CS: Pol-The march in March

2001-02-19 Thread matthew.wright7
From: "matthew.wright7", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Re. Richard and Neils comments: Why do the scruffy ordinary Joes always following on foot or in their cars. Why are the scruffy ordinary Joes never riding to the hounds? I put it to you the scruffy ordinary Joes would soon go find some

CS: Pol-Fishing next

2001-02-15 Thread matthew.wright7
From: "matthew.wright7", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yes and AR was very active after Dunblane and made submissions to Cullen. There are links between the animal peace and world peace mob. Once one main sport trips up these movements have to keep their momentum/funds or go under

CS: Field-The way forward

2001-02-15 Thread matthew.wright7
From: "matthew.wright7", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CS: Pol-The march in March

2001-02-15 Thread matthew.wright7
From: "matthew.wright7", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Stuart, while I can see your personal views and your personal choice to stay at home the day of the March, I would counter some of the assertions in your post. Firstly you tend to stereotype hunting and references to not wantin

CS: Pol-LACS abuse

2001-02-11 Thread matthew.wright7
From: "matthew.wright7", [EMAIL PROTECTED] What interests me is how they can set up their stands in town centres. I saw one a few weeks ago in Chester right outside the Nat West bank and with posters making all sorts of wild accusations about the bank and promoting the full

CS: Pol-GCN and the FCC

2001-02-02 Thread matthew.wright7
From: "matthew.wright7", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Am I right in thinking they have two members. Even if the Govt get away with adding an arms-length anti into the committee, despite the unrepresentative nature of GCN, how do they justify two? Matthew -- No, they have six

CS: Pol-Serfs' Privileges Restored

2001-01-29 Thread matthew.wright7
From: "matthew.wright7", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I understand your points Steve and in many ways we are agreeing on strategy. Lets not sully the airwaves with the foul word Mellor who I wouldn't trust to sit the right way round on the toilet. Yes in theory we should "grill"

CS: Pol-Serfs' Privileges Restored

2001-01-28 Thread matthew.wright7
From: "matthew.wright7", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Steve wrote: I have to say a partly agree on the second point, but as I have been saying for umpteen years now and I am echoed by John Swift in the latest BASC magazine, don't vote by _party_, vote by _candidate_. And don't sit th

CS: Pol-Not going?

2001-01-22 Thread matthew.wright7
From: "matthew.wright7", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wooahh! Come on to be fair Richard this is a bit out of order re what the lady said in her post. I've never been pistol shooting but I made sure I understood the issues from those that did before I formed a view. If I didn't shoot

CS: Pol-More nonsensical gibberish

2001-01-16 Thread matthew.wright7
From: "matthew.wright7", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Looks like some Govt spin in there to offset the appalling gun crime figures that came out a few days ago. Even the National Criminal Investigation lot must get embarrased at this sort of stuff. How long must we all put up with

CS: Pol-The Accidental Criminals

2001-01-02 Thread matthew.wright7
From: "matthew.wright7", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lorne Gunter wrote: "But guns are symbols of power. They are also, for a lot of liberals, symbols of masculinity. Many see them as a challenge to the authority of the state, as symbols of war, as impediments to their visions

CS: Pol-True cost of handgun compensation

2000-12-13 Thread matthew.wright7
From: "matthew.wright7", [EMAIL PROTECTED] There was an article that mentioned the Govt will not "offer" compensation (whether it has to or not is another matter). However I'm pretty sure there was no mention of such a large figure which as Steve says is way off. H

CS: Pol-Guardian attacks CA

2000-12-10 Thread matthew.wright7
From: "matthew.wright7", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Anybody who has heard Maurice Askew speak on hunting and its defence would not believe this article for one millisecond. That goes for the other CA leaders as well. Its interesting how the quotes are out of context. We expect the Guardi