Re: how to know the filename, line number at the function called ?

2005-06-27 Thread Mat Hostetter
Also I can't find it in online help, and it causes syntax error.
so far, this example cannot seems to work and compiler complains
it cannot recognize 'tokens'.

Yes, that example was incorrect.

Here are macros that return the current filename (as a String)
and line number (as an int).  I tested these and they work.
For example:

{output {this-file}, :, {this-line}}

Remember that macros (like all macros) need to go in a different
package than where they are called.

{import * from CURL.LANGUAGE.SOURCE}

{define-macro public {this-file ?empty:{pattern}}
{if-non-null url = empty.url then
[unknown file]

{define-macro public {this-line ?empty:{pattern}}
let line:int = {empty.location-to-line-column empty.start-location}
{return {Literal line}}

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Re: Is there encode library with Curl ?

2005-05-29 Thread Mat Hostetter
 takanobu I think it's the best and cool to use some encoding
 takanobu algorythms for those two elements(create hash value and key
 takanobu predication), but I can't find any libraries such as md5
 takanobu and so on.

You can compute SHA-1 hashes, which serve a similar purpose to MD5,
using the SHA-1-Digester class.  But normally no one uses a hashing
algorithm this complicated for hash tables.  HashTable-of only want a
32-bit int hash, not a full 160-bit very complicated and
cryptographically strong hash like SHA-1.

Usually you use a much simpler and faster function.  For example, if
you had a class MyClass with two String fields, and you wanted to map
those to ints, your hash table might look like this:

{define-proc public {MyClass-hash c:MyClass}:int
{return {value-hash c.string1} * 37 + {value-hash c.string2}}

{define-proc public {MyClass-equal c1:MyClass, c2:MyClass}:bool
{return c1.string1 == c2.string1 and c1.string2 == c2.string2}

{let public constant MyClassHashTable:Type =
{HashTable-of MyClass, int,
key-hash-proc = MyClass-hash,
key-equality-proc = MyClass-equal

In general you can use value-hash to access Curl's default hash
function for something.  For most objects, this hash is just based on
its identity (i.e. their address).  But for a few classes that
override what == does, such as String, it actually looks at the
contents of the object (for String it mathematically combines the
characters of the String in a certain way to produce an int).

What's important when choosing a hash function is that if two objects
are equal, they must have the same hash.  It is OK (and unavoidable)
for two objects that are not equal to have the same hash (a hash
collision).  The less often this happens, the better a hash function
you have chosen.


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Re: about syntax error

2005-05-07 Thread Mat Hostetter
Like C++, isn't the instance of bbb temporaly created at
constructor of aaa, then destroyed after the construction?

No.  Curl is a garbage-collected language, like Java and C#.  Objects
are only freed when there are no more pointers to them anywhere.

Garbage collection loops through all the objects that have been
allocated, finds the ones that are not reachable any more, and frees
them automatically.

You do not need to call garbage-collect yourself; the system will
automatically call it for you when it needs more memory.

In Curl, you just allocate objects and let the system worry about
reclaiming the memory you are not using any more.  This is much more
convenient than C, where you have to manage memory yourself, or C++
where you have to worry about reference counting, copy constructors,


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Re: about syntax error

2005-05-02 Thread Mat Hostetter
  {constructor public {default b:bbb}
set fnc = {proc {}:bool {return {bbb.def}}}

Also, unlike C++, when you access fields on 'self' you must say so
explicitly.  So you probably want this:

  {constructor public {default b:bbb}
set self.fnc = {proc {}:bool {return {bbb.def}}}


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Re: BIG List/Set of unique elements

2004-06-15 Thread Mat Hostetter
 curl == Friedger  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  What would be the most efficient data structure with respect to
  speed? There is 1GB ram available.

I assume you main operation is checking for set membership?

  I would use {Set-of String}. Is it efficient to insert an
  element abc to a set of strings containing 134.999 elements?

Yes, our container classes are all quite scalable.
Set.member? and Set.insert are O(1) (amortized).  The size of the
Set's representation doubles when it get gets too full (as does
Array's, HashTable's, etc).  So a specific insert might be slow if it
has to reallocate the underlying arrays, but if you do the math it's
still O(1) on average, this this happens less and less often as the
size gets larger.

If you know the exact size the Set will be, it can be useful
to use the 'efficient-size' keyword argument when you create it.

If your set of strings were fixed and set membership were the critical
operation, you could investigate perfect hash algorithms (sorry, no
help for you in our API), but I seriously doubt it's worth the effort.


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Re: Since OS X is linux-like...

2004-06-07 Thread Mat Hostetter
 know_mystery == Know Mystery [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 know_mystery Hello All - Is anyone working on a version of Curl that
 know_mystery will run on Mac?
 know_mystery OS X is very linux-like, and so i wonder how difficult
 know_mystery to get it to work on that platform.

That's a good question.

A few years ago we did some exploratory work on a Mac port, eventually
getting one of our low-level executables working (but no JIT compiler
or graphics).  As you suggest, OS X supports proper threading and
countless unix APIs which make the job much easier.  However, the
graphics system and CPU are very different, among other things, so
this port would still require a great deal of work to get into
shippable state.  Thus far it has not been a priority compared to
numerous other projects.

That said, we have architected our system from the ground up to
support other platforms cleanly (in fact, the original MIT version of
Curl also ran on Sun SparcStations!)  And right now we are actively
working to improve the performance and portability of our JIT
compiler, so targeting the Mac's PowerPC CPU would become easier
should we decide to invest the resources.

You won't see a Mac port any time soon, but you might yet see one
if/when a solid business case exists for it.


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Re: Marshal array

2004-02-09 Thread Mat Hostetter
 curl == Friedger  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 curl Hi, I would like to (remote-)marshal an array of basic
 curl types(String, int, ..).

 curl How would I do that? How does the persistent data do it?

Persistent data uses a powerful serialization mechanism much like
Java's, but sadly it is not public.  We'll look into making a
convenient serialization mechanism public in the next major release
(4.0?), although I can't guarantee it will make the cut.

In the meantime you pretty much have to create your own serializer,
using marshaling, type-switch and some new byte tags for what follows
next in the byte stream.  You can then create input and output
streams of 'any' wrapped around byte streams.

Marshaling out an array would look something like:

{serialize-out stream, SerializeTag.Array-of-any}
{serialize-out stream, array.size}
{for x in array do
{serialize-out stream, x}


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Re: Defining custom type aliases

2003-11-07 Thread Mat Hostetter
 leiflists == Leif Mortenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  The Curl languages provides a number of Array-of aliases, like ByteArray
  which maps to {Array-of byte}
  I have a class, MyClass, for which I would like to do the same. I tried the
  following just before my class definition:
  let public constant MyClassArray:ClassType = {Array-of MyClass}
  {define-class public MyClass
  field private m_children:MyClassArray
  When I try to load this class, I get the following error:
  Invalid type expression 'MyClassArray'.

Sometimes circular type references like this aren't allowed when they
should be, because the alias depends on the class and the class
depends on the alias.  We are working on fixing this.  But in the
meantime, if you put your 'let' after the 'define-class' it should
work.  Sometimes, because of this bug, you may find you can't always
use your handy alias inside the class that the alias depends on, but
you can use it everywhere else.

Also, I recommend always using curly braces around top-level 'let' and
'set' so if such code goes into an applet they don't just get silently
displayed as raw text.  I assume that's not the cause of the problem
here, because I was able to reproduce it.


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Re: Escaping strings that are inserted into MySQL

2003-07-29 Thread Mat Hostetter
 chris == Chris Banford [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 chris After a bit more examination, I see that once the Strings are
 chris input into the database correctly, that they are being
 chris returned with the escape characters removed. So this means I
 chris just need an easy way to replace the below stuff in a
 chris [possibly large] string.  -Chris

Since you don't care about escaping speed, the simplest technique is
just a straightforward 'switch' in a loop like this:

{define-proc public {escapify-for-mysql s:String}:String
|| Make a StringBuf, assume there's not much escaping needed.
let buf:StringBuf = {StringBuf efficient-size = s.size + 10}

{for c in s do
{switch c
 case '\u' do {buf.concat |\0|}
 case '\u0008' do {buf.concat |\b|}
 case '\u001A' do {buf.concat |\z|}
 case '\n' do {buf.concat |\n|}
 case '\r' do {buf.concat |\r|}
 case '\t' do {buf.concat |\t|}
 case '\'', '\', '\\', '%', '_' do
{buf.append '\\'}
{buf.append c}
|| No escaping needed.
{buf.append c}

{if buf == s then
|| Just return original String rather than making a new one.
|| This is a fairly common case.
{return s}
{return {}}

There are numerous ways to optimize this, but this sounds adequate for
your needs.


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Re: Escaping strings that are inserted into MySQL

2003-07-29 Thread Mat Hostetter
 rhh == Bert Halstead [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 rhh I don't see any built-in method in the StringBuf API that, in
 rhh one operation, appends a specified substring from another String
 rhh to the StringBuf

Actually StringBuf.write-one-string (inherited from TextOutputStream)
does exactly this.


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Re: Pixmap from FillPattern

2003-07-23 Thread Mat Hostetter
I'm trying to create a new Pixmap from a FillPattern. When I run the
following, I'm getting an ArrayBoundsException: Array index out of
bounds. error.

let new-image:Pixmap = {}

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

If you can post a small but complete program that reproduces the problem,
I'll take a look.


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