Re: [CTRL] Electro-Propulsive Flying Saucers - Non-Alien Secret Tech?

1999-06-26 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

3,227,901  [Electrical Thrust Producing Device] 9/15/61

3,022,430  [Electrokinetic Generator] 7/3/57

3,018,394  [Electrokinetic Transducer] 7/3/57

2,949,550  [Electrokinetic Apparatus] 7/3/57

3,106,058  [Propulsion System] 4/29/61

3,071,705  [Electrostatic Propulsion Means] 10/6/58

3,120,363  [Flying Apparatus] 9/11/58

3,518,462  [Fluid Flow Control System] 8/21/67

3,626,605  [Method and Apparatus for Generating a Secondary Gravitational
Force Field] 11/4/68

3,626,606  [Method and Apparatus for Generating a Dynamic Force Field]

3,187,206  [Electrokenitec Apparatus] 5/9/58

3,495,791  [Method of and Apparatu for Effecting Electro-Mechanical Energy
Interchange in a Space Vehicle] 4/26/65

3,464,207  [Quasi-Carona-Aerodynamic Vehicle] 10/10/66

3,095,163  [Ionized Boundry Layer Fluid Pumping System] 10/13/59

3,095,167  [Apparatus for the Promotion and Control of Vehicular Flight]

3,610,971  [All-Electric Motional Electric Field Generator] 4/15/69

3,504,868  [Space Propulsion System] 5/15/67

3,662,554  [Electromagnetic Propulsion Device for Use in the Forward Part
of a Moving Body] 4/27/70

3,322,3774  [Magnetohydrodynamic Propulsion Apparatus] 9/30/64

3,130,945  [Ionocraft] 8/31/59

3,120,361  [Landing Arrangement for Aerospace Vehicle] 5/2/60

4,567,406  [High-Gain Klystron-Tetrode] 5/14/84

3,890,548  [Pulsed Capacitor Disharge Electric Engine] 11/2/73


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[CTRL] Electro-Propulsive Flying Saucers - Non-Alien Secret Tech?

1999-06-26 Thread Anonymous

-Original Message-From: 
<"Undisclosed-Recipient:;";;>; [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Saturday, June 26, 1999 1:12 PMSubject: Re: Your question to the 
end secrecy egroups(Copyright, 1992-99, William R. Lyne) 
Dear Remy, and Lloyd,     it may 
be true that Lusar was a German officer during the war, but he was not in the 
Luftwaffe, and his information on flying discs was limited on a "need to 
know basis", so he really didn't have any information beyond the general 
appearances of the ships. Lusar's knowledge and speculations were based on 
conventional jet-propulsion technology already generally known to the public by 
the time he wrote his books, and the "boundary layer" technology, 
which was strictly aerodyne technology, of Prandtl and later Coanda, was also 
declassified early on, showing that it had nothing whatsoever to do with REAL 
flying disc technology. The secret agencies have declassified NOTHING relating 
to true, electro-propulsive flying ship technology, including any historical 
origins, theories, or related developments which might lead investigators to the 
real technology. I was able to piece the technology together during over 50 
years of research, during which I saw electro-propulsive flying saucers up close 
(300' maximum distance), in broad daylight, with many witnesses. I was able to 
discover Tesla's secret primarily by reference to papers published prior to 
1900, supplanted by remarks and tidbits leaked through news paper, book, archive 
and magazine material since then. I combined this with numerous information 
gleaned from numerous personal contacts and experiences to come up with the 
complete picture. I have pieced together the major substance of Tesla's Dynamic 
Theory of Gravity, which was completed by Tesla in 1893-94, which was never 
published by him, and which is still classified by the U.S. government, because 
in the theory lies the secrets of the electro-propulsive technology. 
    The persons Lusar named, such as 
Miethe, Schriever, etc., etc., were primarily aerodyne DESIGNERS, not inventors 
of the technology. This was particularly true of the Italian, Belluzo.  The 
aerodyne projects (based on aerodynamics and jet-propulsion, or in the case of 
Habermohl's Flugerad, heliocopter technology combined with rotating 
jet-propulsion pods) were for misinformational purposes, because the Germans had 
already acquired the far superior electro-propulsive technology of Nikola Tesla, 
as early as 1934 insofar as I have been able to determine, and tested the 
technology at Los Alamos, New Mexico, in a secret project called "p2", 
between 1936-38, under the direction of Wernher von Braun, who had come to New 
Mexico on the invitation of the American Rocket Society, the Smithsonian, and 
the Simon and Florence Guggenheim foundations, to work with Dr. Robert Goddard, 
at his laboratory at Mescalero, New Mexico, with a test range at Eden Valley. 
Tesla apparently agreed to work in the German project, after he had offered the 
technology to the U.S. government on several occasions, and was treated like a 
lunatic. He was led into the project under the idea that it was "for 
peace" and "all mankind". 
    In late 1945, General George 
Patton made a deep penetration beyond Russian lines to Peenemunde, to retrieve 
or destroy all the electric disc technology, rocket technology, and related 
technology, so the Russians wouldn't get it---at least from that source---and 
among the things found by Patton, was 200 celestial guidance systems for German 
flying discs, which were stored deep underground in a salt cave. Patton was 
ordered to destroy the systems, which really made him mad, but he didn't know 
that our intelligence and the corporations already had all the duplicate files 
on these weapons and developments. The Germans had around two large stashes of 
these files, and we got them both. This trip by Patton---in which saucer-hunting 
intelligence officers posed as tank commanders---has now been completely purged 
from all war histories available to the public, and the entire incident 
classified, although I read about it in 1957, and discussed it with my 
co-workers in Air Force Intelligence. In 1979, as detailed in my book, PENTAGON 
ALIENS (1999)(the third edition of Space Aliens From the Pentagon), I acquired a 
Peiltochterkompass ("polar slave compass), which was brought to Sandia 
Base, New Mexico, with some of the electro-propulsive German saucers after the 
war. This device is one-half of one of the celestial (inertial) guidance systems 
which Patton found in the Peenemunde salt cave. 
    I was personal friends with a 
rocket pioneer, Peter van Dresser, who was angry about Goddard's sharing of his 
rocket technology with von Braun, and considered him a traitor. Van Dresser's 