Re: [CTRL] Messages From Chuck Schlund...

2002-05-10 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

From: chuck ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: Re: radio imaging surveillance
Newsgroups: alt.mindcontrol
View: Complete Thread (14 articles) | Original Format
Date: 2001-04-27 19:49:06 PST

Hi Infiltrate. Just by corresponding with me is bad for your health. I'm for
real and implants are used against millions of American's, Austrian's, German's,
Japanese and so on. The use of these devices is called the New World Order.
These devices are injected under the cover of law in investigations. Drug
Investigations are their favorite means of authorization, drugs are easy to
direct people to or plant as needed to target the person.

My implants were injected by the DEA who is a covert operation of the CIA. My
implants were injected in 1993 while I was working with the FBI against the DEA,
CIA and others. The use of these implants is one of the greatest secrets in the
world. (See Jose Delgado's research and book)

These devices are now used around the world and are the cause of Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome, Gulf War Illness, Fibromyalgia and many other illnesses and
conditions. These devices are used in horses to fix the horse races and are used
in dogs to fix the dog races, these devices are used in sports to fix the games
by injecting the players in drug investigations and are also used in the
Olympics to fix the events. These devices are responsible for many 1,000's of
deaths yearly and are responsible for the control of leaders that they do not
own. Heads of state are injected around the world with the devices and they are
widely used in your country by your government to cover up their control over
you as they tell you how free you are.

My lawsuit is now before the Supreme Court of the United States who is one of
the finest courts money can buy. My appeal before the Supreme Court is as
follows. I do not expect justice but I do expect to teach people who these
people really are and that you are really not free. Your freedom depends on who
you vote for and if you do what they have directed you to do. Chuck

In The Supreme Court of the United States




On Petition For A Writ of Certiorari To The United States Supreme Court On
from the Judgment on the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

   Charles August Schlund, III
   Randy D. Lang, Attorney
   Petitioners In Pro Per
   8520 N. 54th Drive
   Glendale, AZ   85302
   (602) 670-2017 (M)



 #1. Whether the joint failure and refusal of the Central District Court and 9th
Circuit Appellate Court to issue, per Petitioner's continuous written requests,
findings of fact and conclusions of law is a gross departure from the normal and
customary course of procedure and substantial violation of Petitioners' due
process rights, thwarting Supreme Court review and eliminating a record for
review by violating mandatory procedure, justifying the Supreme Court's
supervisory review. (See, Appendix 3).

 #2. Whether the District Court and Appellate Court's continuous absolute
refusal to make findings and fact and conclusions of law, despite both
Petitioners continuous written requests, was improper and a gross judicial
retaliation after the court rejected Petitioner Schlund's verified and detailed
factual Motion to Recuse the same judge for bias and prejudice (and Appellate
Court's ratification) violated Petitioners' constitutional rights to a fair,
objective, and impartial tribunal and right to an adequate record for review to
the Supreme Court of the United States, requiring supervisory review by this
 #3. Whether the District and 9th Circuit Appellate Court's continuous joint
failure and refusal to make any findings of fact and conclusions of law, in
direct disregard of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedures, Rules 43, 52(c), 56
and 65 and Petitioners' repeated written request and Petitioners' request per
Federal Rules of Evidence 201 (to take mandatory judicial notice of such
requests and rules), caused prejudicial error by eliminating Petitioners'
factual and legal basis for review by the Supreme Court under Supreme Court Rule
14(i)(h)(i)(ii) and (vi), justifying its supervisory review.  (See Appendix  3).

 #4. Whether the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals' refusal and failure to issue
findings of fact and conclusions of law on any of Petitioners' appellate motions
on appeal, per their continuous written requests, caused substantial prejudicial
error and violated their constitutional due process and equal protection rights,
leaving them without adequate record for review by the Supreme Court.  (See,
U.S. Sup. Ct. Rule 14 (h)(i)(ii) and (vi) ["...findings of fact and conclusions
of law..."]).
 #5. Whether the District Court's ratification over Petitioners' objection of
the Government's fabrication of unsupported facts, lacking in foundation and
with no 

[CTRL] Messages From Chuck Schlund...

2002-05-10 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

For many years, Chuck Schlund posted messages to Usenet newsgroups to make people 
aware of his legal case; he ceased posting messages there about 7 months ago. Here are 
a couple of his messages written in the last three years.


From: chuck ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: CIA Drugs
Newsgroups: alt.politics.greens,, alt.politics.usa, 
View: (This is the only article in this thread) | Original Format
Date: 1999/06/17

My name is Charles A. Schlund I'm an electrical contractor in
Phoenix Arizona. I'm 52 years old 6 ft 230 lb. I was involved without
my consent in the DEA's operations of manufacturing and distributing
drugs to the inner cities of the US. I worked from the early 1990's with
the FBI against the CIA, DEA and others under their direction or
control. The information I supplied the FBI cost the CIA, DEA and others
billions of dollars in lost drugs profits. I was also able to stop many
of the assassinations under their direction and control.

The DEA obtained a court order under perjury and fabricated or created
evidence to inject two CIA designed torture devices in my neck to
torture me in an act of control and revenge to stop the information I
have. I have filed a federal lawsuit against the DEA for the use of
torture and other things. My case is filed in the District of Arizona
Federal Court Case Number CIV98-1875PHXROS. All federal agencies are
aware of this case and have been before it was filed.

My lawsuit is real and is not a normal complaint or lawsuit. The issues
addressed in this lawsuit may be what you might call unbelievable but
they are also very real and true.

Congress wouldn't allow my testimony. When the CIA did their
investigation they also wouldn't allow my testimony. My testimony is far
too damaging and provable to allow me to testify against them.

The CIA did smuggle drugs into the US and the DEA did protect and
distribute these drugs. Is there anything you are looking for in the way
of information. The information I have is much worse than just this.


From: chuck ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: Electronic Torture
Newsgroups: alt.mindcontrol
View: Complete Thread (10 articles) | Original Format
Date: 2000/04/21

My legal help in my lawsuit against the DEA for the use of torture
against me has not been able to do his job correctly for some time and I
would like to replace him with a new lawyer. The timing is real bad and
we are now before the 9th Circuit Court of appeals. I was a witness
against the DEA for murder, drug running and the using of these drug
proceed to fix election in the United States. The DEA had offered me
anything in return for my loyalty to them and my assistance in helping
in the murders and the running of the drugs to the inner cities of the
U. S. I refused and worked with the FBI in destroying their operations.

I have the evidence to prove my case before a jury or I have to become a
drug dealer to obtain relief from the torture by the DEA. I would prefer
to be able to have a trial but I need legal assistance. I have paid my
currant lawyer $140,000.00 over the past three years and I can afford a
great deal more if I'm given relief from the torture. The DEA injected
my lawyer with implants to disable him and these implants have so
disabled him that I have been unable to get the necessary work out of
him no matter how much money I pay him. Is there anyone out there that
can help me in this case. Thanks Charles A. Schlund



DC NO. CV-98-01875-RCB Arizona (Phoenix)


The appellants' motion for leave to file a corrected opening brief
is granted. The opening brief and excerpts of record that were received
by the court on April 7, 2000 shall be filed by the Clerk. The
previously received opening brief shall be discarded. The appellee's
answering brief is due May 8, 2000. The optional reply brief is due 14
days from service of the answering brief. This order was issued prior to

the expiration of time within which a response may be filed. Fed. R.
App. P 27(b).

For the Court: CATHY A. CATTERSON Clerk of the Court

Teresa A. Haugen Deputy Clerk Ninth Cir. R. 27-7/Appendix A, General
Orders for the United States Court of Appeals

From: chuck ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: Real information
Newsgroups: alt.assassination.jfk
View: (This is the only article in this thread) | Original Format
Date: 2000/07/21

I read some of the CIA files in part on the assassination of JFK and
many others in 1977. These files had been removed from the government by
George Bush under orders of Nelson Rockefeller.

The DEA who I have always known as a covert operation of the CIA has
been keeping me up torturing me tonight in retaliation for posting some
information on another site so in retailation I'm posting this here. I'm