Momentum is growing across Australia for tougher action against sexual offenders

2022-04-23 Thread professor rat
So yeah, Julio - come back home asap. widespread concerns about a lack of convictions. Ms Yates said only 16 per cent of reported sexual assaults in Lismore, sorry, Canberra resulted in a charge. And

North Korean gang still accessing its $600 million crypto haul

2022-04-23 Thread jim bell "WASHINGTON - North Korean hackers who last month carried out one of the largest cryptocurrency thefts ever are still laundering their haul more than a week after they were identified as the thieves." "The cybercriminals'

[LEAK] Ex-CIA Agent (Jeremy Kent)

2022-04-23 Thread zeynepaydogan There are still interesting docs and materials

Re: Friendship of the Rat and Chameleon

2022-04-23 Thread Zeynep
After the chameleon, the rat wants me to make him a target. Being old and alone doesn't stop me from making him a target Should I pity the rats or punish them?

A few choice Wikileaks lies exposed by Micah Lee

2022-04-23 Thread professor rat
" . . . while it's been clear for some time that WikiLeaks isn't the pro-transparency, pro-free speech, anti-censorship organization that it pretends to be, this latest feeble attempt at ego-driven image management is just sad. It reminds me of when WikiLeaks used legal threats to try to censor 

D insurance to counter ESG litigation – new issues for insurers and policyholders

2022-04-23 Thread Gunnar Larson
*Obtaining insurance coverage in this climate of activist shareholders* The evolving ESG landscape requires companies to plan for claims that did not exist just a few years ago. Shareholders are actively requiring

Mitigating Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) Risks Through D Insurance

2022-04-23 Thread Gunnar Larson
In a recent post on the Nickel Report (“Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance: What are the Risks, Really?” ), our colleagues provide a thoughtful discussion of various

Vineyard Wind raises $2.3B to finance first major US offshore wind farm

2022-04-23 Thread Gunnar Larson
Developers of the 800-MW Vineyard Offshore Wind Project said Sept. 15 that they closed on $2.3 billion in senior debt from nine banks, allowing for construction to begin on the first commercial-scale offshore wind farm approved in the United States. U.S. institutions Bank of America Corp. and

Trump Organization ordered to pay $290,000 after losing battle against Scottish wind farm

2022-04-23 Thread Gunnar Larson
The Trump Organization has agreed to pay $290,000 to the Scottish government, ending a multiyear legal battle in which Donald Trump tried and failed to block an offshore wind farm from being built in view of one of his Scottish golf courses. The agreement to pay the government’s legal fees ends

These whales are on the brink. Now comes climate change — and wind power.

2022-04-23 Thread Gunnar Larson
With only about 300 left , the North Atlantic right whale ranks as one of the world’s most endangered marine mammals

The developer of "OnionShare" called cyberattacks on Russia "Fair Game"

2022-04-23 Thread zeynepaydogan
Micah Lee, computer security engineer and developer of "OnionShare" (an open source tool for secure file sharing over the Tor network), author of the "Danger zone" and "semi ephemeral" projects, gave birth to a high-profile Twitter post on the topic of the fact that, finally, for the first time

Re: Morning Spam

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
On Sat, Apr 23, 2022, 12:32 PM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many wrote: > provides for taking action that increases that odds of all [paid for] > utility functions > some have provided to maximize their odds > these maximized odds tend to minimize other odds, that didn't provide for

Re: Morning Spam

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
provides for taking action that increases that odds of all [paid for] utility functions some have provided to maximize their odds these maximized odds tend to minimize other odds, that didn't provide for maximization or address the situation effectively

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
quote from newer paper: In this study we show that training stability can be achieved with fewer sacrifices on model effectiveness. There are other pathways to improving LLM efficiency. One is to augment a language model with a retrieval component to fetch external knowledge that is useful to

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
this is the latest citer: its topic is different but it looks fun because they use an auxiliary model to guide training.

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
this says it drops parameters by 25x using retrieval: if we're stuck copying work we bump into, then it makes sense to figure out what's cited that paper (or bump into something else)

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
note: my info is out of date last I noticed people were finally making the bots use graph-based knowledge stores and that was some months ago wonder if I can find info on that

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
How to play chess: Generative Text Model: "How do u play chess" Human: "Chess is played on an 8x8 square checkerboard with 6 unique piece types: for each side there is the queen, the king, two bishops, two knights, two rooks, and eight pawns. One side has black pieces and is called black;

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
Resume, take 2 Name: Coping Habit, unisolated I have been purchasing from MindControlledBusiness for years now, and your products are simply wonderful. I've always dreamed of scrubbing your floors or toilets, or standing like one of your checkout heros. Work History: 2022-2020: I helped many

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
Karl Semich's Resume Why I Want To Work At MindControlledBusiness I am a really great worker. I love being mind controlled. I direct all my disgusting complaints to an online mailing list and keep them out of the office. I love buying office supplies! I have new clean shoes. Work History

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
lots of clear phrases :) good stuff around mind habits that work in world. such habits good stuff.

Re: Morning Spam

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
Coopted Research Room Mind controlled laborer: "We're researching whether it is good to attack things that could cause harm." Mind controlled laborer 2: "Due to the danger inherent in attacking, we will only be simulating the harm." MCLaborer 1: "I'm imagining different kinds of possible harm."

Re: Morning Spam

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
Deprogramming Room. Vivisectees, bundles of organs, activists, zombified workers. Instructor: "Eat nutritious food only. Be kind to everything."

Re: Morning Spam

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
room bundle of organs: "sharp blooie!" a pile of nails vaporizes violently into iron dust. bundle of organs: "hahahaha!"

Re: Morning Spam

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
bundle of organs: [looking at pile of nails] "yummy .." [moving toward pile of nails] vivisected activist: "Don't eat nails!" [takes the nails] bundle of organs: "yummy?" [teleportsd the nails away from the activist] vivisected activist: [raises finger, stairs at Bundle sternly] "Don't

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
regardless when I am super confused it is generally nice to relax by troubleshooting like adding small numbers, but more useful feeling. I tend to troubleshoot really small things.

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
[most of the issues I find are from my own spasmodic mistakes, but: - there is often a big delay before identifying this, and the preceding information isn't always consistent and - my spasmodic mistakes are habits encouraged by the bad thing it's funny to imagine associating with a group who

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
I imagine reporting a bug from a compromise and then a mean entity walking up to me and being like "you know that is from the compromise. don't make waves." and then hurting me badly. but I guess it isn't actually like that. hard and rare to think about.

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
this body is sitting up. it's fun to be sitting up. when you have unpleasant experiences in a particular posture, you can establish associated movements and things, and it can get more unpleasant in some ways. another posture helps. worried will lay down again soon. I was in the middle of

Re: Morning Spam

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
Neighbor: [moves their hands about their head as if lifting something off] "Oh is your office frozen? Let me check."

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
I hear them flying against a different window.

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
the bird stopped flying against this window around 7:48 just now

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
god mind controlled a bird on this property every day, for almost the whole day, it flies into the windows, while i'm indoors it is to remind me that I yearn to go outdoors the bird takes breaks to eat worms

Re: Morning Spam

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
"HOW ARE YOU WORKING? I CAN'T MOVE MY BODY" the intern yelled to their neighbor. Everybody around got tense.

Re: Morning Spam

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
the neighbor was at a neighboring office, visiting this one via mind-controlled avatar, but the intern hadn't been told such things existed.

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
because of our cognitive struggle, the reality difference came through into narration

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
i'm confused that nobody is working at the office, but the intern's neighbor continues working at the desk it is two different realities. in one, nobody is working. in another, somebody is.

Re: Morning Spam

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
another day, another war > Boss is in his powersuit amidst bombs and gunfire. "AA" yells Boss as he runs fully body into tanks and explosives. meanwhile, at an office in another area, nobody is working. Intern: "Is this another glitch? I can't move my body in the slightest." Some

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
more number system we can make the numbers look like hands ' " '" "" "'; ''';, ''';' ''';" ''';"' ''';"" ''';;''' mm the last semicolon bottom goes the wrong way . : :. :: :; ...

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
i'm remembering that I built qemu out of serialice's tree, just as a general emulator. I could instead install the qemu package. this is likely newer. nice to update part of a plan.

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
There's a chance I'll port that some day, you never know. I'd have some satisfaction just contributing my serialice change. I was thinking of the serialice change alongside crashes I'm getting trying to test it. Troubleshooting implies the crashes could be related to the old qemu version inside

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
I played a video game for a few weeks I think I started in order to get out of spasmodic states filled with muscle contractions, and something supported it then I found I could move the game near work and get a little work done and that's basically how I got the most recent work done on my

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
hello, how are you? i'm fine

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][rambling]

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
this body visited friendly political group yesterday, not the usual mean long-term political group


2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
sqrt(pi) = ? simplify challenge. addition is generic concept number system . : :. :: :': :': . :': : :': :. :': :: :': :': -- ten two fives make ten

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] Nerd Snipes

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
an invisible brain cancer the way to succeed by failing.

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] Nerd Snipes

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
--- welcome, demon this is the heart you have shredded. these are shreds. shreds are made of ash and crumples. sometimes little random behaviors.

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] Nerd Snipes

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
therapist and political group not understand about dissociation bubble trainings might cast it as psychotic or rebellious it gets hurt when exposed. was protection for consciousness.

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] Nerd Snipes

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
-- Calculating the Square Root of Pi An artwork by a coping habit living in Karl. sqrt(pi). I'm not quite certain what pi is, or how to calculate a square root, but I have some of it. Let's assume we know pi. Recently, I learned of this cool thing that I had ignored during high school, called

Re: [spam][joke] How a Lightbulb is Installed

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
A few people waiting to be authorised to work watch the electrician. "It's a good thing they don't have a lightbulb. Can you imagine how dangerous it would be?"

Re: [spam][joke] How a Lightbulb is Installed

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
A meeting is ongoing about how to best resolve conflicts that have arisen between the people who drive the elephants, and the people who drive the derricks, and what this might mean for future lightbulb installation work. A man comes by with a ladder long enough to reach the ceiling. "Excuse me,

[spam][joke] How a Lightbulb is Installed

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
A large warehouse with a socket in the ceiling. A lightbulb is about 10 feet from the ground, held by a large screw-like contraption. Large poles extend from the light-bulb holder. Hundreds of burly men push on the poles, slowly turning. Elephants, mules, tractors, are affixed to these poles,

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] Nerd Snipes

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
It's rather concerning how incredibly hard it is to think of actual math. I'm curious how I'll move that forward in my life.

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] Nerd Snipes

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
Halting problem simplifies to be very similar to whether or not it is possible to express something that cannot be proven true or false. The pathological process would encode the behaviors of the thing that cannot be proven into a loop.

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] Nerd Snipes

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
Well, it's an interesting space. The proposed pathological process is tasked basically with being unpredictable in the face of a prediction process that expects it to do so and has unlimited time to prepare. This prediction process could for example consider many possible shapes of environments,

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] Nerd Snipes

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
Halting counter-argument: If what you say is true, then a pathological process could be made that uses a private randomness source to perform new study of the prediction algorithm and engage in unpredictable pathological behavior so as to counter its predictions. It could establish within it

Re: [ot][spam][wrong] Nerd Snipes

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
> > Idea for halting problem: an algorithmic system that can predict the > behavior of everything in the universe, with sufficient advanced > preparation time, can always predict when a process will halt, because it > will always be able to outpredict a pathologic example via its own >

[ot][spam][wrong] Nerd Snipes

2022-04-23 Thread Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many
Interested in disproving the halting problem and the incompleteness theorems. Idea for halting problem: an algorithmic system that can predict the behavior of everything in the universe, with sufficient advanced preparation time, can always predict when a process will halt, because it will always

Re: War re Ukraine: Thread

2022-04-23 Thread grarpamp
World needs to step up and beat Putin's army back across the border... all armas and Foreign Legion helpers to Ukraine... Fuck Putin he murder and flatten all civilians... "Hell is what's happening there." — The Red Cross expected to