the United Nations, the US forces, misinformed as ever, 
blew them up, killing 54 people. Thus they succeeded in making enemies of all 
the Somalis. The special forces were harried by gunmen from all sides. In 
return, US troops in the UN compound began firing missiles at residential 
So the raid on one of Aideed's buildings on October 3 1993, which led to the 
destruction of two Black Hawk helicopters and the deaths of 18 American 
soldiers, was just another round of America's grudge match with the warlord. The 
troops who captured Aideed's officials were attacked by everyone: gunmen came 
even from the rival militias to avenge the deaths of the civilians the Americans 
had killed. The US special forces, with an understandable but ruthless regard 
for their own safety, locked Somali women and children into the house in which 
they were besieged.
Ridley Scott says that he came to the project without politics, which is what 
people often say when they subscribe to the dominant point of view. The story he 
relates (with the help of the US department of defence and the former chairman 
of the joint chiefs of staff) is the story the American people need to tell 
The purpose of the raid on October 3, Black Hawk Down suggests, was to 
prevent Aideed's murderous forces from starving Somalia to death. No hint is 
given of the feuding between him and the UN, other than the initial attack on 
the Pakistani peacekeepers. There is no 

[CTRL] Marijuana's Effects: More Than Munchies

2002-01-31 Thread Peat
Title: Message
January 29, 2002
Marijuana's Effects: More Than Munchies
Dawn was 12 when she started smoking marijuana with her friends. It was just 
something the cool kids did to relax and forget their problems, she says.
But, after a while, the cigar-shaped "blunts" she smoked also seemed to make 
learning difficult. "I would just forget school stuff," said Dawn, now 17. "I'd 
learn something one day and the next day I'd have no idea what the teacher was 
talking about."
At first Dawn, a Long Islander, limited her marijuana smoking to the 
weekends, but soon it became an everyday habit that ultimately landed her in a 
residential treatment program run by Phoenix House.
The debate over whether marijuana is harmful and habit-forming, as Dawn 
found, or a fairly benign intoxicant, is an old one.
And until recently little research had been done to settle the controversy. 
For several decades, research on marijuana lagged that for other illicit 
substances as scientists focused on the drugs like cocaine and heroin with more 
obvious addictive qualities and more drastic and dire effects on users.
But in the past decade, and in particular over the last year or so, interest 
in cannabis has surged, driven in part by the debate over medical marijuana use 
for pain relief, nausea and loss of appetite by people with AIDS, cancer and 
other debilitating diseases. In addition, experts are intrigued by the discovery 
of molecules that naturally occur in the body, known as endogenous cannabinoids, 
or endocannabinoids, which are remarkably similar to the active ingredient in 
Researchers have discovered that receptors for the endocannabinoids are 
sprinkled liberally throughout the body and the brain, suggesting that they play 
important roles in regulating a variety of processes.
Recent research into the ways that cannabinoids regulate appetite, pain and 
memory may not only shed light on the abundance of sensations experienced by 
marijuana users — the mellow, the munchies and the fuzzy memory — but may help 
scientists develop new, more directed medications to help control appetite, ease 
pain and improve memory.
Scientists have also learned that the drug, which an estimated 70 million 
Americans have at least tried, may be highly addictive to a small percentage of 
those who use it.
Marijuana smokers report a diverse collection of sensations, and researchers 
now suspect that is because the drug's main active ingredient — 
delta-9-trans-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC — is so similar in shape to the 
endocannabinoids, which are involved in many body and brain functions.
Dr. Rachel Wilson, a researcher at Caltech, discovered when she was at the 
University of California at San Francisco that endocannabinoids played an 
important role in the hippocampus, a part of the brain involved in learning and 
memory, according to a report published this spring in Nature.
No one has figured out exactly how endocannabinoids are used in the 
hippocampus, but based on the abundance of cannabinoid receptors in this part of 
the brain and on the experiences of marijuana users, Dr. Wilson suspects that 
these molecules help lay down new memories by strengthening the connections 
between nerve cells.
But when the brain is flooded with cannabinoids through marijuana use, 
forgetfulness results, Dr. Wilson said. It is probably a case of too much of a 
good thing, she added. When cannabinoids are abundant, every experience becomes 
strongly linked in our minds, she believes. But when everything is marked for 
memory, the system is overwhelmed and nothing is remembered.
Dr. Wilson and others also reported last year on another important role 
played by cannabinoids. They appear to tone down the production of certain 
neurotransmitters, acting like the brakes of a car when the system is racing too 
Another study published this last year in Nature may explain why marijuana 
users get a case of the munchies. An international group of researchers found 
that mice that were genetically engineered to be deficient in cannabinoid 
receptors ate 40 percent less than normal mice. And in a separate experiment, 
the researchers showed that an interplay existed between the cannabinoids and 
leptin, a hormone that produces satiety.
In the study, obese rats that were genetically modified to have low levels of 
leptin produced higher amounts of endocannabinoids. When the rats were given 
leptin, the endocannabinoid levels dropped.
Yet another study on cannabinoids published last year may explain why 
marijuana makes people feel good. According to the study published in Science, 
cannabinoids, through a complex chain of events, rev up the dopamine system.
Like other addictive substances, marijuana appears to hijack brain circuitry 
that evolved to help people find their way back to a food source or sexual 
partner. Normally the neurotransmitters and receptors 

[CTRL] Police play swami, issue bogus ticket

2002-01-31 Thread Peat
Title: Message
Published 1/28/2002
Police play swami, issue bogus ticket
Brian DeBose

D.C. police are playing a guessing game when reviewing images from their 
photo-radar camera program and sending tickets to drivers whose license plates 
are not clearly identifiable.
One Southwest resident received a $50 ticket in September issued to a vehicle 
that, according to the ticket, had her plate number. But the photograph included 
with the citation shows a white truck instead of her blue sedan.
"The first thing is, I don't own a pickup truck," said Angela Brock-Smith, 
36. "The second is, my car has been broken down since July 11 of last year."
The license plate number on Miss Smith's 1996 Chevrolet Lumina is AR8049. The 
photograph of the truck shown on the ticket has a similar tag, with "AR" and 
"049" visible. The first digit is partially obscured by a rigger ball on the 
truck's bumper.
With the photo-radar technology, a vehicle enters a pinpoint radar beam, and 
if it is going above the speed limit, it sets off a camera that snaps a photo of 
the rear of the vehicle. Affiliated Computer Services, which operates the radar 
cameras and processes the tickets for the District, then reviews the photo with 
D.C. police officers present and obtains information about the vehicle from the 
Department of Motor Vehicles. The citation is sent to the owner of the 
The ticket issued to Miss Smith said she was going 45 mph in a 30-mph zone in 
the 2900 block of Southern Avenue on Sept. 5.
After receiving the ticket, Miss Smith was told by an employee at the 
Automated Traffic Enforcement Office on Sept. 26 that she should request a 
hearing by mail with the Bureau of Traffic Adjudication (BTA).
"I sent them a letter explaining the error and waited to receive a hearing 
date or a notice," Miss Smith said.
Kevin P. Morison, a spokesman for the Metropolitan Police Department, said 
the automated traffic office received Miss Smith's letter Oct. 3 and sent it to 
traffic adjudication; the ticket was suspended for 90 days while the bureau 
evaluated her case.
"Our records do not indicate that BTA took any action within the 90 days," 
Mr. Morison said in an e-mail last week, responding to questions about Miss 
Smith's case.
Miss Smith received a late notice on Jan. 3. She went to the Bureau of 
Traffic Adjudication in Northeast on Jan. 11 and was told to call the Automated 
Traffic Office.
Before she called that office, Miss Smith received another late notice on 
Jan. 19 which said that a hold had been placed on her registration and the 
ticket had doubled to $100.
"I called automated traffic on January 22, and they told me at that time to 
disregard the notice," Miss Smith said. "I thought they took care of it."
Traffic adjudication has suspended the ticket another 30 days because 
automated traffic sent another mail adjudication request, Mr. Morison said.
Mr. Morison acknowledged that the ticket should have been thrown out during 
the review process.
"It is clear from looking at the photo that this ticket should not have been 
issued in the first place, and certainly not to Miss Brock-Smith," Mr. Morison 
The rules on identifying license plates, he said, are very clear: "If the tag 
number on the vehicle is not crystal clear ... no ticket is supposed to be 
D.C. police have reiterated to their data and entry technicians and ticket 
reviewers to follow those rules, Mr. Morison said.
He said the problem with Miss Smith's case stems from a change in procedures 
between D.C. police and Traffic Adjudication.
Initially, tickets issued incorrectly could be voided — when there were 
obvious errors — by the Automated Traffic office with approval from the D.C. 
The procedure changed about two months ago, and now the only way a ticket can 
be voided is if the office of police Chief Charles H. Ramsey sends a letter 
requesting it. Mr. Morison said a letter will be sent to BTA from Chief Ramsey's 
office on Miss Smith's behalf.
But traffic adjudication said it still has the last word. The bureau can deny 
the chief's request if it is not satisfied with the evidence he presents.
"Bureau of Traffic Adjudication now insists that only it can rule on all 
photo-radar and red-light camera tickets," Mr. Morison said.
Copyright  2001 News World Communications, Inc. 

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[CTRL] Turns Out It's Not the Black Cats You Have to Watch Our For

2002-01-31 Thread Peat
Title: Message
Published on November 20, 2001
Turns Out It's Not the Black Cats You Have to Watch Our 
Andrew Tobias
Shortly after becoming Attorney General, John Ashcroft was headed abroad. An 
advance team showed up at the American embassy in the Hague to check out the 
digs, saw cats in residence, and got nervous. They were worried there might be a 
calico cat. No, they were told, no calicos. Visible relief. Their boss, they 
explained, believes calico cats are signs of the devil. (The advance team also 
spied a statue of a naked woman in the courtyard and discussed the possibility 
of its being covered for the visit, though that request was not ultimately 
I reveal this tidbit not to belittle John Ashcroft’s faith or his 
prudishness, which are his own business, but because he has begun to meddle with 
my business.
In the middle of the war on terrorism, he has somehow found time to move to 
overturn Oregon's twice-passed referendum on assisted suicide, to assure that an 
Oregonian in his final days should be forced to agonize as God intended.
Likewise, for those nauseous with chemotherapy or in chronic pain, he works 
to overturn California’s referendum on medical marijuana, because – when you 
think of it – what right have the people of California to decide a matter of 
such importance for themselves? Where in the constitution does it permit people 
the right to grow or smoke whatever they want, even if it will ease their 
chronic pain?
Forgive the sarcasm, but really – how dare he? Hasn’t he more important 
things to do? How dare he say to those in pain – not op-ed-page pain or 
hypothetical pain, but 
-of-what-he’s-doing pain – "Tough. You’ll just have to suffer."
And if his judgment on these matters, and on calico cats, is so far from 
humane or rational, how reassured should we be as to the rest of his 
"Under [Oregon’s] Death with Dignity Act," reports the New York Times, "a 
terminally ill patient may take the lethal drugs if two doctors agree the person 
has less than six months to live and is mentally competent to make the decision 
to end his or her life. Since the law took effect in 1997, at east 70 people 
have killed themselves in this way . . . Many more have obtained lethal 
prescriptions but have died of natural causes before taking the drugs."
Note that many of those people who died of natural causes obtained from this 
law a great benefit as well. No, they didn’t wind up using the drugs. But by 
knowing they could get them, and by having them, they retained the option. They 
retained control of the decision, and of their lives. If it got too bad, they 
knew they had a way out.
Dr. Jerome Groopman, the eminent Harvard Medical School professor, was quick 
to express the alarm of what must be a large segment of the medical community 
over Ashcroft’s action.
"Not long ago," his Times op-ed began, "a cancer specialist I know faced a 
situation that chilled those of us who care for people with terminal illness. A 
young woman close to death lay suffering in a hospital bed, her husband at her 
side. Her leukemia had defied bone marrow transplant and experimental drugs. She 
had begun to bleed into her lungs and was gasping for air. Months earlier, 
following common practice, the oncologist had had a frank discussion about dying 
with the woman and her husband. The greatest terror for her, as for most other 
patients, was that the final days of her life might be spent in unrelenting 
So the patient and her family and her doctor agreed that, if the time ever 
came, no heroic measures would be taken to prolong her agony, and enough 
morphine would be used to minimize her pain, even if it speeded her death. (As, 
Dr. Groopman went on to explain, this it would have to do, because morphine 
suppresses breathing.)
The time came, the morphine was prescribed – but a respiratory therapist at 
her bedside "vehemently objected." Both husband and doctor were shocked; the 
doctor went on to fulfill his promise to ease the patient’s pain. Within a day, 
Dr. Groopman recounts, the patient had peacefully died. But the therapist – a 
man after John Ashcroft’s heart – accused the doctor of having committed a crime 
and the husband of being an accomplice. Neither charge was sustained, but now 
John Ashcroft has rushed in to do battle with the devil, to try to right such 
wrongs in the future and prolong the patient ’s suffering.
He has authorized the Drug Enforcement Administration to suspend medical 
licenses of doctors who prescribe lethal drugs for terminally ill patients.
"This action," writes Dr. Groopman, "represents a striking lack of 
understanding of how physicians help patients to die, and it risks making the 
last days of the terminally ill a time of panic and pain rather than calm and 
comfort . . . Mr. Ashcroft endangers what has become a 

[CTRL] Psst...Wanna Be An FBI Agent?

2002-01-31 Thread Peat
Title: Message
Jan. 31, 2002
Bad Badges
FBI Finds Hundreds of Law Enforcement IDs for Sale
By Amber McDowell
The Associated Press
N A S H V I L LE, Tenn. - Undercover investigators went onto the Internet and 
bought more than 900 black-market law enforcement badges, including FBI and 
Secret Service shields, federal authorities said today.
FBI spokesman Jon Stephens said a Florida man with no known ties to 
terrorists is a suspect in the case but has not been arrested.
"The individual trafficking these badges was selling them for profit, 
including selling them to foreign nationals," FBI Agent Doug Riggin said. "He 
had no idea what they were going to be used for."
The badges - both real and counterfeit - were bought by undercover 
investigators in Tennessee and Florida, and represented more than 40 federal, 
state and local agencies.
From Air Force One to the Olympic Games
They included shields from the Border Patrol, the Postal Police, the Drug 
Enforcement Administration, military police, security police from Air Force One 
and police departments in at least 20 states.
One of the shields was an official Utah Highway Patrol badge for the 2002 
Winter Olympics, which begin next week in Salt Lake City.
"These badges haven't even been put on the street yet" to Utah troopers, 
Riggin said. "I don't know if you could get into a venue with just the badge, 
but you could certainly get closer. It would certainly give you more 
Authorities believe the real badges were either lost or stolen before they 
wound up for sale on the Internet. The FBI is investigating whether the 
counterfeit ones came from badge manufacturers or distributors.
Stephens said the suspect sold the badges on a Web site that has since been 
taken down. After several purchases by undercover agents, the FBI searched the 
suspect's home, where more badges were found.
The Tennessee Highway Patrol was tipped to the black market trade last summer 
by someone who said it was easy to buy badges on the Internet.
Copyright 2002 The Associated Press. 


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[CTRL] A First Ghetto

2002-01-31 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


When we visit the Ghetto of Venice we enter an extraordinary and
unique quarter. Five synagogues (15th to 16th C.) are located in this
small area, representing the different nations (Jewish ethnic
groups) who settled down in the Lagoon along the centuries. Here also
stand the skyscrapers, the old and crowded buildings were the Jews
lived, the ancient pawn shops, the midrashim were the sacred texts
were studied and discussed.

The ancient stones are still there and the Jewish Comunity, alive and
culturally very active, still has its center here. The Venetian Jews
lived confined in the Ghetto from 1516, when the Republic of Venice
decreed that they all had to live in the same area, until 1797, when
Napoleon put an end to the segregation and had the Ghetto gates
destroyed. But Jewish life had begun long before in the territories
of the Veneto and developed through the centuries. Nowadays there are
about 600 Jews living in Venezia and Mestre, very few in the Ghetto.
Nevertheless, the Ghetto has sprung to new life in the last decade
becoming the throbbing heart of all the community activities - the
Synagogues, the administrative offices, the Museum, the rest home and
the social center are all there. At the social center children,
teenagers and adults are taught Hebrew and Judaism, and meetings and
othe cultural events take place during holiday and on several other
occasions. A one-day seminar on Jewish subjects (Giornata di Studi)
has taken place every yer for the last twenty years, atracting a
varied and qualified audience. The Venetian Community is committed to
several projects in order to maintain its traditions and artistic
legacy, share its history and culture, and fight prejudice and
antisemitism. An ever growing number of visitors come here from all
over the world to admire the synagogues and the museum, and more and
more schools bring their chidren to see the Ghetto and to learn, even
in their own syllabi, about Judaism and its traditions.

© Copyright by Venezia net s.r.l.


Jewish settlements in the Veneto were found even in ancient times.
Archeological remains and reliable testimony testify to the presence
of Jews in Aquileia, Grado, and Concordia since the IV and V
centuries. Jews from the East and transalpine countries were the
first to settle there, but, after 1492, many Jews expelled from Spain
and Portugal also arrived. Small communities were created in the
mainland near Padua, Treviso, Bassano, and Conegliano. From there,
Jews began to move to Venice where their residence was always
precarious owing to the wavering policy of the Serenissima which kept
giving and withdrawing its permission to stay. Gradually, however,
the number of Jews and the importance of the role they played in the
life of the city kept growing. The Governor of the Republic, then,
decided that the Jews had to live in only one area of the city and on
29 March 1516 a law decreed that that area was to be in the S.
Girolamo parish and would be called Ghetto Novo. Thus the first
ghetto of Europe came into existence. Today it is a lively and
thriving quarter, with its religious and administrative institutions,
particularly two Synagogues, still open to service.

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. 

Re: [CTRL] Marijuana's Effects: More Than Munchies

2002-01-31 Thread Steve Wilson

-Caveat Lector-

Just take your soma and be a good little Epsilon
then be a senior citizen who has to decide between taking thier meidcation$
perscription or food.
Ill remain a Christian  Scientist thankyou no perscriptions no new hospital
No costly surgureys last time they put implants in my brain and stomach!
Idid cut some of the implants out of my scalp and thorat while intoxicated on
it was difficult holding the joint while I used a mirror to see the back of
my neck and working the scalpel from a mail order ,vetrinary supply house,
the surgurey went well
and Im ade slides, real implants.

WEEDS???Try some birdseed one of the seeds might be hemp and some dirt.
Of course thier are agricultural laws as well. Any thing that gromws might be
good with tofu.

Me Im a cybrog with implants still embeed in my brain, if I could find the
telemetry control system I could stimulate the pleasure system to my brain

To bad my Friend is being mind controlled via his implants to be a crack
addict keeps the local law enforcment infomred at the cost of the destruction
of his life.
Theres a group in Chicago that likes to make me piss or shit via an implant
inmy stomach they make salaries!Told me They can burst my galllbladder
and ofocurse doc would make money.
Could use a joint!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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